
18,000 COPIES WEEKLY LAUNDRY SPECIALS WASH, DRY & IRON 5 Shirts Only €10 Double Duvet Set Only €8 (Cover, sheet, pillow cases) Saturday Dry Cleaning Specials Suits Only €10 Trousers Only €5 APRIL SPECIALS TELEPHONE 042 935 5553 1/3 OFF Curtain Cleaning on Saturdays We Collect & Deliver - Open 6 Days Bag of laundry wash & dry from €10 Thursday, 4th April, 2013. Vol. 6, Issue 14 63 Clanbrassil Street, Dundalk, Co. Louth. Tel: 042 9320888. Fax: 042 9329676. Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Out and about at the weekend Pages 10 & 16 Sam Maguire visits Louth David wins photo award Page 10 Page 17 Man stabbed as he was sitting in his car A LOCAL man is in a stable condition in hospital aſter be- ing stabbed in Dundalk town centre over the Easter Bank Holiday Weekend. Gardaí are appealing for witnesses in re- lation to this serious incident which took place on Patrick Street at around 6.30pm on Saturday March 30. 56-year-old Terence Mur- ray was sitting in his car, a grey Renault, when three young men approached. One of the men is said to have gotten into the car and stabbed Mr Murray, inflicting injuries to his face, neck and arm. e father of two got out of his car and made it to a nearby pub where he raised the alarm. Gardaí say he then leſt the bar and collapsed on the street outside. e emergency services at- tended the scene and Mr Murray was taken to Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda for emergency treatment. Over the weekend he was reported to be in a critical condition, but stable. He was later taken to the St. James’s Hospital, Dublin for further treatment. His injuries are not believed to be life threatening. e three men fled the scene and they ran down Patrick Street, towards De la Salle Terrace. Gardaí conduct- ed door to door investigations and are examining CCTV footage from the night and are appealing for information. Investigating Gardaí would like to speak to anyone who may have witnessed the inci- dent or who may have infor- mation to contact the Gardaí at Dundalk 042-9388400, the Garda Confidential Line 1-800-666-111 or any Garda Station. Ray Darcy leads the 5k through the streets HUNDREDS of local people braved the icy conditions on Thursday last to take part in the ‘Join Ray for 5K run’. The event proved to be a huge success with regular partici- pants on the local circuit being joined by first time athletes who took up the challenge to get more excerise. The event was promoted by radio DJ and much loved Irish personality Ray D’Arcy who visited Killarney, Clonmel, Westport and Dublin as well as Dundalk to run 5K during the week.This was the first time the Continued on page 10 Hundreds Join Ray for 5k By Niamh Kirk


Dundalk Leader

Transcript of 04-04-2013

Page 1: 04-04-2013


Laundry SpeciaLSWaSh, dry & iron

5 Shirtsonly €10double duvetSet only €8(cover, sheet,pillow cases)

Saturday dry cleaningSpecialsSuits only €10 Trousersonly €5


telephone 042 935 5553

1/3 OFF Curtain Cleaning on SaturdaysWe Collect & Deliver - Open 6 Days Bag of laundry wash & dry from €10

Thursday, 4th April, 2013. Vol. 6, Issue 14 • 63 Clanbrassil Street, Dundalk, Co. Louth. Tel: 042 9320888. Fax: 042 9329676. Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

Out and about at the weekend

Pages 10 & 16

Sam Maguire visits Louth

David wins photo award

Page 10 Page 17

Man stabbed as he was sitting in his carA locAl man is in a stable condition in hospital after be-ing stabbed in Dundalk town centre over the Easter Bank Holiday Weekend. Gardaí are appealing for witnesses in re-lation to this serious incident which took place on Patrick Street at around 6.30pm on Saturday March 30.

56-year-old Terence Mur-ray was sitting in his car, a grey Renault, when three young men approached. one of the men is said to have gotten into the car and stabbed Mr Murray, inflicting injuries to his face, neck and arm. The father of two got out of his car and made it to a nearby pub where he raised the alarm. Gardaí say he then left the bar and collapsed on the street outside.

The emergency services at-tended the scene and Mr

Murray was taken to our lady of lourdes Hospital, Drogheda for emergency treatment. over the weekend he was reported to be in a critical condition, but stable. He was later taken to the St. James’s Hospital, Dublin for further treatment. His injuries are not believed to be life threatening.

The three men fled the scene and they ran down Patrick Street, towards De la Salle Terrace. Gardaí conduct-ed door to door investigations and are examining ccTV footage from the night and are appealing for information.

Investigating Gardaí would like to speak to anyone who may have witnessed the inci-dent or who may have infor-mation to contact the Gardaí at Dundalk 042-9388400, the Garda confidential line 1-800-666-111 or any Garda Station.

Ray Darcy leads the 5k through the streets

Hundreds of local people braved the icy conditions on Thursday last to take part in the ‘Join ray for 5K run’.The event proved to be a huge success with regular partici-

pants on the local circuit being joined by first time athletes who took up the challenge to get more excerise.The event was promoted by radio dJ and much loved Irish

personality ray d’Arcy who visited Killarney, Clonmel, Westport and dublin as well as dundalk to run 5K during the week.This was the first time the

continued on page 10

hundreds Join ray for 5kBy Niamh Kirk

Page 2: 04-04-2013

DUNDALK Town Council are to erect a monument in his mem-ory close to the spot where their colleague, Stephen Fergus, tragi-cally drowned last year.

Mr Fergus was a caretaker for Dundalk Town Council and worked in the Town Hall. Cllr Oliver Morgan had tabled a mo-tion during March’s monthly Dundalk town council meeting asking:

“That this council mark the re-grettable drowning at Soldier`s Point of our late lamented col-

league Stephen Fergus, by erect-ing a commemorative plaque at Soldier`s Point adjacent to the existing plaque to the memory of the two light-keepers who drowned in the channel”.

However he was informed by the Town Clerk Frank Pentony that Mr Fergus’s colleagues in the town council had already started plans to erect a memo-rial with each donating money to pay for the cost of the plaque.

Speaking after the meeting Cllr Morgan said he was happy to hear that there were already plans in place to mark the pass-

ing of Stephen Fergus.The plaque is expected to be

erected within the next month.Mr Fergus drowned whilst

travelling out on a small punt to help another vessel which was having engine trouble.

However, he went missing shortly afterwards when the punt capsised.

An extensive search was launched involving various Coast Guard units, Clogherhead RNLI and Dundalk Sub Aqua Club and his body was recov-ered at the entrance to Dundalk Bay that evening.

Dundalk Leader 4th april 20132



Rathnestin, TallanstownFun FOr ALL THe FAMILY!!

By Paul Byrne

THe National Lepre-chaun Hunt is taking place on Slieve Foy this April 7 and is set to the biggest yet.

The annual event takes place on the only eU Special Protection Area for Little People in the world, which is on Slieve Foy in the Cooley Mountains.

More than 2000 peo-ple joined the search for the Leprechauns last year and helped raise money for charities.

It was just over 20 years ago when Carling-ford businessman, the late PJ O’Hare heard a faint cry on the moun-tain and decided to in-vestigate.

He came down from the mountain stunned having found the suit,

bones and gold coins of a leprechaun.

It was this modern leg-end that inspired the first Leprechaun Hunt which took place on easter Sunday 1989 attracting more than 4,000 people to the medieval town.

Today, those who wish to take part need to buy a prospecting license which are available on the day.

Prospecting licences will be sold on the day at €5.00 per person and registration begins at 1.00pm. Only carriers of authenticated licences will be allowed on the mountain that day.

For further details on the Hunt you can visit www.thelastleprechaun-sofireland.com. or call 042 937 3646.

SINN Féin Louth TD Gerry Adams has expressed his con-cern at the lack of meaning-ful progress by several of the North’s government depart-ments in respect of the Nar-row Water Bridge project and has called for ‘urgency’ by the departments in the north to ensure that the project is completed by the June 2015 deadline.

The construction of the Narrow Water bridge was approved last October by the Special eU Programmes Body under INTeRReG IV.

Deputy Adams said:“Following the approval

of the Narrow Water Bridge project in October 2012 Louth County Council approached the Department of Regional

Development (DRD) in the North and the relevant au-thorities in this state to secure a Bridge Order to allow the project to go ahead.

“The Bridge Order has been approved for the southern side of the bridge but DRD Minis-

ter Danny Kennedy has only this week announced that the draft orders are going out in the North to consultation next month”, stated Deputy Ad-ams.

The Louth TD continued to state that at the same time

and in a response to a recent letter from me the north’s Minister for Finance and Per-sonnel (DFP) Sammy Wilson revealed that his officials are ‘currently critically review-ing the project and working with colleagues in Depart-

ment of environment (DOe) and DRD to ensure all rel-evant planning conditions are adhered to and statutory ap-provals sought’.

