1. + m,— *, +¦—*¦ i*, £**¦**.*¦* + — +' *¦ n, f i...

' iji n i u.,| I. n ii,ii,.<ibiii .j|.i i | i j i ' .i ' . i i 11iii ,,;;;,, i "i niivSi i n i a' ii'5 All Kinds of Furniture Upholstered j*nd Repaired I f' WILLIAM jf MATTHEWS. 'I' - j ; ' 20 Woodl! Ayenw« , 2 ' Tel; Patchogue 929 . "——-—™—~™rTriTmTrmviwiMumi[mwn—wntMm : ¦KAYNGBf o l ' ¦ FUNERAL SERVICE i Mark A, Crosier, JMgr. A COMMUNITY ; . INSTITUTION SINCE - 1874 170 Main St TeJ. Sayville 81 rnnmm iBiiiiniiiiiwwaMiiiMiiMMiiwiM.il.!. i . 7. BONE MEAL . VIGORG . '" . SHEEP MANURE ., GARDEN FERTILIZER FOR SALE AT SWEZEY COAL and FEED CO. Rider A ye. <& L. I. R. R, Patchogue Tel. Pntchofliie 270 . 1 , J Candy . Bwrm^ w'^i^s?. '' , T . . . Goes: to Waiter Noyak THE Bunny express, feature award made in connection, vvith the Easter chocolate display, at Gerken' s Confectionery & Delicatessen store on Hawkins avenue- , Lake Ronkon- koma ,. was given 'Sat. ur . day, night , to ;Walter Novak of Ronkonkoma ave- nue , Rorikoiikoma. . Other winners qf large chocolate awards were Ed- ward Yanke , Bel . trnore ; Milbro Dis- tributing company, Sayville ; and Louis Bruno and William Callmeyer , both Lake Ronkonkoma. The awards were made before a large crowd that gathered at the store. Mr.- and Mrs. Gerken, owners, yesterday said they had a very successful sea- son and expressed , their thanks to their numerous customers . 1. + m, "* , +¦—*¦ i* , £**¦** . *¦* + +' n, f i- ~ ^-* ^-> ;-^ ^- , A -^^ A — — —^ ^- —^^~ —^*¦ * . —*¦ * *.'* :. '*¦ ft * j Recent ¦ iMhmok E) ®mg$ J Marjorie Jones MR. and Mrs. Walter Winter and two children of Malverne vis- ited Mrs. Winter ' s parents , Mr., and Mrs . Ludwig Bleimiller , Friday. ¦ Mr. and Mrs. G-eorge Caka and daughter of Corona are spending a week at their bungalow on Erie street. Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. James and family spent the Easter holidays with their . son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Klien of Hollis. Miss Pietra Barb era entertained Miss Henrietta Rig'by at her home on Grundy avenue Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. "Wehren- berg- spent Easter Sunday with Mrs. Wehrenberg ' s brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Maasch of Bay Shore. Charles Ferch of New York is spending a. week at his bungalow on . Russell street. Mr. and Mrs. Gunther of Coates avenue motored: to Maspeth Sunday to visit their son and daughters. Dr. Alexander Nicoll of New York spent the week-end at his summer residence on Patchogue road. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Sehiavoni of Broadway avenue had as their guests over the week-end Mrs. Schia- voni' s father , A. McNamara of Elm- hurstj ; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vogelbaeh and family of Bay Ridge spent Monday at their summer home on Coates ave- nue. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barbera had as . week-end guests , Mrs. Barbera ' s par- ents , Mr. and Mrs. John Artole of Brooklyn. Francis Paul of New York . spent last Wednesday with his grandmoth - er , Mrs. Sophie Langsdorf of Patch- ogue - road. * Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bucalp and family of Brooklyn are spending a week at their summer , home on Rob- ert street. J. Zablonsky of New York is spen d- ing a week' with his aunt , Mrs. John Carroll of Coates avenue. Mr. and ' Mrs. William Heldberg and family , of Middle Village spent the week-end here at their bungalow on Tuttle street, Mrs. Jack Yerk of Lake Ronkonko- ma entertained -Mr. and "Mrs. John Sec-kamp, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Voll- bracht , Mrs. Ludwig Bleimiller , Mrs. Charles Baack' and Miss Wilma Weh- rehberg at euchre at her home yes- terday afternoon. Mrs. Jerome L. Schlotman visited Mr. and Mrs. John J. Horsch of Jamaica yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Palazz o and family ' of Brooklyn are spending a week at' their bungalow on Grundy avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Michael have as their guests for a week Mrs. Mich- ael's niece and nephew of White Plains, Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Peters re- turned home last Saturday from the Hotel Margaret in Brooklyn where thc- . v spent the winter. . Mrs. H. Hahiiltoh' Jones entertain- ed Mrs. Marion Kelsey, Mrs. Jerome L, Schlotman and Carleton Reynolds at bridge at her home on Patchogue road last Thursday. Douglas Beveridge celebrated his birthday Monday. Miss Wilma Wehrenberg and Wal- ter Pickett of Brooklyn spent Easter Sunday with Miss Wehrenberg ' s parents , Mr. and Mrs . Henry Voll- bracht of Lincoln avenue. Miss Weh- renberg; remained to spend a week With her ^parents. Mrs. S. Roed and daughter of New York are spending a week at their summer . home on Muriel street. ' Mr., and Mrs. Robert Btei-ijftiller spent the Easter holidays in Virginia. Mr. and ; Mrs. Manuel Rosa had among their guests Sunday their sor> in-law and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ka. an and- son William of West Sayville and their , daughter , Miss Elizabeth Fernandez ofNMew York. Miss Fernandez is spending several days here. Mr. and Mrs. Joh. '> F. Kelly and family of New York/Former summer residents on, Bar tori , street , have mov- er here permanently. ; ^ Barbara Magenheimer celebrated her birthday recently by entertaining at her home , Dorothy Leudemann , Rosemary Barbera ,. Lorraine Borges and Marie. .. Magenheimer. Mr. and Mrs. C; Noonan and fam- ily of College Point are occupying Fred Stay ' s - home on Lincoln ave- nue: Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Steiger have purchased a , new car. Mrs. Jerome L. Schlotman spent Saturday- in New York. Mrs. Anna Luenberg and family of Herman ,. Minn., have moved here. Gerard Paul of Brooklyn , is spend- ing a week her e with his grandmoth- er , Mrs. Sophie Langsdorf . : . Mrs. Jennie Martucci of Claas road is recovering from illness. Miss Marjorie Jones went to New York with her brother-in-law and sis- ter , Mi' - and Mrs . Frank J. Holmes of West Sayville , last Tuesday. Sani Barrotta. of Brooklyn has as guests at his parents ' summer home on Tuttle street for a week , Sam Arnone and Jim Mandy, also of Brooklyn. - . Killian Langsdorf , Jr., spent sev- era l days last , week in Brooklyn vis- iting- his uncle and . aunt , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Paul. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barbera have as a guest for a week , Miss Rose Arnone of Brooklyn. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Sehiavoni entertained Mr. and Mrs. H. Hamil- ton Jones at their home Saturday evening. Mew Law Forbids Repacking Produce Deceptive. Labels COMMISSIONER Holton V. Noyos V-> says the State Department of Agriculture and ' Markets contem- plates immediate enforcement of a new law to correct the misuse of sec- ondhand packages in which farm products are sometimes shipped, This law , recently signed by Gov- ernor- Lehman , provides that when farm products of the same kind as the original contents are packed in used containers by others th an the original packers and are sold or of- fered for sale , any markings per- taining to ' the original contents " shall he erased , obliterated or such container shall be conspicuously marked or labeled , and in the case of bags or sacks tagged on the out- side with the words 'Not Original Contents ' in letters at least one inch in height. " •Tho Empire State Potato club , Vegetable Growers ' association a n d the . State Horticultural society are particularly interested in the new law. ' Abuses of marked containers were cited by the departments as examples of what the u new law is expected to correct. Maine potatoes have been packed in Long Island potato sack s because of higher ' prices ' commanded by the Long island potatoes. U sed onion sacks bearing the . names of the original packers have been repacked