1 Abstract Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Psychological ... · The degree completion program will...

B.A. with a major in Psychological Science Online Degree Completion Program 1 Abstract Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Psychological Science Online Degree Completion Program Abstract The proposed Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Psychological Science Online Degree Completion Program in the College of Arts and Sciences is designed for non-traditional seeking career advancement or personal enrichment, veterans and active military, as well as students transferring to UVM after completing Associate’s degrees at community colleges who have earned at least sixty college credits but who have not previously completed a baccalaureate degree. The program includes 61 credits towards the existing Bachelor of Arts in Psychological Science major requirements paired with the existing minor requirements in Political Science and all four university requirements. The online format allows students to finish a bachelor’s degree outside the traditional four-year residential model, which provides professionals and active military the flexibility to engage in the university curriculum with a balance between education, work, and family. As an alternative pathway to a bachelor’s degree, the program serves the land-grant mission of the university by providing access to high-quality education to students from the state, region and nation that would otherwise be unable to attend UVM. Degree completion students are particularly motivated by the desire for career advancement, career change, and personal enrichment. Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Psychological Science delivered in the online format for degree completion students shares the same courses, curricular goals, objectives and outcomes as the on-campus program while providing a high quality flexible pathway for adult learners. As with traditional undergraduate students, online degree requirements students will take foundational and advanced courses, learn from research-active faculty, engage in experience based learning and graduate ready for a career. The degree completion program will initially combine study in Psychological Science with a minor in Political Science. As additional courses become available online so too will additional options for minors in the College of Arts and Sciences. The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Psychological Science Online Degree Completion Program is anticipated to launch in Fall 2018, and courses will be offered year-round.

Transcript of 1 Abstract Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Psychological ... · The degree completion program will...

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B.A. with a major in Psychological Science Online Degree Completion Program

1Abstract Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Psychological Science Online Degree Completion Program

Abstract The proposed Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Psychological Science Online Degree Completion Program in the College of Arts and Sciences is designed for non-traditional seeking career advancement or personal enrichment, veterans and active military, as well as students transferring to UVM after completing Associate’s degrees at community colleges who have earned at least sixty college credits but who have not previously completed a baccalaureate degree. The program includes 61 credits towards the existing Bachelor of Arts in Psychological Science major requirements paired with the existing minor requirements in Political Science and all four university requirements. The online format allows students to finish a bachelor’s degree outside the traditional four-year residential model, which provides professionals and active military the flexibility to engage in the university curriculum with a balance between education, work, and family. As an alternative pathway to a bachelor’s degree, the program serves the land-grant mission of the university by providing access to high-quality education to students from the state, region and nation that would otherwise be unable to attend UVM. Degree completion students are particularly motivated by the desire for career advancement, career change, and personal enrichment. Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Psychological Science delivered in the online format for degree completion students shares the same courses, curricular goals, objectives and outcomes as the on-campus program while providing a high quality flexible pathway for adult learners. As with traditional undergraduate students, online degree requirements students will take foundational and advanced courses, learn from research-active faculty, engage in experience based learning and graduate ready for a career. The degree completion program will initially combine study in Psychological Science with a minor in Political Science. As additional courses become available online so too will additional options for minors in the College of Arts and Sciences. The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Psychological Science Online Degree Completion Program is anticipated to launch in Fall 2018, and courses will be offered year-round.

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Entity! NewCurriculum! NewAcademicProgram! NewResearchEndeavor! NewAcademicCenterorInstitute

Academicdegreetobeawarded! BachelorofArts! BachelorofScience! MasterofArts! MasterofScience! DoctorofPhilosophy(Ph.D.)! Post-BaccalaureateCertificate! Post-Master’sCertificate! CertificateofGraduateStudy! CEAcademicCertificate! Other:! N/A

Exactnameofdegree:___________________________________________________________! Untaggeddegree(e.g.BachelorofScience)! Taggeddegree(e.g.BachelorofScienceinElectricalEngineering)





Location/Travel! 50%offsite! substantialclinical/practicumtravel! requiredtravelcomponent

