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Е.Л. Воронянская



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В-75 Воронянская Е.Л. Авиационный английский для менеджеров: Учеб. посо-

бие по изучению дисциплины «Авиационный английский язык» для курсантов высших училищ и студентов заочной формы обучения / Е.Л. Воронянская. – Ульяновск: УВАУ ГА, 2004. – 86 с.

Содержит аутентичные авиационно окрашенные тексты и упражнения для

формирования, развития и закрепления лексическо-грамматических навыков авиационного английского языка.

Разработано в соответствии с государственным общеобразовательным стан-дартом Российской Федерации и программой обучения студентов высших и средних летных училищ.

Предназначено для проведения практических занятий с курсантами и сту-дентами заочной формы обучения специализации 061140 – Менеджмент на воздушном транспорте по дисциплине «Авиационный английский язык».

Печатается по решению Редсовета училища.


1. History of aviation ………………………………………………………..……..3 2. Russian civil aviation in a free market economy ………………………..……..22 3. Aeroflot – Russian Airlines ………………………….……………………….. 40 4. Airlines and the marketing mix ………………………………………...…….. 56 5. Airports………………………..……..………………………..……...……......72 Bibliography ............................................................................…………… .……..85

© Е.Л. Воронянская, 2004

© Ульяновск, УВАУ ГА, 2004

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Section I.



Ex. 1. Read these words and practise saying them:

[J] dream, steam, peace, sea, reason, feature, mean, deal, heat [e] feather, death, head, steady, ready, heavy, leather, weather, health,

measure [eI] great, break, steak [Iq] fear, appear, clear, hear, near, real, rear, dear, tear [eq] pear, bear, swear, wear, tear [H] rooster, balloon, soon, food, true, prove, rule, truth, fruit [u] pull, full, could, would, should [m] bomb, climb, limb, numb, dumb, lamb [g] get, ground, ground, glider, good, great, August, growth, segment [G] mythology, passenger, German, rigid, engine, undercarriage, generation,

geography, large, jet, journey, injured [Z] fuselage, cabotage, sabotage, mirage, massage, garage.

Ex. 2. Categorize the verbs into three groups according to the sound of their endings. Practise reading.

Note: There are three different ways of pronouncing the endings of regular verbs in the Past Simple: [t], [d], [id].

Dreamed, melted, journeyed, attempted, wished, designed, travelled, contained,

started, respected, proved, crashed, injured, performed, soloed, replaced, intro-duced, operated, outnumbered, developed, considered, increased, improved, ef-fected, shattered, caused, pulled, appeared, sailed, passed, helped, evaluated, as-sessed, honed, changed, connected.

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Ex. 3. Practise reading international words and expressions. Translate them into Russian.

Mythology, balloon, start, passenger, pioneer, propeller, design, military, metal, bomber, person, aeroplane, solo, monoplane, automatic pilot, company, type, service, civil aviation, mass, popular, astronaut, cosmonaut, economical, globe, to navigate, in-dustry, aspect, segment of transportation system, millions of dollars, total, distance, con-cept of geography, social traditions, cultural structures, economic principles, business practices, horizon, literature, appetite, list of careers.


Ex. 4**. Study new words (Glossary 1).

accept vt acceptable adj



принимать; приемлемый, подходящий

advance nc, nu in advance advance vi



прогресс, успех; заранее, заблаговременно; делать успехи, развиваться

airborne adj ['eqbLn] перевозимый по воздуху; оторвавшийся от земли; находящийся в воздухе

aircraft nc (pl - ) ['eqkrRft] летательный аппарат, самолет

airline nc airliner nc

['eqlaIn] ['eqlaInq]

транспортная авиакомпания; транспортный самолет, авиалайнер

airship nc ['eqSIp] дирижабль

aloft adj (pred), adv [q'lPft] ав. в полете, в воздухе

appear vi [q'pIq(r)] следовать, быть очевидным

assess vt [q'ses] перен. оценить assessment nc, nu [q'sesmqnt] оценка

attempt vt; nc [q'tempt] пытаться, попытка

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beneficial adj ["benI'fISl] выгодный

business nc ['bIznIs] коммерческое предприятие

cause vt. nc, nu [kLz] быть причиной; причина

climb vt, vi, nc [klaIm] ав. набирать высоту; набор

contain vt [kqn'teIn] содержать

destination nc ["destI'neISn] пункт назначения

efficient adj [I'fISnt] эффективный, действенный

equip vt equip sb/sth (with/for sth) equipment nu



оборудовать, оснащать; оборудовать что-л. чем-л.; оборудование

evaluate vt evaluation nc, nu


[I"vxlju'eISn] определить важность, значение; оценка, определение (значения)

evident adj ['evIdqnt] очевидный, ясный

facilities nc usually pl [fq'sIlqtI] средства, оборудование

fail vt, vi failure nc, nu

[feIl] ['feIljq]

тех. отказывать отказ, неисправность

framework nc ['freImwWk] конструкция

glider nc ['glaIdq] планер

head for vt, vi [hed] направляться, держать курс

improve vt, vi improvement nc, nu

[Im'prHv] [Im'prHvmqnt]

улучшать, совершенствовать; улучшение

increase vt, vi increase nc, nu

[In'krJs] ['InkrJs]

увеличивать; увеличение, возрастание, рост

injure vt ['InGq] ранить, повредить;

injury nu, nc ['InGqrI] ущерб, рана, ушиб

involve vt (not used in the continuous tenses)


включать в себя; вовлекать; осложнять; погружаться (во что-л.);

involve sb in sth to be involved in sth

вовлекать кого-л. во что-л.; быть занятым, увлеченным чем-л.;

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involvement nc, nu [In'vPlvmqnt] увлеченность, занятость

jet adj jet engine/plane /propulsion

[Get] реактивный; реактивный двигатель/самолет/тяга

load vt, vi; nc [lqud] грузить, груз, загрузка

mercy nu be at the mercy of


милосердие, сострадание; быть во власти

performance nc [pq'fLmqns] ав. летно-технические характеристики

practicable adj ['prxktIkqbl] осуществимый, реальный

profoundly adv [prq'faundlI] глубоко, серьезно

propulsion nu [prq'pAlSn] движение вперед; тяга

replace vt replacement nu


[rI'pleIsmqnt] заменять; замена

retract vt, vi [rI'trxkt] ав. убирать (шасси)

revenue nu or pl ['revqnjH] доход

rigid adj ['rIGId] жесткий

shatter vt, vi ['Sxtq] разрушать

steam-driven adj ['stJm"drIvn] тех. паровой, с паровым двигателем

steering nu ['stIqrIN] управляемость

undercarriage nc ['AndqkxrIG] ав. шасси

vehicle nc flying/ground vehicle

['vJIkl] транспортное средство; воздушное/наземное транспортное средство

Ex. 5. Read and translate word combinations.

To dream of flying like the birds, the first successful flying vehicle, a lighter-than-air craft, a hot-air balloon, to send aloft, to be at the mercy of the winds, steam-driven propellers for steering and propulsion, rigid metal framework, to be fatally injured, to solo across the Atlantic, to have only a single 220 horsepower engine, all-metal single-wing airliner, the first twin-engine monoplane, to be capable of climbing with

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a full load, after failure of one engine in flight, a low-wing monoplane, to increase the size and the speed, to improve the performance of passenger aeroplanes, to get more economical, environmentally acceptable and socially beneficial, to shatter concept of the relationship between time and distance.



From earliest of times it appears that man dreamed of flying like the birds, and there are many stories of his attempts. One of the oldest stories from mythology tells of Icarus flying so high that the Sun melted the wax that held together his feathered wings, causing him to fall to his death.

Man’s first successful flying vehicle was a lighter-than-air craft, the hot-air bal-loon. It got its start when the Montgolfier brothers sent aloft the world’s first airborne passengers – a sheep, a rooster and a duck. Man himself left the ground for the first time when Pilatre de Rozier journeyed 24 meters aloft in a Montgolfier balloon dur-ing a four-and-a-half minute flight in 1783.

Man at last was off the ground. However, it soon became evident that the balloon was at the mercy of the winds. If the balloonist could find an altitude at which the wind was travelling in the direction he wished to go, fine. If not, he might find him-self heading for England when his destination was the south of France.

In 1837 the great English pioneer of flight, Sir George Cayley, designed an effi-cient airship. It contained steam-driven propellers for steering and propulsion. The Germans, however, were the first to discover a use for this first satisfactory airship. In 1874 Graf Ferdinand von Zeppelin started to design military aircraft. He used a ri-gid metal framework to build a true flying ship and the Zeppelin airships were the most highly respected aircraft in the air, as bombers in war and as airliners in peace.

A 19th century German, Otto Lilienthal, was the person who proved that human flight in heavier-than-air craft was practicable. Before his glider crashed and fatally injured him in 1896, he had made more than 2,000 flights.

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Orville and Wilbur Wright performed the first controlled flights in December 1903. Their four flights that month, totaling 97 seconds of air time, made their «Flyer» the most famous aeroplane in history.

The first four-engine aeroplane to fly was the highly successful «Russian Knight» biplane designed, built and flown by Igor Sikorsky in 1913.

In 1927 Charles Lindberg became a world hero when he soloed across the Atlan-tic. The New York to Paris flight was made in the monoplane «Spirit of St. Louis», which had only a single 220 horsepower engine.

The Boeing 247, built in 1933, was the first of the modern, all-metal, single-wing airliners. It could carry ten passengers and could cross the United States in less than twenty hours. The aeroplane had de-icing equipment, an automatic pilot, a retractable undercarriage, and it was the first twin-engine monoplane capable of climbing with a full load after failure of one engine in flight.

