1 Sale€¦ · battle was a Cevera blow to Spain than even voicethat of Manila Bay. Unole Sam...

ffa| frr*k*»fftf ft**,' \ ANDREW PRICE, - - - KDITOR. MARLINTON, FRIDAY, JULTM, 1*8 THE TUQ SHOOTINO SCRAPE. LOBELIA. WiIH»mqpUey«iotbf HwJ^p. Q J^ M< Million, lailler, is do- ISon-in-Law Milam, at the Olg [fr g a big business. Entered at the poat office at Martin ton, W. Va., M second claw nutter. Special Inducements Genuine Bargains!/! The War Stamp ia going on nearly all kluda of goods, as you Know; but iustead or charging that to my custom- ers I will take off more than that. I have the goods and most sell (hem. . i have a large amount of money to raise, and will give custom- am a chanee to get extra good bargain*, for I will sell 28,29, and 30 otduiy for cash all growls for Cost and Carriage, Ton have a chance to select what yon want and pay for what yon get. 80 come now one and all, far and near, as yoo will not have such a chance soon again to make" yoo a little change. And those that owe me please come prepared to pay their little account. Come on the days specified and help me while yon are helping me yon can help yourself. Unman nature seems to lean this way now a days—to help each other when we can re- ceive onr part of help. Any bow in this case all will be beuefitted. Yours for Business, Steward Boggs. Huntersville, W. Va. A good motto for a yellow joor- nal: "Any color so it's read." The loss of the Santiago naval battle was a Cevera blow to Spain than even that of Manila Bay. Unole Sam should look up in bis lexicon the Spanish word for "Enough!" as he may expect to bear it any day. The stamp - tax has its-draw- backs. An important deed has been held up for days in this coun- ty because stamps could not be procured. The parties were afraid to use postage-stamps, not being informed, and were unable to get the documentary stamps. We have now a law Delating to bankrupts which allows a man to lay down all that he bath for the benefit of his creditors and start again a free man. The right to pass such a law was given to Con- gress by the Constitution, bnt ow- ing to the impracticability of such laws as the mind of man could conceive, there has been no gener- al bankruptcy law for many years. The same session of Congress which resurrected the stamp law brought back the other abandoned law concerning bankrupts. SANTIAGO. Gen. Toral in command of all the troops on the east end of Cnba, and who held the strongly fortified city of Santiago, which is the sec- ond city of Cuba, surrendered all the under his command to Gen. Shatter. The estimated number of prisoners is 25,000, and the mu- nitions of war secured were enor- mous. It is the third great victor> for the United States, but it was pur- chased at the cost of many lives, as is the case in every infantry en- gagement. Gen. Shafter is now one of the nation's heroes for work well done. Our flag flouted over Santiago, last Sunday. The government is advertising for transports to send the prisoners back to Spain. Now let us have pence! Cline Place, Opposite Mill Point. Last Thursday a yonng man, giving his name us O. T. Milam, aged 25 years, surrendered him- self to the sheriff at Mill Point and was committed to jail by Jus- tice Curry, on the charge of shoot- ing William Colley. There were no witnesses, and the statements of Milnm and Colley vary very ma- terially. It is no unusual thing for Tugs to engage in little shoot- ing matches to settle disputes, but it is generally understood that the law is not to be called in to take a part in the adjustment, and that this shooting is not reported acci- dental argues that Colley is only a fug by adoption, as he really is. riilam's Statement. Milam was found in the county ,.n tie hi u tali, dark skinned »nn, sm>'(h shaven. He appear- ed somewhat nervous when he was inked for the (htuiis. Colley married Samantha Per- kins and Milam her daughter Ma- y. They moved to the Cline place in April. On the day of the shooting Colley became very disa- greeable pud made the domestic circle very unpleasant. They all Iwent for mulberries. Arrived at home Milam and Mrs Colley work- ed at stemming them on the porch. Mrs Colley called to her husband to come and help. Be replied: " you! You say mulberry to me again and I Ml come out and put five of these 38's in yon!" The woman then got scared and left, Milam and Colley got din- ner and spent the afternoon to- gether. Milam urged Colley to let the old woman come in out of the rain and was bullied by Colley who nfid two pistols. Colley threap ened to run him off the mountain. Milam asked for his gun, having agreed to go. He got bis gnn ana had got outside of the yard when he heard Colley come to the door and snap a pistol. He whirled and shot him and ran. He heard Colley cry out "Murder! I 'm kill- ed!" Ha went to the nighbors and then for the doctor and gave him- self up the next day. The gun he used was a mountain rifle running 108 bails to the pound. Milam says that Colley is a bad man and was shot in Nicholas county by one Carl McGlaughlin a year or so ago. - Colley's Account of It. Colley simply says that he was .bushwhacked. Milam