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  • 8/9/2019 10 Mituri Despre Cancer Demascate _ IFLScience


    29.8.2014 Nu cred c Hype - 10 Persistent Cancer Mituri demascat | IFLScience

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    Nu cred cHype - 10 Persistent Cancer Mituridemascat27 martie 2014 | de Kat Arney

    credit foto: Cancer Research UK






    Google cancer"i vei fi confruntat cu milioane de pagini web. i numrul de clipuri video peYouTube vei gsi, dac te uii n sus "vindeca de cancer" este la fel de mare.

    Problema este c o mare parte din informaiile de acolo este cel mai bun inexacte, sau n celmai ru periculos neltoare. Exista o multime de dovezi bazate pe, uor de neles paginidespre cancer, dar sunt de raspandire mituri la fel de multe, dac nu mai multe, pagini.

    i aceasta poate fi greu de a distinge intre realitate si fictiune, ca o mare parte din informaiile

    inexacte arat i sun perfect plauzibil. Dar dac zgriai suprafaa i uita-te la dovezi,multe "adevruri" perpetuate continuu deveni unstuck.

    n acest post, ne-am dori s pun lucrurile la punct pe 10 mituri de cancer pe care le ntlnimn mod regulat. Motivat de probe, nu prin retoric sau anecdot, ne descrie ceea ce realitateade cercetare de fapt arat a fi adevrat.

    Mitul 1: Cancerul este o, boala moderna de omMitul 2: super preveni cancerulMitul 3: diete "acide" cauza cancerMitul 4: Cancerul are un dinte dulceMitul 5: Cancerul este o ciuperca - i bicarbonat de sodiu este leaculMitul 6: Exist un leac cancer miracol ...Mitul 7: ... i Big Pharma sunt o suprima

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    29.8.2014 Nu cred c Hype - 10 Persistent Cancer Mituri demascat | IFLScience

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    Mitul 8: tratament Cancer ucide mai mult dect vindecMitul 9: Am facut nici un progres in lupta impotriva canceruluiMitul 10: Rechinii nu fac cancer

    Mitul 1: Cancerul este o, boala moderna de om

    S-ar putea fi mai proeminent n contiina public acum dect n vremurile trecute, dar cancernu este doar o, boal "modern" de om din societatea occidental. Cancer a existat attatimp ct oamenii au. Acesta a fost descris de mii de ani n urm de ctre medicii egipteni igreci, i cercettorii au descoperit semne spune-poveste de cancer ntr-un schelet vechi de3000 de ani.

    Dei este cu siguran adevrat c legate de stilul de viata boli la nivel mondial, cum ar ficancerul sunt n cretere, cel mai mare factor de risc pentru cancer este varsta.

    Simplul fapt este c mai muli oameni triesc suficient de mult timp pentru a dezvolta cancerdin cauza succesului nostru n lupta mpotriva bolilor infecioase i alte cauze istorice dedeces, cum ar fi malnutriia. Este perfect normal pentru deteriorarea ADN-ului din celulelenoastre de a construi pe masura ce imbatranim, iar astfel de daune poate duce la cancer n

    curs de dezvoltare.Suntem, de asemenea, acum n msur s diagnosticheze cancerul mai precis, datoritaprogreselor in screening, imagistica si patologie.

    Da, stilul de viata, dieta i alte lucruri, cum ar fi poluarea aerului au mpreun un impactimens asupra riscul nostru de cancer - fumat , de exemplu, este n spatele un sfert dintotalul deceselor provocate de cancer in Marea Britanie -, dar c nu e la fel cu a spune ceste un modern, de om fcut boala. Exista o multime de cauze naturale de cancer - deexemplu, unul din sase tipuri de cancer la nivel mondial este cauzata de virusi si bacterii.

    Mitul 2: super preveni cancerul


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  • 8/9/2019 10 Mituri Despre Cancer Demascate _ IFLScience


  • 8/9/2019 10 Mituri Despre Cancer Demascate _ IFLScience


    29.8.2014 Nu cred c Hype - 10 Persistent Cancer Mituri demascat | IFLScience

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    n timp ce este foarte sensibil la limita alimente dulci, ca parte a unui regim alimentar sanatosde ansamblu i pentru a evita punerea n greutate, care este departe de a spune calimentele dulci hranesc mod specific celulele canceroase.

    Att "dieta acide" i "zahrul hrnete cu cancer" mituri denatura sfaturi dietetice sensibil. Iarcnd vine vorba de a oferi sfaturi de dieta, cercetrile arat c acelai plictisitor sfaturi pentruo alimentaie sntoas deine nc adevrat. Fructe, legume, fibre, carne alb i pete suntbune. Prea multa grasime, sare, zahr, carne rosie sau prelucrate i alcool sunt mai puinacest lucru.

    Mitul 5: Cancerul este o ciuperca - i bicarbonat de sodiu este


    Aceast "teorie" vine de la observaia nu-foarte-atent c "cancer este ntotdeauna de culoarealb".

