11 - Amazon S3Vol+23+(1867)/… · "THE SEVENTH DAY IS THE SABBATH VOLUME WESTERLY, R. 1.,...

"THE SEVENTH DAY IS THE SABBATH VOLUME WESTERLY, R. 1., FIFTH-DA.Y, thmk It ad- ing to aid in 1t There are here val, I deCIded to spend some weeks VIS able, for the present at least, that eight famdles, a part or all of which here, III sllch labors as theIr necessl- were Sabbath-keepers There IS a ties seemed tQ call for This people th6 expenses of the SOCiety be paId up,muig there for a church, If a had been so long deprived of the mainly by contributions from the locate there, and preached Word, that it was deemed churches, and that t!Te prmclpal of for truth The settle- necessary to present the fundamental thIS fund be held for a time when on Wolf River, a western doctrmes of rehglon m a SeIlell of I tribu,tar'y of crr Rlver I have sermons -The church had never had extraordinary expenses, hke the I,' d d seen fe w pI es possessmg better a pastor It was therefore eeme hoped-for remforcement of the Chma SOli ot er surface It IS a necessary to preach upou the pastoral MisSIOn, shall make all extraordmary pleasant locahty, that would satIsfy dutIes and relatIOns At the close of call upon the SOCIety They ale almost any seeker of a western home thIS serVICe, Jan' 5th, Eld Clement strengthened III this oplOlOn by con. 'llhe St Paul and St LoUIS radroad was formally lOstalled pastor, by a IS deslgned to run through or near charge to the pastor and the oburch, slderIng, that the fund IS m no sense the place When thiS IS done, it followed by the han<t:'9 f fellowshIp a contribution from the churches will be a central place for business ThiS latter service was-shared by the In'eglejJt and the soU" aDd .u .. .. , .• thew permanent home, nel- are IIQX- ious to others who are aeeJ[- 109 new farms After spending what time I deemed best, I .me home. The labors and auXletlS Of, the win- ter lCbd spring made a se880n of rest necessary fpr me before VISitlOg othE'r 1 I "The O)ISSlOn field is large, sod I ripe for the harvest, and the nrgent demand, on me are IOdreasing, so that I cannQt respond to hSlf oCthem, r but shall try do what I can. 'llhe n II It IS the result of Circumstances con- trade of conslderable Importance church and congregation at large, nected with finances of our conn- Measures ought to be taken to budd With the of lOter- try\whtch made several compdratlve- up a church there Why wlll not est, and With many lOvocatlOns of great I need of tile West IS eoncen- trati0f. 10 good localities The JjeSIQ4B.lsion 1188 already accompli$bed - .. aH:orlled dlrectlon New some of our youuger mlDlsters make God's blesslDg It seemed like T.n"m ly mall 8ums, uue abroad, yield a a strIke here, and dawnmg of a bnghter day for mucb in onrcurrency, and selves and the cause bl a and the Bcene WIll never in- po8sell8ioll of fort to build np T A proper effort by them. would, nnquestlonably, secure good A difficulty of a senous character results Shall thiS interest be neg- had sprung up, threatenmg the safety lected, while we have so many, with of the ohurch, and preventmg many thelr ordlOation vows upon them, do- from uDltmg with It Under the Im- mg httle or nothing m the minlBtry' proved state of feehng connected "in Benton County, m the ViClDlty wlth the mlnlstrations of the Word, of Vmton and Shellsburg, are sever- and mduced by the Holy Sptrlt, thiS al famlhes of Sabbath.keepers, and difficulty was easily and satisfactorily several more who have left the Sab- removed. and twenty-two persons, bath I spent a few days m 100klOg who had been members of other after them Those who observe the churches, were received, and cordlal- Sabbath have no Idea of leavlOg It Iy welcomed as membet s, and two I •• Those who have left It have so were received by baptism Elght'of as a tnatter of convenlenclf, and had been members of Method- as a religIOns dnty Many 1st or Baptlst churches Nearly all would gladly return to the Sabbath, of the Sabbath-keeplOg element IS If they could have church priVileges now connected With the church The At Cedar RapIds and vlCimty are now made strong and ,several more families wbo have.. anQ have a bright future be- saken the Sabbath From Vmton to fore them to locate Cedar Raplds, along the line of Cedar "The church had never had a dea- abont to .. must be selected A plan IS bc- ma.tul'ed for thia purpose, whIch ... 'tn see CIImed fall efferta we hope to collect 'U",,,u. sca,ttered famIlies, and furDish good SOCIeties for those intendlDg to find western homes, and thus mak.e oy oause strong 10 the West" _I Under date of Trenton, MlIIn, Ang 9th, 1867, Bro BAnEY reports much distress among the people iD that vlclDity, and more in prospect, from the fadure of crops, through exceSSive raIDs He appeals to the benevolence of brethren and iD the East, ani/It is hoped that his I appeal WIll eliClt a response becom- mg ChrIstlan b,otherhood He says River, there are noW' more than A sermon W'lIS preached on the twenty famlhes brought up m and m the eveDlIig fol- to keepers "The rehglOus mterests of the chnrches reqUIre much, care and la- bor The church at WIIsioja 18 now without a They canuot af- ford to remllm ;80, and they are not Sa'bb;lth-' I able to sustalD ,one The at 1I0:IIE Annexed we give you extracts from the of mlsSlOn- anes on the home field, which will furnlBh a fair view of labor for the observance of the Sabbath Three lowmg, two brethren were selected quarters of these bave ceased to re- to serve III that office They were member the Sabbath-day to keep It publicly consecrated on the fil at Sab- holy This 1>1 another field calhng hath m February, by prayer, wlth for labor Shall thiS also be left uu- the ImpOSitIOn of hands, followed by cultivated, to .he dishonor of God a charge to the deacons and the and hiS holy Sabbath' BeSIdes church, after which they were each I have the names of many cordIally welcomed by the members more, scatteJ ed III dIfferent pal ts of of the church WIth the hand of fel- the State, m the same condItion lowshlp Immediately followmg thlS "After spendmg about three months serVICe, the church enjoyed Its filst 10 Iowa, I am confident that It IBn a celebl atlOn of the Lord's Supper dllty to statIOn a 1;lllsslOnary \0 that Sermons were also preached upon field, to look up the scattered, and the Lord's Supper, Baptism, Sabbath bUIld up new mteresta IU fields now Schools, and the Sabbath opened, and in others that Will open "Besides my labo\'l! With the A mIssionary could fiud full employ church here,· I hav" looked up scat- here Iq. promlBmg fields The effort tered Sabbath keepels In Nemaha, of the Tract SOOlety to WID to the Johnson, and Pawnee countleil At Sabbath, by lectliijls and tracts, IS Glen Rock, I fouod a famdy that had half the labor of the MissIOnary ceased to observe the Saboath, be- "Noth\l1g has' gIven me' We shall lose .faster by cause they had no Sabhath priVIleges n SOCIety has verts. The miSSIonary Will WIU to father- and my father kept the Sab- upon 1O good aged, made to press,d to you for c"'lliDlg miJ IIe,at'enIN Ite, e' There plored, other lOusly tre&tlDg repeated the calls much of thIS field unex- the labor only begun lD Many are W81tlDg abx- a VISit Others al e VISlt to be prolonged or I IS 80 great, and I many and so urgent, that can meet them It IS a full of promIse of a hs.·v",!t. If It IS well and fBi'thf'llly It Will become the strength of tbe Selren1th-41ay BaptIst church orj:l:aniize.r 'lind budder are emotIoDlIl ele- development ID Trenton IS wltli9ut a pastor, and th!ly are at present unabl4!, to agree ill pon one I The church at Carleston has been annoyed by some of the doe\rInes of>Adventlsm AI! I-allswer yet they have made no dlVl810n, and with proper Cllre need not WIth thlS trouble removed, thiS church wIll be the strongest of all our churches m the State rrhe mterestB of the cause demand the entire labotll of a miSSIOnary on thIS field The church- feel tbe need of such labors, and greatly deSIre them There Bre many famlhes of Sabbath-keepers, scattered m different pp;rta, that need attentIOn 1 By much faIthful work, our cause may be made strong; bUt If these mterjlBta are neglected, the cause must suffer muchl' W flting again, under date of .L'i"ID.,LL, Mlnn, Aug 19t1r, 1867, he \ I the report, neglect than we shall gam by con- I was told 11 the sister,. 'My grand- to reinforce thIS tbe Sabbath wherever he can budd up bath very trlCtly, but they never \allotiller misslQnary to act lOterests among Sabbath keep- told their children why they kept it, .. r.,th;n.,. around IS in- J JA:uli:urn IS to 1"' ,",r I ;counsel the Board to make and It hM therefore been eS81cr to WIth .illy conVIctIOns. are, we have no lIIore impOitant and bope- Iowa a separate department, and 10- nell/ect It' At Tecumseh, I found a ful field than thiS I most slDcerely cate a ·01l8slOnary there, to labor 3UY- family of Sabbath-keepers, but, no hope that the Board Will make the where ID Its limIts where there are 'fortunately, llfelf rehglon consIsted h scatter,ed We have In the Sabbath and materlahsm appOlDtment, aud secur!' t e servIces b of a discreet, hve man, who Will en- s00letyat elton, numbenng a out Near pawnee Olty, m Pawnee Coun- ter the work wlth the connctlOn of faIDlhes, allother at Carlton of ty,! round a famdy of SabbatB-keep- its importance, and assurances of ItS famlhes, lind there are more ers, still malOtainlng their lOtegrlty success I beheve that thiS labor fifty famlhes beSIde scattered that I Visited, I sought to encour- wdl stop the scattenng1tor the future I.idilfer·ent places, who ought to be age; and as a means of spmtual to a ereat extent, by orgaDlzing new looked up and helped Three hnes good to themselves and chJldlen, I lOterests It will do somethmg to of radroad are bemg extended from urged them to change theu locatIOn collectmg and sllvmg the the to theMlssourl through to thiS Some Iof them Will treasurv·1 tered There needs to be much done the State The St Paul and St do so '!'here IS also one ID thiS dIrectIOn, and If It IS done LOUIS road IS to lDtersect these near of Sabbath deserters nellr well, It wlil cause a better I day to the middle of the State These roads City, and another on McKis- dawn on our Western fie1d If the are opening some of the best lands sock r.land, m the Missoul'l River, Board secures sn Eastern man, let of the Wast to settlement, llnd to below Nebraska City. I have n6t him become a Western man, hav eastern and southern markets If we been able to them. ' Sb4)Wltl hiS home and famtly andieelmgS can have an Iowa MISSlon Depart- "m labors at Long Branch have West I notified yo in the ment, to look up the scattered, and been most klDdly received, and seem that this would b a cost- direct emIgratIOn, we can secure to been profitllble The pl'ople a8 great dlstanc s must some of the best localltl's feel Bt a day of prospenty aDd tn- tra,veled. WIth great wear and S"bbath Proper care, ID nmph has dawned I1pon them The tear, and exposure Your nllSSlOna- would have secured several church is now well organized aDd of- nes may need time occaslofall.l" to locahtics ID IlhDOlS, that are now fioored ./fhey have a pastor located recruit. They want theIr mlpds free lost to us MUllh delay will effect with them, WIth whom they are well from anxiety the loved ones they thl\ same m Iowa, while timely and pleased Thelr Sabbath School IS re- leave at home, wh,le,lD thetr work well-directed labor wllilludd up good orgaDlzed, and m successful opera- iar away" lDterests 1O thiS young aDd beantlful tlOn There are IDore thalli twenty Slate Can not some of our mmlsters famdies located m the settlement, HIS report date of Milton, see}n thiS nch field their appropriate and there IS a pro.pect of mcrease Dec 10tb, 1866, furIilshes much laborT Good salaries m pleasant and permanency Their 10caLlon IS of interest to the denommation geo- churches are desITable 'for personal 1O the north west corner of RlOhard- He says. comfort, but the soul 18 ennched son County, and adjOInIng part of more in laborlOg for t,¥ destitute, Pawnee County \ The country IS a .. slDciiny last report to the Board, and ID blllldlng up new lOterests ID rollmg prame, a deep and in September, aiter spending, near hopeful fields - ferttle sotl. It is located on the head two months iflth the church at W 111- " To meet the pres8lDg DeOOssltles w a te1"6 of the Great Nemaha RIver tollf low!', I left them for a t1llle, and the fields I have already explored, Ifng brllneh and Kirkham bra'nch went to Tama County, near the cen- there needs to be three lDlSilOnanes run through the settlement of the State, to Visit the church constantly employed-one in county IB well adapted to stock rals- of Carlton, and some soattered ISev- ODe ID Iowa, and one in the South- ing There IS but httle tImber here enth-day BaptISts m the vicimty. I A west, inoll1dlDg Nebr)Ulka, Kansas, The lack of timber for fuel wtll be few years smee, two families lIIoved and MisSOUri Wbtle the denomlDa- supplied by coal For fenclOg, tb.e from OhiO to Carlton In 1863, a tlOn is nobly (lDdoWlDg silhools, let O$age Orange wtll be nsed With ad- this (ill, (or Dot 1O 80- church W88 O!'gllDlZed from members them not neglect the greater work vantage. A few years will develop , of these famlhes SlOlle that time, of mcrellslDg and sust&lOlDg mi&- Cl)untryl and make it a deslrable cordanoo WIth wIshl's and loten- other famIlu:!! have located there. sions" where abundance w!ll reward lions of the churches and brethren, Sa families have settled there this F b hand of lDdustry \'Te adVise §' h h fift His quarterly report, dated e It IS deellU'd a just OCC881on lor ann- so t at now t ere are ee,n Sabbath.keepers about to find a ety The Boar4 are slmplv the of Sabbath-keepers there 10th, 1867, IS from Long Branch, western home, not to wander away ge ts f tire h h . h church hail haa from the- first and f'tmllshes many intbr- from society ofthelr owu faith, while aDO c ute ell JlI t e labors of Elit Maxson estiDg items of that far-away colony such places 118 Long Branch offer lDent of i'od they He expresseill that " 11 them a welcome" b of sabbath-keepers, OWl>. t at regular aDd frequent contribu- er mlDister should lioDi for tile millllioDary canse, are as serve the church, as he ., Aided by foends in the East, the Under date of Pardee, Kansas, _Dtial the church- do the work called for to make little ohurch here had built a house March 13tli, 1867, BIO BAlJ.E!I' wfltes, sI f h cause strong, and the chllrch pros- of worship. By great effort and WIth to the demands of the at, II 0 tel spent three Sabbaths pet89nal saCrifice on the part of a few, western field, as follows: Board preaohmg 011 the Sabbath, the bOllse was ready to be given to at times, 88 opportnmty oft'er- God on my arrival A.ccordmgly, the ed, making it my home while first Seventh-day BaptIst meetll1g- tb,e' Visiting in other places Some of house weA of the Missoun River *88 the members had embraced the 11111.- dedicated to God on Sabbath-day, tenahsm of the Adventists The Dec 15th, 1866, With the usual exer- in. the It IS beheved that this is the il first house bllll\ for Protestllnts ID tlie Territory, outSide of the (,Ities or vu- 'l'hls speaks well tpr the'lD- lte,grit;y and energy of tbls chorch the orgaDlzatlOn of thiS 1863, by Eld. Thomas E have been V)8lteO once bl!llI)i$IMO[lafY at P .. r,dee. Rsodolph they An mlgbt do Learnmg here to oPPo'ie aDd A mel,eor,

