+ World Literature Week 4. + Do Now: Monday, September 15 th Complete the Apostrophes ACT Do Now at...

+ World Literature Week 4

Transcript of + World Literature Week 4. + Do Now: Monday, September 15 th Complete the Apostrophes ACT Do Now at...


World LiteratureWeek 4

+Do Now: Monday, September 15th

Complete the Apostrophes ACT Do Now at a Level 0.

When finished, predict your score out of 10!

+Do Now Answers:1.











What are the two uses of apostrophes?


+Possessive Apostrophes

To demonstrate possession, add an ‘s to singular nouns or irregular plural nouns Ex) My cat’s toy is broken.

Ex) The children’s tree house is enormous.

+Possessive Apostrophes

To demonstrate possession, add an s’ to plural nouns or names that end with ‘s’ Ex) The dogs’ leashes were wet.

Ex) Mr. Jones’ cell phone is lost.

+Possessive Apostrophes

Demonstrate possession!

Ex) Miguel’s shoe is stuck in the mud.

+What’s the difference?

1) The girl’s books needed to be returned to the library.

2) The girls’ books needed to be returned to the library.


+Chapter 14 Highlights!

+Chapter 14 Close Read

1) Reread Uchendu’s speech to Okonkwo beginning on pg. 133

2) Read a second time. After summarize at the bottom of the page.

3) Prepare to read one more time… What’s Uchendu really saying?

+Chapter 14 Summary + AnalysisExit Ticket – Write a one-paragraph summary of Uchendu’s lecture to Okonkwo.

Add another paragraph of analysis.

Include at least TWO possessive apostrophes (circled/highlighted)


Read Things Fall Apart Chapter 15 + Answer Guiding Questions

SST 601 worksheet

+Do Now: Tuesday, September 16thSSR


Identify and correctly use apostrophes with irregular plural nouns.

Understand the themes of Tradition and Change in Things Fall Apart.

Discuss and articulate their thoughts on appropriate measures for preserving tradition and embracing change


Do Now

Apostrophes with irregular plural nouns

Tradition vs. Change


What are the two ways you can use apostrophes?

Two ways to show ownership?

+ Forming Plural NounsRule Example

Singular noun ending without “S”

add an “S”

girl + s = girlsfloor + s = floorscomputer + s = computers


Singular nouns ending in “S”

add “es”

Williams + es = Williamsescross + es = crossesdress + es = dresses


Singular nouns ending in “Y” delete “y” + “ies”

family =familiescharity = charitiescherry = cherries

+ If the Noun is Singular Singular Nouns not ending in “s”


Add ’ Sgirl + ’ + S = girl’

Ex: Kramer’s hairEx: Daphne’s fatherEx: the car’s engineEx: the boy’s intelligenceEx: the girl’s sadnessEx: the desk’s legs

Singular Nouns ending in “s”  

Add ’ SMs. Daniels + ’ + S =

Ms. Daniels’s

Ex: Dr. Seuss’s sense of humorEx: the bus’s seatsEx: the class’s desksEx: Mr. Williams’s dinner partyEx: Ms. Burns’s classroomEx: Mr. Richards’s suit

+ If the Noun is Plural Plural Nouns ending in S


Add only ’girls + ’ = girls’

Ex: the singers’ voicesEx: the cousins’ favorite uncleEx: the houses’ fencesEx: the girls’ hair bowsEx: the dishes’ cracksEx: the dancers’ practice time

Plural Nouns not ending in S


Add ’ Smen + ’ + S = men’s

Ex: men’s clothingEx: women’s hairEx: teeth’s plaqueEx: children’s roomEx: people’s hopesEx: syllabi’s place on the table

+ Irregular Plural Nouns Chart









Irregular plural nouns are nouns that becomes plural by changing its spelling in other ways than adding an “s” or “es” to the end of the word.

+Complete the worksheet

First, in pairs.

Then, individually.

+Think, Write, Pair, Share

Reflect on a time when you struggled to preserve or remain true to some aspect of your identity. Did you remain true or did you choose to change and adopt a new identity? What influenced your decision?

