THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 2010 • 50¢ WEATHER Tonight: Isolated thunderstorms; lows in the mid-70s Friday: Thunderstorms; highs in the 90s Mississippi River: 26.1 feet Fell: 0.5 foot Flood stage: 43 feet A9 DEATHS • Sybil Wood Cochran • Brelyn Shirnita Gross • Amos Miller • Cora Williams Stevenson A9 TODAY IN HISTORY 1859: Poet and English pro- fessor Katharine Lee Bates, who wrote the words to “America the Beautiful,” is born in Falmouth, Mass. 1867: President Andrew Johnson sparked a move to impeach him as he defied Congress by suspending Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton. 1944: Joseph P. Kennedy Jr., eldest son of Joseph and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, is killed with his co- pilot when their explosives-laden Navy plane blew up over England. 1953: The Soviet Union conducts a secret test of its first hydrogen bomb. 1970: President Richard Nixon signs the Postal Reor- ganization Act that abol- ishes the U.S. Post Office Department in favor of the independently run United States Postal Service. INDEX Business ............................... A5 Classifieds............................ B6 Comics .................................. A8 Puzzles .................................. B5 Dear Abby ........................... B5 Editorial ................................ A4 People/TV ............................ B4 CONTACT US Call us Advertising ... 601-636-4545 Classifieds...... 601-636-SELL Circulation..... 601-636-4545 News................ 601-636-4545 E-mail us See A2 for e-mail addresses ONLINE www.vicksburgpost.com VOLUME 128 NUMBER 224 2 SECTIONS SPORTS SAINTS ON TV Pre-season opener at 6:30 tonight on WUFX B1 Social Security turning 75, mired in problems By The Associated Press WASHINGTON — Pros- pects are bleak for fixing Social Security’s financial problems as the govern- ment retirement insur- ance program celebrates its 75th anniversary this week. Many Democrats ada- mantly oppose any cut in benefits to reduce cost and some won’t accept a grad- ual increase in the retire- ment age, something that was done in the last over- haul in 1983. Republicans say an increase in Social Security taxes is out of the question, even for the wealthy. Unless Congress acts, Social Security’s combined retirement and disability trust funds are expected to run out of money in 2037. At that point, Social Secu- rity will collect enough in payroll taxes to cover about three-fourths of the benefits. The rhetoric is creating a tough environment for President Barack Obama’s bipartisan fiscal commis- sion to come up with rec- ommendations to improve the government’s trou- bled finances. Obama says everything should be on the table, and the com- No date set for schools’ boss to arrive By Pamela Hitchins [email protected] More than two weeks after being appointed superintendent of the Vicksburg Warren School Dis- trict, Dr. Elizabeth Duran Swinford remains without a contract and an offi- cial start date. The district’s trustees met in a called, closed session for 85 minutes Wednesday night with their attorney, Briggs Hopson, also a member of the state Senate. “No action on any of the items was taken,” Dis- trict 2 Trustee Zelma- rine Murphy announced after the meeting, which included a meal pro- vided by school person- nel. Murphy is board president. The selection of Swinford came on a 3-2 vote on July 27 after a three-month search organized by an executive placement firm. She’s to follow Dr. James Price, who retired June 30. Murphy and District 3 Trustee Jim Stirgus Jr. cast the dissenting votes, Dr. Elizabeth Swinford DAVID JACKSON•The Vicksburg PosT Vicksburg police officers block Court Street at its intersection with Wood Street Wednesday afternoon following a two- vehicle wreck that sent six people to the hospital. Investigating officer Jonathan Tillman said a Cadillac Escalade driven by Armitress Alford, 41, 1641 W. 14th St., Riviera Beach, Fla., rounded the cor- ner from Court to Wood and turned too sharply before the SUV flipped onto its side as it approached a City of Vicksburg truck driven by James Butler, 48, 160 Curry Road. Alford and her passenger, Lynette Henderson, 36, 13545 Woodmont St., Detroit, and Butler and his three pas- sengers, Leron Beeman, 31, 2707 Oak St.; Cedric Coleman, 31, 7093 U.S. 61 South; and Courtney Sanders, 26, 388 Moore Pit Road, were all taken to River Region Medi- cal Center. Hospital spokesman Allen Karel said this morning they were all treated and released. SIX INJURED State decision-maker in energy, CofC told By Danny Barrett Jr. [email protected] The state has the power to decide whether central Mississippi could become a player in compressed natu- ral gas, a spokesman for one of three pipelines cross- ing Warren County said Wednesday. “It’s up to Mississippi,” said Allen Fore, spokesman for Kinder Morgan, following an address to the Vicksburg- Warren County Chamber of Commerce. Kinder Morgan is the contract operator of the Port of Vicksburg and is a partner in the joint ven- ture that put the Midconti- nent Express pipeline into full service this year. The line burrows under 500 miles of territory from southeast Oklahoma to eastern Ala- bama, pulling 1.4 billion cubic feet of natural gas daily from the underground Barnett Shale in northeast Texas. Its tie-in in Butler, Ala., hooks into lines that serve the Atlantic Seaboard. “These federally regulated projects are called open- access lines,” Fore said. “Our shippers need to have firm shipper commitments before you construct these. So, yeah, there’s a need for this gas.” In a process, natural gas is compressed to less than 1 percent of its normal volume. The process is commonplace in Asia and South America, but is limited in the United States to a few outlets in the West. Natural gas for residen- tial use in Vicksburg is pur- chased by the city on the open market. Private com- panys provide gas service for residents in nonmunic- ipal Warren County and some areas in south Vicks- burg. Fore said the gas that will pass under 13.08 miles of Vicksburg and Warren County could be tapped Six-year-old Shannon Harpole colors with some help from Brittany Hopkins during Primetime at Beechwood Elementary School Wednesday. Primetime is an after- school program operated by the YMCA at five elementary schools, Beechwood, Bovina, Bowmar, South Park and Sherman Avenue. The focus is child care, homework help and physical activity until parents pick up the children after work. Shannon is the daughter of Derrick and Dana Harpole. Brittany, who works for the YMCA, is a student at Hinds Community College. A LITTLE HELP MEREDITH SPENCER•The Vicksburg PosT See Problems, Page A9. See VWSD, Page A9. See Pipeline, Page A9. Jailed man’s DNA could be tested in Cary killings By Tish Butts [email protected] Nearly a year after a Cary mother and daughter were found knifed to death in their home, Sharkey County officials are trying to find matches to DNA found at the scene. Officials are expecting a court order to subpoena the DNA of a Washing- ton County jail inmate — the second “person of interest” in the September 2009 knifing death of Karitha Carroll, 31, and 3-year-old Jamaya Carroll, Sharkey County Sheriff Lindsey Adams Jr. said. Karitha Carroll was found on a bed- room floor with multiple stab wounds to her chest on Sept. 23, and the toddler was found in the bed with multiple slash wounds to her neck. Adams said DNA from a large number of family members, friends and other people has been tested against the evidence. “We haven’t been able to match it to anyone,” he said. The inmate, whose name the sheriff would not release, has been questioned by Sharkey officials and remains in jail on unrelated charges, Adams said. The sheriff said authorities gained inter- est in the man after discovering his red Ford Mustang matched the description of a car seen in the area at the time of the knifing. “We spoke with his wife, and she led us to him,” said Adams. “She had heard he had dealings with a young lady in Cary, which was Karitha’s hometown.” Washington County Sheriff Milton Gaston said the 40-year-old inmate has been in the jail since April this year on a $250,000 bond for an aggravated assault See Killings, Page A9. Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. 601-631-0400 1601 N. Frontage • Vicksburg, MS BANNERS


Aug. 12, 2010

Transcript of 081210

Page 1: 081210

T H U R S D A Y, A U g U S T 12, 2010 • 5 0 ¢


Isolated thunderstorms; lows in the mid-70s

Friday:Thunderstorms; highs in

the 90sMississippi River:

26.1 feetFell: 0.5 foot

Flood stage: 43 feet


• Sybil Wood Cochran• Brelyn Shirnita Gross • Amos Miller• Cora Williams Stevenson


1859: Poet and English pro-fessor Katharine Lee Bates, who wrote the words to “America the Beautiful,” is born in Falmouth, Mass.1867: President Andrew Johnson sparked a move to impeach him as he defied Congress by suspending Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton.1944: Joseph P. Kennedy Jr., eldest son of Joseph and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, i s k i l l e d with his co-pilot when their explosives-laden Navy plane blew up over England.1953: The Soviet Union conducts a secret test of its first hydrogen bomb.1970: President Richard Nixon signs the Postal Reor-ganization Act that abol-ishes the U.S. Post Office Department in favor of the independently run United States Postal Service.

INDEXBusiness ...............................A5Classifieds ............................ B6Comics ..................................A8Puzzles .................................. B5Dear Abby ........................... B5Editorial ................................A4People/TV ............................ B4


Advertising ...601-636-4545Classifieds ...... 601-636-SELLCirculation .....601-636-4545News................601-636-4545

E-mail usSee A2 for e-mail addresses





Pre-season opener at 6:30 tonight


SocialSecurityturning 75,mired inproblemsBy The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Pros-pects are bleak for fixing Social Security’s financial problems as the govern-ment retirement insur-ance program celebrates its 75th anniversary this week.

Many Democrats ada-mantly oppose any cut in benefits to reduce cost and some won’t accept a grad-ual increase in the retire-ment age, something that was done in the last over-haul in 1983. Republicans say an increase in Social Security taxes is out of the question, even for the wealthy.

Unless Congress acts, Social Security’s combined retirement and disability trust funds are expected to run out of money in 2037. At that point, Social Secu-rity will collect enough in payroll taxes to cover about three-fourths of the benefits.

The rhetoric is creating a tough environment for President Barack Obama’s bipartisan fiscal commis-sion to come up with rec-ommendations to improve the government’s trou-bled finances. Obama says everything should be on the table, and the com-

No date setfor schools’boss to arriveBy Pamela [email protected]

More than two weeks after being appointed superintendent of the Vicksburg Warren School Dis-trict, Dr. Elizabeth Duran Swinford remains without a contract and an offi-cial start date.

The district’s trustees met in a called, closed session for 85 minutes Wednesday night with their attorney, Briggs Hopson, also a member of the state Senate.

“No action on any of the items was taken,” Dis-trict 2 Trustee Zelma-rine Murphy announced after the meeting, which included a meal pro-vided by school person-nel. Murphy is board president.

The selection of Swinford came on a 3-2 vote on July 27 after a three-month search organized by an executive placement firm. She’s to follow Dr. James Price, who retired June 30.

Murphy and District 3 Trustee Jim Stirgus Jr. cast the dissenting votes,

Dr. ElizabethSwinford

DaviD Jackson•The Vicksburg PosTVicksburg police officers block Court

Street at its intersection with Wood Street Wednesday afternoon following a two-

vehicle wreck that sent six people to the hospital. Investigating officer Jonathan Tillman said a Cadillac Escalade driven

by Armitress Alford, 41, 1641 W. 14th St., Riviera Beach, Fla., rounded the cor-ner from Court to Wood and turned too sharply before the SUV flipped onto its

side as it approached a City of Vicksburg truck driven by James Butler, 48, 160

Curry Road. Alford and her passenger, Lynette Henderson, 36, 13545 Woodmont St., Detroit, and Butler and his three pas-sengers, Leron Beeman, 31, 2707 Oak St.;

Cedric Coleman, 31, 7093 U.S. 61 South; and Courtney Sanders, 26, 388 Moore Pit

Road, were all taken to River Region Medi-cal Center. Hospital spokesman Allen Karel

said this morning they were all treated and released.


State decision-makerin energy, CofC told By Danny Barrett [email protected]

The state has the power to decide whether central Mississippi could become a player in compressed natu-ral gas, a spokesman for one of three pipelines cross-ing Warren County said Wednesday.

“It’s up to Mississippi,” said Allen Fore, spokesman for Kinder Morgan, following an address to the Vicksburg- Warren County Chamber of Commerce. Kinder Morgan is the contract operator of the Port of Vicksburg and is a partner in the joint ven-ture that put the Midconti-nent Express pipeline into full service this year. The line burrows under 500 miles of territory from southeast Oklahoma to eastern Ala-bama, pulling 1.4 billion cubic feet of natural gas daily from the underground Barnett Shale in northeast Texas. Its tie-in in Butler, Ala., hooks

into lines that serve the Atlantic Seaboard.

“These federally regulated projects are called open-access lines,” Fore said. “Our shippers need to have firm shipper commitments before you construct these. So, yeah, there’s a need for this gas.”

In a process, natural gas is compressed to less than 1 percent of its normal volume. The process is commonplace in Asia and South America, but is limited in the United States to a few outlets in the West.

Natural gas for residen-tial use in Vicksburg is pur-chased by the city on the open market. Private com-panys provide gas service for residents in nonmunic-ipal Warren County and some areas in south Vicks-burg. Fore said the gas that will pass under 13.08 miles of Vicksburg and Warren County could be tapped

Six-year-old Shannon Harpole colors with some help from Brittany Hopkins during Primetime at Beechwood Elementary School Wednesday. Primetime is an after-school program operated by the YMCA at five elementary schools, Beechwood, Bovina, Bowmar, South Park and Sherman Avenue. The focus is child care, homework help and physical activity until parents pick up the children after work. Shannon is the daughter of Derrick and Dana Harpole. Brittany, who works for the YMCA, is a student at Hinds Community College.


mereDiTh spencer•The Vicksburg PosT

See Problems, Page A9.

See VWSD, Page A9.See Pipeline, Page A9.

Jailed man’s DNA could be tested in Cary killingsBy Tish [email protected]

Nearly a year after a Cary mother and daughter were found knifed to death in their home, Sharkey County officials are trying to find matches to DNA found at the scene.

Officials are expecting a court order to subpoena the DNA of a Washing-ton County jail inmate — the second “person of interest” in the September 2009 knifing death of Karitha Carroll, 31, and 3-year-old Jamaya Carroll, Sharkey County Sheriff Lindsey Adams Jr. said.

Karitha Carroll was found on a bed-room floor with multiple stab wounds to her chest on Sept. 23, and the toddler was found in the bed with multiple slash wounds to her neck.

Adams said DNA from a large number of family members, friends and other people has been tested against the evidence.

“We haven’t been able to match it to anyone,” he said.

The inmate, whose name the sheriff would not release, has been questioned by Sharkey officials and remains in jail on unrelated charges, Adams said. The

sheriff said authorities gained inter-est in the man after discovering his red Ford Mustang matched the description of a car seen in the area at the time of the knifing.

“We spoke with his wife, and she led us to him,” said Adams. “She had heard he had dealings with a young lady in Cary, which was Karitha’s hometown.”

Washington County Sheriff Milton Gaston said the 40-year-old inmate has been in the jail since April this year on a $250,000 bond for an aggravated assault

See Killings, Page A9.

Joseph P.Kennedy Jr.

A1 Main

601-631-04001601 N. Frontage • Vicksburg, MSBANNERS

Page 2: 081210

A woman wanted by Vicks-burg police on an aggravated assault charge surrendered to authorities Wednesday.

Patricia Parker, 25, 1312 China St., Apartment B, is accused of driving a Mitsu-bishi Galant over a 21-year-old Vicksburg man, who was released from River Region Medical Center after being treated for a torn tendon in his right knee, scrapes and bruises, Vicksburg police Lt. Bobby Stewart said.

Parker was arrested at 2:32 p.m. and taken to the Warren County Jail on a $25,000 bond. She was released hours later.

Worker attackedat doughnut shop

A doughnut shop employee who had just arrived at work at 3:56 this morning was hit on the head with a hand-gun after he told a would-be robber that he did not have a key to open the cash register.

The victim was treated for a cut on the forehead at the scene, Shipley Do-Nuts on Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg police Lt. Bobby Stewart said.

The assailant was described by the victim as a 5-foot-10 slender black man wearing all black and a ski mask.

The man fired a shot inside the building and another through the window just after he left, Stewart said.

The victim did not require hospital treatment, Stewart said.

TVs quite popularin city, county thefts

Electronics were hot in five residential burglaries reported Wednesday in the county and city.

Warren County records show a Snapper lawn mower valued at $179 and a Snapper weed trimmer valued at $119 were reported stolen at 6:15 p.m. in the 200 block of High Hill Drive.

At 5:55 p.m., a 55-inch Samsung HDTV valued at $2,000, a Nintendo Wii game system valued at $250, three Wii games valued at $155, nunchucks valued at $40, a Dell laptop valued at $1,200, a 32-inch LG flat-screen TV valued at $1,300, a PlaySta-tion 2 valued at $200 and 20 PlayStation 2 games valued at $400 were reported stolen in the 4300 block of Nailor Road.

In Vicksburg, a 32-inch Phil-lips flat-screen TV valued at $400 and a PlayStation 3 game console valued at $350 were reported stolen at 11:59 p.m. in the 2900 block of Washington Street, police Lt. Bobby Stewart said.

At 2:30 p.m., a 50-inch Sam-

sung TV valued at $600, a 32-inch Vizio TV valued at $450, a PlayStation 3 game console valued at $300, four PlayStation 3 games valued at $40 each and a High Point 9mm handgun valued at $250 were reported stolen in the 900 block of Grange Hall Road.

A 26-inch Sanyo TV valued at $400 and a 32-inch Emer-son TV valued at $600 were reported stolen at 11:58 a.m. in the 1600 block of Military Avenue.

Gun, GPS missingin car burglaries

Two auto burglaries were reported Wednesday night in Vicksburg, police Lt. Bobby Stewart said.

At 11:09 p.m., a .380-caliber High Point handgun valued at $250 was reported stolen from a 1994 Mazda pickup in the 1700 block of Martin Luther King Boulevard.

A Garmin GPS valued at $300 was reported stolen from a 2006 Pontiac G6 at 9:51 p.m. in the 1000 block of National Street.

Woman injuredin wreck on Mission

A Vicksburg woman injured in a wreck on Mis-sion 66 Wednesday was in stable condition at the Uni-versity Medical Center, hospital spokesman Peggy Wagner said.

Florence Amborn, 90, 1708 East Ave., injured at about 2:12 p.m. near 1915 Mission 66, was transferred to the facility from River Region Medical Center, hospital spokesman Allen Karel said.

Details of the wreck were not available.

Store burglarized4th time in months

Burglars hit a north Vicks-burg store for the fourth time in two months this morning.

At 3:30 a.m., 10 cartons of cigarettes valued at $25 each and five boxes of cigars were reported stolen from J&B Variety Store, 3512 N. Wash-ington St., Lt. Bobby Stewart said.

The store also had been burglarized on June 7, 10 and 21.

City woman jailedfor probation violation

A Vicksburg woman was in the Warren County Jail today on a probation viola-tion, records show.

Heather Wright, 32, 3500 Oak St., was being held with-out bond.

A2 Thursday, August 12, 2010 The Vicksburg Post


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CLUBSAmerican Legion Post 3 — 6 tonight; officers’ meeting, election of finance officer; 1712 Monroe St.NJROTC — 6 tonight; Warren Central High School parents meeting; Darnisha James, 601-618-0385; 1000 Missis-sippi 27. Delta Woodturners — 9 a.m. Saturday; 1214 Lake Washing-ton Road East, Glen Allan; Da-vid Linden, 662-822-1130, or Randy New, 662-379-1447.Rose of Sharon No. 24 — 4 p.m. Saturday, Masonic Hall; members asked to be present. Letitia Street Reunion — 3 p.m. Sunday; planning re-union; home of Annie Hous-ton, 2715 Halls Ferry Road; 601-218-3869. Smith Family Reunion — Seeking relatives of George E. and Ruby Lee McAllister Smith; Gwen Brown, 601-529-6033; Michael Mayfield, 601-529-1138; Lashae Williams, 601-218-6973; or Jinjer Smith, 601-218-0038.

PUBLIC PROGRAMS Over the River Run — 8 a.m. Oct. 9; registration open; www.southernculture.org for fee, entry form and details.High School Step Team — Stepping up to stomp out un-derage drinking; register by Aug. 23; registration fee, $30; Kings Empowerment Center, 224 R.L. Chase Circle; 601-634-

4788.Farmers’ Market — 4-7 p.m. Wednesdays; 8-11 a.m. Satur-days; Catfish Row Art Park.

Senior Center — Friday: 10 a.m., beanbag bingo; 1 p.m., card games.Celebrate Recovery — Sup-port group, 6 p.m. Fridays; 1315 Adams St.; 601-630-5070.Shape Up Vicksburg Walk — 8:30 a.m. Saturday, Jackson Street Community Center; Lin-da Fondren, 601-619-7277.Bottle and Collectible Show — 9 a.m. Saturday; $2 admis-sion, free parking; Battlefield Inn, 4137 I-20 N. Frontage Road.Free Community Health Fair — 9 a.m.-noon Saturday; in-cluding free school supplies; Kings Empowerment Center, 224 R.L. Chase Circle; 601-634-4788.Gaited Horse Fun Event — 5 p.m. Saturday; $5 admission without horse; Silver Creek Equestrian Club Covered Are-na, 5025 Bovina Cut-off Road; Scotty, 318-547-3082, or Cher-yl, 601-668-4866.100% Narcotics Anony-mous Recovery Group — 7 p.m. Thursdays and Saturdays, noon Wednesdays; Nate G., 731-460-9546; 1220 Clay St.Levi’s — A Gathering Place; 7-10 p.m. Saturday, music by Desperados; donations appre-ciated. Rocky Horror Show Audi-tions — 7 p.m. Monday-Tues-day; singers, dancers, actors and musicians; 18 years and older; October production; Coral Room Theatre, 801 Clay St.; 601-618-9349.

CHURCHESGreater Oak Grove M.B. — Revival, 7 tonight; Dr. Lloyd Jones, speaker; the Rev. James

C. Archer, pastor; 3802 Patri-cia St.Taking It Back Outreach Ministry — 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesdays-Fridays, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturdays; $5 bags of clothes; $1 purses; 1314 Fill-more St.; 601-638-0794 or 601-831-2056. Pleasant Valley M.B. — Choir rehearsal, 5:30 p.m. Friday; 2585 Washington St.Pleasant Green Baptist — Homecoming celebration, Aug. 20; 817 Bowman St. Warren County Baptist Sem-inary — “Men and Women of God in Praise and Wor-ship, 5:30 p.m. Saturday; Zion Travelers, 1701 Popular St.; Linda Powell, Helen Walton, Eldrige Skinner, Greater Grove Street Choir, Tommy and De-loris Green, Monica B. Evans, Mount Elem Choir, Minister Kevin Winters and others.Pleasant Valley M.B. — Male fashion show, 6 p.m. Aug. 21; tickets $5, available from any member; the Rev. Joe Harris Jr., pastor; 260 Mississippi 27. Zion Travelers — Rainbow Conference , 5 p.m. Sept. 11; public invited; 1701 Poplar St.; Alfred Lassiter, pastor; Annie Smith, 601-636-1541.Mount Alban M.B. — Under-age Drinking Prevention Pro-gram, 4 p.m. Aug. 28; youth teams, directors, choirs and parents invited to take part in event; speakers from city and county departments; mime teams, praise dancers and youth groups; 601-634-8089, 601-629-7279 or 601-630-9469, RSVP by Aug. 22; 2385 Mount Alban Road.

BENEFITBenefit in Memory of Fred-die Schuler — Aug. 28: 10 a.m.-3 p.m., poker run; 3-4 p.m., auction and raffle; 4, dart tournament; Daiquiri World.


CRIME & ACCIdENTfrom staff reports

meRedItH SPeNCeR•The Vicksburg PosT

Kathleen Koch, left, talks about her new book, “Rising from Katrina: How My Missis-sippi Hometown Lost It All and Found What Mattered,” with Alice Nicholas of Sandhill during her book-signing at Lorelei Books

Wednesday. Koch, a former CNN news cor-respondent and Bay St. Louis resident, wrote the book with hopes that her hometown would not be forgotten five years after Hur-ricane Katrina.

REMEMBERING Suspect in assaultsurrenders to police

HAZLEHURST — Four former Copiah-Lincoln Com-munity College students have been acquitted in the gang rape of a 17-year-old fellow student last fall.

A Copiah County jury returned the not guilty ver-dicts Wednesday night after nearly eight hours of deliber-ating sexual battery charges against Cameron Clark, Damonte Glover, Justin San-difer and Jason West.

The four men admitted to having sex with the teen in a male dorm room in Octo-ber, but they said the sex was consensual.

Jackson parents facecapital murder charges

JACKSON — The sus-pected remains of a missing 2-year-old boy were discov-ered near his south Jack-son home, and his parents are facing a capital murder charge in his death.

Hinds County Coroner Sharon Grisham-Stewart said police spent several hours Wednesday searching

the backyard of a Jackson home and a nearby ditch col-lecting evidence, including charred bone fragments.

Authorities said that the remains are believed to be those of Keith Cassidy Jr., who has been missing since 2007 or 2008.

Police said 31-year-old Kathleen Cassidy and 38-year-old Keith Cassidy were arrested.

Biloxi man, 64, diesof heat stroke

BILOXI — The Harri-son County coroner says a 64-year-old man has been found dead of a heat stroke.

Richard Sanderson lived alone in Biloxi, and his body was found in his home Wednesday. Coroner Gary Hargrove said Sanderson was last known to be alive July 21.

At least six heat deaths have been reported in Missis-sippi in the past two weeks.

Copiah County jury acquitsfour in sexual battery case

STATEBY tHe assoCIateD press

A2 Main

Page 3: 081210

The Vicksburg Post Thursday, August 12, 2010 A3

The associaTed press

Gulf leaders wary overwavering on final plug

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — With the oil well that had been spewing into the Gulf of Mexico sealed from the top and BP PLC and federal officials pon-dering whether the final plug is needed, local officials fear Washington is shifting its focus from what remains a crisis of unknown proportions.

The final stretch of a relief well is being drilled so the crippled well can be perma-nently sealed deep under-ground with more mud and cement in what’s known as a “bottom kill,” though bad weather delayed that work into next week. However, offi-cials now say they may not need to finish it.

And the federal government’s point man for the spill response, retired Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen, hopes he may be able to step down from his post in the next couple of months so long as there’s no risk of BP’s well leaking again.

“This is going to be a long-term situation,” Jefferson Parish Council Chairman John Young said. “I think it’s way too early for the federal govern-ment to have a ‘mission accom-plished’ type of attitude.”

Work on the final kill to the well has been postponed by bad weather blowing through the region. Crews drilling relief wells to the gusher have stopped their work, and will need about four days to finish once the weather passes, Allen said Wednesday.

Allen said testing still needs to be done before a decision is made on whether the bottom kill is needed.

BP and the federal govern-ment will check to see whether the cement pumped in through the top went down into the reservoir, came back up and plugged the space between the inner piping and the outer casing. If so, the bottom kill might not be necessary.

“We think it’s a low probabil-ity event, but we can’t rule it out,” Allen said.

Allen, who has served in his role since May 1, also hopes he may be able to step down from his post by late September or early October, handing off the responsibility.

The discussion of a possible departure, though, raised the ire of some officials who say Washington is too eager to turn the page on the spill.

“Are they planning on clos-ing up shop? Absolutely. Am I sad Thad Allen is going to be gone? Absolutely not,” said Plaquemines Parish President Billy Nungesser, who has criti-cized much of the government’s response as lacking a sense of urgency.

But Allen’s departure, when-ever it comes, may simply signal that the response has entered a new phase, going from crisis response to long-term recovery, Jefferson Parish Councilman Chris Rob-erts said.

oil leak

Exploratory well blowsnear La. Highway 70

PAINCOURTVILLE, La. (AP) — A 7,200-foot explor-atory oil and gas well blew, forcing the evacuation of six homes and the closure of a 2-mile stretch of La. 70 in Assumption Parish, authori-ties said.

State police said the Mantle Oil and Gas LLC well blew Wednesday morning and con-tinued spewing a brownish

mist of oil, gas and brine about 200 feet in the air throughout the day and into the evening.

Mantle Oil is the well oper-ator and is based in Friend-swood, Texas, outside Houston.

Trooper Bryan Zeringue said that getting the well under control could take from two to 10 days. No one was injured in the blowout.

‘Granddad Bandit’ caught in Louisiana, FBI says

BATON ROUGE (AP) — The so-called “Granddad Bandit” suspected of robbing banks in 13 states eluded authorities for about two years even as he stayed in plain, unremarkable sight.

Michael Francis Mara, 52, had recently moved into a modest home in Baton Rouge with his new wife, a schoolteacher. She told neighbors about his fre-quent business trips around the country.

But authorities said he is con-nected to a string of 25 robber-ies beginning in Richmond, Va., in 2008 and passing through Alabama, Texas, Georgia, Arkansas, Kansas, New York, Florida, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky and Mis-souri — but not Louisiana.

The trail ended Wednesday when police and FBI agents acting on a tip surrounded his home and he surrendered peacefully after a six-hour standoff.

Last week, the FBI began post-ing pictures of the “Granddad Bandit” on billboards across the country, saying he was con-nected to a string of robberies dating back to a 2008 holdup of a SunTrust Bank in downtown Richmond. U.S. Attorney Neil MacBride in the Eastern Dis-trict of Virginia credited the billboards with helping catch Mara.

According to an FBI affidavit filed Friday in federal court in Virginia, the FBI received a tip last week from someone who identified Mara as the robber and gave authorities photo-graphs to match to bank sur-veillance videos.

A hat, eyeglasses and wrist-watch were among the items that appeared to be identical between the photographs and surveillance footage, officials said.