DeliveryMethod! Standarddeliveryonly! Onlinedeliveryonly! Hybriddelivery! Hybriddelivery

ExternalCollaborations! Degreeofferedjointlywithanother


Calendar(choosenomorethanone)! Maincampuscalendar! CollegeofMedicinecalendar! DistanceEducationcalendar

FinancialAid*! Onlineprogramwithdifferentialtuition

rate! Residentialprogramwithdifferential






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Proposal for a New Academic, Research, or Service Endeavor (form revised and approved February 9, 2015)

Proposal for a New Academic, Research, or Service Endeavor For purposes of full review of a new curriculum or academic program, research, or service endeavor, a formal proposal is to be drawn up according to the following outline. “Academic program” includes academic units, majors, minors, degrees, academic certificates, and graduate degree programs. “Research endeavor” includes centers and institutes. All sections should be addressed; if a section is not applicable to the particular proposal, insert ”Not Applicable.” When specific requirements are posted elsewhere for a particular activity, they should be incorporated into the proposal. (Examples include majors, minors, matrix centers, certificates of graduate study, and general degree requirements.) Proposal I. Program title, director, participating faculty, responsible academic unit, and description of the program, as it would be included in the University or Graduate College Catalogue. Title: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) with a major in Psychological Science Online Degree Completion Program Program Director: To be determined from current faculty Participating Faculty: The following faculty are currently teaching the required courses in the online format: Blasius, Bageshree Cepeda-Benito, Antonio Falls, William Fenstermacher, Susan Grosvenor, Jenny M. Hammack, Sayamwong. Hoza, Betsy Karstens, Karla Lekka, Shamila Ljung-Baruth, Annika McHugh, James Neal, Patrick

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Plazek, David Robison, Gordon Rudiger, Lawrence Steinberg, Jonah Academic Unit: Department of Psychological Science, College of Arts & Sciences University Catalog Description: Link to current catalog – http://catalogue.uvm.edu/undergraduate/artsandsciences/psychology/psychologyba/ The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) with a major in Psychological Science is offered as a four-year residential or online degree completion option.

II. Exact wording of degree to be awarded, if appropriate. Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) with a major in Psychological Science

III. Rationale for the curriculum, program, or endeavor: A. Philosophic goals statement: The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) with a major in Psychological Science Online Degree Completion Program allows a student to finish a bachelor’s degree outside the traditional four-year undergraduate model. Students enter the degree completion program with some college credits already earned. The program aligns with the land-grant mission of educational access and challenges students to maintain the same high standards as traditional undergraduates. The Bachelor’s degree completion program serves older adult students who seek career advancement or personal enrichment. In order to meet the needs of adult students who typically work full-time while they complete the degree, online delivery allows students to better balance education, work and family. The degree completion program offers an alternative pathway to a bachelor’s degree while providing students from across the region access to high-quality education. B. General and specific objectives:

The general program objectives of the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) with a major in Psychological Science Online Degree Completion Program are:

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1.) To recruit military veterans, students with an associate’s degree, or students with some baccalaureate level college experiences who are committed to competing a Bachelor’s degree but who cannot do so in a completely residential context.

2.) To implement an online curriculum in the College of Arts and Sciences that provides the final 61 credits of the degree requirements for a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Psychological Sciences including all four university requirements: Writing and Information Literacy; Sustainability; Category One (Race and Racism in the U.S.) and Category Two (the Diversity of Human Experience) along with all minor requirements in Political Science.

3.) To provide access to the Psychological Sciences degree to qualified students who would otherwise be unable to enroll.

Specific student learning objectives: Upon graduation, students with a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) with a major in Psychological Science will:

1. Asolidandcomprehensiveknowledgebaseinmental-healthpsychopathologyanditstreatment,psychologicaldevelopmentoverthelifespan,socialdeterminantsofbehavior,cognitionandhealth,andthebiologicalbasisofbehaviorandcognitiveprocesses.