had depart- ed a few minutes before and had shot him from the bill-side a hun- dred yards away. He was stand- ing in the bouse with the door open. The Wound. Dr H. W. McNeel is attending the wounded man. The ball struck the collar bone on his -right side and ranged down. It is a very serious wound and the recovery of *he patient doubtful. The sur- roundings are the worst imagina- ble for nursing. Owing to the fact that the ball bad glanced from the collar-bone it could not be lo- Icated. The wound shows unmjs- Itukably that, the shot was fi from an elevation, and will h great significance owing to conflicting statements of the pi cipal parties. Colley. Those who attended Court Marlinton in April and June m' remember seeing Colley, who wns! there to answer indictments ij" is a thick, heavy set man, about 45 years old, and has the look of a tough customer. He claims to be a graduate of a Tennessee College and he speaks like a man of some education. He claims also to have served in the navy and is Rev C. M. Anderson is building a dwelling on Main street. There are lots of berries of alt kinds in-this section. Corn looks better than ever was known to look at this time. Prof W. S. Anderson baa return- ed home. Also Prof Stulting and wife. H. W. Williams died last week after a long sickness. He leaves a wife and a large family of small children. There has been some rioting in this section, but the list of wound- ed and killed are not known, bnt some have been badly scared. Quarterly meeting at Imanuel last Saturday and Sunday. Good preaching by Brother Martin, and excellent behavior. 1 The funeral sermon of Rev S. C. Morgan took place at White Oak Grots, Sunday a. week. The serv- ices were largely attended. » Some of the people ran the risk of losing their lives in fording high water Sunday. W. B. Hill says it ran over the wheels of bis buggy. Hot and wet. Some wheat not in yet. There was.a fearful rain storm on the heads of Hills and Bruffeys Creeks Sunday. The rain was accompanied by bail which in- jured gardens and crops. W. B. Hill has secured a nice post office cabinet of the latest style and will take charge of the 17, S. Mail at Lobelia in a short time. We would be glad if the other post masters would ""follow his example. ,. LONG JAKE. Commissioner's Notice Thriving Communities. Dunmore and its surroundings impress one as a place of grand possibilities and its worthy citizens may be pardoned for cherishing great expectations when railway fa- cilities, so long expected, should materialize. The scenery is poef- iually attractive, mineral waters of several kind within the radius of a mile, and sites for* machinery pro- pelled by water power exceptional- ly good. This is the ..home of the Silver Tongued Auctioneer whose voice and presence is so fainilliar to our citizenship far and near. The writer hopes the genial Cap- tain will pardon him for the mis- take he made when he mistook the whistling of the steamer at the shop for the echoes of his enthusi- astic friend's voice, practising for a musical concert at the cross roads or Driftwood. Green Bank is a place of mark- ed importance in the affairs of the county. As was formerly remark- ed of Pennsylvania, 'As goes Penn- sylvania so goes the Union.' 80 by way of accomodation, 'As goes Green Bank so goes the couuty.' Hence it is the "keystone" district even when Split Rook is to be heard from. There are three stores 'four resident physicians, ^-a-uianse. several nice residence occlfpied by genteel families, and two churches generally tilled by large, orderly assemblies. For years there has been a literary society attended by the leading citizens, and many Q. K. Crumuett, Assignee, PPff. TS. John P. Varner Defendant. Pursuant to a decree- of the Cir- cuit (to-art of Cue-boars* ('mint v. Vest Virginia, ren to red 111 the above Miyh-d t-aiwe on I hit 21*1 day of June, IKJW. the undersigned Commissioner will proceed at hit office in the town of Ma rib ton. West Virginia, on the 15th day of August, 18!>8, to take, state, and report to Court the following mat- ters of account, to wit: First: A statement showing the liens,U|>on the lauds of (he defend- ant John P. Varner, with their re- spective legai dignities and priori- ties. Second:_ What laud the said John P. Vuriier owns in this coun- ty subject to said liens. Third: Whether or not the lands of the said John P. Varner will rent in five years for a sum sufficient to pay said liens. Fourth: Any othei matter, Ac. At which lime aud plaoe air par- lies in interest may utleud. Given under my bind this 6th day of July, 1898. , W. A. BKATTON, Commissioner. NOTICE to LIEN HOLDEB8. To all persons holding liens, hv judgment or otherwise, on the real estate or any part -thereof of JfiTin P. Varner. In pursuance of an order of the Circuit Court of Pocahontas Con'i- ty, rendered in a cause therein l>endiug to subject the real estate of the said John P. Varner to the satisfaction of the liens thereon, you are hereby required fd .present ad claims held by- you and each ot you ag.iiust the said John P. Var- ner, which are liens on his r.