The documents say Mara had worked — and may still work — for a vehicle transportation company, giving him the ability to easily travel to other states. Earlier this year, Mara rented a car for 52 days and logged 9,669 miles, the affidavit says.

During that time, three rob-beries in three different states were connected to the “Grand-dad Bandit.”

The rest of his background wasn’t immediately known.

Gerry Hunt, a 65-year-old retiree who lives next door, said Mara moved to the pale yellow house with the white trim when he married his school-teacher wife, Patsy, just over a year ago. Hunt said she didn’t see Mara much because he said he traveled for his job, claiming to work for Federal Emergency Management Agency on disas-ter recovery issues.

“We really didn’t know him. (His wife) would always say he

was going out of town, and now that I think about it, everywhere he went, banks were robbed,” Hunt said, listing trips to Ten-nessee and Arkansas among those she was told about.

Hunt said Mara acted as though he had a law enforce-ment background, and she insisted Mara’s wife couldn’t have known about the rob-beries her husband allegedly committed.

“She absolutely knew noth-ing,” Hunt said. “I’m sure she’s just as baffled as everyone else is.”

Officials said Mara would be placed in the custody of the U.S. Marshal’s Service and

appear before a magistrate judge in Baton Rouge before being transferred to Virginia to face the federal charges. If convicted of the Virginia bank robbery, he faces 20 years in prison.

It was unclear if the robber was actually a grandfather.

Alicia Paul of Panama City Beach, Fla., washes the deck of her charter fishing boat, Family Tradition, at Treasure Island Marina near Panama City Beach, Fla.

The associaTed press

Law enforcement put Michael Mara, 53, second from right, in the back of a police

car Wednesday after he was arrested at his home in Baton Rouge.

Man suspectedin string of25 bank robberies

A3 Main



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Page 4: 081210


JACK VIX SAYS: It’s time for those construction signs on Clay to come down?


Charlie Mitchell, executive editor | E-mail: [email protected] | Tel: 601.636.4545 ext 132 | Letters to the editor: [email protected] or The Vicksburg Post, P.O. Box, 821668, Vicksburg, MS 39182

Founded by John G. Cashman in 1883 Louis P. Cashman III, Editor & Publisher • Issued by Vicksburg Printing & Publishing Inc., Louis P. Cashman III, President

MODERATELY CONFUSED by Bill StahlerLetters to the editor are published

under the following guidelines: Ex-pressions from readers on topics of current or general interest are wel-comed. • Letters must be original, not copies or letters sent to others, and must include the name, address and signature of the writer. • Letters must avoid defamatory or abusive state-ments. • Preference will be given to typed letters of 300 or fewer words. • The Vicksburg Post does not print anonymous letters and reserves the right to edit all letters submitted. • Letters in the column do not repre-sent the views of The Vicksburg Post.


OLD POST FILES120 YEARS AGO: 1890District Attorney J.M. Gibson returns from New York. • Dr. O.S. Inglehart leaves for Waukesha.

110 YEARS AGO: 1900The Biedenharns are thinking of establishing a box and furni-ture factory.

100 YEARS AGO: 1910The Bodley monument will be moved from First East and Monroe streets to the little triangle bordered by Openwood, Farmer and First East streets. • Dr. Oden leaves for Kentucky.

90 YEARS AGO: 1920P.L. Barclift, for four months with the Vicksburg Evening Post, leaves for Birmingham to marry Miss Annie Lacey.

80 YEARS AGO: 1930William S. Hyland, Yokena resident, dies. • W.L. McInnis and family move to Brookhaven.

70 YEARS AGO: 1940Former Gov. Hugh White speaks here in the interest of his candidacy for U.S. Senate.

60 YEARS AGO: 1950Mrs. C.S. Roberts arrives in San Francisco by boat. • The for-mation of a Humane Society is being planned for Vicksburg.

50 YEARS AGO: 1960Mrs. John DeCell of Savannah, Ga., is here visiting Mrs. J.O. Lee. • Mrs. Jennie King dies in Tallulah. • Jeffery Hunter stars in “Hell to Eternity“ at the Strand Theatre.

40 YEARS AGO: 1970Spc. 4 Thomas Lamar Porter is killed in action in Vietnam Aug. 11. • Burt Lancaster and Dean Martin star in “Airport” at the Joy Theatre. • Mrs. Mary Person, Port Gibson resident, dies. • Services are held for Mrs. Annie Bell Russell. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles James announce the birth of a daughter, Brenda Gail, on Aug. 10.

30 YEARS AGO: 1980Craig Stamm is presented with the 1980 Carol Guider Memo-rial Sportsmanship Award for being top swimmer in sports-manship of the Vicksburg Swim Association. • Lloyd Tanner Jr. is elected and illustrious master of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Mississippi. • Navy Seaman Dennis W. Cook completes recruit training at the Naval Training Center, San Diego.

20 YEARS AGO: 1990Quorum Health Group Inc., which bought Mercy Hospital, announces that Terry Peeples will become hospital admin-istrator and John K. Rennor will be named as chief finan-cial officer when the sale of the hospital is complete. • Elmer Wood dies. • Anne Christine Sanders and Mark Dwayne Johnson announce their wedding plans.

10 YEARS AGO: 2000J. Ross Ables dies. • Pemberton Square marketing director Kelsey Mitchell presents 100 clear safety backpacks to area charities. • Timothy and Michelle Trim Ivey are the parents of a son, Jonathon Fischer, born Aug. 9.

A4 Thursday, August 12, 2010 The Vicksburg Post

“Live our values,” Gen. David Petraeus wrote recently to troops in Afghanistan. “This is what distin-guishes us from our enemies.”

Unfortunately, this is also what distinguishes us from many of our “friends.” This culture-chasm is what makes the infidel struggle for hearts and minds across Islamic lands so recklessly, wastefully futile, some-thing I was once again reminded of on reading Time magazine’s cover story featuring 18-year-old Aisha.

Aisha is a lovely Afghan girl whose husband and brother-in-law, on instructions from a local judge and Taliban commander, sliced off her ears and nose and left her dying to set an example for other wives think-ing of running away from abusive in-laws. Only her discovery by U.S. troops saved Aisha’s life.

But where was Aisha’s father? Where was her family? Where were her town’s elders? Where was Hamid Karzai? Turns out her family did nothing to protect her from the Tali-ban, Time writes. Why? The mag-azine describes a mixture of fear and shame that I hope still strikes the average American family as so foreign as extra-terrestrials. Time further explains: “A girl who runs

away is automatically considered a prostitute ... and families that allow them back home would be sub-ject to widespread ridicule.” When Aisha’s father enticed her home with promises of a new husband, the girl refused because she was fearful that her family would sell her into slavery, or murder her.

Similar scenarios play out beyond the wilds of the Taliban zone wher-ever Sharia culture flowers, an expanding zone that now includes urban centers of the Western world — from Berlin to London to Atlanta to Calgary — where previously unimag-ined assaults on women and girls are taking place almost exclusively from within Islamic communities. This gruesome fact renders Time’s

cover line — “What Happens if We Leave Afghanistan” — absurdly pro-vincial in scope. That is, it’s not only in Afghanistan where Islamic men have dominion over Islamic women. It is wherever Islamic law, de facto or de jure, empowers them.

It is into this brutish society that American and NATO troops have again been ordered to mix, this time by Gen. Petraeus who believes, as a Pentagon release put it, “meeting and understanding the people is the main mission for military forces.” Calling for more interaction with “the people,” Petraeus told his forces: “Take off your sunglasses. Situa-tional awareness can only be gained by interacting face to face, not sepa-rated by ballistic glass or Oakleys.”

This last bit inspired a note from a Marine mom who reminded me that eye protection is what defends our soldiers from blast-borne frag-ments that cause blindness or brain injuries.

Petraeus seems bent on stripping our men bare, almost literally, to make them symbols of a non-threat-ening openness that he and other counterinsurgency zealots insist will win what he calls “the decisive terrain” — aka, the Afghan people. Of course, that same “terrain” includes not only poor Aisha, but also her cowardly, complicit father, her murderous in-laws, her acquies-cent town elders, and corrupto-crat Karzai, whose silence on the plight of women worries observers already concerned about Kabul’s and Wash-ington’s overtures to the Taliban. Meanwhile, as one female Afghan parliamentarian estimated to Time, fewer than a dozen of the 68 female parliamentarians in Afghanistan support women’s rights. Time writes: “The rest — proxies for conservative men who boosted them into power — aren’t interested.”

Aren’t interested? Incredible — at least to people who believe that for a battered bride, no-fault divorce

beats slavery and murder. To Sharia-culturalists, however, such “wom-en’s rights” violate their code. This is something that Westerners, con-vinced they are born to be loved and envied, can’t grasp. “Is Amer-ica going to abandon the women of Afghanistan?” an overwrought Christiane Amanpour demanded of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on ABC, brandishing Time’s Aisha edition.

It is Islam that abandoned these women, Christiane, not America, and not just in Afghanistan. Whether prisoners of Islamic law or promot-ers of Islamic law, such women are beyond the reach of America’s inef-fectual attempts at “nation-building” — unless, of course, the nation being built is also wholly de-Sharified. Short of an intergalactic missionary movement enforced by robo-conquis-tadors, that ain’t going to happen.

“Live your values,” says Gen. Petra-eus. “This is what distinguishes us from our enemies.” Amen, general. But how about living them — and guarding them against Sharia — at home?

•Diana West writes for The Washington Times. E-mail reaches her at [email protected].

Women face horrors wherever cowards rule


It’s not only in Afghanistan where Islamic men have dominion over Islamic women. It is wherever Is-lamic law, de facto or de jure, em-

powers them.

SummerMyths aside, precautions are necessary

Ever hear the term “dog days”?Back when Julius Caesar had

reason to avoid the steps of the senate, his fellow Romans believed that Sirius, the dog star, was the source of the oppressive heat that struck in mid- to late summer.

They thought the terrible heat made men crazy, as well as lazy; the ground dry; the rivers turgid, and their beasts of burden more likely to seek out a cool place to snooze than shoulder a load.

Today, modern science has debunked the theory that Sirius is the source of all that fiery summer heat and lethargy, but the dog days of summer are still hot, dry and entirely miserable, especially for those who don’t have a way to cool off.

With temperatures lately soar-ing over the 100-degree mark and sometimes more considering the heat index, now is a good time to check on those who might need

help staying cool.The elderly are particularly vul-

nerable when the thermometer rises and are often reticent about asking for assistance. Relatives, neighbors and churches should monitor those who may need help when the mercury climbs.

Pets are also at high risk during these scintillating days. Ani-mals kept outdoors need plenty of water and shade, with shelter for when it rains. Dogs tied up outside without water can perish in a short amount of time in this kind of heat.

Pet owners should also be care-ful not to leave their animals in parked vehicles. Pets can suffer irreversible damage after being exposed to high temperatures for only a few minutes. And it goes without saying that children should not be left unattended in any situation that might expose them to dangerous heat.

These days are great for water

sports or simply cooling one’s heels and watching the kids play in the sprinkler. Outdoor labor can’t always be avoided. Some jobs can’t be put on hold. But as a rule, it’s important to approach work in this heat the same way one would approach doing any-thing else in it: Wear loose-fit-ting clothes that allow the sweat to evaporate and brimmed hats whenever possible, remain well-hydrated and take frequent breaks.

Be aware of the signs of heat stroke: Confusion and dry, hot skin are among the primary symptoms. Take quick action if heat stroke is suspected.

Even though Sirius might not be responsible for the blazing summer weather that is forcing electric bills through the roof, the slightly cooler starry nights are a great time to view the dog star, while avoiding the heat of a hot summer’s day.

A4 Main

Page 5: 081210

Q: The recession hit me hard, so I did a voluntary reposses-sion on my automobile. My salary had been decreased, and the car payments became more then I could handle. I had the car for three years of a four-year loan. Since the repossession, I have been able to keep up with my other bills now. The repossession did appear on my credit report, but I am disputing the amount on there. The car was sold, but it said I still owed $15,000. How can that be? I had originally

pur-chased the car for $35,000, a n d I only owed one more year’s worth of pay-

ments. Since the car was sold, I have not had any con-tact with anyone about col-lecting “$15,000.” I had applied for a loan, and all of a sudden now I’m getting phone calls

from debt collectors for this balance, and a lawsuit will be filed with an attorney if I don’t pay, etc. I have never wanted to file bankruptcy, but I also do not intend to pay this old debt, especially that amount. I have requested proof of what the car was sold for but have not received anything. Is there anything I can do? — B.R., via e-mail

A: Unfortunately, these types of things just don’t go away and can hang on for a long period of time. When you do a voluntary repossession, the lender will then sell the car, and whatever the deficiency is, you will be responsible for that. These types of debts get handed around from one credit company to another, and these debts ordinarily can be refiled and just don’t go away. I’d sug-gest that before you arbitrarily file bankruptcy, you discuss this matter with an attorney. Just bear in mind that it’s not going to go away by itself.

•Bruce Williams writes for Newspaper Enterprise Association. E-mail him at [email protected].

The Vicksburg Post Thursday, August 12, 2010 A5

BusinessFro m s t a f f a n d A P re p o r t s





The following quotes on local companies are provid-ed as a service by Smith Bar-ney Citi Group, 112-B Monu-ment Place, 601-636-6914.

Archer-Daniels (ADM)......... 29.84American Fin. (AFG) ............ 28.66Ameristar (ASCA) .................. 16.27Auto Zone (AZO) ................204.56Bally Technologies (BYI) ..... 30.75BancorpSouth (BXS) ............ 13.61Britton Koontz (BKBK) ........ 10.99Cracker Barrel (CBRL) .......... 47.10Champion Ent. (CHB)............... .20Com. Health Svcs. (CYH) ..... 31.41Computer Sci. Corp. (CSC) .....43.88Cooper Industries (CBE) .... 43.19CBL and Associates (CBL) . 13.06CSX Corp. (CSX) ..................... 51.05East Group Prprties(EGP) ...... 35.48El Paso Corp. (EP) ................. 11.74Entergy Corp. (ETR) ............. 78.58

Fastenal (FAST) ...................... 48.44Family Dollar (FDO) ............. 42.63Fred’s (FRED) ........................... 10.69Int’l Paper (IP) ........................ 21.87Janus Capital Group (JNS) ........9.88J.C. Penney (JCP) .................. 20.83Kroger Stores (KR) ................ 22.01Kan. City So. (KSU) ............... 35.62Legg Mason (LM) ................ 28.46Parkway Properties (PKY) .....15.10PepsiCo Inc. (PEP) ................ 65.45Regions Financial (RF) ......... 7.17Rowan (RDC) .......................... 25.74Saks Inc. (SKS) ...........................8.14Sears Holdings (SHLD) ....... 69.24Simpson-DuraVent (SSD) ......23.02Sunoco (SUN) ......................... 35.53Trustmark (TRMK) ................ 20.82Tyco Intn’l (TYC) .................... 36.93Tyson Foods (TSN) ............... 15.96Viacom (VIA) ........................... 36.82Walgreens (WAG) ................. 27.73Wal-Mart (WMT) ................... 51.02

Sales High Low Last ChgAKSteel .20 10592 13.33 13.00 13.32—.05AMR 14193 6.98 6.66 6.94+.12AT&TInc 1.68 40375 26.74 26.40 26.70+.15AMD 107081 6.54 6.26 6.52+.03AegeanMP .04 18815 16.93 14.30 15.17—3.88AlcatelLuc 12176 2.69 2.63 2.68—.08Alcoa .12 29228 10.73 10.47 10.72+.06Altria 1.40 18745 22.38 22.15 22.29—.15AmbacFh 10037 .68 .65 .67+.00AmExp .72 9479 42.96 42.51 42.75—.21AnalogDev .88f 10031 28.62 28.10 28.20—.89Annaly 2.61e 25140 17.73 17.45 17.73+.13ArcelorMit .75 13139 30.25 29.82 30.21—.57ArchDan .60 9491 30.01 29.59 29.96+.12BB&TCp .60 14225 24.07 23.82 23.98—.25BPPLC 30241 38.18 37.49 38.15—.64BcoSantand .81e 13978 12.38 12.26 12.35—.13BkofAm .04 312742 13.35 13.02 13.15—.04BarVixShT 54344 23.80 23.20 23.21+.37BarrickG .48f 18436 43.20 42.86 43.06+.66BostonSci 14150 5.60 5.51 5.59+.02Brinker .56f 14419 16.02 15.00 15.71+.82CBSB .20 10457 14.29 14.14 14.23—.24CVSCare .35 10785 28.62 28.30 28.54—.08CapOne .20 9498 39.59 38.76 38.87—.99Caterpillar 1.76f 13599 67.96 66.78 67.62—1.09Cemex .43t 24391 8.88 8.68 8.80—.14ChesEng .30 20037 21.15 20.79 21.12—.29Chevron 2.88 12761 77.33 76.20 77.32+.19Chimera .63e 14247 3.87 3.83 3.86+.02Citigrp 810740 3.89 3.83 3.88+.03CocaCl 1.76 18452 55.74 55.35 55.51—.53ConocPhil 2.20 11180 55.37 54.60 55.22—.29Corning .20 28333 17.72 17.35 17.42—.63CottCp 31636 6.13 5.92 6.00+.33DrSCBearrs 41710 38.16 36.66 36.93+1.18DirFnBear 87957 15.55 15.05 15.23+.25DrxFBulls .15e 85322 20.35 19.68 20.11—.34DirxSCBull 4.83e 34420 36.55 35.03 36.26—1.15DirxLCBear 16667 15.62 15.24 15.26+.34Disney .35 17812 34.30 33.71 34.16—.07DowChm .60 18459 24.92 24.34 24.87—.31DuPont 1.64 12449 40.52 39.79 40.52+.02DukeEngy .98f 13189 17.10 16.96 17.06—.05EMCCp 81466 19.22 18.78 18.81—.85EsteeLdr .55 26307 58.09 54.61 57.38—2.97ExxonMbl 1.76 27983 60.32 59.56 60.32—.07FordM 165370 12.17 11.90 12.12—.29FMCG 1.20f 21628 69.90 69.14 69.68—.36FrontierCm .75 27800 7.67 7.59 7.63—.01Gap .40 13464 17.86 17.38 17.79—.08GenElec .48f 82829 15.58 15.34 15.52—.18Genworth 22400 12.25 11.75 12.06—.31Goldcrpg .18 9719 40.10 39.59 39.99+.76GoldmanS 1.40 11552 150.59 147.81 149.71+.46Hallibrtn .36 16290 28.60 28.00 28.46—.32HewlettP .32 99310 40.37 40.06 40.12—.65HostHotls .04 9599 13.94 13.63 13.83—.16iShBraz 2.58e 20673 68.34 67.33 68.33+.17iShJapn .16e 26275 9.44 9.41 9.42—.06iSTaiwn .21e 19901 12.44 12.34 12.44iShChina25 .68e 24490 39.93 39.59 39.92—.23iShEMkts .59e 86847 40.34 39.97 40.34—.05iShB20T 3.73e 11085 101.71 101.40 101.56+.28iSEafe 1.38e 46387 50.81 50.50 50.76—.19iShR2K .77e 92403 61.62 60.76 61.47—.61iShREst 1.81e 13649 50.85 50.32 50.70—.44Interpublic 11060 8.81 8.64 8.72—.17JPMorgCh .20 66936 37.92 37.22 37.68—.09JohnJn 2.16f 11122 58.66 58.10 58.31—.19JnprNtwk 39251 26.05 25.00 25.68—1.99Keycorp .04 13355 7.96 7.77 7.91Kinrossg .10 12030 15.45 15.31 15.41+.17Kohls 15681 46.99 46.30 46.43—1.35LSICorp 12071 4.18 4.01 4.16+.06

LVSands 67721 27.78 26.80 27.69+.76LillyEli 1.96 11912 36.69 36.23 36.63—.08LloydBkg 1.45r 9597 4.36 4.27 4.36+.01Lowes .44f 15244 19.78 19.45 19.74—.07MGM Rsts 32256 10.24 9.97 10.16+.02Macys .20 35176 20.20 19.80 20.01—.51MktVGold .11p 14946 50.13 49.70 50.07+.99MktVRus .08e 28925 30.59 30.40 30.54—.35MetLife .74 14067 40.22 39.76 39.94—.71Monsanto 1.12f 14336 57.75 56.14 56.51—.26MorgStan .20 17938 26.44 26.03 26.09—.34Motorola 45286 7.78 7.58 7.75+.05Nabors 11196 16.45 15.72 16.43+.04NewmtM .60f 10658 57.58 56.76 57.42+1.38NokiaCp .56e 29248 9.01 8.88 8.100—.08OfficeDpt 10272 4.15 3.96 4.14+.10OilSvHT 2.60e 15743 102.31 100.89 102.31—.95Petrobras 1.18e 16183 36.12 35.29 36.09+.26Pfizer .72 84063 16.05 15.86 15.96—.04Potash .40 18961 111.21 106.56 111.15+2.95ProShtS&P 21403 52.39 51.95 51.99+.45PrUShS&P 60877 34.04 33.51 33.55+.56PrUlShDow 14435 27.57 27.20 27.27+.39ProUltQQQ 17489 55.66 54.38 55.63—1.17PrUShQQQ 64025 18.20 17.81 17.82+.38ProUltSP .40e 44586 35.47 34.89 35.43—.58ProUShL20 20501 34.86 34.63 34.72—.17ProUShtFn 19135 21.79 21.26 21.44+.23ProUSR2K 22200 22.41 21.82 21.93+.47ProUSSP500 15378 33.58 32.79 32.86+.81ProctGam 1.93 16404 60.34 59.38 60.21—.06QwestCm .32 18822 5.64 5.62 5.63—.01RegionsFn .04 29866 7.17 6.93 7.05—.13SpdrDJIA 2.48e 15345 103.51 102.78 103.40—.73SpdrGold 22627 118.77 118.52 118.67+1.33S&P500ETF 2.22e 396933 108.50 107.60 108.41—.89SpdrRetl .56e 29854 37.13 36.48 37.07—.21STMicro .28 13324 7.53 7.45 7.51—.16SandRdge 12655 4.65 4.51 4.61—.02SaraLee .44 20704 14.38 13.79 14.20—.27Schlmbrg .84 15584 59.34 58.63 59.34—.72SemiHTr .52e 41799 26.02 25.62 25.99—.52SilvWhtng 14092 19.85 19.49 19.82+.62SmithIntl .48 10859 41.22 40.72 41.22—.51SprintNex 64594 4.49 4.44 4.48—.01SPMatls .52e 18745 31.22 30.86 31.19—.06SPCnSt .75e 10546 26.70 26.54 26.68—.17SPEngy 1e 40640 53.54 52.90 53.54—.22SPDRFncl .17e 182102 14.20 14.01 14.13—.08SPInds .59e 23568 29.35 29.15 29.31—.34SPTech .31e 29424 21.35 21.14 21.35—.32Synovus .04 26407 2.33 2.29 2.30—.07TaiwSemi .47e 55502 9.83 9.66 9.80+.07Teradyn 12825 9.66 9.39 9.58—.30TexInst .48 35651 24.67 24.22 24.55—.42TimeWarn .85 10073 30.72 30.43 30.59—.50Transocn 13037 53.75 52.52 53.71—.45USAirwy 16405 9.29 8.82 9.26+.13USNGsFd 31723 7.33 7.22 7.26—.02USOilFd 12950 34.30 34.14 34.30—.44USSteel .20 18505 45.05 44.10 45.01—.31UtdhlthGp .50 10109 32.22 31.57 32.00+.01ValeSA .52e 30264 27.56 27.04 27.56+.04ValeSApf .52e 13579 23.91 23.50 23.91—.02ValeroE .20 21003 17.16 17.02 17.15+.01VerizonCm 1.90b 40835 29.95 29.23 29.91+.35VimpelCn 20830 16.09 15.35 15.65—1.16WalMart 1.21 18146 50.78 50.39 50.41—.61WeathfIntl 15436 15.52 15.21 15.48—.11WellsFargo .20 43096 26.39 25.91 26.22—.08WendyArby .06 11945 4.17 4.08 4.13—.02WDigital 22758 25.95 24.48 25.07—.03XLGrp .40 11562 18.02 17.52 17.93—.21Xerox .17 22136 9.17 8.94 9.06—.21Yamanag .08f 13322 9.78 9.66 9.76+.20

U.S. to provide $3 billion in housing aidMississippi’s unemployed homeowners to receive $38 million

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration is pro-viding $3 billion to unemployed homeowners facing foreclo-sure in the nation’s toughest job markets.

The Treasury Department said Wednesday it will send $2 billion to 17 states that have unemployment rates higher than the national average for a year. They will use the money for programs to aid unem-ployed homeowners.

Another $1 billion will go to a new program being run by the Department of Hous-ing and Urban Development. It will provide homeowners

with emergency zero-interest rate loans of up to $50,000 for up to two years.

The administration was required to launch the HUD emergency loan program by the financial regulatory bill signed by President Barack Obama last month.

The Treasury is using money from the $700 billion Wall Street bailout to pay its share of the program. Officials said they won’t know until next month how many people are likely to be helped.

California will get the larg-est share for the Treasury pro-gram, at $476 million. Florida

is in line for nearly $239 mil-lion. Illinois will receive $166 million and Ohio will receive $149 million.

The Obama administra-tion has rolled out numerous attempts to tackle the fore-closure crisis but has made only a small dent in the prob-lem. More than 40 percent, or about 530,000 homeowners, have fallen out of the adminis-tration’s main effort to assist those facing foreclosure.

That program, known as Making Home Affordable, pro-vides lenders with incentives to reduce mortgage payments. So far, it has provided perma-

nent help to about 390,000 hom-eowners, or 30 percent of the 1.3 million who have enrolled since March 2009.

Also receiving money are Michigan, $129 million; Geor-gia, $127 million; North Caro-lina, $121 million; New Jersey, $112 million; Indiana, $83 million and Tennessee, $81 million.

Alabama is due to receive $61 million, South Carolina, $59 million; Kentucky, $56 mil-lion; Oregon, $49 million; Mis-sissippi, $38 million; Nevada, $34 million; Rhode Island, $14 million; and Washington, D.C., $8 million.

Watchdog panel cites global impact of U.S. bailoutWASHINGTON — The

$700 billion U.S. bailout pro-gram launched in response to the global economic melt-down had a far greater impact overseas than other countries’ financial rescue plans did on the U.S., accord-ing to a new report from a congressional watchdog.

Billions of dollars in U.S. rescue funds wound up in big banks in France, Germany and other nations. That was probably inevitable because of the structure of the Trea-sury Department’s program, the Congressional Oversight Panel says in a new report issued today.

The U.S. program aimed to stabilize the financial system by injecting money into as many banks as possible, including those with sub-stantial operations overseas. Most other countries, by con-trast, focused their efforts more narrowly on banks in their nations that usually lacked major U.S. operations.

But the report says that if the U.S. had gotten more data on which foreign banks would benefit the most, the government might have been able to ask those countries to share some of the cost.

GM posts $1.33B profit,a sign of strength

DETROIT — General

Motors Co. said today it made $1.33 billion in the second quarter, a sign it’s getting healthier as it pre-pares to sell stock to the public.

It was the second straight quarterly profit for the Detroit automaker, which made $865 million in the first quarter, and sets the stage for GM to file paperwork soon to start the public stock sale process.

CEO Ed Whitacre said last week that the company is eager to sell shares in an ini-tial public offering so it can end its dependence on the government and pay off $43.3 billion in bailout funds that were converted into a major-ity stake in the company. Whitacre wants the company to shed its “Government Motors” moniker because it’s hurting sales and the com-pany’s image. Whitacre said today he’s stepping down Sept. 1. He will be replaced by GM board member Daniel Akerson, the managing director and head of global buyout of The Carlyle Group.

Stocks extend slideafter Cisco, jobs data

NEW YORK — Stocks fell for a third day today as more

disappointing earnings and economic news flowed in.

The Dow Jones indus-trial average fell more than 60 points after the Labor Department reported that the number of people filing for unemployment benefits for the first time rose last week to 484,000. The gain was small at 2,000, but economists had expected the number to drop. The news pointed to continuing weakness in the labor market, yet another sign that the economic recov-ery is weakening.

The latest earnings reports added to the market’s dark-ening view of the economy.

Cisco Systems Inc.’s revenue from its latest quarter and its forecast for future revenue both fell short of analysts’ expectations. The company’s stock fell more than 9 per-cent and other tech stocks also fell.

In early trading today, the Dow fell 66.22, or 0.6 per-cent, to 10,312.61. The Dow fell almost 320 points over the course of Tuesday and Wednesday.

The Standard & Poor’s 500 index fell 8.04, or 0.7 percent, to 1,081.43. The Nasdaq com-posite index fell 25.13, or 1.1 percent, to 2,183.50.


A5 Business






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Page 6: 081210

A6 Thursday, August 12, 2010 The Vicksburg Post

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Page 8: 081210

A8 Thursday, August 12, 2010 The Vicksburg Post




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A8 Comic

Page 9: 081210

The Vicksburg Post Thursday, August 12, 2010 A9


Thunderstorms tonight; lows in the mid-70s. Thun-derstorms Friday with highs

in the mid-90s





WEATHERThis weather package is compiled from historical records and information

provided by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the

City of Vicksburg and The Associated Press.


Chance of isolated storms throughout the week; lows in the 70s; highs in the 90s.


