05 July 2015

NEW DELHI The government has said Indians against whom information has been received from foreign nations on overseas accounts or assets won't be eligible to use compliance window to make voluntary disclosures under the strin- gent new black money law. In the explanatory notes issued on the 90-day one- time compliance window provided to foreign assets holders to come clean, the Finance Ministry said the facility will not be avail- able for those against whom I-T Department has initiated proceedings before June 30 or has car- ried out searches. Also, it will not be avail- able for persons against whom any information has been received from foreign nations on or before June 30. Indian government has received information regarding some its citizens having undisclosed foreign accounts in HSBC bank's Geneva branch and LGT Bank Liechtenstein. In many of these cases, notices have been issued by the Tax Department, while in some prosecution has started. The three cate- gories of persons barred from availing the CONTD. ON P AGE 5 MUMBAI Temperature: 30 0 C Precipitation:50% Humidity:84% Wind: 19Km/hr HAQ SAADDA FIGHT FOR RIGHT Sunday, July 05, 2015 AAP calls for an 'open debate' over salary hike of its MLAs Militants could target Amarnath Yatra, confirms Army Arjun Kapoor on entering 30's: I think a lot but I can’t plan ahead! P8 DUMKA A 17-year-old girl in Jharkhand has allegedly com- mitted suicide after her parents turned down her repeated request to build a toilet at their home, saying they were saving CONTD. ON P AGE 5 Refused Toilet at Home, Class 12 Student Allegedly Commits Suicide NEW DELHI State-run operator BSNL launched a pre-paid card linked mobile wallet service which would allow its customers to transfer money, pay for services as well as withdraw cash of up to Rs. 1 lakh. The wallet service, Speed Pay, allows a customer to load CONTD. ON P AGE 5 BSNL Launches Mobile Wallet With Cash Withdrawal Option NEW DELHI Yasin Bhatkal, co-founder of banned terror group Indian Mujahideen, who is in a jail in Hyderabad, told his wife in a recent phone call that he would be out soon with "help from Damascus," sources said. The call was intercepted around a CONTD. ON P AGE 5 In Call to Wife From Jail, Yasin Bhatkal Said 'Will Be Out With Help From Damascus': Sources UNITED NATIONS UN Secretary-General Ban Ki- moon has declined to comment on a report by a rights group that sought the repeal of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) in Jammu and Kashmir and investigation into the alleged human rights violations by security personnel. The Amnesty International report, 'Denied: Failures CONTD. ON P AGE 5 No Comments, Says UN Chief's Office, on Amnesty Report on Jammu and Kashmir NEW DELHI The Congress Party has demanded the resignation of Chhattisgarh chief minister Raman Singh, over alleged irreg- ularities in the supply of rice in the Rs. 36,000 crore Public Distribution System (PDS) or the Nagrik Apurti scam in the state. The party claims that offi- cials connived with mill owners and PDS shop owners CONTD. ON P AGE 5 Congress Demands Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh's Resignation in Alleged Rs. 36,000 Crore Scam NEW DELHI Pitching for a strong cyber infrastructure in the country, Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Saturday stressed that India should work towards developing its own servers. Addressing students of the Jaypee Institute of Information Technology (JIIT) dur- ing a convocation ceremony in Noida, the home min- ister said: "As the home minister of the country, I don't have control on many of the cyber crimes here as the server is located elsewhere." "In order to check CONTD. ON P AGE 5 India Needs Strong Cyber Infrastructure, Says Home Minister Rajnath Singh GURGAON A Gurgaon resident, who was shocked to discover a bill of Rs 75 crore for his residence, has alleged that the error has still not been corrected by the elec- tricity board. Jitendra Kumar, a resident of CONTD. ON P AGE 5 Gurgaon resident ''shocked'' by electricity bill of Rs 75 crore JHABUA A journalist working for a leading Delhi-based news channel suddenly took ill and died after having interviewed parents of a girl who had been found dead near railway tracks after her name figured in the infamous Vyapam scam of CONTD. ON P AGE 5 Journalist Covering Vyapam Scam Suddenly Falls Ill, Dies P3 P2 Weather Report DELHI Temperature: 36 0 C Precipitation:0% Humidity: 51% Wind: 19Km/hr KOLKA T A Temperature: 32 0 C Precipitation: 80% Humidity:84% Wind: 11Km/hr CHENNAI Temperature: 34 0 C Precipitation:20% Humidity:52% Wind: 18Km/hr BENGALURU In the heaviest ever commercial mission undertaken by ISRO and its commercial arm Antrix, the country's workhorse the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) will put in orbit five foreign satellites from the spaceport of Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh on July 10. With the overall lift-off mass of the five satellites amounting to about 1,440 kg, this mission becomes the heaviest commercial mission ever undertaken by Antrix / ISRO, the Indian space agency said. In its 13th flight, PSLV-C28 will launch three identical DMC3 optical earth observation satellites built by Surrey Satellite Technology Limited (SSTL), United Kingdom (UK). The three DMC3 satel- lites, each weighing 447 kg, will be launched into a 647 km Sun- Synchronous Orbit (SSO) using the high-end version of PSLV (PSLV- XL), ISRO said on its website. PSLV-C28 will CONTD. ON P AGE 5 ISRO to Undertake Biggest Commercial Launch on July 10 Black Money Compliance Window Not to Apply if Proceedings Already On: Govt Vol. 1 Issue: 289 Price: Rs.3:00 Reg. No: DELENG/2014/58212 Delhi Edition Pages: 8 Website: www.saaddahaq.in Email: [email protected] SRINAGAR Hailing Amensty International's recommenda- tion for removal of controver- sial Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) from Jammu and Kashmir, the ruling PDP on Friday said it has vindi- cated the party's stand on the CONTD. ON P AGE 5 PDP Hails Amnesty's Recommendation for Removal of AFSPA From J&K MUMBAI The Centre on Friday sought to allay the appre- hensions sparked by the BJP-led Maharashtra gov- ernment's decision to de- recognise madrasas which give students education only on religion, saying madrasas "are a reality of India" and that "there should be no politics on the issue". "I have assured the madrasas that the gov- ernment favours education CONTD. ON P AGE 5 NEWS IN BRIEF NEW DELHI Prime Minister Narendra Modi today greeted the US on its Independence Day and expressed confidence that bilateral relations will get even better in times to come based on the renewed energy in ties. "The ties between India and the US are time tested and con- nected by shared val- ues. We are both vibrant democracies and remain very proud of our democratic framework," he tweet- ed "I am extremely excited and confident about the renewed energy in India-USA ties. Our economic ties are very strong and our cultural ties are CONTD. ON P AGE 5 JAIPUR/NEW DELHI In a major blow to the National Investigating Agency's Ajmer blast trial, 13 crucial prosecution witnesses have now turned hostile and gone back on their testimonies. In October 2007, a bomb blast in the holy Ajmer Dargah killed three and wounded more than a dozen. The Rajasthan Anti-Terror Squad (ATS) and later the NIA chargesheeted 12 people who were present and former members of the RSS, or belonging to fringe groups. This same group of zealots are accused of a wave of what came to be known as "Saffron Terror" bombings through 2007, setting off deadly explo- sions in Muslim-dominated areas like the Ajmer Dargah, the town of Malegaon and the Mecca Masjid in Hyderabad. "The whole case of the pros- ecution depended upon these star witnesses," said Ashwini Sharma, the assistant public prosecutor of the Ajmer blast case. "And all those who gave the statement, under Section 164 (of the Code of Criminal CONTD. ON P AGE 5 Exclusive: After Malegaon, Ajmer Blast Case Faces Allegations of Sabotage Confident About Renewed Energy Ties Between India and US: PM Narendra Modi Centre Allays Apprehensions, Says Madrasas 'Reality of India' Israel Thanks India for Abstaining on UNHRC Vote WASHINGTON Israel on Saturday thanked India for not voting on an "anti-Israel bashing" UNHRC reso- lution, which sources said was a result of Tel Aviv's sustained talks with the Indian leader- ship over the past year. Israeli envoy to India Daniel Carmon tweeted his appreciation. On Friday, India abstained on a United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) res- olution condemning Israel over a UN report into the alleged war crimes committed dur- ing the 2014 Gaza con- flict - marking a signifi- cant change in India's stance. Forty-one of the 47 UNHRC council mem- bers voted in favour of the resolution, includ- ing the eight sitting EU members: France, CONTD. ON P AGE 5 MUMBAI The Shiv Sena has sup- ported the BJP-led Maharashtra government, which is under fire for its decision not to consider madrasas that do not teach primary subjects as schools. An editorial in Saamna, the mouthpiece of alliance partner Shiv Sena, today read, "This move should not be seen as one which is pre-conceived or which is intended to strike a blow to religious educa- tion. On the contrary, this should be taken as a way to get Muslim children in the mainstream." On Thursday, the gov- ernment said madrasas CONTD. ON P AGE 5 MUMBAI Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader and former Maharashtra Chief Minister Sharad Pawar on Saturday said senior advocate Ram Jethmalani had contacted him over underworld don Dawood Ibrahim's will- ingness to surrender but conditions put forward for it were not acceptable to the state government. The offer was made during Pawar's tenure as Chief Minister in 1990s. "It is true that Ram CONTD. ON P AGE 5 Dawood Ibrahim's surrender offer was conditional, so rejected: Sharad Pawar UPSC Civil Services Exam 2014 Results Declared, Women Grab Top 4 Spots NEW DELHI The Union Public Services Commission, or UPSC has announced the results of the civil services exam for this year. Four of the five toppers are women.The top three can- didates are Ira Singhal, Renu Raj and Nidhi Gupta. Ms Singhal and Ms Gupta are Indian Revenue Service officials from Delhi. Ms Raj is a doctor from Kerala. "I am really very happy. I can't believe this. I just prepared for the examina- tion," said Ms Singhal, who is differently abled, but topped the exam in the general category. "I want to be an IAS offi- cer. I want to do something for the benefit of physical- ly-handicapped people," news agency Press Trust of India quoted her as saying. Dr Raj, who works in a hospital in Kollam and took the exam for the first time, said, "I am extremely CONTD. ON P AGE 5 NEW DELHI Underworld don Dawood Ibrahim's trust- ed aide Chhota Shakeel has claimed that his mas- ter wanted to return to India after the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts, but the government did- n't agree, a newspaper report claimed on Saturday. In an interview to The Times of India, Shakeel in a telephonic conversa- tion from Karachi said that Dawood Ibrahim CONTD. ON P AGE 5 Indian govt blocked Dawood Ibrahim's bid to return: Chhota Shakeel MUMBAI Former IPS officer and lawyer Yogesh Pratap Singh on Saturday said that the then Maharashtra chief minister Sharad Pawar was `at fault` for not consulting the state and national intelligence agencies before rejecting the surrender proposal of underworld don Dawood Ibrahim after the 1993 CONTD. ON P AGE 5 Pawar should have dis- cussed Dawood's surrender proposal: Ex-IPS officer Madrasa Controversy: Shiv Sena Supports BJP-Led Govt in Maharashtra Of the top five candidates, four are women - Ira Sehgal (1), Renu Raj (2), Nidhi Gupta (3) and Vandana Rao (4). NEW DELHI Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratu- lated the successful civil services examination can- didates on Saturday. "Congratulations to all those who successfully cleared the Civil Services exams and my best wishes as you begin the journey to serve the nation," the prime minister said. "To those who didn't clear the exam-such moments are a part of life. This must not deter you from your future endeav- ours. My best wishes," he added. Women achieved the top four ranks in the civil services exam results CONTD. ON P AGE 5 PM Narendra Modi Congratulates Successful Civil Services Candidates



Transcript of 05 July 2015

Page 1: 05 July 2015

NEW DELHIThe government has said

Indians against whominformation has beenreceived from foreignnations on overseasaccounts or assets won't beeligible to use compliancewindow to make voluntarydisclosures under the strin-gent new black money law.

In the explanatory notesissued on the 90-day one-time compliance windowprovided to foreign assetsholders to come clean, theFinance Ministry said thefacility will not be avail-able for those againstwhom I-T Department hasinitiated proceedingsbefore June 30 or has car-

ried out searches.Also, it will not be avail-

able for persons againstwhom any information hasbeen received from foreignnations on or before June30.

Indian government hasreceived informationregarding some its citizenshaving undisclosed foreignaccounts in HSBC bank'sGeneva branch and LGTBank Liechtenstein.

In many of these cases,notices have been issuedby the Tax Department,while in some prosecutionhas started. The three cate-gories of persons barredfrom availing the


MUMBAITemperature: 300CPrecipitation:50%Humidity:84%Wind: 19Km/hr


AAP calls for an 'open debate' oversalary hike of its MLAs

Militants could target AmarnathYatra, confirms Army

Arjun Kapoor on entering 30's: Ithink a lot but I can’t plan ahead! P8

DUMKAA 17-year-old girl in

Jharkhand has allegedly com-mitted suicide after her parentsturned down her repeatedrequest to build a toilet at theirhome, saying they were saving


Refused Toilet at Home,Class 12 Student AllegedlyCommits Suicide

NEW DELHIState-run operator BSNL

launched a pre-paid card linkedmobile wallet service whichwould allow its customers totransfer money, pay for servicesas well as withdraw cash of upto Rs. 1 lakh.

The wallet service, SpeedPay, allows a customer to load


BSNL Launches Mobile WalletWith Cash Withdrawal Option

NEW DELHIYasin Bhatkal, co-founder of

banned terror group IndianMujahideen, who is in a jail inHyderabad, told his wife in arecent phone call that he wouldbe out soon with "help fromDamascus," sources said. Thecall was intercepted around a


In Call to Wife From Jail,Yasin Bhatkal Said 'WillBe Out With Help FromDamascus': Sources

UNITED NATIONSUN Secretary-General Ban Ki-

moon has declined to comment ona report by a rights group thatsought the repeal of the ArmedForces Special Powers Act(AFSPA) in Jammu and Kashmirand investigation into the allegedhuman rights violations by security personnel.

The Amnesty International report, 'Denied: Failures CONTD. ON PAGE 5

No Comments, Says UN Chief's Office, onAmnesty Report on Jammu and Kashmir

NEW DELHIThe Congress Party has

demanded the resignation ofChhattisgarh chief ministerRaman Singh, over alleged irreg-ularities in the supply of rice inthe Rs. 36,000 crore PublicDistribution System (PDS) orthe Nagrik Apurti scam in thestate. The party claims that offi-cials connived with mill owners and PDS shop owners


Congress Demands Chhattisgarh Chief Minister RamanSingh's Resignation in Alleged Rs. 36,000 Crore Scam

NEW DELHIPitching for a strong cyber

infrastructure in the country,Home Minister Rajnath Singh onSaturday stressed that Indiashould work towards developingits own servers.

Addressing students of theJaypee Institute of Information Technology (JIIT) dur-ing a convocation ceremony in Noida, the home min-ister said: "As the home minister of the country, I don'thave control on many of the cyber crimes here as theserver is located elsewhere." "In order to check


India Needs Strong Cyber Infrastructure,Says Home Minister Rajnath Singh

GURGAONA Gurgaon resident, who was

shocked to discover a bill of Rs75 crore for his residence, hasalleged that the error has stillnot been corrected by the elec-tricity board.

Jitendra Kumar, a resident of CONTD. ON PAGE 5

Gurgaon resident''shocked'' by electricitybill of Rs 75 crore

JHABUAA journalist working for a

leading Delhi-based newschannel suddenly took ill anddied after having interviewedparents of a girl who had beenfound dead near railway tracksafter her name figured in theinfamous Vyapam scam of


Journalist CoveringVyapam ScamSuddenly Falls Ill, Dies


Weather ReportDELHITemperature: 360CPrecipitation:0%Humidity: 51%Wind: 19Km/hr

KOLKATATemperature: 320CPrecipitation: 80%Humidity:84% Wind: 11Km/hr

CHENNAITemperature: 340CPrecipitation:20%Humidity:52%Wind: 18Km/hr

BENGALURUIn the heaviest ever

commercial missionundertaken by ISRO andits commercial armAntrix, the country'sworkhorse the PolarSatellite Launch Vehicle(PSLV) will put in orbitfive foreign satellitesfrom the spaceport ofSriharikota in AndhraPradesh on July 10.

