1 R&O :$1Ojl' - Comunidad de Madrid

*t_ I:$ 1Oj l:' 979 1 809 53 864 5 537 147 357 7,752 447 2,769 39 1 6,537 695 39 450 473 634 205 1,026 5 326 25 368 1,487 447 1,338 380 138 305 6 622 18 769 85 343 38 464 16 500 6 384 426 788 79 55 1 7 396 11 438 122 543 36 597 56 813 lO 571 42 598 66 436 102 382 84 465 11 696 37 344 42 451 129 609 127 344 2 321 432 442 68 323 171 553 18 415 967 466 117 622 103 474 1,264 408 12 399 2,840 509 44 483 54 465 115 563 118 612 242 497 19 538 27 673 12 384 8,037 518 128 399 50 485 555 643 8 1,115 6 690 3 374 6,285 481 117 497 103 691 249 434 O 868 4 667 2 625 115 604 442 362 8,164 427 78 756 19 756 29 769 O 520 96,464 422 983 686 118 420 269 380 538 602 121 412 130 541 91 550 8 S07 96 O 101 16 360 -799 637 561 85 370 594 6 - 16 94 126 374 -3 38 ISO 8 13 5 -56 125 7 -18 458 12 29 13 82 -4 60 75 -12 14 6 21 186 -1 224 198 -29 35 464 156 86 1,024 2 -311 137 88 -11 359 321 -21 19 4 3,559 -33 -12 647 -1 3 3 889 269 180 230 8 lO O 78 202 -842 11 11 9 -6 -23,931 1,462 173 750 -30 6 52 136 18 75 976 .6 1,469 .0 1156.1 1235.9 1376.6 1,914.0 1376 .6 1277 .1 1,913 .0 1675 .6 1078 .1 1327 .9 1363. 3 1,280.0 1563. 5 1152.2 1468.8 1659.7 1,046 .0 1182.6 985.1 2366.5 1592.6 1101.2 977. 9 1545 .2 1357.5 1237.8 1458.4 1409.8 1085.7 1414.6 1268 .1 1007 .2 1137.8 1221.2 1019.7 1453.4 1155.5 1179.6 1171 .4 1232.2 2009.5 1798.8 1510.7 1573.7 1071.4 1299.6 1,612.0 1090.6 1389 .7 1368 .2 1469 .7 1673 .7 1127 .8 1231 .5 1.257.0 1212 .8 1447 .9 1072 .2 1817 .8 1033 .8 1111.9 1154.9 1329 .6 1575.6 130 1.3 1484.1 1007.9 1186.6 993.4 1921. 1 1092.4 1270.2 1222.1 1313.8 1032.8 972 .5 1713.6 2327.4 1588.5 1302 .8 1271.9 1369 .8 1283.1 1557.4 1157.8 1313.2 2.1 92.7 6.5 180.6 1,868 .1 1,914 .4 4,272.1 25.3 355 .6 462.2 11.7 27.4 192.3 373.5 145.7 3.2 33.8 97.6 47.7 11.9 7.0 400 .7 67.8 5.9 10.8 89.0 53.0 23.9 30.6 67.7 47.2 63.1 41.4 8.7 21.1 126.0 27.5 148.8 8.0 260.8 112.5 48.2 16.9 134.6 119.7 160.7 1,482 .8 14.1 6,144.3 109.1 48.6 33.3 69.4 137.3 13.2 24.0 17.0 4,327.1 101.6 23.6 292 .2 8.1 9.5 5.0 1,832.0 234.7 43.4 144.8 3.1 6.6 3.3 110.8 449.0 4,017.7 64.4 7.6 12.2 3.1 4,756.5 1,08 1.6 26.2 133.6 882.9 61.6 70.6 157.3 8.2 85.6 47 1,817 162 4,028 163,831 86.146 143,970 1,308 13,476 5,824 303 592 38 ,680 29,767 3,017 95 730 2,878 1,131 343 100 18,914 2,685 147 480 4,35 4 1,404 1,371 432 1,517 2,249 2,235 2,555 458 1,005 668 1,854 5,328 96 12,934 2,339 5,5 10 653 29,682 3,795 3,631 39 ,295 365 73,732 1,397 1,235 3,656 3,041 9,444 1,04 7 677 538 167,458 3,372 1,432 18,995 322 227 lOO 143.629 4,083 2.646 8,25 1 53 136 81 5,017 8,756 173, 163 2,838 442 628 26 2,88 1,506 41,642 3,363 4,689 15,186 3,495 3,552 3,084 262 2,680 Acebeda (La) AjaMr Alamedadel Valle Atamo (EQ Alcaláde Henares Atcobendas Atco<d>n Aldeadel Fresno Atgete Alpedrete Ambite Anchuelo Aranjuez Argandadel Rey ArroYómolinos Atazar(EI) Batres Becerrilde la Sierra Belmonte de Tajo Berrueco (En Berzosadel lozoy a Boadilla del Monte 8oaJo (El) Braojos Brea de Tajo Brunete Buitrago dellozoya Bustarviejo Cabanillas de la Sierra Cabrera (la) Cadalso de losVidrios Camarmade Esteruelas Campo Real Canencia Carabaña Casarrubuelos Cenicientos Cercedilla Cerverade Buitrago Ciempozuelos Cobeña Colmenarde Oreja Colmenardel Arroyo ColmenarViejo Cofmenarejo ColladoMediano ColladoVillalba Corpa Costada Cubas Chapineria Chinchón Daganzode Arriba Escorial (El) Estremera Fresnedillas Fresnode Torote Fuenlabrada Fuente el Saz de Jarama Fuentidueña de Tajo GaJapagar Gargantade los Montes Gargantilladel l ozoya Gascones Getafe Griñón Guadalix de la Sierra Guadarrama Hiruel a (la) Horcajode la Sierra Horceluelode la Sierra Hoyo de Manzanares Humanesde Madrid leganés l oeches l ozoya Lozoy uela-Navas -Sieteiqlesiee Madarcos Madrid Majadahonda Manzanares 8 Real Meco Mejorada del Campo Miraflores de la Sierra Motar (El) Molinos(l os) Montejode la Sierra Moralejade Enmeno MiWi¡.jlioi. Ú@@ I Data by municipalitV Population Population Net Telephone Registered density di sposable migration lines unemployment i ncome (perIlOOIOhab.) 31 March percepita (000 pis) 1998 1998 1997(P) 1998(P) 1998 2000 35 26 40 17.8 11). 4.1 111 European Union (15) 3,231,000 52 32 16 25,2 6,6 Spain 505,992 DIFUSiÓN ESTADíSTICA REGION OF MADRID DATA GUIDE Region 01 Madrid Territory and weather Instituto de Estadística CONS EJERIA DE PRESIDEN CIA Y HACIENDA Comunidad de Madrid Surlace area (Km 2 ) ..... .. ••,•••••,,,,•• 8,028 By use: Agriculturai (%) , ,',.. 34 Woodland (%) ," ' ,. 42 Others areas (%) 34 Maximun average monthly temperature (' C) , , 20.1 Minimun average monthly temperature (' C) 8,1 (1JUE 12(1 993) -- (13.08%) r I2. 3O %) r (7.27%) Limites liability companies (18.15%) Others (15.18%) Energyandwater supplyand metallurgy ChemiCalirldustry Melal produets andmach inery Transport supplies ()therrnanulactumg n:lllSlries Limites liability companies (25.32 %) - (10.58 %) _ (11.14%) 2.000.000 _ Others (7.58%) 1.000.000 o' r (0.84% ) r- (11.18%) 4 .(XXJ .(XXJ _ Directory of establishments. 1998 Business services. 1996 Foreign trade. 1998 Comunidad de Madrid CONSEJERIA DE PRESIDENCIA Y HACIENDA Instituto de Estadistica 6.(XXJ ,(XXJ • 3 .(XXJ .(XXJ _ 5.(XXJ .(XXJ - Photogaphic labcrator íesRecruitment servíces Other professiona l servíces_1 Statist ics and market resean:h __ R &O _. Othe<techn ical services _. Industrial and ottice clean ing__ Securityand private 'westigation __ Consunancy and accoontancy _ Compute<services Archrtectureand eng ineering _ Advertising _ Legatcounset _ o ro ro 100 lro 1ro (OOO) -. Sole trades (45.08%) Econom ic activ ity units 208,326 Employed 1,474,682 Establishments by legal status/Compa ny Employees by Company type type Not known (3.35%) Gross added value at facto r cost Foreign trade by groups of activity Moralzarzal 4.149 97.4 1610.3 196 622 170 Moralade Tajuña 5,412 119.7 1165 .1 13 339 230 Mósloles 195.311 4.302.0 1302.3 -1,442 343 9.863 Navacerada 1,741 53.6 1584 .9 5 815 38 Navalafuente 481 40.8 1485.1 18 846 13 Navalagamella 994 13.1 1275 .6 16 509 32 Navalcarnero 11,458 114.4 1250.1 439 414 566 Navarredonda y San Mamés 96 3.5 1026.1 9 854 3 Navas del Rey 1,SOl 29.5 1156.1 53 444 46 NuevoBaztan 2,743 135.8 1650.3 291 651 96 Olmeda de las Fuentes 146 8.8 1451.8 6 712 7 Orusco 650 30.2 1083.5 20 671 21 Para cuellos de Jarama 5.557 126.6 1793.7 20 540 135 Parla 71,396 2,914.1 llSO .2 -115 329 3,475 Patones 362 10.5 1218.6 14 472 9 Pedrezuela 1,274 45.0 1576.8 60 628 53 Pe/ayosde la Presa 1,277 168.0 1,24 1.0 71 997 64 Peralesde Tajuña 2,024 41.4 1127.9 6 429 62 ?ezue/ade las Torres 524 12.7 1117.4 -18 647 22 Pinilladel Valle 163 6.3 1161 .8 O 601 6 Pinto 26,316 419.7 1358 .1 541 415 862 Piñuécar·Gandullas 157 8.6 1162.9 3 529 7 Pozuelo de A1arcón 62 ,010 1,435.4 