Isolated thunderstorms; lows in the mid-70s

Friday-SundayChance of isolated storms

throughout the week; lows in the 70s; highs in the 90s.


High/past 24 hours............. 98ºLow/past 24 hours .............. 76ºAverage temperature ........ 87ºNormal this date .................. 81ºRecord low .............57º in 1967Record high .99º before 1885

rainFaLLRecorded at the

Vicksburg Water PlantPast 24 hours ................0.0 inchThis month .............1.41 inchesTotal/year ............. 27.13 inchesNormal/month .....1.18 inchesNormal/year ....... 34.62 inches

SOLunar TabLeMost active times for fish

and wildlife Friday:A.M. Active ........................... 8:35A.M. Most active ................ 2:22P.M. Active ............................ 9:01P.M. Most active ................. 2:48

SunriSe/SunSeTSunset today ....................... 7:51Sunset tomorrow .............. 7:50Sunrise tomorrow ............. 6:25


Mississippi Riverat Vicksburg

Current: 26.1 | Change: -0.5Flood: 43 feet

Yazoo River at GreenwoodCurrent: 14.0 | Change: 0.4

Flood: 35 feetYazoo River at Yazoo CityCurrent: 0.0 | Change: 0.0

Flood: 29 feetYazoo River at Belzoni

Current: 12.7| Change: -0.1Flood: 34 feet

Big Black River at WestCurrent: 0.0 | Change: 0.0

Flood: 12 feetBig Black River at BovinaCurrent: 7.4 | Change: -0.5

Flood: 28 feet

STeeLe bayOuLand ...................................73.5River ...................................73.2


Cairo, Ill.Friday ...................................... 27.5 Saturday ................................ 27.2Sunday ................................... 26.9

MemphisFriday ...................................... 13.4Saturday ................................ 13.1Sunday ................................... 12.8

GreenvilleFriday ...................................... 31.2Saturday ................................ 30.9Sunday ................................... 30.7

VicksburgFriday ...................................... 25.5Saturday ................................ 25.2Sunday ................................... 24.9

mission’s co-chairmen — a Republican and a Demo-crat — have asked for civil discourse.

Not likely.Social Security has been, is

and will continue to be poten-tially deadly for the career of any politician who dares touch it.

While Obama’s commission was holding its latest meet-ing, dozens of House Demo-crats gathered on the steps of the Capitol to accuse Republi-cans of trying to wreck Social Security by creating private accounts, an idea with little support in Congress since former President George W. Bush unsuccessfully tried it.

“Probably the months before an election are not the time to try to negotiate Social Security,” said John Rother, executive vice president of AARP.

The commission’s proposals are due in December, after congressional elections in November.

Despite the rhetoric, many experts think policymak-ers eventually will settle on a compromise: small cuts in future benefits coupled with small tax increases.

“You could put 10 moder-ates in a room and they could come up with a package in a day that solved the long-term problem and combined tax increases and spending cuts,” said William Gale, an adviser to President George H. W. Bush’s Council of Economic Advisers and now co-director of the Tax Policy Center. “It’s not that hard to do.”

Social Security’s short-term finances are being hurt by a recession that shed more than 8 million jobs, reduc-ing revenue from the payroll taxes that support the pro-gram. Social Security’s long-term finances will be strained as the 78 million baby boom-ers reach retirement age — and live longer as life expec-tancy increases.

For the first time since the 1980s, Social Security is paying out more money in benefits than it collects in payroll taxes. The program is projected to post surpluses again in 2012 through 2014 but will return to permanent deficits in 2015, its trustees said in their annual report last week.

The disability program is in even worse shape. The dis-

ability trust fund is projected to be exhausted by 2018, meaning Congress will have to act soon to address it.

The combined trust funds have built up a $2.5 tril-lion surplus over the past 25 years. But the federal gov-ernment has borrowed that money over the years to spend on other programs. The government must now start borrowing money from public debt markets — adding to the federal budget deficit — to repay Social Security.

Over the next decade, the federal government will pay Social Security more than $1.5 trillion in inter-est, though the transfers are essentially an account-ing procedure, switching money from one government account to another.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law on Aug. 14, 1935. This year, more than 53 million people receive a total of $700 billion in bene-fits. Retirement benefits aver-age $1,100 a month and dis-abled workers get an average of $1,065.

In 75 years, 122 million

people — one-fourth of the U.S. population — will be drawing benefits.

Social Security is financed by a 6.2 percent payroll tax on wages below $106,800. The tax is paid by workers and matched by employers.

Older Americans can apply for early retirement bene-fits, starting at age 62. They qualify for full benefits if they wait until they turn 66, a threshold that is gradually increasing to 67 for people born in 1960 or later.

Social Security would be made solvent for another 75 years if payroll taxes were increased by about 1 percent-age point for both workers and employers. It would also be fixed if Congress started taxing all wages, not just those below $106,800.

About 23 percent of the shortfall would be gone if Congress gradually increased the full retirement age from 67 to 68, according to the Senate Special Com-mittee on Aging. Nearly a third of the shortfall would disappear if it was gradually increased to 70.

House Republican Leader John Boehner of Ohio

recently suggested increas-ing the full retirement age to 70. Democrats slammed Boehner, even though House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., made a similar sug-gestion in a speech the week before.

“It’s an important program for millions of Americans, tens of millions of Ameri-cans, and if we don’t fix it, it will not be there,” Boeh-ner said later. “I understand that these subjects get to be rather sensitive, and espe-cially in an election year. I was not at all surprised by the attacks that came my way.”

Among the first to attack Boehner was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. She was asked later if she was hamstringing Obama’s fiscal commission by publicly opposing an increase in the retirement age.

“That would be my goal, but I don’t think I have that much influence in what they do,” Pelosi said. “They are an independent commission appointed by the president. They have to do what they have to do.”

VWSDContinued from Page A1.

with District 1 Trustee Jerry Boland, District 4 Trustee Joseph Loviza and District 5 Trustee Tommy Shelton voting for Swinford.

“We have offered her a con-tract, and her attorney will speak with our attorney as to her decision,” Murphy said after the meeting. Murphy previously said the board had offered two years, but would not disclose the salary offer.

During the recruitment, trustees pegged the salary

range at $110,000 to $140,000 annually. Price was paid $104,000 for two years, a salary that increased over his seven years to $140,000.

Swinford, wrapping up her duties as assistant superin-tendent for human resources in East Baton Rouge Parish before moving to Vicksburg, was reportedly named along with the EBR school district, former and current admin-istrators and a Los Ange-les-based teacher-recruit-ment firm in a class-action

lawsuit filed in California on behalf of teachers hired and brought to Louisiana from the Philippines.

Swinford said last week she and the district were await-ing details on the suit, but that the district had not done business for two to three years with the firm, Univer-sal Placement International, Inc.

“We are aware of it, but all districts have litigation,”

Murphy said. “School dis-tricts all over the country have personnel involved in litigation. This is not a par-ticular concern of the board at this time.”

Stirgus, however, brought at least two news accounts of the suit to the meeting.

Swinford previously said she hoped to be in the district to begin work either Aug. 23 or Aug. 30, depending, among other things, upon her suc-

cess in finding housing. She was in Vicksburg over the weekend, and spoke briefly at the citywide pep rally Saturday.

Swinford could not be reached today.

Also Wednesday, the trust-ees accepted the resigna-tion of Grove Street teacher Lucius Chambers.

PipelineContinued from Page A1.

easily by a provider.“If they have an interest in

accessing this line, they can,” Fore said, adding a metering station can be built to access gas off the Midcontinent for about $5 million. Besides proximity to ample supply from the largest known natu-ral gas shales, in the Rocky Mountains and the North-east, economics will drive the likelihood, Fore said.

“Is that a good investment

to invest in that? Do they have a market to tap into this gas? That’s all a business and economic decision, but it’s possible,” Fore said.

Estimates presented during Fore’s address showed eco-nomic impact hitting about $11.1 million in property taxes it will pay to seven Mis-sissippi counties, including $733,000 projected to Warren County. Hinds County, where a $60 million compressor sta-

tion was built just outside Edwards, stands to be paid more than $2.5 million in ad valorem taxes.

Two other multistate pipe-lines have crossed parts of Vicksburg and Warren County since 2007, one owned by Gulf South Pipe-line and the other by Spectra Energy. All three, including Kinder Morgan, are head-quartered in Houston.

DEATHSThe Vicksburg Post prints obituaries in news form for area residents, their family members and for former residents at no charge. Families wishing to publish additional information or to use specific wording have the option of a paid obituary.

Sybil Wood CochranSybil Wood Cochran died

Wednesday, Aug. 11, 2010, at her home. She was 83.

A native of Ackerman, she had lived in Vicksburg for the past 43 years. She retired from LeTourneau as a machinist and was formerly employed at Sonny’s Grocery. She was a member of the Warrenton Independent Bap-tist Church.

She was preceded in death by her husband, William T. Cochran; a sister, Blondie Cagle; and a brother, Murray Wood.

She is survived by three daughters, Gail Harrison and Pat Holloway, both of Belzoni, and Lulu Lyons of Vicksburg; three sons, Charles “Butch” Cochran of Yazoo City, Danny Cochran of Belzoni and David Cochran of Vicks-burg; five sisters, Bobbie Peden and Polly Cagle, both of Ackerman, Edna Blosser of Taylor, Mich., Margie Bueche of Flint, Mich., and Nell Stack of Ridgeland; three brothers, Johnny Wood of Pearl, Joe Wood of Phila-delphia and Bill Wood of Turkey; 16 grandchildren; 23 great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren.

Services will be at 10 a.m. Friday at Glenwood Funeral Home with the Rev. Marvin Curtis officiating. Burial will

follow at Yokena Cemetery. Visitation will be from 5 until 8 tonight at the funeral home.

Pallbearers will be Brian Cochran, Steve Cochran, Heath Cochran, Clayton Cochran, Brad Lyons and Jason Harrison.

Honorary pallbearers will be Dr. Anita Tribble, the staff of Providence Hospice and the members of Warrenton Independent Baptist Church.

Brelyn Shirnita GrossBrelyn Shirnita Gross died

Tuesday, Aug. 10, 2010. She was 24.

Miss Gross was a 2004 grad-uate of Warren Central High School.

She was preceded in death by her maternal grandfather, Harrison Gross; her pater-nal grandparents, Amanda Eatmon and Jessie Ander-son; a sister, Glory Anderson; and a brother, Curtis Ander-son Sr.

Survivors include her par-ents, Brenda Gross and Ernest Anderson Sr. of Vicksburg; her maternal grandmother, Julia M. Gross of Vicksburg; her fiancé, Darryl Oliver of Vicksburg; eight brothers, Eddie McCoy, Jessie McCoy, Michael Anderson and Larry Ander-son, all of Vicksburg, Willie Anderson of Portland, Ore., Tommy Anderson of Hous-ton, Texas, Ernest Anderson Jr. of Winfield, La., and Jason Gross of Corpus Christi, Texas; one sister, Emma Lee Judge of Vicksburg; and aunts, uncles, nieces, neph-ews, cousins and friends.

Services will be at 11 a.m. Saturday at Vicksburg City Auditorium with Elder Darron George officiating. Burial will follow at Hickory Tree M.B. Church Cemetery in Bovina. Visitation will be from 1 until 6 p.m. Friday at Lakeview Memorial Funeral Home.

Amos MillerMemorial services for

Amos Miller will be at 11 a.m. Saturday at Mount Carmel Ministries, 2015 Grove St., with the Rev. Mitchell Dent

officiating. Mr. Miller died Sunday,

Aug. 8, 2010, at River Region Medical Center. He was 49.

He was of the Baptist faith.

Cora Williams Stevenson

Cora Williams Stevenson died Saturday, Aug. 7, 2010, at her home. She was 77.

Mrs. Stevenson was a member of Christian Home No. 1 Church. She was a pri-vate-duty sitter.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Earl Steven-

son; her parents, Willie and Mary Jane Walker Williams; a son, Michael Williams Rhone; and nine brothers and two sisters.

Survivors include a step-daughter, Early Mae Steven-son of Vicksburg; a brother, Ben Williams of Daily City, Calif.; nieces and nephews; cousins; and friends, includ-ing members of the Walker, Reed, Williams, Grady, Lewis, Kelly, Crump, John-son, Brown and Holt families.

Williams Funeral Service has charge of arrangements.

charge and no bond for two counts of capital murder.

Another potential sus-pect, 45-year-old Robert Lee King, was spotted in the Rolling Fork and Hollan-dale area about the time the Carrolls were found dead, Adams said. King, a U.S. Marshals fugitive since 2005, is wanted for a 2005 killing

and attempted murder in Memphis.

He said he expects to talk with agents from the Mis-sissippi Bureau of Investiga-tions again next week about the case.

ProblemsContinued from Page A1.

KillingsContinued from Page A1.



www.GlenwoodFuneralHomes.com601-636-1414 45 Highway 80

• Vicksburg •Mrs. Sybil Wood Cochran

Service10 a.m. Friday,

August 13, 2010Glenwood Chapel

IntermentYokena Cemetery

Visitation5 - 8 p.m. Thursday

Memorialsin lieu of flowers

Warrenton IndependentBaptist Church

• Rolling Fork •

Mr. James ShieldsArrangements Incomplete

5000 Indiana Avenue601-629-0000www.charlesrilesfuneralhome.com

Mrs. Jean L. ConeyService

11 a.m. Thursday,August 12, 2010

Riles Funeral Home ChapelInterment

Green Acres Memorial ParkMemorials

Trinity Baptist ChurchBuilding Fund

3365 Porters Chapel RoadVicksburg, Mississippi 39180

Mr. William Floyd WhittingtonArrangements to be announced

601-636-73731830 CHERRY STREET







Frank J.


Page 10: 081210

A10 Thursday, August 12, 2010 The Vicksburg Post

Climate Change

Long, hot summer of fire, floods fits predictionsneW YORK (aP) — Floods,

fires, melting ice and fever-ish heat: From smoke-choked Moscow to water-soaked Paki-stan and the High Arctic, the planet seems to be having a midsummer breakdown. It’s not just a portent of things to come, scientists say, but a sign of troubling climate change already under way.

The weather-related cata-clysms of July and August fit patterns predicted by climate scientists, the Geneva-based World Meteorological Organi-zation says — although those scientists always shy from tying individual disasters directly to global warming.

The experts now see an urgent need for better ways to forecast extreme events like Russia’s heat wave and wild-fires and the record deluge devastating Pakistan. They’ll discuss such tools in meetings this month and next in Europe and America, under United Nations, U.S. and British gov-ernment sponsorship.

“There is no time to waste,” because societies must be equipped to deal with global warming, says British gov-ernment climatologist Peter Stott.

He said modelers of climate systems are “very keen” to develop supercomputer mod-eling that would enable more detailed linking of cause and effect as a warming world shifts jet streams and other atmospheric currents. Those changes can wreak weather havoc.

The U.N.’s network of cli-mate scientists — the Inter-governmental Panel on Cli-mate Change — has long predicted that rising global temperatures would produce more frequent and intense heat waves, and more intense rainfalls. In its latest assess-ment, in 2007, the Nobel Prize-winning panel went beyond that. It said these trends “have already been observed,” in an increase in heat waves since 1950, for example.

Still, climatologists generally refrain from blaming warming for this drought or that flood, since so many other factors also affect the day’s weather.

Stott and NASA’s Gavin Schmidt at the Goddard Insti-tute of Space Studies in New York, said it’s better to think in terms of odds: Warming might double the chances for a heat wave, for example.

The WMO did point out,

however, that this summer’s events fit the international sci-entists’ projections of “more frequent and more intense extreme weather events due to global warming.”

In fact, in key cases they’re a perfect fit:

RussiaIt’s been the hottest summer

ever recorded in Russia with

Moscow temperatures top-ping 100 degrees Fahrenheit for the first time. The drought there has sparked hundreds of wildfires in forests and dried peat bogs, blanketing western Russia with a toxic smog. Mos-cow’s death rate has doubled to 700 people a day.

The 2007 IPCC report pre-dicted a doubling of disas-trous droughts in Russia this century and cited studies foreseeing catastrophic fires during dry years. It also said Russia would suffer large crop losses.

PakistanThe heaviest monsoon rains

on record — 12 inches in one 36-hour period — have sent rivers rampaging over huge swaths of countryside. It’s left 14 million Pakistanis home-less or otherwise affected, and killed 1,500. The government calls it the worst natural disas-ter in the nation’s history.

A warmer atmosphere can hold — and discharge — more water. The 2007 IPCC report said rains have grown heavier for 40 years over north Pak-

istan and predicted greater flooding this century in south Asia’s monsoon region.

ChinaChina is witnessing its

worst floods in decades, the WMO says, particularly in the northwest province of Gansu. There, floods and landslides last weekend killed at least 1,117 people and left more than 600 missing, feared swept away or buried beneath mud and debris.

The IPCC reported in 2007 that rains had increased in northwest China by up to 33 percent since 1961, and floods nationwide had increased sevenfold since the 1950s. It predicted still more frequent flooding this century.

ArcticResearchers last week spot-

ted a 100-square-mile chunk of ice calved off from the great Petermann Glacier in Green-land’s far northwest. It was the most massive ice island to break away in the Arctic in a half-century of observation.

The huge iceberg appeared just five months after an inter-national scientific team pub-lished a report saying ice loss from the Greenland ice sheet is expanding up its northwest coast from the south.

Changes in the ice sheet “are happening fast, and we are def-initely losing more ice mass than we had anticipated,” said one of the scientists, NASA’s Isabella Velicogna.

In the Arctic Ocean itself, the summer melt of the vast ice cap has reached unprece-dented proportions. Satellite data show the ocean area cov-ered by ice last month was the second-lowest ever recorded for July.

The melting of land ice into the oceans is causing about 60 percent of the accelerating rise in sea levels worldwide.

The associaTed press

DeS mOineS, iowa (aP) — Three nights of heavy rainfall caused Iowa creeks and rivers to swell, forcing hundreds of residents from their homes and killing a 16-year-old girl when three cars were swept away by a torrent of water on a rural road.

In Ames, flooding contrib-uted to a water main break that forced the city to shut off water to its roughly 55,000 residents and left Iowa State University’s basketball arena under 4 to 5 feet of water.

The flooding in central and eastern Iowa Wednes-day followed three straight nights of strong thunder-storms. After a brief respite for much of the state, more thunderstorms were pos-sible Friday and Saturday, according to the National Weather Service.

Divers found the body of Jessica Nichole Webb, of Altoona, near the sub-merged cars in Mud Creek Wednesday afternoon, more than 10 hours after she disappeared.

1 dead, hundreds evacuatedafter flooding in Iowa

People stand on the remnants of a bridge washed away by heavy flooding in Bannu in northwest Pakistan.

Remains identifiedas missing soldiers

OKlahOma CitY — The remains of two U.S. Army soldiers, one from Oklahoma and one from Nebraska, who had been missing in Vietnam for nearly 40 years, have been identified, the U.S. Depart-ment of Defense announced Wednesday.

The bodies of Chief Warrant Officer Donald Wann of Shaw-nee, Okla., and 1st Lt. Paul Magers of Sidney, Neb., were identified through DNA test-ing by the Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory in Hawaii.

Wann and Magers were killed June 1, 1971, when the AH-1 Cobra helicopter they were flying as part of a rescue mission was shot down in Quang Tri Province, South Vietnam, the military said.

Man arrested at airportin stabbings spree

atlanta — A possible suspect in a string of 20 stab-bings that terrorized people across three states and left five dead was arrested at an airport as he tried to board a plane for Israel, officials said today.

The man was arrested late Wednesday and was being held on unrelated charges, police in Leesburg, Va., said.

He was arrested at Harts-field-Jackson Atlanta Inter-national Airport where he was trying to board a Delta Air Lines flight to Tel Aviv, Israel, said Rafael Lemaitre, a spokesman at U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

The man has ties to Flint, Mich., where the attacks began May 24, and to Lees-burg, the site of three similar attacks last week, Leesburg Police Officer Chris Jones said.

He is an Israeli citizen who is in the U.S. legally, according to a law enforcement official.


A10 Main

The USDA, Rural Utilities Service has received an application for financial assistance from the Valley Park Water Association, Inc. The proposed project consists of the installation of one (1) 300 GPM water well, one (1) elevated 12,000 gallon tank, and a distribution system extensions to provide looped service. The area being served by the proposed additions are located in Issaquena, Sharkey and Warren Counties, MS.

As required by the National Environmental Policy Act and agency regulations, the Rural Utilities Service prepared an Environmental Assessment of the proposal that assessed the potential environmental effects of the proposal and the effect of the proposal may have on historic properties. The Environmental Assessment was published on June 29, 2010 for a 30-day public comment period. No comments were received. Upon consideration of the applicant’s proposal, federal and state environmental regulatory and natural resource agencies, and public input the agency has determined that the proposal will not have a significant effect on the human environment and for which an Environment Impact Statement will not be prepared. The basis of this determination is that the project will not cause any major impacts on the environment within the service area.

Copies of the Environmental Assessment can be reviewed or obtained at the USDA/Rural Development Area Office located at 3038 E. Reed Road, Suite 5, Greenville, MS 38703 or by calling (662) 335-4862 ext. 4 and at 723 Deer Creek Circe, Valley Park, MS 39177 or by calling (601) 636-4064. For further information, please contact Mrs. Thelma Glasco, Area Director at (662) 335-4862 ext. 4.

A general location map of the proposal can be seen at the above address.


Page 11: 081210


Steve Wilson, sports editor | E-mail: [email protected] | Tel: 601.636.4545 ext 142


T h u r s d a y, a u g u s T 12, 2010 • S E C T I O N B


PREP FOOTBALLWC vs. GulfportAug. 20, 6 p.m.at Vicksburg High

PCA hosts TallulahAug. 20, 7 p.m.

St. Al hosts PelahatchieAug. 20, 7:30 p.m.

VHS hosts Ocean SpringsAug. 20, 8:30 p.m.

ON TV6:30 p.m. WUFX - The

New Orleans Saints make their preseason debut against the New England Patriots.

WhO’S hOTCLIFF LEETexas Rangers and former Meridian Communi-ty College pitcher struck out 11 but got a no-decision as the New York Yankees rallied for a 7-6 win. MLB roundup/B3

SIdElINESRussell drug caseheads to grand jury

MOBILE, Ala. (AP) — A judge sent the drug pos-session case against former Oakland Raiders quarter-back JaMarcus Russell to a grand jury Wednesday despite testimony that the codeine drink found at Russell’s home belonged to a longtime friend.

District Judge Charles McKnight questioned the credibility of the testimony given by Marcus Steven-son, who said he made the codeine-laced drink found in a July 5 raid at Russell’s home.

Mobile County Sheriff’s Deputy Johnny Thorn-ton testified the orange-colored drink in Russell’s bedroom appeared freshly poured.

Investigators said Russell, who was in the bedroom, told them it was his Kool-Aid. Thornton said it later tested positive for codeine. Thonton also said there were nine people in the house and a codeine bottle without a prescription was found in a cabinet.

Stevenson testified at the hearing that he mixed the drink and didn’t make it for Russell.

lOTTEryLa. Pick 3: 4-1-1La. Pick 4: 9-0-9-1Easy 5: 5-17-27-30-31La. Lotto: 10-14-22-31-34-37Powerball: 7-10-22-23-52Powerball: 29; Power play: 2Weekly results: B2

Pavin, gray getin verbal tussleCorey Pavin denies tell-ing Jim Gray that Tiger Woods will be a Ryder Cup captain’s pick. Story/B3

Bush returns, Hamilton is outThird-string running back tears ACL in practiceBy The Associated Press

FOXBOROUGH, Mass. — Reggie Bush returned to practice after missing one session with cramps, and he might have become even more important for the defending Super Bowl cham-pion New Orleans Saints on Wednesday.

No. 3 running back Lynell Hamilton had to be helped off the field after tearing his right ACL during a joint practice against the New England Patriots, whom the Saints will play in the exhi-bition opener tonight. It will be New Orleans’ first game since beating the Indianapo-lis Colts 31-17 in Miami.

Saints spokesman Greg Bensel said Hamilton, who had been effective on spe-cial teams and in short-yard-age situations, has a torn ACL, an injury that usually requires a year to recover from.

“It was something that was kind of a freak deal,” Payton said after the final practice.

Hamilton, who turned 25 last week, crumpled to the turf midway through Wednesday morning’s prac-tice. Trainers rushed out to attend to him, and a few minutes later he limped off the field with a trainer under each arm.

Hamilton appeared in nine games last season, starting one, running 35 times for 125 yards and two touchdowns; he also caught five passes for 48 yards.

“We saw a lot of him a year ago,” Payton said. “He

played quite a bit for us in the kicking game as well as on offense. He’s cer-tainly a guy that factored in last year and contrib-uted quite a bit.”

Bush tried to talk to Hamil-ton after the injury.

“I’m hoping for the best and praying for him,” Bush said before the extent of the injury was known.

Bush sat out the team por-tion of Tuesday afternoon’s practice without explana-tion, then said after prac-tice on Wednesday that he was dehydrated and began cramping up.

“Other than that, it was nothing serious,” he said. “Practicing today every-thing was fine. It was just a little bit more precautionary

than anything to make sure I was 100 percent for this preseason game tomorrow. I’ll be full go tomorrow in the preseason game.”

Bush split the running back duties last year with Pierre Thomas and Mike Bell while leading the Saints to their first NFL champi-onship. Bell signed with the Philadelphia Eagles as a free agent in the offseason, and Thomas has already shaken off a left wrist injury that briefly knocked him out of practice last week.

Patriots linebacker Tully Banta-Cain said that having running backs with dif-ferent styles is one reason the Saints have been so successful.

“When teams have three-headed monsters or two-headed monsters in the backfield, you’ve really got to know who’s back there

McCann’sslamsavesBravesBy The Associated Press

HOUSTON — After getting blown out in the first game and needing late rallies to win the other two, Braves manager Bobby Cox was pleased to escape Houston with a series victory.

Omar Infante drove in the go-ahead run with a 10th-inning double and Brian McCann added a grand slam later in the inning to give Atlanta an 8-2 win over the Astros on Wednesday.

“It was a good series,” Cox said. “We took it. That’s all you can ask. A sweep would have been great, but we almost got swept ourselves.”

Infante’s hit bounced low on the wall in left field and scored Rick Ankiel to put Atlanta back on top 3-2, giving closer Billy Wagner (6-2) the win after he blew a save in the ninth. Brandon Lyon (6-5) intention-ally walked Melky Cabrera to set up a run-scoring single by Alex Gonzalez, and McCa-nn’s pinch hit slam off Jeff Fulchino put the game out of reach.

The Braves trailed 2-1 on Tuesday night, but won 4-2 after a pair of homers in the ninth.

“As long as our team is winning ... that’s what it’s all about,” said Wagner, the former Astros pitcher who will retire after this season. “That’s not how I guess you’d draw it up, but you don’t have much you can do about it. But a win’s a win and it’s good for us.”

Braves starter Tommy Hanson gave up two hits and didn’t allow an earned run before being replaced by Jonny Venters, who walked one in a scoreless eighth before Wagner took over.

Hunter Pence tied it 2-2 when he scored on a sacri-fice fly by Chris Johnson off Wagner in the ninth inning.

Saints have a better chance than most to repeatCan the New Orleans

Saints repeat last year’s magic Super Bowl title?

It’s a question posed from Bourbon Street to the docks of Port LaFourche, from Mobile Bay to downtown Vicksburg.

While history frowns upon it, the feat isn’t exactly impossible. Tom Brady and the New England Patriots were the last team to do it in 2003 and 2004. Four others managed to repeat since the league went to a 16-game regular season schedule in 1978.

Most teams that win the Super Bowl are gutted by free agency like a freshly caught catfish ready for eating.

But the Saints bucked that trend.

The Saints lost only line-

backer Scott Fujita to the Cleveland Browns. Everyone else from last year’s team is back.

The keys are simple. Keep Drew Brees healthy. Have the defense force a bucket-load of turnovers like last season.

Brees is on the cover of “Madden 11” this year, a moment that when it was announced gave Saints fans the willies. Gracing the cover

of the game usually doesn’t end well for the player. Examples of the “Madden jinx” include Shaun Alexan-der, who was coming off an MVP season for the Seat-tle Seahawks, and Michael Vick. Alexander was the 2007 cover man and broke his foot midway through that season, never returning to form. Vick graced the 2004 cover and broke his leg in a preseason game. Even Brett Favre, who graced the 2009 cover, got bit by the jinx as he tore his biceps late in the year after being traded to the New York Jets.

But the Saints return their entire offensive line and Brees, after his shoulder sur-gery in 2006 to repair a torn labrum, has been unbeliev-ably durable. So if anyone breaks the curse, it’ll be

Brees.As for the defense, Darren

Sharper’s addition at safety and new defensive coordi-nator Gregg Williams were the main reasons why the unit improved into a ball-hawking and pass-rushing machine. With both back, expect the trend to continue. Williams is the evil genius defensive counterpart of head coach Sean Payton, who took a paycut to get Williams to New Orleans before the season.

The Saints forced 15 fum-bles and picked off 26 passes, putting them in the top three in the league in takeaways.

Another area that helps the Saints is the overall weak-ness of the NFC South Divi-sion. Only the archrival Atlanta Falcons present a true threat. With Carolina

and Tampa Bay mired in rebuilding years, it will be a two-team race.