Transcript of 11 - Amazon S3Vol+23+(1867)/… · "THE SEVENTH DAY IS THE SABBATH VOLUME WESTERLY, R. 1.,...



thmk It ad- ing to aid in 1t There are here val, I deCIded to spend some weeks VIS able, for the present at least, that eight famdles, a part or all of which here, III sllch labors as theIr necessl-

were Sabbath-keepers There IS a ties seemed tQ call for This people th6 expenses of the SOCiety be paId up,muig there for a church, If a had been so long deprived of the l~l~~e~~~~:j;lQ! mainly by contributions from the locate there, and preached Word, that it was deemed churches, and that t!Te prmclpal of for truth The settle- necessary to present the fundamental thIS fund be held for a time when on Wolf River, a western doctrmes of rehglon m a SeIlell of

I tribu,tar'y of crr Rlver I have sermons -The church had never had extraordinary expenses, hke the I,' d d seen fe w pI es possessmg better a pastor It was therefore eeme

hoped-for remforcement of the Chma SOli ot ~andso er surface It IS a necessary to preach upou the pastoral MisSIOn, shall make all extraordmary pleasant locahty, that would satIsfy dutIes and relatIOns At the close of call upon the SOCIety They ale almost any seeker of a western home thIS serVICe, Jan' 5th, Eld Clement strengthened III this oplOlOn by con. 'llhe St Paul and St LoUIS radroad was formally lOstalled pastor, by a

IS deslgned to run through or near charge to the pastor and the oburch, slderIng, that the fund IS m no sense the place When thiS IS done, it followed by the han<t:'9f fellowshIp a contribution from the churches will be a central place for business ThiS latter service was-shared by the In'eglejJt

and the soU" aDd .u .. ~u .. , .• ~ thew permanent home, nel- are IIQX­ious to welcom~ others who are aeeJ[-109 new farms After spending what time I deemed best, I .me home. The labors and auXletlS Of, the win­ter lCbd spring made a se880n of rest necessary fpr me before VISitlOg othE'r

1 I

"The O)ISSlOn field is large, sod I i~~::::~~i ripe for the harvest, and the nrgent ~I

demand, on me are IOdreasing, so I;~:~i~re~:eib;'~; that I cannQt respond to hSlf oCthem, r ~~:.i~:::[I~ 8l'ncititi~lIIt,J ilra~I~':~J~:r(J~:= but shall try ~ do what I can. 'llhe n II

It IS the result of Circumstances con- trade of conslderable Importance church and congregation at large, nected with ~he finances of our conn- Measures ought to be taken to budd With the w~mest expre~slOn of lOter­try\whtch made several compdratlve- up a church there Why wlll not est, and With many lOvocatlOns of

great I need of tile West IS eoncen- ~~:~~:~~~~~~ trati0f. 10 good localities The co.:t1rageJlIleJ~t.lirid JjeSIQ4B.lsion 1188 already accompli$bed - .. ~-" aH:orlled

dlrectlon New

~ some of our youuger mlDlsters make God's blesslDg It seemed like T.n"m ~rl.T.. ly mall 8ums, uue abroad, yield a a strIke here, and dawnmg of a bnghter day for mucb in onrcurrency, and selves and the cause bl a and the Bcene WIll never

.JItl;~8puflt!leSociety in- po8sell8ioll of fort to build np T A proper effort by them. would, nnquestlonably, secure good A difficulty of a senous character results Shall thiS interest be neg- had sprung up, threatenmg the safety lected, while we have so many, with of the ohurch, and preventmg many thelr ordlOation vows upon them, do- from uDltmg with It Under the Im­mg httle or nothing m the minlBtry' proved state of feehng connected

"in Benton County, m the ViClDlty wlth the mlnlstrations of the Word, of Vmton and Shellsburg, are sever- and mduced by the Holy Sptrlt, thiS al famlhes of Sabbath.keepers, and difficulty was easily and satisfactorily several more who have left the Sab- removed. and twenty-two persons, bath I spent a few days m 100klOg who had been members of other after them Those who observe the churches, were received, and cordlal­Sabbath have no Idea of leavlOg It Iy welcomed as membet s, and two I .~,~~ •• Those who have left It have ~Olli! so were received by baptism Elght'of as a tnatter of convenlenclf, and ~hese had been members of Method­as a religIOns dnty Many ~ ~hem 1st or Baptlst churches Nearly all would gladly return to the Sabbath, of the Sabbath-keeplOg element IS If they could have church priVileges now connected With the church The At Cedar RapIds and vlCimty are now made strong and ,several more families wbo have.. anQ have a bright future be-saken the Sabbath From Vmton to fore them to locate Cedar Raplds, along the line of Cedar "The church had never had a dea- abont to .. m;O'r:~tf!.

must be selected A plan IS bc-ma.tul'ed for thia purpose, whIch

hn~ ... 'tn see CIImed out~tJiis fall efferta we hope to collect 'U",,,u.

sca,ttered famIlies, and furDish good SOCIeties for those intendlDg to find western homes, and thus mak.e oy oause strong 10 the West" _I

Under date of Trenton, MlIIn, Ang 9th, 1867, Bro BAnEY reports much distress among the people iD that vlclDity, and more in prospect, from the fadure of crops, through exceSSive raIDs He appeals to the benevolence of brethren and frIend~ iD the East, ani/It is hoped that his

I appeal WIll eliClt a response becom-mg ChrIstlan b,otherhood He says

River, there are noW' more than A sermon W'lIS preached on the twenty famlhes brought up m and m the eveDlIig fol-

to keepers

"The rehglOus mterests of the chnrches reqUIre much, care and la­bor The church at WIIsioja 18 now without a past~r They canuot af­ford to remllm ;80, and they are not

Sa'bb;lth-' I able to sustalD ,one The ch~rch at


Annexed we give you extracts from the corresponden~e of mlsSlOn­anes on the home field, which will furnlBh a fair view of labor for the

observance of the Sabbath Three lowmg, two brethren were selected quarters of these bave ceased to re- to serve III that office They were member the Sabbath-day to keep It publicly consecrated on the fil at Sab­holy This 1>1 another field calhng hath m February, by prayer, wlth for labor Shall thiS also be left uu- the ImpOSitIOn of hands, followed by cultivated, to .he dishonor of God a charge to the deacons and the and hiS holy Sabbath' BeSIdes church, after which they were each

I have the names of many cordIally welcomed by the members more, scatteJ ed III dIfferent pal ts of of the church WIth the hand of fel­the State, m the same condItion lowshlp Immediately followmg thlS

"After spendmg about three months serVICe, the church enjoyed Its filst 10 Iowa, I am confident that It IBn a celebl atlOn of the Lord's Supper dllty to statIOn a 1;lllsslOnary \0 that Sermons were also preached upon field, to look up the scattered, and the Lord's Supper, Baptism, Sabbath bUIld up new mteresta IU fields now Schools, and the Sabbath opened, and in others that Will open "Besides my labo\'l! With the A mIssionary could fiud full employ church here,· I hav" looked up scat­here Iq. promlBmg fields The effort tered Sabbath keepels In Nemaha, of the Tract SOOlety to WID to the Johnson, and Pawnee countleil At Sabbath, by lectliijls and tracts, IS Glen Rock, I fouod a famdy that had

half the labor of the MissIOnary ceased to observe the Saboath, be-"Noth\l1g has' gIven me' We shall lose .faster by cause they had no Sabhath priVIleges

n SOCIety has verts. The miSSIonary Will WIU to father- and my father kept the Sab-

upon strag~lling, 1O good lqc:~lities aged, made to press,d to you for c"'lliDlg miJ IIe,at'enIN Ite, e'

There plored, other lOusly tre&tlDg repeated the calls

much of thIS field unex­the labor only begun lD

Many are W81tlDg abx-a VISit Others al e VISlt to be prolonged or

I nee~ IS 80 great, and I many and so urgent, that

can meet them It IS a full of promIse of a

hs.·v",!t. If It IS well and fBi'thf'llly It Will become

the strength of tbe Selren1th-41ay BaptIst church

orj:l:aniize.r 'lind budder are emotIoDlIl ele­development ID

Trenton IS hke~lse wltli9ut a pastor, and th!ly are at present unabl4!, to agree ill pon one I The church at Carleston has been annoyed by some of the doe\rInes of>Adventlsm AI! I-allswer yet they have made no dlVl810n, and with proper Cllre need not WIth thlS trouble removed, thiS church wIll be the strongest of all our churches m the State rrhe mterestB of the cause demand the entire labotll of a miSSIOnary on thIS field The church­• feel tbe need of such labors, and greatly deSIre them There Bre many famlhes of Sabbath-keepers, scattered m different pp;rta, that need attentIOn 1 By much faIthful work, our cause may be made strong; bUt If these mterjlBta are neglected, the cause must suffer muchl'