Even though the Boeing 247 was good, it was soon replaced by the new low-wing monoplane airliner introduced by the Douglas Company. The performance of the DC-3 aeroplanes was so extraordinary that 30 years after its first flight in 1935, the DC-3s still outnumbered any other type of aircraft in world-wide service.

The development of jet propulsion is considered to be the greatest advance in avi-ation since the first flight of the Wright brothers. Frank Whittle of Britain operated his turbojet engine with success on April 12, 1937, but it was not until August 27, 1939, that the world’s first jet plane, built by the Germans, was flown.

The Russian Tupolev TU-104 was in wide use during the latter months of 1958, and America’s Boeing 707 and Douglas DC-8 aeroplanes soon were transporting pas-sengers across the Atlantic.

Mass travel became so popular that aircraft designers increased the size and the

speed and improved the performance of passenger aeroplanes. Perhaps one day pas-

senger will fly from one point to another at speeds which are presently known only to

the astronauts and cosmonauts. Every new generation of aircraft is getting more eco-

nomical, environmentally acceptable and socially beneficial.

The Aviation Age dawned at 10.35 on December 17, 1903 near Kitty Hawk, NC

when Orville Wright, manning the 1903 «Flyer», left the ground for a self-propelled

flight of 120 feet in 12 seconds. Within a century, a man would navigate the globe by

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air, walk on the moon and send probes to distant Mars. Aviation has come a long way

since its birth and now represents a very important industry. It is an industry touching

every aspect of our lives, of our growth and our future. Civil aviation has developed

to the point where it is now the largest and, in many ways, the most important seg-

ment of the whole transportation system, representing thousands of jobs, millions of

dollars in revenues, the growth of thousands of cities, businesses, services and manu-

facturing facilities throughout the world. No other achievement of last century has ef-

fected the total fabric of the lives of people as profoundly as aviation. It has shattered

man’s concept of the relationship between time and distance. In the process, it has

caused twentieth-century man not only to reassess his concept of geography, but also

to re-evaluate his social traditions, his cultural structures, his economic principles and

his business practices.

Aviation has literally pulled the world closer together. The horizons which

appeared so dark and fearsome to the seamen who sailed under Columbus are

passed over in a matter of minutes in a modern aircraft. The aircraft has become

such a part of the world scene that it would be unthinkable to wake up and find it

gone. We set standards for time and distance with it. It has helped to shape our

manners of speech and our dress and our tastes in food, art and literature. It has

honed razor-sharp our appetite for travel. It has changed us as no other genera-

tions have been changed before.

Millions of people have connected their lives with the exciting world of civil avia-

tion. There is an almost endless list of careers directly associated with civil aviation,

the list growing longer day by day. And besides the full-time civil aviation careers,

there are literally thousands of opportunities to involve aviation in one’s life.

Ex. 6. Comprehension check.

1. Who was the first mythological hero to leave the ground? 2. Who designed the first hot-air-balloon? 3. Why did this craft prove to unpracticable? 4. When was the first efficient airship designed? 5. Where did it get propulsion from? 6. What event did the aviation community celebrate in December 2003?

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7. What made Charles Lindberg a world hero? 8. What type of aircraft was the Boeing 247? 9. Which invention is considered to be the greatest advance in aviation? 10. What is the role aviation in modern life?

Vocabulary practice

Ex. 7. Find in the text a word or a phrase which has a similar meaning to each of the following.

a) летательный аппарат легче воздуха, первые воздушные пассажиры, быть во власти ветров, приводимые в действие паром пропеллеры, для управления и соз-дания тяги, жесткая металлическая конструкция, выполнить первый управляе-мый полет, самолет цельнометаллической конструкции, выпускающиеся шасси, моноплан с низким расположением крыла, находить широкое применение, раз-рушить представление человека о взаимосвязи времени и пространства;

b) to appear, a try, fortunate, something with wheels, to begin, a cock, clear, height, to move towards, operative, to include, stiff, highly regarded, possible, dam-aged, to do something alone, to go higher, a breakdown, remarkable, (to cause some-thing) to become greater, (to cause a person or a thing) to become better, a person who travels in a spacecraft, useful, to influence, to destroy, terrible.

Ex. 8. Fill in the gaps using the words given below. monoplane biplane triplane quadruplane

high-wing low-wing mid-wing single-engined twin-engined

Depending on the number and position of main planes there is the … which has only one wing or, as it is sometimes considered preferable to say, one pair of wings. In some of them the wing is set at the top of the body, in others – at the bottom and in others it occupies an intermediate position. They are referred to respectively as … , … and … machines.

Then there is the … which has two pairs of wings, one set above the other. There are also aeroplanes which have more than two planes – the … and the … .

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The aircraft equipped with one engine are … , with two engines - … .

Ex. 9. Form noun + noun structures. Think of the best translation. e.g. a flight + 4,5 min = a four-and-a-half minute flight

an aeroplane + 4 engines = a four-engine aeroplane Note: Noun + noun structures are used in measurements, with a number before

the first noun which is normally singular in form.

a journey + 2days a flight + 3 and a half hours

a bottle + 5 litres a note + 10 pounds

a walk + 3 miles a goose + 3 kilos

a tent + 2 persons a holiday + 4 weeks

a lesson + 2 hours a fence + 2 metres

a wall + 2 metres a building + 7 storeys

a course + 6 days a delay + 1 hour and a half

Ex. 10. Translate these noun + noun structures into English.

Полуторачасовой полет, трехдневное путешествие, двенадцатиэтажное здание, сторублевая купюра, двухнедельный отпуск, пятиминутный перерыв, шестичасовое занятие, десятидневный курс, двухлитровая бутыль, трехколес-ный велосипед, пятнадцатиминутная прогулка, сорокапятиминутный урок.

Ex. 11*. Change the verbs into nouns. Note: A suffix is a combination of letters added at the end of a word, or word root.

Its function is either to form a new word or to show the function of the word. There are many ways of forming nouns from verbs in English, with the suffixes: -sion, -tion, -ety, -ery, -ance, -ence, -ment, -al, -er, -or, etc.

e.g. to arrive – arrival However, there are many less common suffixes: e.g. to choose – choice Appear, fly, discover, regulate, refer, prove, compete, establish, fail, replace, in-

troduce, perform, develop, operate, transport, know, secure, represent, serve, achieve,

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certify, manage, involve, evaluate, assess, accept, improve, carry, retract, equip, in-jure, contain.

Ex. 12*. Fill in the chart to find the other parts of speech. Use your dictionary where necessary. Check the pronunciation.

Noun Verb Adjective

1. acceptance accept acceptable

2. … injure …

3. improvement … …

4. … succeed …

5. assessment … …

6. … fail …

7. … … beneficial

8. excitement … …

9. … economize …

10. … … changeable

Ex. 13. Cross odd one out.

1. Hot-air balloon, glider, airship, aircraft, ground vehicle. 2. High-wing, low-wing, bottom-wing, mid-wing. 3. Monoplane, hydroplane, biplane, triplane, quadruplane. 4. Flight, performance, size, speed. 5. Jet engine, turboprop engine, turbofan engine, feather engine.

Ex. 14. Three of these verbs can not be used in combination with «aircraft». Which ones are they?

To fly, to design, to manufacture, to cargo, to control, to increase, to build, to board, to melt, to load, to operate

Ex. 15. A: Match the words in column A with those in column B.

e.g. a - 1

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B: Learn these word combinations and use them in the sentences

of your own.

e.g. The TU-104 was the first Russian jet aircraft.


a. supersonic aircraft 1. сверхзвуковой самолет

b. passenger aircraft 2. учебно-тренировочный самолет

c. cargo aircraft 3. транспортный самолет

d. military aircarft 4. пассажирский самолет

e. training aircraft 5. военный самолет

f. transport aircraft 6. грузовой самолет

Ex. 16. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions where necessary.

… the beginning … time man dreamed … escaping the bonds … earth, but when … last he was … the ground it became evident that his craft was … the mercy … the winds. The balloonist could fly only … the direction the wind was travelling. Avia-tion got its start … 10.35 … 17th … December, 1903 … Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, when Orville Wright took … leaving the ground … a 12 second self-propelled flight. … a century aviation has become a significant industry which … many ways benefits the lives … individuals and society as a whole.

Ex. 17. A: Translate the sentence from the text.

And besides the full-time civil aviation careers, there are literally thousands of opportunities to involve aviation in one’s life. Note: to work full-time means that you work for a full day, e. g. 9 a.m. – 5 p. m.

B: Learn some more common compounds and collocations with «time»:

Part-time If you work part-time, you only work for a part of the day or week. Overtime If you work overtime, you work beyond your regular working hours. From time to time: occasionally For the time being: temporarily

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Behind the times: old-fashioned, out-of-date In no time: very quickly In time: not too late On time: punctual

C: Complete the following paragraph with the appropriate words.

Tom Laker dreamed of being an astronaut, so he was happy when he saw an ad-

vertisement for vacancies in a space research centre. Unfortunately his application

form didn’t arrive … time for a …-time job, but he was happy to accept a …-time

post … the time being. He always arrived at the centre … time, and he worked very

hard. … time … time, he even did … , and he got promoted … no time. One day, the

director sent for Tom to congratulate him on his progress. «What area of research are

you particularly interested in?» he asked. «Well, sir,» Tom said, «I’d like to go to the

moon». «I’m afraid you’re … the times», replied the director. «We’re trying to send

men to Mars!»

Grammar. Structure and usage

Ex. 18. A: Study the usage of «like» and «as».

We can use like or as to say that things are similar.

Like is similar to a preposition. We use it before a noun or pronoun: It flew like the wind. We can use like to give examples: She is good at social sciences, like economics. As is a conjunction. We use it before a clause and before an expression beginning

with a preposition: When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Another use of as is to say what function or role a person or thing has. In this

case, as is used like a preposition, before a noun:

He flew as a pilot for Aeroflot for ten years.

