Translation provided by the EC-ASEAN Intellectual Property Rights Co-operation Programme (ECAP II) MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT ___________________________ 10TCN PROFESSIONAL STANDARD 10 TCN 747:2006 GRAPEVINE - TEST GUIDELINES TO CONDUCT OF DISTINCTNESS, UNIFORMITY AND STABILITY Grapevine Varieties - Procedure to Conduct Tests for Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability of Varieties HANOI - 2006

Transcript of 10TCN PROFESSIONAL STANDARD 10 TCN 747:2006...

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10 TCN 747:2006



Grapevine Varieties - Procedure to Conduct Tests for Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability of Varieties

HANOI - 2006

Prepared by:

The National Center for Evaluation and Seed Certification (NCVESC)

According to thereof:

Department of Science and Technology

Submission for approving by:

Department of Science and Technology

Approved by:

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD)

Decision No: 2930 QD/BNN-KHCN on October 10th 2006 of the Minister

of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

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Grapevine Varieties - Test guidelines to Conduct of the Test for

Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability

(Attached by Decision No: 2930 QD/BNN-KHCN on October 10th 2006 of the Minister of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.)

1. Subject and scope for application 1.1 This Guidelines stipulated the principles, contents and methods for testing of distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS Test) for all new varieties of the Grapevine (Vitis L.) those are vegetative propagated varieties and including the varieties for grafting. 1.2. This Guidelines apply to all new varieties of the grapevine those registered to examine of DUS Growing Test for Protection Certificate as well as for registering to the National List. 2. Definitions In this Guideline, the following terminologies shall be understood as below: 2.1. Candidate Variety: is new variety of grapevine which registered for DUS Growing Test. 2.2. Example Variety: is a variety which is used for a standard of an expression status for a certain characteristic. 2.3. Similar Variety: Is a variety in the same group but there are many characteristics are similar with candidate variety. 2.4. Material standard sample: is a sample of a variety which has all characteristics same as the description has been recognized by authorization office. 2.5. Typical characteristics: are genetic characteristics those remain unchanged by environment or after repeated propagation and its can be recognized and descript exactly. 2.6. Off - type plant: is a plant which is distinguished with a candidate variety in at least one or some typical characteristics are used in DUS Test. 3. Material required for DUS Growing Test 3.1. Candidate Variety

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3.1.1 Minimum quantity of the seedlings which breeder must send to DUS Test agency for DUS Growing Test is 15 plants with enough roots. For the varieties are sensitive to Phyloxera vastatrix, its buds should be grafted on the plants of the varieties which are not sensitive to Phyloxera vastatrix those chosen by DUS Test Agency. In case of necessary, DUS Test Agency can request applicant sent buds enough to graft 15 plants. The seedlings are sent to DUS Test agency can be planted in pots. The material sent by in vitro must get the acceptance of DUS Test agency before submission. Seedlings for DUS Testing must be healthy, not infected by any important diseases and worms. 3.1.2 Seedlings are sent to DUS Test Agency should not have undergone any treatment which would affect the expression of the characteristics of the variety unless the competent authorities allow or request such treatment. If it has been treated, full details of the treatment must be given. 3.1.3 Duration for sending material: follow stipulations of DUS Test agency. 3.2. Similar varieties 3.2.1. The applicant can propose similar varieties and state the differences between candidate and similar varieties in registration for DUS Test. DUS Test agency will consider to the registration of applicant for selection of the variety for reference. 3.2.2. Reference variety will be taken from the material of the DUS Test agency. In case of necessary DUS Test agency may request applicant supply material for reference. In this case, Applicant have to be responsible for the supplied material. Quantity and quality of the material of reference variety same as stipulated in column 3.1 4. Grouping of the variety for DUS Growing Test Varieties in DUS Test will be grouped by the purpose of using and the following characteristics: 4.1 Purpose of using:

(a) The variety for production of fruit (b) The variety is not for production of fruit.