“I have written to Sammy Wilson and Danny Kennedy asking that they prioritise this issue and expedite any assess-ments and consultations.

“This bridge is a vital economic and strategic in-frastructure project for the border region. Its impact is potentially greater than the €18 million needed to con-struct it.

“every effort now needs to be made by the Irish gov-ernment and the executive to accelerate the construction of this bridge”, concluded Mr Adams.

Leprechaun hunt on Sunday

Concern at lack of progress for Narrow Water

Council to erect plaque in honour of tragic colleague

A MAN who told Dun-dalk District Court that he wants to be a good role model for his four-year-old daughter was sentenced to six months in prison and disquali-fied from driving for 40 years.

Andrew Connors with an address at 14 Rossfield Avenue, Tal-laght, was convicted of driving without insur-ance for a seventh time and also pleaded guilty to driving while dis-qualified.

It was stated in evi-dence that the defend-ant, who was stopped at Dumleck, Castlebelling-ham, on July 5, 2012, had been serving a 40-year ban and that he gave a false name when stopped. The 29-year-

old married man had been carrying out Com-munity Service until taken into custody.

It was stated by his solicitor that Mr Con-nors has a shocking disregard for the rules of the road and knows that he won’t drive again. He added that his client, who had been driving his sister’s car, was intent on being a good role model for his daughter.

Judge William Hamill imposed a five month prison sentence for having no insur-ance and for driving while disqualified he sentenced him to six months and banned for 40 years. Others charges were taken into account.

Banned from the road for 40 years

Page 3: 04-04-2013

Dundalk Leader 4th april 2013 3



Rathnestin, TallanstownFun FOr ALL THe FAMILY!!

Chris Dallat feels like a new person, thanks to Motivation Dundalk

Chris Dallat lost 4 stone

Before losing weight, Chris lacked energy. His eating habits were really bad and he went on binges all the time. Now 4 stone lighter, Chris eats as often as � ve times a day.

“Now I feel just wonderful. I’m con� dent and looking forward to the future.”



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Page 4: 04-04-2013

Dundalk Leader 4th april 20134






Dear Customers,It is with great regret that we will be closing the doors of our Dundalk Furniture and Bedding Outlet Store in June.

Thanks for your loyal business over the last few years. We’d love to continue to service you in the future. Your closest store

will be Drogheda where we have upgraded our ranges and will be further investing in our showroom over the coming year.

You can also conveniently buy online from us at www.harveynorman.ie, where you’ll find Harvey Norman’s great prices and ranges all

at your fingertips, with delivery available anywhere in Ireland.

Unfortunately, due to sustained high rents over many years, the downturn in the economy, a reduced need to clear

excess inventory, and the fact that the government reversed their decision to change legislation on upward only rents,

we can no longer keep our Outlet open.

Our Dundalk Outlet has assisted us with clearance of distressed and excess stock which we accumulated after the downturn

in 2008, but these stock levels are now much lower and therefore the need for the outlet has reduced substantially.

In future we will be clearing any excess inventory through our other stores.

We will continue to honour warranties on all products purchased. All products previously purchased, or purchased in the

CLOSING DOWN SALE, are covered by our standard warranty and as required by law. Warranty issues will be dealt with

by our Drogheda store.

We would also like to extend the offer of free delivery for the next 12 months to Dundalk and surrounding areas for

furniture and bedding purchases made in our Drogheda store.

We will be working closely with our staff through this time and will relocate as many as possible into jobs in

other company locations.

In the meantime we need to clear all of our stock, so please avail of the special closing offers in-store.

If you have any further questions or need further information, please speak to our staff or contact our

National Customer Service Manager on 01 870-4700, or on email at [email protected].




Page 5: 04-04-2013

Dundalk Leader 4th april 2013 5


‘Hamlyn’ Double Bed Frame.Mattress and bed linen not included.



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‘Oxford’ Sideboard.Scandanavian made solid wood.


‘Orion’ 3-Seater 100%Genuine Leather Sofa.‘Orion’ 3-Seater 100%Genuine Leather Sofa.






Miracoil ‘Deluxe Silent Night’ Super King Mattress.




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‘Alaska’ 3-Seater Electric Recliner Sofa in black.





Page 6: 04-04-2013

Dundalk Leader 4th april 20136

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Failed to produce breath samplea man who failed to provide a breath sample after being arrested on suspicion of drink driving was banned for four years at dundalk district court.patrick grimes of 32 Fatima park, dundalk, was arrested by gardai who were investigating a hit and run accident at castletown cross on January 23 this year. The 59-year-old defendant admitted driving the car which was in collision with a wall and another vehicle.Solicitor, dermot Lavery, stated that his client was fully insured and the consequences of losing his licence were very severe given that he lives a distance from the town centre.Judge William hamill also imposed a fine of €200 in relation to the drink driving, and convicted and fined €250 for the hit and run. other charges were taken into account.

ica hold open meetingThe Louth Federation of the ica are holding an open meeting in Wellington hall on St mary’s road on monday april 8at 8pm. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss the opening of a new guild and all are invited to attend. For more information call 0429371584 or 0429322503.

neWSin Brief

Action from a Dynamites game

By Niamh Kirk

Club to host All-Ireland FinalsOVeR two thousand people will travel to Dundalk next weekend to take part in and sup-port the All Ireland un-der 16 girls Basketball finals

Liby Dynamites have been selected to host these finals on the weekend of April 13 and 14 and the venues in use will be DkIT and the St Josephs GFC clu-brooms in Dromiskin.

Twelve teams will challenge for the ti-

tle of Champions of Ireland and the North east Basketball League will be represented by league champions Kil-lenkere and second placed Longford Tor-pedoes.

Sadly Liby Dyna-mites failed to secure a place when missing out by just six points.

Teams will travel from Cork, Kerry, Lim-erick, Mayo, Sligo, Wa-terford, Donegal, Gal-way, Dublin, Tyrone,

Longford and Cavan to take part in the finals. Games will start in both venues at 10am and fin-ish at 20:30 pm.

Admission to all games is free so why not come along and enjoy a feast of Basket-ball.

Meanwhile Liby Dynamites girls teams secured top four places in all their age groups with their under 18s and league champion team plus their under

14s playing on Saturday against Dunshaughlin.

Following this their under 16 and sen-ior ladies teams play Longford and Muckno Lakers in their play off finals two weeks later, A busy time lies ahead for this successful Bas-ketball club Liby Dy-namites.

If you are interested in joining for next sea-son why not register by going to www.dyna-mites.ie

Last week the reduced waiting lists for serv-ices in Louth County Hospital was welcomed by Louth’s Government TDs. However, at the same time the waiting list for admission to Our Lady of Lourdes Hospi-tal has skyrocketed.

There has been an av-erage of 16 people wait-ing on trolleys in the corridors of Our Lady

of Lourdes since the be-ginning of March, many of whom are there for more than 24 hours. The situation peaked last week when there were 28 people waiting on a trolley in the Hospital on Wednesday March 27.

At the beginning of this week there were 14 people still waiting on a trolley in the Drogheda Hospital according to the Irish Nurses and

Midwives Association’s ‘Trolley Watch’.

Meanwhile, local politicians celebrated the reduction in waiting lists at Louth County Hospital.

Fine Gael TD Peter Fitzpatrick and Labour Deputy Gerald Nash both welcomed the re-duction in waiting lists for the Louth Hospital for in-patient and day cases. The figures re-leased by the Depart-

ment for Health last week showed a big drop in waiting times at the Dundalk hospital.

The wait time for inpatient care is now under nine months and there is no wait time for some day proce-dures. “This is excellent progress made during difficult times, but the Minister is delivering on the commitments he made and patients are benefitting right across

the country,” said Dep-uty Fitzpatrick.

However in the past two years some services provided in the Louth County Hospital have been restructured and some have been moved to Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Drogheda un-der Government plans to streamline the health service.

Cllr Tomas Sharkey highlighted the number of services that have

been lost from the Louth Hospital in recent times, pointing out that this may be one of the rea-sons for a reduction in the waiting times.

“In the past two years, the Laboratory has been transferred, the laundry is no longer op-erational, and the X-Ray cover and the Anti Natal Clinics are being moved to Drogheda.

“It has also been re-vealed to me that in the

past year that a large number of clinics were cancelled in the hospital due to problems with rostering arrangements in the Lourdes.

“If the waiting time is down it is because there are fewer clinics held, and fewer types of clinics. The HSe can promote figures but they cannot deny that they have cut back on the types of treatment,” he said.

Mixed news on waiting lists in hospitals

A MAN who was trying to act as a Good Samaritan af-ter a man was seen lying on the road, was discovered to be driving without insurance when he attempted to return to the scene.

