1 | FIND MORE INFORMATION AT ORCHARDPARK€¦ · The prayer is a reminder that Niebuhr was a pastor...


Transcript of 1 | FIND MORE INFORMATION AT ORCHARDPARK€¦ · The prayer is a reminder that Niebuhr was a pastor...

Page 1: 1 | FIND MORE INFORMATION AT ORCHARDPARK€¦ · The prayer is a reminder that Niebuhr was a pastor before he was a celebrated theologian and foreign policy expert, and faith was


Page 2: 1 | FIND MORE INFORMATION AT ORCHARDPARK€¦ · The prayer is a reminder that Niebuhr was a pastor before he was a celebrated theologian and foreign policy expert, and faith was



Traditional Worship Service at 9:00 a.m.

Christian Education for all ages

at 10:10 a.m.


Worship at 11:10 a.m.


March 6 12:00 p.m. + 7:00 p.m. in the North Chapel



Palm Sunday April 14

9:00 and 11:10 a.m.

Maundy Thursday April 18 at 6:00 p.m.

Good Friday April 19 at 7:00 p.m.

Easter Sunday

April 21 9:00 and 11:10 a.m.


Infants, Toddlers

and 2’s—Rm 127

3’s—pre-K —Rm 131

Dear Friends,

Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ!

We find that the seasons of Lent and Easter are late this year. There is great likelihood

that Easter will indeed feel like full on spring and that trees and flowers will be in bloom.

It’s a nice thing to think about as I write this after what has been an exceptionally frigid


The six weeks prior to Easter, we will be focusing on the scripture, Micah 6:8, What does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God, and specifically talking about the first requirement, “to do justice.” We will be

talking about racial injustice by studying a book by Professor and Pastor James Cone entitled, The Cross and the Lynching Tree as well as studying the writings of a man who

has been called “the most influential theologian of the 21st century, Reinhold Niebuhr.

Here are three important qualities of Niebuhr’s work that help explain his enduring


1. He thought big.

Niebuhr titled his 1938–40 Gifford Lectures (the most illustrious theology lecture series

in the world) “The Nature and Destiny of Man.” On page 1, he wrote, “Man has always

been his own most vexing problem. How shall he think of himself?” By page 2, he was

pondering “the admitted evils of human history,” “the question of the value of human

life,” and “whether life is worth living.” These are not questions limited to a single

church, era, or school of biblical interpretation.

2. He acknowledged sin.

The early 1900s saw the rise of strain of liberal theology famously caricatured by

Niebuhr’s brother, H. Richard Niebuhr, in the sentence: “A God without wrath brought

men without sin into a kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ

without a cross.” Andrew Finstuen explained in Original Sin and Everyday Protestants,

“For Niebuhr, without an acknowledgement of the universality and inescapability of sin,

Christianity—and by extension his deeply Christian criticism—had no center of gravity.”

Each historical recurrence of man’s inhumanity to man affirms this insight.

3. He really did write the Serenity Prayer.

Tracing the authorship of this famous prayer (“God grant me the serenity to accept the

things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the

difference”) Many, many people—including countless members of Alcoholics

Anonymous—know something of Niebuhr’s theology even if they have never heard his

name. The prayer is a reminder that Niebuhr was a pastor before he was a celebrated

theologian and foreign policy expert, and faith was not merely an intellectual exercise

for him. He speaks to leaders of the free world as well as individuals trapped in addiction.

This Lent, we will be talking about race, injustice, sin and prayer and using Micah 6:8 and

the teachings of Reinhold Niebuhr as our guide. Join us and invite a friend. You can find

information on dates and times as well as other Lenten opportunities on page four of this

program guide. When we have finished this work, the resurrection will be upon us and

the earth will be in bloom.



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March 6 at 12:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. A thirty-minute time of reflection and restoration.

Receive the imposition of ashes, if you so choose.


April 14 – Palm Sunday 9:00 and 11:10 a.m. Wave palms to celebrate the arrival of Jesus to Jerusalem. There will be palms for everyone to wave.

