1 Managing Stress: Todd Westerfeld, PsyD Broward Community College A Fact of Life.

1 Managing Stress: Todd Westerfeld, PsyD Broward Community College A Fact of Life
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Transcript of 1 Managing Stress: Todd Westerfeld, PsyD Broward Community College A Fact of Life.

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Managing Stress:

Todd Westerfeld, PsyD

Broward Community CollegeA Fact of Life

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Stress: An Introduction

• Stress is part of our everyday life. Living in a fast-paced, technological society with myriad demands upon our time, the majority of students can state: “I am stressed out.”

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Today’s Agenda:

What is stress?Where does stress come from?How can I tell when I am under stress?What are some of the ways stress affects my body, my mind, or my mood?

How can I better manage the stress in my life?

This workshop will cover the following topics

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What is Stress?

• In his 1974 book Stress Without Distress, Hans Selye defines stress as:

“… one’s reaction to life events … the nonspecific response of the body to any demand made upon it …”

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What is Stressful to You May Not be Stressful to Me!

• Our genetic and physical makeup, growing-up experiences, early life experiences with stressful events, and patterns of positive or negative thinking influences how we react to potentially stressful experiences.

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Give a Talk!

• If I ask you to prepare and present a program to 400 people--on a stage with a microphone--how would you react? With enthusiasm or with reservation or with fear? The exact same situation is energy-producing for one person and stressful to another.

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Types of Stress:

Eustress – Positive Stress

Distress – Negative Stress

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Where Does Stress Come From?





Love& Marriage


Choice ofMajor




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How Can I Know When I’m Under Stress?

• Physical symptoms of stress may include:

•stomach or GI upset•headaches•backaches•muscle tension•change in eating habits: lost of appetite or overeating

•restlessness/irritability• fatigue

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• Behavioral reactions to stress may include:

•decreased ability to concentrate•memory problems/forgetfulness•making more mistakes•clumsiness; being accident prone•increased illness•more frequent use of cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs•withdrawal from usual activities•sleep disturbance

How Can I Know When I’m Under Stress?

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• Psychological reactions to stress may include:

• increased anger•tearfulness•emotional outbursts•excessive fear•worry•confusion• increased anxiety•ruminative/obsessive thoughts•decreased self-confidence•depression

How Can I Know When I’m Under Stress?

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• Stress takes its toll on our bodies (stomachaches, headaches, backaches); on our interest in, productivity, and enjoyment of life and work; and may contribute to more serious conditions such as ulcers, high blood pressure, heart attack, or stroke.

How Can I Know When I’m Under Stress?

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When I know I am under stress, what can I do to manage it?

Select three of the following options to implement this week!

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•Exercise - regular, routine, and aerobic.•Support system - friends - community involvement.•Express yourself - talk it over with family, friends, counselors, clergy.

•Eat right - select a healthful diet high in fruits and vegetables. Reduce caffeine (2 1/2 cups of coffee doubles the epinephrine level). Consider comfort foods as appropriate.

•Deep muscle relaxation.

Stress Management Strategies:

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•Therapeutic massage.•Meditation may decrease your heart rate, lower your blood pressure, and reduce your oxygen consumption. It is considered a natural antidote to tension.

•Self-hypnosis•Rhythmic breathing--deep, slow, relaxed breathing•Maintain regular and consistent sleep patterns. Get enough sleep to wake up refreshed.

Stress Management Strategies continued...

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•Biofeedback techniques can help up to 80% of migraine headache sufferers. Acupuncture can also be effective.

•Prayer and religious commitment.•Develop your potential and special interests: sports, literature, music, dance, languages, technical skills, crafts.

•Vacations, mini-vacations, or mind vacations (where you sit quietly, close your eyes, and “go” to the mountains or seaside).

•Balance work and recreation.

Stress Management Strategies continued...

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•Be aware of natural surroundings, observe nature, spend time in nature.

•Decorate to de-stress your home. Limit large blocks of red or yellow.

•Learn the value of giving away. Visual clutter can lead to mental clutter.

• Identify goals and work toward them.

Stress Management Strategies continued...

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•Learn to be proactive, not reactive. Stop procrastinating.•Learn positive problem-solving techniques:

• delay gratification• take one step at a time--break problems into smaller parts.

•Take direct action to address stressful situations.•Minimize time spent with people who contribute to your psychological distress.

•Seek out people who contribute to your psychological health.

Stress Management Strategies continued...

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•Incorporate humor into your life.•Listen to music.•Put some energy into your appearance, your dress, hairstyle, or skin.

•Decrease negative thinking; increase positive thinking.•Monitor your anger level--strive to reduce your anger if necessary.

•Animals can help!

Stress Management Strategies continued...

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•Sit quietly for a few minutes each day.•Select a lifestyle that fits your psychological needs.

Stress Management Strategies continued...

From:Kathleen H. Staley, Ph.D.

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For more information on how to manage stress, call the BCC Advisement/Counseling Department at 954-201-8875 to schedule an appointment with one of our counselors. We can help you accurately identify the stressors in your life and assist you in taking action to reduce the stress.