W flting again, under date of .L'i"ID.,LL, Mlnn, Aug 19t1r, 1867, he

\ I ~~:i~:~~r;than the report, neglect than we shall gam by con- I was told 11 the sister,. 'My grand-

to reinforce thIS tbe Sabbath wherever he can budd up bath very trlCtly, but they never \allotiller misslQnary to act lOterests among Sabbath keep- told their children why they kept it,

~v .. r.,th;n.,. around IS in- J JA:uli:urn IS to 1"'

,",r I ;counsel the Board to make and It hM therefore been eS81cr to WIth .illy conVIctIOns. are, we have no lIIore impOitant and bope- Iowa a separate department, and 10- nell/ect It' At Tecumseh, I found a ful field than thiS I most slDcerely cate a ·01l8slOnary there, to labor 3UY- family of Sabbath-keepers, but, no hope that the Board Will make the where ID Its limIts where there are 'fortunately, llfelf rehglon consIsted

h scatter,ed Sa~ath-keepers We have In the Sabbath and materlahsm appOlDtment, aud secur!' t e servIces b of a discreet, hve man, who Will en- s00letyat elton, numbenng a out Near pawnee Olty, m Pawnee Coun-ter the work wlth the connctlOn of faIDlhes, allother at Carlton of ty,! round a famdy of SabbatB-keep-its importance, and assurances of ItS famlhes, lind there are more ers, still malOtainlng their lOtegrlty success I beheve that thiS labor fifty famlhes beSIde scattered that I Visited, I sought to encour-wdl stop the scattenng1tor the future I.idilfer·ent places, who ought to be age; and as a means of spmtual to a ereat extent, by orgaDlzing new looked up and helped Three hnes good to themselves and chJldlen, I lOterests It will do somethmg to of radroad are bemg extended from urged them to change theu locatIOn

collectmg and sllvmg the ~cat- the MISSIS~IPPI to theMlssourl through to thiS pl~e Some Iof them Will treasurv·1 tered There needs to be much done the State The St Paul and St do so '!'here IS also one

ID thiS dIrectIOn, and If It IS done LOUIS road IS to lDtersect these near of Sabbath deserters nellr well, It wlil cause a better I day to the middle of the State These roads City, and another on McKis-dawn on our Western fie1d If the are opening some of the best lands sock r.land, m the Missoul'l River, Board secures sn Eastern man, let of the Wast to settlement, llnd to below Nebraska City. I have n6t him become a Western man, ~y hav eastern and southern markets If we been able to VISI~ them. • '

Sb4)Wltl hiS home and famtly andieelmgS can have an Iowa MISSlon Depart- "m labors at Long Branch have West I notified yo in the ment, to look up the scattered, and been most klDdly received, and seem

bel~\n!Ding, that this would b a cost- direct emIgratIOn, we can secure to ~ve been profitllble The pl'ople a8 great dlstanc s must some of the best localltl's t~ feel Bt a day of prospenty aDd tn-

tra,veled. WIth great wear and S"bbath Proper care, ID nmph has dawned I1pon them The tear, and exposure Your nllSSlOna- would have secured several church is now well organized aDd of-nes may need time occaslofall.l" to locahtics ID IlhDOlS, that are now fioored ./fhey have a pastor located recruit. They want theIr mlpds free lost to us MUllh delay will effect with them, WIth whom they are well from anxiety ~or the loved ones they thl\ same m Iowa, while timely and pleased Thelr Sabbath School IS re­leave at home, wh,le,lD thetr work well-directed labor wllilludd up good orgaDlzed, and m successful opera­iar away" lDterests 1O thiS young aDd beantlful tlOn There are IDore thalli twenty

Slate Can not some of our mmlsters famdies located m the settlement, HIS report nnde~ date of Milton, see}n thiS nch field their appropriate and there IS a pro.pect of mcrease

Dec 10tb, 1866, furIilshes much laborT Good salaries m pleasant and permanency Their 10caLlon IS of interest to the denommation geo- churches are desITable 'for personal 1O the north west corner of RlOhard-

He says. comfort, but the soul 18 ennched son County, and adjOInIng part of more in laborlOg for t,¥ destitute, Pawnee County \ The country IS a

.. slDciiny last report to the Board, and ID blllldlng up new lOterests ID rollmg prame, h~vlDg a deep and in September, aiter spending, near hopeful fields - ferttle sotl. It is located on the head two months iflth the church at W 111- " To meet the pres8lDg DeOOssltles wate1"6 of the Great Nemaha RIver tollf low!', I left them for a t1llle, and the fields I have already explored, Ifng brllneh and Kirkham bra'nch went to Tama County, near the cen- there needs to be three lDlSilOnanes run through the settlement

of the State, to Visit the church constantly employed-one in Ilh~18, county IB well adapted to stock rals­of Carlton, and some soattered ISev- ODe ID Iowa, and one in the South- ing There IS but httle tImber here enth-day BaptISts m the vicimty. I A west, inoll1dlDg Nebr)Ulka, Kansas, The lack of timber for fuel wtll be

chl~reh-I few years smee, two families lIIoved and MisSOUri Wbtle the denomlDa- supplied by coal For fenclOg, tb.e from OhiO to Carlton In 1863, a tlOn is nobly (lDdoWlDg silhools, let O$age Orange wtll be nsed With ad­

Wh~ther this (ill, (or i~ Dot 1O 80- church W88 O!'gllDlZed from members them not neglect the greater work vantage. A few years will develop , of these famlhes SlOlle that time, of mcrellslDg and sust&lOlDg mi&- Cl)untryl and make it a deslrable

cordanoo WIth t~e wIshl's and loten- other famIlu:!! have located there. sions" where abundance w!ll reward lions of the churches and brethren, Sa families have settled there this F b hand of lDdustry \'Te adVise • • §' h h fift His quarterly report, dated e It IS deellU'd a just OCC881on lor ann- so t at now t ere are ee,n Sabbath.keepers about to find a ety The Boar4 are slmplv the of Sabbath-keepers there 10th, 1867, IS from Long Branch, western home, not to wander away ge ts f tire h h . h • church hail haa from the- first N~braska, and f'tmllshes many intbr- from society ofthelr owu faith, while aDO c ute ell JlI t e labors of Elit Maxson estiDg items of that far-away colony such places 118 Long Branch offer lDent of lni88ioD~ i'od they He expresseill wI~h that " 11 them a welcome" b of sabbath-keepers, a~.o OWl>. • t at regular aDd frequent contribu- er mlDister should lioDi for tile millllioDary canse, are as serve the church, as he ., Aided by foends in the East, the Under date of Pardee, Kansas, _Dtial the church- do the work called for to make little ohurch here had built a house March 13tli, 1867, BIO BAlJ.E!I' wfltes,

sI f h cause strong, and the chllrch pros- of worship. By great effort and WIth ~rence to the demands of the at, II 0 tel spent three Sabbaths pet89nal saCrifice on the part of a few, western field, as follows: Board preaohmg 011 the Sabbath, the bOllse was ready to be given to

at times, 88 opportnmty oft'er- God on my arrival A.ccordmgly, the de!~ei'~ncl) ed, making it my home while first Seventh-day BaptIst meetll1g-

eItJ~8r.,i.t ~lI.~ic&te!;tlbllt; tb,e' Visiting in other places Some of house weA of the Missoun River *88 ~' the members had embraced the 11111.- dedicated to God on Sabbath-day,

tenahsm of the Adventists The Dec 15th, 1866, With the usual exer-

•'~"'" .~,milllli'DD"4ilb':iit~~hl;~:n;i~:~!~d:ar~a~e;i:8~~0~und in. the C1~es. It IS beheved that this is the il first house bllll\ for Protestllnts ID tlie Territory, outSide of the (,Ities or vu-

'l'hls speaks well tpr the'lD-lte,grit;y and energy of tbls chorch

the orgaDlzatlOn of thiS 1863, by Eld. Thomas E

have been V)8lteO once bl!llI)i$IMO[lafY at P .. r,dee. KaJ~8a!~1

Rsodolph they

An mlgbt do Learnmg here to oPPo'ie aDd ]JUIJLlI~l·"L)'

A mel,eor,

, and we hope and beheve III case BlIch old fogyism should

Insorrbed upon the bann'lr of ei­ther of the present polItical parties, 13 new party of freedom WIll anse, to whICh we WIll JOIn ourse\ves, and

WIll take up the question of personal hberty, so nobly VIndIcated by the abohtlOn of slavery, and that WIll not s~t ns back Into a darkn~ss and thraldom of soul m6're abject

the slavery of the body •

SUNDAY OAMP MEETINGS .. Facts are commg to hght every

whICh show that a large maJor! of those who observe the Sunday,

lD conformity to the prevaIlmg cns tom, do not ohserve It as the lSab bath, m any proper sense of It hat tel m A Western MethodIst pllper speako as follows of a camp m!!etmg recently held at Acton, 10 the State of Indiana

"ThIS meetmg twenty1mIies from Indlllnapohs, em the Indl~n!HJoh5 and Cmomnatl Ratlroadbommenced Thorsday, Augnst 15th, and contmu ed- a httle over a week Over 4000 tICkets were sold by the raIlroad company on the Saboathl The spr mon at 11 A M was by Rev J 1V T M Mullen The meetIng was a most glOriOUS sucoess

Four thou8and five hundred raIl wa.y tICkets sold on Sunday proves the camp' meetmg 'a glonoos suc cess ~ Socl1 a repreaentatlon prove a to ns, that nmther the wnter, nor the editor of the paper pubhshIng the con espondence, can have a very hIgh notion of the sabbatIC character of Sunday

But we hav~ another paragraph pomtmg 10 the same directIOn A correspondent of the Watchman and

Reflector, of Boston, In an account of a VISIt to the camp meeting at Martha 8 VmeyaId, gives 'the lfol lOWIng notICe of the manner 10 WhICh the Sunday 18 spent at that noted camp gronnd

, Sunday' 18 thiS Sunday f Is thIS truly a reltglOus gathenng' Or IS thiS a scene In a forest near 'Pans ~ Cert:unly, away from the speakers stand, WhICh IS In the centre of the grove, no stranger would suspect that thiS IS Snnday , or, If he knew that It was that thIS IS an assemblage under evangehcal contI 01, In one of the New England States Everybody IS enJoYllig SOCIal chats m the cottaO'es " , everybody IS 'hav1Og a good tIme generally as the phrase IS In the densely shaded streets, the ocean IS gay WIth the buntIDg of yachts and steamers that are crowded WIth

and smgmg eXCUrSIOnIsts, shores aud on the mead and frIends are stIOlhn" o

In groop~, the ref.eshment hooths thronged the wharf IS ahve WIth JOVIal people on the watch f01 friends who have Just qeen land ed by the boats and nowhere, look wbere yon WIll, is there tne slIghtest indicatIOn of relIgIOUS observances Of the ten thollSand persons on the

not mOTe than a thousand, most two thousand, are

lconjg:re!gated around the pIeacher s Kv,ery'wliler~Lelse It IS a hoh

I.rla,v-... happy and orderly .as!lemlbliLge of pleasure seekers


have been 155 churches connected WIth the ASBOciattoD, and dormg theIr cODnection. With It they have receIved an aggregate memhershlp by baptlBm of '[)lore thau 22,000 per

The Idea of mak10g a newspaper ",hloh will please everybody IS eutel tamed only by tyros Those who have had experIence In the busInesa,

sons know that the thmg IS 1m pOSSible, lJe,ctQ.ire ANNIVERSARY PROOEEDINGS and that the only way to pursoe the

The Education SOCIety busmess comfoItablyand successfully rhe Seventh day BaptIst Educa IS to caITY out one S owu Ideas, and

tlOn SOCIety convened for Its Twelfth let the CfltlCS CrItiCise Anoual Meetmg, at J,eonardsville, There IS another Idea WhIch be de,llJ.catEld NY, on Sixth day, Sept 13th, 1867, ~yros entertam, namely, that IIUJLllL'"_J of Abraham .... IIUC{HU. at 2 0 clock P M PreSIdent N V to cri,tIClse what other people do, 1m "';;,.AYJ.l i h\in1dre,d dollars were Imme HnllIn the ChaIr lllies ablhty to do a better thIn!! or by IndIViduals In

- to be devoted to the The session was opened With pray do the same thmg bett(1r FlIppant the tower One negro m

er by Geo E Tomliuson cntICs are apt to be poor performers, conthbuted a Silver half On motIOn, the ChaIr appOInted but they seldom findJit out until they

the followmg CommIttees ~re put to domg what they have ex On ~O". a/.o..-N Wardner L A Platts Jpended theIr strength III cuticlsmg

Joshua Clarke Th h 1 On Fonance-E Lyon BenJamm Mn.."<Son E en t ey earn the dIfference be

G Champlirr tween talk10g and domg-a dIffer On Resol I.o.s-O U Whitford W C Whit-

ford, A R Cornwall ence which perhaps one m a thou The Report of the Treasurer was sand of that class has the frankness

presented, and referred to the Audit- to acknowledge when It IS seen • mg CommIttee, as follows Such thoughts were suggested to ELISH\ POTrEn Treasurer us In readmg some of the CritiCIsms

In ccount With S D B EDUC \nON Soc unon a new paper Just 'Started m E.. .... -oOW:HI-~T FUND Jj;

Dr ' the GI eat West, under the title Balunce on hand .. t last Report $1000 00 f T.'h CR 0 e Advance, and .comparmO' th" .....

