10 steps to effective fat loss pdf

1 2014 Join Juice Plus 10 Steps To Effective Fat Loss


Losing weight is a simple thing, it just takes dedication to doing the right thing on a daily basis. My 10 steps to effective fat loss eBook will help get you started on the right path

Transcript of 10 steps to effective fat loss pdf

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10 Steps To Effective Fat Loss

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14. THE 6:1 RATIO



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10 Steps to Effective Fat Loss


My name is Luke and I have been teaching fat loss techniques for over ten years now and

have learnt the process is actually a simple one. I used to believe it was quite complicated to

understand, but after ten years of experience, you realize it's not complicated at all.

There are so many things that can cause fat gain, too many to go into in this Ebook, but I at

least wanted to give you ten of the ones I find have helped my clients over the years.

Before we get into it, I first want you to understand that none of this is possible if you don't

have the right mindset. If you don't change the way you think of food and realize that there

is a problem in your current diet that is causing this fat gain then all the tips in this Ebook

will have little effect. There are many things that can add fat to your body, but your mindset

is the first thing that that starts the process to get rid of it.

Once you have your mind set to lose weight, you will do whatever it takes to achieve it. But

you must take responsibility that you are the way you are currently because of the choices

you made and until you realize this and make a positive decision to change it, noting will

help. No advice, no diet, nothing.

It's not my intention to be mean, but after ten years of saying the same thing to many

people looking for the same goal, you have to be stern and force this point home. Below are

10 tips you can do now to start to start to burn fat, but always keep in the back of your

mind, I Need To Change What I Am Doing Today

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1. Goal Setting

Setting an appropriate, realistic goal is one of the most important and least utilized parts of

a fat loss plan. Without knowing how much fat you want to lose and by when, you can't

build an effective plan.

Now I am the first one to admit I don't like scales. I see people using them every day and see

them elated one day when they have lost 2 pounds, but then dejected the next when they

have put on 3 pounds. Scales don't tell you how much fat weight (bad) you have and how

much lean tissue (good) that you have. This is important and I don't want you to ignore this

as I have seen many people give up because of what the scales tell you.

The best indicators of fat loss are either getting someone to use skin callipers on you, or if

you're by yourself, simply use a measuring tape and measure a few certain parts of the

body and check weekly.

So now I want you to write down what your specific goals are right now regarding your

body. What would be an ideal, realistic weight you would be comfortable at? Now I want

you to pick a time scale that would be an appropriate time frame to hit. So now we need to

put them together.

So for example, let's say I weigh 160 pounds and wanted to get down to 130, and I wanted

to get there in let's say 6 months, that's 30 pounds to lose in 6 months.

30 lbs / 24 weeks = 1.25 pounds per week

So I would need to lose 1.25 pounds of fat per week to hit my goal in 6 months. Here's

something you need to know. There is 3,500 calories in one pound of fat. So I would need to

get rid of 4,375 calories per week, or 625 if you were to split it down daily. Whenever you

have something sugary like a cake for example you have to put that on top of your daily


Now I never want you to get to the point of counting calories and weighing yourself daily,

because it takes away the enjoyment of food. But knowing that I would need to lose 625

calories a day and then think it's ok to have a cappuccino and Victoria sponge is just crazy.

You absolutely cannot lose 625 calories of fat daily if you continue to put excess sugary

calories in your body, yes this does mean alcohol because you have to put those excess

calories on top of your daily calorie burn rate.

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So let's work your goal out together:

Current Weight (CW)

Ideal Weight (IW)

Time Period (TP)

CW - IW (cw minus iw) = how many pounds you need to lose (PTL)

Divide time period into days (6 months = 180 days for example)

PTL - TP = ?

The answer is what I want you to keep with you and remember every day. So when you

think about having a cake or a glass of wine, please remember this will only add to your fat


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2. Know What You're Eating

Only by understanding what food does to your body can you begin to change it. I'm not

talking about becoming a nutritionist and know how many calories are in a gram of protein,

but a person should know the difference between what is a protein and what is a

carbohydrate. When you know this, it's a lot easier to make healthy food choices.