Conor Faulkner of 48 St Oliver’s Park, Castlebelling-ham, admitted driving with-out insurance on September 10,2012, but revealed he only did so as he wanted to assist the man on the road.

The defendant told the court that he was a passen-

ger in the car with his former girlfriend which was being driven on the dual carriage-way near Xerox.

His former girlfriend said she saw a man on the road and he felt they should go back to help. As the driver was afraid to do so, he offered to drive.

The barrier on the roadway meant that he had to contin-ue driving and return to the other side via a roundabout. He stopped when he got to the area where the man had

been seen and it was there that he came to the attention of Gardai.

The 21-year-old single man, who has a three-year old daughter, had no previ-ous convictions. Solicitor, Eleanor Kelly, stated that he was unemployed but trying to get on a course for which he would need to drive and as a result she asked the judge not to impose a disqualification.

Judge William Hamill con-victed and fined the defend-ant €400.

Uninsured driver was acting as a Good Samaritan

Page 7: 04-04-2013

Dundalk Leader 4th april 2013 7

• Cardboard Boxes • Flouresce�t Tubes • Books •Tetra Carto�s • Wood Eg: Off Cuts• Alumi�ium Dri�k Ca�s • Car Batteries • Fridges • Newspapers • CD's & DVD's• Ju�k Mail • Mobile Pho�es • Magazi�es • Alumi�ium Foil Trays • Brochures • Food Ti�s• Glass Bottles a�d Jars • Microwaves • Computers • Law�mowers • Plastic Bottles• Grass Cutti�gs • Televisio�s • Clothes • Footwear • Washi�g Machi�es • Cookers• Cast Iro� Baths • Gas Cyli�ders • Stai�less Steel Si�ks • Freezers • Microwaves• Scrap Metals Eg: Bicycles, Radiators, Pots a�d Pa�s a�d Lots More...

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Dundalk Recycling Centre Ph 042 93 29200Ardee Recycling Centre Ph 041 68 60011Drogheda Recycling Centre Ph 041 98 03900

Page 8: 04-04-2013

Dundalk Leader 4th april 20138

Dundalk IT Students’ Union delegates at the annual Congress of the Union of Students in Ireland (USI). USI Congress is taking place this week in the Carlton Shearwater Hotel in Ballinasloe. Over 250 students from 24 students’ unions will discuss the future of the higher education sector and elect a new president for 2013/2014.

athletic club thanksMountpleasant AC would like to thank all their friends who made the easter Monday races a great success. In particular they thank Michael rice for the use of his builders’ yard for parking and Aidan stewart of The Left Bank for the most welcome soup which went down a treat on a bitterly cold day.Also to Georgina, Ciaran and Catherine who were in charge of results and, most importantly, the young and old runners from near and far who continually support the race.The event featured the sean Craven 5K road race which once again proved to be a huge hit with competitive athletes along with walkers and joggers. There were also juvenile road races for athletes from the ages of six up to 16.

car Boot SaleCar Boot sale for the Irish Heart Foundation in st Pat’s GFC Hall, Lordship, Co Louth on sunday April 14 from 10.30 to 3pm. refreshments available at the Car Boot Cafe. Call 0872559405 or 0876479715.

neWSin Brief

THE Park Inn Hotel just outside Dundalk has gone on the market for €1.75mil-lion.

The hotel was officially opened in March 2005 with three stars, boasting im-pressive features such as an ajoining golf course, leisure complex and a helipad. The ambitious project also had six five-aside soccer pitches,

four junior suites and a con-ference centre.

Originally owned by de-veloper Philip Kirk, the ho-tel later changed hands and Robert Lynne took over, re-branding it the Park Hotel. However, despite his best efforts to keep it going, it closed its doors in 2010 and examiners KPMG were ap-pointed.

For a time parts of the ho-tel were rented out to peo-ple who lived in the hotel as property guardians.

The hotel and lands around it are not necessarily being sold together and the extensive lands may return to their original pastoral use.

The hotel has 80 guest rooms, bars, restaurants,

and 20 ft pool and leisure facilities. This is set on 96 acres of land on which there is an 18 hole golf course but there are indications that in the immediate future revert-ing to farming land might be the better option.

The land is high quality agiricultual potential which currently in higher demand than golf courses.

Dundalk hotel goes on the market

1 europe Budapest is the capital city of what country? 2 religion saint Linus was the second man to hold what post? 3song and dance What crooner record-ed the classic album, ‘songs for swinging lovers’?4 LocalBy What name is local businessman Lord Ballyedmund known in Co Louth. 5 PoetryWho wrote The Cremation of sam MaGee?6 BusinessIn what American city was the Levi strauss company originally based. 7 Television In the series Minder, what was Arthur daly’s favorite drink?8 Food and drinkWhat type of cake

gets its name for the French for lightene-ing?9 IrelandIn what city is Ceant railway station? 10 rock and PopHow were Bill Medley and Bobby Hatfeild known when they sang together in the 1960’s?This Weeks stinker….elizabeth Taylor played Pearl Flaghoo-ple in one of her last movies, but who was Peral’s Flagloople’s more famous son in law?

Pete Treanor’sWeekly Quiz

—this week’s answers—

1 Hungry; 2. Pope; 3 Frank Sinatra; 4 Edward Haughey; 5 Robert Service; 6 San Franciso; 7 Vodka and Tonic; 8 Éclair; 9 Galway; 10 The Righteous Brothers; Stinker: Fred Flintstone.

one of the participants crossing the finishing line

comedian pat Short at the 5kLarry and collette o’hagan niamh Berkely, gary martin and mark Begley

gary, ciara and Jake cunningham

patrick murphy crosses the line first dalton dullaghan (406) finishes the 5kThomas cogley, Fergal Brides, ross o’reilly and adrian connolly

dundalk runs 5k for ray

Page 9: 04-04-2013

Dundalk Leader 4th april 2013 9

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Page 10: 04-04-2013

Dundalk Leader 4th april 201310

Samarrivesat St Pat’sThe arrival of Sam Maguire to St Patricks GFC in Lordship proved a huge attraction as a large crowd turned out to see the famous trophy on Tuesday of last week.Leo McLoone, who helped Donegal win the All-Ireland title in September, was much in demand as he posed for photos and chatted with young and not so young fans of Gaelic Foobtall.Also on display for the event was the Joe Ward Cup which St Patricks won following their Senior Champion-ship victory last year.

A MAN who put paint across his neighbour’s car and put super glue into the locks of a house could offer no expla-nation for his behaviour.

Liam Mullen, 62 Bach-elors Walk, Dundalk, ap-peared at Dundalk District Court following the incident

on February 5 this year and was given a two month sus-pended sentence for his ac-tions.

It was stated that on the date in question a man in Bachelors Walk had paint put across his car and the front door lock damaged,

causing €100 damage. It was also discovered that three locks had super glue put in them and each cost €180 to fix.

Solicitor, Dermot Lavery, stated that this was drunk-en, loutish and meaningless acts against people he had no

grudge against.“He is 45 and at an age

when he should be past this sort of behaviour but he has made personal and written apologies to his neighbours”, added Mr Lavery.

The solicitor stated that his client is a carer for an

elderly relative and while he does take a drink, it doesn’t lead to criminality.

Judge William Hamill im-posed a two-month prison sentence but suspended it for six months on account of the guilty plea and the fact that compensation was paid.

Man put super glue in neighbour’s locks

Support act, catalyst at the market Bar on easter Sunday Jenny gray, chloe Lynch, clara callan and niamh o’connor

paula mcardle and marie Brennan

kerry and conor petticrew nollaig Bravender and Bernard VerbeekTara gallagher with emma and Siobhan crawley

