1 wiiei! - NYS Historic...

!? ;; 1N ."...-'..* 1'\'%s*lewis poTict^ ladejK'SAteat: ; . [,;:-\: ••-••;>'," "• ••-;; ;";;-tFi»->HvStEa«»f. ..•. r •' ! .v;^^,'^''^^a^-Vs•F:&ra3CE:?|g , IQ- - ••=•; Sn -paws." o2*.-d.attaRd except at fho optiOjt <H -Space.-- •" : ISPV : ; -"3W - *•' . <T S- " tlnetiiVSW- - 3t * "'•"•* &1 "-.'inches, .ASM. . -<M», « «> •"«-* t-ot-., 4 oo•••«.«»•-•" MO.- tcOK,:-•'-THMtf-"--!'*-® 1**0 .-; ,-Su^^<&^=Sr.'i^VJbqs-fffi^Bne*>>rl:o&; ' ' -MarE&5e-st<.4-^eatli ncSe.es.free, fSOfcT and: Kae?..-;/ •.•.'.'.-;- •.-.-.•-;.••;--.'. '<-.•'•.'-:. .••"--•-'"' : ." dio aeree.-rtih Addition-tv;rt*a«wrwtes .-. . --.-wt'SaretaiCotjaeef:-<*.•*fetA-chws-4*BI>HIS ae : - I'aptsaeBt; withJucHlties i-"* timing olit OH store -'-.• Giles --, .-•'..- ... .. -.- .' .- ..',, ' m--';--. Jofe'Wo^fc; •--VeSTBES,-0ARDS,- .-'• •-• -• •" ••••" '- . - «ai£,TXGKET!S, • - ''-'•-. "" :. -.-..-'-' •'.•-"£ETTEBHEA»S ! .. . ... _-.-:• - .-= •••:•• umHEAjw, ••••.•••-:.• -. - . • •-1 '•- ..... ..-•"•••. ••. BSTELOEES, •->.••-'•-• •••.'-••. .-.;:•;"• .••.•'WSDBrSGDrviTA'J'IOJiS, -Hi suy'-aifa^-ai&ijgi.-aisri" EKarwairt^ta 3 naif,- •-. artistic anil' sMHfnl manner, •, oarpEteesaw rwrni 'ift'iO.'sa^er-V&it-lower, tlsaii any house' in-the. eohhty; -SatisfaeBonguatetatead, . Try ns and be e,Gh"r<nce«k. ••' : -.-• •••.-' • - . - • • ' • . ... SAMPLE a- * » & mm M . «*" . • ' •- COPT CSSfFS. ALWATS m' • • ABTANCE. EDITED- Sf-ku&.J- C.CEOtV, (JESSTE jn:ra ; ; . A, Ha&dsWe, Engraving to., every salacriberi fISgsiiiess fiSeoSp^ B BWA2ED J." B&SilAfiT, Attorney and t'otm. s o l o r a f i i w , "OiJlets oyer BBs&"^iI«!g store, JfiSajjejeSfc.-v "..•••:-.-- .-.;v.i..•;:-._.• •. ».. '.rtifGeneri^iMmiuiofeagent.. " » ; - : > B 57SES'ESSJaBKi;iN;s;'> : .=. . ,;'.;•'-.. V. . ••<&»# SustaessSiSstiurin--bpst styb 1 -'? aft* -. : t)ii-iacpe3t'ftnees.'ga"fe''i , b6.-toW75U* Times; : .fl&A\ ;.;: ;• ',:-V-•.•:"•.;'. : . ••'•"." . - • ."';.;: :-"t*7*-ASSESS,-.r •..-•'' •...•-••"••.'••'•'•• ". ""• -•:;<tf9()*.0'v:erEiaer.&iB6B6art v s c-letlaug Store,.; '••kOWm^^.. :•;,.: : :v.-V. - ';,:• .> ^ -.•"•"•-'.- :HE3rtJli^EI "& SWAteTeteriaaTJ- Sorgeon.;.' .• JT Witsoftj.S.-Y.vSsOTwiy;dfeabled'torses an'4 -tsitsiaJioises for.treatment at'Ws •sold-plaoe.i'esi •i«}enciBOT.Ins.'Soiij Hitata' Sisail, on ttie'-JPetrte's Coiii^TSiosd.••-.•'_ "'.•"• - ".:„'- ." .r. ,-• '..4p : ' was 1 .".-•;. kSteo^ortd^.i^i'oQt&Eojs.x' ... .'•'''':''/'-•' . Av.' : \ 4fct,te. -, ..-••••... •'..•-•."', ,:*JU <t9a&ne--ifo-,se!i' -.e*e)5t$teg:".'la.- iheiE-'l'tn* ' gk- Gasli Gcmi-aissions. S-CQJM?-".•:•'::'•.'.''' '* ? ?i° S ' << 'v •'• i •• ''-" •' '-*' *'§" -1 . "• roithiree capy to elulije^iscr, 7.00 ,5- '•' ' • 1 . - "Z-SO e,, - *•;•." :.'.,-•. ' . ' . ' - ?^ 00 "'• • -e€a)SETg. at the pr^sbnt-ticae isadittiltedbj ' p « s s suufpcsopta "'to las'superior to- a.oy Juw-s massftaSueitt imerU-n, haTius tlie. gi-^;il,e".t variety «f slepiafeMrts; ably edited.. ' .' ' "eEPEfE"i^KS!PfeE3a3jrgS ^ ^ "• .;• .^-VeAKSTa.caSH; CtfflQSSSlOS.- ... t ^ ^ S S C S -3ias'!awangeA W"give.;.«icgaiit SSjer. •BatettWats 6t siijjeriOrma^asaspi'emrai^.'Qie vatoe-at-wi!ic*i"iii'so'me instaHfies reaches opt pe'-fOiioiic.psewKim.; . gestdiSefOii'ssniplecopy. ; :':; ."aODSK'&iDf^ iBOOS .' -." '•''i' : '.'"'.y : -•:'.. .'.'';.-' Phap.a«lp3iia,Pa-. . ""¥:••"'.'.'••" ''"'• v. ; ' '••""- ...':.' Sffiili efSprleaE W e i a f slits, SS^'"'38 i 'S*.,.iieax' ; Et» S.-K«tcnt OlSjrc," •" 'MftiisiaesS.b'cfdro't.Ue'B'^EteaSfetes patent" Office a-ttewtied to-ft>E%iademtv R'e- S '. Pai'euts 'XiKiwo'ett Jis Uie tttiitieA Stiites ta»J- njl Foreign 'Oortutrit'S.. TroUc Jlacl's. ajiA i^leh i'egis-tej-ec^ •Kejoc-t!.":5'!inplTetvi:Im'is revi=vt:d imh pvoSet-ot- 4^].- Iaforthatioa mtd«flvi«i.*its;to>t.thUi ; in'iJ!!f- Pttreiits'um'Pi'fuUy furtiisked. without cbarg*. ,'"Sjiid-Skeick or Moifelfor free, opinion iqs.tcpaieiUabSUyuy''--'' -.--'_ '' 'Cqptes'o'f'pateats'rutnisljwi *nr. 25'cents estcti. ... -agp-'CbiTcspoatte.n.cam^itetJ..' - Railroad Time-fable, U. HV- & O . BALlt'OAD, XJTICA « B ; B . » , B . BEAM CB: MOVING KORTJI. Leayf L'tfea ...... li'ltVlLViiif. I-O-rtL-yi-.'a.... I.yorv- F.-jils..... Ulwii!il> •LOw.-Litv..! .... Castor'?pij .. . Beer Rii.f . Carthai'f... Arrive Waterwwu... Ai'jis'e Clavton iTOn'istasrtj,... Osdei»slJttrg.„ 13 16'. ' • A. 3f. J\. U. P. 31. iealre Ogtieiwan ?• ? i."> 4 85 MBurKtowJi' .... '. ? rid 4 in Dayton ' b a i 5& r&ttai}clp!ii:i 9 -15 6 ,:o Waten&tvn . -. C '30 « # B 30 Carthage, , C 50 lo :;0 7 10 Deer UH'or 7 00 W 40 7 23 «'a¥.tOi-Jaiijf ^10 10 SO 7 33 r.QsrFttic r -r n ew s 05 f;KstBl.'l<- 7 :.• l.i £3 b 10 t.VOiw P:tH^ 7 57 11 <W B 35 t-ort hvJ-tlejj ,. » (8 11 4S « 40 lSQ3in-iM«» t -Ji) IS uj b 65 An'lu.. ftica -.;... a 60 135 10 10 I'assangeis sac Hniucsted to pitrdiass tickets- •&erbro"eiitprl.;n<r ta® ears. An PXCPSS charge of .Tea Cents wUi tie collected wliert-.&res are paid on the trains." wiIl.D.. Austin, tSweess-vir" t o .To!m Mnrsc, MBAT. MSEKB^. j<Sjie£fOT2fsisat3S'Dtaxa.fe',0rSn'io IJtoit T5ast8«lforE«litTeaiS,J3friaGl!y; ,_ teases t i e r :6b<*ltitcly-:re6tdre'jiraiaataral2.:. .:M«:«ia»**tkiibtommit^-s6'af*iftiib'19;,OTa:Becur»> KjaSphsitioo to tlic * a t of dlscMetospsMa ire-- MJOURisaia.iiglt'teJShQ'nt Job?*. ,Ih(tSinniii.I' «s»*?»5r^,iiifec(iOTi3.<>frfiai-lmRiaii"or^thism-reatoTeiL Tfai .^^^siaM&»cle'nloc6i t^tHfotoesiTen bass, tie jsliijiii •tBj^^T^^^^'feyg^lClit-tSrgfetir, IT -i-^m. '•. F . • ladreodm- m&a^ifcee. aB war!'. •=; KFr.A-OTTW > : : OB^T~^ -••'• \ - . p&<0 -ifc -.-a, ^6ffiVto.I^^Mr^ l -y^, : ^ afinssf Ja the 6aseiaeii.t of" the fSmilevlslOok.'State St., Wlero you. will ulwuy» find the best BEJEF, POEK, HAMH AND LARD, Ana aR kiu.ls of Meats in their Season.. Sire na a i.aU a n d wa will saiMy 5 oa o.ir moata are all first cJaca. SOtf WILL. D. AUSTIN. 1 wiiei! If jot-i want to m^ke from'IS pei' cent.- to 25 per cent, on in- Tesfeieitts,. inmost ixi'-tlic'stjicfe of fee 'Building" and Loaia. Assoeia-. tiofl.-.of.'^-akota.' . AH'iiiTeBt- •meitts.sectirecl by. fesi' Moiiga- ge"s'.OBE0aI.:Estate..' , CaxL be MO faituris; 'Siformatlon freely aM djeerixjHy giTea Iby- . '•'/-'••." LQTTYILLE, F . Y. I AN OS. A ' K E C O B B O F 3 5 TBARS, jduiL'ig wtiicit t'itfKj liivy liavc become favorably Lnowu ilttoughout the Uiiitt-cl States and Canada, They haw an' tiiviaiilc iv.putati'on for SWKE'raE^i'F.TtiNJi,... -. .• ; •:>••• .- BEAUTY OF FlNTSHj ' " RURABILHT," ' ."-.'• ".AKDCTIEA-PNRSS." mm- mm FULL? "WAEAITP.' 'Ami-' nu.st'.'p^ ; -fPA^lr *•:::-. r\ '•'Ayer-a-SarS'aivirt3-> -';.-V.^ c phiaroAllSn- Ui-iiei:r.vh!,;i-rfv ; :y.v'' '. , V Mfe •s&^: Send fox' catalogue to tkoto st Aibanyj N. T., orto-- P.M. eOOKE,.Ageat r . • . .'. -Lowyille, S . T . i^Tti® B&stantfttrestJViedtemS •EVER'MADE,'. - .^. _Awffl'tov6i&oBteior : Ir«mjwifi;! <fv*it^t system, and wake your.fikiri ;!<& *©^.xfle»a and "smooth. Those; * A e^^P"JWjSimpIos. aiid Blotches] S J ^ . A - % i «^t-svhltthiaar yom* heautygra M%TJ> * j%r^L^° oS < « ri « can M H %. ^^^^V^ I V *„^ A v V*'^^seirBpTO4iHasIiort| tiihe, H yoa ai-e j k -sViseandBsel the g-rcatj BiiiiiMl Sflwy IjayiHg pur^based the .' M. ; B.:MOOBE SHOP. near, cemetery, and. refitted saias with a«;w mactinery, are" uow prqmre4 to^.do FlaiUBg,-' ..;. SerdJI'Sawmg', .etc., _' : . . •. . -'AiirD : .MAir:i"'•• , '".A |ap^ ^.jtlii^ usfl^Hj (IPBC la ^ jQS CAIFlim SHOE .-.-'We realise-tliat.ifc ia'hard times, aad;- intend, ta make our prices iow accord- iijgly, -.•••','' -•. ' -].--. •—. ., .. •• '/_ " '.B'PBMKCAM!:>f:, SRV.JKV-.••-.• ; M)t._ i jti. &• M .jfl'.i ' JW +- : - WMlFItti-GBfiU iiVf AGENTS .Caa raalcch'ahdsoaie salaries nffihJus thr'STEEL •WIRE Dooit SU.TS.. E-.trj- hfnEe'toidheeds 6ftt ( . •LiheralccHiiaisatono'Eaid. "ASJUVess '.' ^Tho.-JDosO smatl^-ohlyAte epoOBfUl. ItlB vty, - ^ , . fees* and cheapest^.:*! ihedie-Sne.- 'JJr.yit.aud ,you.iviH be satisfied. 5= G'efrifcdfyourjprugsist^ H' yon..ara BBfferiiiK.frora o4-aie,Tise StJCPHOU BI5H?BItS7 ; yc I n e y fclsease,. awl ; old-age, Tise StJI send S *QesftTitt5p8 = 8>;4. F. tJra'mvjf &"<•% Boston, M a s c o t best wsdisalwosfcBUhjiSiBd?' Mportaiil to Iayestes. The Western Farm Mortgage Trust Go.,. • o£ teTyrence, Kansas f paid hp eajital St.200,ooo, surplus §139,000, offer tor sale Klrsfc Jtortgage sewn-per ceht. guaranteed 5 years' loans; six per cent. 10 yeartiow Ueoentures aha tive per cent, oneyetirhSEds £nsmall saros txam $M>- to fsoa,' eschaageabie into other securities, Interest all payable seiai-ahnually, hath principal and iater- est guaranteed by the entire, asiets-ot the com- pany. $i2,odo,arto lo'anea itnd hot a dollar lost la past 10 years. uosaferorhettertovestnient can he had anywhere. Enquire of or address ' w. E: KTTOH, Agi, ':."• . . t-otwrille, N-. T. ^'^^_^mM&0mtmk^^^^i. :. V - Alse^-a ' DDKOtaWPE, SrOKEHORCOHStiPAtE- Sure Btoo-fot "S-fOK HEADACHE slid all . troubles arislnKfromic digostion s»rd ennhtipjr •. tion. ?i^pE{S7tt -tij.o.poffiV . .^"filwcipn-BypWjfjrag I'ho Woe.d.' ''Xheitfsn eon Us nicely .ua^nfltsd tonult ths- ts&zef- Oia iftu cna jio^sr ue coo lac?ea.tfost>. Eosr fotnlra'as-so-juach nnsttr. w rula jsutrop-ln a ' strong-rtnl wiiieJi can b<! caitaoaiRtha voit^Dctet. Solil»y(so"wliowjloE6;? cents,. A crortt coa^finltjace - to T.ra*«tefB and Business Wert. ' jf - DR; HAK-TEH'S Iftpw TOHJ&-. . . \ • • BPtirili.-a (lio-BMOD, rc«utetos thaXBTEKand.* " flODSfSgS -awl rmtosss. Ow SBEfliTK e-ri'df . THE pa. mmmmmmM> st,;ta wg.-wa 5^0 E&l S(|;|eM$€i^pf i(a.t<>':^^|aGtTi^K|^ ; :^iieE: ^Mireai- SiElft^.CE '."'••PA-KKLER'S, ..Gie-m^^; iind iiMutifiea tit* liair.| Piomiitc* a lu.vurtot prrtv:'-. Nbve'r-'iraHs to- aijs{cj^>3r3y|; : 'Hiiffta ii3 V 0 »tiifel Cator." £ "l , r«:.vt i ij,t3'J»ii(i(l.HlJ.tnnrUia.U'*taHi«e-| 6liamW.SI.*«nt IWiselst* *-——I. i m ij.iii biiniiimii iw if Eilnois, S a a s a s & ITebrasfea FAEM.. wjyMOAnm, ^Q'^flfTi Art'fV-Loaned, ' •S'nt a! dollar a«,OUU,UUy les t siiOOOsOWhas fallen. due and. heea paid promptly, V,'a-can ih.?est nisiisey at 1 per eejifc. in ajtysum from JSOd cp- witt'd in,fe'^ mortfiage$'G& Improved Fawns pi n- linoiS; Kaiisasahd Jtsbrteka, tlsrrmtrh the several McEINX^V flnhs, v, - hieh Tve havis .rcpit-somed ftar-the past" fll'teen years. 'MiO mort'sasea 'ai% made.ynth great care and not one-has everfaiiesl- t0' pay: •' Send for- a tSrcidar. ffe.rrfa; to W. U." Pi.Tcii.Esa., editor of : %i3 ijajier v aBd" to ail the EantemBoe\?.- : .' • ' .'"•.: . •'.. • ' .• ..' '. ' • ' A,'SA>XB-50ED'&C0. ..' - '-.45vi .' . »6If,.JHin8sSt.,.Eivm«H7.-... "BE;:'¥,;.BB(JW ^' Si . AND TEST -THEIR i-Iiitil ..iiflll t ?•*??<-• "=• -„;..'' • . --' " J ' '••.•-*•'> . « I' -'. ..• -<'.V%-'A^:^ : ;' ntf(:"dc<l -liiftr,. T.»i.l -f(i- •':.';*ji"i'-j-..': J ' ... - v.t-i.,0 umk'r iiicir. i i:.» s i.s.;.. o?. ••"... ix-pi'cleil ho^votikl'sLii-. !-Ki .';-.;,;• t h e reinarJ-ralVl«"ciH-«-.-;.i»^i't-.u. ;i;;. ••.•.»• i". '. - i.»oy ; ny it.'. S?:i-f-'.*. ; * \'iH-f Ju;,to ; y -i•;.'.' iako tl»Js,-'.h'u tI:n';iV,->';j:vi?^';" >>^.'„". ' , l'tivnced' luitilt-K;- •-'»'.. .•' 1 . ll -. : '."•'..'* -;'. '. v«'V- ' hdttl-es, t&-vrxi''&ii*i\i'r-*y?*•£&&*$; '•• xum .a^OifeJ : jt'v : ' ; .3»)'.i,--;...f.i, -}&£-:l,- •*' -, .<i-f-..li3s'.',3-e.."^-- S i M i m V I-:-.-' r,.: !v ;'..- . Ifahi-ptViiv,T». ' '. *•-'... "7'•..:' ' • ' ' " T d ' M a y ' ' Ttisr.;.'in.v '-.,;<i' " : i".''' .Imirt-pen'ttifHiUigiifiiv i's - V:s. i< •-..'. ^-. gatltt'r ihl ils Iji-iitl •:.".:i: ):," _,'.. . \ \ ' r j... '.' ptie'il'-tafittilrt'- siii':;.'>7i;..i"" ' avail, Thi:' Hwiv < ir.i':-..-n-1 aBilili.i.jK'l:':--'!'•.••].y ::'.,:•; 'WAS «lH.-j), li:;f ll'ii' !..>;W i ..i " . ..;'• ' . -tjuiitj.ply tin'.il. in- o, iV.v T.-./, ' Ht'^rl.Vt'oVfjv^ltrt'i-t'.W- :.!•'.,,,•*,'. .i- A t la.sl-VM.- h '-•«!• t5i'j).\.Lr' ;•".• :-•.•-••' - t -, -, . fcapm-iiltf.. .iti' .;•'!',.•-.-.••...;..;..•/ •'..',.- • ,,: cijiuigf r<ir flie in-iii r v.n'.-'!•-.• .;... "•,' fcrri".* ;t-i>i:^t* ti :i tiJ-T"" h, .•;t•!^- , . . . tiu: i\l^ l}.ar : 4fs .'viciM .'Vra^:::..*'.'"' ,,i.-:' i-ih..>l:, :t:nl li.'iai'!/ r,;'.K..-ii" •-..• ••. 'ri^'-'l'-'d is liv.fKi'j-. ir:'-!'. ):';••-',• ,-' aad iis iipjn iiu' lui-n.r I'.^.-I ..>.".> -». . i> 'Ki-rveel for"jii'^'it-Ii.v."--!.';'., ;,. ;'. "..,,- LisH^XM'ir.ivTi'Sin.. .•-'.'• " .... -. '' Tlt« furinisla iif ,A;. ..i *s V -i' •,, .