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B: Use as or like correctly in these sentences.

1. The air balloon was at the mercy of the wind … a toy.

2. A sheep, a rooster and a duck are known … the world’s first airborne passengers.

3. Some of the aircraft go straight up and down and hover overhead … a hum-

ming bird does.

4. The availability of an airport has a number of advantages, … proximity to raw

materials, lower land and capital investment costs, etc.

5. The effective use of a plane, … a key tool in operations, contributes to the suc-

cess of a company.

6. The Zeppelin airships were the most highly respected aircraft in the air, …

bombers in war and … airliners in peace.

7. In 1939, … in 1914, everybody seemed to expect war. 8. Everybody regards the development of jet propulsion … the greatest advance

in aviation since the first flight of the Wright brothers. 9. Our ability to fly, … passengers, to almost any part of the world is an integral

part of the global economy. 10. The international aviation industry which makes this possible is … the pro-

verbial iceberg of which the passenger perceives only the tip. 11. In 1919 the International Air Traffic Association (IATA) was established … a

voluntary association of international airlines. 12. In 1945 IATA was reborn … the International Air Transport Association.

Ex. 19. Complete the chart. Give 4 forms of each verb.

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle II Present Participle I

fly flew flown flying






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Ex. 20. A: Study the usage of the Past Simple.

Look at this sentence from the text: In 1837 the great English pioneer of flight, Sir George Cayley, designed an effi-

cient airship. The Past Simple is used here to talk about something that: − took place at a specific time in the past. − is finished.

It does not matter if the events are short, long or repeated, or if they are in the near past or the distant past. We always think of them as complete events.

The Past Simple is often used with time expressions such as: ago, last year, in 1874, on April 12, when he was young.

B: Which of these words can be used with the expressions below?

in during this ago last on at

the 19th century the war the 27th of August the weekend ages the latter months of 1958 flight April August 27, 1939 Sunday week summer December 1903 1913 1927

C: Write down six dates or time expressions that are significant to the history of aviation. What happened then?

e.g. The 27th of August - On August 27, 1939 the world’s first jet plane, built by the Germans, made its first flight.

Ex. 21. A: Study the usage of the Present Perfect Simple.

Remember that the Present Perfect Simple is used for: a) talking about recent past experience important at the time of speaking.

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b) talking about general past experience. It does not matter when the experience happened. The important thing is the experience itself.

The Present Perfect Simple is often used with indefinite time adverbials: ever, never, already, yet, before, just, recently, always.

c) We can use it to talk about actions and activities which began in the past and which have continued up to the present and might continue into the future. Both since and for make clear how long something has been happening. Since refers to the be-ginning and for to the length of the period.

B: Find sentences in the Present Perfect Simple in the text and explain their usage. Work in pairs and discuss your answers.

Ex. 22. Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect Simple of the verbs in brackets:

1. Since its birth aviation ... (to advance) into a very important industry. 2. Man always ... (to dream) of flying like the birds. 3. Within a century aircraft designers ... (to increase) the size and the speed of

passenger aircraft. 4. A new generation of aircraft ... (to become) more economical, environmentally

acceptable and socially beneficial. 5. Edward ... (to fly) his own private jet for 5 years. 6. International aviation organizations always … (to pay) great attention to the

development of civil aviation facilities throughout the world. 7. International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) … (to play) a considerable

diplomatic role, primarily by settling differences among Contracting States, including disagreements over airspace.

Ex. 23. Put the verbs in these sentences into the Past Simple or Present Perfect.

1. In the early days of aviation man (to dream) of flying like the birds, but he (not understand) the intricate working of a bird’s wing.

2. Later, applying the technology of his day, Leonardo da Vinci (to suggest) that man (may) add some special device to his muscle power.

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3. The aviation industry (to grow) significantly since that windy December after-noon when the Wright brothers (to make) the first controlled flight.

4. In 1906 Alberto Santos-Dumont (to perform) the first officially observed Eu-ropean flight in his aircraft which (to fly) tail first.

5. By making a flight across the English Channel on July 25, 1909, Louis Bleriot (to focus) world attention on the future potential of the aeroplane.

6. The Germans (to be) the first to operate the airplane services. 7. In 1910 a Zeppelin airship (to begin) her service with the airlines. 8. Together with her sister ships, she (to carry) 35,000 passengers over 170,000

miles between major cities in Germany. 9. Igor Sikorsky (to build) the first practical helicopter. 10. Civil aviation (to come) a long way in the past 100 years. 11. Surveys of major corporations (to show) that most of them are unwilling to

locate factories and offices far from airports. 12. Lately the companies (to learn) the value of owning their own aircraft. 13. Aviation (to become) a leading tool in the economic growth of the nations

of the world. 14. The man involved in aviation always (to be) a partner in the team of enthu-

siasts who (help) in the development of aviation. 15. Since the birth of aviation, the skills and knowledge required of the present-

day aviation specialist (to undergo) significant changes.

Ex. 24. Express the same idea in English.

1. С давних пор люди начали мечтать о том, чтобы летать, как птицы, и пы-тались подражать полету птиц.

2. В России человек впервые попытался подняться в воздух с помощью де-ревянных крыльев во времена Ивана Грозного.

3. Великий русский ученый Михаил Ломоносов изобрел и испытал вертолет. 4. В 1887 году Менделеев совершил полет на управляемом воздушном шаре. 5. Самолет Можайского, оснащенный паровым двигателем, имел все черты

современного самолета.

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6. В 1885 году Можайский доказал, что полет человека на летательном ап-парате тяжелее воздуха возможен.

7. Профессор Жуковский внес огромный вклад в развитие русской авиации. 8. Бомбардировщик АНТ-4, сконструированный в бюро Туполева, был пер-

вым в мире двухмоторным монопланом цельнометаллической конструкции. 9. Изобретение реактивной тяги было величайшим достижением авиации, и

уже 22 марта 1956 года в аэропорту Лондона совершил посадку первый русский реактивный авиалайнер Ту-104.

10. Со времени своего возникновения русская авиация прошла долгий и слав-ный путь развития. Ни какое другое достижение прошлого века не оказывает та-кого существенного влияния на экономическую и социальную жизнь страны.

Speaking. Writing


Ex. 25. There are many career opportunities available in the world of civil avia-tion. Match a worker and the major job duties performed by him in a particular occupation.

Worker Duties

1. Airport Director or Manager a. He plans improvements and expansion of the airport, supervises construction, directs maintenance of runways, taxiways, hangars and terminal buildings.

2. Air Traffic Controller b. He provides the day-to-day, hour-to-hour analyses, forecasts, observations, warnings and advice to pilots, airport operators and airlines. He reports weather conditions expected at air-ports, present weather and forecasts.

3. Pilot c. He makes airport rules and regulations, plans and supervises maintenance pro-grammes, makes recommendations on future

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needs of the airport.

4. Managerial and Administrative


d. He coordinates flights to prevent accidents and minimize delays in take-offs and land-ings. Some regulate airport traffic, others re-gulate fights between airports.

5. Airport Engineer e. They include executives responsible for the direction and supervision of research and production, and officials in departments such as marketing, sales, purchasing, public rela-tions, accounting

6. Meteorologist f. They are skilled, highly trained profession-als who have been care-fully selected for their personal and physical qualities and ability to fly safely.

Ex. 26. Group work: Interview your groupmates about aviation careers using the hints below.

View the variety of occupational choices open to you. What fields look especially promising for employment opportunities? What type and how much training and educa-tion are required in order to enter particular jobs? What are the typical working condi-tions associated with particular occupations? What personal qualities are important? What are the physical demands of the work? How do earnings in certain occupations compare with earnings in other occupations? What are the opportunities to travel? What are the opportunities for advancement? How does society benefit from the work? Which aviation career would you choose if you were not a manager? Why?

Ex. 27. Broaden and explain the following statements.

1. The development of jet propulsion is considered to be the greatest advance in aviation since the first flight of the Wright brothers.

2. Every new generation of aircraft is getting more economical, environmentally acceptable and socially beneficial.

3. Aviation has shattered man’s concept of the relationship between time and distance.

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4. Aviation has caused twentieth-century man not only to reassess his concept of geography, but also to re-evaluate his social traditions, his cultural structures, his economic principles and his business practices.

Ex. 28**. A: Study the principles of a summary writing given below: Note: Summary is a short statement that gives the main information about something

without giving all the details.

1. Read the text 2. Exclude unnecessary and unimportant information. 3. Think of subject headings which may perform the function of an outline to

your abstract. 4. Think of a plan. 5. Use the first point in this outline as a general statement of the problem discussed.

It should indicate the source saying whether it is a book, an article or an abstract. 6. Be sure that the second sentence enumerates the most important subject headings. 7. Avoid duplicating the words of the title. 8. Avoid space-consuming phrases. 9. Use short simple sentences. 10. Use Passive voice and the third person present.

B: Write a short summary on Text «The History of Aviation».

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Section II.



Ex. 29. Read these words and practise saying them:

[A] Russian, expulsion, hundred, number, trunk, fund, reduction, structure,

other, another, company, among, country

[R] advance, grant, fast, enhance, task, aircraft, demand, forecast, market

[eI] aviation, date, major, operate, rate, safety, scale, create, regulation,

declaration, aggravate

[x] back, imagine, carry, actually, standard, practice, establish, matter, factor,

accident, transport, aggravate, impact

[q] among, company, relative, constant, declaration, aggravate, standard

Ex. 30. Categorize the verbs into three groups according to the sound

of their endings. Practise reading.

Note: There are three different ways of pronouncing the –s ending

in the Present Simple: [s], [z], [Iz].

