1 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) DBI 2003. 2 Overview of CSS.

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Cascading Style Sheets(CSS)

DBI 2003

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Overview of CSS

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Same Page – Different Styles

• Look at W3C Core Style Sampler• How is it done?

Style declarations are in a separate fileThe HTML (or XML) document has a link to the

style sheet

• You can download and look at the Modernist style sheet

• The style for the H1 tag, as defined in modernist.css, is shown on the next slide

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h1 {font-family: Impact, Arial Black, Helvetica Black, sans-serif;font-size-adjust: .46;font-size: 2.33em;font-weight: 400;font-style:normal;text-decoration: none;word-spacing: normal;letter-spacing: normal;text-transform:none;}

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What is a Style?

• Font propertiesfamily, size, weight, style, variant

• Text propertiescolor, transform, decoration

• Backgroundbackground-color, background-image,

background-repeat, background-attachment, background-position, background

Property names appear in red

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A Style is Also a Layout

• Text Layoutdirection, word-spacing, white-space, letter-

spacing, line-height, text-align, text-indent

• Elements as Boxesmargin-top (-bottom, -left, -right) padding-top (-bottom, -left, -right)border-width, border-color, border-style

• Positioning Boxes float, clear, display, vertical-alignposition, left, top, width, height, overflow,

visibility, clip, z-index

Property names appear in red

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How and Where the Style is Described?

• The style is specified by style rules• The style rules appear either in the

document or in external files, called style sheets

• Inside a document, there are inline styles and embedded style sheets

• External style sheets are either linked or imported

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Cascading of Styles

• CSS merges style rules from different places (inline, document-level, imported and linked)

• Different places may have conflicting style rules

• The process of merging (“cascading”) styles from different places determines which style rules have priority

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Overview of the Layout Process in CSS

• Think of each word as a rectangular box

• The natural layout of the boxes is left to righttop to bottom

• Think of each HTML (or XML) element as a big box that contains smaller boxes (e.g., words)

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The Layout of Big Boxes

• Big boxes are also laid out left-to-right, top-to-bottom

• Inside each big box, the smaller boxes are laid out similarly

• This is a simplified description of the layout process

• Actually, there are more options than just the natural document flow

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Layout in HTML vs. CSS

• In pure HTML, the only way to control the positions of elements is by using tablesIt is cumbersome to control positions

in this wayRendering tables in a browser may

take some time (check out this page)• CSS makes it easy to position

elements on a page

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Relative vs. Absolute

• In CSS, positions (of boxes) and sizes (of fonts and boxes) could be either relative or absolute

• In an “absolute” styleFont size is fixedSizes and positions of elements are fixed

• In a “relative” style you can change the font sizeThe sizes and positions of elements may

change when the size of the window is changed

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Examples of Relative vs. Absolute

• www.ynet.co.il (like most newspapers) has an “absolute” design Is it possible to change the font size? Is it possible to view more material if you

have a wide screen?

• www.useit.com has a “relative” designYou can change the size of the fontsThe width of the two columns is adjusted

according to the width of the browser window

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Design Tip

• Make your design as “relative” as possible, sinceThe Web is not WYSIWYG because of the

variability in supported platforms• 21-inch monitor• Laptop• Hand-held device

• In other words, site designers and page authors should not try to fully control how their pages will be viewed

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In Particular

• Site designers and page authors should not override the the style rules of the client (although it can be done)

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Different Levels of CSS

• W3C has specifications for CSS Level 1, CSS Level 2 and CSS Level 3

• Most recent versions of browsers try to implement CSS Level 2

• Hardly any browser implements CSS Level 2 completely and correctly

• You should try your style sheets on different browsers, especially if you use complex features of CSS

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Design Tip

• Design your site so that it will be rendered reasonably well also on browsers that do not support CSS

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Examples and Resources

• Suppose you want to fix your logo on the background – look at an example

• W3Schools has many simple examples and a good CSS2 reference

• Many tutorials on the Web (e.g., Mulder's Stylesheets Tutorial)

• Eric Costello describes layout techniques using CSS and has links to tutorials and other resources on layout techniques