On Palm Sunday, we will collect the special offering called

One Great Hour of Sharing

which supports three areas of the PC (USA): 1) Presbyterian Hunger Program—to engage in sustainable agriculture and water projects in an effort to end hunger and

poverty for the most vulnerable. 2) Presbyterian Disaster Relief—to provide food, shelter and education to refugees fleeing civil unrest. 3) Self-Development of People—to help people access jobs and

education as they establish new lives after prison. The special offering envelopes are located in the pews for your convenience.

April 18 – Maundy Thursday 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Join us for dinner and bring a main dish, side dish or dessert to share. Watch our table grow as new arrivals join us for dinner. Childcare for infants and preschoolers will be available.

April 19 – Good Friday 7:00 p.m. Childcare will be available.

April 21 – Easter 9:00 and 11:10 a.m. He is Risen! He is risen indeed! Bring a flower to put in the gathering area cross. Come to the Easter reception at 10:00 a.m.

in the Lounge.

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EDUCATION for Adults

The Cross and the

Lynching Tree

Sundays February 24 –

March 31 6:30-8:30 p.m. The Cross and the Lynching Tree by Dr. James Cone

provides a provocative and relevant Lenten study about

race and religion in America. It will take us on an

exploration of the two emotionally charged symbols and

their connection to history. Both the cross and the lynching

tree represent the worst in human beings, and at the same

time, a thirst for life that refuses to let the worst determine

our final meaning.

We will utilize a formal guide to direct us through the

study. The first class will be an introduction to the five-

week course and books will be ordered for the following


The book is a timely reflection on racism in this era of

Black Lives Matter and tragedies like those of the

Charleston church massacre, as well as a theological work

which provides deep insights into what our primary

Christian symbol really means and how the paradox of the

cross informs our faith and contemporary experience.

Date Assigned Readings

Feb. 24 Introduction

Mar. 3 Books distributed/Video of Dr. Cone’s sermon

Mar. 10 Discuss Chapters One and Two

Mar. 17 Discuss Chapters Three and Four

Mar. 24 Discuss Chapter Five

Mar. 31 Discuss Conclusion

Waking up White

And Finding Myself in the Story of Race


March 13 - 27

7:00-8:30 p.m.

“This widespread phenomenon of white people wanting to

guard themselves against appearing stupid, racist, or

radical has resulted in an epidemic of silence from people

who care deeply about justice and love for their fellow

human beings. I believe most white people would take a

stand against racism if only they knew how, or even

imagined they had a role.” (Debby Irving, p.xii)

You are invited to attend three evening discussions on this

landmark book and begin the difficult conversation of race.

The group will meet at Rev. Dr. Shelly Wood’s house in


You must sign up on Main Street to participate. Sign up by

March 3. Books will be ordered on March 4.

LENT DEVOTIONAL T wo of the most widely read

and respected spiritual

writers of the 20th century,

Henri Nouwen and C.S.

Lewis, are brought together

in this Lenten daily

devotional booklet called A Wondrous Love. Nouwen

and Lewis offer their deeply

personal insights,

understanding and pastoral

sensitivity in this booklet

that is an ideal

accompaniment for the holy

season of Lent. Pick up your

complimentary copy on

Main Street.

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EDUCATION for Adults

Christian Education is a life-long process. We believe we

should never stop being learners. Adult Education

programs at OPPC offer adults at all stages of life the

chance to deepen their knowledge of the Bible and grow

in their faith. Opportunities are offered throughout the

year in a variety of formats so that all may find ways in

which to grow and mature as Christian believers.

SUNDAY MORNING CLASSES 10:10 – 11:00 a.m.

FAITH & FELLOWSHIP Anyone is welcome to attend this class at any time. The

curriculum is provided, so no homework required!

March: Discipleship and Mission

March 3: Call to Humility and Hospitality, Luke 14

March 10: A Costly Call, Mark 1, Luke 14

March 17: Calling the Lost, Luke 15

March 24: Calling to Salvation, Luke 19

March 31: Called to Discipleship, Matthew 4

April: Call to Ministry

April 7: Call and Mission, Matthew 10

April 14: Called to Remember, Matthew 26

April 21: Called to Proclaim the Resurrection, Matthew 28

April 28: Call and Commissioning, Matthew 28

May: The Spread of the Gospel

May 5: Called to Righteousness, Romans 3

May 12: Called to Life in Spirit, Romans 8

May 19: The Call of the Gentiles, Romans 11

May 26: Called to New Life in Christ, Romans 12

Anyone is welcome to attend this class at any time. The

curriculum is provided, no homework required!