with inferior products by other users. Similar practices have been uncovered in the apple industry. ^FarMFiiia g^illa Mrs. Olive Munby busily gathers items of , i nterest , to Farnnngyille residents each week. Contact her whenever you have any news. MR. and Mrs. Peter Garite of Farmingville Gardens visited over the week-end at the " home of Mrs. Garite ' s parents , Mi;, and Mrs. G. Fortini of Brooklyn. James Mc- Laughlin , who makes his home with Mr. and Mrs. Garite , visited over the week-end with his sisters , Miss "Vera McLaughlin and Mrs ' . Robert Neur decker in Brooklyn.. Mr. and Mrs. Arden Terry and Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Stuart of Portion road spent Thursday in New York and attended a matinee of "The Gen- tle People" at the Belasco theatre. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Sipos and: fam- ily of Portion road were dinner guests on Easter . Sunday of Mrs. - Sipos ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kraics of Ronkonkoma. Paul Gormsen , Jr., is ill with the measles at his home on Hanrahan avenue. Mr. and Mrs.. George Brown; and family of Brooklyn arrive d at their bungalow on Woody Crest drive Fri- day to spent the Easter holidays . . On Sunday they entertained, their son-in- law and daughter , Mr. and Mrs. John McNiff of Brooklyn . Mr. and Mrs. William Wentisch of Portion road entertained at _ dinner Monday Mr. and Mrs. Arden Terry and Mr. and Mrs. Leigh ¦ Stuart , also of Portion road. Last Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Wentisch and daugh^- ters , Ruth and Esther , were dinner guests . of Mr. Wentisch' s brother-in- law and sister , Mr. and Mrs. Atigust Rucks of Queens Village. Mr. and Mrs. William Clendinnen entertained . Clifforu-^ Clendiniie^i of Brooklyn arid E. E. Frasier of San Diego , Calif., over _ the week-end . Mr. Frazier is sailing " for Southampton , Eng., today, to spend a year touring Europe. Neil Lai-sen of Granny road has been ill for the oast few days, An impressive Easter sermon , bas- ed on the Resurrection, was deliver- ed to- a large congregation Sunday afternoon at the Farmingville Cong- regationa l church by the Rev , D. Paul Herriot. The church was deco- rated with potted p lants and clusters of cut flowers. Included in the pro- gram of Easter music was a solo , "Calvary, " by Miss Marguerite Ja- cobson of Holtsville. The Ladies ' Aid society of the Congregational church will meet to- morrow evening at the home of Mrs. William Wentisch of Portion road. George Bussing, Sr of Horse Block road sailed on the S. S. Eu vopa last Friday for an extended visit in Germany. He was accompanied to New York by Mrs. Bussing and son Fred and Mrs. Ada Mason, of Por- tion road. Mrs. Max Siebenkas oi Farroing- vil . le Gardens is visiting in New York thi s week . ' ' » ¦ The Fire departmerit will meet at the firehall tomorrow evening. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sipos entertain- ed at dinner Easter Sunday at their home on Portion road , Mrs. Sipos ' parents , Mr. and Mrs. John Vigh of Ronkonkoma. Mrs. Vigh left today, accompanied by Mrs. Julia Simon of New York , for a visit of several clays in Washington, - D, C. , The Tower Social club will meet at the clubhouse on Horse B lock road , this evening' , .,, Mrs. James Wetsell of Horse B lock road , as chairman of tho committee , announces that all arrangements have been completed, for the card party to be given by tlie Central Brookhaven Republican club Friday evening at the Centereaclt firehall. Because of Good Friday the atten- dance at the movies Friday ev ening at tho firehall did not fill the place as usual , but those who were pres- ent enjoyed an exceptionally in ter- esting program featuring : "Raggedy Rose , " a hilarious comedy; an ed ' uear tional ,. "See, N. R. 4 ," filled with highlights of interesting events throughout the world ,, and tho jtc- turp, "Camem Thrills in; Wildest Af- rica , " showing a tiger hunt and oth- er features of jungle life. Carole Lombard will have the leading role in this Friday night' s feature picture , "Ned ' McCobb' s Daughter." Our Gang in "Young Sher locks" will furnish the comedy. Mr. and Mrs . Fred S . tevener , their , daughter May arid son Stanley, and Fred Bernstengel , all.of Jersey City, N.. . J.., were vyeek-end gu ests of . Mrs.. Steverier ' s. mother ,. Mrs. Lena. Bahn- muller of Horse Block road. Stanley Stevener returned April . 