The Saints aren’t perfect, but in the NFL, who is?

The Saints were near the bottom of the league against the run, yielding 4.5 yards per carry. They have a pro-pensity to give up the big play, especially in the ground game.

But if they get just a little stouter against the run and still rank in the tops of the NFL in total offense and takeaways, expect another Lombardi Trophy celebra-tion on Bourbon Street this winter.

•Steve Wilson is sports editor of The Vicksburg Post. You can follow him on Twitter at vpsportseditor. He can be reached at 601-636-4545, ext. 142 or at [email protected].


On TV6:30 p.m. WUFX New Orleans Saints vs. New England Patriots




See Bush, Page B3. See Braves, Page B3.

New Orleans Saints running back Reggie Bush scampers for a touchdown during the Black and Gold scrimmage Sat-urday. Blocking at right is guard Carl Nicks.



B1 Sports

Page 12: 081210

mlbAmerican league

East Division W L Pct GBNew York ......................70 43 .619 —Tampa Bay ...................69 45 .605 1 1/2Boston ..........................66 49 .574 5Toronto .........................59 54 .522 11Baltimore ......................40 74 .351 30 1/2

Central Division W L Pct GBChicago ........................64 50 .561 —Minnesota .....................64 50 .561 —Detroit ...........................55 59 .482 9Cleveland ......................47 67 .412 17Kansas City ..................47 67 .412 17

West Division W L Pct GBTexas ............................65 48 .575 —Los Angeles .................59 57 .509 7 1/2Oakland ........................57 56 .504 8Seattle ..........................44 71 .383 22

Wednesday’s GamesDetroit 3, Tampa Bay 2L.A. Angels 2, Kansas City 1, 9 inningsOakland 5, Seattle 1Baltimore 3, Cleveland 1Boston 10, Toronto 1N.Y. Yankees 7, Texas 6Chicago White Sox 6, Minnesota 1

Today’s GamesBoston (Lackey 10-7) at Toronto (Mills 1-0), 11:37 a.m.Baltimore (Millwood 2-11) at Cleveland (J.Gomez 2-0), 6:05 p.m.Minnesota (Liriano 10-7) at Chicago White Sox (Floyd 8-8), 7:10 p.m.N.Y. Yankees (Sabathia 14-5) at Kansas City (Chen 7-5), 7:10 p.m.

Friday’s GamesSeattle (Pauley 0-4) at Cleveland (Carmona 11-9), 6:05 p.m.Baltimore (Guthrie 6-11) at Tampa Bay (J.Shields 10-10), 6:10 p.m.Boston (Beckett 3-2) at Texas (Tom.Hunter 9-1), 7:05 p.m.Detroit (Bonderman 6-7) at Chicago White Sox (Buehrle 10-9), 7:10 p.m.N.Y. Yankees (Moseley 2-1) at Kansas City (Davies 5-7), 7:10 p.m.Oakland (G.Gonzalez 10-7) at Minnesota (Pavano 14-7), 7:10 p.m.Toronto (Rzepczynski 0-1) at L.A. Angels (Kazmir 8-9), 9:05 p.m.


National leagueEast Division

W L Pct GBAtlanta ..........................66 48 .579 —Philadelphia ..................63 50 .558 2 1/2Florida ...........................56 56 .500 9New York ......................56 57 .496 9 1/2Washington ...................49 65 .430 17

Central Division W L Pct GBSt. Louis .......................64 49 .566 —Cincinnati ......................64 51 .557 1Milwaukee .....................53 62 .461 12Houston ........................48 65 .425 16Chicago ........................48 66 .421 16 1/2Pittsburgh .....................39 74 .345 25

West Division W L Pct GBSan Diego ....................66 46 .589 —San Francisco ..............65 50 .565 2 1/2Colorado .......................59 54 .522 7 1/2Los Angeles .................59 55 .518 8Arizona .........................46 69 .400 21 1/2

Wednesday’s GamesSt. Louis 6, Cincinnati 1Atlanta 8, Houston 2, 9 inningsFlorida 9, Washington 5Philadelphia 2, L.A. Dodgers 0Colorado 6, N.Y. Mets 2Arizona 8, Milwaukee 2San Diego 8, Pittsburgh 5San Francisco 5, Chicago Cubs 4

Today’s GamesColorado (Hammel 8-6) at N.Y. Mets (J.Santana 9-6), 11:10 a.m.Arizona (R.Lopez 5-10) at Milwaukee (Ra.Wolf 8-9), 1:10 p.m.Chicago Cubs (R.Wells 5-10) at San Francisco (M.Cain 9-9), 2:45 p.m.Pittsburgh (Duke 5-10) at San Diego (Garland 10-8), 6:35 p.m.Florida (Nolasco 12-8) at Washington (L.Hernandez 8-7), 6:05 p.m.L.A. Dodgers (Kershaw 10-7) at Philadelphia (Blanton 4-6), 6:05 p.m.

Friday’s GamesArizona (J.Saunders 1-1) at Washington (Lannan 3-5), 6:05 p.m.Florida (Jo.Johnson 10-4) at Cincinnati (Volquez 2-1), 6:10 p.m.Philadelphia (Hamels 7-8) at N.Y. Mets (Dickey 7-5), 6:10 p.m.L.A. Dodgers (Kuroda 8-10) at Atlanta (T.Hudson 13-5), 6:35 p.m.Chicago Cubs (Diamond 0-2) at St. Louis (West-brook 0-0), 7:05 p.m.Pittsburgh (Ohlendorf 1-9) at Houston (Myers 8-7), 7:05 p.m.Milwaukee (Gallardo 11-5) at Colorado (De La Rosa 4-3), 8:10 p.m.San Diego (Richard 9-5) at San Francisco (J.Sanchez 8-7), 9:15 p.m.


bRAVES 8, ASTROS 2Atlanta Houston ab r h bi ab r h biInfante 2b 5 1 1 1 Bourn cf 5 1 1 0MeCarr rf 4 2 1 0 Kppngr 2b 4 0 0 0AlGnzlz ss 5 1 1 2 Pence rf 4 1 2 1M.Diaz lf 4 0 1 0 Ca.Lee lf 4 0 1 0McCnn ph 1 1 1 4 CJhnsn 3b 2 0 0 1Saito p 0 0 0 0 Wallac 1b 3 0 0 0Glaus 1b 5 0 0 0 P.Feliz ph 1 0 0 0D.Ross c 5 0 2 0 AngSnc ss 4 0 0 0Conrad 3b 5 1 1 0 JaCastr c 2 0 0 0Ankiel cf 2 1 0 0 Bourgs ph 1 0 0 0Hanson p 3 0 1 1 Lyon p 0 0 0 0Venters p 0 0 0 0 Fulchin p 0 0 0 0Wagner p 0 0 0 0 Blum ph 1 0 0 0Hinske ph 0 0 0 0 WRdrg p 2 0 0 0DHrndz pr 0 1 0 0 WLopez p 0 0 0 0 Michals ph 0 0 0 0 Quinter c 1 0 0 0Totals 39 8 9 8 Totals 34 2 4 2Atlanta ...............100 010 000 6 — 8Houston .............000 100 001 0 — 2E—Conrad (2), Hanson (2), P.Feliz (11). LOB—Atlanta 5, Houston 6. 2B—Infante (11), Me.Cabrera (19), M.Diaz (12), D.Ross 2 (8). HR—McCann (17). SB—Bourn 2 (38), Ca.Lee (3). CS—Bourn (10). SF—C.Johnson. IP H R ER BB SO AtlantaHanson 7 2 1 0 2 4Venters H,18 1 0 0 0 1 1Wagner W,6-2 BS,7-35 1 2 1 1 0 0Saito 1 0 0 0 0 2 HoustonW.Rodriguez 7 5 2 1 1 9W.Lopez 1 0 0 0 0 0Lyon L,6-5 1 1-3 2 5 5 3 0Fulchino 2-3 2 1 1 0 1PB—Ja.Castro.Umpires—Home, Mike Muchlinski; First, Gary Cederstrom; Second, Ed Hickox; Third, Fieldin Culbreth.T—3:01. A—31,352 (40,976).

CARDINAlS 6, REDS 1St. Louis Cincinnati ab r h bi ab r h biFLopez 3b 5 0 0 0 BPhllps 2b 4 1 1 0Jay rf 5 1 2 0 Janish ss 4 0 1 0Pujols 1b 4 1 0 0 Votto 1b 4 0 1 1

Hollidy lf 2 2 1 0 Rolen 3b 4 0 0 0Craig lf 1 0 0 0 Gomes lf 4 0 0 0Rasms cf 5 2 2 4 Bruce rf 4 0 1 0YMolin c 4 0 1 1 Stubbs cf 3 0 1 0Schmkr 2b 4 0 3 1 Masset p 0 0 0 0Wnwrg p 3 0 1 0 FCordr p 0 0 0 0Boggs p 0 0 0 0 JFrncs ph 1 0 0 0TMiller p 0 0 0 0 Hanign c 3 0 0 0MacDgl p 0 0 0 0 Arroyo p 1 0 0 0Frnkln p 0 0 0 0 L.Nix ph 1 0 0 0B.Ryan ss 4 0 1 0 Bray p 0 0 0 0 JrSmth p 0 0 0 0 Rhodes p 0 0 0 0 Heisey cf 1 0 0 0Totals 37 6 11 6 Totals 34 1 5 1St. Louis ..................................000 040 200 — 6Cincinnati ................................000 000 010 — 1E—F.Lopez (9), Schumaker (14). DP—Cincinnati 1. LOB—St. Louis 8, Cincinnati 6. 2B—Jay (16). HR—Rasmus (19). IP H R ER BB SO St. LouisWainwright W,17-6 7 2 0 0 0 4Boggs 2-3 2 1 1 0 0T.Miller 0 1 0 0 0 0MacDougal 1-3 0 0 0 0 0Franklin 1 0 0 0 0 0 CincinnatiArroyo L,12-7 5 6 4 4 3 2Bray 1 2 0 0 0 0Jor.Smith 1 3 2 2 1 0Rhodes 0 0 0 0 0 0Masset 1 0 0 0 0 0F.Cordero 1 0 0 0 0 1T.Miller pitched to 1 batter in the 8th.Balk—Arroyo.Umpires—Home, Mark Carlson; First, Jeff Kellogg; Second, Larry Vanover; Third, Mark Wegner.T—2:49 (Rain delay: 0:46). A—33,364 (42,319).

mINOR lEAguE bASEbAllSouthern leagueNorth Division

W L Pct. GBx-Tennessee (Cubs) .....30 16 .652 —Huntsville (Brewers) .....24 22 .522 6West Tenn (Mariners) ..22 24 .478 8Carolina (Reds) ............21 25 .457 9Chattanooga (Dodgers) 20 25 .444 9 1/2

South Division W L Pct. GBx-Jacksonville (Marlins) 27 19 .587 —Mobile (D-backs) ..........25 20 .556 1 1/2Montgomery (Rays) ......22 24 .478 5Mississippi (Braves) ..20 26 .435 7B-ham (White Sox) ......18 28 .391 9x-clinched first half

———Wednesday’s Games

West Tenn 9, Montgomery 1Mobile 8, Jacksonville 7Birmingham 3, Mississippi 2Chattanooga 5, Carolina 2, 10 inningsTennessee 2, Huntsville 0

Today’s GamesWest Tenn at Huntsville, 7 p.m.Carolina at Jacksonville, 7:05 p.m.Montgomery at Mississippi, 7:05 p.m.Birmingham at Mobile, 7:05 p.m.Tennessee at Chattanooga, 7:15 p.m.

Friday’s GamesWest Tenn at Huntsville, 7 p.m.Carolina at Jacksonville, 7:05 p.m.Montgomery at Mississippi, 7:05 p.m.Birmingham at Mobile, 7:05 p.m.Tennessee at Chattanooga, 7:15 p.m.

NFl2010 New Orleans Saints schedule

Date Opponent Time/TVSept. 9...............Minnesota ............. 7:30 p.m. NBCSept. 20 ............ at San Francisco 7:30 p.m. ESPNSept. 26.............Atlanta ............................Noon FoxOct. 3...............Carolina ...........................Noon FoxOct. 10...............at Arizona ...............3:05 p.m. FoxOct. 17...............at Tampa Bay ...............Noon FoxOct. 24...............Cleveland ..................... Noon CBSOct. 31...............Pittsburgh ............. 7:20 p.m. NBCNov. 7...............at Carolina ......................Noon FoxNov. 14...............BYE Nov. 21...............Seattle ...........................Noon FoxNov. 25...............at Dallas .....................3 p.m. FoxDec. 5...............at Cincinnati ....................Noon FoxDec. 12...............St. Louis .......................Noon FoxDec. 19...............at Baltimore ..................Noon FoxDec. 27...............at Atlanta ........... 7:30 p.m. ESPNJan. 2...............Tampa Bay ......................Noon Fox


2010 NFl Preseason ScheduleWeek 1Today

New Orleans at New England, 6:30 p.m. (WUFX)Carolina at Baltimore, 7 p.m. (ESPN)Oakland at Dallas, 8 p.m.

FridayBuffalo at Washington, 6:30 p.m.Jacksonville at Philadelphia, 6:30 p.m.Kansas City at Atlanta, 7 p.m.

SaturdayTampa Bay at Miami, 6 p.m.Detroit at Pittsburgh, 6:30 p.m.Cleveland at Green Bay, 7 p.m.Houston at Arizona, 7 p.m.Minnesota at St. Louis, 7 p.m.Chicago at San Diego, 8 p.m.Tennessee at Seattle, 9 p.m.

SundaySan Francisco at Indianapolis, NoonDenver at Cincinnati, 6 p.m.

MondayN.Y. Giants at New York Jets, 7 p.m. (ESPN)

Week 2Aug. 19

Indianapolis vs. Buffalo Bills at Toronto, 6:30 p.m.New England at Atlanta, 7 p.m. (FOX)

Aug. 20Philadelphia at Cincinnati, 7 p.m. (FOX)

Aug. 21Baltimore at Washington, 6 p.m.Pittsburgh at New York Giants, 6 p.m.Kansas City at Tampa Bay, 6:30 p.m.Miami at Jacksonville, 6:30 p.m.St. Louis at Cleveland, 6:30 p.m.Houston at New Orleans, 7 p.m.New York Jets at Carolina, 7 p.m.Oakland at Chicago, 7:30 p.m.Dallas at San Diego, 8 p.m.Detroit at Denver, 8 p.m.Green Bay at Seattle, 9 p.m.

Aug. 22Minnesota at San Francisco, 7 p.m. (NBC)

Aug. 23Arizona at Tennessee, 7 p.m. (ESPN)

COllEgE FOOTbAll2010 schedulesSouthern Miss

Sept. 2 ............. at South Carolina .......... 6:30 p.m.

Sept. 11 ..... vs. Prairie View A&M ................ 6 p.m. Sept. 17 ......................vs. Kansas ............... 7 p.m. Sept. 25 ...........at Louisiana Tech ................ 6 p.m. Oct. 2 ..................... vs. Marshall * ............... 7 p.m. Oct. 9 ...................East Carolina * ........... 6:30 p.m. Oct. 16 .................... at Memphis * ............. 11 a.m. Oct. 30 ..........................vs. UAB * ............. 11 a.m. Nov. 6 .........................at Tulane * ........... 2:30 p.m. Nov. 13 .......................... at UCF * ............. 11 a.m. Nov. 20 ...................vs. Houston * ................ 6 p.m. Nov. 26 .........................at Tulsa * .......... 5:30 p.m. *Conference USA game

Ole MissSept. 4 .............Jacksonville State ....................TBASept. 11 ........................ at Tulane ... 8 p.m. ESPN2 Sept. 18 .....................Vanderbilt * ....................TBASept. 25 ...................Fresno State ....................TBAOct. 2 .......................... Kentucky * ....................TBAOct. 16 .................... at Alabama * ....................TBAOct. 23 ....................at Arkansas * ....................TBAOct. 30 ........................... Auburn * ....................TBANov. 6 ........... Louisiana-Lafayette ....................TBANov. 13 ................at Tennessee * ....................TBANov. 20 ...........................at LSU * ....................TBANov. 27 ...........Mississippi State * ....................TBA*Southeastern Conference game

Mississippi StateSept. 4 .......................... Memphis ....................TBASept. 9 .......................... Auburn * 6:30 p.m. ESPN Sept. 18 ........................ at LSU * ....................TBASept. 25 ....................... Georgia * ....................TBAOct. 2 ...................... Alcorn State ....................TBAOct. 9 ......................... at Houston ....................TBAOct. 16 ...................... at Florida * ....................TBAOct. 23 ................................. UAB ....................TBAOct. 30 ....................... Kentucky * ....................TBANov. 13 .................. at Alabama * ....................TBANov. 20 ...................... Arkansas * ....................TBANov. 27 .................. at Ole Miss * ....................TBA*Southeastern Conference game

Alcorn StateSept. 4 ...........................Langston ................ 2 p.m.Sept. 18 *c-vs. Miss. Valley State ................ 5 p.m.Sept. 25 .............. *Alabama State ................ 2 p.m.Oct. 2 ............ at Mississippi State ....................TBAOct. 9 .................*Texas Southern ................ 2 p.m.Oct. 16 ................... *at Grambling ....................TBAOct. 21 ................. *Ark.-Pine Bluff ....................TBAOct. 30 ..........................*Southern ................ 2 p.m.Nov. 6 ..............*at Alabama A&M ................ 1 p.m.Nov. 13 ............... *at Prairie View ....................TBANov. 20 ............ *at Jackson State ................ 1 p.m.*Southwestern Athletic Conference gamec-at Chicago

Jackson StateSept. 4 ........................Delta State ................ 4 p.m.Sept. 11 ..m-vs. Tennessee State ................ 6 p.m.Sept. 18 ................. *at Grambling ....................TBASept. 25 .... *Mississippi Valley St. ................ 6 p.m.Oct. 9 ................... *Alabama A&M ................ 4 p.m.Oct. 16 ..........................*Southern ................ 6 p.m.Oct. 23 .......... *at Texas Southern ....................TBAOct. 30 .....................*Prairie View ................ 4 p.m.Nov. 6 ............. *at Alabama State ................ 7 p.m.Nov. 13 ............*at Ark.-Pine Bluff ........... 2:30 p.m.Nov. 20 ................... *Alcorn State ................ 1 p.m.*Southwestern Athletic Conference gamem-at Memphis, Tenn.

Mississippi Valley StateSept. 4 ............ *at Alabama State ................ 7 p.m.Sept. 11 . at South Carolina State ....................TBASept. 18 ......... *c-vs. Alcorn State ................ 5 p.m.Sept. 25 ........... *at Jackson State ................ 6 p.m.Oct. 2 ....................*g-Prairie View ................ 1 p.m.Oct. 9 ....................... *at Southern ........... 6:30 p.m.Oct. 23 .....................*g-Grambling ................ 1 p.m.Oct. 30 .......... *at Texas Southern ................ 2 p.m.Nov. 6 ..............*at Ark.-Pine Bluff ........... 2:30 p.m.Nov. 13 .............*g-Alabama A&M ................ 1 p.m.*Southwestern Athletic Conference gamec-at Chicagog-at Greenville

LSUSept. 4 .............. a-North Carolina ........7 p.m. ABCSept. 11 ..................... Vanderbilt* ....................TBASept. 18 ........ Mississippi State * ................ 7 p.m.Sept. 25 ................. West Virginia ................ 7 p.m. Oct. 2 ....................... Tennessee* ....................TBAOct. 9 .......................... at Florida* ....................TBAOct. 16 ................... McNeese St. ................ 7 p.m.Oct. 23 ....................... at Auburn* ....................TBANov. 6 ........................... Alabama* ....................TBANov. 13 ..................... UL-Monroe ................ 7 p.m.Nov. 20 ........................ Ole Miss* ................ 7 p.m.Nov. 27 .................. w-Arkansas * ................ 7 p.m.a-at Atlanta, Chick Fil-A Kickoffw-at Little Rock, Ark. (War Memorial Stadium)*Southeastern Conference game

PREP FOOTbAll2010 Schedules

St. AloysiusAug. 20 ......................Pelahatchie ........... 7:30 p.m.Aug. 27 ....... at Tallulah Academy ........... 7:30 p.m.Sept. 3 ...........Greenville-St. Joe ........... 7:30 p.m.Sept. 10 ......... at Madison-St. Joe ........... 7:30 p.m.Sept. 17 ..............................OPEN Sept. 24 .............*at Bogue Chitto ........... 7:30 p.m.Oct. 1 ................................*Dexter ................ 7 p.m.Oct. 8 ................................ *Salem ................ 7 p.m.Oct. 15 .........................*Cathedral ................ 7 p.m.Oct. 22 ..................... *at Mt. Olive ................ 7 p.m.Oct. 29 ................... *West Lincoln ................ 7 p.m.Nov. 5 ................... *at Sebastopol ................ 7 p.m.*Division 4-1A game

VicksburgAug. 20 ..........................#Gulfport ................ 8 p.m.Aug. 27 ...............................OPENSept. 3 ............... Richwood (La.) ........... 7:30 p.m.Sept. 10 ....................at Tylertown ........... 7:30 p.m.Sept. 17 ....... at Lawrence County ........... 7:30 p.m.Sept. 24 ........................ *Grenada ........... 7:30 p.m.Oct. 1 ......... *at Northwest Rankin ................ 7 p.m.Oct. 8 .......................... *Greenville ................ 7 p.m.Oct. 15 ......... *at Madison Central ................ 7 p.m.Oct. 22 ............................. *Murrah ................ 7 p.m.Oct. 29 ................*Warren Central ................ 7 p.m.Nov. 5 ..........................*at Clinton ................ 7 p.m.*Division 2-6A game#Red Carpet Bowl at Vicksburg

Warren CentralAug. 20 ...............#Ocean Springs ................ 6 p.m.Aug. 27 ........ at Lawrence County ........... 7:30 p.m.Sept. 3 ....................... Hattiesburg ........... 7:30 p.m.Sept. 10 ...........................Natchez ........... 7:30 p.m. Sept. 17 ..............................OPENSept. 24 ..........*Northwest Rankin ........... 7:30 p.m.Oct. 1 ......................*at Greenville ................ 7 p.m.Oct. 8 ................*Madison Central ................ 7 p.m.Oct. 15 .........................*at Murrah ................ 7 p.m.Oct. 22 ............................. *Clinton ................ 7 p.m.Oct. 29 .................... *at Vicksburg ................ 7 p.m.

Nov. 5 ....................... *at Grenada ................ 7 p.m.*Division 2-6A game#Red Carpet Bowl at Vicksburg

Porters ChapelAug. 20 ............Tallulah Academy ................ 7 p.m.Aug. 27 .................at Prairie View ................ 7 p.m.Sept. 3 .............River Oaks (La.) ................ 7 p.m.Sept. 10 . *at University Christian ................ 7 p.m. Sept. 17 ....... at Trinity Episcopal ................ 7 p.m.Sept. 24 ........... Prentiss Christian ................ 7 p.m.Oct. 1 ............... *Russell Christian ................ 7 p.m.Oct. 8 .......................at Tri-County ................ 7 p.m.Oct. 15 ...........................Riverfield ................ 7 p.m.Oct. 22 .............. at Central Hinds ............... 7 p.m.Oct. 29 ...... *at Newton Academy ................ 7 p.m.*District 5-A game

AuTO RACINg2010 Indy Racing league schedule

March 14 — Sao Paulo Indy 300 (Will Power)March 28 — Honda Grand Prix of St. Petersburg (Fla.) (Will Power)April 11 — Indy Grand Prix of Alabama, Birming-ham (Helio Castroneves)April 18 — Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach (Calif.) (Ryan Hunter-Reay)May 1 — Road Runner Turbo Indy 300, Kansas City, Kan. (Scott Dixon)May 30 — Indianapolis 500 (Dario Franchitti)June 5 — Firestone 550k, Fort Worth, Texas (Ryan Briscoe)June 20 — Iowa Corn Indy 250, Newton (Tony Kanaan)July 4 — Camping World Grand Prix at the Glen, Watkins Glen, N.Y. (Will Power)July 18 — Honda Indy Toronto (Will Power)July 25 — Honda Indy Edmonton, Alberta (Scott Dixon)Aug. 8 — Honda Indy 200, Lexington, Ohio (Dario Franchitti)Aug. 22 — Indy Grand Prix of Sonoma (Calif.) CountyAug. 28 — PEAK Antifreeze Indy 300, Joliet, Ill.Sep. 4 — Kentucky Indy 300, Sparta, Ky.Sep. 19 — Indy Japan 300, MotegiOct. 2 — Miami Indy 300, Homestead, Fla.


2010 IRL Standings1. Will Power ...................................................... 4612. Dario Franchitti .............................................. 4203. Scott Dixon .................................................... 3794. Ryan Briscoe ................................................. 3525. Helio Castroneves ......................................... 3406. Ryan Hunter-Reay ......................................... 3367. Tony Kanaan ................................................. 3048. Marco Andretti ............................................... 2669. Justin Wilson .................................................. 26210. Dan Wheldon ............................................... 25911. Danica Patrick .............................................. 24512. Raphael Matos ............................................. 22913. Alex Tagliani ................................................ 22814. Mario Moraes ............................................... 22115. Vitor Meira ................................................... 22016. E.J. Viso ....................................................... 20317. Alex Lloyd .................................................... 18718. Simona de Silvestro .................................... 179


Sprint Cup ScheduleThrough Aug. 8

June 6 — Gillette Fusion ProGlide 500 (Denny Hamlin)June 13 — Heluva Good! Sour Cream Dips 400 (Denny Hamlin)June 20 — Toyota/Save Mart 350 (Jimmie John-son)June 27 — Lenox Industrial Tools 301 (Jimmie Johnson)July 3 — Coke Zero 400 Powered By Coca-Cola (Kevin Harvick)July 10 — LifeLock.com 400 (David Reutimann)July 25 — Brickyard 400 (Jamie McMurray)Aug. 1 — Sunoco Red Cross Pennsylvania 500 (Greg Biffle)Aug. 8 — Heluva Good! Sour Cream Dips at The Glen (Juan Pablo Montoya)Aug. 15 — Carfax 400, Brooklyn, Mich.Aug. 21 — Irwin Tools Night Race, Bristol, Tenn.

Sprint Cup Points LeadersThrough Aug. 8

1. Kevin Harvick .............................................. 3,2102. Jeff Gordon ................................................. 3,0253. Jeff Burton .................................................. 2,8954. Kurt Busch .................................................. 2,8925. Jimmie Johnson .......................................... 2,8826. Denny Hamlin ............................................. 2,8727. Kyle Busch .................................................. 2,8668. Tony Stewart ............................................... 2,8659. Carl Edwards .............................................. 2,82110. Matt Kenseth ............................................. 2,80611. Greg Biffle ................................................. 2,74312. Mark Martin ............................................... 2,64113. Clint Bowyer .............................................. 2,63114. Ryan Newman .......................................... 2,55815. Jamie McMurray ....................................... 2,54716. Dale Earnhardt Jr. .................................... 2,52017. Kasey Kahne ............................................ 2,50818. David Reutimann ...................................... 2,475

B2 Thursday, August 12, 2010 The Vicksburg Post



Tank McNamara

SIDElINESfrom staff & aP rePorts

FlAShbACkBY tHe assoCIateD Press

ON TVBY tHe assoCIateD Press

BASKETBALL10 p.m. ESPN2 - Men’s national teams, intrasquad, Blue vs. White, at New York (same-day tape)

GOLF2 p.m. TGC - USGA, U.S. Women’s Amateur Championship, second round matches

LITTLE LEAGUE4 p.m. ESPN2 - Northwest Regional Semifinal6 p.m. ESPN2 - Southwest Regional Final7 p.m. ESPN2 - Northwest Regional Semifinal

NFL PRESEASON7 p.m. ESPN - Carolina at Baltimore

TENNIS3 p.m. ESPN2 - WTA Tour, Western & Southern Financial Group Open

bASEbAllMets’ closer charged with assault after game

NEW YORK — Mets closer Fran-cisco Rodriguez was charged with third-degree assault late Wednes-day night after scuffling with his father-in-law at Citi Field, police said. Rodriguez was arrested and being held at the ballpark early today, police said. His father-in-law was in a hospital with a scrape on his face and a bump on his head.

“There was an incident at the ball-park between Francisco Rodriguez and his family. He was questioned by police and all other questions pertaining to this matter can be addressed to police,” Mets spokes-man Jay Horwitz said.

Several security guards, along with some women and children, were seen around the Mets’ family lounge near the clubhouse after New York’s 6-2 loss to Colorado. Rodriguez’s father-in-law had swell-ing above his right eyebrow.

NbA Thomas not returningto Knicks as a consultant

NEW YORK — Isiah Thomas will not be returning to the New York Knicks after all.

Thomas said in a statement he was declining a position as a con-sultant with the franchise he ran for 41⁄2 years because it may not be legal.

“After speaking with commis-sioner Stern and Knicks execu-tives, it has become apparent that my new agreement violates cer-tain NBA bylaws,” Thomas said. “Because of this, I have decided to rescind my contract with the team.”

Thus ends — at least for now — the surprising and controversial reunion between the Knicks and the frequent target of fans and media during his turbulent tenure at Madison Square Garden.

NASCARMenard moving to RCR in 2011

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Paul Menard is taking his father’s spon-sorship money to Richard Childress Racing next season, giving that organization the financial security it needs to expand to the NASCAR-mandated maximum of four cars.