-.•''.': Iirc'.-.ti.Ts, fur rliit'iiii: iii.« ,«.i•.>'., ,.,i-v •CVITJ* lvi»u?."li,'n ii.-sf, iciiii-jiv ! ;.t '. ':' the 'iilMlieal wiwhl.*? —1>,• Jf. V,'i!:..r ; @ . . * - ' " ' ' ^ ' - ' - . ' ' " ' - , . . . ' KAEA." iln memory .of the Russian patriot, Jfiuhtmo. Si-. ' KhTa, who" was scourged, to death at -the IJara juiliricol prison-in^fhe snuancf.of ISbfl,} , ' '• /:' Hjr8rs : ;darsaf- :, f':>: - re'r 1 ;!» :!; Dr. J! C. >*;c"r &-' C-., . ; .\ 'fri.-oCi:'*'" : . »";'• -. .'•'• •.'': . When 'wo waHJ. toward t h i s u e of. truth, fdUhad.uWo..are cast belimd .o^.*>-. fLoDgf ellow.- '" 'PITS • All Pifs stopped lr'e'^ by 0f BKao'a Great. Kerte KcstnreK Kij Pi,tsafter first day's tis». ?f arvelon? cures. Tn\ui»e ami §-• tj-ial 1-yt tlbfrofi to Fit case?.- Sead to TIT. K i t e , ovft Ar>-h St ThHa. ?a, - ....... - Thc-'abE-ccco of any kind of anxiety fo-i the spread of the frath implits &pji-ituaJ paralysis if it doe?, not jihp.ty .spiritual death, —TCappn.Ei'd'cloB, - : ' .BTICKKCN'S AItNICA"sAl,VE. ' . Tnis BSST sawn? in the worM.lor cutss Bi-iilscF, Pori^, fleers, salt. KtehBl, Prter Sort's, Tfttcr, Chapped Hands, chSWatos,-t'Qros,.aha' alv Sk'tn. Eruptions, ana poalliwly-carca P'llcvor no pay rei-iuired. It-isguirrantee'd th gise-iiefleetsatt*- Jaetlon or .money refundsa. ' -Prlci! %; cents par Bos.' For sale hy Morrison &cush. "•'. saji Wpaldsfc thou have'thy Yie'sh obey'thy Spirit? -.'Theiiiet thy spirit, tihty thy pod Thou must -be governed : t'hai lion miiyst go-«;ra'..—fAvtg-u'stiae, ; ; - ...:>',- - v..- SEL®d$:;g?SA^. . '.ilissBell is- look,. Addio. i T es, liaura. Why, oaiy.'a.yea? ago her ftfeq.'-syw-eoiit- 'ptet-elj covered "withplaipkit,- blotchesj. aBd'£ox-&3, ]SIre i<A& mc-r^ct.' tisi s&e using Snlphur "Bittcs. WcH^tai^V.'l' shall fry thera too. .V -^' ; . ; T:' . Miss Mary Coddia.'g'tori.'o-f-;SM,.. i Ydfk has giv.en the. City Mission 'I^-Ofl'fj.-Mtli' which -to erect a ;|56y'3 Club hause'.' Archr deacoa Mackay-Smith,, -Major TVj 1 : i&ibbg aad B"» 5 1 , ' WHitiocls: ate-appdiated a : comniiitce to purchase ,a.'b«Miug' near the Bowery and. put 'it'in faitable^order. •. The #'40,900 ^ai-mekde the' COSE" and- •sado'5TOeBt.'-i|The ©htff.oK.--Qf : Tb;:day. ' '. . &iffil?;>r-THA'HKS, .'.'. I hereby desire to extend-:- to;all;of'my friends, my thinks, for the .inany -kindiieas- •63 exterided 'to ine -diiiing my ps&£ illbess of over., three, .months' Mm. rheumatism," .and I especially desire' ta -sayi -to.them thai but ior'Sulphpr Biiiei's'J sbbBjd-have te»ri £.ufftfiiDy st'2-L:' -IJay.'yoii.-• sever- aifiei'- .whatihavej k-the wfc of;yoar--ifriettdj B V U, Taylerir,-'' : ' '';.".' •'.".; '* '•;/ .' .-:. ' Two htm'drecTpjogiessi-feydu&g wKjroeri' .of New-2ka&hd .are-binded' tagetber.-in & Toiing Worhan's Cbristi£n .T-empe»aace, Udoflj fcw.o. years old s that" h'ss, already riiet -with signal: saepc^s". in ebuneotioti' witi; varmus.pM'tahtbt-op-ie.-Underiaijings,' |'t doesflower-'iiiission-wprT?^hospital-wa- iting, work among childven,' sailors' aad cabmen, holds' sw^ing^fiewJag andJBIble classes.-—fCJirisfcian Wekly-.'.'.' -. - - ;;' .: . • T E S : -lE9f;BSste£" .... ' ' .. - Every iBgr.edieHfc' employed in praduc-. i n g n e e d ' s SarsflparilHV is Bfrictiy 'pure/ ami is' the 'best'. of its kind; it. - is-' possible to bb'j,.' -All the r.bpts and herbB'are eare- MTy seleetedi'; peA'Soaflll^'esaniaied,.4iid- only the best -TetavaeeC' So'that iaom the time" of p.uri ; hase.vtip.til 'JJoo'd-'a; Sarsapar-" ifla i< pr-epaied; '.-vetf^tlikrg- -ia tajs-fully- .watchadi'with''- a-...Vio- , w.'-to-attaimig 'the.- best'resait..•.''ly.hy-doh^'you'tryiiri •" There is Llood upon earth, hut a. sword in air; And tho'lilood is the pain that a"people-hear. But 0ie sw.ord is the power of a pooiJ^v prayer. •And tiio sword— it is hanginfj ahove'a rJirone;.. -". And .-the Wood-it. hath tried, •svith. an esile's ". •: inoan, - ; - "'..-'. . •Foi'-ttie world to acthov.-ledse herCau-so its owp; To encirelo the planet with hearts of Are, ' . ' •ffith-a'pity "whose sandals shah never tiro. •' Till, they'haste So. j h e Tsar with .the world-'s 'greatire; ... '.' With its horror of cursed Karii'jj red sod, .• With its wrath.on a ihevtiless rnier's.rod, .." Anrt-itstears-and its prayers for .the.scoittgc cf -;..'" \sod.;v" . .'.•"-• ffireh (h:e'ho;ari'.of : iipitying world is stirred, •In SjiftJFoipe <S ife-Erath shall the Lord be hoard, Ahc( the ; g?9Scslia1i;.iie scourgad hy His awful _'-•- ;-.-^word.:-.''.. '.. . ' - . . . - --,-•' - ,—InjTewEnglandSfagazine"forMay.'. MY WILB-ME'••: , i5.y. cA-iaufi. ,i: -SACE, .1 wear.dfound my'neck, mail 7 though I am, a' thread-like chain .of gold, ..to whioh. is..attached a large, okkfash.ipned'- locket of .exquisite design-. -The foclcet contains a miniature- of a beautiful' oral face framed by a wealth of chesthut'eurfsthat fall on either-side. Oh, those-., great., soulfill eyes V -How" their smile mocks the agony of my heart 1 I-close the l o c k e t -sy-ith a snap/ and rush .out into, the- open' air. . I caafaot bear-jt, .this te'rrible : anguishi... .. ; , Fifteen, years ago—jt seems but yester- day.—! -was a youth of seventeen. 1 was a Pon among the pretty girls.of the dear old town' whiyre I was. born and reared. It is..-not a settled fact ia my inlnd vvhether it "ijjras xny raven hair, wliich I allowed . to fall upcm my. shoulders in its natural waves,'ox vvhother itwas my vpild ways that, madi; tae popular ' with the gitls, Certain it ti r howeyer, that I al- wavs hiid my.choke i-f thamj and my choice, idler my seventeenth birthday.,- wa« .divays Ruse, .my wild Hose I called htr^: '; ', ';. -.. . . . ' : - - ; Ah,, the .naughty ..child, the tpoiled beaut y '. How lht\ fat otd doctor laughed •But.uh.ji3 d-urling aampedhei% Htfisfoot and.iiciiianiltd uny mhisho chosetQneed. : ll-er dtinan : s!s were' BCV#,refused, and'.- lioscwas-hiyiyh in-her use of 'pia-moaeyi- . After w(?._ l'H-Citmu engaged -Rosesur- pri^t-d uie withii Ciiiiatmtis present,-which showed her origin-alky.' at least. One might go through - a whole cat4bgue pf feminine giftaand would fail to 'find- t h i s •one among them.'. It.was.a Stedcanspm- brero ot the -finest kxlure... The edge of the'brim was traced with, gold eord, a monogram in gold was .upon, one side, and a he*?y gold cord and tassels suironnded kthj-criirsn, •" •' .'.".. e'r belle in. so.eiety t h a i she was before her hjarriage, - 'Sh^-wouW.'hayo adnairers' •by the'seor'e/ arid, her husband! would' ijc proud of the' fact, Se would also -fee capable of admiring other -ladies'; iriih -like attrfifetaona."' •' • "".. •; ' ' . . ; .' Jack laughed and shrugged hia shpaia-^' ,ers. . ' ..'• .... ' : ." • .. .".-••' 'I think pur-custoins are, too >£ricf r '- 'said Rose,. meditaiivelf. ' f I' think.. I should like the '"English society, the-. IcevB wornen, and -meh, io'pj,' vrotii;d..be' happier fpr seeing" fflpre: of ..humanity; at- its best anSai its'prettiest. .. Bat thepdo'^'- pie.of Gi-gfton afe."inrje"!t gayer-thaii.puf folks it IJadisorwille, .and tolerate a'state, •of things that would be' skbckrng there. Here; •marriedladies go to. balla in'the-es- ' Port of their Gdasins. ivhen it happens .to be conyenienf, While in Madiso^vfflat'b.ay could not gewitb. 1 their husbands. It would-be" so delightful if Paul would take me to a ball Occasionally '. B-tttasfie does not datasB weneyer.thiiik of goirig> Why, .Rose, .yon. nbyer Mnted'that ycu. wanted t o g o ! . Suppose we go:'to Mrs. Berwi^s to-morrow night? . Tiierewil be dancing tliei'e; and you' .and Jack'can. take a.ihrn whilp.I play wall.flower.-' '.. . ''Aceoro^rigly'-We.wJSnfetp the. fete cbain- petre^at Hrs,- Berwith'£j :.R6s"e arirll, white Miss, G-b'ttscialk:,..' a g ' a y @erm».n.-bsile-.-aad Ja great friend of my wife, leather charmf ing.company |o jack.- •• Rose-arid-- ".3?rieda : were- the greatest rpg-tre.s/ .alwaTS." playing soine*practical joW on'?»a-.B'nsiispeeting,' patron Pf .the "P^afet;'* , Ibey, ktaria- bly arrai3ged-.thfih-;''rniscliief EQ- the blame- wtiu-ld fall upon raeC. |_had sorketimbs- t'P offer, more, apologies, than.', were-to my-. 'WAU'/fflWhES;-. .ram-GB'Q'CEJtaK-. GaiiHect fK>ods- and y^-Ubi??/. tun ., l"u:! i :,.«. ,,i i-u.,j. , i^.s. a,i.Ji> k The first six-..mbaliis.of the' ppesis-nt- year - the Amei-icau- Baaid. has- ap'ppmted £2. .mi£sipnaries r IS.o.f-ths-a:-lordamedi ©r t o ba ordai'a.3'4..mjs^ioaarifiS ! ---.'o'B'eia'business, agent for.' Jspan, .and 23.'worsen,;-.- ..O'f.the^ iij ordained. ones f f;y,e, arp ^graqnaf?§•• of -^•a}^;Theological scni|5jarj',.-fmir. af.'Gli^ -Gags',, -three .of - Obsriiri,. oa© si - Aadpyerj. pnerQl Hartfto $ atjnmarics,' and'two. from -other sources—[The Ad-vaiiee.. -'•'-' - XI. ,W. BIJUWS Av.sfi-X. ,,BOQK A©EKa?S- ,'©'AHWEB.. E 6 3 -• -'- - - - - - l.'ItT'E.WSt'Fl*. •ifepifiit'.. pinwa. -ci«t"ts<w«M-/;- arptimo ... _., ..r.'ititnd w<tmea. l>l*rtmf'.cin*]iijiQrsiht± ! a t ^'wc--J'«v7^c7'75^ : iiiHlTgtvp £xt?>i-Tr;rffl*-... -AdtlroiSr - -" • Ai »•,• WOBCCIirK«T<JM *t t ' * « H:trfS)i?u 4 Comj. -Htm *H£SS & HEAD NOISES DMEBW •l-BCt's.'ISVWtUBB TUBU1AR r«« .,—„ , CUSHWSS, WWspcra.Ildara.CSwK ipitja 8&iTUi:'3im^ Sftir Korki V(EUO fur bfluk uf £pa«f3.KlUC£i : fcromt dciiFery free. •/. -.'- .. : . ; rM_&UHS : 'lK* TfiB:; ..'.- ' lew Yoit -CawitT lisaraa' issoffltifii," ; /; 01?' &yRAaiJSB v K; ¥,;'- ."'"."•' : at.a cost of about'.$12,.0p. per ,ye;w.. - Ct-vAitiwte' I'roiH fasO' to '^5.00.0 and for $3 to $33 weekly indemnity. .-'-.: :' B..P.Bt T TTERPIEhJ).M.n„ •"' W.6. PITCH . •'. President. , • . .•••-.. .fjec'v - ! A-. H.-BABCOCE, -.' -. - '. ^-A; AXOsism] ViceTPFes, & M-vj.^5«v ' - - i t s ^ geb'y, -. . rmiiiiV3r^ouT^,'ABEJsT t -Lm,vi^s.sM.-r to handle OOTf:p.H ! kHfe,-! aad'orjfnt.^nWil .-t<*X Memiy\pirl:o:t.y;godpay, Jio'.t-xpt'rt.'ii.;" nn;^. sary. Aay .titan not .afraia.to ««ric CUB ^nrcr-.-U- with us. ; Sahtrj^aad fx'peng( : s paid to -rot*! mm thayeaj rounfl. tsueceas Kiianujiwd. -Write ror ternia. . H.c. siiiQVSU & vu., ssms •'• . Suiwryiaen-, at'rteva,rs. y." ' ADAIPE.TG'MO.TJIEES.—Areyou-oastumod at. nlifhta-nd hroEeh or your tost'hy a aclc child Kit-' .ti.T.tns and crying wifhptdn cai.aus..aWdiJ .ii so 'sendat once -and-get -a- tsaHIs or "Mi's. Wins- iov,-s Boothti){,-§i?,",-ji" JA'iRCiiiiuU'enTeethlng.'. Jts : va!'ne is UsWiluUlahlo.'"- It wfll. relieve tlte poor litr tiesuherci-inimetuirtcly, -Bepena.ijponlt-,moth-, ers; there la no nd;3ta.ke -ahout.it. It eures.Uys-. eutery iintf IMsrrhea; jegnHitts the'Stoiiiaehftiid Bow due the- . .. . . Syrujv ! -tor-'chi.l< , a , ra-teet$ing'"i:i-i;iea3ant to-tho f.uste ana Is the- priMCriptioa eil one oaf the oWcst iaialjcst'rt-r-.ial?rJhy^ii^aadtii«r.iglftl.lifi : Ufliiea sudi-s, awl- ti fcr'S!tie'»y.andwrg!'iststhr'oi!gh€ifet the '„i .Id". .Vi A-e fvreftt.y-li.ye cisuts a bottle, lie suiv yon a'=!c t-jr Sfw.'^toslaw'S soothing jiym'p and tiiim no etner Kl»d. . ..-- - -... ; .--loyi; '• Tuesday''4^.A'.ttd'-''-rememljer •• - there: ' are, fchatikHiodi'my'riitils-of scants v.'h&a the; . world ireyer h.eiijd.'' p/{;. Shrii-'jinrnt's ate •in nf> : cdjertitars;s"tlsvir <'g'ra-vt-8 -are" neter visited;'.no ; lilinp-'is> kfiidled ;a|' their shrine's; yet'm"the" : .mjdst' of si-la' ixtif sor- row Ood ljas' f,9'0p Wito. have abi b^weTj. their knee-to Baal, and who<e"iJibuthh.as notkissad'h^te.; ' : Strfye.ii?''be'pn,e.bf1;hes'e faithful baes," though' "they wore not ia- md«s;."tod our liyes-,-. ho--Kpv.gr'. insignifii- cant, will'.not, be' -in '-Tain-, Esph' gsaia OS' rock iipjpqto l-iiilu (B'e siiptmtaih bastiona;' ^t-lt'cvi-jt'-' insect .'hn'i h_att ; .Ma share. |it laySiig'tjftv bsisis bf.. ihe eontincaia-; zupkL "drop in the lam" frhtmer iea'ds •'its.iniTuist to fertilke the soil; .'fcjKtbjjrata'pf san<i on' the shore does its part .tfr a .barrier against -tlieriig4»gBea»~£Cari;&rtFarrar,.