021024 LAARCH - BishopAccountability.org · 2013-01-22 · 9. Injuries, fractures, dislocations,...

LAARCH 021024

Transcript of 021024 LAARCH - BishopAccountability.org · 2013-01-22 · 9. Injuries, fractures, dislocations,...

Page 1: 021024 LAARCH - BishopAccountability.org · 2013-01-22 · 9. Injuries, fractures, dislocations, head injuries, or disease of the bones or joints, including arthritis and rheumatism.



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Page 2: 021024 LAARCH - BishopAccountability.org · 2013-01-22 · 9. Injuries, fractures, dislocations, head injuries, or disease of the bones or joints, including arthritis and rheumatism.

Applicant's Name:


r:; 1 va


Seminarian for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles


ST. JOHN'S MAJOR SEMINARY Camarillo, California


Fi rlenci a Si n:6r1 l<'J oreG, Last First Middle

Street N;;trinol y To;.;acio, Verde VCity __ G;::;'..::uc:::a;;;:rl:..:::8::::.l::..::J::;;.··..:.ia::::w;::.'.::::a=----- Smre. ____ ~J_,=~=l=i~o~.c~o~·~----

Date of Birth 2P. - X - 1 Ql[Q Weight 77 Kgs Height 1 jQtj',Mts&r

Name, address and telephone number of person responsible _REDACTED


Do you have Health In~tartce?


---~----------- Group No .. ________ 'Member No ____________ _


Have yOil ever had any of the following? If the answer is "Yes" give full details below.

1. Disease, injury or disability of the ·eyes: _____ Vuf"""'fi;;l.~+' _:.:,.l,l'LU..,'~."'.w::.;."-":----------------------

2. Disease, injury or disability of the ears:._...~.N""': oLt"-· _Id.UJ._._ ___________________ _

~- Disease or injury of. the nervous system including severe headaches, dizziness, nervous breakdowns, unconsciousness, convulsions, or sktill fracture. Hot ally,

4. Pleurisy, tuberculosis, hayfever, asthma, or any disability of the lungs or cheit. . . _.teN'-"'o:...>t~o.~1~1YL-L' -'-----------'-----

5. Abnormality of the heart or blood vessels, includ-ing shortness of ·breath or swelling of the a'nkles. ___ .....t;:.u.L--ii~'f-+..---------------

6. Disturbances of the stoinath, bowels, liver, gall bladder, appendix; or persistent pain.

7. Kidney stone; painful or difficult ucinatio~; venereal disease.. ·

Not any.

8. Have you ever been told you have albumin or • h no sugar m t c urine, or have. you ever used insulin?-----:-.,----------------......:.---

LAARCH 021 025

Page 3: 021024 LAARCH - BishopAccountability.org · 2013-01-22 · 9. Injuries, fractures, dislocations, head injuries, or disease of the bones or joints, including arthritis and rheumatism.

9. Injuries, fractures, dislocations, head injuries, or disease of the bones or joints, including arthritis and rheumatism. ·

10. Illnesses: (Answer "yes" or "no")

a) Have you ever had Childhood diseases:

Measles ( 'J c s

Mumps ( ye~ )

Chlck:en~pox ( no

RheUmatic fever (

If answer is "yes," give detal...,Is.___ __ cllW'-l:i.....!t<..!h.!!o.t..·J<.u..!<t_....!c,.~o"'·J!llll.JJ"O:.J.l""'i,..~c.i"":L· '"~~ -.._: J.LO.!.Jil.;.!~w-'-------------~-

b) Have you ever had: Yellow jaundice or liver disease (

Kidney diseuse ( no ) 'ruberculosis (

r:o) na )

Pneumonia ( 110

Sugar diabetes ( no Meningitis or Encephalitis ( 11 o )

Polio ( no ) Any severe illnesses ( no )

If answer is "yes", give details _____________________________ _

11. Operations: List any operations, their date, where performed.~-_ _.,~A'-'p""1-.:::.:'~~:;J"'-1==d~i"-'x-!.'---'l'-'o,_="-.~.Y,..::C!'""a:;.;l;..;' ~""s_.:::o:,=J;.:,.C"": .• ,__,__--'-'

. 12. Allergies: (Answer "yes" or "no") Do you have any known food or drug allergies 7. ( no ) Have you ever had: Asthma ( uo ) Eczema ( t10 )

Chronic hay fever ( 110 ) Sinus infec~ons ( no )

If answer· is "yes," explain_ ___ ---. ________________________ _


13. Immunizations: (Answer ·~yes" C>r "no") Have you ever been immunb:ed for tetanus? ( yes ) Have you been vaccinated for smallpox? · ( yes ) Have you received any other immunizations? ( 110 )

Kind: Have you had polio vaccine? ( no . )

If the answer is "yes", how many shots? ( )

~hen --~7~.;~/~e~~~-r~h~·~o~}~~=d~·--~--------­When

When -----------------~

Have you ever experienced an unfavorable reaction to penicillin ( no

14. Disabilities: Have you any chronic disability? Please explain:

15. Is there any family history of insanity? __ .;:H;l----- Is so, give details------------'------

LAARCH 021026

Page 4: 021024 LAARCH - BishopAccountability.org · 2013-01-22 · 9. Injuries, fractures, dislocations, head injuries, or disease of the bones or joints, including arthritis and rheumatism.

16. Have you ever had a "nervous breakdown," a rest treatment, or have you ever been under the care of a.

psychiatrist? Explain. N<)

17. Is there any family history of tuberculosis?·~----!ll!.·i~o_._. ____________ ~---~~~--

18. Is there any family history of epilepsy ?, ___ ___.l;;..J1'.Lo---------------------

Dctails of above history:----------------------------------

ts are compiete and true to the best of my knowledge and belief.


~er sigo"'~·$f·s. ·.

· Applicant


1. Eye inspection: Any abnormalities: Re uses gl:'!.se:s for i!:~io :1ia. 'Horm;;T. 1 2. Condit_ion of Membrarii Tympani: Right ear_-----"~~~=--- Left ear Norme-l

3. Any evid~c~ :of middle. ear or. mastoid disease, past or present? Right ear __ "'-""-UJ.!.l:.!.."---Nonnvl Left ear Formnl

4. Hearing - whispered voice: Right ear:.___ll..l2..L!!Jia..;L......_ Norn·.;.;l . Left ear HorwaJ...

5. Any abnoJ;malities of _th.e nose, ipouth or throat? _ __..,_>LJI.----~-----------~~---

6. Any evidence of thyroid or other end<>crinopathy?~_...,_.,_._ ____ -:------'---------.:..

7. Any abnormalities of the bones, joints, or mrucles? __ _....,~------------------

8. Any evidence of respiratory pathology? __ ____..l-!.L..__ _____________________ _

9. ·Pulse rate: Sitting 80 a J Immediately after exercis,~e ____ __,lbCO>!:C'>,:.-_ii"'----"lL ___ _

2 Minutes after exercist;.e __ _,.8..;,0'-"lx'--'l.__ __

10. Blood pressure:' Sittin,s;g ___ J~,..1J...0W-=-~·0).1..t".L1 ___ Immediately after exercise -~-JL.?<::J.JOL.!,-,__.i-':.c,·ol.L--,-----

11. Do you find any mutmur, irregularity, or other evidence of cardio-vas.cular pathology? ______ ..::.JJ:..:;o=---------------------