There is one simple way of remembering this, I learnt it from Paul Chek if one of his books:

Protein = Used to have eyes

Carbohydrates = Never had eyes

What do I mean by this? The best sources of protein come from animal sources, so animals

had eyes hence animal source is primarily protein (and fat but we won't go into detail with

that now). So any type of meat, eggs, cheese, milk. All of these came from animals so they

will have a high protein content.

Carbohydrates are foods which you didn't get from animal, things that were grown from the

ground or from trees, hence no eyes. There are vegetable sources high in protein which are

ideal for vegetarians. Here is a list of 10 good sources of vegetable protein:

Now when you go shopping and are looking to limit carbohydrates, especially ones high in

sugar, it makes your decision making a lot easier. Knowing the basics of what group a food is

from helps the fat burning process as you would find yourself cutting out foods you thought

were good for you but turned out to be adding to your fat stores.

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3. Keep A Food Diary

If you can find the time, and I highly recommend you do, start to write down what you eat

into a food diary (you can easily Google food diary template to find one you can print off).

Having the food and drink you have consumed over a seven day period in front of your eyes

makes it so much clearer to see what is going in your body.

Most people I have found simply do not realize what they eat and how much of it on a daily

basis. Writing it down should give you a huge realization and appreciation of what the

problem is.

Sometimes it's the quality of the food, other times its the quantity, and on real bad

occasions it's both which is causing the weight gain. If you don't realize where the problem

is, how can you fix it? That's what we're trying to do, find the problem, make sure you can

see it, then help your change it.

I'm sure you know most foods that do you no good, but when you can see how much you

eat per meal, followed by how many glasses of wine, then how many deserts, should give

you enough to information to want to change your diet.

You can work this out yourself as most is self explanatory, or you can work with experts who

will go through your diet and explain in detail what is happening. If this is something that

may be of interest to you, then click here to find out more of how this can help you.

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4. Exercise Keeps You Slim

So now you know how many fat calories you need to lose daily, this is going to be a big part

of how you lose it, exercise. Gyms around the world have never been more popular with

more and more people looking to lose the weight they have taken years to put on. But the

sad truth is most either exercise wrong or don't put anywhere near the amount of effort

needed to burn sufficient calories.

It is possible to burn hundreds of excess calories during and after an effective training

program. But doing it through use of your muscles is key. Muscle is one of the most

important factors in burning fat, it's like your body's oven and the calories are like it's fuel.

The bigger the oven, the more fuel it needs, so the bigger or more toned your muscles are,

the more fat calories your body will burn. This can be a tough one to get your head around,

especially for women as many wrongly believe they will look like Xena the warrior princess,

but it is pretty impossible to get to that stage without extra help shall we say.

This image I think explains it all

Now there is something very important I want you to understand when it comes to exercise

and fat loss and can be explained simply below:

Long, Steady State Exercise = Weight Loss

Short, Hard, Intense Exercise = Fat Loss

What's the difference? Fat loss is what you are after, this is where your body chooses to

burn fat, whereas weight loss usually occurs from a loss of muscle mass which is certainly

not what you are looking for.

So again, short, hard, intense exercise where you push your muscles to work very hard is the

best way to burn fat by using weights mainly. Oh course you can't just pick up light weights

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and do 50 or 100 reps and think you will get the same results. If you really want to burn as

much fat as you can when you exercise with weights, remember the following:

Intensity + Volume

Intensity can be defined as the amount of effort you put into each set. So if you were

completing 4 sets of 12 repetitions for example, then you need to make sure you pick a

weight where you can't do a 13th rep, not light enough to do 25 reps. You have to push the

muscles, intensity is key.

