0 G . VE . N M ENT GAZETTEgoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/6465/6465-49-SIII-OG.pdf · 2010. 8....

'" '\ e 'Goa, 4th December, 1964 :1 All correspondence referring to announcements and subscription of Government Gazette must be addressed- to its administration office. Literary publications will be advertised free of charge provided two copies are offered. . D . Toda a correspondencia relativa a. anul.lcios e a assina- tura do Boletirn Ojici.al deve ser diriglda a Adminis- tral;8.0 da Jmprensa Nacional. As pubJical;oes literarias de que se receberem dois exemplares allunciam-se l .gratuitamente. SERIES III No. 49 SUBSCRIPTION R<\TES -' A:SSINA'TURA YEARLY fi:l\.nuaI) HALF-YEARLY ( SemestraI) QUARTERLY (TrimestraD °All 3 series \ (As 3 series,",/ Rs. 40/- Rs. 20/- Rs. 16/- Rs. 20/- Rs. 24/- Rs. 12/- , Rs. 10/- Rs. 12/- Rs. 18/- Rs. 9/- Rs. 8/- Rs. 9/- I Series . II Series III Series Postage is to be added when delivered by mail':.... llcresce 0 porte quando remetido pelo corr'eio i' i I I G . VE . N M ENT GAZETTE BOLETIM Government Press Notice The subscribers to the Government Gazette «Boletim Ofi- .cial» whose subscription terms end this year, are hereby noti- fied that they should renew the same by remitting the due .amount, so as to avoid any interruption in its dispatch. When the postal registration fees are not covered up, the ,subscribers will not have a right to receive any issue which they might have missed, when the Government Press (Im- prensa Nacional) can produce evidence that it has dispatched "the same issue. ....................... tOt "" """"" GOVERNMENT OF GOA. DAMAN AND DIU Secretariat Administration Department Administration Office of Sanguem Section of Comunidades Notice ALberto de Lima Fernandes, Administrator in ,charge: • I mak1e it known :t;h:a;t as the 'eIootion IOf ithe members of ,the Admin'iJstrative Boavds of tihe Villages Communities of too taluka should be pro,ceerded with, for the ,three years period from 1965 to :1967, members of the VHla,ge Comml\lllities (Olmun1dades) aru:l major shareholders from each one of :thos'e, are hereby convened to meet at tihe house of its on the day and at hours, given beJow, to ,carry Oill WIth the same elections: • For ,the [of the wttorn.ey 3Jnd his ,dieputy: ;20th 'December 1'964 at 10 a. m,.: TIle Oommuni!ty of Netor- lim. 120th IDecember 19'6,4 at 1'2 a. m,.: The Co:r:nrnunUy .of"Jruqui- -Nundem ,2Qth De(lemOer 19'64 at 3 p. m.: CO'lIlI!llunit1otf As!tagrar. '27th De,cem'ber 1964 at 10 a. m.: The Oommunity of R!ilVona. 21th December 1964 at 1i2 i't. m.: TIle Comm'llni!ty of Co- lomlba. '27th iDe l oemil5'er 1964 at 3 :p. m.: Comtrnunity of Curdi. For lelectilon of treasurer member a,nd his deputy by 20 major s'hareho!llde:rs: -:28th tDe'cem;ber 1964 at 10 a. m.: The ColIll!llunity of ABita- grar. e Sanguem, 25th November, 1964. ---< The Administrrutor in charg'e, de Lima Fernandes. OF,ICIAL da Imprensa Nacional Aviso -a os assinantes Os assinantes do «Boletim Oficial» cujas' assinaturas ter- minam no ano corrente sao de que as devem reno,'ar, remetendo a tempo a importancia respectiva, a fim de nao sofre'r na remessa. Os assinantes que nao paguem 0 registo do correio nao terao direito a exemplar que lhes falte quando a Imprensa N acional possa comprovar que fez a remessa. ... ...... V" ........... ,.. ......... ... GOVERNO DE' GOA, DAMAO E 010 Secretitria Departamento da Administratao Geral do Concelho de Sanguem SeCliao d'as Comunidades Edital Alhel1to de Lma Fernandes, servindo' de admindlstmdor: Fago s'8lber .que tendo de Sle p,I'Io:cede'r a daIS membros das junitas adn1iinistrativas oos ,CIomunidadesl deste' concelha, p'ara funcionaI1em dur'amite 0 triienio de 19'65 a 19'6,7, sao con- 'voca(JJas: as ,comunidades 'e os: 2.0 maiores interessa,dols de cada uma rd:e:1as, para, l'eunindo-'sle na ,casa das suas sesso,es nJos mas e hOl1as :iIn;fra ILevarem ,a 'eieito ,a mesma el1eiga,o: Para dOl procurador Ie seu swpLente: 'Nio ,diia 20' de Dezembro de 11'9'64, as' .1.0 bioJ:1as: Aoomunidade de Netorlirm. 0 No di,a 2.0 die Diezem-brOi de 1,964, as 12 hovas,: A co:munidade die Jiaqui-Nundem. No dua 2.0 de Dezembro de 19'&4, as 15 hOMS': lb comunidade de AstagmT. ' - No dia 27 de DelZembro!die 1964, as :10 bio'ras': A comunidade de Rivona. No <Ua 27 de DeZiembro de ,1964, as 1'2 horas: A ,cQrounidade de Colomba. No diia 2,7 de de 1964, as T5 :bio'vas: Acomunida.de de Curdil. Plara eIeigaJo dOl vogal ,te:soureiro e se:u pelos 20 maio!l:1es interessados: 0 Dia 28 de Dez'embro de 19 1 64, as 1.0 bioras: A 'c'Omunidade de Asltagrar. .' Sanguem, 25 de N'ovembl'lO' de '10964. ---< Servindo de Admi- nistrador, Alberto de Lima Fern'lJIndes .