-al es- tate or any part of it. for adjudica- tion to me. at my office in the town of MariiliN'n. West Virginia, on or before the loth day of August, 1898. (iiven under my hand this 6th day of July, 1898 W. A. BRATTON, Commissioner; NOTICE; BILLING & SLAVBN, TIN, SHEET-IRON ROOF'NO. GUTTER SPOUTING, ROOK PAINTING, FLUES, STOVE PIPE GALVANIZKD KLUE8, SMOKE STACKS. FRUIT DRYERS, GALV ANIZED TANKS, AND CISTERNS. Shop - Made Tin Ware Always on Hand. LIGHTNING RODS. Work Done, on Sliort -Notioe. Call or writ.! to, SILLING & SLAVE.N. ACADEMY, W. VA. Trustee's Sale 1 TMl enhontns Confederate soldiers wns bestowed upon a Green Bank vol- unteer. A Freak of Nature. In passing recently over the road between Huntersville and Dun- more many thousands of trees were fond of: passed, presenting a great variety relating incidents" of bis life there, i" form, kind and proportions, and Dental Notice. Dr O. J. Campbell will visit the following points on dates named: Hillsboro... .8th July, eight days. Huntersville.. 16th July, six days. Frost 23d July, four days. Dunmore 28th July, six days. Green Bank, 4th August, six days. Trav. Repose, 11th Aug. four days. Strayed--Fifteen or 20 eves and lambs, bought of Levi Gay, having his mark, £ crop each ear and branded with tar on beck or side with a ring. Lambs marked lit iu under tide eaoh ear. I will be thankful to know of them, or will pay fur any trouble that will enable me-to secure them. JOHN Linos. - ^ *• - . Ho-Ta-Baa fa* fifty Crau. Guaouiiead tobacco bat.lt cult. maua> week MM swvaf, Mood pun. Ms, HVAll drumnM* slid those who are well read in na- val affairs find nothing in his de- scription to discredit the state- ment. He has cherished two mur- derous pistols, and was indicted in two cases for currying such wea- pons. The County Institute. The Teachers' Institute will be held at Marlinton, August 8, 1898, at 10-30 A. M. and will continue five days. The law states explicitly that ev- ery teacher shall attend a county institute nt least five full days, or have /in excuse for not attending. Teaobers will only get credit for the actual time they are in atten- dance. Trustees violate the lnw if yet but one tree attracted special notice and examination: a small white oak perhaps five or six inches in diameter and twenty or thirty feet in height. Sometime it had been bent double and partially bro- ken. Some eighteen or twenty inches below the curvature a shoot put forth that erew reversely to the rest of the limbs on that part of the tree, oud seemed to have ab- sorbed all the vitality beyond it and so the top decayed and dropped oft-just beyond this shoot. Now there is a curious triple convolu- tion or contortion that is suggest, ive of the long and persistent effort to regain its normal posture. Persons troubled with diarrhoea will lie interested In the experience they employ a teacher who has uotj of Mr VV. M. Bush, clerk of llotel 0 certificate of attendance for five ; Dominee, Providence. It. 1. He days at an institute held in this j says: "For several years I have State since June I, 1898. .or have! been almost 11 constant sufferer an excuse for non - attendance, bom diarrhoea, the frequent af- properly signed by the Board •»<* completely ntomrattiig me of examiners. Excuses for nou-at-j "'"• rendering me unlit for my dH- tendnnoe will be signed only when ! , ' eM Ht * ho,el - A hud I two years the board is in session at the regu-i"* 0 " fWMrelllig sidesman kindly Inr stated examination! Frivolous * aV ." '"* * "" m " ,M,t " e ot Glism- and petty excuses will not be ac-1 cepted. No topics hove been arranged for the evening session, but a pro- gram will be arranged,' consisting of music, essays, recitations, etc.. and we hope the teachers will be prepared to take a part in these ex- ercises. , Tr fthhe r? eiatnlfiation will be »„„,„ H„il..w, Huiiteravdle; Bar. held at Marlinton Monday and. low & \lu»ra, Kdtav. Tuesday, A ngust 15 And 16. j ^.J D. L BAKU.**, ' «.i.r»nr.w Howai. wot, c.earaia. County fc)aj»ripkMdeut of ttobooU. ^f if ;l c»« he Ma in'* Unite, Cholera, and Diar- rhoea Remedy. Much to my snr. prise and delight Its effects were immediate. Whenever I M< mp loins ol the dJMease I would birr if myself sgHiixt the attack with a few do«es nt this valuable remedy. The result has heeu verv sniistnw- to.iy and abnos* complete relief from this affliction." For sale by Aiiom Hallow, Huiiteisvilli UBSUANT to a deed ol trust made on the 12th day of July, 1897, by John T. McGraw to the niideisign- trnstee, and reworded in the Clerk's office of the ccunty court of Pocalmiitaa County, in Deed Book No. 27, page 438, to secure the payment of two certain notes each for i2"3333 neirotiable aud pay aide at, the People's National' Bank, of Charlotlesville, Virginia, with 6 per cent interest from July 12, 1897, until paid to Samuel IS. Woods, and costs of executing the said deed, and default having lieen made in the payment of the second ol' said notes, an being required by the said beneficiary, Saiunel B. Woods, the undersigned trustee w'll 011 the 13th day of August, l.wi.s, between the hours of ten o'clock A. M. and four o'clock-P. M., at the front door of the court house of