1 07/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet Asymmetric explosions of Core collapse...

1 07/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet Asymmetric explosions of Core collapse supernovae Jérôme Guilet En collaboration avec Thierry Foglizzo, Sébastien Fromang & Jun’ichi Sato

Transcript of 1 07/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet Asymmetric explosions of Core collapse...

107/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet

Asymmetric explosions of

Core collapse supernovae

Jérôme Guilet

En collaboration avec Thierry Foglizzo, Sébastien Fromang & Jun’ichi Sato

207/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet


Introduction: Asymmetry in Core Collapse supernovae

The Standing Accretion Shock Instability The linear growth mechanism

The saturation of SASI

Effect of a magnetic field SASI in a magnetized flow

Dynamics of an Alfvén surface

Conclusions and perspectives

307/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet

Supernova : death of a star

•Extremely powerful/bright explosion

•SN Ia : thermonuclear explosion

(not discussed here)

•SN II : Collapse of the core of a massive star

=> formation of a neutron star

•Electromagnetic waves detected days after the explosion : the central engine is difficult to detect

•Gravitational waves and neutrinos would give a view of the instant of explosion

407/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet

Polarization Pulsar kicks

Indications of explosion asymmetry

Pulsars have high peculiar velocities : ~ 400 km.s-1, up to >1000 km.s-1

probably originated fromasymmetries in supernovaexplosion

guitar nebula

507/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet

From core collapse to the stalled shock

Stalled shock

How to revive the shock and obtain an explosion ?

massive star

collapse of the iron core

607/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet



From the stalled shock to an explosion ???

•Classical delayed neutrino-driven mechanism :

•Many physical ingredients :– Nuclear physics– Neutrino transport– General relativity– Multi-Dimensional hydrodynamics– Magnetic field

-->Extremely challenging numerical task !

•No explosion in the most sophisticated 1D simulations... (Liebendorfer et al 2001)

Asymmetries are essential for the explosion mechanism !!

Neutrino heating below the shock

drives the explosion




shock(r~200km) gain radius

collapsing core

707/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet

Breaking the spherical symmetry

•Due to neutrino heating below the shock•small angular scale : l ~ 4-5

•Induces shock oscillations•large angular scale : l ~ 1-2

Neutrino driven convection Standing Accretion Shock Instability (SASI) Blondin et al 2003

induces a global asymmetry !

Foglizzo et al 2006 Foglizzo et al 2006

807/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Neutrino driven explosion Acoustic explosion

- SASI and convection help neutrino heating by increasing the dwell time in the gain region

A marginal explosion in 2D ? (Marek & Janka 2009)

Robust explosion in 3D ?? (Nordhaus et al. 2010)

Marek & Janka 2009 Burrows et al. 2006

- SASI induces g-mode oscillations of the neutron star

- Acoustic power revives the shock

907/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet

Important consequences of SASI

•Global asymmetry of the explosion :

– polarization observation

– profile of oxygen line

•Could explain neutron star kicks up to 1000 km/s (Scheck et al 2006, Wongwathanarat et al 2010)

•Affect the neutron star spin (Blondin & Mezzacappa 2007)

•Gravitational waves emission (e.g. Kotake et al 2009, Marek et al 2009)

Wongwathanarat et al 2010

Blondin & Mezzacappa 2007

1007/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet


Introduction: Asymmetry in Core Collapse supernovae

The Standing Accretion Shock Instability The linear growth mechanism

The saturation of SASI

Effect of a magnetic field SASI in a magnetized flow

Dynamics of an Alfvén surface

Conclusions and perspectives

1107/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet


•Perturbative analysis :– stationary flow

=>simplifying assumptions– add small perturbations– compute eigenmodes

• growth rates• frequencies• eigenfunctions: spatial distribution

•Numerical simulations :– No need for a stationnary flow– Can describe the non linear dynamics

growth rate

shock position

Foglizzo et al 2007

1207/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet

Two competing mechanisms

Purely acoustic mechanismAdvective-acoustic cycle



entropy-vorticity wave



acoustic wave acoustic wave

Foglizzo et al 2007 Blondin & Mezzacappa 2006

Advective-acoustic cycle favored by a WKB analysis

BUT : valid for high frequency modes only...

1307/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet

SASI mode frequencies

•Fundamental frequency (most unstable mode) is consistent with both mechanisms

(Foglizzo et al 2007, Scheck et al 2008)

•Higher harmonics inconsistent with the purely acoustic mechanism (Guilet & Foglizzo in prep)

frequencyrsh = 2.5rPNS

Advective-acoustic cycle wins !

1407/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet


Introduction: Asymmetry in Core Collapse supernovae

The Standing Accretion Shock Instability The linear growth mechanism

The saturation of SASI

Effect of a magnetic field SASI in a magnetized flow

Dynamics of an Alfvén surface

Conclusions and perspectives

1507/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet

Saturation by parasitic instabilities

advective-acoustic cycle

=> Saturation

entropy-vorticity wave

1607/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet

The parasitic instabilities

Entropy wave :

Rayleigh-Taylor instability

Vorticity wave :

Kelvin-Helmholtz instability

Stabilizing effects for the parasites :• Stratification (Stationary entropy caused by neutrino cooling) :

Efficient near the neutron star• Advection : efficient just below the shock

1707/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet

QuickTime™ et undécompresseur

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QuickTime™ et undécompresseur

sont requis pour visionner cette image.

small amplitude entropy wave large amplitude entropy wave

potential step decelerating the flow

1807/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet

Efficiency of the acoustic feedback

Kelvin-Helmholtz(entropy-vorticity wave)

Rayleigh-Taylor(entropy wave)

1907/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet

Dissociation energy increases & neutrino cooling decreases

Fernandez &Thompson 2009

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Scheck et al 2008

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

2007/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet

Estimate of the saturation amplitude

•Criterion :

•Result : Rayleigh-Taylor is responsible for the saturation

Stratification advectionSASI growth rate

This saturation mechanism seems to work well !