1 , from Spokane , Washington , where he has. been stationed for two years in the C. C. C. camp. Allen Sipos of Portion road recent- ly purchased' a new tractor for. his farm. - v ' :; Paul Dentel , Sr., has just purchas- ed, a new station wagon for Hickory- Hill farm , his place on Porti on road. Mr. and Mrs. M. Flanagan of New York spent Sunday at their place ; on Pineaire avenue , where they are hav- ing , an enclosed porch built along the entire front of the bungalow, the work being done by E. Hiltz of ' Sel- den. Mrs. Flanagan , althrough much improve d , is still not* fully recovered from the illness which has kept her under ' the care . of a physician all winter. She was a guest several days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Evan Powell of - this section. : Mrs. J. Fitz Maurice and children of Jersey City, N. J., spent the week- end at her bungalow on Woody Crest drive. Harold Muller of . Brooklyn was a week-end guest of his cousins , " Mr; and Mrs. A. El?iviann of Horse Block road. '{ Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Stuart enter- tained at their home on Portion , road ove r the week-end , a former college classmate of ' 'Mr. Stuart , George Waite of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hoffmann and son of Brooklyn spent Easter Sunday at their place in Farmingville Gar- dens and had as their dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. F. Perl and ' grandson , Chester Perl , also of Brooklyn. Mr. and Mrs. Hoffmann are having a four-room , modern bungalow ,. , with full basement now under construe*- tion , built on their property here , the contractors being the Laurel compa- ny of New York. ' ' Mrs. P. Sokol of Maspeth , who is now at her bungalow on Horse Block road for the season , is having many improvements made on the grounds and building. On Sunday she , enter- tained at dinner her brother and-sis- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rogers a:nd daughter of Hampton Bays and her dau ghter , Olga Sokol of Maspeth. Mr. and Mrs. James Brown and family, and Mjrs. Brown ' s parents , Mr. and Mrs. William Banks , all of South Ozone Park , were at their bungalow on Woody Crest drive Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Banks are re- maining for the season, Mr. and Mrs. George Dentel and sons , Donald and George , Jr., spent the week-end; in . Brooklyn where on Sunday Mrs. Dentel was God-mother at the christening of her nieco arid nephew , Elizabeth, Agnes and Wil- liam. Wall , twins born to Mm. Don; tel's brother-in-law- and sister , Mi' . and Mrs. Jack Wall of Brooklyn. A brother , Ralph Dentel of Portion, road , also visited over the week-end in Brooklyn. Mr. and Mrs.. James Wetsell of Horse Block road entertained at din- ner Saturday, evening, Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Fogarty and children , Jan e, Mary and Elmer , Jr., of Farhiing, - viJlo. On Sunday their dinner guests wore Mrs. Evelyn Carlson and : soil Charles, and Bert Nrissbaumei- of Patchogue and John Penny of Cen- tey Moriches. . - Other Sunday guests were Mrs. Dawson Hunter of Smith - ¦ town and Mrs. Albeit Campbell of ' Centereach. . . . Mr. and Mi's , Arthur; Terry are ! en- tea'tamirig at , their hoin e oh Portion i'oa. d, . this week , Miss Constance .•Mather arid'M-ias ; Evelyn Decker of Poughkeepsio, ' both farmer class- MnflteB- , of;; Mrs,, :- ' Tcvryv ab: ;N6w, jPalfcz;. .' 'Niarma),78^hQQj;7!.7.7i;^^ i ' ;;:7'K^77::ir-5- £;^ ^

