1000 faqs on OBIEE.doc

1) What is OLTP? OLTP stands for Online Transaction processing system. 2) What is Normalization? 3) What is primary key and foreign key? 4) What is OLAP? 5) What is denormalization? 6) What is Fact? 7) How will you create Fact table? 8) What is Dimension? 9) How will you create dimension table? 10) What is the Relationship between Fact and Dimension? 11) What is Schema? 12) What are all the different Types data models? 13) What is Star Schema? 14) What is Snowflake Schema? 15) What is the difference between Star and Snowflake Schema? 16) Of above which one is better and why? 17) What is Slowly Changing Dimension (SCD)? 18) What is meant by snapshot? 19) What are the different types in SCD and define? 20) What is granularity of the table? 21) What is meant by surrogate key? 22) What is measure? 23) How to improve the performance in OLAP side?

Transcript of 1000 faqs on OBIEE.doc

Page 1: 1000 faqs on OBIEE.doc

1) What is OLTP? OLTP stands for Online Transaction processing system.

2) What is Normalization?

3) What is primary key and foreign key?

4) What is OLAP?

5) What is denormalization?

6) What is Fact?

7) How will you create Fact table?

8) What is Dimension?

9) How will you create dimension table?

10) What is the Relationship between Fact and Dimension?

11) What is Schema?

12) What are all the different Types data models?

13) What is Star Schema?

14) What is Snowflake Schema?

15) What is the difference between Star and Snowflake Schema?

16) Of above which one is better and why?

17) What is Slowly Changing Dimension (SCD)?

18) What is meant by snapshot?

19) What are the different types in SCD and define?

20) What is granularity of the table?

21) What is meant by surrogate key?

22) What is measure?

23) How to improve the performance in OLAP side?

24) What is meant by aggregation?

25) When we will go for Index and partition?

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26) What is Business Intelligence?

27) What is the prerequisite to install OBIEE?

28) What are the advantages in OBIEE?

29) Do you know how to open OBIEE on UNIX?

30) How would you start and stop services in UNIX?

31) Is it possible to open the OBIEE Admin Tool in UNIX platform?

32) Is it possible to deploy the code (RPD) in UNIX platform?

33) How to run crypto tools in Windows platform?

34) What are the different layers in OBIEE?

35) How do you enable connection pooling?

36) What dimensional modeling?

37) What is the architecture of OBIEE?

38) What is the use of OC4J Container?

39) Is that Mandatory to load OC4J container/Server?

40) In the absence of OC4J server, which is server need to be there to support OBIEE installation?

41) Which file is used to get the BI Web server Information’s?

42) Which file is used to get the BI Admin Server Information’s?

43) Which file handles the default ONLINE repository definition?

44) Where do we specify the current repository name?

45) Where do we specify the current web catalog folder name?

46) What are the different types of servers in OBIEE?

47) What is Standalone server mean’s?

48) What is Integrated Server?

49) What are all the services need to be running to see the reports?

50) Which server is responsible for charts?

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51) Java host server in turns point to which server?

52) What is pre-requisite for the Presentation server to start?

53) What is the default port number for presentation services?

54) Which file tracks all the queries fired by OBIEE against the Database?

55) What are the different types of repository modes?

56) What is Online/Offline Mode?

57) Advantages of opening the rpd file in online mode?

58) What will happen if I kept the RPD file open and start the services?

59) What will happen if I kept the RPD file close and start the services?

60) What are the 3 layers of a repository?

61) What are the different Project Elements?

62) What is Physical Layer?

63) What are all the different components in Physical Layer?

64) What is Database object in Physical layer and what are all the different components in it?

65) What is connection pool?

66) Is it possible to create different connection pools for the same database?

67) Why you create different connection pools for the same database?

68) How would you execute a procedure when OBIEE initially connects to the database?

69) What are all the different options in Connection pool?

70) What is the default number of connections in Connection Pool?

71) What is Physical Table?

72) What is Physical Folder?

73) What is the use of Physical Folder?

74) Is it possible to hide the tables in the list, which are there under physical folder?

75) What is Alias?

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76) When do we go for alias in physical Layer?

77) Can we change the data type of the columns in Physical layer?

78) Can we change the column name/table name in physical layer?

79) What is physical key and physical foreign key in OBIEE?

80) How will we import database table to physical layer?

81) What are the different options available for import?

82) What are all the different connection types in import?

83) When we will use connection of type OCI 10g/11g?

84) When is it recommended to use OCI vs. ODBC when you are dealing with Oracle DB?

85) What are all the different DB objects can be imported?

86) If we are importing from excel what are all the things need to be checked while importing?

87) What is hierarchy relationship in a dimension?Whether it is: 1. 1:12. 1: m3. M: M?

88) What do you do to model a many to many relationship between fact and dimension tables?

89) How do you specify driving tables in OBIEE?

90) Is it possible to have cross database query?

91) What are all the different joins in Physical Layer?

92) What is meant by physical /equiv. join?

93) What is meant by complex join?

94) When we will go for complex join in physical layer?

95) How do you eliminate inter-dimensional circular joins?

96) What is object of type Select?

97) What do you meant by an OPAQUE VIEW in OBIEE?

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98) What is object of type Stored Proc?

99) Can we query tables from different database?

100) What is Business model?

101) Why did we go for complex join in logical layer?

102) What is logical table?

103) What is a source in logical table?

104) Why can’t we create physical tables in business model?

105) What is meant by Logical mapping?

106) What do you do if you have fragmented data in different physical tables?

107) Can we give physical mapping with logical tables?

108) Can we delimit the columns in Logical table?

109) What does a level key signify in Logical Layer for Dimensions?

110) What are the different joins available in general tab of logical table?

111) What is column mapping tab meants in Logical table property?

112) What is all the different option in content tab?

113) What is meant by fragmentation?

114) When we will use the where clause in content tab?

115) Where do you specify if you want a particular FILTER to get executed for all the queries that hit that FACT table?

116) Where to specify the aggregation rule for measure?

117) What is dimension hierarchy?

118) What are the different hierarchy levels for TIME dimension?

119) What is parent level?

120) What is child level?

121) What is shared level at child?

122) How to create dimension hierarchy?

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123) What is meant by chronological key?

124) When we use chronological key?

125) What is meant by time series function?

126) What is the requirement for time series function?

127) Do we need time hierarchies make time series function to work?

128) Is dimension hierarchy alone enough for time series function?

129) What we have to do to enable time series function?

130) What are the different options in time series function?

131) What is meantt by data defined for higher level, not at lower level in dimension hierarchy?

132) How to resolve the “data defined for higher level, not at lower level in dimension hierarchy” this problem?

