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The Trail of the Serpent Part 7 ‘Lucifer’s Identity Pastor Mita Edwardson 3 rd February, 2013 Wanganui, New Zealand 1 The Trail of the Serpent is a lot of the things that we have taught over the last fifteen years – I’m just pulling a little bit out of every portion of those things I’ve preached before... just a piece here and a piece there... trying to align it the best I can. 2 You know we are all made different and I am not really an organised thinker. There’s too much going on as far as being spontaneous and one thing comes up… I don’t know about the mind. God made it. I probably destroyed it but anyway it’s what we’ve got to work with, so just bear with me as we try and make some sense, bring continuity and try to focus on this subject of the serpent. It’s a very important subject. To me personally, I think it is. It’s a very, very important subject.... this subject was prophesied. 3 It’s not a teaching; it’s a person. The subject shall be revealed in its designated season. It was given to us in the form of prophecies so that we would know we are walking in rhythm with the Word. Brother Neil shared a couple of quotations from a great message ‘Shalom’ preached in 1964 where William Branham’s talking about the rhythm… staying in the rhythm and he likens the Word of God to an orchestra... how that they are all collated and stitched together... all of these instruments, musicians and musical pieces are stitched together by the director, you know, otherwise you wouldn’t make any sense out of it, if everyone was doing their own thing. 4 Praise God the music is beautiful when you get an orchestra, a composer, a director together... when the one who wrote it is the one directing it. The one who’s directing has to be in the same spirit as the writer to really make it beautiful. They both have to be feeling the same passion. So the director is one thing, the composer is another, the musicians are individuals... and it’s all being brought together as a whole. That’s another thing altogether. That’s how we get beautiful music. God does that with his Word. 5 Brother Branham is showing us that the great composer and director is the Holy Spirit. He brings the whole orchestra together... the components and the parts of the prophecies that make the whole picture. We call it the Word. So what is the Word made up of? Times, dispensations, Prophets, Priests and Kings. To make sense of it all,

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The Trail of the SerpentPart 7

‘Lucifer’s Identity’ Pastor Mita Edwardson

3rd February, 2013 Wanganui, New Zealand

1 The Trail of the Serpent is a lot of the things that we have taught over the last fifteen years – I’m just pulling a little bit out of every portion of those things I’ve preached before... just a piece here and a piece there... trying to align it the best I can. 2 You know we are all made different and I am not really an organised thinker. There’s too much going on as far as being spontaneous and one thing comes up… I don’t know about the mind. God made it. I probably destroyed it but anyway it’s what we’ve got to work with, so just bear with me as we try and make some sense, bring continuity and try to focus on this subject of the serpent. It’s a very important subject. To me personally, I think it is. It’s a very, very important subject.... this subject was prophesied. 3 It’s not a teaching; it’s a person. The subject shall be revealed in its designated season. It was given to us in the form of prophecies so that we would know we are walking in rhythm with the Word. Brother Neil shared a couple of quotations from a great message ‘Shalom’ preached in 1964 where William Branham’s talking about the rhythm… staying in the rhythm and he likens the Word of God to an orchestra... how that they are all collated and stitched together... all of these instruments, musicians and musical pieces are stitched together by the director, you know, otherwise you wouldn’t make any sense out of it, if everyone was doing their own thing. 4 Praise God the music is beautiful when you get an orchestra, a composer, a director together... when the one who wrote it is the one directing it. The one who’s directing has to be in the same spirit as the writer to really make it beautiful. They both have to be feeling the same passion. So the director is one thing, the composer is another, the musicians are individuals... and it’s all being brought together as a whole. That’s another thing altogether. That’s how we get beautiful music. God does that with his Word. 5 Brother Branham is showing us that the great composer and director is the Holy Spirit. He brings the whole orchestra together... the components and the parts of the prophecies that make the whole picture. We call it the Word. So what is the Word made up of? Times, dispensations, Prophets, Priests and Kings. To make sense of it all, the director, William Branham, stands in the last day, anointed with the Spirit of the Messiah and starts to bring all those components together. 6 William Branham was the one who bought them all together. It just didn’t really make sense until he did that.

Revelation 107 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel… (We’re calling him the director)…

when he shall begin to sound the mystery of God should be completed and finished… In other words that takes the mystery out of it. The trumpet blasting by itself what does it mean in a… in a piece of music?. A guitar strumming, keyboards playing, violins… it doesn’t make sense, it’s a mystery without somebody bringing it all together.7 So the seventh angel directed the whole thing and brought us from Genesis all the way through to Revelation. He brought us from Paul, Irenaeus, Martin, all the way through the Church Ages. He tied the stars, the candlesticks and the thunder together. Thank God he made sense out of this Word for us.8 It’s the same thing is for this subject... ‘Satan the Serpent’.... ‘Lucifer’. We’re going to talk about him this morning. I told you a couple of weeks ago that I want to make sense out of it. We want to make sense out of the things we’ve preached over the years. Not scattered... a bit

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here... a bit here – a bit of everything. You might say ‘We’ve heard all that before’. Well by Gods grace, we really want to bring it all into line. 9 A Prophet comes in the last day (we’ve all read all the scriptures and we know the scriptures quite well), and he brings them all together and lines them up... and that’s what we are trying to do, by Gods grace, on this subject... ‘The Trail of the Serpent’. We want to take all the things we’ve been saying over the last fifteen or twenty years... since 1985 when we first started. Twenty-eight years. That’s quite a long time. We want to take all those things… 10 The Pillar of Fire visited me in 1984 out at Mangamahu, and told me that there would be a New Ministry. He said there’s more to this Ministry than William Branham, and that there’s a further unfolding of truth. That’s basically what the Visitation was... what the Spirit of God impressed in our midst. And you people came around… and rallied around that Visitation. I’m going to call it a Visitation because that’s what it was. A Pillar of Fire was bringing a Word, prophesying that there was more to come. This trail of the serpent subject is a part of that which he said was coming.11 He showed me Moses and Aaron, and said that Aaron was the apprentice, Moses was the mouthpiece. All that was given Moses, Moses gave to Aaron. Everyone was focusing on Moses, failing to see that there was an integral part of the Ministry of Moses taking place in Aaron... and later that also took place in Joshua. So we know there’s always a further unfolding. So we… I know that you’re happy with that. That’s what the Spirit of God was showing us back there in 1985 in his own… just a young boy Preacher.12 Then we went searching out the meaning of the Cloud. We’re talking about our history. Jhimmy and I... we used to sit back at Roberts Ave talking about the Cloud.. the Cloud this and that. We knew nothing about it, except that some of our elders had told me that the Cloud was the coming of the Lord. He said ‘That there’... as he pointed to the Cloud picture... ‘was the coming of Jesus Christ’. And I, in my little Pentecostal brain, about twenty-one or twenty-two-years-old thought ‘How on earth is this the coming of the Lord if we’re still standing here? These guys have got to be crazy’... but I knew they were sincere and lived a good life, 13 I knew that they knew the scriptures and they knew the Prophets message, so it troubled me that I didn’t know as much as they did. I wasn’t as sanctified, set aside, as they were. I wasn’t as mature as they were. There was a conflict going on right there in my immaturity, but it intrigued me that there was a Cloud, and that some said it was the Coming of the Lord.14 Along the way we talked about the Cloud, the Pillar of Fire and the Spirit of God... all those little, scattered pieces, are parts of the jigsaw… we’ll just say that that’s a part of the picture that He has completed at this stage for us... all those little components. 15 Here I am saying, ‘Lord they say this is the coming of the Lord’… you’ve heard me tell the testimony. Then as I was asking God ‘Is this Revelation 10? Is this photograph the scripture? Is this the coming of the Lord where a rainbow was upon his head?’. And immediately... no sooner had I asked the Lord, a rainbow was cast right across the page… the picture of the Cloud that we all have in our houses. 16 You can imagine a twenty-four year old boy thinking ‘Well... this is not natural. This is out of the ordinary. There’s got to be something in this’... even though I didn’t have it all figured out. It was enough to capture my attention. Well you say ‘What’s that got to do with us’? Well this Church actually was formed around that foundation. And then when we met each other there was a little attraction... there were all sorts of attractions. In my opinion, I want to say that all the attraction was about this revelation. 17 Tomorrow it might be something else, but right now all of that was about this. And we all gathered… you came out of your Churches. Some of you were dissatisfied. Some of you were kicked out and driven out. Some of you left in peace. Some of you were attracted to the singing here... most of those are gone now. For whatever reason you came... you all have your little reasons... but overall I want to say, generally, that the reason you all came was to gather to receive a further unfolding of truth.

