0320112 world wwi eastern front and america 100m

DRAW A LINE BETWEEN TODAY AND THE LAST LESSON RIGHT CORNER: 1) Write: Name: _, Period: _, Date: 03/21/12, Topic: US Joins/WWI Letters LEFT CORNER: Write “Opener #17” and then: 1) Write 1 high+1 low in last 24 hours 2) Rate your comprehension for this week’s topic so far: lost<1-5>easy 3) Respond to the Opener by

Transcript of 0320112 world wwi eastern front and america 100m

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RIGHT CORNER: 1) Write: Name: _, Period: _, Date: 03/21/12, Topic: US Joins/WWI LettersLEFT CORNER: Write “Opener #17” and then:

1) Write 1 high+1 low in last 24 hours2) Rate your comprehension for this week’s topic so far: lost<1-5>easy3) Respond to the Opener by writing at least 1 sentences about:Your opinions/thoughts OR/AND

Questions sparked by the clip OR/AND

Summary of the clip OR/AND

Announcements: None

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Agenda1) Eastern Front2) American Involvement3) If Time: WWI Film: Last Batallion

What you will be able to do:1) How is the stalemate broken?

Reminder1) Letters due on block day

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Opener # 1)Hi & Lo………………………………………….2) Opinion, Question or Summary……………3) # Rating Past Understanding………………

Cues/Topic Navigation +SectionHeading: # & Title +Main Ideas +Questions

Notes Here

Reflections & Responses Here



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Bruce LeePeriod 28/25/12Asian Imperialism

Permission Slip Due Fri

Opener 1 1)Hi-talked with friends, Lo-Feeling tired2) Why was Japan’s military modernizationturn out better than China’s?3) 3Notes #1aMeiji Emperor

Activ #1aDebate

Activ #1bReading

Military #1

Ruso War?

Meiji Emperor more symbol than powerYoung, handsome, wore Western clothes

1) 3 because tradition is important 2) 5 because survival is most important

1) The reason students returned was nationalism.2) I think people are more individualistic today.

Closing your country to threats can weaken you.

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Review1) Western Front: 2 mo. after start, both dig in

trenches. 4 years: 10+- mi. movement.2) Trench Warfare: 300-600 yds separated sides

by “no mans land. Tech favored defense: barbed wire, machine guns, explosive artillery

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Notes #15a, Title: “WWI - Middle East Notes” 1) Ottoman Empire: German ally, control Turkey

and parts of Middle East (w help of Bulgaria, cuts off Russia-Allied supply route)

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2) Battle of Gallipoli (1915): Failed British (Indian/Australian) naval assault of seaside forts defending Black Sea, 200k casualties

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3) Armenian Genocide: Turkey kills 1-2 million Armenians (Christians) in Turkey (fear they side w Russia). No more Armenians in Turkey.

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4) Arab Revolt (1916): UK (Lawrence of Arabia) convince Palestine + Iraq to revolt from Otto. in return for independence (promise broken)

5) Sykes-Picot (1916): UK + France secretly split up Mid. East (no regard for local ppl+borders)

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Activ #15a, “Middle East Debate”1) Read the 2 sides, choose 1 side, and write

which you choose and explain why.2) Then write down what your partner thinks

(include their name at the end).1 2 3 4 5

CON: UK keep part of ME1) There is early discovery of oil, vital for industrial growth

2) If UK (and France) doesn’t take ME, Russia and other industrial powers will take it

PRO: UK give ME freedom1) UK (Lawrence) promised if they fight, they get freedom

2) By colonizing the ME, it will create a century of mistrust and conflict

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Notes #15b, Title: “WWI - Russia Notes” 6) Eastern Front: Russia had more casualties

than any other ally, mass starvation, riots erupt

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Notes #15b, Title: “WWI - Russia

Notes” 7) Vladimir Lenin:

Russian communist leader in exile, Germany sends him to Russia to spark another revolution (though Kaiser hate comm.)