133) What is meant by “Dim Total” at Dimension hierarchy?

134) How to define the “Dim Total” level at dimension hierarchy?

135) What is flat aggregation?

136) What is meant by slicing and dicing?

137) What is meant by Most Economic Concept?

138) What is meant by aggregate navigation?

139) How do you know which level you have to define aggregates?

140) What is meant by comparison ratio in aggregates?

141) I have two sources for a fact,

a. one is aggregate fact source at high level granularity

b. base source

How I’ll tell to OBIEE to hit the aggregate fact when that particular column is quarried?

142) How to improve the performance in Repository level?

143) How to improve the performance in UI Level?

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144) How to improve the performance of a report?

145) What are the best practices in UI for best performance?

146) How the query does decide whether to point to Logical column or Physical column?

147) What is level based measure?

148) Is it possible to hide the level based measure in repository?

149) What is level based key?

150) What is logical level key?

151) What is meant by preferred drill path?

152) How to define preferred drill path?

153) How to get the row count of each hierarchy?

154) What is use of row count at each level of hierarchy?

155) When two aggregate navigation path seems to be fit for query the database, how will the BI Server decides which one is best fit?

156) What is the use of sort order column?

157) When we use – use logical column as source option of column property?

158) How to create calculated columns in business model using physical layer column value?

159) Can we change the data type of the columns in logical layer?

160) Can we change the column name/table name in logical layer?

161) What is the use of expression builder?

162) What are the options available in expression builder?

163) Can we use two data sources to create one logical Model?

164) Can we create two logical models using one data source?

165) Can we use two logical models to create one presentation Model?

166) Can we create two presentation models using one logical model?

167) What is the use of column alias in Presentation table?

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168) Is that possible to give Table alias in presentation table?

169) In which situation we use to give the table alias?

170) How would you give the representation of a nested folder structure in Presentation Layer? E.g. Presentation Layer Facts when expanded will show all facts for querying

171) How to group the tables?

172) How to sort the columns?

173) Where to give the tool tip for presentation columns?

174) Where do you define Comments to help the user, to explain what the fact or dimension is supposed to do?

175) What is the use of permissions ellipse in presentation column?

176) How to give custom name to presentation columns?

177) How to sort the presentation columns alphabetically?

178) Using rename wizard can we change the entire Presentation catalog format?

179) How to implement the “ago” function?

180) What are all the different options in “ago” function?

181) When we go for “to date” function?

182) What is the use of replace column or table in logical table source?

183) What is the use of Oracle BI Event Pooling Table?

184) What is the use of externalize string?

185) What is the use of update physical Layer?

186) How to document the repository?

187) How to generate the metadata dictionary?

188) How to remove the unused physical objects?

189) What is use of Aggregate Persistence Wizard?

190) What are all the different tabs and its usesage in option menu?

191) Can we hide any of the layers in admin tool?

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192) When will the check in/checkout options will be enabled?

193) When we will use the merge option?

194) How will the merge option work?

195) When we will use the compare option?

196) What is meant by check consistency?

197) Is that possible to check the consistency for all the layers individually?

198) What is check global consistency means?

199) What are all the options in consistency checker window?

200) What are all the different types of security available?

201) What is meant by authorization?

202) What is meant by authentication?

203) What are all the different types of authentication?

204) What is meant by repository authentication?

205) What is meant by external table authentication?

206) What is meant by LDAP authentication?

207) How to Implement LDAP Authentication?

208) Is it possible to implement LDAP implementation in UNIX platform?

209) What is meant by database authentication?

210) What is meant by custom authentication?

211) What is Data level security?

212) How do we implement data level security?

213) How do we implement data level security?

214) What is UI Level security?

215) How do we implement UI level security?

216) What is row level security?

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217) How do we implement row level security?

218) What is column level security?

219) How do we implement column level security?

220) What is the change we need to do in NQS Config.ini to implement column level security?

221) What is a variable?

222) What are the different types of variables?

223) How do you create Variables in OBIEE?

224) What is session variable?

225) What are repository variables?

226) What is the refresh interval in repository variable?

227) What is the difference between the session and repository variable?

228) What are different types of repository variables?

229) What are different types of session variables?

230) What are different types of system session variables?

231) What is special use of USER and PASSWORD variable?

232) What is the use of PORTALPATH?

233) What is meant by PORTALPATH?

234) From where we can get the portal path?

235) Can we give portal path for all users?

236) What is the use of LOGLEVEL?

237) What is the the maximum limit for LOGLEVEL?

238) What is the the minimum limit for LOGLEVEL?

239) Where we specify the logging level?

240) If we give log level=0 what will happen?

241) What is the use of GROUP?

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242) What is the use WEBGROUPS?

243) Difference between User and Group?

244) What is Initialization Blocks?

245) What areall the information need to provided in initialization block?

246) What is edit data source in Initialization Blocks?

247) What is edit data target in Initialization Blocks?

248) What is the use of edit execution precedence in Initialization Blocks?

249) What is the use of row wise initialization?

250) In which situation we will go for row-wise initialization?

251) How to call session variable?

252) How to call repository variable?

253) How to call presentation variable?

254) Can we use variables in expression builder?

255) What is Cache?

256) How to purge the Cache?

257) Is automatic purging of cache is possible?

258) How does OBIEE Query Caching Works?

259) What are the different types of cache purging?

260) What is advantage/disadvantage of cache?

261) How to purge the cache using event pooling table?

262) How to enable event pooling?

263) How to configure event pooling?

264) What is pooling frequency?

265) Where we specify the pooling frequency Time?

266) Can we selectively purge the cache at table level?

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267) How to disable the cache hit?

268) How to disable cache for a particular table?

269) What is the option “joins” means in Admin Tool?

270) When we use the option “Projects” in Admin Tool?

271) What is multi-user Development (MUD) environment?

272) What is the pre-requisites for MUD?

273) How the projects can be Split /taken out from master repository?

274) How would you give the representation of a nested folder structure in Presentation Layer? E.g. Presentation Layer Facts when expanded will show all facts for querying?

275) Do you know about Merging 2 Repositories?

276) When we use the option Marketing?

277) What is use of jobs?

278) What is use of Sessions?

279) What is use of Clusters?

280) How you configure cluster controller?

281) When will the option Cache enabled?

282) When will the option Jobs enabled?

283) When will the option sessions enabled?

284) When will the option Clusters enabled?

285) What are all the services need to be started to see the reports in OBIEE?

286) What is the default port for presentation server?

287) What is Answers?

288) What is a subject area?

289) What are all the options available at the left hand side of answers webpage?