Po- cahontas County, West Virgiiiia,"tn the town of .Marlinton. proceed to sell at public auction to the highest bidder the land conveyed in said deed of trust, comprising a tract of 101)0 acres of land situated im said Pocahontas County, lying 011 the ast' side of the v\«Ht Fork of reenlnier River, and bounded as follows: Beginning at two maples, chnrry, beeoh, aud yew pine, oh the east hank of the Green brier River, and with the old line 8 78£ B 812 poles to two pines and a beech in a hol- low on the west side of the divide between the west branch and Lit- tle River, 54 poles to the north of a blized line, 824 55 M W 204 to a beech, witnessed by two yew pines and two beeches on a north hill- side corner to the other 1000 acres of the Shi lighter land, sold C'ralg & Upton, the same leaving the old line N 78| W 852 poles, at 133 |mles crosses the top of the divide at 210 poles passes tw'o marked sugar- trees by a small spring or drain. 235 poles crosses a north eastern branch of Paul's Lick Run. .it 300 pole- passes a large marked cherry 011 top of ft- spur of Paul's Lick Ridge, at 433 crosses the north- western fork of Paul's Lick Run, at 563 poles passes a milked birch on top of 11 spur ol Paul's Lick Ridge, at 003 poles crosses Paul's Lick Run ab nt six poles shove the Mud Lick, at 74$ poles crosses the top of the north spur of Hunte<'a Camp Ridge, to two maples wit- nessed by two birches on the east bank of the west fork of the river, thence up the river with its mean- dei'ings to the beginning It being that traet of land conveved to John T. McUraw by Samuel B. Woods and wife by deed bearing date 011 the 12th day of July, 1897. and re- corded In the clerk's office of the county conrt of Pocahontas County West Viiginia, in Deed Book No. 27, page 445. Term* of. Sale : Cash Given under my hand this 16tlt day or July, 1H98. JAMKS MORGAN, Trnstee. MARLINTON'HOUSE Located East End of <Bridge Terms, per day - $1 & $1.50 per meal - - 26 Good accommodations for horses 11 ^5 cents pe: 4 tw*d. Special rates made l.y the week ot IHMIItll. CMEAGER. - - Proprietor S^sRartteys Plasterer and Painter. I wish to inform the citizens of the couuty that I am prepared at any time to do any work in my line. *' One tmooth coat plastering for papering or painting 7c yd Two coats and a skim of lime 9c yd Hard finish 10c yd [Including boarding and tending an I horse found.] CAL50MININQ A SPECIALTY. Any letters addressed to me will be promptly answered. All work attend ed to in this and adjoining Aunties. W.H. HARTLEY, Jacox, W. Va. Junel 8m. Commissioners Notice. Office, of S. li Scott, Jr., Commis- sioner in Chanceiy, MJII liiiton, VV. Va., July 8I1i, 1898. Pursuant to a decree of the Cir- cuit court of Pocahon as conu'y, en tered on the 24th day of June,'1898 in a chaiicry cause therein pend- ing entitled: v Johnson and Gwinti and others, versus J. T. Hogsett mid others, I will proceed at my office in the town of Marlinton, We*t Virginia, on the 8th day of August, 1898, to take, state, and rejmrt to court the following matters of account to wit: -First: A statement showing the subsisting liens upon tile lands of the defendant, J. T. Hogsetf, show ing the respective dates, dignities, aud priorities of the same and to whom.due and payable. Second: A statement showing the real estate owned by the de- fendant, J. T. Ilogsett, against which said liens may lie asserted. Third: A Matement allowing the fee simple and annual rental value of aa'd real estate, ami whether or not the srnne will in five years rent for a sum sufficient to pay off and discharge the Ileus thereon. Fourth; Any other matter to bo specially stated, deemed perti- nent by the Commissioner, or re- quired by any party in iuterest to be socially stated. % At which time and place nil par- ties in interest may attend. Respect fu II v, 8. B. SOOTT, Jr., Commissioner iu Chancery. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tbi KrndYoo Hail Alwifi BwfM Bears taa WfMtWwOf Commissioners Notice, Office of 8. B. Scett, Jr., Commis- sioner in Chancery. Marlinton. W. Va, July 82d. 1898. P rsiMiiit to a decree of the Cii cuit Coun of P«M-!ihoiita- tnuniv, made on flic 24tfc da\ of Jane. 1S9.S in n ehanc-ry cause therein |»eud mg, entitled : J. W. Marshall and others vs. Andrew Workman aud others, I will proceed at my office in the towb of Marlinton, West Virginia, on the 10th day of August, 1K98. to take, state aud re|M»rt to court, the following matters of account towit: First: An acconnt of the liens upon the laud of the defendant, Andrew Workman, with their re 8|M*ciive amouuts and priorities, showing to whom such amounts are doe and payable. Secon I: A statement showing the lauds owned by the sji'd An drew Workman, together with the fee simple aud am.ual rental value thereof. Tnird : Any other matter to '••••! s|>ecially stilled deemed pertinent by the Commissioner or require I by any party iu interest to lie so stated. At which time and place all par tiee in interest muy attend. Respcctiidly, 8. B. SCOTT, Jr.. Commissioner in Chunoiry. NOTICE to LIEN HOLDERS. ———i^ To all persons holding liens, by judgment or otherwise, on the real estate or any |>art thereof of Andrew Workman: In pursuance of a decree of the Circuit Conrt of Pocahontas Coun ty made in 8 cause therein pending to subject the real estate of the said Andrew Workman to the sat isfaction of the liens thereon, you are hereby required to present all claims heid by you aud e >ch of yon against the said Andrew Workman which are lieiis on his real estate or any part of ft, for adjudication to me at my office in the town of Mar- linton, Pocahontas County, We*t Virginia, on or before the i6tb day of August, 1898. Given under my band this 22d day of July, 1898. 