+Four Corners Activity

It is important to keep my cultural traditions alive.

+Four Corners Activity

Modernity makes it easy to forget cultural traditions.

+Four Corners Activity

It is impossible to stay true to cultural traditions.

+Four Corners Activity

Sometimes it is hard to balance my cultural traditions in today’s society.

+Read Aloud

Chapter 14 Discussion

Make note of the tradition clash Okonkwo faces.

+Define your pride

What does it mean?

Fill out the sheets.

+Exit Ticket

Distribute Papers.


Read the supplemental reading. Compare and contrast the tradition vs. change issue to Okonkwo’s.

Bring in a photo of yourself.

+Do Now: Wednesday, September 17th

Complete the Apostrophes ACT Do Now at a Level 0.

When finished, predict your score out of 10!

+Do Now Answers:1.










+Possessive Apostrophe ‘S’ vs. Plural ‘S’

Complete the exercise at a Level 0

Compare with a partner

Correct the errors with a red pen!

+“The Second Coming” by William Butler Yeats (10)


With your shoulder partner: Read through “The Second Coming”

Annotate for imagery, summary, and questions as you read.

Be ready to share out.

+Essential Questions for Things Fall Apart

What does it mean to be masculine?

What does it mean to be feminine?

+Essential Questions for Things Fall Apart

When should we embrace change?

When should we preserve tradition?

+Change vs. Tradition

In your notebook, jot down responses to the following prompts:

+Little Rock Nine

+Change vs. Tradition

In 1957, the Little Rock Nine were the first group of African American students to attend an all-white school.

What would life be like if segregated high schools still existed in the United States?

+Birth Control

+Change vs. Tradition

Birth Control was not popularly or publicly available until the 1960’s.

1’s argue against birth control being readily available

2’s argue for birth control being readily available.

+TFA Chapter 16 Class Read

While we read, annotate for the theme of Tradition vs. Change…

+Exit Ticket

Summarize the events of Chapter 16 in 20 words or less.

Include analysis of representation of the theme Tradition vs. Change in this chapter.

All s’s (plural and possessive must be correct!)


Read Things Fall Apart Chapter 17+ Answer Guiding Questions

Study for you Q1 English CRS Mid-Unit Quiz!

+Do Now: Thursday, September 18th



Create a study guide to review appropriate comma usage, apostrophes, parenthetical phrases, and sentence types.

Write a summary Characterizing Okonkwo.


Do Now

Effective Study Habits

Study Guide

Characterize Okonkwo

+Effective Study Habits


Watch the video, on a post-it, write your name and one thing that you are taking away from the video. (Think about your current grade. How can you improve or maintain it?)

+Study Guide

Tomorrow you will take your English CRS Quiz. It will cover all of the English Grammar that we have covered so far.

In pairs, take 15 minutes to combine your notes to create a study guide for tomorrow’s quiz. (Cornell Notes)

Study guide should include definitions and examples of appropriate comma usage, apostrophes, parenthetical phrases, and sentence types.

If you have questions, raise your hand.

Office hours today from 4:00-4:45.

+Turn and Talk

How is a person’s identity or character created?

+Characterize Okonkwo Activity

In groups of four, search throughout the book for textual evidence that explains the character of Okonkwo.

Based on your evidence, create 3 claims about Okonkwo (Okonkwo is a good father, etc)

Look and cut out images, words, etc in the magazines that supports your claim.

When your group is ready write, post, or draw your claim and evidence on the large poster. (Let’s work together to make a beautiful poster)

Be prepared to share your groups claim and evidence.

+Think, Pair, and Share

Why is Okonkwo the way he is?

+Exit Ticket

How does culture, family, or the society affect identity or character? Use one complex sentence, parenthetical phrase, and an apostrophe with an irregular plural noun.


Study for the Quiz tomorrow!

+Do Now: Friday, September 19th

English CRS Mid-Unit QuizSST 601/COP 501 + 601

Sentence combining (Compound, complex, simple, run-ons, fragments)


Parenthetical clauses (Nonessential info)