290) What is the use of search in answers webpage?

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291) What is meant by Direct Database Request?

292) How to create direct Request from Answers?

293) What is meant by Catalog?

294) How to create new folders in catalog?

295) What is meant by Dashboard?

296) How to create new Dashboard?

297) How to create new Dashboard page?

298) How to add reports in the dashboard page?

299) What are the different options in dashboard page?

300) What are the default options available for all the dashboard objects?

301) What is the use of section in Dashboard?

302) Is it possible to delete a section?

303) What is the use of column in Dashboard?

304) Is it possible to delete a column?

305) Is it possible to give formatting to the column in Dashboard?

306) What is use of “break” option in Dashboard Column?

307) If we select the “break” option in Dashboard Column, will it break the column in the line or it will give the break after the column?

308) What is behavior of “Column Break” in Dashboard Column?

309) What is behavior of “Page Break with Column Break” in Dashboard Column?

310) What is difference between “Column Break” and “Page Break with Column Break” in Dashboard Column?

311) What is the difference between section and column in Dashboard?

312) What are the Formatting options available in Dashboard section?

313) What is the default format of reports in the section?

314) Is it possible to show the reports horizontally in Dashboard section?

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315) Is it possible to set the permission at Section level in Dashboard?

316) What is meant by Guided Navigation in Dashboard Section?

317) When we use the Guided Navigation option in Dashboard Section?

318) In Guided Navigation what will happen if I check the option “if request return rows”?

319) In Guided Navigation what will happen if I check the option “if request return nothing”?

320) What is the behavior of the report if I check the “Drill in place” option in Dashboard Section?

321) What is the default option set in Dashboard Section?

322) What is meant “Collapsible” in Dashboard Section?

323) What is the behavior of the section if “collapsible” is checked in Dashboard Section?

324) Can we give formatting for the Dashboard Section?

325) Can it be possible to change the report display format in Dashboard?

326) Is it possible to give the report as link in Dashboard?

327) Is it possible to open the report in different window?

328) What is the behavior of the report if I select “Link – within Dashboard”?

329) What is the behavior of the report if I select “Link – in a separate window”?

330) What are the options available in Report Links option in Dashboard report properties?

331) If I give some of the report links to the dashboard report, will the same link follows for the navigation reports?

332) Where we will give the report link option to the navigation reports?

333) Is it possible to give the report link option specifically to the navigational reports?

334) Is it possible to show only selective views in the dashboard?

335) Is it possible to select more than one view at a time in a dashboard page?

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336) Is it possible to directly modify the request from dashboard?

337) What is the use of Modify request in Dashboard properties window?

338) What is the use of Link or image dashboard object?

339) When we use the Link or image object in our dashboard?

340) What type of Link we can give in “Link or Image” option?

341) Is it possible to call a report or a dashboard in “Link or Image” option?

342) Is it possible to call the URL’s in “Link or Image” option?

343) What it meant by Layout in “Link or Image” option?

344) If we give the image path in the “Link or Image” option where it will be displayed?

345) What is the use of “Embedded Content” option in Dashboard?

346) When we use the “Embedded Content” option in our Dashboard?

347) What is difference between “Link or Image” object and “Embedded Content” object?

348) Is it possible to change the size of the “Embedded Content” display area?

349) Will the scroll bar appears by default if the embedded content is bigger than the specified area?

350) Is it possible to disable the scroll bar option in “Embedded Content” option?

351) Is it possible to give the dashboard/report link in “Embedded Content” option?

352) What is the use of “Text” object in dashboard?

353) In which situation we use the “Text” option in dashboard?

354) Can we use the “HTML” coding in the “Text” object?

355) Is it possible to format the text?

356) Is it possible to change the content of the text based on the report (run time change)?

357) What is meant by “Folder” object in Dashboard?

358) When we use the “Folder” option?

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359) Will the “Folder” option display all the folder or only the selected folders?


361) What is the use of refresh display?

362) What is the use of Reload server metadata?

363) What are all the options available in subject area?

364) What is the use of Criteria tab?

365) When will the display results and Remove all options will be showed in the Criteria?

366) What is use of combine with similar request?

367) When combining with similar request what are the different options to combine two requests?

368) What is the default option when we are combining similar requests?

369) While combining similar requests will the custom format column heading given in formula tag of result columns overwrite the default?

370) While combining similar requests will the format tag available in criteria?

371) While combining similar requests will the custom format can we give filter condition in result columns set?

372) What will the “Union all” option do when we are combining similar requests?

373) What will the “Intersect” option do when we are combining similar requests?

374) What will the “Minus” option do when we are combining similar requests?

375) What are all the options available in each column of selection?

376) What are the different options available in column properties?

377) Can we change the default font style in reports?

378) Can we give different colors to each column?

379) Can we give different colors to each row?

380) Where we will give the font style?

381) Where we will give the Background formatting?

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382) Will the background formatting given in one column affect the whole row?

383) Will the background formatting given in one column affect the other columns?

384) Is that possible to show images for the columns?

385) Is that possible to show custom images for the columns?

386) Will it be possible to give different images to each row?

387) Will it be possible to give different images to each column?

388) What is the default alignment of the image along with values?

389) Can we specify left/right alignment of the image along with values?

390) Can we display images alone for the column values?

391) Can we give boarder to each cell individually?

392) Where we will give the boarder specifications?

393) Will it be possible to give top/bottom/side boarders alone?

394) Will it be possible to give one as single line boarder and another as double line boarder?

395) Is that possible to give each side of the boarder different color?

396) In case if the report doesn’t require the in between line/ column or row delimiter is that possible to remove the default table separator?

397) Is that possible to increase the width and height of the cell?

398) Where we can specify the cell formatting?

399) Can we give some spaces in the column along with the values?

400) What is meant by left/right padding?

401) What is meant by top/bottom padding?

402) Can we give left padding and right padding at the same time?

403) Can we give top padding and bottom padding at the same time?

404) If we give width/height specification and padding specification which one will affect?

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405) Can we give different padding for Table heading, column heading and Column values?

406) Can we give custom style format for column formatting?

407) What are options available to save?

408) What will happen if we save “as system wide default for Tablename.Columnname”?

409) What will happen if we save “as system wide default for this data type”?

410) What will happen if we clear cell format?

411) Will it be possible to copy the format given in one column to other columns in the report?

412) Will it be possible to copy the format given in one column of a report to some other report’s columns?

413) Can we change the Table heading and column heading?

414) What are all the different options in value suppression?

415) What is the default display format in value suppression?

416) What is navigation?

417) Is it possible to give more than one navigation in column format tab for each column?

418) What is column heading interaction?

