1111 2012 albert

Our Sincere Love to All Hurricane Survivors Late October this year, Hurricane Sandy hit the East coast and millions were left without power shelter. The super storm caused billions of dollars in damage and people on the East coast need immediate help. The Tzu Chi Buddhist Foundation acted swiftly and organized thousands across the world to help with the natural relief. I was among one of the many aids on the West coast. Inland Tzu Chi Youth Group collected donations in Chino Hills. It made me feel good that these donators were doing whatever that can to help with the disaster.

Transcript of 1111 2012 albert

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Our Sincere Love to All Hurricane Survivors

Late October this year, Hurricane Sandy hit the East coast and millions were left without power shelter. The super storm caused billions of dollars in damage and people on the East coast need immediate help. The Tzu Chi Buddhist Foundation acted swiftly and organized thousands across the world to help with the natural relief. I was among one of the many aids on the West coast. Inland Tzu Chi Youth Group collected donations in Chino Hills. It made me feel good that these donators were doing whatever that can to help with the disaster.

Albert Lee 李奇恆 11-17-2012

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Our Sincere Love to All Hurricane SurvivorsInland Tzu Shao Youth Group

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師公上人的信函Master Cheng Yen’s letter

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Inland Tzu Shao Youth Group

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Hurricane Sandy Relief

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Giving others blessings is creating blessings for oneself.

Words of Wisdom

祝福別人就是造福自己Jing Si Aphorisms ~~Master Cheng Yen ~~

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