Dates, spawns, contributes, imagines, connects, calls, experiences, has, advances,

carries, proves, falls, seems, solves, organizes, intends, enhances, refers, requires,

promotes, creates, avoids, takes, steps, believes, grows, increases, analyses, drives,

realizes, extends, affords, addresses, seeks, achieves, exceeds, reflects, stabilizes, fol-

lows, declines.

Ex. 31. A: Practise reading related words.

Note: Related words can have different stress patterns. Mind that in nouns the stress

falls mainly on the first syllable, in verbs – on the second.

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Nouns Verbs transport transport conduct conduct increase increase content content defect defect contest contest

decrease decrease converse converse record record

B: Add some other words you know.

Ex. 32. Practise reading international words and expressions. Translate them into Russian.

Role, positive, technical, political and economic effect, to transport, transport and communications, the declaration of sovereignty, problem, standards and recommend-ed practises, standards for licensing and certification, restructuring, to reorganize, the reform of the transport management system, minimal, company, sphere, competence, factor, coefficient, a record, to record, to analyse, economic category, commercial aviation, commercial interests, risk, fatal, personnel, to guarantee, to address, global economy, to balance, to stabilize.


Ex. 33**. Study new words (Glossary 2).

acquire vt [q'kwaIq(r)] приобретать

acute adj [q'kjHt] острый

aggravate vt ['xgrqveIt] ухудшать;

aggravation nu ["xgrq'veISn] ухудшение

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airworthiness nu ['eq"wWDInIs] летная годность

annual adj ['xnjql] ежегодный

aviation security авиационная безопасность

capacity nc, nu [kq'pxsqtI] 1. nu способность, возможность; 2. nc должность, качество

carry vt carriage nu (commerce)

carrier nc




везти, перевозить перевозка, транспортировка; стоимость перевозки, доставки перевозчик

challenge vt; nc ['CxlInG] бросать вызов; вызов

community nc� [kq'mjHnqtI] 1. (the ~) общество; 2. сообщество, содружество

competitiveness nu [kPm'petqtIvnIs] конкурентоспособность

concern vt, nc [kqn'sWn] заботиться, беспокоиться; забота

consequence nc ['kPnsIkwqns] последствие

cost-effective adj ['kPstI'fektIv] экономически эффективный

crew nc [krH] экипаж

decline vt, vi, nc

[dI'klaIn] убывать, приходить в упадок; упадок; падение

diminish vi, vt [dI'mInIS] уменьшать

distinctive adj [dI'stINktIv] отличительный, характерный

enhance vt [In'hRns] повышать

ensure vt (US=insure) ensure sth/that

[In'Suq(r)] обеспечивать, гарантировать; гарантировать что-л.

equitable adj ['ekwItqbl] справедливый

establish vt establishment nu


[I'stxblISmqnt] создавать, устанавливать; введение, установление

expeditious adj ["ekspI'dISqs] быстрый, скоростной

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expel vt expel sb from sth expulsion nc, nu



исключать, изгонять исключать кого-л. из чего-л. исключение, вытеснение

experience vt, nc, nu [Ik'spIqrIqns] испытывать, опыт

extend vt extension nu

[Ik'stend] [Ik'stenSn]

удлинять, расширять; распространение, расширение

flight operations летные перевозки

flight safety безопасность полетов

grant vt (formal) grant rights grant a request take sth for granted


предоставлять; юр. давать права; удовлетворять просьбу; считать само собой разумеющимся

impact nc the impact of sb on sth

['Impxkt] влияние, воздействие; влияние кого-л. на что-л.

insure vt, vi insure sth/sb against sth insurance nc, nu insurance against fire

[In'Suq (r)]


страховать; страховать кого-л. от чего-л.; страховка; страхование на случай (пожара)

intend vt be intended for sb/smth intention nc, nu



1. намереваться; 2. предназначать (ся) для кого/чего-л.намерение

large-scale adj (attrib) ['lRGskeIl] крупномасштабный

maintain vt maintenance nu



поддерживать, сохранять тех. техническое обслуживание

precise adj [prI' saIs] точный

profitability ["prPfItq'bIlItI] прибыльность, рентабельность

promote vt [prq'mqut] способствовать, содействовать; promotion nc, nu [prq'mquSn] содействие, поддержка; создание

благоприятных условий для продажи

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rebound vi [rI'baund] воспрянуть, оживиться

refer (to) vi reference nc, nu in/with reference to sb/sth


['refrqns] относить (к) ссылка, сноска ссылаясь на кого-л./что-л.

restore vt [rI'stL(r)] восстанавливать

scheduled trunk services

регулярные магистральные перевозки

slowdown nu ['slqudaun] спад

solvency nu ['sPlvqnsI] платежеспособность

sound adj [saund] здравый, разумный

state body государственный орган

strict adj [strIkt] строгий

sustain vt [sq'steIn] поддерживать

undergo vt ["Andq'gqu] подвергаться; претерпевать

vary vi, vt vary from sth, sb variety nu various adj




менять(ся), изменять(ся); отличаться от чего/кого-л.; разнообразие; различный, разнообразный

violate vt violation nc, nu



нарушать; нарушение

wrestle vi (fig) ['resl] перен. упорная борьба

Ex. 34. Read and translate word combinations.

To experience ups and downs, to spawn industry, to have a major positive impact on smth, to advance into a very important industry, to be the most convenient and expeditious means of transport, to fall apart into local carriers, sound competition among the airlines, to solve the problem, the violation of standards and recommended practices, to aggravate flight operations and flight safety, to operate scheduled trunk services, the establishment of strict standards, to enhance the role of state manage-ment, to undergo large-scale restructuring, the expulsion of dishonest air transport

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companies from the market, to be the main concern of, to guarantee equality of eco-nomic competitiveness, rules for considering applications for licensing and certifica-tion, to sustain this vital industry, to meet passenger demand.


Russian civil aviation dates back to February 9, 1923. It was the birth of a new in-

dustry, a new way of life. It was the beginning of an industry that would spawn other

industry and contribute to developing towns, jobs and communities. It was the begin-

ning of Russian civil aviation. In the early days of aviation few could have imagined

the role it is now called on to play. Since then it has come a long way experiencing both

ups and downs. The Second World War had a major positive impact on the technical de-

velopment of the aircraft. Aviation advanced into a very important industry with social,

political and economic effects. In 1980 Russian civil aviation carried 130 million pas-

sengers and proved to be the most convenient and expeditious means of transport and

communications both internally and externally. In 1991 after the declaration of sove-

reignty by Russia, civil aviation fell apart into five hundred local carriers. It seemed

that sound competition among the airlines could solve all the problems, but actually

the violation of standards and recommended practices aggravated flight operations

and flight safety. The establishment of strict standards for licensing and certification

reduced the number of airlines to 227 and only 20 of them were granted rights to op-

erate scheduled trunk services. At present all industries, including civil aviation, are

undergoing large-scale restructuring. In 2000 the Federal Air Transport Authority

was reorganized into the State Civil Aviation Authority of Russia Ministry of Trans-

port. The fast-going reform of the transport management system is intended to

enhance the role of state management where it is necessary. This refers to flight safe-

ty, aviation security and other fields. Strict state regulation is required, above all, in

flight safety and the extension of high-quality services to air passengers and airlines.

At the same time in a free-market economy the state’s interference in economic

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matters must be minimal, if at all. As far as competition between airlines is con-

cerned, the state should only promote the development of sound competition and the

expulsion of dishonest air transport companies from the market.

The top priority tasks of Russian civil aviation include:

− enhancing responsibility of civil aviation management at all levels;

− creating equal conditions for all businesses operating on the market;

− avoiding interference of state bodies in the activities of businesses in the spheres beyond their competence;

− ensuring flight safety and aviation security;

− taking measures to support Russian aviation enterprises on the world air transport markets

Flight safety has always been the main concern of all civil aviation organizations and Russian civil aviation steps up its efforts to improve flight safety. The interna-tional aviation community believes that relative flight safety is no longer a distinctive factor, as the number of flights in the world is constantly growing. Although the rela-tive flight safety coefficient remains unchanged, the aircraft accident rate has ac-tually been increasing. Every accident is recorded and analysed. Flight safety is con-sidered as an «economic category» because in commercial aviation driven by com-mercial interests, there will always be an attempt to run a risk. If the risk is clearly de-fined, one can always take measures to avoid it, but if an airline fails to realize the degree of the risk and if no one can help the airline to realize it, the consequences may be fatal.

New carriers are storming the market and the needs of aviation are changing. Licens-ing and certification acquire great significance in market-economy conditions. Precise rules for considering applications for licensing and certification have been established. According to new operating rules, only airlines having their own maintenance facilities, a licence to extend maintenance services, funds for maintaining airworthiness and condi-tions for personnel training must be allowed to fly. The purpose of strict and equitable rules is to guarantee equality of economic competitiveness for the airlines while provid-ing safe, efficient and cost-effective aviation services.

We can not afford to ignore the main environmental problems, associated with civil aviation, namely aircraft noise and the impact of aircraft engine emissions. This complex issue must be addressed collectively in a way that is environmentally and

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economically responsible, and in a way that is responsive to the needs of all nations. Aviation is so important that we must find the best way to sustain this vital industry and thereby contribute to the future health of the global economy. Together with the whole aviation community our country seeks solutions to this problem. The best solu-tion is to balance the various technologically feasible reduction measures so that en-vironmental progress is achieved without diminishing the benefits of the air transport industry. Our goal is to achieve maximum environmental benefit in the most cost-effective manner.