2562 .8 1,356 439 1,282 Pozuelo del Rey 236 7.6 1,180 .0 -7 458 5 Prádena del Rincón l OO 4.4 110 1.8 -3 5SO 3 Puebla de la Sierra 77 1.3 1086 .8 4 312 5 Puentes Viejas 412 7.1 118 1.8 O 575 14 Quijorna 890 34 .6 1275.3 84 469 24 Rascafría 1,404 9.3 1377.2 18 610 34 Redueña 159 12.3 1214 .9 -6 421 4 Ribatejada 335 10.5 1319.2 25 913 9 Bivas -Vaciamadrtd 24,777 367.6 1736.5 2,073 425 954 Robledillo de la Jara 78 3.8 1275.4 5 705 5 Robledo de Chavela 2.014 21.7 1,233.0 92 753 55 Robregordo 86 4.8 1.090.0 -5 1,128 1 Rozas de Madrid (las) 47.922 822.0 2378.3 1,60 7 480 1,160 Rozas de Puerto Real 306 10.1 1112.5 - 18 908 26 San Agustín del Guadalix 5.307 138.6 1964 .1 245 504 153 San Fernando de Henares 31.677 793.9 1351.9 543 468 1,165 San Lorenzo de El Escorial 10.995 194.9 1571.4 384 545 315 San Martín de la Vega 6.034 57.0 1190.7 241 608 340 San Martín de Va ldeigleslas 9.861 83.6 1196.2 68 296 317 San Sebastiánde los Reyes 57.791 984.5 1576.3 -" 3 425 2,037 Santa M aria de la Alameda 770 10.3 1097.9 51 864 11 Santo rcaz 557 19.9 1158.2 11 524 22 Santosde la Humosa (los) 898 25.7 1170.7 99 451 36 Serna del Monte(la) 100 18.5 1057,1 10 630 6 Serranillos del valle 778 58.5 1305.8 36 577 37 Sevila la Nueva 2.936 117.0 1447 .7 300 486 112 Somosie<Ta 93 4.6 1175.7 3 538 4 Sotodel Real 4.368 101.1 1744.9 390 706 148 Talamanca de Jarama 1,356 34.4 1389.6 37 584 30 Telmes 1,974 73.4 1087.8 -54 342 SO Trtuk:ia 962 97.2 1145.2 O 351 39 Torrejón de Ardoz 9 1,186 2,797 .1 1332.4 242 378 3,787 Torrejón de la Calzada 1,608 178.7 1226 .1 351 1,037 167 Torrejón de Velasco 3.608 69.0 1398.9 73 192 66 T orreIaguna 2,558 58.9 1315.4 13 422 83 Torreloclones 11,100 506.8 2,260 .0 897 475 294 Torremocha de Jarama 341 18.4 1035.5 9 522 12 Torresde la Alameda 4,131 94.3 1,269.0 103 354 231 TresCantos 30 ,970 815.0 2157 .9 1,448 S07 909 Valdaracete 640 10.0 995 .7 -20 388 21 Valdeavero 553 29.4 1335.3 23 425 9 Vak:lelaguna 524 12.4 1123.2 11 559 17 Valdemanco 518 29.4 1269.8 -1 548 14 Valdemaqueda 561 10.7 1,067.0 -10 649 17 Vald emori llo 4,722 SO.4 1719.9 325 718 126 Valdemoro 23.146 360.5 1331.9 1,754 445 1,171 Valdeolmos-Alalpardo 1,661 62.0 2074.4 52 423 46 Valdepiélagos 310 17.6 1123.9 2 435 4 Valdetorresde Jarama 1,738 51.9 1279.6 116 551 63 Valdilecha 1,833 43.1 1162.5 10 403 60 Valverde de Alcalá 266 19.7 1.210 .0 O 455 10 Velill a de San Antonio 5,137 356 .7 1456.9 647 441 212 Vellón (El) 1,072 31.4 1208.8 19 461 29 Venturada 639 65.2 1.990 .0 61 989 29 Villa del Prado 3,809 48 .6 1021.8 52 503 159 Vi tlaconejos 2,850 86.4 1171.7 2 343 130 Villalbi lla 3,524 101.8 1,836.0 483 584 174 Vi llamanrique de Tajo 602 20.5 1040.1 12 463 15 V illamanta 1,485 23.5 1219.7 40 SOl 69 Villamanti lla 345 14.4 1171.5 -2 478 14 Villanuevade la Cañada 9,124 261.4 1495.1 641 419 187 Villanuevade Perales 430 13.8 2332 .7 47 563 25 VillanuevadelPardillo 3,412 134.9 1108.9 491 461 111 Villardel Olmo 1,168 42 .3 1559.7 119 525 33 Villarejo de Satvanés 5,435 45 .8 1145.8 85 345 188 Villaviciosa de Odón 17,853 262 .2 1893.7 552 434 471 Villaviejadel l ozoya 172 7.2 1113.9 -8 523 6 Zarzaleic 1,028 49 .9 1219.3 -7 574 47 I Data by municipalitv Population P opulation Net Tele phone Regi stered deflsíly dispo sable m igration l ines unemplo yment OnhabJkm2) income (per110O inhab.) 31 March pe-capta ( lIOO ptsl 1998 1998 1997 (PI 1998(P) 1998 2000