12. Any evidence of abdominal pathology? __ ~l--r---------------,.-----------

13. Is a hern.ia present? I~ so, is a truss woi:n?.;___ __ J_·~..::.o..::.· ____________________ _

14. Any evidence of genitO.:urinary patholoh'Y ? ___ l_'l..::.o..::.'-~-------_:_,_ __________ _

15. Any abnormalities of the nervous system including reflexes and functional conditions ? _ _..:.I~! o:!.L. ____ ·------'-------------

16. Any evidence of alcoholism, drug addiction, syncope, syphillis, epilepsy., petit or grand? ____ 'urJ.u._. ________________ _

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; )·


Repo.ct of X-Ray of chest, takeu_,~--------'=2.:11.:_··--=J"-'\~1 _-:..· _.::1-"'~!....._S'_';._,· ·----------­Date

V.D.R.L Test: ___ ~l<f>2.;..· ,..;::;·,...'-'· :"". I,_,V"-':...:-::.......dlo...;cLJ.l7~"L.J. ,,___ Date Result

Urinalysis·;_ ----=1:::2:....._---=I=-V'-----=1'-"-)-"· ?""';):...:•:.__ __ _ Date

Describe all abnormal findings in detail:. __________________________ _

I HEREBY CERTIFY that I pe.csonally examined the subject applicant at~ the date indicated, and that the findings are correctly recorded herein. REDACTED

Date ---2!:?.e6-.......:JI~. \i-r -~::J:._a'-J.-'f?-:'33,.....------~

Place GuurJ.:tlf'..icu·a Je.l, gE;xico. ·t;,_;=:=-g.==-..:r=-c.:..c<>tate Board License No. REDACTED


Please do NOT give this examination blank to the student, but send it directly to

The Very Reverend Recto.c

St. John's Seminary

Ca •11 Cali£5012 East Seminary Road ma.n o, orn1a 93010

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..... ·- .. ··

) Ul-UTED .ST~T~~ ~E~ARTMe-tt ~~:~iti~E '· "") . lm.;,lgration. and NaturalixotiiJi'$~;::;i~e "\

} · fir5t Name .. Mid\11"' :~ane

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Co.mi(y. of Notlonat.fy

Mexico .. : . : . - :- . ' . ~ ·. ~-~·->~·:, .~- ~~-'!t3 ~~·-

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·;~ •0: .. }~!.~,:{-5~-~-s:cr,.~,* t7ll~~~n~~'~r~~--!.;~-;--:~- -·'- ~ '! .. :: ~--~· :~ -.-:-. __ • • .•• • .-;:_.; -· J;_; ·:: ~-l~-~--!:t :; =~:..-· .. l;~;. ·H:.f~:·-~·-; ~· ... r:l:·!:.-·i·-~:·-·::. ;i ...... : j-,,_:=f·:·'·-~-1. The student (Ch~ one):

(A) 0 Pld not regi~ter persontllly at this school within 60 days Qf the dote expeCted. ;t -:r·-: , ! t • ;(Q}:JI] !>I• ~rryii!IJlJ~~-:!~.;l'P -a filii coutse of study or b atleiulinlJ classes fo_ a. fess10r e;.teilt thdn normally required (el<Pfain In Remarlcs).

~,,;~~f·:~,i~~~i:§~~~~1:.:\,:·:·:f.~i::··::~~~;,:;5;~·~~i:;~~;:::;·:•:'fi ~:..'·"'·' •'!!'"-' :'' 'l'" ~''itii.fi;r\ali611'~n;r ·. i·t:··';'""' ~q\"~.~~?.,.\~r '(~"'l~~~~!1J~!~~R\Wr"~;L-, ... ,,. c;.,,,;-_ :-:> ,,:,,,,.: ;._,,·1• •.. ,:;"·· 1 ·

•o~,n~,~p,O.rl,.te!!lp.Q•.!lo/~!lil~n!i.nll.ifi!C~ af..a.tf<i"d~m;~•dlf."P.9-'!;I'~sit..pbroa(l,';.'i'!''b"liause,~(;a~ute::llln<!~• pdnjuJY~ J19W-e'!ei'; lf'~rtt.fail$ i;o resume o!fendat~co this re1><»f mu~t be submitted. A stutlent who, on the DOsl$ of the recommencfation of your school, has. been authorized to ocoept ·emP!O)ill'ent for pr~col training In a fldd related to his course of studie5 b considered Ia be in attend<mce at. your $<:hool during the oulhoriied period of such ·eli\ploy.menl. Ple•ne ba guided accor<fl~!#;m subMitti~,rep<>tts ~<!h~tnln9 !stu'd6Ms ~ho 'htm>-beeii'p~ltreCI-t<i'engt~gi'-ln·l;ri:i~tieat•rrmnlng. .· .

.... ['~.;;~ t·=·~~~!;,·~·~'~f:,l~'J! <'::·.;-p·:~·- ·.l~ir:. :-:.:-::•-· '•·'::·~~=··::,1:;; ~-~--' ~('··:~ :~(·::.~.:.n ~r("; ... ,~.· · •;\!! ·T)?'t:. ~_.:- =~-· :·~·::: ·:-•:4·_.:1.-;·;:-~·-·-~-:·" .. - :t•!.· ~~:),·;'"-

(S~Ie) (ziP Code) 1

4. Remarks: '···

I Date· Signature of .school officiQI I Title

-FORM I-206 CREV H-70) Page 3

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.·. jf

.· . ~.. . ... ..

June 4. 1974 . · . , ..


.... · ··:.:· .. ': .. ·-·.

Reverend Jose De Jesus Madera, M.Sp.S. Our Lady of Guadalupe Church ·p. o. Box 1091· Oxnard, California 93030

Pear Father ~dera~

It has been a great privilege for us here at St. Jobn'a to have the five men from youl:' Community studying with us this year. They have all dona well. Following you will find separate evaluations of each of the ~n. which I ask you to send on to the appropriate authorities.


Domenico Di Raimondoz . Domenico 1.s a. very_ Mture young Win. He is hard worker, conscientous, ve~ cooperative, and very responsible. He gets along well with everyone and is very willing to l~r~. Be readily tak6s



·:. . .\

·th.e init,i1:1.ti~ and is very cre~tive. He has very fine leade.rsh~p qualitie~. Aca:demi~dly, he is doing ve--s:y well and is very bri~~t. · -lli8 Fi~ld Educ&Uon

·SUpervi&Ol;' wa4 verr happy·with his WOrk. . .

Guillermo Martinez: Guillermo is also a very lll&ture young man. He is -..re.ry · friendly and cooperative and relates well with people. He has a strong feeling for en interest in people, H~ is very intelligent and has done well . in his courses. :Secaua.e he u so slll!1rt, be can ha.ve a te~ncy to 1nt

1.llect• .

ualize and rationalize various situations more than he ehould. He i& ·-also a . bit too idealistic. He ne~ds ~o gain more self-confidence 1u dealing with Anglos but that will colilf! in tiu:te, I am sure. Re ueeds to keep working at going out to others because he can withdraw fr~ people if things get diffi• cult for htm. His ~ield Education supervisor was very happy vith his work.

