



Transcript of 03-01-1910


· -·

1 It • A nclwr

DON'T BUY Your Spring Suit or Over­

coat before you have looked

our exclusive lines of Socie­

ty Brand and Adlers Colle­

gian Clothes as we are sure

to please your particular

taste in model and color.

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sole agents for


The Florsheim and Walk-Over Shoes

P. S. BOTER & Company ''Best Clothing and Shoe Bus iness in Holland ' '

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HOPE COLLEGE H 0 L L A N D, M I C H · t <i ,q N




T ll E P R E P A R A T 0 R Y S C H 0 0 L

T H E S C H 0 0 L 0 F i\1 . S I C






\ ' oice

\ ' iolin English-Modern Language

Biologic English Theory


"~" .... Com po!'i t it•n

The Western Theological Seminary

of the Reformed Church of America is located in Holland ad­

joining the College Campus. Corps of Experienced Instructors

"~~" .... LOCATION

On the Pere Marquette Railway, 160 miles from Chicago, 26 mi les from Gmnd

Rapids. ExPENSES 1\fODERATF.. For further information or year book apply to

P R 0 F E S S 0 R G . J . K 0 L L E N , L L. 0 . , P R r-~ s 1 o 1~ N T

• •



( .. .

' .

'Y .

'\ ,

... . ., . .

Th-6 Anchor

G . J. DIBREMA, Preaident G . W. MOKM A, Caahier

FIRST STATE BANK With Savings Department

CAPITAL. $50,000.00

Corner Eighth Street and Central Ave. HOLLAND, MICHIGAN

After that ba ket hall game or led u r , you n P.ecl to re en foree the

"inner man". The re's no place that will suit you a well as the


Phnne 1041 JIOLLA:\D, \II 'II.


CENTRAL MARKET Molenaar & DE Goed, Props.


Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats Staple and Fancy Groceries. Exclusive agency for the Kar-a-van Coffee

5 grades, 20 to 40c per pound

We Can Save You Money 13UY1N -, YOUR \\ EAUL:\G APPARl'~L


--------OPPOSITE HOTEL HOLLAND - ----- - -


. . -The Anrhnr

'' One of the Eight '' ··.@lprrn in Dro "









Senior Class '1 0 •

• D1·ead orr(ll/'! l ike a p11 rging )ire thou a1·t,

weeping o'p1· all the land, ftnd lea ving f •u•

Unscathed by thyfierce jlcrmc, uhich oft anew

Burst$ forth, revit:ing all the poignant sma1·t.

Chaste on·ow! tho1t rejincs f nwny n heart,

R emoving all tlw dross, lec11·iug the t1·ue

And git in.r1 us a beatijir l'if' t' '

Of Him u:ho bade our friend.'> ji·om earl h dcp(l)·/.

Kind OITOu-.1 though our t ·udcr hea1·/.'l may plflin

For those Wl' loN!d, I< hom /tmg uor mnu rn and u•cep,

'I hough oft 1'n vain for lw man lwlm uP yeanl,

Through thee we greatr1· likcw •ss shall obtain

To Him, the Man of orrow; reverence deep

Fo1· Hint shall grow; oto· hca rts 1t i tltin HS burn.




COL \fBI..\ T Ril i\1 PI L \ NT

( Oclh·ercd a t Stntc Oratorical Cuntc~t. ~l:tn: h '1. 1'>10. hy Anthon y L. V<_·rhul~t 1

"The mill :' nf the (,n d" grin d s ltl\\' , IHtl tiH·y gri11 d l':-.n·~· d ­ing- s m al l." CcJllur~· :tftt' r f..'\ ' J1t11ry the..· lll :trcll ,f hllm :tn pn•g­rc:'-; ha :-:; <.'nntinued. ~l tt\\ J _,. rr,•kntlc..· .... -..1_,. that ;11h:tJH'c..' t'IIJl ­tinn e!-' cn~r. \\ ' h:tt a -..LIIJic..' Jltl••u-.. thc..·nl<.' i .... tllv :t<h':tJin· fn•m \\'andcring h11rdc..· ltt t.•nli!_!lltl' th'd n:tt i11 t1. I i I \\c.. rv :t Jl"l' l. a11d cn nlcl place gt~ldt.• n appk-.. ., j th t• ll!!ht •'II -..iher .... ;tlu-r...; "i . pcech. I \\'ntlld t• tnht~cl_, th at th•llt~lu in :111 t•pic II• old and .... nh­lim e : if I \\'l'l'l' a pa intl'r. and c..··•uld JH• rtr:ty \\ith artful l1rt1 .... h th li,·ing pit·tnrt.• .... tt l Ill_, mind. th:tt p:t ;..! \' :tnt ,,f man'..; pr• 1:...: rv-.....; w e itld adc•1·n m y frt•--c..'• lc.'--. 1: 11t til .. • man \\ ll"'c..' mind can g ra :-: p the m ea ning Cti that -..tnl~~k i-. ll•lt h·~t·n ,,j \\' lllll:tll. and l111 m :tn efi.()rt can nt·\·cr " ")H' l• • rt•:t li /c..' it-. rqH···dnc..·tic• n in litc..•r:tllll'<.' 11r al't . :\' o r i:-- thi-.. human c..·pic l ini -..IJ~_•c l. t ill· L'JHI 11i til t.• pag-<.·ant is nnt , .<.'L T he g ) .. ric .... ••i t ill· pa-..t arl' l1111 the dim rc..·ll ccti•IJI" ,,f the glt~rit• :-: that :trl' 111 he: th~_· c" n-..ummatifl ll 11f a ll hnman e ' · c n t :-; i :-: yet t 11 c..·· •me..·. . \ It 11 1111 ~ h t h c..• lnnn a 11 m i 11 cl c a 1111• , t a ... pi r l' t o full y unclt•r:.-tand the urac..·lt-"' .,f hi't"ry. ~;-;ti ll thc..· rl' i .... tH'l'd tha t we m ay learn it;-; lt•:---.."ll' and thcrl'h_,. ga u g l' the..• iuttlrt· \\' Cil. .·\ s \\'C, :-;t ucknt...; nf tnday . :'l'l' ancic..·n t cmpin· .... crumhlccl intn ruin. and 11ld-timl' capital' i\·y -clad: a s we see the..· '"·c,rd of r eb e lli o n h:1ng tremlding "'·<.·r the hl'ad ,,f < >ld \\ '"riel m ••n­arcl,s-\\' c lea rn \\'hat there i..; tc• ;t\·ni d and \\'h:tt tn clll'ri...;h in t his ag-e that prcs :tgc:' the acme ,,f l.'lllighll·nmt·nt.

"Th:1t one far-nff cli,·inc l'\ ' ' llt. Tn whic h th e whnlc crcat in n Jllll\' l'' .

\ \ 'c hclicn.' this lc•ng -a\\'ai t ccl <.'\ ' t' llt t11 J,t. th<.· age..· "fall age ..... in w hi c h Libert_,. sh:dl l1e th<.• :-:pirit 11i the age..·. and a .... J,,,·al :\m c ri can;-; \\'l' kno\\ that l.ihcrty i~-.\n11.·ricani:-.m.

\\-c C•lllll' JH) that tilt· :' pirit nf . \m crica i...; a n'lllJI"'itl' ,,f t h (.' f t) r c (.' !' tlw t " a\ ' l' l' II 11 t r i h l1 t (.' cl t I I t h l' l' \." Itt t i 11 11 II r c i \. i I i z :\ I i I) 11 .

Each (Inc nf the (i,·e iac..·t• •r:-. in the ach·:tnl'l' nf prog-rc:-:=-- ha:-' cnn­t r i h t1 t c d i t !'-' :-- pi r i I t • 1 " ll r 11 a t i • •11 a I l' .:-- i .... t c n n · n n d a c t i ' · i t i <.' :'. T h e trih<tl in s tint·t 11f unrc~t. th e ( >ri~.·ntal '"'"<.' (,f ll'arning . (~ n·t· i a n ~ i m pI i c i t y a 11 cl cl t•mt •t-r :t c." . R nm a 11 I a w ; tilt I m a r t i : t1 a r d o r . Teutonic ind i,·itluality and '"'' l' uf ltnnw: all thc..·"' l' li1HI their counterpart in . \mc..·rit·a n liiv t(1d ;ty .

The fir :-:; t begin ning" nf c..· i,· iliz;tt i"tl arc..· lllll'l'l.'nrckcl . Far

. . -

t .

Th C' .t-1 nchor 7

back in the :-.c<.• n t• td th ·mystic stnric :-:; t•f . \ sia, th e c t·a dl c f

til t: race. and J·:g-ypt, th e io:-;tcr-nH•ther ,,f I ·a rnin"·, w e pcrcci\·e

the first ad,·anl· •. Trilll'S itlug-ht and tied ior tribal indc p c nd­

l' ll l.:l' , J,anl and m in:--trel "ang ui t rihal con q u ·s t, pric::; t \ ·ic cJ \\'itll Jlric:--t 111 k11''''' till· 111\ -.1eri ·...;. Th · l>l'"innin"· uf . cicncc . :-. :-.

an.l tll11t1ght. n·ligi•tJl and g,,,.lTlllllt'lll wa:' in the Orient. Long f•c..·ieon• l~tllllt' ·..., ~l'\l' ll JJiJJ.., \\ere jl:tlan.• 'l'tl\\lll'<i . c1r . \ thcns rnkd ;, ..... l·:mprc..· ........ .,j til~_· ) .... )c ..... J·:g_, pt :tnd ' lwldca. ~yria anc.l Jud<.a had ri .... c..·n '" \\•• r id .... tlpr~.·nla _, .,nJ_, t•• c..·tH I in \\llrlc.l­l.' llll Jracillg rnin . J:ut thc..·ir k~:tc..·_, wa .... gr~.·:tt. and Lhl.'ir in ­lllll'lll.'l' h;t:-- kit it.... l>irth m:tJ k ••n '-'' cr_, ci\ ilizl·d naticiJl. \\ ' hal­n ·l' r pt·t•pk J,,, ~.· .... karni11g . '' h:tll'\ t·r pt·t lpk• migrat<.:s iur a pri11cipk t•• i11h .. -..pitald · :- h•·n·~ . \\h:ttl' \ -r J H.'~tpk lights itJr the J,,,.L. 11i CI IIHjll l'"'l. that ll <tlilln :-:111, \\ :: the traces ui it:-. Orient a l Jlli •t her he 11 >ll.