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18 The reason people gathered around John the Baptist, was so that he could introduce them to Jesus. The reason people gathered around Jesus was so that they might receive the Holy Ghost... move into the Book of Acts, and go on from there. So here we are now, ‘The Trail of the Serpent’… that’s our subject. I had a little thought… I hardly know where to start sometimes... but I wrote this little note down. Jon Parson helped me when I was a kid… he said ‘Just get a note book and write it down’. I’m still the same way... here there and everywhere... but that helps to tie that all the scattered things back together again. So I wrote a little note here.19 The first born of the new creation… the first born of the three creations. The Word of God shows us clearly that there are three creations that God is dealing with. Brother Don Parnell laid that out very nicely and clearly. We’ve got all the Books and we’ve got it on the Internet. You can listen to the messages on ‘The Three Creations’. So it is very clear, in the Word of God that there are three creations that God is dealing with.20 The ‘First Creation’ is the Old Testament... it started in Adam. The ‘Second Creation’... the New Testament, started in Jesus. He was the first born of many. The many being those under the new covenant that should be re-born or created a-new… apart from the old style of creation. Those that came after Adam were formed under Jesus and from then on they were created differently. It was a new covenant, it was a new people, and it was a new creation. Jesus was the first. 21 The ‘Third Creation’ started in William Branham, and it’s fair to say that, that he was the first born, in common terms... the first born into a new style. God had a new fashion. God wanted a new style of believer, a new fashion. The scripture talks about fashioning as in creating and forming. So I’m using that word ‘fashion’ in the sense of creation. God fashioned man differently through William Branham and from then on. So that’s the Third Creation, from William Branham onwards.22 We are not like Paul, we are not like Irenaeus. We aren’t formed and shaped like they were under the New Testament. We have a different message which forms a different character. It brings out a different atmosphere. It’s completely different. We don’t look like Adam. We don’t walk like Moses. We don’t act like Job or like David under the old system. We don’t act or think like them at all. We don’t look anything like them. That was the First Creation. the Second Creation was with Jesus... all the way through the New Testament. 23 We’re preaching things they never preached. Paul said ‘I went to a place... in which body I don’t know... there were things too sacred to be uttered... eyes have not seen, ears have not heard’. He looked into the Third Creation. He saw a people that would have a language that would open a mystery or reveal it... would complete a mystery that was too sacred to be revealed in his day. He said ‘We are looking through a glass darkly, but then you shall see face to face’.24 So here we are in this face-to-face time. We’ve come face to face with the cloud... with a great Heavenly City... and this is totally different. We are not like Paul. Can you say amen to that? We are in the Third Creation. We have been created differently... fashioned differently... in a new style we’re a new people, a new generation with a new message. We’re born different to Adam, born different to the Messiah, Jesus. We have been born completely different to any other creation of God.25 We’ve learnt that the creation starts with a cloud. Prophet Donald, in introducing us to this great subject of ‘The Three Creations’, told us that it started with a mist... a cloud. We’ll call it the Logos. The beginning of this creation started in a Celestial Form, dimensionally. The First Creation started as a mist. Before Adam could take on flesh he was a spirit man. The Bible said ‘A mist covered the earth’... and man came out from that mist. The mist is a symbol of a Celestial Body that we come from. We know it as ‘Theophany’ and I’ll just keep it in that traditional term. We came from a Celestial, Theophany Body… call it a Cloud.26 The Second Creation started in Acts 1, verse 9.

Acts 1 9 And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud

received him out of their sight. And prophesied another cloud…

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11... why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven...

That cloud in Acts 1:9 prophesied the descent in Acts Chapter 2. It pointed to Acts Chapter 2, the first of the New Born... the Church of the First Born... the Second Creation began. 27 Here comes Peter on the Day of Pentecost, saying ‘This is that which was spoken by the Prophet… here’s the New Creation right here’. He was an offspring of Jesus, the Messiah. He came out from the cloud… here’s the cloud standing there as a bunch of bodies. The Bible says the Old Testament Saints ascended with Christ. Traditionally we say that the Old Testament Saints ascended with Jesus in the cloud of glory. That cloud actually is Theophany Bodies.28 The Bible talks about a cloud. If you’ll go back to the original, it talks about a throng, a multitude, a great number of people. I looked it up one time… the name Admatha... and the names of the different Princes in the Book of Esther. You’ll find their names reveal the secret of what I am saying. One of them talks about a Celestial Body, a cloud, a great multitude. 29 Without getting all mysterious about it, we can read Hebrews 11 and 12. We’re speaking about the cloud being the birth place of each creation. The mist covered the earth, out came Adam... all the way down to Jesus. And then Jesus started the whole thing again. He descended from heaven… He said ‘I come from God, I go back to God’ and there comes a cloud formation when He ascended with the Old Testament Saints. The Apostle Paul, in Hebrews, talks about all the Old Testament Saints, and he called them ‘A great cloud of many witnesses’.30 The New Testament Saints came out of that cloud all the way up until Revelation 10... then John said ‘I saw another mighty angel descending from heaven clothed with a cloud, a rainbow was upon his head’. What can we say about that? Here comes the Third Creation. Are you with me? It’s all the same thing... God is drawing our attention to what the cloud represents. It’s the same thing all the way through... it’s the same cloud. It’s the same place, it’s a heavenly place… it’s the 6th dimension but we are just splitting it up in threes talking to human beings who think in numbers and times and frames.31 There’s the three creations we are talking about. The third one came out of the cloud... we were in that mystery cloud. Just to put it plain and simple... the Third Creation… ‘we’ were birthed out of that cloud. I thank God. We’ve got a picture of our Mother on the wall... some of us have. A cloud... and we turned it to the right. Science magazine took the photograph. The Apostle Paul said ‘She is the Mother of us all’. Those Three Creations came from the Celestial realm.32 Three Creations… Adam, Jesus and William Branham. Adam was the first-born of the First Creation… first. Jesus was the first-born of the Second, and William Branham was the first-born of the Third Creation. Amen. I want you to turn with me to Revelation 12. We came from the cloud, each Creation, One, Two and Three. There was always a cloud signifying that there was something new coming forth... that had never been before. We are not like all the ones down through the ages because we have a different prophecy to express the nature of God… this age’s portion of his nature. 33 This is a Lion-age nature. We know that God comes in the last as a Lion, he’s a Prophet, he’s a Priest, he’s a King. And this is the King now. So the whole entire Body is portraying a nature and character different in whatever he has ever displayed before. During the Second Creation he displayed a Priesthood nature. He displayed pain, he displayed tears, agony and travail... but we are not under that. I’m showing you the difference. There’s a difference in this Creation. We are separated and apart from the previous Creations.34 In the Third Creation, we are born into the nature of the Lion. The Lion has dominion, power and authority. Brother Branham went west, in Junior Jackson’s dream. When he came back, they said ‘Brother Branham you spoke different, you spoke with authority Brother Branham had experienced a New Birth. His whole demeanour, his whole character, the nature of his Ministry had changed dramatically. They said ‘Brother Branham... we saw you. You had changed’. What was the change? From Priesthood to lion... we are no longer pleading and beating and craving and crying. Under Paul’s ministry... the Second Creation anointing... the Bible said ‘The whole earth groaned and was in travail’. That’s the Second Creation and the nature of it.