Raman Hbtilla: Ramon is doing very well. He bas a lot of enthusiasm and energy and puts hin1self into whatever hE! 1.e doing. ·He .will ~eed to learn to pace himself. Since he is so outgoing, he relates very well with the students here. Academically, he is doing well and his Field Education supervieor ~ very happy with. his work. He re.leted well with the Mexican pe.ople in his

. ·rield Education assignment. He is very spontaneous and 1nt~reste4 in What he is doing. 1-breover • he has a. good inquiring mind. Though he ttmds to be a bit ·naive, this is hArdly a ~ault.

. . ~ . . . . . ; ...

,• :' .·.


LAARCH 021 030

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Reverend Jose De Jesus ~dera, M.Sp.S. June 4, 1974 Page 2

Franciso Ponce De Leon: Francisco has not adjusted as well as the others to life here in the United States and his English is not as good as that of· . the others. He relates well to people and is sincere.and straight forward~· He seems to lack some setf-confidence and can get diseour<l.ged a bit too easily. ~~reover, he has not been very spontaneous in.the classroom but . this is probably due to.his lack of English. Academically, he is doing all right and his Field Educ~tion supervisor w~s very happy .with his work.

·~idencio Siiva: Fideneio is more advanced in his knowledge of English than all the others •. He is mature, generous, and l"elates wdl with people. More:.·.

. over, he is willing to take initiative and is .quite creative. Academically,. he is -doing well but is not as bright aa Guillermo or Domenico •. However;.


he speaks up in class and is consistent in his work. His Field Educatio~ ; ... supervisor was very happy with his work dur~ng the year.

I hope the above evaluations will, be helpful.. I .would like to ta~e this '·,. . opportunity. Father Madera·, to thank }'ou .for the course you taught in .. . . Pastoral Spanish here at the Seminary. This course -was a real a~dition to.: · ·. · our curriculum and we appreciate all that .YOU have done, . . ..

Thank you v~ry ·mUch.'··

. ..~.· ..

'JAG:pk 'I.

Sincerely·y<?u~s ·in Christ;

John. A •. Grindel;, C.· M •. Rector-,·

··. I

.. . -, .·

... '·

. :.,.· . . . ~ .

-:: ... · . .._

: ~ . . ::· .. · '. _: ...... ....... -. . ·= ..

•·· ··~~

\ . . ~ :·

· ... i

'· .. I

LAARCH 021031

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; ...


Av. Unlversidad 1700- Mex'ico 21, D. F.

ASUNTO: Admisi6n a. los Ministerios IVienores · del Lectorado :Y del Diaconado.

Muy_ querido hermano:

Tengq)!l g~sto de c.omi,mida:tte que ~1 d:la de ay~r el P. General

y ~ij-Cons~jo -:~cogierop: f~vorabl:~p1~tite tu·· solic~t\l~fpaf~ ~idbir :los Ml, .

nisifirios:.Menor~s del.L.ectc)rado y '~t~t-Aqaiitado,'::·pr~s'ent~da el dfa: 12 · :de junib ·p.p.,. y·recorrie~cia:ci~·por· el' Con$ejo.ae:~a·D~1~.gii¢iort de ·rvte:i:i · c~ ei'dfa 18 de jUlio. p .·p. . . . , . . ' . . - . . ' ~

·Partida pre,pa:raci6n i ·dicho~ Mi~steri;s_ •. cis{t6.mo par~·su r~ .-cepcion, deberas p6h.erie de ~d~etdo: con e1 i:>·. s~p~~i,or ·de· tu c6~Uri.i.:.· . . . . . . . . . . ·. .. .

d'ad... ·. ·

Jl.1e cong:ta:ti:,l1b fraterrialmente coritigo y te expreso infs d~seos

der;q_ue ~i Sefior_te bendiga_aburidariteinente en el desempefio de estes

Mirii~~erios ~

. Afmo : •. nerm<¥1o: .en .eis~'ffo1,< · : .. ·-:' •: .

'·, ' . ~ ' ·4 . : :,;:/.·APh~·~·-. : /,. .

~;:JjjJ~n*iAd:::}fxr· ~ - · ~ -~-. · .. ·ManU:eiM. Med1na_~ M~ sp. ... .

$r~Q.'~ J;r • . · · ' ·

H. FIDENQ!O SILVA FLORES, M.Sp.S. · Oxnard, Calif. ·

LAARCH 021032

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i .



St. John's Seminary .-5012 East Seminary Road • Camarillo, California 93010 _::a:::- ~ ~ 1 'I

LAARCH 021 033

Page 11: 021024 LAARCH - BishopAccountability.org · 2013-01-22 · 9. Injuries, fractures, dislocations, head injuries, or disease of the bones or joints, including arthritis and rheumatism.

As ·Jnclicated herein, the. above named Jludenl was admitted to or authorind to rernoln In the Unlied Stales for a· temporary period as <1 non_lmmlgrant student,

:J. ~"; ., '. .;·:-~; ·: ~ ; .: .. ;.. ·; ·. . ,:· .. - :·· , ._, ~' • t,· .'~ :~';.~.· , •• • I :, '.. :.-

1 • i •' 1 • ' , L ' !" i -:~ : J.; •• ' ~ •. ···~·. •.!-

. Pleas& 'report'proliiitfy,to -tM •immigration · ()ffice ·h.<Mng 'ilfri$di~iion ·over y"out- Sc:IIOOI the ocevrrence of any of the circumstances descri~ed in PART Ill, below.

·•4::. .. ·•. :"' ., •••• : ~. i .• - •• ·,-._;. •',-· ·;-.::::•-

,· ··-···-· .· ; ' ~:; ·.. . · . • :".:, ' - • 1 ; ~--

.· :~~. i 1 .

For lmmlwotiOn O~IGI

••• ?":' ,: •• •:'<: I

::, iqi ijM.~~~H~~- ·~~;~,;~~Mf~,;q~ ~~n1~ . ; ~ · · !;".;·.· .. ,::: iJ :11:; ,_:..~·:!~;,;: ''! ... '

. -.:: ~. ·;: ·. .., ..... { .... ·. l. The stu<lenl (Qeck one)•

iAl 0 Did not register personalfy at !hi$ scha<d within 60 clays of tha dale expected;

. . .. ~

,•·:·• '..'.;" -''(.8)'"0,) '"-ce'lf.inl:IJI~sH!lo,n.a fuR cour•e of study ·or i$ offending dgsses to a .1~1set eldent than normally requ.ll"9<:! (explaln lo ~marf<s). ,, .... ,,.-,,_:··i!{q:d/T"I\m11(1c:it~!OJ:!ilildbni:e at th!s ;schciol·before ~ompJetlon .. of.tlurse!l'est~~· ···''"'' ·;::-•: ... ; ~- ;::.·,•.-;··.:•<:·· -.in'<'J j'"'l"' '' ·-': :/' ·e.;

.:1:~::~--~·::~~.~~;~-~:.:;e~:~~a: ~;ij~~~t~t,~:t~~~t~i~~~~,-~~~!~~;~h~~-:~~~:t~ -~~-:~~!/.~:.:·.·:,~ ·.t·:::;~:.:t~::,·;:::···:,':~:;::;~~~~:~:''., ''; . .! .. ~ · f,.,.,_; •>! •.. , . .,...,,,.,,,.._..,."., .. -,-,,..,.,.,.(t:"'·~""·'-.,.., m""'·a"''t"'i<>"'ii"'l:ld"'· ~-i·"'·r"··--:.,.,:•"'.•·....,.., 19!v~t,r~<?I!;W ~ill,W? ifl·:~~~~'"'i''' -:~~''"' ,:\' , ... ,, .. , ·~ ··(·,' .· ., ·'.


