1) Write a VB Program to design a simple calculator to ...

1) Write a VB Program to design a simple calculator to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (Use functions for the calculations). Dim x As Double, y As Double Dim z As Boolean Dim opr As String Private Sub cmdadd_Click () x=Val(lblresult.Caption) opr = "+" lblresult.Caption = " " End Sub Private Sub cmdclear_Click() lblresult.Caption = "" End Sub Private Sub cmddiv_Click () x=Val(lblresult.Caption) opr = "/" lblresult.Caption = " " End Sub Private Sub cmddot_Click () If z = True Then lblresult.Caption="" z=False End If

Transcript of 1) Write a VB Program to design a simple calculator to ...

Page 1: 1) Write a VB Program to design a simple calculator to ...

1) Write a VB Program to design a simple calculator to perform addition,

subtraction, multiplication and division (Use functions for the calculations).

Dim x As Double, y As Double

Dim z As Boolean

Dim opr As String

Private Sub cmdadd_Click ()


opr = "+"

lblresult.Caption = " "

End Sub

Private Sub cmdclear_Click()

lblresult.Caption = ""

End Sub

Private Sub cmddiv_Click ()


opr = "/"

lblresult.Caption = " "

End Sub

Private Sub cmddot_Click ()

If z = True Then



End If

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If InStr(lblresult.Caption, ".") Then

Exit Sub


lblresult.Caption = lblresult.Caption + "."

End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdequals_Click()

Dim result As Double

y = Val(lblresult.Caption)

If opr ="+" Then

result=add(x, y)

End If

If opr = "-" Then

result = subtract(x, y)


If opr="*" Then

result=mul(x, y)


If opr="/" Then

result=div(x, y)

End If


End Sub

Private Sub cmdmul_Click()


opr = "*"

lblresult.Caption = " "

End Sub

Private Sub cmdsbtract_Click()


opr = "-"

lblresult.Caption = " "

End Sub

Private Sub Label1_Click()


End Sub

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Private Sub Number_Click(Index As Integer)

If z Then

lblresult.Caption = ""

z = False

End If

lblresult.Caption = lblresult.Caption +Number(Index).Caption

End Sub

Function add(ByVal x As Double, ByVal y As Double) As Double

add = x +y

End Function

Function subtract(ByVal x As Double, ByVal y As Double) As Double

subtract = x - y

End Function

Function mul(ByVal x As Double, ByVal y As Double) As Double

mul = x * y

End Function

Function div(ByVal x As Double, ByVal y As Double) As Double

div = x / y

End Function

2) Design a User Interface (UI) to accept the student details such as name,

department and total marks. Validate the input data and calculate the

percentage and division.

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Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim avg As Single

If Len(Text3.Text) = 0 Or Len(Text4.Text) = 0 Or Len(Text5.Text) = 0 Or Len(Text6.Text) = 0 Or

Len(Text7.Text) = 0 Then

MsgBox (" Field Should not be Empty ")

Exit Sub

End If

Label10.Caption=Val(Text3.Text)+Val(Text4.Text)+Val(Text5.Text)+Val(Text6.Text) +


Label12.Caption = Val(Label10.Caption) / 5

avg = Val(Label12.Caption)

If (avg >= 75) Then

Label14.Caption = "Distinction"

ElseIf (avg >= 60) Then

Label14.Caption = "First Class"

ElseIf (avg >= 50) Then

Label14.Caption = "Second Class"

ElseIf (avg >= 35) Then

Label14.Caption = "Third Class"


Label14.Caption = "fail"

End If

If Val(Text3.Text) < 35 Or Val(Text4.Text) < 35 Or Val(Text5.Text) < 35 Or Val(Text6.Text) < 35

Or Val(Text7.Text) < 35 Then Label14 = "fail"

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Text1.Text = " "

Text2.Text = " "

Text3.Text = " "

Text4.Text = " "

Text5.Text = " "

Text6.Text = " "

Text7.Text = " "

Label10.Caption = " "

Label12.Caption = " "

Label14.Caption = " "

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End Sub

Private SubCommand3_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If ((KeyAscii>= 65 And KeyAscii<= 91) Or (KeyAscii>= 97 And KeyAscii<= 123)

Or KeyAscii = 32 Or KeyAscii = 8) Then


KeyAscii = 0

MsgBox("Enter only Alphabets")

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Text3_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If (KeyAscii>= 48 And KeyAscii<= 57)



KeyAscii = 0

MsgBox ("Enter onlyDigits")

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Text4_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If (KeyAscii>= 48 And KeyAscii<= 57) Then


KeyAscii = 0

MsgBox ("Enter only Digits")

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Text5_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If (KeyAscii>= 48 And KeyAscii<= 57) Then


KeyAscii = 0

MsgBox ("Enter onlyDigits")

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Text6_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

Page 6: 1) Write a VB Program to design a simple calculator to ...