One of the acutest problems faced by international civil aviation community today is the continuing decline in air transportation. The traffic decline reflects a general economic slowdown. Even before 2001 began, it was expected that the air transport industry would experience sluggish or no annual traffic growth, but after September both traffic and revenues declined considerably. The events of September 2001 had a negative impact on the global aviation industry. Aviation flew into crisis, and contin-ues to wrestle with the challenges raised by the horrifying events of 11 September. The central challenge is to restore public confidence in the civil air transport system along with profitability. In Russia air transport capacity exceeds the population sol-vency. Civil aviation has everything it needs to meet passenger demand: aircraft, highly skilled crews, airports and equipment, however the demand for air tickets has been declining because of the low incomes of the majority of the Russian population. As a rule, aircraft fly 30 to 40 percent empty. As soon as the demand grows, the vo-lume of air transportation will increase. According to forecasts, the total domestic and international traffic carried by Russian airlines will stabilize and rebound, followed by further growth.

Ex. 35. Comprehension check.

1. What date is considered to be the birthday of Russian civil aviation? 2. Why did the Second World War have a positive impact on the development of

aviation? 3. Which factors influence restructuring of the transport management system? 4. What are the top priority tasks of Russian civil aviation?

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5. What allows civil aviation to meet passenger demand? 6. Why have flight safety and aviation security always been considered as «eco-

nomic categories»?

Vocabulary practice

Ex. 36. Find in the text a word or a phrase which has a similar meaning to each of the following.

Испытывать взлеты и падения, нарушение стандартов, Федеральная служба воздушного транспорта России, Государственная служба гражданской авиации в составе Минтранса России, жесткое государственное регулирование, управление транспортным комплексом, обеспечить безопасность полетов, усилить авиацион-ную безопасность, вмешательство государства в экономическую деятельность, вытеснить нечестные авиакомпании с рынка, выше чьей-либо компетенции, дея-тельность хозяйствующих субъектов, относительный показатель безопасности по-летов, четко определить риск, штурмовать рынок, являться определяющим, число авиационных происшествий, правила эксплуатации, разрешение на оперативно-техническое обслуживание, средства для поддержания летной годности, искать решение проблемы, превышать платежеспособность населения.

Ex. 37. Match definitions with the words given below. To seek carrier major impact to advance sound

expeditious to aggravate strict to enhance equitable to spawn

1. To improve smth or to add (to the value, reputation, power, price, etc). 2. Reliable, based on logic or facts. 3. To produce in large numbers. 4. Fair and just. 5. To make worse or more serious. 6. A business carrying goods or people for payment. 7. Greater or more important. 8. Look for, try to find.

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9. A strong influence or effect. 10. Clear and exact. 11. To make progress. 12. Acting quickly and efficiently.

Ex. 38*. Form adjectives from these words. Note: the common adjective suffixes are -able, -ible, -ant, -ent, -ary, -ory, -ish,

-ous, -ful, -less, -ly, -y, -worthy, -like, -some.

Evidance, efficiency, culture, satisfy, respect, change, control, peace, success, retract, consider, use, economy, accept, benefit, fear, contribute, technique, convenience, expe-dite, response, avoid, believe, relate, commerce, manage, tire, trust, wind.

Ex. 39*. Fill in the chart to find the other parts of speech. Use your dictionary where necessary. Check the pronunciation.

Noun Verb Adjective

1. belief believe believeable

2. … reduce …

3. … … competitive

4. … avoid …

5. requirement … …

6. … operate …

7. … … relative

8. extension … …

9. … refer …

10. … … contributory

Ex. 40. A: The following phrasal verbs occur in Sections 1 and 2:

− Be off: to leave

− Head for: to move towards a place

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− Pass over: (of a storm, pain, bad experience) to come to an end − Pull together: (of a group of people) to work together using all the abilities

and effort − Date back to/from (a particular period): to have existed since

− Call on sb to do sth: to ask

− Fall apart: to break into pieces

− Step up sth: to increase or improve something

B: Find these words and make sure you understand their meanings in the context of the passages. Then use them to complete the following sentences.

1. Aviation … that historic day in 1903, when the Wright Flyer made its epoch – making, if very short, flights.

2. One of the resolutions adopted by the meeting … governments to help ensure a sustainable future for international air transport in various ways.

3. Not least among aviation’s benefits is its ability to … nation’s military strength.

4. Every day millions of people of widely varying ages … ground and … their destination – sometimes over very long distances.

5. The Soviet Union certainly did good for sport aviation, which produced sport aircraft of incredible quality, but when the USSR …, money for operations stopped.

6. Advance Sukhoi Technologies designers … and made the most successful competition aircraft of all time.

7. In spite of a severe storm the flight … without any incident.

Ex. 41. Explain the meaning of the following words and expressions in English.

to violate the standards to undergo restructuring

to grant rights fatal consequences

the expulsion of companies to sustain the industry

beyond one’s competence to diminish the benefits

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Ex. 42. A: Study structure «take + noun» and translate into Russian: Note: «Take» is used with many nouns referring to activity where «take + noun» has

the same meaning as the verb form of the noun, as in take a walk (=walk). «Take» is also used with many nouns in special senses:

to take steps to do smth to take notice of smth to take measures to do smth to take an opportunity of smth to take measures against smth to take an opportunity to do smth to take part in smth to take smth into account to take a risk to do smth to take control of smth to take a decision to do smth to take place to take a decision on/about smth to take charge of smth

B: Fill in the gaps using the expressions given above:

1. The aircraft designers took … to improve aircraft performance as well as to reduce noise level and engine emissions.

2. The company will take an … to supply medicine and food to the citizens of the distressed areas.

3. The environmentalists are taking … against environment pollution. 4. The protests of Green Peace are finally making the government take … of this

significant concern. 5. The Committee took a … to hold a conference on flight safety problems. 6. Most pilots don’t take a … to fly in stormy weather. 7. The 33rd ICAO Assembly took … at ICAO headquarters in Montreal. 8. Delegations from 169 countries took … in the 2001 Assembly. 9. Achievements and significance of civil aviation are all the more remarkable

considering that the first powered and controlled flight took … with the Wright Flyer only 100 years ago.

C: Think of your own sentences with the expressions given above: e.g. If the risk is clearly defined, one can always take measures to avoid it.

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Ex. 43. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions.

100 years ago, two fearless brothers ... Ohio took man’s first flight ... a powered aircraft. Their desire to do what nobody else could do before, and their drive to over-come endless challenges ... order to succeed, exemplifies the human spirit ... its greatest – a spirit which has continued to make the aviation industry one ... the most exciting. The event had a major positive impact ... the development ... the communi-ties and changed the world forever. Aviation advanced ... a very important industry and contributed ... developing towns and jobs. ... the century since the Wright Broth-ers’ historic flight, companies have enhanced the technology and services ... aviation to make flight safer, more secure, more efficient and more acceptable.

Grammar. Structure and usage

Ex. 44. Complete the chart. Give 4 forms of each verb.

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle II Present Participle I

begin began begun beginning










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Ex. 45. A: Study the usage of the Present Tenses:

1. The Present Simple/The Present Continuous Look at these sentences from the text:

Russian civil aviation steps up its efforts to improve flight safety. At present all industries, including civil aviation, are undergoing large-scale re-

structuring. In the first sentence, we use the Present Simple to talk about permanent situations,

or about things that happen regularly, repeatedly or all the time. In the second sentence, we use the Present Continuous to talk about temporary ac-

tions and situations that are going on around now: before, during and after the mo-ment of speaking.

2. The Present Perfect Simple/The Present Perfect Continuous Compare these sentences: Since then it has come a long way experiencing both ups and downs. The demand

for air tickets has been declining. In the first, the Present Perfect Simple is used to show the completeness of the action. Aviation is a very important industry now. In the second, we use the Present Perfect Continuous to talk about an «unfinished

past» when we want to focus on the activity or situation itself, to show the continuity of the action.

Ex. 46. Choose the correct answer to each of these questions.

1. Which word do we use for a specific point in the past when something began? A – for B – since

2. Which word do we use for a length of time? A – for B – since

3. Which words do we use to ask a question about length of time? A – for B – since

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Ex. 47. Make sentences with since or for.

1. Aviation /come /a long way /birth. 2. Air travel/grow substantially/the last 40 years 3. The development/jet propulsion/be/the greatest advance in aviation/the first

flight of the Wright brothers. 4. Events of September 2001/aviation/wrestle with their consequences. 5. Man/have a desire/escape the bonds of earth/the beginning of time. 6. All successful aeroplanes/1903/incorporate the basic design elements/the first

powered aircraft.

Ex. 48. Put the verbs in these sentences into the Present Simple or Continuous, Present Perfect Simple or Continuous.

1. The global aviation industry (to be) a vital component of a global economy which (to be) essential to increasing the prosperity of the world.

2. The threat situation that (to arise) since 11 September first (to need) to be analyzed.

3. International civil aviation community already (to take) major initiatives to en-sure that civil aviation never again (to provide) the means for such violent acts.

4. In spite of the events of 11 September, civil aviation (to remain) fundamentally safe and secure.

5. Many surveys (show) that more people (to avoid) flying because of the incon-venience involved than because of the fear of another terrorist attack.

6. In the area of aviation security, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) (to develop) preventive measures since 1968, and continually (to strengthen) them.

7. From a long-term historical perspective, it can be seen that aviation security and safety (to improve) dramatically throughout the past decade.

8. Since its birth the global aviation community (to do) everything possible to save lives and to protect the enormous economic and social benefits of civil aviation.

9. The world community still (to learn) how to combat acts of violence involving aviation.

10. Safety and security always (to be) among global aviation industry’s top priorities.

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Ex. 49. Express the same idea in English.

1. С момента своего возникновения русская авиация превратилась в одну из самых важных и развитых отраслей.

2. Менеджмент в гражданской авиации всегда играл важную роль в разви-тии процесса планирования на мировом и региональном уровнях.

3. Менеджеры также принимали самое активное участие в разработке стандар-тов и рекомендуемых практик и в решении возможных юридических вопросов.

4. Несмотря на высокую стоимость авиаперелетов, авиация играет жизнен-но важную роль в жизни страны.