2. Proficientcriticalthinkingskillsandanagileunderstandingofthescientificmethod.

3. Recognitionandappreciationofethicalandsocialresponsibilitiesinadiverseworld.

4. Recognitionandappreciationthatweliveinanever-changingworldthatdemandscontinuouslearningandpersonaladjustment.”

5. Havecompletedaliberalartsdegreereadyforacareer.Graduateswithaliberalartsdegreearepreparedforanynumberofcareers.StudentsmajoringinPsychologicalScienceoftenpursuecareersinbusiness,law,publichealth,medicine,clinicalpsychology,neuroscience,andhumanservices.

IV. Relationship of this curriculum, program, or endeavor to current mission and long- range plans of: A. Participating departments, programs, schools, and colleges The academic unit involved is the Department of Psychological Science in the College of Arts and Sciences. Theproposeddegreecompletionprogramwouldmakeanexcellentliberalartseducationaccessibletostudentswhowouldotherwisenothaveaccess...and,who,byvirtueofthis,havedifferentbackgroundsandperspectivestosharewiththecampuscommunity. The proposed program is also aligned with Continuing and Distance Education, which is dedicated to supporting the success of adult and other part-time students through the use of technology and online education. B. The University

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Providing innovative ways to extend the resources of UVM beyond the traditional scope of on campus degree programs is consistent with the University’s mission and long-range planning goals. Programs, such as this one, provide a vehicle for academic units to develop partnerships and serve new students. This is a central part of the University mission as Vermont’s land-grant institution. Online degree completion programs provide a way for the University to address the education and instructional needs of adult students and the community at large. More specifically, the online completion degree capitalizes on the University’s academic strengths of the Psychological Science B.A., the University’s largest major, to provide access to nontraditional students and in this way contribute to improving the educational level of Vermont’s and to the Nation’s workforce needs. V. Relationship to programs offered currently. The degree awarded will be the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) with a major in Psychological Science. The new program offers the same curriculum as the 4-year residential program but will be offered fully online to degree completion students. The degree completion program offers students the final 61 credits of the degree requirements online including all four university requirements: Writing and Information Literacy; Sustainability; Category One (Race and Racism in the U.S.) and Category Two (the Diversity of Human Experience) along with all minor requirements. In the initial program launch only the minor requirements in Political Science are available, and as the program grows more courses toward minor requirements in additional areas such as English or Economics will become available. VI. Indicate any other programs at the University that are similar in title or content and illustrate how they may overlap or differ. As noted above, the degree completion B.A. will share the same requirements as the on campus Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) with a major in Psychological Science. The delivery method will change to fully online to support the needs of the degree completion students. The on-campus program will continue to serve the needs of traditional undergraduate students, whereas the online degree completion program will serve primarily the needs of non-traditional students who enter the program as transfer students and do not attend on-campus courses. There is no other comparable B.A. degree completion program at UVM. The College of Nursing and Health Sciences offers the Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences as a four-year residential or online degree completion option. VII. What comparable programs, if any, are in existence today in reputable colleges and universities: According to the Education Advisory Board, bachelor’s degree completion programs, programs that allow adult students to complete undergraduate degrees outside of traditional four-year residential models, are common around the country at R1 institutions, doctorial universities with the highest research activity, as defined by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education. Institutions like the University of Michigan, University of Illinois, University of