Guilet et al 2010

2107/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet


Introduction: Asymmetry in Core Collapse supernovae

The Standing Accretion Shock Instability The linear growth mechanism

The saturation of SASI

Effect of a magnetic field SASI in a magnetized flow

Dynamics of an Alfvén surface

Conclusions and perspectives

2207/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet

QuickTime™ et undécompresseur TIFF (LZW)

sont requis pour visionner cette image.

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Neutrino driven explosion Magnetic explosion

- no magnetic field

- Magnetic field amplification: B ~1015 G

- Obtains for VERY rapid rotation

Marek & Janka 2009

Burrows et al. 2007

Moderate field effect ?

2307/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet


Introduction: Asymmetry in Core Collapse supernovae

The Standing Accretion Shock Instability The linear growth mechanism

The saturation of SASI

Effect of a magnetic field SASI in a magnetized flow

Dynamics of an Alfvén surface

Conclusions and perspectives

2407/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet

A toy model for SASI in a magnetized flow





planar adiabatic toy model(Foglizzo 2009)


z v

« neutron star »


deceleration byan external potential

Advective-acoustic cycle with a magnetic field : vorticity can propagate through Alfvén and slow waves !

decelerated flow

supersonic flow

neutrino cooling

2507/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet

Interference between vorticity cycles

Propagation of the vorticity

different cycles are out of phase


Vorticity : Alfvén and slow waves

Wave - Wave +


~vA~Bgrowth rate

magnetic field strength

The advective-acoustic cycle separates in up to 5 cycles !

Guilet & Foglizzo 2010

2607/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet

Coupling efficiency

-Vertical B : No effect

-Horizontal B : - Strong amplification of the

vorticity cycles when field lines are bent (k // B)

- Increase of the growth rate

- Significant effect if vA~v

magnetic field strength

growth rate

coupling efficiency

Conclusion : Ambiguous result...

2707/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet


Introduction: Asymmetry in Core Collapse supernovae

The Standing Accretion Shock Instability The linear growth mechanism

The saturation of SASI

Effect of a magnetic field SASI in a magnetized flow

Dynamics of an Alfvén surface

Conclusions and perspectives

2807/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet

Alfvén surface simulations

•The alfvén surface is defined by : v = vA

Alfvén speed : vA2 = B2/(

•An Alfvén wave propagates against the flow at the speed : v-vA

•Accumulation of Alfvén waves at the Alfvén surface !

•We performed 1D simulations with the code RAMSES

2907/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet

Alfvén wave amplification and pressure feedback

•The Alfvén wave amplifies while its wavelength decreases (Williams 1975) :

•When the wavelength is as small as the dissipative scale, the Alfvén wave is dissipated

•Creation of a pressure feedback that increases the upstream pressure



Alfvén surface

3007/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet

Analytical estimate versus simulations

Small amplitude Alfvén wave Non linear saturation


incident amplitude

(Guilet et al submitted to ApJ)

3107/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet

How does this affect core collapse ?

•Fast enough amplification if the Alfvén surface is above the proto-neutron star surface

•Magnetic field required :

•SASI creates Alfvén waves with an amplitude :

•Amplitude of the pressure feedback (from the analytic estimate) :

Pressure increase pushes the shock :

-> might help the explosion

-> change the geometry

Important effect !!!

3207/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet


Introduction: Asymmetry in Core Collapse supernovae

The Standing Accretion Shock Instability The linear growth mechanism

The saturation of SASI

Effect of a magnetic field SASI in a magnetized flow

Dynamics of an Alfvén surface

Conclusions and perspectives

3307/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet


•Multidimensional dynamics is important in core collapse supernovae

•SASI can be attributed to the advective-acoustic cycle

•The saturation of SASI can be explained by the appearance of parasitic instabilities (Rayleigh-Taylor instability)

•The magnetic field could have an important effect when vA ~ v, even if the magnetic pressure is negligible

– SASI could be either stabilized or amplified

– Alfvén wave amplification at the Alfvén surface creates an important pressure feedback

3407/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet


•Dependence of the SASI amplitude on the physical ingredients ?

– Heating, cooling by neutrinos– Equation of state– Rotation...

•Analytical estimate of consequences of SASI :– amplitude of the kick, – spin of the NS, – gravitational wave signal...

•Effect of a more realistic magnetic field geometry ?

•Multidimensional dynamics at the Alfvén surface ? Effect of the turbulence of the flow ?

Merci de votre attention!

Dipolar magnetic field

3507/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet

Frequencies and associated timescales

•Fundamental mode (most unstable)

– advective-acoustic time

– azimuthal acoustic time

•Higher harmonics :

-> radial propagation time...

Acoustic modes of a box







3607/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet

Radial time in a simplified model of SASI




Extracted from SASI eigenspectrum :

shock position

3707/10/2010 - Séminaire du LUTh - Jérôme Guilet

6 cycles (instead of 2)

Coupling at the shock

Cycle efficiencies :


2 cycles Alfvén

fast magnetosonic

1 cycle fast1 cycle entropy

2 cycles slow

« neutron star »


coupling in the gradients