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35 Our birth is into glory and victory and authority. You might say ‘I don’t know... I’m still miserable’. I don’t know about you, but I know what the Word says. You have your opinion and so do I, but the Word of God tells us he is the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root and offspring of David. And the Word of God showed our Father, William Marion Branham, coming back changed. He was speaking differently than before, with complete authority. God set him at the head of the table. It’s now headship, authority, dominion, completeness and perfection.36 When you’re groaning and craving you’re still longing. You’re still looking, pleading and discovering. But now God brings us a whole new package... He opens it up and says ‘It’s all yours… you are my King now. Here is my character and this is how it works’. And he sends us Prophet after Prophet to show us exactly the character that’s in the earth now and what this Third Creation is all about.37 Let’s get out the little power point on ‘Lucifer’. Let’s just get ‘Lucifer’ up there. You got that already. Good man. He’s in the spirit of the conductor. The scripture...

Isaiah 1412 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer…

Lucifer is the subject. We are talking about, ‘The Trail of the Serpent’. This subject is not a doctrine... it’s not a theory... it’s not a teaching... it’s is a personality.

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

38 When William Branham came and preached ‘This Day This Scripture Is Fulfilled’, he told us that Jesus read Isaiah 61:1 and 2, and stopped half way through verse 2... ‘To preach the acceptable year of the Lord‘... then announced ‘This day this scripture is fulfilled’. Brother Branham told us he stopped deliberately because it wasn’t time for the second part of the verse to be fulfilled. I want us to be thinking the same way. Think that way. Think the way Brother Branham taught us... a whole scripture doesn’t necessarily pertain to us.39 Malachi 4 said ‘I will send you Elijah the Prophet, before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to the fathers’. When John the Baptist was born the angel quoted only a part of Malachi’s prophecy, so John knew he was that part. When they asked him ‘Are you Elijah?’, he said, ‘No... I am not that Prophet’. Of course he was Elijah but he was not the Elijah that they were looking for... so as we study this subject I want you to be thinking like that.40 You might ask ‘Well what about the part of the verse you are reading. What about that part of the scripture’? Well... let’s just eliminate the parts that don’t pertain to us. Okay? That’s what I am saying. Anoint that section and part of the scripture that does pertain to you and say ‘This day this scripture is fulfilled’. Just find your little part... locate it and position yourself in it... and stop right there. Put a dot, put an exclamation, put whatever you like... put a semi-colon, and say ‘This pertains to me… this day this scripture is fulfilled in me’. 41 ‘How art thou fallen from heaven’. The word ‘fallen’… I don’t like to use it there. The way we’ve used the word ‘fallen’, is usually pertaining to being backslidden; going backwards... but as the Spirit has bought us into the Third Creation, we begin to understand that ‘fallen’ is not such a bad thing. The Bible tells us in Romans 9, that it’s better for you to humble yourself on the rock. It’s better that you fall on the rock and be humbled, than the Rock should fall on you. In other words give up your pride and all of your know-it-all arrogance and fall. That’s not such a bad application of falling. When you fall at the Kings feet and say I don’t know anything. Paul said it better that you fall on the rock rather that the rock fall on you and crush to powder. So ‘falling’ is a positive thing. 42 So let’s think that now as we think about Lucifer falling from heaven. Let’s not think it in the way of being bad, being evil… falling. He who humbles himself shall be exalted. Falling is quite a good thing in this way we are applying it to our subject.

How art thou fallen from heaven O Lucifer… So let’s… let’s go on with that and think about that… where he came from… talking about ‘Lucifer’. Where did he come from? The scripture just told us where he come from… Lucifer came from heaven.

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43 It’s amazing when you look at Revelation 12, (we’re going to turn there in a minute), that the great wonder, the dragon was found in heaven. What are this Lucifer and this dragon doing in heaven? It’s different than the way we think. We say ‘Lucifer... he belongs in hell; the dragon he belongs in hell. He’s got nothing to do with heaven whatsoever’. We are associating Lucifer and heaven… talking about where he came from, and who is he? It’s good to know where he came from in order to know what he is. It is good to know where someone came from so you know who he is. So we are saying, ‘Lucifer, where did you come from and who are you’?44 The meaning of Lucifer is light bearer… that’s different than saying Lucifer has got horns and a tail and a pitchfork... scales and blood dripping out of his fangs. It doesn’t say that. Lucifer is a beautiful thing... Lucifer is a light-bearer. And not only is he a light-bearer, he’s a morning star. That’s a beautiful thing. A morning star is one who introduces something else. Morning star is the brilliant light just at the darkest point in the breaking of a new day. Here is the star shining right there to introduce us into the new day. 45 Lucifer is the one who introduces the new day. Lucifer is the morning star otherwise known as ‘son of the morning’. And the son of the morning, it means first-born of creation… the first one to be born. Look where we started in our message this morning… the first of the creation, first born, first one to appear. Adam was the first born of the First Creation. He was the first light- bearer to appear on the scene. Is that right? 46 Adam was the first light-bearer to appear on the scene. Adam was the son of the morning for the First Creation… ‘None before this one’... that’s the meaning of it. Look it up in your dictionary. We’ve just kept it concise for the sake of the service. Son of the morning means ‘None before this one, starting point, the first’. 47 So this Lucifer has a starting point. He is the starting point; he is the first one to appear. Now just keep that in mind. Get that devil out of your head… that old style theological church teaching about the abyss. This Lucifer is a light-bearer. This Lucifer came from heaven…

How art thou fallen from heaven... So we are not talking about hell are we? You ask ‘Well... didn’t he fall to hell?’ Yes, but let’s just talk about this man, the subject, where he came from and who he is. He is the first of many… he is the first-born. Okay... let’s carry on from here.48 Isaiah 45 and verse 7, a familiar scripture in this Church… God speaking…

7 I form the light and create darkness…This light-bearer obviously came from God. He was in heaven, and we know he descended into darkness. So God is the orchestrator of the whole thing. It’s not some little thief sneaking around trying to overthrow the plan of God. It’s actually God planning the whole thing and orchestrating it and bringing a light-bearer into a dark place.