Transcript of 1 R&O :$1Ojl' - Comunidad de Madrid

Page 1: 1 R&O :$1Ojl' - Comunidad de Madrid

*t_ I:$1Oj l:'

979 1809 53864 5537 147357 7,752447 2,769391 6,537695 39450 473634 205

1,026 5326 25368 1,487447 1,338380 138305 6622 18769 85343 38464 16500 6384 426788 7955 1 7396 11438 122543 36597 56813 lO571 42598 66436 102382 84465 11696 37344 42451 129609 127344 2321 432442 68323 171553 18415 967466 117622 103474 1,264408 12399 2,840509 44483 54465 115563 118612 242497 19538 27673 12384 8,037518 128399 50485 555643 8

1,115 6690 3374 6,285481 117497 103691 249434 O868 4667 2625 115604 442362 8,164427 78756 19756 29769 O520 96,464422 983686 118420 269380 538602 121412 130541 91550 8S07 96































976 .61,469 .01156.11235.91376.61,914.01376 .61277 .1

1,913 .01675 .61078 .11327 .91363.31,280.01563.51152.21468.81659.7

1,046 .01182.6985 .1


1545 .21357.51237.81458.41409.81085.71414.61268 .11007.21137.81221.21019.71453 .41155.51179.61171.41232.22009.51798.81510.71573.71071.41299.61,612.01090.61389 .71368 .21469 .71673 .71127 .81231 .51.257.01212 .81447 .91072 .21817 .81033 .81111.91154.91329 .61575.6130 1.31484.11007.91186.6993.4

1921.11092.41270.21222.11313.81032.8972 .5




1,868 .11,914 .44,272.1

25.3355 .6462.2




400 .767.8








1,482 .814.1




292 .






