If (KeyAscii>= 48 And KeyAscii<= 57) Then


KeyAscii = 0

MsgBox ("Enter only Digits")

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Text7_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If (KeyAscii>= 48 And KeyAscii<= 57) Then Else KeyAscii = 0 MsgBox ("Enter only Digits") End If End Sub

3) Design a VB application which has MDI and Child forms. Create a menu

having the items such as file (New, Open), Format (Font, Regular,

Bold,Italic) and Exit in the MDI form. Also create a text box and use a

Common Dialog Box control for changing the font, fore color and back color

of the text box.

Private Sub mnubackcolor_Click()


Text1.BackColor = CommonDialog1.Color

End Sub

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Private Sub mnubold_Click()


Text1.Font = CommonDialog1.FontBold

End sub

Private Sub mnuchild_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub mnuchild2_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub mnuexit_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub mnufont_Click()


Text1.Font = CommonDialog1.FontName


Private Sub mnuforecolor_Click()


Text1.ForeColor = CommonDialog1.Color


Private Sub mnuitalic_Click()


Text1.Font = CommonDialog1.FontItalic

End Sub

Private Sub mnursize_Click()


Text1.Font = CommonDialog1.FontSize

End Sub

Page 8: 1) Write a VB Program to design a simple calculator to ...

4) VB program to Encrypt and Decrypt a string. (Use Rnd() to generate the

Encryption and Decryption keys).

Dim dpt As String

Dim key As Integer

Dim rnum As Integer

Dim ept As String

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Text1.Text = ept

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Dim i As Integer

Dim str2 As Stringdpt = ""

For i = 1 To Len(ept)

str2 = Mid(ept, i, 1)

str2 = Chr(Asc(str2) - rnum)

dpt = dpt + str2

Next i

Text1.Text = dpt

End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()



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Private Sub Form_Load()

ept =""

dpt = ""

Text1.Text = ""

rnum = (10 * Rnd + 1)

End Sub

Private Sub Text1_keypress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If (KeyAscii>= 65 And keyAcii<= 90) Or (KeyAscii>= 97 And KeyAscii<=

22) Or KeyAscii=32 Then

key = KeyAscii + rnum

ept = ept + Chr(key)


KeyAscii = 0

End If

End Sub

5) Design a small Alarm Clock Application.

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Label2.Caption = Text1.Text

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Timer1.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()

Timer1.Enabled = False

End Sub

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Private Sub Command4_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Timer1.Enabled = False

Timer1.InterVal = 500

Text1.Text = "00:00:00"

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

Dim i As Integer

Label3.Caption = Format(Time, "hh:mm:ss")

If Trim(Label3.Caption) >= Trim(Label2.Caption) Then


End If

End Sub

6) Write a VB Program to Validate the username and password form the

database and display the appropriate message.(Use Data Control)

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Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim x As Integer x = 0


Do While Not Adodc1.Recordset.EOF

If Text1.Text=Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(0) AndText2.Text=Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(1) Then

MsgBox ("Valid user name and password")

End If



If x = 0 Then

MsgBox ("inValid username or password")

Text1.Text = ""

Text2.Text = ""


End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()


End Sub

7) Design a VB application to record the employee details such as EmpId,

EmpName, Designation and Basic Pay. Calculate the DA, HRA, Deduction

and Gross Salary. (Make the necessary assumptions )Use Select .. case for

decision making.