Volume is the amount of work you do in a session, or for us, how many sets you do. Without

going into detail here, there are many different programs you can do in the gym, from doing

whole body to training body parts, but the main point to take away is to start to add a

weight program to your weekly gym routine as often as you can, and make sure every rep

you do you push yourself and don't just stop early, and make sure you do enough sets, not

just one set of each exercise and go home after 20 minutes.

5. Protein Shakes For Snacks

Everyone struggles with this one, what to eat when you're out. If you're out up town, going

on a car journey, or have just finished training at the gym and need something healthy to

eat, it can be difficult.

Protein drinks are a very good way of feeding the body with what it needs, especially useful

after a training session or when out and about as they are convenient enough to store in a

small bag.

There are two kinds of shakes you can choose from depending on what you training goals

are. You have protein shakes, these are extremely low in carbohydrates and are ideal for

weight loss. Then you have the ones loaded with carbohydrates which are suited for people

for people looking to gain weight. These you will want to avoid if you really want to lose fat.

There are many brands of protein shakes, some offer high quality products, some are a little

poor of quality, so finding one with natural ingredients that provide everything you need is

key. You should look for protein that is from a good vegetable source like pea, chick pea or

hemp, and make sure it is suitable for vegans and vegetarians for quality purposes, contain

fibre and limited sugar of course. Also Gluten free if you can find one?

It's difficult to find a product that has everything needed in one, so you can Google protein

shakes and check the reviews or you can check out our recommendation here click here.

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6. Limit The Rubbish

This is where most of your fat calories come from, the foods and drinks that give absolutely

nothing to the body apart from excessive sugar and weight gain. I know a lot of people with

a sweet tooth, I have one myself, and know when you get a sugar craving it's hard to say no.

But that's what makes the difference.

Again it comes down to a choice. Do I let my taste buds control my food choices? NO!

Yes it is fine to have the things we enjoy, but in moderation. I have seen many a diet where

people believe moderation is one glass of wine a night instead of a bottle, or not having

mayonnaise on their burger. If this is how you think you're going to lose weight then you're

in for some disappointment.

I know how hard it can be to get the results you want, but your perfect body is there if

you're willing to put in the effort and change your lifestyle to get it. But it does start with

small steps not giant leaps.

This is worth a read, it's an article about what sugar does to your brain. It's a very good read



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7. Keep your Vitamins Topped Up

These are so underestimated in ones diet, especially from people who are trying to lose fat.

Vitamins and minerals are like the little workers in your body that you don't see but do

massive amounts of work that keep you healthy and help you burning fat. People don't

realize how important keeping your body healthy is to losing fat.

There are so many vitamins and minerals the body needs everyday to go into in this Ebook,

but we will go over the most important ones that are needed for effective fat loss.

Vitamin B

Vitamin C

Vitamin D

Vitamin E

Folate (or B9)

Omega 3

There are other's that aid in fat loss, but these are the more important ones to include in

your diet. You can get them from certain fruits and vegetables but normally contain only a

fraction of the quantity you need daily. You can get them in supplement form from any

health store in most cities, but they vary greatly on quality and it can be quite difficult to get

most of these vitamins and minerals in the same tablet.

I have been using Juice Plus capsules for the last few years after being recommended to me

so this is what I was advise you to start with. They do contain most of the above in different

combinations of fruit, vegetable and mixed berry ingredients that include Vitamin C, Vitamin

E and Folate as well as additional minerals. When taken daily over a long period of time,

your body heals and the fat burning process improves for the duration that you take the


To find out more about Juice Plus Premium Capsules and to purchase, simply click here and

you will be directed to our site.

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8. Don't Cut Calories

This is probably the first and most popular thing people do when they choose to lose fat,

they cut calories out of their diet. Meaning they just stop eating and maybe have a piece of

toast and an apple in a day. I'm sure a few of you reading this can relate to this?

Your body needs food, it needs it to survive. Every person needs a different amount of

calories from food each day and is dependent on a number of factors. The minimum

amount you need to survive is called you Basel Metabolic Rate (BMR), you would then add

calories to this depending on how active you are in that day (I will include a link in the email

newsletter for you to find out what yours is).