4,35 41,4041,371












143.6294,0832.6468,25 1



173, 1632,838


262,88 1,506




Acebeda (La)AjaMrAlamedadel ValleAtamo (EQAlcaláde HenaresAtcobendasAtco<d>nAldeadel FresnoAtgeteAlpedreteAmbiteAnchueloAranjuezArgandadel ReyArroYómolinosAtazar(EI)BatresBecerrilde la SierraBelmonte de TajoBerrueco (EnBerzosadel lozoyaBoadilla del Monte8oaJo (El)BraojosBrea de TajoBruneteBuitrago dellozoyaBustarviejoCabanillas de la SierraCabrera (la)Cadalso de losVidriosCamarmade EsteruelasCampo RealCanenciaCarabañaCasarrubuelosCenicientosCercedillaCerverade BuitragoCiempozuelosCobeñaColmenarde OrejaColmenardel ArroyoColmenarViejoCofmenarejoColladoMedianoColladoVillalbaCorpaCostadaCubasChapineriaChinchónDaganzode ArribaEscorial (El)EstremeraFresnedillasFresnode ToroteFuenlabradaFuente el Saz de JaramaFuentidueña de TajoGaJapagarGargantade los MontesGargantilladel l ozoyaGasconesGetafeGriñónGuadalix de la SierraGuadarramaHiruela (la)Horcajo de la SierraHorceluelode la SierraHoyo de ManzanaresHumanesde Madridleganésl oechesl ozoyaLozoy uela-Navas -Sie teiqlesieeMadarcosMadridMajadahondaManzanares 8 RealMecoMejorada del CampoMiraflores de la SierraMotar (El)Molinos(l os)Montejode la SierraMoralejade Enmeno


I Data by municipalitVPopulation Population Fam i~ Net Telephone Registered

density disposable migration lines unemployment(~habJkm2) income (perIlOOIOhab.) 31 March

percepita(000 pis)

1998 1998 1997(P) 1998(P) 1998 2000


17.8 11) .4.1 111

EuropeanUnion (15)








Region01 Madrid

Territory and weather

Instituto de Estadística


Comunidad de Madrid

Surlace area (Km2) . . . . . .. • • , • • • • • , , , , • • 8,028By use:

Agriculturai (%) , ,',.. 34Woodland (%) , " ' ,. 42Others areas (%) 34

Maximun average monthl y temperature (' C) , , 20.1Minimun average month ly temperature (' C) 8,1

(1JUE 12(1 993)

-- (13.08%)

~ (11 .26%)

rI2.3O%)r (7.27%)




• Ag ricu~uralandfishery produets

Energyandwater supplyandmetallurgy


• Melal produets andmachinery

. E~ and electi'Ol1ical sup. anct 9Quip.

• Transport supplies

• ()therrnanulactumg n:lllSlries



- (10.58%)

_ (11.14%)

2.000.000 _

Others (7.58%)


o 'r (0.84% )r- (11.18%)

4.(XXJ.(XXJ _

Directory of establishments. 1998

Business services. 1996

Foreign trade. 1998


Instituto de Estadistica

6.(XXJ,(XXJ •

3 .(XXJ.(XXJ _


Photogaphic labcrator íes•

Recruitment servíces •Other professional servíces_1

Statist ics and market resean:h __R&O _ .Othe<techn ical services_.

Industrial and ottice cleaning__

Securityand private 'westigation__•Consunancy and accoontancy _

Compute<services •

Archrtectureand eng ineering _Advertising _

Legatcounset _

o ro ~ ro ~ 100 lro 1~ 1ro(OOO)-.

Sole trades(45.08%)

Economic activ ity units 208,326Employed 1,474,682

Establishments by legal status/Company Employees by Company typetype

Not known (3.35% )