Transcript of 1. + m,— *, +¦—*¦ i*, £**¦**.*¦* + — +' *¦ n, f i...

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All Kinds of FurnitureUpholstered j*nd Repaired I

f ' WILLIAM j f MATTHEWS. 'I' -j ; ' 20 Woodl! Ayenw«,2' Tel; Patchogue 929 .




Mark A, Crosier, JMgr.A COMMUNITY

;. INSTITUTION SINCE - 1874170 Main St TeJ. Sayville 81

rnnmmiBiiiiniiiiiwwaMiiiMiiMMiiwiM.il.!. i .






Rider Aye. <& L. I. R. R,Patchogue

Tel. Pntchofliie 270.1 , J

Candy. Bwrm w' i s?.'' ,T . . .Goes: to Waiter Noyak

THE Bunny express, feature awardmade in connection, vvith the

Easter chocolate display, at Gerken'sConfectionery & Delicatessen storeon Hawkins avenue-, Lake Ronkon-koma,. was given 'Sat.ur.day, night, to;Walter Novak of Ronkonkoma ave-nue, Rorikoiikoma.. Other winnersqf large chocolate awards were Ed-ward Yanke, Bel.trnore ; Milbro Dis-tributing company, Sayville ; a n dLouis Bruno and William Callmeyer,both Lake Ronkonkoma. The awardswere made before a large crowdthat gathered at the store. Mr.-and Mrs. Gerken, owners, yesterdaysaid they had a very successful sea-son and expressed , their thanks totheir numerous customers.

1. + m ,— "*, + ¦— * ¦ i*, £ **¦ **.*¦* + — +'*¦ n, f i - ~ ^-* ^->;-^ -,A -^^ A •*¦ — — — —^ - — ^^~ —^*¦ — *!¦ .—*¦**.'*:.'*¦ f t*

j Recent ¦ iMhmok E) ®mg$JMarjorie Jones

MR. and Mrs. Walter Winter andtwo children of Malverne vis-

ited Mrs. Winter 's parents, Mr., andMrs . Ludwig Bleimiller, Friday.¦ Mr. and Mrs. G-eorge Caka anddaughter of Corona are spending aweek at their bungalow on Eriestreet.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. James andfamily spent the Easter holidays withtheir . son-in-law and daughter, Mr.and Mrs. Klien of Hollis.

Miss Pietra Barb era entertainedMiss Henrietta Rig'by at her home onGrundy avenue Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. "Wehren-berg- spent Easter Sunday with Mrs.Wehrenberg's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Maaschof Bay Shore.

Charles Ferch of New York isspending a. week at his bungalow on.Russell street.

Mr. and Mrs. Gunther of Coatesavenue motored: to Maspeth Sundayto visit their son and daughters.

Dr. Alexander Nicoll of New Yorkspent the week-end at his summerresidence on Patchogue road.

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Sehiavoniof Broadway avenue had as theirguests over the week-end Mrs. Schia-voni's father, A. McNamara of Elm-hurstj; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vogelbaeh andfamily of Bay Ridge spent Mondayat their summer home on Coates ave-nue.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barbera had as.week-end guests, Mrs. Barbera's par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Artole ofBrooklyn.

Francis Paul of New York .spentlast Wednesday with his grandmoth-er, Mrs. Sophie Langsdorf of Patch-ogue- road. *

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bucalp andfamily of Brooklyn are spending aweek at their summer , home on Rob-ert street.

J. Zablonsky of New York is spend-ing a week' with his aunt, Mrs. JohnCarroll of Coates avenue.

Mr. and' Mrs. William Heldbergand family , of Middle Village spentthe week-end here at their bungalowon Tuttle street,

Mrs. Jack Yerk of Lake Ronkonko-ma entertained -Mr. and "Mrs. JohnSec-kamp, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Voll-bracht , Mrs. Ludwig Bleimiller , Mrs.Charles Baack' and Miss Wilma Weh-rehberg at euchre at her home yes-terday afternoon.

Mrs. Jerome L. Schlotman visitedMr. and Mrs. John J. Horsch ofJamaica yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Palazz o andfamily' of Brooklyn are spending aweek at' their bungalow on Grundyavenue.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Michael haveas their guests for a week Mrs. Mich-ael's niece and nephew • of WhitePlains,

Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Peters re-turned home last Saturday from theHotel Margaret in Brooklyn wherethc-.v spent the winter.