\\ ' ht•n the pri:-.tint.· glt•ry ,,j .\ :-.ia had faded. ,rci.'CC spran•" int" being-. a11d it in turn h"re Rt•llll'. The hi:--t"ry oi c la:-::.sic ci,·ilizati"n pn· .... <.·nt.... a paracl••x . Crcct.'l'. lir:'l in p uint ni time, in :1 great llll'a .... ttre iultilkd the rC'Jtlir<.•ments 11i ci ,·ilization. The grt.·att· .... t chan~t· c..·nligllknml'nt '.:an pru dttcc i" to alter the inn<.·r man. \\ llich tit<.· J,, ,·c..· i••r hl·auty. :-:ym m t•try, and phil­••=--••phy \\l'llllglll i11 t;rL·1.· ian natiunal liic. I n l\ 11 man national I i iL·. ,,n the • 11 hc..·r )t;t JH I. till· 1111 ,,.<..llll'Jll wa:' rt.·t n •grade. II ere \\ l' lind the..· k:--~t· r :tJld carlit•r l'\ idc..' JICL' tli prng-r ·:--s . the im ­prt~\' l' llleJ ll <ti lllan·:-. l'Jl\ in,nmcnt. J lt•n• La\\' \\'a~ l .i ic ; here ma11·:-; actit~n:-. 1111t hi...; th•,ught ;-; , \\' t•n· c••ntre~llcd and :'haped . H (lmc':-- n ·li ttl' llll'J ll \\'a-. lir:-- t ~ttpe rl icial. tht·n gro~~ly J ~ pi­cur~.·an: and then Rt~m e it·ll. l: ut the gentle t..;rccian :' la,·c­phit., ...... ,p hl'r~ and tht• ka r n t.·d L' llllttl.·h...; in•m J-:~·ypt had pa,·cd the \\a_,. f,,r tile grcak .... l ci,·ili z ing- inl l li<.'Jll'<.' tile " ·"rid ha .... e\·er knu,, n . l 'hri .... t ia nit_, ':-. :·~.· ni.le Jt-a,·L' n p~.· nnt.•atcd 't trrupt clas-!-ill'l .... m. rl'lll11Jiic \ iril i t_\ It\ l' l't::lllle ht•th tilt· :o'a\·c d and the :'a\ h•Ltr. J;ut li1c hid tltHI<.:r iuel nl'\' t' r wJt,,IJ_, die~. and aitcr Cl·ntu r ic:-. ,.j darkn c...; ..... the .... m,•uldcring· :--park 11i pr11gre:-. .... l>ur...;t intu ll:lllh'. :\I t'll .... a\\· t hat light <till'\\' in th <.· l{cnai:-;:-:ancc. The Rei11 rmati n n added Ill'\\' fuel 11 1 tht· hurtling. :\l en ·~ eye.~ \\Trc ' 'J>'-'lll'd 111 tltem:--ch·t.·:-:. Tht.: lat e nt inllucnn:s nf pa~l pr••g-re-..:-- ga,·c impctu:-. tn th e Ill'\\. ach·a JH:e. The migratory in­:... tinrt rca:--s t:rtcd it L·li. th e phil''=' "phi(.· quc .... t ...; 11i . \ ~ ia and .\irica , -.-crl' n •nt.:\\cd, th e mart ial arden· c•i Tctttun and ~axutl

8 The Anchor

were directed into new channcb. and the Freedo m o f l\Ian wa at hand.

:\ new ci,·ilizatio n ar11 .... ~. built from the :-'haltered frame­w o rk of the o ld . The Eu rnpc nf the Rcnais sa nee contained peo ple greatly endo wed . :\ I ingled l>luuds and mingled peoples tho ugh there " ·ere. the Eur11p c oi the .\wak 'tling. nc,·erthe-1 ~:;.held \\· ithin it:' l>c n tnd -.. t h e pc11plc in" llc •m was latent the pr"m i~e , j a tH!\\' ri\·ili ;.r ;tti 11 1. The tribes "f J·: ur11pC arc thl' c1nly ~:l , a g-<.· :-' in hi .... ic •ry \\ !i .,l11 <:nli g htcnnwnt did n t •l exter­min;n c. L' pn n that fc•und ;: ,i c' ll "i ,· irile ),)f,.,d tht· new ci,·iliza­

tion is built. lt:-. iaith <:11 11 · ·di~ :-. the J,~ :-. t cicmcnt:-. nf Oriental and ' Ia .. ic phil osophi ' ""' · ! .... hi "' ic •ry i:-- a recapitulation of all t ri bal history since the J,c •inning.

nut there \\'l'fC elet' ll 'l ll"' in that l·: t.trnpca n Ci\·iJizati. 11

wh ich pre,·ented the Cto n :; I ·te achie,·cnH:nt r,f man's discn­thr,tllment. \\ ' hile l'"J>L :-- : :tkd Kings . and King-:; ' rights ,,. ,~ re

in,·iolate, while.: man \\' II i : i.i pped ;.,d thn•ugh man. the final end oi enlightenm~nt. :-- p ii !. :t:d fr~ulc~tn. 'tltl ld nut be realiz~d. l!u L the fullnc ::;;-; ()f tim e li:!d <.' «•me . . \ ,· iq.~·in land. free to the bn lcl. wa: ft~tmcl. . \ frt.•t·:l • .1- lcl\ ing- pc(lpl · jc•urttl')'Cd there. a tree g- n ·ernnH: nt was til ;: :~· es tabli s h ·d. and in this 11<.'\\·-burn bnd the acme o i enlig ht ... :i . ·d e tll ht-came pn:--s iblc .

\\ ·ell may we say t h ;!l \, e arc the pcnplc. E ,. ry pha:::;e of .\mcrican lift: may IJC fL' l' • · ~ 11izl•d as an ,,ut -gTt~wth of unc f fi\' l' g-reat iactnr:-. in the<.'' d utic 111 11f ci,·ili z ati o n . T'rihal rest­les s tl CS:-'. Oriental pltilt•:--••: · it :: . (;recian humanity. Homan ag­g-rcs :'i\·enc :--:-; , and Tetllt lt,it· , ·irilit , ., all arc Iter •. Ours is a \·irg·in land. untainted hy tt ·l litic,n.- .\111 ·rica is ttlda,· the melt­ing-p u t oi the natiun:', a J: 1t del frnm which Tim~ si1all cast a n e w race. \\ 'c ha\'C~ a g . • ·. ~ · nlmctlt bas ed o n ideal principles. ) L' t practical hl'y(lnd ct~mp ; rc: a s tate ftlll tHI ·d hv men who:-;e ic•r ·sight sc~m :-- in~pirt• d :: that , ,f ancient seer~. llnw well the Fuund~rs ,,j t~ur h~L' J )l : i , Jic t.'cJtlL'ei\·l·cl. and how \\'Cll they wruught! . \ s architects c. , ,, Jd n•tlc~i,· ed and planned mighty cathcd raJ~. laid deep and 1-!·, •ad the fuundat io ns , and then left th e building fu r l'nst~rit) t • 1 fini s h cent uries afte rward , · ) did ut~r fathers .found and p l:t: t u ur s tate. In th e spirit of the mtgrat ry tnhes they pus h~.· t) tlw \\ .ildernes: eYer befo re them. ~'\e_\\'. huil~l~ rs came fro m 1 •ppressed s h()res to carry o n the butldtn o-, I eut ) 11 and Sa . t ·n. ricntal and Roman, s me to


• •

Th e Anchm· 9

break the g-r()ttnd and so m to can·e th e sto ne. T day we are a natinn n f natiCinS . There arc m o r e d e scendants f the ancient H<1111ans in tntr metropolis t11day than there arc in the ity o f th' Se,·en II i!J:..;; then· arc more ' hines· on o ur we: tern coast than in any rcg-iun out, ide ui the Fl H\' Cry Kingd~Jm; there are more Is raelites in ~C\\' Y11rk than in the City o f LJa\'id.

< H c •u r re"'' •urn: :' I ncecl n u t :--peak . The ,·c ry name :\m er­ica Ct •njur~:-. l>l'i• •n· c lltr t' _\" l':-- a ,- i ~ i•'ll ',f llan· ~.·;-;t fields and busy

iactt•rie:-- . •li chttr\· ltl·-.. and .... ~.· It .. ~~l'. , , j ri\(.' r:-- and railways, ~.;f 'irgin i~tn.::--t and prn·i~ttt .... lllitlt.' . J:u t "llr rea l :-.trength j ~ in tit~ pe(lpft. . l.t.•t Eun •tn• P"irtt "ith prid ~ tu lh.' r martial h st ~ and l],,ating ;.; quadr11 11~: L' \' l'ry :\J~.:m orial clay. thruugh country Jan~ and city :-- trt.· ·t. tranrps the la:-' t li tH: uf tlte Fading Brigade; l'\·ery m t•rning wltt·n the :-.c iH•u lhclls ui America chime the ho ur

"i nine. thcrl' marches thrn u!!h the land a u-ra nder stand ing-, ~ (':')

army titan any land can mus ter. Let >thcrs . peak of present p o \\' Cr , we lt•~•k upo n that relic o f a gl o rio us Pas t and upo n thi: p o rtent 11i a hc•pdul Future. and ior us the Pre: ent a\\'ake n o alarm.

YL·t i n all it ~ pcc•ple:-.. its mighty \\'Calth. and it::; much­,·auntcd I 'as t lit•s no pru iJi that .\mcrica :--hall achie,·e the acme ui enlightenment. It i: in the uncons ci tJ ttS manif~s tatiuns o f man's innl'r s c.:lf that we lind th e o nly tntL' gaug-e ni ·i,· ili zation. :\nd mca:--ur~.·d h_, thi :-; :-- t a ndard . . \nH.' ri<.:a lead:-; the ,,-o rltl . The :-;pirit ,lf her g·tl\' t.:rtllllL'tlt i:-' tltt• :'pirit oi hutnanit,·. ller cduca­ti" n i;-; uni,·c r :-.al. and l.illL' rly and l' tl, ,\\ kdgc g11 hand in hand. : \merica has Il l • c: :--tahli :-' ltt·d relig i<nl, lt c nr~ all s ect:-; llo uri:-;h lt e r e . J u :-' t ic • i s h t.· r e . j 11 :-- t i r e i I' s u c h a m e a~ u r e t h a t ~ h e h a s bt.'C' ·111L' the arbiter (l ith<.: nati u n :-- . Yu u may :-' J>L'ak u f e,·ils and di :-- ·r~pancies, the~~ \\ill r e main while m a n':-- nature i:-; human. The final id l!al is \'Ct t11 l>e r t•ali z ed . th is at!·~ is IJttt the heu in-.. , -, ~

ni ttg' u i the cr• n:-' ummati• •n n i th e :\la:-. tl' r -hu i lder':-' plan : we ·c e u nly a thread in the des ign ui tht.: .\la;-; te r-wean!r.

~nr kt appar~nt iailur~ <ktaitt u ~ . Tlw march n i prugrcss ,,· illn ~t t he s tayed . lli-.. tt •ry :-.h"\\ :-' that th~ natit ltlS which try tc• ;-; tay thi~ prt~gT~ :':-. ar•: L'l'tt:--ltcd J,y it s a{hancc. Its p o \\'er j ~

tltc p cl\\l'r l ,j l k :-- tiny. i t s ju:' ticc i ~ th e _lu s tke ll f G u d . That tit nn\\Ctrd march <~i any nati1111 may Cl llttinue. refinement mus t t..'X tt.' tH.l ll l t\·t.·ry Iille r ui ih IH.' in g-. . \11 th e fn1'11lt.'l' natic ln S ha,·e lacked the r~s ulting di\'l' r :-- ity ui intcr e~ t s. \\ ' hen the Angel o f

Jo 1he Anchor

De tiny wr te the name~ u f future empires in the Uook of Xatio ns, h e dipped a s wo rd in blnotl and wro te in crimson let­ters-Ro me ; when he wished tu signify that natio n which was to re\·cal God to man, he 111arked a cross a hu\'e J uclea 's page; fo r the greatest do minant natio n he turned tu a la ter page, and wro te in iro n letters-Eng-land: but at the end o f the Uook, for the crreate:-.t uf them all. the \ "ictur in \\ "a r. th ' Expo nent o f J'cacc. the 'ha mpi t• n u i l'r••gre..;s. th e c;uarclian c,f Liberty, he ,-.-rule up• ' n th L' \\ c-...t erll c••i ilincnt and lik e wi :-.c liiH ' II the hea rts ui iuture g"CIH.:ratinn:-. \nh •rica.

Students o i . \m c ri ca. l·t tr l'(ltiJJtn· 's rc:-.pu ns ibility i · u urs. ,. -\\ 'e arc the ,·ital fu rce . in Lhis . th e g-reatest land, in this age who ·e 1. tile legacy o f all a~ cs. T uday the burden is ou rs. ur father founded this em pi rL· u p• 111 Liberty a 11 d Jus tice. 1 n that s pirit they pu ·heel across the . \II eo-hen ies, a ·ross the ~li ssis­s ippi, down t o the Southet n Sea. I tut that was no t the e nd . T oday the tro pical breez es -_,·aft the s ame fla g that is whipped to tatters by the g lacier gak:' o i th e 1 >ole.