7 I form the light and create darkness. I make peace and create evil. I the Lord do all these things.

49 Thank God he’s in control. We’re not running from a snake in the grass. We’re not hiding from all the demons in the wardrobe. God said ‘I do the whole thing’. Amen. In the message, ‘The Seal of the Anti-Christ’, preached in 1955, Brother Branham said… ‘The right-hand man of Almighty God was Lucifer’. Our Prophet said it clearly. It would be nice to have all the message churches right here this morning in this humble simple little atmosphere bringing a quotation straight and direct from the mouth of the Prophet. He said ‘Lucifer was God’s right hand’.50 Even denominational people who were students under the man-age understood this. The commentaries you can find in old Bibles and things about Lucifer being the right hand of God. Is that right? So let’s keep that in our mind, but we’re taking that from William Marion Branham seeing he’s our associate in life, and our father of the faith in this Third Creation. We are taking the thought from him. He says ‘The right-hand man of Almighty God was Lucifer, the son of the morning, the first’. Alright that’s nice and clear. We can keep going.51 In Ezekiel 28 it’s talking about the devil, the dark side, that Lucifer descended from heaven into the dark grounds. God speaking through Ezekiel to one... Lucifer... who is now descending into darkness.

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Ezekiel 2814 Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; I have set thee so… (watch this now, he hasn’t got his own agenda, its Gods program)… I have set thee so; thou wast upon the Holy mountain of God… (Oh, he sneaked out from a crack in the earth or something. No)… how art thou fallen from heaven…

What is he? A covering cherub, that’s something beautiful, that’s an angel, an angelic being of light…

... Thou wast upon the Holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire…

52 What are the stones of fire? They are Celestial Bodies, Theophany Beings, stones of fire are lively stones. Paul calls us lively stones. The scripture calls Jesus the chief cornerstone. Zachariah calls him the headstone. Hallelujah. Ezekiel calls them stones of fire. It’s you and I in our Celestial Bodies… stones of fire.

... Thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire... So we are locating this man. This covering cherub came from the stones of fire. The stones of fire are actually God… they are attributes of God. There is only one pillar of fire. And these stones of fire (plural) are attributes of this pillar of fire.53 So this creation came from God. You are a stone represented in the breastplate of Aaron. He had twelve stones representing the twelve tribes of Israel. The stones represented people. Inside these stones was this covering cherub. You walked in the midst of the stones of fire. Lucifer was a creation of ours. These stones of fire housed Lucifer. This cherub that covers is the very offspring of mine. We created this little toy. It’s called Lucifer, Satan. Let’s call Satan because he descended into the dark realms. He’s a little toy that we put the clock on him. 54 He’s not a monster that we have to dread any longer in this New Creation. Under this Third Creation we are exposing the devil for what a little pip-squeak he is. That is the whole point of me standing here saying the things I’m saying. We are reducing him to nothing. He is our offspring that we created. You say ‘Well didn’t the Bible say God created evil… God created the darkness and light’? Well come on, you are gods… ye are gods. 55 Lucifer... Satan... started as a concept. You say ‘Well was he like a little fox or something’? No. He was a concept; a plan... like a script. He was in the midst of the Pillar of Fire as a plan and as a script and then out from that Pillar of Fire the script began to take shape and form and that form and shape is a human spirit. I believe that Lucifer came forth from the pillar of fire. 56 So out from the Pillar of Fire, comes this human spirit. What for? Because this Pillar of Fire wants to inject himself into the human race. In order for Him to do that, He has to have a plan... and that plan is to have a body and that body must have a human spirit. That’s all it is. Just read the scripture, that’s what’s happening. The Pillar of Fire... you and me… I had a plan. Inside of me was this script, and out from the script came the creation. I gave birth to a human spirit and injected it into a human body and then injected myself into that body. 57 That’s what’s going on in the scripture right there.

14...Thou wast upon the Holy mountain of God. Thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of the fire. Job 38...

4 Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth, when the morning stars…Remember, we’re talking about Lucifer, the morning star. But here now, it’s plural… ‘morning stars’. The Bible calls it the Church of the first-born… being sons of the morning.

... Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth when the morning stars... Plural... we’re included.58 This is an Eternal realm we’re in. Your little flesh body might get a little bit weary but pull it into line now.

... When the morning stars sang together…

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What a joy it is to sing these songs together. We’re not just talking about singing hymns either... we are talking about being in harmony with the Spirit of the Word and bringing all our little parts together.

... and all the sons of God shouted for joy. 59 You say ‘There’s only fifty people in the Lighthouse, that word all must be a small group’. But look… look at this congregation the Bible talks about... this great powerful mighty assembly – morning stars (plural) singing together, what a choir, and all the sons of God shouted for joy.60 We know where we were. We were in that cloud. All creations... from Adam, from Jesus, and from William Branham... were situated all together on the Holy Mountain of God…

Ezekiel 2814 ...Thou wast on the Holy Mountain…

That’s the Holy Mountain, that’s where we were. Amen. ‘Shouted for joy’ mind you... not ‘shouted for despair’. Not shouting and screaming with stress… we shouted for joy.61 Now let’s bring man out from that Holy Mountain. Let’s bring that first-born out… let’s bring him down from heaven. The Prophet speaking, in the message...

‘Cruelty of Sin’; Jeffersonville, Indiana. Friday, 3rd April, 1953When God made his first man he was a spirit man, he was something on the order of God or the son of God, the Logos. That was the first man.

Remember where we started this morning. First we talked about Lucifer being the light-bearer, Lucifer, the son of the morning being interpreted, ‘first-born’... starting point, none before this one.

When God made his first man… 62 Now we’re shifting Lucifer and making him a little bit more clear and visible to us. Where he was... a spirit man. He was something on the order of God or the son of God... the Logos that was the first. Just keep a hold of that word ‘first man’.

In ‘Attitude and who is God’… the message William Branham preached... ‘Attitude and Who is God?’; Cleveland, Ohio. 15th August, 1950

E-20 And then, we're going to make this second man... The first man, you can't see him. God... second man was a halo. And now He takes a third man and makes him like a little white cloud, coming over, we can see him; Holy Spirit coming down. And he's all man. That's the soul of man, eternal then.

If you thought I was dreaming up the cloud and that we came from a cloud, William Branham dreamed it before I ever did. People say ‘Oh, those people in that Church... they’re different than the rest of us in the message’. Well what message are we preaching? Our Prophet’s message... he’s the one who… who said we come from a cloud. He’s the one.63 They say ‘That comes from Donald Parnell’. That’s not from Don Parnell... that’s from William Branham. In case there’s an argument about who bought this thought... ‘We came from a cloud’. They say ‘It’s you Third Testament people who follow Don Parnell’. I SAY...Go back to your Prophet’s message... go back to William Branham... look what he said.

... that third man makes him like a little white cloud coming over, we can see him; Holy Spirit coming down and he’s all man.

Holy Spirit coming down and he’s all man. Not an evil spirit coming down; the Holy Spirit coming down.64 You know the Bible says that he who ascended is the one who first descended. The one who ascended above all things is Christ. But the Bible says, first he descended. So Christ the Holy Spirit descended and he is all man.

‘GLORIFIED JESUS’; Phoenix, Arizona. 25th February, 1955E53 ... The real sacrifice, the very predominating Son of the living God, the Son of the

morning, had come and died, and the Blood of God, Himself, had paid the price...