•qo npl report·temportrj;· disc;ontlnu~nt~> of Qllen~~··d.urlrs•t:~·Vislt-;abrocid,·pr becauSli•Ofi'd!'JW·IRn$$s ~rtnfqry. l:l<~wever, li·~~f foil~ to resume olfen~ance­this report must be submitted. A student who, on the ba•is of the recommendation of your ,chool, has been authorized Ia accepl employment for practical training· In a f:lt.r-;1t~~~~"fni~H~ti~~,~~~l ~~- S!'fdi~~ i,• :fFc1, !fer

1 1 '~h !oh ~. i~)!l~~,f,e,..~~~c!J,~j,'l!Jr.o lh1 ~f1.uth1 orlzed period of such employment. Please bo guided accoru•u~•1 - n SUQ t 1 ~ re,.-. s .cpncemtug ~·"' tU1 s· w o·: ave·-PUe .. .,..euntuea '"" 1tuu ... 12e~.n· r~radttd ;"91" ng. ·

ol" t>·!:.~J1, U~-t,·~~-~!l:l(~.:.·>.:t ;·!::(!"- :!" , ....... ~,.:·· ,• •; -·~ :,:;r;:_;-,, ... ,o:~;j tC:· .. ~:.~ . .-,\ :-.:.:::.o;~~i .·;:! ... ~ ,1..'.~~,.; ;,~~H tib~.·;? p .. ; t: "·!::c '1Lil~\_.-~ ;"!<!~tt··--~:!· : ., .:.: l'.·.· . .• :

~-;ih; 'f?.!i~ii~ .~~~~R~;;;;)~ ,;.;~t\h~: ~~n~~~~g-.ih_~,:~i~i;nr~~e~r!~~-. ~ . .,: P!~~re~;~~P.!l~.;;· fii~;~~,Y~t~·J,h~!'lt.Q~,t 'i , _, ..• + ,. , ; '·· -~~~ : .. , · , , :·.: .... I~ r_Data<of;_d~~":re_': • · .-·;': l·rort.~f ~~pprture•-· ,. : .. ,., .!• ;+N~e.·~~-~ip~~!.ll~a~:«t~~~ff-~ion·~m~nr·':·~·< ~ : · :.: ..

i%'"7~·,·'•' .. -~,., ., -~:t-···· , . ., ,· ,'- :-.l· ,. _, ... )r,-,_. o) 1'>H'• ;.t: ..... t i"' l J. i',

;···t 'Adckcm··oi;road c•;;:··. . ,., ' ·c•··1•···: · '· . . ,

4. Remarks. ·: :.;

Signature of school official I Title. I Date

FORM 1-208 (REV 1·1·70) Pogo 3

LAARCH 021034

Page 12: 021024 LAARCH - BishopAccountability.org · 2013-01-22 · 9. Injuries, fractures, dislocations, head injuries, or disease of the bones or joints, including arthritis and rheumatism.

March 9, 10 am,

John,. 'i

I ju$t folind out la&t nigl)t (Friday) that Fidencia went to Tijuana Me~ic;:?._· on 'J;hutEiday evenin$• Seems l:hat he· had ~ real tooth p~obl¢m and tlle c;l:~~~st her~ couldn't hanilleit ·for a Weiek.. So he·l,oo}.{ed fcil:. me to._get permi;ssiJ}i'( to go to a dentist in Tijuaga wP:o.coul.d ~ndle it iJDtnedhtely, but couldn't find me •. Toid Domenico to infOi:ntmt!·:( Hl!! di.(f''s'({oi\if'i~~t· ~~t.ii~/''I : .·· forg~t t,o ~ntion· it to you last night during RACHEL. And tll.~·you wi!:JZ~ ·gone today. ·

I've informed Jerry.

I•m not sure if he's come back yet.

Hope things went well in SF today.

·nw 0" ..


. ~ :


P. s. 8 pm, ••• .'Fidenci~ caD:d today.. Has· inflammation

near- "broken tooth". Will most 'likely return

monday after sUJ,'gery •••••

LAARCH 021 035

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: ... I~ ' '

MISl NEROS .DEL ·ESPIRITU S .. VTO ~ .· . : ·~. ': ; __ .

.... · .... . · ... · . -·: · .. SUPE~IOR GENERAL. :

.. ·.. . ~-

MEXICO 2~, D. F, : ·. TEL. S-54-10.18 .. . . ~ .: .

.. ·. • .. . . . • !:

-~ . ~·: .... . .-;

· · .. e·c·· ~.f .. f;i~·'l1l:~·r~r:i;:~~~1~ft~flff~~~:~~~~~!1;t}-'::·:w·~H'!:J.:?:!~m-~:~ti~~~f~~~ .R.P~ Juan A. Grindel, C.M,;\~'!.~.<'· · .. · i.~ ;·:: • ,.St~ John's Seminary. ..'._: .-:.::· :) .. <.:~-- > ~:·i

· · :.~012 East Seminary Road. . · · ·. · Camarillo, California 9301 0. . ., ..

·:·., \· '/'.

·Muy Reverendo y estimado Padre:

Hemos recibido su atta·. carta del 20 de diciembre ·p.p, .. _. ;·~:- _r:,.; .... _·,.,· ,_,, .. _,.,.,_ •• ,.,:'.

Los HH. Guillermo M;3.rtihez Douglas, Fidencio Sim6n :-!.-·:~-n:.•~ .. -.<<: _Silva Flores, Francisco Ponce de Le6n Magaffa, Ra.m6n M. ~ -··::.):·,·i:J··::: .. Mo'\illa y Domenico di Raimondo han sido adri:iitidos en nuestra.·;.:;·· .·.·.!· .. ,·._, ·'·:.:<·-:·:·~::;,~

.:: Congregaci6n de Misioneros del Espfritu Santo como can(U.aa ,· -:·;::-_~·- ;·.:•;;;,·_.\, .. , ........... . • • tos al Sacerdocio. ·· · .· · · ·' -.:-;;;._;,::::,•·::.:.':'.

:; . En viSta.de. que su voc~ion al estado sace~dotal pre- \'Sf~:~>~·,·:·.·.-:··.· .. sen4l indic;ios de aut~nticidad, ?1 Consejci General esta de a..:.,::;·;::~·-~··:·:· . cuetoo en. qi.ie ello$ hagat1 su opei6n .d,efinitiv~ por el c~libatQ-·~·-::-:-~:::s:p:; ... i;j.,,_.,;.-.--?o'"· ==:;·_:;

en o~~~nj.: re.cibir las Sagradas Ordene·s.. . · ·.-:_ .·.<\~: .. ·. <.·::~;({:£:_;/ .

::::~;~¥~;:;!~;j~j:j]~~~~~~~;f{'~X~}t;f:~::J~~f~~~~~$t~·r:'.~~ · es · gra~_- ~.uscribirme como su· afmo. ·he:rmanc), y<,:s~)!')ir-:: }/ . to!- .

•;. I • • (.


•. · .. t . ·;'· .. :·····

. . . ;- 1 : ::~_· .• ~ .... ··: _:·_: . • -~. ·-.~·· ,{':_· . .• . · ... \ ~:- .. ·.. . . . i .

. .· : ;.· : {·. . ·:. . . ·, . . . : _..·\~:·: __ ... ·. . .