8. H. SCOTT, Jr., Com missioned iu Chancery. tfM*S^^W^ft^^^^^W^AAA^AAA< . dTR KALFor\ COST of larhidges SS-oaUbre oa.iri.lr"- for B Mftrlln. Model 1SIM, cool oulj SVMX) a thuuMHiKl. S9-ca])t>r« «ai-trtdB<-" for auy oilier re- nmttar imxlr. c«si •1X.OO a thousand. Yt.ti .'nu ftftve tlie eutlre caet ol your Mnrlin £i the Ur«l tr.-o tttmuwud eartrldKeft. Why thli* (c. I* f.illy 03;>laim-d In tho Mnrlin Hanil Knok for ahoaMrr*. It obu telU how to care fur ( arms and low to H»B IIIMII. HOW to loud cnfrt'lvf, with Ilia different Mad*of black ai.d f fiu.'kel'.M powder*. It plve» traj«etoiten, re- t locl'lpn. ;'..•;• trjtiotu and krt) other point* of ; t;iterc,t to ngioruman. 1* mint*. Free, If yoa ) will whtl K'nuipn f-ir pnata?u to taa mUU rnuaam 00.. Raw mawta, Coa*. IMPIIOVKD 8INQIR. SSaiOHT r»Hlr»AID. Vn-thicxtvla B«w high arm KWIDW machine with aU attach- ment! war- floated toyeara. If Stchinefanot sit- ctorylnsodaj-s money will be re- fwnded. Send cash with order. Dc- •criptiTe circular sent on applica- tion. WHAYNE M'K'O OO., •SOSOUSTH AVS.. LOUISVICtS. iJwtli&iiT cbUEEUII IISTITITI. fklderaon.'VN.Va. SIXTH SESSION OPENS SEPT. 15TH. Full Academic and Collegiate Course. Thorough instructions in Mathematics, English, Latin, and Greek, Kieneb, Ct'imau, Sciences, ti'C Special advantages in Music, Vocal, Piano, and Guitar,—and in Art. Also Commercial and Stenography. For Catalogue and full informa- tion address W. 8. ANDEB80N, 8w Principal. HEPJUBEH THE « MfilHEl But do n't forget that the Golden Store has reduced the prices on CALICO from 6cts to 3 l-2c. This seasons purchase, Standard make, and handsome patterns. Do. n't overlook the fact that the Golden Store can do more for you than other stores in giving good quality for the-least money THE GOItDEJ. STOHE. NOTICE to LIKN HOLDERS. To all parties holding liens by jndg< ment or otherwise on the real es fate, or uny purt thereof, dl' J. T. Hogsett: In pursuance of a decree of the Circuit court of Pomihootaa county made iu a cause therein pending to subject the real estate Of the mini J. T. Hogsett to ilie satisfaction of the liens thereon, you are hereby required to present all claims held by you and eacli of yon against the saitt J. T. Hogsett, winch are liens on his real estate or any part of it, for adjudication tome at my office in the town of Marlinton, Poeahon- tas conntv. West VirjrmJ '.on or lie fore the 8th day of August. 1808. Olven under my hand this 8tlTt day of Jnlv, 1898. Ml WOTT, Jr., Couiujimiloner In Chaucery LEWISBURG FEMALE INSTITUTE. THE LEADING FEMALE SEMINARY IN WEST VIRGINIA. Collegiate, Academic, a,nd Preparatory Depart- ments. Classical, Scientific, Music, and Art. Best of Fare. Hot and Cold Baths. Rooms Carpeted. Gives a, Thor- ^ ough Christian Education. TESTIMONY. REV H. O. GUBHRANT-.-D. D ., of Kentucky: '•A good Female School is a public blessing, and among many no- ble institutions I do not know n better one than the one presided »*uF- b3 [ ?? v R h Telford •» lewisburg. W. H. It is Christian, Biblical, thorough, and attractive making not only finished schol- ars but lovely Christian charaterV It is good enough to educate my own daughter, and I take pleasure in commending it to my friends.' RHV M- li IiACY, D. D , of West Virginia: "I honestly believe ft is the very beat school of which I have any knowledge.' HOfi JOHN W. WeCRHHRY, of the State Senate^W. Va.: ''Having hod two daughters at the Lewisburg Female Insti- tute, under the management of Eev It. L Telford, it affords me pleasure to say that I regard the achooi m one of the beet in tho country.' DR 0. M. POYfaTZ. of Richmond, Ky.: "Bar ly indeed does one have the opportunity of placing their daughters in so good an institution of learning as the one presided over by Rev R. I. Telford, at l.«wiaburg. Anvway, it has been Eod enough for me. My daughter has bseu cared for aa if she had an a member or the family. ,r RHV D. S. SYDHNSTRICKHR, D . D># Hillsboro, W. Va.: * "Having been a patron of the lewiabura Female Institute for two year*, 1 can nincereiy commend ft to the attention and patronage of all who desire to have their daughters ffua-oughly trained ia mind and heart. The course of instruction is thorough and honest No half-way work dene. The refining and elevating Christian influ- ence* thrown around the pupils are most excellent." IMPROVEMENTS. -———— , 8 ^SSJ e " B Th ?»»*»»d ': ollars expanded during the last five vears in additions and Improve jienta. -"/•« Send for Illustrated catalogue to flev l h, lEiofOHD, Iterxiisbarg, % U