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I didn’t know God had blood. And what comes with blood, is sexual desire. The Prophet William said Jesus; he was a man like us, Paul said he’s a man like us; the only difference is he had control over his elements as a eunuch but he was tempted in every way. 65 Blood is the place where man is tempted. If you don’t have blood you don’t have temptation. A red-blooded man runs after a girl... a girl runs after boy. What is that all about? It’s the blood system. It’s designed to mate in order to recreate and bring forth life… that’s what blood is all about. This is the blood of God. The blood of God doesn’t commit sin, but its blood nevertheless, and he’s a man of like passion because blood is passionate. Blood will stand up for your nation whether it’s right or wrong. Even if you lose the World Cup Rugby you’re still the best. That’s what blood does for you. ‘We’re still the best’! And you just got beaten three times in a row. ‘We’re still the greatest in the world’. 66 Blood is thicker than water… so blood is a blinding thing. But this blood of God… we don’t want to make that an unrighteous thing. The blood of God is the righteous thing, but its blood nonetheless. That’s what I’m saying. Blood has passion in it, even if it’s the blood of God. Do you believe you’ve got the blood of God in you? Look at you... scrapping with the neighbours, with the cats and dogs, fighting with life to survive and you say you’ve got the blood of God in you? It’s full of fight. It’s passionate. It’s quite weak really.67 So we are talking about the Holy One coming down.

The real sacrifice, the very predominating son of the living God, Son of the morning… Remember the son of the morning? The First one. He came from what? A cloud... a halo to a cloud. Now he’s bringing him out of the cloud and bringing him into blood, but he’s the Son of the morning in blood.

Ezekiel 28 16 I will cast thee as profane… (not saying he is profane)… I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God…

Remember when we had him standing in the mountain of God, now God is saying ‘I am going to cast you out of the mountain’. 68 You know that we were brought from that Holy mountain, and not by the hands of man. We didn’t come here by human planning; we were hewed out of the mountain without the hands of a man. It wasn’t the passion of the mother and father that brought us here. It was the purpose and plan of Almighty God before the foundation of the world. Look at the scripture…

16 I will cast you…

The word ‘casting’ means ‘modelling... fashioning’.... ‘modelling and shaping’. You’ve got a motor-mower at home... some of you people have. Most of the motor-mowers are cast… they are cast… cast out of something, shaped and modelled.69 So here we are, talking about this Lucifer being ‘shaped and cast’ out of the mountain of God. Look at the material and the place and position this one came from. It’s not so dark after all.

16 I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God… You say ‘Well that was like dirty rags thrown out after you’ve wiped the oil off the dipstick of a car that badly needs a oil-change… you cast it away’. You can say that if you’re not inspired or you can say this if you are, ‘I will cast you, I will shape you, I will model you, I will mould you out of the mountain of God’.70 The mountain of God is the Celestial City. ‘I will bring this plan; I will bring the script from the stone of fire, out of the mountain of God I will cast it’. Now let’s just go out from there. We’ll keep going. I was just trying to bring in the mountains of God… Mount Transfiguration and Mount Sunset and parallel them.

Hebrews 12 22 Ye are come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly


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What a beautiful place. When somebody first came here, they looked at Whanganui, and they said ‘This place is a dump’ and they’ve been stuck here for, I don’t know how many years now.71 It depends on what place you’re looking at. I’m trusting, as a Minister, that I can impart the eyes of God to the people, so that instead of looking at the muddy river of Whanganui, they’ll look at the river that’s pure and crystal.72 The Maori people, when they go to the Marae, they identify themselves by their river and their mountain. ‘What’s your river? What’s your tribe and what’s your mountain’? It’s actually good for us to have a mountain and a river and to be identified with it, and here Paul is telling us about our mountain.

22 Ye are come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem…

73 Remember where Lucifer came from? We had him on the mountain of God. That’s where we had Lucifer in the beginning… ‘Thou wast on the mountain of God’. Here it is; this beautiful place.

... And to an innumerable company of angels… You can’t even number the Theophany Bodies. You can’t number the families. There’s so many of us. In case you’re feeling a little bit isolated and separated and a little bit lonely or something, get in the rhythm of the Word and think the thoughts of God. You’ve come into mount Zion, Jerusalem, and an innumerable company of angels. 74 So now we know that Lucifer came from the mountain of God. He was moulded out of that mountain and he was in the midst of the pillar of fire. He was the plan and purpose that we designed and then we brought him into this earth. Let’s just keep that picture right there for now.

That’s where we started in our service. There’s the cloud right there. Every one of us was in that cloud. 75 Brother Branham said ‘There were three lots’… see that? You go back into his message and he talks about three groups. He described them in ‘Sirs what Time is it’… ‘Little-bitty birds’ he called them... then they were doves. When they got closer they were angels. They were not the same ones transfiguring... they were three different groups. He said ‘The first two went east and these others... I had to catch up with these... the third group of the angels’. He said ‘I had to catch up… I had to go west to connect with these. Those other two have been with us all along’. 76 Notice where we started this morning. We were talking about Three Creations... the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Third Testament. Brother Branham said ‘I had to connect with these’. That’s the third group. The other two are the Old and New Testaments… ‘They have been with us all along’. He said ‘That’s the first and second pulls’. ‘Remember the third pull is a mystery’. This is the third pull being revealed. That third pull is the third group of people writing a Third Book. What a great thing, to be a part of that... the writing of the Third Book. What a privilege it is.77 We’re going to turn to Revelation 12 in a minute. I’m going to say something to end the service. Brother Branham said…

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‘QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ON HEBREWS, Part 3’; COD BookJeffersonville, Indiana. 6th October, 1957

344-848 ... We come from a higher being. In the beginning we were in the image of God. The veil and the darkness keeps us from knowing it now...

That is one of my favourite quotes over the years… that means we descended. In the beginning we were in the image of God, the veil and the darkness keeps us from knowing it now... And then we move into this Theophany what we once lived.

78 That doesn’t mean to say we moved out of a Theophany. We go back to our one-fold position... being a one fold-being... a Theophany, just the Celestial Body. Look where we’ve come from. The Prophet speaking, in

‘RESURRECTION OF LAZARUS’; Erie, Pennsylvania. 29th July, 1951.E-34 He brings it down from a sacred halo to a little white cloud that… something that’s

more visible… that’s man. We’re talking about the first man, the first born. Look where he come from, a sacred halo, a white cloud, the right-hand of God, Lucifer... Son of the morning… that’s man. 79 ‘SHALOM’; Sierra Vista, Arizona. 12th January, 1964

62 Now, in the heavens above... Did you notice I'm looking on this, the Light on the picture there out of the "Life" Magazine, that the brother that lives here in this home has put on his wall, that triangle of Light.