5. За последнее десятилетие гражданской авиации пришлось столкнуться с рядом различных проблем.

6. Последние десять лет были очень трудными для гражданской авиации России и стран СНГ.

7. Согласно докладам около 300 авиакомпаний РФ и СНГ владеют авиапар-ком в количестве 7 352 воздушных судов.

8. Большая часть российского авиапарка состоит из самолетов, находящих-ся в эксплуатации свыше 20 лет.

9. Очевидно, что российским авиакомпаниям необходимо увеличить коли-чество самолетов в ближайшее время.

10. Большинство недавно приобретенных самолетов были иностранного производства, главным образом Боинги Б-737 и 767, Аэробусы А-310.

11. Совместные соглашения российских авиакомпаний с американскими и за-падноевропейскими не гарантируют решения текущих проблем российской авиа-промышленности, так как у каждой стороны есть свои приоритеты и интересы.

12. Финансовое здоровье авиакомпаний остается нестабильным. 13. Согласно статистическим данным, большинство пассажиров приобрета-

ют авиабилеты по более низким ценам, в то время как авиакомпаниям прихо-дится работать в условиях постоянного роста цен.

14. Авиакомпании принимают меры по повышению качества своей работы. 15. В последнее время все больше авиакомпаний предпринимают шаги для

решения проблем, связанных с защитой окружающей среды, таких как авиаци-онный шум и выхлопные газы.

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Speaking. Writing


Ex. 50. A: Study the typical structure of any presentation.

- introduction

- main body

- conclusion

Introduction Greeting the audience;


Outlining the main points of the presentation.

Main body Defining the purpose of your presentation;

The presentation

(think of the report format: the use of demonstration materials

and handouts).

Conclusion Repeating briefly the main points of the presentation or giving

a summary.

Closing Thanking people for their attention and inviting them to ask


B*: Study discourse markers given below and use them

in your presentation.

Discourse markers

1. Focusing and linking 2. Balancing contrasting points

With reference to

Talking/speaking of/about

Regarding, as regards

As far as … is concerned

As for …

On the one hand

On the other hand



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3. Similarity 4. Counter-argument Similarly In the same way

However Even so But Nevertheless All the same Still

5. Structuring 6. Adding First(ly)/Second(ly)/Third(ly) First of all Lastly Finally To begin/start with In the first/second/third place For one/another thing

Moreover In addition Another thing is What is more Besides In any case As well as that

7. Logical consequence 8. Summing up Therefore/ so/ then As a result

In conclusion Briefly In short To sum up

Ex. 51**. Make a presentation on one of these topics:

1. A contemporary or historical personality involved in the world of aviation. 2. The role of aviation in our life. 3. Impact of aviation on environment (noise and emission). 4. Problems associated with living in the neighbourhood of an airport.

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Section III.



Ex. 52. Read these words and practise saying them: Mind the different ways of pronunciation of the following letters.

T t [t] [S] [tS]

profit aviation manufacture entire national structure

country transportation future fleet operation nature

network execution mixture aircraft conditional creature

objective declaration temperature

C c [k] [S] [s]

decade special civil encompass efficient introduce

carrier ocean peace cargo efficiency receive

committee social service victory coefficient defence

category commercial facility

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Ex. 53. Read these words and practise saying them:

[C] breach, challenge, reach, charter, choice, purchase, change

[k] epoch, technical, mechanical, technological, chemical, schedule, school

[w] which, what, why, when, where, while, white, wheel, whether, whisper

[h] who, whoever, whom, whose, whole, wholly

[r] wrestle, write, writer, wreck, wrist, wrong, wretch, wrinkle

[w-v] vital work, aviation world, civil war, weak voice, wide variety,

wonderful service, move westwards, receive a warning, very well [N] pricing, single, aggravating, marketing, bring, distinct, length, among

Ex. 54. Practise reading international words and expressions. Translate them into Russian.

Decade, aerial fleet, regular transportation of passengers, period, epoch, opera-tion, pilot, committee, symbolic, the declaration of sovereignty, Soviet, negative, cri-sis, finances, million, billion, bankruptcy, corporate strategy, optimization, structure, transit, charter, affiliate, association, expert, airport administration, construction, al-liance, funds, personnel, type, corporate image, press-conference.


Ex. 55**. Study new words (Glossary 3).

accession nu [xk'seSn] вступление

advent nc ['xdvqnt] прибытие, появление

affiliate adj [q'fIlIeIt] 1. присоединенный 2. в грам. знач. сущ. филиал

air-defence nu ['eqdI'fens] воен. противовоздушная оборона – ПВО

alliance nc, nu work in alliance with sb

[q'laIqns] союз, альянс, объединение работать в союзе с кем-л.

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enter into an alliance with sb

вступить в союз с кем-л.

astonish vt [q'stPnIS] удивлять, изумлять

at least [qt 'lJst] по крайней мере

backbone nc (fig) ['bxkbqun] основа, суть

bankruptcy nc, nu file for bankruptcy

['bxNkrqpsI] банкротство, несостоятельность; объявлять себя банкротом

be short of испытывать недостаток в …

breach nc [brJC] воен. брешь

cargo nc, nu ['kRgqu] груз

domestic adj [dq'mestIk] внутренний

drastic adj ['drxstIk] радикальный

efficiency nu [I'fISnsI] работоспособность

entire adj [In'taIq(r)] полный, целый, весь

eternal adj [I'tWnl] вечный

execute vt execution nu



выполнять, исполнять; выполнение, исполнение

expand vt, vi expansion nc, nu



расширять; рост, увеличение, расширение

expense nu at the expense of one’s health (life) expenses (usually pl)

[Ik'spens] перен. счет, цена; за счет (здоровья), ценою жизни;

расходы, издержки

file vt file a complaint file an application


подавать документы; подать жалобу; подать заявление

first and foremost в первую очередь

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fledgling nc ['fleGlIN] перен. неоперившийся юнец

gain vt [geIn] выиграть, завоевать

gain rights получить права

hand vt hand over

[hxnd] вручать, давать передавать

haul nc long-haul medium-haul short-haul


пробег, пройденное расстояние магистральный дальний (зд. о ВС) магистральный средний магистральный ближний

innovation nc, nu ["Inq'veISn] новшество

invest vt, vi invest (money) in sth investment nu



инвестировать; вкладывать деньги во что-л.; капиталовложение

Joint Stock Company открытое акционерное общество

objective nc [qb'GektIv] цель, задача

perform vt perform a task

perform a flight


выполнять; выполнять задание; выполнять полет

preliminary adj [prI'lImInqrI] предварительный

profit nc, nu net profit operating profit


прибыль; чистая прибыль; прибыль от основной деятельности

purchase vt, nc, nu ['pWCIs] покупать, приобретать;

покупка, приобретение

release vt, nc, nu [rI'lJs] высвобождать, освобождение

resume vt, vi [rI'zjHm] возобновлять

route nc [rHt] маршрут

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share nc

the lion’s share

go shares (with sb) (in sth)

on shares hold shares in a compa-ny (bank)


1.часть, доля,

львиная доля, честно поделиться (чем-л. с кем-л.); 2. (commerce) акция, пай на паях иметь акции какой-л. компании (банка)

terminal nc ['tWmInl] ав. аэровокзал

viable adj ['vaIqbl] жизнеспособный

Ex. 56. Read and translate word combinations.

The aerial fleet, a fledgling national carrier, to set up a network of passenger and

cargo carriage, to mark a new epoch, domestic and international routes, to perform

scheduled international flights, to set war-time objectives, at the expense of their

lives, to gain a victory over the enemy, the declaration of unconditional surrender, to

resume peace-time civilian flights, advent of jet propulsion, in recognition of out-

standing services, to give the eternal parking, to become the backbone of transport

system, to fly the colours, to be established in the capacity as a national carrier, com-

pared to an operating profit of, to file for bankruptcy, to hold on to the market share,

outlines of Aeroflot corporate strategy, to expand the route structure, to gain rights to

operate transit flights, to be short of long-haul airliners capable of covering long dis-

tances non-stop, to look forward to an increase in the number of transit passengers, to

turn plans into reality, to compete in alliances, a vital strategic move required for

securing a proper place among the global carriers, to release the funds for aircraft

maintenance, personnel training and purchase of new aircraft; to deserve reputation

for innovation, efficiency and quality; to bring about a drastic change in the corporate

image, to serve the best interests of the country by making its operations safe, effi-

cient and responsive to national needs, to encourage a safe and economically viable

air transport system.

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Only a decade ago the name Aeroflot referred to the entire civil aviation of our

country. This name, which means the aerial fleet, was given to a fledgling national carrier on February 25, 1932, at time when the regular air transportation of passen-gers and cargo had just begun. Over the 1932-1941 period, a network of passenger and cargo carriage was set up.

The aircraft designed by Andrei Tupolev, Alexander Yakovlev, Oleg Antonov, Sergei Ilyushin marked a new epoch in the world aircraft manufacturing. Since 1935 Aeroflot had in operation only Soviet-built aircraft. New domestic and international routes were introduced. By 1940 Aeroflot pilots had been performing scheduled in-ternational flights from Moscow to Sofia, Berlin, Stockholm, from Tashkent to Ka-bul, from Ulan Ude to Ulan Bator.

On June 23, 1941, on the second day of the Great Patriotic War, the Council of People’s Commissars set before Aeroflot the following war-time objectives: “…serving the front and rear of the Red Army. Execution of the special orders from the State De-fence committee”. During the Second World War civil aviation pilots, shoulder to shoulder with all Russian people, at the expense of their lives gained the victory over the enemy. It is quite symbolic that it was a civilian crew who on May 9, 1945 flew to Mos-cow the declaration of unconditional surrender by Nazi Germany.

