06-12HKENA News#3-A2 - HKENA香港急症護士學 …€¦ · 4 Issue 3 July 2012 Ng for his input...

H H K EN A 2012• 7 N e w s l e t t e r 1 3 5 7 8 8 第一屆 Ms Fung、會長與工作人員 第一屆香港急症科護理研討會 Hong Kong College of Emergency Nursing 1 st Annual General Meeting and Inauguration ceremony for Hong Kong College of Emergency Nursing cum 10 th Annual General Meeting HKENA and Dinner 2012 Sharing on Singapore Emergency Medicine Symposium 世界衛生日健康嘉年華 Forthcoming Events 1 All copyrights reserved. Correspondence: P.O. Box 70122, Kowloon Central Post Office Web: www.hkena.org Email: [email protected] Design: A.D. Creations HKENA Newsletter Editorial Board Advisors: Ms Peggy Lee WM (president) Ms Serena Li P (Vice president) Mr. Chan Chi Chung (Secretary) Editor-in-Chief: Ms Yeung Kwai Lin Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Ms Josephine Chung YM Mr. Leung Chun Pong Editors: Mr. William Chan YW Ms Leung Yuet Ming Mr. Samuel Ma SM Ms Ng Lai Han Mr. Ng Siu Fai Issue 3 July 2012 梁月明 HKENA培訓及發展委員會秘書 第一屆 為了慶祝香港急症護士學會(HKENA)成立十週年和香港急症科護理學院(HKCEN)成立的好日子, 特別於六月七日擧辦第一屆香港急症科護理研討會。為了隆重其事,我們邀請了香港醫院管理局護 士總經理馮玉娟女士為大會致開幕辭,更邀請多位資深的同業翹首為我們分享經驗和展望未來急症 科的發展。 當日蒞臨參與的同業十分踴躍,單是報名人次已達一百八十多人,當中有七十六人是來自私家醫院 的同業,而急症科護士佔一百零三人,但碍於場地座位所限,只能接受一百四十人参與。我們邀請 了兩位新晉的護師顧問(Nursing Consultant)鍾婉雯和蘇鳳玲護士為我們分享急症科護理專業發展 和培訓,此外研討會亦邀請急症科護士同業們分享他們的實証科研、以及嶄新的臨床技巧,他們分 別是來自新界西聯網、律敦治醫院和聯合醫院的同事,雖然這次研討會所安排的時間略為短足,但 閉幕前講員與出席者共商砌礎和分享,學習氣氛濃厚,這次研討會確為急症科護理奠下里程碑,標 誌着急症科護理已邁向新紀元,跨出傳统的規範。蒙籌備委員會和各協助的同事默默耕耘,令這 次研討會得到成功,僅以致謝。現將講員及其講題、及出席者的回饋分述如下: 一屆 一屆

Transcript of 06-12HKENA News#3-A2 - HKENA香港急症護士學 …€¦ · 4 Issue 3 July 2012 Ng for his input...

HHKENA 2012• 7








第 屆第一屆

Ms Fung、會長與工作人員


Hong Kong College of Emergency Nursing

1st Annual General Meeting and Inauguration ceremony for Hong Kong College of Emergency Nursing cum 10th Annual General Meeting HKENA and Dinner 2012

Sharing on Singapore Emergency Medicine Symposium


Forthcoming Events


All copyrights reserved.

Correspondence: P.O. Box 70122, Kowloon Central Post Offi ceWeb: www.hkena.org Email: [email protected]: A.D. Creations

HKENA Newsletter Editorial Board

Advisors:Ms Peggy Lee WM (president)Ms Serena Li P (Vice president)Mr. Chan Chi Chung (Secretary)

Editor-in-Chief:Ms Yeung Kwai Lin

Deputy Editor-in-Chief:Ms Josephine Chung YMMr. Leung Chun Pong

Editors:Mr. William Chan YWMs Leung Yuet MingMr. Samuel Ma SMMs Ng Lai Han Mr. Ng Siu Fai Issue 3 July 2012