Yet with all these glt ,·ies ac hi e n :d the ideal 1s yet un­realized. The founders ui i he na t ion wro ug ht well. They ful­fill ed the fir~ t requircmcm uf ci,·ili zat io n, id ea l e n,·irunment, and thus ha ,·e m a d e possi l,i · iur us th e second, man's elevatio n. Our ta ·k is a ditrerent o ne. ur Fathers ruled a race o f pio­nee rs . Their character · were m o lded in th e hitter ~ch o l o f Experience. Their ruad w a:' th e \\ ' ildc rncss Roa d . But the \\'ilderness R oad is ended n o w. The time o f s hirt-s lee ,·e · tatcsma ns hip is pa · t. Tile American s tates men o f the future are m e n o f college trainin:;. They arc to rule a n e nli g htened race no lo n crer forming, lntt triumphant. lt is ours to lead this natio n fro m po wer to p WL' r , fr m g lo ry to g lo ry. Fr m the crucible o f its dancrcr.· and t1·i um phs. :\me ri ca s hall emerge the perpetual republic. Centu• ics s hall e lapse, natio ns s hall fall. c.reneratio n · o f men pass h:,. hut while the ~pirit o f Liberty a ni­mates the sons a: it o nce lll••,·cd th e fathers, thi · republic · hall endure. The natio n's day is no t yet far s pent. the ho ur::> to labor are yet lu ng . .1\ s uur fathers to il ed in that day's dawn­ing, lighted by Liberty , and ~ trcn t:,rt hened by jus tice, so s hall we .abor in th e brig htening day till Libe rty a nd Ju tice come to every land benighted and natio n aft e r natio n hail • · Columbia Triumphant.



T H E P R O D I G A L S O N .

T w a s a d a r k , r a i n y , d r e a r y d a y . W o r k • mi

t h e • >M f a r m w a s at a s t a n d s t i l l . N«»t a

b i r d w a s t<» h e s e e n . All h a d s o u g h t r e l u m e

a i m »n^ t h e t h i c k l e a v e s of t h e t r e e s . I h e

|>«»nltrv. e x c e p t i n g t h e wel»-h»(»ted s p e c i e ^ ,

w e r e s t a n d i n g w i t h <lnwiping h e a d s a n d

t a i l s u n d e r w h a t e v e r s h e l t e r t h e y o » n l d

f ind . T h e r e w a s n o t h i n g at all i<» - l a d d e n t h e h e a r t , l - .verv-

th in j ^ w o r e a c h e e r l e s s a s p e c t .

D e a c o n l i c p k i n s a n d his s o n s p e n t t h e I'Uij^ ni«>rnin-

h o u r s in t h e h o u s e . S<» w e a r i s o m e a n d t e d i o u s w ei e t l i e \ .

h o w e v e r , t l iat t o l e s s e n t h e m o n o t o n y f a t h e r a n d s o n d e t e r -

m i n e d t o i^o t o t o w n a f t e r d i n n e r . A c c o r d i n g l y , e a r l y a f t e r -

n o o n f o u n d t h e m in t h e v i l l a g e i;r<»cerv. t i a t h e r e d in t h i -

r e n d e z v o t t s w e r e o t h e r m e n a n d h o y s oi t h e i r o w n ^ t a n i p .

S o m e w e r e s i t t i n g o n ke i i s . h o x e - . a n d c o u n t e r s ; o t h e r s s to tu l

w h e r e t h e v c o u l d h n d s o m e l e a n - h a c k ,

l e a t h e r a n d s o n h a d b e e n in t h e g r o c e r y b u t a lev/ m i n -

u t e s w h e n a b r i s k l o o k i n - youni:" m a n e n t e r e d , l i e w a l k e d

up to the proprietor and asked *. orni:ssi'»n to t : !>: i • .'i p '^te: . T h e oi l g e n t l e m a n , w i t h a b r o a d s m i l e , a n s w e r e l : "> : : "e.

P a t . 1 141 l e s s t h e r e ' s p l e n t y r o o m o n t h a t t h e r e m o l a - s e - h a r r e ! .

H e t t e r look o u t f«»r t l i o s e s p o r t y p a n t s of y«.i!rs. t h o u g h .

The bi l l w a s p o s t e d \\ 1111' >111 m i s l i a p a n o t i le \ o i i n e ui.tn

l e f t . N o s o o n e r w a s lie m>ne. Ii »wever . t : 1.m \ ov.nL; ar.«l <•! 1

m a d e a ru>h for t h e s y r u p b a r r e l . \ . i r i ons e x c l a m a * i« >ns ol

s u r p r i s e .arose.

" A c o n c e r t , b v |«» \ ' e l ' e x c l a i m e d o n e .

" \ ' i<»l in is t . K a r l I i r o k e - h o r s e . " s t a m m e r e d a s e c o n d .

• V o n m e a n . K a r l l l r o c k h a u s . ( i e i m a n y s t^ rea te - t I n l d i e i .

c o r r e c t e d a y o n n - h i - h schoo l g r a d u a t e .

C o n v e r s a t i o n s u c h a s t h i s k e p t u p fo r s o m e t i m e , u n t d

El i H o p k i n s b r o k e i n : "1 n e v e r h e a r d a v io l i n in m y l i fe ,

s o I i^uess I ' l l 1^0 a n d s e e w h a t t h e t h i n g s s o u n d l ike .

O t h e r v o i c e s c h i m e d i n : " S o wil l 1."

7hr Anchor

1~ Th e Anchor

The deacon ,,·as then heard from : ·· . \ fidd le i:-- an in :-. tru­

m e nt o f the dc,·il. and n n son nf lllltH: ''i ll gt• tr• tl1i~ c"n cert

rc1 ha,·e hi:' mind poisoned. ii I han: t 11 h11ld him IJa<:k J, -..· io rcc. ··

:\ fter th i:' .:--pcc~h. con\·l·r:'atil)n nn thi..:; t••pic ..... ~, n tb~l!vd .

.\iter ~nme m o re ~~~mmcnt :' tlf Hl ll the \\ cath ·ra n d t•tlh:r C'' l11 -

nw n tl p ics. th e dca~nn and his s11n ld t the :-- t11rl'. Eli. ht~w­

e,·l..'r. tn tcd the date o i the comi n g- concert ht:iure l1e I •it t hC'

b ui ld ing. The date was fixed upnn th e f.,Jiq,,·ing Frida, . . It!:: i(l llr day:' di:'ta nt.

E li had tlt' termined tn attend. J le kn ew thc (tJ!h· t,f

a::king- hi ~ father' s consent. so h e d t:cidcd t () m a ke n•• m e nti o n

l• i the ~uhjecr. :\s th e days went h_, . . not a w o rd wa~ said

ah••tH the co ncert. The I< ng cxpcncd hour arri,· ~.·cl. Eli com ­

plai ned o i a heaclad1e and ret ired tn hi ~ I'IHJI11 carh · in the

c' \ ' I.'TllnJ.!. Tic dn nned hi s bett e r snit n f dt•tht•" and w a i ted j,.;· d:uknc:.:s . . \t the s uitahh: m n ment he went t n the winclnw.

tl J' t' ncd it. and rlimhed d o \\ n th e lad<kr which hC' had plac ·d

in p, •:;itif'n a few <by s hdorc . lie hurrit·d lliT t tl t• •w n. which

"a~ ' nly a mil~ di:'tant. and ·n '' tk I · t tl ·11 I II :-- t:. C t Ill tl le \ ' 1 :l!_!"C 1:1 .

lie i\1lilHI a rear seat. whe re h~ patit: ntly "a i t~d i11r th~ Cll ll ­

L"t>rt t 11 hcg i n.

Eli had lt•ft l11· .... l10 t11c l>ttt a fe ,,· · t 1 mtn u c s w 1en a carnag-e i tdl l''i YC1llng p~np lc clro\·e up tn th~ d nnr. Th ,. had 1.'1 m e

h' p lay a ~ u rpri:.:e party tl ll him. ft 1r it was hi ~ hirt.hday . The,·

t.'ll h:r~d t h t' hou sc. bug-hi n g a n d s ingi ng-. Th 1.' d e<t C•1 n and

h i-=' w i it' he a n i I y w c k P lllt' d t It c 111 . a n d , , ·It t' ll t It I.' , · we r 1.' ... I.' a t> d . thl.' dt•::tc\''11. with hi s fac~.· \\Tt' athcd in ;-; mile:'. \\ .t' Jlt t11 call hi..:

:; ' tl. lie t' tlt 1.'rcd Eli';-; n'nm . lie ~aw t ht' n ld \.·hnht'' •' 11 tht•

tu r. Ilt• nntil· c.•d th1.' u n ru mplt' d hcd. t h l.' l.l }h.' ll wind1•'.\·. and

t h C' tt' II- t a l c I ad d l' r w i tl H H 1 t. T h ~ s m i k 1 d t h is fa c c. a n d i n

its pl:h~t' c:t mt• a J,,r,k Pi ama zcnh.' nt. :\ ' ''L' k of pai n and

S\ r rc.1 w th1.' 11 i ll ll l, Wl' cl. and. las t n i a ll. l':llllt' a n t'x prl'='-='i~' ll l'i terri l·de ang·~.·r. F,,r St' \"l'ral minutes he sh.h' d lik e a ='ta tue.

a nd ,,·a~ a t la s t anHJ:'t'd hy ,. ,,i~,.· l'S irom th e stair~. lie t urn ed

and sa id t hat Eli was ill and that t hi.'_,. mus t m:tkt• thl di ~ ­t urbancc . ~1.1 ~ ~range wa:' the o ld man·~ ,.l.1 ice that n ~.me


.. -

The Anchor IS

dared que. tio n him. The y o ung- peo ple le ft and pro mi ed to

come at . o me futur e time. "Th e m o ther then came to the

door of her . o n's room. but it was locked . The o nly an wer her call recei,· d was a gruff . .. (,o away!''

The o ld man sa t clown upnn hi s son's bed. The ex pres­

. io n upo n hi s face wa:-; terribl e t > be ho ld. IIi - heart grew

harder a n d colder than s teel. J I is mind w as in w oe ful cun­

fu s io n and hi · sou l wa;-; br ug-ht into the depths f de~pair.

\\a~ thi s the ~n rt o f treat m ent he descn ·ccl frc m his s< n ? v:a: this the res u lt o f his lo,·e and care? \\.as it fo r this that

1 1 d · I · I I . l.tl'T"' ) ~·ttc l1 ,,·e t· e the 1e 1a g n ·en 11s son so m any ) csss :--.''. ~""'

tho u g-ht s o f the o ld m a n 's m incl . After three lo ng h o urs E li quict l_v e nt ered the ro m . li t:

lig hted the lamp and t ur ned to take niT his cnat. .\ s he

turned. hi s eyes fel l upo n the dcacn n . II c stepped bac k and

g a sped, "Father." The son recoil e el fro m the o ld man's c ld h >nk a nd hi :'

head dro ped in c nfu . ion FDr seYcra l min utes bo th s tnod

tn an awkward si lence. .-\t leng-th the fath er bro ke o ut :

" \\"here ha , .e y o u been?' ' ''Father. you know." quietly an . werccl the s )n .

''\>\ hy did you go?" th e o ld m a n t hen ask ed.

"Becaus e I wis hed t o." " \ \ ·hy didn't you a s k m y pe rmiss io n ?' '

"I remembered what y >n said in the grncery when the

post e r w a tac k e d up." ''Then y o u wilfully dis hey eel m e?''

··~ t wilfully. father, hut I hatt::l t •> di..:;tlbl·y Y•' u an ·1 I co uld n o t h e lp myself. I c ttldn 't " ·ithsta nd th t• t c m ptat i1111 . ..