Ages: 18+ years • Leaders: Dick Albright & Susie Highley

• Location: Room 115

MIND THE GAP From young adults to grandparents, we welcome all ages

and faith journeys to join in exploring the intersection of

faith and life through a variety of topics, authors, and

media. Beginning in March, our next segment will be

“Grounded in Prayer: How to Pray Using The Lord’s Prayer

as a Model.”

Ages: 18+ years • Leaders: Rob Peterson • Location:

Room 120

EXCURSIONS INTO THE BIBLE The North Chapel studies through May will focus on both

Old and New testament themes and people:

• We are currently studying God’s covenant with

Abraham that his offspring are to be the means of

blessing to the Nations of the world. We are seeing

how this was reinforced repeatedly through all

Scripture through the Law, people (e.g., the healing

of Naaman), prophecy, metaphor, and ultimately

the teachings and miracles of his son Jesus.

• Next, we will look one of the amazing servants of the New Testament, Titus. He was part of Paul’s

“brain trust,” courier, problem solver, unifier,

soothing balm to the Corinthians, fund raiser,

church organizer, and evangelist to Dalmatia and


• By April, we should be into our study of Gideon and this bright star of God’s deliverance who was later

the source of Israel’s return to idolatry.

• We shall end our program in May by looking at

both Old and New Testaments and God’s habit of

“upsetting the apple cart” …the first shall be last;

salvation is a gift that is received via faith; it is the

meek, the poor, the mournful, the servant of God’s

word that shall be blessed.

Come join our lively discussions each Sunday at 10:10

in the North Chapel. We have several who have other

obligations and can only attend for part of the

class…that’s OK. Come and go as your needs dictate.

There will be no North Chapel Class during the


Ages: 18+ years • Leader: Tony Kupinski • Location:

North Chapel

TODAY’S NEWS & THE BIBLE What’s this world coming to? Almost every day there’s

something in the news that makes us wonder “Can that

really be true?” or “Why in the world would someone do

(or not do) something like that” or “And we elected

him/her?” Join other OPPC friends to chew over the

news and ask, “What would Jesus think or say or

do?” Please come and join the conversation.

Ages: 18+ years • Leaders: Tom Rugh & Rich Phipps •

Location: Room 118

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EDUCATION for Adults


MEN’S BIBLE STUDY This is a relaxed time of fellowship and study! We use

various series that provide Bible lessons which are

easily completed within a one hour discussion

format. Great conversation, prayer time, and coffee!

Ages: 18+ years • Leader: various • Location: Lounge


Sep - May Tu 6:15 – 7:30 a.m.

SATURDAY MEN’S BIBLE STUDY Ages: 18+ years • Leader: Larry Heimann •

Location: Library


Sep – May Sa 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.


CLASSES 10:10 – 11:00 a.m.

Sunday morning Christian education for youth utilizes

scripture, Christian doctrine and church history to grow

the faith of our young people. Special emphasis is

placed on life application—helping our youth discover

how God’s Word can be applied in their lives so they can

truly live their faith every day. For more information

on any of these classes or events, please contact Rev.

Jenni Crowley Cartee at [email protected].

6TH GRADE SUNDAY SCHOOL Leaders: Various • Location: Room 213


Peter’s theme in his second letter is a simple one: pursue

spiritual maturity through the Word of God as a remedy

for false teaching and a right response to heretics in light

of Christ’s promised second coming (2 Peter 1:3, 16).

When false teachers begin to whisper their sweet words

into the ears of immature Christians, the body of Christ

begins to break apart, to lose what makes it distinctive in

the first place—faith in the unique person and work of

Jesus Christ. Peter repeatedly points to the Word of God as

the primary means of growth for the Christian (1:4, 19–

21; 3:1–2, 14–16).

