:1. . i'. -i TH* ,J .1 :.,1 1.. :'i - Wantagh · Herbert A. Tenzer-; Hon. Ralph G. Caso; Mr....

t:r. f8t .: a, -i 1.:. .. .) :: 1.. i ' .,,i ^ :n -.1; fFtr't1i :1. i'. ';9 . , ,j.'l ir ''., .1 -.' :'i .,,,r ': ,i : i :.,1 :,i-,.., 1;l;! ?::r.l:a'fi. r'i : :.,i: ;:k :.-":i *:$ 33i Y1,::5 :1i :.'l 'i .''i it -1 ::.il * iii iI ,,11 ,J l.}el :' .t -b:d IB li& ::.:\ TH* BSffi -li- l-:.! t I -... J --l r ' J .. : :i ...;.rj '. ,i ; r ,{ .,t i.j ,! , :t -- i ? : r': :1 ,;"^i L..; "," ..-l ilEhISLETTEA OT TilE UATdTAGH PRESERY}.?IOII SOCIITY Vol. I, l{o" 2 CIRT]'IONIES HONOR }T.]SEIN,I TNSTALLATION : :.- Despite threatening skies more than }OO tdantagh resid.ents attended. ceremon- ies, Saturday, October 1o honorj-ng in- stai"l-ation'of . the i{antagh Historical Iiuseu-'n in its perra:rent home on tr'iantagh I,ve,r Senator Edvrard A. Speno, c}::ief speaker at the pro6ram praised the ef- forts- of the, fiantagh Preservation Soci- ettrrr' and. particrfrrfy its Presid.ent, Mrsi. Iviargaret. Aiken, for the perserverance and detern'i-nation r,vhich have given !,'antagh its nerrr museuo, Also partici.pating in the ceremor:ies vrere Dr. Wil1iam Krum, Supt" of Schoo'! s, Hon" Ra.l-ph Caso, Pre- siding Super,risor of the Tor'ia of Eenp- stead, Tcr.m CounciLman George i,iurphy, Pastor Lerch and Flsgr. llclaugl:J-in, the 1'Ia;rta6h Eigir School- Band, the American L;;= o:: a::i --c;r Scouis cf Trco_ll_ i'io, 95" ?RUSTruS AND OI'fICERS E-IECTED , At i.ts fj-rst organizational neeting 'on Sept. 2O, the Society elected the fol.- lor^ang trustees; IIr, H.C. Ven-ier, Mr. Jean DtAnd.rea, l,ir. Robert Felix, l,l;"s. Margaret Ai-ken, i,tr. John Formr i,lrs" Pa- tricia iohnston, I,lrs, Elsie Hollender. The officers, also elected at the r:eetirrg, 'a-re: IL's. i'ia-r:ga-i:et Aiken, Presid.ent; II:'s* Patricia Johnston, Vice Fresidentl I,1:'" Jean DtAndrea, T?easurer, Ibs, Elsie Hcll- 3..-'nd.e:', Record.ing Secreta:'y1 !lrs. l,lidge )' T,eonard., Corresnor:.{irrg' Secretary. The follovring llonorary trustees vrere chosen: Hon, Eugene Nickersonr Chairran; Seru:.tor Bdr.rard A. Speno; I'lr" Thorias Good.- fe}1ow, (Presid.ent of the IIRR); Rep" Herbert A. Tenzer-; Hon. Ralph G. Caso; Mr. Ild.r*ard A. Sn:Lts, (Curator of the liassau County Historical }Iuseum. ) Friday, October 28, at B:3O P.l'i. i-n Library" An exl:{bit devoted to the Library r.rind.ows. NEX? }ffiTING OF TIIE WANTAGIi PRESMVATIO1V SOCIETY Octobe:' 1!65 HqLPIucl lili{pF q$o-li AuL* DlRscrlo}rg Preparation of the }luseuin site has been in progress for nany vreeks. The Hard.er Tree Service, DelBa1so Construc- tion Co.r Posil]ico Construction Co.t and. niembers of Local 1]Bn Operating En- g"ineers, have given their time and skilled services to prepare th.e l-and anr-i dig the founda.ti-on. The consiruction of the basement, under the Ci:'ection of orr-r orJn Edward Charney, is going on l'rhi1.e the building is cri.libecl up over the ex- ' cavation, Local 56, l,aborerst Utrion irras sent crews of men on tl:ree occasions to p;'epa.re t.ire footit:gs.; at:d pour conc:'ete donated by Co1oni.a1 9and and Stone Co' Ttre l/al-lace Post a-nd the iiassau-Suffolk lunber yar"ds h.ave sent supoiies, Tize Horn Corrsb:-rrcbi<;rn Co. p-r'c';i-Ced noin ir.-F r i.rl ,:i i rr.; a:rC a fil:;:-nc:ai Coeilibu',;:-c-' J -::-- '. -'.':r' ___C * .-' -. -- . .fhe Sccuis oi 1l'ocp 95, ui:rie,: ti:: ' i' direciion oi i',:'" Richard lJeber, eissis.ieci. in clearing the site. A volunteer cret'i of i{:rntagh High School j"ndustrial a:'ts students, 1ed by l'k'" Leonard Darrisr is currently vrorking orr the repair and res- toration of the building" A team, of ex- perts frorn the llassau County Hi storical l4useurn guid.ed by lir. Edr,'rard Snrits and Mr. llert Hor,.fland, i.s adrrising the Society in the ciralving of plansr surveyit:9, de- si-gning the interio:-, and in the use of . appropriate nrrte:'ia-l-s so that the station can l-)e restored. to its late nineteentir century appearance. .. ' . . c .' A fund-raj-sing committeer headed by Mrn and I'trs. Josepli Zuhusky and' Plr. and , !Lrs. Donald Zimner, has begun an appeal ' to 1-arge corporatioFr€ and ind'ustries on Long ls1and. . A 1oca1 rnem'oersh:lp drive ui1I begin soon. the clor,lnst;rirs room of the Wantagh Scciety is at present in one of the gdl

Transcript of :1. . i'. -i TH* ,J .1 :.,1 1.. :'i - Wantagh · Herbert A. Tenzer-; Hon. Ralph G. Caso; Mr....

t:r. f8t.: a, -i1.:. .. .)

