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10 Eczema Secrets Your Doctor Won’t Tell You 10 Eczema Secrets Your Doctor Won’t Tell You

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10 Eczema Secrets Your Doctor Won’t Tell You

10 Eczema Secrets Your Doctor

Won’t Tell You

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1 10 Eczema Secrets Your Doctor Won’t Tell You

Medical Disclaimer

This book is for information purposes only and is not intended as medical or


BEGINNING ANY HEALTH PROGRAM. This can never be stressed enough.

There is always the possibility of an underlying condition which caused your skin

condition or may otherwise jeopardize your health if you start making too many

changes too quickly. Only your doctor can tell if you are healthy enough to start

an anti-eczema program.

Your safety and wellness are most important. When it comes to the different

techniques discussed in this ebook, always remember to use common sense.

Take responsibility for your health and safety. If you have had previous issues

with techniques and remedies used in this book, you may want to alter your

eczema solution to avoid that technique or find an alternative method. If you are

taking any medications, make sure you discuss how those medications will

interact with diet, eczema trigger identification, supplementation, and skin care

techniques recommended in the book.

The authors of this book have made every effort to provide you with correct and

complete information regarding eczema. The author and publisher shall have

neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any of the

information contained in this manual. The user assumes all risk for any injury,

personal loss or illness as a result of the information and techniques described in

this book.

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2Eczemcrets Your Doctor Won’t Tell You

In case you didn’t know it, your doctor is keeping secrets.

Everyone has secrets. However, these secrets are standing

in between you and an eczema-free life.

Millions of people blindly follow their doctor’s advice. They

assume their doctor knows everything there is to know

about their problem. They assume their doctor is telling

them everything they need to know about the problem.

They also assume they are being told

the best answers possible.

Why wouldn’t you make these assumptions? We have been trained to accept our

doctor’s opinion. After all, they spent a

great deal of time and money learning how

to treat the human body. Surely, they

would never lead us astray?

Unfortunately, it is becoming increasingly clear

our assumptions can be a mistake.

Doctors often are right, but sometimes they are wrong. Sometimes they either don’t know or won’t share vital information with us.

When it comes to eczema, what your doctor doesn’t know or isn’t saying can

doom you to a life plagued with dry, itching, oozing, and painful skin.

It is time you stood up for yourself. You have the right to healthier skin. You have

the right to live without the fear and pain of eczema. You have the right to unlock

the 10 secrets which can change your eczema forever.

Of course, teaching you to truly solve your eczema will take more room than can

fit into one report. However, these 10 secrets will give you a jumpstart on the

path to healing. After all, the sooner you start making improvements the sooner

you will start seeing results. But first, let’s explain a little about these secrets and

why your doctor isn’t telling you about them.

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0 Eczema Se

crets Yo’t Tell You

Your Doctor Isn’t Purposefully Keeping Secrets From You Despite how it may seem, your doctor is not a part of a conspiracy to keep you

suffering. At least, he or she is not consciously a part of one. However, he or she

has spent a great deal of time and money on a medical education which taught

them one important lesson: avoid all things natural and embrace those things

based in modern science AND technology. But why would experts turn away

from a solution if it really is a solution?

While there is no single answer to this question, the two main reasons are:

progress and efficiency. For thousands of years, mankind was accustomed to

using the natural materials in the world around them for healing. Even in the

greatest ancient centers of knowledge, like Alexandria and Tenochtitlan, the

wisest men used the best herbs, minerals, extracts, and other ingredients to keep

their royalty and their peasantry healthy.

Our knowledge of natural health improved century after century until the

Industrial Revolution of the late 1800s and early 1900s. Suddenly, men were

turning to technology to solve their problems. Technology made it easier to make

and get the things you needed, but it also helped us synthesize artificial

ingredients offering a cheaper alternative to the expense of the “real thing”.

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Science and medicine embraced these technological advances for many reasons. Of course, technology gave us many miraculous healing devices such as the artificial heart, the ability to detect even the tiniest cells of cancer before they become deadly, and even the ability to synthesize the hormones of vital organs like the thyroid or pancreas if those organs fail. These are just a few examples of the true miracles of modern technology.

Millions of people live better lives because of these advances. As time

progressed, the more miracles technology provided, the more doctor’s began to

rely solely on those results. Beginning some time just after World War II,

universities around the world began to not only embrace technology, but actually

look down on those who used “antiquated”, natural remedies.

A hard line was drawn between traditional medicine and those who decided to

stick to the alternative, homeopathic path. Unfortunately, the rest of us were

caught in between the two sides. Even more unfortunate, traditional medicine

had more clout, more money, and more influence than the other side, making the

decision very easy for the average laymen.