Transcript of 0 G . VE . N M ENT GAZETTEgoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/6465/6465-49-SIII-OG.pdf · 2010. 8....

  • '" '\


    'Goa, 4th December, 1964 :1 All correspondence referring to announcements and ,,~ subscription of Government Gazette must be addressed-

    to its administration office. Literary publications will be advertised free of charge provided two copies are offered. .

    ~ D ~ .

    Toda a correspondencia relativa a. anul.lcios e a assina-tura do Boletirn Ojici.al deve ser diriglda a Adminis-tral;8.0 da Jmprensa Nacional. As pubJical;oes literarias de que se receberem dois exemplares allunciam-se

    l .gratuitamente.


  • 080

    Admi.nlstratiol'!> Office of Canacona

    S .. ction of Com,)\,id"de,


    Vtto;j'a lNia;iJque Des'sa,i, Aidimilll'ilS,tra;ilor:

    I bJel'e:by ma;k1e it lmOIWlll 'that ithe ,el'ectiton 'OIf 'attorneys and .Jtheir deputies: of the Comunidades of this taluka for the func-tilOO1d!nJg d:U'~inig !the :thl'eecooooowtive Y'ears from 19f)5 to 1967 are ,to ,be h'eIlid 'So the s'M

  • c

    i ,\,



    -4TH.,DECEMBER, 1964

    the magazines already choosen for the purpose and of thos'e whtch in future' may be gradually acquhred.

    Art. 14·. The leading ofllie books and the magazines of this s:ectilon shall be a;Ho,wed on prodUICing the identity card! .and on p'a;ymen1; ofo 2, rupees fee at th~ time of :enrolment, which w:>l1 be va:liid fo'r one yea,[.. r '

    § 1 For the pUTlpos:e of preceedmg paragraph, the prod'UJcing of the ,identtty ;catagruo do' ibidhete de iidenltidade e 0 pa;g8lmenrtJo da t:axa de 2 rupila:s n'O aet:o de :i!lls:c,rigao, v:llilida parr UIIIl a;no.

    § 1.0 Para os fins d'O parlligrafo ante!r,ro'r,se'ra dispensada a apresentagao d() hillheJte de iden t~dade, no caso de' a p1essoa que ,pretend1e!r '0 refe'rido emprestimo B'er doco!llhecimento pessoal 'e da Iconl1'iooga do, hihld:oteca,I1io.