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Private Sub Command1_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Select Case cmddes

Case "manager"

txtda.Text = Val(txtbasic.Text) *10/100


txtded.Text = Val(txtbasic.Text) *12 / 100

txtgross.Text = Val(txtbasic.Text) + Val(txtda.Text) + Val(txthra.Text)

txtnet.Text = Val(txtgross.Text) - Val(txtded.Text)

Case "engineer"

txtda.Text = Val(txtbasic.Text) *10 /100

txthra.Text=Val(txtbasic.Text)*15 /100

txtded.Text = Val(txtbasic.Text) *12 / 100

txtgross.Text = Val(txtbasic.Text) + Val(txtda.Text) + Val(txthra.Text)

txtnet.Text = Val(txtgross.Text) – Val(txtded.Text)

Case "clerk"

txtda.Text = Val(txtbasic.Text) *10 /100

txthra.Text=Val(txtbasic.Text)*15 /100

txtded.Text = Val(txtbasic.Text) *12 / 100

txtgross.Text = Val(txtbasic.Text) + Val(txtda.Text) + Val(txthra.Text)

txtnet.Text = Val(txtgross.Text) – Val(txtded.Text)



Private Sub Command3_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()

End End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() cmddes.AddItem "manager" cmddes.AddItem "engineer"


End Sub

Page 13: 1) Write a VB Program to design a simple calculator to ...

8) VB program to calculate the simple interest and compound interest. Use

DLLs for the calculation.

Public s1 As New SRIKANTH.class1

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim x As Integer

p = Val(Text1.Text)

t = Val(Text2.Text)

r = Val(Text3.Text)

x = s1.SI(p, t, r)

Label5.Caption = "Simple Interest"

Label6.Caption = x

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Dim x As Integer

p = Val(Text1.Text)

t = Val(Text2.Text)

r = Val(Text3.Text)

x = s1.CI(p, t, r)

Label5.Caption = "Compound Interest"

Label6.Caption = x

End Sub

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Private Sub Command3_Click()


End Sub

Class Module Code

Public Function CI (ByVal p As Double, ByVal t As Double, ByVal r As Double) As


CI = (p * (1 + r / 100) ^ t) - p

End Function

Public Function SI (ByVal p As Double, ByVal t As Double, ByVal r As Double) As


SI = (p * t * r) / 100

End Function

9) VC++ program to create a Dialog box and display the position of mouse

pointer within the dialog box.

10) VC++ program to create and load a simple menu in a Window.

Page 15: 1) Write a VB Program to design a simple calculator to ...


1. Program to find largest of three numbers. CONTROL PROPERTIES VALUE

Text1 name Text1

Text (blank)

Text2 name Text2

Text (blank)

Text3 name Text3

Text (blank)

Command1 name Cmdlarg

Caption Largest


Command2 name cmdend

Caption end

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Private Sub cmdlarg_Click()

Dim a, b, c As Integer

a = Val(Text1.Text)

b = Val(Text2.Text)

c = Val(Text3.Text)

If ((a > b) And (a > c)) Then

MsgBox ("a Is largest")

ElseIf (b > c) Then

MsgBox ("b Is largest")


MsgBox ("c Is largest")

End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdend_Click()


End Sub

Page 17: 1) Write a VB Program to design a simple calculator to ...

2.Program to find area and circumference of a circle.


Text1 name Text1

Text (blank)

Text2 name Text2

Text (blank)

Command1 name Cmdarea

Caption Area and circumference of a


Command2 name cmdend

caption end

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Private Sub cmdarea_Click()

Const pi As Single = 3.142

Dim r, area, cir As Single

r = Val(Text1.Text)

area = pi * r * r

cir = 2 * pi * r

Text2.Text = area

Text3.Text = cir

End Sub

Private Sub cmdend_Click()


End Sub

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3. Program to check whether a number is odd or even.


Text1 name Text1

Text (blank)

Text2 name Text2

Text (blank)

Command1 name cmdevenodd

Caption Even / odd

Command2 name cmdend

caption End

Private Sub cmdevenodd_Click()

Dim n As Integer

n = Val(Text1.Text)

If (n Mod 2) = 0 Then

Text2.Text = "Even number"


Text2.Text = "Odd number"

End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdend_Click()


End Sub

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4. Program to find sum of natural numbers up to a given number.


Text1 name Text1

Text (blank)

Text2 name Text2

Text (blank)

Command1 name cmdnatsum

Caption Sum of natural numbers

Command2 name cmdend

caption end

Private Sub cmdnatsum_Click()

Dim n, i, sum As Integer

n = Val(Text1.Text)

Print "natural numbers are"

For i = 1 To n

sum = sum + i

print i

Next i

Text2.Text = sum

End Sub

Private Sub cmdend_Click()


End Sub

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5. Program to find Factorial of a given number.