easter at The market Bar

Śmigus-dyngus (znany także jako: Poniedziałek Wielkanocny, Lany Poniedziałek) – zwyczaj, pierwotnie słowiański.Śmigus polegał na symbolicznym biciu witkami wierzby lub palmami po nogach i wzajemnym oblewaniu się wodą, co symbolizowało wiosenne oczyszczenie z brudu i chorób, a w późniejszym czasie także i z grzechu. na śmigus nałożył się zwyczaj dyngusowania, dający możliwość wykupienia się pisankami od podwójnego lania. nie wiadomo, kiedy te dwa obyczaje się połączyły.nazwa święta składa się z dwóch słów “śmigus” oraz “dyngus” i zawiera w sobie opis jego przebiegu. Osoby, które nie wykupiły się podarkami (tradycyjnie pisankami) były oblewane wodą. dyngus po słowiańsku nazywał się włóczebny. Wywodzi się go od wiosennego zwyczaju składania wzajemnych wizyt u znajomych i rodziny połączonych ze zwyczajowym poczęstunkiem, a także i podarunkiem, zaopatrzeniem w żywność na drogę. Wizytom towarzyszyły śpiewy o charakterze ludowym i religijnym. dyngus dla uboższych, nie mających bogatych znajomych, stał się sposobem na wzbogacenie jadłospisu i okazją pokosztowania niecodziennych dań (jeśli zawędrowali np. do dworu). Włóczebnicy mieli przynosić szczęście, a jeśli nie zostali należycie za tę usługę wynagrodzeni smakołykami i jajkami, robili gospodarzom różne nieprzyjemne psikusy (co dla skąpych gospodarzy było pierwszym dowodem pecha).Mam nadzieję, że lanie w tym roku było umiarkowanie mokre i ciepłe. Mam też nadzieję, że udały się Wam prima aprilisowe żarty. I mimo wietrznej pogody Święta były okazją do odpoczynku i miłego spędzenia czasu w gronie najbliższych.W minioną środę, w świetlicy na Muirhevnamor odbył się Festiwal Kultur, w której simul Polonia zaprezentował tradycyjne polskie dania (min.: bigos i kartoflankę, wiosenny twarożek z rzodkiewką i szczypiorkiem oraz tradycyjne baby wielkanocne i polskie ciasta, wedliny, sery, smalec z ogórkiem kiszonym). A już w najbliższy piątek 5 kwietnia i sobotę 6 kwietnia simul Polonia weźmie udział w akcji charytatywnej polegającej na pakowaniu zakupów w tesco long walk; wciąż jeszcze szukamy wolentariuszy gdyż kas jest sporo, piatek i sobota to zawsze dni, w którym przewija się sporo klientów a czas mamy między 10tą a 18tą. Akcja wspomaga dzieci w rumunii. Pozdrawiam agnieszka Boniewicz

Local children pictured with Donegal star, Leo McLoone, and the Sam Maguire Cup during at visit to St Patrick’s GFC on Tuesday of last week

5k For rayFrom page 1

run has come to dundalk since it began three years ago. The event began and finished at the Lisdoo and looked an impressive sight as the hundreds of luminous yellow T-shirts made their way through the town centre and back back seatown.The aim was simple, to improve general health by encouraging people off the couch and run to the other side of the 5km mark. The message was that running is inexpensive, needing no equipment or facilities but relies on motivation; and focusing on a goal and run-ning with others is a great way to stay upbeat. The organisers had even provided four-week train-ing schedules to help build runners up so they were ready to impress ray on the day. despite the cold weather and the snow storm in the middle of the race, there were plenty of smiling faces as athletes crossed the line.

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Dundalk Leader 4th april 2013 11

Running through sleet and rain to win the 5k For Ray was Patrick Murphy

THe Simon Community team in Dundalk are preparing to kick off a busy fundraising period for the charity with a team of volun-teers busy organising a huge bag packing drive next month.

The TeSCO Bag Pack on Fri-day May 17 and Saturday May 18 will cover nine stores across

Louth, Meath, Cavan and Mona-ghan and the charity are looking for over 300 volunteers to help out.

Their target is to raise €20,000 so if you can help, please contact them on 042 9339583 or email [email protected].

They are also looking for peo-ple to run for us in this year’s FLORA Women’s Mini Mara-thon. If you are interested please ring Yvonne on 042 9339583.

Remember every €2 raised will provide four meals (break-fast, lunch, dinner and supper) for one person.

Driver was having a very traumatic dayA MAN who was having a very traumatic day took a few drinks at a friends house be-fore he was stopped by Gardai while driving over the limit.

Kevin Rafferty of Conlon’s XL Shop, Al-phonsus Road, Dundalk, was also convicted of having no insurance when he appeared at Dundalk District Court following the inci-dent on May 22, 2012.

Solicitor, Sean T O’Reilly, told the court that on the day in question the defendant’s mother had been diagnosed with a serious illness. It was a very traumatic day and he went to a friend’s house where he had a few drinks.

He stated that his client knows that he shouldn’t have driven and that he apologised to the court.

Judge William Hamill fined the 22-year-old defendant €150 for the drink driving offence and disqualified him for six months, while he imposed a €350 fine in relation to having no insurance.

Simon Community Fundraisers

rhona o’hagan with ray darcy

debbie mullen and colin mullen

Laura and martin duffy

alison gregory and ciara Whately

niall Breslin and aibheann o’hare

running 5k for ray

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Dundalk Leader 4th april 201312

Fidelma Martin, Sallie Mc Ardle, Enda Kelly and Conor Cleary

A MAN who stole three bottles of wine from a shop was apprehended within a short time af-ter falling asleep at a bus stop.

Edwin Kavangh with addresses at 100 Rockfield Close, Ar-dee, and 147 Ashfield, North Road, Droghe-da, appeared at Dun-dalk District Court as a result of his actions where he also faced drink driving and re-lated charges.

The court heard that on March 23 this year, he stole three bottles of wine from a supermar-ket in Ardee, and that he broke a door handle on the shop valued at €20, leading to a crim-inal damage charge.

The 42-year-old was found shortly af-terwards asleep at a bus stop and was very drunk at the time.

The defendant also pleaded guilty to a charge of drink driv-ing and driving while disqualified following an incident on October 27 last year.

The court was told that Mr Kavanagh had two previous drink driving convictions and had been serving seven year driving ban.

Solicitor, Frank Mc-Donnell, stated that drink was at the root of all of his client’s of-fences.

He added that as the defendant was known in the shop, there was

no prospect of him getting away with the theft.

He pointed out that attempts had been made to deal with the addiction but he had fallen off the wagon and was drinking to excess in recent times.

Mr McDonnell pointed out that his cli-ent had spent a number of days in custody and this had a great affect on him.

As a result he asked that the case be dealt with in a way that wouldn’t deprive him of his liberty.

Judge William Hamill adjourned the case for a Community Service Report until April 3, 2013.

THe fundraising effort for the Make A Wish Founda-tion will be in the Marshes Shopping Centre from April 5 to 7.

It is the aim of local char-

ity fundraiser Gerry Len-non to see every child in County Louth who is with the Make a Wish Founda-tion have their wish grant-ed as soon as possible.

The wish is a time of pure magic and joy for the children.

It gives a respite from doctors, hospitals and treatments.

It also gives long last-ing memories for a family, whatever the future might hold.

The raffle for the €30k car will not take place until

November but it is hoped that all the wishes will be granted by then.

“As soon as there is enough tickets sold, the kids in Co Louth will get

their wish granted. “So we hope to have

wishes granted for these kids in the early summer,” said Gerry.

Over the weekend tick-

ets for the brand new Volkswagon Polo that is being raffled will be on sale in the Marshes SC. All are asked to support the event.

Fell asleep at bus stop after stealing wine

Make-A-Wish fundraiser being held at The Marshes

FOUR senior mem-bers of the Martial Arts School of Fitness com-peted in the final round of the Kickboxing Ire-land (KBI) Senior Na-tional Championships.

After competing in round one a few weeks ago, round two took place in Dublin last week and saw Fidelma Martin, Sallie McArdle, enda Kelly and Conor Cleary enter into vari-ous sections and com-peting for the coveted titles.

Assistant instructor Fidelma Martin had a tough final against the current national con-tinuous title-holder from Dublin and settled for a silver medal and

a ranking of second in Ireland.

Conor Cleary entered the novice section of the senior point fight-ing and competing in the final rounds against men from Dublin and edenderry. The 17-year-old finished his day with a silver medal.

Sallie Mc Ardle made her comeback to win a whirlwind hat-trick of gold medals and Na-tional Champion titles, after several years off the circuit.

Sallie entered the vet-eran sections for point and continuous fighting in the first round win-ning both and went on to enter the light contact senior ladies division

Irish National Kickbox-ing Team and the chance to compete for european titles in the coveted and prestigious WAKO eu-ropean Championships in December. MAS-F Juniors take to the floor on April 14.

More gold medals for local martial arts competitors

and won it, with her fi-nal opponent not scor-ing once throughout the three rounds.

enda Kelly (17) com-peted in his first Senior National Champion-ships with his bo staff weapon. After winning

round one, enda went back for round two and took gold, securing his Irish National Champi-on title for weapons.

Both enda and Sallie not only won National titles, they also win a place on the KBI/WAKO

majella mc ardle, claire Ward and Fionnuala gaffney at Jack L on Sun-day nightJacqui rogers, eileen corcoran, dara murphy and anne corcoran.

Jack L at the Spirit Store on easter Sunday.

Tara mc donnell and Sinead Forde. martha casey and charlene Walsh.Vera gallagher, rebecca and andy califf and Tracy mc guinness.