“When this opportunity to join RCR came about, it was a no-brainer,” Menard said Wednesday.

RCR ran four cars last season, but let Casey Mears go at the end of the year when it failed to secure financ-ing to keep that team running. As a four-car team, RCR struggled on the track and failed to put a single car in the 12-driver Chase for the Sprint Cup championship.

Aug. 121990 — Wayne Grady of Australia

sheds his runner-up image with a 3-stroke victory over Fred Couples in the PGA Championship. Grady had recorded 29 second-place fin-ishes in his career.

1994 — Major league baseball players strike in the sport’s eighth work stoppage since 1972.

2000 — Evander Holyfield scores a 12-round unanimous decision over John Ruiz in Las Vegas to win the vacant WBA heavyweight title.

2007 — Tiger Woods captures the PGA Championship to win at least one major for the third straight season and run his career total to 13. Woods closes with a 1-under 69 for a two-shot victory over Woody Austin.

Sunday’s drawingLa. Pick 3: 7-1-2La. Pick 4: 8-9-3-3Monday’s drawingLa. Pick 3: 0-8-0La. Pick 4: 4-8-3-2Tuesday’s drawingLa. Pick 3: 1-6-1La. Pick 4: 1-7-4-5Wednesday’s drawingLa. Pick 3: 4-1-1La. Pick 4: 9-0-9-1Easy 5: 5-17-27-30-31La. Lotto: 10-14-22-31-34-37Powerball: 7-10-22-23-52Powerball: 29; Power play: 2Thursday’s drawingLa. Pick 3: 6-5-2La. Pick 4: 8-4-8-4Friday’s drawingLa. Pick 3: 5-1-7La. Pick 4: 0-4-1-0Saturday’s drawingLa. Pick 3: 3-9-7La. Pick 4: 4-5-0-6Easy 5: 1-3-4-5-36La. Lotto: 5-16-23-25-26-37Powerball: 4-22-26-31-52Powerball: 30; Power play: 5

B2 Sports

Page 13: 081210

By The Associated Press

John Danks pitched eight sharp innings and Chicago beat Minnesota 6-1 on Wednes-day night to move back into a first-place tie in the AL Cen-tral with the Twins.

Carlos Quentin homered in his second straight game while helping the White Sox draw even again after being knocked out of first place for the first time since July 10 with a 12-6 loss to the Twins on Tuesday. They fared better this time after dropping four of five, with a rare victory over a team that had won 18 of 23 against them. Danks (12-8) allowed one run and six hits. Quentin hit a two-run shot in the second off Glen Perkins (0-1) that made it 2-0.

Yankees 7, Rangers 6Marcus Thames hit a long

homer then had the go-ahead RBI single in the ninth inning as New York rallied from five runs down for a split in the two-game series between the division leaders. Cliff Lee got a no-decision for the Rangers in his shortest stint in 10 starts. He struck out 11 in 61⁄3 innings of work.

Thames’ grounder between shortstop and third base came after Derek Jeter had tied the game with a chopper past a drawn-in infield, an RBI single off Rangers rookie All-Star closer Neftali Feliz (3-3).

Orioles 3, Indians 1Brad Bergesen pitched a

two-hitter for his first win in nearly three months for surg-ing Baltimore.

Red Sox 10, Blue Jays 1Bill Hall hit two home runs,

and Adrian Beltre and J.D.

Drew also connected for Boston.

Angels 2, Royals 1Bobby Abreu homered in the

bottom of the 10th inning to give the Los Angeles Angels a three-game sweep.

Tigers 3, Rays 2Ryan Raburn hit a tiebreak-

ing, two-run homer in the sixth inning and the Tigers held on to avoid a series sweep.

Athletics 5, Mariners 1Dallas Braden tossed a four-

hitter for his fourth career complete game, Mark Ellis hit three doubles and drove in three runs, and the Athlet-ics cruised past Seattle.

Phillies 2, Dodgers 0Roy Oswalt pitched seven

impressive innings in his home debut, two relievers finished off the six-hitter and Philadelphia beat Los Ange-

les. The two-time NL cham-pions are 15-4 since July 22, but lost another player when Ross Gload left with a strained right groin.

Rockies 6, Mets 2Melvin Mora hit a go-

ahead grand slam with two outs in the eighth inning for Colorado.

Angel Pagan hit a two-run homer in the first for the Mets.

Padres 8, Pirates 5Kevin Correia took a one-

hit shutout into the seventh inning and Jerry Hairston Jr. hit a two-run home run to lead San Diego.

Giants 5, Cubs 4Pat Burrell hit a go-ahead

solo homer in the eighth inning after an earlier two-run single and Aaron Rowand also homered for San Francisco.

Marlins 9, Nationals 5Mike Stanton had five hits

and four RBIs and Chris Vol-stad won his third game against Washington this season.

Cardinals 6, Reds 1Colby Rasmus hit his first

career grand slam and Adam Wainwright dazzled again to lead St. Louis to the three-game sweep.

D-backs 8, Brewers 2Arizona tied a major league

record by hitting four consec-utive home runs, with Adam LaRoche, Miguel Montero, Mark Reynolds and Stephen Drew all connecting in the fourth inning.

The Vicksburg Post Thursday, August 12, 2010 B3

Gray, Pavin get in heated argument

By Doug FergusonAP golf writer

SHEBOYGAN, Wis. — In an argument as acrimonious as any Ryder Cup match, a Golf Channel reporter pointed his finger at Corey Pavin’s chest and accused the U.S. captain of lying about com-ments that Tiger Woods will be picked for the team. Jim Gray approached Pavin after a news conference Wednesday, and they stood no more than a foot apart, facing off as if they were in the middle of a boxing ring. Pavin’s wife, Lisa, pulled out her mobile phone and recorded the conversation.

Pavin said Gray called him “a liar” and said, “You’re going down.”

As Gray turned to walk away, Pavin barked at him, “You’re just going to walk away?” They continued to argue, although not loud enough that their words could be heard by

about a half-dozen reporters.By golf’s genteel standards,

this was quite the rumble.Gray reported Tuesday

evening that Pavin told him he would pick Woods for the Ryder Cup if he didn’t make the team on his own at the PGA Championship. He quoted Pavin as saying — it was not on camera — “Of course I’m going to. He’s the best player in the world.”

Pavin was so angry when he heard about this Wednes-day morning that he tweeted while on the golf course that “Jim Gray has misquoted me re: picking Tiger. I never said such a thing and will not say a thing until 09/07.”

Pavin is to announce his four captain’s picks on Sept. 7 in New York.

The Golf Channel said in a

statement that it stands “100 percent behind the accuracy of Jim Gray’s report. As far as any subsequent conversation between Jim and Corey Pavin, it was meant to be private and should remain as such.”

Gray had said on air ear-lier Wednesday after Pavin’s tweet that there was “not one part” of what Pavin said that had been misquoted.

“And quite frankly, I happen to like Corey Pavin,” Gray said. “I’ve known him an awfully long time, and in this instance, he is being disingenuous and is not telling the truth.”

Pavin said in his news con-ference that he spoke with Gray outside the locker room at Whistling Straits on Tuesday.

“He asked me a few ques-tions and his interpretation of what I said is incorrect,” Pavin said. “There’s nobody that’s promised any picks right now. It would be disrespectful to everybody that’s trying to make the team. I’ve got quite a few people I’m looking at. I would not disrespect any of the players that are potential players on the team, and obvi-ously there was a misinterpre-tation of what I said. And that is an incorrect quote.”

Pavin became even more angry after Gray had left the room.

“He called me a liar, which is one thing I don’t do,” Pavin said. “I said he was full of something. I’m not going to have someone call me a liar.”

Pavin noted that he has been asked about Woods and the Ryder Cup since the start of the year, and he had never revealed any of his plans.

“Of all the people I know in the media business, he would not be my first choice to tell that to,” Pavin said. “He wouldn’t be my second, third or fourth choice, either.”

As for Woods?He can make this a moot

point at Whistling Straits by playing well enough to earn his way onto the team. Woods likely will need to at least finish in the top 10 in the PGA Championship, where the points are worth double.

“I think Tiger would be an exceptional addition to the team, and he’s certainly under considerable consideration,” Pavin said. “There’s a lot of guys that I’m looking at. Like I said, he’s definitely high on the list, and I’ll be looking at it for the next three weeks after this week.”





Labonte struggles in tough season

WATKINS GLEN, N.Y. (AP) — Bobby Labonte sat down at the driver’s meeting at Wat-kins Glen with Matt Kenseth, then joked for a moment with J.D. Gibbs before NASCAR began its prerace rundown of the rules.

Six hours later, Labonte climbed from his No. 09 Chevy after placing 35th in the Sprint Cup race at The Glen on Sunday, finishing six laps behind winner Juan Pablo Montoya because of battery problems.

Next season can’t begin soon enough for the former Cup champion.

“It’s frustrating when you’re not winning races,” Labonte said.

Winning or being in conten-tion for a victory used to be easy for the native of Corpus Christi, Texas. He raced quar-ter midgets as a kid, then dem-onstrated he had the poten-tial to be a star driving a late model in 1987, winning 12 times in 23 races at Caraway Speedway in Asheboro, N.C.

But recently, it’s been a

downhill ride. After leaving Gibbs, Labonte

spent three seasons with Petty Enterprises, then was left in the lurch by the merger that created Richard Petty Motorsports.

“I had a signed contract with Petty that kind of got all screwed up with the econ-omy when it hit a low point,” Bobby said. “That kind of put me behind the eight ball as far as being in a position that we were growing and getting better.”

“You talk about getting caught in a perfect storm. It’s been a bad situation,” said Terry, his brother’s rock in this time of turmoil. “One day it looked so good with Rich-ard Petty Motorsports. He signed a good contract. Then six months later the whole thing’s fallen apart — after he had already passed up a couple of opportunities to get in something else. Tough times there.”


White Sox earn tie atop AL Central

SaintsContinued from Page B1.

BravesContinued from Page B1.

M-Braves drop anotherto last-place BirmingahamFrom staff reports

The last-place Birmingham Barons continued their recent mastery of the Mississippi Braves on Wednesday.

The Barons earned a 3-2 win in the series finale at Regions Park in Hoover, Ala.

The M-Braves took their only lead, 1-0, off a Mauro Gomez double in the top of the first. The Barons followed up with two runs in the bottom of the frame. In the second,

the Barons added another as Eduardo Escobar had a RBI single.

The M-Braves tried to rally in the sixth, as Donell Linares singled in a run. But with run-ners on second and third, Luis Bolivar grounded out to end the threat.

Jacob Thompson took the loss for Mississippi.

minor leaguebaseball

Pence singled on a grounder to third base before advanc-ing to third on a single by Lee. Wagner retired the next two batters to send the game to extra innings.

Ankiel walked with one out in the 10th before reaching second on an error by Pedro Feliz, who couldn’t handle the throw to first base. Lyon intentionally walked Eric Hinske before Infante’s go-ahead hit and the flood of runs that followed.

“I didn’t make good pitches and they hit them,” Lyon said. “I just have to come back next time and make better pitches.”

Houston closer Matt Lind-strom wasn’t available Wednesday after pitching

two straight days and dealing with a sore back.

Cabrera doubled and scored on a groundout by Gonzalez to make it 1-0 in the first inning. Cabrera had advanced to third on a passed ball by catcher Jason Castro to set up the run, before Rodriguez struck out Matt Diaz to get out of that inning.

Hanson didn’t allow a hit until Michael Bourn’s single leading off the fourth. Bourn stole second and tried to steal third, but got caught in a run down. Hanson dropped the throw while covering the base, though, allowing Bourn to return safely to second.

“One of the most amaz-ing things to see is Bourn in

the run down,” Pence said. “Typically, for anyone that is human and not Superman, when they get in a run down, they’re generally out. I don’t think anyone has a chance to get him and it came up pretty clutch for us.”

That’s because Bourn stole third anyway and scored on a single by Pence to make it 1-1.

Astros starter Wandy Rodriguez retired 13 straight before a single to Brooks Conrad with two outs in the fifth inning. Ankiel walked before Hanson’s single on a grounder to left field scored Conrad and put Atlanta on top 2-1.

Hanson retired the next 10 straight after Pence’s hit.

and how to play them,” he said.

“They’re a dynamic group and they can do a lot of things. They present differ-ent problems. Each one of them has a different style of running the ball, so you really have to know who you’re up against. Reg-gie’s a really fast explosive player and Pierre’s a stron-ger, downhill type of runner, so you’ve got the best of both worlds in their backfield. So it creates problems for the defense.”

The Saints have looked around for running backs, including former Redskin Ladell Betts.

Also on the roster are P.J. Hill and rookie Chris Ivory.

Verbal tusslecenters onTiger Woods

The associaTed press

The associaTed press

Bobby Labonte walks to his car during qualifying for the Heluva Good! Sour Cream Dips at The Glen at Watkins Glen.

Chicago White Sox batter Carlos Quentin is hit by a pitch for the second time in the game from Minnesota Twins starting pitcher Glen Perkins during the fifth inning Wednesday.

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Page 14: 081210

TONIGHT ON TV n MOVIE“Obsessed” — A woman, Jen-na Elfman, claims she had an affair with a married neurosur-geon and stands trial for ha-rassing him./7 on LMNn SPORTSFootball — The New Orleans Saints make their preseason debut against the New England Patriots./6:30 on WUFXn PRIMETIME“Rookie Blue” — Chris and Andy face a tough decision while investigating a vicious beating; Sam and Luke get com-petitive during a retraining exercise./8 on ABC

THIS WEEK’S LINEUPn EXPANDED LISTINGSTV TIMES — Network, cable and satellite programs appear in Sunday’s TV Times magazine and online at www.vicksburgpost.com

MILESTONESn BIRTHDAYSGeorge Hamilton, actor, 71; Sir Mix-A-Lot, rapper, 47; Michael Ian Black, actor-comedian, 39; Rebecca Gayheart, actress, 39; Casey Affleck, actor, 35; Dominique Swain, actress, 30. n DEATHSPhelps ’Catfish’ Collins — The R&B and funk guitarist Phelps “Catfish” Collins has died at 66 at his Cincinnati home. The older brother of Rock and Roll Hall of Fame musician William “Boot-sy” Collins died Friday of cancer. Bootsy Collins’ wife, Patti, said Wednesday that Catfish Collins played with James Brown’s J.B.’s, Parliament-Funkadelic and in her husband’s Rubber Band. Dan Rostenkowski — The former representative and Chicago Democrat who became the leading architect of congressional tax policy in the Reagan era but later went to federal prison for corruption died Wednesday, a family friend said. Rostenkowski, 82,who served 18 terms before losing in 1994, died surrounded by family at his home in Lake Benedict, Wis., friend Ellen Tully said. He died of lung cancer, which was diagnosed last August, Tully said. David Wolper — The producer whose landmark 1977 minise-ries “Roots” engrossed the nation with its saga of an American family descended from an African slave has died. Wolper,82, died peacefully in his Beverly Hills home Tuesday evening while watching television with his wife, Gloria, said spokesman Dale Olson.


Michael faces drug, driving chargesSinger George Michael has been charged with drugs and driv-

ing offenses after his car crashed into a building in an upscale residential area, British police said.

London’s Metropolitan Police department said Michael, 47, was charged today with pos-session of cannabis and with driving while unfit through drink or drugs.

Police said Michael will appear at London’s Highbury Corner Magistrates Court on Aug. 24.

Michael was arrested last month after his car crashed into a building in the Hampstead dis-trict of north London.Last year, Michael was questioned by police af-

ter his car hit a tractor-trailer, but was released. He was banned from driving for two years in 2007 after plead-ing guilty to driving while on drugs.

Husband: Gabor released from hospitalZsa Zsa Gabor returned home Wednesday to recuperate after

being hospitalized at the UCLA Ronald Reagan Medical Center since July 17 for a broken hip, her husband said.

Prince Frederic von Anhalt, the 93-year-old actress’ eccentric partner, told reporters gathered outside their Bel-Air mansion overlooking Los Angeles that Gabor is glad to be back.

“She is at home, and she is happy,” said von Anhalt. “She smiled already and started flirting with the guys who took her home.

Police thought Fantasia tried suicidePolice believed they were responding to an attempted suicide

after “American Idol” winner Fantasia overdosed on aspirin and other pills at her home in Charlotte, but her manager said she wasn’t trying to kill herself.

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police report re-leased Wednesday did not name the victim but Fantasia’s manager confirmed that she over-dosed. A man told a 911 dispatcher that she took a bottle of aspirin and was slowly losing consciousness. Police did not identify the caller.

Manager Brian Dickens said Fantasia over-dosed on the pills and a sleep aid but that her injuries were not life-threatening and that it

wasn’t a suicide attempt. She was released from the hospital Wednesday, Dickens said. Earlier, he

said she was “in great condition, very stable, very alert and look-ing forward to returning to work.”

The overdose came days after a woman accused Fantasia in court documents of having an affair with her husband.


Chef licks 2 toads in kitchen, finedMaybe he was testing a new recipe.Chef Christopher Turla earned his Davenport, Iowa, restaurant

a $335 ticket Wednesday after health inspectors saw a video of him kissing and licking toads in the kitchen.

The video shows the chef with two small toads on a kitchen prep table at the restaurant Osaka. He kisses the toads a few times, licks them, then stuffs them in his mouth.

Turla said it was just a joke. But the Scott County Health De-partment isn’t laughing.

Food inspector Lindsay Gorishek said toads carry several dis-eases and that Turla had the toads in his mouth and then back in his hands on the prep table.

B4 Thursday, August 12, 2010 The Vicksburg Post

Johnny Carson fans get upgraded websiteBy Frazier MooreAP television writer

NEW YORK — For three decades, Johnny Carson tucked his audience into bed while welcoming thousands of guests to “The Tonight Show.”

Now the full Carson canon has been restored, digitized, annotated and transcribed.

One result of this huge archiving effort will be an upgraded website for fans containing dozens of clips for ready viewing.

Yes, there will be a boosted product line of “Tonight” DVD sets for purchasing through the website.

“But it will also become more of an entertainment site,” said Jeff Sotzing, president of Carson Enter-tainment Group, a former “Tonight” producer and Car-son’s nephew. “There will be 40 to 50 clips, which we will change on a regular basis.”

A companion clip-licens-ing website is also going live this week. Accessible only to media professionals who establish accounts, this site takes full advantage of the “Tonight” cataloging project, with a total of 3,300 hours of searchable program content keyed to any search term.

For example, the search engine locates 1,570 instances of “Hi-yo,” announcer Ed McMahon’s hearty greeting to Johnny. Any of them can be instantly streamed.

While certain early epi-sodes were erased by NBC, the library reaches back as far as Carson’s first weeks on the air in October 1962 (such as a session of “Stump the Band” on October 31,

with then-bandleader Skitch Henderson).

Carson reigned as the King of Late Night until retiring after more than 4,500 nights in May 1992.

This treasury would make

Carson devotees drool — if only they could get in.

The general public will have to make do for now with a relative handful of selected video samples. But even though ordinary viewers are barred from the “licensing.johnnycarson.com” site, Sotz-ing promised that the public site will soon give them many of the same viewing goodies.

“In the near future, we’ll offer them the ability to search and select from the full library of shows,” he said. “They will be able to surf the entire date site.”

While specifying no time table for opening the vault to Carson fans, Sotzing said, “I don’t want to keep them out for long.”The associaTed press

Jenna Elfman


Johnny Carson on the “Tonight Show” as “Carnac, The Magnificent!”

‘Cathy’ comic stripending after 34 years

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — The comic strip “Cathy,” which has chronicled the life, frustrations and swimsuit season meltdowns of its name-sake for more than 30 years, is coming to an end.

Cathy Guisewite, the strip’s creator, said Wednes-day that deciding to end the comic strip was “excruciat-ing.” The comic has won sev-eral awards, including a 1992 National Cartoonists Society’s Reuben Award and an Emmy Award for Outstanding Ani-mated Program in 1987, and at its height appeared in 1,400 papers.

“It’s just been really unbe-lievably agonizing to make the decision,” Guisewite said in a telephone interview from her home in the Los Angeles area. “The strip has not only been the most astonishing form of therapy for 34 years, but doing a daily comic strip for

the newspaper set a certain rhythm for my life.”

“Cathy” appears in The Vicksburg Post Monday through Saturday. The final strip will run in newspapers on Oct. 3.

Guisewite, 59, said she chose to end the largely autobio-graphical comic strip because she wanted more time with her 18-year-old daughter and her parents and because “other personal deadlines started becoming more press-ing for me than the newspa-per ones.”

She said her “creative bio-logical clock” was also urging her to try something else, although she isn’t sure what that will be.

The best part about writing the comic, “besides the per-sonal therapy,” she said, was how she was able to connect with women.

Now the full Carson canon has been restored, digitized, annotated and





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Page 15: 081210

The Vicksburg Post Thursday, August 12, 2010 B5

Families fighting cancer comfort each otherDear Abby: “Devastated in

Oklahoma” (June 18) asked how she can be supportive of her father, who is battling lung cancer. I was in a similar situ-ation 3 1/2 years ago when my dad was diagnosed with mul-tiple myeloma, a cancer of the blood.

It was terrifying witness-ing the physical impact it had on my dad. I realized there wasn’t anything I could do for his pain — that was up to his doctors. But I figured out what I COULD do: I could raise money for cancer research.

I joined the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training and trained for an endurance bike ride while raising money for cancer. It was the greatest experience not only for me, but also for my dad, who was extremely touched by the number of donations. It gave him a morale boost.

I would like to encourage “Devastated” to look for a similar program in her area. It may help her deal with the diagnosis, knowing she’s help-ing current and future patients

just like her dad. “Devastated” doesn’t have to be an athlete to sign up. I didn’t even own a bike when I started the jour-ney! — Emmy in Albuquer-que, N.M.

Dear Emmy: Taking a pro-active stance is an excel-lent suggestion and one I am happy to pass along to Devas-tated. Read on:

Dear Abby: With two cancer survivors in my family, I heart-ily endorse your advice. Even when we faced a 10 per-cent chance of survival, we worked, prayed, researched and talked about hopeful pros-pects. It helped us all in valu-able ways.

There were dark days, but love of family, attention to medical messages, prayer and forward thinking can make a huge difference in the heal-

ing process. This is a time for Devastated to bond in new ways with her father. — Been There, Too

Dear Abby: My mother was diagnosed with lung cancer, too. She had one-fourth of her left lung removed. We thought it might be the end for her, but it certainly wasn’t. She lived for seven more years, and I cherished the extra time I had with her. I hope Devastated will treasure every second with her father now. — Bar-bara in New Mexico

Dear Abby: As a father of two and grandfather of four, I know there is nothing more wonderful than being involved with one’s progeny. Devas-tated should know that when her father comforted her, he was given the opportunity to do what a father loves to do — show love to his child. And believe me, to know he was needed was a comfort to him as well. She need not worry. She is right where she needs to be. — Papa in Hayward, Calif.

Dear Abby: Devastated should consider hospice if her

father decides to stop treat-ment. It’s a godsend and costs nothing. Most of all, she needs to let her father comfort her and to be her daddy for as long as possible. It will make him feel better, let him know she loves him and will support any decision he makes. It is OK to cry, and to cry with him. — Mary in Oklahoma

Dear Abby: My brave, strong, loving father was killed instantly in a car acci-dent. When I learned about it, I wished I had him to com-fort me. Devastated is fortu-nate to still have time with her father.

She should not feel guilty about her feelings; they are perfectly normal. She needs to be his daughter first, his second pair of ears through-out his treatment and his care-giver if needed. The strength will come when she needs it. — Still Missing My Dad

•Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at www.Dear Abby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.



Reader loses weight,gains life and health

Dear Dr. Gott: I just wanted you to know that I have lost 155 pounds using your no-flour, no-sugar diet. I think I should be your spokeswoman!

Seriously, I am a 56-year-old female teacher, and I wanted to get in shape before I retired a year ago. I also wanted to be healthier and have a long retirement life. At my previ-ous weight, I was unhappy, unhealthy and unfit to do any-thing physical, so I tried your diet plan. It worked and it has just kept on working.

It took me two years to get the weight off, and I still have around 27 pounds to go, but my doctor says I have proba-bly added 10 years to my life. I used to be on three different high-blood-pressure medica-tions and had to use a c-pap machine every night because of sleep apnea. Now I am med-ication-free, and my sleep apnea has disappeared.

I have taken up walking each day now, and last week, even at my age of 56, was able to walk 34 miles! I truly believe you have saved my life, so I wanted to send you my belated thanks. You rock, Dr. Gott!

Dear Reader: Congratu-lations! You have made a remarkable change in your life, and I commend your efforts. Making the decision to turn your life around and work toward better health is often the most difficult part of losing weight.

Healthful weight loss will not happen overnight. It takes time to gain weight and it takes time to lose it. You aver-aged a weight loss of about 1 1/2 pounds per week, which is appropriate.

I am pleased to hear that you are now able to be more active. If you continue to walk four to five miles a day, you will increase your muscle tone and further improve your health.

Keep up the good work and enjoy your retirement. You deserve it.

Dear Dr. Gott: Sometime ago, you published a formula of four natural ingredients to combat constipation. I gave this to a friend who suffers from this but she has lost it. Could you please reprint this? Thank you for your great work.

Dear Reader: I believe the recipe you are looking for is that of my colon cocktail. It consists of equal portions of applesauce, prune juice and bran. One to 2 tablespoons taken daily in the morning should relieve symptoms of constipation. I often advise that it be made in small batches in order to keep it fresh because it does not have a long shelf life. It must also be stored in the refrigerator.

Other home remedies include a mug of warm water a half-hour before breakfast each morning, warm apple

juice, prune juice (warm or cold), whole prunes, powdered fiber drink mixes and even consuming more raw fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber.

•Write to Dr. Peter Gott in care of United Media, P.O. Box 167, Wickliffe, OH 44092-0167.





If tomorrow is your birthday: If you’ve laid a few foundations for advancing your financial possibilities and have stuck with them, the year ahead will reward you with added income. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Once you establish a definite objec-tive, you won’t have any trouble coming up with a profusion of ideas as to how to achieve it. Your mental faculties will be sharp-er than usual.Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Not only are you likely to have the ability to generate larger or extra earnings, you’ll have the wis-dom to handle these funds wisely. Do your stuff and grow as much as you can.Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — Don’t negate your own success by delegating to others assignments you’re far more capable of handling yourself. There are certain things that should not be left up to others.Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — If your ears are tingling, it is like-ly because of all the nice things others are saying about you. When people with whom you’re closely involved tell you about it, act surprised.Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) — Just because certain associ-ates feel your present desires are a bit outlandish, don’t lower your expectations or discard your dreams. What they are capa-ble of is far different from what you can do. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Take enjoyment in all that you do and you will find that everything will go more smoothly for you, even those tasks that are of a serious nature. It’s good ad-vice to whistle while you work.Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You have a natural knack for un-derstanding the complicated ideas of others and determining their worth. Put to work the suggestions you find worthy.Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20) — Dame Fortune is likely to put you in the right spot to benefit from something you had no hand in originating, but whether or not you’ll take advantage of it will be up to how well you read the situation.Aries (March 21-April 19) — Your cooperative spirit is the se-cret to your success, and by taking the trouble to set a good ex-ample, everyone you encounter will respond in kind and even try to outdo you.Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Take some time to express your creative and artistic urges, and all that you do will not only please you, but also impress everyone else who witnesses your work.Gemini (May 21-June 20) — Enjoy what each of your friends has to offer, untainted by financial strings. If you want to simply have a pleasant experience with some of your pals, stay away from anything commercial.Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Once you overcome your fears and beard the lion in his den, several matters that have been difficult to finalize will work out quite smoothly. It’s amazing what a little faith will do.

Dr. Wallace: I agree with your answer that all young bike rid-ers should wear a helmet. But you forgot to tell parents to do the same. Many times I see families ride by our house on bicy-cles. The children are wearing their helmets, but their parents are not. Aren’t parents the most important people in their chil-dren’s lives?

A properly-fitting helmet is a must for safety. Even if a helmet is certified, it doesn’t mean that it fits properly. A reputable bicy-cle shop can help the rider get the proper fit. — Mother, Platts-burgh, N.Y.

Mother: Excellent suggestions. Thanks for sharing them with our readers of all ages.

Dr. Wallace: I am a 17-year-old girl from Korea who will be spending one year in America to take 12th-grade courses in September. My main purpose is to learn better English and to know more about the American way of life. I live in Anaheim, Calif., with an American man and woman and their 17-year-old daughter. All of them are nice to me and I like them very much.

Grades are very important to my parents and to me. In Korea, I made all top marks in all my subjects, except mathematics. Now I’m worried that my American mathematics teacher might think I’m stupid. My American “sister” helped me write this letter to you. — Soo Kim, Anaheim, Calif.

Soo Kim: Welcome to America. Not all of us can be gifted in all disciplines. I’m sure your American family will talk with your school counselor and help arrange your schedule knowing you might need extra help in math. Trust me, your parents will be proud of you when you return home to Korea.

•Dr. Robert Wallace writes for Copley News Service. E-mail him at rwallace@Copley News Service.


(Answers tomorrow)FUROR MAJOR SHAKEN COSTLYYesterday’s Jumbles:

Answer: Easy to get from astronomers —NO MORE STARS

Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, assuggested by the above cartoon.

THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAMEby Mike Argirion and Jeff Knurek

Unscramble these four Jumbles,one letter to each square,to form four ordinary words.