    O problem evident cu aceast idee - n afar de faptul c celulele canceroase nu sunt nmod clar fungice la origine - este ca cancerul nu este ntotdeauna de culoare alb. Uneletumori sunt. Dar unele nu sunt. Intrebati orice patolog sau cancer chirurg, sau au o privire peGoogle de cutare de imagini (dar poate nu dupa masa de pranz ...).

    Sustinatorii acestei teorii spun c cancerul este cauzat de infectia cu Candida ciuperca, ic tumorile sunt de fapt ncercarea organismului de a proteja se de la aceasta infectie.

    Dar nu e nici o dovad care s arate c acest lucru este adevrat.

    Mai mult dect att, o multime de oameni perfect sanatosi pot fi infectate cu candida - esteparte din gama foarte normal de microbi care triesc n (i pe) noi toi. De obicei, sistemulnostru imunitar pastreaza candida sub control, dar infectiile pot obine mai grave lapersoanele cu sistemul imunitar compromis, cum ar fi cele care sunt HIV-pozitivi.

    "Soluia simpl" este aparent de a injecta tumorilor cu bicarbonat de sodiu (bicarbonat desodiu). Acest lucru nu este chiar tratamentul folosit n tratamentul infeciilor fungice dovedite,s cancer singur. Dimpotriv, exist bine dovezi c doze mari de bicarbonat de sodiupoate duce la grave - chiar mortale - consecine.

    Unele studii sugereaza ca bicarbonatul de sodiu poate afecta cancer transplantate la soarecisau celule cultivate in laborator, prin neutralizarea aciditatea n micromediul imediat n jurulunei tumori. Iar cercetatorii din SUA se execut un studiu clinic mic investigheaza dacacapsule de bicarbonat de sodiu poate ajuta la reducerea durerii de cancer i de a gsi dozamaxim care poate fi tolerat, mai degrab dect de testare dac are vreun efect asupratumorilor.

    n msura n care suntem contieni, nu au existat studii clinice publicate de bicarbonat desodiu ca un tratament pentru cancer.

    Este, de asemenea, important s subliniem c nu este clar dac este posibil pentru a dadoze de bicarbonat de sodiu, care poate atinge orice fel de efect semnificativ asupracancerului la oameni, dei este ceva care cercetatorii sunt de instrumentare.

  • 8/9/2019 10 Mituri Despre Cancer Demascate _ IFLScience


    29.8.2014 Nu cred c Hype - 10 Persistent Cancer Mituri demascat | IFLScience

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    Pentru ca organismul rezista cu fermitate ncercrile de a schimba pH-ului, de obicei, de ascpa de bicarbonat prin rinichi, exist un risc ca doze suficient de mare pentru a afecta nmod semnificativ pH-ul n jurul unei tumori ar putea cauza o afectiune grava, cunoscut subnumele de alcaloza. O estimare sugereaz c o doz de aproximativ 12 de grame debicarbonat de sodiu pe zi (bazat pe un adult 65 kg) s-ar putea s contracareze acidul produsde o tumoare aproximativ un milimetru cub n mrime numai. Dar doze de mai mult deaproximativ 30 de grame pe zi sunt susceptibile de a provoca probleme grave de sntate -ce faci matematica.

    Mitul 6: Exist un leac cancer miracol ...

    De la canabis la clisme de cafea, internetul este inundat cu videoclipuri i anecdotepersonale despre cure "naturale" miracol "pentru cancer.

    Dar preteniile extraordinare necesita dovezi extraordinare - clipuri video pe YouTube imesaje pe Facebook nu sunt categoric dovezi tiinifice i nu sunt la fel ca de buncalitate, dovezi peer-revizuite.

    n multe cazuri, este imposibil de spus daca pacientii prezentate n astfel de surseanecdotice au fost "vindecat" de orice tratament special alternativ sau nu. Nu tim nimic

    despre diagnosticul lor medical, stadiul bolii sau Outlook, sau chiar daca au avut de faptcancer, n primul rnd. De exemplu, nu tim ce alte tratamente au avut cancer.

    i am auzit doar despre povetile de succes - ceea ce despre oamenii care l-au ncercat inu au supravietuit? Morii nu se poate vorbi, i de multe ori oameni care fac afirmaii

    ndrznee pentru cura "miraculoase" alege doar cele mai bune cazuri lor, fr a prezenta oimagine complet.

    Acest lucru subliniaza importanta de publicare a datelor de la peer-revizuite, de cercetarestiintifica riguroasa de laborator i studiile clinice. n primul rnd, pentru c efectuarea destudii clinice adecvate permite cercetatorilor sa demonstreze ca un tratament de cancerpotential este sigur si eficient. i n al doilea rnd, pentru c publicarea acestor date permitemedicilor din ntreaga lume s judece pentru ei nii i s-l utilizai n beneficiul pacientilorlor.

    Acesta este standardul la care trebuie s aib loc toate tratamente pentru cancer.

    Asta nu e s spun lumii naturale nu este o surs de tratamente potential, de la aspirina(scoarta de salcie) la penicilin (mucegai). De exemplu, taxol cancer de droguri a fost extrasprimul din scoar i ace de copac Pacific Yew.