There’s a secret right there, that triangle… three cornered. We’re talking about Old Testament, New Testament and the Third Group that Brother Branham had to connect with. He said ‘There it is’. He’s describing it now, William’s describing it. He says it’s like a triangle… three cornered. Of course he’s a man just describing what he sees in a picture but he’s also a Prophet anointed and inspired speaking a prophetic utterance. 80 And here we are, prophets, capturing the inspiration... not just looking at a man describing a picture... but catching the sense of what the spirit was bringing through his voice. He calls that cloud, ‘three-cornered, three parts like a halo. The light is one complete circle of light in a triangle shape’. There it is. There’s the family right there. There’s the Three Groups right there. There’s the First, Second and Third Pull right there. There’s the First, Second and Third Creation right there. 81 It takes a Third Man… I think we read that quote before but I’m putting it in there again just to keep us on track. ‘ATTITUDE AND WHO IS GOD?’; Cleveland, Ohio. 15th August, 1950

E-20 ... We can see him, Holy Spirit coming down... Not evil spirit coming down. Holy Spirit, Lucifer son of the morning, first born, coming down. No-one wants to bring God down but God did it anyway. God was made flesh… that’s pretty much down. The Bible says He was made a little lower than the angels… you can’t get much lower than this. ‘How art thou come from heaven… how did you come down from heaven O Lucifer’? We’re just watching the trail of him right there. 82 I’ve got some little… some little quotations here but maybe I won’t turn to them right now. This is from Brother Don... little extracts from Brother Don’s message, preached many years ago. He preached a version of it in our Church, and in Africa. He’s got it on the Website … it’s come from his presentation.

Ephesians 48 Wherefore he saith… (quoting the scripture)… When he ascended up on high… (talking

about Christ)… he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. 9 Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of

the earth. 83 Hallelujah. We’re talking about this fellow who is the first-born of creation. He was the right hand to God. He was the Holy Spirit coming down... the one who ascended up on high. First he descended into the lower parts of the earth. You can’t get lower than a woman’s womb… can’t get lower, that’s the low parts of the earth right there… He that descended is the same also that ascended, up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.

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84 So when… when this son of the morning was descending he was actually being elevated. Glorification is coming down because in order to go up and to be glorified and to be lifted, one has to come down in order to be lifted up. 85 The angels that stand there in the heaven can’t even sing Amazing Grace. They have never descended to the lower parts of the earth. They can’t sing ‘Amazing Grace’ because they have never fallen from heaven. And Brother Branham said that. He gives a little drama of it and says ‘They are looking out there and they are looking at this other bunch. And there’s a bunch out there singing Amazing Grace and there’s a group of angels over here saying ‘what is this, what is this’? 86 If you look in the Bible, there’s a scenario. I think its Revelation 14 or thereabouts. There’s a group of angels singing something… these are singing the song of Moses and the others don’t have a clue what they’re singing about. Only those who were singing know what they are singing about. In other words, to understand the song, you have to come from that heavenly place. It’s the Holy Spirit and come on down and descend into the lower parts of the earth. What for? So that you can sing ‘Amazing Grace’ and know what it is to have fallen and to have to rise again and plead and scrape and crawl through the Priesthood and experience what it is to have to sacrifice and groan and moan until you come to the realization that you come from God and you’re going back to God. Now you can sing ‘Amazing Grace’. So you’ve got to come down to have that ability.87 But I’m looking for this little quote, from ‘God in Simplicity’. Think about the subject that’s on his mind, God in Simplicity… in humility. God humbled himself and became a man. The Bible says God humbled himself. Now listen to what he says here.

‘GOD IN SIMPLICITY’; Jeffersonville, Indiana. 17th March 196327-1 {154} Now, who knows whether the North Pole is the North or the South Pole is the

North, or the North Pole is the South, the South Pole the North? Which is up and which is down? We're hanging in space. We say, "The North Pole's up." How do you know? The South Pole might be North. See, you don't know.

‘Then how would you say Brother Branham, that up is down?’ On the basis of Jesus Christ’s word said He that humbles himself shall be exalted but he that exalts himself shall be abased… be brought down. 88 So then actually up is down and down is up… we’re bringing the Holy Spirit up. Brother Branham said it’s the Holy Spirit coming down, all the way from that little halo, down through to a cloud. He said ‘That’s all man… bringing him on down’. The Word was made flesh. We are bringing him up. We want to destroy the devil don’t we? So let’s bring Lucifer down. Let’s take away the scare... take away his pitchfork... take away his tail. Let’s take away his fangs and take away his nightlife. You say ‘You fellows are exalting the devil’. No... we’re bringing the devil down. If you want to cast him down... if you want to destroy him... if you want to throw him down – just bring him up.89 Brother Branham said ‘Up is down and down is up’. You say ‘You’re bringing Lucifer down through a Holy realm and calling him as if he’s a part of God. It’s as if you’re elevating the devil and bringing God down’. No... we are taking God up and we’re bringing the devil down. Okay. We’ll go on further from there.

‘CRUELTY OF SIN’; Jeffersonville, Indiana. 3rd April, 1953

51 Let us (plural)), make man (plural) in our own image. This scripture is what was going on in bringing the devil down. This is what was going on and Lucifer being cast out of the mountain. So then when God made his first man he was a spirit man, he was something in the order of God... the son of God, the Logos. That was the first. The son of the morning is the first man. Lucifer was son of the morning.90 We go on down there. Adam was the first man in the lower creations of God. The first creation was God himself, then out of God came the Logos which was the son of God, then out of the Logos which was the Word…

John1 In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God

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14And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. Out of the Logos came forth the man, the first man. Out of the Logos came the man, the Holy Spirit coming down. 91 Who would ever think that the Holy Spirit would have a bald head? He delights in being brown... He delights in being short... He delights in being tall... He delights in having long hair... He delights in having short hair... He delights in having nothing… no hair at all. In other words He is every bit a human. And in making him a human you’re actually elevating him. Brother Don put an emphasis on this quotation in showing that man is both… he’s a dual being. He’s earth and he’s heavenly. An Heavenly Being in an earthly body. 92 Let’s go to the next quote.

‘QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ON HEBREWS, Part 3’; COD BookJeffersonville, Indiana. 6th October, 1957 339-824 Now, if you take the Theophany, when you are looking at that, that’s a man, now

that’s where we were in the beginning. Now you do not understand it now but you was back there at the beginning that way. When man made... God made man in his own image, He made him a Theophany... then God brought man a little lower down and put him in an animal life.

Our first scripture was from Isaiah… ‘How art thou fallen from heaven O Lucifer Son of the morning’. Son of the morning is first man brought down to animal life. That’s this body just like the animal so that he could till the soil and could touch.93 This is William Branham speaking...

‘EPHESIAN CHURCH AGE’; Church Age Book, Chapter 3

102-2 Now that we have come this far let me try to crystallise your thinking on this subject so you can see the necessity of our going into the 'serpent seed doctrine' as I have. We start with the fact that there were TWO trees in the midst of the garden...

Now we’re bringing them down, right down… here comes Lucifer coming right down. There were two trees in the midst of the garden. We know Lucifer was ‘the tree of knowledge of good and evil’. ‘the tree of knowledge of good and evil’ is the devil? 94 There were two trees in the midst of the garden.

... The ‘Tree of Life’ was Jesus; the other tree is definitely Satan because of what came forth of the fruit of that tree.