.Mrs. H. Hahiiltoh' Jones entertain-ed Mrs. Marion Kelsey, Mrs. JeromeL, Schlotman and Carleton Reynoldsat bridge at her home on Patchogueroad last Thursday.

Douglas Beveridge celebrated hisbirthday Monday.

Miss Wilma Wehrenberg and Wal-ter Pickett of Brooklyn spent EasterSunday with Miss Wehrenberg's

parents, Mr. and Mrs . Henry Voll-bracht of Lincoln avenue. Miss Weh-renberg; remained to spend a weekWith her parents.

Mrs. S. Roed and daughter of NewYork are spending a week at theirsummer .home on Muriel street.' Mr., and Mrs. Robert • Btei-ij ftiller

spent the Easter holidays in Virginia.Mr. and ; Mrs. Manuel Rosa had

among their guests Sunday their sor>in-law and daughter; Mr. and Mrs.Peter Ka.an and- son William of WestSayville and their , daughter, MissElizabeth Fernandez ofNMew York.Miss Fernandez is spending severaldays here.

Mr. and Mrs. Joh.'> F. Kelly andfamily of New York/Former summerresidents on, Bar tori, street, have mov-er here permanently. ;

^Barbara Magenheimer celebratedher birthday recently by entertainingat her home, Dorothy Leudemann ,Rosemary Barbera,. Lorraine Borgesand Marie... Magenheimer.

Mr. and Mrs. C; Noonan and fam-ily of College Point are occupyingFred Stay's - home on Lincoln ave-nue:

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Steiger havepurchased a , new car.

Mrs. Jerome L. Schlotman spentSaturday- in New York.

Mrs. Anna Luenberg and family ofHerman,. Minn., have moved here.

Gerard Paul of Brooklyn, is spend-ing a week here with his grandmoth-er, Mrs. Sophie Langsdorf . : .

Mrs. Jennie Martucci of Claas roadis recovering from illness.

Miss Marjorie Jones went to NewYork with her brother-in-law and sis-ter, Mi'- and Mrs. Frank J. Holmesof West Sayville, last Tuesday.

Sani Barrotta. of Brooklyn has asguests at his parents' summer homeon Tuttle street for a week, SamArnone and Jim Mandy, also ofBrooklyn. - .

Killian Langsdorf , Jr., spent sev-eral days last, week in Brooklyn vis-iting- his uncle and. aunt , Mr. and Mrs.Joseph Paul.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barbera haveas a guest for a week , Miss RoseArnone of Brooklyn. •

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Sehiavonientertained Mr. and Mrs. H. Hamil-ton Jones at their home Saturdayevening.

Mew Law ForbidsRepacking Produce

Deceptive. LabelsCOMMISSIONER Holton V. NoyosV-> says the State Department ofAgriculture and ' Markets contem-plates immediate enforcement of anew law to correct the misuse of sec-ondhand packages in which farmproducts are sometimes shipped,

This law, recently signed by Gov-ernor- Lehman , provides that whenfarm products of the same kind asthe original contents are packed inused containers by others than theoriginal packers and are sold or of-fered for sale , any markings per-taining to ' the original contents"shall he erased , obliterated or suchcontainer s h a l l be conspicuouslymarked or labeled , and in the caseof bags or sacks tagged on the out-side with the words 'Not OriginalContents ' in letters at least one inchin height."

•Tho Empire State Potato club,Vegetable Growers ' association a n dthe . State Horticultural society a r eparticularly interested in the newlaw. '

Abuses of marked containers werecited by the departments as examplesof what theu new law is expected tocorrect. Maine potatoes have beenpacked in Long Island potato sacksbecause of higher ' prices' commandedby the Long island potatoes. U sedonion sacks bearing the . names of theoriginal packers have been repackedwith inferior products by otherusers. Similar practices have beenuncovered in the apple industry.

FarMFiiiag illaMrs. Olive Munbybusily gathersitems of, interest,to Farnnngyilleresidents e a c hweek. Contacther whenever youhave any news.