Since then, generation after generation of doctors has been rigidly trained to

forsake the natural options in favor of the “scientific” options. Commercial and

prescription drug companies spent billions of dollars every year reinforcing this

belief. By the time your doctor graduated from medical school, most “alternative”

therapies were being equated with voodoo.

At the same time, technology offered civilians a similar change. We began to fill

ourselves with margarine made in a lab than butter made from a cow’s milk. We

used iodate to color our foods red and added artificial flavors instead of using the

natural essence of a more expensive strawberry. We started using oil-based

petroleum gels to hydrate our skin instead of taking the time to nourish ourselves

with oatmeal, vitamin E, or aloe.

We also transitioned away from manual labor to an automatic world. We stopped

doing things for ourselves because it was easier to let something else do the

work. If synthesized food didn’t give us the best nutrients, we’d take a

synthesized vitamin as a substitute. If our lack of manual labor made us a little

overweight and our bodies weren’t able to produce the right enzymes and

hormones, we could synthesize a pill for that too.

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We accepted this option even if it didn’t do a good job of it. It didn’t matter if the

product wasn’t quite as good as the real thing or if your body couldn’t process the

chemical without leaving harmful toxins, or even if the artificial short-term answer

leaves you with new long-term problems. If it was easier than the real thing,

society wanted it.

The medical community recognized this trait in their patients. Their patients didn’t

want to work to achieve a healthy balance internally if a pill could deliver some

results without any effort at all. Eventually, doctors stopped asking so much of

resistant patients. After all, technology hadn’t failed them so far why should they

doubt it now?

The medical community and we, their patients, were now committed to a

technological solution for our medical problems. However, there has been an

amazing shift in our knowledge in the past decade. Expert scientists and doctors,

with decades of experience, have begun to see the drawbacks of only relying on

technology to solve our problems. They are realizing that, for many issues, there

is no substitute for the real thing.

It is happening worldwide. For example, the Mayo Clinic devotes many billions of

dollars a year on research into herbs and minerals that improve health. The US

FDA expedites the processing of tests and approvals for drugs which are

naturally derived versus their artificial counterparts. At the Sorbonne, some of the

most cutting edge research into cancer is investigating ways the natural world

can help us actually prevent this deadly disease.

Finally, the experts recognize a need to compromise and coordinate between the

best of technology and the best of nature. Although it is happening throughout

the world’s leading medical institutions, it takes a while for such things to trickle

down and throughout the medical community. It may take another generation or

two of doctors before all medicine gets “back on track.”

Meanwhile, your doctor is treating you according to an outdated philosophy

which he or she firmly believes is the only viable answer. As you can see, he or

she is not to blame. When it comes to many issues, your doctor’s option is best.

However, when it comes to treating your eczema, your doctor may not be fighting

it with the full arsenal.

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6 10 Eczema Secrets Your Doctor Won’t Tell You

What Are Eczema Secrets? Secrets are the perfect compromise between the knowledge of

technology experts and the knowledge of nature experts. Secrets

are more than that. Secrets are the explanations technology can’t

provide. Secrets are the solutions to the problems technology

caused. Secrets are the answers your doctor either can’t or won’t

give you.

The more we study eczema, the more we realize how many of our

previous beliefs about it were wrong. We now know the true causes

of eczema which has given us a fundamental insight onto controlling

and possibly even stopping the condition.

Today, we know have the expertise to offer eczema sufferers a more lasting

relief from and better control of their condition than ever before.

Unfortunately, your doctor is not going to give you this insight. As you read

earlier, he or she is probably still sticking to their “bible” of traditional medicine.

This leaves you with an important choice. Either follow your doctor’s advice and

risk never truly finding relief from your condition, or open your mind to these

alternative secrets which hold the key to your long-term happiness.

#1 - Eczema Is More Complex Than “Dry Skin” Or “An Allergy”

This lesson took a long time to

learn. For many years, maybe

even hundreds of years,

doctors chased the problems of

dry skin and allergies without

looking any deeper. This left so

many questions unanswered.

For example, why did skin

seem to flare up now matter

how nourished it is? Why are there times when you have no reaction after exposure to an allergen and then

other times when even a brief exposure causes an extreme flare?

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The answer is simple. Eczema itself is not a condition but rather a symptom of a

deeper, more complicated condition happening within your body. It is a

malfunction on a very fundamental level. Until that malfunction is corrected, you

will never have a lasting relief of your eczema symptoms.

Actually, it is a series of malfunctions. First, there is the allergy component to

eczema but it is really an immune system malfunction. An allergy occurs when your

immune system misinterprets a threat by a normally harmless substance. It equates

something as simple as cat dander or fabric softener to the most deadly of influenza

germs or chemical acids and reacts accordingly. In some cases, this malfunction

manifests itself as asthma or hives, but in you it manifests as eczema.