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CSS Rules

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Declarations• A declaration consists of a property

and one or more values• The property is separated from the

values by a colonproperty1: value1property2: value1 value2 value3

• Slides 5 and 6 list many of (but not all) the properties of CSS

• See a list of properties and their possible values in W3Schools

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Declaration Blocks

• A declaration block is a list of zero or more declarations that are separated by semicolons:

• A declaration block usually appears inside a pair of { and }

• In in-line styles, a declaration block appears inside a pair of double quotes“declaration block”

property1: value1; property2: value1 value2 value3…;

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• color: red; font-size: 12pt• margin-top: auto; margin-right:

100px; margin-bottom: 10%; margin-left: 5mm

• Alternatively, we can set all four margins in one declaration as follows

• margin: auto 100px 10% 5mm

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Inline Styles

• In an inline style, the declaration block appears as the value of the attribute style (conforming to XML syntax)

<P style=“color: green; font-size: 1.5em; font-style: italic”> This text will be shown in italic green and the size will be 1.5 times the current font size </P>

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CSS Rules

• A rule has the following formselector {declaration block}

• The selector determines when the rule is applied

• The following rule applies to text that is inside a <P> tag

P {color: green; font-size: 1.5em; font-style: italic}

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Several Kinds of Selectors• Universal Selector• Type Selectors• Descendant Selectors• Child Selectors• Adjacent-Sibling Selectors• Attribute Selectors• Class Selectors• ID Selectors• Pseudo-Class Selectors• Pseudo-Element Selectors

Selectors can be grouped

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Type Selector• A type selector is the name of an

element type• A type selector matches every

instance of the element type

• What will be the color and the size if the font is inside a <P> element which is inside a <DIV> element?

P {color: green; font-size: 1.5em; font-style: italic}DIV {color: red; font-size: 16px}

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Universal Selector

• The universal selector matches every element type

• The following rule means that all the text will have a size of 40px

* {font-size: 40px}But even that may not work

• The following will always work* {font-size: 40px ! important}

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Class Selectors

• The definition of the class<P class="introductoryparagraph"> ....

</P>• Style rules for the class

P.introductoryparagraph {color: blue}• applies to P elements with the class name

introductorypargraph.introductoryparagraph {color: blue}

• applies to any element with the class name introductoryparagraph

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Class Selectors (cont’d)

• An element may have more than one class, e.g., <P class="green quote new”>

• This element matches the following selectors

•P.quote.green•P.new•P.quote.new.green •It does not match P.new.old

• Few browsers support it

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ID Selectors

• IDs are identical to classes, except that there can only be one element with a given ID in a document

• In the HTML (or XML) document:<BODY id="introduction">

• In the style sheet:BODY#introduction {font-size: 1.2em}#introduction {font-size: 1.2em}

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Attribute Selectors

• P[attribute] matches P when attribute is set to any value

• P[title=intro] or P[title="intro"] (the quotes are optional) matches P when its title attribute is set to


• P[class~=green] matches P when the class attribute is set to

"green small", "small green", "green", etc.

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• The pseudo-classes :link and :visited are used to define styles for links and visited links

• :hover is used to define a style for an element when the mouse is over that element

• :focus is used to define a style when the element is ready to accept input

• :active is used while an element is being activated by the user (during the time between pressing the mouse button and releasing it or pressing it again in a different place)

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Examples of Rules for Pseudo-Classes

• A:link {color: blue}

• A:visited {color: purple}

• A:hover {font-size: 1.5em}

• A:active {color: red}

• INPUT:focus {background-color: yellow}

For links, the order of the rules is important

From a usability point of view, it is not recommend to change the default colors of :link and :visited

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More Examples of Pseudo-Classes

• Look at the examples in W3Schools

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The :first-child Pseudo-Class

• It is used to denote an element which is the first child of its parent

<OL><LI>This is the first child of OL – it is matched by the selector LI:first-child

<LI>This is the second child of OL – it is not matched by the above selector</OL>

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• A pseudo-element selector matches part of an element (whereas a pseudo-class selector matches a complete element)

• :first-line and :first-letter match the first line and the first letter of an element, respectively