"Then the clc,·il a ir acly has y•nt in his cl utches?"

"Father. I --" "So n. you canno t deny it. ~ow l i. t e n . Y ft ll int e nd d tn

go t o co llege next fa ll. ~ow . a s a puni .; hm e nt ft r nHJr d is­

o bedi e nce you ~hall ~tay at ho m e nn t h e farm ...

"Fa the1·, thi s punish m ent is tno great." '· D o y o u think ·o . son ? . \ re , ·a u o rry fo r y o u;-night's

work now?"

· Y t ~. i:1 · lwr.J,· ' Jll ·. f, , .: f.'

h r ;t •d fi)JJ''I. ",;t~ \'.IIJJI > ·i ·

I I I •• I , i' l .. I . i :t: I:..' ' . ~. • .... I ' "' ••• I ••

~h·· ~· ··· II II I, :t . ··;,., I . 1!'1 l'l \ '. I

, I ' 1 • I I I I I jJ,. I

. I I I , .. ..

a \ i1 ,J i 1. ·

~· I Ill '.! .

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J.: 1 I I\·. Ill (. . . l I. I• I l ..: I

,' . .. . . .

(!'1 .... I• •11. yl .. ~~· v ll• •l ll\' - I 1.

nH: in - 111.h a l lal! it•· ·. t , . ... i•: · c;,,, Iva\·(· tlli-. lr~ ,. _, . i : llill • · ~: : ., ·~.J ·

lt t·an i-.. ... ,, l1t n 'd ·· : 111 \"•·· ; • ·1 : a ld'-·--in:..: · 1 lli111 ··;: · 1

"·· j .. . 1 ••

• '1 I

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: . . : •• ' :t ~ ·· :·1 · .. . 1::

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. . a c a''· It - 1 .. 1 • 1 , '-' d a t lJ ~.· .. ,, : n ••pt..··:t h··· : ... ~.· . T ·,· ·,, \'t il ,J ;· ~,. .. .. v.: --id ·\·; a lk . •IJh' h;t \ in:..: in hi- l1an~

. . ; ... •:11 . .

.... ,t I• J• ;t '-··· 'l 1 1 a :-- id'-· d~u•r anrl 1.. H~..·r ~,.r) :t -- m:!ll , .. <·},~: .~.. .

rem .. \· ed t h~._·ir t• 1al - and hat -- . Til ~.·,: 1111-.: : '.1..i1

h : ~ i 11 ... r u m · · 11 I I k 1 1 .. an t \\:t · ~._., ~titt:l· • • ll : t ~. ld.t ~; . ,. l

dnu !-- a! 'JI Ia t::-t: t:TI..' I..lt· I him . \\

... ar ed t •• Jrla_,. at tir:-l .. , ,j h · and

I f•· w l tt.•a 1 iiu l ":1 -- It ~._· mu-- i"· ~

h .. : l. .I 1 1 ··J · . . ' 1 .I. .' • • , 1.. I :: l

\ ., \.. : " ~ · · ~\ .. ! :: · .

·1· .. ~..·: ~1~.· ;1 -

ThP. Anchcn· 15 -- ---- --

,·inlini:-'t had them ~..·,,mph:tdy under hi .~ ~\\ay .

: \ t la ;o; t the llltJ'-'ic cca~l'd and Llll' app lau"'e uf hundred~

f,l lJowcd. F it I\\ t.'r;o; ni al l kind~ '' t..•rt: :-; ltuwcred down liJ>Illl

him a n d ht• played ag-a1n and a g·a1n. < >n th · next day the

daily n t:w:-'papcrs :-itlll tHkd hi" pra lst..•s. l ~ li Llupkin:-- had bt:­

Ct )lll e a famnu:-' mu:-'ician.

J:li lltlpkins \\a s a gellll!S. \\ ' h'-· n he k' il home he

directed his ic ~t•l ... tt..•p-... Ul\\ar. J 1:11 .... t,,n. tht• nea rc"'l large city.

llcre he i• ·u nd ''"rk. and with his lir-..t "'aYi ng s bnn~IH a ,·io l in . Ill· karnl'd quickly. ' \L'II th1111g·h ht· had 11 • 1 tt·al'ilt.'r

hut a clerk whn kilt' ,\ a i~..:w ,,f tht..· li1:-.t print..'IJilc"' ni mu-.,ie .

ln a it'\\ ' ,· ~._· ar:-' he had eart1c:d t . .'IIIJtJgll lllullL') lll h11y a hcltt.·r ,· iol in and take k:-.:--•JtJ S ,,j a ski lkd tt:ach'-·r. Jlc learned :--1 >

ia:--t that he :--t Hlll ft~und him :--cli al>lt: l\1 :-- uppt• r t him:-'di I>\·

his \· iulin. and hy dtgree:-. he ar11:-'l' :--till hi:-.her. until he

attained tl) th • )'l l ... iti!lll d est.·r ih •c l.

For a fc:w yt·ar:-. I·:J i hl:ld hi:-; pt IS it ion . I r. I ran.~ lcd ir )Jll

ctty t11 cit,·. making iP rtt:nc:~ ui ll11111t.' \' and winning thL'

p rai:-'e"' uf al l wiJ,, ht•a rd him. I k . hll\'."'-'\' t•r. \\a' dt~11 11ll.'d tt•

ial l. . \ :-;. \ dam oi uld \\:t s t e ntp t t·d ll\· a \ \ tt lll:tll . ... ., ab4, wa . ..;

Eli tempted. Il L· iell in J, ,, e ' ' ith a l: rt·nr h prima-dllnna. This wuman wa:-. pr•HHI. ha11gluy and :tiT••g·ant. ller heart

was c a p a I > k 4 1 i 1 111 • h 1 ' \.' 1 , n I y - "' l ' I i - In\ L'. I ll' r "'c I Ii ... h IlL' :-' ..,

kn~\\ lltl hllllll ' "' · l ~ l i Ct l\l!' tt·d llt..-r hl.'autJiu l iat''-'· ~: hl' (clurte:l hi :-; wt:alth. hi-.. lle~nt ll. ~he rL·a. l his hc:trl like a lu 11•k. ~he

knC\'. it ~ lla\\ ~ and \\cak sputs. Ill' bet!an t •1 :--pend hi :-; mnncy

la\i:-ldy nptlll l11..·r. \ lany a ~.·,•:--t ly di11llcr did he gi\ t.' her.

\ I a 11) a g Ia ... ~ 1 ,j t.: h a 111)1 at.: 11 ~.: d i r) l h 1..· .' .... i I' 1 • '~ l'l ! 1 t· r. a 11 I 1 n.lll y

•: t·rc 1 he t'u:- tly jl'\\ t.·l.: :--he rL'cei\·t.•d in 1111 h i" hand~.

In :--tlt'h a lll :tllllL'r 1·: 11 \ \ tt :' \\ :t -.. t i n ~~ his lll tl l1 ~· ,· . a nd. -..tii l

wur:-'l' . hi " health . II i:-- p lly :-- ici~111 s it~r l ,adt• ~h~..· tl' · 11i intll'-

i l. an t s a 11 d '' a n IL' d h i m 1 h a t h is he a n '\ a' " L' a k. I le. h' "' -e,·cr. \\a:-; u ndvr th ~ \\ c1111an·~ )11l\\'er. ~ltL· indw:t•d him to keep".

t1 p t iJ l' j r 1lll' IT~ }j j t'. a 11 d \\ i li l j (.' :--l l II 1'1 ll' d t1 f( 1 h C :-- t1 h j l' L'l ' l f marriag-L·. '' !Jich ht' eons tant ly '!Htke <·i. l ·: li' ~ ht·a lt h :-'t> >11

iailcd l'lllirdy :tnd h~..· l t''-'l h i~ 1" ':-'i t i« lll. IJj.., '.\l'a lt ll i.,Jl,, , .. t·•l. and lri :-. t:\· il gl'niu :-' tht.•tt s aid t ha t their frit..•lttbhip mu-..t ~..· ·:r l' .

16 'Ihe Anchor

13rokc n-hcartcd, E li soon ~ank to the lc,·e l o f a commo n drunkard. Jli s condition bc:ca 111 e wo r :-;e a nd wor~e. \\ ' ithout

mo n ey a nd witho ut c lut h e~. he trod the du~tv street ~ II '. r • IS

s uffering- at last became n early unl>carah le. llc \\'Otdd no t, ho wc,·er, part \\'ith h i~ ,· iulin. Thi:-; \\'a .· d ea rer to him tha n li fe.

On· n ig ltt. ~._· , , J.J. and h n n~ry. and \\'cary . J ~ l i s tumbled in to a :-; mall city nti :-:-. in n . Tit~ :-;ing ing had attracted hi s

a ll•_ IH i, 'n . Th c :-;l·n · in.· \\'a:-; nca rl y ended a nd tIt e I cad e r had a :;ke:l iura j .,,. :-.l· r ipturl· \' l'r:-. 1..:-. . . ·L',·l' ral nh:n a nd \\'omen

re:;ponded. a nd among thc111 ''ere these, s u \\' C IJ knn \\'n: "The '-<1rd i:-; my ~hcphcrd . I :;ha ll n t H \\'ant. ..

"Conte u nt u lll e all ye that arc hca,·y-ladcn and I. \\'ill gi \ ' C you re:-; t. ··

One o ld man aro:-;e and in a \\'hcezy. trL'mblin g- ,·oice told the s to ry o i the prodigal !'lltl. \\ ' he n in the mi <bt o f the

parable, he \\'as int l'rrt:ptcd by a 1<,,,. m na n irom the rear scat.

· nnerYed by thi s disturbance. the o ld man sat d \\' 11 in co n­fusion . The leader, hu\\ C\ l'r. not at all daunted, \\'ent tu Eli,

fo r it wa: he \\'h o had caused the disturbance. a nd asked if he co uld do anything- tn hl'lp him . Eli bur:-;t into tears.

\\' c shall dra\\' a c urtain o,·e r the re~ t o f the scene. To

dc~cribe it in fi tting- \\'urd~ '' Ht ld require th e pen of a genius. ~ ufti ce it to say that Eli \\'as con,·erted . a nd that he left the

mt !:i to n a ne \\' man , \\' ith enough m o ney in his J)OC ket to carry I . . ltm to l11 s boyhood ho m e. 11 e had m ade the resolutio n o f the )Jrod ig al o n o f t\ ew Testament times.

* * * * * * * * * * * It wa ~ a bea utiful. \\'arm summer e \·cning. Deacon I Jop-

k ins and his wife had jus t retired . :\fter a s hort . il ence the mo ther po ke.

''Father. it is jus t fiftee n years ag-o to ni !.!ht that E li le ft." 'y - ~

es, mo ther. so it is ." ans \\'ct·ed the o ld gentl eman.

"I wonder where he is to night?" mused the lu lady . ' 'God kno w s . m other,' \\'as the a ns \\'er. -" Father, do n't yott tllt' nk tl1at 1 1 f · 1 · "'" y on c u c o rgn·e 1 trll :

queried the mo ther.


The Anchor 17

''There are thino- which cannot be forgiven . I hear that he has married a stage- ~inger. a nd a Ro man Catho lic at that. Do you thin k that I co uld fo rgi,·e al l that?''

"Perhaps. father. this is no t true.'' "God g ran t, m other , it is no t."

" Father, ~Irs. 13ro \\'n to ld me yesterday t ha t the w o m a n

he inte nded to marry \\'as kill ed in a rai lroad accident. and that he had no t married her.''