MR. and Mrs. Peter • Garite ofFarmingville Gardens visited

over the week-end at the "home ofMrs. Garite's parents, Mi;, and Mrs.G. Fortini of Brooklyn. James Mc-Laughlin, who makes his home withMr. and Mrs. Garite, visited over theweek-end with his sisters, Miss "VeraMcLaughlin and Mrs'. Robert Neurdecker in Brooklyn..

Mr. and Mrs. Arden Terry and Mr.and Mrs. Leigh Stuart of Portionroad spent Thursday in New Yorkand attended a matinee of "The Gen-tle People" at the Belasco theatre.

Mr. and Mrs. Allen Sipos and: fam-ily • of Portion road were dinnerguests on Easter .Sunday of Mrs.-Sipos' parents, Mr. and Mrs. FredKraics of Ronkonkoma.

Paul Gormsen, Jr., is ill with themeasles at his home on Hanrahanavenue.

Mr. and Mrs.. George Brown; andfamily of Brooklyn arrived at theirbungalow on Woody Crest drive Fri-day to spent the Easter holidays.. OnSunday they entertained, their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. JohnMcNiff of Brooklyn .

Mr. and Mrs. William Wentisch ofPortion road entertained at_ dinnerMonday Mr. and Mrs. Arden Terryand Mr. and Mrs. Leigh ¦ Stuart, alsoof Portion road. Last WednesdayMr. and Mrs. Wentisch and daugh^-ters, Ruth and Esther, were dinnerguests . of Mr. Wentisch's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. AtigustRucks of Queens Village.

Mr. and Mrs. William Clendinnenentertained . Clifforu-^ Clendiniie^i ofBrooklyn arid E. E. Frasier of SanDiego, Calif., over _the week-end . Mr.Frazier is sailing "for Southampton ,Eng., today, to spend a year touringEurope.

Neil Lai-sen of Granny road hasbeen ill for the oast few days,

An impressive Easter sermon , bas-ed on the Resurrection, was deliver-ed to- a large congregation Sundayafternoon at the Farmingville Cong-regational church by the Rev, D.Paul Herriot. The church was deco-rated with potted plants and clustersof cut flowers. Included in the pro-gram of Easter music was a solo,"Calvary," by Miss Marguerite Ja-cobson of Holtsville.

The Ladies ' Aid society of theCongregational church will meet to-morrow evening at the home of Mrs.William Wentisch of Portion road.

George Bussing, Sr„ of HorseBlock road sailed on the S. S. Eu vopalast Friday for an extended visit inGermany. He was accompanied toNew York by Mrs. Bussing and sonFred and Mrs. Ada Mason, of Por-tion road.

Mrs. Max Siebenkas oi Farroing-vil .le Gardens is visiting in New Yorkthi s week. ' ' »¦ The Fire departmerit will meet atthe firehall tomorrow evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sipos entertain-ed at dinner Easter Sunday at theirhome on Portion road , Mrs. Sipos'parents , Mr. and Mrs. John Vigh ofRonkonkoma. • Mrs. Vigh left today,accompanied • by Mrs. Julia Simon ofNew York , for a visit of several claysin Washington,- D, C. ,

The Tower Social club will meetat the clubhouse on Horse B lockroad , this evening', .,,

Mrs. James Wetsell of Horse B lockroad , as chairman of tho committee ,announces that all arrangementshave been completed , for the cardparty to be given by tlie CentralBrookhaven Republican club Fridayevening at the Centereaclt firehall.

Because of Good Friday the atten-dance at the movies Friday eveningat tho firehall did not fill the placeas usual , but those who were pres-ent enjoyed an exceptionally in ter-esting program featuring : "RaggedyRose," a hilarious comedy; an ed'ueartional , . "See, N. R. 4," filled withhighlights of interesting e v en t sthroughout the world ,, and tho j tc-turp, "Camem Thrills in; Wildest Af-rica ," showing a tiger hunt and oth-

er features of jungle life. CaroleLombard will have the leading rolein this Friday night's feature picture,"Ned ' McCobb's Daughter." O urGang in "Young Sher locks" willfurnish the comedy.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred S.tevener, their,daughter May arid son Stanley, andFred Bernstengel, all.of Jersey City,N... J.., were vyeek-end guests of . Mrs..Steverier's. mother,. Mrs. Lena. Bahn-muller of Horse Block road. StanleyStevener returned April . 1, fromSpokane, Washington, where he has.been stationed for two years inthe C. C. C. camp.