了兩位新晉的護師顧問(Nursing Consultant)鍾婉雯和蘇鳳玲護士為我們分享急症科護理專業發展







2 Issue 3 July 20122 Issue 2 December 2011

Topic Speakers

The future evolution of emergency nursing – What we should prepare? Ms Josephine Chung


Simulation training in Emergency Nursing Ms So Fung Ling


The comparison of different endotracheal tube securing methods being

used among A&E department in HK

Yuen Chi Wai, Elaine Wong,

Shek Siu Shan, Rose Ho,

Lee Kwok Yan, Ip Wai Kuen


Evidence-based practice of wound management in HK A&E Ms Ng Mi Yi


A Nurse-led minor-injury service in an Emergency Department: Experiences

from United Christian Hospital

Mr. Cheung Kai Yeung



出席者的回饋 Good sharing in emergency nursing

Inadequate time allocation for speakers to share their topic

Looking forwards to another emergency nursing seminar in the future

More video sharing

Well done

It's very fruitful seminar this morning, TKS!

The sharing session was very interactive and induced insight to self practice


如能加上workshop 更好







Mr. Cheung Kai Yeung

Ms Ng Mi Yi

Rose Ho, Elaine Wong, Shek Siu Shan,

Ip Wai Kuen, Lee Kwok Yan, Yuen Chi Wai

Ms Fung Yuk Kuen

Chief Manger(Nursing), HA

Ms Josephine Chung

Ms So Fung Ling

3Issue 3 July 2012 3Issue 3 July 2012

Ms Li PingPresident of HKCEN

I ’ m d e l i g h t e d t o a n n o u n c e t h a t o u r C o l l e g e – T h e H o n g

K o n g C o l l e g e o f E m e r g e n c y N u r s i n g L i m i t e d ( H K C E N )

was i nco rpo ra t ed on 16 th Ma rch 2011 . W i t h t he g round

work f rom our commi t ted sen io rs , suppor t f rom adv isors ,

emergency medical partners, f r iends, members, preparatory

committee and the Counci l , we managed to be admit ted as

one of the Academy Col leges of the Prov is ional Hong Kong

Academy of Nurs ing (PHKAN) and inaugurated together on

12 May 2012 with other 13 Academy Col leges.

T h e o b j e c t i v e s o f H K C E N a r e : ( 1 ) s u p p o r t P H K A N i n

e s t a b l i s h i n g t h e H o n g K o n g A c a d e m y o f N u r s i n g a s a

s t a t u t o r y b o d y t o r e g u l a t e t h e n u r s i n g p r o f e s s i o n ; ( 2 )

enhance exce l l ence i n eme rgency se r v i ce and qua l i t y o f

hea l th care in Hong Kong through promot ion o f spec ia l i s t

nu rs i ng educa t i on and p rac t i ces ; ( 3 ) co l l abo ra te ac t i ve l y

wi th other heal th re lated organizat ions in local context and

o v e r s e a s t o p r o m o t e s t a n d a r d a n d i m p r o v e e m e r g e n c y

nurs ing care; and

(4 ) fac i l i ta te exchange of in format ion and ideas in nurs ing

and matters concern ing the heal th of the publ ic.

We are gratefu l for the ass istance of the Hong Kong Col lege

of Emergency Medic ine (HKCEM), my specia l thanks to Dr.

Hong Kong Hong Kong College of Emergency NursingCollege of Emergency Nursing

HKCEN Council Member

4 Issue 3 July 2012

Ng for h is input on draf t ing of the Memorandum

and Ar t i c les . I wou ld l i ke to thank s incere l y to

D r. H o , D r. Tu n g a n d a l l C o u n c i l m e m b e r s o f

HKCEM fo r the i r gene ros i t y i n accep t i ng th ree

m e m b e r s o f o u r P r o f e s s i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t