    Dar asta este departe de a spune ce trebuie s mestece coaja pentru a combate o tumoare.Este un tratament eficient pentru c ingredientul activ a fost purificat i testate n studiiclinice. Deci, noi tim c este sigur i eficient, i ce doz de a prescrie.

    Desigur, persoanele cu cancer doresc s bat boala lor prin orice mijloace posibile. i estecomplet neles s fie n cutarea de nalt i joas pentru potenialii cure. Dar sfatul nostrueste de a se abtine de la orice etichetat un "leac miraculos", mai ales n cazul n careoamenii ncearc s-l vnd pentru tine.

  • 8/9/2019 10 Mituri Despre Cancer Demascate _ IFLScience


    29.8.2014 Nu cred c Hype - 10 Persistent Cancer Mituri demascat | IFLScience

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    Wikipedia are aceast list excelent de tratamente pentru cancer ineficiente , care sunt demulte ori touted ca vindecri miraculoase, care este n valoare de o parcurge. i dac vrei stii despre dovezile tiinifice cu privire la canabis, canabinoide i a cancerului - o temsuntem adesea ntrebat despre - v rugm s aruncai o privire la noastre de dup extinseblog pe aceast tem.

    Mitul 7: ... i Big Pharma l suprimarea

    Mn n mn cu ideea c exist un corn al abundenei de "vindecri miraculoase", esteideea c guvernele, industria farmaceutic i chiar de caritate sunt conspir pentru aascunde leacul pentru cancer, deoarece acestea fac bani att de mult din tratamenteleexistente.

    Indiferent de "cura" special fiind touted, logica este, de obicei, la fel: e uor accesibile, ieftini nu pot fi brevetate, astfel nct instituia medical este o suprimarea, n scopul de a aliniapropriile buzunare. Dar, aa cum am scris nainte, nu e nici o conspiraie - uneori pur isimplu nu funcioneaz.

    Nu exist nici o ndoial c industria farmaceutic are o serie de probleme cu transparen istudiile clinice de care are nevoie pentru a aborda (cartea Bad Pharma de Ben Goldacreeste un grund la ndemn). Am mpinge autoritile de reglementare i companii

    farmaceutice din greu pentru a se asigura c medicamentele eficiente sunt puse ladispoziie la un pre corect pentru NHS - dei este important s ne amintim c n curs dedezvoltare i testare de noi medicamente cost o mulime de bani, pe care companiile aunevoie pentru a recupera.

    Probleme cu medicina conventionala nu dovedesc n mod automat c alternativa de

    munc "cure". Pentru a folosi o metafor, doar pentru c mainile uneori accident nunseamn c covoare zburtoare sunt o opiune viabil de transport.

    Ea pur i simplu nu are sens ca companiile farmaceutice ar vrea s suprime o cura potential.Gsirea o terapie extrem de eficienta ar garanta vnzri uriae n ntreaga lume.

    Iar argumentul ca tratamentele nu pot fi brevetate nu rezista. Companiile farmaceutice nusunt proti, i ei sunt rapid pentru a sari pe cai promitatoare pentru terapii eficiente. Exist

    ntotdeauna modaliti de a transform i molecule de brevete, ceea ce le-ar da unrandament al investiiei necesare pentru a dezvolta i a le testa n studiile clinice (un costcare poate rula n multe milioane), n cazul n care tratamentul se dovedete a lucra.

    Este, de asemenea, trebuie s amintim c organizaiile de caritate, cum ar fi CancerResearch UK si oameni de stiinta finantate de guvern au libertatea de a investiga promitetratamente fara un motiv profit. i e greu s neleg de ce doctorii NHS - care de multe oriprescrie generic, neprotejate de brevete de droguri - nu s-ar folosi de tratamente ieftine dacar fi fost dovedit a fi eficace in studiile clinice.

    De exemplu, avem finantarea studiilor la scar larg de aspirina - un medicament primulrealizat n 1897, i acum una dintre cele mai utilizate pe scara larga off-brevet de droguri dinlume. Suntem cercetarea dac se poate preveni cancerul de colon la persoanele cu risccrescut, reduce efectele secundare ale chimioterapiei, i chiar la prevenirea canceruluiintorc si de a imbunatati supravietuirea.

  • 8/9/2019 10 Mituri Despre Cancer Demascate _ IFLScience


    29.8.2014 Nu cred c Hype - 10 Persistent Cancer Mituri demascat | IFLScience

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    n cele din urm, merit s ne amintim c toi suntem oameni - chiar politicieni si directori deBig Pharma - i cancer poate afecta pe oricine. Oamenii din companiile farmaceutice,guverne, organizatii de caritate si mai larg "sistemul medical", toate pot i chiar mor decancer de asemenea.

    Cei dragi si colegii sai de aici de la Cancer Research UK care le-am vzut mergnd princancer. Muli dintre ei au supravieuit. Muli nu au. Pentru a sugera c suntem - colectiv iindividual - ascunde "leacul" nu este numai absurd, e jignitor pentru comunitatea globala deoameni de stiinta dedicate, pentru personalul i suporterii de organizaii de cercetare acancerului, cum ar fi Cancer Research UK i, cel mai important, pentru a pacientii cu cancersi familiile lor.

