1 Samuel 7-8

Week 3 Chapters 7-8

Transcript of 1 Samuel 7-8

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Week 3Chapters 7-8

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What happened in chapter 1?

• Elkanah had 2 wives

• Hannah wanted a son, prayed

• Peninnah had children, provoked

• Samuel is born, weaned, and sacrifices are made

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What happened in chapter 2?

• Hannah prayed!

• Eli’s sons were worthless/corrupt

• Samuel grew

• Man of God visits Eli

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What happened in chapter 3?

• God calls Samuel

• Samuel gives Eli bad news

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What happened in chapter 4?

• Israel fought the Philistines (Ebenezer and Aphek)…and LOST (4,000 men!)

• They called in the Ark

• Israel lost (30,000 foot soldiers), the ark of God was captured, H&P died

• Eli falls and dies

• Mrs. Phinehas dies and has Ichabod

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What happened in chapter 5?

• Philistines moved ark from Ebenezer to Ashdod – Dagon’s house.

• “The hand of the Lord was heavy”

• Ark moved to Gath

• Ark moved to Ekron

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What happened in chapter 6?

• Ark was with Philistines 7 months. That’s enough!• Trespass offering: 5 golden rats & 5 golden

tumors• Where do the cows go? Beth Shemesh• Reapers of wheat rejoice! Field of Joshua.

Levites…sacrifices• Five Lords of the Philistines:

Ashdod, Gaza, Ashkelon, Gath, Ekron• The Lord smites 50,070 because…• Messengers to Kirjath Jearim

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Who took the ark of the Lord? (7:1)

Men of Kirjath Jearim

Where did they put it?

Abinadab’s house on the hill

Who did they consecrate to keep it?

Eleazer, his son.

How long did it stay in Kirjath Jearim?

A long time, 20 years.

Chapter 7

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Chapter 7If you return to the Lord with all your hearts…put away these gods!

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Do not cease to cry out to the Lord our God for us, that He may save us….

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Samuel! You’re old! Your sons don’t walk in your ways! Now make us a king!

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A king’s behavior:-Take your sons for his chariots, horsemen, and to run before the chariots-Captains over 1,000’s, over 50’s-Make them plow his ground, reap his harvest-Make his weapons of war, equipment for chariots-Make daughters into perfumers, cooks, bakers-Take best of fields, vineyards, olive groves-Take 1/10th of grain and vintage for officers and servants-Take male, female servants-Take finest young men, donkeys, make ‘emwork-Take 1/10th of sheep-You will be his servants-You will cry out.

Want to change your mind?

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Heed their voice, and make them a king.