-'-- ' " '• " '"Oh* how lovely! ! cried Rose, clapping ' ber'hands in'girlish glee,when she pjaeed.. it airily upon.' my; heaC . "Ifew, Paul, don't you elver.dare to have yo.ur.iair cut!. Hot tiritii^-ye-s, Jatipppse yba may have : your curls shorn on.pur wediliBg Say, 1 woa*t want my-^nly; worse" half to look. like -a dreamer on that auspicious .occas- ion,' - ' I went straightway and'sat for a.par- ; trait of which my romaatie loclss and pie- ture's'bpie;. sombrero •wotild-be the. main features.... ' " ... Alt'.s"for the dreams and the hopes be- bjhd us in the. fearf«r,mriroh.of time! The portrait hangs on the wall before me now, its ynstbful* beauty, a .silentmpekr Cryoft-bs vain hopes.of tire man who/ .mad.e.Tirigga t t! and wbrij' by'years of tor-'- rcfyr, now jn-ns ttiese lines. .'.-'• - . . WhV-ri ,:il last wo v.c'ro'juarriedl, vras- fwenty' and Rose- wtts fl-vcitecn'. :My good.father, -'Judge LeYfir'att,-.aHe>W-ed rn-e .•six^iujidr.t'd. duilars a'year lor making ray. "daily appearaacq at rjjs oflice w h e r e ! was supposed to be fitting myself, for. a law- yer.' . I "Was a lazy dog, T.rmist admit,, for at the end- of a third 'year I; knew very- little ;• of law,' but t baa learned-1© sing. With iny wild i^osSi.aind to woJisblp^tber sbriae more ardently, ays'ry day of iny' life. The w.isa-old'pater,' seeing that his : ;,6llow.a'ac'e'wti3'kc^ping'.ia'y. wift? and me ' very'comfortably' at fee modest hotel' of our tpwG, indi'iced ine to .seek alaoatioa iff Croftfiix, alttrgo i-aili-*'ad tiiwh .where, •as. I afterwtird f^nnd, a y expenses.,'would, be-so increased that I" would bB'cpmpell- ed. to'iaabe'an "d!o"rt.. i'a, increase'nsy.'i-u^ Gbmti;•'•'•:.' •; "'•'•". :';•' /;.\ "• '. :• 1 ptit.forilt all .my energy' in ray,new posMon/as-atLorney',f6Ethe L. 3L'. -& <>,' •railroad, afjd al'so>ce;iired 4- fair share' of-, business;'"-in the-regular lrn-6,' "tStill'- we were often' 'diitressod- -far money, and •;Rps?,. the l dettr : girl,:.y-as not as irappy &s in the-'bid'-days at. Sfadisbnyrlle. "' Rose was .agraad- songstress" and her. musical education bad ; pv6g^essedst!>adi{y' : .e^en-irp'te-thist'i'rive'. TwieCa week she went to't& city-ko' tlip College of Music fur b# yot-al "lessons,' aii.d^ every .day'.ner 1 gioridiis Voice 'rahg'f^^hrpugb. the .cortittejs .of ' oti'r h'o.'tel, ''drawing .the; lpatig.ars-tp-' getheriu -little '^roaps' to 'listen. -ancY'ebni- ment. "In :the i-senings it'Was my. de- -ligiit to aeconip'BBy .her"with"'theVipliii 1 while sdie played. -There were- oilier'niu- siciana' a t -t'ho "-PhlatiaV' ~nd we bad i-wya'i' tikes fagvfetr. '•'Everyone loved tad'admired my wiM Rosi.yac«i-Iw.jasdU- v so"pro«d af her- beauty" arid gri'odne-?s. Ko nian ever was frccFfrom jealousy than I. Indeed-,. I- kneWnot tihui it mettat.".' IJapjimess' is like-the g->idon butU'iily- thai flits -here arid'- tliexe" a m o a g t h e '\wx-' i .6TS',"- reposing fnr a moment in t'he heart of .one'an'd then baSU'-^'jig iWay tp..aaot'h.'er. The. Ueg'isnJiig' o-f. ; liiy elou'ded h'orjzori' r : tltites baek' to.'the day w.lieu .Ta?k .llark- man.cable from Eirglahd fit visit jije i: his ct>Hege-mate and'.frienct. - •_ ' . . . . . l?e's.t to.R'ose^ i Ib/ed; and hp. : npfed Jav-k tfWVe all ftHow'-beings. lie AVM 'the jdIlie.st,.drollus't fellow, and. fts.good, as he was 'handsome'; but hu jiijt »«IJ ideas into, Rose's hea^' ihat bpre bitter fruit,- Wo war» talking of Englaati and vOiiipaTlri.^ ; th'e' socM life of tMt couiitry. with.' oiir•_• o>sn,'". 'Jack, altbongb^a pro~ fessed admirer of •Affit-ripr.n'j'akttortk'nf-, warmly : denoimcHi- r^r s.oebl ciwfosas-i jte deflated ivtat in'Amcpca a ^'.iri.'might a3-weirbe4eadag-'..manied. •'. -. ''Fancy !in UngOsliwoman with yoa? talents, .Rcse, Bving s'b.eh .asisBoiaJed'cs-. isteniccasyoui'sl > She would 'be agreftt- .. 3Sbw, the same gay spirit, showed it- self bere.* . Rose latigheci.arid daaced.and flirtedwith-reekless-abandon... -.. - . I enjoyed it all because .she did, and was proud of my. beautiful wild .Rose, for- I knew she was wholly mine, and the ; main happiaess'of. her life was in m-yowu.. goeiety.. Yes, .this, vras merely a recrea-. tion,, a, diversion from her -'isolated exis- - tenc.e;". . - ' -.' ' ...'•..•.•,-.. .- There w^re many bajls and.pariies after, this;, io which we. were, 'invited, but neither RoseiiorTpit>posed'goiag v . Wftpa. Frieda came to our rooms one evening dressed for ' the ball at Sanwald's Rose looked . sad as if she envied the ,ypung girl her .gay'times', ..',.- Frieda was dressed exquisitely andwAs.- as lovely as .a lily,, .and, my heart. &mo-te.-me for Rose's disappointment, 'Good-night, .Rose;-J hope yo.U a n d Paul will enjoy' tie evening af .home, as well' as I will at the ball, .though I don't see.hpw it.can.be possible.- . .Old^majried. -falks—gopd-byell- ., . ..... With a lapgh .and a shrug of her beau-.J tiful white' ahotilders, "Frieda' left the .roote, .- .•'•••- 'Never' mind,,- dearest, we will- go to t-he'Gread to^'orrow night and'-, see 'Oa-+ millej? while Frieda js passing a.dull eve-- nirigat'Bome,. Into each life some.i-ain must fall, but I cannot recpacile myself to'tlie thought of a man arid his wife afc 'teading S'gnces-.; -We caa liuSplsagorem. othar W*£a, can v,'c"Soi;™J ,'Ypu dearold Panl! ! 'Rps fc Jiissed nay . .fpreheat! and hastened, to - t h e j»lan.o,'. in \ whos.e.gloripus topei her sadness ^.assoon f-6-rgottea. . ;'. '• .' ; ':" -.;.,.••'•*' :'A week;after this I.'was returning-to the hdt&L 1rpm' my office l^fhep. J met Rose. ; and- Frieda an the street. Itwas'Ifp-': vCmber, and the': .air,wag. frosty ;and--the Wiad -.-BieK' .epld./:'JRose was'' jaunty, in- jacket, cap, and mpfi, and. to me she .was,- as bewitching"' as. wien slie ; placed.-tbe sombrero on my.bead 'four years'ago.. . '."" Taulj .'Frieda wants : me. to- spend.;t|i.e- night .'with her' at. Berih^'ufirnsey'si' ..Some..,Gf.the; girls are' 'going out these for. a little visit ".of a. tiay. br'ty/o. Bo ypa think' you can esrst .tweaty4bur boars without me?-*;.. ; - .-." *Tes, biif it. will fee la.ciely "esist6ace.. I thai! be hinefy..and-blue, .Roee/ J ... Rose ltMfced ptrplexed and.'rek-iiting.. > '0.c>'tlear.if-yo.uMiBbi j-wiH njiike tka bftstof-it.'- ' '•' ' " . • ' , ' . ' • . - ; ..:.,- .' '' 'Well,, good-bye.; I will; be .bat-jc/befpre. tea .time io inorrdw 'evening.'* . . '.. - ' - - . .'.Sh6'p:ess.ed'my. band and'they passed •am "' -." . '.- .-. •;.-• ;..; . ,'•,-•' Rose .waj waitmg for me the- next eve- hing at tea time, and so. the .ineid^lit of one lonely, evenj-ng passed witboat Bpte. After tba-t .occurrence I, was often;ealled away-from Oipfton^n,b-asinessfortheL; C. & Q , • T h e last- timel-' jvent. nponloiie. of these errands.I- bade Rose' good-bye, teliiBg her I would "not'return before 'Wednesday--nigbt,-'. asl .couldmotpossi-. .bly get through, before- that time. ./'But. harp Frieda ' stay with ypu;: set: you- will .not' miss.me,' 1 said,.-lsi5sihg ber"fondly. I hated these -errands, .Wow .1 'mustgo •tusa "smoky t%-wn' and-atfend". -to ; some- ; un interesting- c&nteois': "iemaih,' there'tws days, . eafi.Hg. the ""• abpKan»bie,. Dutch .mosses 6f the-rost-anran'ts a-ndthen return bpmej • bilioiu and erbss,- at.-midnight. - Uut'Twent,"as brekd. asd-butte.r demand- 'fed. tjieir price,' and .Was. thankful fp'r tbe- pipvidefice that . ea»bled me to -get: rtrpiigkone day sOjOn^r thari-I espected.- • .-' i-.'jreached ~C!roftdn..at a little before-' midnight .and. passed. «bwa the,main avenue and past the city .JialL. .It was. brilliantly diglaied "sand t'he ! strain;?".pf a Walfe •floated" oiit up.pn'tiie frosty air wBen' the d-pos's'opened .to aH©w..th:e ihirgty to. •i-ome' out.ih search of, refreshment, wbieh they found;, at She,..lipie-'in; : the-Wall across the sires.-!. I knew-iot -what im-. .pclitd me, "but I,stepped-in tins hall- way " and looked through the glass 'doors,... . I-, looked ' in, vam for. a, |timili.ar..faee. But, yes, there is Slias tfottschajl?: and. 'Miss (TUtii'iisoy. ' A-n,d. who w-that-'lady in. wUfte. watered silk: Eer.bitck istowaj-d' {me and I see. the face'of h;r partno:, who is my landifiKl, a Frehfhm^n—Rinauid. His. eyes are 'ga'ii-ag in. ;ra.pt attention upbn'ltu' Rise..., .^he. to?.diamonds inhtr. eaj u and rar.e. btejj fills the .V. of ,.her. -epr- j-'sa-gfe' The arms-are s'i^yeless and their .Nviuf eness gleams -in. tbe g-asligbt. -., The %vaitzers -turn -and she faces -me." (>h, 'Heaven".* It is .Rose'- i'anT believe. <*y. : eyes,- my senses?-. . .- . ... -.-..-• The music stops awl Rose takes.the Frenchman's.aria,' '.,-•• .. ,'-.•.-.--. . They-walk: gracefuliy: -down the long tail, he beadbg'his headia. catea hsr •woi'3s,. ',. :•, ,'. '...••:,. •; - -' .-.'." .!\lj brai'n i's paralysed and \.stand.raot- •ed to thsspo:. •. .- .-' ' - . A cbueiltj. from some, pne a.t-' my side, ri-ealts me. ' I turn, and "behold a fellpW— the d\x>r-keeper— leering .at me in malic- ioas delight I plant» wieke.d blow bc- twsenttia..eyes arid.pkmg&bom'ewardl. - : .Isfow.-llie lipri of jealpasy' was; .-aroused a,t.}ast;.' Il.e raged .within.me,.;' frbejfieve; .Iwdiild;1iave' killed :ihem. :both; if iliad, -had them in my grasp'then,-.;. Biij^cpns. trpljed: -mjself. -,M&- Mssed. istweeamy teeth"-: ..'Rev-eBge'i fevenge'l';. '•'. -,.k "-..•;*; . i.hurried' fe.-the liotel,. s£ipassing up •thbitaJrway"listenei-at ISrs.'^mauld'a door,,'; 2fp, sound} came fern* witbfe; -I •aat dbwii oiithB stiuai'lp watch aid wait' for"Ihe.guilty.ones torefui-n,- .• ji.was«ne p'eieefc wlien I heard ..stepsbplpw sjfairs, \t. kno'ske.a loudly on lliss .EinaiildVebftrv .Prsg&tlyl, heard her' at the- do^r, isiy^ ;'itrg,.'WfH):.is.tlie'rp?' .' '-:.'".'.'• :• .... "-•-'.. - 'It is I/ieyfirett,' Irespandfia .... 'Open' your;door and watch the stairway;."". "' "• '.'Is it burglars?' she wiispered."' . •-. - .1'To,' worse than, thatl Busn,/-iio'ifa- word. They are.comlngi'.,..-'... " >'-;--; Ituifhedthe gas'ttp : .to its Lighest-as their footstejis entered .fjb.eba.lL,' alidstep- ped info a shadoWy. corner half-;conceaae4- % a. stand'of gowera.'tKai;giAp:dby:trie-': Window.- ' We''waited in.deatiil-y silence, 'Then'Rpse.and Frieda appeared, stealthV ily. clinibing. the-s.tairs T ' &n •R-inattid .and BTaroldappeared'direcfel-y behind'them,-..',' '.-.-. When .they teached: the. fop..'•rjf-.Qie- -stair's-'I sprang foiwat'd' with .a, iPhg^bsi't- rpilea'-Smitii' iirrd Wesson: 'leyeiied'it-• R-i- nai'M's'liea;d> . -'."'.. .. : - --^v:-;.' -'•}•'-'- .. 'flaltj-jofiraw^Ectl'I-eriPd, finng.and- misslrig;mj'aim.:'/'. '„.••'' - - -"• •-••-;- .1 cannot desciriBB the scene'that fob- lowodj.'f.or I'wis like aravihg -mania'c,.'':! fiave"a".cpr4u^,eI^.IeGuliectaPn';of.wome^ screami* &n& people. jushing "opC'-df their- rooms putJl theialf wasfiiied,- -T believe. Rose fainted and was boxnp to herr-opm,. But I rem'e&ber.pdor-Mrs," ftinauld^.w-M' deniinciatioa'pf ;her. hnsband : ,. w i e n shev took'it ail in at a glance;. ' '. : >.. .. '•''- " Ste saw Rose- "and*.Fxieda in full even- ing . cbs'tump,' 'antl.; fo-llovei'D'g; 'them her \ hiisbalid" and. J&rold,. also, "in evening dress, She'-saw'at once" that the'."ajiiP tette had been o'tit' togetu'er, an4 the Frenchwoman's ragp kn'e.w-lib bounds,;', But.the crowd, that jiaC'gathered in th& iatldid fiot undprstandtrxe situatipn^: for : Rpse' arid Frieda; had disappeared so. qriicMy' that they were, not seen by-'ahy; of the boarders "who wepe; awakened-by', '"tfae s h o t s , "rhey saw,. Mrs* Rinauid at hef door in r'Pbe. de chdmbre and; myself aftd'Riaautd struggling tpge'tB.er."lintii Officers cameahd took'us botll or! to. gall.- They saw and fprme'd' their jown.'opinions opinions wliiphwere. reproduced, in. nest day's dispatches and' heralded all over the country,' ' 'Slonsieur Rihauld",re- turnpd "home at midnight to find aguest,' etc-,"'. • ' . •'.'.- .' ' ': '" Oh, it was sicksmng! .... • "... I was out of Jail in a fewh-tnirs,. as^atai as'my emplo-fers Beard ."of the. affair, un- der-bond. . ' : ' ' • ' " . .'.-. ,. '.-',.-.. ,\" -. i iwent.to.tlie 'Crescent'.'arid took.'a -ro-om, I : woiiM : n o t g o .wbefe'T' would seeRese-^neve'r; •"•'-•; ; "..•',•'.',; .'' 'My Rose 'hadlost 'her- sweetness fbr r .eyer. '-.- •'. .-"" '••' '•'• ••"--"" '''•_ ' M' wma her bridal" dre'ss she' wore to- the •ball. In "that 'Meter rhoment'when-;'! -doabte'd my -reaabri, the -.;.efib,er 'scene, whiereia that flrs'ss lg.ra-t:d caexe .befsip' u\y eyes—bui'' : weMing! ' T'^a'S ISry'a.elC. ypn-ng, strong, WitS- a '••smpptli, bojisli.' face that-was radiant with .joy/.andwith hair close 'cropped lot"'the fat •t1.me..ii3.'mj;j lifei I"saw : Rose iri'-her" bridal 'rbbes - arid; faer'wM rose beauty..'".".' •- '-'.'.'.. "'". : - Ab, dirfling! wprild' "to TJesven- thp" Eghtning's stroke had' ended that sweet : sccbe for jpu and.me!. -'- ' ..; '"]•'' ;' .' "- - Oh,- to bave been,- with.you 'in- Blysia forever!'- - -.. ' ";•"''. '•'•- -"^N V --: J stayefl 'at.tbe -'.(Jrescent'" till they tpid'j me Rose had gone to,her lioine in SliuljU, sori^itte;" Thfen -I .bli'taineal "my "PileGt's-: 'from tbp' ; 'Ralatifil > an'rl,' went tp-Albany;, where I cPntinned;, as; attorney: fbr. -the' same rpa'd'fhat had'employed irie at.Orbf- fpm Wheal st$o& m.the.depot 4feCrof-. ; ton the; eTcn.iBg.'I left /tie" place. fOT.eyer r ' •a ''wopias's'-figiHre ifi.'iri'BBer -cloafcand 'elose'drawn hood came in. antla'dvaseed tome. It'was.F-riedit'..; .. • .: ' • '.;.-. ; ' 'I want, to speak'to .you, Mr. .LeveretK. .•'Cbmeojitside"a;mo'ment,"-pleaSe-' '-', •-..-. I fPiipvi'ed.ber/optsidej -and "we stood', on tho"'pktfOTm.'wiin"t.he : ^ rainfailing- aqftly: in our -faces,.-.:".'. .. -''..'""; '-". : . : .'*Ob,"Pabl;'«.iedFr3.eda,'' 'are "you go- ing, to leave "Rose because of tliat?" -Why, she is as' innocent" 'as this rain, tfarti |tills from-Heaven: It" Was I'wn6'psrsm>d,«<l' hei-te-go, "Blame me'arid\'feigiv©;hei..i She has not been going to [balls, regularly lii y.om- absence, - as-yoii---.hp.ve bgen'tpld.' Ko'. 0Jae danced nt'O-aernsey'S' t-iie night w-espeEt.there,.'btft it wa8".<)idy''-a''lMle: "affair of-a few neigbbpts; thaj' -happened. IB;"'.'".•'-- ;'. . -•'• . : 1 . ' '•"• -' Frieda s'eiied my ha-ndj. and: iri-a ;y6iee '.choking; with . emotion, implored:' me to take-Sbse:baek-again. : . .":•'' :' *SoI'WaS;mj stern reply,-.;' .,.'.; '; 'Rose.said, wben;sne'went..awav,.'Fri.ev "da", t e l l j a u l I shall"nbt as.k.bis forgiver ness; I shobld'ask too,much. 6. Fr&da, I miist liaye. been".mad,' -ey-en .teii.ave' ' tkoiignt pf. gPing to thai'' balli "Ask-Paul-. -.'to promise-'me.that no one shaU'evsrliear from bis lips t-hp capsg of our'separation,' . .The.'tr.ain was "coming,.;*44' .Frieda's- pltadirigs - grow .•"de'sperft'te^.-'-'W-iii-yp.u make thai promise,"' Paul?•' ihe cr-Icd, ; as-I madb : a .movement, f0 pick up m'f. yalise- a'nd'board-Qfetrain. '.' '-.!.-.'.'.' ."' : ''.'' : i-y..-''- "t promise,'- WMK mf brief reply,'-as' 1 pressed'the. ppor. trembling liand,'"'. •. '}•. ' As *I board!*.?, the train the,, girl sptrbed wrl'dly i ''OB,,'- Paul,. pome .•feaek,;..c'ome backioRpse!'.-• . - -:• .. .','- ' ._ But thp'.obsins's siirill. shriek and. the. rumble-of tlie•moving' "f^aln were- thg..re* mdrselul gitVi.only answer. .'._'• ; ' .. I will tell you..of p^r;.'bro'kea-¥ear.tect Rose as'.I heard of he? in .after days,. . He/"parBii^3'?srcie'.!»ttrprisQa"J.?y'her.urt- expeeted visit',, but.Rise did ri^t-tgll t h e m hertfeable. '" [ .--..-,' ; '';i. '. Her mptlier PbgerVed'tfeats.hp sppeared, .ffland .advised ihh. doctor to. do-som^. thing for her if Jie .coald..." --'.-'.,;." '. ' ' 'The' doctor, ipiesfioned Ho'sn aad-said'-'. *f<iu'have makj-ia to. jp«r system. ? . pb. he gave herj rafidieins fffid.th.oiight no .•inorq of it;-' - - ,.- '. ••• . , •.- •• • . :- - " 'AIotBer^said kose,-^np day,- 'I wast -. to tefl yon something*.. ^.Paul-r-^- 1 ':;' ;" *Pshaw,, chijdJ.; r If it's ftn-y.n&nsensp: bgtsveen yopand. Pas!, I. doai't'want to "heiir. it,' -.-I'eii do aoJ. feree -efeffugh, eser- else for cltber. brain or body, ,.<?p" : arid §ee -JRay. for' a day oi' two and shiewil! pat.. j'utt,.in better spirit^. 1 ' .'.' ; "....-:.. .-.-*,•' ...; So "Boae, with & heart,,full of'tlej^pany weritto alit'tle inlan4.town to ace Rach- a«l, .a dear .friend f a n d seiiQ&l-m.a.te>. At' .tlie'endof. tii'j-wesk. sb'§ rptxiraed-Ispiae. wtit& t^^snarldk^;^^ fmMgMeli in,«VBry:: S^iBi^t'^"JiSl;f-l^s Ppnnieriance,--;..-; <^:•;'.• *' ; '.-•'/ J :-^-.". *'•'.': : -y;*:' [ -;'Father,;'..Bb%atd', iaymgibilowea;HaB.,;.-v" doctpi' ihto,|i!s>ibftpe ; ^dmosea'4Tiie4opl: . • ;beliiiici iier^Fa,tb.eri 'telijn'e,. /am' J jpsio-g/';;";'" mymihM-sXh^iiffi^s^^.y. -„.••-'/' '-•/"" ':. Sbp;broke : dpwri, cryb^fedtiemblingV : " i n d talMng,inccliei:e"ri.tlyv" ; /vv,.. ;. -."•/. /. '•'';_ TB.(i-'gQbd-p34:}^ & #Pj. gatliered;. iier il|t,., i n .';jb^"-. ; fl3^j}s.'aM^ViB. . i e t : tQ.'iet"rooBi/ / whfeh.SljevrievPfclef^fc.againaiiv«, : .; ; : . ',- : .-: -. ''' ; '-i|y i _Bos"e/faded'ijaCctieSJ:' Styp9p%-.-'..'- 'Wil^-Rosei 1 '; ln"''-ber"iriOTBgs/^^^ .Sntrpf what^^^pr'tr'ouble tfiasS M&fmlj; •'- - ijtgr was ^xS f 0.^mXlf . ••'•'.•..;=•)• - : -;. :; /-;.- : -, Ietter/^as,,-fpr^ar3ed tome at AJbaaj..., Meauw i hfstibe :: s'fejries ; that' WerB/afipat- * t r'.- Qrottpiiiiad^^Teftcied^thjeeats of the-apbi.. ipr-srid--Mis':W-'ffe : .'/.dEh;e'j ^ew'/npt.-wiai--" 1 "". . to .beievg,-; t&ey./.had::' aways.' -iaeia:"iaiB fn :, srieb'. : great;isteeril». ;/^ey'..resplved.-''-^G'; .;.• '.form i np;&p^o.nnSt?t.&y:i3d.-«ee$ m e ; •" . [jiffteii 1 -1ieabt.that .Rb/Se- Wasirl^ig" t v -fesfsned;tp-tet'lfedsig.e,' Sti^eomtoofc ; me;^irrtp'ti?i ^kpfiea^^^pJ»ipranipp/eiie3; a^Hpttep.'tiat. t'./migh't. -isee-^inj'Bpse i n -7. her'^paskefcJ.. ;@hVwas^elpthed"initer'bri-'. '.' ..3#i,areSi/,'.Tie' .brfdje;x>tB M^pw.iM;,"-'."' rnme iro Ipnger-I- ..-•-;•• - v '-i"- ?: --.' '!-. :.W- ."-'.•. . Tne'dpptor; hejd mgntoolina.b^ :.• me.fOT-to : espj/^#ipii.i : but I/^aiaj/affmyf" ^ears-fell •apbii: ;i^;dea^'-•faee^ 'fej Ttjanl'/ /' - |ell;you:/riPr3}ing.p : -.-•; }•":••';-.---=".;--''"' ' : - /..^lit -he;Mew'tia;|.-JiIovedlier; arid-lisi/ good-wifeknpwlt tpoy-Wwaai-triatberpa - i t Wjhen. the Whole fowp glarejrjat me and. •'.: - palled me/avlliarri?. I "wpuia/bear iiitt- : :.\. fc*;3ier-«aX^"^at<)r-/B!ie sake jjfflte;igsxipa^ •. - ;i / tBe.belpted.placp.'/of my./birji,.' my.lipy-:- , BpGd-anal:-my,b,appy/memprle?,-;^^^^^^ by aB,.|>iil^tistained.j>y ;ih"e:li5pe<that a t .'; tip' la&fe J-'i&ay agaift meet my : .pure,."wMte. .//- : H.-X Wtne^,.. yi " ; '.'v.'." "••/•'& '-:V^ : J 8 .••: ••••.y : - : 'mmtMh.J': : ": : .:''< : ' : . fiie ieadi&g bf;S&,";Braridevafatftt#8'/-v |Morig3:oti%e;-'Wa%^ 'ip ifie'AB&iiSntiffir. -, beir-of.-'^He,' ; C3entu^,^vidly"'recalls,to . mind anomcidpnt of -my pwn^^petieii.ce •: wMeli ; sp|inS;.tome sp; ,ap.tan JulusfarAiipri /. pt'tlis --effect of atiny- # n g s .kppnjHien:; ^bat.j'ventiiretP':. seiid ft to-ypvi,.- as I | e r : memb.erit after twerity-iwb"ye"ar|>.. ; -/• ;•• '.A day"os i-jyo-.afjer.'Lee^jsurrenderIn.' Aprjli i'86^"Ti; left ;ont: sHp ..at •aauicii : flip, 5 .' In lie- James Rivetibir» rin u p to T Rrebiaondj.-wiiefel: ;w^ -^Oinea by-lip :•-. .ship^ssurgpo^'ifee; payiria^terj nM.one.-.pf: the juriipr piiGer'sr After ''doifig?' Ricit' rnona pretty thoxpuglily w'p..wBn.tint'ie .eyeuifig tp my rooms ior-.;4*rin^*!»'-.- 'Knner";- being-.pveE;'an"a-."^te.ey%ts'o|.th"g.ila#'f£i.-'" ebanted^fhe dobtor^wlK)' was afine ; pl*y-... er, pppneci .the, pianp,'/. : sayrngY'v '''Bays,: V we've"got piir."^ old.'.^tk-r-iettg ipre^ legs:.,- Biyaa sing,?' .-, £$ii/eliauseobpositewas-- occnplea by paroled (Jdnfeaexafeofficeis, •" no ^lafariotiq.sphgs.Were sungl' :-Sp.dn.'ii.e;. -" lady Of t i e hovse';jiaride4 fflethlsnpfeV'' '.'flPrnpiimehts. .-of;, SenerA; rr-~^^ '.«ii-/'" Staff.. Wflfthe- gentlemeniindlySllGW ;• us to c'cme'oVer. mid beay;tKem-fiing3'' - Of course, we 'ebrisented, anct;tti.ey canio..'' As the gen-eral. ehiered ; f e / r b b m j Xxec'-f .- epgnjzed instantly^^ .thefaee/anafigiiie of". of onewbo sfPpdaeePRai-PriiyipJL^ . lackson, '.^'.-.fie^/^iola/'/.bfflQftd^aqfe.-. ; After intr.p.du'ctions./and'the' u^jgid Interv change: of' ci^lities;,. we = sang; tor -tieni;" glees- and ;col}ege'' 4piigSj! nnjii'-at last .flip".. ngfirie^.s.aidT;.'':'.^/-^.''"•"., : •'-••. : ' •'.'_"- ;"'.'•-:. •" "Excvise/mer gentleme.r4,xypu.smg d«^ /•' lightfullyj Sai/wliat-we Wadt ;toiear U yoir 4r]ny :^pngs^ K'13ien;/we ^veikera,'. : t t e afmy^^ipngs.. i?Eiifc.iirietipD,-%e ;*'l|atU« iHymi. of^^e5Jepnb^c; , '":^'-JbIi3ri. B*eim*s ; .. 'B0tTy,'V' f '^^^^gniing5. ^l^^ijfefc;:/ iiam;,?' ; i "TTa^p.,' : ^amp, TJairij}, tie Boys isrs Saritmio^^/tritougS'^ |ie-/wlipl^.c»t|--;/ m talwhlca many" a"; foot beat-#me is If It ; ^ad Se^er "«tep^ea:to any buttMi|tusS5- : o|i;he'JImpii,''-*ana clbsea- Qjjr/coiBWirt/ witfe^/'&lIy^B^na;;:^ It^ag,. Boys.*'"- }^ien fife ^pplanseliaaiubsiSslj * ^ B t " firie-lbdlaBg lelip^ m-a fflajbrlsuidfpija ^esciaimea,. fl&tttBmeriylf we'xji'fiad^your -i sbngawe'eijiave;/iic"kert,ydii pufeof yo?ir,- ;b6otsl 'W^hp-cpuldn'fcM 'fpnght ;wj|b;;,suci|t. '.soBgsf.;. Wirrle/we.i&a oio^n^ : \.^spl^e^.''iafifi^|g'«zQ^ "if".-.. b'astatd • < ^arseiiIajfee, , ';tie/ i Bbriny/Blue;:. :: -' ' FlagJ^and VqSizjjtf. ; ^wfifeh.. rwere ;;npfiuii^ : :: but jigs../'•••;-/•; :--/;. : ''' : ;^:l-.Vy ^' : ->* >:. 'jptrylandj myJsfaryiand-^ was;»sjflert^ -.' -/..'. did--sbisg, -but-''Jfetrue,' ; gld.'Saurige; •-..', Horatips,' wis.iib.oht' "aa; •inspiring as the- -"' •, - c l5ead"2Iare:h;in; Sat^j'. while every ©nabl/": // tihese.''Jaiibes^s'.bjig-s' is full-;of,mEffching-..•-. and"jSpJah'gspirit;' .•/^Jmnturnrngtothe', -. "-"• "gfin^illhe said-: "/•'I^lIneve^Qrifitius .*''" first timev-f.beard ;'RfiIy-Rorma-the/fi^ %-. r Twas"ujns.sty might -'durinK.-feB.;- ^ v e n / ; ; Bays'- FJghi,J,.-and.;-;if k r e m e m b e y r ^ f i f l y '""-' -. it wi's-tairi|sg:. ;.I was^pn';pielie\ whe>j : . V\ ja3t.-&e'tofp:%ps,);.-sp'mg / otlieE";s0e stiriBfe' up'tliafc sbng^an'd Pfchprs'. •..•- joined 1 In &a c^stas/mitili£;spempa ; ipme/'- ; • '"the- wn'ele-T*akee. irmy /was'spgmgv- '•: -••. ^©m; S-—i^-w^b. «asiwItEm^ su^ .' 4 Gi3.pa;-3ieave'nE,""<3ap,'wtat^r^:/{hbse.-fet; .:' v .losvs": made of, '^ah-y^.ay?''--.^ere-iwe've/..- .'.:• iiekerlteaisiS days/iunning; ana npw\P'n-;.;",-: tnee'vp'of tke seven Hi, /'they v'ie'singing . ... '., / ? RaHy'R,Qund.^b.e.. : F|ag.' '.,;%• iim-nafeiat 1 " •..•'- - nr-ally-svlperstitipjiSj;. bn£;.l-. tell yb.u that.-,/ :.song' gpu'ria : ea':to./.m.fi' .likp the/'kneJlpf : .; •apQm,' a n d m y heart we% ; apwii.info-'my?/^., bop'tsVirid tho-ugbl I*ve-;trie;dfc.do;nry/.'-- •duty, it has-been an-up-iill; figfit with mp;.. : . ;ever sinceiiiatnjgbt.'.-'-V'-:,:l_•.'-f'.;.1-'-'. J-""'.-.- '••- -' Tke-little:.Ppmpany/of. ..IJnion/singers/'..->. .•-ani-Gonfedeiate:aiiditprs^ aftera.-pie'asant .".' ; find'i'ttteresfirig irifepharigJe,o| -stories, yotrl -: - army experience;" thpn.vseparatecl^.ana/as;";;-, / the geherarslibbk .bands: at -partihg, . : be,"./'; ;sai.d-tome:. -:Well,;. v tne' "time/ may Pome.. When'we can^^al|;sfeg.Me..-:^tar-apangIed. . ^ /Bajmes!. ^4a;Vl;-\i^ - c& J ibt"'*^'3rM'._,^v' sinee^Ricbard^^'l^entwbriii'Bibwns.,./ - -.•-.;-A:SBd^5Jpdf-;3PAMjriyi ; -; ;: .-' - >, :-,. ^'B"ave;-ypu-a Jamily-f" -askeda L western.• ..fuigp'Ofa- mafe.' wla was .^a^g;final proof in Ihe-.IJaSted 'jSiates : ' lapa-offleev ."Yes,' sir,-'" rpplied'ihe-man. /-«fiD| : wTiat" does-it porisis.ti;'-J "#el v j^-; said-.^^InsrnaaBy:.. ;.eyldently -."confased, ^an4'lb<3i!Ei»g flp ; to-/ ..wardibe' ieiiingj ./as.iflip;%Iresi' fiis ..memory, / l %\^^Udj':0i}'^f}.M{^', tov ijliitdren-j- t w o -hif ed --men-Ja-gang-plPw^-ria' .Seeder, a-Bam -wagoii-j.-asa/a span/of . ,nuxk8,... -I beHeve/-tha.t , 4^a^ , ': ^'Tiat-if -enojigh, '•' replied;*heg.adge^'wlt'i a^.smile," : nnd- the. .sprttler.^pi-has^ further.qiiestioja|n|^.';/.. "-'...;/•-'.,' /'/-:*...; .: -./;';• OTsSSbiA^iSim-;/-' •',.-;;, -.-' .-" "•'"•,• i'oiSiaini-WfstSHOEC.;'/ :.-..-'.'., •Jackaon—:V'ta. gbfag : '.fe -"start '•&. apff/- paper^.ana'" ..I\tbinlE:"'I'l|/.-calI,tt'Ehe.¥m:''" •brella.'".•-.:'. ; .;..f-v ",/•'.•""-''•'•(•'/ .':•':•,'•'•'•' <• . -BIerri<^-#ljjt^':V'-'T^ V.-.;-,".;": : \.-- ; .;i : Jackspfi^i^eavise^ -^erybp'Sy.^iio sees ifc'wiii t a k e It.'-".- "•• - : "'. : -.••/ "-'-'-: /,;"'..; ' -;;-...'.:"•' ttemtt'-r^esj'/ pebpfe.'wptild. .-Jfrkptt,"- bnt they^wdnidn't pay for : lt,--"".';.;-' i .""~. ; '"-//. : Tirfipro.ml?c-s./ of -t6e"Bi]3ie,; ^f.&&'• besaSBoMbe ma,.'sliMe-.asj: •freely,fe ; .at-; the': wisdow.-ol'tlie jspor. gjaa;s .pottage «j"' 'the rick'Bxan's/ pajeper,:' -'A./m6imtaiH/.>3f; .gold, heaped «p asl'ig'niis heavenwpalil/ be no siteb, treRsirrp-ag-tbe-pae/f toxniie-.of,; i3o5|^; .... ••.'..-.--;:.'0''; ;.v- : ; ; :%;.." !r "V..."y iiS&r^^--" - .'•% ; ^, - ^*m 1M

Transcript of 1 wiiei! - NYS Historic...

!?;;1N ."...-'..* 1 ' \ ' % s * l e w i s poTict^ ladejK'SAteat: ; .

[,;:-\: ••-••;>'," "• ••-;; ; " ; ; - tF i» ->HvStEa«»f .

..•.r•'!.v;^^,'^''^^a^-Vs•F:&ra3CE:?|g ,IQ-

- ••=•; Sn -paws." o2*.-d.attaRd except a t fho optiOjt <H

-Space.-- •" :ISPV: ; -"3W - *•' .<TS-

" t l n e t i i V S W - - 3 t * "'•"•*&1

• "-.'inches, .ASM. . -<M», « «> •"«-* t-ot-., 4 o o • • • « . « » • - • " MO.-

tcOK,:-•'-THMtf-"--!'*-® 1**0 .-; ,-Su^^<&^=Sr.'i^VJbqs-fffi^Bne*>>rl:o&;

' ' -MarE&5e-st<.4-^eatli ncSe.es.free, fSOfcT and:

K a e ? . . - ; / • . • . ' . ' . - ; - • . - . - . • - ; . • • ; - - . ' . ' < - . • ' • . ' - : . . • • " - - • - ' " ' :

." dio aeree.-rtih Addition-tv;rt*a«wrwtes .-. . --.-wt'SaretaiCotjaeef:-<*.•*fetA-chws-4*BI>HIS a e : - I'aptsaeBt; withJucHlties i-"* t i m i n g olit OH store -'-.• Giles --, . - • ' . . - . . . ..-.- .' .- ..',, ' •

m--';--. Jofe'Wo^fc; •--VeSTBES,-0ARDS,- .-'• •-• -• •" ••••" '-. - «ai£,TXGKET!S, • - ''-'•-. "" :. -.-..-'-' • ' . • - "£ETTEBHEA»S ! . . . ... _-.-:• - .-= •••:•• u m H E A j w , ••••.•••-:.• -. - . • •-1 ' • - . . . . . • ..-•"•••. ••. BSTELOEES,

•->.••-'•-• •••.'-••. .-.;:•;"• .••.•'WSDBrSGDrviTA'J'IOJiS, -Hi suy'-aifa^-ai&ijgi.-aisri" EKarwairt^ta 3 naif,-•-. art ist ic anil' sMHfnl manner, •, oarpEteesaw rwrni 'ift'iO.'sa^er-V&it-lower, tlsaii any house' in-the. eohhty; -SatisfaeBonguatetatead, . Try ns and be e,Gh"r<nce«k. ••' :-.-• •••.-' • - . -•• ' • .


a- * » & mm M .

«*" . • ' •-COPT •


A L W A T S m ' • •

A B T A N C E . EDITED- Sf-ku&.J- C.CEOtV, (JESSTE jn:ra;; . A, Ha&dsWe, Engraving to., every salacriberi

fISgsiiiess fiSeoSp^

BBWA2ED J." B&SilAfiT, At torney and t'otm. s o l o r a f i i w , "OiJlets oyer BBs&"^iI«!g store,

JfiSajjejeSfc.-v "..•••:-.-- .-.;v.i..•;:-._.• •.

» . . ' .rtifGeneri^iMmiuiofeagent.. "

» ; • - : >

B57SES'ESSJaBKi;iN;s;'> : • .=. . ,;'.;•'-.. V. . ••<&»# SustaessSiSstiurin--bpst styb1-'? aft*

-. •:t)ii-iacpe3t'ftnees.'ga"fe''i ,b6.-toW75U* Times; : . f l&A\ ;.;: ;• ',:-V-•.•:"•.;'.:. ••'•"." . - • . " ' ; . ; :

: - " t * 7 * - A S S E S S , - . r •..-•' ' •...•-••"••.'••'•'•• " . " " •

-•:;<tf9()*.0'v:erEiaer.&iB6B6artvs c-letlaug Store,.; '••kOWm^^.. :•;,.: : : v . - V . - ';,:• .> ^ - .•"•"•- ' . -

:HE3rtJli^EI "& S W A t e T e t e r i a a T J - Sorgeon.;.' .• J T Witsoftj.S.-Y.vSsOTwiy;dfeabled'torses an'4 -tsitsiaJioises for.treatment at'Ws •sold-plaoe.i'esi •i«}enciBOT.Ins.'Soiij Hi ta ta ' Sisail, on ttie'-JPetrte's Coiii^TSiosd.••-.•'_ "'.•"• - ".:„'- ." . r . ,-• '..4p:'

was 1 .".-•;. kS teo^or td^ . i^ i 'oQt&Eojs .x ' ...

.'•'''':''/'-•' . Av.' : \ 4fct,te. -, ..-••••... •'..•-•."',

,:*JU <t9a&ne--ifo-,se!i' -.e*e)5t$teg:".'la.- iheiE-'l'tn*

' g k - Gasli Gcmi-aissions.

S-CQJM?-".•:•':: '•. ' . ' ' ' '* • ? ? i ° S ' << ' v •'• i •• ' '-" • ' ' -* ' * ' § " -1 . " • roithiree capy to elulije^iscr, 7.00 ,5- '•' ' • 1 . - "Z-SO e , , - *•;•." :.'.,-•. ' . ' . ' - ?^ 0 0

"'• • -e€a)SETg. at the pr^sbnt-ticae isadittiltedbj 'p«ss suufpcsopta "'to las'superior to- a.oy Juw-s massftaSueitt imerU-n, haTius tlie. gi- ;il,e".t variety «f slepiafeMrts; ably edited.. ' .' ' "eEPEfE"i^KS!PfeE3a3jrgS ^ ^ "• . ; • .^-VeAKSTa.caSH; CtfflQSSSlOS.- ...t

^ ^ S S C S -3ias'!awangeA W"give.;.«icgaiit SSjer. •BatettWats 6t siijjeriOrma^asaspi'emrai^.'Qie vatoe-at-wi!ic*i"iii'so'me instaHfies reaches o p t pe'-fOiioiic.psewKim.; . gestdiSefOii'ssniplecopy.

;:':; ."aODSK'&iDf^ iBOOS .' -." ' • ' ' i ' : ' . '" ' .y :-•: ' . . . ' . ' ' ; . - ' Phap.a«lp3iia,Pa-. .

" " ¥ : • • " ' . ' . ' • • " ''"'• v . ; ' '••""- . . . ' : . '

Sffiili ef SprleaE W e i a f slits, • SS^'"'38i'S*.,.iieax';Et» S . -K« tcn t OlSjrc," •"

'MftiisiaesS.b'cfdro't.Ue'B'^EteaSfetes p a t e n t " Office a-ttewtied to-ft>E%iademtv R'e-S'. Pai 'euts 'XiKiwo'ett Jis Uie tttiitieA Stiites ta» J- njl Fore ign 'Oortutrit'S.. TroUc Jlacl's. ajiA i^leh i'egis-tej-ec^ •Kejoc-t!.":5'!inplTetvi:Im'is revi=vt:d imh pvoSet-ot-4^].- Iafor that ioa mtd«flvi«i.*its;to>t.thUi;in'iJ!!f-Pttreiits'um'Pi'fuUy furtiisked. w i thou t cbarg*.

,'"Sjiid-Skeick or Moifelfor free, opinion iqs.tcpaieiUabSUyuy''--'' -.--'_ '' 'Cqptes'o'f'pateats'rutnisljwi *nr. 25'cents estcti. • . . . -agp-'CbiTcspoatte.n.cam^itetJ..' -

Railroad Time-fable, U. HV- & O. B A L l t ' O A D ,

X J T I C A « B ; B . » , B . B E A M C B : MOVING KORTJI.

Leayf L'tfea ...... li'ltVlLViiif. I-O-rtL-yi-.'a....

• I.yorv- F.-jils..... U l w i i ! i l >

•LOw.-Litv..!.... Castor'?pij .. . Beer R i i . f

. • Carthai 'f . . . Arrive Waterwwu. . . Ai'jis'e Clavton

iTOn'istasrtj,... • • Osdei»slJttrg.„ 13 16'.

' • A. 3f. J \ . U. P. 31. iealre Ogtieiwan ?• ? i."> 4 85

MBurKtowJi'.... '. ? rid • 4 in Dayton ' b a i 5 & r&ttai}clp!ii:i 9 -15 6 ,:o Waten&tvn . -. C '30 « # B 30 Carthage, , C 50 lo :;0 7 10 Deer UH'or 7 00 W 40 7 23 «'a¥.tOi-Jaiijf ^10 10 SO 7 33 r.QsrFttic r - r n ew s 05 f;KstBl.'l<- 7 :.• l.i £3 b 10 t.VOiw P:tH^ 7 57 11 <W B 35 t-ort hvJ-tlejj , . » (8 11 4S « 40 lSQ3in-iM«» t -Ji) IS uj b 65

An'lu.. ftica -.;... a 60 135 10 10 I'assangeis sac Hniucsted to pitrdiass tickets-

•&erbro"eiitprl.;n<r ta® ears. An PXCPSS charge of .Tea Cents wUi tie collected wliert-.&res are paid on the trains."

wiIl.D.. Austin,

tSweess-vir" to .To!m Mnrsc,


j<Sjie£fOT2fsisat3S'Dtaxa.fe',0rSn'io IJtoit T5ast8«lforE«litTeaiS,J3friaGl!y; , _ teases t i e r :6b<*ltitcly-:re6tdre'jiraiaataral2.:.


KjaSphsitioo to tlic *at of dlscMe to spsMa ire-- MJOURisaia.iiglt'teJShQ'nt Job?*. ,Ih(tSinniii.I'

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• t B j ^ ^ T ^ ^ ^ ^ ' f e y g ^ l C l i t - t S r g f e t i r , IT


' • . F . •

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Sure Btoo-fot "S-fOK HEADACHE slid all . troubles arislnKfromic digostion s»rd ennhtipjr

•. tion. ?i pE{S7tt -tij.o.poffiV . .^"filwcipn-BypWjfjrag I'ho

Woe.d.' ''Xheitfsn eon Us nicely .ua^nfltsd tonult ths-ts&zef- Oia iftu cna jio^sr ue coo lac?ea.tfost>. Eosr fotnlra'as-so-juach nnsttr. w rula jsutrop-ln a

' strong-rtnl wiiieJi can b<! caitaoaiRtha voit^Dctet. Solil»y(so"wliowjloE6;? cents,. A crortt coa^finltjace

- to T.ra*«tefB a n d B u s i n e s s Wert . ' jf - DR; HAK-TEH'S Iftpw TOHJ&-. . . \ •

• BPtirili.-a (lio-BMOD, rc«utetos thaXBTEKand.* " flODSfSgS -awl rmtosss. Ow SBEfliTK e-ri'df .

THE pa. mmmmmmM> st,;ta wg.-wa


E&l S( | ; |eM$€i^pf i(a.t<>':^^|aGtTi^K|^ ;:^iieE:

^Mireai- SiElft^.CE

'."'••PA-KKLER'S, ..Gie-m^^; iind iiMutifiea tit* liair.| Piomiitc* a lu.vurtot prrtv:'-. Nbve'r-'iraHs to- aijs{cj^>3r3y|; : 'Hiiffta ii3 V0»tiifel Cator." £ "l,r«:.vtiij,t3'J»ii(i(l.HlJ.tnnrUia.U'*taHi«e-|

6liamW.SI.*«nt IWiselst* *-——I. i m ij.iii biiniiimii i w if

Eilnois, Saasas & ITebrasfea

FAEM.. • wjyMOAnm, ^ Q ' ^ f l f T i Art'fV-Loaned, ' •S'nt a! dollar a « , O U U , U U y l e s t siiOOOsOWhas fallen. due and. heea paid promptly, V,'a-can ih.?est nisiisey at 1 per eejifc. in ajtysum from JSOd cp-witt'd in,fe'^ mortfiage$'G& Improved Fawns pi n-linoiS; Kaiisasahd Jtsbrteka, tlsrrmtrh the several McEINX^V flnhs, v,-hieh Tve havis .rcpit-somed ftar-the past" fll'teen years. 'MiO mort'sasea 'ai% made.ynth great care and not one-has everfaiiesl-t0' pay: •' Send for- a tSrcidar. ffe.rrfa; to W. U." Pi.Tcii.Esa., editor of :%i3 ijajierv aBd" to ail the EantemBoe\?.- :.' • ' .'"•.: . •'.. •

' .• ..' '. ' • ' A,'SA>XB-50ED'&C0. ..' -'-.45vi .' . »6If,.JHin8sSt.,.Eivm«H7.-... •

"BE;:'¥,;.BB(JW ^' S i


i-Iiitil ..iiflll

t ?•*??<-• "=• - „ ; . . ' ' • . --' "J' '••.•-*•'> . « I'

- ' . ..• -< ' .V%- 'A^ :^ : ; ' ntf(:"dc<l -liiftr,. T.»i.l -f(i- •':.';*ji"i'-j-..':J ' ... -v.t-i.,0 umk ' r iiicir. i i:.» s i.s.;.. o?. ••"... ix-pi'cleil ho^votikl'sLii-. ! -Ki . ' ; - . ; , ;• t h e reinarJ-ralVl«"ciH-«-.-;.i»^i't-.u. ;i;;. ••.•.»• i". '.

- i .»oy ;ny i t . ' . S?:i-f-'.*.;* \'iH-f Ju ; , to ; y -i•;.'.' i ako tl»Js,-'.h'u tI:n';iV,->';j:vi?^';" >>^.'„". '

, l'tivnced' luitilt-K;- •-'»'.. .•'1.ll-.: '."•'..'* -;'. '. v«'V-' hdttl-es, t&-vrxi''&ii*i\i'r-*y?*•£&&*$; '••

xum .a^OifeJ:jt'v:';.3»)'.i,--;...f.i, -}&£-:l,- •*' -, .<i-f-..li3s'.',3-e.."^-- S i M i m V I-:-.-' r,.:!v;'..- .

Ifahi-ptViiv,T». ' '. *•-'... "7'•..:' ' • ' ' " T d ' M a y ' ' Ttisr.;.'in.v '-.,;<i' " : i " . ' ' ' .Imirt-pen'ttifHiUigiifiiv i's-V:s. i< •-..'. • -. gatl t t ' r ihl i ls Iji-iitl •:.".:i: ):," _,'.. . \ \ ' r j . . .

'.' ptie'il'-tafittilrt'- siii':;.'>7i;..i"" ' ava i l , • Thi:' Hwiv < ir.i':-..-n-1 aBilili.i.jK'l:':--'!'•.••].y ::'.,:•;

'WAS «lH.-j), li:;f ll'ii' !..>;W i ..i " . ..;'• ' . -tjuiitj.ply tin'.il. in- o, iV.v T. - . / , '

Ht'^rl.Vt'oVfjv^ltrt 'i-t ' .W- :.!•'.,,,•*,'. . i -A t la.sl-VM.- h '-•«!• t5i'j).\.Lr' ;•".• :-•.•-••' -t-, -,

. fcapm-iiltf.. . i t i ' .;•'!',.•-.-.••...;..;..•/ •'..',.- • ,,: cijiuigf r<ir flie in-iii r v.n'.-'!•-.• .;... "•,' fcrri".* ;t-i>i:^t* ti :i tiJ-T"" h, .•;t•! -,. .

.. tiu: i\l^ l}.ar:4fs .'viciM .'Vra :::..*'.'"' ,,i.-:' i-ih..>l:, :t:nl li.'iai'!/ r,;'.K..-ii" •-..• ••. ' r i ^ ' - ' l ' - ' d is liv.fKi'j-. ir:'-!'. ) : ' ; • • - ' , • ,-' a a d i i s iipjn i iu ' lui-n.r I'.^.-I ..>.".> -». . i>

'Ki-rveel for"jii'^'it-Ii.v."--!.';'., ;,. ; ' . "..,,- „ • LisH^XM'ir.ivTi'Sin.. . • - ' . ' • " . . . . - .

' ' Tlt« furinisla iif ,A;. ..i *s V -i' •,, .-.•''.': Iirc'.-.ti.Ts, fur rliit 'iiii: iii.« ,«.i•.>'., ,.,i-v •

•CVITJ* lvi»u?."li,'n ii.-sf, iciiii-jiv ! ;.t '. • ' : ' t h e 'iilMlieal • wiwhl.*? —1>,• Jf. V,'i!:..r

• ; @ • . . * - ' " ' ' ^ ' - ' - . ' ' " ' - , . . . '


i l n memory .of the Russian patriot, Jfiuhtmo. Si-. ' KhTa, who" was scourged, to death a t -the IJara

juiliricol prison-in^fhe snuancf.of ISbfl,} , '

'• /:'

Hjr8rs:;darsaf-:,f':>: • - re'r1;!» : ! ;

Dr. J! C. >*;c"r &-' C-., .;.\

'fri.-oCi:'*'":. »";'• -. .'•'• •.'':

. When 'wo waHJ. toward t h i s u e of. t ruth, fdUhad.uWo..are cast belimd .o .*>-. fLoDgf ellow.- '"

'PITS • All Pifs stopped lr'e' by 0f BKao'a Great. Kerte KcstnreK • Kij Pi,tsafter first day's tis». ?f arvelon? cures. Tn\ui»e ami §-• tj-ial 1-yt tlbfrofi to Fit case?.- Sead to TIT. Kite , ovft Ar>-h St ThHa. ?a, - . . . . . . . -

Thc-'abE-ccco of any k ind of anxiety fo-i the spread of the frath impli ts &pji-ituaJ paralysis if i t doe?, not jihp.ty .spiritual death, —TCappn.Ei'd'cloB, - : '

.BTICKKCN'S AItNICA"sAl,VE. ' . Tnis BSST sawn? in the worM.lor cutss Bi-iilscF, Pori^, fleers, salt. KtehBl, Prter Sort's, Tfttcr, Chapped Hands, chSWatos,-t'Qros,.aha' alv Sk'tn. Eruptions, ana poalliwly-carca P'llcvor no pay rei-iuired. • It-isguirrantee'd th gise-iiefleetsatt*-Jaetlon or .money refundsa. ' -Prlci! %; cents par Bos.' For sale hy Morrison &cush. "•'. saji

Wpaldsfc thou have ' thy Yie'sh obey'thy Spirit? - . 'Theiiiet thy spirit, tihty thy p o d Thou must -be governed :t 'hai l i o n miiyst go-«;ra'..—fAvtg-u'stiae, ;

; - ...:>',- -

v..- SEL®d$:;g?SA^. .