    Mitul 8: tratament Cancer ucide mai mult dect vindec

    S fie clar, tratamentul cancerului - dac chimioterapie, radioterapie sau interventiichirurgicale - nici o plimbare n parc. Efectele secundare pot fi greu. La urma urmei,tratamente care sunt concepute pentru a distruge celulele canceroase va afecta n modinevitabil celulele sanatoase prea.

    i, uneori, din pcate, tratamentul nu funcioneaz. tim c este foarte greu pentru a tratacancerul stadiu avansat, care sa rspndit pe tot corpul, i n timp ce tratamentul poate oferi

    ajutor de la simptome i prelungi durata de viata, el nu va fi un leac pentru cancer foarteavansat.

    Chirurgia este nc cel mai eficient tratament avem pentru cancer, cu condiia ca aceastaeste diagnosticata suficient de devreme pentru o operaiune s fie fcut. i radioterapie ajutavindecarea mai muli oameni dect de droguri de cancer. Cu toate acestea, chimioterapie sialte medicamente de cancer au un rol foarte important de jucat n tratamentul cancerului - inunele cazuri, ajut la vindecarea bolii, iar n altele ajuta pentru a prelungi supravietuirea.

    Afirmaiile pe internet care chimioterapia este "doar 3 la suta eficace" sunt extrem deneltoare i depite, i sunt explorate mai n profunzime, n aceste dou posturi deblog bazat pe tiin Medicine.

    Am scris, de asemenea, acest post n rspuns la preocuprile care ar putea chimioterapie"ncuraja cancer".

    Este important de subliniat faptul c ntr-un numr tot mai mare de cazuri, medicamentele nufuncioneaz. De exemplu, mai mult de 96 la suta din toti oamenii sunt acum vindecat decancer testicular, comparativ cu mai putin de 70 la suta in anii 1970, datorit, n parte, unmedicament ne-au ajutat s se dezvolte numit cisplatin. i trei sferturi din copiii cu cancersunt acum vindecat, comparativ cu aproximativ un sfert in 1960 - cele mai multe dintre elesunt n via astzi n mod direct datorit chimioterapie.

    tim c mai avem un drum lung de parcurs pn cnd vom avea tratamente eficiente,kinder pentru toate tipurile de cancer. i este important ca medici, pacienti si familiileacestora sunt realiste i sincer cu privire la cele mai bune opiuni pentru tratament, mai alesatunci cand cancerul este foarte avansat.

    Acesta poate fi mai bine s opteze pentru un tratament care vizeaza reducerea durerii si a

  • 8/9/2019 10 Mituri Despre Cancer Demascate _ IFLScience


    29.8.2014 Nu cred c Hype - 10 Persistent Cancer Mituri demascat | IFLScience

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    simptomelor, mai degrab dect ncercarea de a vindeca boala (de ingrijiri paliative).Echilibrarea calitatea i cantitatea de via este ntotdeauna o s fie o problem ntratamentul cancerului, i este una care fiecare pacient trebuie s decid pentru ei nii.

    Mitul 9: Am facut nici un progres in lupta impotriva cancerului

    Acest lucru pur i simplu nu este adevrat. Datorita progreselor in cercetare, pe termen lung

    (peste 10 ani) de supravietuire de cancer sa dublat in Marea Britanie in ultimii 40 ani, iarratele de deces au scazut cu 10 la suta in ultimul deceniu singur. Acest articol de cliniciannostru ef, Profesorul Peter Johnson, subliniaz unele dintre fapte.

    Prin definiie, aceste cifre se refer la persoane tratate n urm cel puin 10 ani. Este probabilca pacienii s fie diagnosticate i tratate de azi au o ans mai bun de supravieuire.

    Pentru a vedea cum imaginea sa schimbat, f-te o ceac de ceai i s se stabileasc n jospentru a viziona acest documentar de o or ne-am ajutat s fac - Dumanul din interior: 50de ani de lupta impotriva cancerului. Din primele zile de chimioterapie, n anii '50 i '60pentru cele mai recente medicamente "inteligente" si radioterapie indica-exacte, seevideniaz ct de departe am ajuns de-a lungul anilor.

    Exist nc un drum lung de parcurs. Exist unele tipuri de cancer n cazul n care progresele

    au fost mult mai lent - cum ar fi pulmonar, creier, pancreas si cancer esofagian. i atuncicnd ai pierdut pe cineva drag la cancer, se poate simi ca i cum s-au fcut nici un progresla toate.

    De aceea lucrm din greu pentru a invins cancerul mai devreme, pentru a se asigura cnimeni nu i pierde viaa lor prematur la boala.

    Mitul 10: Rechinii nu fac cancer

    Da, o fac.

  • 8/9/2019 10 Mituri Despre Cancer Demascate _ IFLScience


    29.8.2014 Nu cred c Hype - 10 Persistent Cancer Mituri demascat | IFLScience

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    Acest articol excelent merge n ce mitul despre cancer-free de rechin a fost att depersistent.