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Maryland and University of North Carolina and North Carolina State offer a few examples for further analysis. A more comprehensive list also includes: Boston University, Colorado State, Columbia University, George Mason University, George Washington University, Georgetown University, Indiana University-Bloomington, Kansas State University, University of Texas, University of Massachusetts, University of Minnesota, University of Virginia, University of Washington and University of Wisconsin. A. What are the highlights of these programs and how do they compare with the projected program at UVM? As with the program at UVM, degree completion programs serve adult learners and community college transfer students. Students enroll to achieve career advancement or personal enrichment through degree completion, and students typically work fulltime while they are enrolled. Programs are generally offered online or part-time on campus in partnership with continuing education and academic units. Often degree content and curriculum is dictated by an academic department’s willingness to offer a degree completion program. Within the institutions mentioned above, programs range from Generalized Studies to Health Information Management to Animal Biology. Admissions requirements range from 52 to 75 prior credits in order to enter the program, roughly half of the credits for the bachelor’s degree. Degree completion students from the programs above tend to be between 30 and 40 years old, with veterans representing 40% of the enrollments; degree completion students live in surrounding states, and more than half are women. The programs report strong completion rates with 80 to 90% of students completing bachelor’s degrees, and many continuing on to graduate programs. The programs above enroll between 130 and 300 students, with extensive advising and orientation including dedicated advisors, peer mentors, and tutors to support students. B. Do universities engaging in regional participation with UVM offer these programs? In light of existence or absence of such programs, are there good reasons for promoting UVM or another university for offering this program? There are other degree completion programs within New England and New York in a wide range of content areas both online and on campus. The Department of Psychological Science at UVM is very strong, boasting an exceptional, highly research productive faculty and a modern undergraduate curriculum focused on the science of psychology. These assets provide the opportunity for UVM to offer a high quality and competitive program specifically to meet the land-grant mission within the state and to serve the many students who have started degrees at UVM but never completed them. VIII. Evidence of communication with academic units likely to be involved in or affected by the program. The College of Arts and Sciences is working closely with Continuing and Distance Education as both units have a commitment to and involvement in the success of adult learners, veterans, and other part-time non-traditional students. CAS and CDE have worked together to determine the

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program design, distance delivery, curriculum planning and implementation process, advising and orientation activities, and budget and market viability. A. Indicate the effect (cost, enrollment, etc.), the program will have on other academic units. One Mathematics course will be offered through the College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences. B. Faculty engaged in the development of a new program must discuss the proposal with each dean and chairperson/program director of an academic unit likely to be affected by the new program. All units whose courses are an integral part of the proposed program must be included. A letter of support, or at least a record of e- mail correspondence, from each such unit must be attached to the proposal. Please see attached letters of support from CDE and CEMS C. The Graduate College Executive Committee (GCEC) must approve proposals for new graduate programs before they come to the Faculty Senate Curricular Affairs Committee. After the proposal is approved by all affiliated academic program/departments and Colleges/Schools, send the full proposal, including cover sheet, to the Dean of the Graduate College with a cover letter requesting consideration of the proposal. If approved, the Graduate College will transmit the proposal and a letter indicating the approval and explaining the rationale for same to the Faculty Senate via the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning. N/A IX. Evidence of demand or need for program: According to the National Clearinghouse Research Center 2014 Signature Report: Over the past 20 years, more than 31 million students have enrolled in college and left without receiving a degree or certificate. Of those students with some college credit but no degree, the report identifies some 3.5 million potential completers who have two or more years of progress potentially toward degree completion. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics: For people with some college or an associate’s degree, the unemployment rate was 3.8 percent in January 2017 and 4.2 percent a year earlier. Among people age 25 and older with a bachelor's degree or more education, the unemployment rate was 2.5 percent in January 2017, the same as a year earlier. According to Eduventures, Closing the Degree Completion Gap: Challenges and Opportunities, there is a workforce imperative as the majority of jobs in the United States will require some form of postsecondary education, which presents a huge opportunity for degree completion programs.

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A. Indicate justification of inauguration of program at this time: In order to provide access to students who might not otherwise attend UVM, the online degree completion program meets the needs of busy adults by allowing a flexible option to a bachelor’s degree. By serving new students, CAS has the opportunity to generate increased tuition revenue. 1. Explain education, personnel needs, and social needs that exist (refer to specific authorities or studies consulted); According to Eduventures, adult learners will make up a growing part of the student body as the number of adults over 25 have some college but no degree; policymakers will continue to push to increase degree attainment among adults, and the online market will continue to grow. Adult student learners are motivated to enroll to earn more money, to advance in their profession, or to change careers. These students, having already been in the workforce, value the bachelor’s degree as it impacts them professionally. Veterans and active military personnel represent a significant audience for degree completion programs because of G.I. funding along with the desire for promotion and a need to transition to civilian careers upon completion of their active military career. 2. Anticipated enrollment or anticipated impact in case of a service or research endeavor for the first five years (give supporting evidence for estimate); The program assumes modest enrollment growth over time with students entering the program during the fall and spring semesters as well as during summer. The initial enrollments will come primarily from within Vermont and over time will grow to reach a regional and national audience. Full-time students entering with 60 credits will be able to complete the program within two years.

