1. How is Gehenna - Dowlen Road Church of...

1. How is Gehenna distinguished from Hades?

Transcript of 1. How is Gehenna - Dowlen Road Church of...

  • 1. How is Gehenna distinguished from Hades?

  • Acts 2:31

    Luke 23:43

    Luke 16:24-25


    GREAT GULF Luke 16:26

    Torment—Chains Revelation 20:11-14

    Luke 16:23, 28

    2 Peter 2:4

    Revelation 1:18 John 5:28-29

    Matthew 25:46

  • 1. How is Gehenna distinguished from Hades?

    2. What is the origin of the word Gehenna?

    3. "Isn’t Hell something preachers made up?"

    4. "Isn’t it just a figure of speech—a metaphor?"

    5. "Isn’t punishment in Hell over in a moment?"

    6. "How could a just God send anyone to Hell?"

    7. "Maybe only the really wicked go to Hell?"