    Dac dorii s aflai mai multe despre cancer i marijuana verifica acest articol pe:


    Not: Coninutul acestui articol a fost scris de Oliver Childs i Kat Arney ca o intrare

    de blog pentru Cancer Research UK. Link-ul pentru intrarea original a fost

    mprtit pe pagina IFLS Facebook, dar (adevrat, pentru a forma IFLS) serverele lor

    sa prbuit din trafic. Acesta este rehosted aici cu permisiune.

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    A few thoughts strike me when i hear the Alt treatment/anti Big Pharma lobby...

    It is the same old story.. you can cut a certain amount of risk down by eatinga well balanced diet, Which is what most of these reports lead to.'Alternatively' Stuffing ourselves with large quantities of fats and sugars asmany people do these days has always been known to do our bodies no goodat all, even if scientist have not yet pinned down every specific reason on bio-

    chemical molecular level. I didn't think eatin less su ar than the

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    .ridiculous amount that we currently do in many western countries wasconsideredalternative treatment?

    Mainstream science and media have been telling us for ages don't live ondoughnuts, cheeseburgers and choc bars its NOT good for your body. Whatithink has missed many peoples' observation is that as more research isdone,,and lets say for instance sugar (in its various forms) can be found to haveareal good link with promoting a particular form of cancer the alternative worldwill go 'told you so'.. the scientific will say.. 'well we have been telling

    ppl for decades not to OD on the stuff, even if we couldn't pin down the reason '

    James Bruce Henderson

    As the primary caregiver of a wife who succomed to this horrible disease, Ithank the authors of this article. The load of nonsense out there about cancerrequired my every effort to sort through. In the end, the doctors gave her thebest care there was.

    Trixie Wall

    Maybe I am incorrect (I am not a scientist), but I thought that recent researchconducted over a number of years suggested that men that consistently atecooked tomatoes several times a week had a reduced incidence of developingprostate cancer. If so then I would say that it is definitely a case of a food beingsuper! :) There is also research on anti-angiogenic compounds and how theirangiogenesis inhibitors can reduce or prevent metastasis of cancers. Someantiangiogenic compounds are pharmaceutical medications such as certainNSAIDS, and others are found in some foods. Once again I would call thesefoods pretty "super"! The relevance of further investigating these foods and notjust dismissing them as "hokus pokus" is that if we can identify food varieties(and select/farm/enhance varieties of produce based on their potential anti-angiogenic effect) then people who regularly eat these foods might be able to

    stop a small number of cancer cells form metastasizing or growing into tumors!It would also be very important in developing countries where people may notbe able to afford/or may simply not have access to more conventional oncologytreatments.

    I am not suggesting that foods proclaimed as "super" such as goji berries etchave any extraordinary powers, however it doesn't mean that some (perhapscommon foods) don't contain angiogenesis inhibitors ...and I think that thatmakes those foods medically important and therefore really quite "Super"!

    I think we need to stop touting foods as super without them having any scientificresearch to support their benefits, but we also need to stop saying that no foodshold any medical benefits .....many of our medicines including common asprin

    originate from flora!


    You have made some good points. But the keep coming back to thesame things.. eating a good mix of fruit and veg regularly helps keep youhealthy.. even if some of the specifics of why has not been pinned downyet. We have known this for a long time. What the argument is that don'tgo thinking that if you have cancer going on a 'specially formulated' (byan alt medicine 'dr' that i am sure will charge you) diet of just tomatoeswill cure you. Who will at the same time try and do a pretty good job ofconvincing you that his/her is the only way to go... because they want to

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    And again, you are correct about plants etc having chemicals in themthat can and do benefit us,, but remember part of where the DreadedBig Pharma makes there money is in the convenience of their productthat we lap up in today's culture. Nobody has the time nor resources tomake their own acetylsalicylic acid, nor wants the bad things that canhappen if you get the concentration wrong or the potential severe burnswhist concocting it. We want a pill ready to pop into our mouths themoment we feel a headache coming on.

    Elie Challita

    I don't think anyone is making the claim that certain foods don't havespecific benefits. Some types of vegetable and fish are good forreducing existing cholesterol, and even on a more prosaic level somefoods have long had known benefits. There's a reason why bananas area favorite snack before athletic competitions, for example.

    The point is that we shouldn't believe unsubstantiated claims thatpapayas will cure leukemia: if honest research does show a linkbetween tomatoes and prostate cancer, as in your example, then by allmeans bring on the tomatoes. But until then, let's not convince people to

    forego chemo because goji berries work better...