Transcript of 1 Sale€¦ · battle was a Cevera blow to Spain than even voicethat of Manila Bay. Unole Sam...

  • ffa| frr*k*»fftf ft**,'





    WiIH»mqpUey«iotbf HwJ^p. Q J^ M< Million, lailler, is do- ISon-in-Law Milam, at the Olg [frg a big business.

    Entered at the poat office at Martin ton, W. Va., M second claw nutter.

    Special Inducements Genuine Bargains!/!

    The War Stamp ia going on nearly all kluda of goods, as you Know; but iustead or charging that to my custom- ers I will take off more than that. I have the goods and most sell (hem. . i have a large amount of money to raise, and will give custom- am a chanee to get extra good bargain*, for I will sell

    28,29, and 30 otduiy for cash all growls for

    Cost and Carriage, Ton have a chance to select what yon want and pay for what yon get. 80 come now one and all, far and near, as yoo will not have such a chance soon again to make" yoo a little change. And those that owe me please come prepared to pay their little account. Come on the days specified and help me while yon are helping me yon can help yourself. Unman nature seems to lean this way now a days—to help each other when we can re- ceive onr part of help. Any bow in this case all will be beuefitted.

    Yours for Business, „

    Steward Boggs. Huntersville, W. Va.

    A good motto for a yellow joor- nal: "Any color so it's read."

    The loss of the Santiago naval battle was a Cevera blow to Spain

    than even that of Manila Bay.

    Unole Sam should look up in bis lexicon the Spanish word for "Enough!" as he may expect to bear it any day.

    The stamp - tax has its-draw- backs. An important deed has been held up for days in this coun-

    ty because stamps could not be procured. The parties were afraid to use postage-stamps, not being informed, and were unable to get the documentary stamps.

    We have now a law Delating to bankrupts which allows a man to

    lay down all that he bath for the benefit of his creditors and start

    again a free man. The right to pass such a law was given to Con-

    gress by the Constitution, bnt ow-

    ing to the impracticability of such laws as the mind of man could conceive, there has been no gener- al bankruptcy law for many years.

    The same session of Congress which resurrected the stamp law brought back the other abandoned law concerning bankrupts.


    Gen. Toral in command of all the troops on the east end of Cnba, and who held the strongly fortified city of Santiago, which is the sec-

    ond city of Cuba, surrendered all the under his command to Gen. Shatter. The estimated number of prisoners is 25,000, and the mu-

    nitions of war secured were enor- mous.

    It is the third great victor> for the United States, but it was pur- chased at the cost of many lives, as

    is the case in every infantry en- gagement.

    Gen. Shafter is now one of the nation's heroes for work well done.

    Our flag flouted over Santiago, last Sunday.

    The government is advertising for transports to send the prisoners back to Spain.

    Now let us have pence!

    Cline Place, Opposite Mill Point.

    Last Thursday a yonng man, giving his name us O. T. Milam, aged 25 years, surrendered him- self to the sheriff at Mill Point and was committed to jail by Jus- tice Curry, on the charge of shoot- ing William Colley. There were no witnesses, and the statements of Milnm and Colley vary very ma- terially. It is no unusual thing for Tugs to engage in little shoot- ing matches to settle disputes, but it is generally understood that the law is not to be called in to take a part in the adjustment, and that this shooting is not reported acci- dental argues that Colley is only a fug by adoption, as he really is.

    riilam's Statement.

    Milam was found in the county ,.n tie hi u tali, dark skinned »nn, sm>'(h shaven. He appear-

    ed somewhat nervous when he was inked for the (htuiis.

    Colley married Samantha Per- kins and Milam her daughter Ma- y. They moved to the Cline

    place in April. On the day of the shooting Colley became very disa- greeable pud made the domestic circle very unpleasant. They all

    Iwent for mulberries. Arrived at home Milam and Mrs Colley work- ed at stemming them on the porch. Mrs Colley called to her husband to come and help. Be replied:

    " you! You say mulberry to me again and I Ml come out and put five of these 38's in yon!"

    The woman then got scared and left, Milam and Colley got din- ner and spent the afternoon to- gether. Milam urged Colley to let the old woman come in out of the rain and was bullied by Colley who nfid two pistols. Colley threap ened to run him off the mountain. Milam asked for his gun, having agreed to go. He got bis gnn ana had got outside of the yard when he heard Colley come to the door and snap a pistol. He whirled and shot him and ran. He heard Colley cry out "Murder! I 'm kill- ed!" Ha went to the nighbors and then for the doctor and gave him- self up the next day. The gun he used was a mountain rifle running 108 bails to the pound.

    Milam says that Colley is a bad man and was shot in Nicholas county by one Carl McGlaughlin a year or so ago.

    - Colley's Account of It.

    Colley simply says that he was .bushwhacked. Milam had depart- ed a few minutes before and had shot him from the bill-side a hun- dred yards away. He was stand- ing in the bouse with the door open.

    The Wound.

    Dr H. W. McNeel is attending the wounded man. The ball struck the collar bone on his -right side and ranged down. It is a very serious wound and the recovery of *he patient doubtful. The sur- roundings are the worst imagina- ble for nursing. Owing to the fact that the ball bad glanced from the collar-bone it could not be lo-

    Icated. The wound shows unmjs- Itukably that, the shot was fi from an elevation, and will h great significance owing to conflicting statements of the pi cipal parties.


    Those who attended Court Marlinton in April and June m' remember seeing Colley, who wns! there to answer indictments ij" is a thick, heavy set man, about 45 years old, and has the look of a tough customer. He claims to be a graduate of a Tennessee College and he speaks like a man of some education. He claims also to have served in the navy and is

    Rev C. M. Anderson is building a dwelling on Main street.

    There are lots of berries of alt kinds in-this section.

    Corn looks better than ever was known to look at this time.

    Prof W. S. Anderson baa return- ed home. Also Prof Stulting and wife.

    H. W. Williams died last week after a long sickness. He leaves a wife and a large family of small children.

    There has been some rioting in this section, but the list of wound- ed and killed are not known, bnt some have been badly scared.

    Quarterly meeting at Imanuel last Saturday and Sunday. Good preaching by Brother Martin, and excellent behavior.