419) What is value interaction?

420) What is use of no interaction?

421) What is the use of write back option in value interaction?

422) Can we hide the column in the report?

423) Is it possible to hide more than one column in a report?

424) Is it possible to display table heading in report?

425) Can we change the font color of table heading?

426) Can we give different font color to column heading?

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427) Is it possible to change the background color of table heading?

428) Can we give different background color to column heading?

429) Can we give different background color for column heading and table heading?

430) Can we give different font style for column heading and table heading?

431) Is it possible to restrict the drill down from higher level to lower level?

432) Can we over Write the default data type?

433) Can we give different currency symbol for currency data type?

434) Can we differentiate the negative value in different ways?

435) Can we give images in data format?

436) Can we use HTML tags in data format?

437) Can we give static text in column?

438) Can we give conditional text in column?

439) Can we give hyperlink to some other webpage’s in column?

440) Can we open the links in different window?

441) Can we invoke mailer service through columns?

442) Can we give highlight some of columns based on condition?

443) Can we give more than one condition for a single column?

444) Can we use different images for each condition?

445) Can we pass variables in conditional formatting?

446) What are the tabs available in Edit column formula tab?

447) What is meant by Bin?

448) What are all the options available in Column formula tab?

449) If we overwrite the Column/Table heading in column formula tab will it overwrite the Column/Table heading in format tab?

450) Can we give table/column heading’s formatting in Formula tab?

451) Is that possible to compare two columns in formula tab to return true or false?

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452) What are all the operations we can do in formula tab?

453) Can we use the selected columns in formula directly?

454) Can we use variables in formula?

455) What is the use of Filter option in Formula tab?

456) Can we apply the formula filter on all the columns?

457) Can we use the functions in formula tab?

458) What are all the functions available in formula tab?

459) Is it possible to force the user to select column in filter?

460) How to force the user to select column in filter?

461) Is there any help available for function syntax to use in formula tab?

462) Can we give more than one filter in formula tab?

463) What is presentation variable?

464) Where to declare the presentation variable?

465) How to access the presentation variable?

466) What is the syntax to access the presentation variable?

467) What is the aggregation rule meant in formula tab?

468) What happen if I give aggregation rule in formula tab?

469) Will the aggregation rule in formula tab overwrite the predefined aggregation rule in UI/Repository?

470) If I want to change the aggregation rule only to the grand total where to specify?

471) Can I give two different aggregation rules each one for values and grand total respectively?

472) If I give aggregation rule “Default” in Formula tab what will happen?

473) If I give aggregation rule “None” in Formula tab what will happen?

474) If I add bins will it overwrite the existing formula in column formula?

475) Which one will have more priority column formula or bin formula?

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476) What is the use of cast function?

477) What is syntax of cast function?

478) How to convert timestamp type to date type in column?

479) Is that possible to add/subtract ---day/month etc. using a date column in reports?

480) Can we substring Month/Year directly from the date column in reports?

481) How to substring Month/Year directly from the date column in reports?

482) What is the use of “Value of” function?

483) When we use the “Value of” function?

484) What is column filter?

485) What is the difference between column filter and formulae filter?

486) Can we use all the comparison operators in column filter?

487) Can we pass variables for comparison in Filter?

488) Can we give SQL expression for comparison in Filter?

489) Can we use column of other report in filter?

490) What is syntax to pass the column of other report in a filter?

491) Can we convert filter into SQL statement?

492) What is the use of clear values option in filter tab?

493) What is the use of “is prompted” option?

494) In which clause of SQL statement the filters apply?

495) Can we give “order by” clause in criteria?

496) In criteria if we select one fact measure with multiple dimensions without any aggregation how many regards will appear?

497) How do you restrict the null values using filter?

498) Is the operator option in filter tab is same for all the data types?

499) Is selection option available in filter tab is same for all the data types?

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500) What is the difference between limited choice and all choice in selection option of filter tab?

501) How to edit predefined filter in criteria tab?

502) How to change the order of the filter condition?

503) Can we copy/past the filter condition?

504) Can we directly edit the formulae of the filter?

505) What is the use of protect filter?

506) Can we reuse the defined filter condition?

507) How to reuse the defined filter condition?

508) Will the defined filter over write the existing filter condition?

509) Is it possible to append the saved filter with the existing filer condtion?

510) How to over write the existing filter condition?

511) Can we edit saved filter directly?

512) Can we apply the contents of the saved filter?

513) What is the default condition when we give more than one condition?

514) Can we change the default condition “AND” to “OR”?

515) How do you group the filter?

516) How do you ungroup the filter?

517) Can we create more than one group in filter?

518) Can we create nested grouping in filter?

519) What is the default layout for reports?

520) What are the views available in default layout?

521) Can we change the title of the report?

522) What will be the default title?

523) What is ‘display saved name’ means in title view?

524) What will happen when we uncheck ‘display saved name’ in title view?

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525) Can we give sub title in report?

526) Can we give different format to title and subtitle?

527) Can we give ‘logos/ images’ in title view?

528) Can we give help link to report?

529) Is that possible to give date/time details in report?

530) Can we give formatting to the title view?

531) Is it possible to format the logo in title view?

532) Is it possible to change the default underline color of the title?

533) What is the default option for date/time display in title view?

534) What is the format to give the logo?

535) Is that possible to import the format from other report?

536) What will happen if we give caption for date/time option in title view?

537) How to add a view?

538) How to delete a view?

539) How to hide the view?

540) How to format the view?

541) How to edit the view?

542) Can we give subtotals by column?

543) Can we give grand total to report?

544) Can we give alternate colors to the rows?

545) How to do dashboard sorting?

546) Can we restrict the number of records per page?

547) Can we show the table title along with column title?

548) What is the default placement of the paging controls?

549) Can we change the default placement of the paging controls?

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550) Can we hide the paging control?

551) Can we hide both table and column headings?

552) Can we change the grand total Text?

553) Can we change the Grand total background color?

554) Can we change the Grand total text color?

555) In which view Display option available?

556) What are the different types of charts is available BI?

557) Is that possible to specify the type of chart in BI?

558) What are the different styles supported in Charts?

559) What will happen if I select more than one column in horizontal selection?

560) What will happen if I select more than one column in vertical selection?

561) Can I show any of the columns as colored values in the right hand side (legend axis) of the chart?

562) Is that possible to show the measure labels at the right (legend axis) of the chart?

563) Is that possible to resize the chat?

564) If we change the selection will it be automatically reflected in chart?

565) For which chart the “Level axis” and “Rader axis” will come?

566) For which char the “Pie axis” will come?

567) For which char the “Overlay axis” will come?