©2010 Tribune Media Services, Inc.All Rights Reserved.






















ACROSS1 Eponymous

salad creator5 “Man Plus”

author Frederik9 Moral fiber

14 Its juice issometimes usedto treat heartburn

15 Award for “Rent”16 John of

Middlesex17 “Good job!”19 Colorful stable

residents20 Major

malfunction21 Certain analyst’s

input23 Gymnast Mary

__ Retton24 Hughes Aircraft

prototype28 Moscow ballet

theater32 Cheerleader’s

offering33 Psych finish34 Kin of a 911 call36 Objects of look-

ups?40 Sermonize44 Judge of many

36-Across45 Bauxite, e.g.46 BMW competitor47 “At Wit’s End”

author Bombeck50 Persistently

chews on52 Game with discs

and baskets56 Roulette choice57 Legal letter

phrase58 Travel guide63 Veggie bin staple65 A synonym for it

is hidden in 17-,24-, 40- and 52-Across

68 Wrap69 Inland Asian sea70 Response to a

shock71 Abominations72 Kin of 63-Across73 Walked heavily

DOWN1 Preserves, in a


2 “Chocolat”actress

3 City near WestPalm

4 Gripe5 Nanki-__, son of

the Mikado6 “The Mikado”

accessory7 Veda devotee8 Bequest9 Title setting for a

Mozart abduction10 West Bank

initials11 “Mr. Palomar”

writer Calvino12 Things to avoid13 Occur next18 Flow copiously22 Place to start a

round25 Ritzy26 Very funny person27 “Too many cooks

...,” e.g.28 1995 comet

spotter Thomas29 Other, in Madrid30 Substitution word31 Fish features35 Movie station

letters37 “Mr. Holland’s __”

38 Castor’s mother39 Letter opening?41 Musket relatives42 “This being the

case ...”43 DDE, for one48 Chess pieces49 Passé reception

aid51 Not at hand, to

say the least52 College newbie53 __-Wreck

54 Fool55 Category59 USAF noncom60 A jet or a king61 “Wait, there’s

more ...”62 Calif. group with

a seven-pointbadge

64 Flamenco cheer66 “In your dreams!”

in Dundee67 Big game animal

By Bruce Venzke(c)2010 Tribune Media Services, Inc. 08/12/10



RELEASE DATE– Thursday, August 12, 2010

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword PuzzleEdited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis

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IN THE CHANCERYCOURT OF WARRENCOUNTYSTATE OF MISSISSIPPIKAY BURROUGH OLIVERPLAINTIFFVSALL KNOWN AND UN-KOWN HEIRSOF JERRY LANE BURROUGH, DECEASEDDEFENDANTSNO. 2010-265GNTHE STATE OF MISSISSIPPITO: HEIRS AT LAW OFJERRY LANE BURROUGH,DECEASEDYou have been made a Defendant in the suit filed inthis Court by Kay BurroughOliver, Plaintiff, seeking adetermination of heirs at lawof Jerry Lane Burrough, deceased. The defendantsother than you in this actionare Kay Burrough Oliver,Doris H. Burrough, Molly McCluskey and Felix RayBurrough.You are summoned to appear and defend againstthe complaint or petition filedagainst you in this action at10:30 a.m. on Wednesday,the 29th day of September,2010, in the courtroom of theWarren County Courthouseat Vicksburg, Mississippi,and in case of your failure toappear and defend a judgment will be enteredagainst you for the money orother things demanded in thecomplaint or petition.You are not required to filean answer or other pleadingbut you may do so if you desire.Issued under my hand andthe seal of said Court, this26th day of July 2010BY: /s/ Denise BaileyClerk of Warren County, MississippiPublish: 7/29, 8/5, 8/12(3t)

SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'SNOTICE OF SALEWHEREAS, on May 11,2009, Tabatha Dixon, executed a Deed of Trust toClyde Ellis, Trustee for theuse and benefit of MortgageElectronic Registration Systems, Inc., which Deed ofTrust is on file and of recordin the office of the ChanceryClerk of Warren County, Mississippi, in Deed of TrustBook 1701 at Page 460thereof; andWHEREAS, said Deed ofTrust was assigned to BACHome Loans Servicing, LP,fka Countrywide HomeLoans Servicing, LP, by as-signment on file and ofrecord in the office of theChancery Clerk of WarrenCounty, Mississippi, in Book1508 at Page 449 thereof;andWHEREAS, the legal holderof the said Deed of Trust andthe note secured thereby,substituted Bradley P. Jones,as Trustee therein, as authorized by the termsthereof, by instrumentrecorded in the office of theaforesaid Chancery Clerk inBook 1508 at Page 448,thereof; andWHEREAS, default havingbeen made in the perfor-mance of the conditions andstipulations as set forth bysaid Deed of Trust, and having been requested bythe legal holder of the indebtedness secured anddescribed by said Deed ofTrust so to do, notice is hereby given that I, BradleyP. Jones, Substitute Trustee,by virtue of the authority con-ferred upon me in said Deedof Trust, will offer for saleand will sell at public saleand outcry to the highest andbest bidder for cash, duringthe legal hours (between thehours of 11 o'clock a.m. and4 o'clock p.m.) at the Westfront door of the CountyCourthouse of Warren County, at Vicksburg, Mississippi, on the 19th dayof August, 2010, the follow-ing described land and prop-erty being the same land andproperty described in saidDeed of Trust, situated inWarren County, State of Mississippi, to-wit:All of lot Twenty-eight (28) ofthe Cardinal Village subdivision as shown by platof record in Book 376 atpage 288 of the Landrecords of Warren County,Mississippi, amended asshown in Book 404, Page 59of the aforesaid land records.Title to the above describedproperty is believed to begood, but I will convey onlysuch title as is vested in meas Substitute Trustee. WITNESS my signature, onthis the 20th day of July,2010.__________________BRADLEY P. JONESSUBSTITUTE TRUSTEEPREPARED BY: ADAMS &EDENSPOST OFFICE BOX 400BRANDON, MISSISSIPPI39043(601) 825-9508A&E File #26541Publish: 7/29, 8/5, 8/12(3t)

07. Help Wanted

01. LegalsIN THE CHANCERYCOURT OF WARRENCOUNTY, MISSISSIPPIIN RE: ESTATE OF IRMAELIZABETH "BETH" JOHNSON, DECEASEDPROBATE NO. 2010-0110 PRNOTICE TO CREDITORSIRMA ELIZABETH "BETH"JOHNSONLetters Testamentary on theEstate of the above decedent having been granted on the 9th day of August, 2010 by theChancery Court of Warren County, Mississippi to the undersigned Executor of theEstate of Irma Elizabeth "Beth" Johnson, deceased, notice is hereby given to allpersons having claimsagainst said estate topresent said claims to theClerk of this Court for probate and registration according to law,within ninety (90) days fromthe first publication of this notice orsaid claims will be forever barred.THIS the 9th day of August, 2010.ANNE E. MCWILLIAMS, ExecutrixPublish: 8/12, 8/19, 8/26(3t)

Substitute Trustee's Notice of SaleSTATE OF MISSISSIPPICOUNTY OF Warren WHEREAS, on the 5th dayof January, 2007 and acknowledged on the 5thday of January, 2007, Ned HJones, Jr. & Valencia RJones, married, executedand delivered a certain Deedof Trust unto Dennis F Hardiman of Bristol County,RI, Trustee for MortgageElectronic Registration Sys-tems, Inc., Beneficiary, to secure an indebtednesstherein described, whichDeed of Trust is recorded inthe office of the ChanceryClerk of Warren County, Mississippi in Book 1633 atPage 670 #242091; andWHEREAS, on the 16th dayof September, 2009, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.,assigned said Deed of Trustunto BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP fka Countrywide Home LoansServicing LP, by instrumentrecorded in the office of theaforesaid Chancery Clerk inBook 1500 at Page 614 Instrument #272757; andWHEREAS, on the 16th dayof September, 2009, theHolder of said Deed of Trustsubstituted and appointedEmily Kaye Courteau asTrustee in said Deed ofTrust, by instrument record-ed in the office of the aforesaid Chancery Clerk inBook 1500 at Page 628 Instrument #272778; andWHEREAS, default havingbeen made in the paymentsof the indebtedness securedby the said Deed of Trust,and the holder of said Deedof Trust, having requestedthe undersigned so to do, onthe 26th day of August,2010, I will during the lawfulhours of between 11:00 a.m.and 4:00 p.m., at public outcry, offer for sale and willsell, at the west front door ofthe Warren County Courthouse at Vicksburg,Mississippi, for cash to thehighest bidder, the followingdescribed land and propertysituated in Warren County,Mississippi, to-wit:All that certain tract of parcelof land lying and being situated in the County ofWarren, State of Mississippi:All of Lot Ninety-Eight (98) ofWarrenton Heights Subdivision, Part "A" of PartTwo, a plat whereof appearsof record in Plat Book 2 atPage 39 of the WarrenCounty, Mississippi LandRecord.For title reference see Deedrecorded December 27, 1994in Book 1030 Page 736.I will only convey such titleas is vested in me as Substitute TrusteeWITNESS MY SIGNATURE,this day July 23, 2010Emily Kaye CourteauSubstitute Trustee2309 Oliver RoadMonroe, LA 71201(318) 330-9020sjt/F09-2521 Publish: 8/5, 8/12, 8/19(3t)

07. Help Wanted

01. Legals

Substitute Trustee's Notice of SaleSTATE OF MISSISSIPPICOUNTY OF Warren WHEREAS, on the 5th dayof January, 2007 and acknowledged on the 5thday of January, 2007, Ned HJones, Jr. & Valencia RJones, married, executedand delivered a certain Deedof Trust unto Dennis F Hardiman of Bristol County,RI, Trustee for MortgageElectronic Registration Sys-tems, Inc., Beneficiary, to secure an indebtednesstherein described, whichDeed of Trust is recorded inthe office of the ChanceryClerk of Warren County, Mississippi in Book 1633 atPage 670 #242091; andWHEREAS, on the 16th dayof September, 2009, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.,assigned said Deed of Trustunto BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP fka Countrywide Home LoansServicing LP, by instrumentrecorded in the office of theaforesaid Chancery Clerk inBook 1500 at Page 614 Instrument #272757; andWHEREAS, on the 16th dayof September, 2009, theHolder of said Deed of Trustsubstituted and appointedEmily Kaye Courteau asTrustee in said Deed ofTrust, by instrument record-ed in the office of the aforesaid Chancery Clerk inBook 1500 at Page 628 Instrument #272778; andWHEREAS, default havingbeen made in the paymentsof the indebtedness securedby the said Deed of Trust,and the holder of said Deedof Trust, having requestedthe undersigned so to do, onthe 26th day of August,2010, I will during the lawfulhours of between 11:00 a.m.and 4:00 p.m., at public outcry, offer for sale and willsell, at the west front door ofthe Warren County Courthouse at Vicksburg,Mississippi, for cash to thehighest bidder, the followingdescribed land and propertysituated in Warren County,Mississippi, to-wit:All that certain tract of parcelof land lying and being situated in the County ofWarren, State of Mississippi:All of Lot Ninety-Eight (98) ofWarrenton Heights Subdivision, Part "A" of PartTwo, a plat whereof appearsof record in Plat Book 2 atPage 39 of the WarrenCounty, Mississippi LandRecord.For title reference see Deedrecorded December 27, 1994in Book 1030 Page 736.I will only convey such titleas is vested in me as Substitute TrusteeWITNESS MY SIGNATURE,this day July 23, 2010Emily Kaye CourteauSubstitute Trustee2309 Oliver RoadMonroe, LA 71201(318) 330-9020sjt/F09-2521 Publish: 8/5, 8/12, 8/19(3t)

SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'SNOTICE OF SALEWHEREAS, on May 14,2004, Alton L. Jones andKappi S. Jones, executed aDeed of Trust to Peter T.Burns, Trustee for the useand benefit of Britton &Koontz First National Bank,which Deed of Trust is on fileand of record in the office ofthe Chancery Clerk of Warren County, Mississippi,in Deed of Trust Book 1467at Page 714 thereof; andWHEREAS, said Deed ofTrust was ultimately as-signed to Citimortgage, Inc.,by assignment on file and ofrecord in the office of theChancery Clerk of WarrenCounty, Mississippi, in Book1506 at Page 517 thereof;andWHEREAS, the legal holderof the said Deed of Trust andthe note secured thereby,substituted Bradley P. Jones,as Trustee therein, as authorized by the termsthereof, by instrumentrecorded in the office of theaforesaid Chancery Clerk inBook 1506 at Page 516,thereof; andWHEREAS, default havingbeen made in the perfor-mance of the conditions andstipulations as set forth bysaid Deed of Trust, and having been requested bythe legal holder of the indebtedness secured anddescribed by said Deed ofTrust so to do, notice is hereby given that I, BradleyP. Jones, Substitute Trustee,by virtue of the authority conferred upon me in saidDeed of Trust, will offer forsale and will sell at publicsale and outcry to the high-est and best bidder for cash,during the legal hours (between the hours of 11 o'clock a.m. and 4 o'clockp.m.) at the West front doorof the County Courthouse ofWarren County, at Vicks-burg, Mississippi, on the 2ndday of September, 2010, thefollowing described land andproperty being the same landand property described insaid Deed of Trust, situatedin Warren County, State ofMississippi, to-wit:That part of Lots 13 and 14that certain Subdivisionknown as Walnut Ridge Subdivision situate in Section 8, Township 15North, Range 3 East, Vicksburg, Warren County,Mississippi, more particularlydescribed as follows, to-wit:Beginning at an old iron pipe(found) on the West right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 61,said pipe is located 30.0 feetSoutherly along the Westright-of-way line of said Highway 61 from the Northeast Corner of Lot 13,Walnut Ridge Subdivision,Warren County, Mississippithence along the West right-of-way line of said Highway 61, with a chordbearing of South 04 Degrees38' West, and a chord distance of 233.0 feet;thence leave said Highwayand run North 85 Degrees36' West, 196.3 feet; thenceNorth 04 Degrees 29' West,238.3 feet; thence South 85Degrees 00' East, 234.1 feetto the point of beginning,containing 1.16 acres, moreor less.Title to the above describedproperty is believed to begood, but I will convey onlysuch title as is vested in meas Substitute Trustee. WITNESS my signature, onthis the 6th day of August,2010.____________________BRADLEY P. JONESSUBSTITUTE TRUSTEEPREPARED BY: ADAMS &EDENSPOST OFFICE BOX 400BRANDON, MISSISSIPPI39043(601) 825-9508A&E File #25505Publish: 8/12, 8/19, 8/26(3t)

07. Help Wanted

01. Legals

SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'SNOTICE OF SALEWHEREAS, on May 14,2004, Alton L. Jones andKappi S. Jones, executed aDeed of Trust to Peter T.Burns, Trustee for the useand benefit of Britton &Koontz First National Bank,which Deed of Trust is on fileand of record in the office ofthe Chancery Clerk of Warren County, Mississippi,in Deed of Trust Book 1467at Page 714 thereof; andWHEREAS, said Deed ofTrust was ultimately as-signed to Citimortgage, Inc.,by assignment on file and ofrecord in the office of theChancery Clerk of WarrenCounty, Mississippi, in Book1506 at Page 517 thereof;andWHEREAS, the legal holderof the said Deed of Trust andthe note secured thereby,substituted Bradley P. Jones,as Trustee therein, as authorized by the termsthereof, by instrumentrecorded in the office of theaforesaid Chancery Clerk inBook 1506 at Page 516,thereof; andWHEREAS, default havingbeen made in the perfor-mance of the conditions andstipulations as set forth bysaid Deed of Trust, and having been requested bythe legal holder of the indebtedness secured anddescribed by said Deed ofTrust so to do, notice is hereby given that I, BradleyP. Jones, Substitute Trustee,by virtue of the authority conferred upon me in saidDeed of Trust, will offer forsale and will sell at publicsale and outcry to the high-est and best bidder for cash,during the legal hours (between the hours of 11 o'clock a.m. and 4 o'clockp.m.) at the West front doorof the County Courthouse ofWarren County, at Vicks-burg, Mississippi, on the 2ndday of September, 2010, thefollowing described land andproperty being the same landand property described insaid Deed of Trust, situatedin Warren County, State ofMississippi, to-wit:That part of Lots 13 and 14that certain Subdivisionknown as Walnut Ridge Subdivision situate in Section 8, Township 15North, Range 3 East, Vicksburg, Warren County,Mississippi, more particularlydescribed as follows, to-wit:Beginning at an old iron pipe(found) on the West right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 61,said pipe is located 30.0 feetSoutherly along the Westright-of-way line of said Highway 61 from the Northeast Corner of Lot 13,Walnut Ridge Subdivision,Warren County, Mississippithence along the West right-of-way line of said Highway 61, with a chordbearing of South 04 Degrees38' West, and a chord distance of 233.0 feet;thence leave said Highwayand run North 85 Degrees36' West, 196.3 feet; thenceNorth 04 Degrees 29' West,238.3 feet; thence South 85Degrees 00' East, 234.1 feetto the point of beginning,containing 1.16 acres, moreor less.Title to the above describedproperty is believed to begood, but I will convey onlysuch title as is vested in meas Substitute Trustee. WITNESS my signature, onthis the 6th day of August,2010.____________________BRADLEY P. JONESSUBSTITUTE TRUSTEEPREPARED BY: ADAMS &EDENSPOST OFFICE BOX 400BRANDON, MISSISSIPPI39043(601) 825-9508A&E File #25505Publish: 8/12, 8/19, 8/26(3t)

Statewide Publishing LLCPO Box 768170Roswell, GA 30076SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'SNOTICE OF SALE STATEOF MISSISSIPPI COUNTYOF WARREN WHEREAS,on August 10, 2000, StacyLampp executed and delivered a certain Deed ofTrust unto John H Shows,Trustee for the benefit ofCimarron Mortgage Company, to secure an indebtedness therein de-scribed, which Deed of Trustis recorded in the office ofthe Chancery Clerk of Warren County, Mississippiin Book 1219, Page 681; andWHEREAS, said Deed ofTrust was subsequently assigned unto Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation, by instrumentrecorded in the Office of theaforesaid Chancery Clerk inBook 1230, Page 336; andWHEREAS, the holder ofsaid Deed of Trust substitut-ed and appointed NationwideTrustee Services, Inc., asTrustee in said Deed of Trustby instrument recorded in theOffice of the aforesaidChancery Clerk Book 1510,Page 686; and WHEREAS,default having been made inthe payments of indebted-ness secured by said Deedof Trust, and the holder ofsaid Deed of Trust, havingrequested the undersignedso to do, on September 2,2010, I will, during legalhours (between the hours of11 o' clock a.m. and 4 o'clock p.m.), at public outcry,offer for sale and will sell, atthe Front door steps of theWarren County Courthousein Vicksburg, Mississippi, forcash to the highest bidder,the following described landand property situated in War-ren County, Mississippi, to-wit: All of Lot Five (5) ofBroad Hills Addition, accord-ing to the plat which is ofrecord in Book 116 at Page196 of the Land DeedRecords in the office of theChancery Clerk of WarrenCounty, Mississippi Title tothe above described propertyis believed to be good, but Iwill convey only such title asis vested in me as Substitut-ed Trustee. WITNESS MYSIGNATURE, this the 22ndday of July, 2010 ChristianMayer Christian Mayer, Assistant Vice President Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc. 1587 Northeast Expressway Atlanta, GA30329 (770) 234-9181 ext1023856MSPublish: 8/12, 8/19, 8/26(3t)

07. Help Wanted

01. Legals

Statewide Publishing LLCPO Box 768170Roswell, GA 30076SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'SNOTICE OF SALE STATEOF MISSISSIPPI COUNTYOF WARREN WHEREAS,on August 10, 2000, StacyLampp executed and delivered a certain Deed ofTrust unto John H Shows,Trustee for the benefit ofCimarron Mortgage Company, to secure an indebtedness therein de-scribed, which Deed of Trustis recorded in the office ofthe Chancery Clerk of Warren County, Mississippiin Book 1219, Page 681; andWHEREAS, said Deed ofTrust was subsequently assigned unto Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation, by instrumentrecorded in the Office of theaforesaid Chancery Clerk inBook 1230, Page 336; andWHEREAS, the holder ofsaid Deed of Trust substitut-ed and appointed NationwideTrustee Services, Inc., asTrustee in said Deed of Trustby instrument recorded in theOffice of the aforesaidChancery Clerk Book 1510,Page 686; and WHEREAS,default having been made inthe payments of indebted-ness secured by said Deedof Trust, and the holder ofsaid Deed of Trust, havingrequested the undersignedso to do, on September 2,2010, I will, during legalhours (between the hours of11 o' clock a.m. and 4 o'clock p.m.), at public outcry,offer for sale and will sell, atthe Front door steps of theWarren County Courthousein Vicksburg, Mississippi, forcash to the highest bidder,the following described landand property situated in War-ren County, Mississippi, to-wit: All of Lot Five (5) ofBroad Hills Addition, accord-ing to the plat which is ofrecord in Book 116 at Page196 of the Land DeedRecords in the office of theChancery Clerk of WarrenCounty, Mississippi Title tothe above described propertyis believed to be good, but Iwill convey only such title asis vested in me as Substitut-ed Trustee. WITNESS MYSIGNATURE, this the 22ndday of July, 2010 ChristianMayer Christian Mayer, Assistant Vice President Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc. 1587 Northeast Expressway Atlanta, GA30329 (770) 234-9181 ext1023856MSPublish: 8/12, 8/19, 8/26(3t)

IN THE CHANCERYCOURT OF WARRENCOUNTY, MISSISSIPPIIN RE: ESTATE OF IRENEB. MARTIN, DECEASEDPROBATE NO. 2010-102PRMARY ELIZABETH BRITT,EXECUTORNOTICE TO CREDITORSThe undersigned, havingbeen appointed Executor ofthe Estate Irene B. Martin,Deceased, by the ChanceryCourt of Warren County,Mississippi on the 2nd day ofAugust 2010, on this daygives notice to all personshaving a claim against thesaid Estate to have the sameprobated and registered bythe Chancery Clerk of Warren County, Mississippi,within ninety (90) days after the date of the first publication of this notice, anda failure to probate and register a claim within ninety(90) days from said first dateof publication will bar theclaim forever.WITNESS my signature onthis the 2nd day of August2010/s/ Mary Elizabeth Britt MARY ELIZABETH BRITTPublish: 8/5, 8/12, 8/19(3t)

Statewide Publishing LLCPO Box 768170Roswell, GA 30076SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'SNOTICE OF SALE STATEOF MISSISSIPPI COUNTYOF WARREN WHEREAS,on March 7, 2008, AshleyMarie McDuff and ThomasJames McDuff executed anddelivered a certain Deed ofTrust unto Morris & McCalla,Trustee for the benefit of JP-Morgan Chase Bank, N.A.,to secure an indebtednesstherein described, whichDeed of Trust is recorded inthe office of the ChanceryClerk of Warren County, Mis-sissippi in Book 1695, Page619; and WHEREAS, saidDeed of Trust was subse-quently assigned unto ChaseHome Finance LLC, by in-strument recorded in the Of-fice of the aforesaidChancery Clerk in Book1502, Page 239; andWHEREAS, the holder ofsaid Deed of Trust substitut-ed and appointed NationwideTrustee Services, Inc., asTrustee in said Deed of Trustby instrument recorded in theOffice of the aforesaidChancery Clerk Book 1502,Page 240; and WHEREAS,default having been made inthe payments of indebted-ness secured by said Deedof Trust, and the holder ofsaid Deed of Trust, havingrequested the undersignedso to do, on September 2,2010, I will, during legalhours (between the hours of11 o' clock a.m. and 4 o'clock p.m.), at public outcry,offer for sale and will sell, atthe Front door Steps of theWarren County Courthousein Vicksburg, Mississippi, forcash to the highest bidder,the following described landand property situated in War-ren County, Mississippi, to-wit: The South one-half ofthe East one-half of Lot 3 ofthe Lone Elm Plantation, aplat of which is of record inDeed Book 116 at Pages 89and 111, in Section 20,Township 15 North, Range 4East, Warren County, Missis-sippi, being the south 20acres of the 40 acre parcel ofland designated at Lot "B" ofthe Partition of Lot 3 of theLone Elm Plantation in theDecree of record in FinalRecord Book 11 at Page501, together with a non-ex-clusive easement over andacross a roadway extendingthrough the other lots of theLone Elm Plantation for thepurpose of ingress andegress from the propertyherein conveyed. Title to theabove described property isbelieved to be good, but I willconvey only such title as isvested in me as SubstitutedTrustee. WITNESS MY SIG-NATURE, this the 22nd dayof July, 2010 Christian MayerChristian Mayer, AssistantVice President NationwideTrustee Services, Inc. 1587Northeast Expressway At-lanta, GA 30329 (770) 234-9181 ext 0931096MS Publish: 8/12, 8/26(2t)

07. Help Wanted

01. LegalsStatewide Publishing LLCPO Box 768170Roswell, GA 30076SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'SNOTICE OF SALE STATEOF MISSISSIPPI COUNTYOF WARREN WHEREAS,on March 7, 2008, AshleyMarie McDuff and ThomasJames McDuff executed anddelivered a certain Deed ofTrust unto Morris & McCalla,Trustee for the benefit of JP-Morgan Chase Bank, N.A.,to secure an indebtednesstherein described, whichDeed of Trust is recorded inthe office of the ChanceryClerk of Warren County, Mis-sissippi in Book 1695, Page619; and WHEREAS, saidDeed of Trust was subse-quently assigned unto ChaseHome Finance LLC, by in-strument recorded in the Of-fice of the aforesaidChancery Clerk in Book1502, Page 239; andWHEREAS, the holder ofsaid Deed of Trust substitut-ed and appointed NationwideTrustee Services, Inc., asTrustee in said Deed of Trustby instrument recorded in theOffice of the aforesaidChancery Clerk Book 1502,Page 240; and WHEREAS,default having been made inthe payments of indebted-ness secured by said Deedof Trust, and the holder ofsaid Deed of Trust, havingrequested the undersignedso to do, on September 2,2010, I will, during legalhours (between the hours of11 o' clock a.m. and 4 o'clock p.m.), at public outcry,offer for sale and will sell, atthe Front door Steps of theWarren County Courthousein Vicksburg, Mississippi, forcash to the highest bidder,the following described landand property situated in War-ren County, Mississippi, to-wit: The South one-half ofthe East one-half of Lot 3 ofthe Lone Elm Plantation, aplat of which is of record inDeed Book 116 at Pages 89and 111, in Section 20,Township 15 North, Range 4East, Warren County, Missis-sippi, being the south 20acres of the 40 acre parcel ofland designated at Lot "B" ofthe Partition of Lot 3 of theLone Elm Plantation in theDecree of record in FinalRecord Book 11 at Page501, together with a non-ex-clusive easement over andacross a roadway extendingthrough the other lots of theLone Elm Plantation for thepurpose of ingress andegress from the propertyherein conveyed. Title to theabove described property isbelieved to be good, but I willconvey only such title as isvested in me as SubstitutedTrustee. WITNESS MY SIG-NATURE, this the 22nd dayof July, 2010 Christian MayerChristian Mayer, AssistantVice President NationwideTrustee Services, Inc. 1587Northeast Expressway At-lanta, GA 30329 (770) 234-9181 ext 0931096MS Publish: 8/12, 8/26(2t)