4.2 Grouping characteristics: (a) Young shoot: open of the tip (Characteristic No 3) (b) Flower: Sexual organs (Characteristic No 15) (c) Fully developed leaf: Number of lobes (Char. No 20) (d) Fully developed leaf: arrangement of lobes of petiole sinus (Char.

No 23)

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(e) Time of beginning of berry ripening. (the varieties for production of fruit only) (Char. No 32)

(f) Fruit: Shape in longitudinal section (Characteristic No 37) (g) Fruit: Color of skin (with out bloom on the skin) (Characteristic No

38) (h) Fruit: Anthocyanin of flesh (Char. No 41) (i) Fruit: Special Taste and flavour (Char. No 44) (j) Fruit: Formation of the seed (Char. No 45)

5. Designed methods for DUS Growing Test 5.1. Testing duration The DUS Growing Test must be conducted in at least two growing circles in the same conditions. 5.2. Number of Testing place The DUS Growing Test should normally be conducted at one place. If there is any characteristic of the variety which is relevant to the examination of DUS Test cannot be observed at that place, the variety may be tested at an additional place for special purpose. 5.3. Arrangement of the DUS Growing Test Minimum number of plant in the Growing Test for each variety is 15 plants with out replication. Guidelines to grow grapevine of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development will be applied for other normal technical measures. 6. Description table 6.1. Description table for the varieties of grapevine will be used for assessment of distinctness, uniformity and stability. Asterisked characteristics (*) will be used for testing of all varieties and they are always exist in the description table except when the state of expression of a preceding characteristic or regional environmental conditions render this inappropriate. Expression status of the characteristic is given by nodes. Symbol (+) is given for the characteristic which is further explanations or illustrates at annex 1. Type for observation of characteristic as following: - MG - Single measurement of a group of plants or parts of plants. - MS - Measurement of a number of individual plants or parts of plants. - VG - Visual assessment by a single observation of a group of plants or parts of plants.

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- VS - Visual assessment by a single observation of a group of plans or parts of plants. Growth stages are the best convenience for the assessment of characteristics stated by numerical in column 2. Those growth stages are further explained in Annex 2. 7. Assessment methods 7.1. For Distinctness Distinctness is determined by the clear differences of each characteristic between candidate variety and reference variety. VG characteristics: Candidate variety and reference variety is considered difference when there is certain characteristics express in 2 clear difference status based on the limit distance which stipulated in this Guidelines. VS and MS characteristics: The significant differences between candidate and reference variety will be based on the value of the Least Significant Distance (LSD) at an acceptance probability of at least 95%. MG characteristics: Will be considered as VG or VS and MS depend on the certain case. 7.2. To examine of the Uniformity Number of off - type plants per total of the plants on the experiment is major method for examining of the uniformity of candidate variety. A population standard for maximum of off - type plants is 1% for an acceptance probability of at least 95% should be applied. In case of a sample size is 15 plants, 1 off – type plants are allowed. 7.3 For the assessment of Stability: The Stability of candidate varieties will be examined by indirect methods through uniformity and distinctness. 7.4. Distinctness of the variety is examined by observations or measures on whole plants of the experiment or 10 consecutive plants in the middle of bed or parts of those 10 plants. 7.5. The methods for examination of Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability of variety are applied follow “General Introduction to the examination of Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability and the development of Harmonized Descriptions of New Varieties of Plant” (UPOV-TG/1/3) and other relevant documents of International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV).

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8. Report for the result of DUS Test DUS Test agency must finish report of DUS Test not later than 60 days after DUS growing test finish.