568) What is means by Funnel chart?

569) When we use the Funnel Chart?

570) What is meant by Stage, Actual value and Target value means in Funnel Char?

571) Can we be able to force the funnel chart to have the equal staging width?

572) What happens if I check the option target value for final stage only?

573) What is means by “Factor required to meet target”?

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574) What is the impact of minimum and maximum threshold values in funnel chart?

575) Is it possible to drill down from Funnel char?

576) Is it possible to navigate to another report from funnel chart?

577) Funnel chart is best suited for which situation?

578) How many metrics (minimum) needed to depict funnel chart?

579) What are the options available in General chart options?

580) For which graph the “Measure labels” will be enabled?

581) For which graph the “Advanced Properties” enabled?

582) Is the “Advanced Properties” will be same for all the graphs?

583) What is meant by “General Chart Properties”?

584) What are the options in “General Chart Properties”?

585) Is that possible to give Title to the Chart?

586) Will it be possible to format the Chart Title?

587) What will happen if the enable the Custom Title option in General chart property?

588) Is that possible to change the “data labels”?

589) What is default format for “data labels”?

590) Is that possible to overwrite the data format in pivot view?

591) Can we resize the width and height of the chart?

592) What is meant by “Axis Titles & Labels” option in chart view?

593) What are the different tabs’s available in “Axis Titles & Labels” option?

594) Where it will affect if we change the labels and Titles in “Axis Titles & Labels” option?

595) What is use of “Rotate Labels” option in “Axis Titles & Labels”?

596) What is use of “Abbreviate” option in “Axis Titles & Labels”?

597) What are the default options for Left tab option in “Axis Titles & Labels”?

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598) What are the default options for bottom tab option in “Axis Titles & Labels”?

599) What are the default options for Right tab option in “Axis Titles & Labels”?

600) What is meant by “Axis scaling” Option?

601) What are the different tabs in “Axis scaling”?

602) What is the default option in “Axis scaling” Option?

603) What is meant by “zoom to data range option in “Axis scaling”?

604) Is that possible to specify manually the minimum and maximum data range in “Axis scaling” Option?

605) What meant by “Tick marks” option in “Axis scaling”?

606) What is the use of “Logarithmic scale in “Axis scaling”?

607) Is that possible to edit the scale markers in “Axis scaling”?

608) What are the static and variable values in width position option in “Axis scaling”?

609) Can we pass the variables for scale markers in “Axis scaling”?

610) Can we write SQL query to pass the values to scale markers in “Axis scaling”?

611) Is that possible to specify color in “Axis scaling”?

612) What are the options available in “Additional Charting Options”?

613) What are the different options available for “Grid Lines” in “Additional Charting Options”?

614) What are the different placed positions available for legend tab in “Additional Charting Options”?

615) Is that possible to give “Navigation” from the chart?

616) Will it be possible to “drill down” to the values in chart?

617) What is meant by “Default option” in Interaction tab of “Additional Charting Options”?

618) What will happen if I specify “None” in interaction tab of “Additional Charting Options”?

619) Is that possible to give boarders & colors to the chart?

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620) What are the options available in “Format chart data”?

621) What is means by positional formatting in “Format chart data”?

622) What is means by conditional formatting in “Format chart data”?

623) What will happen if we give conditional formatting based on measure values in “Format chart data”?

624) Is that possible to give conditional formatting for more than one column in “Format chart data”?

625) What will happen if we give conditional formatting for more than one column value in “Format chart data”?

626) What is the effect of “positional formatting” in chart?

627) What is meant by Pivot view?

628) What are the formatting options available in Pivot view?

629) Can we give alternate columns green bar option in Pivot view?

630) Can we able to change the default green color for alternate rows in Pivot view?

631) How the alternate row will be affected in Pivot View?

632) What will happen if we disable the “Show Controls” options in Pivot view?

633) Is it possible to give selector based on particular column in Pivot view?

634) What will happen if I put particular column in section of Pivot view?

635) What will happen if I put particular column in column of Pivot view?

636) What will happen if I put particular column in row of Pivot view?

637) If we don’t have any measure columns will Pivot view show the values?

638) Can we exclude columns of criteria in Pivot view?

639) If the measure doesn’t have any aggregation, will it show the values in Pivot view?

640) How to give the aggregation in Pivot view?

641) Where it will show the page total in Pivot view?

642) Where it will show the section total in Pivot view?

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643) Where it will show the row total in Pivot view?

644) Where it will show the column total in Pivot view?

645) What are the options available in section of Pivot view?

646) Can we change the section –column heading display in Pivot view?

647) Is that possible to show blank rows in Pivot view?

648) What will happen if I say “innermost column” in insert page break option in section properties of Pivot view?

649) What will happen if I say “outermost column” in insert page break option in section properties of Pivot view?

650) What will happen if I say “table. Column” in insert page breaks option in section properties of Pivot view?

651) What will happen if I say “no page break” in insert page break option in section properties of Pivot view?

652) Is that possible to hide a column in Pivot view?

653) What is the difference between “hide” and “Exclude” option in Pivot view?

654) What is the use of “Format heading” option in Pivot view?

655) What is the use of “Format Values” option in Pivot view?

656) Is that possible to create a calculated column in Pivot view?

657) What is use of “duplicate Layer” option in Pivot view?

658) What is use of “remove duplicate” option in Pivot view?

659) What is the use of “remove column” option in Pivot view?

660) How it will show the data if I select “show data as—values” in measure of Pivot view?

661) How it will show the data if I select “show data as—Percent of” in measure of Pivot view?

662) How it will show the data if I select “show data as—Index of” in measure of Pivot view?

663) How the values will be calculated if I select “show data as—Index of/Percent of - Column” in measure of Pivot view?

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664) How the values will be calculated if I select “show data as—Index of /Percent of- row” in measure of Pivot view?

665) How the values will be calculated if I select “show data as—Index of/ Percent of - Column” in measure of Pivot view?

666) How the values will be calculated if I select “show data as—Index of/ Percent of - Section” in measure of Pivot view?

667) How the values will be calculated if I select “show data as—Index of/ Percent of - Page” in measure of Pivot view?

668) How the values will be calculated if I select “show data as—Index of/ Percent of – Column Parent” in measure of Pivot view?

669) How the values will be calculated if I select “show data as—Index of/ Percent of – row parent” in measure of Pivot view?

670) How the values will be calculated if I select “show data as—Index of/ Percent of - Layer by - Column” in measure of Pivot view?

671) Is that possible to give the chart in Pivot view?

672) What is the default position of the chart in Pivot view?

673) Is that possible to show the chart alone in Pivot view?