Gross added value at facto r cost

Foreign trade by groups of activity

Moralzarzal 4.149 97.4 1610.3 196 622 170Moralade Tajuña 5,412 119.7 1165 .1 13 339 230Mósloles 195.311 4.302.0 1302.3 -1,442 343 9.863Navacerada 1,741 53.6 1584 .9 5 815 38Navalafuente 481 40.8 1485.1 18 846 13Navalagamella 994 13.1 1275 .6 16 509 32Navalcarnero 11,458 114.4 1250.1 439 414 566Navarredonda y San Mamés 96 3.5 1026.1 9 854 3Navas del Rey 1,SOl 29.5 1156.1 53 444 46NuevoBaztan 2,743 135.8 1650.3 291 651 96Olmeda de las Fuentes 146 8.8 1451.8 6 712 7Orusco 650 30.2 1083.5 20 671 21Paracuellos de Jarama 5.557 126.6 1793.7 20 540 135Parla 71,396 2,914.1 llSO .2 -115 329 3,475Patones 362 10.5 1218.6 14 472 9Pedrezuela 1,274 45.0 1576.8 60 628 53Pe/ayosde la Presa 1,277 168.0 1,24 1.0 71 997 64Peralesde Tajuña 2,024 41.4 1127.9 6 429 62?ezue/ade las Torres 524 12.7 1117.4 -18 647 22Pinilladel Valle 163 6.3 1161.8 O 601 6Pinto 26,316 419.7 1358 .1 541 415 862Piñuécar·Gandullas 157 8.6 1162.9 3 529 7Pozuelo de A1arcón 62,010 1,435.4 2562 .8 1,356 439 1,282Pozuelo del Rey 236 7.6 1,180 .0 -7 458 5Prádena del Rincón lOO 4.4 1101.8 -3 5SO 3Puebla de la Sierra 77 1.3 1086 .8 4 312 5Puentes Viejas 412 7.1 1181.8 O 575 14Quijorna 890 34.6 1275.3 84 469 24Rascafría 1,404 9.3 1377.2 18 610 34Redueña 159 12.3 1214 .9 -6 421 4Ribatejada 335 10.5 1319.2 25 913 9Bivas-Vaciamadrtd 24,777 367.6 1736.5 2,073 425 954Robledillo de la Jara 78 3.8 1275.4 5 705 5Robledo de Chavela 2.014 21.7 1,233.0 92 753 55Robregordo 86 4.8 1.090.0 -5 1,128 1Rozas de Madrid (las) 47.922 822.0 2378.3 1,607 480 1,160Rozas de Puerto Real 306 10.1 1112.5 -18 908 26San Agustín del Guadalix 5.307 138.6 1964 .1 245 504 153San Fernando de Henares 31.677 793.9 1351.9 543 468 1,165SanLorenzo de El Escorial 10.995 194.9 1571.4 384 545 315San Martín de la Vega 6.034 57.0 1190.7 241 608 340San Martín de Valdeigleslas 9.861 83.6 1196.2 68 296 317San Sebastiánde los Reyes 57.791 984.5 1576.3 -" 3 425 2,037Santa Maria de la Alameda 770 10.3 1097.9 51 864 11Santo rcaz 557 19.9 1158.2 11 524 22Santosde la Humosa (los) 898 25.7 1170.7 99 451 36Sernadel Monte(la) 100 18.5 1057,1 10 630 6Serranillos del valle 778 58.5 1305.8 36 577 37Sevilla la Nueva 2.936 117.0 1447 .7 300 486 112Somosie<Ta 93 4.6 1175.7 3 538 4Sotodel Real 4.368 101.1 1744.9 390 706 148Talamancade Jarama 1,356 34.4 1389.6 37 584 30Telmes 1,974 73.4 1087.8 -54 342 SOTrtuk:ia 962 97.2 1145.2 O 351 39Torrejón de Ardoz 91,186 2,797 .1 1332.4 242 378 3,787Torrejón de la Calzada 1,608 178.7 1226 .1 351 1,037 167Torrejón de Velasco 3.608 69.0 1398.9 73 192 66TorreIaguna 2,558 58.9 1315.4 13 422 83Torreloclones 11,100 506.8 2,260 .0 897 475 294Torremocha de Jarama 341 18.4 1035.5 9 522 12Torresde la Alameda 4,131 94.3 1,269.0 103 354 231TresCantos 30,970 815.0 2157 .9 1,448 S07 909Valdaracete 640 10.0 995 .7 -20 388 21Valdeavero 553 29.4 1335.3 23 425 9Vak:lelaguna 524 12.4 1123.2 11 559 17Valdemanco 518 29.4 1269.8 -1 548 14Valdemaqueda 561 10.7 1,067.0 -10 649 17Valdemorillo 4,722 SO.4 1719.9 325 718 126Valdemoro 23.146 360.5 1331.9 1,754 445 1,171Valdeolmos-Alalpardo 1,661 62.0 2074.4 52 423 46Valdepiélagos 310 17.6 1123.9 2 435 4Valdetorresde Jarama 1,738 51.9 1279.6 116 551 63Valdilecha 1,833 43.1 1162.5 10 403 60Valverde de Alcalá 266 19.7 1.210 .0 O 455 10Velilla de San Antonio 5,137 356 .7 1456.9 647 441 212Vellón (El) 1,072 31.4 1208.8 19 461 29Venturada 639 65.2 1.990 .0 61 989 29Villadel Prado 3,809 48 .6 1021.8 52 503 159Vitlaconejos 2,850 86.4 1171.7 2 343 130Villalbilla 3,524 101.8 1,836.0 483 584 174Villamanrique de Tajo 602 20.5 1040.1 12 463 15Villamanta 1,485 23.5 1219.7 40 SOl 69Villamantilla 345 14.4 1171.5 -2 478 14Villanuevade la Cañada 9,124 261.4 1495.1 641 419 187Villanuevade Perales 430 13.8 2332.7 47 563 25Villanuevadel Pardillo 3,412 134.9 1108.9 491 461 111Villardel Olmo 1,168 42 .3 1559.7 119 525 33Villarejo de Satvanés 5,435 45 .8 1145.8 85 345 188Villaviciosa de Odón 17,853 262 .2 1893.7 552 434 471Villaviejadel l ozoya 172 7.2 1113.9 -8 523 6Zarzaleic 1,028 49 .9 1219.3 -7 574 47