    1 The funeral sermon of Rev S. C. Morgan took place at White Oak Grots, Sunday a. week. The serv- ices were largely attended. »

    Some of the people ran the risk of losing their lives in fording high water Sunday. W. B. Hill says it ran over the wheels of bis buggy.

    Hot and wet. Some wheat not in yet. There was.a fearful rain storm on the heads of Hills and Bruffeys Creeks Sunday. The rain was accompanied by bail which in- jured gardens and crops.

    W. B. Hill has secured a nice post office cabinet of the latest style and will take charge of the 17, S. Mail at Lobelia in a short time. We would be glad if the other post masters would ""follow his example. ,.


    Commissioner's Notice

    Thriving Communities.

    Dunmore and its surroundings impress one as a place of grand possibilities and its worthy citizens may be pardoned for cherishing great expectations when railway fa- cilities, so long expected, should materialize. The scenery is poef- iually attractive, mineral waters of several kind within the radius of a mile, and sites for* machinery pro- pelled by water power exceptional- ly good. This is the ..home of the Silver Tongued Auctioneer whose voice and presence is so fainilliar to our citizenship far and near. The writer hopes the genial Cap- tain will pardon him for the mis- take he made when he mistook the whistling of the steamer at the shop for the echoes of his enthusi- astic friend's voice, practising for a musical concert at the cross roads or Driftwood.

    Green Bank is a place of mark- ed importance in the affairs of the county. As was formerly remark- ed of Pennsylvania, 'As goes Penn- sylvania so goes the Union.' 80 by way of accomodation, 'As goes Green Bank so goes the couuty.' Hence it is the "keystone" district even when Split Rook is to be heard from. There are three stores 'four resident physicians, ^-a-uianse. several nice residence occlfpied by genteel families, and two churches generally tilled by large, orderly assemblies. For years there has been a literary society attended by the leading citizens, and many

    Q. K. Crumuett, Assignee, PPff. TS.

    John P. Varner Defendant.

    Pursuant to a decree- of the Cir- cuit (to-art of Cue-boars* ('mint v. Vest Virginia, ren to red 111 the above Miyh-d t-aiwe on I hit 21*1 day of June, IKJW. the undersigned Commissioner will proceed at hit office in the town of Ma rib ton. West Virginia, on the 15th day of August, 18!>8, to take, state, and report to Court the following mat- ters of account, to wit:

    First: A statement showing the liens,U|>on the lauds of (he defend- ant John P. Varner, with their re- spective legai dignities and priori- ties.

    Second:_ What laud the said John P. Vuriier owns in this coun- ty subject to said liens.

    Third: Whether or not the lands of the said John P. Varner will rent in five years for a sum sufficient to pay said liens.

    Fourth: Any othei matter, Ac.

    At which lime aud plaoe air par- lies in interest may utleud.

    Given under my bind this 6th day of July, 1898. ,

    W. A. BKATTON, Commissioner.


    To all persons holding liens, hv judgment or otherwise, on the real estate or any part -thereof of JfiTin P. Varner.

    In pursuance of an order of the Circuit Court of Pocahontas Con'i- ty, rendered in a cause therein l>endiug to subject the real estate of the said John P. Varner to the satisfaction of the liens thereon, you are hereby required fd .present ad claims held by- you and each ot you ag.iiust the said John P. Var- ner, which are liens on his r.-al es- tate or any part of it. for adjudica- tion to me. at my office in the town of MariiliN'n. West Virginia, on or before the loth day of August, 1898.

    (iiven under my hand this 6th day of July, 1898

    W. A. BRATTON, Commissioner;







    Shop - Made Tin Ware Always on Hand.


    Work Done, on Sliort -Notioe.

    Call or writ.! to,


    Trustee's Sale

    1 TMl

    enhontns Confederate soldiers wns bestowed upon a Green Bank vol- unteer.

    A Freak of Nature.

    In passing recently over the road between Huntersville and Dun- more many thousands of trees were

    fond of: passed, presenting a great variety relating incidents" of bis life there, i" form, kind and proportions, and

    Dental Notice.

    Dr O. J. Campbell will visit the following points on dates named:

    Hillsboro... .8th July, eight days. Huntersville.. 16th July, six days. Frost 23d July, four days. Dunmore 28th July, six days. Green Bank, 4th August, six days. Trav. Repose, 11th Aug. four days.

    Strayed--Fifteen or 20 eves and lambs, bought of Levi Gay, having his mark, £ crop each ear and branded with tar on beck or side with a ring. Lambs marked ■lit iu under tide eaoh ear. I will be thankful to know of them, or will pay fur any trouble that will enable me-to secure them.

    JOHN Linos. - ^ *• - .

    Ho-Ta-Baa fa* fifty Crau. Guaouiiead tobacco bat.lt cult. maua> week

    MM swvaf, Mood pun. Ms, HVAll drumnM*

    slid those who are well read in na- val affairs find nothing in his de- scription to discredit the state- ment. He has cherished two mur- derous pistols, and was indicted in two cases for currying such wea- pons.

    The County Institute.

    The Teachers' Institute will be held at Marlinton, August 8, 1898, at 10-30 A. M. and will continue five days.