We know this immune problem is an inherited trait. The tendency is passed on

from generation to generation. We also know it gets more extreme with each

generation, but it can be controlled.

Once the allergy occurs, a key to controlling it will be to identify the allergen.

Once you can identify the allergen you can control your exposure to it. However,

simple allergen control is not enough because this condition is progressive if not

controlled. Today you may only be allergic to the juniper bush and only react

when your skin is weak, but you may eventually react to all evergreens all the

time if you take no precautions against it.

In addition to limiting exposure, you must also retrain your immune system to

function more normally. There are many ways to go about this and you must

utilize them all to achieve relief. First, introduce your immune system to real

threats. Stop avoiding germs by over washing and dousing your skin in hand

sanitizers. Humans are supposed to get sick, our immune system is supposed to

make us better. Your immune system is reacting to non-threats because it is not

encountering true threats. Teaching it to fight off a real threat will help it realize

how insignificant your allergen truly is.

You must also boost your immune system. Think of it as helping your immune

system’s ego. The stronger your immune system, the less likely it is to feel

threatened by something insignificant.

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What is the best fuel for an immune system? Nutrients, Zinc, B-Vitamins, Vitamin

C, Iron, and Probiotics. These are just a few of the many nutrients you can give

your body. Until you get on a pro-immune regiment, you will not be able to stop

your eczema.

The next malfunction occurs because the structure of your skin is compromised. Each

layer of your skin is thinner than the layers of a non-sufferers skin. Scientists believe it is

an inherited trait. The thinner layers leaves your skin cells more vulnerable to agitation,

which means they more easily retain water and swell. This causes the thinner layers to

tear, erupting with the all too familiar oozing eczema wounds.

These traits can be overcome. You must avoid anything which thins the skin

unnecessarily. Many over-the-counter creams which contain artificial ingredients and

petroleum jelly have a corrosive effect on the skin, speeding up its deterioration and

further thinning your layers. Additionally, excessive cleansing means you are

scrubbing your vulnerable skin too often. Each time your scrub your skin, no matter

how gently, you are wearing away at your precious skin cells.

In addition to preventing skin thinning, you must also promote skin building. Your

body needs a steady flood of nutrients to grow skin. You need simple proteins

and wholesome carbs to fuel the skin building process. You need a steady

supply of biogenic, or “life generating” foods, like unpasteurized yogurts and

sprouted seeds, to speed up the growth leading to thicker, healthier layers.

The final malfunction is that your body is not capable of producing the normal oils

needed to maintain conditioned, soft, and hydrated skin. Skin oil is needed to

strengthen the bond between skin cells, making them more resistant to injury and

to external attacks from dirt, germs, and chemicals. Most people can produce an

ample supply of oil, but for some reason your body cannot.

While the reason for this low production is still unknown, we do know you can

bolster your skin’s natural hydration. First, make sure your diet is filled with plenty

of oil-rich, natural foods. Animal oils, especially fish oil, are especially rich in

lipids which are the fats your body uses to create skin oil. However, eating too

much meat can be unhealthy, so you can also get ample lipids from nut and seed

oils such as olive and apricot oils.

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You should also supplement your dietary intake by taking extra Vitamin E both

internally and externally. Vitamin E supplements, in pill form, can be found in

most health food stores and should be taken daily. Vitamin E oils are also sold in

liquid form, so they can be applied directly to your skin. This ensures your skin is

protected from the inside and out.

As you can see, eczema is a complex problem. If your doctor isn’t addressing each

component of the problem, he is not going to give you a real answer. However, the

secret is that eczema does have a complex solution. Although your doctor is not

going to give you this solution, it is a safe, natural goal you must achieve yourself.

#2 - Prescription Steroid Creams Do More Harm Than Good Prescription steroids are your doctor’s main, and often only, defense. When you

show up in his or her office with a

boiling itchy rash, you are sent home

with a prescription for an expensive,

smelly tube of cream. You are told to

apply it several times a day until your

symptoms abate. When the flare up is

over, you put the cream away until the

next time when you start the process

all over again.

It makes a flare up go away faster.

That’s a good thing, right? Well, not


Steroids are the quintessential problem of relying on technology instead of nature

to save your problem. Corticosteroids, the form used for eczema treatment, is a

chemical version of the enzymes your body produces to stop swelling and

inflammation. The enzymes in your body attach to your swollen skin cells and

cause them to relax, releasing the water they have retained and restoring normal

blood flow.