Jack L at The Spirit Store

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Dundalk Leader 4th april 2013 13

Special OfferSmeaL For 2 - 2 Starter, 2 main, 2 rice,

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kebab/chicken kebab, 1 chicken nuggets & chips, 1 naan, 1 Bottle coke (1.25L) €22.95

Delivery in Dundalk & Blackrock - Home catering available!

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100% irish Beef stew &Many More Lunch time

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Kids Birthdays, Private Room, All Catering

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Any 3 items €2.80Any 5 items €4.50Any 7 items €5.80

Page 14: 04-04-2013

Dundalk Leader 4th april 201314

During the Festival, we will have 5 international Guitarists.Jimmy Smyth sponsored by The Sound Shop

Rodney Branigan playing Yamaha guitarsRichard Gilewitz playing Breedlove guitarsSteve Fairclough playing Seagull guitars

Anto Drennan sponsored by Roland & BossAll these Artists will give Demo’s and Clinics during the festival.

Robert Barrett ‘The Drum Doctor’ will give a Master Class in one of the Demo Rooms on Sat 6th between 1pm & 3pm sponsored by Sabian cymbals

Local Bands will be playing live in the marquee beside the during the festival.

Featuring instruments and PA’s from Bose, Korg, Yamaha, Roland, Orla pianos and keyboard, Fender, Seagull, Stagg, Simon & Patrick, Godin,

Alhambra, Breedlove, Orange, Marshall, ESP, Takamine, RCF and Peavey

Complementary Tickets available to Sound Shop customers. Tickets €5

For further details contact The Sound Shop,

East Coast Business Park, DroghedaTel 041-9831078 Email [email protected]

Web www.soundshop.ie

TLT Concert Hall Drogheda

The Sound Shop presents

Enjoying a night out at The Market Bar at the weekend.

Marie Brennan, Adi Carolan, Paula Mc Ardle, Tereza Kieran and Emmett Carolan.

Michael Duffy with singer SJ Mc Ardle and Des Donleavy at The Spirit Store on Sunday.

Una Sheils, Teresa Murnaghan and Suzanne Smyth enjoying the entertainment in The Spirit Store on Sunday.

Dermot Murphy and Neil Cooney at the Jack L concert in The Spirit Store on Sunday.

Claire and Jim Byrne at the Jack L concert in The Spirit Store.

Vincent and Ann Callan at the Market Bar on Easter Sunday.

DkIT’s fourth year PR students are working alongside Dundalk Stadium to promote County Louth through the Gathering 2013 by creating a mythical themed event ‘Louth The Land of Legends’ to take place on May 3.

This event will represent the very best of Irish culture, tradi-tion and sport, allowing guests to experience Ireland’s unique sense of fun. The evening will display the mythical history of county Louth alongside what the county has to offer. Local produce mar-ket stalls will give you a taste of

Louth, mythical characters and dancers will grace the Stadium with greyhound and horse racing throughout the evening also.

The Gathering 2013 is in full swing with Ireland opening its arms to thousands of friends and family from all over the world, calling them home to celebrate in villages, towns and cities by means of various ‘Gathering’ events to help promote Ireland’s heritage.

Louth The Land of Legends is an opportunity to promote County Louth as a tourist attraction and

bring an abundance of people to the area as well as lifting morale amongst locals.

A team of DkIT’s fourth year PR students are working along-side the Stadium as part of their final year project to push tourism in Co. Louth and generate a posi-tive image to the ‘Wee’ county as a whole.

Louth The Land of Legends launch night will take place on Friday April 12. For further in-formation on ‘Louth The Land of Legends’ at Dundalk Stadium visit: www.dundalkstadium.com

DkIT students promote The Gathering event

Out & Aboutat the


Page 15: 04-04-2013

Dundalk Leader 4th april 2013 15

The animals & The Troggs

Friday 26th April - €25Featuring The

Toppers Showband

rathkenny revels12th-13th April

Tickets - €15 Family - €50

BeaTleMaNia50th Anniversary Concert “ The Greatest hits from Love Me Do to Let It Be” 17th May - €20

Friends In Low Places -Rodeo Tour 2013 The Story & Music of

Garth Brooks - 4th May - €24

The Leddy Family Show In Aid of Boyneview & Alzheimer’s Day Care Centre - May 8th €11 inc booking fee

chinese State circusTuesday 23rd April Tickets - €27.50 Family - €82

Man in the Mirror Saturday 18th May - Tickets €25

Mickey Mouseclubhouse TributeSun 5th May @ 3pm - Tickets - €12

Premiership Live on Big Screen – Pints & Longneck Specials Saturdays and Sundays during games.

Saturday6th april


Thursday 4th april


all shots, Pints& Longnecks €3.30 all night

Sunday 7th aprilLive Music with

GerrY & KeeNaN

all Pints &Longnecks €3.30 from 9pm

Friday 5th april

Karaokewith rOz

all Pints &Longnecks €3.30 from 9pm

Bernadette White and Mairead Hanratty at the Jack L concert.

Lock-up returnsaS WeLL as the festivals main stages, the little stage with a big lo-cal focus, the Lock –up will make a welcome return. Featuring local singer songwrit-ers bands and dJs the Lock-up has generated a great atmosphere at the annual festival as long time sup-porters join first

time listeners to hear some the best dundalk has to offer.This year is boast-ing some additions to the Lock-up as there will be a ‘clandestine, bass-only room’, a revamped sound system as well as offering an audio visual edge with a projection display.The stage has been

Massive Punk and Trash Metal night for O’Connells

ThiS Friday night, april 5, for all things hardcore head to o connells on quay Street. Local promotors new day rising have booked some very interesting bands for a night of fun and mayhem. Two of Finland’s finest punk bands “ ylivallan orjat and rikoslaki “ are doing a short three-date irish tour and have selected dundalk as a place to play. ylivallan orjat are as hard as it gets in punk terms. Fronted by female vocalist elizabeth the band play fast and furious all out punk. rikoslaki site a much broader set of influences including dr Feelgood, Stranglers, SLF, piL, The meteors and motörhead. dublin trash/horror band pagan riot will make their first ever dundalk appearance on the night, pure manic craic from these guys. For fans of Sabbath, Slayer, nin, White Zombies and the misfits, this is the band for you. opening the night are athlone based punk band “makeshift” influenced by bands such as nofx, Bad religion, The rabble, dropkick murphys, pennywise the bands live shows are starting to make an impact wherever they play. all in all a night for those who like it fast and loud. doors at 8.30, first band at 9pm and admission is €6.

Vlivallan Orjat

a big attraction for local festival goers

and late night festival revellers.

The Line-up will be announced soon.

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Dundalk Leader 4th april 201316

eASTeR proved to be a very fruitful weekend for Cuchullainn Cy-cling Club, with cyclists active in three races throughout the country.

On easter Sunday in Batterstown, the IVCA league commenced for 2013. The club’s cy-clists have been very successful in this league

down through the years, with Martin Grey tak-ing his second National Championship last sea-son. This year looks to be no different with one round finished and already a Dundalk man has topped the podium.

Jimmy Flynn took the chequered flag in his event, when with 10km

to go he jumped away from the main bunch to bridge up to a lone at-tacker. The two worked well together to estab-lish a strong lead over the main group.

At the finish Jimmy proved too strong for his rival and was crowned champion. In the other race of the day Sé We-

ston took third place when he got into the winning break on the first of four laps, while back in the bunch club mate Martin Grey made sure to interfere with any attempts to chase them down.

A Cuchullainn team comprised Owen Mar-tin, Gerry McCabe,

Myles McCorry, Sean Loughran and Peter Tomany traveled to Gal-way to compete in the 3 Day Rás Chonmara.

The team, spear-headed by Owen, had a great weekend and took 2nd team overall. On the Sunday Owen had a superb ride in the after-noon road stage to make

his way into the win-ning breakaway, taking second on the stage and moving up to second overall, only 6 seconds of the coveted yellow jersey, which was held by Stamullen rider Cian Delany.

On the last stage Owen and his team mates attacked from the

gun and never let up the whole day, riding ag-gressively throughout and making sure the yellow jersey never had a minute to relax. In the end he couldn’t quite find those vital seconds and had to settle for an excellent second place.

Meanwhile in the mountains of Kerry,

the Louth Rás team where preparing for the 2013 race in May, by competing in the 4 day Rás Mumhan. Ray O’Shaughnessy, Colm Quinn and Ultan O’Callaghan all had good races and got the vital hard miles in the legs ahead of the inter-national race in May.

Tommy o’donoghue

I wouldn’t agree at all. The Grand national is the greatest event of all the sports. These people are over-reacting. Banning the race would be ridiculous.

QUESTION:Do you agree with animal welfare groups who say the Grand National should be banned?


dominic keating

no, I wouldn’t agree with that. The race has been going on for about 100 years and there haven’t been too many fatalities in that time.