With the overall lift-offmass of the five satellitesamounting to about1,440 kg, this missionbecomes the heaviestcommercial mission everundertaken by Antrix /ISRO, the Indian spaceagency said.

In its 13th flight,PSLV-C28 will launchthree identical DMC3optical earth observationsatellites built by SurreySatellite TechnologyLimited (SSTL), UnitedKingdom (UK).

The three DMC3 satel-

lites, each weighing 447kg, will be launched intoa 647 km Sun-Synchronous Orbit(SSO) using the high-endversion of PSLV (PSLV-XL), ISRO said on itswebsite. PSLV-C28 will


ISRO to Undertake BiggestCommercial Launch on July 10

Black Money Compliance Window Not toApply if Proceedings Already On: Govt

Vol. 1 Issue: 289 Price: Rs.3:00 Reg. No: DELENG/2014/58212 Delhi Edition Pages: 8 Website: www.saaddahaq.in Email: [email protected]

SRINAGARHailing Amensty

International's recommenda-tion for removal of controver-sial Armed Forces SpecialPowers Act (AFSPA) fromJammu and Kashmir, the rulingPDP on Friday said it has vindi-cated the party's stand on the


PDP Hails Amnesty'sRecommendation forRemoval of AFSPA From J&K

MUMBAIThe Centre on Friday

sought to allay the appre-hensions sparked by theBJP-led Maharashtra gov-ernment's decision to de-recognise madrasas whichgive students educationonly on religion, sayingmadrasas "are a reality ofIndia" and that "thereshould be no politics onthe issue". "I have assuredthe madrasas that the gov-ernment favours education



NEW DELHIPrime Minister

Narendra Modi todaygreeted the US on itsIndependence Day andexpressed confidencethat bilateral relationswill get even better intimes to come basedon the renewed energyin ties.

"The ties betweenIndia and the US aretime tested and con-nected by shared val-ues. We are bothvibrant democraciesand remain very proudof our democraticframework," he tweet-

ed"I am extremely

excited and confident

about the renewedenergy in India-USAties. Our economic ties

are very strong and ourcultural ties are


JAIPUR/NEW DELHIIn a major blow to the

National InvestigatingAgency's Ajmer blast trial, 13crucial prosecution witnesseshave now turned hostile andgone back on their testimonies.

In October 2007, a bombblast in the holy Ajmer Dargahkilled three and wounded morethan a dozen. The RajasthanAnti-Terror Squad (ATS) andlater the NIA chargesheeted 12people who were present andformer members of the RSS, orbelonging to fringe groups.

This same group of zealotsare accused of a wave of whatcame to be known as "SaffronTerror" bombings through2007, setting off deadly explo-sions in Muslim-dominated

areas like the Ajmer Dargah,the town of Malegaon and theMecca Masjid in Hyderabad.

"The whole case of the pros-ecution depended upon thesestar witnesses," said Ashwini

Sharma, the assistant publicprosecutor of the Ajmer blastcase. "And all those who gavethe statement, under Section164 (of the Code of Criminal


Exclusive: After Malegaon, Ajmer BlastCase Faces Allegations of Sabotage

Confident About Renewed Energy TiesBetween India and US: PM Narendra Modi

Centre Allays Apprehensions,Says Madrasas 'Reality of India'

Israel Thanks India forAbstaining on UNHRC VoteWASHINGTON

Israel on Saturdaythanked India for notvoting on an "anti-Israelbashing" UNHRC reso-lution, which sourcessaid was a result of TelAviv's sustained talkswith the Indian leader-ship over the past year.

Israeli envoy to IndiaDaniel Carmon tweetedhis appreciation.

On Friday, Indiaabstained on a UnitedNations Human Rights

Council (UNHRC) res-olution condemningIsrael over a UN reportinto the alleged warcrimes committed dur-ing the 2014 Gaza con-flict - marking a signifi-cant change in India'sstance.

Forty-one of the 47UNHRC council mem-bers voted in favour ofthe resolution, includ-ing the eight sitting EUmembers: France,


MUMBAIThe Shiv Sena has sup-

ported the BJP-ledMaharashtra government,which is under fire for itsdecision not to considermadrasas that do not teachprimary subjects asschools.

An editorial in Saamna,the mouthpiece of alliancepartner Shiv Sena, today

read, "This move shouldnot be seen as one whichis pre-conceived or whichis intended to strike ablow to religious educa-tion. On the contrary, thisshould be taken as a wayto get Muslim children inthe mainstream."

On Thursday, the gov-ernment said madrasas


MUMBAINationalist Congress

Party (NCP) leader andformer MaharashtraChief Minister SharadPawar on Saturday saidsenior advocate RamJethmalani had contactedhim over underworld donDawood Ibrahim's will-ingness to surrender butconditions put forwardfor it were not acceptableto the state government.

The offer was madeduring Pawar's tenure asChief Minister in 1990s.

"It is true that Ram CONTD. ON PAGE 5

Dawood Ibrahim's surrender offer wasconditional, so rejected: Sharad Pawar

UPSC Civil Services Exam 2014 ResultsDeclared, Women Grab Top 4 Spots

NEW DELHIThe Union Public

Services Commission, orUPSC has announced theresults of the civil servicesexam for this year. Four ofthe five toppers arewomen.The top three can-didates are Ira Singhal,Renu Raj and Nidhi Gupta.

Ms Singhal and MsGupta are Indian RevenueService officials fromDelhi. Ms Raj is a doctorfrom Kerala.

"I am really very happy. Ican't believe this. I justprepared for the examina-tion," said Ms Singhal,who is differently abled,but topped the exam in thegeneral category.

"I want to be an IAS offi-cer. I want to do somethingfor the benefit of physical-ly-handicapped people,"news agency Press Trust ofIndia quoted her as saying.

Dr Raj, who works in ahospital in Kollam andtook the exam for the firsttime, said, "I am extremely


NEW DELHIUnderworld don

Dawood Ibrahim's trust-ed aide Chhota Shakeelhas claimed that his mas-ter wanted to return toIndia after the 1993Mumbai serial blasts,but the government did-

n't agree, a newspaperreport claimed onSaturday.

In an interview to TheTimes of India, Shakeelin a telephonic conversa-tion from Karachi saidthat Dawood Ibrahim


Indian govt blocked Dawood Ibrahim'sbid to return: Chhota Shakeel

MUMBAIFormer IPS officer and

lawyer Yogesh PratapSingh on Saturday saidthat the then Maharashtrachief minister SharadPawar was `at fault` for

not consulting the stateand national intelligenceagencies before rejectingthe surrender proposal ofunderworld don DawoodIbrahim after the 1993


Pawar should have dis-cussed Dawood's surrender

proposal: Ex-IPS officer

Madrasa Controversy: Shiv SenaSupports BJP-Led Govt in Maharashtra

Of the top five candidates, four are women - Ira Sehgal(1), Renu Raj (2), Nidhi Gupta (3) and Vandana Rao (4).

NEW DELHIPrime Minister

Narendra Modi congratu-lated the successful civilservices examination can-didates on Saturday.

"Congratulations to allthose who successfullycleared the Civil Servicesexams and my best wishesas you begin the journeyto serve the nation," the

prime minister said."To those who didn't

clear the exam-suchmoments are a part of life.This must not deter youfrom your future endeav-ours. My best wishes," headded.

Women achieved the topfour ranks in the civilservices exam results


PM Narendra Modi CongratulatesSuccessful Civil Services Candidates

Page 2: 05 July 2015

Not right to demand salary hike when farm-ers are committing suicide: AAP leaderCHANDIGARH

Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Sanjay Singh onSaturday said that it was not right for the MLAs todemand a hike in pay when the farmers in the countrywere committing suicide.

"There is no proposal for the salary hike of theMLAs.... I believe that those who are able, who arecrorepatis, 443 members of parliament are crorepatis,such people have no right to demand salary hike.Farmers are committing suicide in the country, manyare living by earning less than Rs. 20 per day. At suchtimes if we demand salary hike then it is not right,"Singh told ANI.

AAP MLA Saurabh Bhardwaj had earlier in the daysaid that the legislators, who do not have an alternativesource of income, were facing `financial challenges`and called for a debate on the issue of their salary hike.A delegation of 20 AAP legislators had yesterday metDelhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal demanding a hikein their salaries.

Smart comfort taxis in Delhi soonNEW DELHI

Delhi government is mulling introducing 'smart com-fort taxis' in the national capital which will not only beeco-friendly but also a cheaper alternative to auto rick-shaws.

"We are working on providing an alternative to autorickshaws which is not only eco-friendly but also likelyto be cheaper to avoid burning a hole in people's pock-ets. The idea is being considered to address the problemof last mile connectivity in Delhi," Delhi TourismMinister Gopal Rai said here today.

Rai was addressing the gathering at the "SmartTransportation Infra Summit 2015" organised by thePHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI).

Participating in a seminar on "Smart mobility in Delhiand Technology Convergence in Smart Transportation",Rai said, "Despite metro being a saviour and effortsbeing made to make public bus transport systemsmooth, the major hurdle is the lack of last mile connec-tivity which forces Delhi residents to ply their privatevehicles on road."

The minister said that a proposal of introducing 'com-mon mobility card' which will work in all modes of pub-lic transport is also being actively considered.

"DTC is in process of introducing 2,000 buses includ-ing 1,380 low far buses, 500 midi buses and 300 luxurybuses which will be dedicated for travel between Delhiand NCR," he said.

"10,000 buses will be introduced in the Public PrivatePartnership mode and will have all kinds of categoriesincluding standard general buses, middle fare and highfare buses," he added.

Claiming that the Delhi Transport department hasfound during a review that the work in public transportsector in the national capital has been in a deadlock postCommonwealth Games in 2010, Rai said that the AAPgovernment is working towards making Delhi "conges-tion and pollution free".

"E-rickshaws which faced few hurdles initially will belaunched on a bigger scale now. We have alreadyannounced a subsidy of Rs 15,000 to each e-rickshawholder," he said.

The minister said that the government will soon beorganising a one-day conference where various stake-holders will be invited to discuss best practices adoptedacross the world and in India to enhance the publictransport system.

"A task force will be developed after the conferencewhich will work towards improving the public transportsystem in Delhi," he said.

Delhi Police seize over four quintalsof cannabisNEW DELHI

Delhi Police on Saturday seized over four quintals ofcannabis (gaanja). The estimated value of the seizedmaterial is said to be Rs 2.5 crore.

St Stephen's molestation case: Principalsays it wasn't for him to approach copsNEW DELHI

Amid allegations of attempts to hush up a molestationrow in St Stephen's College, its principal ValsonThampu on Saturday said it was not for him but the vic-tim to go to police.

He further claimed that "the girl wasn't sure she want-ed to treat it as a sexual harassment complaint".

"It wasn't for me but for the victim to approach thepolice over the issue. I could have raised it with the col-lege's Internal Complaints Committee (ICC), which Iduly did," he said, responding to queries why the matterwasn't reported to police when he first got the com-plaint.

"Life is not above law. The girl wasn't sure she want-ed to treat it as a sexual harassment complaint. If Iwould have reported it to police, it would have beenbreach of trust," he added.

About the audio recordings submitted to police by thecomplainant claiming that Thampu had put pressure onher to not treat the matter as that of sexual harassment,Thampu said they have been "mischievously edited".

"I shall make no comments on the merit of the con-tents and how cleverly they have been manipulated,insofar as a police investigation into the case is inprogress but they have being mischievously edited," hesaid.

The research scholar had approached police on June19 alleging that she was molested by Satish Kumar, anassistant professor of Chemistry Department, and thatThampu had tried to shield the accused when the matterwas reported to him.

Though the High Court has ordered a stay on Kumar'sarrest till August 17, the demands for Thampu's resigna-tion in wake of the allegations has been growinglouder.

DELHI NEWS2 NEW DELHI | SUNDAY | JULY 05, 2015Fight For Right

Website: www.saaddahaq.in Email: [email protected]


NEW DELHIThe AAP on Saturday

called for an open debateregarding the MLAsallowance hike issue,adding that the party need-ed to get rid of the'swindlers' first.

"Whatever problems theMLAs are facing, theyhave kept it in front of thepeople. If the same mattercomes to the government,there will be an open dis-cussion on it and it is notonly the matter of MLAs,everyone in Delhi is a partof this matter. But we needto get rid of the swindlers,"said Delhi TransportMinister and AAP leaderGopal Rai. "We need tohave an open discussion onit. The govt will look for asolution for an honestdemocracy," he added. Adelegation of 20 AAP leg-islators had yesterday metDelhi CM Arvind Kejriwaldemanding a hike in theirsalaries. According toreports, the MLAs havecited problems in meetingexpenses that include thecost of maintaining anoffice in their constituen-cies, transportation andrunning a household.

AAP calls for an 'open debate'over salary hike of its MLAs

NEW DELHIThe Congress on

Saturday slammed theArvind Kejriwal-led AAPGovernment over salaryhike of its MLAs sayingthat it was evident theDelhi Chief Minister keep-ing any of the promises hehad made to the people.

"Salary hike of theMLAs is not the onlyissue. We've also seen thatover 21 parliamentary sec-

retaries were appointed,who were allotted govern-ment vehicles and offices.He (Kejriwal) had submit-ted an affidavit wherein hehad said that he would nottake unnecessary securityfor himself," said Congressleader Ajay Maken.

"He had also said that hewould not take a bungalowbut stay in a basic flat buthe is not doing that. Did hetake the opinion of the

public on the salary hikeissue?" he asked.

AAP legislators haveapproached the Delhi gov-ernment for a revision intheir salaries.

According to reports, theMLAs have cited problemsin meeting expenses thatinclude the cost of main-taining an office in theirconstituencies, transporta-tion and running a house-hold.

NEW DELHIDelhi's Ira Singhal

topped the Union PublicServices Commissioncivil services exam thisyear. But celebrations ather home are a littlemuted, as her parents areapprehensive aboutwhether she will get aposting.

Ms Singhal is different-ly abled, and her parentssay although she hadcleared the revenue serv-ices exam earlier, she hadnot got a posting. Theyoung woman is an engi-neer from Delhi's NSIT(Netaji Subhas Instituteof Technology) and an

MBA from FMS. And shehad taken the civil servic-es exam in the generalcategory.

"We are extremelyhappy with her result butwe are not sure if she willget a posting or not," Ira's

father Rajender Singhaltold Reporters .

Ms Singhal passed theIndian Revenue Serviceor IRS exam in 2010, saidMr Singhal. "First therevenue departmentrefused (to give her a

posting), and once itagreed, the DOPT(Department of Personneland Training) refused," hesaid.

It was a long legal bat-tle. "She finally won thecase in 2014," added MrSinghal. "Ira has never lether disability or any otherthing comes her way. Sheis a normal person. Infact, she always tries tohelp others," said hermother Anita Singhal.

Ira was overjoyed byher exam results. "I wantto be an IAS officer. Iwant to do something forthe benefit of physically-handicapped people," Ira

told Reporters .Ms Singhal said she

knew what issues affectthe disabled population ofthe country, "how theyare treated differently andhow they have to put inthe extra effort and gothat extra mile to achievesomething".

"I hope to be able towork alongside them,"she added.

The next three ranks inthis year's civil servicesexam were occupied bywomen this year.

They are Renu Raj, adoctor from Kerala, NidhiGupta an IRS official andVandana Rao.

Differently Abled Woman Tops UPSC, ButFamily Wonders if She'll Get Posting

NEW DELHIDelhi University aspirants have

reasons to cheer as admission topopular courses such as B Comand Economics Honors are stillup for grabs in the third cut-offlist announced by the varsity onFriday.

Four colleges including JankiDevi Memorial College, SGNDKhalsa, SGTB Khalsa and SriGuru Gobind Singh College ofCommerce, did not release thethird-cut off list in view of aDelhi High Court decision grant-ing them minority status.

Sri Ram College Of Commercehas announced its cut-off foradmissions in Economics (H) at97.375% making a dip of 0.375%from 97.75%.

They have written to DUauthorities saying as per thedirective from Delhi SikhGurudwara ManagementCommittee, they need time to

workout the cut-offs and admis-sion guidelines keeping in mindlegality and implications of thereservations to minority students.

Daulat Ram college has kept itscut-off at 95.5 pc for Eco (H), 94pc for English (H) and 95 pc forB.Com.

