11 YWOLI How to transform hobbies into a way of earning ... Y… · Title 11 YWOLI How to transform...


Transcript of 11 YWOLI How to transform hobbies into a way of earning ... Y… · Title 11 YWOLI How to transform...



    Good practise

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    Table on contents

    I. How to turn your hobby into your job

    II. Turn hobbies into a money-making machine - what you can do in your free time in order to earn money

    III. Facts about starting-up an own business

    IV. Women Entrepreneurs

    V. Good practise from: Poland, Belgium, Ireland

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    I. How to turn your hobby into your job!

    Hobbies: they are generally something you enjoy, love and are good at. All of

    these things can be a recipe for a potential fun job or career...or something best

    kept as a pastime. It's up to you but it's important to think about the realities

    and practicalities of making it work.

    Things to consider:

    • Could your job/hobby be a full-time career or something you could

    profit from on the side?

    • Is there a customer base for your product/service?

    • Is it feasible to finance this without an income or should you only

    pursue it as a job on the weekends/evening?

    • Do you have a business model? And could it create a profit?

    • Do you need training/help in the marketing and selling of your


    • Are you ready to start looking after your own finances?

    The Pros:

    • Having a passion for your hobby/job will make it feel less like work

    because you're enjoying it.

    • If your hobby/job is something where you create something to sell or

    provide a service, you could be your own boss which means lots of

    flexibility and freedom.

    • You get to do what you love and love what you do!

    • With social media outlets like Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter, it's easier

    than ever to build up a loyal customer base without having to splash the


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    Source : http://spunout.ie/life/article/how-to-turn-your-hobby-into-your-job

    The Cons:

    • It can take a lot of time before you can make a steady income or profit

    from being self-employed.

    • It might be difficult to get financial backing for your ideas.

    • Some hobbies don't always translate into good jobs. While you might

    enjoy baking cupcakes for friends and family, the stress and pressure

    to meet customer demands might take the joy out of it for you.

    • Most important of all, make sure it's all above board. Strict regulations

    and tax considerations are issues that you have to take into

    consideration when starting a business- flogging a service or product

    without notifying the tax man can land you in hot water!

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    II. Turn hobbies into a money-making machine - what you can do in your

    free time in order to earn money

    The old education taught obedience towards authority in order to execute orders at the

    working place: the factory or the office. The new education teaches that your inner fire,

    your passion, is the greatest treasure you have and this is the starting point of your new


    Our mentality and our attitude were mocked and poisoned by the old models that are

    no longer considered successful models. Nevertheless they are still present for some

    unconscious victims.

    How to earn money doing what you love

    The key to success in life, and in earning money, is to do what you like. If you need extra

    money, no matter what reason for - you've lost your job, you have to pay a debt or to

    change your car, you can earn money doing what you enjoy. Do you make a plan to win

    money from your passions? Start by making a list of what you love to do. Then write

    how this hobby can bring you money. And we'll give you some ideas on how you can

    make more money from what you love.

    1. How do you make money if you like animals? If

    so, you can provide an escort service for pets. You

    can walk dogs or take someone else's pet to the vet

    when owners are not available. There are many

    people who love very much their silent friends but

    they don’t have enough time for them. You can take

    advantage of this to make some extra money.

    2. How to make money if you like to do things / crafts?

    You can do things manually, like scented candles, handmade jewelry, natural soaps, etc.

    You can find online courses and tips on how to do things, and then you can sell them on

    different web sites.

    3. How to make money if you like to take care of the environment? You can start a

    business helping the others to care for nature. You can sell organic products on the

    internet or teach people how to live healthy in a green environment. From passion for

    nature you can take care of gardens and green spaces of houses.

    4. How to make money if you like to paint? Your paintings can bring you money or you

    can offer your services to paint other items such as furniture, pottery or even clothes.

    Find companies who need your services or create them the desire of selling hand

    painted products.

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    5. How to make money if you like children? You can take care of children when their

    parents are away or they are busy. There are babysitter courses that train you for this

    kind of activity. If you are a serious and reliable person, parents will want to leave their

    child in your care for a few hours.