• :: ·: • Tt • ' ." ,; _. • • • :· • ~' ~ ·, '. •

:." •'. ~-· ..

·. ·'. .-..... . . . ..

LAARCH 021036

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.. ...

.. ': · .. ·

·-~ . .

..... ·''1•

·' . -:, ~_:.·-~ .... .:._. ·.

-~- .

. . . .....

• . . ~~! : ~· ·.

. . . . ~ ... -~-.

. .. . . ~

· .. ·., .. •:-:·

. :·; .. ;. : ·.:···· .. ·· . . .. . . ... • ·i .: .. .

;-• ... ' ' ' I •'

~ ·-._~: . : .. · .. ·: ·• :.



1510 Cambria St. L.A. 90017 . , .. · M-F 8 a. m. -to 9 P• m. · 626-.7151.

The cambria English-lenguage school is designed primarily·

to heJ_p th~ newly arrived immigrant become proficient in

. Englisll• ·

·· Clas~ea.taught from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m •

Level 7,~•~ university capability •



St. John's Seminary college~ . ·.:

· :-· ·::.; · .. •:. :. ·. ·:. Sister Hilary ...

. ··. :·: . .-·· >.:· . .':"·. 2 hours 5 days a wltek.

Coinplete course on _grammar . an~L writti.ng

· Supplcmcnaar,y course· in language Laboratory. ·


.. ; : ··: . . .. : :. : ... ~

'·. .. .·.·. Oxnard High School • : 0 • ~ ·.:;: • • ... :\.. • • •, •• ••

. ·,,. ·.· · .. :: ~ ..... .. . . , ·. _: ~- . . ...

. . ··· .: "" .

. ' . . . . .

~ .. ;_··.:·;· ..

,• .,

Directed reading and.compos~tion skil~s.·



. ...

LAARCH 021037

Page 15: 021024 LAARCH - BishopAccountability.org · 2013-01-22 · 9. Injuries, fractures, dislocations, head injuries, or disease of the bones or joints, including arthritis and rheumatism.

- ....

December 20, 1973

Th$ Very Reverend Rafael Mlrco, 11.Sp.S. Provinci~l Superior c/o The Reverend Jose de Jesus 11adera. M.Sp.S. Our Lady of Guadalupe Church

· 500 North Juanita Avenu~ Oxnard, California 93030

Dear Father r~rco:

Enclosed are the petitions of five men ":rho are seeking Admission to Cand.idacy for the OrderG of Di.aconate and Priesthood. The faculty vote follows after their name;

GuillelimO ~mrtinez Douglas

Fidencio Simon Silva Flores

Fra.ncieco Ponce de Leon 1-fu.gana

Ramon M. Mot ills.

Doma.nico Di Raimondo











1 abstention

1 abstention

1 abs tent'io1.1.

All of thesa rreu have shown themselves to be very fine ~andidates for the. p1.:iesthood; l .am. very happy to recommend their petitions to you.·

Renee, if you see fit> Father, I ask that you approve tb~se five men for Admission to Cartdidacy.

Also, Fath6r 1 l will need Dimissorial Letters from you permitting \ Archbishop Cardinal Timothy ¥.a.nning or v1home.ver. he might delegate to

per£?~m the liturgical rite of admission.

The ceremony for Admission. to Candidacy is scheduled for Thursday, Janua~7 24, 1974.



Sincerely yours in Christ,

John A. Grindel, C.M. Rector

LAARCH 021 038

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:-.. :·-

··, ..



·, ..... - .

. · .. . :·_··-::_. ... ·.

.. · ... i. __ .. ·




Seminarian for· the Archdi'oe~ of Loa Au.ele~~


. ST. JOlti'VS WOR: SEltlrWtY . . . . ':•''. . .;: : ,···· "\ ...


.. ·.;· .. . .... ·- q: . j

.. '

.. . . , · . st·Tr·~: .. ':·:··· · ,,_·::~i ~in:d~~~si'~61{: :. . · · 'j;n~Jlt~-~-s~~': . ·. ·

~.,....,..-~~~~ -··-·--- .. ,-. -.-··-·-


; · ... ·. :·: .·.: ..


. .. ·- _;. :r-- . -.--·--.

. ·. -··; ..

··.:· ·.'· . . . -;. : _·,.:.

;...:...,:! ·..:..'·,·.:..,·' J.o...· ;....' .,.....,..+· ·;.;...·. ::.-;·· --"'-.......;...;.:.;....:....::...,~'----:_ }ir61_.1~· ~~ •. .:...·· ~· --""'~~-. ...,. ... .,.... ~---...,..._·· ,?1#.~· N6·~··· ... '"'"'. ··~'---,--'~~,....;...........-',-~..:.... ,~. :·.·:.\ <),. __ .• ·....... ~ :; . . .-··:::_:: . ., ... _. .. __ ; . . :: ,· '~\_:~~;>·, '. . . •. .. . .·

.. : -.~ .. ·-.' ·.:



1. · i¢·dil"· !st~e· ·· a.idfUI or aiiliCU:tt W-l.aatioil· ~$.·~~;;4i~sf,:_;· ·:. · : ;· ;o. :·_··r .-, __ ; .. _,·:: l:-' ·


.Not· a;~Y.

Not a-py,

Np~ a,iiy~ · .

. · .· N0t.- ·any.-

s~ ·t#r.e· fo'q ·ever ,~ ·told yriu ha.~e ailllititir!:. o·~ · S4ta~,· · .iti' the. uritie; or lia:ve you· ever ~ inSll,l,in·?__,--:-n_o...,· ______ ..,._ ___ ~---~-

LAARCH 021 039

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:,_ .·



· ....

9. Injuries, fractures, did~tions, head injuries, or · disease of the bones or joints, including att:hrltia and rheumatism. ·

10. IJJnesses: (Answc:r "yes" o.r "no")

a) 1#ve yqu, ever had Olild!l~ diseases!·

Measles ( yes . '~:cken-p(;i ( n~ :)

) . Mumps ( yes . ) . J!.):iet'~?.~~ ~~~ ( no tf ~er is "yes," give details'-· __ ...;WIL~.._· ..!<.t.!Jh~Ot.:.:uL..!t,_-. --.:.;C~.<.O~.Ltllil' . .i'~!.!.+~t-tp~a~o..~t"'110.1'0.1Jn~12~.-· .... .....,.· -----,,_.---------'---

· ... -. .. -· ' ..

· ..

·.·_-_ _-~ ~- l_~'_·. __ ~_-__ .:::-_ ._.d:·_~:·~ •. ~: __ ·_·:_:_;_es·-··_vr __ ,:--:~·e_·_·_._:.'.~~ .• -_.c··_o_a ___ :·_.:e:•_-.... _"_:il_······s·ev_v_·_--~_:::·-~:·_. __ ._·_·_e::_"_-_ .. ?:··~:-.: __ •_._:_._hi.~-.-.. -r.:·_~---kil-a_-_~_._··.·,:··c·._~--·wo· '_.•-~.---_·:··.n·_._-_._-.-_-.• ~.o;_ •.•. ·_: __ ·.·_:_·~-o~·-··-·-.·_:> •. o_,··:r·:· ;_ ···•· s¥_--_t_:·_g .. i··._--~? ( _n:o.:.) . - . . . ~ vu ~ ~- ~~;~. · ;;~q;;~~~#~.:-~}:.nb;. · ) .. . . l.f: .. _ ... _ ..... -r. ~p t's ···y.:-.~_. __ .;..,m_' ' -,_, · . . · .... ·'.· · ..... .-·.