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Once the swelling is over, your body’s natural steroid enzymes are easily

metabolized. Your body simply flushes them from your system with little effort.

Within a few days, it is like they were never there. This is not the case of artificial


Artificial steroids work similarly to natural steroids, but with many problems. First,

you must take a much higher dosage of artificial steroids compared to what your

body would normally produce. This is because your body will start trying to

eliminate these foreign chemicals as soon as they touch your skin. It is estimated

that only 40-60% of the steroids in a prescription actually get used by your body

to relieve inflammation.

The second problem is that this increased dosage also means an increase in

“non-active” ingredients. These are the emollients and other chemicals needed to

deliver, color, give aroma to, and otherwise assist the active ingredient of the

steroid. Unfortunately, these are all chemicals. They are harsh and aggressive.

While helping the steroid to reach the inner layers of your skin, they are also

causing permanent damage.

Repeated use of steroids consistently leads to thinning and stiffening of the skin.

As you have already learned, thinned skin is an eczema no-no. This short term

solution is clearly causing long-term problems.

The third problem is similar to the second. After these chemicals penetrate into

your skin, they reach your blood supply. This is when your body kicks in to

remove them from your body. The steroids themselves are similar to your natural

enzymes, but they will take a lot more effort to flush from your system.

While your body is concentrating on flushing the steroid, it is not able to deal with

the non-active ingredients. All of these dyes, preservatives, and other chemicals

are circulating throughout your body. Your liver will start producing additional

enzymes to eradicate these substances, but not before tiny traces of toxins are

littered throughout your body.

Each time you use steroids, you leave more and more of a “toxin trail” in your

body. Each time, you put unnecessary strain on your liver and other organs. Of

course, strain to your internal organs also causes strain to your immune system.

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11 10 Eczema Secrets Your Doctor Won’t Tell You

Essentially, the secret we know now is each time you use a steroid to clear up an

eczema flare, you are ensuring you will have a future flare. Between your

compromised skin and your compromised immune system, it is a perfect

equation for trouble and a downward spiral. If you want to break the spiral, it is

time to look for another alternative…. A safer, natural one.

#3 - Allergy Tests Will Not Tell You What’s Causing

Your Eczema

Most doctors recognize eczema as an allergy. Therefore, they treat it the same

way they do every other allergy issue. First, they give you some prescriptions to

treat the symptoms. After several recurrences (depending on the doctor it can

take a lot of expensive visits before you get to this point), your doctor will finally

refer you to an allergist for allergy testing.

Next you, just like thousands of other eczema sufferers, are subjected to a series

of needle pokes, starting with 20 but possibly more than 100. Each needle is

loaded with potential allergens or irritants. A few hours and a few days later, the

reactions of each injection are recorded. You are sent home with your results, a

list of items you are “allergic” to which you should avoid.

Over the next few weeks or months, you work hard and probably invest a lot of

money to avoid those items. Then, inevitably, you suffer a seemingly inexplicable

eczema flare up. Now, you’re questioning the validity of the tests and possibly

even your doctor’s expertise.

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12 10 Eczema Secrets Your Doctor Won’t Tell You

The problem is not with your doctor, it is with the tests. Allergies, as you read

earlier, are the result of a malfunctioning immune system. The problem is, an

immune system isn’t a precise machine and sometimes it is functioning better

than other times.

There are times when your system isn’t experiencing any real threats. At these

times, the miniscule amount of allergen in the test will probably not trigger a

detectable response. At times when your immune system is extremely taxed, you

may react to items you normally would not.

Another issue is your immune system does not work on command. Sometimes, it

can take several days for a visible reaction to occur. Even results observed 3

days later may not be accurate. Furthermore, it is sometimes a combination of

items, such as smoke and dog dander, which invoke a reaction. If you are tested

for the items individually, you won’t have a reaction but as soon as you are

exposed to both in the real world, your eczema will flare.

Of course, the other component of eczema- skin malfunction- is also not a

consistent problem. If your skin is especially nourished at the time of the tests,

you may not have a reaction. If your skin is in a weakened state, you may have

an extreme reaction.

As you can see, allergy tests are an unreliable method of detection.

Unfortunately, they are the typical doctor’s only and last line of defense. Once

they fail you, he or she has no other options to offer you but that doesn’t mean

you are helpless. Before you get too angry (and hopefully before you subject

yourself to more tests), think of allergy tests as a good starting place.

Take a scientific approach, before a theory can become a law it has to pass

repeated tests. Now you have a list of suspects. Over the next few months, you

can test these results by observing your body’s response to exposure during

varied circumstances, throughout various stages of immune and skin health, and

in combination with other suspects.