3. Indicate how this program will meet local and regional needs. According to Pathways to Promising Careers: Vermont’s High-Pay High-Demand Jobs, 2017-2018, 20 of the 54 highlighted careers require a bachelor's degree and 10 of the 54 require additional education at the master’s or doctoral degree level. The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) with a major in Psychological Science prepares students for any number of careers where the skills acquired in a liberal arts degree are valued. Graduates with a B.A. and a major in Psychological

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Science often work in a wide range of careers from mental health to marketing and business to non-profits to human resources. Vermont has a unique workforce challenge with an aging population and many from the Baby Boom generation retiring. A skilled and educated workforce is required to fill those positions and grow the 21st century economy. If a doctoral program, include specific data on previous and present graduate N/A B. If a doctoral program, include specific data on previous and present graduate programs at master's level with the number of students and degrees awarded. N/A X. Students (if curriculum or academic program): A. Indicate: 1. Evidence of a source of candidates; Candidates will come from people in the state and region looking to change or advance careers or pursue personal enrichment, veterans or active military, community college graduates, and nontraditional students who have attended UVM but did not graduate. 2. Requirements for admission and retention of students; Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) with a major in Psychological Science degree completion students will be admitted to UVM as per the transfer admissions policy outlined in the Undergraduate Catalog Admission Information, http://catalogue.uvm.edu/undergraduate/admissioninfo/. Degree completion students must have at least 60 college credits completed prior to applying to the program. Students who have been enrolled in a degree-seeking program full time at UVM within the last two years are not eligible for admission to the degree completion program unless waived into the program by the Dean. 3. Selection process; Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) with a major in Psychological Science degree completion students will be expected to complete the standard transfer application process outlined by Undergraduate Admissions Transfer Applicants process detailed online, https://www.uvm.edu/admissions/undergraduate/transfer_applicants. 4. Financial support available through the department and expected from the Graduate College or other UVM sources (Graduate Programs);

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Financial Aid is available to degree completion students as with other transfer students. Additional information through Student Financial Services can be found online: https://www.uvm.edu/studentfinancialservices. 5. Mechanism of advising students; Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) with a major in Psychological Science degree completion students will work with the Student Services Team as would traditional degree students within the College of Arts and Sciences. 6. Prospects for employment or opportunities for further education of graduates. As previously described in the rationale and justification for the program, The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) with a major in Psychological Science prepares students for any number of careers where the skills acquired in a liberal arts degree are valued. Graduates with a B.A. and a major in Psychological Science work in a wide range of careers from mental health professionals to marketing and business and non-profits to human resources.

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XI. Programs of study: Excellent academic programs provide students with a coherent body of knowledge and skills consistent with the University’s mission and vision, and lead to the attainment of a specified set of learning outcomes. Excellent academic programs set high expectations; they challenge and inspire students to do their best work. They also provide a rich learning environment where students can grow intellectually with guidance, mentoring, and experience. The B.A. degree completion program with a major in Psychological Science utilizes the same curriculum and coursework used in the 4-year residential B.A. with a major in Psychological Science and a minor in Political Science. In fact, all courses for this program are currently available to degree seeking UVM students during the summer session. A. Programmatic Quality and Excellence The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) with a major in Psychological Science degree has a long history of quality and excellence at UVM. This online degree completion program will build on that tradition using the same curriculum. Initially, the curriculum will consist of a subset of the coursework available to UVM residential students. As the program grows, more courses will be added to the curriculum. 1. Describe the coherent body of knowledge and skills, and the specified set of learning outcomes, that the program seeks to foster.