674) If we are having the column in section/page alone then what is the default position of chart?

675) What will happen if we uncheck the Display results options in Pivot view?

676) If we uncheck the Display results options will it show the results in compound layout?

677) Is that possible to import pivot view formatting from other reports?

678) What is meant by “Gauge” view?

679) When we will use “Gauge” view?

680) Is that possible to give custom color in “Gauge” view?

681) Is that possible to select the arrow type in “Gauge” view?

682) For which column we can apply “Gauge” view?

683) Will the “Gauge” view appear for all the columns?

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684) What are the different types of “Gauge” available in BI?

685) Is that possible to change the “Marker type” in Gauge view?

686) What are the different types of Marker in Gauge view?

687) Is that possible to change the color of the “Marker type” in Gauge view?

688) Is that possible to give background color to Gauge view?

689) Is that possible to resize the Gauge?

690) When will the type option enabled in Gauge view?

691) Is the type option is same for all the types in Gauge view?

692) Is that possible to give the headings /Title to Gauge view?

693) What will be the default title for the Gauge view?

694) Can we change the default display of the legends in Gauge view?

695) What is the difference between background color given in properties tab and custom option of size tab?

696) Can we restrict the number of Gauges per row?

697) Is there any option to define the space between the Gauges?

698) Is there possible to give the horizontal and vertical spacing between Gauges?

699) Is it possible to give more than one measure in gauge view?

700) Is it possible to change the caption in gauge ranges?

701) Is it possible to use variables in gauge ranges?

702) Is it possible to use column names in gauge ranges?

703) Is it possible to use SQL statement in gauge ranges?

704) I s it possible to add more than one measure?

705) Is it possible to give two /more different markers/pointer to the same measure?

706) Can we give different markers to the different measure?

707) For which Gauge ‘Advance tab’ will be invisible?

708) Is it possible to give navigation in Gauge view?

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709) Is it possible to give ‘Drill’ in Gauge view?

710) What is meant by forced navigation?

711) Is it possible to drill from the column value/heading?

712) If drill in a particular column, I need to be taken a detailed analysis, how to achieve this?

713) What is the use of Filter View?

714) How the values will come in Filter view?

715) Is the filter view is static?

716) Will the Filter view applies all the filter conditions in run time?

717) Is it possible to show all the filter conditions given in Answer to be displayed on Filter View?

718) Will the Filter view shows the prompted columns also?

719) What are the views listed under other view option?

720) What is column selector view?

721) How the column selector view will work?

722) Will the selection affect the other column values in column selector?

723) In which situation we use column selector option?

724) If we include all the columns in selection to the same column selector how will it appear?

725) If we select the column in column selector will it automatically refreshes?

726) How to restrict the automatic refreshment in Column selector view?

727) Is it possible to specify label to the column selector?

728) What is the default alignment of the label in column selector?

729) When we use View Selector view?

730) What is the use of View Selector?

731) Is that possible give the caption to view selector?

732) What is the default alignment of the caption in view selector?

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733) Is that possible to select all the available views in view selector?

734) Is it possible to change the order of selection in view selector?

735) Is it possible to change the name of the views in view selector?

736) What is meant by legend view?

737) When we use legend view?

738) Is that possible give the caption to legend view?

739) What is the default alignment of the caption in legend view?

740) Can we restrict the number of legends per line?

741) Is it possible to give the title to legend view?

742) Can we change the order of the legends?

743) Is it possible to import the format from another report to legend view?

744) If we add item to the legend view what is the default text will be in new item added?

745) Is it possible to have custom text with column values in report?

746) When we use Narrative view?

747) What is the use of “prefix” and “postfix” in Narrative view?

748) How the column is referenced in Narrative view?

749) What is the use of “contains HTML Markup” option?

750) What will happen if I check the “contains HTML Markup” option?

751) Is it possible to restrict the number of columns to be displayed in Narrative view?

752) Is it possible to import format from another report in Narrative view?

753) What is the use of static view?

754) Is it possible to have column values along with custom text in static view?

755) Will it be possible to do formatting in static view?

756) Is it possible to do HTML Markup in static view?

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757) Is it possible to import format from another report in static view?

758) What is the use of Ticker View?

759) How the Ticker View works?

760) When we use Ticker view?

761) What it meant by behavior in Ticker view?

762) What is the default behavior in Ticker view?

763) What are the different types of behavior supported in Ticker view?

764) Can we able to change the default behavior in Ticker view?

765) What will happen if we select Scroll option in Ticker Behavior?

766) What will happen if we select Slide option in Ticker Behavior?

767) What will happen if we select Alternate option in Ticker Behavior?

768) What is the default direction of Navigation of the Ticker?

769) Is it possible to change the display are of the Ticker?

770) What is the use of beginning text Ticker view?

771) What is the default format given in beginning text in Ticker view?

772) Is it possible to change the default format in the beginning text in Ticker view?

773) Can we able to restrict the columns selected in criteria to Ticker view?

774) Can we able to change order of selection in Ticker view?

775) What is the use of “Row separator” and Column Separator” Ticker view?

776) What is the default values in “Row and Column Separator” in Ticker view?

777) Is that mandatory to give “Row and Column Separator” in Ticker view?

778) What will happen if we remove the “Row Separator” in Ticker view?

779) What will happen if we remove “Column Separator” in Ticker view?

780) What will happen if we remove the “Ending Text” in Ticker View?

781) Is that possible to restrict the number of loops in Ticker view?

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782) What will happen if we change the scroll amount in Ticker view?

783) What will happen if we change the scroll delay in Ticker view?

784) Is it possible to give the background color to the Ticker?

785) Is it possible to give navigation in Ticker view?

786) Is it possible to give drilldown in Ticker view?

787) How to give Navigation in Ticker view?

788) Is it possible to track mouse movements on Ticker view?

789) Can it be possible to give custom error messages in Reports?

790) What is the use of “No Result view”?

791) Is that we can give custom message only if there is no matching records?

792) Is that possible to give formatting in No results view?

793) What is the difference between “Head line” and “Text” in No results view?

794) Is it possible to show the logical SQL statement in reports?

795) Will it be possible to issue the SQL Statement from the reports?

796) Is it possible to give formatting to the Logical SQL view?

797) What is the use if “Create Segment” and “Create Target” view options?

798) Will these Create Segment” and “Create Target” view options work within OBIEE or we need to implement it in integrated mode?


800) What is meant by prompts?

801) What are different types of prompts?

802) What is the scope of the prompts?

803) What is the default way of display of a prompt?

804) Is that possible to give multi-select option in Prompt?

805) Is it possible to allow the user to enter their interest of selection in Prompt?

