10 daily habits of most successful entrepreneurs (2)


Transcript of 10 daily habits of most successful entrepreneurs (2)

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Page 2: 10 daily habits of most successful entrepreneurs (2)

Entrepreneurs without a doubt have the busiest schedules.

Their day is full of planning, research & meetings because there

is so much to do in such short span of time.

Most of the successful entrepreneurs share same or similar

habits which help them in avoiding such unnecessary


Let’s see what the 10 daily habits of most successful

Entrepreneurs are.

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1) Create a routine:

Image courtesy: enactusmans.org

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Create a routine:

Scheduling and planning in advance certainly makes the life of

an entrepreneur easy.

Most of the successful entrepreneurs have a strict routine,

which they follow obediently and is one of the important reason

of their success.

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2. Keep the mornings for the toughest projects:

Image courtesy: improveyourlifewithpassion.blogspot.com

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In a research it has been proven that most of the people are more

productive in the morning than at any other time of the day.

Like most of the successful people you can either dedicate your

mornings to the things you love or to the things that you feel are

tough to deal with for better results.

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3. Workout & Meditate:

Image courtesy: rmsbunkerblog.wordpress.com

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Workout & Meditate:

Almost all of the successful people start their day with exercise

or meditation.

The CEOs of Apple, Xerox, Pepsi, Christies and Starwood

Hotels all start their day with a cardio workout according to a

leading magazine.

The most important benefit of exercising for entrepreneurs is

relieving their stress therefore, one must engage himself in any

such activity not necessary in the morning but during any part

of the day that acts as a stress buster.

Image courtesy: www.damarque.com

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4.Give a head start to tomorrow today:

Image courtesy:nomorewaffles.com

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Give a head start to tomorrow today:

The most successful businessmen keep themselves ready for

next day’s work a night before which saves the unnecessary

diversions in the next day and help them to stay focused on the

important business activities.

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5. Schedule time for revenue generating


Image courtesy: www.burwellinc.com

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Schedule time for revenue generating


This is an important activity for start-ups. Such activities help

an entrepreneur in avoiding the unimportant activities and

focus towards some profit generating activities.

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6. Track your progress:

Image courtesy: http://blog.credit.com/

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Track your progress:

Most of the times one tends to skip on important things in the

midst of numerous activities going on in the organization.

Therefore, it becomes very important for an entrepreneur to

track his/her progress daily with the pre-determined goals and


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7. Refresh yourself with quality family time:

Image courtesy:theweddingbid.

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Refresh yourself with quality family time:

Prioritizing spending time with family is one of the habits of the

successful people according to a new Harvard Business School


Therefore, no matter how busy your schedule is you must spend

some quality time with your family as when you spend time

with the most important people in your life it keeps you

motivated and refreshes you for the upcoming challenges.

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8. Encourage team to provide solution not

problems :

Image courtesy:theweddingbid.

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Encourage team to provide solution not

problems :

A proactive team is the solution to half of your problems. All the

successful entrepreneurs encourage their teams to be come up

with the solutions if they run into a road block. This not only

helps in creating a strong team but also minimizes the stress of

the problems that can be solved at the junior level.

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9. Segregate each day for separate business


Image courtesy:timages.1233

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Segregate each day for separate business


In a recent interview with Twitter and Square co-founder, Jack

Dorsey shared his trick of staying productive throughout the

day lies in his weekly schedule dedicated to a particular area of

the business at both companies.

Here’s what his themed week looks like:

• Monday: Management and running the company

• Tuesday: Product

• Wednesday: Marketing and communications, growth

• Thursday: Developers and partnerships

• Friday: Company culture and recruiting

• On Saturdays, Jack takes an off and on Sundays he reflect on the past

week and plans for the coming week.

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10. Continue learning:

Image courtesy:tedudemic.com.

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10. Continue learning:

A successful entrepreneur never gives up on the learning

process. He continues to learn a new thing every day. One must

keep on updating himself with the latest news especially in

his/her industry and the best way to do this is by attending

various workshops, classes etc. pertaining to business.

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Following the above habits does not guarantee you success in

your business but will definitely help you in focusing better on

your business, which drives you to the top.

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Mara Foundation’s Ambition

We enable, inspire and empower ambitious entrepreneurs in Africa. With the support of our Mara Mentors we will:

Inspire millions of young people in Africa to become entrepreneurs.

Teach entrepreneurs new skills.

Enable entrepreneurs to turn business ideas into a reality.

Guide business owners to grow businesses and hire (more) employees.

Empower entrepreneurs by providing a platform to showcase their business and build their network.