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Activ #15b, “Communism Debate”1) Read the 2 sides, choose 1 side, and write

which you choose and explain why.2) Then write down what your partner thinks

(include their name at the end).1 2 3 4 5

CON: Never encourage the spread of communism1) Ger. as an industrialized capitalist economy is anti-commun

2) Lenin can spread communism to Germany

PRO: If you are Ger. send Lenin to Russia

1) Ger. needs to close the Eastern front of the war, Lenin will pull Russia out

2) Who cares about communism if Germany loses, it’s all over

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Notes #15c, Title: “WWI - Russia Notes” 8) February Revolution (1917): Tsar Nicholas II

steps down, Alex Kerensky (socialist) leads transitional govt, but won’t end the war (hopes for victory)

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Notes #15c, Title: “WWI - Russia Notes” 9) Russian Peace Treaty (1918): Lenin

(communist) ends war, Germany throw all troops west (but US takes Russia’s place)

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Act #15c, Title “Video: Russian Revolution”

1) Copy Source Title: Young Indiana Jones Chronicles

2…) Discuss questions on the board with a partner. Summarize your discussion (include their name at the end). Remember participation points are deducted if off task. 5 Reading/Film Qs Come From These Work SectionsTime Bookmark: 00:00

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Notes #17a, Title: “WWI – US Notes” 1) Germany Gov Controlled Media: Promotes

UK+France weakening, Ger. about to win now 1 front war (reality, Ger weakening too)

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Notes #17a, Title: “WWI- US Notes” 2) US Isolationism: US ppl wanted to stay out3) UK Needed Supplies: US loan money to UK to

buy US supplies (France borrows $ too)4) Lusitania (1915): British cruise ship carrying

war materials sinks (1,198 die, 128 US)a) UK turn event into propaganda toolb) Ger. stops unrestricted u-boat, but too late

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5) Unrestricted U-Boats Resume (1917): Germany losing, gambles at “starving” UK into defeat (600k tons sank, UK only 6 wk supplies)

6) Zimmerman Telegram: Ger. For. Sec. Zim. sends secret note to Mexico to ask them to join Central powers (UK had deciphered Ger. secret code machines)

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Notes #17a, Title: “WWI- US Notes” 7) US Congress Declares War (4/06/1917): US not

prepared to fight, but had fresh men + industry

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“On the first of February, we intend to begin unrestricted submarine warfare. In spite of this, it is our intention to endeavor to keep the United States of America neutral.

In the event of this not succeeding, we propose an alliance on the following basis with Mexico: That we shall make war together and make peace together. We shall give generous financial support, and an understanding on our part that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. The details of settlement are left to you.”

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14 Points: US Pres. Wilson argues war fought to prevent future wars thru defending freedom, world cooperation, + self-determination

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“We have no selfish ends to serve. We desire no conquest, no dominion… we shall fight for the things which we have always carried nearest our hearts - for democracy, for the right of those who submit to authority to have a voice in their own Governments, for the rights and liberties of small nations, for a universal dominion of right by such a concert of free peoples as shall bring peace and safety to all nations and make the world itself at last free.” -US President Wilson

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Activ #17a, Title “Wilson’s 14 Points”

1) Write in 4 words or less what is America’s goal (the speech that introduced his 14 points)

2) Last, ask your partner, if living in 1917, would you be convinced by President Wilson’s 14 Points to join the war? (include their name at the end).

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14 Points: US President Wilson presents 14 goals for the end of the war:

a) Reduce military weapons (M)b) Alliances should be made in the open (A)c) Nationalism of ppl should be respected by

creating borders that respect cultures (N)d) Trade should be open (I)e) People of the world should self-determine their

form of govt (I)f) Create an international league of nations that

can collectively resolve conflicts (A)

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Activ #17c, Title “Video: US Joins the War”

1) Copy Source Title: Lost Battalion

2…) Discuss questions on the board with a partner. Summarize your discussion (include their name at the end). Remember participation points are deducted if off task. 5 Reading/Film Qs Come From These Work SectionsTime Bookmark: 00:00

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Act #17a, Title “WWI Letters”

1) Sketch the dig site (layout of the letters).2) Piece together the letters and write down what you think this person’s story is and what events took place.3) Find the person who wrote them and verify if your analysis was correct, write how close were you

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Homework: 1) One partner print out 5 articles (10+)

pages on your topic for Monday (other partner will be validating the sources)

Journal Check: If your name is called, drop off your journal with Mr. Chiang (if requested, points lost if your journal is not turned in)