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALEUNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the terms and provisions of thatcertain deed of trust executed by Greg N. Massey to G. K.Mihalyka, Trustee, for the benefit of the beneficiary namedtherein to secure the payment of the indebtedness therein described, said deed of trust being dated July 9, 2009, andbeing duly recorded in Book 1701 at Page 751 of the LandRecords of Warren County, Mississippi, pursuant to the power and authority vested in me as Trustee, default havingbeen made in the payments provided for in said deed of trust,and by reason of said default the whole of the indebtednesssecured by said deed of trust, with interest thereon, was declared and became due and payable, the same remainingunpaid, I, the undersigned, G. K. (Jed) Mihalyka, as Trustee,at the request of the beneficiary of said deed of trust, will, between the legal hours of 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on the13th day of August, 2010, before the main entrance of theWarren County Courthouse in the City of Vicksburg, Countyof Warren, State of Mississippi, expose for sale and sell atpublic auction to the highest bidder for cash, the propertyconveyed by said deed of trust being in the County of Warrenand State of Mississippi and described as follows, to-wit:Part of Section 36, Township 16 North, Range 4 East, Warren County, Mississippi, described as follows, to-wit:To get to the point of beginning, begin at the Southeast corner of Section 36, Township 16 North, Range 4 East, Warren County, Mississippi; thence run North 05 degrees 34minutes West a distance of 431 feet, more or less, along anold fence marking the East side of Section 36 to an iron pipeset in said fence line and also marking the Southeast cornerof the Ida M. Thompson Ruth Tract; thence North 52 degrees51 minutes West a distance 798.57 feet along an old fenceline to the point of beginning; thence continue North 52 degrees 51 minutes West a distance of 33.0 feet; thenceNorth 49 degrees 20 minutest West a distance of 1776.36feet; thence North 48 degrees 57 minutes West a distance of842.70 feet; thence North 73 degrees 07 minutes West a distance of 384.36 feet; thence North 73 degrees 05 minutesWest a distance of 608.06 feet; thence North 73 degrees 27minutes West a distance of 550.91 feet to the East side right-of-way of Warrior's Trail Road; thence North 44 degrees41 minutes East a distance of 329.48 feet; thence North 44degrees 06 minutes East a distance 60.05 feet; thence leaving said right-of-way, run South 69 degrees 30 minutesEast a distance of 1414.0 feet; thence South 56 degrees 40minutes East a distance of 2572.11 feet; thence South 25 degrees 31 minutes West a distance of 604.03 feet to thepoint of beginning and containing 35.68 acres of land.LESS & EXCEPT:Part of Section 36, Township 16 North, Range 4 East, Warren County, Mississippi, more particularly described asfollows, to-wit:PARCEL ONE: Beginning at a concrete monument of theeastern right-of-way of Warrior's Trail Road, being the northwest corner of Parcel 2 of the Massey Tract as recordedin Deed Book 878, Page 520 of the Land Records of WarrenCounty, Mississippi; thence along an existing fence line,South 71 degrees 49 minutes 06 seconds East, 313.03 feet;thence South 24 degrees 07 minutes 28 seconds West,273.49 feet; thence North 54 degrees 38 minutes 06 secondsWest 403.05 feet to a point on the eastern right-of-way ofWarrior's Trail Road; thence with the eastern right-of-way ofWarrior's Trail Road, North 43 degrees 51 minutes 30 sec-onds East, 119.24 feet; thence with the eastern right-of-wayof Warrior's Trail Road, North 44 degrees 06 minutes 00 sec-onds East, 60.05 feet to the point of beginning, containing 1.9 acres, more of less.PARCEL TWO: Commencing at a concrete monument of theeastern right-of-way of Warrior's Trail Road, being the north-west corner of Parcel 2 of the Massey Tract as recorded inDeed Book 878, Page 520 of the Land Records of WarrenCounty, Mississippi; thence along an existing fence line,South 71 degrees 49 minutes 06 seconds East, 313.30 feet;thence along an existing fence line, South 70 degrees 19minutes 26 seconds East, 179.84 feet to the point of begin-ning of the herein described parcel; thence along an existingfence line, South 70 degrees 19 minutes 26 seconds East,895.84 feet; thence along an existing fence line, South 56degrees 24 minutes 18 seconds East 733.27 feet; thenceSouth 41 degrees 52 minutes 33 seconds West, 361.63 feetto an exiting fence line; thence along an existing fence lineNorth 48 degrees 57 minutes 00 seconds West, 652.66 feet;thence along an existing fence line, North 72 degrees 38 minutes 50 seconds West, 382.86 feet; thence along an existing fence line North 73 degrees 05 minutes 00 secondsWest, 531.84 feet; thence North 28 degrees 48 minutes 56seconds East, 318.51 feet to the point of beginning, contain-ing 11.1 acres, more or less.PARCEL THREE: Begin at an iron pin along the easternright-of-way of the present Warriors Trail, said iron pin mark-ing the southwest corner of Parcel 2 of the Massey Tract asrecorded in Deed Book 878 at Page 520 of the land recordsof Warren County Mississippi, and run thence the South lineof the aforementioned Parcel 2 of the Massey Tract, South 73degrees 27 minutes East, 550.91 feet along an old fence lineto an iron pin; thence continue along the fence and the Southline of Parcel 2, South 73 degrees 05 minutes East for 76.22feet to an iron pin; thence turn and run North 28 degrees 50minutes 37 seconds East, 51.67 feet to an iron pin; thenceturn and run North 73 degrees 27 minutes West for 158.68feet to an iron pin; thence run North 54 degrees 38 minutes 06 seconds West, 403.85 feet to the eastern line of WarriorsTrail; thence run South 44 degrees 41 minutes West alongsaid eastern line for 210.24 feet, more or less, back to thePoint of Beginning, containing 1.40 acres, more of less, andbeing more particularly described in Book 1452 at Page 316of the land records of Warren County, Mississippi.TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a fifty foot wide perpetual, non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress asdescribed as follows: Commencing at a concrete monumenton the eastern right-of-way of Warriors Trail Road, being thenorthwest corner of Parcel 2 of the Massey Tract as recordedin Deed Book 878, Page 520 of the Land Records of WarrenCounty, Mississippi; thence South 44 degrees 06 minutes 00 seconds West, 60.05 feet; thence South 43 degrees 51 minutes 30 seconds West, 119.24 feet; thence South 44 degrees 52 minutes 46 seconds West, 56.34 feet to a pointon the eastern right-of-way of Warriors Trail Road, being thepoint of beginning of the centerline of the herein describedfifty foot wide easement; thence South 80 degrees 48 minutes 26 seconds East, 103.17 feet; thence South 59 degrees 46 minutes 15 seconds East, 77.51 feet; thenceSouth 45 minutes 26 degrees 58 seconds East, 107.20 feet:thence South 55 degrees 16 minutes 54 seconds East, 71.23feet; thence South 67 degrees 06 minutes 32 seconds East,149.85 feet; thence South 80 degrees 28 minutes 04 secondsEast, 203.76 feet; thence South 72 degrees 00 minutes 36seconds East 64.91 feet; thence South 60 degrees 33 min-utes 59 seconds East, 132.89 feet; thence South 73 degrees26 minutes 16 seconds East, 238.59 feet; thence South 75degrees 54 minutes 57 seconds East, 314.39 feet; thenceSouth 50 degrees 46 minutes 49 seconds East, 171.01 feet;thence South 62 degrees 33 minutes 55 seconds East,202.93 feet; thence South 29 degrees 50 minutes 30 secondsEast, 66.72 feet; thence South 50 degrees 14 minutes 38seconds East, 79.48 feet to the terminus of the centerline ofthe herein described fifty foot wide easement, a plat of saideasement being attached hereto as Exhibit "B" the same as if copied in full herein.Grantor further reserves unto itself and its assigns, a 50 footwide perpetual, non-exclusive easement for ingress andegress over and across the above described property that isherein conveyed to Grantee for the purpose of Grantor to ac-cess property that is owned by Grantor, said property beingdescribed as Parcel I, and that is a 10.2 acre tract of land inDeed dated September 12, 1989 and recorded in Deed Book878 at Page 520, and Grantee, by acceptance of this Deedagrees to grant Grantor full access over and across saideasement describe herein, so Grantor will have access to hisproperty, which lies southeasterly of the eastern boundaryline of the property conveyed to Grantee herein.The sale of this property will be made subject to any and allprior liens against said property and I will convey only such title as is vested in me as Trustee.WITNESS my signature on this the 21st day of July, 2010.______________G. K. MIHALYKATrusteeG. K. MihalykaAttorney at Law919 Belmont StreetP. O. Box 1446Vicksburg, MS 39181601-638-4151FAX: 601-638-9181MSB #03016Publish: 7/22, 7/29, 8/5, 8/12(4t)

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01. LegalsSEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1IN THE CHANCERYCOURT OF WARRENCOUNTY, MISSISSIPPIRE: IN THE MATTER OFTHE ESTATE OFJOHNNYE MURIEL OSENBAUGH, DECEASEDCAUSE NO: 2010-096PRNOTICE TO CREDITORSOF JOHNNYE MURIEL OSENBAUGHNOTICE is hereby given thatLetters Testamentary on theEstate of Johnnye Muriel Osenbaugh, deceased, Probate No. 2010-096PR,were granted to the under-signed by the ChanceryCourt of Warren County,Mississippi on the 22nd dayof July, 2010, and all persons having claimsagainst said estate are hereby notified and requiredto have the same probatedand registered by the Clerkof said Court as required bylaw within ninety (90) daysfrom date of first publicationof this notice. Failure to doso will forever bar suchclaims.WITNESS my signature thisthe 3rd day of August, 2010./s/ PAMELA RENEE BALDWIN, EXECUTRIX OF THE ESTATE OF JOHNNYE MURIEL OSENBAUGH, DECEASEDPublish: 8/12, 8/19, 8/26(3t)

IN THE CHANCERYCOURT OF WARRENCOUNTY, MISSISSIPPIIN RE: ESTATE OF VIVIAN G. REGAN,DECEASEDPROBATE NO: 2010-0105 PRNOTICE TO CREDITORSVIVIAN G. REGANLetters Testamentary on theEstate of the above decedent having been granted on the 5th day of August, 2010 by theChancery Court of Warren County, Mississippi to the undersigned Executor of theEstate of Vivian G. Regan,deceased, notice is herebygiven to all persons havingclaims against said estate topresent said claims to theClerk of this Court for probate and registration according to law,within ninety (90) days fromthe first publication of this notice orsaid claims will be forever barred.THIS the 5th day of August, 2010JAMES R. SHERARD, ExecutorPublish: 8/12, 8/19, 8/26(3t)

NOTICE TO THE CREDITORS OFTHE ESTATE OF ROBERT J. SAMUELL, SR.,DECEASEDCAUSE NO. 2010-099PRLetters Testamentary in theEstate of Robert J. Samuell,Sr. having been granted tothe undersigned on the 29thday of July, 2010, by theChancery Court of Warren County, notice ishereby given to all persons having claimsagainst said Estate to havesame probated, registeredand allowed by the Clerk ofsaid Court within ninety (90)days from the 1st date ofpublication of this noticewhich is the 12th day of August, 2010, or they will beforever barred by operationof law.Dated this the 9th day of August, 2010._________________

Starlette VarnellExecutrixJ. Allen Derivaux, Jr.Attorney-At-Law1100 Clay StreetVicksburg, MS 39183Publish: 8/12, 8/19, 8/26(3t)

SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'SNOTICE OF SALEWHEREAS, on January 12,2006, Bradford Leon Smith,Sr. and Adriane SheliaSmith (Adreine SheliaSmith), husband and wife,executed a Deed of Trust toJim B. Tohill, Trustee for theuse and benefit ofAmeriquest Mortgage Company, which Deed ofTrust is on file and of recordin the office of the ChanceryClerk of Warren County, Mississippi, in Deed of TrustBook 1581 at Page 89thereof; andWHEREAS, said Deed ofTrust was assigned toDeutsche Bank NationalTrust Company, as Trusteefor, Ameriquest MortgageSecurities Inc., Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2006-R2,Under the Pooling and Servicing Agreement DatedMarch 1, 2006, by assignment on file and ofrecord in the office of theChancery Clerk of WarrenCounty, Mississippi, in Book1490 at Page 840 thereof;andWHEREAS, the legal holderof the said Deed of Trust andthe note secured thereby,substituted Bradley P. Jones,as Trustee therein, as authorized by the termsthereof, by instrumentrecorded in the office of theaforesaid Chancery Clerk inBook 1510 at Page 162,thereof; and WHEREAS, default havingbeen made in the perfor-mance of the conditions andstipulations as set forth bysaid Deed of Trust, and having been requested bythe legal holder of the indebtedness secured anddescribed by said Deed ofTrust so to do, notice is here-by given that I, Bradley P.Jones, Substitute Trustee, byvirtue of the authority con-ferred upon me in said Deedof Trust, will offer for saleand will sell at public saleand outcry to the highest andbest bidder for cash, duringthe legal hours (between thehours of 11 o'clock a.m. and4 o'clock p.m.) at the Westfront door of the CountyCourthouse of Warren County, at Vicksburg, Mississippi, on the 2nd dayof September, 2010, the following described land andproperty being the same landand property described insaid Deed of Trust, situatedin Warren County, State ofMississippi, to-wit:All of Lot Three (3) of thesurvey of Lots One (1), Two(2), Three (3) and Four (4) ofBroadmoor Subdivision, asubdivision according to amap or plat thereof on fileand of record in the Office ofthe Chancery Clerk of Warren County at Vicksburg,Mississippi, in Book 352,Page 82, reference to whichis hereby made.Title to the above describedproperty is believed to begood, but I will convey onlysuch title as is vested in meas Substitute Trustee. WITNESS my signature, onthis the 6th day of August,2010._____________________BRADLEY P. JONESSUBSTITUTE TRUSTEEPREPARED BY: ADAMS & EDENSPOST OFFICE BOX 400BRANDON, MISSISSIPPI39043(601) 825-9508A&E File #26790Publish: 8/12, 8/19, 8/26(3t)

11. BusinessOpportunities

01. Legals

SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'SNOTICE OF SALEWHEREAS, on January 12,2006, Bradford Leon Smith,Sr. and Adriane SheliaSmith (Adreine SheliaSmith), husband and wife,executed a Deed of Trust toJim B. Tohill, Trustee for theuse and benefit ofAmeriquest Mortgage Company, which Deed ofTrust is on file and of recordin the office of the ChanceryClerk of Warren County, Mississippi, in Deed of TrustBook 1581 at Page 89thereof; andWHEREAS, said Deed ofTrust was assigned toDeutsche Bank NationalTrust Company, as Trusteefor, Ameriquest MortgageSecurities Inc., Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2006-R2,Under the Pooling and Servicing Agreement DatedMarch 1, 2006, by assignment on file and ofrecord in the office of theChancery Clerk of WarrenCounty, Mississippi, in Book1490 at Page 840 thereof;andWHEREAS, the legal holderof the said Deed of Trust andthe note secured thereby,substituted Bradley P. Jones,as Trustee therein, as authorized by the termsthereof, by instrumentrecorded in the office of theaforesaid Chancery Clerk inBook 1510 at Page 162,thereof; and WHEREAS, default havingbeen made in the perfor-mance of the conditions andstipulations as set forth bysaid Deed of Trust, and having been requested bythe legal holder of the indebtedness secured anddescribed by said Deed ofTrust so to do, notice is here-by given that I, Bradley P.Jones, Substitute Trustee, byvirtue of the authority con-ferred upon me in said Deedof Trust, will offer for saleand will sell at public saleand outcry to the highest andbest bidder for cash, duringthe legal hours (between thehours of 11 o'clock a.m. and4 o'clock p.m.) at the Westfront door of the CountyCourthouse of Warren County, at Vicksburg, Mississippi, on the 2nd dayof September, 2010, the following described land andproperty being the same landand property described insaid Deed of Trust, situatedin Warren County, State ofMississippi, to-wit:All of Lot Three (3) of thesurvey of Lots One (1), Two(2), Three (3) and Four (4) ofBroadmoor Subdivision, asubdivision according to amap or plat thereof on fileand of record in the Office ofthe Chancery Clerk of Warren County at Vicksburg,Mississippi, in Book 352,Page 82, reference to whichis hereby made.Title to the above describedproperty is believed to begood, but I will convey onlysuch title as is vested in meas Substitute Trustee. WITNESS my signature, onthis the 6th day of August,2010._____________________BRADLEY P. JONESSUBSTITUTE TRUSTEEPREPARED BY: ADAMS & EDENSPOST OFFICE BOX 400BRANDON, MISSISSIPPI39043(601) 825-9508A&E File #26790Publish: 8/12, 8/19, 8/26(3t)

MATTER - SET TAX RATE 2010 - 2011On motion of CommissionerNichols, seconded by Commissioner Rodgers, thetaxes for the fiscal year beginning July 2010 werefixed and levied as follows:In the matter of Tax Levy forfiscal year 2010 - 2011:Under and by virtue of theauthority of the Laws of theState of Mississippi and par-ticularly Chapter 154 of theActs of the Mississippi Legis-lature at the regular sessionof 1932, as approved April 6,1932, and any amendmentsthereof:It is hereby ordered by theBoard of Mississippi LeveeCommissioners that the tax-es for the current fiscal yearare fixed and ordered to becollected as follows, to-wit:A uniform tax of five cents($.05) per acre on each andevery acre of land and eachand every lot or parcel ofland divided into tracts ofless than one acre in thecounties of Bolivar, Washing-ton, Sharkey, Issaquena,Humphreys, and Warren, in-cluded in the MississippiLevee District, and not in anincorporated city, town or vil-lage in said district and a taxof five cents ($.05) on eachand every lot or parcel ofland containing one acre ofland and each lot or parcel ofland of less than one acre, inevery city, town, or village insaid district; andA uniform ad valorem tax of$0.00240 (2.40 mil) on theassessed valuation of allproperty, real and personaland all public service proper-ty lying and being situated inthe aforesaid counties in-cluded in the MississippiLevee District, as the sameshall appear upon the as-sessment rolls of said coun-ties, respectively.The Secretary of the Boardwas directed to send, by cer-tified mail, a certified copy ofthe foregoing tax levy to theTax Collectors of the severalcounties, and to give suchnotices and make such publi-cation thereof as required bylaw.Vote on said motion: AYES:Commissioners Ballard,Rodgers,Nichols, Burdine MATTER - PRIVILEGE TAX-ES ON PUBLIC UTILITIESFOR 2010 - 2011On motion of CommissionerNichols, seconded by Com-missioner Rodgers, the fol-lowing order was unani-mously adopted, fixing anannual privilege tax on publicutilities.BE IT ORDERED by theBoard of Mississippi LeveeCommissioners for the Mis-sissippi Levee District thatthe said Board of MississippiLevee Commissioners byand under the authority ofChapter 138 of the Laws ofthe Regular Session of theMississippi Legislature of1944, which was approvedon March 31, 1944, asamended by Chapter 536 ofthe Laws of the Regular Ses-sion of the Mississippi Legis-lature of 1950, and any otherlaws amendatory thereof,and Chapter 154 of the Lawsof the Regular Session theMississippi Legislature of1932, as approved April 6,1932, and any law or lawsamendatory thereof, hereinimposes and levies, andthere shall be collected AN-NUAL privilege taxes in addi-tion to any and all other tax-es imposed by law upon theperson, firms, co-partner-ships, associations, or corpo-rations for the privilege ofcarrying on and continuingthe businesses, activitiesand/or exercising powersand rights under the laws ofthe State of Mississippi,which said tax shall be leviedand collected as herein pro-vided:l. TELEPHONE COMPA-NIES: Upon each person orcompany engaged and/orcontinuing in this Levee Dis-trict for the business of oper-ating a telephone line for thetransmission of messagesand/or conversations to,from, through, in or acrossthis Levee District, a privi-lege tax fixed at the samerate as the privilege tax ratefixed by the State PrivilegeTax Code. 2. ELECTRIC LIGHT ANDPOWER COMPANIES:Upon each person or compa-ny engaging and/or continu-ing in this Levee District forthe business of operating aelectric light and/or electricpower plant or maintaining aline or lines for the transmis-sion of electricity, or electriccurrent for electric lights orelectric power, a privilege taxfixed at the same rate as theprivilege tax rate fixed by theState Privilege Tax Code. 3. RAILROAD COMPA-NIES: Upon each person orcompany engaging and/orcontinuing in this Levee Dis-trict for the business of oper-ating a railroad, a privilegetax fixed at the same rate asthe privilege tax rate fixed bythe State Privilege TaxCode. All applicable definitions andother provisions (except: (a)that a privilege license is-sued hereunder shall be lim-ited to this Levee District,and (b) the terms, "Officer" or"Collector", whose duty is tocollect privilege taxes,means and shall include ev-ery officer of the State ofMississippi of this Levee Dis-trict whose duty it is to collectprivilege taxes as by law pro-vided) of the State PrivilegeTax Code relating to each ofthe above persons or compa-nies shall be applicable tothe respective privilege taxeslevied hereunder.All privilege licenses shall begood, usable and valid forone year from the date there-of, unless a more limited pe-riod is shown, but no licenseshall be issued for a longerperiod than one year.It shall be the duty of theSecretary of this District tosend a notice to each personor company engaged and/orcontinuing in any business inthis Levee District hereinabove taxes of the impositionof the tax, and the tax shallbe paid to the Treasurer ofthis District on or before thefirst day of June of eachyear, (except railroad compa-nies, the privilege tax againstwhich shall be paid to theTreasurer on or before thefirst day of December ofeach year), but failure to re-ceive said notice or the fail-ure to send the same shallnot exempt the taxpayer fromthe payment of the taxes andsuch damages thereon asimposed by law.The privilege tax herein im-posed shall be for levee dis-trict-wide purposes and uponthe payment of the said taxto the Treasurer of this Dis-trict, a Levee District-wide li-cense shall be issued to thetaxpayer by the Treasurer ofthe Levee District, as hereinprovided.Vote on said motion: AYES:Commissioners Ballard,Rodgers, Nichols, BurdinePublish: 7/22, 7/29, 8/5, 8/12(4t)

18. Miscellaneou sFor Sale

01. Legals

MATTER - SET TAX RATE 2010 - 2011On motion of CommissionerNichols, seconded by Commissioner Rodgers, thetaxes for the fiscal year beginning July 2010 werefixed and levied as follows:In the matter of Tax Levy forfiscal year 2010 - 2011:Under and by virtue of theauthority of the Laws of theState of Mississippi and par-ticularly Chapter 154 of theActs of the Mississippi Legis-lature at the regular sessionof 1932, as approved April 6,1932, and any amendmentsthereof:It is hereby ordered by theBoard of Mississippi LeveeCommissioners that the tax-es for the current fiscal yearare fixed and ordered to becollected as follows, to-wit:A uniform tax of five cents($.05) per acre on each andevery acre of land and eachand every lot or parcel ofland divided into tracts ofless than one acre in thecounties of Bolivar, Washing-ton, Sharkey, Issaquena,Humphreys, and Warren, in-cluded in the MississippiLevee District, and not in anincorporated city, town or vil-lage in said district and a taxof five cents ($.05) on eachand every lot or parcel ofland containing one acre ofland and each lot or parcel ofland of less than one acre, inevery city, town, or village insaid district; andA uniform ad valorem tax of$0.00240 (2.40 mil) on theassessed valuation of allproperty, real and personaland all public service proper-ty lying and being situated inthe aforesaid counties in-cluded in the MississippiLevee District, as the sameshall appear upon the as-sessment rolls of said coun-ties, respectively.The Secretary of the Boardwas directed to send, by cer-tified mail, a certified copy ofthe foregoing tax levy to theTax Collectors of the severalcounties, and to give suchnotices and make such publi-cation thereof as required bylaw.Vote on said motion: AYES:Commissioners Ballard,Rodgers,Nichols, Burdine MATTER - PRIVILEGE TAX-ES ON PUBLIC UTILITIESFOR 2010 - 2011On motion of CommissionerNichols, seconded by Com-missioner Rodgers, the fol-lowing order was unani-mously adopted, fixing anannual privilege tax on publicutilities.BE IT ORDERED by theBoard of Mississippi LeveeCommissioners for the Mis-sissippi Levee District thatthe said Board of MississippiLevee Commissioners byand under the authority ofChapter 138 of the Laws ofthe Regular Session of theMississippi Legislature of1944, which was approvedon March 31, 1944, asamended by Chapter 536 ofthe Laws of the Regular Ses-sion of the Mississippi Legis-lature of 1950, and any otherlaws amendatory thereof,and Chapter 154 of the Lawsof the Regular Session theMississippi Legislature of1932, as approved April 6,1932, and any law or lawsamendatory thereof, hereinimposes and levies, andthere shall be collected AN-NUAL privilege taxes in addi-tion to any and all other tax-es imposed by law upon theperson, firms, co-partner-ships, associations, or corpo-rations for the privilege ofcarrying on and continuingthe businesses, activitiesand/or exercising powersand rights under the laws ofthe State of Mississippi,which said tax shall be leviedand collected as herein pro-vided:l. TELEPHONE COMPA-NIES: Upon each person orcompany engaged and/orcontinuing in this Levee Dis-trict for the business of oper-ating a telephone line for thetransmission of messagesand/or conversations to,from, through, in or acrossthis Levee District, a privi-lege tax fixed at the samerate as the privilege tax ratefixed by the State PrivilegeTax Code. 2. ELECTRIC LIGHT ANDPOWER COMPANIES:Upon each person or compa-ny engaging and/or continu-ing in this Levee District forthe business of operating aelectric light and/or electricpower plant or maintaining aline or lines for the transmis-sion of electricity, or electriccurrent for electric lights orelectric power, a privilege taxfixed at the same rate as theprivilege tax rate fixed by theState Privilege Tax Code. 3. RAILROAD COMPA-NIES: Upon each person orcompany engaging and/orcontinuing in this Levee Dis-trict for the business of oper-ating a railroad, a privilegetax fixed at the same rate asthe privilege tax rate fixed bythe State Privilege TaxCode. All applicable definitions andother provisions (except: (a)that a privilege license is-sued hereunder shall be lim-ited to this Levee District,and (b) the terms, "Officer" or"Collector", whose duty is tocollect privilege taxes,means and shall include ev-ery officer of the State ofMississippi of this Levee Dis-trict whose duty it is to collectprivilege taxes as by law pro-vided) of the State PrivilegeTax Code relating to each ofthe above persons or compa-nies shall be applicable tothe respective privilege taxeslevied hereunder.All privilege licenses shall begood, usable and valid forone year from the date there-of, unless a more limited pe-riod is shown, but no licenseshall be issued for a longerperiod than one year.It shall be the duty of theSecretary of this District tosend a notice to each personor company engaged and/orcontinuing in any business inthis Levee District hereinabove taxes of the impositionof the tax, and the tax shallbe paid to the Treasurer ofthis District on or before thefirst day of June of eachyear, (except railroad compa-nies, the privilege tax againstwhich shall be paid to theTreasurer on or before thefirst day of December ofeach year), but failure to re-ceive said notice or the fail-ure to send the same shallnot exempt the taxpayer fromthe payment of the taxes andsuch damages thereon asimposed by law.The privilege tax herein im-posed shall be for levee dis-trict-wide purposes and uponthe payment of the said taxto the Treasurer of this Dis-trict, a Levee District-wide li-cense shall be issued to thetaxpayer by the Treasurer ofthe Levee District, as hereinprovided.Vote on said motion: AYES:Commissioners Ballard,Rodgers, Nichols, BurdinePublish: 7/22, 7/29, 8/5, 8/12(4t)

18. Miscellaneou sFor Sale

01. LegalsSUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'SNOTICE OF SALEWHEREAS, on January 31,2005, Shingyhun Walker andAngela Walker, executed aDeed of Trust to RecontrustCompany, N.A., Trustee forthe use and benefit of Mort-gage Electronic RegistrationSystems, Inc., which Deed ofTrust is on file and of recordin the office of the ChanceryClerk of Warren County, Mississippi, in Deed of TrustBook 1513 at Page 819thereof; andWHEREAS, said Deed ofTrust was assigned to BACHome Loans Servicing, LP,fka Countrywide HomeLoans Servicing, LP, by assignment on file and ofrecord in the office of theChancery Clerk of WarrenCounty, Mississippi, in Book1502 at Page 60 thereof; andWHEREAS, the legal holderof the said Deed of Trust andthe note secured thereby,substituted Bradley P. Jones,as Trustee therein, as authorized by the termsthereof, by instrumentrecorded in the office of theaforesaid Chancery Clerk inBook 1508 at Page 452,thereof; andWHEREAS, default havingbeen made in the perfor-mance of the conditions andstipulations as set forth bysaid Deed of Trust, and having been requested bythe legal holder of the indebtedness secured anddescribed by said Deed ofTrust so to do, notice is hereby given that I, BradleyP. Jones, Substitute Trustee,by virtue of the authority conferred upon me in saidDeed of Trust, will offer forsale and will sell at publicsale and outcry to the high-est and best bidder for cash,during the legal hours (between the hours of 11 o'clock a.m. and 4 o'clockp.m.) at the West front doorof the County Courthouse ofWarren County, at Vicksburg, Mississippi, onthe 2nd day of September,2010, the following describedland and property being thesame land and property described in said Deed ofTrust, situated in WarrenCounty, State of Mississippi,to-wit:That certain land and property located in Lot 1 ofthe Clarence ThompsonSubdivision in Section 19,Township 16, Range 4 East,Warren County, Mississippi,as same is more particularlydescribed in Book 178 atPage 163 of the WarrenCounty Land Records in theOffice of the Chancery Clerkof Warren County, Mississip-pi, with plat attached thereto.Title to the above describedproperty is believed to begood, but I will convey onlysuch title as is vested in meas Substitute Trustee. WITNESS my signature, onthis the 5th day of August,2010.____________________BRADLEY P. JONESSUBSTITUTE TRUSTEEPREPARED BY: ADAMS &EDENSPOST OFFICE BOX 400BRANDON, MISSISSIPPI39043(601) 825-9508A&E File #25812Publish: 8/12, 8/19, 8/26(3t)

NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTETRUSTEE'S SALEBy virtue of that certain Deed of Trust made on the24th day of April, 2006, byGordon B. White and PhylisF. White to Robert B. Andrews, Trustee, subsequently replaced by B. Blake Teller, SubstitutedTrustee, pursuant to validSubstitution of Trustee whichis recorded in Deed Book1506 at Page 799 of theLand Records of WarrenCounty, Mississippi, to se-cure certain indebtednesstherein mentioned for thebenefit of RiverHills Bank,which Deed of Trust is dulyrecorded in Book 1587 atPage 830 of the Records ofMortgages and Deeds ofTrust on Land in the Office of the Chancery Clerk ofWarren County, Mississippi;and pursuant to the powerand authority vested in me,as Substituted Trustee, andat the request of the owner ofsaid indebtedness, defaulthaving been made in thepayment due thereunder asdescribed in PromissoryNote by said Deed of Trustsecured and the payment ofthe interest thereunder ac-cruing and the holder and theowner of the Note havingelected under the terms ofsaid Deed of Trust to declaresaid Note due and payableas by said Deed of Trust authorized, and the same remaining unpaid, I, B. BlakeTeller, as SubstitutedTrustee, will between the legal hours of 11:00 a.m. and4:00 p.m. on Friday, the 20thday of August, 2010, at themain front door of the CherryStreet side of the countycourthouse in Vicksburg,Warren County, Mississippi,expose for sale at publicauction to the highest andbest bidder for cash the following described propertyconveyed by said Deed ofTrust, said property being situated in Warren County,State of Mississippi, beingdescribed as follows:All of Lot 8 of Camelot Es-tates, Part 1, per plat ofrecord in Plat Book 3 atPage 23 of the LandRecords in the office of theChancery Clerk of WarrenCounty, Mississippi.The undersigned will onlyconvey such title as is vested in me as SubstitutedTrustee.WITNESS my signature thisthe 22nd day of July, 2010./s/ B. Blake TellerB. BLAKE TELLERSubstituted TrusteePublish: 7/29, 8/5, 8/12, 8/19(4t)