By cash Invested III U S WIth the ~romISes whICh p~ceded Bonds $200 00

By cllsh Invested In Notes and the advent of the paper That staId Mort:agcs 800 00-1000 00 old MassachllSetts organ, TIle Oongre

Di"TEREST FUND DR. gatwnal1lJt and Recorder speaks dlBap To mterest on Mortgages $84.3 03 I f U B Bonds(llOld)240 00 provIng y 0 its pubhshmg a sel mon

EndowmentNote.50' 69-1080 by Bushnell, and thmks It will be CR

BycashpdAlfredUmvertlity;t149372 under the necessity of eIther adver-\geney & Expen s 40 00 tlsmg t 1 f Pr ntmg 47 00-1580 72 ex enslve y, or 0 raIBmg ItS

ELISI!A POTTER Treasure. slrbscflptiOn prIce The Illdepenrlent

, cOlqsi'llel'able regIOn In the CI V

an Amencan trav­lecelve a newspaper

home The followmg s~,te~ne[lt gIves a full hst of

some of WhICh heen regular commumca­

tioln--tl~at are now mcluded m the way of Hamburg and

" The re'constra:ction acts of are tbe only measures calew,at-,'I

to benefit the people of the i:lo~ltb-ern States All of my acts command of the Uepartment of SISSlppi and L~IB1ana were not

THE FreeWill Baptists appear to be fortunate ID their pUblIShmg Ioter ests Fo~ more than a qoarter of a century, those mterests were III the hande bfone man-Wm Burr-who

The Annual Report of the Corre- declares It to be "not a relIgIOUS pa spondmg Secretary was presented, per The LIberal OI!r!Stlqn, viewIng .and on motIOn, was unallimousiy the new comer from Its peculIar adopted standpo1Ot, says some rather sbarp

The report of the NomInatIng thmgs After mentIOnIng the ,ery

fully endorsed- by Gen Grant, reahty mIght 1:Ie conBldered the CutlOU of Gen Grant S own orders If the first letter wfltten by Gen Grant to PresIdent J ohn80n, r!!gald 109 my removahlbe made known, the people of the ~l1th would be aston­Ished at,~ts radI\ml tone, and when

'Print,arllt ISrP~Uhshed, !the people will ~nd tha~ he ~rMlt) IS radICa, to the oore As lar as radIcalism 111 concerned, Gen, Grint IS more so 'than I am ,

Committee was presented, and adopt- favorable clrcumBtance~ under which ed as follows It started and statIng that probahly

P eso lent-N V Holl no paper ever received so much gra Vtce 1 es de i -Nathan Wardner George d

Greenmao BeoJ Moxson I D Titswortb tUitons a vertrsmg from the press of Ezm Potter I B Crandull,AlfredLewu; T B the coulitry, It contmues Bro vn W A Rogers t

Co respondIng Se~retar!l-Jollllth"n Alleo ' At last our eye~ behold the new Recording Secretary-1ho8 R Willl.'lllls D rectots-B F Laogworthy Clark Rogers prodIgy, WhiCh, to our great dl.ap-

M J Green E A Gl~eo, Leman Andrus John pOIntment, IS merely an OJ dmary A Lao6'Worthy D ~ Stillman E C Green I k Borton IV Millard Ira J Ordway 00 mg quarto WIth a deCidedly

On motIOn, a committee of five cheap aIr, and far less neat and at tractive In appearance than the ~Ieth

was appOInted to deVise measures to om t or TVatchman to say notlimg of aSSIst young men prepaflng for the the LIberal Olms/mn, WIth whICh It mInIstry As such Committee, the cannot be compared for a moment followmg were appOInted J onuthan The articles, too, !Ire commonplace

scarcely worthy of a place In a first' Allen, T R Wtlhams, D E Max class paper The salutatory IS a son, Nathan Waldner, and L C well enough WIshy washy affaIr eVI Rogers Gently mtended to face both ways,

The report of the Fmance Com and conCilIate both wmgs of the tt Orthodox hody by plaYIng fast and

ml ee was rec~ved and adllpted, as loose WIth theologICal lan<puaue lind follows' " 0

Yonr Commlttee woold r.'pectfully report, that they have examined the Treasm cr s Re port and find It correct.

E L'Io~ for Comm ttee

'I he report of the Committee on ResolutIOns was presented, and adopt­ed by Items, as fdllow~, after Temarke by W C WhItford, A R Cornwall, J Allen D E Maxson, A H LeWIS, o U WhItford, G E Thmlmson, and N V Hull

Y01p' Comm ttee on Resolutious would rll­spectfnUy report as follows

1 ReBolrea. That we express our gratitude to our He:wcnly Father for His grnclOUS 10\e manIfested to •• rd our educators and their f nul es and b s fnvOI shown to Out instltu t ons of lcarn DO' the past yenr

2 Re8o/"a Tbat oor mstitntlOns of learn mg huye great cause to be~oDl·.ged by the liber.u contributlODS which our brcthrcn have gIven to \nrd the r endowment, and we hone that th s spm! of liberality may contmue to llcrense among them

a Resol ea Th.~ It ~ the opmion of thIB SOCIety that the ca.use of educatIOn would be advanced by our school. arranglng the time of commenc ng their Fill Term so as to begm nfter the sessIOn of the Conference and thnt the vacation foUGwlng thlS term come dunn~ the holidays 0

4 Resolred That the thanks of thlS Soc ety are due Mrs Ann M R Lyon for her generous dOlUltlOn for the establishment of a dcpru-tment of mdUl!t1ial mechnrues m Alfred Umverslty

5 Reso/r,a That in the death of Prof Woo C Kenyon the cause of educatIOn hns lost one of Its noblest champloUl! and sCience one of her strong pillars and another bas been ndded to the hst of IIIfU"Iyrs to truth and that we de­sire to expI ess to his bereaved Wldow our warmest sympathy III her IllIllction Dnd nssure W that onr prayers shall not c ... e to tLScend m her behalf. 0 U WHITFORD 1


On motion, adjourned to the call of the PreSident, after plllyer by 0 U Whitford


The Education Society met on call of the PreSIdent

Prayer by B F Rogers

Ideas An artICle on the Independe't furlllshes the sweet young man of that shee~ as fine an oppOrtullity for dlsplaymg hIS cfltIcsl powers as he can de. Ire But the most notable thmg m the paper IS the sermon of DI Bushnell It Beems not a httlie BlOgnlar, that a Journal stal ted 10 df­fence of the old PUfltan theolo81, should be obliged to go heyond the hnes of the old school theologIans, and get ItS first dIScourse from one whom the Orthod,ox ~arty of the country trIed a few iyears ago to read ont of theIr ranks for heresy, and whose last great work was conSider ed as the Last Great Woe

ADVERTISING AGENOIES It IS now something like thrrty

years since the establishment of the first AdvertiSing Agency" in thiS conn try At that tIme there wele scarcely eight hundred perIOdICals of all descrIptIOns prInted m the U mted States, while now the number will exoeed four thousand Ad vertlselS have lDcreased and AgenCies been estabhshed m every Important City, and have proved a great assistance to the newspaper press

oot~:~g~:~~~,::~~n~n~d German St.t .. by Bre cent. per 0l',o,ce mail ':¥' cent per

Hru:nbullJ::mni1-'~ cent per ounce.

.~~~~rel~~~b~~~~:~ .Dcnmark hy Bro-ceot per ounce nnd

rrP,;;.;::~~t_q'J~~::::U or cents per • case ID foil to des-

[lUlLUOn, c')/rii)iul.llitiil:-:Ii;~ between fhe Urut­Hamburg and the ~ambu..g'£o ~

and In severalmstances I have Writ ten t~ hIm askm~ him 'to modify the PLAINFIELD COLLEGE -We are re mstructlons sent me...as bemg too ex- quested to stllte, (says the Plamfield trame to SUIt the occaSIon for whICh N J Umon of Sept 25th,) that they were 1Otended. PRElllllMS -We hav:a of ted

• ./ Trustees of the College for Young d ..-- Ld ared why the ma1tflrs of the cel!l~;+"'. THE CORNER SrONE of a new Pub f'" les have made an engauement b d • .. rate Estell OoUage Organs

hc School House was laid at Plaln_ With MISS ElVIra Kenyon,.as Instruc d d h ~ a vertISe to t e people their field, N J, on Monday, Sept 16tb, tress of the Day Scbool, whICh WIll f b ent pmes, 0 WhiOh they have by Dr C H Stillman, Secretary of e opened at thIS College, late Ophele d lift

S celve over y F.or lostance, the Board of Trustees, m the pre emmary, on Monday, Sept 30th Gold Medal- was A"",,;','MI sence of the ~chool officers, teachers, MISS K'enyon WIll m~truct pupils m yea.r hy the N Y 400 pupils, ar.d others A glass Jar, all tlie Enghsh. branches, Latm and first premlDm by tbe N hermetICally sealed, contamIng the German, and Will have all needed as tural Soclety~ and at the d sISta t th d lubltion of the Vermont

atly paEers of the date, The Plam n SIne preparatory an otber..j T h T where there was a large

field UnIOn, a copy of the School Laws e Ultlon III Eng ¢ay from the most noted ~1~~;~~'( of New Jersey and Instructions branches andLatm, we learn, Will tlle Umted States, who thereto, a copy of-the law aUl,nOrlZ!IDI)!' ,I be from $12 to $18 per term, Ger the gronnd severely, the the Issoe of honds by the man, --French, Drawmg and MOSIC, gans came off VIctoriOUS, recieiv;DI! bhnk bond of $500, the report of be extra the hIghest premiums In tbe

I the sOCiety the I DistrIct <f,lerk to the County . ' Supkmntcndenr. of Sept 1st, 1867, a PANACEAS FOR PAlER MONEY are hst of the trustees and teachers, the gettmg to be plenty The latest Isno course Jf study adopted lD-the hced m the New York ',IIer:alrl of tutlon i,ogether With so_[ne~'Bp~lcirne[IS 28th, whlc~sayS that a of fractIonal currency, was financ;al plan has been ;submitted to pOSIted ~n the caVity prepared tbe SedretarY ofJhe Treasury, whIch th T meets the approval of finanCiers lD

e purpose he buddmg will Nelllj York, by which specie payments completed before April 1st, and Will can ne resumed m live ,ears, national be a credIt to the town The cou- bank notes to be retIred m mnety tract puce IS $~1,000 day~ greenback~ bemg substituted

