100mph, Stage 3: Flipping the Switch

Stage Three: Flipping the Switch, Filling & Converting the Funnel


Stage 3 of 100mph's process - Filling & then Converting the Funnel following Brand Identity development in Stage 2 and the Social Insights developed in Stage 1

Transcript of 100mph, Stage 3: Flipping the Switch

Page 1: 100mph, Stage 3: Flipping the Switch

Stage Three: Flipping the Switch, Filling & Converting the Funnel

Page 2: 100mph, Stage 3: Flipping the Switch

amplifies your impact through targeted digital media programs.

We work to identify your audience’s specific demographic (e.g., age, employment, and geographic location) and psychographic (e.g., online

behavior, attitudes and values) tendencies. !

We do not waste ad messaging and dollars on the wrong audience; we will find the people most likely to fit our client’s prospect’s

characteristics, and we will market only to these people. !

Upon engaging them, we “re-target” ads to them throughout their decision cycle, ensuring they see our messaging as they

hit key points along their journey.

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1: Awareness Develop a targeted audience

based on educated assumptions.

3: Acquisition Close the conversion efficiently

with an interested prospect looking to take action.

2: Prospecting Grow the population of the qualified audience

who have shown intent.

The Demand Generation Cycle

New Clients

Targeted Audience

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We start with a focus on efficiently converting prospects actively searching for your product or service.




Desired Audience

New Customers

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Then we layer in targeted media campaigns to attract your specific audiences where research has determined

we’re most likely to find them.


Desired Audience

New Clients

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We target audiences whose behavior suggests that they are in market for your product or service.

Building Awareness


Search data Billions of search engine (e.g., Google) queries help us understand the search terms prospective audiences are using

Browsing behavior Data from the websites hundreds of millions of individuals’ are visiting helps us build the prospect pool

Contextual data Terabytes per day of relevant site visit data helps us identify your audience

Behavioral & historical data Thousands of audience segments with characteristics that fit prospects from key publishers enable us to narrow the target

New Clients

Desired Audience

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Who is ?

We are passionate professionals who left senior-level big agency jobs

to do the work we believe in.

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And why should you choose us?

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Because we care about making a meaningful difference for your business. And we have

the experience, knowledge, agility, and motivation to do it.

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Contact us: [email protected]

Thank you for listening.

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Appendix: Case Study

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Existing websites lacked basic information about a very important topic for our client’s audience.

The need existed for a digital resource “hub” for this audience.

!Providing information to parents could motivate a qualified group

to ask our client for help.

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!ParentsAgainstToxins.org answers questions parents have

about what happened to their children. !

Call to Action

Interactive Toxic Map

Common Toxins &

Birth Defects


Parent Forum

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!The interactive map enables parents to

find all toxic sites in their local area: !

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!Upon realizing that a toxic site might have influenced their child’s birth defect, parents take the next step.

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100mph developed a hyper-targeted marketing campaign which we proved profitable within 30 days of launch.

!We then rolled out 25 targeted campaigns,

optimizing each for performance. !

8-months after launch, program ROI had jumped to 20:1, converted customers had increased by 700%, and

cost per lead had dropped by 62%. !

To date, our program has generated millions of dollars in value for our client.

client spotlight: