1 Tirgul no. 11 Topics covered: H Wrapper Classes H Interfaces H The list data structure. H...

1 Tirgul no. 11 Tirgul no. 11 Topics covered : Wrapper Classes Interfaces The list data structure. Iterators/Enumerators
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Transcript of 1 Tirgul no. 11 Topics covered: H Wrapper Classes H Interfaces H The list data structure. H...

Page 1: 1 Tirgul no. 11 Topics covered: H Wrapper Classes H Interfaces H The list data structure. H Iterators/Enumerators.


Tirgul no. 11Tirgul no. 11

Topics covered:

Wrapper Classes Interfaces The list data structure. Iterators/Enumerators

Page 2: 1 Tirgul no. 11 Topics covered: H Wrapper Classes H Interfaces H The list data structure. H Iterators/Enumerators.


Wrapper classesWrapper classes

Recall that in java there are 8 primitive data types:

byte, short, int, long, float, double, char and boolean.

All other types in java are references to objects from different classes.

Suppose we want to use the Vector class in order to store a list of characters:

Page 3: 1 Tirgul no. 11 Topics covered: H Wrapper Classes H Interfaces H The list data structure. H Iterators/Enumerators.


Wrapper classes (cont.)Wrapper classes (cont.)The Vector class is implemented with an Object ref array: Object[] elements array;

The add method of Vector allows to add an Object of any kind to the vector:public void add(Object o);

Problem: a char is-not a ref to an object, it is a primitive data type.Solution: Wrapper class: define the following class -

Page 4: 1 Tirgul no. 11 Topics covered: H Wrapper Classes H Interfaces H The list data structure. H Iterators/Enumerators.


Wrapper classes (cont.)Wrapper classes (cont.)

class Character {private char ch;public Character(char ch){ this.ch= ch;}

public String toString(){ return(new String(ch));}

//more methods…(some static)}

Page 5: 1 Tirgul no. 11 Topics covered: H Wrapper Classes H Interfaces H The list data structure. H Iterators/Enumerators.


Wrapper classes (cont.)Wrapper classes (cont.)

Each primitive type in the java language has a Wrapper class defined for it in the java API:

Primitive TypeWrapper Class



int Integer






Page 6: 1 Tirgul no. 11 Topics covered: H Wrapper Classes H Interfaces H The list data structure. H Iterators/Enumerators.


Wrapper classes (cont.)Wrapper classes (cont.)

Each Wrapper class contains a single data member of its primitive type.

Apart from that it hold useful consts such as MAX_INT.

It also contains useful static methods. Examples:


Integer.parseInt(String str)

Character.isDigit(char ch)

Page 7: 1 Tirgul no. 11 Topics covered: H Wrapper Classes H Interfaces H The list data structure. H Iterators/Enumerators.


InterfaceInterface(letting someone else do (letting someone else do allall the work) the work)

*Taking the notion of abstract classes one step further is the interface, a type definition that doesn't implement ANY method.

*An interface may contain data members but they are implicitly declared as static final, this is the reason they are declared and initialized in the same statement.

* An interface defines a type just like any class in java. This means you can use interface names wherever you used primitive or object types.

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Interface ExampleInterface Example

[public] interface MyInterface { int data = 10; IPoint pnt = new IPoint(0,3);

void move(int x,int y); String say(); void think(); }

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general scheme: public class MySubClass extends MySuperClass implements MyInterface1, MyInterface2,MyInterface3 { //implement the three interfaces here }

public interface Singer { void move(); int sing(); } public interface Dancer { String talk(); void dance(); }

Example (without inheritance):

public class Performer implements Singer,Dancer { void move() {//implementation goes here} int sing() {//implementation goes here} String talk() {//implementation goes here} void dance() {//implementation goes here} }

How to use interfaces

Page 10: 1 Tirgul no. 11 Topics covered: H Wrapper Classes H Interfaces H The list data structure. H Iterators/Enumerators.


* Inheritance within interfaces is just like with regular classes.

public interface MyInterface1 { void method1(); String method2();}

public interface MyInterface2 extends MyInterface1 { void method3();}

If you write a class that implements MyInterface2 you will have to implement method1() ,method2() and method3() .

Inheritance within interfaces

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Interfaces as ViewPoints Interfaces as ViewPoints (Polymorphism)(Polymorphism)

Java only supports Single Inheritance – each class can only inherit/extend one class.

However: Each class can Implement an unlimited number of interfaces.

Although interfaces can’t be created (there is nothing to create), we can define ref. From of their type, and use them as alternative viewpoints for the classes that implement them.

This way we can point to a set of objects that are not from the same inheritance tree, with a single ref.

Page 12: 1 Tirgul no. 11 Topics covered: H Wrapper Classes H Interfaces H The list data structure. H Iterators/Enumerators.


Interfaces as ViewPoints – Flyer Interfaces as ViewPoints – Flyer ExampleExample

Suppose we wish to write a program that controls the autopilot landing of planes in an airport. (Today planes are landed almost automatically using computer guidance from the airport tower).

Problem: There are many different planes from many different makes – and they DO NOT share the same interface (they are competing each other).

Solution: Use and interface!

Page 13: 1 Tirgul no. 11 Topics covered: H Wrapper Classes H Interfaces H The list data structure. H Iterators/Enumerators.


Flyer Example (cont.)Flyer Example (cont.)We define an interface GuidanceSupportedFlyer:

public interface GuidanceSupportedFlyer {public void lockOnBeacon();public void openLandingGear();public void reduceSpeed(int newSpeed);public void reduceAltitude(long newAltitude).…


We notify all plane manufacturers that if they want their planes to land using our guidance software, they should implement the GuidanceSupportedFlyer interface.

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Flyer Example (cont.)Flyer Example (cont.)We can now write the following code:

public void LandPlane(GuidanceSupportedFlyer flyer){



Notice that we do not have to know anything about the plane we are landing except that it must implement the required interface. We can land any plane that supports the interface using the same method. This is another good example of polymorphism.

Page 15: 1 Tirgul no. 11 Topics covered: H Wrapper Classes H Interfaces H The list data structure. H Iterators/Enumerators.


Dynamic data structuresDynamic data structures Motivation:

Suppose you want to read a file of words, and store all words in for later processing them.

Basic solution: use an array of String ref.• The problem is: what size should the array be?

(10,100,1000…) Better Solution: use a dynamic data structure, which

allows to allocate memory dynamically when needed. For example: Linked-List.

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Dynamic data structuresDynamic data structures

Dynamic structures are useful in many situations, the main one being when we can’t anticipate the amount of memory that our program will use when it is run.

The basic idea is simple: define a data structure that dynamically allocates memory when needed.

Page 17: 1 Tirgul no. 11 Topics covered: H Wrapper Classes H Interfaces H The list data structure. H Iterators/Enumerators.


Abstract Data Types (ADT’s)Abstract Data Types (ADT’s)

Each ADT defines a data structure. The structure may have certain properties (for example: LIFO, FIFO, RANDOM ACCESS etc.) and also has some methods that it supports.

Each ADT is actually an interface which can be implemented in many ways. Example: a Linked-List may be implemented with an array (static or dynamic) and with node structures.

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* What we want to implement is a basic linked list structure/functionality. This does not explicitly mean that the implementation is the standard one,

links with data inside each one and a reference to the next node.

* The implementation you will see is the standard one , a list composed of nodes that can hold data that is comparable (meaning we can compare two objects of this type, there is an ordering on the data type).



data2 data3 dataN



Basic Linked-List Structure

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Basic Linked-List Structure

The list will be built of Nodes (Links, Elements) Each node will contain some data, and a next ref

which allows it to point to another node of the same type.

The data which the node will hold will be a ref to a Comparable object, which is an object that implements the Comparable interface (shown later).

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public class Node { protected Comparable data; protected Node next;

public Node(Comparable data) { data = data; next = null; }

public void setNext(Node node) { next = node; }

public Node getNext() { return next; }

public Comparable getData() { return data; }

}//end of class Node

Node / Link

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Comparable interfaceComparable interface(used as the data object in our list)(used as the data object in our list)

/** * This interface defines the way two objects should be compared. */public interface Comparable { /** * This function does the comparison between two objects. * @return negative integer second object is greater than this one.<br> * positive integer second object is smaller than this one.<br> * zero second object is equal to this one. * @param o the object to which we compare. */ public int compareTo(Object o);}

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Class List (with a dummy node)

//import so we can use the Enumeration //interfaceimport java.util.*;

public class List { protected Node head; protected Node tail; protected int size;

public List() { tail = head = new Node(null); size=0; }

public void add(Comparable data) { Node temp = new Node(data); head.addNext(temp); head=temp; size++; } //cont on next slide…

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Class List (cont.) public boolean isEmpty() { return size == 0; }

public void removeLast() {

if(isEmpty()) return;

Node helper= head; //start of list.while(helper.getNext().getNext() != null) helper= helper.getNext();helper.setNext(null);tail= helper;size--;

//new concept ITERATORS public Enumeration elements() { return new ListEnumeration(this); }

}//end of class List

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Problem: We want to go over all the elements of a data structure, (in our case a list) without actually knowing how it is implemented.

Solution: We will implement an interface which has methods that tell us if there are more elements and returns the data according to our request.

Notes:1. This is part of our effort to hide the implementation from the user/client programmer. 2. What happens if the user adds/removes elements from the data structure while he is using an Enumeration.


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List iterator/Enumerationimport java.util.*;

public class ListEnumeration implements Enumeration { private List list; private Node place;

protected ListEnumeration(List lst) { list = lst; place = list.tail; } public boolean hasMoreElements() { return (place != list.head); }

public Object nextElement() throws NoSuchElementException { if(place == list.head) throw new NoSuchElementException(); place = place.getNext(); return place.getData(); }}

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Extending the listExtending the listpublic class OrderedList extends List { //constructors …

public void add(Comparable data) { Node temp = new Node(data); Node ptr = head;

while((ptr.getNext() != null) && ((ptr.getNext()).getData().compare(data) == -1))

ptr = ptr.getNext(); temp.setNext(ptr.getNext()); ptr.setNext(temp); if(tail == ptr) tail = temp; size++; }}