1 Low Load Process Jarreau Cycle 8 2009. 2 Objectives l Review applicable NERC Standards that apply...

1 Low Load Process Jarreau Cycle 8 2009

Transcript of 1 Low Load Process Jarreau Cycle 8 2009. 2 Objectives l Review applicable NERC Standards that apply...


Low Load Process

JarreauCycle 8




Review applicable NERC Standards that apply Review CDP 2.6 Low Load Condition Procedure Describe the tools to accomplishing a successful

assessment Describe proper action needed to resolve a Low

Load Condition by performing actual caculations and table-top drills

Please make sure you have sign the attendance sheet



Low-Load Process.ppt CDP 2.6_Low Load Condition_Rev 4_033109.pdf Training_Dispatcher_Netbotz_LowLoad_v3.ppt http://www.nerc.com/files/BAL-005-0_1b.pdf


Applicable NERC Standards

Standard BAL-005-0.1b — Automatic Generation Control– Each Balancing Authority shall maintain Regulating Reserve

that can be controlled by AGC to meet the Control Performance Standard.

Audit RSAW response from EMO/SPO:– EMO/SPO CDP 1.11 Regulation CPS Monitoring step 1.4,

CDP 1.13 BAAL step 1.3 and 1.4, and CDP 2.6 Low Load Condition step 1.4 provides guidance to maintain regulating reserves on AGC. GenSum.jpg screen shot provides the estimated Mw response value for all generator units on AGC. CPS 1 Monthly Review provides evidence that EMO/SPO is meeting the Control Performance Standard for CPS 1. Since EMO/SPO is currently participating in the BAAL field trial, they are exempt from CPS 2 requirements.


CDP Low Load Condition Procedure 2.6


CDP Low Load Condition Procedure 2.6Purpose—Background


CDP Low Load Condition Procedure 2.6Responsibilities


Low Load Condition Flowchart


Low Load Condition Flowchart Step 1.1


Low Load Condition Flowchart Step 1.2 –1.4


Low Load Condition Flowchart Step 2


Low Load Condition Flowchart Step 3


Low Load Condition Flowchart Step 4


Low Load Condition Flowchart Step 5, Attachments, References and NERC Cross Reference Chart


GIA Terms

Generator Imbalance Service – a charge or payment for energy when the hourly integrated facility output varies from the schedules.

Generator Regulation Service (GRS)– a charge for compensating between facility output and its schedule; not applicable to QFs?


GIA Terms

Start Up Period – period in which the facility synchronizes and ramps to minimum run level.

Shut Down Period – period in which the facility ramps down from run level to off line.

Testing Period – period of time when the facility has no schedules and is performing testing.

Low Load Event – any period in which the EMO may be required to take a facility off line due to low load conditions; a 2 hour notice is required.


Low Load Process

Low Load Alert – when the projected generation level is within 500 MW of the normal minimum energy limits.

Low Load Event – when the projected generation level is at or below the normal minimum energy limits.

Low Load Emergency – when generation can no longer match the load and emergency reducible generation or measures must be used.

See Current Day Procedure 2.6 “Low Load Process”


GIA Definitions

EMO - The Entergy Energy Management Organization. In the administration of the GIA, EMO is responsible for: (1) notification to SOC of Low-Load Events; (2) notification to the SOC of the availability of GIS and GRS; (3) calculation of ESIC and Avoided Cost; (4) determination of the ability to purchase energy during Testing Periods, Start-Up Periods and Shut-Down Periods; and (5) approval of tags and modification to tags associated with Testing Periods, Start- Up Periods, and Shut-Down Periods.


GIA Definitions

Low-Load Event - Any period during which the EMO may be required to take an Entergy unit off-line due to low-load conditions based on criteria such as load profiles and generating schedules, to maintain minimum stable operating levels based on prudent utility practice. The SOC shall provide notice as soon as possible, but in no event less than two hours prior to the occurrence of a Low-Load Event via e-mail to all Delivering Parties that have provided the SOC with a current e-mail address. The SOC shall also provide notice of a Low-Load Event by broadcast fax, but for purposes of the two hour prior notice period, the email notification controls. If the SOC fails to provide two hour prior notification of a Low-Load Event, no penalties shall apply.


GIA SOC Responsibility


GIA Over Deliveries During An Hour With An Emergency Event


GIAOver Deliveries During Low-Load Event Cont…


GIAOver Deliveries During Low-Load Event Cont…


Low Load Conditions


How to get to the displays

Low Load Condition can be called from the Nav Panel display using the associated buttons


Low_Load_Condition Display

Non-visible Dates

When button pressed the associated dates toggle between Visible and Non-visible


Low Load Required Action

Anticipate the future – Situation– Cues– Patterns– Action Script

» Mental Simulation» Mental Models

Follow the procedure Use the Tools

– GMS Low Load Worksheet– Projected Values


Review Questions

When is the LLC worksheet performed?– Shiftly and as needed

What are the 3 stages of Low Load Conditions?– Alert, Event, Emergency

Notification of a Low Load Event should occur how far in advance?– 2-3 hours

Below what margin to regulating minimum does a low load alert occur?– 500 MW

How long does the Trades QF notification activation last?– 4 hours


Review Objectives

Reviewed applicable NERC Standards that apply Reviewed CDP 2.6 Low Load Condition Procedure Described the tools to accomplishing a

successful assessment Described proper action needed to resolve a Low

Load Condition by performing actual caculations and table-top drills

Please make sure you have sign the attendance sheet


Low Load Calculation Spreadsheet Drills

Given a set of conditions determine LLC– Determine influences

» Forecast deviations» Co-owner impacts» Startups/shutdown calculations» Test energy» Market conditions» Options to consider

Unit minimums (when NE6 and prep) AECC Hydros Unit decommitment WSPP non-firm ESales QF curtailment