The process will take effort, and concentration. There is a specific method to the

secret of identifying your eczema triggers. However, if you can put in the time

and the work to do it right, you will gain a great insight into your condition and

how to control it.

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#4 - Your Family History Can Tell You More Than Your Doctor

In Secret #1 you read a lot about the inherited traits which led to your

eczema. Right about now, you may be upset with Uncle Ed or

Grandma Sally for passing on such malfunctioning genes. You might

also be worrying about passing on the trait to your own children.

Before you make any big decisions about the future or blame

someone at the holiday dinner table, you should know the same

genes which hold the keys to your problem also hold the keys to

your solution. It is time for you to sit down with dear Grandma Sally

and have a long talk about your family’s secrets. Not the skeletons

in the closets, but the family’s secrets about their allergies,

their skin, and their health.

Chances are your ancestors have encountered an

allergy or two in their life. They have probably

spent much of their own time and money trying to

diagnose the root of their problems. You can use

their hard work to jump start your success.

The obvious question to ask is about their allergies,

including other forms of allergies like asthma and hives.

What have they learned about their allergies? Do they

know which items trigger their flare ups?

Knowing your relatives allergy triggers will probably be a clue to your own issues.

If they are allergic to cat dander, that will be one of your first suspects to put on

the “beware” list and start testing. It will also give you a clue as to your allergen

“group”. For example, you may not react to cat dander, but since you know this is

a familial weakness you know you should test similar allergens such as dog and

bird dander.

Even your long-deceased ancestors can help your investigation. We all have

“genetic maps.” This is the map of the geographic areas from which we are

descended. Many of us live on a totally different continent than our ancestors.

Those of us on the same continent, now live in a totally different area.

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14 10 Eczema Secrets Your Doctor Won’t Tell You What does this mean for eczema? It means for hundreds of thousands of years your

genetic line was exposed to the different plants, animals, foods, and environmental

triggers unique to the region within your genetic map. Their bodies were accustomed

to these items and were very unlikely to react negatively to them.

In the past 3 generations we have become a global society of nomads, but 3

generations is not enough time for our bodies to evolve. Now, we are being

exposed to plants, animals, foods, and environmental triggers from all over the

world but our bodies are only trained to handle those from our genetic map. Start

investigating your genetic map and compare it to the items you encounter daily,

chances are you will find “foreign intruders” for your beware list.

Of course, study your familial allergy history and your genetic map will take you

only so far. While this method is more reliable than allergy testing, it will not give

you a complete picture of your eczema triggers. You will also have to study the

other aspects of your life to build a complete list of suspects to test and eliminate.

It is also important to remember your family can not only give you clues to the

cause, but they can also provide you with clues to the cure. The other eczema

sufferers in your family have probably been fighting it much longer than you.

They know which remedies work and which don’t.

So, the lesson of this secret is the next time you’re going to see your Grandma

Sally, take a notebook. Set aside enough time to have a good, long talk about

your family’s medical history. Chances are you are going to leave that visit with a

wealth of information far beyond any your doctor can teach you.

#5 - Don’t Fear The Elements, Getting Outside Actually

Helps Heal Eczema There is an irrational fear of the outdoors spreading throughout the medical

community. Fear of the sun, the wind, and the rain has reached an all-time high.

Chances are your doctor has done his part to spread this fear by telling you to

stay out of the elements or risk a severe flare up. However, the true “experts”

now know better.

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Mankind has been an outdoor

creature since the first caveman

ever walked. If the outdoor

elements offered a serious threat,

our race would have disappeared

thousands of years ago. Yet,

despite the obvious proof

otherwise, “experts” still continue

the myth of the deadly outdoors.

Your skin, your body’s largest organ, was designed to function outdoors. When

the sun’s rays hit your skin, your body actually converts that light to Vitamin D,

which is necessary for skin growth, nutrient absorption, and immune system

strength. When the sun makes you hot, your skin’s pores open up and dirt, dust,

and other eczema triggers are flushed away with your swear.

When your skin encounters the humidity of a rainy day, it opens up to absorb that

natural, clean moisture. When your skin is exposed to fresh air, it constricts to

release all of the old cells, dirt, and other triggers which were waiting to cause a

flare up. Even cold air can help relieve swelling naturally, the same way a cold

compress soothes a flare up.

Obviously, you were meant to spend time outside. In fact, you are hindering your

skin when you stay indoors among the artificial light and stale, dry air. So, why

would a doctor tell you otherwise?

As with all good things, you have to practice moderation in the outdoors. Your

ancestors didn’t spend hours a day scantily clad in the sun lathered up in sun tan

lotion. They put on cool clothes, shielded themselves from the harsher rays in the

middle of the day, and washed their skin when they became too sweaty. They

didn’t spend hours standing out in the bitter cold watching sports until long after

their skin chapped. They covered up with natural, breathable clothing layers and

only had brief excursions out into extreme temperatures.