Order Characteristics Growth

Stage Expression status Example

Variety Node

1 (*) MG

Time of bud burst (varieties for fruit production only) (50% of bud on 50% of plants)

07 - 09 Very early Early Medium Late Very late

1 3 5 7 9

2 (*) (+) VG

Young shoot: Openness of tip

53 - 69 Close Slightly open Half open Open broadly Completely open

1 2 3 4 5

3 (*) (+) VS

Young shoot: Density of prostrate hairs on tip

53 - 69 Absent or very sparse Sparse Medium Dense Very dense

1 3 5 7 9

4 (*) (+) VS

Young shoot: Anthocyanin coloration of hair on the tip

53 - 69 Absent or very weak Weak Medium Strong Very strong

1 3 5 7 9

5 (+) VS

Young shoot: Density of erect hairs on tip

53 - 69 Absent or very sparse Sparse Medium Dense Very dense

1 3 5 7 9

6 (*) (+) VG

Young leaf: Color of upper side of blade

53 - 69 Yellow green Green with anthocyanin spots Light bronze red Dark bronze red Wine red

1 2 3 4 5

7 (+) VS

Young leaf: Density of prostrate hairs between main veins on lower side of blade

53 - 69 Absent or very sparse Sparse Medium Dense Very dense

1 3 5 7 9

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8 (+) VS

Young leaf: Density of erect hairs on main veins on lower side of blade

53 - 69 Absent or very sparse Sparse Medium Dense Very dense

1 3 5 7 9

9 (+) VG

Shoot: Attitude (Before tying)

60 - 69 Erect Semi - erect Horizontal Semi - dropping Dropping

1 3 5 7 9

10 (+) VG

Shoot: Color of internodes

60 - 69 Completely green Green with red stripes Completely Red

1 2 3

11 (+) VG

Shoot: Color of node (the varieties not for fruit production)

60 - 69 Green Red purple green Red

1 2 3

12 VS

Shoot: Density of erect hair on the internodes

60 - 69 Absent or very sparse Sparse Medium Dense Very dense

1 3 5 7 9

13 (+)VS

Shoot: Number of consecutive tendrils

60 - 73 Less than 3 More than 3 or 3

1 2

14 MS

Shoot: Length of tendrils

60 - 69 Very short Short Medium Long Very long

1 3 5 7 9

15 (*) (+) VS

Flower: Sexual organs 61 - 68 Fully developed stamens and no gynoecium Fully developed Stamens and reduced gynoecium Fully developed for both of stamens and gynoecium Refluxed stamen and fully developed gynoecium

1 2 3 4

16 (*) MS

Fully developed leaves: Blade size

75 - 81 Very small Small Medium Big Very big

1 3 5 7 9

17 (+) VG

Fully developed leaf: Shape of blade

75 - 81 Cordate Deltoid Pentagonal Orbicular Reniform

1 2 3 4 5

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18 (+) VG

Fully developed leaf: Profile in cross section

75 - 81 Flat V shape Involute Revolute Undulation

1 2 3 4 5

19 VS

Fully developed leaf: Blistering on upper side of blade

75 - 81 Absent or very few Few Medium Many Very many

1 3 5 7 9

20 (*) (+) VG

Fully developed leaf: Number of lobes

75 - 81 Absent 3 5 7 More than 7

1 2 3 4 5

21 (+) VG

Fully developed leaf: Depth of upper lateral sinus

75 - 81 Very shallow Shallow Medium Deep Very deep

1 3 5 7 9

22 (+) VG

Fully developed leaf: arrangement of lobes of upper lateral sinus

75 - 81 Open Closed Slightly overlapped Strongly overlapped

1 2 3 4

23 (*) (+) VG

Fully developed leaf: arrangement of lobes of petiole sinus

75 - 81 Very wide open Wide open Half open Slightly open Closed Slightly overlapped Slightly - overlapped Half Overlapped Strong overlapped

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 24 (+) VG

Fully developed leaf: Petiole sinus limited by veins

75 - 81 Absent Present 9

25 (*) (+)

MS - Fully developed leaf: Length of serratulation

75 - 81 Short Medium Long

3 5 7

26 (*) (+)

MS - Fully developed leaf: Ratio of length / width of serratulation

75 - 81 Very small Small Medium Big Very big

1 3 5 7 9

27 (*) (+)

VG - Fully developed leaf: Shape of serratulation

75 - 81 Concave in 2 sides Both sides straight Convex in 2 sides Concave in 1 side and other convex Mixture of both sides

1 2 3 4 5

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straight, concave and convex

28 (*)