~"~ ~ ~T~~~~~~~~.~ .... --~~+'~···~·~-~-~~~~~~~-~-~~~~~~--: =-·.-: __ _. .. :: . . ·-··

. ·,. : .:. ... ~ ~ . ;'• -_ -.'. -.,: ·, ' . : •' : ... ·· .. ·

. . .

lriuri~dom: _(.Aii.~w~~ ~·ret:~ or. ··.n:~;,) ..

ry. 1 973• Hav-e yOu, ~er bJn ~unl%~ {or t~tis? ( 'Have yQu ~en vaccinited for s~pox?. · ( }Jave yo\i received . ~nr· other . immnnitations.? . (

Kind: .

yea) ~- . Z years ~.J:d.· .,·::. yes·. ) . When .. 23 Y. eats ~)- tL •h;.. no .)

. _- '\Vlteu ...... __,___.___ ___ -'--+~: _______ ___:_ :·.

Have you had p0Uo vacci.Ile? ( no ) ... U the answer ·is ,;yes"-, ·&6-w many shots?· ( J Have you ever ~periencecl ~ ~r•v~tab1e ietel:iort to ~jciUin ( no )'

1_4; ~des: ·flave fOil any cbtQrtic; d!~lltyl.,:f'~~-~ ~p~~-_...-. ..... _,.uu,:......;;;;.,__.....,.,..-,-..,-.,..__,.-~.-,.,....-,----. . . . . . . ·. ':

LAARCH 021 040

Page 18: 021024 LAARCH - BishopAccountability.org · 2013-01-22 · 9. Injuries, fractures, dislocations, head injuries, or disease of the bones or joints, including arthritis and rheumatism.

16. fuve you ever had a "nervous brea.lcdovn," a ·rest trea~c:;nt,· or. ht~ you ever been under the are of ~

psychiatrist? Explain. -----.l.l.~------~-----------~---------

17. Is thet:e any family history of tubereulosis? __ --Al~o.,._......,._. _ _.... ______ _,_ ____ ~~~-

18. .Is ther~ any fa:~Uy history of epilepSy?'-· ---'-41-.t:.---..._..___·_· ·---..,~----------­

.Details of 1,bo'Ve history:---:------:-----:""--::----~---~-----------

···I#t ~~--.!!~~o;:,.rm:!l!.a.~l=---""= .... -

.. ~is~ d-e· · ·»azfin~J1 · ..i ~t ~ · _: t-rorina'i ·-it8-:hl:>eat ·· ·:tjaf.•ra_~]·+ : :iffi_~·~·-· ·.cu.· __ .. _:_:_.;_.j __ ~.·-~;t~_'i_-ll_·.t~·.

·,:Jiai.: " . - -----: .-.: :.-;.: ~ •" . :_ ·_ ~- .

. -. , .

. 7. A.tiy)~~ormaJiti~ oi~~ ~n¢s> j~ntS, ()r n1usel~ ?-...:-~""""-l~._._,--'.-~-'--~-"------'-----'-'-'·.:.......__--'--~-s. Aqfev~·~en~e ofr~pira~~.it~ pat~~logy? ___ . Al~:J,U·....__""'-',_-:-_ _.;. ______ ~--~--'-:---...-9· ~e ratt: SitHng 80 l{ . ;: · Inlai.ediatdy· i.ftet, e:tetqs..,.e,_ _ ___.___..._,l~OLlo~xiL..:·l.._'_· ·-~-

: 2 ··};('~~~ $iter cxerclKi · : B o x 1 :.·

10. Blcxxl pressure:' Sit~~g liO ...... ·eo. I~atdy uter e';xe~dse --...l1-c::?:;.O.I-:-"-::..·...(8;uD.;_;..···----

11. 0? you fi_nti ,an~ mo/~ur,_ it~~_.& ·:~~ff; ~r· 9th~r cmdt;nce of cudio.vi$(U.(~r patliol!)gy:;?c,.....-~----.:.·__,_· ~-~-.:;;N~o:.....;..,__ __ ..;__ ___ :__ _____ ~---

.. 12. Any ni~cnce ol abdoinirial ~~o~~~?··---N<&r-:----------"--------,--:.,.._._,...: __

n. Is a b~ni~ pres~t?'If :to; is I t:tti~ .;i~(n ?..,....:..--'-:~·.N"'o"", ...:' :---:--~~-.;____:,.. __ _._--'-------i"{. Any' evt~~~c-.c>f ~~~o-u;inart, pithb~oty·?_·~._.,.,-~;..,.0__.. •...,.....--.:. _ __,_ ___ ........;_..;___...;.._ ______ _

1 '· · A~i .ll:h~oriP,~U~i~. <if#!~ ~e.rv~ili #s~~ · indtidiilk·tefl~t:S ~~~r hili~ii,>iiill <;oiiillH9ns?_· ·-.:.N"'o=-·.._· ·--------~------:-------

·16 .. · AQ{eviden~~ pf i~c~6u~rri.'.d~g·.~~'Jidi0f1; · synoop~ sjphillis, epiiefi~•· petit or grtncl?---:---:-.I.U;I..,.._ ______________ __... __

LAARCH 021 041

Page 19: 021024 LAARCH - BishopAccountability.org · 2013-01-22 · 9. Injuries, fractures, dislocations, head injuries, or disease of the bones or joints, including arthritis and rheumatism.


Report of X·Ray of chest, talcenL-_______ ---!2:::4:t....:-~·~··.:.:·-I~Y~·-;:.:·~:;!..~ _· __,1~9z...7L7.t...tt'-------'-----Date

V i). __ Iti;.. Ttst;, _ _,.....___,__,1~2~· . ~·"'c.:.' ,.I..~..V~:· -=-·"""'.1...,:;9u.7_.3u.·....-­. ))ate

·.· t1riiia.l11I_ .: ·.s. :_:~. :.....:.· __,.....,;..:...· -=1:.:::.2..:...·· ·-=-·: ·;..=l:..:,V.,.;-. "".::..·'· ·:,...:·1~9:..!:.7¥-3.;...~ ·_· ,----''----"

·:nate. ·"

., . . : . . . . ~ . .· . .

Netat;tve •


DC$cri~ all abnor~a} 6n4io.~ i~ • detail:,_.,-;-___ __.:,:-""~---'-"':---'-.:..__~--~"""""'-~"""-___:.-'--..:......,....,-



. ; ~~~~<.t,~r:•r:::*t~!nel th• ~~~ •p~li""' R~' ••· ,.,; L ''i~. <nd

;~ '.G~dc:i~i~~~ ji~:·~t~1Cu. . . ·.·. . ' • ' ..... . •nati: ·~d name Of ~tK!l ftbm Whim. eradii;t~· .. :1..:.. "'"'":-~JJ.lo.J..:j[JUr.;:,aLJc;W~~~~!J!J~qilL,t::!:.,..:~~.,:...:...i:c·.:.......:_

. . .

AttENTiON :EX.ul1NiNc PHYSICIAN . .· . . ... .. . . . .

Please ~o NOT give this examioatioa blank to the stUdent, but ~d it dircXtly to

The Ve.t1 .R.evet~d Rector s~ J~~n·s ~~ . . . . . . ...,_..:;;\..;;·•• . ;,..._,.;5012 East Seminary Road ~WO·· o.,.;&~llOfntl . · . ·.· · .