    § ~.o A dnsClr~gao e indivrildwale :ilntransmi!s.siVlel, nao pooendo 0'S leiwresilms,cil1iJtos: levrar Ilv:ros OIU rev.istas \SIeIl8,O para. sjJ p,ropriJos.

    § S.o 0 prazo do empJ:1€1SItimo de cMJa.' !l:iJvro ,e de 10 diWJ, IiellOv'avel, uma v:ez, POl' igua,l periodo, se 0 liivro nao for re-quilSitado por outro 1e1I1:or, devendo a renovagao do prazo ser fieilta, medtante a !l.Ipves'entag§.o do liIVro na BiJblioteca.

    § 4.° As revris'tas 'sO poderao serremprestadas decrorrildos 15 diJas apOs OIseu 'recebiimen to na Bibli'Ot'eca e 0 prazo de 'emp:l1estilmo e de 8. d~ POI'. cada i'ev.ista.

    § '5.° Par !c'ada Ihnrl'O' ou .reV'ti;s'ta gu!e nao for devol,v.iJao denftro do p,raz'O, cohra,r-se-a a :lll'uLta d~ s'eis, paise. pOll' dia, nos pri-me:iJros '15 di~ ... :lWQ~ a eXp'~raga'O do, plrazo, e de 12 [lallis'e pm-'dita: depots desses '15dJia;s 'e ISe ainda ,espaQa;do 0 pe~odo ce ~30 dias apos a €xrp~ragao do prazo, nii;o for devolvido' 10 liJVro ou re'Vilsta, s'era comunicado 10 f8lCltIO a lC'amaTa, pam os f:i!ns dB. sua ,cobranga clOel"Ciiva.

    § .6.° No, ,caslO de extravilo ou delt~riQJrag§Jo de qUJailquerr IBspec'iJe lemprestada slera CIOhrado IO: respectivo 'c'U!S1Jo e airnda a mul'ta no caso de e%travi'O, nao se fa21enido m'a,is' ·emp:ves-timos a'O leiitolr 'resp orrsla vel.

    § .7.° 0 ,produ:t'O de·empresrti!mos: de qUie s'e tra;ta :e, bern assim qrua,lquler 'outra qUJantiia des,tinada para 'ess'e fim, ser-vtra para n'O:vas aqu.isdlgoes: des1tinadasa i8ecgii;0 da liedltu.ra Domici'liarila.

    M,a;pug.a, 20 de No'Vembro de 111964, --'0 Presidente, Antonio Pint'o dJo Rosario .

    • Camara Municipal de Canacona

    Edita'i n.o 7

    DDutor Vitola N!l.iique Dessai, presidente:

    PDr testa Camara correm editos de 30 dias' a corrtar deSitJe no B'Oletim. alicwAl, ,citando quaisquer interessados que se julguem com direit'Oa importanc1a de Rps. 2,161/- em divida ao falecido FroancisclO Xavier Barreto, por 'OutrlO nome Fran-cisclO Diogo Gonstancio Quisltodio Barreto, encarregado que foi da :obm da con:strugao do cais na passagem de Sadolcem deste concelho. " '

    P8.Il'a a 'referida iffiportan'cra proVleniente d'O pl1ego daexe-cugao da dita obra e de deposLt'Os ·exastenrtJes no cofre desta Camarae prr€ibendente a viuva do dito falecid6, Sr." Clara de Sa, Tesidente ,em Panli'ei1ondem da fl'eguesia de Na;ga,r,cem--Palolem.

    Pagos Municipais do cDncelhO' de Canac'Ona, em Chauri, 23 de iNovembro de: 1964. -0 presidente, Vitola Naique Dessai.