Brendan connolly

Yes, I think it should be banned. I don’t like the race at all. It’s too dangerous for both horse and rider. At least the jockey has a choice to take part unlike the poor horse.

dessie o’rourke

In my opinion it should be up to the owner of the horse whether he takes part in the race or not. I think it’s a bit heavy handed to ban it outright.

Lillian Lee

no I think they are overreacting a bit. As long as the necessary safety precautions are in place I think it’s ok to go ahead with it.

Local cyclists enjoy a very productive weekend

& Health


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Dundalk Leader 4th april 2013 17

“Anybody Home” by David Martin

LAST year’s inaugural Patsy Kelly 5K run proved to be a huge success with over 500 runners, joggers and walkers taking part on what proved to be a perfect spring evening.

Organisers are hoping this year’s event will prove just as popular with the race set to take place on Saturday April 20 at 6:30pm.

The race is run in memory of Patsy Kelly, who was an active member of the Clan na Gael and North East Runners prior to his untimely passing. He represented both clubs with great pride down through the years.

According to all who met him, Patsy was very much a perfection-ist, a trait that was invaluable given his position as groundsman for Clan Na Gael GFC.

Anybody interested in taking part should download an applica-tion form from http://www.clanna-gaeldundalk.com/patsy_kelly_5k.html and return it to Adrian in the bar.

There are also entry forms for the PK5K in Felda. Just give them back to Paul Gray or Jim Gonnelly from the North East Runners.

Register Online by going to the following link http://www.runire-land.com/active/enter-online and searching for Patsy Kelly. Then simply click on ‘Enter Now’.

There is also a Registration Day on Saturday April 6 between 3pm and 6pm in the Clans clubrooms to assist competitors who would like to enter but have no access to on-line facilities.

Members of the North East Run-ners and Clan Na Gael will be there to accept entries and also offer ad-vice or assistance for any new or first time competitors.

The race starts at the top of the Ecco Road and continues onto the Castletown road and into Fr Mur-ray Park and Ice House Hill Park and then through Pearse Park. From here the race goes onto the Carrick Road and then for the final descent down the Ecco Road to the finish line in the Clans.

Register Saturday for annual Patsy Kelly 5k run

THeRe was great ex-citement at Dundalk Photographic Society’s “Photographer of the Year” competition held in March.

The Photographer of the Year competition is the culmination of the monthly competitions within the club and its only after several rounds, members can qualify for the final.

Club-members who competed in the final in the senior section were Gabriel O’Shaughnessy, David Martin, Ciaran DeBhal, Charlie Flynn and Tony McDonnell.

In the advanced sec-tion club-members com-peting were evalds Gas-pazins, Damien O’Malley, Alex Coro-liu, Michael Mackin and Pat McHenry.

All of the competitors presented 12 of their fa-vourite images, drawn from the earlier rounds, to the judging panel.

The three man judg-ing panel was made up of Mark Sedgwick FIPF

(Celbridge Camera

David named top photographer

Club), Paul Stanley AIPF (Dublin Camera Club) and Gerry Kelle-her FIPF (Dublin Cam-era Club).

All three judges re-marked on the outstand-ing quality of the images on display, and com-mended the society on their consistent perform-ance on the National and international stage.

Tony McDonnell’s beautiful images and Charlie Flynn’s environ-mental portraits were both highly scored.

Some amazingly crea-tive images by Ciaran deBhal achieved top marks, while Gabriel O’Shaughnessy’s as-sortment of brilliantly crafted portraits where a big favourite on the night and helped him go on and win the senior colour print section.

However it was Dav-id Martin’s magnificent selection of

land/sea scape’s cou-pled together with beau-tifully lit and softly printed portraits that

earned him the Mono-chrome section and ulti-mately the 2013 DPS Photographer of the Year title.

In the Advanced sec-tion Alex Coroliu pro-duced a stunning set of images including some cracking motor-sport and dirt bike shots, which deservedly earned him the colour print ti-tle.

There will be an op-portunity for members of the public to view the society’s images when

they open this year’s ex-hibition to the public on the April 20.

The exhibition will be in the Louth County Museum Jocelyn St Dundalk and will run for two weeks.

The official opening will be on the April 19 and will be opened by the Cathaoirleach of Dundalk Town Council Jennifer Green.

Anyone who would like more information please visit www.dun-dalkphoto.com.

By Paul Byrne

By Paul Byrne

Local musicians impress

County Louth’s impressive musical credentials were given a further boost last week as a group of young musicians played for the international delegates at a confer-ence organised as part of Ireland’s Presidency. The event linked to the Depart-ment of Education featured harpist Michael O’Neill, Uilleann piper Conal Duffy and his brother, fiddle player, Ciarán Duffy. These young musical ambassadors were nominated by Louth Music Education Partnership to represent the county on this international stage. Rosaleen Molloy, National Director of Music Generation said it was “a wonderful opportunity to showcase some of the country’s finest young musicians and is providing them with the opportunity to perform to an international audience.”

Good Vibrations opens this weekend

GOOD Vibrations, the film biography of Terri Hooley father of the Belfast Punk scene has been released nation-wide as of last Friday.

The film which has won rave reviews wher-ever it has shown at film festivals, from places as diverse as Texas and Russia was mainly shot in Dundalk back in 2011.

Richard Dormer is cast as Hooley in the film and he and a number of other star names were in Dundalk for the shoot.

Well known locations like the Spirit Store on the Quay and the red bricks of Broughton Street made their de-but on the silver screen along with many lo-cals who were cast as punked-up extras.

Filming took place in September 2011 in Ar-magh and Dundalk with the locality being cho-sen because of the parts

Good Vibrations opens this weekend

of Dundalk that look very much like Belfast in the 1970s.

“Belfast has changed a lot in the last 30 years, if you were away 20 or 30 years you wouldn’t know the place at all”

according to Hooley speaking when the Dun-dalk location was se-lected.

The film depicts how one man with a great passion and drive became an instrumen-

tal player in the punk movement in the North. Terri set up the record store Good Vibrations in the early 70’s on one of Belfast’s most bombed streets, Victoria Street.

annual meetingThe Cooley – Carlingford Branch of Fine Gael held their AGM last week which was attended by senator Terry Brennan and Junior Minister for Public sector reform Bryan Hayes. The group discussed ways to enhance the tourism prospects in the peninsula. However they were par-ticularly grateful to their representative in the dail Peter Fitzpatrick for se-curing a new squad car to cover the area and his campaign to see policing improve in the north east. Three weeks ago deputy Fitzpatrick highlighted the limited resources Gardai have in north County Louth, calling on Justice Minster Alan shatter to invest in resources in the area.

Sailing club auctionCarlingford sailing Club are holding their third auction this sunday, April 7. It will take place in the sail-ing club house over look-ing Carlingford Lough with all proceeds going towards the promotion of sailing. Viewing of itmes begins at noon.

neWSin Brief

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Dundalk Leader 4th april 201318



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Page 19: 04-04-2013

Dundalk Leader 4th april 2013 19

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Page 20: 04-04-2013

Dundalk Leader 4th april 201320

Beginner guiTar LeSSonS only €8 per lesson. Begin a life-long hobby. Weekdays/evenings. Can provide gui-tar if needed. Call roy 086 2052108.piano and guiTar lessons avail-able with fully qualified tutor. Please contact me on 087 7105258. Lessons tailored to each individual.pauL’S hoLiSTic TherapieS Full body massage €40. Partial body mas-sage €20. reflexology treatment (one hour) €40. reiki treatments (one hour) €40. Integration energy Therapy (one hour) €40. Contact 086-344-6944.30 minuTe reiki healing drop-in sessions Tuesday’s 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th April 7pm – 9.30pm, Outcomers Bldg, 8 roden Place (under the arch) dundalk contact Linda 085 1080493arT cLaSSeS At Blackrock Music school. new term starting 13th April. sketching, painting, craft & sewing. €10 per class. To book Tel. eleanor 086 3907159.

gerry’S uphoLSTery SerVice: suites/Antique furniture repaired and re-covered. Better than new. 0860800788chimney & SToVe cLeaning In-spection & repair Tel Paul McArdle 042-9332491/0876660094 or 089-496-2292. email [email protected] Bureau de change – Best rates guaranteed – no com-mission – We buy and sell all major currencies – electronic Bank Trans-fers – sterling and euro cheques – 8 Park st. (open 7 days 8am-11pm) & 4 Linenhall st (open Mon-sat) – call 042 9339922/9370101 –www.dundalk-bureaudechange.com – accepting all major Credit and debit cards.