' .ilissBell is- look, . Addio. iTes, l iaura. Why, oaiy.'a.yea? ago her ftfeq.'-syw-eoiit-'ptet-elj covered "withplaipkit , - blotchesj. aBd'£ox-&3, ]SIre i<A& mc-r^ct.' t i s i s&e

using Snlphur "Bi t tcs . W c H ^ t a i ^ V . ' l ' shall fry thera too. .V -^' ;. ;T:'

. Miss Mary Coddia.'g'tori.'o-f-;SM,..iYdfk has giv.en the. City Mission 'I^-Ofl'fj.-Mtli' which -to erect a ;|56y'3 Club hause'.' Archr deacoa Mackay-Smith,, -Major TVj1: i&ibbg aad B"» 51, ' WHitiocls: a t e - appd ia t ed a:

comniiitce to purchase ,a . 'b«Miug' near t h e Bowery and. p u t ' i t ' in faitable^order. •. T h e #'40,900 ^ a i - m e k d e t h e ' COSE" and-•sado'5TOeBt.'-i|The ©htff.oK.--Qf:Tb;:day. '

'. . &iffil?;>r-THA'HKS, .'.'. I hereby desire t o extend-:- to;all;of 'my

friends, my thinks, for the .inany -kindiieas-•63 exterided 'to ine -diiiing my ps&£ illbess • of over., three, .months' M m . rheumatism," .and I especially desire ' t a -sayi -to.them tha i but ior'Sulphpr Biiiei's'J sbbBjd-have te»ri £.ufftfiiDy st'2-L:' -IJay.'yoii.-• sever- aifiei'-. w h a t i h a v e j k - t h e w f c of;yoar--ifriettdj B V U , Taylerir,-'' : ' '';.".' •'.".; '* '•;/ .' .-:.

' Two htm'drecTpjogiessi-feydu&g wKjroeri' .of New-2ka&hd .are-binded' tagetber.-in & Toiing Worhan's Cbristi£n .T-empe»aace, Udoflj fcw.o. years old s that" h'ss, already riiet -with signal: saepc^s". in ebuneotioti' wit i ; varmus.pM'tahtbt-op-ie.-Underiaijings,' |'t doesflower-'iiiission-wprT?^hospital-wa­i t ing, work among childven,' sailors' a a d cabmen, holds' sw^ing^fiewJag andJBIble classes.-—fCJirisfcian Wekly-.'.'.' -. - - ;;'

.: . • T E S : - l E 9 f ; B S s t e £ " . . . . ' ' .. - Every iBgr.edieHfc' employed in praduc-. ing n e e d ' s SarsflparilHV is Bfrictiy 'pure/ ami is' t h e 'best'. of i ts k i n d ; it. - is-' possible to bb'j, . ' -All the r.bpts and herbB'are eare-MTy seleetedi'; peA'Soaflll^'esaniaied,.4iid-only t h e best -TetavaeeC' So ' t ha t iaom the time" of p.uri;hase.vtip.til 'JJoo'd-'a; Sarsapar-" ifla i < pr-epaied; '.-vetf^tlikrg- -ia tajs-fully-.watchadi'with''- a-...Vio-,w.'-to-attaimig 'the.-best ' resai t . . • . ' ' ly .hy-doh^'you' t ryi i r i •"

There is Llood upon earth, hut a. sword in air; And tho'lilood is the pain that a"people-hear. But 0ie sw.ord is the power of a pooiJ^v prayer.

•And tiio sword— it is hanginfj ahove'a rJirone;.. -". And .-the Wood-it. hath tried, •svith. an esile's

". •: inoan, -;- " ' . . - ' . . •Foi'-ttie world to acthov.-ledse herCau-so its owp;

To encirelo the planet with hearts of Are, ' . ' •ffith-a'pity "whose sandals shah never tiro. •' Till, they'hasteSo. j h e Tsar with .the world-'s

'greatire; . . . • '.'

With its horror of cursed Karii'jj red sod, • .• With its wrath.on a ihevtiless rnier's.rod, .." Anrt-itstears-and its prayers for .the.scoittgc cf -; . . '" \ s o d . ; v " . . ' . • " - •

ffireh (h:e'ho;ari'.of:iipitying world is stirred, •In SjiftJFoipe <S ife-Erath shall the Lord be hoard, Ahc( the ;g?9Scslia1i;.iie scourgad hy His awful _'-•- ;-.-^word.:-.''.. ' . . . ' • - . . . ---,-•' - ,—InjTewEnglandSfagazine"forMay.'.

MY WILB-ME'••: ,

i5.y. cA-iaufi. ,i: -SACE,

.1 wear.dfound my'neck, mail7 though I am, a' thread-l ike chain .of gold, ..to whioh. is..attached a large, okkfash.ipned'- locket of .exquisite design-. -The foclcet contains a miniature- of a beautiful ' o ra l face framed by a wealth of chesthut 'eurfsthat fall on ei ther-side.

Oh, those-., great., soulfill eyes V -How" their smile mocks t he agony of my heart 1

I-close t he locket -sy-ith a snap/ a n d rush .out into, the- open' air. . I caafaot bear-jt, .this te'rrible :anguishi... .. ; ,

Fifteen, years ago—jt seems but yes te r ­day.—! -was a youth of seventeen. 1 was a Pon among the pretty girls.of t he dear old town' whiyre I was. born and reared. I t is..-not a settled fact ia my inlnd vvhether i t "ijjras xny raven hair, wliich I allowed . to fall upcm my. shoulders in its natural waves,'ox vvhother i t w a s my vpild ways that, madi; tae popular ' with t h e gitls, Certain it tir howeyer, t ha t I al-wavs hiid my .choke i-f thamj and my choice, idler my seventeenth birthday.,-wa« .divays Ruse, .my wild Hose I called htr^: '; ', ' ; . -.. . . . ' : - - ;

A h , , the .naughty ..child, the tpoiled beaut y '. How lht\ fat otd doctor laughed •But.uh.ji3 d-urling aampedhei% Htf is foot and.iiciiianiltd uny m h i s h o chosetQneed. :

ll-er dtinan:s!s were' BCV#, re fused , and'.-lioscwas-hiyiyh in-her use of 'pia-moaeyi-. After w(?._ l'H-Citmu engaged -Rosesur-

pri^t-d uie withii Ciiiiatmtis present,-which showed her origin-alky.' a t least. One might go through - a whole c a t 4 b g u e pf feminine g i f t aand would fail t o 'find- this •one among them.'. I t .was.a S tedcanspm-brero ot the -finest k x l u r e . . . The edge of the 'br im was traced with, gold eord, a monogram in gold was .upon, one side, and a he*?y gold cord and tassels suironnded

kthj-criirsn, •" •' . ' . " . .

e'r belle in . so.eiety t h a i she was before her hjarriage, - 'Sh^-wouW.'hayo adnairers' •by the'seor'e/ arid, her husband! would ' ijc proud of t h e ' fact, S e would also -fee capable of admiring other -ladies'; iriih -like attrfifetaona."' •' • "".. •; ' ' . . ; .' J a c k laughed and shrugged hia shpaia-^' ,ers. • . ' ..'• .... ' : ." • .. .".-••'

• ' I th ink pur-custoins are, t o o >£ricfr'-'said Rose, . meditaiivelf. ' f I ' think.. I should l ike t he '"English society, the-.

IcevB wornen, and -meh, io'pj,' vrotii;d..be' happier fpr seeing" fflpre: of ..humanity; at-its best a n S a i i ts 'prett iest . .. B a t thepdo'^'-pie.of Gi-gfton afe."inrje"!t gayer-thaii .puf folks it IJadisorwille, .and tolerate a'state, •of th ings t h a t would b e ' skbckrng there. Here; •marriedladies go to. balla in ' the-es-

' Port of their Gdasins. ivhen i t happens . to b e conyenienf, While in Madiso^vfflat'b.ay could not gewitb.1 the i r husbands. I t would-be" so delightful if Pau l would take me to a ball Occasionally '. B-tttasfie does no t datasB weneyer . th i i ik of goirig>

Why, .Rose, .yon. nbyer Mnted ' tha t ycu . wanted to g o ! . Suppose we go:'to Mrs. B e r w i ^ s to-morrow night? . T i i e r e w i l b e dancing tliei'e; and you' .and Jack 'can . take a . ihrn whilp.I p lay wall.flower.-' '..

. ''Aceoro^rigly'-We.wJSnfetp the. fete cbain-petre^at Hrs,- Berwith'£j :.R6s"e arirl l , white Miss, G-b'ttscialk:,..' ag 'ay @erm».n.-bsile-.-aad Ja great friend of m y wife, l e a t h e r charmf ing.company | o jack.- •• Rose-arid-- ".3?rieda:

were- the greatest rpg-tre.s/ .alwaTS." playing soine*practical • j o W on'?»a-.B'nsiispeeting,' pa t ron Pf .the " P ^ a f e t ; ' * , I b e y , k t a r i a -bly arrai3ged-.thfih-;''rniscliief EQ- the blame-wtiu-ld fall upon raeC. |_had sorketimbs- t'P offer, more , apologies, than.', were- to my-.



GaiiHect fK>ods- and y ^ - U b i ? ? / .

tun ., l"u:! i :,.«. ,,i i-u.,j. , i^.s. a,i.Ji>k

The first six-..mbaliis.of the' ppesis-nt- year -t he Amei-icau- Baa id . has- ap'ppmted £2. .mi£sipnariesr IS.o.f-ths-a:-lordamedi ©r to ba ordai'a.3'4..mjs^ioaarifiS!---.'o'B'eia'business, agent for.' J span , .and 23.'worsen,;-.- ..O'f.the^ iij o rda ined . onesf f;y,e, arp ^graqnaf?§•• of

-^•a}^;Theological scni|5jarj',.-fmir. af . 'Gli^ -Gags',, -three .of - Obsriiri,. oa© si - Aadpyerj. pnerQl Hartfto $ atjnmarics,' and ' two. from -other sources—[The Ad-vaiiee.. -'•'-' - • •

XI. ,W. BIJUWS Av.sfi-X.

, ,BOQK A©EKa?S- ,'©'AHWEB.. E 6 3 -• - ' - - - - - - l.'ItT'E.WSt'Fl*.


pinwa. -ci«t"ts<w«M-/;- arptimo ... _., — ..r.'ititnd w<tmea. l>l*rtmf'.cin*]iijiQrsiht±!at 'wc--J'«v7^c7'75^:iiiHlTgtvp £xt?>i-Tr;rffl*-... -AdtlroiSr - -"

• Ai »•,• WOBCCIirK«T<JM *t t '*« H:trfS)i?u4 Comj.



. ,—„ , CUSHWSS, WWspcra.Ildara.CSwK ipitja 8&iTUi:'3im^ Sftir Korki V(EUO fur bfluk uf £pa«f3.KlUC£i:

fcromt dciiFery free.

• / . -.'- .. :. ;rM_&UHS : ' lK* T f i B : ; ..'.- '

lew Yoit -CawitT lisaraa' issoffltifii," ; / ; 01?' & y R A a i J S B v K ; ¥ , ; ' - ."'"."•' : a t . a cost of • about' .$12,.0p. per ,ye;w..

- Ct-vAitiwte' I'roiH fasO' to '^5.00.0 and for $ 3 t o $33 weekly indemnity. .-'-.: :'

B..P.BtTTTERPIEhJ).M.n„ •"' W.6. PITCH . • ' . President. , • . .•••-.. .fjec'v - !

A-. H.-BABCOCE, -.' -. - ' . ^ - A ; AXOsism] ViceTPFes, & M-vj. 5«v ' - - i t s ^ geb'y, -. .


to handle OOTf:p.H!kHfe,-! aad'orjfnt.^nWil .-t<*X Memiy\pirl:o:t.y;godpay, Jio'.t-xpt'rt.'ii.;" nn;^. sary. Aay .titan not .afraia.to ««ric CUB nrcr-.-U-with us. ; Sahtrj^aad fx'peng(:s paid to -rot*! m m t h a y e a j rounfl. tsueceas Kiianujiwd. -Write ror ternia. . H.c. siiiQVSU & vu.,

ssms •'• . Suiwryiaen-, at'rteva,rs. y."

' ADAIPE.TG'MO.TJIEES.—Areyou-oastumod at. nlifhta-nd hroEeh or your tost'hy a aclc child Kit-' .ti.T.tns and crying wifhptdn cai.aus..aWdiJ .ii so 'sendat once -and-get -a- tsaHIs or "Mi's. Wins-iov,-s Boothti){,-§i?,",-ji" JA'iRCiiiiuU'enTeethlng.'. Jts :va!'ne is UsWiluUlahlo.'"- It wfll. relieve tlte poor litr tiesuherci-inimetuirtcly, -Bepena.ijponlt-,moth-, ers; there la no nd;3ta.ke -ahout.it. I t eures.Uys-. eutery iintf IMsrrhea; jegnHitts the'Stoiiiaehftiid Bow due the- . .. . . „ Syrujv!-tor-'chi.l<,a,ra-teet$ing'"i:i-i;iea3ant to-tho f.uste ana Is the- priMCriptioa eil one oaf the oWcst iaialjcst'rt-r-.ial?rJhy^ii^aadtii«r.iglftl.lifi:Ufliiea sudi-s, awl- ti fcr'S!tie'»y.andwrg!'iststhr'oi!gh€ifet the '„i .Id". .Vi A-e fvreftt.y-li.ye cisuts a bottle, lie suiv yon a'=!c t-jr Sfw.'^toslaw'S soothing jiym'p and tiiim no etner Kl»d. . ..-- - -... ; .--loyi;

'• Tuesday''4^.A'.ttd'-''-rememljer •• - there: ' are, fchatikHiodi'my'riitils-of scants v.'h&a the;

. world ireyer h.eiijd.'' p / { ; . Shrii-'jinrnt's a te •in nf>:cdjertitars;s"tlsvir <'g'ra-vt-8 -are" n e t e r visited; ' .no ;lilinp-'is> kfiidled ; a | ' their shrine's; yet'm"the" :.mjdst' of si-la' ixtif sor­row Ood ljas' f,9'0p Wito. have ab i b^weTj. their knee-to Baal, and who<e"iJibuthh.as notkissad'h^te.; ':Strfye.ii?''be'pn,e.bf1;hes'e faithful baes," though' "they wore no t ia-md«s;."tod our liyes-,-. ho--Kpv.gr'. insignifii-cant, will'.not, be' -in '-Tain-, Esph' gsaia OS' rock iipjpqto l-iiilu (B'e siiptmtaih bastiona;' ^t-lt'cvi-jt'-' insect .'hn'i h_att;.Ma share. |it laySiig'tjftv bsisis bf.. ihe eontincaia-; zupkL "drop in t he lam" frhtmer iea'ds •'its.iniTuist to fer t i lke the soil; .'fcjKtbjjrata'pf san<i on' t h e shore does i t s p a r t .tfr a .barrier against -tlieriig4»gBea»~£Cari;&rtFarrar,.-'-- ' " '• "

'"Oh* how lovely! ! cried Rose, clapping ' be r 'hands in 'gir l ish glee,when she pjaeed.. i t airily upon.' m y ; h e a C . " I few, P a u l , don ' t you elver.dare to have yo.ur.iair cut! . H o t tiritii^-ye-s, J a t i pppse yba may h a v e :

your curls shorn on.pur wediliBg Say, 1 woa*t want my-^nly; worse" hal f to look. l ike -a dreamer on tha t auspicious .occas­ion, ' - '

I wen t straightway a n d ' s a t for a.par-

; t ra i t of which my romaatie loclss and pie-ture's'bpie;. sombrero •wotild-be the. main features.... ' " . . .

Alt'.s"for the dreams and the hopes be-b jhd u s in the. fearf«r,mriroh.of t ime! The portrai t hangs on t h e wall before me now, i ts ynstbful* beauty, a .s i lentmpekr Cryoft-bs vain hopes .o f tire man who / .mad.e.Tiriggatt! and wbrij' by'years of tor-'-rcfyr, now jn-ns ttiese lines. . ' . - ' • - . .

WhV-ri ,:il last wo v.c 'ro ' juarriedl, vras-fwenty' and Rose- wtts fl-vcitecn'. :My good.father, -'Judge LeYfir'att,-.aHe>W-ed rn-e

.•six^iujidr.t'd. duilars a 'year l o r making ray. "daily appearaacq at rjjs oflice w h e r e ! was supposed to be fitting myself, for. a l a w ­yer.' . I "Was a lazy dog, T.rmist admit,, for a t t he end- of a th i rd 'year I; k n e w very-little ;• of law,' bu t t • b a a learned-1© sing. With iny wild i^osSi.aind to woJisblp^tber sbriae more ardently, ays'ry day • of iny' life. The w.isa-old'pater,' seeing tha t h i s :

;,6llow.a'ac'e'wti3'kc^ping'.ia'y. wift? a n d me

' very'comfortably' at fee modest ho te l ' of our tpwG, indi'iced ine to .seek a l aoa t ioa iff Croftfiix, a l t t rgo i-aili-*'ad tiiwh .where, •as. I afterwtird f^nnd, a y expenses.,'would, be-so increased t h a t I " would bB'cpmpell-ed. to ' iaabe 'an "d!o"rt.. i'a, increase'nsy.'i-u^ Gbmti;•'•'•:.' •; "'•'•". :';•' / ; . \ "• '. :• 1 ptit.forilt all .my energy' i n ray,new posMon/as-atLorney',f6Ethe L. 3L'. -& <>,'

•railroad, afjd al'so>ce;iired 4- fair share' of-, business;'"-in the - regu la r lrn-6,' "tStill'- we were often' 'diitressod- -far money, and

•;Rps?,. the ldettr :girl,:.y-as n o t as irappy &s in the-'bid'-days at . Sfadisbnyrlle. " ' Rose was . ag raad- songstress" and her . musical education bad;pv6g^essedst!>adi{y':

.e^en-irp'te-thist'i'rive'. TwieCa week she went t o ' t & city-ko' tlip College o f Music fur b # yot-al "lessons,' aii.d^ every .day'.ner

1 gioridiis Voice 'rahg'f^^hrpugb. t h e .cortittejs .of ' oti'r h'o.'tel, ' 'drawing .the; lpatig.ars-tp-' g e t h e r i u -little '^roaps' to 'listen. -ancY'ebni-ment. " I n :the i-senings i t 'Was my. de-

-ligiit to aeconip'BBy .her"with" ' theVipli i i 1 while sdie played. -There were- oilier'niu-siciana' a t -t'ho "-PhlatiaV' ~nd we bad i-wya'i' t i k e s fagvfetr. '•'Everyone loved tad'admired m y wiM Rosi.yac«i-Iw.jasdU-v

so"pro«d af her- beauty" arid gri'odne-?s. K o nian ever was frccFfrom jealousy than I. Indeed-,. I- kneWnot tihui it mettat.".'