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Unfortunately, we are no longer a society of moderation. We spend hours outside

without regard to our skin’s health. We don’t wear natural, breathable layers.

Sometimes we wear nothing at all. Other times, we wear technologically

provided, artificial alternatives which prevent breathability and do not vent in the

fresh elements.

Your doctor knows these facts. Frankly, he or she doubts your ability to rise

above them because all of the patients before you have refused to make the

necessary changes to their routine. He or she wants to protects you and is

operating under the belief that it is better to be safe than sorry.

The secret you now know is to change your outdoor behavior. Learn how to take

advantage of the pro-skin, anti-eczema benefits waiting for you outside. Be

outdoors smart and your skin will stay outdoors safe.

#6 - Despite The Hype, Most Lotions Won’t Help

It seems like a good theory and it is one your doctor has probably endorsed

frequently: Use a daily lotion to prevent dry, weakened skin. Your skin can’t

moisturize itself. It needs help. Lotions are moisturizers and if you consistently

coat your skin in them it should stay hydrated, right? Well, not exactly.

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17 10 Eczema Secrets Your Doctor Won’t Tell You It is that same technology problem again. The natural ingredients we relied on for

centuries to soothe and soften our skin are expensive to grow, harvest, and refine

into an affordable, easily available product. On the other hand, technology can

produce a “similar” product for ¼ the price and make it easy for anyone to use.

Too much time and money is needed to produce a lotion made from pure

ingredients like aloe, cocoa butter, oatmeal, nut and seed oils, and healing herbs.

On the other hand, oil can very quickly and easily be converted into a petroleum

jelly and mineral oils which lube up your skin much the same way oil lubes a

car’s engine. It may not work quite as well as a natural alternative, but most

people, including your doctor, consider the difference insignificant.

For the average person, this is probably enough. While coating your skin in

artificial chemicals should give anyone pause, most people find it hydrates their

skin just enough to not look for another option. As a result, millions of bottles of

lotion filled with petroleum and other strange sounding chemicals are sold every

year promising to alleviate dry skin.

You are not most people, you are an eczema sufferer and your skin needs more

than “just enough”. Your already fragile skin cells cannot heal using most lotions

on the market. This is because those lotions are filled with artificial ingredients

which cause more harm than good.

Unnatural “moisturizers” do not actually moisturize. They sit on top of your skin

because their foreign composition cannot be absorbed and used by the inner

layers. While the outer most layers do become quite moist, the weaker internal

cells never receive an ounce of that hydration and continue to dry out and crack.

Even worse, these “bubble” formed by this lotion disables your skin’s natural

protection. Your pores can no longer breathe and vent the deeper layers of your

skin. The fresh air around you cannot reach any of your skin to assist with

ventilations. Furthermore, the dirt, germs, and eczema triggers on your skin

become trapped on the surface for a prolonged period increasing the chance of

an immune system reaction.

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None of these problems happen when you use a lotion derived from completely

pure ingredients in their most natural state. Your skin recognizes natural oils and

nutrients. It can quickly absorb them even into the deepest layers. Natural lotions

do not clog pores and actually assist in the removal of debris and eczema

triggers on the surface.

The secret to relieving your dry skin is to find a natural lotion. Not only one made

from natural ingredients, but ingredients in their most natural state. Oils should

be pressed, not cooked. Fats should be “raw” and unprocessed. Minerals should

be pure and not combined with chemicals to make the lotion spread more easily

or appear more pleasing. These lotions may cost slightly more and may be a

more difficult to find, but the benefits will far outweigh the costs.

#7 - Moisturizing Is More Than Lathering On Lotion

In daily speech, the term

moisturizing is synonymous

with lotion. When your doctor

tells you to moisturize your

skin, he is talking about

using a daily lotion.

However, if applying lotion

day after day is your only

method of moisturizing, your

skin will not show any

substantial improvement.

Obviously, you need to moisturize your skin. Using a naturally derived lotion, as

you read about above, is an important part of moisturizing externally. However, it

is not the sole solution. You can apply lotion several times throughout the day,

but you can moisturize all day long.

Your first opportunity is when you take your morning shower. When you start to

clean your skin, you have two choices. You can use a harsh, artificial detergent

which will be too abrasive and actually remove much needed moisture from your

skin. On the other hand, you can use a natural, mild cleanser which will remove

dirt and contaminants but keep and possibly even increase the moisture within

your skin.