    ----.... ----Deparfamento de Planifica~ao e fomento

    Direcga'O de Pesca


    A))ea de Pangim

    Faz-se publilGo, que as 10 horarS dOl uta 14 de Dezembro~de 11'964, na Off-shore Sta;tion of thel Dilrectooaue 'Of Fishel1ies, juntlo de ·cais aa; Alfandega, dePangim, sera;o arTemaitadas em hasta publica 'as· estacadas SlOb n.OS de OIrderrnl a 3 (nova;s ~ocalidades) e 1 a 3;1, 33, 35 Ia 138 ('anti:~a8' 100cra:mdiades), plubli-cadOis por av:1sol desba D:i:re:cgao, puhlic:ado nlo Boleti:m Olicial n.O 42, 3,." sellie, de 16 de Outubro die 1964. A ,a;rrematagao e para 0 peI"iiod'O de um 'anlo, j~to e (1~1.-\1'9:65 ta 3·6-'12·-li965), sob 'as diemais ,eondigoes dndicadas no ref,erido laViiso.

    As esta;cada;s ,em '!l.OS 'die ordiem 3:9 a 413 !e 47 ,i'ndJicaJdla:s' n:'O Siobre

  • c


    tendent of Fisherves, D8J~an, of the folloWling looal~tiies of c

    :Dishing stakies Ito ,be given on lease, tior a pemoldi of" three years (.l!965-1.9'67) on the cOIlld;i;t~c"1s l'a'id down iil,the'noti~ f.ic8Jtion lof this Di'r,ecltorate published [l1lthe GovernrilehtGa-2lette no'. 42, series UI, dated 16-10-1H~64.,

    Ne'w iF'ishing slta,kes

    il. Looaltty silltu8Jted nearby the hrokien bridge on the westside, l'equested Iby Ranohod Lalloo and NaI'lana Duibl'a frornD8!llJ.?tn, wjrt;h tlolUr ( 4) iintersp3!cings, (golvas). Basic amoun£ fOl'·biddingRe. l/-per nnterspacing. ,

    2. LOClality situ3ltedt near Vtarwcunda viJ1'8Jge in the lbJ:1anch of DamlU), Rtvar ail: Loma Padha, l'equestedby Lackma SUiffika and· Rrandhod Dang], from Dam:J!im willth (2) two inltersp3!cings '(golvaa). ·},3,asci·camJount for bidding Rie. 1/- pier dntempacing.

    Marn3agoa Area

    !tis hel'ehy made public that on 15th De'cember 19i64 at c 10 a, m .• auction w111 be held at' the Offic:e of the A:ssistant Superintendent lof Fisheriles., close to the' FiSh-M,eal Plant, Baina Vasco, of the locaHties of fishing stakes' mdic'ated !);t S:erial nos. 9 :to 12 (new localities) 2, 14, 15, 22, 27 Ito 32, (old :loe;alities), ,in the notification of this Directorate, pu-blished :in the Gorvernment Ga21etteno. 42, iSleries IIIJ dated 116-,10~~64, so also the belowgi\7'en localities, to be given on llease for a period of one :y:ear('1-1-1965 to 31-12-196i5).

    LOcaJiti'es at serial n.os. 3 'and 19, indicated d:n :the afore-said notificaUon willals'o :be auCitioned on the same day of 15th Dec:ember, 11964, for a peri~od of .three years (1965, to 1:9(7).

    Other terms 'and conditions of lease indicated ,in the afore-said notification win remain unchanged.

    Zu,ari River

    New Fishing stakes

    1. Locality situated near by the ferry of Ragaim, with eight (8) 'iihterspacings, I"eqUJested by Vamona Gones Fotto, fmm Durbate. B!l,Sicamount for bidding Re. 1/- :per inter-spacing.

    Zuari River

    Old Fishing S:takJes

    1. Locality s1tuated at AdolXlem, with eleven (l1)~nter- .: spacings, held by Gangaram Babo'i Xete, from Durbate. Basic amount for bidding, Rs. 87/- per inlterspacing.

    2. Locality situated at Durbate, with nine (9i ) :i'nterspacings, held by Gangaram Baboi Xete, from Durbate. Basic amount for biidding Rs. 140/- pe'r interspacing.

    3. Locality situated near by ferrty of Riagaim, with twelve (ill2:) interspacings, held by Ganaxama XJenoor X'Jete, from .Durbate. Basic amount for bidding Rs. 149-05 Fs. Iper :inter-spacing.

