1. A&enda, 0900, 4/29/79,1979-04-29...Potta. 4/29/79 Action Berbein Berbein Berbein Jlirat .Ul : •...

·. - 1. A&enda, 0900, 4/29/79, Task Hanague. nt/Sc:hedule Meeting 2. Review Top Priorities List 3. Reviev Action Items from "1800", 4/28/79, Tec:hnic:al Reviev 4. leviev Tuka Liata - lu .. 'YJvt"/'VV+- (, -rn -r_ .• A tip r

Transcript of 1. A&enda, 0900, 4/29/79,1979-04-29...Potta. 4/29/79 Action Berbein Berbein Berbein Jlirat .Ul : •...

·. -

1. A&enda, 0900, 4/29/79, Task Hanague.nt/Sc:hedule Meeting

2. Review Top Priorities List

3. Reviev Action Items from "1800", 4/28/79, Tec:hnic:al Reviev

4 . leviev Tuka Liata

-lu ~.-.., .. 'YJvt"/'VV+-(,-rn -r_ ~ .• A tip r

... .. . . •• 4/29/79


Manaaeaaot/Schedule Meatin& 0900 4/29/79

· 1. Radioaetive bl.usu .~~/6 - /CJ

2. Plant Status:

•· ICS temperature trandiD&

b. Pruauriau lnal - calculated and iadieated

e. Statua of OTSG' 1 - taparature and lnal.

I ' . ~ L...L..:... o.A~· ~~4-

3. Construction Status: qo...~ • r T ~- -1 •' J L.. P. •

~ J. "'-"""' '-fo - ~ ...- • ~ . a. EPICOR (Cap-Gun II) ~ . r-~""''; J';;: ~·~; ;' :~-b. Taak fono to UDit 2 apODt fuel poal!.._~.r~<~~ 'f ·'--'-'· ~-~' /" · e. Re&etor coolant praasura/volWM eontr~ ~j ~ 'MLs · dJ

ayetaa fJ.z..c.c- a- ~ ~ _ o . /!. ..., o A. I~

d. Alumau Decay 1ieat leiiOVal Systaa f-o-~ ~ Lr" ~--- )I'T 1J ..,_ • .d d "" S' ~ ,.. • • •

e. DBJl uparade ~eM.<.- e>O"' fT .,. u ~ -r~~ · 'P.o-.~~ 4'3'' ~K Cat:/:; Ot:.JLC.

r. f . Alternate ayac .. for solid circulation of OTSC'e , ~

I• Aurlllary Mldtaa loaf v .. tuatioo Syat%~ r-;:: . • = b Auxiliary Diaaol Cooarator Syatoo l.: ~ ::::r~ -----.

fJ.-U.:- \~ ~ cA-l.- ~'-. A/ ~~ ~-~ ~ ~ ~~~- ,:: ~'------J., ~. ~;.~, J.... ~. ~~. sk- ~ ___r .


At.~ ~a.k4 ~ ~~

'I c.

~~ ?-c,. ~ CS-r<51 ,,

u...J. rc

A- 71.

I Y I j{, (,

t{. 7

~ . ., ~ ·



TedmJ.c:&l bviev Meetin& 1800 4/28/79

1 . Maintain "A" nua bypua at 90% open uutU further DOUce. .Ulov te.peraturea to reac:h equUibriwa.

2. Kab-up to the ICS ahoul.cl be ciooe .on alovl7. CootiDue to uae !P 21.

3. Maintain "A" OTSC lnal at 400"-430".

4. Watch treadin& at the condenser air ejector to check for inlaakaae to the etua linea froa cootailmeot atmoaphere.

S. Contact ll. C. Arnot-' if the bi&heat core thet'1110-couple riaea abo~• 1500.

6. Laat .. Ita-up to llCS &lUSt be aade at l ... t ooe hour before aaaplina.

7. Develop criteria tt deteraioe if natural circulation h&a bee . loat.

8. 1'1nbh 1nat&llat.1on of tint root valve on "a" atu.a line before .. uoa cut into "A" ateaa line.

9. Probl ... v1th fire protection ahould be cleared tbrouah w. Potta.








: •

0800 4/29/79


DevelopMnt of plan for aacac-.nt of radioactivity in A-1 Auxiliary and Containment !u1ld1naa.

Identify and ilolate sourc:ea of iodine lulcaae. A-1

eo.pleu tuk far11 in Unit 2 ap.nt fuel pool. A-1

CO.,leta roof-top Stack Filtration Syatea. A-2

Coaplete c:ontinaenc:y plan for ~raency cross-tie A-2 betwut the AuxJ.liary !ulldin& aDd Jaactor BuUclin& filtration Syat ...

Collpletion of !l'ICOil (CAP-cuM It) Systea A-2

Developunt of plan for treataeut of Auxiliary Bu1ldina B-1 liquid vaate.

Collplete "!" OTSG coolin& and IIOdification (lonr-term) . C-1

Upsrade Decay Heat lemov£1 System. C-1

Coaplete calibration of alternate preaaurizer level · C-1 trans&Utter.