Text1 name Text1

Text (blank)

Text2 name Text2

Text (blank)

Command1 name cmdfact

Caption factorial

Command2 name cmdend

caption end

Private Sub cmdfact_Click()

Dim n, i, fact As Integer

n = Val(Text1.Text)

fact = 1

If (n < 0) Then

MsgBox ("No factorial for -ve numbers")


For i = 1 To n

fact = fact * i

Next i

Text2.Text = fact

End If

End Sub

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Private Sub cmdend_Click()


End Sub

6. Program to find sum of individual digits of a number.


Text1 name Text1

Text (blank)

Text2 name Text2

Text (blank)

Command1 name cmddigits

Caption Sum of individual digits

Command2 name cmdend

caption end

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Private Sub cmddigits_Click()

Dim n, sum, digit As Integer

n = Val(Text1.Text)

sum = 0

Do While (n <> 0)

digit = n Mod 10

sum = sum + digit

n = n \ 10


Text2.Text = sum

End Sub

Private Sub cmdend_Click()


End Sub

7. Program to check whether a number is Palindrome or not.


Text1 name Text1

Text (blank)

Text2 name Text2

Text (blank)

Command1 name cmdpal

Caption Palindrome or not

Command2 name cmdend

caption end

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Private Sub cmdpal_Click()

Dim digit, temp, n, rev As Integer

n = Val(Text1.Text)

temp = n

rev = 0

Do While (n <> 0)

digit = n Mod 10

rev = rev * 10 + digit

n = n \ 10


Text2.Text = rev

If (temp = rev) Then

MsgBox ("Number is a palindrome")


MsgBox ("Number is not a palindrome")

End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdend_Click()


End Sub

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8. Program to check whether a number is prime or not.


Text1 name Text1

Text (blank)

Text2 name Text2

Text (blank)

Command1 name cmdprime

Caption Prime or not

Command2 name cmdend

caption end

Private Sub cmdprime_Click()

Dim i, n As Integer

n = Val(Text1.Text)

For i = 2 To n \ 2

If (n Mod i) = 0 Then

Text2.Text = "Not prime "

Exit Sub

End If

Next i

Text2.Text = "Prime"

End Sub

Private Sub cmdend_Click()


End Sub

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9. Program to find sum of two matrices.


Text1 name Text1

Text (blank)

Text2 name Text2

Text (blank)

Command1 name cmdfirst

Caption Input first matrix

Command2 name cmdsecond

caption Input second matrix

Command3 name cmdsum

caption Sum of 2 matrices

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Dim a(2, 2), b(2, 2), c(2, 2), i, j, m, n As Integer

Private Sub cmdfirst_Click()

m = Val(Text1.Text)

n = Val(Text2.Text)

Print "First matrix"

For i = 1 To m

For j = 1 To n

a(i, j) = Val(InputBox("Enter the array elements one by one"))

Print a(i, j);

Next j


Next i

End Sub

Private Sub cmdsecond_Click()

Print "Second matrix"

For i = 1 To m

For j = 1 To n

b(i, j) = Val(InputBox("Enter the array elements one by one"))

Print b(i, j);

Next j


Next i

End Sub

Private Sub cmdsum_Click()

Print "sum of 2 matrices"

For i = 1 To m

For j = 1 To n

c(i, j) = a(i, j) + b(i, j)

Print c(i, j);

Next j


Next i

End Sub

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10. Program to demonstrate the use of List box.


Text1 name Text1

Text (blank)

Text2 name Text2

Text (blank)

Command1 name cmdadd

Caption add

Command2 name cmdremove

caption remove

Command3 name cmdclear

caption clear

Command4 name Cmdclose

Caption close

List1 name List1

list India


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Private Sub cmdadd_Click()

List1.AddItem (Text1.Text)

Text1.Text = ""

Text2.Text = List1.ListCount

End Sub

Private Sub cmdclear_Click()


Text2.Text = List1.ListCount

End Sub

Private Sub cmdclose_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub cmdremove_Click()

Dim ind As Integer

ind = List1.ListIndex

If ind >= 0 Then

List1.RemoveItem ind

Text2.Text = List1.ListCount


Msgbox(“No item”)

End If

End Sub

Private Sub optred_Click()

Text1.ForeColor = vbRed

End Sub

Private Sub optgreen_Click()

Text1.ForeColor = vbGreen

End Sub

Private Sub optblue_Click()

Text1.ForeColor = vbBlue

End Sub