Commi t t ee (PDC ) t o j o i n t he i r Co l l ege Re t rea t

namely “Tra in ing and Examinat ion System of Our

Specia l ty” as observer and gain ins ight fu l ideas

f o r d e v e l o p i n g o u r e d u c a t i o n p ro g r a m s i n t h e

near fu ture . I wou ld l i ke to express my s incere

grat i tude to Dr. Ma, Dr. Wan, Dr. Cheng,

M r. F a t a n d c l e r i c a l s u p p o r t f r o m H K C E M f o r

t h e i r w e l l t a k i n g c a r e o f o u r f e l l o w s o n t h e

conferment ceremony with venue preparat ion, photo tak ing,

p e r s o n a l i t e m s r e g i s t e r e d a n d a r r a n g e m e n t o n f o o d &

dr inks. A l l the i r hard work made our conferment ceremony

m o re m e m o r a b l e a n d e n j o y a b l e . M y h e a r t f e l t t h a n k s t o

y o u a l l e m e r g e n c y n u r s e s f o r w e c o u l d n o t a c h i e v e a n d

fu r the r deve lop ou r p ro fess ion w i thou t you r suppor t and

part ic ipat ion. I s incere ly so l ic i t your support to stand with

us hand in hand to work together for both our future and

our pat ients.

I n m a n y w a y s t h i s i s o n l y a b e g i n n i n g . O u r C o l l e g e ’s

ob jec t i ves can on l y be ach ieved i f a l l o f us work c lose l y

t o g e t h e r i r r e s p e c t i v e o f o u r r o l e s a n d r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s .

Surveys a lso show that profess ionals who are act ive in the i r

Col leges/Associat ions tend to be more commit ted to the i r

j ob , to ca reer advancement and to exce l l ence . There a re

a lot of works wai t ing for us ahead as a newly establ ished

C o l l e g e t h e r e f o r e I w h o l e h e a r t e d l y s e e k y o u r a c t i v e

part ic ipat ion and advise to our Counci l for overcoming the

future chal lenges and to excel our funct ions.

5Issue 3 July 2012

Leung Po Shan, MelissaHKENA Welfare Offi cer

What’s the relationship between first and tenth? It’s not a math question but

I am so proud to tell you that first equals to the first Annual General Meeting

(AGM) of the Hong Kong College of Emergency Nursing (HKCEN) while tenth

is the 10th AGM of the Hong Kong Emergency Nurses Association (HKENA).

The official inauguration of the HKCEN on the 12th May, 2012 marked the

new millennium of Hong Kong Emergency Nursing. In order to celebrate this

spectacular event, the two sisters of emergency nursing, joined hand in hand

to have our conjoint AGM and annual dinner at the Eaton Hotel in Kowloon.

We have broken several records this year. First, we had the highest

numbers of members enrolled for the conjoint AGM and annual dinner.

We had numerous VIPs and guests representing different organizations

to share the joy with us. Moreover, we had our prestigious speaker, Dr.

Susie LUM, president of the Provisional Hong Kong Academy of Nursing

(PHKAN) to share with us her wisdom – SSS (SSS is her initial). The first S

was serenity, the quality of peace, calmness, harmony despite emergency

situation, the unique characteristics of an emergency nurse. The second S

was solidarity, the act of unity resulting from common interests or feelings.

The sol id foundat ion of emergency nurses development was bui l t on

solidarity, courage and contribution of our senior nurses. The third S was

synergy, the power of synergism that unites all of our emergency nurses with

professional nurses from other specialties make our dreams come true - the

establishment of the HKCEN and the PHKAN.

1st Annual General Meeting and Inauguration

ceremony for Hong Kong College of

Emergency Nursing cum 10th Annual General

Meeting HKENA and Dinner 2012

HKENA Council Member

Dr. Susie Lum

Guest Speaker

6 Issue 3 July 2012

During the dinner, we showed a video featuring snapshot of activities and

achievements in emergency nursing in the past ten years. Laughter and

cheers were heard all over the ballroom. The pictures brought back all our

good memories of the sweet old days. I am sure this is especially true for our

respectable seniors and retired members.

Members’ emotions were pushed to the peak during the game session.