I Data by municipalitvPopulation Population Faml~ Net Telephone Registered

deflsíly disposable migration lines unemploymentOnhabJkm2) income (per110O inhab.) 31 March

pe-capta(lIOO ptsl

1998 1998 1997 (PI 1998(P) 1998 2000

Page 2: 1 R&O :$1Ojl' - Comunidad de Madrid

Population Population pyramid of the Region of Madrid. 1996 Madrid Regional Parliament. 1999 - Transports and communications. 1999




3,246.8 1.3993.4 1.6

1,041.8 5.8160.0 1.8



Spain %Madrid/Spain

Spain %Madrid/Spain

Spain %Madrid/Spain

6,013 3.010,216 10.41,246 1.9

1,038,595 4.1260,426 8.1655,909 2.6

45,781.8 11.025,582.9 11.020,198.9 11.1

178,355.8 5.566,552.4 7.7

111,803.3 4.3



163,768 2.1

9,649 6.93,604,972 10.9

16,847,397 15.9

• MetaIuryy, Nan-metaJ Ind" Chemicallnd.

Metal produc1s andMadtinefy

• E\m¡j"'_~'" ms;m~


85.0 6,065.0 1.4196.0 23,751.0 0.863.0 21,784.0 0.328.0 2,725.0 1.0

86.0 5,838.0 1.512.0 326.0 3.7









Regionof Madrid

_ (13.40%)


Industry. 1998 (forecast)

Regionof Madrid

(1) Data refered to 1997

Industrial secto r main figures

(42.74%) --....

Infrastructure, vis ito rs and overnight stays

Heads (000)Cattle ..Sheep ..Pig ..Goat ..Milk (millions of litres) ('(

Cow's milk ..Sheep's milk ..

Potato ..Melon ..Lettuce ..Garlic ..Liverstock farming. main species

Thousands of tonnes

Establishments ..Employees (annual average) ..Staft cost (000 ptas.) ..Gross Product ion (000 ptas.) ..Added value at factor cost (000 ptas.) .

Gross added value at factor cost breakdown__ (16.96%)

(1) Data referedto 1998

Communicat ions

Regionof Madrid

Road network (Km) (1) ..

Highways, motorways and dualcarriageways (Km) (' ) 670

Number of trucks 391,951Number of cars 2,682,926Passenger traffic (OOO)Rail (RENFE) .

Air .Domestic ..International ..

Telephone Iines installed (000) ..ISDN access (Integrated Servicies Digital Network)

Installed .In service ..

EstablishmentsHotels .Hostals .Campings ..

Places availableHotels .Hostals ..Campings ..

Number of visitors (000) (1) ..

Spaniards ..Foreigners ..

Overnight stays (000) (1) .

Spaniards ..Foreigners ..

11I Data reteed lo 1998

Agricultural sector. 1998Region of Mad rid main arable crops compared with Spain


Spain% 1991

Region of Madrid


Spanish Parliament.Lower House.