    The law states explicitly that ev- ery teacher shall attend a county institute nt least five full days, or have /in excuse for not attending. Teaobers will only get credit for the actual time they are in atten- dance. Trustees violate the lnw if

    yet but one tree attracted special notice and examination: a small white oak perhaps five or six inches in diameter and twenty or thirty feet in height. Sometime it had been bent double and partially bro- ken. Some eighteen or twenty inches below the curvature a shoot put forth that erew reversely to the rest of the limbs on that part of the tree, oud seemed to have ab- sorbed all the vitality beyond it and so the top decayed and dropped oft-just beyond this shoot. Now there is a curious triple convolu- tion or contortion that is suggest, ive of the long and persistent effort to regain its normal posture.

    Persons troubled with diarrhoea will lie interested In the experience

    they employ a teacher who has uotj of Mr VV. M. Bush, clerk of llotel 0 certificate of attendance for five ; Dominee, Providence. It. 1. He days at an institute held in this j says: "For several years I have State since June I, 1898. .or have! been almost 11 constant sufferer an excuse for non - attendance, bom diarrhoea, the frequent af- properly signed by the Board •»laim-d In tho Mnrlin Hanil Knok for ahoaMrr*. It obu telU how to care fur (■arms and low to H»B IIIMII. HOW to loud

    cnfrt'lvf, with Ilia different Mad*of black ai.d f fiu.'kel'.M powder*. It plve» traj«etoiten, re- t locl'lpn. ;'..•;• trjtiotu and krt) other point* of ; t;iterc,t to ngioruman. 1* mint*. Free, If yoa ) will whtl K'nuipn f-ir pnata?u to ■   taa mUU rnuaam 00.. Raw mawta, Coa*.


    SSaiOHT r»Hlr»AID.

    Vn-thicxtvla B«w high arm KWIDW machine with aU attach- ment! war-

    floated toyeara. If Stchinefanot sit-

    ■ctorylnsodaj-s money will be re- fwnded. Send cash with order. Dc- •criptiTe circular sent on applica- tion.


    iJwtli&iiT cbUEEUII IISTITITI. fklderaon.'VN.Va.


    Full Academic and Collegiate Course. Thorough instructions in Mathematics, English, Latin, and Greek, Kieneb, Ct'imau, Sciences, ti'C Special advantages in Music, — Vocal, Piano, and Guitar,—and in Art. Also Commercial and Stenography.

    For Catalogue and full informa- tion address

    W. 8. ANDEB80N, 8w Principal.


    THE «


    But do n't forget that the Golden Store has reduced the prices on CALICO from 6cts to 3 l-2c. This seasons purchase, Standard make, and handsome patterns.

    Do. n't overlook the fact that the Golden Store can do more for you than other stores in giving good quality for the-least money



    To all parties holding liens by jndg< ment or otherwise on the real es fate, or uny purt thereof, dl' J. T. Hogsett:

    In pursuance of a decree of the Circuit court of Pomihootaa county made iu a cause therein pending to subject the real estate Of the mini J. T. Hogsett to ilie satisfaction of the liens thereon, you are hereby required to present all claims held by you and eacli of yon against the saitt J. T. Hogsett, winch are liens on his real estate or any part of it, for adjudication tome at my office in the town of Marlinton, Poeahon- tas conntv. West VirjrmJ '.on or lie fore the 8th day of August. 1808.

    Olven under my hand this 8tlTt day of Jnlv, 1898.

    Ml WOTT, Jr., Couiujimiloner In Chaucery


    THE LEADING FEMALE SEMINARY IN WEST VIRGINIA. Collegiate, Academic, a,nd Preparatory Depart-

    ments. Classical, Scientific, Music, and Art. Best of Fare. Hot and Cold Baths.

    Rooms Carpeted. Gives a, Thor- ^ ough Christian Education.

    TESTIMONY. REV H. O. GUBHRANT-.-D. D., of Kentucky:

    '•A good Female School is a public blessing, and among many no- ble institutions I do not know n better one than the one presided »*uF-b3[ ??v R h Telford •» lewisburg. W. H. It is Christian, Biblical, thorough, and attractive making not only finished schol- ars but lovely Christian charaterV It is good enough to educate my own daughter, and I take pleasure in commending it to my friends.'

    RHV M- li IiACY, D. D , of West Virginia: "I honestly believe ft is the very beat school of which I have any


    HOfi JOHN W. WeCRHHRY, of the State Senate^W. Va.: ''Having hod two daughters at the Lewisburg Female Insti-

    tute, under the management of Eev It. L Telford, it affords me pleasure to say that I regard the achooi m one of the beet in tho country.'

    DR 0. M. POYfaTZ. of Richmond, Ky.: "Bar ly indeed does one have the opportunity of placing their

    daughters in so good an institution of learning as the one presided over by Rev R. I. Telford, at l.«wiaburg. Anvway, it has been Eod enough for me. My daughter has bseu cared for aa if she had

    an a member or the family.,r

    RHV D. S. SYDHNSTRICKHR, D. D># Hillsboro, W. Va.: * "Having been a patron of the lewiabura Female Institute for two

    year*, 1 can nincereiy commend ft to the attention and patronage of all who desire to have their daughters ffua-oughly trained ia mind and heart. The course of instruction is thorough and honest No half-way work i» dene. The refining and elevating Christian influ- ence* thrown around the pupils are most excellent."


    , 8^SSJe"B Th?»»*»»d ': ollars expanded during the last five vears in additions and Improve jienta. -"/•«■ 

    Send for Illustrated catalogue to

    flev l h, lEiofOHD, Iterxiisbarg, % U