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Your next opportunity to moisturize comes right after your shower. When your

skin is wet, it is slightly expanded. This increases the space between your

individual skin cells, leaving a momentary vacuum until your skin dries and

shrinks back. This means there is no better time than just after a shower or bath

to insert extra moisture in between those cells, building up the skin and

increasing your protection against dryness.

Lotions can give you some moisture post-shower, but the best option is oil.

Natural oil, like apricot or olive oil, can more quickly sink into a fill the space

between your skin cells while you are wet. Oil is not soluble and can cut through

the water, spreading further and deeper than a creamy lotion in less than half the

time. Your body will need the lotion throughout the rest of the day, but do not

miss this unique opportunity to give the inner layers of your skin direct moisture.

Finally, you can also hydrate your skin through environment control. You learned

earlier how your skin soaks up the humidity outside to stay hydrated. You can

achieve a similar state indoors with the use of a humidifier. The average home

and office has a humidity level of 20% or less. The average humid day has a

level of 65% or greater. Using a humidifier to increase your indoor humidity to

something closer than outdoor humidity can give your skin that extra hydration

boost it needs all day long and all night.

The secret to moisturizing your skin is not lotion, it is a hydration plan. Lotion is

very useful, but you must go beyond your doctor’s recommendation. You must

take advantage of every opportunity you can, all day long, if you truly want to

keep your skin soft, supple, and strong.

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#8 - 8 Glasses Of Water A Day Will Not Keep The Eczema Away Pretty much every doctor

agrees we all need to drink

more water and most

recommend following the

often quoted rule of “8

glasses a day.” The problem

is their recommendation is

not enough to provide any

true healing. After all, our bodies are made up of more than 70% water. So, how can 8 glasses a day

possibly maintain that balance?

The truth is it cannot. The 8 glasses rule is very outdated. It was a

recommendation made in the 1950s. Since then, we have learned our bodies

need a great deal more water than that because water is essential to every single

body function and without it we do not only thirst, we die.

Some people simply need more water than others. We are all different sizes and

your 70% may equate to a few more or less gallons of water than someone who

is bigger or smaller than you. Therefore, the equation varies per person.

The International Institute of Medicine starts the equation at recommending 3

liters daily for men and 2.2 liters daily for women. Then, the Mayo Clinic

recommends increasing the number based on your individual needs. If you are

extremely active or are often sweaty, you need to increase your water

consumption by .5 liters for every 2 hours of increased activity. If you have a

health condition which makes your body use more water, like fluid retention,

congestive heart failure, or IBS, you will also have to increase your water.

As an eczema sufferer, the later recommendation applies directly to you. One of

the malfunctions causing your eczema is the inability for your skin to retain

moisture. Your skin cannot hydrate itself and replenish its cells.

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Normal skin is comprised of more than 50% water, but your eczema prone skin is

thinner and less hydrated. This means your skin probably has a moisture content

of about 30-40%. You are consuming the same amount of water as everyone

else, but only reaping half the benefits.

Furthermore, you have already read how your organs need water to perform well.

Your kidneys and liver are primarily responsible for flushing harmful, eczema-

causing substances from your body. Unfortunately, your body has a tendency to

hold onto allergens internally far longer than it should.

Most people have no problem quickly flushing harmful items from their system.

You are having an issue because your endocrine system is not holding on to

enough liquid to adequately flush your system. Once again, you are consuming

the same amount of water as everyone else, but you are really only getting about

half or two-thirds the benefit.

The way to get the most out of water is to get the most water you can. Start with

the Institute of Medicine’s recommendation for your gender. Add the appropriate

amount for your level of activity based on Mayo’s recommendations. Finally, add

the appropriate amount of water based on the severity of your condition. Mild

sufferers may only want to add .33 liters and extreme sufferers may want to start

by adding .5 liters to their recommended quantity.

The secret of getting the most out of your water is the water+ rule. Add the water

you need to your daily intake and you will see a difference. After a month, you

should begin to see a change in both your skin and your overall health and can

decide to add more water if needed. Stop making excuses and make sure you

get the water you need, your skin will thank you by becoming more eczema-


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#9 - Eczema Is Not Just A Physical Issue

This secret may be the biggest your

doctor will not tell you, because he or

she never learned it themselves.

Physicians train to treat your physical

problems. For the most conditions,

they are good at it. However,

physicians who are quite adept at

healing the physical are often

inadequate at fixing mental issues.

When an issue has both physical and mental aspects, they are often left in the dark and frequently ignore the problem.

As you learned earlier, eczema is a complex problem. One of those complexities

is the duality of a physical, mental problem. Granted, eczema is primarily a

physical malfunction. However, to dismiss the mental issues means you are

missing an important opportunity for healing.