    4. Locality situated at Ragaim, with nine (9) interspacings, he1d by Gangaram Baboi X'Jete, from Dur'bate. Basic an:lount for bidding Rs. 1~5'/- per interspacing.

    Directorate .of Fisherres, an Goa, '1st December, 1964. - For the Director, V. Pri91car.

    ••• Education, Public Health and Public Works

    Division of Hydraulic Works

    Tender notice no. H-3/1964

    SeaLed tenders for the below mentioned wQrk are .invited ug :to 19th of December 1'9'64 at 12.30 a. m. at this P. W. D. Office:

    ,Executronof Ithe work «Oonstruchi:on of a Proteoti.on wall at ($eashore 'at Caranzailem - 100m. lenglth», being the t,ender value Rs. 61.800/-.

    Tenders should be accompanied by a document in support lof having deposiJted an amounteqUli.valem to 2.5% of the tendered'vai1ue 8;S e8Jmesi\: money, in the State Bank of India - Panjim, as well as other documents menltionedin the order no. 7905 dalted 17-11-1960.

    The nespectdv;e file and other conditions may be obtaiined for perusuail during office hours in the Ddvision 'of Hydraulic Works of this D~p:artment.

    o Ii> •

    Department of Public W1orks, Panjim, 28th ,No'Vember 1964. -- The Additional DiTec.tor, Eutemiano CO'YIStamcio Di.as.


    SERIES III No. 49' Damao, ,serao arDerm:l!tados em hasta publica lOS IO(laJis abaixo indicados para aexploJ:1a.gao da pes·ca piOT ,meiio de estacadas, sob, Ciouddgoes esiila!belecidas no aviso desta Dir"cgao de Pesca, de ,1'2: de OUitubro de 1·9:64, publtcado IlIO Boletim Oticial n." .42, 3. ft serle, de 16 de .()utubroe de 1~64, para 0, p:eriodo de tres" 8Jnos ( 1965-11>967).

    1.'. LorC8Jl sito nal'l ,alturas da ponte desl1llo'rlomida lao poente, ,ll'O rio de DaJIDiilo, requerJ.do por Ranchod Uallooe Narana Dubva, 8JIDbos Ide DarrnaJo, de (4) Iqu8Jtro 'lna.glo~L,(golvas). Bas,e de lilcitagiiio RIp. 1/-,POT, cadama:go. ,'_., ,",,'

    2.· LoC'a:lsiito nas aJ..tuI'as de V,a:racunda Village, no orago diano, de ,DaJIDiilo em LOI'lea Padha, requerido PUT Lackrila Sumka ,e Rianchod Dangi, a:n:J.Ibos de Daiffiao, de (2)dois, magos. (goIV'as). Base, de It(l~tJagiiJo Rp. 1/- por Icada mago. ' , ..

    Area de lU(lnIlugfu>

    Faz-se publico que as 10 horas do dia 15 de De2lembro' de 1:9164, no «0ffctce of the Assistant Superintendent of Fish-eriles close to the FJJsh-Meal Plant, Baina V:asco;>, serao arre-matadas em hasta publica as lesmc8Jdas,sob, n."' de Grdem 9 a 12 (Ilt:l'ya.::; 1.()calldades.) 2, 14, 15, 22, 27 a 32 (antigas J:oca-Udades) publi-cados por aviso desta Di!1ecgao, puhUeado no B()!~etim OjiciJul n.o42, ill serie, de 16 de Outubro de 1964, bem como' os loc8JLs labaixo indicados. Aarremaltacao e .para o perloidlo de Urn ano (1-1-1965 a 31-12-19(5)'" sob ~as demais condi.goes indieadas no referid.o aviso.

    As 'estacadas 'em numeros de ardem 3 e 19 indieados no sohredito aviso serao tambEim arrematados,.no mesmo dia 15, de De2lemhro de 1964 para 0 periodo dE. tres anos (1965-'1967).