The company had resumed peace-time civilian flights by the end of next year. In 1955 Aeroflot carried the annual total of 70,000 passengers, 3,000 tonnes of cargo and 2,700 tonnes of mail.

Advent of jet propulsion was one of the greatest advances in aviation and on March 22, 1956 the London airport received the first Soviet TU-104 jetliner. «Russia astonishes the West…», «TU-104 makes a huge breach in western air-defences…», «In aircraft manufacturing the Soviets are at least two years ahead of the USA…» – ran the headlines. The aircraft had a long and remarkable life. In recognition of its outstanding services this aerial toiler was given the eternal parking at Vnukovo. Civil aviation continued to expand and became the backbone of transport system.

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In 1991 after the declaration of sovereignty by Russia, Aeroflot fell apart into hundreds of local carriers. But someone had to fly the colours and in July 1992 Aero-flot – Russian Airlines Joint Stock Company was reestablished by the Government in the capacity as a national carrier. Today the Russian flag-carrier Aeroflot transports every fourth passenger on the domestic routes and services 25 destinations across the Russian Federation. It is found fit to operate scheduled flight service into 78 destina-tions in 54 countries.

After the events of September 2001 both global passenger traffic and revenues de-clined considerably. Airlines finances suffered accordingly. According to preliminary figures compiled by ICAO, the world’s airlines lost nearly $11 billion that year, com-pared to an operating profit of $10,7 billion in 2000 and some of them were forced to file for bankruptcy. Aeroflot suffered too, but managed not only to hold on to its market share but also to advance. In 2001 Aeroflot’s net profit reached 1315 million rubles.

Here are the outlines of Aeroflot corporate strategy. The first and foremost, to car-ry on with the optimization of destination network and flight schedules, which is the backbone of any modern carrier. It is important to expand the route structure into Western Europe, Russia and South-East Asia as well as to gain rights to operate tran-sit flights from Eastern and Southern Europe to the Far East and South-East Asia. This is quite possible: the Eastern–European carriers are short of long-haul airliners capable of covering these distances non-stop.

Another major task is to provide for transit flights from Russia and the CIS (the Commonwealth of Independent States) via Europe to the Caribbean, Central and South America, and Africa.

Aeroflot is also looking forward to an increase in the number of transit passengers on flights from South-East Asia and the Far East to Europe and America via Moscow.

Aeroflot intends to hand over all its charter flights into an affiliate now being set up jointly with the Voronezh Aircraft-building Association, because the experts deem that charter does not go with the scheduled flight service and therefore becomes un-profitable. For these plans to turn into reality, Aeroflot together with the airport ad-ministration is starting the construction of Sheremetievo-3 terminal.

Today the carriers are competing in alliances, which brings serious competitive advantages. Without any new investments a carrier can attract new passengers and

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offer them a wider choice of destinations and convenient transit flights. Aeroflot con-siders accession to an alliance a vital strategic move required for securing a proper place among the global carriers.

In order to release the funds for aircraft maintenance, personnel training and pur-chase of new aircraft Aeroflot has decided to reduce variety of aircraft in its fleet from eleven types to four. These will include long-, medium-, short-haul airliners and cargo planes.

In recent years the company has done a lot to deserve reputation for innovation, efficiency and quality. Aeroflot has a really ambitious goal: to become one of the world’s ten best-service carriers. «We’re doing a tremendous job to bring about a drastic change in our corporate image», – announced Valery Okulov, Aeroflot’s Di-rector General at a press-conference – «all our business practices are being reex-amined to meet the growing expectations of our passengers».

Within the next few years the company intends to spend on its development $54 million, which is a lot of money by any standard. Aeroflot management regards it as an investment into the future success of this high-flying company. Aeroflot has one major overall aim: to serve the best interests of the country by making its operations safe, efficient and responsive to national needs, thus encouraging a safe and econom-ically viable air transport system.

Ex. 57. Comprehension check.

1. When was Aeroflot called a «a fledgling national carrier» and why ? 2. What objectives were set before Aeroflot during World War II? 3. What aircraft was given the eternal parking at Vnukovo? Why? 4. What happened to Aeroflot after the declaration of sovereignty by Russia? 5. What are the outlines of Aeroflot corporative strategy? 6. Why has Aeroflot decided to reduce variety of aircraft? 7. What is Aeroflot major overall aim?

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Vocabulary practice

Ex. 58. Find in the text a word or a phrase which has a similar meaning to each of the following.

a) совет народных комиссаров, государственный комитет обороны, выпол-нять регулярные международные рейсы, акт о безоговорочной капитуляции, брешь в воздушной мощи Запада, воздушный труженик, поставить на вечную стоянку, открытое акционерное общество, восстановить доверие общества, по предварительным данным собранным ИКАО, продолжать совершенствовать расписание полетов, СНГ, чтобы осуществить эти планы, важный стратегиче-ский шаг, таким образом поддерживая экономически жизнеспособную систему воздушного транспорта;

b) complete, an inexperienced person, very big, deserving attention, better than others, a hard worker, lasting for ever, to struggle, a difficult but interesting project or undertaking, filling with shock, at the cost of, before anything else, to think about, a union, showing strong desire, radical, including everything.

Ex. 59. Match the antonyms in columns A and B.

A B domestic minor

front to decline to gain to lose peace international

to expand defeat to fall apart to contract to increase rear to purchase to unite

major war victory to sell

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Ex. 60*. Fill in the chart to find the other parts of speech. Use your dictionary where necessary. Check the pronunciation.

Noun Verb Adjective

1. execution execute executive 2. … carry …

3. … … regular

4. … declare …

5. expectation … …

6. … decide …

7. … … responsive

8. safety … …

9. … optimize …

10. … … introductory

Ex. 61. Read, translate and remember these international prefixes: Note the words: monoplane, international, re-establish.

All three of them have prefixes. A prefix is a combination of letters placed before a word to change its meaning. The following is a list of common Latin and Greek prefixes.

prefix meaning example anti against anticyclone bi two biplane co with, together cooperate

contra against contradict de out, down de-icing dec ten decade dis bad, wrong disorder ex out, from export

inter between international mono one monoplane

re again reorganize semi/hemi/demi half hemisphere

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Ex. 62. Use one of the above prefixes to change the meaning of the words.

Cycle, annual, exist, lingual, action, write, code, change, unite, president, place, centralize, examine, metallic, paint, circle, education, freeze, order, focal, operation, ability, social, plane, detached, continental, hero, automatic, militarized, governor.

Ex. 63. Complete the following sentences, using the correct form of the word in brackets. Add an appropriate prefix.

1. The Boeing 247 was soon (place) by the new low-wing monoplane airliner in-troduced by the Douglas Company.

2. The performance of the DC-3 aeroplanes was so (ordinary) that 30 years after its first flight in 1935, the DC-3s still outnumbered any other type of aircraft in world-wide service.

3. At present Germany and France (operate) on the design of a new space-rocket. 4. He works in London and in Peking so he is (lingual). 5. Aviation has caused twentieth-century man not only to (assess) his concept of

geography, but also to (evaluate) his social traditions, his cultural structures, his eco-nomic principles and his business practices.

6. It was a (lateral) agreement signed by India and Pakistan. 7. The aircraft which has only one wing or, as it is sometimes considered prefer-

able to say, one pair of wings is called a (plane). 8. Does (national) aviation really improve relations between countries?

Ex. 64. Match the words in column A with those in column B and learn them. e.g. 1-i

A B 1. absolute profit a. накопленная прибыль 2. gross profit b. общая прибыль 3. monopoly profit c. относительная прибыль 4. accumulated profit d. валовая прибыль 5. exorbitant profit e. торговая прибыль 6. total profit f. чрезмерная прибыль

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7. declared profit g. плановая прибыль 8. anticipated profit h. монополистическая прибыль 9. relative profit i. абсолютная прибыль 10. planned profit j. ожидаемая прибыль 11. commercial profit k. фактическая прибыль 12. actual profit l. объявленная прибыль

Ex. 65*. A: Study definitions of these words. Think of your own examples.

AIM = what you are hoping to achieve by a plan, action, or activity. OBJECTIVE = an aim that you are trying to achieve, especially in business

or politics. GOAL = something that you hope to achieve in the future.

e.g. − The main aim of the Aviation English course for managers is to improve

students’ communication skills and to enlarge their vocabulary. − The main objective of the aviation company policy is to reduce risk. − Aeroflot has a really ambitious goal: to become one of the world’s ten best

service carriers.

B: Define these words.

Carrier, route, management, bankruptsy, advantage, alliance, affiliate, backbone.

Ex. 66. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions.

American Airlines (AA), one ... the world’s largest airlines, dates back ... 1926. The first regular scheduled flight of what was to become AA took off ... 15 April when pioneer aviator Charles Lindberg, then chief for Robertson Aircraft Corporation of Missouri, flew the mail ... a DH-4 biplane from St. Louis ... Chicago. Between 1929 and 1930 American Airlines was set ... and, four years later, this company was recognized and became AA.

Through strong leadership and a quality, today American provides ... least 95,000 jobs ... the globe and has ... operation a fleet ... 650 aircraft. AA has built its success

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... the tradition ... providing quality service ... all its passengers, both ... flight and ... the ground. The airline has won a lot of awards in Europe ... the last years from its customers and the travel trade ... recognition ... its high performance. American Air-lines looks forward ... remaining the first ... the top 10 air carriers.

Grammar. Structure and usage

Ex. 67. Complete the chart. Give 4 forms of each verb.

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle II Present Participle I

run ran run running gained











Ex. 68. A: Study the use of Past Tenses and find the examples in the text.

− We use the Past Continuous to talk about something which was in progress

at a past time. The action or situation has started but it had not finished at that time.

− The Past Perfect is used to make clear that one action in the past happened before another action in the past or before the past time we are thinking about.