. . :' . . ~i~.bl 0 .

LAARCH 021042

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i I



LAARCH 021 043

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. . ~·:

··,, .,: ___ ;_)f·"

LAARCH 021044

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. .

What was the last grade succ~fully completed?~--'-----~· What degrees 9.6 yQu have?-"---"-,--.......;.-~-

·w_hat was the over-all· a.vera'ge grade in y~ur :;tudi~? · . . . A,:. . {B).· .. c . : (¢(R<±~ oNE'r . . ·:. '/· ........ '

D . .;._ ..

·~ "·' -'·~-•·,.:; .,··

LAARCH 021 045

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~ ,. ·,:

J -~· ...

. . . .

· Ex•I$LJGIOlJS· ~ ~•SE~~

. ~ •. ~.~··m"ti::~'l~C!·. >ipznutLitYi'R+::+~ ·a.:ctw,~l!oriiltt'·~~toQt:i..~~+~~~~-tq~l8~~.,;..,..;,..~~+~~' lS.P.~i ~~~~~~~;-~'d;t.ea.I-· > · ·

Missioners :.df ·-thei .aoly· S;Pi:r;-it • ..... ; .· . . - .. ' . · .. _, . . . .·. . ·. . ~ . . . . : ~ . ' . ·. .. . ·.. .


LAARCH 021 046

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· · H~v~ y~ ever ~ · ~ rilbt~~-of th~ Aiin~ &z.vi~ ~i ·rt;~ UJ);A._?.c..· ·'-:-· -'--1~~0'-· •'-· · "-'-'--· -' .. -,-:.___.._~~~;.::.....,.._;_.:;....:..:.__ ¥fu~t: ~ yqlir ~fuM • in tegar~, to futur~ .urlll~ service

•. - '.

\-v¥.t. l>i:anch 0~ the ~xvie~ r·.!-' ~-'---~-~~

LAARCH 021 04 7

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~. nct,~neto sf.mon suva P, 0, lirht 31;;.301 · ·

. <lP.•~t.•Jira· h. JalbC:<i. M~4:~l?· .

. ~- :-

~P:"£Jt;:,. ~~ ;w;~~:/~;~~~.!',~t;~ .. d;

. sti1c~r9ty.·.f.a\ili•· J.n.=:¢hl:tllt:, ·.

John A. Gt:i.ndel. ·a.M. ~e~l:ot

cct Rev. Jose ~~ Jesus Madera, ~.sp.s,

LAARCH 021 048

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··· ..

·"'~ : J • •• '

. .. F. ··•r . : .. 1 1 Parroquia de

Ntrr. Srp. del Perpetuo Socorro ' • . m. 35-76-01

ASUNTO: Acta Matrimonial. IJ!ULOHWI. 38 . COL CUAUIITEMie _. 11maJ. D. f.


En la.· ~gle.{!ia· Parroquial de Nuestra · Senoraq.el Perpetuo ·

Socorro de la Ciude.d de Mexico, Dlstri to. Federa;l, a l~s. quincE

d!as del mea· ·d~ Julio de mil novecientos cuarenta y· nueve', :7-

el Padre Anton~o Rodr!guez, c.sS.R., Vical:'io Oooperador·de ·la.:.

~isma, a:sist!J a·l ~~rimonio canonico qu~ ln facie Ecoleeiae' y-

. por p~labras de pre sent a oontrajeron el. REDACTED


Reo~:Pfe;o~.··.l~e bepdio!ones nupoia.lee f!egun la coatumbre-. .

de la Iglesia. y fueron testlgos o pad~inos prr: eieno-ialea .·del Ac . ~: .... • I .



LIBRO 1 Aote. 27 Fojas 7 vuelta.

Contrato Civil. Ofioial.ia . 7a. Acta; · 1g1. Libra: 4. Julio 4 de 1949.-

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·nay fe. El Pai;>roco •

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I- •••

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~ihtria jftja bel ~agratio QI:ora~6n !le Jenun, . · Qcoionia <!E~trella; ji). jf. · ----------~--~~---

· B~ Ma ..... l4.--~---~e:-,-~ .. .m~:r.~&: .... ,: ... :.-.......... ~~,-----~-----.'6t t9S.D. •. re~ibi<? tl

Santo Sacramento 8e Ia CoHQirj/taciou Jc mai;os J~l E:xcmo. v lZevmo . . Seiior 'Qoctor

V J. ; A . T. ; 1;. ,. . r;! • . 0 -- It . r.· £?". ... .o.ae •• ).,l.e ... v.e.su.s. •. ·£.!'1-Xl.q.u.ez •. .y ... .u?~a-ve------········"········.-,-·-·· tm .... mn .. o.. ama\'-.Q ..

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St • John t s Haj or Seminary Camarillo


Name of Seminarian _ __.jB:.wr...:o~. _..F'*:i..l;;l? . .:::e.:.:n~c..:.i~o~·..:.~:-:i;.,:~;.l.;:~.v:JOa~..~.~t~r .... s.LIPJ...·~·c::: .. .._. __

Name o£ Supervisor _ __.R._e .. v ..... ::.-:J_.a.._m.,e~s ...... c......,.; ~G:;;.;e;;;o~h~l;;;.. --~----

Name and Address of

:Placement Unit

Assi~ent Dates

Reach OJ.t Retreats

Octo:t>er 1 74 · to Aprl.l 1 75

I. How doe~:~ seminarian relate to: . A. other ~ members?

t'eam Very Well.


p. 62

Other people ilx~,;qM~~~R"k4oof on the retreat: Very well.. Ml.xed \oo7ell

· both with students and chaperones.

II. Performance· A. In relation to demonstration o! re~ponsibility, initiative,

crea,tivity,. mattirity, ganer'osi:ty, willingnes$ to learn? Possesses much of the last two of these areas: Very ·generous with hl.s tlme to those on. the retreat;· and an extreme wl.ll:i.ng.ness to learn.

B. In relation to those areas in mu.ch he needs to gr.ow? . Although I. saw much. improvement tn this, Fidencio needs to continue to make a real effort to go out to other people.

c. How does he follow through on his goalsf .What he dec:tdes to do he follows through very well o.n.

IIT. Supenrisory Conference A. His· prep:u"a:tion ;arm readiness .:fCJr these conferences.

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) FIELD EDUGll.TION' EVALuATION, continued p. 63

B. Estimate the value o£ these conferences to seminarian and supervis cr.

rJ. General ;ating o! qemJ.nari~m . .A. What do ·you· thirik are his strong points? ·

Although·Ftd~mcio i.s quiet and unassuming ·generally,. his personality has a real impact on people. This was proven over and. over during the course of the retreats. His gent.leness :i.s a real.attri.bute. He also is most creative tn many ways. ·

B. What do you think are his weak points? As I have m~nti.oned already, J b.elieve i.t would be good for hirn.to C9ntinue to go OUt to people, to meet peo.ple, to speak ·to people. This i.s a.n area that conti.nued growth would be benef;tcial.

