00 ICP310 Preface

SAP AG 2000 ICP310 SAP Apparel & Footwear Solution (AFS) Sales & Distribution


SAP AFS Apparel and Footwear Solution ICP310 training course

Transcript of 00 ICP310 Preface

Copyright 2000 SAP A! All rights reser"e#!
$either this training %anual nor any part thereo %ay be passe# on to others' opie# or repro#ue# in any or% or by any %eans' or translate# into another language' or any purpose without the epress prior onsent in writing o SAP A! *he inor%ation ontaine# in this #ou%ent is sub+et to hange an# supple%entation without prior notie!
All rights reser"e#!
-.3 Client . Ser"er 
F orlow
5/ 5uality /g%t
SAP208 SAP -.3 "er"iew
Apparel an# Footwear (AFS) i%ple%entation tea%
%e%bers with eperiene in sales' usto%er ser"ie an#
I*' who are responsible or setting up the #e%an#
%anage%ent in -.3 SAP Apparel & Footwear Solution
(AFS) #uring the i%ple%entation proess
Duration8 ; #ays