03 Make Things Talk

03 Make Things Talk When Things Talk to the World

Transcript of 03 Make Things Talk

03 Make Things TalkWhen Things Talk to the World

MQTT• MQTT is a publish/subscribe

messaging protocol designed for lightweight M2M communications.

• It was originally developed by IBM and is now an open standard.

• MQTT has a client/server model, where every sensor is a client and connects to a server, known as a broker, over TCP.

• MQTT is message oriented, every message is published to an address, known as a topic.

Control 2 LED with MQTT• Each raspberry pi identify by node# and subscribe

to sub-topic from main topic “iotthai” • Ex. node1, subscribe to topic “iotthai/node1”

• To on/off each LED, publish command to “iotthai/node1” with following format • led# <0/1> • ex. led2 1 ;to on led 2

• After on/off each LED raspberry pi publish status to sub-topic “iotthai/node1/status”

Note: change node number to your pi number

Control 2 LED with MQTT

• LED1 connect to pin number 16

• LED2 connect to pin number 18


Control 2 LED with MQTT

• Add 1 mqtt (input) node, 2 debug nodes and change parameter of mqtt node by double click

Control 2 LED with MQTT• Set broker and Topic of mqtt node.

Subscribe to topic “iotthai/node1”

Note: change node number to your pi number

Control 2 LED with MQTT• Add a switch node (in part “function”) and change parameter by

double click • Add 2 rules for route to LED1 mad LED2

Route command to LED1

Route command to LED2

Control 2 LED with MQTT• Add 2 function nodes and double click to each

function to edit

Control 2 LED with MQTT• Double click on first function to edit

Parse command for LED1

Control 2 LED with MQTT• Double click on second function to edit

Parse command for LED2

Control 2 LED with MQTT• Add 2 mqtt (output) nodes and double click to

each node

Control 2 LED with MQTT• Double click on first mqtt node to publish LED1 status

Publish LED1 status

Note: change node number to your pi number

Control 2 LED with MQTT• Double click on second mqtt node to publish LED2


LED2 status

Note: change node number to your pi number

Control 2 LED with MQTT• Add 2 rpi-gpio node (in part “Raspberry Pi”) and

double click to change pin number

Control 2 LED with MQTT• Double click on first rpi-gpio node to change pin

number that connected to LED1LED1 pin number

Control 2 LED with MQTT• Double click on first rpi-gpio node to change pin

number that connected to LED2LED2 pin number

Control 2 LED with MQTTWiring node and click deploy

Control 2 LED with MQTTAdd topic “iotthai/node1/#” to MyMQTT android app

Note: change node number to your pi number

Control 2 LED with MQTTPublish command (on LED1) to “iotthai/node1” on MyMQTT android app

Note: change node number to your pi number

Control 2 LED with MQTTPublish command (off LED1) to “iotthai/node1” on MyMQTT android app

Note: change node number to your pi number

Control 2 LED with MQTTPublish command (on LED2) to “iotthai/node1” on MyMQTT android app

Note: change node number to your pi number

Control 2 LED with MQTTPublish command (off LED2) to “iotthai/node1” on MyMQTT android app

Note: change node number to your pi number

Control 2 LED with MQTTStatus receive and command sent

Note: change node number to your pi number

Temperature to Tinamous to Plot Graph


1-Wire bus

Temperature to Tinamous to Plot Graph#Open new Putty to connect R-Pi 10.10.11.X using SSH!User : pi!Password : raspberry!!pi@thethingbox$ls /sys/bus/w1/devices!!!!!!- Copy the number (Sensor ID) in rectangular for use with Node-


Temperature to Tinamous to Plot Graph

• Add a inject, debug nodes and change parameter of inject node, by double click

Temperature to Tinamous to Plot Graph• Change inject node properties

• Payload : blank, Topic : Sensor ID, Name : DS1820 , Repeat : 30 Second

Changed Properties

Temperature to Tinamous to Plot Graph

• Add a 1-Wire node (in part “function”).

Temperature to Tinamous to Plot Graph• Add a mqtt node (in part “output”) and double

click to change mqtt broker, and Topic.

New mqtt broker

Temperature to Tinamous to Plot Graph• Username : piXX.iotthai, Password : iotworkshop.

New mqtt broker

Note: replace XX with your pi number

Temperature to Tinamous to Plot Graph

• Set topic name.

Topic Name

Temperature to Tinamous to Plot GraphWiring node and click deploy

Temperature to Tinamous to Plot GraphThe Temperature graph at https://iotthai.tinamous.com

Stream Temperature to Cloud Platform

• Open http://ubidots.com then click Login

Stream Temperature to Cloud Platform • Login with your Facebook account


Stream Temperature to Cloud Platform• First login Dashboard • Add new data source to display on your Dashboard

Stream Temperature to Cloud Platform

• Click “Add Data Source” to add new data source

Stream Temperature to Cloud Platform

• Select Generic data source type

Stream Temperature to Cloud Platform

• Set some information for the new data source

Stream Temperature to Cloud Platform• New data source created. • Add new variable to hold temperature values

Stream Temperature to Cloud Platform• Add new variable to hold temperature values

Stream Temperature to Cloud Platform• Set some information to identify variable.

Stream Temperature to Cloud Platform• Click on variable to see Variable ID for use in

Node-RED node.


Stream Temperature to Cloud Platform

• Add token in your profile


Stream Temperature to Cloud Platform• Click on API Keys and Click “Create Token” for

use in Node-RED node

New Token created

Stream Temperature to Cloud Platform• Back to Dashboard to add Temperature widget


Stream Temperature to Cloud Platform• Set type of widget to display , in this case use

Gauge to display real-time temperature

Stream Temperature to Cloud Platform• Select your data source and variable then set Min/

Max value of data

Stream Temperature to Cloud Platform

• Add a inject, debug nodes and change parameter of inject node, by double click

Stream Temperature to Cloud Platform• Change inject node properties

• Payload : blank, Topic : Sensor ID, Name : DS1820 , Repeat : 15 Second

Changed Properties

Stream Temperature to Cloud Platform

• Add a 1-Wire node (in part “function”).

Stream Temperature to Cloud Platform

• Add a function nodes and double click to edit code for convert to JSON format.

Stream Temperature to Cloud Platform

• Add a ubidots nodes (in part “storage”) and double click to assign variable ID and Token.

Variable ID


Temperature to Tinamous to Plot GraphWiring node and click deploy

Stream Temperature to Cloud Platform• Real-time digital thermometer on the ubidots


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