The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) with a major in Psychological Science online program will follow the on campus undergraduate degree in Psychological Science with the key difference of providing access to adult learners and a new student audience through online instruction. According to the department website, http://www.uvm.edu/~psych/, Psychological Science majors:

• Take foundational and advanced courses in clinical, developmental, and social psychology as well as behavioral neuroscience.

• Learn from research active scholar-teachers • Graduate ready for a career. Our graduates pursue careers in business, law, public health,

medicine, neuroscience, and human services.

2. Discuss progression of students through the curriculum, with attention to the developmental sequencing of courses and scaffolding of student knowledge and skills. The degree completion program follows the same program requirements as the on campus degree detailed online, http://www.uvm.edu/~psych/?Page=ba.html&SM=ugprogramsubmenu.html, with the following assumptions:

• Students will enter the program with at least 60 of the 120 required hours completed. • Students will enter the program with CAS general distribution requirements completed.

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• Students will complete their major requirements online in Psychological Science. • Students will complete their minor requirements online in Political Science. • Students will complete their university general education requirements online.

3. Address both curriculum breadth and depth. As an adaptation of the existing on campus degree program, the curriculum is prescribed to meet the needs of distance education students. The online degree completion program in Psychological Science requires 34 credits. The online minor in Political Science requires 18 credits. The remaining credits represent the University requirements. 4. Describe the academic rigor of the program and practices that lead to high expectations for student learning. All of courses included within the degree completion program have been developed and delivered online by UVM faculty. Online courses have been offered to serve the diverse needs of students during the summer, and can be modified to better serve the scheduling needs of nontraditional students, who benefit from 6 to 8 week intensive learning experiences. B. Indicate all courses to be included in the program: ENGS 1 Written Expression GRS 1 D2:SU:Intro to Global Studies MATH 17 Applications of Finite Math POLS 21 American Political System POLS 51 Intro International Relations POLS 123 The Vermont Political System POLS 129 D1:Const Law:Civil Rights Amer POLS 41 Intro to Political Theory POLS 157 D2:Int'l Politics Middle East PSYS 1 Intro to Psychological Science PSYS 53 Research Methods PSYS 54 Statistics for Psych Sci PSYS 115 Biopsychology PSYS 130 Social Psychology PSYS 150 Developmental Psychology (to be built) PSYS 170 Abnormal Psychology PSYS 216 Psychopharmacology PSYS 218 Hormones and Behavior PSYS 259 Psychology of Families PSYS 274 Advanced Behavior Change PSYS 279 Intro to Health Psychology

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All of these courses are currently available online and have been routinely offered in our summer session 1. List existing courses envisioned as a part of a new program. What effect on enrollment is anticipated? The above courses will be offered for the online degree completion students only. The enrollments listed below will all be new enrollments from students otherwise not currently served by UVM.

2. List required new courses or changes to existing courses in order to initiate program. (If new course or changes to existing courses are required, complete a "Course Change Form" for each course and submit request(s) concurrent with the program proposal.) All of the courses list above have been offered online and meet the major, minor and university requirements. 3. Courses offered under the Special Topics course rubric (i.e., x95/x96) may not be listed as requirements for majors, minors or graduate degrees or certificates. C. Research endeavor (list arrangements for collaboration and/or supervision). N/A D. Field work (clinical experience: arrangements for placement and supervision). N/A E. Submit two sample programs or otherwise illustrate the selection of courses, course load, and research or service time distribution.