    Trixie Wall

    Fair call! I Like you point out, the problem is when people ignorescience and listen to someone who knew someone who readsomething on facebook about someone who says that Gojiberries cure cancer! Isn't it a weird human behaviour whenpeople jeopardize their health and well-being by ignoring factsand science, and instead believe myths ......simply because theyprefer the myths! Facts are facts! Crazy! :)

    Call me a cynic, but I sometimes wonder if people who areagainst vaccination would change there minds if vaccinatingwasn't common or mainstream and if it was touted by publicfigures who were considered "alternative" or "hippy"! :) I wonder ifit is just a "marketing issue" :)

    Zen Ken H

    Why all these insults... why? What happened to imagination and humility?"Humility corresponds to the weakness of our intellectual understanding ofnature and of our own being." - Einstein. Have we ever considered the endlesspossibilities which lie beyond sensory evidence? Do we really think thateverything in this multiverse can be perceived by the pathetically limited sensescontained in these puny meatbags of ours? Science is NOT reality, but anextension of our own version of reality. We cannot remove human factors suchas love and prayers from our reasoning, for that's what we are. Each and everyone of us is going to face death. As much as we like to argue about everythingbetween heaven and earth, science and religion, as much as we would like tobelieve that we don't fear death, we do and we are certainly going to die, anddying sucks. I cannot help but to think that the most important question in life iswhy am I here and why do I wonder why I am here. I am a nonbeliever in luck -everything must have a cause and effect. If I am wondering, there must be apurpose behind a brain capable of doing so. Sorry I am not providing anyreference and not being "scientific", I'm just allowing my imagination to run wild.Somehow my gut tells me that the truth lies beyond what my "normal senses"

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    , .we can't see with our eyes or equipment doesn't exist right?

    Rick Manwiller


    Sherri Benjamin

    This is very misleading. Look at the research cited. There is no 10 year Survival

    Data' being cited - only Forecasts. The Definition of Survival is also misleading,and includes all cancer patients whether still fighting cancer, in remission orlaying on their deathbead. A cancer survivor is defined as someone who is stillalive after 5 years. Not 10. If you die one day past 5 years you are stillconsidered a survivor. That's just the holes I've picked in this in 5 minutes.


    having mentioned that I am in business with a friend who cures cancer iwatched my comment get deleted! lol enough said ...* he uses THC CBD oil ... seen it work on patients first hand that Dr's GAVE UPwith because the cancer was TOO ADVANCED


    According to the classical view, the principal cells respond to systemichormones like aldosterone and vasopressin to modulate transport of salt, water,and K+, while intercalated cells can excrete either H+ (type A cells) or HCO3(type B cells), depending on the bodys acid-base status (1).

    "Mitochondrial TCA cycle intermediates regulate body fluid and acid-basebalance"

    Basic physiology.


    About sugar and cancer.(And how it's criminal to deny the link.)

    Dietary glycemic index and glycemic load and breast cancer risk in theEuropean Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition(EPIC).http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22...

    High glycemic diet and breast cancer occurrence in the Italian EPIC cohort.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pu...

    Glycemic index, glycemic load and cancer risk.


    Dietary glycemic index, glycemic load, and risk of breast cancer: meta-analysisof prospective cohort studies.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pu...


    Semin Dial. 2000 Jul-Aug;13(4):221-6.Influence of diet on acid-base balance.Remer T.Author information

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    s racIt is well established that diet and certain food components have a clear impacton acid-base balance. For adults, the following factors are involved: 1) thechemical composition of foods (i.e., their content of protein, chloride,phosphorus, sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium), 2) the differentintestinal absorption rates of the relevant nutrients, 3) the metabolic generationof sulfate from sulfur-containing amino acids, 4) the grade of dissociation ofphosphorus at the physiologic pH of 7.4, and 5) the ionic valence of calciumand magnesium. All these factors allow us to estimate the potential renal acidload (PRAL) of any given food or diet. The PRAL (calculated for a 24-hour

    period), together with a relatively constant daily amount of urinary excretedorganic acids (in healthy subjects proportional to body surface area or bodyweight), yields the daily net acid excretion. This article provides an overview ofthe current concepts of diet influences on acid-base balance and also focuseson the underlying physiologic and biochemical basis as well as on relevantclinical implications.

    John Scudamore



    Scopie's Law states:In any discussion involving science or medicine,citing Whale.toas a credible source loses you the argumentimmediately... and gets you laughed out of the room.

    John Scudamore

    curing 50% terminal cancers, and 100% stage 1 and 2 cancers in the 50'shttp://whale.to/cancer/gerson....


    Whale is a website run by English pig farmer John Scudamore.http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/W....

    It is a sink hole of pseudo science, conspiracy theories and anti-semitism of the worst sort.


    Having had and thankfully recovered from cancer I would touch refined sugarwith a barge poll. The Idea is that by restricting sugar the norman cells down-regulate but the cancer cells, being hungry beasts, start getting stressed andfrankly I did anything I could to stress my cancer cells. I managed to clear thecancer without medical intervention and have lost a lot of faith in the medicalprofession especially as most of what I did had been published in peerreviewed journals - ie not suppressed but not acted upon either. Think the fearlitigation is is the biggest impediment to progress


    I hope friends will raed this and take particular note of Myth No 4.