    Rio Zuari

    Noevas 'estacadas

    1. Local sito nas alturas da passagem de Ragaim, de 8: magoa, requerida por ¥amona Gones Fott6, de Durbalt,e. Base de licitagao Rp. 1/- por cada mago.

    Rio Zuari

    Antigas estaoadas

    1. Local sito em Molxem, de 11 magos,explorado por-Gangar:am Babo! Xete, de Durbate. Base :de licitagao Rps. 87/~' por cada mago.

    2. Dacal site· em Durbate, de 9 magos,explorado por Gan-garama BaboL Xete, de Durbate. Base die licttagao Rps. 140/-PD!' cada mago.

    3. Local sito nas alturas de passagem de Rag aim, de 12: magos, explorado por Ganaxama Xiell'oor Xete, de Durbate . Base de licitagao Rps. 149-5 Pa. poor cada mago.

    4. L{)calsitoem Ragai'rn, Ide 1} magoos', exploradooI?or Gan-, gamma BaJ:hoi Xete, de Durbate. Base de Ucitagao.Rps. 155/-por cada mage.

    Direcgao de Beaca, em Goa, i1 de Dezerp.bro de 1964. - Pele.· Director, V. Priolcar;

    • •• Instru~ao, Saude Publica e Obras Publicas

    Secgao de Hidraulica


    Aviso n.· H-3/1964

    Torna-se publico que no dla 19 d~ Dezembro s:eguinte, pelas 12,30 horas, serao recebidas nesta Ddrecga:o, Pl'opostas em, cal1ta fechada ·e [acrada para ia 'execugao da seguinte obr:a:

  • o


    4TH DEOEMBER, 1964

    Finance Department

    Directorate of Accounts


    A period of 180 days ;ts allowe¢l for daims fIlom the date of . publicatlion of thilS in the Gorv.ernment Gazette, a,ccording to the te:i'lrUsK>f the Decrere dated 5rtfu December; 1910, 'passed hy law and in fo,z'ce by virt.ue lof the D~creedated 24th March, [1911, to all ;mteresibedl parties who may have a .rj;ghtto the arrrears of: pension due tolaite Sravitr'.ibai Matlffio, pea1sioner of «MiontepiJo dos Serv:1doiles ido Estado» , who ,ex:pii'ed! on 15th Arugus>t, 19164; ,

    Smt. Jankiibai l\f>anJgesh Hodarkier, her daughter, residiing at Margao,ilS !Claiming to the r

  • o

    {)f Ports, an auction of §U,el scrap, dead stock articl'es ana unserviceable stores win be held by this Department. 0

    The auction will !take place G:at the Workshc>ps ,of this Departmenrtat Betim. c - The respective file with list ·of ,the mat&rial and other

    clauses may be scrutinized liD. rthJe First Section of this De-partment at Central Jetty, Panjim, during office-hours.

    1st Section, NaV'e~ao da .India Department, Panjim, 26th November, 19M. - The Head of .the Section, Sadassitva M. S. Borca1'.

    Vasa. - The Administrator-Del'egalle, J. M. Trindade, Engineer /& Ship. Surveyor M. M. D.

    . Advertisements Administration Office of Bicholim

    Section of· Comunidades

    In accordanc'e with and for rtlle ,pur:pose established in c article .330 of the Code of Oomunidades, 'iIIlforce, it is hereby anp-ounced _ ;that Crisna s~taI'ama Goencar, from Bicho~ lim, .hai:i applied ifOT lease, for entrance of his hous.e -a strip of one meter ibroad parale[ to his' houset25 slq. meltersin area of an uncultivated a:JlJd unused plot of land without any special name, sttuatedat Ba~et of B~choIa:m, reserved :by the Cornu-nidade for .the construction of houses, bounded on the east by ,the paot belonging to Siurama Pandgo Gaunta,ncar; by west rtlle Publiic Highway which from Bichollm leads. !to Maulinguem; Iby north. the house belon:g1illl;g- to Ithe aa>plicant and .by S{)IU;th the remaining part of the same !p101t.· . .