"Th en he ha · my pardo n !" exclaimed the deaco n. "Father. 1 am ~· happy. and I ha,·e s uch a queer feeling

tn rny breast. J think that E li \\'ill co me back to us ·oon .'' ··Perhaps so. m uth er. perhaps so. but yo u had better try

to s leep n ow.' '

Con ,·e rsatio n ceased a nd both fell asleep. During t he night th e deaco n had a strange dream. ll is s n had called. and he had gon e to the door to let him in. They had fa ll <..:r t into each others' arm~ . a nd the o n had at o nce fa ll en asleep. To a \\'a ken hi ~on he had shaken him.

lle a\\'oke with a .~ tart. But, hark ! Tht·ough the o pen \\'indo\\' came a so und o f infi nite s\\· eetn es ~ . like the song ~ o f angel ·. The music cvre\\' lo uder a nd richer in m elo dy . ~weeter strains \\'ere nc,·er heard by mo rtal man. The no tes

g rew S\\'eeter a n d so fter. l ike cries fo r pity and c mpas · io n. Father and m ther \\'ere weeping. They knew no t \\'hy . Then the m u. ic turned to a lo \\', mo urnful wail like an

infant Ct)· ing io r help. Then it ceased. In it · · tead came a stro nger sound-the ,·o ice o f t h e lo ·t b oy.

The father rushed t ) the d o< r . t h re\\' it o pen a nd ex­claimed: ''l\fy so n! l\Iy o n!"

' ' l\Iy father!'' sh uted the : on. an d he flun g him:-;e lf in to hi .~ fathers' arms. -\\'1\L \\ . \\ .\L\ ' 0 RD. '12.


Modest Pansy hides her cha nn Close to earth so ·r ich and 1canu, Ri~h and warm w ith sun and showe>·, Blossoming in the ·richest flower.

On yo1o· fa ce the sun ·is caught, And it. ays, "Pan.~ies j'o 1· tlw~tght!" Would /hat thoughts were all so pure As yom· lovely face demure.


TI-IE AxcrroR. Publ ished by THE A~CHOR ASSOCIATlO~, Hope College, Holland, Mich

.-\1' - l ... tnnl F:rliW r'­J ,lsu H . \\' n rn-.hul-.. Itt

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f:tl i tnr- in-Chid IIE='H \' 1\ 1' .\~;\JA . ' Il l

A .tl ll lld l-:•l 1 ••r :-.: ........ It 11011' 1·:. l' i l;a:ar . , ,,

J: ,,·han_\. 1-'d! ' fl r f:m l•·l U . !--l'lt\\ lllt r -. . ' II

ll th l ll• , ... . \l an·t .. • r .It-an.\ . \ 'i -.. ·1 11

l.o wa l I :<1 i t n rc:

l 'ra t I; .J '' " ''" r-.. ' I ll ;\I ...... Bala ;\I ll t·nu ... ' 12

.\ h.• k 1:<1i1or \\'L llaru .J !" lrunlc::..' l2

A -. -.t Hn - in"--. :'<JanaKe r J nhn .\ 1,\iin k. 1:!

---.\•lli n •-. ... a ll l·nn.ulllnil-alinn -. 111 Tnt: \-.: . ll• •l<. ll •·t •t• t 'u l!••.:• . ll• • .. a ntl. :'llkhhmn. l 'ur .\U\ ·n i - in..r l\:t t 1 ... :11•1•>\ t c• l ~u ... i n• ...... . \l all; t_ • r E tH• · r cd at llt\.' J'u ... t l •nl,·•· at )f ,.t..llld. :'ll idtl •an. a .. .... ''" lttl-,-:a -. ... lll:t il t ll:llt\.' r .

~==~======~~-------- ------------- ---------------------~~~


~EDITORIALS T itc .\p ri l m:mhcr .,f tlt e . \ ndh •r '"· il l In: cd i tl'd iJ,· the

lh. \'." :-.ta((. \\ itlt tlJi:-. .\br~,.· h ll ll lll i l l'l' tit'-· jii'L' :->L' lll :-.t;ll'f I'L'lll' ·:-..

\ \;lilt· in Stl llll..' l'l'~pcn:-. we g-lad ly lll:Lkl' \\ ay iur l•Ur suc­

n:·~-~ •r~. il i::- Ill.' \ en Ill' I I..':-.~ " ·i t It a ::-hade , n· rcg rl't t Ita t \\ c · ea:->e

1•\lr l'IYu tt:-i. ' i he \\urk dut ing tltL' p:ts t .' l'ar Ita-... l1cen pll.'a:-.­

ant. \\hi le thc tllL'tlll1cr:-. u i t i ll..' :-.t:iff \, L·rc 11 11e in tltcir aim tu h l·ttl·r the;.• paper.

\\ ' e arc gratt:iu l tl• ou r ~t udent :-.ul>::'cril ,cr~ and cuntri!J­

u t nr~ iu r t hcir !'11ppurt and ~q · preciatc tltc hL'lpiul a n d \\ell

meant critici.;m >f the iacult' . \\ ' c t rus t that during tltc p:tst

y ea r the .-\nclH•r ha~ an s \\'en·d it:-. J'u r pd:-.c. namt'ly . t tl rl..'llc ~ t ~ t u d l' n t 1 i i c a t I luj ' c C u l k ;..~ l '. . \ 11 d . k 11 u " i 11 :..! t It a t , •ll r :-. l H.: -

C1. !"::-u rs \\ill l·d it the l>ltblil·. tli"n \'. i tit tit:tl purp••:-.1.· in mind. \ ', 1: \\'i :-ih thL' lll :' \1\.' Cl':':-;.

. -

• • .·


. ...

The A ncho>· J.rJ


Once lllt l r ' the fir:'t Friday in :\ larch ha:-. come and g-one.

Each ycat· it ka,·cs llc .pc lll<•rc ~~lti"licd and we an: no w :-.r, ~aicly within the rank~ •~f the fir:->L thn:c that :->t)llle cnthn:'ia:=;tic

llnpcit es arc dn.:aming that Il ,'tH: i:-> glling- to ft>rm . \ lhion'.;

mono tonous h;thit o i ''inn in~· l' \ cry ,·car. ~ixty lnyal ::'up­porters managed 1,, make the lnng j r•unll'Y lt) L :tn,ing- and inr

the cnlkge which had thl· h n lt!_'-·:-.t trip ttl make J [up matn­

tainL·cl its n.:plll<•ti"ll .,j J,n., \\ill!-! ' "'" . tn .. bac k .. i ts rcprcscnt a·

ti,·c. :\1 r. \ · L·r llul:--1 •xa- certai nl y a man "ht'lll tltc ;-;.ch u11i

was pro ud tn :-.upport and \\" ~h n·n •gnizl'd II\· hi :-. ct•mpc t itllr:-­

a s a danv;cru tb ri,·al.

The -.:.pi rit :-;lt<,,,.,t h_•: !he ,·an(ltt s c•>lkgl:s was magniliccnt

The cheering ,,·as ddt~~ lltiull_,. dl::ti~.: ning in which lfclpl··s

D u t c h y L' l I :-; an r} 'i r L' 11 \\' h i ::-tic '' c r e n .· r y c • > n "'pic u o u ~. I l i"' ~afc to say that the 1rip wa ... iJHI11L'll!'>Li y l' ttj llyc d hy ;1Jl \\·h ,,

went. :\ u t unh· that. lttll it ll:t -... '-·n ·u l .1:-- a ttt:l.'<kd :-. t imulu~

t u o ttr cnlll-g-L' :-.pi:·it. \ \ l ' In\'\' Lt•mparul t llll':-L'h ·L·s with nthL·r

:->tudl·nt:-;. with :1 larg~· r ~clt"t •l. "ur .,··atnr h el d h i.; l)\\' 11 "·it h

l'\·crylu •dy and 111adl· tltl.' , , inner Jllll up a hard tigh t tu get away fn•m him. at~d a!l in all I l ttp l..' h a-... k :tn t1.·d t!J ,ll :~II ,,.l! need tu put tt.-.. in the f~t >n t r :tn k i-.. the ''ill tu put uurs~..· h·cs

there. \\ ·L. ha\·L' l•l'l.' ll ~at :t' J,, .... l'r:-i and in:-.tcad <ti d i:-.ctt:-.:-.ing­

abou t wh a t might !;a,· ~.· hl'lll '' c arL· hq~i1t11in~ to co mpute 11 t1r

chance~ fur win11ing n l-.: t y ~.·ar. Fiith. iuurtlt. third has bt.:L'll

o ur t•rclcr the p:t · 1 till··:~ · \ ' L·: , r -... . I t i-... up t, u ~ tn cutltinu~.· th e

progre:-.siPn titre'-' · t'.\11. unc. and ii ,,.<. can :-.ki p a step :--<• tllttl· h

the bett e r . :\ •• ,,. i.; t ltc tim~.· i· >r l'\1.' 1'." lll ' lll \\illt a n t~ rat•lf· ic : Jl

in s tinct ur ;unl•iti tt fl l c • g l 1 in tt" tJittn . ..: a nd pul ll••p1.· \\her<:

she belongs . J. II . \ , ..



T t) :\ I i It • lll I ! • ; rf n' :\ n . . U l) . ltl'lllll ~ ...; l h h " lit • r () f cl t 'i 11 g l h l' l>i <rn-e:-; t thin g- that any .. j ll •• p1.··s :-' tltd~.· ll t-.:. t~r _,.,,unger alumni


20 '1 he A 1tclw1·

ha\·c d o ne in rece nt Years. r n Fcl>ruary last he was a warded

thC' Cc:cil 1\IH •dt·s ~c lt • dar .. IJit'· ' l' ll l' c, t t f J · 1 'r11 l'S n r t 11 ..; It >n c )r is , 'I l" n t n tl1 c .... 111 c 1,.111 -- , ·I- 111 ....._, · · l · · · 1 r '" ' • · ..... ~; <. · 111\' tT:-.Jty a 1tt , , all Cllllq:~·t · s

,,f th e :-' t :lt e .

Thl· \\ i o~n i1 1.~~ .,; tili .... ... ,- Jt,d:tr:-- hip gi,·c:-. \ 1 r . 1 f11 ti"man :t

tiHlT )'l'i1J< c•ot Jr:--.._· at ( > · i· •rd. l ·~ nj..!'lancl. with an aJJlltlity ••f .._"'t ._- no. Il L \\ill hq~· i n h i~ :--t udic.·s in ~cptrmla-r n e xt. and w il l Cll lll1n e him::c lf l•• J ·:n~ li:--lt )il er:ll urc .

It i:-. nu u nu ..... ual 1 hi ng f,r a ll np<.' :-' lt1dcn1 11 r ~r:tc lu a tl' t•1

... Jt ,, \,. c..; peci~tl llll'rit i11 .... t-il•tl:t r 'hip. lntt \\' l ' han: J ~ 111 g- wis!tcd

that ~· mc.• 11 lle \\'tlltld :--11 •• \\· IJj .._ al1ility tu l>c<.:llnH: a Hll ndc;-;. :-.~l10lar: \Jr. I j,,rJ·m a n lla:-- d11JtV "" in hi~ :--c:c•,nd att mpt .