    6. How to make money if you like the workout? You can qualify as aerobics of fitness

    trainer. If you like to dance you can search for dance schools in order to settle

    partnerships. Any hobby can become a source of income.

    7. How do you make money if you like to travel? Obviously, the best thing you can do

    for this passion is to become tour guide. Knowledge is needed but it could be acquired

    during tourism courses. Then you can be independent or affiliated guide of any travel


    8. How to make money if you like to cook and you

    are pretty good at it? You can make your passion a

    true micro-business. Many people do not have

    abilities for cooking and employ others to cook for

    them. Others prefer to go to the restaurant or to

    appeal to caterers. They create networks from

    people that will always appeal to their quality

    services especially if they are at a low price

    because once they have tasted their tasty

    products, they will definitely return to that particular chef. You can make a video of you

    cooking and upload it on social networks, like YouTube for instance. That way you will

    attract readers to your website then you can make money on the internet from your

    passion for cooking. Or, if you like to bake cakes, you can sell them to different

    companies and office centers.

    9. How to make money if you like sports? A hobby

    that can make big money is children or adult

    private training. If you are a sports person and

    spend a lot of time at the gym, you can also

    establish a team would it be a football, handball or

    basketball one. Those who have completed

    specialized courses that have a certificate in sports

    or who have completed a university in this regard

    can activate as coaches at various gyms or as personal trainers. If you have flair, you can

    earn well.

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    10. How to make money if you are good at makeup, hairstyle or manicure. For people

    with a great aesthetic sense, activating in one of these areas or, why not, in all of them,

    means a way to make money from home. It is not necessarily needed to have a diploma

    in the field in order to perform this part-time job. It is important to get involved and to

    try to make your advertisement through knowledge and a personal blog.

    11. How to make money if you start a business in consulting. You worked for years in a

    field and you can say with confidence that you're really good at any aspect of it? In this

    case, you can start a business as a consultant, giving useful tips for those who do not

    have much knowledge in your area of expertise. For example, if you are good with

    computers, you can perform as IT technician. You just have to put ads on various

    websites. In fact, if you're good at something and you offer advice, why not get money

    for the knowledge you put at the disposal of others?

    12. How to make money if you are a creative, crafty and

    diligent person? Last years, one of the small businesses

    that have flourished was the one that promotes

    handmade products. For creative people, the idea of

    business is ideal, because it allows them not only to make

    money but also to put their passion into practice. You can

    begin to make custom handbags, unique jewelry or

    clothing created by you, if you love sewing and have a

    sewing machine. You can turn old clothes into must have

    pieces, if your passion is fashion. Decide what kind of

    objects you want to create and visit a haberdashery or an

    art store to buy your materials. If you're rather fond of

    painting and drawing, you can buy ceramic pots or wooden objects that you can

    decorate or paint in your own style using acrylic colors. For a person full of imagination,

    there are many small business ideas based on handmade objects, and the good news is

    that they still enjoy a lot of popularity.

    13. How to make money if you are good at Web Design? Most people do not know

    how to design websites. If you're good at this, you can earn money with minimal

    investment in a computer and software, plus promotional materials and possible

    marketing expenses. In this case, you must have a portfolio to present it to potential

    customers. Start by creating your own website and offer to do some free sites for

    friends, NGOs or small firms, which then be asked to write positive impressions about

    the result of your work. Share cards at networking events and promote yourself with

    advertising on Facebook and LinkedIn.

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    14. How to make money if you love photography? This is a great way to earn extra

    money from passion. If you make successful artistic photos, you can print on quality

    photo paper, you can sell them framed on online shops or on your own website.

    Another lucrative way to earn from photography is to take pictures at events such as

    weddings, parties or doing portraits for business or families. For this, however, you need

    a professional expensive camera.