Ages: 18+ years • Leader: Rev. Mike Samson • Location:

Room 115


Sep – May W 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.


During the school year, 7th and 8th

graders share in small group and large

group discussion as they explore their

faith. 8th graders are invited to be

confirmed as members of OPPC on

Confirmation Sunday, May 19, 2019.

Students are welcome to participate in this class with no

obligation to join OPPC or be confirmed at the end of the

year. The curriculum used for this class is very age

appropriate whether or not the youth is planning to

become a member of OPPC.

Leaders: Rev. Jenni Crowley Cartee • Location: Room


HIGH SCHOOL SUNDAY SCHOOL Leaders: Various • Location: Room 215


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EDUCATION for Children


On Sunday mornings, our staff

and volunteers provide a warm

and loving atmosphere for your

child so you may attend worship,

and/or a class, and/or enjoy time

for fellowship.

We offer age appropriate Sunday School lessons, which

include a Bible story, music, activity (craft or game),

snack and prayer. The same lesson will be offered twice

each morning, once during the 9 a.m. worship service,

and once during the 11:10 a.m. worship service. Sunday

School will begin approximately 15 minutes into the

worship service. This is around the time the children

leave worship for Children’s Church. This way, if you

prefer, your child may begin in worship with you and still

be part of Sunday School time. We send a weekly email

that shares what we have learned about God and

experienced in Sunday School.

From 10:10 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., children will continue

activities relating to the day’s Bible story and enjoy time

for play and fellowship, experiencing the love of God

through the care and nurture of the caregivers. Debbie

Meyer is our Nursery Director, and works closely with

Rev. Trish Lisa, so please don’t hesitate to talk with either

one about any questions or concerns you have.

Ages: Birth – Pre K • Leader: Rev. Trish Lisa at

[email protected]. Location: Rooms 126 and 127.

The Learning Center offers Mother’s Day Out and

Preschool programs for children ages one to five during


All of the Learning Center’s Mother’s Day Out and

Preschool programs emphasize basic Christian values,

positive character qualities and stimulation of

intellectual curiosity. Activities are planned to help each

child acquire the basic skills needed as they become

developmentally ready to read and write. In addition,

social development is learned and enhanced as children

play, grow and progress through our programs.


Following the Children’s Message in both worship

services, children are invited to join Rev. Trish Lisa for an

age-appropriate exploration of the day’s scripture which

parallels what is being shared in worship. On communion

Sundays, children will return to worship in time to

participate in communion. Other weeks, parents may

pick up their children in Room 205.

Ages: Elementary • Leader: Rev. Trish Lisa

[email protected]. • Location: Room 205

Kindergarten – 5th grade 10:10 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Elementary age children are

invited to join us upstairs in the

Treehouse to learn and grow in

faith and awareness of God’s love.

Each Sunday we will gather

together in Room 205 to begin

with the day’s Bible story and a

snack. Children will then join

their age groups (K and 1st, 2nd and

3rd, 4th and 5th) to experience the

day’s Bible story in a variety of ways that include art,

music, science, games and drama. All children in

Kindergarten through 5th grade will return to Room 205

for dismissal.

Ages: K – 5th Grade • Leader: Rev. Trish Lisa at

[email protected] Location: 205 and others

This spring, the Learning Center children will present

the Annual Spring Sing on Tuesday, March 12, at 6:45

p.m. The program will be in the sanctuary with

refreshments afterwards in the Lounge.

Contact the Learning Center for days and times for

classes. Registration for the upcoming school year 2019-

2020 is ongoing for new families.

Ages: 1-5 years • LC Director: Barb Clark, 317-844-1107;

[email protected]. • Location: OPPC



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On Friday, March 8, come test your knowledge on a

wide variety of subjects at the Second Annual Trivia

Night Fundraiser for the Caravan Mission Trip this

summer. Everyone from 4th grade and up is invited

to join an intergenerational team of eight. Entry fee is

$15 per person. ($5 for children in 4th or 5th grade.)

Contact a member of Caravan for tickets.

There will be food, fellowship and fun! Even a yummy

dessert auction! Childcare will be provided upon

request for younger children.