IJapjimess' is l ike- the g->idon butU'iily-thai flits -here arid'- tliexe" a m o a g t h e '\wx-'

i .6TS',"- reposing fnr a moment in t'he heart of .one'an'd then baSU'-^'jig iWay tp..aaot'h.'er. The . Ueg'isnJiig' o-f.; liiy elou'ded h'orjzori'

r: tltites baek' to.'the d a y w.lieu .Ta?k . l l a rk -man.cable from Eirglahd fit visit jijei: his ct>Hege-mate and'.frienct. - •_ ' . . . .

. l?e's.t to.R'ose^ i Ib/ed; and hp.:npfed Jav-k tfWVe all ftHow'-beings. l i e AVM ' the jdIlie.st,.drollus't fellow, and. fts.good, as h e was 'handsome'; but hu jiijt » « I J ideas into, Rose's hea^' iha t bpre bit ter fruit,- Wo war» talking of Englaati and vOiiipaTlri.^;th'e' socM life of tMt couiitry. with. ' oiir•_• o>sn,'". ' Jack, altbongb^a pro~ fessed admirer of •Affit-ripr.n'j'akttortk'nf-, warmly : denoimcHi- r^r s.oebl ciwfosas-i j t e deflated ivtat in 'Amcpca a ^'.iri.'might a3-weirbe4eadag-' . .manied. •'. - .

' 'Fancy !in UngOsliwoman wi th yoa? talents, .Rcse, Bving s'b.eh .asisBoiaJed'cs-. isteniccasyoui 'sl > She would 'be agreft t -

.. 3Sbw, the same gay spirit, showed i t ­self bere.* . Rose latigheci.arid daaced .and flirtedwith-reekless-abandon... -.. - .

I enjoyed i t all because . she did, and was proud of my. beautiful wild .Rose, for-I knew she was • wholly mine, and the ; main happiaess'of. her life was in m-yowu.. goeiety.. Yes, .this, vras merely a recrea-. tion,, a, diversion from her -'isolated exis- -tenc.e;". . - ' -.' ' . . . ' • . . • . • , - . . .-

There w^re many bajls and.pariies after, this;, io which we. were, 'invited, bu t neither RoseiiorTpit>posed'goiagv . Wftpa. Fr ieda came t o our rooms one evening dressed for ' the ball a t Sanwald's Rose looked . sad as if she envied the ,ypung girl her .gay'times', . . ' , . -

Fr ieda was dressed exquisitely andwAs.-as lovely as .a lily,, .and, my heart. &mo-te.-me for Rose's disappointment,

'Good-night, . R o s e ; - J hope yo.U and Paul wi l l enjoy' t i e evening af .home, as well' as I will a t the ball , . though I don't see.hpw it .can.be possible.- . .Old^majried. -falks—gopd-byell- ., . . . . . .

Wi th a lapgh .and a shrug of her beau-.J tiful whi te ' ahotilders, "Frieda' left t h e

.roote, .- . • ' • • • -

'Never' mind,,- dearest, w e will- go to t-he'Gread t o ^ ' o r r o w n igh t and'-, see 'Oa-+ millej? while Fr ieda j s passing a.dull eve--n i r iga t 'Bome, . I n to each l i f e some.i-ain m u s t fall, bu t I cannot recpacile myself to'tlie thought of a man arid his wife afc ' teading S'gnces-.; -We c a a l iuSp l sagorem.

othar W*£a, can v,'c"Soi;™J ,'Ypu dea ro ld P a n l ! ! 'Rpsfc Jiissed nay .

.fpreheat! and hastened, t o - t he j»lan.o,'. in \ whos.e.gloripus topei her sadness ^.assoon • f-6-rgottea. . ;'. '• .' ; ':" - . ; . , . • • ' •* '

: 'A week;after th is I . 'was returning-to t he hdt&L 1 rpm' my office l^fhep. J m e t Rose. ;

and- Fr ieda a n the street. I t w a s ' I f p - ' : vCmber, and the': .air,wag. frosty ;and--the Wiad -.-BieK' .epld./:'JRose was'' jaunty, in-jacke t , cap, and mpfi, and. to me she .was,-as bewitching"' as. w i e n slie ; placed.-tbe sombrero on my.bead 'four years'ago.. . '."" Tau l j .'Frieda wants : me. to- spend.;t|i.e-night . 'with her ' at. Ber ih^ 'uf i rnsey ' s i '

..Some..,Gf.the; gir ls are' 'going out these for. a little visit ".of a. tiay. b r ' t y / o . B o ypa think' you can esrst . tweaty4bur boa r s w i t h o u t me?-*; . . ; - .-."

*Tes, biif i t . will fee la.ciely "esist6ace.. I thai! b e hinefy..and-blue, .Roee/ J ...

Rose ltMfced ptrplexed and.'rek-iiting.. > '0.c>'tlear.if-yo.uMiBbi j -wiH njiike tka bfts tof- i t . ' - ' '•' ' " . • ' , ' . ' • . - ; ..:.,- .' ' ' 'Well,, good-bye.; I will; be .bat-jc/befpre.

t e a .time io inorrdw 'evening.'* . . '.. - ' - - . .'.Sh6'p:ess.ed'my. b a n d and ' they passed

• a m " ' - . " . • ' .- . - . • ; . - • ; . . ; . , ' • , - • '

Rose .waj wai tmg for me the- next eve- • hing at tea time, and so . the .ineid^lit of one lonely, evenj-ng passed w i tboa t Bpte. After tba-t .occurrence I, was often;ealled away-from Oipf ton^n ,b-as iness for theL; C. & Q , • The last- t ime l - ' jvent. nponloiie. of these er rands . I - bade Rose' good-bye, teliiBg her I would "no t ' r e tu rn before 'Wednesday--nigbt,-'. a s l . cou ldmotposs i - . .bly g e t through, before- t h a t time. ./ 'But. h a r p Fr ieda ' s tay wi th ypu;: set: you- will .not ' miss .me, ' 1 said,.-lsi5sihg ber"fondly. I ha ted these -errands, .Wow .1 ' m u s t g o •tusa "smoky t%-wn' and-atfend". -to; some- ;un • interesting- c&nteois': "iemaih,' t he r e ' tws days, . eafi.Hg. t h e ""• abpKan»bie,. Du tch .mosses 6f the-rost-anran'ts a-ndthen return bpmej • bilioiu and erbss,- at.-midnight. -Uu t 'Twen t , "as brekd. asd-butte.r demand-'fed. tjieir price,' and .Was. thankful fp'r tbe-pipvidefice that . ea»bled me to -ge t : r t r p i i g k o n e day sOjOn r thar i - I espected.- • .-' i-.'jreached ~C!roftdn..at a l i t t le before-' m i d n i g h t . a n d . passed. « b w a the ,ma in avenue and past t h e city .JialL. . I t was . brilliantly diglaied "sand t'he! strain;?".pf a Walfe •floated" oiit up.pn'tiie frosty a i r wBen' t he d-pos's'opened .to aH©w..th:e ih i rgty to. •i-ome' out . ih search of, refreshment, wbieh they found;, at She,..lipie-'in; :the-Wall across the sires.-!. I k n e w - i o t -what im-. .pclitd me, "but I,stepped-in tins hall- way

" and looked th rough the glass 'doors,... .

I-, looked ' in, vam for. a, |timili.ar..faee. But, yes, there is Slias tfottschajl?: and. 'Miss (TUtii'iisoy. ' A-n,d. w h o w-that-'lady in . wUfte. watered s i lk : Eer.bitck istowaj-d'

{me and I see. the face'of h ; r partno:, who is my landifiKl, a Frehfhm^n—Rinauid. His. eyes are 'ga'ii-ag in. ;ra.pt at tention upbn ' l tu ' Rise..., .^he. to?.diamonds i n h t r . eaj u and rar.e. btejj fills the .V. of ,.her. -epr-

j-'sa-gfe' T h e arms-are s'i^yeless and thei r .Nviuf eness gleams -in. tbe g-asligbt. -., • The %vaitzers -turn -and she faces -me." (>h, 'Heaven".* I t is .Rose'- i ' a n T believe. <*y.:eyes,- my senses?-. . .-. ... - . - . . - •

The music stops awl Rose t akes . the Frenchman's.aria, ' ' . , - • • .. , ' - . • . - . - - . . They-walk: gracefuliy: -down the long t a i l , he b e a d b g ' h i s head• ia. c a t e a hs r •woi'3s,. ',. :•, ,'. '...••:,. •; - -' . - . ' . "

.!\lj brai'n i's paralysed and \.stand.raot-•ed to t h s s p o : . •. .- .-' ' -

. A cbuei l t j . from some, pne a.t-' my side, ri-ealts me. ' I turn, and "behold a fellpW— the d\x>r-keeper— leering .at me in malic-ioas d e l i g h t I p l a n t » wieke.d blow bc-twsenttia..eyes arid.pkmg&bom'ewardl.

- : .Isfow.-llie lipri of jea lpasy ' was; .-aroused a,t.}ast;.' Il.e raged .within.me,.;' frbejfieve; .Iwdiild;1iave' ki l led :ihem. :both; if i l i ad , -had them in my grasp'then,-.;. B i i j^cpns . trpljed: -mjself. -,M&- Mssed. i s t w e e a m y teeth"-: ..'Rev-eBge'i fevenge'l';. '•'. -,.k "-..•;*; . i .hurried' fe.-the liotel,. s£ipassing up • thbi taJrway"l is tenei-a t IS r s . ' ^mau ld ' a door,,'; 2fp, sound} came fern* witbfe; - I •aat dbwii oii thB stiuai ' lp watch a i d wait ' for"Ihe.guilty.ones torefui-n,- .• j i . w a s « n e p'eieefc wlien I heard ..stepsbplpw sjfairs,

\t. kno'ske.a loudly on l l i s s .EinaiildVebftrv . P r s g & t l y l , heard h e r ' a t the- do^r, isiy^ ;'itrg,.'WfH):.is.tlie'rp?' .' '-:.'".'.'• :• .... "-•-'.. -

' I t is I / i ey f i r e t t , ' I respandf ia . . . . 'Open' your;door and watch the stairway;."". " ' "•

'.'Is it burglars? ' she wiispered." ' • . •-. -

.1'To,' worse than, t h a t l Busn,/-iio'ifa-word. They are.comlngi ' . , . . - ' . . . " >'-;--;

I t u i f h e d t h e gas ' t tp : . to i ts Lighest-as their footstejis entered .fjb.eba.lL,' a l ids tep-ped info a shadoWy. corner half-;conceaae4-% a. s tand'of gowera.'tKai;giAp:dby:trie-': Window.- ' We' 'waited in.deatiil-y silence,

'Then 'Rpse .and Fr ieda appeared, stealthV ily. clinibing. the-s.tairsT' & n •R-inattid .and BTaroldappeared'direcfel-y behind'them,-..','

'.-.-. When .they teached: t he . fop..'•rjf-.Qie--stair's-'I sprang foiwat'd' wi th .a, iPhg^bsi't-rpilea'-Smitii' iirrd Wesson: 'leyeiied'it-• R-i-nai'M's'liea;d> . -'."'.. . . : - --^v:-;.' - '•}•'- '-.. ' f laltj-jofiraw^Ectl 'I-eriPd, finng.and-misslrig;mj 'aim.: ' / ' . ' „ . • • ' ' - - -"• •-••-;-• .1 cannot desciriBB the s c e n e ' t h a t fob-lowodj.'f.or I ' w i s l ike a r a v i h g -mania'c,.'':! fiave"a".cpr4u^,eI^.IeGuliectaPn';of.wome^ screami* &n& peop le . jush ing "opC'-df their-rooms putJl t h e i a l f wasfiiied,- -T believe. Rose fainted and was boxnp to herr-opm,. B u t I rem'e&ber.pdor-Mrs," ftinauld^.w-M' deniinciatioa'pf ;her. hnsband:,. w i e n shev took ' i t ail in a t a g l a n c e ; . ' '.:>.. .. '•' '-" S t e saw Rose- "and*.Fxieda i n full even­i n g . cbs'tump,' 'antl.; fo-llovei'D'g; ' them her \

hiisbalid" and. J&rold , . also, "in evening dress, She ' - saw'a t once" t h a t the'."ajiiP te t te had been o'tit' togetu'er, an4 the Frenchwoman's ragp kn'e.w-lib bounds,; ' ,

But . the crowd, t h a t j i aC 'ga the red in th& i a t l d i d fiot undprstandtrxe situatipn^: for :Rpse' arid Frieda; h a d disappeared so. qriicMy' t ha t they were, no t seen by-'ahy; of the boarders "who wepe; awakened-by',

'"tfae shots, "rhey saw,. Mrs* Rinauid a t hef door in r'Pbe. de chdmbre and; myself a f td 'Riaau td s t ruggl ing tpge'tB.er."lintii Officers cameahd took'us botll or! to. gall.-They saw and fprme'd' their jown.'opinions — opinions w l i i phwere . reproduced, in. nes t day's dispatches and ' heralded all over the country, ' ' 'Slonsieur Rihauld",re-turnpd "home a t midnight t o find agues t , ' etc-,"'. • • ' . • ' . ' . - .' ' ': '"

• Oh, i t was s i cksmng! . . . . • "... I was out of Jail in a fewh-tnirs,. as^atai

as 'my emplo-fers Beard ."of the. affair, un­der-bond. . ' : ' ' • ' " . .'.-. ,. ' . - ' , . - . . ,\" -.

i i w e n t . t o . t l i e 'Crescent'. 'arid took. 'a -ro-om, I :woiiM : n o t g o .wbefe 'T ' wou ld seeRese-^neve'r; •"•'-•; ; " . . • ' , • ' . ' , ; . ' '

'My Rose ' h a d l o s t 'her- sweetness fbr r

. e y e r . ' - . - • ' . . - " " ' • • ' '•'• • • " - - " " '''•_

' • M' wma her bridal" dre'ss she ' wore to- t he •ball. In " t h a t 'Meter rhoment 'when- ; ' ! -doabte'd my -reaabri, t h e -.;.efib,er 'scene, whiereia tha t flrs'ss lg.ra-t:d caexe .befsip' u\y eyes—bui'': w e M i n g ! ' T'^a'S ISry'a.elC. ypn-ng, strong, WitS- a '••smpptli, bojisli. ' face tha t -was rad ian t wi th . joy/.andwith hair close 'cropped lot"'the fat •t1.me..ii3.'mj;j l ifei I"saw: Rose iri'-her" bridal 'rbbes - arid; faer'wM rose beauty.. '".". ' •- ' - ' . ' . ' . . " ' " .

:- A b , dirfling! wprild' "to TJesven- thp" Eghtning ' s stroke h a d ' ended tha t sweet :

sccbe for j p u and.me!. -'- ' ..; '"]•'' ;' .' "-

- Oh,- to bave been,- with.you 'in- Blysia f o r e v e r ! ' - - -.. ' ";•"''. • • '•'•- -"^N V --:

J stayefl 'at . tbe -'.(Jrescent'" t i l l they tpid'j me Rose h a d gone t o , h e r lioine in SliuljU, sori^itte;" Thfen - I • .bli'taineal "my "PileGt's-: 'from tbp';'Ralatifil> an'rl,' went tp-Albany;, where I cPntinned;, a s ; a t torney: fbr. -the' same rpa'd'fhat had'employed irie at.Orbf-fpm W h e a l st$o& m.the .depot 4feCrof-.

; ton the; eTcn.iBg.'I left / t i e" place. fOT.eyerr' •a ''wopias's'-figiHre ifi.'iri'BBer -cloafcand

'elose 'drawn hood came in. antla 'dvaseed t o m e . I t 'was.F-r iedi t ' . . ; .. • .: ' • '.;.-. ; ' ' I want, to speak' to .you, Mr. .LeveretK. .•'Cbmeojitside"a;mo'ment,"-pleaSe-' '-', • - . . - .

I fPiipvi'ed.ber/optsidej -and "we stood', on tho"'pktfOTm.'wiin"t.he :^ rainfailing-aqftly: in our -faces,.-.:".'. .. -''..'""; '-".:. :

.'*Ob,"Pabl;'«.iedFr3.eda,'' 'are "you go­ing , to leave "Rose because of t l iat?" -Why, she is as' innocent" 'as t h i s rain, tfarti |tills f rom-Heaven : It" Was I'wn6'psrsm>d,«<l' hei- te-go, "Blame me'arid\'feigiv©;hei..i She has not been go ing to [balls, regularly lii y.om- absence, - as-yoii---.hp.ve bgen'tpld. ' Ko'. 0Jae danced nt'O-aernsey'S' t-iie n igh t w-espeEt.there,.'btft i t wa8".<)idy''-a''lMle: "affair of-a few neigbbpts; thaj ' -happened. I B ; " ' . ' " . • ' - - • ; ' . . - • ' • . : 1 . ' '•"• •

-' F r i eda s'eiied my ha-ndj. and: iri-a ;y6iee '.choking; wi th . emotion, implored:' me to take-Sbse:baek-again. :. • .":• ' '

:' *SoI 'WaS;mj s te rn reply,-.;' . , . ' . ; ' ; 'Rose.said, wben;sne'went..awav,.'Fri.ev

"da", tell j a u l I shall"nbt as.k.bis forgiver ness ; I shobld 'ask too,much. 6. Fr&da, I miist l iaye. been".mad, ' -ey-en .teii.ave'

' tkoiignt pf. gPing to thai'' bal l i "Ask-Paul-.