    15. How to make money if you know how to write and edit? If writing is your passion,

    here are some ways you can make money. At the beginning, you can be a freelance

    writer for magazines, websites or newspaper that need thematic articles for which you

    can be paid. Another way is to make your blog, to attract more visitors and thus earn

    from selling advertisements. The advantage is that you can earn money long after

    writing a blog article because it will bring more and more visitors. If blogging does not

    tempt you, you can offer your services to companies. They contract freelancers for

    writing brochures, reports or speeches.

    16. How to make money if you can play a musical

    instrument? Many people have nostalgia related to

    learning to play the piano, guitar or accordion. If you

    are among the lucky ones who know to play a musical

    instrument, you can take advantage of this and start to

    teach lessons in small groups or through individual


    17. How to make money if you have a developed aesthetic sense and are passionate

    about shopping? If you like to go

    shopping, you know very well that it is a

    rather expensive hobby. The good part is

    that you can still have it, but using

    somebody else’s money. There are lots

    of people who either do not have time or

    cannot go shopping and they are your

    potential customers. For example, you

    can browse the shops looking for the

    perfect dress for a gala, you can buy

    drugs from the pharmacy or vegetables from the supermarket. Prepare your business

    cards to share them whenever you meet a potential customer: busy mothers, elderly or

    people with little free time. A beginner personal buyer earns 10-15% of the invoice


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    18. How to make money if you like gardening? If you like outdoor activities and you are

    nature lover, then you can earn profit in a timely manner. In addition it can be a relaxing

    and therapeutic activity.

    19. How to make money from Blogging ? You can earn money from your own blog, if

    you have enough traffic that allows you to have advertorials. Here you can include

    advertisements for various companies who want to advertise online.

    20. How to earn money from tailoring? This is the kind of business that combines

    business with pleasure. If you have skills in terms of sewing a blouse, button

    replacement or modification of a dress, you can earn money, because people always

    wear clothes and most of them wear out over time.

    21. How to make money if you like antiques? Buying and selling of antiques continues

    to be pretty profitable. If you live at home and have one or two spare rooms, you can

    turn them into showrooms. Many people are interested in antiques and choose to

    spend time looking to buy unique antiques.

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    III. Facts about starting-up an own business

    More and more people are frustrated because of their stressful jobs, paternalism and

    bullying at work. Thereby people lost pleasure and wish to transform their hobbies into

    work. The benefit: your everyday business doesn’t feel like work to you and you’ll

    become more satisfied even if you earned less money with it. Disadvantage: you don’t

    have your hobby as an instrument of balance in your everyday life anymore.

    When someone has decided to change his hobby into work, there are a few questions

    which have to be posed and answered by him. Where do my customers come from? Is

    there already a market and demand for my product or services? Do I have marketing

    skills and can I distribute and enthuse about my product or service to strangers?

    It is recommended and often necessary to start with a businessplan. There are

    communities on the internet with other independend entrepreneurs and local service

    center with consultancies who can help to start an own successful business. One good

    example is the OCC (Open Coffee Club) where nascent entrepreneurs can meet each

    other, exchange their experiences and talk in an informal way and relaxed situation.

    Women found enterprises differently than men. The results from the GEM (Global

    Entrepreneurship Monitor) in 2003 showed that: women found more carefully, they

    have lower growth ambitions, more problems to get a bank credit and they are older

    when their start their own business. Women's foundations are more stable and survive

    longer than men's business. Women market rather on the regional level and run a small

    enterprise. Women estimate their abilities and conditions more pessimistically and

    there are more afraid of failures than men are.

    More additional researches point out that the majority of women start a business after

    they had worked for years as an employee and already know the ordinary working life

    with its hierarchic system, increasing strain and stress level. Many women took this

    decision when they were in parental leave and have a timeout from their job life. Some

    women discover their talents and skills when they became ill. Starting your own

    business means self-fulfillment, your are more independent and satisfied with your

    work. Particularly the start-up phase is hard, because you have to make acquisitions,

    convince strangers of your product or service and you have to emerge with your still

    unknown business. Therefore it is necessary that people who want to start-up their own

    business have a good idea and furthermore a concrete and tought-out businessplan and

    last but not least passion for your intent. The most important competence you have to

    learn is having the power of endurance.