Come join the fun for a good cause.

Ages: 4th Grade + • Leader: Rev. Dr. Shelly Wood • Location: OPPC Pavilion


March 16 Fri 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.

TRINITY FELLOWSHIP Trinity Fellowship started at OPPC in the early 1990’s.

This program meets at OPPC once a month to provide

social activities for mentally and physically disabled

people living in the Indianapolis area. This organization

brings joy to so many people who are often dependent

on others for their care, by giving them an opportunity

to get out of their usual environment and have fun.

Ages: 14+ • Leader: Buz and Marilyn Eichman:

[email protected] • Location: OPPC Pavilion


First Friday of each month F 6:30 – 9:00 p.m.


(IHN) operates under the umbrella

of Family Promise of Greater

Indianapolis and is a ministry of hope for homeless families in the

area. IHN coordinates overnight

emergency shelter in hosting

congregations and operates a day

center in downtown Indianapolis.

OPPC hosts the families on a rotational basis having two

rotations of two weeks in the year. We provide

overnight shelter, Christian fellowship and dinner and

breakfast each day. Volunteers coordinate the week of

activities for the guests, including transporting the

guests to and from the day center, cooking and serving

meals, engaging in evening activities with the guests,

and chaperoning the guests during their overnight


Ages: all • Leaders: Emily and Bob Browning:

[email protected] • Location: OPPC


Feb 24 – Mar 10 Su-Su


members go inside



Facility for a four-

day retreat in May

to share the love of Jesus with the offenders. To support

this ministry, members gather in the Pavilion kitchen to

mix and bake many dozens of cookies to be taken to the

Pendleton Correctional Facility.

Cookies can also be baked at home and brought in.

There is a specific recipe and guidelines to follow which

are located on Main Street. Bring cookies to the office

by May 15.


May 16 - 19 Th-Su

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CLOTHESLINE MINISTRY This program serves

the needs of families

without the resources

to purchase clothing.

This includes many

elementary students at

Orchard Park Elementary School.

OPPC members, friends and family members may

donate clothing - appropriately sized for children of

elementary school ages - to the church in the collection

bin labeled “Clothesline Ministries.”

Additionally, clothing, household items, furniture or

anything else of value may be donated to any local

Goodwill Store in the name of OPPC Clothesline. These

donated items earn vouchers that our Clothesline

volunteers use to purchase clothing for children.

Leader: Lynne Davis: [email protected] • Location: Clothesline closet at OPPC

HAITI MISSION PROJECTS Throughout the year, there are opportunities to help

with the Haiti Mission.

• Support for Dr. Renaud Gerve who runs the hospital in

Mombin Crochu, Haiti, as well as the mobile clinic for

the surrounding rural areas.

• Birthing kits are assembled and sent to midwives in outlying villages.

• The Central Plateau Scholarship Program of Haiti provides grants to students for advanced degrees.

OPPC presently sponsors four students.

• Kanga Elementary School which recently opened to

rural children in kindergarten through 5th grade so

they can begin education before the age of 10. OPPC

pays the two teachers’ salaries.

Al and Becky Atz take Haiti mission trips several times a

year. To find out more about any of the Haiti

opportunities, contact Al and Becky at 317-910-7385.

LOVE OUR EARTH CLEAN UP Clean up the grounds around OPPC: trim bushes, weed

flowerbeds, rake leaves and plant flowers.


April 27 Sa 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


CHILDREN There are over 1000

children in Carmel Clay

Elementary Schools that

depend on free breakfast and lunch 5 days a week

at school. OPPC will

again participate with

other organizations in

the Carmel community

to address the problem

of summer hunger. The

program will provide a sack of nutritious ingredients to

make each child 5 healthy breakfasts and lunches each

of the eleven weeks of summer break. Donations of food

are being accepted mid-May. Many volunteers are


Watch for lists of needed food as well as on-line sign up.

Ages: All+ • Leader: Sarah Burnham: [email protected] and Lynne Davis:

[email protected] • Location: Main Street


May - Aug M-Su Anytime

PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Volunteers knit or crochet shawls or lap robes while

praying for the recipient to be embraced by God's loving

presence. When completed, the shawls and robes are

made available to the pastors and Stephen Ministers to

take to members as appropriate when they make

pastoral care calls. All are welcome to help.