VS - Fully developed leaf: Anthocyanin coloration of main veins on upper side of blade

75 - 81 Absent or very weak Weak Medium Strong Very strong

1 3 5 7 9

29 (*)

VS - Fully developed leaf: Density of prostrate hairs between main veins on lower side of blade

75 - 81 Absent or very sparse Sparse Medium Dense Very dense

1 3 5 7 9

30 (*)

VS - Fully developed leaf: Density of erect hair on main veins on lower side of blade

75 - 81 Absent or very sparse Sparse Medium Dense Very dense

1 3 5 7 9


VG - Fully developed leaf: Length of petiole compare to middle veins

75 - 81 Much shorter Slightly shorter Same length Slightly longer Much longer

1 2 3 4 5

32 (*) (+)

VG - Fruit: Time of beginning of berry ripening.

81 Very early Early Medium Late Very late

1 3 5 7 9

33 (*)

VG - Bunch: size (peduncle excluded)

89 Very small Small Medium Big Very big

1 3 5 7 9

34 (*) (+) VG

VG - Bunch - density 89 Very loose Loose Medium Dense Very dense

1 3 5 7 9

35 (*)

MS - Fruit: Bunch - Length of peduncle

89 Very short Short Medium Long Very long

1 3 5 7 9

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36 (*)

MS - Fruit: Size 89 Very small Small Medium Big Very big

1 3 5 7 9

37 (*) (+)

VG - Fruit: Shape in longitudinal section

89 Oblong Eliptic Broad eliptic Circular Oblate Ovate Broad ovate Obovate Horn shape

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

38 (*)

VG - Fruit: Color of skin (with out bloom)

89 Green yellow Pink Red Red grey Dark red Black green

1 2 3 4 5 6

39 VG - Fruit: Remove out of pedicel

89 Difficult Easy Very easy

1 2 3

40 VG - Fruit: Thickness of skin

89 Thin Medium Thick

3 5 7

41 (*)

VS - Fruit: Anthocyanin coloration of flesh

89 Absent or very weak Weak Medium Strong Very strong

1 3 5 7 9


VG - Fruit: Firmness of flesh

89 Soft Slightly firm Very firm

1 2 3


VG - Fruit: Juiciness of flesh

89 Absent or very weak Weak Strong

1 2 3

44 (*)

VG - Fruit: Special flavour and taste

89 Absent Wine Sour Herbaceous Other

1 2 3 4 5

45 (*)

VG - Fruit: Formation of seed

89 Absent Rudimentary Completely

1 2 3

46 VG - Woody Branch: Main color (With out of bloom)

91 - 100 Yellow Yellowish brown Dark brown Reddish brown Violet

1 2 3 4 5

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47 (+)

VG - Woody Branch: relief of surface

91 - 100 Smooth Ribbed Striate Edged

1 2 3 4


Bui Ba Bong

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Annex 1


- Characteristic No 2 to 5: Young shoot: tip (part in squares to be observed)

1 3 5

Close Semi - open Fully open

- Characteristic No 3, 4 and 5: Young shoot: Density of prostrate hairs on the tip (3) and Anthocyanin coloration of prostate hairs on the tip (4) and density of erect hairs on the tip (5)

Wide open or completely open of the tip (Characteristic No 2) is observed when 2 first distal unfolded leaves. Leaves of closed, slightly open or half open tips to be unfolded to enable observation on corresponding part of tip.

- Characteristic No 6: Young leaf, color of upper side of blade

Observation on first 2 distal unfolded leaves in case of closed, slightly open or half open tips (Characteristic No 2). In case of the tip is broad open or completely open, the observation must be observed on 4 first opened leaf.

- Characteristics No 7 and 8: Young leaf, density of hairs between midribs on lower side of blade.

Observe on outer second opened leaf if the tip closed, slightly open or semi - open (Characteristic No 2). In case of the tip is broad open or completely open: Observe outer fourth opened leaf.