Ramjas has announced its cut-off with a drop of 0.5% forB.Com (H) at 96.25% andEnglish (H) with a drop of 1.5%at 95.5%.

College of Vocational Studiesand Indraprastha college ofwomen which had announced100 per cent cut offs for admis-sion to Computer ScienceHonors have reduced therequired percentage to 92.5 and95 respectively.

On the other hand, GargiCollege has made a major dip of2.25% in English (H) announcingits cut-off at 94% this time.

All courses are open at Hindu

college with the cut-offs for BAProgramme, Economics (H),English (H), History (H),Political Science (H) and B.Com(H) at 95, 97,96.5, 96 and 97 percent respectively.

According to the universityguidelines, the students need tocomplete admission formalitiestill July 7.

The next cut-off list will beannounced on July 9.

The petition, also signed by aDU alumni - Thufail, has termedas "highly discriminatory" thatthree DU colleges, following thesame system, calculatedAhammad's marks "in a totallydifferent manner".

It states that while Ahammadgot 100 per cent marks inPhysics, Chemistry and Maths(PCM) subjects, at HinduCollege he was told that his PCMpercentage will be 93.33 per centafter evaluation and Hansraj

College informed him that hisPCM will be 92.23 per cent asper their calculation.

"There is complete violation ofthe principles of natural justiceand the admission guidelineshave not been followed by therespondents No. 3 (Hindu) and 4(Hansraj)," the plea said.

It said that in Kerala Boardexams, teachers from otherschools, selected by the educa-tion department, conduct thepractical test and give marks insecret.

"This is not a part of the contin-uous evaluation. There is a sepa-rate system of continuous evalua-tion and segregated 20 per centmarks for the same. ...The practi-cal exam cannot be taken as sim-ilar to internal assessment as theinternal assessment is done bythe same school, whereas thepractical exam is conducted as apart of the Board examination." it

said.The petition sought directions

to DU and its colleges to "consid-er 80 per cent of the total marksfor theory component, includingpractical, and not to deduct anymarks in the name of continuousassessment in the case of studentswho have passed out from KeralaHigher Secondary Board".

It has sought directions toKerala government "to issue nec-essary clarification" to DU withregard to the examination patternand the awarding of marks to stu-dents of Kerala HigherSecondary Board and protecttheir interests.

The petitioners, Ahammad andThufail, have also alleged that"serious complaints", includingexercise of regional bias by thosein charge of admissions, havebeen received from various stu-dents now seeking admission inDelhi University.

No Party Has Mechanism to CheckEducation Degrees, Says AAP

Delhi University announces third cut-off list, popular courses still open

MOHALIWith one of its MLAs

arrested in an alleged fakedegree case, Aam AadmiParty (AAP) today saidthere is no mechanismwith any political party toexamine the degrees of itsparty members.

"There is no mechanismavailable with any party tocheck (educational)degrees of its party mem-bers," senior AAP leaderSanjay Singh said inMohali today.

He said as per selectioncriteria, the party makessure that there should notbe any charges related tocorruption, criminal activi-ties and character against aperson.

"If question has beenraised over somebody's 15-year-old degree, then theprobe is going on and wehave also handed over thematter to internal Lokpal,"Mr Singh said whileaddressing the media.

Following the arrest ofAAP MLA and formerDelhi Law MinisterJitender Singh Tomar in analleged fake degree caselast month, Mr Singhtoday accused the BJP-ledCentre of following differ-ent yardsticks for its own

leaders."There cannot be two

laws in the country. (UnionMinister) Smriti Irani, MPRama Shankar Katheria,Maharashtra ministerVinod Tawde are involvedin fake degree case... if wehave made mistake thentake action against us asper law. If they have donewrong then you shouldtake similar action againstthem also," Mr Singhsaid.

He also cited a recentcontroversy surroundingUnion Minister KirenRijiju who was in themidst of row over offload-ing of passengers from anAir India flight.

"Two types of law arebeing followed... which isdangerous," he claimed.

However, he maintainedthat people have differenttype of expectations fromAAP. "We will show our-selves that we are differentfrom other political par-ties," he said.

On a recent report ofDelhi Chief MinisterArvind Kejriwal's resi-dence electricity bill of Rs.91,000, Mr Singh clarifiedthat Mr Kejriwal's ownpower consumption wasabout Rs. 17,000.

NEW DELHIFormer Indian Premier

League (IPL) chief LalitModi has now alleged thatCongress vice-presidentRahul Gandhi and hisbrother-in-law RobertVadra were beneficiaries ofhis hospitality and tweetedpicture to prove the same.

While attempting toprove his links with them,Lalit Modi posted onTwitter a couple of his pic-tures with Rahul Gandhiand Robert Vadra, the son-in-law of Congress presi-dent Sonia Gandhi on

Twitter.Modi tweeted: "I hope

@OfficeOfRG (office ofRahul Gandhi) informed

@INCIndia that he was abeneficiary of my hospital-ity. He sat in my box."

The picture, which

appears to be from an IPLmatch, also has Bollywoodactor Shah Rukh Khan, hiswife Gauri Khan andactress Deepika Padukonealong with others.

Modi also asked if they(Rahul Gandhi and Vadra)had declared it to theCongress leadership.

Congress sources, how-ever, dismissed the allega-tions and termed thembaseless. Senior Congressleader Ajay Maken saidLalit Modi was trying tohelp the ruling BharatiyaJanata Party.

Lalit Modi alleges Rahul Gandhi, Vadrawere beneficiaries of his hospitality

Jats to cut supplies to Delhi if reserva-tion not implemented by September 28JIND

Jat bodies threatened toseal Haryana border alongDelhi and cut off all sup-plies to the national capitalif the Union governmentfails to implement reserva-tion for the communitybefore September 28.

A meeting has beencalled at Jat Dharamshalain Kurukshetra on July 12to intensify their move-ment for inclusion in OtherBackward Classes (OBC)quota, said Nafe SinghNain, chief of Sarv JatKhap Panchayat, atNarvana area here.

Sube Singh Samain,

spokesperson of the Khapbody said, the Centre hasbeen warned earlier alsothat if they don't imple-ment quota for Jats, thewhole community wouldstart a protest under thebanned of Sarv Jat KhapPanchayat.

Jats in Uttar Pradesh andother states would alsostart their own protest, hesaid.

The Khap body alsodecided to support theprotesting guest teachers,who were sacked lastmonth following the ordersof Punjab and Haryanahigh court.

Congress slams AAP over salary hike of MLAs

NEW DELHIBJP on Saturday attacked Arvind

Kejriwal-led government in Delhi, sayingthe Aam Aadmi Party has lost its credibil-ity as the expectations with which peoplevoted for it have been "shattered".

The party's vice-president Shyam Jaju,who is the new in-charge of Delhi, pooh-poohed Kejriwal's criticism of theNarendra Modi government at the Centre,saying "kahan raja bhoj kahan gangu teli",a Hindi proverb meaning the Delhi ChiefMinister was no match to the PrimeMinister.

Terming the national capital an old bas-tion of BJP since Jana Sangh's days, hesaid his party would work hard to reclaimit while noting that it ruled in all three

municipal corporations and won all sevenLok Sabha seats in the city.

"People are fed up and disheartened bythe APP government. They have come torealise after witnessing its performancethat the long term politics through allega-tions and counter allegations is not possi-ble... Development requires vision andexecution of such programmes need capa-bility," Jaju said.

"The credibility of this government isfinished. All the hopes and expectationsthat people had from it have been shat-tered," he told PTI.

Jaju was yesterday made in-charge ofthe party's affairs in Delhi, replacingPrabhat Jha, who will now look after theBJP's affairs in Punjab and Chandigarh.

AAP govt has lost its credibility: BJP

Jan Lokpal Bill will be introducedsoon: AAP leader Mayank GandhiNEW DELHI

Aam Aadmi Party leaderMayank Gandhi on Saturday hitback at critics who accused theparty of delaying Jan Lokpal Billand putting it into cold storage.

Gandhi took to social-network-ing site Twitter and revealed thatthe AAP-led Delhi governmentwill soon table the much-awaitedJan Lokpal Bill in Delhi Assembly.

“I've sympathies with those whocriticised us for not bringing JanLokpal Bill. The Bill will be intro-duced soon. They should now findother issues to attack us,” hewrote. In February 2014, DelhiChief Minister Arvind Kejriwalhad resigned after he had been pre-vented from tabling his pet JanLokpal bill in the Assembly in theface of stiff opposition from bothCongress and BJP.

Page 3: 05 July 2015


Website: www.saaddahaq.in Email: [email protected]

RAJAHMUNDRYA replica of Lord Sri

Venkateswara Swamy tem-ple at Tirumala TirupatiDevasthanam (TTD) willbe erected in Rajahmundryfor the upcoming festivalGodavari Pushkaram, asenior temple authority hassaid.

"A replica of TTD's'Lord of Seven Hills' SriVenkateswara Swamy tem-ple will be erected with acost of Rs. 2 crore hereduring the Pushakarams,which will commencefrom July 14," TTDExecutive OfficerSambasiva Rao toldreporters.

He, along with TTDJoint Executive Officer

Srinivasa Raju and Officeron Special Duty (OSD)Dollar Seshadri, inspectedthe construction works.

The temple will be inau-gurated on July 13, afterperforming pooja (wor-ship), he said, adding thatall rituals will be per-formed in the temple asthey are carried out inTirumala.

"Our main aim is to pro-vide darshan to people ofall sections, those who arenot able to visit Tirupatidue to various reasons.Now, they can avail theopportunity of darshan(worship) of LordVenkateswara on the aus-picious days of GodavariPushkarams," he said.

"There will no tickets for

darshan and the templewill be open from 4.30 AMto 10 PM and about 60,000to 70,000 pilgrims will beable to pay visit at the tem-ple every day without anyinconvenience," he said.

Over 500 TTD person-nel, including priests, willarrive here to offer prayersand offer services to pil-grims. Besides, additional650 Sri Seva volunteerswill be pressed into serviceduring the period, headded.

Mr Rao further apprisedthat a procession fromTiruchanoor near Tirupaticarrying sacred prayermaterials will commenceon July 9 and reachRajahmundry on July 11.

SRINAGARThe holy Amarnath Yatra is on

the target of militants, a topArmy officer confirmed onSaturday.

“We are aware that militantsare trying to cross the border tocreate problems duringAmarnath Yatra,” said LtGeneral KH Singh, GeneralOfficer Commanding (GoC), 16Corps.

Singh, however, assured thatthe security forces are preparedto deal with any threat.

“Let me assure you that their(militants) intentions of infiltra-tion or trying to create troublewill be dealt with,” he said.

The remarks amid inputs thatmilitants from across the bordercould target the Amarnath Yatrawhich got underway earlier thisweek.

Security has already beenstepped up for the pilgrimageamid threats.

Also this week, security forces

heightened alert after 11 youngKashmiri terrorists donningArmy fatigues and holdingfirearms, posted their photo-graphs on social networking siteFacebook.

The picture, which remainedon 'Facebook' for two days,showed 11 terrorists, who recent-ly joined the banned HizbulMujahideen terror outfit.

Those in the photographinclude ex-constable of Jammuand Kashmir Police Naseer, whoran away with two AK-47 rifleswhile on guard duty with AltafBukhari, a minister in the MuftiSayeed-headed PDP-BJP gov-ernment, and Burhan Wani, a res-ident of Tral, who has emergedas the young face of HizbulMujahideen in the Valley.

Militants could target AmarnathYatra, confirms Army

Tirumala Venkateswara TempleReplica to be Erected in Rajahmundry

AGARTALATransmission of 100 MW of power

from Tripura to neighbouringBangladesh will begin next year, anofficial said today.

As part of the commitment madeby Prime Minister Narendra Modiduring his Dhaka visit, the Ministryof Power has given its nod to sell 100MW power to Bangladesh fromTripura, Principal Secretary SKRakesh told reporters.

He said this decision had beentaken in the meeting of the ministryin Delhi on Thursday last.

65 transmission towers are beingerected by Power Grid Corporationof India Ltd for transmission ofpower from Sryamaninagar here toSouth Comilla in Bangladesh via

Bishalgarh in Sipahijala district."The state itself would decide from

which source it would transmitpower. Power would be transmittedfrom Tripura's share. It may be 726MW gas based thermal power plant

at Palatana in Gomati district or anyother source", Mr Rakeshsaid.

The National Vidyut Vyapar NigamLtd, a subsidiary of NTPC, will fixthe tariff of power, he said.

Transmission of Power from Tripurato Bangladesh to Begin Next Year

NEW DELHIRailways will roll out its

50,000th coach on July 6,marking a momentousoccasion for the nationaltransporter in achieving arecord performance in thecoach manufacturing sec-tor.

The 50,000th AC three-tier coach will come out ofthe Integrated CoachFactory (ICF) in Chennaiwhen Union RailwayMinister Suresh Prabhuwill press a remote buttonfrom the Rail Bhawan inNew Delhi on Monday.

Beside dedicating the50,000th conventionalcoach to the nation, MrPrabhu will also inaugu-rate the upgrading facilityat the ICF for productionof Linke Hofmann Busch(LHB) coaches inChennai, through videoconference facility fromNew Delhi.

A premier industry, ICFwas set up in 1955. Sincethen the factory has beenmanufacturing convention-al coaches aproximately1,500 a year, catrering tothe ever-increasingdemand of coaches for

new trains.It is a proud moment for

the Indian Railways whenthe 50,000th coach manu-factured by ICF is beingdedicated to nation, a sen-ior Railway Ministry offi-cial said.

IFC manufactures vari-ous types of AC and non-AC coaches includingEMUs (Electrical MultipleUnits) and DEMU (DieselElectrical Multiple Units),Metro coaches for KolkataMetro.

Now the ICF will alsomanufacture LHB coach-

es, till now made at RailCoach factory at Raebareliand Kapurthala, the offi-cial said.

LHB coaches are mainlyused in premier trains likeRajdhani, Shatabdi andDuronto services.

"Conventional coachesused in mail and expresstrains will be replaced withLHB coaches gradually,"he said.

ICF is credited withintroducing Braille sig-nages in coaches for visu-ally-challenged passen-gers.

Union Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu tolaunch 50,000th Coach on July 6

SRINAGARModerate Hurriyat Conference and

militant outfit Hizbul Mujahideen onFriday rejected contentions by formerRAW chief AS Dulat regarding them,insisting that they have nobasis.

"We out-rightly reject Dulat's con-tention," Hurriyat said in a statement,reacting to Mr Dulat's contention thatits Chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooqcould have been made to join themainstream politics.

"The sole aim of Hurriyat is to finda lasting solution to the Kashmirissue in accordance with the wishesand aspirations of people," it added.

The statement said the Hurriyatengaged in several rounds of talkswith the political leadership of Indiaand Pakistan on the issue and is stillstuck to its stand that "the issue canbe resolved either by implementingthe UN resolutions or holding ameaningful dialogue involving allparties concerned".

Mr Dulat had said Mirwaiz UmerFarooq was one such leader whocould be roped into the mainstream."But he is a scared person and fearsfor his life," he said.

In another disclosure mentioned inhis book "Kashmir: The VajpayeeYears", Mr Dulat has said that in

early 1990s, self-styled HizbulMujahideen chief Syed Salahuddinhad called local Intelligence Bureauchief K M Singh and sought his helpin securing a medical seat for his son.

"Singh approached (Farooq)Abdullah, who was the ChiefMinister, and the work was done," MrDulat said, adding these favours areextended always with a hope thatthey would be converted into a sur-render of the militants.

Terming Mr Dulat's claim as an"Himalayan lie", Hizbul Mujahideensaid Salahuddin had no contact withany intelligence agency and his songot a seat on the basis of merit.

Hurriyat, Hizbul Mujahideen Reject Ex-RAW Chief's Contention

Need to Involve India and China inMiddle-East Peace Efforts: Experts

UNITED NATIONSWith the Israeli-

Palestinian conflict contin-uing to rage on, expertshave indicated to the UNthe need to involve Indiaand China to bolster medi-ation efforts and end thedominance of the US in theMiddle East.