    V. no. 724/1964

    2 In accordance with and .for Ithe ,pu1'jpose established ~n article 330 )0£ the Code of Comunidades, iIIl force, 1;1; is hereby announced that Ramachondra Quexova Xete Tell, from Bicho-'lim, has applied for I'ease, for lentrance of his house a strip of one meter broad pal'ale[ to his house 125 Slq. melters in area of an uncultivated and I\lnused plot of land without any sp'ecial name, .s~tuatedat BailLpet of BichoIa:m,resewed :by the Ooinu-nidade for the constructiqn of houses, !bounded on the east by the plot belonging to s

    5 No cbereeiro domingo a;p6s a pubHGagao deste no Bolel;i.m Ojic~al, peIas 16 ho,ra'S, no local de 'costume, se procedera a

  • -------------.- ---- - . - - - --

    will tame :p'l.ace ito sell tlle paddy wmch amounts to !{,an-dis 2-7-:2, Which J:'ea;lised Q'f 4th ,plot «;(}otqUeIIt» of this Go;mu-nida;~e at y:angana crop of~is ye8Jr, fil!,! .no. 26/11964.

    !Boma, .15th Noyemoor, 1964. -..''the Cler.k in charge, Soiru Sinay KiQiIJalekarr..

    V. no. '7126/1964 V~i~g~iniJn

    6 On ,the ,2nd Sunday 8Ifter the publication ooreOif in the GOi\llemment Gazette, at lOla. m,., at the respective meeting place in Vamguinim, ~u~t.ion wi~l tl!ke !p~c(;! a;g'~ (!f th~ liItern of income of fishing and off slu;iJce orf this Qomunidade with the diilIn:inuition of Itwo-fifithsl fl'lorn. the 'estimated prices.

    'PiHi.,goo, 127th November, +964. - Tihe Cl&k, Ornna N aran{l, Sinai B,orear.

    V. J1O. 7127/+964 Quelossim

    7 The wboY'ementioned Oomuntidade is herebyoonyoked at tts ,e~vaOI1dinary meeting, on the 3ird :Sundiay afJter th'e public'ation of this IlIoitioe lin the Gov,&nment Ga!zeltbe, a..t the Meeting Ha;U, at 10 a. m. to vesolve on the petition of CaetaJ:lo_ ~ernandes and otIher iliUers of the said Comunidade in res-p,ect lof. the bad produotj;()n of paddy durin:g the Sorodseas~n of 1119,64 'and ,the vesUnnption of the ~ent due iby them (File no. 88/1964). ' .

    Quelossim, 25th November, 1964. - The CleJrk inchllir~e, Gangadora Ladi~ Sinai Sansgui1'i.

    V. no.7213/1964 Naroa

    8 On the 3rdSuillday after the pWbli'catioo iheTeoif in the Government Gazette, 8Jt 10 a. m., at the meeting plaCe of tlJe junta' in PHi;gao, aucion wp..I take ,place Illigam' of the extra-ordinary ttem!Of triennial moome of Ithe ,00000000g tr.iJenmum, of Tirth do,ck of NarQa by any !price ·that the op'enco~.etion may offer. . ,

    Piligiio, :27itih November, 1964. - The Clerk, Orisna; Narana Smai Borearr.

    V. no. 12$/1964 Curlorim

    9 The :interestied ;persOIIls lin, ,the lease 'Of Ithe foltlowing plots f'Or ,the remai!ning SIiX year period from '1002 :t'O 1967 for the prlices mernif;iolllled 'belorw thatOOl'respornd t'O 1/6 off the price orf estimate are hereby ilnV'JJted to apply :to the President of the A.dInmdstrative BOdy dtirmig :the pel"iJodof 10' days from the daJte 'Of pubticwtioln of .tlris, tilI1 !the GorveI'll1lIl1oot Gazette and 'SIhQu~d ibJ8iD.d lOV1er ifue 'S!affie in ,the Oornnlll1iidade OIff'ilee, wilth 'each and ~every detaill fOl'olassiifliJca,tilon of preferential right j]n wccordaDJce wiJth :the Order 1IllO. GAD/74/62/:2'134.7, 'Of the 1:8th(D~oember il:96i2; the :petiJtiOlIlers are subjected to :the p~'Oit:s lIllos.,570 to '57i9 of OolombatoiLem and to the nos. 753, 75i4, % of 755, 7'56, 7159 to 7715 'and '7810, 'Of NOVlO-'Oaintor, ito Ithe conditions that tIl_ oontraot wLth the Oomunird8!de wi!ll be 0011 and votd w1tiimi the pe,riIod of 80 days, under n~t:iiftca'Ition wiJthout ba:vmg any !l'iIghit fur ,compensa;tion toth,e peti:.. ti!oners .:in ,cal!:!e 'theI1e coml€S 'approlV'ed by compete,n:t autho,rirtiles, «The Agrdlcul'tural OO-Oip,eraJtive Society» :for Illiel'!e gOles Ithe petition off 'Shrl ElIlli'O iPlimenta 'On the said rpilots.

