1 “In essence the Renaissance was the green end of one of civilization’s hardest winters” John...

1 “In essence the Renaissance was the green end of one of civilization’s hardest winters” John Fowles EQ: What is the Renaissance? Where did it start? What are some characteristics of the Renaissance Trivia Sheet Renaissance Timeline Handout Michelangelo movie

Transcript of 1 “In essence the Renaissance was the green end of one of civilization’s hardest winters” John...


“In essence the Renaissance was the green end of one of civilization’s hardest winters”John Fowles

EQ: What is the Renaissance? Where did it start?What are some characteristics of the

RenaissanceTrivia SheetRenaissance Timeline HandoutMichelangelo movie



Renaissance literally means rebirth and refers to the rebirth of art and learning in Europe from 1300 to 1600.

During this time there was an explosion of creativity and knowledge unsurpassed by any period in the history of the world.

The Renaissance began in Italy around 1300 and later spread north.


Overseas Trade (B/C of its location to the Mediterranean Italy was a hub of economic activity)

Large city states in Northern Italy

Large Urban population

Three important city states in Italy were

Milan Florence Venice


The Renaissance was secular and put emphasis on the individual rather than the institution

Secular = worldly, apart from the church. Catholic countries were becoming more secular. The popular belief before the renaissance was

that a person pleased God by suffering. During the renaissance people started to

realize that a person could enjoy many pleasures without sinning (or offending God)


Humanism – was a key intellectual movement of the Renaissance, that was based on the study of classic literary works of Greece and Rome.

Humanists studied Grammar, rhetoric, poetry, moral philosophy and history


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EQ: What are some Famous Ren. artists? What are some Characteristics of Ren. art &

Literature? Analyze Mona Lisa & Last SupperGutenberg / Luther handout


Mesaccio’s Frescoes revolutionized art and started a explosion of Renaissance masterpieces

Fresco – a painting done on fresh, wet plaster with water based paint


Renaissance Artists sought to give a more accurate portrayal of nature, detailed human body and anatomy, and be more realistic.

Michelangelo's Statue of David and Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa are examples of the study and attention to the Human body.


Some of the most famous artists lived during the Italian Renaissance

Donatello – Sculptor and Painter Leonardo Da Vinci – Painter, sculptor Mona

Lisa, The last Supper Raphael – Painter – The School of Athens,

The Virgin Wedding Michelangelo Buonarroti - Statue of David,

Sistine Chapel



Johann Gutenberg was a German who reinvented the printing press around 1440

The Printing Press helped spread the renaissance by enabling a printer to produce hundreds of copies at a time, making books less expensive.

Now the Renaissance ideas were put out at a faster pace


Many Renaissance writers started to write in Vernacular – writing in the language actually spoken in that particular region, such as English French or German, rather than formal Latin.

Dante (The Divine Comedy) and Geoffrey Chaucer (The Canterbury Tales) both wrote in Vernacular.

Other important authors of the Period – Machiavelli – The Prince.


“Genius in 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration”Thomas Edison

EQ:Why did Luther think the Church needed

reforming?What effect did Protestant Reformation have

on Christianity? Europe? The World?

Europe MapMy Faith Timeline


The Protestant Reformation was a movt. for religious reform within the Catholic Church led by Martin Luther

The Church then attacked Luther causing many to break away from the Catholic Church

Therefore new protestant denominations were formed.


• Luther was concerned about the widespread corruption within the church, particular the sale of indulgences.

• Indulgences - A Pardon from doing penance. Church Officials (Tetzel) began selling these to make money to build a cathedral. Essentially people were buying the right to sin.

• At a church in Wittenberg (Germany) Martin Luther posted the Ninety – five thesis.


Luther wrote 95 formal statements attacking the corruption and secularism of the clergy of the Catholic Church.

Luther’s three main ideas were People could receive salvation only by God’s

gift of forgiveness (faith alone, not works) All church teachings should be based on the

Bible All people with faith are equal (do not need

priests to interpret the Bible)


In 1521, The Church Excommunicated Luther.

By the Edict of Worms, Luther was declared an outlaw within the Holy Roman Empire.

His works were to be burned and he was to be captured and delivered to the Emperor.

Luther was never caught because people protected him.

Martin Luther then worked on Translating the Bible into German and started the Lutheran Church


John Calvin was a French man who continued the protestant movement.

He taught the doctrine of predestination and published a book called Institutes of the Christian Religion. The religion based on Calvin’s teachings was called Calvinism.

Predestination - Calvin said that Men and women are sinful by nature. God chooses only a very few people to save, these are known as the elect. God has known from the beginning of time who will be saved


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Why did England separate from the Catholic Church?

Cause/ Effect Organizer


King Henry VIII did not have a male child (heir to his throne) by his wife Catherine, so he wanted to divorce her. He wanted to marry a younger woman who would have him a son.

He asked the pope to annul his marriage with Catherine, but the Catholic Church did not allow divorces. King Henry breaks away from the Catholic Church and forms the Church of England.

“Bloody Mary” – Mary, Henry VIII’S daughter, was a catholic and wanted to return England to its Catholic roots. She gained the nickname because she had hundreds of protestants killed.



After the Protestant Reformation, in the mid 1500’s the church decided that it needed to reform its doctrines.

The Council of Trent –Catholic Cardinals, Bishops, and priests met in response to Protestant changes.

Faith and goods works were necessary to salvationThe selling of indulgences were prohibitedThe seven sacraments and clerical celibacy were




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