FuLLy quaLiFied mechanic avail-able for MOT, servicing & Mechanical repairs. renault specialist Tel declan 0044 7749488859dundaLk Bureau de change – Western union money transfer – pay over 140 different bills – payzone/postpoint – stamps – pre-paid credit cards – phone top-ups – best rates guaranteed – no commission - 8 Park st. (open 7 days 8am-11pm) & 4 Linenhall st. (open Mon-sat) – call 042 9339922/9370101 – www.dun-dalkbureaudechange.com – accept-ing all major credit & debit cardsperFecT FiT aLTeraTionS - For all your sewing needs. For your con-venience now open on Avenue road. 10% off for slimming World members. Castletown road: Tel: 042 9327837. Avenue road: Tel: 042 9352348Looking For a unique giFT? Cre-ate a personalised newspaper page to celebrate a special occasion - birth-day, anniversary, birth, sporting suc-cess etc. Contact 086 3238328 www.frontpagenews.iea Van & driVer available for fur-niture removal, also single items, 3 piece suites, cookers, fridges, wash-ing machines. day & night Tel 086 8704908properTy mainTenance: re-pairs, building plastering plumbing, painting, tiling, concreting, patios, gardening, PVC facia and soffits, win-dow cleaning. Over 20 yrs experience. references available. Tel Michael 085-858-8090adVerTiSe your SerVice to over 60,000 readers for only €5 per week up to 20 words Phone dundalk Lead-er 042 9320888We can diSTriBuTe your leaflets from €65 + vat per thousand Phone dundalk Leader 042 9320888

aTTenTion Ber’s now required for Better energy Home Grants. For Ber certification at affordable prices con-tact robert Mulholland 087 6091906.www.louthber.ieadVerTiSe your houSe Premises for rent or sale to 60,000 readers a week from €€5 Telephone dundalk Leader 042 9320888priVaTe aparTmenT to rent close to dundalk town centre, suit 2 peo-ple, car park and bin free, recently decorated, rent negotiable Tel 087 27885732 Bed houSe for rent Barrack st dundalk. Contact 086-231-6283 or 086-822-3914

BedS & FurniTure direcT Beds, mattresses, wardrobes, chests, lock-ers, pine beds etc., also furniture re-movals call 086 8704908 anytime.Bed & maTTreSS SaLe beds from €99, mattress from €69. Massive range on show (free delivery) The Bed & sofa store, northlink retail Park, dundalk 042 9320927BedS For SaLe Totally heavy solid pine beds. Brand new, super strong, rock solid bases, lifetime guarantee. Good deep super memory foam mat-tresses included. everything brand new. Can deliver. €89. 086-820-8303Spring SpeciaLS aT deaLgan FurniTure Longwalk, dundalk (in-side The Paint store), for a wide range of new & used Bedroom, dining room and Kitchen furniture, great deals on Beds & Mattresses. Water proof mat-tresses in stock. suite reupholstery and furniture fixing service available Tel 042-932-911

preMises For sale/rent

articles For sale

handyman SerViceS: For all your domestic jobs. Painting/decorating/Flooring/Building/Plastering etc. Phone Brian 087-295-2529 or 042-932-8727r LeVinS home mainTenance All types of work carried out about the house. Painting, Wall & Floor tiling, damp solutions, drylining. Outside the home PVC Fascia, soffit, all types of guttering & roof repairs. Flatroofs garden fencing. 15 years experience. Call richie 086-402 8291grimLey’s duBLin ST. dundaLk: TV aerials, satellite, Freeview & saor-view, new installations, sales & re-pairs. 042 935 4343.Van hire: Man with van for hire, local or long distance. Contact : 9351804 or 087-246-4974caTering SerVice: reliable, profes-sional catering service available for all types of parties. Great prices for Confirmation & Communion parties etc. Contact thymetocook.ie or Gillian 087-289-6894.ki maSSage Therapy The ultimate relaxing experience for Mind & Body. A massage that works on your natu-ral lifeforce resulting in good health and wellbeing, leaving your energy to flow freely. Contact Mags 086 853 1854kiTchen FaceLiFTS: Kitchen & Bath-room renovations. new worktops, handles, hinges, repaint etc. Flat pack kitchens assembled & fitted. Contact : 042-933-3426 or 087-274-4915carLingFord craFT: Local hand-made unique Textiles, Paintings, soaps, Photography & more. Open 11am-6pm everyday. Just up the hill from the butcher. www. https://www.facebook.com/CarlingfordCraft 042 9373066

man WiTh chainSaW available for hire. Contact 087-979-1719eLecTrician aVaiLaBLe fully qualified and experienced, no job too small Call 083 1336973Van For hire: Man with van for furniture removals, 3 piece suites, cookers, washing machines. Local runs from €15. day or night. Contact : 087-951-8166

2007 ToyoTa aVenSiS, Luna mod-el, 96,000km, silver, nct’d until 03/15, d4d 2.0 diesel, full Toyota service history, one lady owner from new, tow bar, very clean car, €8,250 Tel 087 2841047SeLL iT Through a cLaSSiFied only €5 for one week up to 20 words. 04293 20888. The dundalk Leader.

dundaLk ToWn counciL: We, Grainne & donal Keating intend to apply for planning permission for two storey extension to the rear of exist-ing house,new porch, changes to elevations and associated site works at 2 Park View, dundalk, C/o McGa-hon Architects Ltd, 19 Jocelyn street, dundalk. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of dundalk Town Council from 9.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. A sub-mission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the Authority in writing within a period of 5 weeks from the date of receipt by the Authority of the application and on payment of the prescribed fee of €20.00

chimney cLeaning SerVice: dust Free. Brush & VAC. reasonable rates. Call Tommy. 087186 9164

eamonn cooney satellite, T.V Aer-ial, saorview, Freeview, Freesat etc. sales/service/repairs. Phone 087 2671809 042 9331348

Wedding phoTography Spe-ciaLS: Beautiful wedding photogra-phy professional taken presented in Picture Book Album With 150 pho-tographs fot €750.00 Peter Hughes Photography 087-256-1161 or 042-933-3732

carpenTer aVaiLaBLe 26 years experience. All interior, exterior, in-cluding kitchens, decking, doors, floors, flat-packs etc. no job too small. Keenest prices. Quality finish assured. Call des for free quotation 087-618-0150

WindoW cLeaning gutter & facia cleaning carried out by professional, fully trained and insured staff. Afford-able rates. Call our office for a free quoatation. everkleen 0429352717 or 0868293585.

cLeaneST & keeneST Have your windows, carpet or suite of furni-ture cleaned at keenest prices. Also guttering, fascia boards, power hos-ing. Call damien 0868469559 or 0879319243

TiLer aVaiLaBLe experienced local tiler to carry out all types of tile work - marble, granite, porcelain. Indoors and out. Call 0876563705 for free quote.

dundaLk compuTer repair cenTre We fix PCs, laptops, tablets, ipads, iphones and smartphones. Great value Laptops & P.C. for sale. no fix, no fee! 9am to 10pm. 7 days a week! Call Gerard 04293-28301 and 085-1286436

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We are now taking


and our weekly Deadline is4pm Fridays prior to

Wednesday publication.Contact Noeleen for further information

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noVena To TheSacreT hearT

Behold me kneeling at your feet Our lady of the sacret Heart. You know why I make this novena. I come exhausted with fatigue to show you the crushing weights of my trials. You are powerful, O Mary, and can come to my assistance. (Here mention your request) I feel confident by the thoughts you can help. I have reason to expect any favour from a mother who is at once so powerful in the name of the love which you ever had for your divine son. Our lady of the sacret heart, Queen of Peace, pray for us. This novena will grant you any request. Publish prayer immediately. Also thanksgiving to the sacret Heart. Thanks to the sacret Heart for favours. J.D.

cars For sale


IKC Reg, Vacc and WormedMother & father family pets

087 2381030

pure Bred Goldenretriever pups For sale

Family Noticesin memoriam announcements , anniversaries,

Birthday Remembrances, thanksgivings & acknowledgements.

iN mEmOriAm


22nd AnnIVersArYIn loving memory of Jenny, who’s 22nd Anniversary

occurs around this time, late of Kippex Yorkshire, rathcoole and Point road, dundalk. rIP.

—Always remembered by your grandson, eric, Pearse Park, dundalk.

AN 18-year-old girl had to be restrained by her family after she began abusing them when in a drunken state.

Kirsty McCabe of 39 Farndreg Estate, Dundalk, appeared at Dundalk District Court as a result of the incident at her home on March 2 this year. She faced two pub-lic order charges and a criminal damage charge.

It was stated in evi-dence that on that day, Gardai attended a dis-pute where the saw Ms McCabe who was very intoxicated. She was being verbally abu-sive to her parents and

they were trying to re-strain her.

Solicitor, Dermot Lavery, stated that the girl’s family were sup-porting her and were present in court.

Judge William Hamill adjourned the cased until May 8 for a Probation Report.