806) Is that possible to pick a date option in prompt?

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807) Is that possible to change the data type of a column in prompt?

808) Is it possible to show a part of date option (like Month (), Year () in prompt?

809) How will you create a prompt pointing to default date?

810) How will you create a prompt to show a revenue display current month, previous month, forecast month results in a report?

811) Is it possible to set a variable at prompt value?

812) Is it possible to group the prompts?

813) Is it possible to give prompts in different lines?

814) Is the use formula’s are supported in Prompts?

815) Is it possible to create the prompt in Answers?

816) What is the difference between dashboard prompt and Answers prompt?

817) What is image prompt?

818) Is image prompt is available in both Dashboard and Answers?

819) How to pass the image to image link?

820) Can we access the HTML images image prompt?

821) What are all the different properties for column prompt in Answers?

822) Is that possible to give the display option of the prompt?

823) Can the user select multi-select in Answers prompt?

824) Can we restrict the number of columns to select in Answers prompt?

825) Is that mandatory to select the Answers prompt?

826) Is that possible to skip the Answers prompt?

827) Can we make Answers prompt to be mandatory to select?

828) Is that possible to constrain the prompt?

829) What is the use of constraining of prompt in Answers?

830) Can it be possible to give SQL statement directly for selection in Answers Prompt?

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831) Can it be possible to give more than one column prompt in answers?

832) Can we make a selection of columns in Answers prompt at a time?

833) How the multiple columns in Answers prompt will appear while prompting?

834) How do you make a column drillable if it’s not a dimension hierarchy level?

835) How do you use a column selector to change the dimensions dynamically?

836) How would you handle conditional formats in BI?

837) How do you improve performance in analytics?

838) How to change the query execution plan in UI?

839) What is meant by partition column id?

840) In fact table based on which we create partition column id?

841) If we have the partition column id then, is it necessary to give filter condition for each column based on this?

842) How to call the direct SQL statement in Columns of UI?

843) Tell me about write back option?

844) In a dashboard, in a single page I have four reports, four different views.

If user1 is logging in he has to see only 2 views and

If user2 is logging in he has to see other 2 views

How will u implement?

845) What is delivers in OBIEE?

846) What is Scheduler?

847) What is the use of Scheduler?

848) When we use Scheduler?

849) How to start Scheduler services?

850) What is the default port number for scheduler services?

851) What are pre-requisites to start the Scheduler service?

852) Where we get the scripts for scheduler tables?

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853) What is name of the scheduler tables?

854) Can we rename the scheduler tables?

855) If we rename the scheduler tables, then how will the OBIEE sever understands the tables?

856) Where we will specify the scheduler table names?

857) Where we specify the Scheduler configurations?

858) When will the job option enabled in Admin tool?

859) What are the different options available for Scheduler configuration?

860) Where we will specify the Database connection information for the scheduler tables?

861) Where we can give the Scheduler script path and default script path?

862) What are default maximum connections in scheduler DB?

863) Where we need to specify the number of maximum connections in scheduler DB?

864) Where we can specify the default connection timeout for scheduler DB?

865) What will be the default password for the admin tool when we create a new RPD?

866) Is it possible to change the default password for Admin Tool?

867) If we changed the default password of the repository where we need to specify to make scheduler work?

868) When we use the Secured Socket Layer (SSL) option?

869) What is the use of workflow and Java Extension in scheduler?

870) What is meant by Mail option in Scheduler configuration?

871) What is meant by IBOT?

872) What is meant by IBOT Triggers?

873) In UI where we can find the Delivers option?

874) What are the options available in Delivers first page?

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875) How to create a new IBOTS?

876) Is it possible to edit the IBOTS?

877) What are the different options available in Overview page of IBOTS?

878) What is mean by “Data Visibility” in IBOTS?

879) When will be the option “Run as Administrator” enabled in “Data Visibility”?

880) Is it possible to set the priority to the IBOTS?

881) What is “conditional Request” in IBOTS?

882) How to create Conditional Request in IBOTS?

883) In edit Mode is possible to clear the condition once given?

884) Is it possible to change the conditional report from the IBOTS?

885) What are all the different Option in Schedule page of IBIOT?

886) Is it possible to run the IBOTS immediately?

887) Is it possible to give the start and end dates for deliverables in IBOTS?

888) How will be the Recurrence in IBOTS?

889) What is the default recipient’s option in IBOT?

890) Is it possible to send the deliverables to the groups?

891) Is it possible to send the deliverables to the specific users within the group?

892) Is it possible to send the deliverables Determine recipients from conditional request?

893) What are all the options in Subscription?

894) Is it possible to display the message when no records are returned by the conditional request?

895) What is means by “System Services” and what is the use of it?

896) What is mean by seeding cache?

897) How to pre seed the cache?

898) Is it possible to pre seed the disconnected Applications?

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899) What is Disconnected Application Cache?

900) Is it possible to send the alerts to different devices?

901) What will happen when we enable the “publish for Subscription”?

902) Is that possible to customize the IBOTS?

903) If we check the option “publish for Subscription” where the IBOTS will get saved?

904) By default where the IBOTS will get saved?

905) Is that possible to change current subscribers?

906) What is the use of “SA_SYSTEM”?

907) How to send the alerts to mail using delivers?

908) What is the “Advanced” option means in IBOTS?

909) Is it possible to call one IBOT from other IBOTs?

910) When some of the conditions met is it possible to call other programmes from IBOTS?

911) Is it possible to track options like zero rows returns in IBOT for given condition?

912) If the condition returns zero rows, based on this—is it possible to call other programmes from IBOT?

913) I have one data on Monthly basis and another one at Day basis, and I like to see both the information in same report with filter condition based on between dates. How to get this work?

914) Will between function works for both variable values in filter?

915) What is difference between passing a variable in between function and passing it in direct SQL in filter condition?

916) If I am passing a data as a variable, will it work with the ‘dd/mm/yyyy’ format?

917) What will be the error we will get if we pass the date in ‘dd/mm/yyyy’ format to the date variable?

918) How to pass the value to the date variable?

919) Which date format will be accepted in date variable?

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920) How to call the database functions in reports?

921) What is the syntax of Evaluate function in reports?

922) What is the use of Evaluate function?

923) When we will use the Evaluate Function in reports?

924) Is it possible to pass number variable in Evaluate function from reports?

925) Is it possible to pass direct UI columns to the database function using Evaluate function?

926) Will the evaluate function supports stored procedures?

927) If possible, what is the syntax to call the Stored Procedures in Evaluate function?

928) Is it possible to show values for rolling 12 months in report?

929) How to implement the rolling 12 months scenario in report?