At a meeting titled'International efforts toachieve the two-State solu-tion' in Moscow on July 2,experts called for anexpansion of the MiddleEast Quartet, implementa-tion of the Arab PeaceInitiative and greaterawareness of it in Israel,and a Security Council res-olution setting a timetableto resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Leading Researcher ofthe Centre for EurasianStudies at the DiplomaticAcademy in MoscowGalina Prozorova in partic-ular made the point that inorder to combat extremistgroups, it was vital to stepup collective mediationefforts and bolster theQuartet, which was inade-

quate to address today'srealties.

The Quartet, comprisingthe US, European Union,UN and Russia, was estab-lished in 2002 to focus onmediating the peaceprocess in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Ms Prozorova said theQuartet had been sharply

criticized for being ineffec-tive so far.

"Proposals had also beenput forth to involve Chinaand India stressing theneed to end United Statesdominance in the MiddleEast," she said, accordingto information provided bythe UN on the meeting.

She said that internation-

al negotiators must employthe entire "arsenal" ofmoral, political, economicand humanitarian negotiat-ing tools, as well as a boy-cott of Israeli settlementsto curb settlement activity,end Israel's blockade, andadvance the peaceprocess.

The meeting was con-

vened by the Committeeon the Exercise of theInalienable Rights of thePalestinian People toexplore ways to foster theconditions needed for asuccessful political processand review internationalefforts to achieve the two-State solution.

India had for the firsttime yesterday abstainedfrom voting on a resolutionon Palestine adopted at theUN rights body that callsfor accountability by par-ties involved in last year'sconflict in Gaza.

The resolution on "ensur-ing accountability and jus-tice for all violations ofinternational law in theoccupied

Palestinian territory,including East Jerusalem"was adopted at the UNHuman Rights Councilyesterday with 41 votes infavour, five abstentionsand one vote against theresolution.

India, along withEthiopia, Kenya,Macedonia and Paraguay,abstained from voting.

India Abstains from Voting on Palestine Resolution at UN Human Rights Council in GenevaGENEVA

India, for the first time, abstainedfrom voting on a resolution onPalestine adopted at the UN rightsbody that calls for accountability byparties involved in last year's conflictin Gaza. India, however, maintainedthat there was no change in its longstanding position on support to thePalestinian cause.

Friday's resolution on "ensuringaccountability and justice for all vio-lations of international law in theoccupied Palestinian territory, includ-ing East Jerusalem" was adopted atthe UN Human Rights Council(UNHRC) with 41 votes in favour,

five abstentions and one vote againstthe resolution. India abstained onvoting along with Ethiopia, Kenya,Macedonia and Paraguay. ThePermanent Representative of India tothe United Nations Office at Geneva(UNOG), Ajit Kumar, in an explana-tion of the vote said, "We are not aparty to the Rome Statute or theInternational Criminal Court (ICC)for reasons that have been enumerat-ed earlier. Taking that into accountIndia has decided to abstain from thisresolution". In response to a questionon India's vote, an External AffairsMinistry Spokesperson in New Delhisaid, "There is no change in India's

long standing position on support tothe Palestinian cause." "The issue inthis particular Resolution was the ref-erence to the International CriminalCourt (ICC). India is not a signatoryto the Rome Statute establishing theICC," the Spokesperson said in astatement. "In the past also, whenev-er a Human Rights Council resolu-tion had made a direct reference tothe ICC, as had happened in theResolutions on Syria and NorthKorea, our general approach hadbeen to abstain. We have followedthe same principle in our voting ontoday's Resolution," the statementsaid.

Rajasthan High Court Rejects AsaramBapu's Plea to Attend Gandhinagar CourtJODHPUR

While a court inGandhinagar has beenawaiting framing ofcharges in the alleged rapecase involving self-styledgodman Asaram Bapu, theRajasthan High Court inJodhpur has refused toallow him to go toGandhinagar.

After the AdditionalDistrict and Sessions courthad rejected the applica-tion by the Jodhpur jailauthority seeking permis-sion to send him toGandhinagar for chargeframing, Asaram hadmoved High Court on June26.

Additional AdvocateGeneral Rajesh Panwarraised the question aboutthe locus standi of the peti-tion moved by AsaramBapu in this regard.

"The petition has been

moved by Asaram Bapu,who has no locus standi tomove such a petition. Onlythe concerned court couldcome forward with thisplea to allow Asaram toappear there and that toothrough production war-rant," Mr Panwar argued.

He also contended thatthe trial of the case has

been taking place on a day-to-day basis in Jodhpur fol-lowing the directions of theRajasthan High Court andallowing him to go toGandhinagar would ham-per the trial of the case inJodhpur's case.

He also sought time fromthe court to file a detailedreply.

No threat to PMfrom right-wingextremists: MHANEW DELHI

Home Ministry on Saturday deniedthere was any threat to Prime MinisterNarendra Modi from right-wing ele-ments in the wake of such reports in asection of media.

The sources said the reports arebaseless and unfounded and that nonew security risk has been added forthe Prime Minister.

There was no report of any threatposed from right-wing elements, theysaid.

It was reported recently that a newsecurity dossier, prepared by DelhiPolice ahead of the International YogaDay event here, lists a threat fromright-wing fudamentalists because ofModi's attempts to woo the Muslimcommunity.

It was claimed that the new threatwas flagged on the basis of generalperception and there was no specificintelligence input regarding any suchnefarious plan underway. However,Home Ministry sources have refutedthe media reports.

Page 4: 05 July 2015


Britain is the only major Westerncountry that Narendra Modi hasnot visited as Prime Minister. He

went in April to neighbouring Germanyand France, from where he must haveenjoyed the sight of the majestic WhiteCliffs of Dover, but he was clearly nottempted to cross the English Channel.

The last prime ministerial visit to theU.K. was in 2006 by Manmohan Singh.Such a long gap — during which Britishprime ministers have visited India fourtimes — is unprecedented, creating a per-ception that Britain seems to have fallenoff New Delhi’s foreign office map. Itreminds us of I.K. Gujral’s unfortunatedescription of the U.K. as a “third ratepower” not worth cultivating.

There are reports that Mr. Modi mightfinally show up in November. But corpo-rate India has, meanwhile, more thanmade up for the lack of political engage-ment by fully engaging on the economicfront. Trade relations between the twocountries are flourishing, with Indialeapfrogging to become the third largestinvestor in Britain after the U.S. andFrance. At a critical juncture of the Britisheconomy, there are close to 1,000 Indiancompanies operating in Britain today,employing 1,20,000 people and generat-ing hundreds of new jobs. On July 8, cap-tains of Indian and British industry willmeet in London for a high-profile confer-ence on the “Future of U.K.-IndiaEconomic Relations” organised jointly bythe Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)and the Confederation of British Industry(CBI). The conference is being held amida mood of optimism generated by theunprecedented surge in Indian investmentlevels last year — there was a whopping65 per cent increase over the previousyear.

But also hanging over it will be theshadow of a growing row over the Britishgovernment’s new visa regime for non-EU countries. Indian companies say theseare arbitrary and will affect their opera-tions in Britain. They are particularlyupset over fresh restrictions on intra-com-pany transfers which, according to them,will prevent them from drawing on theirbest in-house talent. Britain argues thatsuch transfers mean that native Britonsare denied the jobs that should have gone

to them. It has been a long-running sourceof friction, but now it seems to have cometo a head. Ahead of the conference, theCII has put out a strongly worded state-ment demanding a review.

CII president Sumit Mazumdar, while

acknowledging British concerns, said themove would “undermine the contribu-tions of Indian companies in the U.K.,who are keen to partner in this process”. Itseems that CII’s own new country headfor the U.K. has had problems getting avisa.

Too much hype?

Trade relations is arguably a big successstory, but it needs to be seen in perspec-tive in order not to be carried away bysome of the hype around it. First, it isimportant to remember that Britain is theworld’s number one investment destina-tion in Europe, sought after even by theU.S., offering investors a gateway toEurope. So, there’s nothing unique aboutIndian businesses flocking to it. Indeed, itwould have been surprising if they hadnot.

Second, much of the Indian investmentin terms of financial value is accountedfor by only a handful of big guns led bythe Tatas, owners of Jaguar Land Rover,and the steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal.Others are mostly minnows. According toa study, Tata Motors accounts for 80 percent of the estimated £19 billion turnoverof the 41 fastest-growing Indian compa-

nies in the U.K. There are some whoseturnover is as little as £5 million. Thehype, thus, gives a slightly skewed imageof Indian “domination’’ of the U.K. mar-ket.

Still, it is an impressive effort which

Prime Minister David Cameron and hisministers seldom lose an opportunity tohighlight. Britain desperately needs for-eign investment to revive businesses, gen-erate jobs and help with skills develop-ment, as it struggles to overcome the lin-gering effects of the 2008 financial crash.India, one of the fastest growingeconomies in search of foreign markets, isseen as the perfect fit.

China may be the bigger beast withdeeper pockets, but it is India that evokesa greater sense of natural and culturalaffinity, not to mention the bond ofEnglish.

What also makes Britain attractive to somany Indian companies is its investor-friendly environment. All you need is afew million quid and you’re in business,complete with fast-tracked visas, and,with a little top-up, even British residen-cy. There was a time not long ago whenthe traffic was all one-way (from U.K. toIndia) but the tide has dramaticallyreversed. Today, there are few sectors ofBritish economy — from manufacturingand hospitality to professional services,chemicals, health and IT — which don’thave some level of Indian investment.Financial, professional and business sec-

tors account for the largest share.

Playing on Mr. Modi’s achhe din’ slo-gan, Britain’s Chancellor of theExchequer, George Osborne, chuckled ona visit to India that “good days are comingfor the investment we make in each

other’s economies”.

Big-ticket Indian projects in thepipeline include a £100 million invest-ment by pharmaceuticals company Ciplain U.K.-based research on a range ofdrugs; and a £20 million injection into theBritish economy by automobile giantMahindra in developing its electric cartechnology.

Despite the recent surge, however,India-U.K. trade has still a lot of catchingup to do, with the two countries setting atarget in 2010 of doubling bilateral tradeto £23 billion in 2015. The current level iswell short of it.

Meanwhile, no doubt trade ties areimportant, but they need to be supple-mented by political engagement at thehighest level. Without that, issues like thevisa row cannot be resolved. The CIIprotesting is not the same thing as Mr.Modi chatting up David Cameron whiletaking a selfie with him in DowningStreet. That chat is now overdue.

(Hasan Suroor is a London-based jour-nalist.

E-mail: [email protected])

Sunday | July 05, 2015


The Boston Consulting Group’s15th annual report, “Winningthe Growth Game: Global

Wealth 2015”, has received extensivecoverage in the Indian media. Thereport comes on top of the GlobalWealth Databook 2014 from CreditSuisse, which provides a much moreaccurate and comprehensive pictureof the trends in global inequality.

The Global Wealth Databookreveals some startling facts. The rich-est 1 per cent of Indians today ownnearly half (49 per cent) of India’spersonal wealth. The rest of us 99 percent are left to share the remainderamong ourselves. And that too is veryunequally shared. The top 10 per centIndians own nearly three-quarters (74per cent) of the country’s personalwealth. The remaining 90 per centshare a meagre quarter. At the otherend of the spectrum, of the world’spoorest 20 per cent people, nearlyone in four are Indians. Just to showby contrast, China’s share is a mere 3per cent.

One view of India’s inequality isthat this is nothing to be worriedabout. This is the normal progressionof economic development. A set ofexpanding industries located in anurban area induces further develop-ment of economic activity throughoutits zone of influence. For some years,this generates increasingly large dif-ferentials in income and develop-ment, but after reaching a maximumlevel, inequality begins to decline, inthe manner of an inverted ‘U’, whateconomists call the Kuznets Curve.In U.S President John F. Kennedy’smemorable phrase, “a rising tide liftsall boats”.

A widening gap

Now, there is no doubt that povertyhas declined significantly in recent

times in India. But can we say thesame about inequality? The CreditSuisse report gives an unequivocalanswer: No. Even nearly threedecades after economic reforms andhigh growth, inequality continues torise and wealth has become evenmore concentrated at the top. Theshare of India’s richest 10 per centfamilies has grown from 66 per centin the year 2000 to 74 per cent today.India’s super-rich (top 1 per cent)who owned 37 per cent of India’spersonal wealth in 2000, have evenmore rapidly increased their share to49 per cent. This kind of regressivechange surely has a link with thecrony capitalism of the last threedecades. Hopefully the Indian elec-torate, very exercised over corrup-tion, will place sufficient pressure onthe ruling classes for this to changesooner rather than later. Meanwhile,millions of Indians do not find them-selves a part of the growth story. Andthere is growing resentment over thisgaping inequality. With greateraccess to the electronic media acrossthe country, the differences are glar-ingly visible for those at the base ofthe development pyramid. Inequalityin India operates on multiple axes —of gender, class, caste, region, reli-gion and ethnicity. But perhaps theworst suffering is of India’s tribalpeople, who suffer a double whammyof both disadvantaged region and eth-nicity.

A paper in the Economic andPolitical Weekly, (Sanchita Bakshi etal: “Regional Disparities in India: AMoving Frontier”, January 3, 2015)reveals that if we want to get an accu-rate picture of regional inequalities, awell-recognised element of India’sgrowth experience, we have to lookmuch deeper than just States or evendistricts. We need to go to the subdis-trict or block level. And there we findthat an overwhelming share of themost backward subdistricts has a

high concentration of tribal popula-tion.

India’s forgotten people

Official data on all indicators ofdevelopment reveal that India’s tribalpeople are the worst off in terms ofincome, health, education, nutrition,infrastructure and governance. Theyhave also been unfortunately at thereceiving end of the injustices of thedevelopment process itself. Around40 per cent of the 60 million peopledisplaced following developmentprojects in India are tribals, which isnot a surprise given that 90 per centof our coal and more than 50 per centof most minerals and dam sites aremainly in tribal regions.

Indeed, contrary to what economictheory teaches, we find that manydeveloped districts paradoxicallyinclude pockets of intense backward-ness. Bakshi et al show that manydistricts include the most backwardand most developed subdistricts ofIndia; 92 districts have subdistrictsthat figure in the list of both the top20 per cent and bottom 20 per cent ofIndia’s subdistricts. To give a fewexamples, “developed” districts likeThane, Vadodara, Ranchi,Visakhapatnam and Raipur havesome of the most backward subdis-tricts. In Korba and Raigarh districtsof Chhattisgarh, Valsad of Gujarat,Pashchimi Singhbhum and PurbiSinghbhum of Jharkhand, Kendujhar,Koraput and Mayurbhanj of Odisha,the most industrialised subdistrictsare flanked by the most underdevel-oped subdistricts. And invariablythese backward subdistricts are over-whelmingly tribal. Clearly, the tribalpeople have not been included in orgiven the opportunity to benefit fromdevelopment.

Inequality is important not onlybecause of the acute perception of

injustice it creates. Even economistsat the traditionally free-market funda-mentalist International MonetaryFund, Andrew G. Berg and JonathanD. Ostry, have recently argued that“inequality can also be destructive togrowth by amplifying the risk of cri-sis or making it difficult for the poorto invest in education”. They con-clude: “reduced inequality and sus-tained growth may thus be two sidesof the same coin”.

Inclusive growthWhat then are the elements of a

vision of development much moreinclusive and empowering of thoseleft out? First, the overall direction ofgrowth needs to change. We cannotcontinue with a pattern of joblessgrowth. It is clear that some modelsof growth are inherently more inclu-sive than others, which is why ourfocus should be not just on GDPgrowth itself, but on achieving agrowth process that is as inclusive aspossible. For example, faster growthfor the Micro, Small and MediumEnterprises segment will generate amuch broader spread of employmentand income earning opportunities andis, therefore, more inclusive thangrowth largely driven by extractiveindustries or the service sector. It isalso clear that sustainability has to beat the core of our development strate-gy. This is because the poorestregions of India are also the mosteco-fragile. If we truly want to buildtribal incomes, we need to offer thema range of sustainable livelihoods,including non-pesticide managedagriculture, an imperative also for thehealth of Indian consumers, as wellas for reducing the escalating finan-cial and ecological costs of farming.

Huge income-generation and biodi-versity conservation possibilities alsoexist if we can imaginatively utilisethe vast unutilised potential of theNon-Timber Forest Products market,

which is estimated to run into severalthousands of crores, of which only aminuscule fraction accrues to thetribal communities. Of course, thisrequires careful attention being paidto the rights of the tribal people, asenshrined in the Forest Rights Actand a complete restructuring of theirrelationship with the ForestDepartment, historically seen by thetribal communities as standing in anadversarial relationship with them.

