1. He spoke to us for 2 hours! 2. We bought them. (los zapatos) 3. I saw it! (la película) 4. I am...


Transcript of 1. He spoke to us for 2 hours! 2. We bought them. (los zapatos) 3. I saw it! (la película) 4. I am...

Page 1: 1. He spoke to us for 2 hours! 2. We bought them. (los zapatos) 3. I saw it! (la película) 4. I am going to do it. (la tarea) Él nos habló por dos horas.


Page 2: 1. He spoke to us for 2 hours! 2. We bought them. (los zapatos) 3. I saw it! (la película) 4. I am going to do it. (la tarea) Él nos habló por dos horas.


1. He spoke to us for 2 hours!

2. We bought them. (los zapatos)

3. I saw it! (la película)

4. I am going to do it. (la tarea)

Él nos habló por dos horas. Los compramos. La vi. Voy a hacerla.

Page 3: 1. He spoke to us for 2 hours! 2. We bought them. (los zapatos) 3. I saw it! (la película) 4. I am going to do it. (la tarea) Él nos habló por dos horas.



You use DOP when you don’t want to keep repeating the noun (replaces the noun).

They are used to say:

me us you it/him/her them

Page 4: 1. He spoke to us for 2 hours! 2. We bought them. (los zapatos) 3. I saw it! (la película) 4. I am going to do it. (la tarea) Él nos habló por dos horas.

For example:

Shut the door vs. Shut it.

I bought shoes. vs. I bought them.

I have seen John. vs. I have seen him.

*You are replacing the noun with a pronoun to make it shorter and to avoid repetition.

Page 5: 1. He spoke to us for 2 hours! 2. We bought them. (los zapatos) 3. I saw it! (la película) 4. I am going to do it. (la tarea) Él nos habló por dos horas.


Me Nos

Te Os

Lo/La Los/Las

Page 6: 1. He spoke to us for 2 hours! 2. We bought them. (los zapatos) 3. I saw it! (la película) 4. I am going to do it. (la tarea) Él nos habló por dos horas.


They are placed

1) before a conjugated verb, or

2) added on to an infinitive.

Page 7: 1. He spoke to us for 2 hours! 2. We bought them. (los zapatos) 3. I saw it! (la película) 4. I am going to do it. (la tarea) Él nos habló por dos horas.


Comemos tacos. => Los comemos. Abrí la puerta. => La abrí. Hice la tarea. => La hice. Voy a comprar el coche. => Voy a comprarlo.

*Leo los libros. ? = Los leo. *Vi la película. ? = La vi.

Page 8: 1. He spoke to us for 2 hours! 2. We bought them. (los zapatos) 3. I saw it! (la película) 4. I am going to do it. (la tarea) Él nos habló por dos horas.


1) ¿Comiste la cena?

2) ¿Bebiste el jugo?

3) ¿Comiste los duraznos?

4) ¿Lavaste los platos?

Page 9: 1. He spoke to us for 2 hours! 2. We bought them. (los zapatos) 3. I saw it! (la película) 4. I am going to do it. (la tarea) Él nos habló por dos horas.


Indirect Object Pronouns replace or accompany indirect object nouns.

They are used to say: “To or for” (me, you, him/her, us, them)

Page 10: 1. He spoke to us for 2 hours! 2. We bought them. (los zapatos) 3. I saw it! (la película) 4. I am going to do it. (la tarea) Él nos habló por dos horas.


Indirect Object Pronouns:

Me Nos

Te Os

*Le *Les

Page 11: 1. He spoke to us for 2 hours! 2. We bought them. (los zapatos) 3. I saw it! (la película) 4. I am going to do it. (la tarea) Él nos habló por dos horas.


Basically, the indirect object of a sentence tells:

where the direct object of the sentence is going, or to whom the action is being done

Page 12: 1. He spoke to us for 2 hours! 2. We bought them. (los zapatos) 3. I saw it! (la película) 4. I am going to do it. (la tarea) Él nos habló por dos horas.


So, to figure out what the indirect object of a sentence is, ask:

1) Where is the object going?

2) To whom or for whom is the action being done?

Page 13: 1. He spoke to us for 2 hours! 2. We bought them. (los zapatos) 3. I saw it! (la película) 4. I am going to do it. (la tarea) Él nos habló por dos horas.