1 he \\'llllH.' r _re_llen ... grl'at t·rcdi t UJH' Il the faculty oi IT~) Jl C lPikg-c. and It IS to he ltc•pcd tlt;tt llcdi'man ·s ~ UCL' ':-.s m a \· bc: a

~ timulu ~ f•• r t•llter::; 111 t 'l lll'l' the ra<.: L. There i:-. llll 1'l' : I Stl J~ ,~· h ,· alill tl!cr llnpc man in tltc future !' hou ld n11t take tht• ::;.l m-l'

h · •n•• r:-; . D i!i g e1 1t a ttvnt i••n t11 s tudi c" frCtm thl' ·•J)" cia::;/ up

:111d )'L'rhaps :--plTial L' lll'•• u ra :• t·tlll' lll hy the in ;-;. truct n rs. hnd

aiJ••,·e all :ystcn1:t1 ic :t tltlc ·tic training- nught to rc ..;ult in qu~lifi -catinn~. ::; ufli c ivnt t•• 1 · · J · p:!:--:-' t l l.' ng-t< l'Xaminatilln fn r the ~c h CJ ia r ...: lt i p. J


Th ere 1·s a .~pherC' who.c;e d epths 1vr crnmot .c;ou ml, And th is i.· /UII.<;it·. 1\/atiU'C' rJntn ts /1.~ h ea r f l.<> coic:e in mtU'IIIIU' i ng broo/;s; or when tu·o11nd At night all_ sil l'n/ ·'>t'(' ll/ 1'; , lh(• lis tening ear

May catc:h a mys t w mt•lod!/. A!Jtt in, Lis ten to c:horcls bnwyhl Jio·th 1citlt lll(ll' t'' lon.<; Nki/1 From some great OI'{Jllil, onclihC' suuUid !{/ rai n

. Compels the h ea l'/ l('ith happy lllllllf!hls to thrill. Va1·1ed the RJIIt c l·e wh •r c marJic 111/t.'\ic wort•.<>:

Furji·olic hour.'> it lw!i (t juyuu!i t un ' Ancl rm'ce uf ndl'lh; s lwuld .<>tJITO I(J cnme if , !itmlhl'.'> The I ;·mtbl<'d breast in luu• cwd s;u•et t·ouwuuw

?'er ln.'e'.'!l moocl, or ~wl to· c·a/111 or fJO!J, . Th e nn n l!:; fr!J of nurs1c h olds stceel .·u•ay.

. \V .


• .·


. -

. .

. -•


.. . .

1he Anchor


n ).l ond:l\· l' \·ening·. F cl>r11ary /. thL' intcr-:--e~ci ... ·t,· deba te

bct\'\ L'Cll Fraternal and the c ....... lll•tJ>III i l<tll ..... . ,L'iL'til·:-. \ Ill.:- pial'L'

in \\' inant:-; '!Jape!. and \\:1:-- \\c•n b~· the la ttL·r. ThL' t '••:-'111•1-

politan ~cH.:iety dcl,;ucd ••n thl· a!"tir m a t i,·c ~ilk . ,j the quc:-.tiun.

and was rcprl':'l.'ntctl t ,y :\1.._•-..:-- r' . .l •dll t \ ht.ink. _kan \ · i ~ . ~111 d

Jaco b llcc m :-;t ra . The Fraternal . cH . .' il·ty dl'il' 1HI •d the ncg-ati\·c.

and wa · rc.•prc:-.c JH ed l1y :\le:--:'.r:-- ,l 11h11 \\' ar n ;-;. lltlis . . \ntlwny

Luidcns. and llc:-;:-- c: l Ylltcm:t. Thl.' purp•1:--c ,.j thi ~ dL'hat c wa;-;

t o select the thl'l' L' IH::-\ t d ebatl·r:-. t ~ • n· p r ... ·:--cnt II••J>l' in th e

intcr-culkgiatc ckl>atc. T hv thrcl' L·hn:--cll \\ t.'l'l' :\1..::-;sr:--. Jean

\'i ::; , John \ \ ' arn:--hui ;-;. and Jac••h llcc m ;-;. t ra.

On \\' cd 1J<:..;day c.'\" t•nin ~:. Fl·l,rua ry 23 . .\ll·:--:' rs . J t• hn .\1>­

hink, .\n th n ny Lui<kn'. and llc~..;cl Yn tc ma debat e d rt :~ain ::.t

the Knickerbock e r ~nciety. ddt•nding the nq!ati,·e oi t he ::;am e

quest in n a::; in the iPrmer d rhate. The Kni t·kcrbncker::; rle­

hatcd the arfirmati,·c. and were n~prt' :-'<.' tll cd hy _\l e::;;-;.r~. ·;rrrit Del\Io tt s, Cia renee Dame. and _I n h n V ru wink. The d<'ba te

was w o n by th e anirma tin!. The thr<.'' debaters chnsen fro m

these s ix " ·ere :\J e::;~rs. Dc:\ l o ll s . Clarence Da me and .-\nthn ny

Luidens. The q ue::; t inn debat ed each time wa::;: ·· Re~ oh·e l. That th e L'ni t ' cl ~ta tes le,·y a pn ) ~ n·s 1 ,.e 1 nee •me tax. consti­

tutio nality conceded." This i ;-;. th l.' <pte:'.ti , ,n inr the int~r­

colleg-iate debate .

.i\Ic. s rs. JC1ltn \\"ar n ~hui ::;. C lar ' IK e Dam e. and .-\ nthn ny

Luidens will represent lit pe at ( >li,·et. ancl wi ll d eba te n n

the ncgat iYc side. ll npe·~ affi r mati,·c t eam will meet . \lma

h ere at h o me. !1t th intcr-sncicty d eba t e · " ·ere , ·cry gnr ,d.

and I lo pe ha. two s tro n g- tea m ::;. l .ct u s ::;)lll \\. a l i ,·e ly in terest

in debating fro m n o w o n until the \. th oi :\ pril. w h en t i1:.:



Th e Anchor

inter-cn llt•gialc dt· l,att·-.. takv pl:tn·. Tltt'rc i:-: n., rca~•H t w}l\·

ll ~>pc ~hutdd JHII \\in tllll' . ii ll•d ' '"'II. dd,ate~ .


The nigltt ,,j til e Hl tl t "' , _. ~·l • n t ary ,., a" the ·l ir~t ~r ·at

C\' t•nt in th e h i:--tnry ,,j l ite 1-.:nicklTIH •t·kt: r ~ ' 't- it· ty. Thl' n ' t'a­

~ ll l ll \\'as a banqu et. :tnt! ''" f•:tin--. ,,.t·re -..p:tred ''11 tlte pan ,,j

tiH.' y o ung- Kni t·kerh••ckl·r--. l•t l t1: t k t · th i--. lir ..... t ~r~·aL t·\· ~·nt a

grand ~ ttc·cc:.~ .. \ft t.T a 'l' \ t'!t -,·,. --r ,t· "cl J"fHT. llllllll' r ,,: t ..: t.:xcd­

lcnt toa~ t :" \\'l'rc gi\t' ll. .\lr . . \ln·k \'an l:r,,nkiHir ..... t . the

president (l j the lli..",,. "Wit·ty . J•'.""-·'" '" '''--' :t n id ·:tl t•Ja-.. t­lll<l~ter. Th e great =-'llt'l't'--.:-- ,,; it ... lirst h:tiH f!t · t ha...; in :-'pircd

c\·cry mcmb<:r u f th e Ill'\\' s••citty 111 J•tt'-ll tltl' l itt·ran· \\'11rk

with fres h , · igor <lltd <.'Jllhu-;ia=--Jtl. . \lth •~tt~lt y n ttng. the "''ciety

i~ fuJI of life and ;u: ti, •n a nd '' l' kn"\\' tlt:u " ·ith tltt• !teart,·

ClH•p erat in n o f ho tlt FratL-r nal and ~·"=--lll,•pttlit:tn ~· ·ril·LJl':-- i i Ita ~ cc,m c to :ta ,·. The h:n irkcr iJ••l·kt·r -..;"· .... "Ft·ll,,,,. Fra­

tent;d, idle>\\ ·u=-- n lC' JH, Jitan. ,, il l _,·,w !..,! i \ ~· u .... a lt~· l ping hand?'"


The member~ of t he .\f eliph11ne ~~~c-icty ga tlterl'd \\'itlt

their lady fri e nds (I ll the l'\'cll illg nl F'--· l,ntary 2-t. tr, l'llJ ' •y

tltcir annual banquet. The .\ll'l ip ll<llh: L'\L' I' :-- tri,·c:-- l11 m ; t k~· each s ucceed ing banquet :--tii'JI~ t :--:-- it.... prt·decc:--:--t'r. ;r ·at \'. :1'

the occa~ i (ln . Th e IJ t'<trL ui lllany a _,·c,rtng ~ll'liph c •lli:tn swelled to think of gi\·ing iti~. li r :--t l11a 1. In a !ta ll !Jl'.tlltiiull:.

decu ratcd. and ~ca tccl ah,lltl t aJ,Jt·~ ladt·tt \\'itlt the lll 11 ..... t dv l t­

ciou: dclicac i e~. tlt c gue-..t" cnj.,_,· t·d a ~ra nd dinner and li ~­tencd to the b e~ t wit and h u m or that ~l<.· l ipltu n e urig-i nali ty

is capable o f. 2\lr. J o hn Tillcma. \\'itiJ hi~ nc\·er-'' ant iii;...: humo r , acted a: toastma~tl·r and lll:tnagc.:r tP kt' l' J> the gttt':-'t:

in a ro ar m os t o f the time .. \ lla -;J tli ~lt t pil·turc \\'as taken i:t

order that the m cmon· (If t hi.' <•Tan tl , H'~·a..;itl n ma ,. e\' l'l' remain .. ~ .. \' i\'id in th e mind s uf th e han q u eli..-rs. .\ll <, th er ~lcl ipl t ••lll' banq uct is pas t.

• ....

. .

.. .

Th e Anrhor !23


( )n Frida,. c,·cnin~. Fchn,ary .2-L the ·t'~~mnpo li tar~ ~n­

ciety l'tll ertaiJ;t•d the Fraterna l and tltl· l"n it·kcrbucker ~~ J e t e­. .. ' I~J 1 n .. 1 .. 111 d nH-ctin•,.. \'.:1 ~ hl'ld in the gym n:t:--i um. an Hlc~d 11(:--. '-:--.' :--. ..

· · 1 It ,-a· ., "well-done p 1 a c c i (J r a g a t It en 11 g ' H I 1 <H n a I lilT . ' ' :-- c

:t ffair .. \n excl·llent prugr;tm. \\'hidt \':a:-- a ('1'1 1 ..... =--- between o ne

11 f a li t cran· and u nc <I a tlll11t>l t tl ~ n.t u ~. • · f I · · · t r · ''a"' rendered. - 1· · · ,. · I • tt ''er e enJ·",·cd dur-\ it ·r the J>l'()" rant. dt: l<.'l llll . 1c tc:-- llltu ..... • • _

. '.: ...... · Tl I 1 ing- "·hiclt tillll' qui<:t ct~n\· cr:--atilln ""=-' d(Jill l nant. ten ll l

' J' J }"~\'Cd \\'l'l' Jc:-'" ,,f a differe n t natun: began. ll' ~amc=-- P "·

· 1 1 II. 1 . J· · t - l> ·tl l 'lttd ,,fa 111• 11"<..; ~~~'--· ial nature. althnug-lt \ I ll ell l.tll ld' ''.: • · •

· ,- 11 · · · h; 11 h The r c \\' c r c ~~ 1 me ·tt tim e~ tlte l'Xl'lll·mcnt ra n t1 ) .1~ • ...... ·

:i" 1 ,·-fin J'l"l'<L·nt. and g-cn era! 111 i" ~I i " '~ wa < a ma d<ced f c~ tnr~ ,, j t-he lllCl'tiug-. TilL· .... latcml·nt ,._a ..... ma rk l>y the pr_c~Hlent:> n f all th ree :--t•cil.'lit·:-' th:tt t ltc_\· l'll iL"- itkrl'd ~ t t..· lt a mccttng- n~ry

hcnl·lil·ial and tktt it \\utdd I J<.: \en· dl':.iral,k if n c cnu l:l he

ltl·ld each term .