- Characteristic No 9: Tip: Attitude (Before tight to supporter)

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Erect Semi - erect Horizontal

Semi - drooping Drooping

- Characteristic from 10 to 13: Shoot: dorsal side / Ventral side

Shoot: cross section

Dorsal side (well illuminated)

Axillary shoot

Winter bud

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ventral side (With out of sunlight directly)

- Characteristic No 13: Shoot: Number of consecutive tendrils

Less than 3 3 or more than 3

- Characteristic No 15: Flower, sexual organs

Fully developed stamens, Fully developed stamen, And no gynoecium and reduced gynoecium

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Fully developed Stamens Reflexed stamens and fully and fully developed gynoecium developed gynoecium

- Characteristic No 17: Fully developed leaf: Shape of blade

Cordate Deltoid

Pentagonal Orbicular

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- Characteristic No 18: Fully developed leaf: Profile in Cross section


V Shaped




- Characteristic No 20: Fully developed leaf, Number of lobes

Lobe is a part of leaf which is between 2 sinuses of the leaf. Sinus is formed by a clear interruption of teeth on the leaf margin.

- Characteristic No 21 and 22: Fully developed leaf, upper lateral sinuses

A sinus results from a clear interruption of teeth on the leaf margin. The upper lateral sinuses are situated between the middle vein and the next lateral main vein

- Characteristic No 22: Fully developed leaf: arrangement of lobes of upper lateral sinuses.

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Open Closed

Slightly overlapped Strongly overlapped

- Characteristic No 23: Arrangement of lobes of petiole sinus

Very wide open Wide open Half open

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Slightly open Closed Slightly overlapped

Half overlapped Strongly overlapped Very strongly overlapped

- Characteristic No 24: Fully developed leaf: Petiole sinuses limited by veins

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- Characteristics No 25 to 27: Fully developed leaf: Teeth

All observations should be made between lateral main veins on the teeth of secondary veins.

- Characteristic No 27: Fully developed leaf: Shape of teeth

Both side concave Both side straight

Both sides convex One side concave, one side convex

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Mixture of both sides straight and both sides convex

- Characteristic No 32: Time of berry ripening (For varieties to produce fruit only) (about 50% of berry start getting soft).

- Characteristic No 34: Bunch: Density

1. Berries in grouped formation, many visible pedicels

3. Single berries, some pedicels visible

5. Densely distributed berries, pedicels not visible, berries movable

7. Berries not readily movable

9. Berries pressed out shape

- Characteristic No 37: Berry: Longitudinal section shape

Oblong Eliptic Broad eliptic

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Circular Oblate Ovate

Obtuse ovate Obovate Horn shape

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- Characteristic No 47: Woody branch: Relief of surface

Smooth Ribbed Striate Edged

Annex 2: Encoding and description table of characteristics of varieties

of grapevine

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Principal growth

stage 0 Sprouting

00 Dormancy: winter buds pointed to rounded, bright or dark brown according to cultivar, bud scales more or less closed according to cultivar

01 Beginning of bud swelling: buds begin to expand inside the bud scales

03 End of bud swelling: buds swollen, but not green 05 “Wool stage”: brown wool clearly visible 07 Beginning of bud burst: green shoot tips just visible 09 Bud burst: green shoot tips clearly visible Principal growth stage 1

Leaf development

11 First leaf unfolded and spread away from shoot 12 Two leaves unfolded 13 Three leaves unfolded 14 Four leaves unfolded 15 Five leaves unfolded 16 Six leaves unfolded 19 Nine or more leaves unfolded Principal growth stage 5

Inflorescence emergence

53 Inflorescences clearly visible 55 Inflorescences swelling, flowers closely pressed together 57 Inflorescences fully developed, flowers separating Principal growth stage 6


60 First flower hood detached from the receptacle 61 Beginning of flowering: 10% of flower hoods fallen 63 Early flowering: 30% of flower hoods fallen 65 Full flowering: 50% of flower hoods fallen 68 80% of flower hood fallen 69 End of flowering Principal growth stage 7