    It is worthwhile to make high-quality photos of the product or service you want to offer

    to customers. The promotion and professional appearance on the right platforms on the

    internet is important for your business' growth and expansion.

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    IV. Women Entrepreneurs

    Women tend

    to be more

    attracted to starting

    businesses in

    training and


    the services



    a range of






    Are less motivated by profit than their male counterparts

    Are driven by their pursuit of independence as well as a sense of self-


    Are in search of a work-life balance that suits their particular personal

    and family situation

    Self-employment is often viewed by women as a more flexible working

    option when compared to traditional employment, providing more

    free time and facilitating childcare responsibilities

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    Rresults from the „Global Entrepreneurship Monitor“ (GEM) in 2003 ( nearly 75.000

    citizens and 850 experts were interviewed)

    -Women's foundations are more stable, survive longer

    -Women found more carefully, more often in the supplementary income

    -Women have lower growth ambitions

    Others woman start businesses in


    - fashion and clothing;

    - arts and crafts,

    - the provision of crèche facilities.

    Furthermore, women-led businesses have a tendency to be small-scale

    ventures; non-growth oriented; risk-adverse and under-capitalised.

    Indeed, they have often been negatively categorised as ‘lifestyle’ or

    ‘typical women’s businesses.’

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    -Women's foundations are particular located in these sectors: health, catering trade,

    wellness, education, retail trade.

    -Women market rather on the regional level, men rather national/ nationwide

    -Women estimate their abilities and conditions more pessimistically than men

    -Women are rather afraid of the failure than men

    Women are older – because of the child education – by the foundation on an average

    than men

    -Women have lower capital requirements than men

    -Women dispose of less own money than men

    -Women procure the foundation capital more often in the family

    -For Women it is more heavy to receive outside capital from banks as men

    -Women more often found from the need

    -Women rather found small enterprises

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    IV. Good practise


    Asma’s Cake’s and Cupcakes

    1. Profile - details about the woman who set up their own business, (interests, dreams)

    Born on 28th February 1991 has a degree in commerce level

    secondary education.

    She works as an accountant in CAW in Ghent and also living in


    She is happily married since 2012.

    2. Presentation of own business

    Baking cakes and cupcakes.

    Asma’s Cake’s and Cupcakes

    Asma Mohammadi

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    I don’t have a website as the main objective is to keep it fun and something I do in my free time. Having a website is to keep it updated every time….

    I do have a Facebook where I share my new creations, also on Instagram. I have noticed,

    with the new technologies, that social media is a way to reach out to people. Everybody

    is connected.

    3. How did this come?

    When I started secondary education initially I had chosen for a baker training, but I

    never saw myself making of this a main occupation later in the future so I have changed

    my direction to commerce.

    After finishing secondary education I found out that my passion for baking had never

    stopped. I started, in my free time, baking and experiment with cupcakes. I started to

    present my creations to family and friends on special occasions or on coffee moment

    The reactions where amazing and very positive. My entourage encouraged me to do this

    for other occasions (wedding, birthdays, baby showers,….)

    The publicity rolled by itself, people told to one and another. No I have a small client file.

    As I work I have chosen to keep my passion a hobby for me. I love baking and it is nice

    that I earn some extra money with it, but I don’t want to make of this my main

    occupation as I am doing it with love and passion.

    4. Did you experienced any barriers?

    As it is a passion of mine I don’t experienced any barrier.

    I do was scared and I am still scared that people wouldn’t like it.

    5. Tips & tricks for starting women?

    Stay who you are. Keep the fun and love in it so you don’t lose the passion and most important don’t do it to get rich.

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    Workshops and therapies for children with therapy dogs

    1. Profile - details about the woman who set up their own business, (interests, dreams)

    A student at the Faculty of

    Educational Science at the University

    of Humanities and Economics in Lodz

    She has completed course for

    Therapy Dog Instructors

    Love children, animals, have good

    contact with dogs!

