· Web viewBeth bumps back to reality with Mr Boxer suggesting...

Disability-related bullying video stills Part 1: Worksheet 8a Mr Rowland is teaching students about witchcraft in a history lesson. One student called Dylan starts to have a fit. Tanya gets annoyed and Mr Rowland sends her out of class for her unhelpful Other students say horrible things, laugh, video Dylan and ask if he is a witch.

Transcript of  · Web viewBeth bumps back to reality with Mr Boxer suggesting...

Page 1:  · Web viewBeth bumps back to reality with Mr Boxer suggesting she works as a wedding planner. Beth walks out the class in anger. Beth is so furious.

Disability-related bullying video stills

Part 1:

Worksheet 8a

Mr Rowland is teaching students about witchcraft in a history lesson.

One student called Dylan starts to have a fit.

Tanya gets annoyed and Mr Rowland sends her out of class for her unhelpful behaviour.

Dylan checks his Facebook and sees a message from another student.

Tanya is on Dylan’s Facebook page and it is unclear if she sent the message.

Other students say horrible things, laugh, video Dylan and ask if he is a witch.

Page 2:  · Web viewBeth bumps back to reality with Mr Boxer suggesting she works as a wedding planner. Beth walks out the class in anger. Beth is so furious.

Disability-related bullying video stills

Part 2:

Worksheet 8b

Tanya apologises to her teacher and says she was angry that the students were picking on Dylan. Her mum is a wheelchair user and she knows how it makes her feel.

Mr Rowland and Tanya talk to discuss what can be done to improve things.

Tanya is seen caring for her Mum who is a wheelchair user.

The next day, Tanya talks to Dylan. She says she saw what Craig posted on his Facebook and asked how the bullying makes him feel. He explains he feels like the witches that Mr Rowland described.

Dylan and Tanya become friends and things start to change for the better.

Page 3:  · Web viewBeth bumps back to reality with Mr Boxer suggesting she works as a wedding planner. Beth walks out the class in anger. Beth is so furious.

Racism video stills

Part 1:

Worksheet 9a

Harry talks about a new boy arriving and that there was ‘something’ about him.

Chantelle says it was things like he wouldn’t sit with other people or eat the same food.

Darren explains how he goes to Film Club with Harry and Chantelle and they are all making a film for a competition.

Harry says that Mohammed starts hanging around them, wanting to be a part of their film.

Mohammed explains that he was upset because everyone stared at him.

Chantelle acts like Mohammed had insulted all English food when he explains that he only eats halal.

Page 4:  · Web viewBeth bumps back to reality with Mr Boxer suggesting she works as a wedding planner. Beth walks out the class in anger. Beth is so furious.

Harry plays a trick on Mohammed and told him a ruler was called poo. So everyone laughs when he asks the teacher for a poo.

They had a joke: ‘what do you call a man with ham and a lawnmower on his head? Mow-ham-head. His nickname became Ham-Head.

They have a game that they play at the bus stop where they pretend Mohammed has a bomb and is a terrorist blowing them up.

Mohammed becomes so angry that one day at the bus stop he pretends he is a terrorist and says he would blow them up.

There is some pushing, then next thing, there is blood everywhere and Mohammed has a cut face.

They say if Mohammed tells anyone, he will regret it.

Worksheet 9b

Page 5:  · Web viewBeth bumps back to reality with Mr Boxer suggesting she works as a wedding planner. Beth walks out the class in anger. Beth is so furious.

Part 2:

Worksheet 9c

Harry explains that the next day they were called to the Head Masters office. He could tell it was serious.

The incident had been reported to the police and they’d seen it on CCTV. They couldn’t deny what happened.

They produce a film about the whole incident to recognise how wrong it is to bully and misjudge people and they all become good friends.

Mohammed didn’t want Harry, Chantelle and Darren to have detentions and so the school got them to produce a film together instead.

Harry realises that you can’t look at people from a distance. You’ve got to see them in close up.

Chantelle realises how mean they had been.

Page 6:  · Web viewBeth bumps back to reality with Mr Boxer suggesting she works as a wedding planner. Beth walks out the class in anger. Beth is so furious.

Gender discrimination video stills

Part 1:

Mr Boxer arrives to deliver a careers advice class and asks where everyone would like to go on their work placement.

Beth says she’d like to be a singer. But if she doesn’t make it as a singer, she’d like to be a plumber.

Beth’s classmates laugh at her and Mr Boxer thinks she is joking and insists on a serious answer.

Lewis says Beth can’t be a plumber because she needs muscles and will have to get her hands and clothes dirty!

Beth is so furious. She goes into a dream world. The girls are dressed as builders, plumbers, firemen etc singing that the boys could never hack it working with them.

Worksheet 10a

Beth bumps back to reality with Mr Boxer suggesting she works as a wedding planner. Beth walks out the class in anger.

Page 7:  · Web viewBeth bumps back to reality with Mr Boxer suggesting she works as a wedding planner. Beth walks out the class in anger. Beth is so furious.

Part 2:

Beth is angry but then she plays music on her phone, stands tall and goes back into the classroom to make her case!

Beth sings that she is entitled to earn more than the minimum wage, to use her skills, to be her own boss and to stand up for choice.

Mr Boxer is so impressed with her argument that he suggests they call a plumber to see if there are any available apprenticeships.

Lewis is so encouraged to stand up for his choices that he says he has always wanted to work in a beauty salon.

Worksheet 10b