GOlDEN WEDDING -The fiftieth anmversary of the marnage of Rev Dr Daffield of DetrOIt :was cele brated recenJ;)y iAmong the more vllnable of th~ presents was that contubuted by ~he fau)Ily, 109 of a watch cha~n composed of thirty two gold medals, each repre eentmg a member of tiite famIly, and engraved WIth the name, date of birth, mamage and de'th, (If mali­ned and deceased,) of $e person represented, the thr~e gl:meratlons bemg indicated by the size of tli~ medals That of the cQngregallOn, whose pastor he haa been for nearly thirty year~_ conSIsted of $520 1D

gold COin, ruclosed 10 a glll8s case a J3Iple, upon the c\>vers of whIch were carved the thr.ee texts flom which the reverend father, son, and grandson, preached on the preced mg Snnday, a pair of gold vases a pair of gold flower baskets, a gold' en ormolu clock, pulPIt watch, and nnmerous other artIcles of vertu, con­stltutmg a collection both valuahle aud umque

for commerce, and the West to be prOVided With mnety millions mcreas ed CIrculatIon lD greenbacks and com, and the 10terest on the pubhc debt reduced to three hundred mil hons

LIBERAL BEQUESTS -Abel Adams , who died lately at West Roxbury, l\Ia~s , left property valued at about $400,000 In hiS will he made the follow1Og bequests

To tho Home for Aged Men, 10 Boston, he gives twenty five thous­and doUars

To the Sailors Snng Harbor fif teen thousand dollars '

Manager~ of the Port SOCIety, of Boston, live thollSand dollars

Boston ;Mylum and Farm School five thollSanil dollars '


The ChICago TrI~une IS opposed to prohIbitory hquor laws It says

" Th~ argument wInch holds a farmer or commISSIOn merchant gUIl­ty of moral Cflme for selhng graIn

hops to the dIStIller or brewer, be A NEW RELIGION -A Loniion Un":".,, the latter may make an article

say.s a sm~1ar course of out of it which some other man may

The repolt of the Committee on devIsmg measures to aSSISt young men prepaflng for the mInIStry, was preseoted, and after remarks by J Allen, W C Whitford, G E Tom­hnson, S S GrIswold, Nathan Ward ner, Geo B Utter, A R Cornwall, and W B Gillette, the report was adopted, as follows

It IS estimated that at the present time there are several hundl ed men who make thiS their husmess, but of these .no more thau twenty are known to any conSiderable extent, and hy far the most Important ale two or thlee well known firms In New York City, among which the house ofGeo PRowell & Co, No 40 Park Row, occupies 10 some re­spects the most promment pOSitIOn Although not among the oldest, thIS one, hy the energy and busllless abil Ity WhICh lIJJ.as character1zed 111, has become the anthon zed agent of near­ly every newspaper prInted m the

J UBt been brought to a get drnnk on, l{> not complete, unless I ~!~~ro~:a~:~~;~ prEllinlin:iry,.tclll,nQtbmg less thau the formal we hold DIVIDe PrOVIdence pnmarr- ,I' ha1~C1II6I)'llingly:~

responSible for creatmg soch a

Your Colnmltlee nppomted to report on the subject of JUd for young men preparing for the ministry would present the folloWIDu

1 They wonld recommend the rttsrng of 8 land of ten thousand dollars the iuterest of which sball be devoted exclusively to the above named pnrpose

2 They would nIEo recommend that this fund by some appropriate arrangement be plllCed under the direct control nnd manage­menlof the Genersl Conference

3 fhey would recommend the operung of a SUbSCriptlOD here and DOW, for that purposc


On motioo, jon"atlian Allen, G E TomlInson, Nathan Wardner, and W C Whitford, were appOInted a COlJImlttee to carry mto effect the recommendatIon of the above report

On motion, It was voted that, ~mce the Repoh of DeRoyter Iostltute did not re/¥lh the CorrespondlDg Se­oret3rJt In time to be Inserted In hIS report, It be pnnted In coilnectIon With the mInutes of thIs meeting

00 motIon, It was voted, that It 18

Enghsb language m North anlen,cll, l~;~~~~~~!~~, and the amount of theIr tr~lnsao1;ioIll!i-l{ UheYEmn,e exceeds the combmed busmess of many of the older but less enterpns IDg establIshments

At theIr office may be found on file newspapers from eveV sectIOn; from MalDe to CalIforma, and from theIr hooks can be learned the rates for subSCrIption and advertiSIDI)!

The dlstauce of advertisers from the newspaper pohlIShers, as a geoer al thIng, renders It difficult for latter to he correctly mformed of the finanCial rehabllity of therr customers and therefore they usually prefer to rebelve theIr favors through some re­liable advertlsmg agency, WhICh, m consideratIOn of the commiSSIon allowed, assumes all fisk of payment, and does away Wlth the trooble aod expense of 'CollectIng mdi VIdual ac counts

The house named 10 tbls article IS authonzed to contract for 001' paper at oor lowest rates, and we assure customers at a dIStance that w~pre­rer to ~ecel ve orders through them, ratper than to cootract dIrect WIth

of a new religIOn' The of artICles capable 1 ehgl~ IS that of ,wu,uu,- 'H)I~odllCirlg alcohol' \

Com)rIis!liOilii ed a few years ago te, and the lectureriw'al~ M:r. J:l~ic~ard

"8]J"C'llI.l'·q Congreve, follower of ,",omte, IllS religIOn, althoug~ he now taken steps to fou~d a c~liicli,ul With a bUlldmg ancl~~gular Sf','vi'",., Ml' Congreve hal! annonnced chorch WIll shortly be boilt ' ular services lllstItuted fo; prJ)incit-i Ing the new creed, which generate humalllty With other phIlosophy or the ulllverse IS pO!!sitlle. as can be got observatwo and eXJ~erimilnt maJonty stop short .m1~~-l:iOnj!!rEi,e"s doctrme, lI'hlch was own, that the reh~on must conSISt of these e'Jl'''U\,lUC

L w:on'e. and the practice precepts thence d~'lVed

partl~who are unknown to os, no I !!::::e:i1isfiilctory matter how good or responSIble they I: may I-----~~~

A ''LmcoLN TOWEll "-Rev New­man all, one or Ithe most e\(lqueliti I 4ivme m England, and one U~:III,!,~"'~' the t frleads of our GovemmeJIt oO(:3.sio'" •


Mr and Mrs Alfred Avery of R dgefield Conn recently celebrat­ed. the first anmversary of their mar rage bv a paper weddmg Over 200 guests were present The conple were dressed ID paper costumes Mrs A s dress bemg gored and traded and M~ A s SUIt of snuff. colored paper

A dIabolIcal attempt was made re cently tb pOIson the famlll of John Schenck reo d ng at N'1W Haven Some fiend bored holes ill cabbages

n:.f~~~~:~~;:,! glOWillg m the garden of M .! Schenck and filled the holes WIth

The arsenic was discovered m time and analyzed and found to be pOIson

The results of mmmg ope at ons m Cauada as a general rule are saId to be very sat sfactory In ~ome of the dlstncts gt vlni. large profits Wlthm the past fortn ght cons der able quantIties of r~finedl gold have

brought ~o Mdntreal for ship ment to EnglBnd 3jnd the Un ted States

Tbe French government says the L berte has Just ordered 800000 wa stbands each ha:v ng attached to It a small medlcme box The latter w 11 contam whatever IS necessary to give III a rough way a first dressmg

Mrs B T Lee was thrown from I J T Clark of BIBaha Cal has her carr Rge at Plainfield N J on raIsed a chngstone peach a foot In

Saturday evening Sept 21st, by the CIrcumference horses taking frIght and her life was ======:t======= saved (It IS supposed) only by strIking SI'EOIAL NOTlOES on her waterfall

At the A,rrncultural FaIr m MIl I ¢'.il'" IT s vorthy of notp that 1>1 ssrs B D

fi ~d;] bOl k 1 \ & H W Bm th of Boston mannfuctwers

or was a an et made by a 80 "'e" E 0 ~. b t Qf UJ .n..a R c:s G S .a.w.ve cen mos sue dler, who Was SIX yeaTS m domg It I cessful ill tl e sale of the r mst uments in those and who used 6 000 pieces m the localit es where spec al exert ons ha e been makmg and wrought mto It 300 fig made by certam rnauufac nrers who have h.d ures of aUlmals the arrogance I\Ild deception to cln m every lID

Between the 1st and 10th of Oct provementl n reed nstrnmeuts .s the r own the Navy Department IS to sell thIrty which were n opemt on evell before they ex fil e vessels among them the Rhode "ted in tile bus ncs, Never have the A>IER Island 1 217 tons a Side wheel C.A.N ORGAl s been so populO! and the sales so ~teame~ and one of tho fastest and large as at the pres nt t me We have tested b t 'th Ihese nstrnmeuts for a long time und find

es In e country them ill every respect the most satisfactory and B yan Rosbrook who got up a pe fect whlch .e have ever used und we have

gift enterpnse m ChlCal;o about a had practical expenenc. n the use of those or ye:lr ago and drew :lIF the prIzes gans which ill the public pr nls cia m the himself recently adlllJ.Ulstered po son greatest c Icbnty - VI ~IU8 cal Jo rnal

to hiS two ch Idren both of whom have smce d ed

The rece pta of wheat at Milwau kee week before last were 756640 bushels Dur ng the correspondmg week of last year they were 345 765 bushels~NUlnber 1 wheat brought from $1 87 to $1 94 per bushel

e- YEA LY JIlEE NG IN lLu!&\8 - The Yearly Mee ng of the Se¥enth-day Bapt st churches of Kansas and Nebraska wi! be held (Providence pernutting) WIth the Chnreh at Pardee eommcneillg on BlXth day before the second Sabbatb n October Uth day of the month Onr fnends ill Linn Co Yo ore lll< VIted to meet w th us A. A F RA>iDoLPa

U'" W ST R S BALSA OF WILD CHERRY for the cure of Cou he Colds Hoorseness Asth Jll!1o, I~uenz .. Croup Whoop ng Cough Bron

a wound or to stop dysentery whole WIll cost abont 1 500 000

Jamel! Crummy of Corunna Ind whIle dlggmg a weUm hiS garden a short time ago met With a f10wmg vem of OIl at the depth of twenty two feet He has concluded to ae cep~ the SItuatIOn and barrel the oil

chitIs Predispos tion to Censumption &0. &c Jiv;:~f!~" Tbls grent remedy s too well known and" V