01. Legals

NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTETRUSTEE'S SALEBy virtue of that certain Deed of Trust made on the24th day of April, 2006, byGordon B. White and PhylisF. White to Robert B. Andrews, Trustee, subsequently replaced by B. Blake Teller, SubstitutedTrustee, pursuant to validSubstitution of Trustee whichis recorded in Deed Book1506 at Page 799 of theLand Records of WarrenCounty, Mississippi, to se-cure certain indebtednesstherein mentioned for thebenefit of RiverHills Bank,which Deed of Trust is dulyrecorded in Book 1587 atPage 830 of the Records ofMortgages and Deeds ofTrust on Land in the Office of the Chancery Clerk ofWarren County, Mississippi;and pursuant to the powerand authority vested in me,as Substituted Trustee, andat the request of the owner ofsaid indebtedness, defaulthaving been made in thepayment due thereunder asdescribed in PromissoryNote by said Deed of Trustsecured and the payment ofthe interest thereunder ac-cruing and the holder and theowner of the Note havingelected under the terms ofsaid Deed of Trust to declaresaid Note due and payableas by said Deed of Trust authorized, and the same remaining unpaid, I, B. BlakeTeller, as SubstitutedTrustee, will between the legal hours of 11:00 a.m. and4:00 p.m. on Friday, the 20thday of August, 2010, at themain front door of the CherryStreet side of the countycourthouse in Vicksburg,Warren County, Mississippi,expose for sale at publicauction to the highest andbest bidder for cash the following described propertyconveyed by said Deed ofTrust, said property being situated in Warren County,State of Mississippi, beingdescribed as follows:All of Lot 8 of Camelot Es-tates, Part 1, per plat ofrecord in Plat Book 3 atPage 23 of the LandRecords in the office of theChancery Clerk of WarrenCounty, Mississippi.The undersigned will onlyconvey such title as is vested in me as SubstitutedTrustee.WITNESS my signature thisthe 22nd day of July, 2010./s/ B. Blake TellerB. BLAKE TELLERSubstituted TrusteePublish: 7/29, 8/5, 8/12, 8/19(4t)

Statewide Publishing LLCPO Box 768170Roswell, GA 30076SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'SNOTICE OF SALE STATEOF MISSISSIPPI COUNTYOF WARREN WHEREAS,on April 24, 2006, Gordon B.White and Phylis F. Whiteexecuted and delivered acertain Deed of Trust untoJohn H. Shows, Trustee forthe benefit of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., acting solelyas a nominee for RiverHillsBank, its successors and assigns, to secure an indebtedness therein described, which Deed ofTrust is recorded in the officeof the Chancery Clerk ofWarren County, Mississippiin Book 1587, Page 420; andWHEREAS, said Deed ofTrust was subsequently assigned unto Chase Home Finance LLC, by instrumentrecorded in the Office of theaforesaid Chancery Clerk inBook 1510, Page 688; andWHEREAS, the holder ofsaid Deed of Trust substitut-ed and appointed NationwideTrustee Services, Inc., asTrustee in said Deed of Trustby instrument recorded in theOffice of the aforesaidChancery Clerk Book 1510,Page 689; and WHEREAS,default having been made inthe payments of indebtedness secured bysaid Deed of Trust, and theholder of said Deed of Trust,having requested the undersigned so to do, onSeptember 2, 2010, I will,during legal hours (betweenthe hours of 11 o' clock a.m.and 4 o' clock p.m.), at publicoutcry, offer for sale and willsell, at the Front door Stepsof the Warren County Courthouse in Vicksburg,Mississippi, for cash to thehighest bidder, the followingdescribed land and propertysituated in Warren County,Mississippi, to-wit: All of Lot7, Camelot Estates Subdivi-sion, Part 1, as recorded inPlat Book 3, Page 23 of theLand Records of WarrenCounty, Mississippi. Title tothe above described propertyis believed to be good, but Iwill convey only such title asis vested in me as Substituted Trustee. WITNESS MY SIGNATURE,this the 27th day of July,2010 Christian Mayer Christian Mayer, Assistant Vice President Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc. 1587 Northeast Expressway Atlanta, GA 30329 (770)234-9181 ext 1023674MS Publish: 8/12, 8/26(2t)

01. Legals

Statewide Publishing LLCPO Box 768170Roswell, GA 30076SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'SNOTICE OF SALE STATEOF MISSISSIPPI COUNTYOF WARREN WHEREAS,on April 24, 2006, Gordon B.White and Phylis F. Whiteexecuted and delivered acertain Deed of Trust untoJohn H. Shows, Trustee forthe benefit of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., acting solelyas a nominee for RiverHillsBank, its successors and assigns, to secure an indebtedness therein described, which Deed ofTrust is recorded in the officeof the Chancery Clerk ofWarren County, Mississippiin Book 1587, Page 420; andWHEREAS, said Deed ofTrust was subsequently assigned unto Chase Home Finance LLC, by instrumentrecorded in the Office of theaforesaid Chancery Clerk inBook 1510, Page 688; andWHEREAS, the holder ofsaid Deed of Trust substitut-ed and appointed NationwideTrustee Services, Inc., asTrustee in said Deed of Trustby instrument recorded in theOffice of the aforesaidChancery Clerk Book 1510,Page 689; and WHEREAS,default having been made inthe payments of indebtedness secured bysaid Deed of Trust, and theholder of said Deed of Trust,having requested the undersigned so to do, onSeptember 2, 2010, I will,during legal hours (betweenthe hours of 11 o' clock a.m.and 4 o' clock p.m.), at publicoutcry, offer for sale and willsell, at the Front door Stepsof the Warren County Courthouse in Vicksburg,Mississippi, for cash to thehighest bidder, the followingdescribed land and propertysituated in Warren County,Mississippi, to-wit: All of Lot7, Camelot Estates Subdivi-sion, Part 1, as recorded inPlat Book 3, Page 23 of theLand Records of WarrenCounty, Mississippi. Title tothe above described propertyis believed to be good, but Iwill convey only such title asis vested in me as Substituted Trustee. WITNESS MY SIGNATURE,this the 27th day of July,2010 Christian Mayer Christian Mayer, Assistant Vice President Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc. 1587 Northeast Expressway Atlanta, GA 30329 (770)234-9181 ext 1023674MS Publish: 8/12, 8/26(2t)

IN THE CHANCERYCOURT OF WARRENCOUNTY, MISSISSIPPIIN THE MATTER OF THEESTATEOF JIM ELLA WILLIAMS,DECEASEDCAUSE NO. 2004-183-PRSUMMONS BY PUBLICATIONTHE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI TO: THE HEIRS AT LAWOF JIM ELLA WILLIAMS,Deceased, who are believedto be non-residents of theState of Mississippi, whosenames and addresses, bothpost office and street addresses, are unknown after diligent search and inquiry.You have been made a Defendant in the suit filed inthis Court by RUTHA EASTMAN, Administratrix,initiating a civil action alleg-ing that all the heirs includingherself are known to theCourt, and seeking an adjudication of such heirship.Pursuant to Rule 81 of Mississippi Rules of CivilProcedure you are summoned to appear anddefend against said petitionat 10:30 O'clock A.M. on the8th day of September, 2010,in the courtroom of the Warren County Courthouseat Vicksburg, Mississippi,and in case of your failure toappear and defend a judgment will be enteredagainst you for the money orother things demanded in thepetition. You are not requiredto file an answer or otherpleading but you may do soif you desire.Issued under my hand andthe seal of said Court, this30th day of July, 2010.(Seal) /s/ Mary Flaggs, D.C.Chancery Clerk of WarrenCounty, MississippiPublish: 8/5, 8/12, 8/19(3t)

01. Legals

IN THE CHANCERYCOURT OF WARRENCOUNTY, MISSISSIPPIIN THE MATTER OF THEESTATEOF JIM ELLA WILLIAMS,DECEASEDCAUSE NO. 2004-183-PRSUMMONS BY PUBLICATIONTHE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI TO: THE HEIRS AT LAWOF JIM ELLA WILLIAMS,Deceased, who are believedto be non-residents of theState of Mississippi, whosenames and addresses, bothpost office and street addresses, are unknown after diligent search and inquiry.You have been made a Defendant in the suit filed inthis Court by RUTHA EASTMAN, Administratrix,initiating a civil action alleg-ing that all the heirs includingherself are known to theCourt, and seeking an adjudication of such heirship.Pursuant to Rule 81 of Mississippi Rules of CivilProcedure you are summoned to appear anddefend against said petitionat 10:30 O'clock A.M. on the8th day of September, 2010,in the courtroom of the Warren County Courthouseat Vicksburg, Mississippi,and in case of your failure toappear and defend a judgment will be enteredagainst you for the money orother things demanded in thepetition. You are not requiredto file an answer or otherpleading but you may do soif you desire.Issued under my hand andthe seal of said Court, this30th day of July, 2010.(Seal) /s/ Mary Flaggs, D.C.Chancery Clerk of WarrenCounty, MississippiPublish: 8/5, 8/12, 8/19(3t)

SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1IN THE CHANCERYCOURT OF WARRENCOUNTY, MISSISSIPPIRE: IN THE MATTER OFTHE ESTATE OFBETTY FIFE WILSON, DECEASEDCAUSE NO: 2010-097PRNOTICE TO CREDITORSOF BETTY FIFE WILSONNOTICE is hereby given thatLetters Testamentary on theEstate of Betty Fife Wilson,deceased, Probate No.2010-097PR, were grantedto the undersigned by theChancery Court of WarrenCounty, Mississippi on the23rd day of July, 2010, andall persons having claimsagainst said estate are hereby notified and requiredto have the same probatedand registered by the Clerkof said Court as required bylaw within ninety (90) daysfrom date of first publicationof this notice. Failure to doso will forever bar suchclaims.WITNESS my signature this the 27th day of July, 2010./s/ JAMES T. WILSON, EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE OF BETTY FIFE WILSON, DECEASEDPublish: 8/5, 8/12, 8/19(3t)

02. Public Service

2 FREE PUPPIES, 1 fe-male, one male. Part BorderCollie. 601-636-4009.

FREE KITTEN TO goodhome. Female tabby, 6weeks old, kept inside, litterbox trained. 601-630-7621.

KEEP UP WITH all the lo-cal news and sales...Sub-scribe to The VicksburgPost TODAY!! Call 601-636-4545, Circulation.

05. Notices

Center ForPregnancy ChoicesFree Pregnancy Tests

(non-medical facility)· Education on All

Options· Confidential Coun-

selingCall 601-638-2778

for apptwww.vicksburgpregnan-


Is the one youlove

hurting you?Call

Haven House FamilyShelter

601-638-0555 or1-800-898-0860

Services available towomen & children who are

victims of domestic violence and/or homeless: Shelter, coun-seling, group support.(Counseling available by


NOVENA TO ST. JUDE –O holy St. Jude, Apostleand matyr, near kinsman ofJesus Christ, faithful inter-cessor of all who invokeyour special patronage ontime of need, to you I haverecourse from the depth ofmy heart and humbly beg towhom God has given suchgreat power to come to myassistance. Help me in mypresent and urgent petition.In return, I promise to makeyour name known andcause you to be invoked.Say 3 Our Fathers, 3 HailMarys, and 3 Glorys. Publi-cation must be promised St.Jude. Pray for us and allwho invoke your aid. Amen.This novena has neverbeen known to fail. KD



Check our listings to

find the help you


• Contractors• Electricians • Roofers • Plumbers • Landscapers

The Vicksburg Post Thursday, August 12, 2010 B7

Page 18: 081210

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ENDING HOMELESS-NESS. WOMEN with chil-dren or without are you inneed of shelter? Mountainof Faith Ministries/ Wom-en's Restoration Shelter.Certain restrictions apply,601-661-8990. Life coach-ing available by appoint-ment.

KEEP UP WITH all thelocal news and sales...-subscribe to The Vicks-burg Post Today! Call

601-636-4545, ask for Circulation.

RunawayAre you 12 to 17?Alone? Scared?

Call 601-634-0640 any-time or 1-800-793-8266

We can help!One child,

one day at a time.

VICKSBURG ANTIQUEBOTTLE and PostageStamp Show. Two shows inone! Saturday August 14,9am- 5pm. Battlefield Inn.Admission $2. Information601-638-1195.

06. Lost & Found

FOUND! BLACK FLUFFYmedium size dog in theKings area. Call to identify601-618-3951

FOUND!! FEMALEGOLDEN Retriever/ Lab ?Light beige cream, longhair. Beautiful eyes. Lookslike she just had puppies.601-630-0087.

LOST A DOG? Found a cat? Let The

Vicksburg Post help! Run a FREE 3 day ad!

601-636-SELL or e-mail classifieds@vicksburg


LOST!! SINGING HILLRoad, Redbone Road area.Black and white Feistmixed. Blue camoflauge col-lar, 11 years old. Needsmedicine. 601-636-4202.

LOST DOG!! 7 month oldblack female Labrador Re-triever. Very friendly,Porter's Chapel/ ClaytonDrive area. 601-638-1994.

24. BusinessServices

07. Help Wanted


to 5:30pm, Pay/ commis-sion rate based on experi-

ence and qulifications.Contact Service Manager

at 601-636-7777 or fax resume to 601-501-4322

or e-mail service@georgecar.

com EOE

07. Help Wanted

�������������� �������������������������������������������������

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)*)*��#��� ��������

���������������' �+��"NOW HIRING! CAR

WASHING ATTENDANTS.Pick up job applications at3530 Pemberton Boulevard.

THE BODYSHOP ATGeorge Carr is currentlyseeking a Prep Techni-

cian (painter's assistant).Hours Monday- Friday7:30am to 5:30pm. Pay

based on Experience andQualifications. Apply in

person to Jamie Eakes inthe Body Shop, Monday-Friday, 9am-3pm. EOE.

09. Child CareIN HOME CHILD care.

Reasonable rates, Call Be-linda 601-631-1115.

10. Loans AndInvestments

“WE CAN ERASE yourbad credit- 100% guaran-teed.” The Federal TradeCommission says the onlylegitimate credit repairstarts and ends with you. Ittakes time and a consciouseffort to pay your debts.Any company that claims tobe able to fix your creditlegally is lying. Learn aboutmanaging credit and debt atftc.gov/credit

A message from TheVicksburg Post and theFTC.

24. BusinessServices

14. Pets &Livestock



Has Availablefor Adoption:

35 Dogs43 Cats1 Horse

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NEUTER YOUR PETS!Look for us on


14. Pets &Livestock


Poodles and Schnauzers$400 and up!

601-218-5533, ��������������� �����

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littlecreekpuppies.comCKC Shih tzus ready now.$200 and up. 318-237-5156.

Foster aHomeless



NICE, FAT HAPPY puppies.Several cute babies that havehad all shots and wormed.Ready for a family to love. SmallToy Poodles, small Chihuahuas,Shih-Tzus, Shorkie, Shiffons,Chorkie, Yorkies. All health guar-anteed. Certified Pet RegistrationClub. Prices due to heat, oilproblems and school openings.$50- $600. Delhi 318-680-2100.

15. AuctionLOOKING FOR A great

value? Subscribe to TheVicksburg Post, 601-636-4545, ask for Circulation.

17. Wanted ToBuy

WE HAUL OFF old appli-ances, lawn mowers, hot waterheaters, junk and abandonedcars, trucks, vans, etcetera.601-940-5075, if no answer,please leave message.

24. BusinessServices

18. Miscellaneou sFor Sale

2 EXMARK WALK behindmowers with sulky's! 1, 60inch, 1, 48 inch. $3,500 and$1,200 or best offer. 601-618-4112

THE PET SHOP“Vicksburg’s Pet Boutique”3508 South Washington Street

DESIGNERS, DESIGNERSFor that Special Tiny One or That

Special Big One!Designer Collars,

harnesses & leadsNow Available. Great

Variety! Fancy, Fancy!

18. Miscellaneou sFor Sale

2003 ANNIVERSARYSERIES Harley Sportster883, Bedroom Suite, smalldorm refrigerator, antiquedresser with beautiful woodcarved mirroe, marble top.601-415-9972.

35 ton low boy trailer, $5,000o.b.o, 201 VOLVO TRACTOR TRUCK

N14 Double deck sleeper, Lowmileage, clean as a hounds tooth,$13,000 o.b.o. 1997 KENWORTH

900, Cat engine, double decksleeper, low mileage. Clean as a

hounds tooth. $13,000 o.b.o 601-638-9233.

AMANA WASHER ANDWhirlpool dryer. $150 forset. 601-994-3339.

BLUE OX TOW bar forsale $300. 601-636-8721,601-415-3867.

CAPTAIN JACK'SSHRIMP Special! Frozen,headless, 5 pounds-$24.99. Also Froglegs, Alli-gator, Crawfish Tails.Thursday, Friday, Saturday.601-638-7001.

FOR LESS THAN 45cents per day, haveThe Vicksburg Post

delivered to your home.Only $14 per month,

7 day delivery.Call 601-636-4545,

Circulation Department.

GOING OUT OF BUSI-NESS SALE! Clothing,shoes, etcetera. Thursdaythrough Sunday, 7am-5pm.3101 Valley Street. All mer-chandise is new.

GOING OUT OF BUSI-NESS SALE! Clothing,shoes, etcetera. Thursdaythrough Sunday, 7am-5pm.3101 Valley Street. All mer-chandise is new.

KOHLERT SAXO-PHONE. Band approved.

Paid $800, will take $500 orbest offer. 601-636-0960.

POULAN PRO LAWNTractor. 42 inch deck, auto-matic transmission, greatcondition. $500 or best of-fer. 601-415-1047.

YAMAHA TROMBONE.Good condition, school ap-proved. $125. 601-618-8477.

24. BusinessServices

19. Garage &Yard Sales

210 OLD HIGHWAY 27,parking lot of J&H UsedCars, Saturday, 7am-12noon, clothes (adult andchildren), household items,carpet squares, ceiling tile,exterior doors.

19. Garage &Yard Sales

GOING OUT OF BUSI-NESS SALE! Clothing,shoes, etcetera. Thursdaythrough Sunday, 7am-5pm.3101 Valley Street. All mer-chandise is new.

STILL HAVE STUFF after your Garage Sale?Donate your items to

The Salvation Army, we pick-up!

Call 601-636-2706.

What's going on inVicksburg this weekend?Read The Vicksburg Post!

For convenient home deliv-ery call 601-636-4545, ask

for circulation.

07. Help Wanted

20. Hunting

HANDI RIFLE. 500 Mag-num, like new. $200. 601-618-1514.

THIRD ANNUAL DOVEhunt September 4. BearLake Lodge, Rolling ForkMississippi. Call Tim Car-penter 601-279-6210 forreservation information.

21. Boats,Fishing Supplies

What's going on in Vicks-burg this weekend? ReadThe Vicksburg Post! Forconvenient home delivery,call 601-636-4545, ask forcirculation.

22. MusicalInstruments

YAMAHA TRUMPET.Good condition. $300. 601-437-4091.

07. Help Wanted

24. BusinessServices

• BankruptcyChapter 7 and 13

• Social Seurity Disability• No-fault Divorce

Toni Walker TerrettAttorney At Law


07. Help Wanted

24. BusinessServices



(all types!)•30 yrs exp •1,000’s of ref

Licensed • Insured601-618-0367

DIRT AND GRAVELhauled. 8 yard truck. 601-638-6740.

Malone Home ImprovementsHonest Work for an Honest Price

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Free EstimatesRonnie Malone

(601)738-0884 (601)663-6587

•Vinyl siding •Sheetrock •Additions •Decks•Metal/Shingle roofs•Ceramic/ Laminate Flooring


your errands (groceries, Dr. appointment, airports) Yardwork, organization of home or

office, painting. References if needed. CCaallll 660011--661188--33114477.

24. BusinessServices

OUT OF SHAPE? Work outwith me and you WILL loseweight. Personal trainer avail-able. Call Jen 601-630-9530.

River City Lawn CareYou grow it - we mow it!Affordable and profes-

sional. Lawn and land-scape maintenance. Cut, bag, trim, edge.


27. Room s ForRent

$350 MONTHLY, $75DEPOSIT. Central air,phone, cable television, pri-vate bath. 601-272-4564.

07. Help Wanted

28. FurnishedApartments

Completely furnished 1 bed-room and Studio Apartments.

All utilities paid including ca-ble and internet. Enclosedcourtyard, Laundry room.

Great location. $750 - $900month. 601-415-9027,


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Send a loving message to yourGrandparents! On Sunday, September

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Eagle Lake $72,500Weekender mobile home sitson 2 lots, master BR and BAwith whirlpool tub, sep. from

other 2 large BR, large walk-incloset in master BR, bar in

large kitchen, screened porchand deck in back, porch on

front. 800 SF boat shed.Very clean, well maintained.

Bette Paul Warner601-218-1800

[email protected] Real Estate 28. Furnished


Fully furnished. $800 monthly,utilities, weekly cleaning, offstreet parking. 601-661-9747.

EXCELLENT IN-TOWNlocation. 1 bedroom fur-nished, private parking, de-posit and references required.$450 monthly. 601-218-6208.

40. Cars & Trucks

29. UnfurnishedApartments

$450 MONTHLY! 1 bed-room, gated community,hardwood, washer/ dryer,central heat/ air, elderly anddisabled welcome, 1115 FirstNorth. 512-787-7840.

1 AND 2 BEDROOMS withrefrigerator and stove.

$400 monthly, $200 deposit.601-634-8290.

1 BEDROOM, NEARdowntown. $450, lease, ref-erences required. Broker/owner. 601-634-1548.

1, 2 AND 3 bedroom unitsavailable. Phone 601-636-0447 for information/ viewing.8am-5pm.


• 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apts.• Beautifully Landscaped

• Lake Surrounds Community• Pool • Fireplace

• Spacious Floor Plans601-629-6300

www.thelandingsvicksburg.com501 Fairways Drive


Voted #1 Apartments in the2009 Reader’s Choice


1, 2 & 3Bedrooms

605 Cain Ridge Rd.Vicksburg, MS





Newly remodeled 2 and3 bedrooms. Paid cable,water and trash.Washer,

dryer and microwaveincluded. Ask aboutour move in special.Call 601-415-8735 or

29. UnfurnishedApartmentsDUPLEX FOR RENT

all electric central air/heat,refrigerator, stove $600monthly $600 deposit 817-797-7991

LARGE 1 BEDROOM.Newly remodeled, Drum-mond Street. $485 monthly,deposit required. 601-529-8983, 601-415-4818.

29. UnfurnishedApartments

30. HousesFor Rent

$700 MONTHLY , $700deposit Section 8 ok, 3 bed-room, 1 ½ bath, centralheat, air. 220 1st Avenue.601-272-4564.

3 BEDROOM, 1 BATHnear LeTourneau. $650monthly, $300 deposit. 601-529-0884.

3 or 4 BEDROOMS- Rent $1,000 and up! 721

National, 418 Groome732-768-5743

AVAILABLE AUGUST 15,large older home, 3 bed-room 2 bath, fenced backand front yard, Warren Cen-tral school district, close totown $1,195 a month. 601-831-4506.

LOS COLINAS. SMALL 2Bedroom, 2 Bath Cottage.Close in, nice. $795 month-ly. 601-831-4506.

30. HousesFor Rent

SMALL HOUSE. IN townlocation. Call 601-636-0540for details.

31. Mobile HomesFor Rent

3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH16x80. 14X70, 2 bedroom, 1bath. Call 601-218-2307, 601-218-5656.

MEADOWBROOKPROPERTIES. 2 or 3 bed-room mobile homes, southcounty. Deposit required.


32. Mobile HomesFor Sale

5 BEDROOM, 2 bath,28x80. Like new, Paid$85,000, sell for $55,000firm. 601-218-2678.

FORECLOSURE28X80 4 BR, 2 Baths,

1/2 Acre LotNew Carpet, Paint,

Deck, Skirting, 2150 sq. ft.

FHA Financing600 Credit Score

Call 601-218-0140or 601-218-2582

1990 SOUTHERN 16X80.$7000! Call John, 601-672-5146.





29. UnfurnishedApartments

33. Commercia lProperty

BUILDING FOR SALE orLease. 1905B Mission 66.Broker/ Owner Greg. 601-291-1148.

33. Commercia lProperty


1911 Mission 66Office or Retail

Suite B-Apprx. 2450 sq. ft.Great Location!

Easy Access!High Visability!

Brian Moore RealtyConnie - Owner/ Agent


29. UnfurnishedApartments

34. HousesFor Sale

117 THORNHILL. 3 bed-rooms, 2 baths home on 2acres, 1300+ square feet.

First time home ownersmay qualify for special fi-

nancing that puts you in thishome for zero down and ef-

fective monthly notes of$462.23. Call Eric 601-529-

9448, Coldwell Banker.Disclaimer: (This effective

monthly note is based on$89,900, 0 down, 4.5% inter-est rate, APR of 4.5%. Pay-ments based ona 30 year

mortgage and Mortgage Cred-it Certificate is included.)


2150 South Frontage Road bkbank.comMember FDIC

� FHA & VA� Conventional� Construction� First -time


Candy FranciscoMortgage Originator


29. UnfurnishedApartments

34. HousesFor Sale

Open Hours:Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:30pm

601-634-89282170 S. I-20 Frontage Rd.


Rental includingCorporate Apartments


Big River Realty


Rely on 20 yearsof experience in

Real Estate.

DAVID A. BREWER601-631-0065

14 INDIAN HILLS5 BR, 3.5BA home

on 4.6acres on




Privacyfencedyard w/patio.

29. UnfurnishedApartments

34. HousesFor Sale

McMillinReal Estate601-636-8193


Judy Uzzle-Ashley....601-994-4663Mary D. Barnes.........601-966-1665Stacie Bowers-Griffin...601-218-9134Rip Hoxie, Land Pro....601-260-9149Jill Waring Upchurch....601-906-5012Carla Watson...............601-415-4179Andrea Upchurch.......601-831-6490Broker, GRI


Licensed inMS and LA

Jones & UpchurchReal Estate Agency

1803 Clay Streetwww.jonesandupchurch.com

Kay Odom..........601-638-2443Kay Hobson.......601-638-8512Jake Strait...........601-218-1258Bob Gordon........601-831-0135Tony Jordan........601-630-6461Alex Monsour.....601-415-7274Jay Hobson..........601-456-1318Kai Mason...........601-218-5623Daryl Hollingsworth..601-415-5549Sybil Caraway....601-218-2869Catherine Roy....601-831-5790Rick McAllister..601-218-1150Mincer Minor.....601-529-0893Jim Hobson.........601-415-0211




34. HousesFor Sale

4022 HIGHWAY 27, 3bedroom, 2 bath home.Owner financing. Ward RealEstate 601-634-6898.


sale. Owner financing.Ward Real Estate. 601-634-6898.

29. UnfurnishedApartments

40. Cars & Trucks


Gary’s Cars for Less3524 Hwy 61 South

601-883-9995Has a financing programTo fit your needs. Yourpaystub is your credit!

For pre-approvalwww.garyscfl.com

29. UnfurnishedApartments

40. Cars & Trucks

2001 MITSUBISHIGALANT ES 123,700 miles,gold with tan interior. 4 doorAsking $3,000. 601-218-3720.

2001 MITSUBISHIGALANT ES. 123,700miles, gold with tan interior,4 door. $3000. 601-218-3720.

2002 CHEVROLET IM-PALA. Loaded, moon roof.$2000 down, NO creditcheck. 601-634-0320.

2005 TOYOTA COROL-LA. $6,995. Call VicksburgToyota at 1-877-776-4770.

2005 TOYOTA PRIUS.Stock# 600166A. $13,995.Call Vicksburg Toyota at 1-877-776-4770.

2006 FORD F150 Lariat4x4 Super Crew King Cab.Leather, fully loaded,92,000 miles. $14,000. 601-279-6456.

2007 RAV 4. Stock#6P4498. $16,995. CallVicksburg Toyota at 1-877-776-4770.

2008 HONDA CIVICCoupe EX. Stock#600225A. $15,995. CallVicksburg Toyota at 1-877-776-4770.

2009 FORD E-150 Van.8,000 miles. $18,995. CallVicksburg Toyota at 1-877-776-4770.

SAYING “SAYONARA” TOyour sound system? Let theclassifieds give the lowdownon your hi-fi; like make,model, wattage, and when tocall. Classified... fast-actionresults. 636-SELL.

Don’t send that lamp to thecurb! Find a new home for itthrough the Classifieds. Areabuyers and sellers use theClassifieds every day.Besides, someone out thereneeds to see the light. 601-636-SELL.

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The Vicksburg Post Thursday, August 12, 2010 B9

B9 Classified

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B10 Thursday, August 12, 2010 The Vicksburg Post