We were invited to give a gift to celebrate the birthday of HKCEN and

the 10th anniversary of HKENA. Some members drew pictures, some

h a n d m a d e p a p e r f l o w e r s w i t h

mater ia l s ava i l ab le in hand, some

handmade paper rockets to s ign i fy

that the future developments of both

o rgan i za t i ons wou ld resemb le t he

success o f the rocke t l aunch . The

t w o w i n n e r s w e re n u r s e s f ro m t h e

Kowloon West Cluster, Princess Margaret

Hospita l (PMH) and Yan Chai Hospita l

(YCH). Col leagues f rom PMH rewrote

the l y r i cs o f a popu la r adver t i sement

song to praise the professionalism and sacrifice of emergency nurses. This

song would certainly refresh our sweet memories during our training and

career development. Colleagues from YCH made a heart-shape figure out

from members’ hands, which represented the hearts and passions of our

emergency nurses. With all the special gifts from members, this is certainly

the most unforgettable annual dinner to all of us. The annual dinner came to

an end after giving out prizes to the winning teams. We definitely are looking

forward to our next joint AGM and annual dinner in 2013.

HKCEN & HKENA Council Member

Winner from PMH

Winner from YCH

7Issue 3 July 2012

The Society for Emergency Medic ine in S ingapore Annual Scient i f ic

Conference 2012 (SEMS ASC 2012) held on 24-26 February 2012, bring

together over 300 emergency medicine and health care professionals

f rom 12 countr ies to share current best pract ices and knowledge to

enhance learning, teaching, supervision and clinical practice. The three-

day Conference assembled distinguished physicians and nurses who also

conducted educational pre-conference workshops and symposia, where

they shared insights on recent advances in the field of emergency medicine.

It is my honour to have a chance to give an oral presentation on the topic

of “The Evolution of Emergency Nursing Training in Hong Kong” on behalf

Ms Ng Lai HanT&D Sub-committee, HKENA

Oral Presentation on “The Evolution of Emergency Nursing Training in Hong Kong”

Dinner with Singapore Emergency Nurses Chapter Council Members

Networking Dinner with other Faculty at Singapore Flyer

20122012SingaporeSingaporeEmergency Medicine Symposium (SEMS)2020

of HKENA”. With progression of advance and systemic training

for emergency nurses, our aspiration is that HKCEN & HKENA

will one day become part of the region's leading fortifiers for

emergency nurses to network and share our expertise which is

eventually beneficial to all our patients.

Professor Amal Mattu; from the University of Maryland School

of Medicine, USA and Professor Colin Robertson; from the

University of Edinburgh, UK had delivered illuminating keynotes.

I was impressed by the pol l ing exercise, conducted during

the Open Forum session to gather opinions on the "State of

Emergency Medical Care in Singapore". This inevitably added

another dimension to the meeting.

In addition to the presentation, President of HKCEM Dr. Ho, President of

HKSEMS Dr. Siu & I was delighted to have a networking dinner for Faculty

at the Singapore Flyer with memorable sunset higher up in the sky. During

the geniality dinner arranged by the Singapore Emergency Nurses Chapter,

I seized to explore chances of future collaboration in promoting emergency

nursing. Differences & similarities of emergency room services between us

were discussed.

Thanks HKENA for supporting me for this invaluable experience.

8 Issue 3 July 2012











而我們攜帶專業裝備到場,為大會提供急救服務; 此外,還需要在台上

試範及教導市民替病人進行心肺復甦法CPR 及運用自動體外心臟去顫器






參與證書,我比他們更有滿足感啊! 原來我的工作不止是在急症室內救助病人,在急症


汗水可真沒有白流,哈哈 !

Emergency Medicine Course for Nurse 2012 (26 Oct-28 Dec)

ICN Conference (24-26 Aug)

素欣 & William




臨臨臨臨臨時香臨 港

沙沙沙沙沙田大沙 會堂對出

康康康康康嘉年康 華>>。一如以往

港港港港急港急症港急症港 科









世界衛生日 健康嘉年 華

APAMT Conference (29 Nov-1 Dec)

*For all details, please visit www.hkena.org