Ages: All • Leader: Elsie Potts: [email protected]

FOUNTAINS OF HOPE As a result of Hurricane Maria striking Puerto Rico in

2017, Fountains of Hope plans to install safe water

purifier systems there. OPPC and presbyters in PR have

identified six sites in need of safe purifier systems. Each

system costs $5,000. If you would like to contribute to a

system or participate in a future trip to Puerto Rico,

contact Bill Farrar at Fountains of Hope at 317-289-

9170. You can also donate on line at

fountainsofhope.org/donate and indicate you want

proceeds to go to Puerto Rico Purifier Systems.

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PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN All women who are currently members of Orchard Park

Presbyterian Church may join and become active

members of Presbyterian Women in the Congregation

(PWC). Active membership is based upon participation

in Circles, mission support groups and by attending

PWC meetings and events. There are six PWC Circles at

Orchard Park Presbyterian Church.

The PWC Circles normally conduct their meetings from

September through June.

• Hug-A-Pillow Circle - first Wednesday of each month, at the Church, from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. in Room

204. Contact: Amy Smith, [email protected] or

317-575-9622. Learn how to make animal-faced

pillows for Riverview Hospital to give to sick

children. The child can hug it for comfort during

hospitalization and take it home with them at


• Ruth Circle - second Wednesday of the month, 9:30 a.m. in the Lounge.

• Quilters Circle - each Monday, 9:00 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.

year-round in the Room 204. Contact: Doris Wright,

[email protected] or 317-846-4625.

• Miriam Circle - first Monday of the month, 7:00 p.m. in the Lounge.

• Book Review Circle - third Monday of the month, at

Carmel Panera Restaurant, 7:00 p.m. Contact: Susie

Highley, [email protected] or 317-335-2180.

• Hannah Circle is comprised of the mothers of younger children and they meet based upon

mutually agreed upon dates and times.

DINNERS FOR 8 Couples/singles are randomly

put into groups of 8. Groups

meet once a month at each

other’s homes for dinner and

fellowship. Sign up is

semiannually on Main Street.

Next sign up is mid-March.

Ages: 18+ • Leaders: Chris and Steve List ([email protected]) Location: Varies


Apr-Sep Determined by the group

HEAR! GO! SEE! Hear! Go! See! plans an event each month during the

weekdays. It provides an opportunity for all ages to go,

see and hear something new. Sign up is on Main Street

each month.

Ages: 18+ • Leader: Robin Pemberton:

[email protected] • Location: Varies


Antique Fan Museum Mar 12

Wabash Tour Apr 9

Coffin House May 14

RETIRED MEN’S GROUP OPPC Men meet at the church for coffee and donuts

every Monday morning.

Ages: 18+ • Leader: Jim Lewis: [email protected] • Location: Room 115


Sep - May M 8:00 – 10:00 a.m.

LUNCH BUNCH Retired ladies meet for lunch at local restaurants.

Ages: 18+ • Leaders: Nancy DeVore (317-843-9059)

and Eileen Kitchens (317-843-1705) • Location: Varies

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FELLOWSHIP for Youth & Kids


Junior High JAM Jr. High Fellowship meets for fellowship, fun,

discussion and prayer. From 7:00-7:30 pm Jr. High and

Sr. High youth will join together for a meal (hosted by


Ages: Grades 6-8 • Leader: Rev. Jenni Crowley Cartee

• Location: Room 215


Sep – May 10 W 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Senior High CONNECT CONNECT is a Senior High topical discussion and Bible

Study which meets on Wednesday nights, September to

May. We meet at OPPC at 7:00 pm for dinner with Jr.

High youth (hosted by parents) followed by our

discussion time at 7:30.

Ages: Grades 9-12 • Leader: Rev. Jenni Crowley Cartee

and others • Location: Room 214-215


Sep – May 10 W 7:30 – 8:30 p.m.