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    You shore up the bodies defenses by eating a well balance diet withplenty of fruit and veg and get plenty of exercise, and try to limitdamaging intakes like alcohol and cigarettes. That has always been thecase to defend against many health issues (although you might beshooting yourself in the foot, because this could help you lead a longerlife, and its in those later years you are most likely to fall victim tocancer). Some 'alternative' treatments have had funding in the past asthis article itself states. But i think you need to understand the termalternative. Something (anything) is only 'alternative' in it's early stagesof understanding or popularity, until it starts to become mainstream..something will only become mainstream if it is 'proven' to be popular, orin the case of a medical treatment is proven to work to reasonabledegree. Anyone with any semblance of logic would understand thatthere was a time not long ago when of cause Chemo/ Radiation/Surgeyetc that you debunk would have been considered 'alternative', just in thesame way as say Insulin for Diabetics was [inset any other medicaladvancement here] which now stops millions of people round the worlddying a horrible death.

    Funding starts to disappear for many of these 'alternative' treatmentsbecause first stage research shows no signs of them really working.


    ....I don't like this article because it doesn't debunk any myths. It is telling ushow the body works.. which we already know. How can you be so sure whatdoesn't cause cancer, if you don't know what does cause cancer?


    I tells us what we know of how the body works SO FAR. There is no waywe can yet know every complexity of the Human body, or how everysingle outside entity (or combinations there of) can effect it. All we cando i plug on with research in one small area at a time. The point i think

    you are missing is that many of 'myths' that this article talks about HAVEindeed been looked into, but no solid significant evidence can be foundthat they are worthy of further investigation.. except in some cases thereare(as the article states) so guess what, there are carrying oninvestigating them. This is almost always to the delight of supporters ofalternative medicines, usually with reams of 'told-you-so' artcles floodingthe web. Followed up closely by many youtube vids AND books at only8'99 on how to make the new 'alternative' cure at home. The home curein reality not being in anyway as useful. But then god forbid the'alternative medicine really is a true break through treatment.. becauseguess what, then it will become mainstream (and most likely patented byevil big farmer).Remember it's not just R&D your paying for, a lot of what you pay for ina pharmaceutical tablet is convenience. Acetylsalicylic Acid (Asprin) isn'tactually that difficult to produce yourself if you really wanted to, so if youwant to be 'alternative' invest in the few things you need and take thetime to make it yourself, but do you really want to invest quite a fewhours, 50 in chemicals and lab gear, plus the risk of severe burns andgetting the concentration wrong etc next time you have a headache? Meneither.


    Agree with that!

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    Americium Dream Documents

    news.health/hormonics/iflscience serves up Sweet Surprise:. cancer isn't a modern disease becauseancient Egyptian and Greeks got it?they weren't exactly Paleo, you know!the Egyptian grain-rich diet is not in the Zone,and that promoted cancer .. carb's are carbs:glycemic index or total fructose

    doesn't matter to cancer risk?. "no superfoods prevent cancer" =vegetables are good, butno particular veg's are better than others .

    Derrick Brockamp

    You should do some better research before you write articles. Maybe "superfoods" are not what the media claims and sure it's just a marketing term.However there is a Ted talk about food preventing the growth of cancer.Strawberrys and other foods contain something that inhibits a certain kind ofgrowth of blood vessels that tumors require for growth.

    Andy Ball

    My God, just the first page of comments, and all of them sprouting nonsense.


    It appears so. lol


    7 is a bit nave (except for the charities part, that sounds extremely unlikely).

    Are the companies hiding the cure? Not likely, but it could be possible. "We areall human" should encompass all human behavior and not just our bestqualities. Look at world hunger; globally, we produce enough food to feed thehuman population, but do we? We do not. If you superimpose a map of warswith food shortages, you'll find a decent correlation (not always causationthough). Back to cures, planned obsolescence is a basic economic principle formany western and non-western countries. Treatments are more profitable thancures. (~'significant investment that they must recoup'). Cure one disease andyou must research a whole new disease, putting one's self out of businessagain and again. That not only means a loss of profit, but a loss of careers thatsupport families and pay taxes to help keep the economy and governmentgoing. No taxes and unemployed parents means less opportunity for thatsociety.It is not idealistic, but pretending things don't work that way is as bad as thepseudoscience IFLS tries to combat. Governments and companies areunwilling to embrace progressive changes that endanger their individualfutures. Companies are what they are, not good, and not exactly evil, they areself-serving, though.


    Again IFLS fails when it comes to health issues. There's an obvious denial ofthe very strong link between sugar consuption (refined sucrose and frutose)and cancer, among other issues here.

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    "This is an unhelpful oversimplification of a highly complex area thatwere only just starting to understand" There is no denial,scientist aredoing what sciences do, take what info/research they already have andthen expand on it with more research, which as far as i know is what iscurrently happening. What they are telling us that to date there is nosignificant evidence that just dropping all sugar from your diet is going tostop or cure you of cancer. Yet again though (seem to repeating this alot lately).. It has always been known that if you want to help your body

    prevent AND/OR combat cancer eat a well balanced healthy diet andget plenty of exercise! and yes that means not drinking a litre of cokeand eating shed loads of sweets/biscuits/cakes everyday which we haveknown for quite a while now is not a very good thing to do to your bodyfull stop.