There is a new genre of science dedicated to studying the link between your

nervous system and your immune system. It is called Psychoneuroimmunology.

It has taught us that we can never achieve true physical wellbeing if we do not

achieve mental wellbeing, and vice versus.

The immune system relies on several organs within your body which are well-

being dependent, especially the thymus, thyroid, and adrenal glands. When you

are in a general state of wellness, these glands emit normal amounts of enzymes

dedicated to maintaining and nurturing all of your body including your immune

system. When something goes wrong, your brain changes your body into an

“emergency only” mode.

This means those glands start to emit only those enzymes necessary for basic

life support. You can still metabolize food. You can still convert air into blood

oxygen. Your heart will still beat and your brain will still think. These functions are

all essential to life. Because you are in “emergency mode”, your body is

dedicated to maintaining these functions no matter what goes wrong.

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“Emergency mode” is difficult to maintain. The only way your body can do it is to

cut out functions it considers not immediately necessary. Unfortunately, the

immune system is not considered immediately necessary and goes on the back-

burner during emergency mode. This leaves the door open for a major immune

malfunction and the resulting major eczema flare up.

Obviously, if your mental state is threatened the physical health of your skin is also

threatened. Of course, the fear of being touched and the anxiety of being in public

during a flare up can cause a great deal of mental unrest. The fear of having a flare

up, the discomfort during a flare up and the general frustration with your plight can

cause the exact stress which sends your body into “emergency mode.” In short, your

physical eczema causes stress which, in turn, causes more eczema.

Breaking this cycle is one of the most important eczema secrets. Naturally,

repairing your skin and controlling future flare ups will go a long way toward

breaking the cycle. However, you must also find methods of relaxation and

distraction to ease your worries during and in between flare ups. Healing your

mind will be an important step to ultimately healing your whole body.

#10 - Symptom Chasing Will Never Let You Win Your doctor is reacting to your problem by treating symptoms. To find true relief,

you must be proactive and control your problem. This difference is the

fundamental secret of why your doctor

cannot help you but you can

help yourself.

Symptom chasing is a very

common issue in the medical

community. It goes back to the

idea of a society that wants

things to be easy. People want

their symptoms to go away. They are willing to take any number of pills and products to make the symptoms

go away. However, they are rarely willing to do the work needed to stop the

symptoms from ever returning.

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The prescription steroids, the lotions, and the allergy pills your doctor prescribes

only treat symptoms and not the cause. Each will help a flare up go away more

quickly and give you more relief. However, they do nothing to prevent a future

flare up from occurring and often cause future flare ups.

Relieving symptoms is fine, but it is better to stop symptoms. Stopping

symptoms means you have to learn how to correct each of the malfunctions

causing your very complex eczema. This is possible and you can do it all on

your own without your doctor’s help, especially if you use Beat Eczema as your


Beat Eczema is a total answer to all of the eczema questions. It was written by a

health researcher who has studied eczema for many years. Along the way, she

noticed how the miscommunication and conflict between the medical and

alternative health communities was hindering progress and increasing suffering.

Using his knowledge of the human body, he developed a system which combines

the best technological and natural therapies available. By uniting these two

philosophies, he has created a unique way to not only relieve eczema, but even

stop flare ups. It is the closest you can get to actually curing eczema.

Beat Eczema begins with a biology lesson. In very simple laymen’s terms it will

teach you exactly how your body works and the true reasons for your eczema.

You will learn everything you need to know about your immune system, your

skin, and the precise nature of your eczema. Knowing the details of the problem

will help you narrow down on the solution.

Next, you will learn the specifics of identifying, controlling, and eliminating your

eczema triggers. Remember, if you can avoid and control your exposure to

allergens you can also avoid and control your breakouts. It is a proven method

and it begins with the revolutionary elimination of all triggers and toxins.

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The Beat Eczema method of trigger identification is worth the price of the

book itself, but it has so much more to offer. It will teach you how to retrain

and improve your immune system through nutrition and lifestyle, making your

system less prone to overreaction and you less prone to eczema. You will

also learn how to create eczema-proof skin. The book provides the best

homeopathic recipes and techniques to nurture your skin externally while

teaching you which nutrients you need to boost your skin from the inside.

Perhaps the greatest value of the book is its simplicity. Solving a complex

problem takes work, but Eczema Free makes it as easy as possible. All of the

research is done. More importantly, it literally gives you step-by-step

instructions on how to achieve a pro-skin, pro-immunity body. You have all

the tools you need to succeed.

Now you know what your doctor wouldn’t tell you. You know the first 10

secrets to solving your problem. You have the right to be healthier and now

nothing should stand in your way. It is time to commit to the solution. Your

doctor may not be able to help, but you have everything you need to


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