-.'to promise-'me.that no one shaU'evsrl iear from bis l ips t-hp capsg of our 'separation, ' . .The.'tr.ain was "coming,.;*44' .Frieda's-pltadirigs - grow .•"de'sperft'te^.-'-'W-iii-yp.u m a k e t h a i promise,"' Paul?•' ihe cr-Icd,; as-I madb : a .movement, f0 p ick up m'f. yalise-a'nd'board-Qfetrain. '.' '-.!.-.'.'.' ."':''.'': i-y..-''-

"t promise,'- WMK mf brief reply,'-as' 1 pressed'the. ppor. trembling liand,'"'. •. '}•.

' As *I board!*.?, the t rain the,, g i r l sptrbed wrl'dlyi ''OB,,'- Pau l , . pome .•feaek,;..c'ome

b a c k i o R p s e ! ' . - • . - -:• . . .','- ' ._ Bu t thp'.obsins's siirill . shriek a n d . the.

rumble-of tlie•moving' "f^aln were- thg..re* mdrselul gitVi.only answer. • .'._'• ; ' .. I will tell you..of p^r;. 'bro'kea-¥ear.tect

Rose as'.I heard of he? in .after days , .

. He/"parBii^3'?srcie'.!»ttrprisQa"J.?y'her.urt-expeeted visit',, bu t .R i se did ri^t-tgll them he r t f eab l e . '" [ . - - . . - , ' ; '';i.

' . Her mptlier PbgerVed'tfeats.hp sppeared, .ffland .advised ihh. doctor to. do-som^. t h i n g for her if Jie .coald..." - - ' . - ' . , ; . " '. '

' 'The' doctor, ipiesfioned Ho'sn aad-said'-'.

*f<iu'have makj-ia to. j p « r system.? . pb. h e gave herj rafidieins fffid.th.oiight no

.•inorq of it;-' - - ,.- '. ••• . , •.- •• • . :- - "

'AIotBer^said kose,-^np day,- ' I w a s t

-. to tefl yon something*.. ^ .Paul - r -^- 1 ' : ; ' ;" *Pshaw,, chijdJ.; rIf i t ' s ftn-y.n&nsensp:

bgtsveen y o p a n d . Pas ! , I . doai ' t 'want to "heiir. it, ' -.-I'eii do aoJ. feree -efeffugh, eser- • else for cltber. brain o r body, ,.<?p":arid §ee -JRay. for' a day oi' two and shiewil! pat.. j'utt,.in better spirit^.1' . ' . ' ; "....-:.. .-.-*,•'

...; So "Boae, wi th & heart, ,full of'tlej^pany werit to ali t ' t le inlan4. town t o ace Rach-

a«l, .a dear .friend f a n d seiiQ&l-m.a.te>. A t ' . t l ie 'endof. tii'j-wesk. sb'§ rptxiraed-Ispiae.

wtit& t ^ ^ s n a r l d k ^ ; ^ ^ fmMgMeli in,«VBry:: S ^ i B i ^ t ' ^ " J i S l ; f - l ^ s Ppnnieriance,-- ; . . - ; <^:•;'.• *';'.-•'/J:-^-.". *'•'.'::-y;*:'

[ -;'Father,;'..Bb%atd', iaymgibilowea;HaB.,;.-v" doctpi' ihto,|i!s>ibftpe ;^dmosea'4Tiie4opl: . • ;beliiiici iier^Fa,tb.eri 'telijn'e,. /am' J jpsio-g/';;";'" mymihM-sXh^iiffi^s^^.y. -„.••-'/' ' - • /"" ':. Sbp;broke :dpwri, c r y b ^ f e d t i e m b l i n g V :" i n d talMng,inccliei:e"ri.tlyv" ; / vv , . . ;. -."•/. /. '•'';_

TB.(i-'gQbd-p34:}^&#P j . gatliered;. i ier i l | t , . , i n .';jb^"-.;fl3^j}s.'aM^ViB. . iet : tQ. ' ie t"rooBi/ / whfeh.SljevrievPfclef^fc.againaiiv«,:.; ;:. ' , - : . - : • -. ' ' ' ; '-i|y i_Bos"e/faded'ijaCctieSJ:' Styp9p%-.-'..'-'Wil^-Rosei1'; ln"''-ber"iriOTBgs/^^^ .Sntrpf what^^^pr'tr'ouble tfiasS M&fmlj; •'- -ijtgr w a s ^xSf0.^mXlf . ••'•'.•..;=•)• - :-;. : ; / - ; . - : - ,

Ietter/^as, ,-fpr^ar3ed tome at A J b a a j . . . , Meauwihfstibe::s'fejries;that' WerB/afipat- * t r '.-Qrottpiiiiad^^Teftcied^thjeeats of the-apbi.. ipr-srid--Mis':W-'ffe:.'/.dEh;e'j ^ew'/npt.-wiai--"1"".

. to .beievg,-; t&ey./.had::' aways . ' -iaeia:"iaiB fn :, srieb'. :great;isteeril». ;/^ey'..resplved.-''-^G'; .;.• ' . form inp;&p^o.nnSt?t .&y:i3d.-«ee$ me; •" . [jiffteii1-1ieabt.that .Rb/Se- Wasirl^ig" t v

-fesfsned;tp-tet'lfedsig.e,' Sti^eomtoofc ;

me;^irrtp'ti?i ^kpfiea^^^pJ»ipranipp/eiie3; a^Hpttep. ' t iat. t'./migh't. -isee-^inj'Bpse i n -7. her'^paskefcJ.. ;@hVwas^elpthed"initer'bri-'. '.' ..3#i,areSi/, ' .Tie' .brfdje;x>tBM^pw.iM ; ,"- ' ." ' rnme iro Ipnger-I- ..-•-;•• -v'-i"-?:--.' '!-. :.W- ."-'.•. .

Tne 'dpptor; hejd m g n t o o l i n a . b ^ :.•

me.fOT-to:espj/^#ipii.i: b u t I/^aiaj/affmyf" ^ears-fell •apbii: ;i^;dea^'-•faee^ ' f e j Ttjanl'/ / ' -|ell;you:/riPr3}ing.p : -.-•; }•":••';-.---=".;--''"' ' : -/ . . ^ l i t -he;Mew'tia;|.-JiIovedlier; arid-l isi / good-wi feknpwl t tpoy-Wwaai-triatberpa -i t Wjhen. the Whole fowp glarejrjat m e and. • ' . : -palled me/avll iarri?. I "wpuia/bear i i i t t - ::.\.

fc*;3ier-«aX^"^at<)r-/B!ie sake jjfflte;igsxipa^ •. -;i /

tBe.belpted.placp.'/of my./birji,.' my.lipy-:- , BpGd-anal:-my,b,appy/memprle?,-;^^^^^^ by aB,.|>iil^tistained.j>y ;ih"e:li5pe<that a t . ' ; t i p ' la&fe J-'i&ay agaift mee t my:.pure,."wMte. .//-

: H . - X Wtne^,..yi" ; '.'v.'.""••/•'& ' - : V ^ :


.••: ••••.y:-:'mmtMh.J'::"::.:''<:'

:. • fiie ieadi&g bf;S&,";Braridevafatftt#8'/-v |Morig3:oti%e;-'Wa%^ 'ip ifie'AB&iiSntiffir. -, beir-of.-'^He,' ; C3en tu^ , ^v id ly" ' r eca l l s , t o . mind anomcidpnt of -my pwn^^petieii.ce •: wMeli ;sp|inS;.tome sp; , ap . t an JulusfarAiipri /. p t ' t l i s --effect of atiny- # n g s .kppnjHien:; ^ba t . j 'ventiiretP': . seiid f t to-ypvi,.- • a s I | e r : memb.er i t after twerity-iwb"ye"ar|>.. ; -/• ;••

'.A day"os i-jyo-.afjer.'Lee^jsurrenderIn.' Aprjli i '86^"Ti; left ;ont: s H p ..at •aauicii :

flip,5. ' I n l i e - James R i v e t i b i r » rin u p toT

Rrebiaondj.-wiiefel: ; w ^ -^Oinea b y - l i p :•-.

.ship^ssurgpo^'ifee; payiria^terj nM.one.-.pf: t h e juriipr piiGer'sr A f t e r ''doifig?' R i c i t ' rnona p re t ty thoxpuglily w'p. .wBn.tint ' ie .eyeuifig tp m y rooms ior-.;4*rin^*!»'-.- 'Knner";-being-.pveE;'an"a-."^te.ey%ts'o|.th"g.ila#'f£i.-'" ebanted^fhe dobtor^wlK)' was afine ;pl*y-.. . er, pppneci . the , pianp,'/.:sayrngY'v '''Bays,: V we've"got piir."^ old.'.^tk-r-iettg i p r e ^ legs:.,-Biyaasing,?'.-, £$ i i / e l i auseobpos i t ewas - -occnplea b y paroled (Jdnfeaexafeofficeis, •" no ^lafariotiq.sphgs.Were sungl ' :-Sp.dn.'ii.e;. -" l a d y Of t i e hovse';jiaride4 fflethlsnpfeV''

'.'flPrnpiimehts. .-of;, SenerA;rr-~^^ ' .«ii-/'" Staff.. Wflf the- gent lemeni ind lySl lGW ;• us to c'cme'oVer. mid beay;tKem-fiing3'' -Of course, we 'ebrisented, anct;tti.ey canio. . ' ' As the gen-eral. e h i e r e d ; f e / r b b m j Xxec'-f .-epgnjzed instantly^^ . thefaee/anafigi i ie of". of o n e w b o s fPpdaeePRa i -P r i i y ip JL^ . lackson, '.^'.-.fie^/^iola/'/.bfflQftd^aqfe.-. ;

After intr.p.du'ctions./and'the' u^jgid Interv change: of' ci^lities;,. w e = sang; tor -tieni;" glees- and ;col}ege'' 4piigSj! nnjii'-at last .flip".. ngfirie^.s.aidT;.'':'.^/-^.''"•"., : •'-••. : ' •'.'_"- ;"'.'•-:. •" "Excvise/mer gentleme.r4,xypu.smg d«^ /•' lightfullyj Sa i /w l i a t -we Wadt ; t o i e a r U

y o i r 4r]ny : ^pngs^ K'13ien;/we ^ v e i k e r a , ' . : t t e afmy^^ipngs.. i?Eiifc.iirietipD,-%e ;*'l|atU« iHymi. of^^e5Jepnb^c;,'":^'-JbIi3ri. B*eim*s ;.. ' B 0 t T y , ' V ' f ' ^ ^ ^ ^ g n i i n g 5 . ^ l ^ ^ i j f e f c ; : / iiam;,?' ;

i"TTa^p., ' :^amp, TJairij}, t i e Boys isrs Saritmio^^/tritougS'^ | ie-/wlipl^.c»t | -- ; /


t a lwh lca many" a"; foot bea t -#me i s I f I t ; ^ a d Se^er "«tep^ea:to a n y but tMi | tusS5- :

o | i ;he ' J Impi i , ' ' -*ana clbsea- Qjjr/coiBWirt/ w i t f e ^ / ' & l I y ^ B ^ n a ; ; : ^ It^ag,. Boys.*'"-}^ ien fife ^ p p l a n s e l i a a i u b s i S s l j * B t " firie-lbdlaBg l e l i p ^ m - a fflajbrlsuidfpija ^esciaimea,. fl&tttBmeriylf we'xji'fiad^your -i sbngawe'eijiave;/iic"kert,ydii pufeof yo?ir,-;b6otsl 'W^hp-cpuldn'fcM 'fpnght ;wj|b;; ,suci|t. '.soBgsf.;. Wirrle/we.i&a o i o ^ n ^ : \ . ^ s p l ^ e ^ . ' ' i a f i f i ^ | g ' « z Q ^ "if".-.. b'astatd •<^arseiiIajfee, , ' ; tie/ iBbriny/Blue;:. : :- '

' F lagJ^and VqSizjjtf.; wfifeh.. rwere ;;npfiuii^ :::but jigs../'•••;-/•; : - - / ; . : ' ' '

: ; ^ : l - . V y ^ ' : ->* >:. ' jptrylandj myJsfaryiand-^ was;»sjflert^ -.' -/..'. did--sbisg, - bu t - ' ' J f e t rue , ' ; g ld . ' Sau r ige ; •-..', Horat ips , ' wis.iib.oht' "aa; • inspiring a s the- -"' •, -cl5ead"2Iare:h;in; Sat^j'. while every ©nabl/": / / tihese.''Jaiibes^s'.bjig-s' is full-;of,mEffching-..•-. and"jSpJah'gspirit; ' . • / ^ Jmntu rn rng to the ' , -. "-"• "gfin^illhe said-: " / • ' I ^ l I n e v e ^ Q r i f i t i u s .*''" first timev-f.beard ; ' R f i I y - R o r m a - t h e / f i ^ %-. rTwas"ujns.sty might -'durinK.-feB.;- ^ v e n / ; ; Bays'- FJghi,J,.-and.;-;if k r e m e m b e y r ^ f i f l y '""-' -. i t wi's-tairi|sg:. ;.I was^pn ' ;p ie l i e \ whe>j :. V\ ja3t.-&e'tofp:%ps,);.-sp'mg /

otlieE";s0e stiriBfe' up'tliafc sbng^an'd Pfchprs'. •..•-joined1 In&ac^s tas /mi t i l i£ ; spempa ; ipme/ ' - ; •

'"the- wn'ele-T*akee. i r m y /was 'spgmgv- ' • : -••. ^©m; S-—i^-w^b. « a s i w I t E m ^ su^ .'4Gi3.pa;-3ieave'nE,""<3ap,'wtat^r^:/{hbse.-fet; .:' v .losvs": m a d e of, '^ah-y^.ay?''--.^ere-iwe've/..- .'.:• i i eker l tea i s iS days/ iunning; a n a npw\P'n-;.;",-: tnee'vp'of t k e seven Hi, / 'they v'ie'singing. ...'.,

/?RaHy'R,Qund.^b.e..:F|ag.' '.,;%• i im-nafeiat1" •..•'-- nr-ally-svlperstitipjiSj;. • bn£;.l-. te l l yb.u that . - , / :.song' gpu'ria:ea':to./.m.fi' . l ikp t he / ' kneJ lp f : . ; •apQm,' a n d m y hear t we% ;apwii.info-'my?/^., bop'tsVirid tho-ugbl I*ve-;trie;dfc.do;nry/.'--•duty, i t has-been an-up-i i l l ; figfit wi th m p ; . . :.

;ever sinceiiiatnjgbt.'.-'-V'-:,:l_•.'-f'.;.1-'-'. J-""'.-.- '••--' Tke-little:.Ppmpany/of. ..IJnion/singers/'..->.

.•-ani-Gonfedeiate:aiiditprs^ aftera.-pie'asant .".' ; find'i'ttteresfirig irifepharigJe,o| -stories, yotrl -: -a rmy experience;" thpn.vseparatecl^.ana/as;";;-, / the geherarsl ibbk .bands: a t -partihg, . :be,"./ ' ; ;sai.d-tome:. -:Well,;.vtne' "time/ m a y Pome . . When'we can^^al|;sfeg.Me..-:^tar-apangIed. •. ^

/Bajmes!. ^ 4 a ; V l ; - \ i ^ - c & J i b t " ' * ^ ' 3 r M ' . _ , ^ v ' s inee^Ricbard^^ ' l^entwbr i i i 'Bibwns . , . /

- -.•-.;-A:SBd^5Jpdf-;3PAMjriyi ; -; ; :.- ' - >,

:-,. ^'B"ave;-ypu-a Jamily-f" -askedaLwestern.• ..fuigp'Ofa- mafe.' w l a was . ^ a ^ g ; f i n a l proof i n • Ihe-.IJaSted 'jSiates:' lapa-offleev ."Yes, ' sir,-'" rppl ied ' ihe-man. /-«fiD|:wTiat" does-it porisis.ti;'-J "#elvj^-; said-.^^InsrnaaBy:.. ;.eyldently -."confased, ^an4'lb<3i!Ei»g flp; t o - / . .wardibe ' iei i ingj . / a s . i f l i p ; % I r e s i ' fiis ..memory, / l%\^^Udj':0i}'^f}.M{^', t o v ijliitdren-j- t w o -hif ed --men-Ja-gang-plPw^-ria' .Seeder, a - B a m -wagoii-j.-asa/a span /of . ,nuxk8,... -I beHeve/- tha. t ,4^a^ , ' : ^ 'T i a t - i f -enojigh, '•' replied;* heg.adge^'wlt'i a^.smile,"

:nnd- the. . s p r t t l e r . ^ p i - h a s ^ further.qiiestioja|n|^.';/.. "- ' . . . ; /•- ' . , ' /'/-:*...; .:

-./;';• OTsSSbiA^iSim-;/-' •',.-;;,

-.-' .-" "•'"•,• i'oiSiaini-WfstSHOEC.;'/ : . - . . - ' . ' . , •Jackaon—:V'ta. gb fag : ' .fe -"start '•&. apff/-

paper^.ana'" ..I\tbinlE:"'I'l|/.-calI,tt'Ehe.¥m:''" •brella. '".•-.: ' . ;.;..f-v ",/•'.•""-''•'•(•'/ .':•':•,'•'•'•' <• . -BIerri<^-#ljjt^':V ' - 'T^V.-.;-,".;": :\ .-- ;.;i : Jackspfi^i^eavise^ -^erybp'Sy.^iio sees ifc'wiii t a k e It.'-".- "•• -:"'.: -.••/ "-'-'-: /,;"'..; ' -;;-...'.:"•'

ttemtt'-r^esj'/ pebpfe. 'wptild. .-Jfrkptt,"-bn t they^wdnidn't pay for:lt,--"".';.;-' i.""~.;'"-//.:

Tirfipro.ml?c-s./ of -t6e"Bi]3ie,; ^f.&&'• besaSBoMbe ma,.'sliMe-.asj: •freely,fe;.at-; the': wisdow.-ol'tlie jspor. gjaa;s .pottage « j " ' ' the rick'Bxan's/ pajeper,:' -'A./m6imtaiH/.>3f; .gold, heaped « p as l ' ig 'n i i s heavenwpal i l / b e no siteb, treRsirrp-ag-tbe-pae/f toxniie-.of,;

i3o5|^;.. . .••. ' . .-.--;:. '0' ' ; ;.v-:;;:%;.."!r"V..."y

iiS&r^^--" - .'•%;^, -

^*m 1M