\\ 'e Wt'l'l' ,-t·n· glad tn -- ~· l· :-nl.'it a larg-e n umiH~ r uf l) (l)H.~ ·~

\ I • I 11 t 'I•{ •til ,. \ r C Jl • ~ \ r j ..._"" i (IJl :l 1'\. l' I IJJ i (' r (.' 11 C e h d d ( ltl . untn t prc:--'"· , " · · · · , . . . . 1- '1 0 :\ nt n ne \\ ltn wa~ pre. en t the CCl i11) Hl~ nn l · chlt:clt ~ I. · · . . .. \T

.,,·ill inrc•el the ~urnng adcln.· '~ cldl\· l'recl In Dr. ~- - . :--. · , ..... 11k oi . \meri-Z \\'<.'Ill Cr. ·~I. ~ • - , ,. ,\() 1'..:. tll(i:t _, . in th e , -cr_,. lrclnt n

can plati,)rm speaker~ c n .\J issiun ~nbj cts.

D . I I 'I , . . lll ckr .\J cul n. ''Jl. c.f the ll a mil to n Grange I I l 111 ·' . • . f I .. f :\ . y w l- rccl''lth· kt·turcd hciorc the . nctcty o

clturc 1. 0 · e\\ 1 '· • • • •

1 i: re-

I . tl p .... , ·cho]r J'•\' and Tltcc ,J, , ~,-- I he cctu r c n qutry. n · . :--. · -1

f 1 ported tn lta\·l· been "l"ll attended and ,·cry he p u.

T~ e,· . E .. \ c ilt~. '0 . nf ~i ca ll to Little R oc k. Io wa.

ux f.aJI~ . . . D .. has accepted the

7he Anchor

The .\ncllPr t'X t t·ncls it~ hcarti t· lt ~-' mpathy to He,·. G. \ \"aternllddcr. '<)/. ,,f till' \\ ' lllnt·l ,a gcl :\l i~si., n . llJHl ll th e recent death c1f ~lrs. \\ ' atcrmttldcr.

\) rea d y three ni tit<.: ~<: n i, , r .... :tl tltc \\ ' t.. '!-- ll-rn Thenl•l;.,!·ical Se mina ry haYt' rccci \ <.:d the pn , mi ~l' oi a ca ll - lll'nn· ·~ l u i ­lema. '07, th e cal1 frnm :\lusratin ' . l ll\\·a; Ccorg'-.' lla~1kamp, '0/. from llam ilton . :\1 ich .. and .Jt~hn J. \ 'an <l<.:r Schaaf. ·o .... '. frn m Litch,·ill c and :'\orth :\larinn, X . D.

~ l ilt•n _1. lln l'(m;tn. '()! J. at p rc~cnt in the lun inr cia ~- ui th e \\ 'est ern Tht•cdng i'-·a l . ·~, , ninary . Ita ... \\' 1111 th.L· ·e '-' il Rhodes scholarship in :\lic.:hig an . Th is pt·izc entit le~ him to thre year~ o f ~tudy at )xf(lrcl. l ·: n~l:tnd. "ith an allu -.•:an c L' of ~1.:l00 a year. lie \\'ill h egi n his studies there in the fall.

The applicatiun ui :\li "s l!c rnicl' ).1. Tak kcn. 11f ll o lland. -:\Tich .. f~., r the app11i11tllH.' !ll tn t he .\ r1..'1 »t :\li"-..iclll . has been accepted .. he ,,·i ll lea,·e in the f:tll and b ecome the \\'ife o i R c ' · . f3 . h.< ll H t' h a t • k r. · 0( 1. ' \ · h 11 I! a " a 11 a p p" i n t me n t a t t ! 1 a t l\1i . ~ion. The :\nchnr extends t"nngrattdatic,ns tn J{c,·. Hqtt­~chaefer.

, \ ttorncy Cornelius \ ' an dl'r :\Icu lcn . '00. clf Il o lbnd. ~Iich .. recently delin.'rcd a l<.:nun: nn the trial of l e~us. at the quarterly r!llly o i th e ~nulh Ottawa l .ocal L'ni c-m . E .. held at the. econd Refo rmed church at Zeeland. [=- ro m both legal and religinus standpoi nt s the lec ture is a g-reat treat. The fo llo\\'ing- i-; the repo rt o f ~ T r . \'anclcr ~leul~n's lecture at G rand Jla ,·en:

:\ttorne_v nrnelius \ andcr !\f u len deliYerecl a ~ Jlcnclid lecture o n the "Tria l of lc~us" at tltc ~txnncl l{ l'ftlrmccl church · aturday nig ht tn an attenti,·e audicnn.·. The lecture ~h wed g-reat research and i:-; \\'ell compusccl and the I ·ct urc r has an excellent deli,·e ry.-Grnnd IJa,·cn Trihnnc.

At a recent m eeting- o f thl..' 11na rd o f F (> rc ig-n ).fiss io ns . R_. ·.,\ .,Or. Jnhn (;. Fa Q"t!". ·,I . pas tor n f the ~Iiddle "olle­g-tate hurch < f :'\ c"· York ' ity. \\'as elect cl president of th e Board. t fill the ,-nL·a nc,· caus ·d IH· the clcnth pf Dr. llutt n n. Dr. Fag-g \\'as h rn at 11(.-th le hcm . . \\ ' i ~ .. lift~· years ag-o; \\'as graduated from I lope Cnllcg-c \\'ilh the cla~s o f 'R l . and o f New Hru n. wi ck Seminar\' in ·~:;. Fo r t " '" Years he served the churches ( r La\\'yen·iit ' and "ol b leskill. :\ . Y .. \\'HS a ln is­~ionary in hi na fr >111 ·.•g to 'C)-J.. pa~tor n f the :'\ 1..' \\' Paltz. 0!. Y., ch urch fro m '9-+ to '9.1. and o f the 1\Tiddle o ll eg-iate church New York City, since '95.

~ . .


' ..

I •,

The Anchor 2.')

H OPE, 37; N OTRE DAME, 26.

Before o ne f the largest audi e nces e,·er g-athe red in Car­

n egie gymnasiu m to \\'itne .. a hasket-1 all game. Tlo pe \\'On

a deci s i,·e ,-ictorv o ,·cr the :'\o tre Dame L'ni,· er~it,· to the tun c ; -

f 37 t 2o. It had been a~~"recd up< n that the fir. t hali

. hould be played under the in ter-c ll eg-ia t e ru les. t whic h

1 lope's team \\'a .~ unacc usto med . .\s a con~eq uencc :\o trc

Dame piled up 1-.J. po ints bcf 're the !nea l team could get a

start. Then by a little fast playi ng . the firs t half ended \\'ith

the score 16 to 16. In the :-:ccond ha lf. " ·hich \\'as so me\\'ha t

rough. I lope kept t he lead unt il the close. The .~ upport fro m

the side lin es \\'as good and ,·cry l ike ly hclpt:d to \\'in the gam e. ·aptain Y e nkcr led in t he point:-; for ll o pe. ,·. !t ile

th e \\'Ork o f L.a,·en a nd Vru\\'ink \\'CLS brillia nt. ~Ialone" and

Fi . h starred fo r the ,-j · ito rs.

H OPE, 54; JACK SON, 28.

~"tat all disco uraged by t he result s f th e :\J .. \ .. g·ame

and feeling n n ill effects o f th e terrific hattie. the H o pe fi,·e

reac hed IH1111c fro m the o rato rical contc~t ju!'t in ti me to S\\'1)n p

clo \\'n upn n the priso n bnys a n d g-iv e them a thra ·hing \\'hich

\\'ill lnng ling-er in th e ir minds. The fello\\'s ke pt o n hooting

baskets frn m th e left and right (I f the fl o r and the accurate

fo ul thro \\'ing hro ng-ht in the sc re :--J.-28 \\'hen the pisto l s ho t

souncled the end o f the game.

M. A. C., 40 ; HOPE, 21 .

.'\ game in \\'hich H o pe's fiye pro bably had the ha rde t

fi g ht this sea;':nn was play ed at L a n ·ing- o n :\l a rc h 3 o n the ~I. A. C.' ~ fl oor . Owi ng to the fact that the floor was wretched

26 'I /i(• A urlwr

and that th r crn!':--hc:am ... \\'l' r · :--u }llw th:tt it \\:1"' a lm n:-; t im­

possible to m:tk<.' :t h:t'k · t '-'x l·cp t dirvctl y in frunt ni the

ha. ket. 1 (,1pr 's quintet wa ... '-'"t'l'l· rlin g l~· ltandirapp<:d . Thl'

game was pi :1 _\'L' cl 11nd er til l' ll ... llal ar rang-<.'lllL'lll ~ with rl'g-:trrl

t o the ruk:-;. the interrulkgi:t t<.· J , l·in~ u :-:u l in th l· fir-.t half ancl

the . \ . . \. l ·. in t h L' -.c c c 1111 I. I 11 "I ' i tt..· c • i l h '-' i :t c t t h a t t h c in t l.' r ­

Clllkgi:t ll' rtt k-.. \\\.'IT Ulli.tmil iar !c r ll np"··=-- p la_,er-.. t lu.· ~· made

:1 better s hc•wi ng in t h L· fir -..t h :tl i t h:tn in tiH.· 'l'C• •ll< l. and in this

pcri tH I c> tl et· C:tllll' "ithin tl 1rn· l'"in t-.. " ' \ 1. \ . ·::-: t ••ta l. In

the hl•ginni ng- ,,j th<.· -.n:c•ll I h:tii ll ••jll' m :uk a ~lt..':t dy gain Inn

in th e b:--l part , . j 1111.· hali. I . . \ . C. )'Ill 11 11 :1 11 extra :--pttrt tha t

g-a,· thl' lll a J,j .. · l• ·a<! . TilL· ~uarc!in·...: In· l .a'·"·n ~111 I th e all

arn nnd pl ayi ng· 11i J. \ · nn,inl~ :tttr:tcll'd llllll' h ~1 t ten ti 11 n. The

prr ttic t throw 11 i th l' t• nt irt ' gnlllt..' \\ a ... m ade hy l~n 1nks. drn p­

ping- thr h:lll in th e ha-.J · "' t i r• ·ll t t hv c "·tliL· r t ri tilL' tln.,r. It wa~

a h a rd fi g ht. hut l i''Jl'-· .... r·•·tlv r-. \\h•1 -..a\\ hl' ganw arl' C•' nfi ­

dent th a t th e Ct' llli t t ;~· g:tP ' L' 1t11 \l:trd t 12 will t u rn nu l 111 an

ullire h· ditiC'rl'nt ". ~ ,· .


Taking- up cru:-:,-country rntni n~· a ~ a maj( r hranrh o f

a t h I e t i c ~ lc ~"' t h a n a y l ' a r a ~ ~ 1. u n 11 u :t 1 r 11 n d i t i o n ' h a ' · L' i n t h a t

sh( •rt time hn n:ght ll npl' int 11 \': hat i=' practically th e lea d e r­

ship in that d epartment .,j ...:p,,rt a m , •n :..!. \li r h i~!·an cnll g-c:-:.­

t he a rh ·an L. e be i 11 ;..!' cl11 e. per h a p ~. m • ' r c t " t h e h a p p y a n cl t i 111 e I y c ho ice n i a ::;pt~rt which i"' inrrca:-:in~ rapi d ly in ptlpularity than

to the exce ll e nce n i the te3 m " ·hich "·a:' d c ,· l•)tlped th tir~t

Year. The imm edia te r "ron:-:e rcL·inl frn m \f .~ ' · · .. :\ll>io n.

O Ji,·et. and ) ther sch t1nls whi c h were in ·it ccl tt Sl' tHl teams

to the annual crn~s-co11ntn· run nn .\pril q_ t e...:t it1 s t n the

need which \\·a s felt ft r jus t such an t \·C'nt. :t nd ll npc has. by

a timely entrance intn th e field with a t·ar L' whi"· h is a fixture

fn r ITo lland . . ec11 red a prestit.re and :1 g-ri1 11 rnn th man:tge­

ment which will undn uhtecll _, . prn,·e a lastin ~ n ne.