Watch what the fruit was. ‘QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ON HEBREWS, Part 3’; COD BookJeffersonville, Indiana. 6th October, 1957 303-580 Now the Bible only gives record of three children being born to Adam and Eve and

that was Cain, Abel and Seth. Adam and Eve had three children. Just stop right there for a moment. Adam and Eve had three children. Where’s the devil’s child in that? Where is the devil, the serpent and where is his offspring? 95 Because Adam was both animal beast and Celestial Word Man. He was ‘the tree of knowledge of good and evil’, wrapped around the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life was in the midst. The ‘Tree of Life’ was on the inside and on the outside was the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The serpent was Adam. The Theophany was Adam. Here was the Spirit, the Holy Spirit coming down and this Adam had children. Brother Branham, above, told us that he had three of them... and Cain was one of them. 96 You know what we thought? Brother Branham’s just made a little error… he means… he means Abel and Seth, he don’t mean Cain because he always told us Cain was of the wicked one, Cain was of the devil, Cain was of the serpent. It was after Adam and Eve had Cain through an illicit relationship, that God permitted them to have that. He said ‘Okay... you’ve chosen that way to bring forth children, so shall it be. Here’s some clothes to go with it. But this is the pain you’re going to suffer 97 So God now sanctions sexual relations to bring forth children. That’s why the next children could be born of the ‘righteous one’. Abel and Seth could be born ‘righteous’ because they were

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born by a plan now sanctioned by God. Cain wasn’t sanctioned by God. Cain was the choosing of Adam and Eve’s passion.

‘QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS’; Jeffersonville, Indiana. 23rd August, 1964 942-96 See, you – you're a dual person, three people in one, soul, body, and spirit.We’re talking about a dual person. Adam was a dual person. He was both ‘the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’ and ‘the Tree of Life’. 98 This is a good quote. William Branham speaking…

‘I WILL RESTORE’; Owensboro, Kentucky. 10th November, 1953E-11 Watch these human beings. The first two mortals to come out of the Garden of Eden,

Adam and Eve, they begot two sons. One, Ham or beg your pardon, one Cain, and one Abel. I can see all that great eternity face down, when the time come when they was taken from the garden of Eden, drove out to shift for themselves.

There was two boys, both from the same mother, same father.That’s amazing. If anyone has a problem just have a look. ‘Two boys both from the same mother same father’… Cain was the son of the serpent. Cain was born by an illicit relationship outside of God’s sanction. Let’s go to the next quotation. 99 In case you thought it was an isolated case. A case of too much hunting or eating too much beef or something. This is a Prophet inspired by God and this here is the Holy Spirit interpreting that with which the Prophet was inspired.

‘ONENESS’; Jeffersonville, Indiana. 11th February, 1962 107 But Cain in his stupid ways, not so stupid, but in his cunning ways, deceived, and

brought in fruit ... Abel kept the Word of God; he brought in a lamb. God said, "That's right, Abel, you've kept My Word." "Cain, you knowed it wasn't... Where'd I... did I take some fig leaves like your daddy tried to do? You got a bunch of figs, or grapes, or apples, or whatever you got here. And now your daddy took the leaves off the tree to try to make an atonement, and here you try to bring the fruit off the tree." It wasn't that. It was blood from life.

100 Brother Branham’s dramatising. ‘You know it wasn’t fruit’.... God speaking to Cain. He’s stumbling around this little story…

... Cain, you knowed it wasn't... Where'd I... did I take some fig leaves like your daddy tried to do?

The only one who took fig leaves was Adam. We don’t see a serpent covering himself with a leaf, but we do see Adam doing that. And here’s Brother Branham dramatising... God speaking to Cain…

... Where'd I... did I take some fig leaves like your daddy tried to do? You got a bunch of figs, or grapes, or apples, or whatever you got here. And now your daddy took the leaves off the tree to try to make an atonement, and here you try to bring the fruit off the tree." It wasn't that. It was blood from life.

William Branham’s not confused… it’s the Holy Ghost in him, identifying Cain and his father. 101 So what does that make Adam? It makes him Lucifer, son of the morning, the first-born, the right-hand to God, the Holy Spirit coming down into animal life and having sex with his wife. It’s quite simple I think.

‘GOD'S COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM’; Sioux Falls, South Dakota, 23rd February, 1956E-13 ... I believe that Satan, is a perverter but not a creator ‘cause God is the only one

who can create. And in the beginning when he become a co-partner to God… We know the co-partner was Adam, the son of the morning when he walked up and down fiery brimstone and so forth, that when Satan perverted good to evil.

102 I love this one. Stay with me people. ‘THE BREACH’; Jeffersonville, Indiana. 17th March, 196385-1 {111} Now what happened? The polluted seed of Adam has polluted and absolutely

destroyed the land.The polluted seed of Adam? We talk about serpent seed being polluted, but we never talk about Adam’s seed being polluted. What we are saying here is ‘Where is the serpent? Where did he

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come from? Who was this Lucifer... the right-hand to God descending into animal life? Who was the tree of knowledge of good and evil? – The polluted seed of Adam. 103 We’re not preaching a different serpent seed than William Branham preached. We’re quoting him, quoting him, quoting him and quoting him. God left this portion for us to capture in its designated season. Can you see what Brother Don was thinking all those years ago?

... Do you know the Bible says that? And because that he has did this (the polluted seed of Adam), God will destroy them.

The polluted seed of the serpent... the serpent seed is polluted, the tree of knowledge of good and evil… sex born animal life. 104 Jesus was the Son of the morning. The Son of the morning is the first-born of the creation. Let’s look at the ‘Laodicean Church Age’…

‘LAODICEAN CHURCH AGE’;  Church Age Book, Chapter 9336-4 But now He is standing in the midst of the Church. As He stands there revealing

Who He is in this last age, He calls Himself the "Author of the creation of God". This is ANOTHER CREATION. This has to do with the church...

Another creation. Do you get it, people? This is not the same as the First Group, not the Second… we’re all a part of that Great Triangle Pyramid of that Great Cloud and we are that Third Group that he had to connect with.

... This is ANOTHER CREATION. This has to do with the Church. This is a special designation of Himself. He is the CREATOR of that Church.

105 The right hand, Brother Branham speaking here, I think we may have got this quote before. ‘SEAL OF THE ANTICHRIST’; Los Angeles, California. 11th March, 1955E-18 The right hand man of Almighty God was Lucifer, the son of the morning.

In the quote from ‘Laodicean Church Age’, above, he’s called Jesus, Son of the morning. Son of the morning actually is the first-born of each creation. It’s the Holy Spirit coming down.

Isaiah 1411 Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy viols: the worm is spread

under thee, and the worms cover thee. I didn’t even know the human body had so many worms in it. 106 Get with some science program and have a look at enzymes and little germs and things that eat us up... and they eat each other up. White blood cells and what they do. How that when you die, you decay… it’s caused by germ life. What is a germ? It’s in a human being. You say ‘Well it’s atmospheric’. I don’t know. I’m not a Doctor or a Scientist but I know that we are full of worms.107 And look at this Lucifer. We’re bringing him out of heaven.

... the worms are spread under thee, and the worms cover thee. 12 How art thou fallen from heaven O Lucifer son of the morning, how art thou cut down to

the ground which didst weaken the nations 13 For thou has said in thine heart I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above

the stars of God… How does he ever expect to be exalted except he be abased…

... I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the side of the north. 14 I will ascend above the heights of the cloud; I will be like the most high.

108 We know that he was perfect in the day he was created. Ezekiel 2815 Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was

found in thee.Then when he descended, he became Satan. What is Satan? The opposer… the opposer of God. He starts off as a perfect one, in a perfect plan, with a perfect body, a perfect everything… 14 Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so:

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An anointed cherub. What is that? It’s an angelic being. 109 So this Lucifer, son of the morning, right-hand to God, is the Holy Spirit coming into animal life… a perfect one… perfect in the day that he was created. Remember we are talking about the first-born of the creation.