    That's a sensible reply, thank you. There is lots of significantevidence linking sugar (elevated blood sugar) with cancer. Thatis ommited in the article, which in my view is a scandal(considering this comes from Cancer Research UK).

    Also "Too much fat, salt, sugar, red or processed meat andalcohol are less so [healthy]." This is a *huge* understatement.These foods are very likely to cause cancer, but they just say"less healthy"?!

    Nick Weingarten

    There is growing evidence of a casual link between thepositive correlation of diabetes mellitus and cancer butthere is nothing conclusive and much research still needsto be done. Outside of a patient requiring certain classesof medications the body can more than adequately handlechanges in blood sugar. Both of the diseases cancer anddiabetes are incredibly complex this is why it is so difficultand its not appropriate to jump to a conclusion withoutsufficient evidence to support it. Again outside of diabetesmellitus the body is more than adequate to handle thenormal changes in blood sugar that occur when weconsume any food. Ensuring that you consume abalanced diet has been part of mainstream medicine formuch longer than its been hijacked by "alt medicine" thebody breaks down all sugars down to glucose C6H1206as thats all the body can utilize when the body has levelsthat are sufficient it will convert the sugars into glycogen

    and fat. Simplistically Cancer occurs when an error occursin the replication of your own cells happen that causesincreased cellular replication as well as turns off thenormal ability of cell to stop growing and replicating theseare harmful mutations that naturally occur. When the cellmutations happen to our reproductive cells we call thisevolution and they can be beneficial or not so beneficial.

    JB Sellars1

    Deadly white powder plus i would use alet

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    Rook King

    There is something much worse about refined/bleached sugar, which is calledspecifically "sugar" and "sucrose," than the other simple carbohydrates. I don'tknow if it causes cancer, but it is horrible for metabolism and "blood sugar"levels, and this article downplays how sick that stuff is.


    Sucrose is not some sick stuff. It is just as natural as any other simple

    sugar. It is just a dimer of glucose and fructose, and it is made by plants.Sucrose isn't bleached. It is white naturally.

    Rook King

    That is not true. You are spreading a dangerously false claim.




    The only thing I was wrong about is the bleaching part,but everything else I said is completely true. Refinedsugar is just purified sucrose, which is simply a dimer ofglucose and fructose. Pure sucrose is white. If you'reworried about the bleaching, then use refined sugar.

    Rook King

    Refined sugar is chemically altered and terrible for a lot ofpeople. It messed me up big time earlier in life. I only takein sugar that is completely natural. I also avoid bleachedwheat flour (ingredients must say "unbleached" or "whole"

    to guarantee non-bleached.) and bleached rice. That stuffis literally poison.


    Refined sucrose is very sickening. And there are huge links tocancer. And do look at the refining process.

    Stacy Rae Walker

    I call BS on some of this. I struggled with cancer and chemo for years. Chemoalmost destroyed my liver and my kidneys. My liver still is not 100% back to par.

    I quit chemo. I quit the drugs and started researching on my own. Surprise, Ifound that Otto Warburg won a Nobel prize for discovering that cancer requiresacidic conditions to survive. I found a doctor in Germany who treated my cancerwith foods that raise body tissue pH (not blood pH, that remains constant). 6months later not only had my kidneys recovered and my liver function wasdramatically improved, but there were no signs of the lymphoma. My CT's arestill clear. My bloodwork is still negative for cancer. I suppose it COULD becoincidence that I was put in remission when I did, but makes more sense tobelieve that since I was no longer on chemo that the healthy cancer fightingfoods are what gave my body what it needed to fight and win....

    Insert Name Here

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    de sntate i medicin

    OMS se pregtetepentru Epidemia deEbola a ajunge la 20.000,n nouluni

    sanatate si medicina

    Infographic prezintdiferenele ntre bolileAm dona, i de bolilecare ucid ne

    sanatate si medicina

    Lung capacitatea unuifumtor Vs Nefumator

    sanatate si medicina

    Ce Aceste lucruri ciudatepe care le vedei plutindn ochi?

    Load more comments

    I don't know what kind of cancer you had, but your entire body can't justchange pH. Human metabolism would stop working, healthy along withsick tissues. Unless it was a truly minor change, which would have noeffect on cancer cells.

    Sorry, but it sounds to me that the cancer was already done for by thechemo. The food did nothing but fill your stomach.


    Yes, your entire body does change pH. Blood pH remains fairlyconstant. Urine tests reflect this reality.

    Insert Name Here


    "Anyone who tells you that certain foods or supplementsmake your stomach or blood acidic does not understandnutrition.You should not believe that it matters whether foods areacidic or alkaline, because no foods change the acidity of

    anything in your body except your urine. Your stomach isso acidic that no food can change its acidity. Citrus fruits,vinegar, and vitamins such as ascorbic acid or folic aciddo not change the acidity of your stomach or yourbloodstream. An entire bottle of calcium pills or antacidswould not change the acidity of your stomach for morethan a few minutes.All foods that leave your stomach are acidic. Then theyenter your intestines where secretions from your pancreasneutralize the stomach acids. So no matter what you eat,the food in the stomach is acidic and the food in the


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