John gives the book to Sara. So, the IO is? =


Page 14: 1. He spoke to us for 2 hours! 2. We bought them. (los zapatos) 3. I saw it! (la película) 4. I am going to do it. (la tarea) Él nos habló por dos horas.


Sara buys a rose for John. The IO = John

The waiter gave the bill to Larry.The IO = Larry

The teacher speaks to me. The IO = me

Page 15: 1. He spoke to us for 2 hours! 2. We bought them. (los zapatos) 3. I saw it! (la película) 4. I am going to do it. (la tarea) Él nos habló por dos horas.

Once you know what the IO of the sentence is, you can then replace it with an IOP:

Me Nos

Te Os

Le Les

Page 16: 1. He spoke to us for 2 hours! 2. We bought them. (los zapatos) 3. I saw it! (la película) 4. I am going to do it. (la tarea) Él nos habló por dos horas.

John gives the book to Mary.

Juan da el libro a Mary. IO = Mary.

IOP for Mary = “le”

Juan le da el libro. = Juan gives her the book.

Juan le da el libro a Mary. (to clarify)

Page 17: 1. He spoke to us for 2 hours! 2. We bought them. (los zapatos) 3. I saw it! (la película) 4. I am going to do it. (la tarea) Él nos habló por dos horas.


*El mesero sirvió la comida a nosotros.

IOP for nosotros = “nos”

El mesero nos sirvió la comida.

*Mi padre habló a mi.

IOP for “a mi” = “me”

Mi padre me habló.

Page 18: 1. He spoke to us for 2 hours! 2. We bought them. (los zapatos) 3. I saw it! (la película) 4. I am going to do it. (la tarea) Él nos habló por dos horas.


The teacher spoke to me. =

El maestro me habló.

The teacher spoke to us.

El maestro nos habló.

The teacher spoke to them.

El maestro les habló.

Page 19: 1. He spoke to us for 2 hours! 2. We bought them. (los zapatos) 3. I saw it! (la película) 4. I am going to do it. (la tarea) Él nos habló por dos horas.


1. The waiter brings us the food.

2. We sang to him.

3. They bought me a car. 4. The teacher told me “no.”

El mesero nos trae la comida.Le cantamos. Me compraron un coche. El maestro me dijo “no”.

Page 20: 1. He spoke to us for 2 hours! 2. We bought them. (los zapatos) 3. I saw it! (la película) 4. I am going to do it. (la tarea) Él nos habló por dos horas.

1) I would buy it, but I don’t have the money. (el iPhone)

2) We would do it, but it is difficult. (la tarea)

3) Could you help me?

4) Could you sing to us, please?

Page 21: 1. He spoke to us for 2 hours! 2. We bought them. (los zapatos) 3. I saw it! (la película) 4. I am going to do it. (la tarea) Él nos habló por dos horas.


Page 22: 1. He spoke to us for 2 hours! 2. We bought them. (los zapatos) 3. I saw it! (la película) 4. I am going to do it. (la tarea) Él nos habló por dos horas.


To form the AFFIRMATIVE: AR Verbs = “-a” ER/IR Verbs = “-e”

To form the NEGATIVE: *First think of the YO FORM/PRESENT TENSE: AR Verbs = “-es” ER/IR Verbs = “-as”

Page 23: 1. He spoke to us for 2 hours! 2. We bought them. (los zapatos) 3. I saw it! (la película) 4. I am going to do it. (la tarea) Él nos habló por dos horas.


Eat =


Don’t eat =

No comas

Cook =


Don’t cook =

No cocines

Page 24: 1. He spoke to us for 2 hours! 2. We bought them. (los zapatos) 3. I saw it! (la película) 4. I am going to do it. (la tarea) Él nos habló por dos horas.


When using PRONOUNS with command forms:

Put the pronouns:

1) At the END of an AFFIRMATIVE


Eat them (french fries) =

ComelasDon’t eat them =

No las comas

Page 25: 1. He spoke to us for 2 hours! 2. We bought them. (los zapatos) 3. I saw it! (la película) 4. I am going to do it. (la tarea) Él nos habló por dos horas.


Cut them! (las cebollas)


Don’t cut them! (las cebollas)

¡No las cortes!

Boil it! (el agua)


Don’t boil it! (el agua)

¡No lo hiervas!