Develop.ent of alternate ayatem for pressure/volume C-1 control ayst•.

Deteraine auitability of uain& both ateam aenerators as C-2 beat ainka. · ·

Cotlplete "A" OTSG coolina .adific:at1on (lona-ura). C-2

Collpleu external nlvrpit for ADBll Syatea. C-2


Control (i.e •• contaiament) of radioactivity in Aux1.11ary and Contaimlent Buildin&•·

I ltecovuy of Aux111ary Bu1lclina to near normal operat1ona.

C Place the plant in a cold ~oadition auitable for clepreaaurization vith long-term preasure/volume control. ·

0800 4/29/79


Exp.c:te.c! Tuk. Taak. Desc:riptJon Priori tv _CQmtJletio" Status Coord .

1. Obtain RCS sample. C-1 16' 0500, Thorpe/ S/01 Batric:k

2. P%1 Beiae and diff. pressure C- 1 Jlecalibratiq VU.On/ ... , .. lrouabtoa

3. Obtain K!C approval. C-1 Need EQ{'a 132, Porter/ · 141, 148, 181, Faulk:Du 182, 185.

4. SSIUI pumps. C-1 ".A."-In Servic: Parts S/07 /79 "I"-AvaUab1e "C"-Under


s. HAke c:alc:ulation of lAD C-1 T011l Cr illm1na Co bean/ levels that vUl oc:c:ur in to define Cuaa c:ond. Demins - if ve c:irc:u1ate shielding and c:lun "I" OTSC. r 'cquirements.

6. Prepare inatruc:tiona for loss C-1 4/30 In proarau. Floyd/ of &land steam to tur~ine. Iunder

7. a. prepared to run Existing B C-1 !xpac:t to Toole Dec:ay llcat Pump on Jlac:i~. run 4/29/

8. Jlaviav tie-in to stack for .A.B No status Cuaa/ H&V. (Is c:ap needed?) Toole/


9. Repair 6 secondary plant leaks In progress . Clunina up Shovlin/ and 110p up vater around c:ond. aroUDd c:on- Iunder pumps. dansate pumps.

10. Cat sec:. plaat au:p lavale Iunder dow.

u. Open OTSC "B" drairul to con- Shut by-pus Xuoder denser - valve traps are in.

12. Inatall oav rad monitor on Weaver/ •acuwa PUIIIP u.hauat. (Take Xuodu one fraa roof and put on .... .

: point u HP-Jl748.) .


~-. . .

· <tnt.) 0800 4/29/T


Expected Tuk Ta•k Descriptfon Priori tv Cm!!Dletion Status Coord.

13. Fix the 1-B Reactor coolant vast• evaporator (lA in service

14. Honitor laactor Build ina 1Co C:&p OD pressure. stack.


~ ~


. : .


. .

0800 4/29/79



vc-2 (L-1)


Decon. vater in AB using EPICOR ion exchana• process.

WG-11 Vater Chemistry Lab for u .. with CAP-GUN (WG-2).

WG-6 lnatall atoTa&e vessels iD (L-2) Fuel Pool "A".

WG-1 Inatall AB/FRI FUur ayst ... KEC inatall hi&b noise level dans.

WG-16 Provide cap for Aux. Building stack..

TS-3C Develop complete packaae for lona-tena cooling of OTSG "B". Use Unit 12 Ocains for long­tena system.

TS-10 Install 2/2500 kv diesat aenera tors - check shipping d&maa• -vendor. Run diesel, fill fuel systat.

TS-11 Develov electrical distribution syste= - 13.2 XV line.

TS-6! RCS pressure control system.

TS-6C Evaluate letdown capabilitias for 110d. to RCS.

TS-14 Shield for decay heat pump.

Expected PrioritY Com~letion Status











Turn over for test 5/5. Opera­tional 5/7.

Operational 5/3.

Operational by 5/7.

Units l aDd 2 (tested). Units 3 and 4 - 5/1.

Turn over for test 4/29.

27 of 59 EC!'s issued.

PreliAiD&ry schedule.

Bulld.J.n& com­plete by 5/24.

Instal. c:o=p. Equip. avail. 5/8. 5/2.

Run on 5/5. Instal. c:omp. 5/4.

Turn over Mev schedule. for test 5/3. Run on 5/8.

Turn. over for test S/11

To be scheduled.

Task Coord.

Co bean

Co bean

Co bean/ Cunn

Gums/ "nlorpe/ Bacbofer


Co bean/ Cucn/ Toole

Co bean

Killer/ Lilly

C-2 Installation to Wilson be scheduled by 4/30.

: 0800 4/29/79 -&.


Ta.lt O.scriptfon Expected Task

Priority Coct~letion Status Coord.

LS-2 Tech Spec. deletions. chana••· C-1 No status NRC inter- Bardin& aDd additions for 10'0&-tem actiom uodet' (Stair) cool iDa. neaoti.&t1on.

nt-3~ Eatabliah lona-tem plant C-1 No atatua Cr01:1eber~;e I inatrumcntation requirements. Chisholm

AA-64 A. &eport for cooldovn on C-1 S/1 Crila.1D.a OSTC "1".

a. &eport for aolid on C-1 SIS Crila.1D.a OSTC "A".