.~ossin'lt Buf. box to

heirb,uslrian,d, who was of the

smklllg 8m~1l


senes of expen at lj'ortress Mon

(iJ Laughhn the assassIDatIOn con splratot who dIed a few days ago at Tortugas was the person set to kIll Secretary Stanton and was about the Secretaty s house for an hour before

performmg too mucb good to m:lke t ncees .. y to go nto an clabo ate diSCUSSion of Is men s Suffice t to sov that It stillmamtalns

agamst .··l!lIirt)1-"llrork. to test

~~~~~:~!~~g1~;;;~:lr~ oflarge guns ~ of -prOJectIles

vnll be much more extensive than those of former years

Mr Lmcoln was shot

A}lttle girl of seven years m Pat te~son N J lost her life III a s ngu lar manner a1few days smee A serv ant WlIS playmg With her and threw a qUIlt over her head when the ht tIe gIrl stumbled and fell break ng a blood vessel She lIved five days after thf !fOldent

The whole of the first serles of the 7 ~OS has been funded except about three mhhon dollars and It IS thought that a large portion of th s amount has been lost or de.!!troyed SO that It Will not be presented for payment

The MemphIS- Avalanche tells of :. German who settlM m West Ten nessee In 1863 upon 3: capItal of $200 and good health hired a farm at $600 rent cleared $7000 the first ye~r bought the farm at $10000 and has now become a wealthy laud eil propnetor

The Mayor of New Orleans at the suggest on of mllny CItizens has ra­qU6l!ted the church ~extons not to nng or toll the bells dllrmg the prev

of the ep demIC as t IS calcu to have an nJurIOus effect on who are III With the fever

The St Al bans Messenger says the rliarket on Tuesdav Sppt 24th

act~ve and transactIOns qu te The rul ng prICe was 30 to

<l:':'i:el~ts. bnt a tIP top artIcle IS d fficul~ to find and a few snch to;>ts sofd fOIl 34 to 3" cents Some sahls were made at 14 cents

Tbe seDlor cnmm"l m the French prisons a man named DecarnlD has Just died m the Central J a 1 at Loos near Lille at the advanced age of mnety two year s ThIS venerable

passear, forty five years of life 1U Vianous pnsobs

Five thous:lnd dollars returned by Shendan to the Southern FamIDe Relief Assoc atlOn has been handed over to the Howard ASSOCIatIOn for the reltef of yellow fever sufferers

M s LeWIS of OhIO prepared her husband s dmner WIth strychmne an unexpected VISitor ate It and the re s lit was very unsatisfactory to all but Mr LeWIS

t\. lot 40 feet front and 110 feet deep was sold m ChIcago recently for $120000 or $3 000 per foot the h ghestt pr ce ever paId m that CIty for real estate

Tbe W 0 cester (Mass) 'FIve Cent S"I'Vlngs Bank IS to pay on October 1st an extra diVidend of Ulne per cent on all depOSits that have been m the bank three years

Some fifteen or twenty porcupines were discovered at New Paltz New York a few days smce by a partv who were plCkmg bernes One of the largest was k Hed

.A man m W aShmgton who had been suffe mg from lock Jaw for more than three months was cnred by repeated applIcatIOns of turpen t ne to h s face And neck

It IS stated that an attempt has been made In N !.colalef to assassmate the Emperor oC RUSSia by two men dlsgUlsed as females The matter was bushed up

The freIght depot of the Hartford and New York steamboat company m Ha tford Conn was burned Sept 21st With a large amount of freight Loss ov€r $100 000

ts supremacy m cunno dISeases of the most ~bst n.te character und that all who from tbe ubove -comp .lUls ufter haVIng this remedy se dom have occas on to resort other appl.in.nces to rum e 3. p rfcet res orotion to cu h

r: man!! of I P tiha W ST W "FIE Dl.. N Y Dec 10 1860

)fessrs S W Fo LE.,. So:< Boston G ~e nen -Dunng tl e w nter of 18aS I was

very mneh out of I e.lIb alIlicted w h" severe Cough Pn n n the side and LUD!!8 nnd n gen em! dep es. on of he Ith to such an extent .s g catly to alarm myself and f end. as to the reBult Dunng th s time I t en sevem! bIghly recomuu\nded remedies w th little or no good -.esolt ntid hud concluded to ry the effe t of &

Southern cl nate upon my health b)lt before carrymg this resolution nto effect l was in duced by he urgent 801 c ta Oll of your arrent Yr Huntley to g ve Dr WI,tar s Balsam of Wild Cherry a t a I d d so and to my great Jov.fonnd mmedi e find permanent el ef by the use 6t only one bott e und I am now n as good health as ev I bel eve your one of the best remed es for C01~h8 and all Lnng D ease. no" n nse und COIISci~: I ent OUS '" Fe ommend Lt as such

Yours trnly PETER Sa Prepared by S OTH W Fo L & Bo" 18 Tre­

mont St cct Bas on ~md for sa c by Drngg flts generaIly

fi'" A Pos Tn E C E FOR SCRO tiL

In al ts anifo d fonns J W HOR OR Esq of Parkersburg W .. t

V. wntes 0 Dr Anders In y 3 1800 us fol 10 v~

I boo. 87 Rann ng Ulcers ",ben I commellC ed t.iling yonr lod ne Water and urn now en t ely cured of Scrofu a


18 a. pn c solution of Iod ue Without 0. sol en the most powe ful V ~,liz nl>; Aoent and Re­Btora.t e know n C rculars free

J P D NS ORE Propnetor 36 Dey Street New York

So d bv • 1 druggiSts

Wdham 1I Rlinkln a compos tor III the Troy T meiJ office wh e play mg base ball on Saturday th ew back hIS arm With such force as to beak the bone short off near the shoulder The attendmg phys Clan p onollDoeu It a very slDgular cnse

The Cocheco Manuf8l:!turlllg Com pany of DOVel New Hampsh fe have um ng the last year d vlded one hundred thousand dollars semI annually and returned three h m dred thousand dol~ars of the capi'\;al sto k to the stockholders

SeptImus Crooks a New York merchant d ed a few days smce from conCUSSIOn of the braID caused by a ~al1 on the pa~ ement while mtoxi

In 1839 a SOCIety of seven young men was formed III ClDClnnatl They agreed to have a memonal dmner every year In 1858 the last one celebratod the anmversary WIth SIX

eatcd Eight dIfferent macbmes for dig

gmg potatoes were entered at a re cent competItion for the pnze of £20 m Scothnd

Nme thousand persons were thrown ont of employment by the stoppIng of the great Ironworks at Blaenau ill New South Wales


In ~eount w tli the SEVENTH DAY ,,.1>'1',,,'11

l"m.,t.v cha rs around hIm He IS stIll MIChael Hialey drank a glass of ICe

A mass tempera~e con~entlOn has water m N Jw York the other mght :.DIIl 'I~:~::~~_s~it!:i~;;~~~~~J been held at Leavenwort Kansas while overheated and dIed III conse-

Jle71'~~41"~'~ ResolutlOn~ were passed ommlttmg quence shortly afterward the temperance pe~ple to female suf At Orange N J recently a not frage and to prevent t1:le lepeal of ed pedestrlBn named Coleman wlilk the temperance law last wmter ed se\ en miles m one hout and nine

At R chmond Genl Brown has IS mmutes sued an order-liu:ilctmg the officers of A man who owns property m New tpe Freedmiln s i3ureau m that dlB York city valued at sixty five thouB thct to tum Qv~r to the CIVil authon and dollars was found beggmg m ties all negro paupers w.ho have been the streets of St Loms the other liay

Ire,sidinj;l there smce January 1 1~61 An IlhnOis editor has seen a COIn The wholc number of death~ trom field of seventy five acres m that

fever-m New.or1eans f, om StBte m whIch the stalks avera.ged commepcement ofJthe ravages (If thlrt<;en feet and a half m heIght

disease to SatuMay mormng 22d was 1214 There were A lottery agent lU New Orleans

deaths durmg the forty eight lms sued a manager for brmg ng out

PreVIOUS to 8ep~ 23d a play whICh he claims to be a eov

R L b d ~ f H ert hbel on himself and hlS busmess

osa um ar Wlle 0 enry Wheeler of Staffordv~le Conn re cently made all the a angements for her (uneral' f and t en commItted sUIOlde Sh, had b en marrIed but a Cew month~ was m excellent health and ,.vas onllY mneteen years old

o Laughhn one of the Lmcoln as sassmatlOn consp rators dIed of yel low fever at the Dry Tortugas on Monday September 23d

A movement has been maugerated lU New York, which has for Its ob­Ject the lUSUrmg of lives on tbe co operative prmclple

k. paIr of'horses ran away m Ene Penn the other day and dashed m to a dry goods store smashmg stools

a~;~m~.~~~~Jri~iy,scatteno.g dry goods p' and finally fimshmg mad race Without hurtmg any

IS a sprmg of remarkable Hitl*at:ive powers near Gett.l'sburg, Pa

said to be the only lithia sprmg iQ J~meri(lll, and the New Yo~k Board

Health are about makmg expen · .. hlll"'!," WIth Its waters

Mil waukee WlScon.stn says that "uT~~.~_ farmers Will make more

a Yield of twenty wheat to the acre than

-t.h,.··) ~;)U!1~ :«:1« from one of thirty one bush .;,. ..... 'M •• In 1860

new CIder 1U a state of I ftirlI1<entati(iD exploded 1U a store In

III the other day kuockmg eight or ten feet burstmg

barrel mto fragments and scat-tenDg the contents 1U every direc tlOo.

An accomplIshed young lady dIed recently lU a toWo. near Boston, and her phySICIan says the Ctuse of her death was nndoubtedly hard study at ~liool A young lady In Hart ford Conn daughter of Walter H lJavAlO-s, ilied1lately from the same cause \

the advaneed age of nmety two years, ~i~;j=i~:~t:~J A man. has Just died lU FIance at and fort)' five years of his life have beeD pUeod In pnsOD for crune

Tbere are from 4000 to ,,000 yel low fever patients m New Odeans who req ure unremlttmg attentIOn at thiS I{loment

Charles E Hams dehberately shot hiS only son, aged twenty two years on Fnd!lY mght Sept 21st at Kent, Portage Co Ohio

A colored Jt\dge preSIded for the first tIme on the bench of the FIrst DIstrICt Recorder S Court III New Orleans the other day

The pohtlcal complenon of the present Congress IS reported to be--147"Republtcans to 46 Democrats a Repubhcan gam of one

A man recently dIed 1D the pollce station at Rahway N J who 18 saId to have spent $10000 m rom Wlthm a few ye;us

In the new office of the Phlladel phla Ledger a lady has chhrge of re celvmg all advertIsements brought by women

Four CongregatIOnal mmlsters are elected to the next Legislature of Vermont.

It 18 stated that a negro died 1D

Plaquemme La, recently aged one hundred and thll'ty years

The bead trunmmg, so fashIOnable Just now lS made by girls who are J

paId three cents per )'ard The Quakers ar& about building a

College at DeiJlIIIDe&, :Jowa I

Sl EctAL FUm>

DR To amount of SpecL'll Fuud ns pcr lust report,

Interest on S"peclnl Fund during year ending "et.t.I!Z.

Tolal Cn

By msh prud general fnnd as per orden of Board Balnnce ill hands of Trrer Bept. 12, 186





l' A!rIERWAN <JYCLOP.£DIA A Popular D ction.ry of Genem! Knowledge


• THE OOTOBEB ~, 186'7.

and after a COUrtshIP of but three or change lD thIS case has been very SEARCHING THE SEA. FOil TREASURE fonr mmutes, were mamed. '.Fhe slow he havmg commenced to tum -A company has been orgllnIzed In

name of the young lady 18 now Mrt I when a boy It 1& a rElmarkable fact New York to prosecute the search DIetrich liee HIlda Neenng I that lD most cases of thIS kmd the for £960 000 or $:!L800 000 m Bnt

But the story has not yet reached subjects bear on theIr physlOgno Ish gold saId to !!live been sunk at a flnale The bndegroom IS about mles all tbe features of the full blood Hell Gate lD the BrItISh. fngate forty five years of age ralher pre ed AfrIcan Hussar durmg the revolutIon The possesslDg, and IS well to do ID the I vessel struck on the 25th of Novem world a goods Many years ago he I BIG OONFIDENOE GA1lE ber 1780 on PQrt Rock nearly op mamed hIS first WIfe who went the poslte the upper extremIty of Rau way of all flesh HIS second was WIlham B Berkey of the firm of dall s Islaud carrymg wIth her 70 gIven to the j.lOWIDg bowl so exees Berkey Brothers & Co of Grand Amencan prrsoners aud £960 000 10

slvely andi to castigatIDg her hus Rapids MICh was recently made gold PartIes have been engaged 10