SUNDAY YOUTH EVENTS Pick up a Youth Ministries Spring Calendar that lists all

the dates for our Sunday youth events including

opportunities for mission and fellowship. For more

information contact Rev. Jenni Crowley Cartee.

Ages: Grades 6-12 • Leaders: Various • Location: OPPC


Feb 24 12:30-2:00 pm Mission Project

Mar 8 7:00-9:00 pm Trivia Night

Mar 24 12:30-2:30 pm Hunt/Mission

Apr 14 12:30-2:00 pm Mission Project

Apr 27 TBD Confirmation

Retreat & Caravan


May 5 12:30 – 2:00 pm Picnic & Games

May 19 9:00 & 11:10 am Confirmation Sun.


ROOTED - PRESCHOOL TO 5TH GRADE Believing that creating times to be in community is

essential for connecting and rooting children to their

faith and their faith community, we invite children and

their friends to join us. We will have an optional meal at

5:30 p.m. Families are welcome to join us to eat; and we

will conclude at 7 p.m.

Ages: Preschool – 5th grade • Leaders: Rev. Trish Lisa and

Debbie Meyer. • Location: Room 205


Sep – May 8 W 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.

ROUTE 45 Route 45 meets once a month on

Sunday or Friday for activities at the

church, events in the community, or

mission/service projects for 4th and

5th graders. Our goal is to nurture

friendships, give them opportunities

to think about and talk about their

faith with kids their own age and

have a lot of fun inside and outside the church!

Ages: 4th & 5th graders • Leaders: Amy Crist and Ulla

McClelland • Location: Room 212


Mar 17 10:00 a.m. Prep/Lunch at

Dayspring Shelter

Apr 27 10:00 a.m. Earth Day Cleanup

May 17 6-8:00 p.m. Cookout

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL VBS will be held the first full week of June. The theme

this year is To Mars and Beyond and will include stories,

games, crafts, and music. Look for registration

information in mid-March.


June 3-7 M-F 9:00 a.m.–noon

Ages: Children entering kindergarten through fifth

grade • Leader: Trish Lisa [email protected] • Location: OPPC

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SANCTUARY CHOIR The Sanctuary choir is the main choral ensemble of the

OPPC Music Ministry, leading the congregation in

worship at the 9:00 a.m. service each Sunday from

September to June. The group presents anthems and

service music for all regularly scheduled choral services

and presents a large work with orchestral

accompaniment for Advent. It is open to all singers,

high-school age and older. New members can come give

it a try for a month. No obligation.

Ages: 14+ • Director: Michael Pietranczyk:

[email protected] • Location:

Music Room


Sep - May Th 7:15 – 8:45 p.m.

REGEN PRAISE BAND This group of instrumentalists and singers led by Mike

Pietranczyk leads the 11:10 a.m. contemporary worship

service in song each Sunday. The band presents praise

songs, hymns and service music for the liturgy in

modern, innovative ways and can utilize many different

types of instruments.

Ages: 14+ • Director: Mike Pietranczyk • Location:



Year Round Su/W 6:30-7:30 pm

BRASS ENSEMBLE The brass ensemble provides added musical force on

holidays and special occasions throughout the

year. Anyone interested in playing is welcome. The

group rehearses as needed for the determined

performance schedule. Contact Michael Pietranczyk at

[email protected] for more



Sep-May W 7:30 – 8:30 pm

THE CHANCEL RINGERS This is the larger of 2 handbell ensembles in the OPPC

Music Ministry. It’s a five-octave choir that performs

on a regular monthly basis and plays primarily AGEHER

level 2-3 repertoire. It is open to all who are interested

in ringing. Basic note-reading ability is recommended.

Ages: 14+ • Director: Michael Pietranczyk • Location:

Music Room


Sep - May Th 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.

BELL CANTO Bell Canto is a chamber handbell group, repertoire for

small ensembles and performs without a

conductor. The group presents music in worship

regularly and out in the community as musical

ambassadors for OPPC.

Ages: 14+ • Location: Music Room


Sep - May W 6:30-7:30 p.m.

CHORISTERS Choristers meet fall, winter and spring. All children,

kindergarten age and older, are welcome to come sing

and worship. The children will have the opportunity to

offer their musical selections and assist in leading

worship in song usually one service per month. They

also present the annual Children's Christmas Musical.