AA-7S Evaluate options for mid-term C-1 4/30 c. Bond continued operation.

M-7! Define "alert levels" for C-1 various parameters.

.. ..


. • . \

·-. .

·. • 0800 4/29/79


Expected Task 'l'aak Descr1ot1on Prio.:itY Co::~oletion Status Coord Not e

1. 1.1 Decontaminate f or DKR System 1 Camp . 4/28 Siano checkout.

1.1.2 tn.tall AwE. Bu1ld1D& TV 1 la proar••• SiaDo Monitor Syat-. 4/28 .

1. &. 4 Install OK& rmota opa. equip. 1 On&oins 4/30 SiaDo

I.I. S DD flov/pruaun uata l OqoiD& S/1 SiaDo

U.A. l ADHR (aev) aya. claai&n and 1 Oa&oina 4/30 SiaDo approval.

lt.A.l Find ADWl tut procedure. 1 On&oica 5/3 Siaao

U . A.l Find ADHR inatallatioa 1 Ongoing 5/10 Siano procedure.

U . A. 2 ADHR Procurem•ot 1 Camp. 4/28 Siaao 1

u.a AOHR Installation. 1 Ongoina 5/18 SiaDo

L1c:aaatna Report. 1 Fonu1 aub- Siaao

-.-· mittal to CPU ; 4/20 .


1. DHll ald.d recaivecl 4/28/79 fr011 Pull.Ju.n Co.

I - •

0800 4/29/79 •

Task Expected Task

Description hioriey Comnletion Status Coord.

G-5 Sat-up to chan&e AB/FH Bld&. A-1 On hold AB ''A" In . Shovlin/ vent. filters . (Radiation Se:vice Bachofar

laveb) "B" In hogrus

FJm "A" In Service .

L-5 Caustic spraying of Aux. Bldg. A-1 Continue addin& Kraft/ are&J~ and &UIIIp. to &UIIIp . s .. linaer

L-33 Devalop plan for tying in tank A-1 In progress. Snyder fam to CAP-Ct.'N "2". Investigatin&

secondary tie to tank fam.

Begln· Waste Cas Program to Seelinger detet"llline location of leak.

Develop plan for managament Seelinger of decontamination of radio-activity in Aux. & Coat. Bldgs .

Cat kB Bld&• saa aaaple. ·. Killer

Check possibility of deter- Levy/ aining c:oataiament aumpievel Industrial by aaasuriQ& radiation at Advbory containment vall. Group

. ~ .


. . . .


0800 4/29/79


Expec:t&d Task Task DescriptJon Priol"itv Cnooleeion Status Coord.

2. Provide recommendation for alternate methods of P/V

1 In prosreaa Ac:kerm.an


11. Inatruaent cUaanostic:s. 1 Conticous Al:kat'III&D

25. Inatruaent . .

•• 12 selected tc' s on recorder or coaputer

1 lzl proareaa Stroupe

b. TB & TC on recorder 1 lzl progress Stroupe . 26. Review of Natural Circulation .

•• Review and l"eco=mend 1 Coop • 4/28 IA 260 Levy c:riteria for natural 4/28 circulation

b. Means of determinins 1 Comp. 4/28 IA 26F Levy natural circulation if level indic:ation is lost

20. Evaluate various alternatives 1 Not started Lavborslti to decontaainate plant; lons-ten~.

31. Altsrnata pressurized level 1 Stroup procedure for ~ot.

33. Evaluate pressurizer volume 1 ICally control option w/o level instr. using make-up tank. Trigger point or mathod for loss of liquid indication aod atrat. on 3o-hour criteria to ao solid.

34. Evaluate core aisnificance of 1 In progress Zebro.slti/ ex-cure upper-lover ratio. Ac: kat'lllan

35. Modification of EP-32 for loss 1 lzl progress Stroupe of natural circulation in "A" loop. . · .

36. Undentanding of present natural .

l ·. In progress Kelly circulation - Review what happened? "B" loop on natural circulation.









(Cont.) : . •


Expec:te.4 Descrbtfon Priority Como let ion

Svitchln& mode aad analyzin& 1 of "B'' 1olJ.d atate with pre•ent equipunt.

Spec:if1eat1ona for Reflux Boiler Teat . •• FuaibUity 2

b. Specific: par ... ter 2

Water Level/Raactor P/V

•• Short-tena 2

b. Long-una 2

Model for boron/g3s in primary 2 ayatem.

TU. to con .. lt with oo 2 utern.al coolin& aod removal tbrou&h floocUnr of contatn..Dt.

Plant Hod - pipiD& aDd equip- 2 aent.


. ·.

. .

0800 4/29/79

Tuk Status Coord.

In proarus Buhl

. In tniD& Foruodo&

In typiD& Fornaodoz

In proar••• Ackerman

In progress Ack.er:aan

Being ~1tten !Coler

Not n.arted Fornaodoz .

In prosresa Lavborslti