Teenager had to be restrained by family

goT aSTory?We want to hearfrom youph: 0429320888email: [email protected]

Page 21: 04-04-2013

Dundalk Leader 4th april 2013 21

man WiTh chainSaW available for hire. Contact 087-979-1719eLecTrician aVaiLaBLe fully qualified and experienced, no job too small Call 083 1336973Van For hire: Man with van for furniture removals, 3 piece suites, cookers, washing machines. Local runs from €15. day or night. Contact : 087-951-8166

2007 ToyoTa aVenSiS, Luna mod-el, 96,000km, silver, nct’d until 03/15, d4d 2.0 diesel, full Toyota service history, one lady owner from new, tow bar, very clean car, €8,250 Tel 087 2841047SeLL iT Through a cLaSSiFied only €5 for one week up to 20 words. 04293 20888. The dundalk Leader.

dundaLk ToWn counciL: We, Grainne & donal Keating intend to apply for planning permission for two storey extension to the rear of exist-ing house,new porch, changes to elevations and associated site works at 2 Park View, dundalk, C/o McGa-hon Architects Ltd, 19 Jocelyn street, dundalk. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of dundalk Town Council from 9.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. A sub-mission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the Authority in writing within a period of 5 weeks from the date of receipt by the Authority of the application and on payment of the prescribed fee of €20.00

cars For sale


IKC Reg, Vacc and WormedMother & father family pets

087 2381030

pure Bred Goldenretriever pups For sale

IT follows on closely from the hatchback that was launched just over three months ago. Kia has dropped the ‘SW’ and is now calling their cee’d estate model the Sportswagon, which deservedly sounds more upmarket in marketing speak.

The Kia cee’d Sportswagon has a footprint of just over 4500mm making it 15mm longer than its predecessor. It can carry 528 litres of cargo up to the load cover with all seats upright and 1642 litres up to the roof with the 60:40 split rear seats folded flat. All of the range has an under-floor storage compartment and side load areas, a retractable luggage cover, load-securing net hooks, a boot light and a 12-volt boot-mounted power socket.

Higher-specification models also have sliding aluminium luggage area rails and straps plus a high-level luggage barrier net to secure objects and prevent them from falling into the passenger compartment.

Roof rails are standard on every model so that extra cargo can be carried outside the car. The cee’d Sportswagon has a payload of up to 500kg and can tow a braked trailer of 1500kg (manual versions).

The Kia cee’d Sportswagon is only available with diesel engines, targeting the fleet markets and the fuel conscious consumer - the entry-level 89bhp 1.4 CRDi engine develops 220Nm of torque from 1500rpm, while the 126bhp 1.6 CRDi raises the torque output to 260Nm from only 1900rpm.

Both transmissions, including the automatic offered with the 1.6-litre engine, are six-speed units, while manual-gearbox models are fitted with Kia’s Intelligent Stop & Go (ISG) fuel-saving, emissions-reducing engine stop/start technology.

The 1.4-litre cee’d Sportswagon is capable of 4.2L/100km(67.3mpg) and has CO2 emissions as low as 109g/km. Manual 1.6-litre versions, with CO2 emissions of 116g/km, are almost as sparing in their use of fuel, with official combined economy of

4.4L/100km(64.2mpg).Kia have not left the cee’d

Sportswagon short on the standard equipment front –

Standard equipment includes luggage area under-floor tray and side tray, a retractable and removable load cover, a boot light and a rear 12-volt power socket and roof rails. Also standard are electrically adjustable heated door mirrors, tilt and telescopic steering wheel adjustment and a height-adjustable driver’s seat, air conditioning, steering wheel-mounted controls, front electric windows with auto up and down function, daytime running lights, remote central locking, cooled glove box, flat-folding 60:40 split rear seats, ambient front lighting, an iPod-compatible audio system with radio and CD player, USB port and Bluetooth connectivity, eSC and VSM, HAC (Hill-start Assist Control), six airbags, speed-sensitive auto door locking and alloy wheels on all 1.6-litre versions.

DETAILS of the new Skoda Octavia estate have filtered through and we should see them later this year or early 2014. The new model has a bigger footprint than the predessor; 4660mm (l) x 1810mm (w) which makes it 90mm longer and 45mm wider.

The Boot space measures 610 litres and increases to 1,740 litres with the rear seats down, which is 85 litres more than its predecessor. With the front passenger seat folded down the car will carry objects up to 2.92 metres in length.

The new Octavia Estate will be available with the choice

of : two petrol and two diesel engines with power outputs ranging from 105PS (1.2 TSI, 1.6 TDI CR) to 150PS - all engines will feature stop/start.

There will be three trim levels for the Octavia Estate ‘S’, ‘SE’ and ‘Elegance’.

Standard equipment highlights on the ‘S’ model includes 16” ‘Minoris” alloy wheels, Bluetooth, DAB radio, ESC incl ABS, EBV, MSR, ASR, EDS, HBA, DSR, climate control air conditioning and a touchscreen “Bolero” with proximity sensor interface.

The ‘SE’ adds 16” ‘Ilias’ alloys with anti-theft wheel bolts, acoustic rear parking

sensors, driver fatigue sensor, driving mode selection (eco/comfort/sport/custom), dual-zone air conditioning with humidity sensor, front fog lights and rear electric window (with child safety switch).

The Octavia Estate ‘Elegance’ gains 17” ‘Teron’ alloys with anti-theft wheel bolts, Alcantara and leather trim, Amundsen satellite navigation with proximity sensor, auto dimming rear view mirror, cruise control, intelligent light assistant (includes high beam assistant, rain sensor and auto dimming rear view mirror) and MFSW radio and telephone.



Motoring Services Guide

Motoring Services Guide

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Dundalk Leader 4th april 201322

RENAuLT have just announced details of the new Zoe. The plug-in ZOE is a plug-in electric car – which means you have to charge it up – it is not a hybrid and relies purely on electric power. The range from one charge is around 97 kilometres/60 miles in cold weather and nearer to 145 kilometres/90 miles in more temperate conditions.

The Renault ZOE has a top speed of 135kph(84mph) from its 65kW electric motor which has the equivalent output to 88hp conventional engine. You do not have the change gear and acceleration is fairly brisk. At speeds up to 29kph(18mph) the ZOE has a voice that warns pedestrians that the vehicle is approaching – the driver can choose between three different sounds, while it is possible to turn off the warning system by simply pressing a button.

The ZOE features a Chameleon charger which is patented by Renault; this charger is compatible with all power levels from 3kW up to 43kW. Charging batteries at a charging station can take between 30 minutes and nine hours, with 80 per cent of

full battery power able to be achieved within 30 minutes using a Rapid Charger 43 kW AC power source.

There are three trim levels ‘Expression’, ‘Dynamique Zen’ and ‘Dynamique Intens’.

Standard equipment includes 15-inch Aerobase wheel trims on Michelin ENERGY E-V tyres, R-Link – voice controlled TomTom satellite navigation with 7” touchscreen, 4x20W radio, uSB input, jack, SD multimedia and Bluetooth®, ‘Range OptimiZEr’ – bi-modal braking system, heat pump and Michelin Energy E-V tyres, Chameleon charger allowing recharge time of 30 minutes to 9 hours, Econometer, battery gauge and integrated mileage counter, Eco mode: reduces power delivery and reprogrammes heating and air conditioning systems to maximise range, Z.E. Connect – remote monitoring of battery charge and range, Z.E. (hot/cold) pre-conditioning of interior temperature (when vehicle on charge), Z.E. Voice – low speed pedestrian warning, Climate Control, Cruise Control, LED Day Time Running Lights,

ESC, ASR Traction control and understeer control, Hill Start Assist, Renault keycar, ISOFIX mountings on front passenger seat and outer rear seats, TFT instrument display, Height and reach adjustable steering wheel, Privacy glass to rear side and tailgate windows, R.A.I.D. (Renault Anti-Intruder Device) auto door locking over 8kph(5mph) and a Speed Limiter.

The next level up adds 16-inch Aerotronic wheel trims on Michelin ENERGY E-V tyres, Hands-free key card, My Z.E. Inter@ctive – remote battery charging and air conditioning/heating activation, 4x35W Arkamys 3D digital sound system, Auto lights and wipers, Z.E. Digital – remote access to R-Link store e.g. email access), Leather steering wheel, Electric rear windows and Rear parking sensors.

There are a number of options such as Metallic paint (Energy Blue, Calico Grey, Neptune Grey, Diamond Black, Brazil Brown) and Z.E. Live Services (HD Traffic updated, speed camera alerts, TomTom Places search and weather forecasts).



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Page 23: 04-04-2013

Dundalk Leader 4th april 2013 23


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Dundalk Leader 4th april 201324