Participatory governanceMuch better state capacities in

regions of high poverty are also anurgent requirement. For these regionssuffer not just from rampant marketfailure but also widespread govern-ment failure. A crucial reason whythe poor are unable to take advantageof the possibilities opened up bygrowth even within their districts isthe absence of requisite health andeducation facilities. Globally, Indiaspends among the lowest share of itsnational income on public provisionof health and education. These are thesectors in most urgent need of gov-ernment reform. We need to equipour most disadvantaged people withthe skills demanded by a rapidlychanging economy. Programmesmeant for poverty elimination such asthe Mahatma Gandhi National RuralEmployment Guarantee Act do notwork as they are meant to because therequisite human resources do notexist precisely where these pro-grammes are most desperatelyrequired.

A key feature of the changing econ-omy is growing market penetration.More than 80 per cent of India’s cul-tivators are small and marginal farm-ers and they are invariably haplessvictims of participation in the marketeconomy. But this need not necessar-ily be so. Wherever farmers havecome together to form powerful insti-tutions to buy and sell, they have

been able to compete on much fairerterms in the market.

Most of all, the excluded regionsand people need better governance,which is much more participatory innature, for only then will the sloganof cooperative federalism reallyacquire concrete substance.Panchayati raj institutions, includingthe gram sabha, need to be empow-ered and activated for this purpose.We need to learn to involve the “lastcitizens” in decisions that affect theirlives, such as taking their consentwhile acquiring land for an avowedpublic purpose.

There is nothing automatic about adecline in inequality under capital-ism. The Kuznets Curve remains amere fantasy if the right programmesand policies are not in place.Inequality did decline when theappropriate policy framework wasadopted in Europe and America dur-ing the so-called golden age of capi-talism in the mid-20th century. Thesewere the decades that saw the emer-gence of what economist, public offi-cial and diplomat John KennethGalbraith termed “countervailingpower”. And it is the unravelling ofthis balancing power and a shifttowards free-market fundamentalismthat led to the rise in inequality after1980.

Indian policymakers must recog-nise the urgent need to redefine thevery meaning of reforms so as tomake them pro-poor, rather thanmerely pro-corporate. Without thesereforms, inequality in India will con-tinue to escalate and create dangeroustensions, threatening the very sur-vival of the delicate fabric of Indiandemocracy.

(Mihir Shah is a grass-rootsactivist who has lived and worked inthe tribal regions of central India for

the last 25 years.)

The Vyapam scam trail

Trade is booming; will diplomacy follow?

Tribal alienation in an unequal India

EDITORIAL4 NEW DELHI | SUNDAY | JULY 05, 2015Fight For Right

Website: www.saaddahaq.in Email: [email protected]

Fight For Right

The Vyapam scam in Madhya Pradesh dates back to2007, with investigations in the case starting aftersome details came to light in 2013. Officers of the

Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board(Vyavsayik Pareeksha Mandal, or Vyapam) were found tohave been rigging a variety of eligibility tests for coursesand recruitments for close to six years, perhaps for an evenlonger period. These included tests for medical entrance,and for those aspiring for government employment aspolice constables, teachers, banking officials and so on.Over Rs.2,000 crore is believed to have been exchanged asbribes. The State police have arrested some 2,000 people,and are looking for about 700 more. Those allegedlyinvolved include politicians and bureaucrats across theboard, as well as the office of Governor Ram NareshYadav. The scale of the scandal was shocking enough butit largely escaped national attention until recent reportsbrought to light a particularly disturbing set of develop-ments — more than 40 of the accused persons or witness-es in the case have died, according to media reports. TheState government’s Special Investigation Team recentlyadmitted before the Madhya Pradesh High Court that 23 ofthese were ‘unnatural’ deaths. Many of the dead werebetween the age of 25 and 30, and ‘road accidents’ werecited as the leading cause of death. It all points to seriousand persisting foul play. The facts indicate significant laps-es on the part of the State government. To begin with, thecase is being investigated by a special task force thatanswers directly to Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan— and it seems to have no answers for the spate of suspi-cious deaths. Worse still, State government officials haveappeared callous in their responses and have attempted tojust shrug off the matter. State Home Minister BabulalGaur attributed the deaths to natural causes, adding that“whoever is born has to die one day”. Earlier this year,Chief Minister Chouhan claimed in a letter to Congresspresident Sonia Gandhi that the developments regardingthe Vyapam scam provided proof of his honesty as he wasthe one who ordered a probe into it. That claim no longerholds water. Mr. Chouhan, whose reputation for good andclean governance has been damaged by the scam, shouldnow act proactively to recommend an independent probe.Alternatively, the Central government should step in andhand over the case to the Central Bureau of Investigation,before someone ensures that is done by approaching theSupreme Court. That would be hugely embarrassing forthe BJP government, which has already lost a lot of itsmoral sheen.

Trade relations is arguably a big success story, but it needsto be seen in perspective in order not to be carried away bysome of the hype around it. First, it is important to remem-ber that Britain is the world’s number one investment desti-

nation in Europe, sought after even by the U.S., offeringinvestors a gateway to Europe. So, there’s nothing unique

about Indian businesses flocking to it. Indeed, it would havebeen surprising if they had not.

Page 5: 05 July 2015

5 NEW DELHI | SUNDAY | JULY 05, 2015Fight for right

Website: www.saaddahaq.in Email: [email protected]

Dawood Ibrahim's...Jethmalani had given a proposal about

Dawood's willingness to return. But therewas a condition that Dawood should not bekept in jail. Rather he be allowed to remain ina house. This was not acceptable. We said hehad to face the law," Pawar told reportershere.

The former Union minister was asked aboutJethmalani's statement that Dawood, a keyaccused in the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts,was willing to surrender to Indian authoritiesbut Pawar, the then Chief Minister heading aCongress government in the state, had reject-ed the offer.

Pawar should ...Mumbai blasts."If Ram Jethmalani had come out with a

specific offer of surrender, a conditional sur-render, in that case, Sharad Pawar should nothave rejected it outright. It was his duty toconsult the state and the national intelligenceagencies who are experts in the field and thislead could have been pursued by the profes-sionals of the intelligence agencies so that thesurrender could have been made consequen-tial," Singh told ANI here.

"At that very time when Iqbal Memoncould have been brought to India through anintelligence operation. By similar reckoning,it was possible for the intelligence agencies tohave brought back Dawood to India. By out-rightly rejecting the offer without consultingthe state and national intelligence agencies,Sharad Pawar is at fault and I think he shouldaccept that," he added.

Pawar had earlier said that senior lawyerRam Jethmalani`s proposition regarding thesurrender of underworld don DawoodIbrahim was not viable as a criminal like himcould not be left without being arrested.

"Ram Jethmalani had given a proposition;that`s true, but it was conditional. He had putsuch a condition wherein Dawood would nothave been arrested if he had come to India.You cannot not but arrest a person who has somany cases against him. Everybody needs tofollow the law but Jethmalani ji did notaccept the suggestion," said Pawar.

Jethmalani had claimed that Dawood hadoffered to surrender to the Indian authoritiesin the nineties, but Pawar did not carry thematter forward.

"Dawood said that he was ready to comeback, but needed assurance from the govern-ment that they will not use third degree... andwill keep him under house arrest. He said thathe was ready to face the punishment if he waswrong," Jethmalani said.

"When he said this, I sent this in writing toSharad Pawar... I told my son to inform aboutthis offer to the local authorities," headded.The 1993 bombings were a series ofbomb explosions that took place in Mumbai.

The single-day attacks resulted in over 350fatalities and 1200 injuries.

Indian govt...had wished to return to India after the

Mumbai blasts and had even spoken to senioradvocate Ram Jethmalani in London, but theIndian government refused.

Jethmalani has also claimed that DawoodIbrahim and Chhota Shakeel had offered tosurrender to Indian authorities in the '90s, butthe then Maharashtra chief minister SharadPawar had rejected the offer.

Media reports have quoted Jethmalani assaying that Shakeel had contacted him inLondon with the offer and had asked thatboth dons be kept under house arrest duringthe trial, but the state government had beenunable to guarantee the same.

While speaking to the newspaper, Shakeelalso touched upon the issue of Chhota Rajanand admitted that Dawood is directlyinvolved in the plan hatched to eliminate hisrival.

Shakeel claimed that he was sent toAustralia by Dawood to personally lead theattack against Rajan.

Dawood's trusted aide also took a dig at theIndian administration over repeatedly makingclaims that they would bring back Dawood toIndia and make him face the law.

"Every time a new government comes, theymake the first statement about us. Usko lekeaayenge... ghus ke laayenge... Kya halwa hai?Bakri ka bachcha samajh ke rakha hai kya?Lana hai toh usko (Rajan) lao na," Shakeeltold the newspaper.

The Narendra Modi-led government hasrepeatedly said that Dawood is in Pakistanand that India is determined to bring himback.

Pakistan has denied time and again thefugitive's presence on its soil.

UPSC Civil ...happy to know the results. I have been

preparing for the exam for the last one year."Third Rank holder Ms Gupta, who is the

Assistant Commissioner of Customs andCentral Excise, said it was a proud momentfor her. " I put in lot of hard work and it paidoff," she said.

This was the first time the Commissiondeclared the final results within four days ofthe closing date for the personality tests or

interviews, a senior official said.The civil services preliminary examination

was conducted on August 24 last year at2,137 venues in 59 centres across the country.About 9.45 lakh candidates had applied for itbut approximately 4.51 lakh appeared for theexamination.

Altogether, 1,364 posts are to be filledthrough the examination.

PM Narendra ....declared by the Union Public Services

Commission (UPSC) on Saturday.According to the UPSC, a total of 1,236

candidates have been recommended forappointment to the Indian AdministrativeService, Indian Foreign Service, IndianPolice Service and Central Services Group'A' and Group 'B'.

Exclusive: After...Procedure), in front of the magistrate, all

turned hostile in court."Significantly, their statements - now

retracted - were recorded in before a judicialmagistrate to ensure there is no pressure frominvestigators. But starting in November 2014,they began to turn hostile claiming that theywere pressured by the NIA to testify. The lastsuch flip by a witness was in May 2015.

But Mr Sharma told Reporters that he "hadasked every single witness if they had evercomplained to the court that the ATS hadpressurised them. They said that they hadnever got an opportunity to complain to any-one."

Significantly, one of the witnesses who hasdone a u-turn is Randheer Singh, now a min-ister in the BJP's Jharkhand government.According to Mr Sharma, Mr Singh claimedin his testimony to the ATS to have seen MrGupta and Sunil Joshi (also accused in threeother blast cases) test fire a weapon.

But according to Mr Sharma, RandheerSingh turned hostile in May this year. Justfour months ago, Mr Singh defected to theBJP from the Jharkhand Vikas Morcha(Prajatantrik) and was made a minister.

"Originally Singh had said that the accusedtest-fired a revolver, but in court he deniedmaking such a statement," said Mr Kumar.

Mr Singh however told Reporters that hehas not made any such retraction.

NIA sources told Reporters that there wasno pressure on any witnesses. "Our job is toinvestigate. We cannot control the stand takenby witnesses," said a senior NIA official.

All 13 witnesses were either RSS workersor functionaries, according to Mr Kumar,who examined them in court.

The BJP refused to comment but RSS ideo-logue Rakesh Mishra told Reporters that thechange in witness stands only showed that thecase was politically motivated. "All thesecases are a political conspiracy against theRSS," said Mishra. "It is the right of the wit-nesses to withdraw if they were under pres-sure."

Confident About...vibrant. Last year I visited USA and in

January this year, President Barack Obamacame to India and became the first everPresident of USA to join our Republic Daycelebrations as chief guest," Mr Modi said.

The Prime Minister noted that substantialground was covered during both these visitsas far as strengthening of US-India ties areconcerned.

"Strong India US ties will benefit people ofour nations and the world at large. I am opti-mistic that our relations are going to get evenbetter in times to come," he said.

The US observes July 4 as its IndependenceDay, commemorating the adoption of theDeclaration of Independence in 1776, declar-ing that the 13 American colonies regardedthemselves as a new nation and no longer partof the British Empire.

ISRO to...be the ninth flight of PSLV in 'XL' configu-

ration.In addition, the rocket will also carry two

auxiliary satellites from UK - CBNT-1, atechnology demonstrator earth observationmicro satellite built by SSTL, and De-OrbitSail, a technology demonstrator nanosatellite built by Surrey Space Centre, it said.

Accommodating the three DMC3 satelliteseach with a height of about 3 metre within theexisting payload fairing of PSLV, was a chal-lenge, ISRO said.

To mount these satellites onto the launcher,a circular Launcher adaptor called L-adaptorand a triangular deck called Multiple SatelliteAdapter-Version 2 (MSA-V2), were newlydesigned and realised by ISRO for this spe-cific purpose.

These international customer satellites arebeing launched as part of the arrangemententered into between DMC InternationalImaging (DMCii), a wholly owned subsidiaryof SSTL, UK; and Antrix CorporationLimited (Antrix), it said.

The DMC3 constellation, comprising threeadvanced mini-satellites DMC3-1, DMC3-2and DMC3-3, is designed to address the needfor simultaneous high spatial resolution andhigh temporal resolution optical EarthObservation.

Launched into a single Low-Earth Orbitplane and phased with a separation of 120degrees between them, these satellites can

image any target on the Earth?s surface everyday. Major application areas include survey-ing the resources on earth and its environ-ment, managing urban infrastructure andmonitoring of disasters.

CBNT-1, weighing 91 kg, is an opticalEarth Observation technology demonstrationmicro satellite built by SSTL. The 7 kg De-orbitSail from Surrey Space Centre, is anexperimental nano satellite for demonstrationof large thin membrane sail and drag deorbit-ing using this sail.

Black Money ...'compliance window' ending September 30

include foreign account holders like some ofthe ones mentioned in the HSBC list againstwhom government has got information. Theywill not get immunity from the 120 per centtax and penalty and up to 10 year jail termprescribed in the new law.

The benefit will not also accrue to thoseavailing benefits under Double TaxationAvoidance Agreements (DTAAs) and TaxInformation and Exchange Agreements(TIEA) with foreign countries and jurisdic-tions.

The disclosures made in the 90-day compli-ance window would attract 30 per cent taxand an equivalent amount of penalty, whileescaping criminal prosecution and jail term.

For the purpose of assessing the value ofbank deposits and assets abroad, the CBDThas issued a separate guideline detailing theparameters of valuing each of them.

The value in a bank account will beassessed by totalling all deposits made sinceopening while assets like immovable proper-ty, shares and jewellery will be valued at fairmarket price for levy of tax and penalty bothduring the compliance window and other-wise.

Israel Thanks...Germany, Britain, Ireland, the Netherlands,

Portugal, Latvia and Estonia.Only the US voted against the resolution.India, Kenya, Ethiopia, Paraguay and

Macedonia abstained.Israel has been in touch with the leaders of

the five countries that abstained since lastJuly, when India had voted against Israel inthe UNHRC.

Officials in Prime Minister BenjaminNetanyahu's office have said that Netanyahuhad himself spoken with the leaders of India,Kenya and Ethiopia over the past few days,Israeli media reported.

However, according to sources, Israelbegan the effort from last July itself.

Israel feels the UNHRC vote on the vio-lence in the Gaza Strip was "politicized" and"unbalanced". According to Israel, the resolu-tion does not take into account the 5,000rockets fired into its territory by Hamas.

Centre Allays...for all and I want to assure them that funds

won't be a constraint," Union MinisterMukhtar Abbas Naqvi told PTI in Mumbai.

The Union Minority Affairs minister, whowas here to attend an Iftar event, said the gov-ernment will also consider including theseIslamic-learning centres in the mainstreameducational system under the Right toEducation Act.

Maharashtra government on Thursday saidthat madrasas which do not teach primarysubjects such as English, Maths and Sciencewould be considered as "non-schools" andchildren studying in them as "out of school"students.

However, stating that most such institutionswere doing good work, Mr Naqvi said,"Madrasas are a reality of India."

"We feel that there should be no politics onthe issue of madrasas. We don't see this asvote-bank politics. This issue is related to theempowerment of the Muslim community," headded.