From here you would then make a deficit which will be explained in more detail in the

newsletters. But this should just be a guide for you, as I said I don't like counting calories to

lose weight. When you get nowhere near the amount of calories the body needs, it goes

into something called 'starvation mode' where the body holds onto your fat stores in the

body, as this is it's most important tissue for keeping us alive, and since there is only a

limited supply of carbohydrates the body can store and then use, the only thing left is to

breakdown and use its own muscle as fuel, the ever important muscle. Remember your

body needs food, it's not a luxury you can choose to put in whenever you wish with

whatever you wish.

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Getting to the stage of the body breaking down its own muscle will result in drastic Weight

Loss because muscle weighs more than fat. So you jump on the dreaded scale and you're

delighted because you have lost weight. But pretty much none of it would have been from

fat. You will then most likely say "so what, I'm lighter, who cares where it's from", well it

does matter.

First of all a body which is lacking muscle looks awful I'm sorry to say, and secondly, because

it's so difficult to stick to a drastic limited calorie diet, a person will usually revert back to

their old poor diet once they have achieved their chosen weight. But now you have limited

muscle, so your oven that will burn calories is now smaller, a lot smaller, so you begin to eat

biscuits and drink wine again every night. What do you think will be the result? Not only will

you regain the weight you lost but will most likely put on more weight due to your calorie

burning engine hardly working. And so starts the viscous circle of diet after diet yielding few

results that last long term.

So please eat, not overeat, but just eat the healthy food we will outline in our email follow

up. Enjoy your food, life is too short to focus on total restriction.

9. The 6:1 Ratio

6:1 is the ratio I tell all my personal clients, 6 days clean eating and 1 day for you to do as

you please. Now even the one day I'm not entirely happy about giving you, but it helps give

you something to look forward to and helps as a reward if you have eaten well for the other

6 days.

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I don't start everyone off asking them to go from their usually poor diet to eating clean for 6

days in a row, so we will do this over a few weeks. We will start with a 4:3 ratio. That's 4

days eating clean and 3 days eating what you normally would. The week after you eat 5 days

clean, and the week after 6 days clean. When you get to this stage, and maintain it, you will

continue burning fat for as long as you keep this as your new lifestyle. You have a few weeks

to get used to it and then the one day you can eat what you like will be like heaven. You will

look forward to it so much and enjoy it so much more, and usually you will notice how

sweet a lot of the food you were having is and how used to it you had become.

It's really important to make this part of your everyday routine, to get used to it so it

becomes the norm and not something you wake up dreading. When you get to this stage,

fat loss becomes so easy and you do it without even trying. But it does take a decision from

you to start with and to stick to.

10. Don't Give Up

You have to be in it for the long haul. This is without doubt the most important point, DON'T

GIVE UP! I have been if fitness for over ten years and the one thing that stands out is people

are all too easy to give up on their fat loss goals because it's too much work in the gym or

their diet is too healthy and doesn't include enough wine or chocolate. The body you dream

of is waiting for you, you just have to make a point to start clean eating, then stick to it.

Everyone has slip ups so don't berate yourself for it, don't let it ruin your day or your week.

This is a long term project, and when you realize this it is a lot easier to manage. There are

so many great tasting healthy foods to choose from, once you begin eating them on a

regular basis you probably won't even want the rubbish food anyway.

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So there you have it, 10 steps to effective fat loss. There are so many other points I could

make, but this is more than enough to get you started. It all comes down to you, you can

have all the information in the world and won't make a shred of difference if you do not

apply and of it. Then once you have, stick to it. Find the foods that work for you in the long

term, ones that you enjoy and don't turn your stomach with just the thought of it.

Keep in touch with how you're managing and if you have any questions? If you want more

information on fat loss and to work with us one to one, email [email protected] and we

will be happy to help.