Ages: Grades K-5 • Director: Kim Pietranczyk • Location:

Music Room


Sep - May W 6:00 –6:30 p.m.

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Senior Pastor [email protected]

Rev. Mike Samson Associate Pastor [email protected]

Rev. Jenni Crowley Cartee Director of Youth Ministries [email protected]

Michael Pietranczyk Director of Music [email protected]

Rev. Trish Lisa

Director of Children’s Ministry [email protected] Mary Leffler

Business Administrator [email protected]

Kathy Wilson Director of Financial Operations [email protected]

Lisa Alexander Facilities and Admin. Coordinator [email protected]

Nancy Hartmann Ministries Coordinator [email protected]

Debbie Meyer Nursery Director

[email protected]

ELDERS Clerk of Session

Adult Education

Greg Pemberton

Donna Wixson

Building & Property John Taylor Building & Property Adam Elkins

Children's Ministry David Platt Children’s Ministry Eleni Drake Connect Connie Cohrs Engage Sheryl Johnson

Finance Nichole Smyth-Wilson Finance/Treasurer Charlie Smith Memorials & Jim Burnett

Endowments Mission Chris Thomas Personnel Jenny Hutchinson Reach Mary Giesel

Strategic Plan Steve List Worship Bev McDavitt Worship Ellen Johns

Youth Ministry Bill Zilligen


Bereavement Audrey Wiebenga Bereavement Barb Tillema

Bereavement/Meals Jim Higgins Card Ministry Kay Gallagher Connect Kevin McKechnie Engage Scott Drake

Engage Diane Dougherty Flower Deliveries Carol Albright Home Communion Emily Browning

Home Communion Bob Howard Moderator Rick Harvey Newborns Elizabeth Oatman Pastoral Care Contact Karla Gaston

Prayer Chain Doris Wright Reach Jennifer Graver Secretary Kim Pietranczyk

Transportation Dawn Morgan-Crouse Visitation Updates Judy Marich-Doeppers Worship Stephanie Kimble

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Page 15: 1 | FIND MORE INFORMATION AT ORCHARDPARK€¦ · The prayer is a reminder that Niebuhr was a pastor before he was a celebrated theologian and foreign policy expert, and faith was


Page 16: 1 | FIND MORE INFORMATION AT ORCHARDPARK€¦ · The prayer is a reminder that Niebuhr was a pastor before he was a celebrated theologian and foreign policy expert, and faith was



Whether you’re new to Orchard Park Presbyterian

Church or you’ve been coming for a while, gather with

others to learn more about our faith community. There

are three opportunities for you offered quarterly.

Newcomer Meet and Greet Join us for an informal Meet and Greet in the Parlor.

We’ll share coffee, conversation and information about

our ministries.

The next Meet and Greet is Sunday, April 28,

at 10:10 a.m.

Pizza Connect Pizza Connect is an informal fellowship time to meet

and begin to form connections into the life of OPPC.

This is a family friendly dinner at Pizza King located at

301 E. Carmel Drive. Please stop by.

The next Pizza Connect is Sunday, April 28 at 5:30 p.m.

Joining Class When you have decided that you want to make OPPC

your church home, we invite you to attend the Joining

Class in the Parlor. In this class, you will have an

opportunity to meet new friends and discuss the

process for joining OPPC with our pastor. You may join

by either Profession of Faith, Reaffirmation of Faith, or

Letter of Transfer.

The next Joining Class is Sunday, May 5, at 12:10 p.m.

Childcare is available upon request.

Joining Sunday New members are introduced to the congregation

during a service on Sunday morning. New members

first meet with the Session before the service; you

confirm your intention to be members during the

service; and then you meet other members of the

congregation at a reception between services.

The next Joining Sunday is May 12.

If you have any questions, please contact Rev. Dr. Shelly

Wood at [email protected].

Orchard Park Presbyterian Church 1605 East 106th Street Indianapolis, IN 46280 Phone: 317-844-1107 Website: www.orchardpark.org

We’re glad you’re here!