    Those s

  • c


    " :1089; 0-'2-0; the' aioove ~meinJt:jlcmed i100Its 8JI'e 'expressed em khan!d!is, ICUrOs aIlld mediid:as.

    Curtotim, 23rd October, ,1964.-The' assi~t Clerk, N'arcinva Oamotim.

    V. no. 712/1964 Velinga

    10 Applications 'al'e hereby invited from the interested parties fo!!.' the lease, of the plot 1/4 of ilot no. 1'6 of ·calculo, .nwnely «Mragaxirabahdi», for the remaining part of the ourrent six-year periQd of 1'9612 to 1967, for an annual. rent .of. 2. candisand 15 curos. The applicaJtions should be addressed to the. Administrative Oommittee of rthis OomunidJade, within 10 days from the publication of this not[ceinrthe Goy,ern-ment Gazette, mentioning all the dertails !ll:eoessary for :the 'Classification .of the pl'eferentia.]: right under order no,. GAD/ /74/62/21347 dated 18-12-1962.

    Mardol, 12th November, 1964. - The Clierk inchatr'g1e., Vi-c -naeca Bascom Sinai Dumo.

    . V. no .. 71'5/1964. Davorlim·

    11 The abovementioned Comunidade is conV1ened ,to' hold can ,ext;raordinary meeting, a:t the house wheve they ,generally bold their meetings, on the 3rd Sunday, after the publicrution ·of this nortice' in the Government Gazette,: at 10 . Ii. m., tin oroelt" to decide rthecases, ,regarding setUemenJt Df 'inCome of last paddy field viz. nos. 48/1964 and 66/1964.

    Davorlim, 10th Ootober, 1964. - The Olerk, J aganata Se-fJUna Na.ique.

    V. no. 717/1964 Tivim

    . 12 The inwvested persDns who wish to take on fease the following paddy freid of this ComuntdadJe, fot the remalining Six-yeI1lir periOd i. e. :l!!}62 to' HJ67 foJ:'1 :the, yearly rlOOt bebow mentioned as altered by Government, are hereby ~n'\CiJ1Jed, to' apply the Administrative Borurd of this Comunidade within 10 days after the pubLiJcation bieJ:'1eof in the GOViernment Oa:rette, handing Olver their application in ,the Meeiti:rJJg Hall with the necessary detrutls for the CilJ3Issifi,cation of their pre-fel'enti31 right in accordance wiItIh order no. GAD/74/IOO/2:1,347 dated 18th December 1964: Lote no. 57 - 2.° 10ite Cansal'XJeta, Tent 3 lcandis; nO'. 340 _do Jote 'Z!uilm; rent 4 crandis S Icuros~ no. 341_2.° ·rote Zuim, rrent 4 candis 3 curos; nQ.21-Ala grande, 8 curos, and 3 medidas and no. 237 - 1/,2 of 2.° JOiW Quegot ,grande, nent 2.candis.

    'I\iyjJm, 12th November, 1964; ---'The Clerk, Vam~na (Jo-vinda Sitvai Borcar.

    V. no. 72~'/196i Assonora

    13 The ,abovenamed Comunidade, lis heJ3eby CO!ll:vened, at ,its extraordinalry meeting, on the 3rdSund3Jy after the publi-