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Vol. I, l{o" 2


: :.- Despite threatening skies more than}OO tdantagh resid.ents attended. ceremon-ies, Saturday, October 1o honorj-ng in-stai"l-ation'of . the i{antagh HistoricalIiuseu-'n in its perra:rent home on tr'iantaghI,ve,r Senator Edvrard A. Speno, c}::iefspeaker at the pro6ram praised the ef-forts- of the, fiantagh Preservation Soci-ettrrr' and. particrfrrfy its Presid.ent,Mrsi. Iviargaret. Aiken, for the perserveranceand detern'i-nation r,vhich have given !,'antaghits nerrr museuo, Also partici.pating inthe ceremor:ies vrere Dr. Wil1iam Krum,Supt" of Schoo'! s, Hon" Ra.l-ph Caso, Pre-siding Super,risor of the Tor'ia of Eenp-stead, Tcr.m CounciLman George i,iurphy,Pastor Lerch and Flsgr. llclaugl:J-in, the1'Ia;rta6h Eigir School- Band, the AmericanL;;= o:: a::i --c;r Scouis cf Trco_ll_ i'io, 95"


, At i.ts fj-rst organizational neeting'on Sept. 2O, the Society elected the fol.-lor^ang trustees; IIr, H.C. Ven-ier, Mr.Jean DtAnd.rea, l,ir. Robert Felix, l,l;"s.Margaret Ai-ken, i,tr. John Formr i,lrs" Pa-tricia iohnston, I,lrs, Elsie Hollender.The officers, also elected at the r:eetirrg,'a-re: IL's. i'ia-r:ga-i:et Aiken, Presid.ent; II:'s*Patricia Johnston, Vice Fresidentl I,1:'"Jean DtAndrea, T?easurer, Ibs, Elsie Hcll-3..-'nd.e:', Record.ing Secreta:'y1 !lrs. l,lidge )'

T,eonard., Corresnor:.{irrg' Secretary.The follovring llonorary trustees vrere

chosen: Hon, Eugene Nickersonr Chairran;Seru:.tor Bdr.rard A. Speno; I'lr" Thorias Good.-fe}1ow, (Presid.ent of the IIRR); Rep"Herbert A. Tenzer-; Hon. Ralph G. Caso; Mr.Ild.r*ard A. Sn:Lts, (Curator of the liassauCounty Historical }Iuseum. )

Friday, October 28, at B:3O P.l'i. i-nLibrary" An exl:{bit devoted to theLibrary r.rind.ows.


Octobe:' 1!65

HqLPIucl lili{pF q$o-li AuL* DlRscrlo}rg

Preparation of the }luseuin site hasbeen in progress for nany vreeks. TheHard.er Tree Service, DelBa1so Construc-tion Co.r Posil]ico Construction Co.tand. niembers of Local 1]Bn Operating En-g"ineers, have given their time andskilled services to prepare th.e l-and anr-i

dig the founda.ti-on. The consiruction ofthe basement, under the Ci:'ection of orr-rorJn Edward Charney, is going on l'rhi1.ethe building is cri.libecl up over the ex-

' cavation, Local 56, l,aborerst Utrion irras

sent crews of men on tl:ree occasions top;'epa.re t.ire footit:gs.; at:d pour conc:'etedonated by Co1oni.a1 9and and Stone Co'Ttre l/al-lace Post a-nd the iiassau-Suffolklunber yar"ds h.ave sent supoiies, Tize

Horn Corrsb:-rrcbi<;rn Co. p-r'c';i-Ced noinir.-F r i.rl ,:i i rr.; a:rC a fil:;:-nc:ai Coeilibu',;:-c-'J -::-- '. -'.':r' ___C *

.-' -. -- .

.fhe Sccuis oi 1l'ocp 95, ui:rie,: ti:: ' i'

direciion oi i',:'" Richard lJeber, eissis.ieci.in clearing the site. A volunteer cret'iof i{:rntagh High School j"ndustrial a:'tsstudents, 1ed by l'k'" Leonard Darrisr iscurrently vrorking orr the repair and res-toration of the building" A team, of ex-perts frorn the llassau County Hi storicall4useurn guid.ed by lir. Edr,'rard Snrits andMr. llert Hor,.fland, i.s adrrising the Societyin the ciralving of plansr surveyit:9, de-si-gning the interio:-, and in the use of

. appropriate nrrte:'ia-l-s so that the stationcan l-)e restored. to its late nineteentircentury appearance. .. ' . .

c .'

A fund-raj-sing committeer headed byMrn and I'trs. Josepli Zuhusky and' Plr. and

, !Lrs. Donald Zimner, has begun an appeal 'to 1-arge corporatioFr€ and ind'ustries onLong ls1and. . A 1oca1 rnem'oersh:lp driveui1I begin soon.

the clor,lnst;rirs room of the WantaghScciety is at present in one of the
