“ When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the...

download “ When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached,     don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps. ” ―  Confucius

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“ When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps. ” ― Confucius. Friday nights from 7-9:00 pm Calling For Sale By Owners Calling Expired Listings “ Hey, it’s 8:00 pm on a Friday Night… - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of “ When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the...

Slide 1

When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps. Confucius Presidents Award Recipient

Top Individual Associate Margate/Coral Springs

1986 1990 1994 2000 2007 2009

Friday nights from 7-9:00 pm

Calling For Sale By OwnersCalling Expired Listings

Hey, its 8:00 pm on a Friday Night

I am a full time hard working Agent, Where do you thinkMost Real Estate Agents areRight now???

You were listed with XYZ for6 months what do you thinkhe/she is doing at 8:00 pmon a Friday?TopIndividual Associate

Published Home Sellers Guide1992

ExclusivelyRepresented Kislak Mortgage in Broward

Presidents Award Recipient

Top Individual Associate Margate/Coral Springs

1986 1990 1994 2000 2007 2009

Top Associate for 6 years

#21 at Re/Max

Awarded their highest individual honorIn 1999

TopIndividual Associate

Published Home Sellers Guide1992

ExclusivelyRepresented Kislak Mortgage in Broward

Presidents Award Recipient

Top Individual Associate Margate/Coral Springs

1986 1990 1994 2000 2007 2009


Built Largest Franchise in North America

#1 of 2,000 Exit Offices

540 Associates

Top 250 Brokerages (of all brands) in The United States

1986 1990 1994 2000 2007 2009

Russ & Kerry

Two Person Team

I called Expired & For Sale By OwnersFarm Area 3000 homes

Listed 120 homes in7 months

Averaged 17.14 listings taken per month!!!

Cooperative Real Estate 1986 1990 1994 2000 2007 2009

Im sorry to callyou so early butI wanted to catchyou before you went to work

Russ & Kerry

Two Person Team

I called Expired & For Sale By OwnersFarm Area 3000 homes

Listed 120 homes in7 months

Averaged 17.14 listings taken per month!!!

Cooperative Real EstateBroker/Owner

Built Largest Franchise in North America

#1 of 2,000 Exit Offices

540 Associates

Top 250 Brokerages (of all brands) in The United States

Sold in 2007

Top Associate for 6 years

#21 in the State

Awarded their highest individual honorIn 1999

TopIndividual Associate

Published Home Sellers Guide1992

ExclusivelyRepresented Kislak Mortgage in Broward

Presidents Award Recipient

Top Individual Associate Margate/Coral Springs

1986 1990 1994 2000 2007 2009

2009 Kerry and I formed a company called Outsource Worx Helping Manage 106 Real Estate Offices 4100 Real Estate Agents

A special Thank You to Scott Forbes and The Forbes Family!!!

Today we serve 18,000 Realtors in 31 States at No Cost to Our Members


Rapid FirePart 1 of 3Mediocre people dont like to be around High AchieversHigh Achievers dont like to be around Mediocre peopleNick Saban

What is the difference between a hunter and a bottom dweller?

A Catfish is a relative of the Shark but it aint no Shark.Agents earning less than $50,000 are related toTop Producer but they aint Top Producers .

Top Producer earn above $100,000 Gross Commission IncomeRainmakers earn $250,000 - $2M

Top Producers and Rainmakers are HUNTERS!!!

Hunters are a different breed.

HungryIntenseTirelessFocusedPersistentRelentlessSingle Minded

Obsessive Desire Angry at anything that stands in the way.