Mr Naqvi, meanwhile, slammed the previ-ous Congress led-government for bringing inthe Right to Education (RTE) Act which, hesaid, does not consider madrasas as educa-tional institutions.

Stressing that the BJP-led government was"committed to inclusive growth", Mr Naqvisaid, "We have to take a lenient approach.The priority should be education for all."

"The Indian Constitution guarantees educa-tion to all," he added.

Madrasa Controversy...which do not teach primary subjects such as

English, Maths and Science would be consid-ered as "non-schools" and children studyingin them as "out of school" students.

Muslim community leaders have respondedsharply to the decision. Though only 4%Muslim children go to madrasas, sources saidthe decision, coming on the state govern-ment's beef ban in March, is being perceivedas "politics of intimidation" by the Muslimcommunity.

Dr Mahmadoor Rehman, who was thechairman of the chief minister's study groupon backwardness of Muslims in the previousgovernment, has questioned the need of mak-ing the announcement in the holy month ofRamzan.

"A very serious problems arises out of thisbecause the seeds of the feeling of discrimi-nation get implanted into their perception,into their mind and they indeed get subjected

to discriminatory treatment in the socialmilieu," said Mr Rehman.

The state government claims the decision isapplicable to other religious institutions too,including the Vedic schools. It is necessary tobring these schools into the mainstream underthe provisions of the Right to Education Act,the government contends.

"Given the situation, this could have beenhandled in a much more sensitive way,"Author and Columnist Anil Dharker toldNDTV. For example, the government couldhave given the time limit and said do this, weneed you to reform."

No Comments...in Accountability for Human Rights

Violations by Security Force Personnel inJammu and Kashmir', claims to have docu-mented the obstacles to justice faced in sever-al cases of human rights violations allegedlycommitted by security forces in Jammu andKashmir.

The report focuses particularly on theAFSPA, which it said "grants virtual immuni-ty to members of the security forces fromprosecution for alleged human rights viola-tions."

Asked if he has any comment on the report,the Secretary-General's spokesperson, FarhanHaq said, "No, I don't."

The 72-page report claims to be an analysisof government and legal documents related toover 100 alleged cases of human rights viola-tions committed between 1990 and 2013 inthe state of Jammu and Kashmir.

India Needs...growing cyber crime, we must develop

cyber infrastructure," he emphasised.Echoing Prime Minister Narendra Modi's

call for building I-ways (information high-ways), the minister said: "We need highways,roads, but we also need I-ways in our coun-try."

"Our neighbour China has shown us howwe can challenge Google by developing itsown operating systems," he added.

Talking about the ongoing Digital IndiaWeek launched by Prime Minister NarendraModi on July 1, the home minister said: "Ourgovernment is not only promoting digitalgovernance but I am confident that India willsoon reinforce its digital dominance in theworld."

Urging the students to use education in aconstructive manner, Singh said: "Educationwhile used in a constructive way is alwaysbeneficial to society but when abused it mayprove dangerous."

Referring to new manifestations of terror-ism, he pointed out that all militants are notilliterate.

"Some of them (militants) are highly quali-fied and technically sophisticated. This is aclear example of how technology can beabused for creating trouble in society," theminister said.

Congress Demands...to provide sub-standard rice to poor fami-

lies, swindling money from the state excheq-uer.

A senior spokesperson of Congress, AjayMaken said, "The diaries reveal benefits fornot only Chief Minister Raman Singh, but hiswife, sister in law, his cook and others. Themoot point is that if there are diaries with theChief Minister, his wife and his sister-in-law's names present, then why isn't any actionbeing taken against them."

The ruling BJP has denied this charge,Chhattisgarh state BJP president Dharam LalKaushik told NDTV, "The congress has noagenda... the CM acted on the allegationswhen they were first brought to his notice...The government has acted with swiftnessagainst the people accused."

The state Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB)has been investigating the case, but Congresshas demanded a Supreme Court monitoredprobe into the scam.

On February 12 this year, the ACB hadraided 36 offices of state civil supplies corpo-ration leading to the recovery of Rs. 3.64crore and several incriminating documents.

Chhattisgarh has often been touted as amodel state for its PDS by the BJP where sub-sidised rice is available to lakhs of poor fam-ilies at Rs. 1 per kg.

Refused Toilet...the money for her wedding.The girl, a Class 12 student in the

Jharkhand's Dumka District, had repeatedlyasked her parents for the toilt as she wasashamed of defecating in the open fields.Having been turned down, she allegedlycommitted suicide when her parents were notat home.

"My daughter told me that I go have to trav-el so far for a toilet in this heat, so construct atoilet first," said her mother.

"For many days, she was asking for a toiletin their house. The mother told her that theyare poor and the first priority is her marriage.After this everybody went back to their nor-mal routine and this incident happened," saidVipul Shukla, Superintendent of Police,Dumka.

Senior Congress leader Digvijaya Singhtweeted this morning, "A girl in Jharkhandcommitted suicide as her parents refused tobuild toilet ! India as a Nation must wake up

and build toilets on priority.

BSNL Launches...money even if he does not have a bank

account.The money loaded in the mobile wallet can

be transferred to a bank account and evenwithdrawn at bank branches or at BSNL out-lets.

Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasadinaugurated the wallet service in New Delhion friday.

"I remember when after becoming minister,we were giving presentation of Departmentof Posts to the Prime Minister, the PM askedthat can people of UP, Bihar, who work inKerala and Tamil Nadu, transfer money totheir poor mothers?

" .... I am happy that today we have takensignificant initiative in that direction," MrPrasad said.

"Loading money into wallet from a bankaccount is an option. BSNL customers, whodon't have bank accounts, can also loadmoney by visiting any BSNL retail outlet andask the retailer to recharge their mobile wal-let account and pay for various services,"BSNL Chairman and Managing DirectorAnupam Shrivastava said.

In Call to...month ago. The indication that the a key

conspirator in the Mumbai blasts case mightget help from the Islamic State - which con-trols large swathes of territory in both Syriaand Iraq -- to escape prison has perplexed theintelligence agencies. This is more so becauseit was apparently an authorized call from anofficial phone.

Negating the possibility of the terroraccused using a smuggled cellphone, VKSingh, Telangana's director general ofPrisons, said authorised calls are alwaysrecorded and Bhatkal knows it. His cell inCherlapally Jail is guarded round-the-clock.

"So if Bhatkal spoke about getting helpfrom Damascus or was planning to run awayfrom the jail, maybe he was trying to misleadthe police," Mr Singh said.

Gurgaon resident ...Sector-4, Gurgaon said he was charged the

stupendous amount for two months."I have got a two months bill of 75 crore.

Last month I got a bill of Rs 9,000 and beforethat my bill was five thousand. I have normalequipments at my place. I was shocked whenI received my bill. 75 crore ka toh meramakaan bhi nahi hai. Hum toh sadak peajayenge (Even my house is not worth 75crores, I will come on the streets if I pay thisbill)," Kumar told ANI.

Kumar has made many rounds of the elec-tricity board office but says the issue has notbeen resolved yet.

"When I went to the electricity office, theysaid they will fix it. They asked me to waitoutside the office, I waited for two hours inthe office and then they said that I willreceive the bill," he added.

Journalist Covering...Madhya Pradesh.The incident took place in Meghnagar near

Jhabua town.Akshay Singh, who worked for TV Today

group, had called on the parents of NamrataDamor, whose body had been found undermysterious circumstances near railway tracksin Ujjain district.

Namrata's father Mehtab Singh Damor saidAkshay and two others visited their housethis afternoon. After the interview was over, aperson was sent to get some papers photo-copied.

As Akshay was waiting outside Damor'shouse, suddenly he started frothing at themouth. He was rushed to civil hospital andlater to a private hospital, but doctors failed torevive him. From there he was taken to anoth-er hospital in nearby Dahod in Gujarat, wherehe was declared brought dead.

Jhabua district's Superintendent of PoliceAbid Khan confirmed that a person namedAkshay Singh had died in Meghnagar.

At least 25 accused / witnesses have died sofar in Vyapam scam, a massive admission andrecruitment racket involving several bureau-crats and politicians, and the oppositionCongress has been demanding a CBI probeinto the matter..

PDP Hails Amnesty's ...issue.PDP spokesperson Mehboob Beg, in a

statement, appealed to the Central govern-ment to consider the recommendation madeby the international human rights body in itsreport 'Denied: Failures in accountability forhuman rights violations by security force per-sonnel in Jammu and Kashmir' and said it is a"vindication of PDP's stand on the issue".

"It does not behove a democratic countrylike India to have a draconian law likeAFSPA exist in any part," he added.

Calling AFSPA as one of the "primary facil-itators of impunity" by security forces,Amnesty International had on Wednesdaydemanded its repeal and sought investigationinto cases of human rights violations inJammu and Kashmir by an "independent andimpartial" authority.

From Page 1

Page 6: 05 July 2015

SCIENCE & TECH6 NEW DELHI | SUNDAY | JULY 05, 2015Fight for right

Website: www.saaddahaq.in Email: [email protected]

Infosys on Friday saidit will invest $10 mil-lion (about Rs. 63

crores) in Ireland-basedstartups that are develop-ing disruptive technolo-gies and is expandingpresence there by settingup a unit in Dublin.

The Bangalore-basedIT services firm has beenselected as a strategicpartner by Allied IrishBanks (AIB), a financialservices group operatingpredominantly in Irelandand the UK, to set up a200-seater unit inDublin.

"Infosys intends to setaside $10 million from itsglobal Innovation Fundfor Ireland-based start-ups... Infosys is keen tocontinue sharing itsexpertise to assist start-ups that are developingand enabling these (dis-ruptive) technologies,"Infosys said in a state-ment.

Earlier this year,Infosys had announcedthe $500 million (roughlyRs. 3,172 crores)Innovation Fund, ear-marked for investmentsin the growth of disrup-tive new technologies.

As a strategic partner toAIB, Infosys will provide

application developmentand management, andtransformation and inno-vation services.

"This exciting partner-ship with AIB is a spring-board for Infosys toexpand its services into anew market," it said.

Infosys will also set upa 200-seat facility inDublin to house the staffwho will be transferringfrom AIB as well as anyadditional staff who willbe appointed locally fol-lowing recent agreementsthat Infosys has signed inthe region, it added.

"Our investment in theIrish startup communityreflects our belief thatIreland is a strong andvibrant nation, home toentrepreneurs who shareour vision of technologyas a way to drivegrowth," InfosysExecutive Vice PresidentGlobal Head of FinancialServices Mohit Joshisaid.

Infosys will leverage itsbroad experience infinancial services andother industries to sup-port the digital transfor-mation journey andstrategic growth plans ofAIB, he added.

1. Visakhadatta sketches the event after the death ofSamudragupta in his work

A. MudrarakasamB. Devi Chand GuptamC. MrichekakatikaD. Malavikagnimitra

2. The system of Dual Government during the latter half ofthe 18th century AD is associated with the name of

A. CliveB. ComwallisC. Waren HastingsD. William Bentinck

3. The Vedas contain all the truth was interpreted by

A. Swami VivekanandaB. Swami DayanandaC. Raja Rammohan RoyD. None of the above


Answer: 1(A), 2(A), 3(B)

TODAY’S STARARIES You may be in a difficult position, Aries, as a critical part of a pend-

ing decision. Your first reaction may be to throw up your hands andleave the decision to someone else. Making a choice is too tough,so you find that you'd rather not have to make it at all. Unfortunately,it looks like everyone else has the same idea. Deep down, you havean opinion that needs to be heard.

TAURUS Your self-esteem should be strong these days, Taurus, helping youbuild more confidence in yourself every day. There may be a glitchin the action today, however, as someone with an extreme perspec-tive on things suddenly steps into the picture. Your emotions maysuddenly swing from one end of the spectrum to the other. Do yourbest to stay calm.

GEMINI A ray of sunshine is likely to shine on you, Gemini. Things may have beencloudy lately, making it harder for you to maintain a positive disposition.Today's news will be uplifting, and you will likely be reminded of all the goodtimes in store for you. Others may feel a bit of stress, but you should be ableto see through this and appreciate the benefits of the situation.

CANCER Recent hesitation on your part may have suddenly put you in a bind, Cancer. Itmay feel like you've reached gridlock and your choices are limited. You can nolonger get a solid handle on things. Instead of trying to make a move now, youmay have to wait until the dust settles and you can see clearly again. Let the sit-uation release before you add any more friction.

LEO There are powerful forces operating now, Leo. Whether you realize it or not, youhave tremendous control over the direction of these energies. Take control of thesituation instead of letting someone else do it for you. You will find that other peo-ple are more malleable than usual, making them quite willing to move forward inwhatever direction you point them.

VIRGO If conflict arises in your world, Virgo, you must keep in mind thatthere is no one else to blame except you. Keeping your sights seton one goal is useful as you concentrate all your energy towardthat one thing. At the same time, you may be losing perspective onwhat's going on around you. Make sure you continue to be a teamplayer by keeping an eye out for the people in the wings.

LIBRA Life may seem like a great train ride, Libra. You have yourown little compartment that you're striving to keep comfort-able and neat. The company you keep is important, as isyour proximity to the food car. Be careful that you don't getso wrapped up in your own little world that you neglect topay heed to where the train is headed.

SCORPIO You need to learn an important lesson in follow-through, Scorpio.As you strive for perfection, you may get the feeling that nothing isever fully completed. Try not to be so hard on yourself. The workyou've finished so far is more than likely much better than whatmost people could ever accomplish. Put the final touches on what-ever you're doing and move on.

SAGITTARIUS Most of the time you deal with the facts, Sagittarius. Facts are thingsyou can grasp, categorize, and make rational sense of. Unfortunately,today some of your facts may be challenged by one of the things youfear most - intense emotions. The ensuing friction is like dealing withapples and oranges. You may find it hard to find any common groundfrom which to negotiate.

CAPRICORN You may be hit with some extreme circumstances that causeyou to feel uneasy about continuing along your path, Capricorn.Use this jolt as a reminder that nothing is set in stone. An ele-ment of the unexpected can always creep up on you. Deepdown, you probably had a feeling that this difficult situation wasbound to happen eventually.

AQUARIUS You may feel like you're on a road to adventure and excited aboutthe frontiers you're encountering, Aquarius. Unfortunately, itseems that not everyone is as excited about this path as you are.Blows to your ego are apt to hit hard, but try not to let this deteryou. This is more than likely a result of other people's jealousy ofyour incredible strength and bravery.

PISCES There's a tremendously sensitive side to your personality that's tenderand extremely vulnerable, Pisces. Be careful about putting too muchof yourself out there now. By opening yourself up so much, you're invit-ing in trouble. Others might not be that aware of how sensitive you are.Those with strong, boisterous spirits are likely to be abrasive, so pro-tect your emotions.

Mi c r o s o f t ' sWindows 10 is allset to launch later

this month and the compa-ny is finalising the newfeatures includingWindows Hello,Continuum, and revampedCortana for release on PCand tablet. The companyhas been lately releasingbuilds of Windows 10 to itslimited Windows Insiderprogramme for testing pur-poses. Following theapproach, Microsoft earlierthis week released two newbuilds of the Edge browser,and in the process alsorenamed it from ProjectSpartan.

The company onMonday released Build10158 which brought agalore of changes to thebuild and finally alsoincluded the newMicrosoft Edge branding.Some of the new featuresof the Microsoft Edgebrowser include the optionto add "home" button(which can be added viaSettings > AdvancedSettings and turning on"Show the home button");the option to import

favourites/bookmarks fromother browsers intoMicrosoft Edge; options tochange first screen ofMicrosoft Edge; new cus-tomisations for the NewTab page; newly addedpassword and form-fillsupport; drag and drop taboption to a new windowadded, and a new darktheme added.

The company alsoacknowledged the toprequest from WindowsInsiders and added anoption to play audio fromMicrosoft Edge playedwhile the app is minimisedor in the background.

Some of the other gener-al UX improvements and

refinement include bugfixes; improved Tabletmode animations,improved support forWindows 8/8.1 apps andclassic (Win32) apps inTablet mode forContinuum. The Windows10 Build 10158 alsobrought dark theme colourto Cortana. The buildincludes a combined leftrail now and Cortana'sNotebook is in final stages.Flight tracking via emailshas been also enabled, afeature that Google intro-duced some time back toits Google Now.