Number of Courses OfferedYear 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 58 20 20 20 20

Total HeadcountYear 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 540 98 130 135 108

Total EnrollmentsYear 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5120 284 345 366 322

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Courses will be offered in a regular sequence that will allow students to enter the program in either the Fall, Spring or Summer Terms. Psychological Science Major, Political Science Minor, General Education: 61 Credits Psychological Science Major: 34 credits: All of the following: PSYS 1 Intro to Psychological Science PSYS 53 Research Methods PSYS 54 Statistics for Psych Sci (4 credits) PSYS 115 Biopsychology PSYS 130 Social Psychology PSYS 150 Developmental Psychology: Childhood (to be built) PSYS 170 Abnormal Psychology 3 of the following: PSYS 216 Psychopharmacology PSYS 218 Hormones and Behavior PSYS 259 Psychology of Families (to be built) PSYS 274 Advanced Behavior Change PSYS 279 Intro to Health Psychology Political Science Minor: 18 Credits POLS 021 American Political System POLS 041 Intro to Political Theory POLS 051 Intro International Relations POLS123 The Vermont Political System POLS 129 D1:Const Law:Civil Rights Amer POLS 157 D2:Int'l Politics Middle East General Education Requirements: 9 credits FWIL ENG 001 Written Expression D1 POLS 129 D1:Const Law:Civil Rights Amer * also counts toward minor D2 POLS 157 D2:Int'l Politics Middle East * also counts toward minor SU GRS 001 D2:SU:Intro to Global Studies QR MATH 17 Applications of Finite Math Electives (credits as needed to satisfy the 120 BA requirement) List courses here. Sample Course Sequences

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Full Time Curriculum - Fall Start Fall 1 Spring 1 Summer 1 Fall 2 Spring 2 PSYS 1 PSYS 53 ENGS 1 POLS 123 PSYS 240 POLS 21 POLS 157 MATH 17 PSYS 150 PSYS 115 PSYS 53 PSYS 54 GRS 1 POLS 129 PSYS 170 POLS 51 PSYS 130 POLS 41 PSYS 170 PSYS 274

Full Time Curriculum - Summer Start Summer 1 Fall 1 Spring 1 Fall 2 Spring 2 ENGS 1 PSYS 1 PSYS 53 POLS 123 PSYS 240 MATH 17 POLS 21 POLS 157 PSYS 150 PSYS 115 GRS 1 PSYS 53 PSYS 54 POLS 129 PSYS 170 POLS 41 POLS 51 PSYS 130 PSYS 170 PSYS 274

XII. Resources for the program: The resources for the program currently exist. Faculty will teach courses in the degree completion program on academic overload or on load depending on Departmental needs. A. Faculty: 1. Biographies of present faculty who will participate. Include name, degrees, experience, publications, and present teaching, research and service commitments; The following UVM faculty have taught the courses required for the program during the summer session.

1. Blasius, Bageshree

2. Cepeda-Benito, Antonio http://www.uvm.edu/~psych/?Page=faculty/Cepeda-Benito.php&SM=facmenu.html

3. Falls, William http://www.uvm.edu/~psych/?Page=faculty/Falls.php&SM=facmenu.html

4. Fenstermacher, Susan


5. Grosvenor, Jenny M. https://www.uvm.edu/~english/?Page=JennyGrosvenor.php

6. Hammack, Sayamwong E. http://www.uvm.edu/~psych/?Page=faculty/Hammack.php&SM=facmenu.html

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7. Hoza, Betsy http://www.uvm.edu/~psych/?Page=faculty/Hoza.php&SM=facmenu.html

8. Karstens, Karla Ann https://www.uvm.edu/cems/mathstat/profiles/karla_karstens

9. Lekka, Shamila Kamini


10. Ljung-Baruth, Annika https://www.uvm.edu/~wmst/?Page=Ljung-Baruth.php

11. McHugh, James T https://www.uvm.edu/~polisci/?Page=JamesMcHugh.php

12. Neal, Patrick Allen https://www.uvm.edu/~polisci/?Page=PatrickNeal.php

13. Plazek, David

14. Robison, Gordon https://www.uvm.edu/~polisci/?Page=GordonRobison.php

15. Rudiger, Lawrence Paul http://www.uvm.edu/~psych/?Page=lecturers/Rudiger.php&SM=facmenu.html

16. Steinberg, Jonah https://www.uvm.edu/cas/anthropology/profiles/jonah-steinberg

2. Effect on, and adjustments in, present staff assignments; The resources for the program currently exist. At the outset, faculty will teach courses in the degree completion program on academic overload. As the program grows, additional faculty will be hired. 3. New positions to be added and qualifications to be met: As the program grows, new faculty may need to be hired to staff the full range of courses. These faculty will have the same qualifications as faculty currently teaching summer courses and will be fully vetted and approved by the home deprtments. a. Director, if any; A Director will be named from the Department of Psychological Science. The Director will be responsible for ensuring course staffing and for overseeing academic advising. b.Otherpositions; none N/A