C. Satisfactory? Unsatisfactory?

V. Suggestions: It was great having. Fl.dencio on our Reach Out Retreat team this year. He had a real posltive inf luenc~, not only on the young people mald.ng each r·etreat ·-the :r~~reatants-, but a,ls.o on the team :i.tself •. His great· atd.tucie and prayert"ul persohal,ity added· mu~h to the ~eam. :-:.:. ~-

-~e,r~~~ OS . attire of SuperVisor

VI. Seminarianrs written response:

Signature of Seminarian

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) ·~ i)

II ,, .n 11 II

. ·-,.

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·.. '\ ..

St. John r s Major Seminary Camarillo


p. 62.

l~ame or Seminarian --~----.~F~l~·d~e~n~c~l~·o~-S~i~lv~a~·~11~·~Sup~S~~~----

Rev William A~pling Name of Su.perv.l..sor --~~--~--~------~~--

N,am~ and Address oi · · · P1aeeniemt 'Unit .ao.x zos

Ass·ignmen:t · riates ·

I. How does sem:lnarian relate to: · :·A.·. Other stait merilb$~a? .

. ... . ·.:.;.

· ·. , · ·Ye~y .well.· The· seminarians and I xelate: wen··t:O one. ~nother. At the outset we ·agreed that positive criticism wbuid always be in o~der. ·I like to say that the four of us are·"cf?mmtm,i.tyl'.

B.·. Qt~er .. p_e9P.1e in: the·pari:Sh;· .. agericy,·:·institution:? · · · · ·: · ··t'he people, adults·&:· young' people> 'think highly o{ Fidencio. He

. obviously loves them -a:ll; thii:vshows in his ·attitude, his presentation, etc. The Reverend Pastor thinks well of the boys, also.

II. Perrormanc~


A. In relation. t·o demonstration of responsibility initiative creativity, maturity, generosity, willingness to learn? '

Excellent. Please see back sheet!

B. In relation to thos13 areas in -which he needs to grow-?

I have learned more from· the Seminarians than I have taught them. I think they ought to answer this question about me.

C. How does he follov-r through on his goal~?

The boys always have a plan ,for each evening, and follow it exceptionally well. After. the conferences are over (between Seminarians & people), the boys & I discuss their plan; its realization, etc. They do very well!

Supervisory Conference · · A. His preparation and I:OO.di'neaa for these co~~ences . -·~:·"¥ ..

Since we meet every single Thursday night;!rthert: is not much need for extensive_ preparations. He is quite willing to accept advisefrom me. and from his peers. Really, I am amazed; we work as though we were one!

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Responsibility: He is terribly responsible, Hw ta'kes the work very seri:ously.

Initiative: His approa~hes.a.re.va:vied, interesting; probing. I find them stimulating, and so do the·i>oys he ''rap~ 11 with.

Creativity: The creativity is something that us·uaH}ds worked out cooperatively· between Fiden:ctx) and Domeni~o~ Their basic appro~~h is to see God as a loving Fathe·r •.. tci ·~oye J:~~.u._s, Ch:rist~ to·b~{·~·~si ~itli the


priest and not a:f:f:afd of him. They want the kids to. r.ea;Uy. lqye: ,the priest~. fo:;- .th.Jl.~t .rea..son .. be and. Domenica ·are alW:ays warning'.ine. ·Of

things that might go against this. e~ g. scolding the bors in church • . ···

Maturity: Although they are playful at tiii:Jes, they are· always, m~tu;re :i.p it. They ha:....e done,m,a:J;"e £o.r .this.· parlshin<thr~:e'months than I h~ve d~~~ i-q lB.

Generosity: An example or two: During exai:'nine1:tt6n week tP.ey ~~uld n~'t c.oo:ie on Thursday, but rather than cancel it ci[tO·g~th~r, they ·came the following nigllJ. They -a~?: a~ so. going to com~ .. <;luring th!'l ·remaip.der of their }).oliday .•

Willingness to -learn: W~.· ha~ve tried to ·e~chan--ge :atid shaxe.'.the di:ffererices in the . ·, . !'.;.American"-.app;ro~:ch and tile ll¥exic~n 11 ?-P,P:t:oach ~·teaching, counselling,

e.~. :[..beJi,eve i}le has accepted ev:e:ry. single suggesP,:on .I have made.

::J·: ·:··;.:· .. ·,.··~-

j . '•... ~ . .

• _i

.. ~

··- , r ':.:.


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Name of Senrlnarian

) St. John's Major Seminary



Fidencio .Silva --~------_.----------~----------

Name of Supervisor __ .,_..._R_e_v_._w ... i ... l_l_ia .... m_A_P..,.P_l_i_n_g ______ _

Name and Address of

Placement Unit

St. Francis Church

First & Central Ave


Ass.ignment Dates· la'Q 1 914

I. How does seminarian relate to: ·A. other Staff members?

Very well.

to_. __ ~M~a4.~~~J~9~Z~4 ____ _

B. other peopl.e in the· parish, agency, institution?

Very ·well._

p. til

II. Performance A. In relation to demonstration of responsibility, il'l,iti.ative,

creativity, maturity, generosity, willingness to learn?

~ felt the.men did well in all of t~e above ca~egories---particularly generosity.

B. In relation to those areas in which he needs to grow?

With regard to the work he did here, I can not suggest any specific area in which he needs to grow.

c. How does he follow through on his goais?

Very well.

III. SUpervisory Conference P... His preparation il.nd readiness for these ·conferences.

We had a conference each we~k; so the preparation on the part of ·all of us was minimal. The M.Sp.S s~in~rians were very open; very willing to·accept suggestions; very ready to defend their own ideas if they thought they should.

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'. . ) FJELD EDUCNfiON EVLLU.!n'ION, continued p, 63

B. Estimate the value of these conferences to seminarian anq supervisor.

I believe they were valuable to both parties. hxUxtiffi~ttex~xibi:x:mdocRXi:K.Xriruoorllxpxa:e:tixxix


IV. General rating of Seminarian i-.. What do you think are his strong points?

Creativity in the way he spoke and made his presentation. Especially many adults commented on the way he spoke. He was also generous with his time, talent, etc.

B. What do you think are his weak points?

I don't know, I am sure he has them, though.

C. Satisfactory? Unsatisfactory?

fc=========== v. Suggestions:

· Signature of · 'erviso . ·

VI. Seminarian's ,u;itten response;

Signature o.t; Seminarian

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I ~ f-

FIELD EDUr .• ATIO'N EV!.I.UA ... lON, continued p. 63

B. Estimate the value of these conferences to seminarian anq ~upervis or •

To Seminarian: I think Fidencio gains from our weekly encounters. We always spend time going over .the evening, preparing for the evenings to come. And then always spend time in spontaneous prayer. Its great for

tv. Ger1eral rating of Seminarian · A. What do -you think are his strong points?

His abitity to speak interestingly to the young people on subjects that are important to ·them, His appreciation of the role of the Holy Spirit in our spiritual lives is rem·arkable. ·

B. '\'hat d-o you think are his weak points? It is hard to find any, but if I am pressed, I guess I would say that he has difficulty sometmes in terminating useless conversations not really necessary (for example 'after the conferences),

C. Satisfa-ctory?

v. Suggestions~

Unsatisfact ary?


Bring some more like him and his companions,

Their presence has done more for me than I could ever express, I know this isn't the purpose of their. mission, but it is true none­the- less. I hope other seminarians are willing to benefit by and learn about "community"

Signa:t.ure of Supervisor from our three M. Sp. S. men.

Seminarian t s Yn'i tten response:

Signature of Seminarian

LAARCH 021 059