Allen Sipos of Portion road recent-ly purchased' a new tractor for. hisfarm. • -v ':;

Paul Dentel, Sr., has just purchas-ed, a new station wagon for Hickory-Hill farm, his place on Portion road.

Mr. and Mrs. M. Flanagan of NewYork spent Sunday at their place; onPineaire avenue, where they are hav-ing , an enclosed porch built along theentire front of the bungalow, thework being done by E. Hiltz of ' Sel-den. Mrs. Flanagan, althrough muchimproved, is still not* fully recoveredfrom the illness which has kept herunder' the care . of a physician allwinter. She was a guest several dayslast week at the home of Mr. andMrs. Evan Powell of - this section. :

Mrs. J. Fitz Maurice and childrenof Jersey City, N. J., spent the week-end at her bungalow on Woody Crestdrive.

Harold Muller of . Brooklyn was aweek-end guest of his cousins," Mr;and Mrs. A. El?iviann of Horse Blockroad. ;¦'{

Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Stuart enter-tained at their home on Portion, roadover the week-end, a former collegeclassmate of ''Mr. Stuart , GeorgeWaite of New York.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hoffmann andson of Brooklyn spent Easter Sundayat their place in Farmingville Gar-dens and had as their dinner guests,Mr. and Mrs. F. Perl and 'grandson ,Chester Perl , also of Brooklyn. Mr.and Mrs. Hoffmann are having afour-room , modern bungalow ,. , withfull basement now under construe*-tion , built on their property here, thecontractors being the Laurel compa-ny of New York. '•'

Mrs. P. Sokol of Maspeth, who isnow at her bungalow on Horse Blockroad for the season, is having manyimprovements made on the groundsand building. On Sunday she , enter-tained at dinner her brother and-sis-ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rogersa:nd daughter of Hampton Bays andher dau ghter, Olga Sokol of Maspeth.

Mr. and Mrs. James Brown andfamily, and Mjrs. Brown 's parents,Mr. and Mrs. William Banks, all ofSouth Ozone Park , were at theirbungalow on Woody Crest drive Sun-day. Mr. and Mrs. Banks are re-maining for the season,

Mr. and Mrs. George Dentel andsons, Donald and George, Jr., spentthe week-end; in . Brooklyn where onSunday Mrs. Dentel was God-motherat the christening of her nieco aridnephew, Elizabeth, Agnes and Wil-liam. Wall , twins born to Mm. Don;tel's brother-in-law- and sister, Mi'.and Mrs. Jack Wall of Brooklyn. Abrother, Ralph Dentel of Portion,road , also visited over the week-endin Brooklyn.

Mr. and Mrs.. James Wetsell ofHorse Block road entertained at din-ner Saturday, evening, Mr, and Mrs.Elmer Fogarty and children , Jane,Mary and Elmer, Jr., of Farhiing,-viJlo. On Sunday their dinner guestswore Mrs. Evelyn Carlson and : soilCharles, and Bert Nrissbaumei- ofPatchogue and John Penny of Cen-tey Moriches. . - Other Sunday guestswere Mrs. Dawson Hunter of Smith- ¦town and Mrs. Albeit Campbell of 'Centereach. . • .

. Mr. and Mi's, Arthur; Terry are !en-tea'tamirig at , their hoin e oh Portioni'oa.d, . this week, Miss Constance

.•Mather arid 'M -ias ;Evelyn Decker ofPoughkeepsio, ' both farmer class-

MnflteB- , of;; Mrs,,:-' Tcvryv ab: ;N6w, j Palfcz;..''Niarma),78^hQQj; 7!.7.7i; ^i ';;:7'K^77::ir-5- £; ^