band so fearfully that the lattl'r ob the 1'lctlm of a big confidence game, 'the effort to recover thIS sum as taIDed a divorce The tWIce made- played upon hlmt~y !hree sharpers often as CIrCumstances would per:rut Widower IS now m hiS glory havmg m ChIcago AB e~ ory rons Mr for the past Beventeen years and are as he says an affectIOnate better half. B:rkey;:as seated 110 af h3tel 10 that yet Bangume of success The decks

counterpart of hiS first love of long CI y ~l dn a ~up: 0 d fe apieard of tae frigate have been blown off. ago lU~ we ressed ~nlkivi ua sh ~nhere and nothlDg but the nbs and bottom

A NEW WAR INVENTION A London paper says 'SCientific

inventious are dally mak10g war more difficult In the good old tImes for IDstance a beSieger always felt cer tam that by takIDg ordmary precau tIOns he conld defy a garrISon to pre vent him flOm drawmg the first par allel and openmg trenches The en gmeers marked ont the ground the workmg party phed pICk and spade m Bllence under the VigIlant eyes of the saopers, not a light was vlSlble

BmoklDg was forbidden The garrison could not Bee and the dawn disclosed the long dark line behmd whioh batterIeB could safely be con

Bnt now InventIOn lias put an en1 to thiS easy mode of at­tack ExperImentB at ChathalJl have sho.n that an electriC light backed

ol~~:l:~~:~~id bl~t,~~~~~~by a powerful reflector illummes a d a Wide Bpace three hundred aud fifty

yardB from the defences dlscloBmg I· QVQrv man while the bnlliant glare n"lu,,<~ the fOltreBB InVIBlble Oon Bequently guns and even rifles at that distance could play on the as Badaots and drive them away The deVice of the beSieged however can be uBed by their opponentB but If two electrIC lights be opposed to each o~her then objects at the POIDts where they are fixed become m VISI bl\! while right and left of the lights both parties ate exp~sed to view It IS assumed that the advantageB re maIO WIth the defenders because they can and their assailants cannot protect the Il\umlDatIOn But the reasOlllng IB not conclusive Bmce ordnance for breachmg purposes IS now effective at rlJDges f81 beyond the reach of the new apparatus The IDventlOn will be Isefnl 10 close at­tacks espeCially agamst stormmg partleB but nothmg ex-cept actnal

nrl)hahhi'l warfare can be an adeq nate test of valle Night Blgnals by meanB

of lights are destIDed to be exten slvely used and furthet experiments

highly deBl able Tbe lesson I ta.ngl~t IS that mechan cal appliances on serve to la se the demand for BtrategICal abilIty

;. OOmrON PARMER I am only a common or plam farm

er I cultivate but about fifty acres of land and much of the labor IB performed bv my own hands mclud IDg the regular attendance at market My land IS g~od-I made It BO WIth out buymg any manure I keep horses enough to do the work and cows ar.d pigs mnch more numerous than any of my neighbors 10 propor twn to the amouut of land I cultl vate every foot of Boil I can Bnd It IS done 10 the best manner I have a good Blzed garden stocked With a little of every lhIDg mcludmg all

';A~R-R-i-IN"-G'"'-IN'-HA----':'-ST--'-E- &c small frmts I have my orchal d

au .. commence .a lUg lU 10 ear of the wreck DOW remarn Opera lUg about the amount of money they tlOns have been carried on only at had made by theIr lead mmeB that lUtervals durIDg the Bnmmer the they had 10 a short time accumulat- otrong current and the great de th-ed more capItal than they could BUC 80 " et- t " th th p

f II II I 1e 10 er1enng WI e move cess u y use 10 BO Bma a p ace as ments of the d rB N t t ChICago and so on Mr Berkey Ive ego la IODB like many other men bemg on the atore PJlo ntdmg thwlth aodlkvltnhg cAomtuPany

d f c n mue e w I 18 1 mn lookont for a goo opeDIng was 0 A few soverel nB of the rei n of course deeply 10terested lD the con George III a~d other cuno~ltles versatlOn whICh waB undoubtedly 10 have been recovcred from the wreck tended for hiS ears ana finally made That the $4 800 000 was lost m the the acquamtance .of those nch stran Hussat the company have been as gerB and they took a walk together Bured by offiCial InformatIOn obta ned and m theIr walk they met a man- from the War Office 10 England and a Btool pigeon for the sharpers-who they are generally confident of the wanted to know' of the owners of early reailzatlOn of theIr hopes .... the nch lead mIDe If they had con cluded to take hiS offer of $80 000 for the mIDe and they told hun no they had concluded not to sell that It-the mlOe-was qUite good enough property for them to hold Sharper No two then made another offer, lOcreaslDg the amount to $90 000 but It was useless the own ers would not sell ThlB talk waB of course made for Mr Berkey s earB aOlllt had the deSIred effect He was very anxIOUS to purchase an lnterest 10 thIB great reservOIr of wealth After a little shrewd con verBatlOn and skillful manUluvlemg the wealthy lead mme speculators concluded to Bell theIr new made fnend and acquamtance Mr Berkey a tenth mterest 10 their emboweled bank for $10000 The offer was greedJly accepted and the bargam closed by the pnrchaser s drawIDg a check on hiS house here for $6000 payable on Sight and glvmg a check for the remammg $4000 payable ID thirty days It IS Bald that the sharp ers got the money on the firot check and sold the othel one real zmg handsomely

A NEW GUNBOAT Capt ETlcsso~ has lOvented a boat

whICh he calls the man momtor and whICh can be propelled by either steam or man power He has made a contract to buIld several of theBe boats for the Swedish government and one of the number haB been so far completed that several successful expenments have been made With the machIDery

Each boat IS one hundred and three feet long tWllIlty feet Wide and seven feet draft and one hun dred and forty tons burthen The turret IS nmeteen feet long and twetve Wide plated With 7 lOch armor The boats will carry ooe 15 mch gun The engIDes are twenty horBe power ana With the boiler and Bhaftlng weigh eight tons

THE LIFE OF A NEWSPAPER MAN -For the IDformatlOn of thoBe mdl vldualB who foohshly Imagme that the life of a newspaper man IS a par adISe on eanh and fraught With un told pleasures and prIvileges we AGAINST EARLY BURI give the followmg Bketch of the du Bellows wntIDg from tleB of thlB unfortunate IDdlvidual says that 10 the cemetery concern1Og whom such a wrong 1m arranged pression eXIBts It IS taken from and shrubs to Mr Hunt s volnme on the Fourth the dead are at once car Estate bemg laid out, and there

The man who once becomes a I pJlace!Q, beds each With a bell pull Journahst must almost bid farewell to so wltli the hand that the mental leisure If he fulfills hlB du least of the supposed corpse ties trnthfully h s attentIOn must be on reViving must arouse the attend ever awake to what IS passmg 10 the ant and br10g IIlstant attentIon world and Ius whole m10d must be thIS humane precautIOn has devoted to the IIlstant exam natIOn yet been ~ewarded With a and diSCUSSion and record of current upon ~ts watchfulness Once events He has little tIme for lite ever 10 a case where the decea~ed rary labors on hiS shOUlders He had died of dropBY the subSidence has no days to spend on catalogues of w~ter cBnsed a fat! of the atm­or 10 dreamy dlscnrsl ve research the bell rang 8I1d the attendant who eB 10 public libraries He has no had 'IYatched for vears for tbe 1I0und months to devote to the exhaustion was 80 frIghtened that he ran of anyone theme What he has to from bls post and alarmed the nClgh deal With must be taken up at a mo bors iWho after some time rallied ment s notice be examlDed tested aud discovered thecause of the alarm aDd dismissed at once, and thus hiS ThiS method of guardmg agalDBt mmd IB ever kept occupied With the premature burial IS qUIte common on mental neceBslty of the world s pass the conlment bnt he thmkB It not 109 hour worth adoptmg 10 America-though

we commonly bury m Ich too early for decency


surance m the Uluted States IS car rled on qUite extenBlvely A report from all the compamcs engaged 10

thiS buslDeso Bhows that 352 131 poh c es have been Issued upon whICh the amount lOBured IS $9-6431 560 whiis' the total aBsets of the com panIes are $112 211 --I The amonnt of aCCIdent and casualty'lOsurance 10 the country IS $219 lal,64a on 81 G4.i poliCies, whIlst the total asaets of the companIes IS $2 551 462 '.I/.he total of hfe aCCident and ca8ual1oy 10 Burance ID the U mted States IS tbus $1 19a 583 905 on 433 7-5 pohcles wh 1st the total assets of the com pan es engaged ID the busmess IS $114603 '>33

A 10 New York compels all c>ars the CIty of Brooklyn to be horse cars, bitt on the Coney Island railroad the law IS evaded by haVIng a horse ahead a verItable

BIX'&V-I~orse n,[)w.!r. and AU

ed be the'a:!:~an~IU!i~~I~:::!.d;C!.!~~~~B~ Bleep but shonld men be to the Ureatorilor bles~mg of sleep one of most pressmg necesBltieB of onr nature and a most lOestlmable blessing of the Deity

The Citizens near Hamburg Tenn hal e a CUriosity 10 the shape of the earth burnIDg where a pond formerly Blood It was set on fire by. the burnIng of brnsh and baB bUrned down nearly twelve IDehes WItli10 ten days

The decree of the Kmg of Italy orderB that a medalshaU be struck 10 bronze Silver and gold to be confer red on such persons as shall han rendered Blgnal serVICeB dunng the prevaleoclf of cholera or any. other grave epidemiC

A few familIes IDcrease for a few generatIOns very rapidly and me 10 lDfinencl: becauBe they form a Bnpe nor stock untt! Bome habit Or vice or pecuhanty of employment or dlB­pOSItIOn lDJures the race and renders them lOfenor and then they decllOe

When Jubal Early heard that Lee had surre::J.dered he collapsed mto the corner of hiS ambulance and meekly remarked Well Gabriel blow your hom

Tbe petrified body of a woman was dug up at Albany recently It was as white and nearly as sohd as marble The body had been butled Beventeen years

Fall RlVer manD.factures eighty five thonsand two hundred miles of prmtlDg clothi! yearly consummg forty etglit thouBand one hundred bale~ of cotton

A New York melCnant B(;t fire to hiS own store to get the lOsurance was arrested and commItted BlUmd'e to get out of 1;he scrape

apples pearB etc and make con Many are the storIes that have been slderable money out of It beSide BUP­

told of rapid courtships, whereby two plylDg all our wants I find that hearta have been brought to a reallZ well tIlled land havIDg preVIOusly atIOn of lov.e m but ~ few hJ)nrs been put In a high Btate of cultlva tupe, Improbable tales too, have tlOn Will produce not only tWICe been related of queer matches, con bnt thrIce as mnch as moderately stltUted by that eccentric little god good land moderately worked Cnpld, and were It not that trnth Commencmg m a very Bmall way IS stranger ~han fictIon the most -goIDg 10 debt for nearly the whole creanlons cdUld scarcely belilJve them place--I have Bucceeded 10 payIDg Chicago boasts now of the best off the entIre debt bmldmg a new time on record m the matrimolllal barD repamng the houBe and add Ime, the foundation for whloh IS a mg generally to the appearance and atrangll and almost mconcenably value of the Improvements I have shon courtBhlp and marriage money on mterest I pay cash

As each boat can carry but four days supply of coal and as Sweden has to depend upon other natlonB for her coal It IS desirable for her to obtalD a formIdable gunboat that can navigate the shallow bays of the shores of Sweden WIthout usmg steam power In war the boats are to be propelled to the scene of. en gagemedt by man power but dW'mg an actIOn Bteam Will he used leav mg the men at liberty to work the gunB