From this allurin ~ prnspCL' t. it must n nt he imagined that

the Hope C n llege athlete" ma,· !'it r almh· h'· · and withou t


• ..




1he Anchor 27

effort reap the benefits f thi~ tr raspin g [ an o ppo rtunity .

Far from it! The ra'-·e mu t furni ·h c )m petitio n \\'Orthy o f

the efforts of the best runn ers ~[i c hi g-a n r.a n pr tluce. and

prizes which d > n o t represen t the rcwanl nf keenest athletic

rivaln· brin e .. o nh· .. h o n u r.-h u t an t•mot ,. bubbl e .' ' I lope ... ~ .. . -mu~ t he represe nted t his spring- by a team "·hich will in pin.:

respect among it-.: athTrsa ri cs and hri n g hon r tn it s . \1 ma

l\later. L'pon tlti:' li rst h11lding tti t he In,· itatinn Race as an

c\·e tlt fo r cnll cg-cs depends its" Itt d e iuturc.-a' a classic c\·c nt

gradua lly gaining- standi n g;. Pr as a mcd iucrc co mpetition g-rad­

ually dwindling t u m ere luca l imp >rtance.

~uch a team cannnt In· built in a day. n r frum a picked

half d o zen o r m ore candida tes. There must he a la r.,·c sq Ucl ·l

fru rn which to pirk. and in a schUtJ} with suc h a co m para­

ti\·e ]y ~ mall s tud e nt b odY, th is nH.:ans a turno ut o i all the - . athletically inclined of the cui lege. I n cxperien ce i~ lhc m · '"" i. speedi ly remed ied factor in th e dc,·e lo pmcnt o f a ln ng dis­

tance runner. lt is pcrs \'l• rence in training and that clog-t!'e l St>artan courao·e to ·return " ·ith the shi<.·ld u r c n it" which ~ I">

breed~ the ath le t e who wou ld "in hc111t1rs in cros""-cnuntry an I di:-;tance running. It is such that llope Ct~l l ge !'hnu ld a n d

will ha,·e. -L. II. C ~ GER.

\\'ith thi~ issue the prese n t exchan ge editor bids the wide

circle >f exchan g-es a f;uc\\·cl l. \lany anti agreeab le ha,·e

been his expcrienrcs while a cti ng in this c n,· iahl · capacity.

The m o nthly pcru~al s thro ugh the l lllll1Crous publil.:a tinn: was

fraught with Jc,·s o f pain and m o re u f pleasure than m a uy

other c o llege duties. The h earty rccognitiu n o i uur paper by

so many c liege paper · has n u t o nly heeu an inspiratio n t

!8 The Anchor

the entire staff, but to the exc ha n g-e edito r in a p ec ulia r ·e ns e .

His was not the Juty t u r e tu r n the cn mplime nl. hut with

the consciousness o f a gen u ine fello w - feeling betwee n ex­

chang es, to recognize their glltld t ra it ::; a n d g in: the m their

simple t expressio n . Thi~ , t hen. has h e n my p a rt ic ul a r pleas­

ure fo r a year, and we h uve that the s m.:: cccd in g- s tali may IJ c a .;

cu n :.iderateh· trea ted as ' ' ere we. .,

" The U IJ ~bn':-; S tury " in t lte " Ctdl · .~T ln d<: .. .. t:xc d s

in rich and · killf u ll\' d ta\\ tt i ma~ ~·:--. and tltlll \l ~.'h it a ll t lll'l'l.' ~ .

r ing · a s tra nge anJ pkasing md"d~ .

" D etr it Student ' ' : You ha \·e ~l· l'ral ,. l.· n · au ral.' tJ \' l'

t: u t;o;. C.' jJCCially the t:ltt ll i " In .\t lll ·tic~ ... Y u11r ~·u,· t:r dt•;-;i ;,.; t• ~-o

also neat and timely .

.. ide Lig hts " ha~ a b it u a

Pictures o f Old 0. l.J .''

puc try 111 " ~lemury

"lledding G raph ic'' contain s a m agni lit:e tll ph•>tn u i th e

g raduating clas ·.

"llelio ... Grand R a pids llig h : .\ n unaffec t ed ex mpl ifi ­

catio n o f the tru t h tha t " m a t ured and d iscip linL'd t alent w il l

a l\\'ays be ·u u•rht and a d mi re d ."

··The D ccaturian" is an C\' l' nly ha la n n.· cl an d \\' tnnan~

pub licati n. l'l' J)J'Cscnt i n~ in t rlll' pn•p••rticnH t hl' ell''> cl ••p m c n t:-.

o f e\·cry phase o f c liege int t·r~·:-- t :'. T he , ·ariuus ·u t ~ ~)i t hl·

February i ·sue arc in parti cu lar \\t.r lt lt,· t ti nHnmc ;l t , \\' l'll de­

fined and tast,·.

-~------ -

1£nrnLa Fres hma n g irl was t a l ki n~ a huu t Sll111 C :-=.c n i••rs \\'llLI

take J~ re hman c rm a n . " ()h ! t hc~e ~cniur · ." ·he sa id.

"They d o e \·erything ~o imp rt.::':--i \·l·ly. TIH' ,. h o ld thei r b )oks

impre~si\·ely-thcy ~,· en llu n k im p rc~s i\· ely !"

... • . ~ ....


• l •


. ..

The Anhcor 29

Here is \ . anc.le r \ .clue's r ccip\,; fur a n orallon: ··Tak e o n e

essay, tla \ 'Or with a icw g est ures, a n d serve hot ...

ln G e rma n dass l 'ru L lJrush :puke thus about a ccnatll

passage: .. ~ ow, t hese a rc a ll t ech nica l gam bli ng t e rms. \ ' er

lluls t , what du t h ey mean ~.. Hut \ . er 11 ulsL was n t the

gamble r the P rui. seem ed tu tak · lu tn iur, su t he 1' roi. ·aiel: .. \\ ' e ll , s ince n u n c u( the buY: k ill>\\' . we'll a~k ~umc uL titl!

ladies to he lp us uut. La \' l'll, yuu tdl us."

.U rook · take~ Gcnnan. t >ttL' da) a ::-t udcnt 111 the dass

was t ran la ting-thu!.-: "IJc heard a ::-t HtiHi like t he \ili~penng

uf IJrouks." l'ruf. Urush p u t in : "\ l'!.- , 1 hear it 110\\ . ..

.U e nnink had a iunny ·treak lHH: day anll saiJ tu his

neighl>or at t a bl e: "Uitl yuur mother " ·hip you w h\.!n yuu

\\'ere li tt le?' " Y es, \\'h en l needeJ it. "

•· A n d did her m other \\'h ip her?"

"Sure." ··An d tl id h er m other " ·h ip her, too ?"

"For a ll I know." " \\'ell , w hu started the blamed thin u . anyhu\\ ~ ..

Schw i ttcr~ tcli~ ,,[a plat·e in ln\\a \\· llcrc th<:y sa\\' wells

up in to post holes heca usc it's cheaper t han tu buy n ew lan d

t o n1ak e them o u t of.

O n e day Prui. Uc:ndslcc.· ia' u rcd the Suph o mores ,,·ith a d o natio u o f t\\' \\' t rd..; tu add to thl.!ir ,·ocahulary . accordin~ to Pro f. Ky k crk'.:; ·ugue~tion that they learn t\\'o ne\\· \\'urds

\'Cry w eek. The word~ \': <:re I 'ymavu g·cranumachia and

Batrachu m yum achia. . ·ext daY three mctn iJcrs t f the cla:;s

w e re sick .

P ro f. \\.idH:rs had IH~t'n 1..':'\l 'Dt• JH in~ lit hi~ physiulo~·:· cla show h• • ilin~ , .. att·r kilb th'- ~c:t ttb in it. and h l• \\· unh11ilcd

w ater is a ref . .tular aquarium. ( >n~· o i the student~ said:

' ' \\.ell , p rok~:'t li' . ii ra\\' water 1:::. an aqt ari~1m . b o iled \ ·atl.!r

m ust be a cemetery.''

Doesn' t it ~trike Yt Ht that the pil'tt!rt• of tl1c Anch r staff

looks 1H ellY u·ottd? The editor-in-chiei gaYc C\ e n · m ember of .. :;,

so 7'he A ·nc hn1·

the -tafi order::; t , take a beaut,. ~lccp hefurc ~01ng d >wn t

Lacev 's.

This IS ot:r swan ~ong-. \ ''ll \\un ' t ha,·e tu suiTer wit i. u .~ anv m urc. .\:ext llHHttlt tlt e 1<.: ' · iii b•· 11<: '.'.' jc.d~l: cclittH·s . .. incssing · un thee. little lll i.'il : ,,·c. \\'i ~h \ ' {l tl a ll :-:11rh 11f g-(lt)·!

jt)kc mat e rial.

1i ,nc <.'f l't·nfe:':-.~tr ~~~~ .·; '"' /t•:tl llh hi · l tll\ ... t 'ldvlll ... Ita i

seen :\nkcr t he 11tlh.·r da~ ''· !t; , I > . · !l.t·~ c• ·.!t aud !tal cH!. It~.·

mi«rht ha,·e exd :ti m cd : "Titcn··~ :111 :tth: !t.n 111 tht· lh·b .. a•· ~..·."

"Leon's Lubricity" by Prep. '09. \\ ' hen the .. . \ " ~.· I a:~ hPy~ \\'l'l'l.' gtlill~ lt• ran.·.

T h eY a ll look ed \ ' <.'1'\' ~ t11 nn inn· ; ~ - ~

But i\1 ultler got a I itt k pa k.

For he ~aw that ~app \\'a~ running .

.A. charming- pcrnxicle frlllll !'ella

O nce nes t led her Iwa,l nn a fc lla. U u t n n \\' it i ~ ~aid That the sh~pc of her head

Js printed IIJlllll hi111 in "_n.'ll :t."-~t·kctcd.

T he Prcfc st r in Pu litical l ~nnH•:ll' ' ~a ,· ~ that ic•r him - . o mmencemen t day is a l \\'ay~ a htt~·e cireu-.:. l i e li k'-· n s the

·cnio t· o ratil>n to a fll)\\ ' uf g-as fn ,,n s••tnc stt t~·a g~.· tank n r

1 ea k y ga :-- m a 111. 1 t must I J e t r 11 e. for n (ll a ' u ice \\'as r a i-.: l.' .I

tn pr te. t.

Instructo r: ":\ 0 \ \ ' , ~I IH.'c y·;u h:t\·e lea r ned that :t tn :. ii ·.·

pulling a plow is {·apital. i~ th ere any cli(fc r cnc • I> ·t· . ~..·cn Lh'

m ule a n d a w oman pulling a plo\\' ?'' \Varn shuis: "~o.' '

No hope for y u. ·o-ccls.

1\Jary had a litt le lamb.

You\·e h eard that much before.

But 1\lary pas. <:d her plat e aga tn

A nd had a li tt le m ore.

•. - ··•


( . ~· ...

'· ..



:\l cc.: k t·nmp:1nn~ the nhject o f hi~ cardiac fluctuation

f'<'S. mp. Supl.

l'arr Pards I 'arted

Dcmotts (a ft e r som h elY had !-'\\'ipcd hi . li d): "\\ill the

iniqnit ( 11~ and maladro it in di,·iclual \\'hn ,·ery adr itly ex­

changed ~ky-picce~ in the rotunda. immediately retnrn the

. ame or the plaintiff \\'ill prucccd tn render the atmosphere

,·en· i nsaluhriou~ for the defendant!"

Those "ho \\'i~hcd to haYe their name~ printed tn the

.\nchor arc: Jon at han ~ih·erhecls.

~Tr. \' a n ll o u\\'eling.

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. ..

Th e AnC'hor

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t . :.. -14 The Anchor

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