• Examples:P:first-line {text-transform: capitalize}

P:first-letter {font-size: 48px; color: red}

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Contextual Selector

• P B {color: red}• The above rule is matched by a B

element if that element is nested (at any level) inside a P element

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Grouping of Selectors

• The following rule applies to all elements of that match either H1, H2, H3 or P BP B, H1, H2, H3 {font-size: 120%}

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Example<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Formatting style with CSS</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><IMG SRC="tomato.gif"><H1>A joke</H1><P> A mama tomato, a papa tomato and a baby tomato are walking down the street.The baby tomato keeps falling behind so the papa tomato goes back, steps on the baby tomato and says, ketchup ("Catch-up!").

</P> </BODY></HTML>

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Adding Style<STYLE type="text/css"><!--

BODY { background-image: url("tomato1.gif"); background-attachment: fixed }

H1 { background-color: rgb(100,150,100); color: rgb(250, 200, 250) }

P { background-color: yellow; color: purple; font-size: 200% }


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Another Example

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<HEAD><TITLE>Some more style examples</TITLE></HEAD><style TYPE=text/css><!--

BODY {font-size: 30}P:first-line {color: #ff0000;font-variant: small-caps}

--></style><BODY><SPAN style="float: left; font-size: 100px; line-height: 90px; width: 60px">T</SPAN>wo cows were walking together in a field. One turns to the other and says, "hey larry are you worried about getting that mad cow disease?"

<P>Larry, in a very odd and wacky voice says, <SPAN style="text-decoration: underline">"why would I, I'm a chicken?"</SPAN><SPAN style="text-decoration: line-through">"why would I, I'm a cow?"</SPAN></BODY></HTML>

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The Sources of Style Sheets

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Embedded Style Sheets

<HTML> <HEAD> <STYLE type="text/css"> <!-- BODY {color: red} --> </STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY> ... </BODY> </HTML>

The embedded style sheet appears in the header inside a <STYLE> element.

All the text of the style sheet is inside an HTML comment so that browsers that do not support CSS will ignore the text.

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Inline Styles

• Any tag, except the <HTML> tag itself, can have the style attribute

• For example, the following will define the color of the paragraph to be green

<P style="color: green"> and this is green</P>

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Imported Style Sheets

• The @import rule imports style rules to the beginning of the style sheet

• Usage: @import url(nameOfFile.css)• Several import rules may appear at

the beginning of the style sheet• Import rules can appear in embedded

style sheets or in external style sheets

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Linked Style Sheets

• Links to external style sheets can appear in the header of an HTML page

<HTML> <HEAD> <LINK rel="stylesheet" type="text/css”

href=“name.css“ media=“print handheld”> </HEAD> <BODY> ... </BODY></HTML>

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Inheritance and Cascading

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Inheritance of Properties

• If an element does not match any rule for some given property, then the element inherits the computed value for that property from its parent element

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• Given the rules:BODY { font-size: 10pt }H1 { font-size: 120% }

• What will be the font size of the EM element?

<BODY> <H1>A <EM>large</EM>


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Cascading Order

• When several rules define the same property and match the same element, then the cascading order is as follows:Primary sort: weight and originSecondary sort: specificity of selectorsFinal sort: order of appearance

• The cascading order determines which rules applies

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Weight and Origin

• Author style sheets override user style sheets

• User style sheets override default (browser) style sheets

• ! important declaration overrides normal declaration

• If both author and user declarations have ! important, the user declarations still override the author declarations (in CSS2, but not in CSS1)

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Specificity of a Selector

• Let a be the number of ID attributes in the given selector

• Let b be the number of attributes and pseudo-classes in the given selector

• Let c be the number of element names in the given selector

• Sort the triples (a,b,c) lexicographically)

• Pseudo-elements are ignored

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• Consider the two rulesP {…}.introductory {…}

• If an element matches both, then the second rule has a higher specificity and overrides the first

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Order of Appearance

• If two rules have the same weight, origin and specificity, then the one that appears last in the style sheet overrides the others

• Rules in imported style sheets are considered to appear before local rules