Development of fruits

71 Fruit set: young fruits begin to swell, remains of flowers lost

73 Berries groat-sized, bunches begin to hang 75 Berries pea-sized, bunches hang 77 Beginning of berry touch 79 Berry touch completed

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Principal growth stage 8

Ripening of berries

81 Beginning of ripening: berries begin to brighten in color 83 Berries brightening in color 85 Softening of berries 89 Berries ripe for harvest Principal growth stage 9


91 After harvest: end of wood maturation 92 Beginning of leaf discoloration 93 Beginning of leaf-fall 95 50% of leaves fallen 97 End of leaf-fall 99 Post-harvest treatments

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GRAPEVINE 1. Species: (Vitis L.) 2. Variety: 3. Applicant - Full name: - Address: - Telephone: / FAX / E.mail: 4. Name and address of breeders 1. 2. 3. 5. Origin and breeding methods 5.1- Origin a) Un - known for parent lines: b) Origin of parents

- Female: - Male:

c) Open pollinated variety (State of the seed from which female) d) Mutation (origin variety) e) Discover / Development (Time and locations) 5.2- Propagated methods

a) By branch b) In vitro c) Other (in detail)

5.3 - Virus tolerances a) Female plant (of the variety): - Not infect all kinds of virus has known (Which kind of virus) - Has checked virus (State kind of virus is checked) - Does'nt know any information on the status of virus b) Female plant is used for grafting (in case of grafting): - Not infect all kinds of virus has known (Which kind of virus) - Has checked virus (State kind of virus is checked) - Does'nt know any information on the status of virus c) Other information 6 - The variety has been protecting or releasing in oversea - Country date / Month / Year - Country date / Month / Year

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7. Some characteristics of the variety (Grouping variety)


Characteristics Growth

stage Expression status Example variety

Node (*)

7.1 (*) (+)

Young shoot: Openness of tip (Char. No 2)

53 - 69 Close Slightly open Half open Open broadly Completely open

1 2 3 4 5

7.2 (*) (+)

Flower: Sexual organs (Characteristic No 15)

61 - 68 Fully developed stamens and no gynoecium Fully developed Stamens and reduced gynoecium Fully developed for both of stamen and gynoecium Reflexed stamen and fully developed gynoecium

1 2 3 4

7.3 (*) (+)

Fully developed leaf: Number of lobes (Characteristic No 20)

75 - 81 Absent 3 5 7 More than 7

1 2 3 4 5

7.4 (*) (+)

Fully developed leaf: arrangement of lobes of petiole sinus (Characteristic No 23)

75 - 81 Very wide open Wide open Half open Slightly open Closed Slightly overlapped Slightly - overlapped Half Overlapped Strong overlapped

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

7.5 (*) (+)

VG - Fruit: Time of beginning of berry ripening (Char. No 32).

81 Very early Early Medium Late Very late

1 3 5 7 9

7.6 (*) (+)

VG - Fruit: Shape in longitudinal section (Characteristic No 37)

89 Oblong Eliptic Broad eliptic Circular Oblate Ovate Broad ovate Obovate Horn shape

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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7.7 (*)

VG - Fruit: Color of skin (with out bloom) (Characteristic No 38)

89 Green yellow Pink Red Red grey Dark red Black green

1 2 3 4 5 6

7.8 (*)

VS - Fruit: Anthocyanin coloration of flesh (Char. No 41)

89 Absent or very weak Weak Medium Strong Very strong

1 3 5 7 9

7.9 (*)

VG - Fruit: Special flavour and taste (Char. No 44)

89 Absent Wine Sour Herbaceous Other

1 2 3 4 5

7.10 (*)

VG - Fruit: Formation of seed (Char. No 45)

89 Absent Rudimentary Completely

1 2 3

Denoted (*) or (+) or number to the correspond box for proper expression status of the variety. 8. Similar varieties and differences between similar variety and candidate variety Similar variety Differences 9. Additional information may distinguishable of the variety

9.1. Tolerances to diseases and worms: 9.2. Other special conditions for carrying out of DUS Test: 9.3. Other:

Date Month 200 (Signature)

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