To make things evensweeter, Microsoft onTuesday released anotherWindows 10 Build 10159

to Windows Insider pro-gramme.

Gabriel Aul, EngineeringGeneral Manager forMicrosoft's OperatingSystems Group, explainingthe reason to release back-to-back builds said, "Whytwo builds so fast back toback?! As you probablyknow, we validate buildsthat we produce in internalrings where they're used byengineers in OSG andMicrosoft. If they pass allof our criteria we makethem available to WindowsInsiders, first to fast andthen to slow once we knowit's a stable build."According to Aul, the newBuild 10159 brought over300.

Additionally, Microsoftalso confirmed its newEdge browser will nolonger support its ownSilverlight applicationframework. Making theannouncement in a blogpost, Microsoft said,"Support for ActiveX hasbeen discontinued inMicrosoft Edge, and thatincludes removing supportfor Silverlight."

Microsoft Edge Browser Gets New Featuresin Latest Builds, Keeps IE-Like Logo

C-DOT, the researchand developmentinstitute of the

department of telecommu-nications, will next weeklaunch four broadbandproducts developed to fastforward the Digital Indiainitiative, an official state-ment said.

The products, whichincludes long distance Wi-Fi system, solar-poweredWi-Fi system, 100 Gbpsoptical fibre cable (OFC)link and C-DOT's nextgeneration network (NGN)in MTNL network, will belaunched byCommunications MinisterRavi Shankar Prasad onJuly 6 as a part of theDigital India week.

The long distance Wi-Fisystem is capable ofextending Wi-Fi and IPconnectivity to the remoteparts of India in a cost-effective and power-effi-cient manner, and is capa-ble of providing 100 Mbpsbroadband speed, said C-DOT.

The solar-powered Wi-Fisystem operates in license-exempt bands of 2.4 and5.8GHz, and, according toC-DOT, is specifically

designed for outdoor envi-ronments and inaccessibleterrains, where there is noguarantee for continuouspower.

The system is designedto work with variable inputvoltages and in harsh con-ditions. It can also be usedfor backhaul link for Wi-Fihot spots, cellular base sta-tions and base station con-trollers, ATMs, and data-base servers, it said.

(Also See:Google, Intel,and Tata Partner on RuralInternet Initiative forWomen)

While the 100 Gbps OFC

link will accommodate theincreasing demand forsuperior bandwidth, highspeed and power efficien-cy, C-DOT's cost-effectivenext generation network(NGN) solution addressesthe need of the changingtelecom scenario andenables telecom firms tomake a smooth transitionfrom legacy time divisionmultiplexing (TDM) tech-nology to advanced VoIPTelecom technology.

A successful trial of thedeveloped live network hasbeen done for 1,000 land-line connections of legacy

public switched telephonenetwork (PSTN) technolo-gies to C-DOT's IMS-com-pliant next generation net-work technology, C-DOTsaid.

According to it, the suc-cessful trial will enableMTNL to think of launch-ing various services (voice,video and data) throughvarious access based net-work on IP. Also, it nowpossible to migrate itsexisting 3.5 million land-line subscribers of MTNLto IP-based network, itadded.

C-DOT to Launch BroadbandProducts in Digital India Initiative

12:00AM MasterChefIndia : Extra Class01:00AM Ye HaiMohabbatein01:30AM Iss Pyaar Ko

Kya Naam Doon...Ek Baar Phir02:00AM Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai02:30AM Veera: Ek Veer Ki Ardaas03:00AM Tu Mera Hero03:30AM Suhani Si Ek Ladki04:00AM Saath Nibhaana Saathiya04:30AM Tere Shehar Mein05:00AM Diya Aur Baati Hum05:30AM Nisha Aur Uske Cousins06:00AM Iss Pyaar Ko Kya NaamDoon...Ek Baar Phir06:30AM Ye Hai Mohabbatein07:00AM Tu Mera Hero07:30AM Veera: Ek Veer Ki Ardaas08:00AM Suhani Si Ek Ladki08:30AM Tere Shehar Mein09:00AM Diya Aur Baati Hum09:30AM Ye Hai Mohabbatein10:00AM Saath Nibhaana Saathiya10:30AM Tu Mera Hero11:00AM Veera: Ek Veer Ki Ardaas11:30AM Iss Pyaar Ko Kya NaamDoon...Ek Baar Phir12:00PM Diya Aur Baati Hum12:30PM Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai01:00PM Ye Hai Mohabbatein01:30PM Tu Mera Hero02:00PM Diya Aur Baati Hum02:30PM MasterChef India03:00PM Tere Shehar Mein03:30PM Suhani Si Ek Ladki04:00PM Saath Nibhaana Saathiya04:30PM Nisha Aur Uske Cousins05:00PM Veera: Ek Veer Ki Ardaas05:30PM Iss Pyaar Ko Kya NaamDoon...Ek Baar Phir06:00PM MasterChef India06:30PM Suhani Si Ek Ladki07:00PM Saath Nibhaana Saathiya :Ab Tak Ka Safar07:30PM Ye Hai Mohabbatein08:00PM Tu Mera Hero08:30PM Nisha Aur Uske Cousins09:00PM Diya Aur Baati Hum09:30PM Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai10:00PM Tere Shehar Mein10:30PM MasterChef India11:00PM Ye Hai Mohabbatein11:30PM Tu Mera Hero __________________________

12:00AM Teleshopping02:00AM Jodha Akbar02:30AM Kumkum

Bhagya03:00AM Jamai Raja03:30AM Doli Armaano Ki04:00AM Baba Ramdev Ka Yog05:00AM Narayan Seva Sansthan05:30AM Dera Saccha Sauda06:00AM Sant Nirankari Mandal06:30AM The Faith show

07:00AM Kumkum Bhagya07:30AM Service Wali Bahu08:00AM Satrangi Sasural08:30AM Jamai Raja09:00AM Kumkum Bhagya09:30AM Jodha Akbar10:00AM Service Wali Bahu10:30AM Hello Pratibha11:00AM Doli Armaano Ki11:30AM Satrangi Sasural12:00PM Jamai Raja12:30PM Kumkum Bhagya01:00PM Service Wali Bahu01:30PM Doli Armaano Ki02:00PM Satrangi Sasural02:30PM Jamai Raja03:00PM Kumkum Bhagya03:30PM Hello Pratibha04:00PM SaReGaMaPa L’il Champs04:30PM Bandhan....Sari UmarHume Sang Rehna Hai05:00PM Jodha Akbar05:30PM Qubool Hai06:00PM Kumkum Bhagya06:30PM Service Wali Bahu07:00PM Bandhan....Sari UmarHume Sang Rehna Hai07:30PM Hello Pratibha08:00PM Jodha Akbar08:30PM Jamai Raja09:00PM Kumkum Bhagya09:30PM Qubool Hai10:00PM Satrangi Sasural10:30PM Doli Armaano Ki11:00PM Service Wali Bahu11:30PM Jamai Raja _________________________

12:00AM Best ofSavdhaan India: IndiaFights Back : UP FightBack Now

01:00AM Supercops vsSupervillains... Shapath

02:00AM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back : UP Fight BackNow

03:00AM Mahakumbh - Ek RahasayaEk Kahani ! : Kahani Rudra ki

04:00AM Supercops vsSupervillains... Shapath

05:00AM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back : Punjab FightBack now

06:00AM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back : UP Fight BackNow

07:00AM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back : 11 @ CrimeAlert

07:30AM Mere Rang Mein RangneWali

08:00AM Mahakumbh - Ek RahasayaEk Kahani ! : Kahani Rudra ki

08:30AM Comedy Classes09:00AM Dream Girl Ek Ladki

Deewani Si09:30AM Mere Rang Mein Rangne


10:00AM Mahakumbh - Ek RahasayaEk Kahani !

10:30AM Comedy Classes11:00AM Dream Girl Ek Ladki

Deewani Si11:30AM Mahakumbh - Ek Rahasaya

Ek Kahani ! : Kahani Rudra ki12:00PM Best of Savdhaan India:

India Fights Back01:00PM Best Of Savdhaan India :

Mumbai Fights Back02:00PM Best of Savdhaan India:

India Fights Back : 11 @ CrimeAlert

02:30PM Dream Girl Ek LadkiDeewani Si

03:00PM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back : UP Fight BackNow

04:00PM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back

05:00PM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back

06:00PM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back

07:00PM Dream Girl Ek LadkiDeewani Si

07:30PM Mere Rang Mein RangneWali

08:00PM Mahakumbh - Ek RahasayaEk Kahani !

08:30PM Kalash09:00PM Laut Aao Trisha09:30PM Dream Girl Ek Ladki

Deewani Si10:00PM Comedy Classes10:30PM Savdhaan India: India

Fights Back11:30PM Mahakumbh - Ek Rahasaya

Ek Kahani ! __________________________

12:00AM SoundShuffle0 1 : 0 0 A MTeleshopping

06:30AM Morning Music Mocha07:00AM Morning Music Mocha08:00AM Jump Starter09:00AM Morning Music Mania10:30AM Tweet Your Beat11:00AM Bindass Juke Box12:00PM Yeh Hai Aashiqui01:00PM Halla Bol (2)02:00PM Love By Chance03:00PM Teleshopping03:45PM Bounce04:00PM Yeh Hai Aashiqui05:00PM Fb Jukebox06:00PM Yeh Hai Aashiqui07:00PM Halla Bol (2)08:00PM Love By Chance09:00PM Halla Bol (2)10:00PM Yeh Hai Aashiqui11:00PM Love By Chance __________________________

12:00AM Bade AchheLagte Hain12:30AM Teleshopping01:00AM Ring Wrong

Ring01:30AM FIR

02:00AM Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo02:30AM Lapataganj03:00AM Parvarrish - Kuchh Khattee

Kuchh Meethi03:30AM Bade Achhe Lagte Hain04:00AM Saas Bina Sasural04:30AM Kuch Toh Log Kahenge05:00AM Entertainment Ke Liye

Kuch Bhi Karega06:00AM Teleshopping07:48AM Filler08:00AM Teleshopping08:24AM Teleshopping08:48AM Filler09:00AM Ring Wrong Ring09:30AM Bade Achhe Lagte Hain10:00AM Gutur Gu10:30AM Lapataganj11:00AM Entertainment Ke Liye Kuch

Bhi Karega12:00PM Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo12:30PM FIR01:00PM Bade Achhe Lagte Hain01:30PM Saas Bina Sasural02:00PM Parvarrish - Kuchh Khattee

Kuchh Meethi02:30PM Kuch Toh Log Kahenge03:00PM Lapataganj03:30PM FIR04:00PM Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo04:30PM Bade Achhe Lagte Hain05:00PM Parvarrish - Kuchh Khattee

Kuchh Meethi05:30PM Saas Bina Sasural06:00PM Gutur Gu06:30PM Ring Wrong Ring07:00PM Jeannie Aur Juju07:30PM FIR08:00PM Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo08:30PM Lapataganj09:00PM Parvarrish - Kuchh Khattee

Kuchh Meethi09:30PM Saas Bina Sasural10:00PM Bade Achhe Lagte Hain10:30PM Kuch Toh Log Kahenge11:00PM Entertainment Ke Liye Kuch

Bhi Karega ___________________________

0 1 : 0 5 A MChakradhaar02:55AM Shikari: The

Hunter05:30AM Ram Jaane07:55AM Dulhan Hum Le Jayenge10:50AM Hulchul02:05PM Garam Masala05:05PM Bandhan08:00PM Bhaag Milkha Bhaag_________________________

12:51AM Filler04:09AM Tere

Mere Phere06:15AM Manjunath08:57AM Thunderball11:39AM Monsters vs. Aliens01:36PM Deewana04:52PM Main Khiladi Tu Anari08:00PM Ishq11:00PM Quantum of Solace

Infosys to Invest $10Million in Irish Startups,

Expand Presence Hundreds of taxidrivers from theDakshina Kannada

district on Friday staged amarch and Mangaluruagainst the operation ofmobile app-based Ola cabservices.

The march was accom-panied by around 100taxis. The protest wasorganized by DK DistrictTaximen and Maxicab

Association, with othertransport organisations.

The protesters later helda meeting in front of theDeputy Commissioner'soffice.

Addressing the gather-ing, former MLC andMangaluru TaximenAssociation PresidentMonappa Bhandary saidthe operation of Ola serv-ices were affecting the

livelihood of taxi drivers.He said that despite fre-

quent pleas to the DeputyCommissioner and theRegional TransportOfficer against the Olacabs, no step had beentaken so far.

The "negative attitude"of the administrationcould no longer be tolerat-ed, he said, adding thatthe agitation would be

intensified if immediateaction was not takenagainst Ola services.

Karnataka state touristvehicle owners' associa-tion President K GRavindra, said privatecompanies were trying tomonopolise the taxi serv-ice sector, putting taxidrivers to hardship.

Airport Taxi DriversAssociation Secretary

Radhakrishna Holla,Mangaluru TravelOwners' AssociationPresident Roshan Pinto,Taximen AssociationSecretary K Anand andUdupi TaximenAssociation secretaryRamesh Kotian were pres-ent.

Separately, Ratan Tata,chairman emeritus of theholding company of

India's Tata conglomerate,has bought a stake inonline taxi-hailing firmOla, the company said onWednesday.

Ola late last month start-ed integratingTaxiForSure's servicesinto its own app. To recall,Ola back in Marchacquired TaxiForSure for$200 million (roughly Rs.1,240 crores).

Taxi Drivers Protest Against Ola in Mangaluru

Page 7: 05 July 2015

SPORTS7 NEW DELHI | SUNDAY | JULY 05, 2015Fight for right

Website: www.saaddahaq.in Email: [email protected]

PALLEKELEPakistan's brittle top-

order undid the good workof leg-spinner Yasir Shahas Sri Lanka seized con-trol of the series-decidingthird and final Test inPallekele on Saturday.

Having been bowled outfor 278 in the first innings,Sri Lanka hit back toreduce Pakistan to 209-9by stumps on the secondday that saw 11 wicketsfall on the evenly-pacedpitch. (Scorecard)

Nuwan Pradeep grabbed3-26 in 14 steady oversand fellow seamerDhammika Prasadchipped in another threewickets to cause a dramat-ic Pakistani collapse.

Sarfraz Ahmed returnedunbeaten on a gallant 72and Azhar Ali made 52,but none of the other bats-men settled down to forma sizeable partnership.

Last man Imran Khan,who got to bat for the firsttime in five Test matches,kept Sarfraz company atclose on zero.

Pakistan were strugglingat 152-7 when Yasirhelped Sarfraz add 45 forthe eighth wicket, himselfcontributing 18 with thebat to follow his impres-sive bowling.

Yasir claimed anotherfive-wicket haul as SriLanka added six runs totheir overnight score of272-8 before they weredismissed within 20 min-utes of the start.

Tharindu Kaushal wasleg-before to left-arm

seamer Rahat Ali for 18and last man Pradeep fellin the same fashion toYasir without scoring.

Yasir finished with 5-78,joining his idol ShaneWarne as the only over-seas bowlers to claim fiveor more wickets in aninnings three times duringa Test series in Sri Lanka.

Yasir had taken 2-79 and7-76 in the first Test inGalle to fashion Pakistan's10-wicket win. He thenclaimed 6-96 and 2-55 inthe second match inColombo which Sri Lankawon by seven wickets.

The 29-year-old, whohails from the Khyberregion of northwest

Pakistan, has alreadygrabbed 59 wickets in a10-Test career whichbegan in October last year.

Pakistan lost both open-ers, Shan Masood andAhmed Shehzad, by thescore of 40 and star bats-man Younis Khan was runout off the last ball of themorning session to make it45-3.

Younis (three) chargeddown for a sharp singleafter tapping a ball fromAngelo Mathews to mid-wicket, but failed to makehis ground at the non-striker's end as KaushalSilva threw down thestumps.

Azhar and Asad Shafiq

repaired the early damagewith a 46-run stand for thefourth wicket on eitherside of a 19-minute inter-ruption for rain early inthe post-lunch session.

Shafiq fell in the secondover after resumption for15, playing back to a full-pitched delivery fromPrasad and was given outleg-before.

- Unremitting woe forPakistan -

A heavy downpour forthe second time forced theumpires to call for an earlytea, but Pakistan's woesjust refused to end as thenext three wickets fell for17 runs in fiveovers.