~1ANUEACTI:RED FRUIT -We are told by a foreign Journal that plDe apples made from turmpB are deli cons The turnips are satursted With an ~pproprlate syrup whICh confectIOners know very well how to manufactnre If pmeapples why not oranges figs grapeB Loug Island watermelons Bartlett pears and New town plppIDS , Let some mgemous l' ankee IDvent a ruta bags lathe by meanB of whIch he can workphat succulent vegetable 1nto the [forms of vanous frUits then let him ~tur ate them With the proper Byrups, aud the thing IS done But of course snch a wonderful discovery will not rest here nor WIll the JUices of frUIts be the only ones employed We look forward to the time when the ~avory Bteak the dehcate cutlet the damty chICken the hospitable turkey and the generous Jomt, shall all be Blmulated m the proteau turmp whICh Bhall form the staple of every dlDner literally from the egg to the ap

Th~ newest substitute for the AN INlIlAN S SPEECH -In a r~cent wordB died of delIrIum tremens

Indl!ln conf~rence a Ponca chief. are- he expired because of artlfi named The WhIp IS reported to CIal eXCItement

There came over from Germany for everythIDg I buy We live as several months ago, a yaung girl Be well as there IS any deSire on the cllmpamed by a man named Her part of my family My wife IS not mann The ImpecuDlQsltyofthelat- overworked We have all the lelB ter callSed the purse or the lasSie to ure tIme Wished for We keep sllft'er 8Omewhat, 88 she pwd h18 fare Sabbath We dp unto others as

was to marry her;but faded to do Wish them to do to us-are ready August 26th, sbe< mstlt+t- perform a neighborly act at all

ag:ainst hIm for the recQv~ry ""'me.. Our chlidren are beIDg well monlev. ij(luc~Lted.

hal! been accomplished by

1~:~~I~~t~r~~l~:r~l"~~vYgto my own affairs V: not myself unnecessa nly With the of my neighbors or Idlmg away time at shops stores and tavernB~as IS too mnch the case yet In thiS r glon and cnUclsIDg the conduct of thera who are not mem bers of thesEI congregatIOns,

I mention these things, not 10 tlie way of boast-for there IS 10 them nothlDg to warrant Jbollstmg-but Simply to show how easy a n'tatter It IS to get along If. With a reaBon able degree of good health and ab­sence from 1111 that IDtoXllJates we

properJly and dIligently the time has given to ns and the purpose of en

cooragrng others, espeulally young men about to commence farmIng on their own accoont to do the best tli ey can A ~enslble th~ifty uay Wife who IS wdhng to do ncr whole duty IS one of the malO ~pnngB to start wlth-a barbmger of snccess WIth which few have been equalJy bleBsed as your frIend aniJ reader -Cor Ckrmdntown Telegrap1i.

NEGIIOES TmuuNG WmTE.-The Norfolk Day Book reports tijat there lire 10 thlilt City a dozen negroe'J who are turnmg w.hite That paper says

'It takes jJnany years for the change to pas" entirely over the per

and while It IS so passlDg the Bul~j~!t presents the most slDgular

In maqy c~ses revol 109 specta Imagmable There IS one negro In thIS City, bearIng the unml8-

il"table:fiiat:ilrElli of the AfrlclJD whose wbose face IS as

The machmery IB worked by twen ty fonr men sIttmg on opposite seats who work a brake Similar to that of a hand l'ngme It IS estimated that the gunboat can make fifty or BIXty miles a day m thiS manner Ex penments on the firBt of the man mODltors at the Delamater Iron works have gIVen mnch satisfactIOn The total cost Will be ahout $20 000 for each boat.-N YEven ng Post

A WESTERN ROMANOE The Courier published at Musca­

tme Iowa relates a Btory of one John Hughes who reSided at Aledo 10 that neIghborhood at the com mencement of the late war and who entered the army after bemg only a week ma'\TIed 'to a young lady to whom he had been lonng attached He fellmto the hands of the enemy dunng the Red River expedition and was Bent to Tyler Texas where m conBequence of hard treatment he became IDsane MeantIme news went home that he had been killed and hlB regiment muster roll bore ont the rumor HIS yonng brIde mourned for him nearly two yearB when on the advIce of her parents and friends she accepted the hand of another and mamed him last De cember Her firBt husband was dIS charged from the aBIJlum restored agam to hIS reason and so soon as he~ould accumnlate the necessary means he started for home Arrl vmg at the nearest nver town to Aledo he fell 10 wltb a man from that place and wlthont l',IlaklOg himself known Boon learned the condI~Ion of affaIrs at home Grieved beyond expres Sion he thought Over the SItuation and finally determlDed like Enoch Arden to leave hiS whilom Wife and her new founel love to themselves Followmg ont the resolve he went np mto Tama Connty where he had distant relatives lIvmg The deme to hear from h18 old home became at laBt so absorbtng that; under an as Bnmed name he s\lbscrlbed to the Village paper Last month be saw an annonncement of the death of hiS Wife s second hnsband together With a par~apli sympatblzIDg With the bereaved WIdow and glVlng an ac count of hiB own melancholy: death as Illnstratlve of the hardness of her lot Knowmg that hiS wife was l!gaID ffee he forgot whatever resent mont! 'e might bave felt over her secozjd mamage, and on Saturday J.a8t lie put lD his appearance m per 80n The meetIDg was undoubted ly: a bppy one, as a few days after ward the conple were Been on the war to TallJ18, lpokiDg 88 loving as bnde and groom could be

have Bald I would like to talk pIes - ¥: } TI nes

AD, ERTISING IN GREAT BI rrAIN­The Scottllih A ner can Journal BayB

Views Barefqoted or th~ Tour three lor four hours to excite of Europe for $181 10 Gre!ln~kks p ty My Great Father when 1 h m told me to behave myself. and IS the remarkabl~ tItle of' a cture gave me a piece ofland and told mil recently gIvEln 10 San FranCISCO

The Bntlsh people advertIse far more extensIvely than careless observ erB on thiS Bide of the AtlantIC have any notIOn of. It IB a vulgar con ceptlOn With many here we know that thiS IS the great conntry for ad vertlslng and yet those who have conBtant access to the leading home Journals know how absurdly mlstak

to work on It and t!1ke care of It I Dr James Jackson an rc9lJ1lDent have no tools ttl work With and I Am~Ican physICla,., died at Boston can t scratch the ground With my MasSI. on the evenIng of Ang 27th hands I don t know what kmd of 10 the 90th year of hIS age God Almighty we ha"'e got-wheth 1;n ImmenBe woolen factory 18 go er he WIU make UB poor or rich 109 up at Independence Mo you can help me I beheve 10 Three stolled.railway carnages are moons from now I can get a bemg 1Otroducea 10 France

en people are who enteTtam that ODDS AND ENDS Idea Take the London daily and The entne cotton crop of the lJ O1t


weekly press-take Manchester ed StateB for the year ending Augnst Liverpool Glasgow Dubhn Edm 31 last,: IS stated by the Charleston burgh and we venture to say, for (S C) CouMer at I 962291 bales one advertlBer 10 such Cities as New whICh IS a decrease of 181 72;) when York Phdadelphl;l, Boston Baitl compared With that of 1866 The more and even ChICago (wblch IS crop of Sea Island cotton the best advertIsed place on the con 43 430 bales TI e Btock retilainirlgl tIDent) there are at leaBt three ad on hand at the .hlppmg ports at vel'j;lsers 10 the British Cities named Bame date was 71 143 hales being a The Liverpool Post the Mauchester large decreaBe m comparison With Exam ncr the EdlOburg Scotsman, the any prevIOUS year The rIce crop of Manchester GuardIan the Glasgow} the States of Sonth Carohna and I ~;~~f.~r~r Herald Bhow even a greater diffe'l' Georg13 dtmng the past year ence than thlB taklllg populatIOn 10 3;:. 080 tlerces to account New York Itself IS far A 1 behlDd St LOUIS ClDclDnatl Chlca new calmant to ChIcagO real

o PIttsburg and Buffalo 10 thIS estate recently turned np m Mercer

~espect / ~~~:!;edIlI~;~sed ?:!~ ~:c~J:~~ many years ago, and sold It for a few hundred dollars contrary to the Wish of his WIfe who refused to SIgn deed and never did The best Dart of the olty now stands upon the prop ertt, Mrs Jack therefore II now the owner of a dower !Dterest 10 one hnndred and sixty acreS!D the very hoort of Chicago It It Bald that parties have already made overtures for the iPurchase of her claim

How BOAT RACERS ARE TRAINED _ The Ward brotherB who won the boat race at Spnngfield recently went through a severe trammg for that contest. For Beveral weekB they ate lean mutton and heef. careful al ways to aVOid fat had no pepper spICeB or any condiments 10 theIr food Bnd only a little salt abjured vlOegal and all other aCIds as well as tobacco 10 every form draok little water at then meals or at any other time and no strong liquors; except occaBIOnally a httle Scotch ale or clar et took exerClBe sYBtematically With an espeCial reference to lOcreaslOg their muscular power and! ImprovlOg theIr wIlld .Bnd after every exer CISe were p(!rSIstenlJ!. robbed down as a well-attended horse wonld be ThlS diSCiplIne had at­taIDed snch complete l'esnlts, thatlthe brothers were able to row SIX miles With scarceIv a qUlckenmg of the pulse

How WIVES .ARE GOT ON THE PA CIFIC COAST -Do you know how WIves are procnred 10 Washm~n Tentory , While m San FranCISCO a man called at my office and showed me a letter from a friend of hIS 10

Seattle "feIatl ve to some husmess whIch reqUIred my attentIOn At the end was a little postscnpt, as fol lows When you come back to Seattle feteh me up a good woman for a Wife Yon know the Ii:md I want, one amUlble IDtellIgent, and virtuous. I will marry b,er, and take good care of her I happened to

The,London Cou t Journal announc­es that women may vote under the ReforlD . Bill whloh has become tlje law ofJEngland It says tbe. act of 1850 for sho~Dlng the language uBed III Acts of Parliament ppvldeB tbat m all acts wordB Importljig the masculIne gender shall be deemed and taken to lDclnde femllles &c unleBs the contrary IS expressly pro vlded Now the Reform Bill has not ex~ressed tbe contrary and there fore wOmen are Slife to vote if they like

Charles Dickens wntes I notice that about once III every Beven years I become the Victim of a paragraph disease It breatB ont 10 England travels to India by the overland ronte gets to AmerICa by the Cunard line Bt~lkeB the base of the RocKy Monntl\lOs and rebouudmg back to Europe, mOBtly perlsheB on the step­pes of RUBBIS from 1Oamtlon and ex treme qold

It has been demonstrated medical congress that trd)erl~\lll'r oon­snmptI6n 18 coDtagIons,

healthy aud aaln~~u~lfec~:tei!d~t~:::'::~~~il not to SIMp t<






NEW YORK. AdDJlls--,Dr C D Potter Alfred-Charles D Lnngworthy .J Alfred Cenler-lL J Green, N V ttull BrooktieId_R chard Stlllmn\j Berhn-J Byron Whltford; Ceres-WID. B Maxson DeRuyter-Barton G Stmmon Genesee-E R CrnndnJI Hounafleld-Benj:unln Manon Independence-John P Livennore LeoIlllrdsville-Asa M West Nile-Ezekiel R OIKke Portville-Ai B Crandall, Ii: I Maxson l'ol:lDd-Abel Stillman. Peterslmrgll-'-lhmllton Clnrke Rlchbu'!lh-J ohn B Cottrell State Bt;idge-Joeeph West I Scott-Byron L Barber South llrooklield-HelmMl A Hull. Yeron~'Thomas Perry I W$ou-D P Will ams WellsVIll~barles Rowlev West Edmeaton-Ephralm Maxson.


Mystic Br dge-George-Greemuau WaterCord-Ollver Mano 1,


1st Hopkinton-Alfred B Burg ck 2d Hopkinton-B S Gnswold Rockv Ie-Chapman Matteson


M.rlboro-J C Bowen New Market-oJ)LCob R TItsworth Plamfleld-tsoa" S Dunn Shiloh-Walter:a Gillette


Dnndnlf-D B 'Kenyon Hebron--'Geo W Stillman Venango-JameB R wh

vmoINL&.. Lost Creek-Wm Kenned)' New Mllton-J F Randolph.


Alblon-J ashua CJarte; Berlln-Dat1is E LewI& Dakote.-Oscar BabcOCk. Edgerton-Henry W Stilinwi. Millon-Jos. GoOdrich, W G Hamilton Utlea-L Coon Weat MUton"'-JlIIIles Pierce Wslworth-Howell W Randolph

ILL ~OIS Fanna--L M Cotll ell West Hallock-Truman Saunders

IOWA Welton-Lewis A DaVIS


Freeborn-DaVId P Curt S New ~ubnrn-Z W Burdick Trenton-Joel C West Was ola-Henry B Lewil!

KA SAS Pnrdee-A A. F Randolph.

NEBRASKA ~ong Branch-J asb"" G BalJcock


on recCIpt of 10 Cents DR E B FOOTE

lAutnql oC Medicnl Common Ilense ) ~e>ington Ave cor 28th Street,

New York





been. olil ram I)' nurse Cor the po.t


of the above oent by rpall or eIprell to part of the fIf1.~N Addrees

COB Potier mn. a. I