What Do You Want Most? The intention of a mans heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out. proverbs 20:5My experience has been that work is almost the best way to pull oneself out of the depths

Eleanor RooseveltFSBO

Mo___Lis Pendens


Mo___Past 30 Days Door Knocking Past 30 Days Telephone REO Applications Made Past Month: ___RIGHT NOWPending TransactionsPrice/Commission/Closing ______/________/_____________/________/_____________/________/_____________/________/_____________/________/_____________/________/_____________/________/_____________/________/_______

Name: Date: Last 12 months Income:TODAYS Total Listing Inventory

# _______Volume $_________

Listings Taken during past 30 daysAsking B.P.O.______/______________/______________/______________/______________/______________/________

Doorhangers Delivered Past Month: ____Staging Analysis ___How many of each have you done in the past 30 DaysSphere Notes: ___Sphere e-mails ___Absentee Notes: ___Expired Letters: ___Just Sold


Mo___Lis Pendens


Mo___Just Sold


Mo____FSBO EBOL ___Farm Hits ___By completing/submitting this form , I agree to complete ALL Sharkfeeding Assignments! Lets take a minute

Every Participant needs to have a PRINTED dashboard!And a pen in front of them at this point!

A dashboard was emailed to every participantorYou can go to www.sharkfeedingworx.com Just go to the Dashboard page and print one.

Please print Dashboard Now.FSBO

Mo___Lis Pendens


Mo___Past 30 Days Door Knocking Past 30 Days Telephone REO Applications Made Past Month: ___RIGHT NOWPending TransactionsPrice/Commission/Closing ______/________/_____________/________/_____________/________/_____________/________/_____________/________/_____________/________/_____________/________/_____________/________/_______

Name: Date: Last 12 months Income:TODAYS Total Listing Inventory

# _______Volume $_________

Listings Taken during past 30 daysAsking B.P.O.______/______________/______________/______________/______________/______________/________

Doorhangers Delivered Past Month: ____Staging Analysis ___How many of each have you done in the past 30 DaysSphere Notes: ___Sphere e-mails ___Absentee Notes: ___Expired Letters: ___Just Sold


Mo___Lis Pendens


Mo___Just Sold


Mo____FSBO EBOL ___Farm Hits ___By completing/submitting this form , I agree to complete ALL Sharkfeeding Assignments!

[email protected]

A Shark Goes on 10 listing Appointments Per Month.

10 listing appointments will generate a minimum of 4 listings taken!

4 x 12 = 48 Listings Taken in a calendar year!!!

25 35 closings of not less than $4000 = $100,000 -140,000 GCI

Skin Diving in Laguna HillsIf you are feeling a little intimidated Lets take a look at how you can guarantee yourself 10 listing appts. this month

A CHUM LINE attract all the hunters!!!

A CHUM LINE attract all the hunters!!!

Expired Listings from LAST NIGHT Expired Listings From THIS WEEKENDExpired Listings from LAST WEEKExpired Listings from LAST MONTHExpired Listings from 3 -6 MONTHS AGOExpired Listings from 6-12 MONTHS AGOSeasoned Expired Listings YEAR OR MORE

Where would a hunter hunt to get 10 listing appointments?

For Sale By OwnersDoorknocking around a just soldTelephone surveys around a just soldTelephone survey around a just listedDoorknocking around a just listedDoorhanger . Postcards. LettersNewsletters

Lis Pendens notificationsLis Pendens 6-10 months old

Luxury Lis Pendens 12-60 months old

TAX ROLL Purchases from 2004TAX ROLL Purchases from 2005TAX ROLL Purchases from 2006COSI COTI PICK A PAY MORTGAGESIMPAC Green River Capital24 AMNIASKeystoneLPSBank of America

Rapid FirePart 1 of 3 Get busy livin or get busy dying. Ellis Boyd Redding RedShawshank Redemption

Your Assignment for Shark Feeding Rapid Fire

Your Assignment for Shark Feeding Rapid Fire

Your Assignment for Shark Feeding Rapid Fire

Turn in your past tense [email protected]

Send a note, email or PQ to your SPONSORThanx for Worx

Think about who, what and whywould benefit from $4000 per month raise?

Rapid FirePart 2 of 3Join Associate Worx and The Worxaholic ArmyFor Sharkfeeding Part 2 of 3