Azhar was on 49 andPakistan still 158 runsbehind when he wasreprieved by TV umpireSundaram Ravi after on-field official Paul Reiffelhad declared him caughtbehind off Prasad.

But Azhar only managedto add another three runswhen he edged a drive offPradeep to be snapped upby Dimuth Karunaratne atsecond slip.

Pakistan captainMisbah-ul Haq, who camein to bat at number sevendue to a mild groin strain,became Pradeep's thirdscalp when he was givenout leg-before after mak-ing six.

Third Test: Advantage Sri Lanka After DhammikaPrasad, Nuwan Pradeep Rattle Pakistan

CHENNAIInforming that the

International CricketCouncil (ICC) was probingformer cricket administra-tor Lalit Modi's briberyaccusations against threecricketers including SureshRaina, secretary AnuragThakur on Saturday saidthe Board of Control forCricket in India (BCCI)can react only after a for-mal intimation about itfrom world cricket's gov-erning body.

Speaking to mediaper-sons here, Thakur also saidthe newly formed cricketadvisory committee con-sisting of legends SachinTendulkar, V.V.S. Laxmanand Sourav Ganguly, willtake a call on deciding theappointment of the Indianteam's coach.?

"The ICC is probing thematter but so far they havenot informed us anything

on that. We will react onlyafter getting a formal inti-mation," Thakur said here.(Dwayne Bravo says healways played the gameclean, fair and honestly)

Modi alleged onSaturday that Indian crick-eters Suresh Raina,Ravindra Jadeja and WestIndian Dwayne Bravo hadtaken bribes from a bookiewho was also a builder.

The three are all membersof IPL franchise ChennaiSuper Kings.

Modi claimed through aseries of tweets onSaturday that real estatetycoon Baba Diwan ofHDIL.co had given apart-ments to the players inaddition to money to thetune of Rs. 20 croreeach.

Modi also said when he

was the IPL chief he "hadbanned him (Baba) frombidding for any IPL team".(Lalit Modi's Mail on CSKPlayers Fixing MatchesShared With BCCI: ICC)

Modi claimed thatDiwan was a good friendof Gurunath Meiyappanand Raj Kundra, who havebeen implicated in the2013 IPL betting andmatch fixing case by theSupreme Court.

He also posted a letterwhich he claimed he wroteto International CricketCouncil CEO DaveRichardson in June 2013,passing on all the informa-tion and urging him to actupon it.

The ICC on Sundayacknowledged havingreceived Modi's confiden-tial e-mail and sharing itwith the Indian cricketboard's anti-corruptionunit.

ICC Probing Lalit Modi's Bribery Accusations Against ThreeChennai Super Kings Players: BCCI Secretary Anurag Thakur

ISLAMBADThe Pakistan men's

hockey team's chief coachShahnaz Sheikh onSaturday said he would notsolely accept the blame forhis side's poor perform-ance at the Hockey WorldLeague (HWL) Semi-Final, blaming lack offacilities for their failure toqualify for the 2016 RioOlympics.

World No.10 Pakistanlost 0-1 against worldNo.14 Ireland on Fridayand will now face worldNo.18 France in the 7/8thplace match.

"I have never witnessedsuch poor finishing. Irequested time and again tothe Pakistan HockeyFederation (PHF) to takeOlympic qualifiers seri-ously and provide playersbetter facilities, but noheed was paid in thisregard," Shahnaz, wasquoted as saying bynation.com.pk.

"All the other participat-

ing teams reached Belgiumat least two weeks prior tothe start of the event andplayed practice matchesagainst each other. On theother hand, we managed toreach only two days priorto the start of the event andgot just two practicematches in available time,"Shahnaz, considered oneof the greatest strikers inthe history of the sport,added.

Shahnaz, who scored 45goals in 68 matchesbetween 1969-78, said hiswards failed to respondunder pressure. "I empha-sised mainly on penaltycorner conversion andspent hours in training onimproving penalty corners,defense and coordinationamong players, but theplayers completely failedto respond," he said.

The coach also stated theneed for the Pakistan gov-ernment and corporate sec-tors to come forward andhelp develop hockey infra-

structure in the countryadding their glory days inthe sport were a thing ofthe past.

"We have to come overfrom past glory daysdreams. Yes, it is true wehad won four World Cupsand three Olympics, butthat is past now. All theother teams and countrieshad given top priority andinvested heavily on hockeyand especially on players,"Shahnaz, who won twoWorld Cups in 1971 and1978 as a player, said.

"Without incentives,contracts and dailies, theplayers had done tremen-dously well, but for howlong one could expectthem to keep on showingdesired results. The gov-ernment and corporate sec-tor must have to come for-ward and lend a helpinghand to hockey," Shahnaz,who won three back-to-back Asian Games goldmedals starting in 1970,added.

World League: Pakistan Hockey Coach BlamesPoor Infrastructure for Olympics Debacle

LONDONIndia's Leander Paes and Canada's

Daniel Nestor entered the third roundof the men's doubles event at theWimbledon tennis championshipsovercoming a stiff challenge from theRussian-Chinese Taipei duo ofTeymuraz Gabashvili and Yen-HsunLu 5-7, 7-6 (3), 7-6 (4), 7-5 here onSaturday.

The Indo-Canadian duo took threehours and 15 minutes in a secondround contest at Court 5 to advance.

The 11th seeded pair began thematch on the wrong note, concedingthe first set 5-7, after losing theirsixth service game.

The match began on an even keelwith both teams holding on to theirserves but Paes-Nestor lost theirserve at a crucial phase to lose thefirst set.

But they managed to turn it aroundin the next set.

With both teams fighting hard forevery point the battle was intense.Both teams were unable to breakeach others serve as the proceedingsmoved towards a tiebreak.

In the tiebreak, Paes and Nestor,both veterans in the professional dou-

bles circuit, utilised their consider-able experience to claim it 7-3.

The third set also followed a simi-lar pattern. With very little to choosebetween the two pairs, the contestagain needed a tiebreaker, wherePaes and Nestor prevailed 7-4 tosurge ahead.

The advantage gave a strongfoothold to the veteran duo but theywere unable to kill off the contestwith the ir opponents hanging on in

the fourth set doggedly.Gabashvili-Lu refused to concede

defeat easily and continued to matchtheir more seasoned opponents. Butthey erred just when it mattered most,losing their sixth service game of thefourth set to surrender the set and thematch.

Paes-Nestor will next face eighthseeded pair of Brazilian BrunoSoares and Austrian Alexander Peya.

Wimbledon: Leander Paes-Daniel Nestor Enter Men's Doubles Third Round

SYDNEYThe enforced retirement

of Ryan Harris is a consid-erable setback to theAustralians five daysbefore the first Test, thoughit is not on the same scale asthe injury to GlennMcGrath about 40 minutesbefore the start of theEdgbaston Test of 2005.

Harris has been a phe-nomenal Ashes cricketer.The figures prove it . Out ofhis 113 Test wickets, 57have been against Englandat the remarkable averageof 20.

Two years ago in Englandhe was Australia's bestbowler, taking 24 wicketsin four matches - he was"rested" in the first Test atTrent Bridge to protect abody that often rebelled, adecision the Australianscame to regret.

However, the figures do

not tell the whole story.Harris is the embodiment ofa true Aussie cricketer. Hehas been an extremely skil-ful, late-developing bowler,especially effective inEngland where the ball cankeep swinging, as well asforthright and capablelower-order batsman. He isselfless, wholehearted andfiercely competitive. He isalso universally respectedand liked by the cricketersof both sides.

Harris played the game inthe right way. JasonGillespie, now of thisparish, spoke for everyonewhen he tweeted with aneconomy, which may not bepermitted in his columns :"Great bowler, even betterbloke."

It seems unthinkable thatHarris once consideredplaying for England. Hisfather was born in Leicester

before emigrating, whichmeant that Harris has beenthe proud possessor of anEnglish passport. He madethe right choice even if hehad to wait until he was 29to don the baggy green.

He was a bit of a journey-man in the first half of hiscareer when he played forSouth Australia. He bowledat little more than mediumpace, had a good time andno one, including himself,

foresaw an internationalcareer. In 2008 he moved toQueensland and there camethe recognition that hecould bowl quickly.

Somehow you would notexpect his explanation of

the transformation to beover-technical. "I don'tthink I did anything newwith my action but I justbegan to work harder andlook after myself better.And one day it just sort ofclicked."

Harris has always lookedas if he was built like an ox- or indeed a rhino, hisnickname - but this wasoften illusory. There was adelicacy in those fingersbehind the seam, whichensured that the ball swunglate.

Moreover, he was foreverbattling with dodgy kneesand various other treacher-ous bits of his body, and, touse a 21st-century verb, hewas "cotton-woolled" bythe Australians so that hemight be fit for the Ashes.Sadly, the plan has notworked out thistime.

Australia's Ashes Party Diminishedby the Departure of Ryan Harris

'Sweeper' boxer Krishna Routseeks a job of dignity fromWest Bengal governmentHOWRAH

Former national boxer Krishna Rout, who has beencleaning open drains for the past 15 years as a tempo-rary worker of Howrah Municipal Corporation, onSaturday said he would appeal to Chief MinisterMamata Banerjee to give him a permanent govern-ment job of dignity.

"Earlier I worked for five years as a sweeper of theCorporation, but in 2005 I was given the job of spray-ing disinfectants in drains which I have been doingfor the past ten years," said the 1987 gold medalistand 1992 silver medalist of the National BoxingChampionship.

"It is difficult to run a family of six including abrother suffering from tubercolosis with the paltrysum of Rs 232 a day," said Rout who was the winnerof the West Bengal State Open Lalchand RaiMemorial Boxing Championship under 40kg in 1987improving his runner-up position in the same champi-onship in 1985.

"I'll soon write a letter to the Chief MinisterMamata Banerjee seeking a permanent governmentjob of my stature to live a life of dignity," said the 43-year-old former boxer who coaches about 150 chil-dren of poor families in the morning before he startedhis daily labour.

"I hope nobody who has a dream suffers like me inlife," Rout said.

Page 8: 05 July 2015

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Stress can affect yourphysical and mental healthgreatly. Apart from stresssymptoms like headachesand loss of appetite, stresscan also affect your healthin the long run. These arethe stress symptoms thataffect different parts of thebody and should not beignored.

Stress symptoms of thehead - Depression, anxiety,mood swings, negativethoughts and sleep disor-


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Most of us tend to overlook digestive problems,moosd swings and tired-ness. We tend to pop a pillto cure these ailments, butits time to suppress themby reducing stress. Stressfree life equals to healthylife.

8 stress symptomsyou should not ignore!

Moonligh tp r o d u c -tion pres-

ents yet anotherinteresting story of agirl named lilly whohailed from a smalltown and wanna getrich, successful overnight. But,will sheor won't she? Staytuned, promos to outsoon. Samira Raza,in main lead withsupporting castReet, Roopa,Sahiba, Akankshaand Gagan DeepSingh. Param ofMoonlight produc-tions is very hopeful that this small budget entertainer will do big in the industry.

This small budget entertainer willdo big in the industry: Param MLP

Prabhu Dheva, who iscurrently riding highon ABCD 2 success,

seems to be up for somepromising remake! The aceproducer-director-choreog-rapher has expressed hisdesire to remake directorLakshman’s latest southhit, ‘Romeo Juliet’. Yes,that’s right! A source closeto the project revealed,“Ravi and Lakshman hadrecently organised a spe-cial screening of ‘RomeoJuliet’ for Prabhudeva,who enjoyed the film andalso planned to remake it.”

Starring HansikaMotwani and Jayam Ravi,Romeo Juliet was declared a hit by the critics as well

as the audiences. If at allPrabhu Dheva is reallyplanning to get a remake,

we wonder who would besigned as the lead actors?

Any guesses? Okay,maybe we are going toofar. Because the source fur-ther tells us that thoughPrabhu expressed his willto get a Romeo Julietremake, he hasn’t yetasked for the official rightsof the film.

Instead, he has agreed toproduce a Tamil actionfilm by Lakshman starringJayam Ravi and VijaySethupathi. Clears thesource, “”Prabhudeva willproduce the film. JayamRavi is already on boardwhile talks are still goingon with Vijay Sethupathi,who is keen to join theproject.”

Prabhu Dheva to remake HansikaMotwani starrer Romeo Juliet?

Emraan Hashmi willbe playing the roleof the former crick-

eter and Nargis will playhis on-screen wife.

“We have locked Nargisto play Sangeeta Bijlani inthe film. She fit the bill interms of looks, style andglamour. We did the looktest with her. She is a tal-ented actress and we areglad to have her on board,”sources said.

In order to get into theskin of the character,Nargis will attend someworkshops. For this role,names of actresses likeKareena Kapoor Khan,Jacqueline Fernandez,

Nimrat Kaur had croppedup.

Besides Nargis, therewill another actress in thefilm as well. “There will beanother heroine that toowill be an established one.We are yet to decide who

we should cast,” the sourceadded.

Azhar will trace the jour-ney of Azharuddin’s careerand his personal life,which have witnessedmany ups and down.

Confirmed: Nargis Fakhri to play SangeetaBijlani in Emraan Hashmi’s Azhar biopic!

Salman Khan’sBajrangi Bhaijaanfinds itself in news

again, this time albeit forunsavoury reasons. Severalreligious groups, includingthe VHP and the BajrangDal, are leading protestsagainst the film, as theyclaim it hurts religious sen-timent.

The right-wing groupsare demanding that the titleof the film is an insult toHindu sensibilities andshould be changed imme-diately.

However, the film’s leadactor and co-producer,Salman Khan, is complete-ly impervious to all theseruckus over the film.

Salman was attendingthe launch event of the lat-est Eid song in the film,Aaj ki Party, where hespoke to the media aboutthe issue, He said, ”If theyare a religious group thenthe basic thing they shouldknow that every religion

respects the other person’sreligion. Every religionpreaches only one thing:‘to follow your religionand to be respectful and to

respect the other person’sbeliefs and religion.’ Idon’t think anyone canprotest on this,” hesaid

Salman Khan not bothered about the reli-gious protests over Bajrangi Bhaijaan!

Arjun Kapoor, who is known tobe easy-going, invited every-one from his cousin sisters

Sonam and Rhea Kapoor to hisfriends and competitors, RanbirKapoor and Ranveer Singh to his30th birthday party that went on tillthe wee hours of the morning.Though 30 is considered to be a mile-stone age, Arjun doesn’t feel any dif-ference.“Age is just a number. How old youfeel is all about your state of mind. Iam in a good place in my life. Buthonestly, I don’t think I have evencompleted half of my life. In trueBollywood style, mera toh intervalbhi nahi hua hai. The first half with

all the twists, turns, fights, romanceand songs is still going on. It is noteven the interval in my life’s reel,”the actor says.By 30, most people express an inter-est in settling down and taking stockof things. Arjun, however, doesn’tbelieve in planning long-term. “I amnot somebody who plans things. I amgenerally a thinker by nature. I thinka lot, but I can’t plan ahead. I am justvery fortunate that I have so manypeople showering me with love. I amlucky that my passion is my profes-sion. Not everyone gets to make acareer out of something they lovedoing. I feel blessed to be in thisplace,” the actor says.

Arjun Kapoor on entering 30's: I think a lot but I can’t plan ahead!

Superstar Rajinikanth rejected anoffer to star in the Tamil remakeof Malayalam blockbuster

Drishyam because he feared two par-ticular scenes in the film would nothave gone down too well with hisfans.According to a source,Drishyam director Jeethu Joseph alsoagreed with Rajinikanth.

“Rajinikanth sir really liked thestory when he heard it. Jeethu felt hecould add a different dimension to thefilm with his presence. But Rajini sirhad issues with two scenes,” a source

told IANS.“The first scene is when the lead

characters get brutally beaten up bythe police. And, the second scene isthe climax sequence. Rajini sir wasunsure if his fans will like seeing himgetting beaten up. Jeethu too felt thesame when it was discussed withhim,” the source added.

Jeethu had apparently toldRajinikanth that he will meet himagain with a

fresh script.The remake was eventually made

with Kamal Haasan, and is currentlyrunning in cinemas as Papanasam.

Did you know: Rajinikanth was the first choiceto play Kamal Haasan’s role in Papanasam!