    Her dream is to work both with

    children and animals

    2. Presentation of own business

    Workshops and therapies for children with therapy dogs

    in nurseries in Lodz region

    Katarzyna Siąkowska

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    3. How did this come?

    After I was studing education Faculty of Educational Science I found out that my

    passion is working with children and also with animals. I was seraching for some

    courses and I found a grat course form me – a therapy dog instructor. I compleded

    this courses. Than I thought that I could lead some workshop like a dog instructor for

    nursery in my region. The reactions of children and teacher after my first workshop

    where amazing and very positive. It gave me so many positive energy and encouraged

    me to do this for another nurseries. It is fantastic to look how children play with dogs

    and express their feelings during all exercises.

    4. Did you experienced any barriers?

    I’m bery open and outgoing person that is why I don’t experienced any barrier. If your

    business is your passion you do not think about barriers. Of course I had some

    organisation problems but I wanted so much to realized my dreams that I managed with


    5. Tips & tricks for starting women?

    Do not scared of realizing your own dreams, you must think in the positive way.

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    1. Profile - details about the woman who set up their own business, (interests, dreams)

    She has studied bag making, ceramics,

    jewellery making, dress design, sculpture

    to name but a few , in Central Saint

    Martin's College in London, The Students

    Art League in New York and Grafton

    Academy of Dress Design in Dublin. She

    has appeared as a regular "craft expert"

    on the Irish magazine show, Four Live

    and Nationwide on RTE1 and has had her

    tutorials and business featured in the

    Irish Interiors magazine House & Home

    and Fashion magazine Prudence

    2. Presentation of own business

    W: www.michellemadethis.com F: www.facebook.com/michellemadethis

    Michelle makes a range of home and fashion accessories which she sells in her shop

    online and also runs various craft workshops from her cottage.

    Michelle Fallon

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    3. How did this come?

    “I lived in London for 16 years and spent days dreaming about coming home, doing up

    my granny’s cottage and teaching knitting and sewing. Now I live that dream”

    Having spent years working in IT in London and New York, Michelle now runs workshops

    at her kitchen table in what was her Grandmothers cottage!

    Hers is a warm and lovely story that not only attracts people to her courses but also

    accounts for Michelle ended up appearing on Irish TV after one of their researchers read

    about it on her blog!

    Michellemadethis is Michelle Fallon's cottage industry where she makes handmade

    personalised gifts and also teaches various traditional crafts such as knitting, sewing and

    cardmaking with a modern twist.

    All workshops take place at Michelle’s cottage. Not only do you learn a new craft when

    you visit but you also get to enjoy tea and homemade scones or biscuits served in china


    Michelle's workshops are growing in popularity each year and people often remark that

    a few hours spent in a workshop at her cottage is as good as any holiday.

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    Roll it Pastry

    1. Profile - details about the woman who set up their own business, (interests, dreams)

    By profession, Mairead is a Chartered

    Surveyor with over fifteen years

    experience in Property Management. But

    her passion has always been for food.

    An accomplished home cook with a love

    of good ingredients, Mairead Finnegan

    has completed a number of cookery

    courses, including an Intensive Course at

    Ballymaloe Cookery School.

    Mairead has always had an interest in

    food and in 2007, was the overall winner

    of the Kells recipe competition, which

    was run by Supervalu during their “Real

    Food, Real People Promotion”.

    2. Presentation of own business

    W: www.rollitpastry.com F: www.facebook.com/RollitPastry

    Mairead Finnegan

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    3. How did this come?

    About Roll it Pastry

    The opportunity to launch a new artisan food business in a baking market niche was

    identified in 2010, when Mairead was unable to find a satisfactory readymade pastry

    product on the market.

    Mairead commenced home production and with the help of her local Environmental

    Health Officer put strict production procedures in place which met the food legislation


    Roll it Pastry was launched in May 2012. Since then the business has been growing

    steadily with Roll it Pastry’s two products now stocked in 30 leading food outlets.

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