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c. Indication of appointment prospects N/A 4. Interdepartmental and inter-institutional cooperation planned. College of Arts and Sciences in collaboration with Continuing and Distance Education will work together to develop and deliver online courses, recruit distance students and support their unique educational needs as adult learners. B. Library support: 1. Present an evaluation of the library resources available currently to support the program; Library resources currently support the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Psychological Science on campus and the online degree completion will utilize the same resources for distance students. 2. Indicate additional demands to be made for this program with an estimate of the dollar cost of the additions. N/A C. Equipment needs and plans to meet them. Faculty currently have access to adequate equipment via their standard-issue computers and additional support from CTL, so no new equipment is needed. D. Physical space needs and plans to meet them: As a fully online program there are no physical space needs to address. 1. Classroom and student study space; N/A 2. Laboratory, research, and field experience space; N/A 3. Office space. N/A XIII. Cost estimates:

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A. First-year costs in addition to current budget; The program will be funded by new tuition dollars generated by providing access through online learning to students who would otherwise be unable to attend UVM as transfer students. The program is expected to generate almost $200,000 in tuition revenue in the first year. B. Total costs for first five years in addition to current budget; As a new revenue stream the program is expected to generate over $620,000 in new tuition dollars and cover all program expenses by year five. C. Anticipated non-University support, if any, such as federal or industry grants. N/A D. How program will be funded if no new money is available; Program generates new revenue through tuition. E. Proportion of salary of any faculty member who would contribute to program. Faculty will teach courses in the degree completion program on academic overload or on load depending on Departmental needs. The faculty Director will receive 1 course release as well as a summer stipend. XIV. Schedule for curriculum, academic program, research, or service endeavor: A. Proposed starting date; This proposal is seeking approval for Fall 2018. B. When will curriculum or academic program be offered-academic year, summer, part-time? Curriculum will be offered year-round. XV. Evaluation: A. What criteria for evaluation will be applied? The program will be evaluated based on student enrollment, retention and degree completion along with regular course level evaluations. B. How and by whom will the program be evaluated?

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The program will be evaluated based on student questionnaires regarding their experience in the program by the program director and faculty. XVI. Space for endorsements of proposal should be allowed for the following: A. Departments or programs involved; Psychological Science Political Science English Global and Regional Studies Mathematics B. School or college curriculum committee for each department or program involved; College of Arts and Sciences C. School or college dean for each department or program involved; CAS – William A. Falls CDE – Cynthia Belliveau CEMS – Luis Garcia E. Executive Committee, Graduate College (graduate programs/tracks only); N/A E. Dean of Graduate College (graduate programs/tracks only); N/A F. Curricular Affairs Committee;

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G. Provost; H. President; I. Board of Trustees.

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Page 23: 1 Abstract Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Psychological ... · The degree completion program will initially combine study in Psychological Science with a minor in Political Science. As

COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES OFFICE OF THE DEAN 109 Votey Hall, 33 Colchester Avenue, Burlington, VT 05405-0156 802-656-8413 www.cems.uvm.edu

December 1st, 2017 William Falls Dean College of Arts and Sciences Dear Bill, The College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences is pleased to support your proposal for a new online B.A. degree completion program. We are happy to offer students access to our summer online Math 017 so that they may fulfill their university Quantitative Reasoning general education requirement. Sincerely,

Luis Garcia, Ph.D. Dean College of Engineering & Mathematical Sciences 109 Votey Hall, University of Vermont