930) Is it possible to implement rolling 12 months in one step?

931) Do we need in-between reports to implement rolling 12 months?

932) What are the pre-requisite to implement the rolling 12 months?

933) Is it possible to implement rolling 12 months without date column in the table?

934) Is it possible to show the rolling 12 months data in Table View?

935) Which we will best suited for rolling 12 months?

936) Is it possible to give grand total at pivot table view?

937) What is the default color for grant total values in pivot view?

938) If I introduce one new column /change the existing column name, then is that mandatory to import them in table again?

939) Is it possible to add columns in the tables in physical layer directly?

940) If I add a column in physical table which is not there in database table, what will happen?

941) Is it possible to rename the physical table name?

942) If we rename the physical table name, what will be the impact?

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943) If I add a column in physical table without importing it from database table, will that show the values in report?

944) How to give the forced navigation selectively for some columns in the report?

945) Is that possible to give the selective forced navigation in the same column where we give column navigation?

946) Is it possible to give the column headings using variables?

947) Is that possible to query directly from Answers?

948) Is it possible to edit the column formats if we use direct database query?

949) If we use the direct database query in Answers, will it follow the predefined security settings?

950) If the date column is given in Timestamp format, then how to convert this as date format in UI?

951) Which one is the best practice—giving aggregation in RPD or in UI reports?

952) When we will give the aggregation in UI Reports?

953) If I am not giving any aggregation for the measure in RPD, but I need to use this measure in my formula, will it be possible?

954) If I am not giving any aggregation for the measure in RPD, will the values be shown in Reports?

955) Is it possible to refresh the reports in dashboard?

956) If I am having more than one report and I likes to selectively refresh one report, is it possible in dashboard?

957) Is it possible to download the BI reports in excel, PowerPoint?

958) What are the different formats supported in report download?

959) Is it possible to print the report directly from dashboard?

960) I am having a fact table with bill date and shift date and having one time dimension table. How do you join these two tables?

961) If two foreign keys pointing to the same primary key then how to give the mapping for these two tables in RPD?

962) Is it possible to hide the dashboard?

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963) Is it possible to hide the dashboard page selectively?

964) How many dashboard pages supported per dashboard?

965) Is it possible to change the setting in my dashboard?

966) Where our personnel modifications more specific to our login id can be saved?

967) Where the UI variable information’s and formatting information’s will be stored?

968) How to merge two rpd?

969) How to merge two webcatalog?

970) Is it possible to merge only the modified data?

971) Is it possible to merge the webcatalog manually?

972) Which tool will help us to merge the webcatalog?

973) If we copy the UI shared folder alone from one webcatlog to another, will it work?

974) Which file is need for the reports to work when we are copying the manual merging of webcatalog?

975) Is it possible to change the order of the dashboard pages?

976) Is it possible to rename the dashboard?

977) While renaming the dashboard, is it required to preserve the old name?

978) While renaming the dashboard, if we are not the checking the preserve old name option, what will happen?

979) Is it possible to move the report from one folder to another?

980) How to move the reports from one folder to another?

981) If the report is in dashboard and I am moving it to another folder, will it show the values in the dashboard?

982) In forced navigation, if we give the wrong path for the report, what will be the error message thrown?

983) If I call more than one report in the forced navigation, how it will be displayed when we click on the value?

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984) Is it possible to change the default login page?

985) Is it possible to customize the login and logout page?

986) Is it possible to change the look and feel of dashboard?

987) Is it possible to change the look and feel of Answers?

988) How to add custom text in the login page?

989) Is it possible to redirect to other webpage from login page?

990) Is it possible to load two presentation servers to a single BI Server?

991) What will happen if I change the style option to Siebel77 in the dashboard property page?

992) If the logical key is there for more than one column in a dimension table, if I pull the values from the higher level, will be aggregated at that level?

993) Where can we find the presentation query?

994) Where can we find the logical query?

995) Is it possible to check the query fired from UI in BI Server?

996) If we met some issues with the server, where can we check for the log?

997) When we are getting the consistency error, is it possible to check what the error and where is it directly from the consistency window?

998) Is it possible to copy the errors and warnings from the consistency window?

999) What is mean by bridge table?

1000) When we create the bridge table?

1001) Is it possible to give the bridge table option in Logical layer?

1002) Is it possible to implement the time series function in the fragmented table?

1003) What are the disadvantages of time series function?

1004) Is it possible to alter the query in “Advanced tab”?

1005) What will happen if we are not cautious while changing the presentation query?

1006) If we change the RPD name in NQSConfig file, what is the next step need to be done to reflect the RPD change in UI?

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1007) Is it mandatory to change the name of the webcatalog, when we change the name of the RPD?

1008) What will happen if we are not changing the catalog name, after changing the RPD name?

1009) Will the older values of the webcatalog are overwritten if we are not changing the catalog name, after the RPD change?

1010) Is the folder names are case sensitive in UI?

1011) Is the UI reports are case sensitive in UI?

1012) If we given one format in the UI prompt without any extra space, but in the report filter if I give with extra space, will it be prompted in the report?

1013) Is it possible to duplicate the reports?

1014) What are the different products are supported from UI?

1015) What are the different options available in settings---Administration?

1016) What is use of manage presentation catalog users and groups?

1017) What are all the things we can do using manage presentation catalog?

1018) How to manage the interactive dashboard?

1019) Is it possible to manage the IBOT session?

1020) Is it possible to manage the user’s privileges?

1021) Is it possible to manage the add-in products from the UI?

1022) What are the different add-in products can be managed from UI?

1023) What is the use of “manage device type?

1024) When we use the option “manage device type?

1025) Is it possible to fire direct query from the setting window to the database?

1026) What is the use of “toggle maintenance mode”

1027) When we will use the “reload files and metadata?

1028) What is the difference of “manage marketing jobs” and “manage marketing defaults”?

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1029) What are the different options available in marketing option?

1030) From where we can get the paging memory space information?

1031) Where we can find the information for “Available virtual address space”?

1032) Where we will information about the “Physical presentation catalog path” in UI?

1033) Where will be the information available about the “Oracle BI server data source”?

1034) Where to specify the personal settings setting required for our login?

1035) What are the different options we can set for our login?

1036) What is mean by group membership?

1037) How to join in a catalog group?

1038) Is it possible to disconnect from a group, once joined?

1039) Is it possible to change the language only to the account window?

1040) Where we need to change the language information, so that it will affect the user interface?

1041) Is it possible to specify the user preferred time zone to the presentation server?

1042) Where we need to set the time zone preferences in U?

1043) How to sort one column, based on another column in Logical layer?