Votes for Parties and coalitionsin the Region of Madrid

2,105,110 100.02,103,912 99.91,820,951 86.51,638,436 77.8

182,515 8.7282,961 13.4

1,198 0.1

1996 % 1996


Total housing by category .Family dwellings .

Occupied .Principal ..Secondary ..

Vacant.. ..Accomodation .







Millions ptas

• Women

• Men

"""­- Fft:rn 95to99-- Fft:rn90 to94-- Ftan85 toeg-- Fft:rn~10 8ol-

- F!trn 7Sto79-- Fton70to74-- F!tm 65to69-- F!an60to 64-- Ftcrn55to59-- Fn:mSOto 54-

- Ffan.t5to 49-- ÑOO140to ,u-

- F!t:rn3S1lI39-- m :lh )34-

- F!trn 25to29-- F!t:rn 201lI24-- ÑOOl~~to19-

- Fft:rnl01014-

- Fran5to9-- FrcmOto 4-

Economic data. 1999

De Jure Population. 1998

D Under 500

D 500-1,999

D 2,000-9,999

• 10,000-99,999

• 100,000 and +

250,1XXl 2OO,1XXl 150,00J 100.00) 50.00)

Macro-economic indicators. Region of Madrid (forescastl

Production at basic prices .Net taxes on products ..Intermediate consumption at purchase prices ..Gross added value at basic prices ..Other net taxes on production ..Gross added value at factor cost ..Wages and salaries ..Gross operat ing surplus ..Employed rn ..Employees (') ..Gross domestic product at market prices (GDP) .(1)(OOOJpeopie






74.6 (e) (')80.9 (e) (')


Spain(%) 1997

Spain 1995

10.7 (p)

284,400 (e)9.9 (p)5.0 (e)








25,337- (1)



Total Men Women

5,022,289 2,412,367 2,609,9222,866,850 1,338,558 1,528,2921,709,976 849,884 860,092

445,483 223,106 222,357




Region of Madrid



31.329.375.7 (1)

83.0 ("

1998 % over total

Regionof Madrid


Region of Madrid 1998(p)

Region of Madrid 1998 Spain 1998

Number Per 1,000 inhab. Per 1,000 inhab.

27,789 5.45 4.303,136 0.61 0.402,030 0.40 0.52

10,549 28.012,608 33.44,329 11.52,298 6.17,926 21.0



Region of Madrid %MadridlSpain

Students Teachers Establish. Students




Education, (Academic Year 1998-99)

1986 1991

Total Total


Birlh rate (per 1,000 inhabitants) .Average number of children per woman .Vegetative growth ..Death rate (per 1,000 inhabitants) .Marriage rate (per 1,000 inhabitants) .Average age, Husband ..

Wife ..Life expectancy, Men ..

Women ..

Physicians ..Dentists ..Veterinarians :. ..

In-patient health-care institutions

Region of Madrid Spain European

Annual average Total Men Women Union

Working population (000) .......... 2,227.8 1,317.1 910.6 16,422.9 171,687.0Employed (000) ........................... 1,936.0 1,191.0 745.0 13,817.4 155,498.0

Agriculture (%) ....................... 0.9 1.2 0.3 7.3 4.4Industry (%) ..................... ....... 16.9 21.0 10.4 20.1 33.2 (1)

Construction (%) ................... 8.8 13.6 1.3 10.6Services (%) ........................... 73.4 64.2 88.0 61.9 62.4

Unemployed (000) ...................... 291.8 126.2 165.7 2,605.4 15,940.0Activity rate (%) .......................... 53.0 65.7 41.5 50.2 55.9Unemployment rate (%) ............ 13.1 9.6 18.2 15.9 9.4Employment rate (%) ................. 46.1 59.5 34.0 42.3 50.6(1) Industry and Conslruction are inCtuded

Pre-schooVNursery Education .Primary Education (l) .

Secondary Education .Special Education .(l) lnOOredin Pre-schooI lNursey E<lucatiOn

Region of Madrid 4,780,572City of Madrid 3,058,182Metropolitan Area 1,409,601Other Towns 312,789


(1) Data ret ered 10 1997.

Tumours .Circulatory system ..Respiratory system ..Digestive system .Other causes .

Beds per 1,000 inhabitants ..Occupancy (%) ..Patient turnover per bed per year : ..Total staft per bed ..Healthcare staft per bed ..Operations per operating theatre ..

Number of deaths by major causes