15 Perfect in all thy ways from the day thou wast created, till… Until you released those hormones, oestrogen and testosterone… until testosterone and oestrogen took a hold. Until the chromosomes of human life brought you together with Eve and you brought forth Cain. ‘You were perfect until iniquity was discovered in thee. You were perfect until you discovered iniquity… perfect in all your ways until iniquity was found in thee’. 110 Luke 10… Jesus speaking,

18 I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Light… lightning… enlightening. Lightning is beautiful. It depends on how you look at it… I saw him fall from heaven.

19 Behold I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions; and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall be by any means hurt thee.

Genesis 31 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had

made. And he said unto the woman, Yea hath God said Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

2 And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:

3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said , Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.

111 We’ll just cut some of this story short. We know what happens, a little relationship takes place.

14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life.

That serpent would no longer be born a man. Adam was formed… there he is standing there. He never came out of the womb of a woman. He came from the mind of God and there he is standing there... Adam. No sex involved just God himself. OK. God said to him, ‘From now on you’re going to come from the belly. On your belly you shall go. You’re going to come out of the belly and you’re going to be a crawler. You’re going to lick the dust of the earth’. 112 ‘You will no longer be a man born like this, you’re going to be eaters of the dust and you’re going to be on your belly’. Adam’s standing right there in the first day… ‘What do you mean on the belly’? God changed every bone in the body of the serpent and brought him through germ life, and brought him out of the belly onto his belly... and here’s a little curse I want to get to on closing.

15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

We’re talking about the seed of the woman. The seed of the woman is Celestial Beings coming from that halo, through the cloud. That’s the seed. Do you remember when God spoke to Jacob and Abraham, they saw the angels coming down? God said ‘That’s your seed’. And the Bible tells us the Heavenly Jerusalem is the Mother of us all.113 So in fact, the real seed of the woman is not something material and physical but it is the predestinated gene of God… ‘I will put enmity between thy seed and the woman’s seed’... between the physical germ life of humanity and the Celestial realm. ‘I’m going to bring a fight between them both. The heavenly offspring and the earthly germ are going to fight. I will put enmity between thy seed and her seed’. And we read the scripture here… I’m going to read it just the way it’s written.

15 ... IT shall bruise thy head... ‘IT’ is the woman’s seed… ‘IT’. The woman’s seed. You say ‘Oh that’s Christ’. Christ was the first of many. The seed... singular... is all the attributes. The seed is every one of us.

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114 The Celestial Seed… the Apostle Paul talks about ‘Celestial Seed’, and he calls it ‘bare grain’. The Son of Man took seed and planted it in the earth.

15 ... I will put enmity between thy seed and the woman’s seed. I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed and it shall bruise thy head...

The seed of the woman, the Celestial Body shall bruise the serpent’s head. Revelation 12 1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun…

That’s beautiful. Here comes the woman and her seed… ... and the moon under her feet… (that’s the old creation)…. twelve stars upon her head…

That’s the signs of the Zodiac, the character of God that’s embedded in each one of us as we come forth.115 The seed of God comes with a nature of God. God’s nature is depicted in twelve symbols and signs of the stars. And every seed of God comes bearing one those signs and one of those natures.

2 And she being with child… (that’s the heavenly Jerusalem… she (the woman) being with child… (that’s the seed of the woman)… travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.

3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns… Well we know what the ten horns are. 1 31 15 Sevens… God works in sevens and the ten horns are the ten dictators… seven crowns upon his heads.

4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven… 116 So here’s a woman giving birth to a Celestial baby bringing it on down into the earth and here is a red dragon with the tail in connection with this whole thing…

... and behold a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns 4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth: and

the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.

That dragon actually does devour the child. We see the picture of an Alpha Romeo emblem... a serpent with a baby in it... that Celestial baby has to come by way of the red dragon. That Celestial child has to come by way of flesh and blood… the flesh and blood system actually swallows the baby and takes on the Celestial representation of the seed of God. 117 Your Celestial Body is here, and your physical body is there... ‘living in sin shaped in iniquity, come into the world speaking dragon’. And the ‘tail’ of the dragon symbolises human reproduction… the only way the Celestial Being get’s into this earth is through the loins of the father… and ‘by the tail of the dragon the third part of the stars are cast into the earth’. We’re talking about reproduction. 118 ‘The third part of the stars of heaven’… Angels are made up of thirds. They start off barren and bare... the first part. We’re up there before the foundation of the earth and don’t have a clue about anything, then we come into this life. What for? To have an experience. That’s the second part... and when we drop this body and step back to where we come from, we take another character with us. A character we never came with. We’ve got a character unlike the first character we had. So we come Celestial, barren, bare grain. We’re planted in the earth by the son of man through the tail of the serpent… through the loins of a human father… a dragon.119 Then we drop the flesh and go back... a third of the stars. There’s a third part of us which came down from the mind of God... only one third. The second third was in human life, and the next part was the character we take back with us. The tail of the dragon casts a third of the stars into the earth. The bruising of the serpent’s head… you know what a bruise is. It’s about blood. The head of the serpent is bruised and the bruising of the head of the serpent alters the walk of the Theophany. Listen carefully. The serpent’s head is bruised... it’s engorged with blood, and the blood changes the way the Theophany walks. The seed of the woman alters its walk by

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bruising the serpent’s head. We’re talking about natural reproduction here, if you can read between the lines. 120 I don’t know if this is the first time that has ever been said in public in all the history of the Bible... maybe. To bruise the serpents head is to fill it with blood and the bruising of the head changes the third part of the stars and the way they walk. They walk in human life. They walk with a pair of shorts on. They walk and jump and leap and play rugby. Celestial Beings in human bodies walking differently to what they did in the Celestial City. 121 You don’t walk the same way you used to walk when you were in the Celestial City. In the Celestial City you were like a little angel. You were nice and tidy, everything was good but when you got here through the ‘tail of the serpent’, on your belly you went. You started to eat dust and everything. You walked in the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Your whole walk changed as a result of the ‘bruising’ of the serpent’s head. God bless you. Thank you for listening. God bless. Stand with me. 122 Brother Branham said the natural birth is more of a mystery than the New Birth is. Well... that’s part of the natural birth right there. Remember Brother Branham said ‘Your enemy is 6 inches long’, and he died on Highway 60, he had 6 days of suffering… you know all the 6’s there. You came to live in serpent life, to walk in dragon skin. You came through the loins of an Irishman; your Theophany I mean, the Celestial one, the seed of the woman came through the bruising of the serpents head… Hallelujah… to change its walk… shall bite your heel. 123 You know what happened to Jacob after he got his sinews shrunk… his walk changed, he was never the same. He walked different. It’s the same as us in the Celestial realm. We were up there... we couldn’t sing ‘Amazing Grace’ or anything. Our walk was completely ‘Holy, Holy, Holy’, then we came descending down, coming down. Hallelujah. We bruised the serpent’s head and it changed the way we walk. Just open our hearts, close our eyes… let’s pray to the Lord…

13-0203 The Trail of the Serpent - Part 7 - Lucifer's Identity - Pastor Mita Edwardson