− We use the Past Perfect Continuous to talk about something which had been in progress up to the past time we are talking about.

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B: Put the verbs in these sentences into the Past Simple or Continuous, Past Perfect Simple or Continuous.

1. In the early days of the last century, mass transportation (be) earth-bound and relatively slow.

2. It (take) days and even weeks to cross a continent or an ocean. 3. Then (come) flight. Reality finally (catch up) with a concept that (fire) the im-

agination for thousands of years, embodied by the mythological figure of Icarus. 4. Before his glider (crash) and fatally (injure) him in 1896, Lilienthal (make)

more than 2,000 flights.

5. Less than four years after the end of World War II, Britain (fly) the de-

Havilland Comet, powered by four turbojets.

6. In the period up to September 2001, the volume of traffic (be unchanged) from

the same period in 2000, but after September both traffic and revenues (decline).

7. Only weeks after the hijackers (convert) commercial air transports into wea-

pons of mass destruction, delegations from 169 countries (meet) at ICAO headquar-

ters for the 33rd ICAO Assembly.

8. Reported monthly traffic figures suggest that up to September 2001 there (be)

little change in overall tonne-kilometres performed over the same period in 2000.

9. Until September 2001 the financial situation of international airports (contin-

ue) to improve on an annual basis for many years.

10. In Russia in 1998, air-passenger traffic (reduce) by 11 % compared to 1997 – from

25,1 million to 22,4 million passengers. Before the August 1998 crisis the results were a

little better than those of 1997, but by September they already (suffer) a drop of 33 %.

11. In 1999, the number of air passengers (fall) by 3,9 %, to 21,46 million, but by

2000 they (rise) once again to 21,76 million, up 1,4 % on the previous year.

12. By 1999, as a government-sponsored report published by Russia’s Audit

Chamber noted, the number of newly built commercial aircraft (reduce) to nine.

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Ex. 69. Express the same idea in English.

1. До 1991 года воздушный транспорт Советского Союза обслуживал один

из крупнейших в мире рынков авиаперевозок.

2. После того как Россия приняла Декларацию о независимости, на ее воз-

душном транспорте произошли значительные изменения.

3. До распада Советского Союза гражданская авиация перевозила миллио-

ны пассажиров и была самым удобным, рентабельным и скоростным видом


4. В 1991 году гражданская авиация России распалась на сотни местных


5. Среди многих новых российских авиакомпаний была и базирующаяся в

Ульяновске грузовая авиакомпания «Волга-Днепр».

6. Со времени своего возникновения компания заслужила репутацию на-

дежности, эффективности, качества.

7. За время своего существования «Волга-Днепр» стала заметной величи-

ной в мировых чартерных перевозках сверхтяжелых и негабаритных грузов.

8. Один из наиболее интересных полетов – перевозка ядерного реактора

из Петербурга в Хьюстон для использования в международной космической


9. Два самолета Ан-124 перевозили 232 тонны сценического оборудования

во время десятинедельного мирового турне американского певца Майкла


10. С января по октябрь 2003 авиакомпания перевезла свыше 46 тысяч тонн


11. Топ-менеджеры «Волга-Днепра» заявили, что авиакомпания уже давно

планировала начать регулярные грузовые перевозки по маршрутам, связываю-

щим Европу и Азию.

12. К октябрю 2003 года авиакомпания уверенно лидировала, контролируя

51 % мирового рынка уникальных и крупногабаритных грузов.

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Speaking. Writing


Ex. 70. Prepare a short presentation on one of the domestic or foreign airlines.

Refer to Section II (Ex. 50).

Ex. 71. A: Discuss in pairs, then in groups a problem task. B: Choose the best speaker to deliver the presentation to the rest

of the group.

Imagine that you are a top manager of an airline. Outline your managerial aims, goals and objectives.

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Section IV.



Ex. 72. Read these words and practise saying them:

[Iq] carrier, appear, behaviour, differentiate, area, variable, various, premium [eq] pair, air, airline, fare, rarely, share, area, vary, various, variable [uq] actual, contractual, brochure, tour [aI] price, primarily, fly, high, flight, online, type, advertise, specialize, itinerary [aIq] require, environment, flyer, alliance, variety [eI] way, complicate, campaign, behaviour, available, daily, create, change, able [qu] over, sold, promotion, follow, low, close, own, although, both, go, poster [au] amount, how, allow, round, discount [OI] choice, voice, noise, destroy, employment

Ex. 73. Practise reading international words and expressions. Translate them into Russian.

Product, deregulated, to dictate, industry, a function of economic factors, market-ing disciplines, to identify market segments, to differentiate the product, an Internet distribution service, pricing analysts, marketing personnel, the airline’s initiative, premium, web site, discount, to group into regions, potential, computer reservation system, specialized agents, tariff, traditional, the Internet, channel, business passen-gers, campaign, theme, brochure.


Ex. 74**. Study new words (Glossary 4).

anticipate vt ["xn'tIsIpeIt] ожидать, предвидеть

assume vt [q'sjHm]

предполагать, допускать;

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assuming (that) conj если

availability nu

available adj



наличие; имеющийся в распоряже-нии/наличии, наличный, доступный

banner nc ['bxnq(r)] полигр. газетный заголовок во всю ширину полосы

billboard nc ['bIlbLd] рекламный щит; доска для афиш и объявлений

commercial nc [kq'mWSl] рекламный ролик; передача реклам и объявлений

connection nc [kq'nekSn] стык рейсов

consolidate vt, vi consolidation nc, nu consolidator nc




fin. объединять, консолидировать


ком. «оптовик»

consumer nc consumer goods (attrib)

[kqn'sjHmq(r)] потребитель; потребительские товары

cost vt, vi (no passive)

cost nc, nu


[kost] ком. назначать цену; 1. цена, стоимость, себестоимость; 2. usually plural расходы, издерж-ки, затраты

demand nu (or a(n)+adj+demand) a demand for labour to be in great demand supply and demand


эк. спрос; спрос на рабочую силу; быть в большом спросе; спрос и предложение

determine vt [dI'tWmIn] определять, устанавливать

discrepency nc, nu [dI'skrepqnsI] несоответствие, расхождение

distinct adj [dI'stINkt] отдельный; определенный

exorbitant adj [Ig'zLbItqnt] непомерный, чрезмерный

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fare nc [feq(r)] плата за проезд, тариф

hub nc [hAb] крупный аэропорт

issue nc take issue (with sb)


спорный вопрос; предмет обсу-ждения обсуждать разногласия с кем-л.

itinerary nc [aI'tInqrqrI] предполагаемый маршрут

margin nc ['mRGIn] разница между себестоимостью и продажной ценой; прибыль

medium nc pl media

['mJdIqm] ['mJdIq]

средство информации

online adj (at-trib)(computers)

['PnlaIn] интерактивный, оперативный

poster nc ['pqustq(r)] плакат, объявление

predominant adj (formal) [prI'dPmInqnt] преобладающий

premium nc ['prJmIqm] фин. премия, надбавка

provision nc [prq'vIZn] положение, условие

refund vt refund nc, nu refundable adj




возмещать, выплачивать; возмещение убытков; подлежащий возмещению

remain vi (not usually used in continuous tenses)

[rI'meIn] оставаться

restrict vt restriction nc, nu restriction of expenditure without restriction to impose/to place re-strictions to lift restrictions



ограничивать; ограничение; ограничение расходов; без ограничения; вводить ограничения;

снимать ограничения

streamline vt ['strJmlaIn] упрощать, модернизировать

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supply nu goods are in short supply


эк. предложение; запасы товаров истощаются

target nc ['tRgIt] объект, предмет

vendor nc ['vendL] ком. продавец; оптовая фирма, предлагающая товар

yield nc, nu (formal) [jJld] эк. доход

Ex. 75. Read and translate word combinations.

To set fares in a given market, consumer product pricing, to be market-based, a cer-tain margin over the airline’s costs, the law of supply and demand, to cover operating costs, economic behaviour of airline passengers, the interaction of marketing disciplines within an airline, the amount of competition, to identify a number of distinct market segments, restrictions to meet the needs, the advance purchase levels, to differentiate the product, to allow refunds, a round trip, to create a large discrepancy between the lowest and highest available fares, pricing analysts, revenue management analysts, marketing personnel, to be responsible for changing in price, to remain competitive, to match each other on price, to add a premium to certain fares, anticipated market share, to offers a non-stop service in a market, to file fares, in an exorbitant amount of market pairs, a walk-up fare, to be priced as a percentage of base fares, highly discounted sale fares, to streamline the pricing function, to reach the greatest number of potential customers, to be based on lowest available fares, frequent flyer membership preference by the passen-ger, to distribute fares, to mark the fare up for sale, to advertise the airline, to be referred to as off-tariff, last minute travel, the high-yield business passengers, to appeal to the targeted passengers.


The way airline fares are set in a given market is generally more complicated than consumer product pricing because airline fares in deregulated environments are

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primarily market-based. In other words, airfares reflect what the passenger is willing to pay and not a certain margin over the airline’s costs.

The law of supply and demand dictates airfares, and if passenger does not cover operating costs, the carrier will normally not fly the route. In any industry, including civil aviation, the marketing mix is essential to understanding how products are sold. The four “Ps” of the marketing mix – product, price, place and promotion – are im-portant factors in determining the actual fares that appear in the market.

Products offered. The products offered are a function of the following economic factors: 1) economic behaviour of airline passengers; 2) the interaction of marketing disciplines within an airline; and 3) the amount of competition. The airlines have identified a number of distinct market segments and developed a number of fares and restrictions to meet the needs of these segments. There may be several advance pur-chase levels (e.g., 30-day, 14-day, seven-day and three-day) and certain length of stay provisions for some levels: one that requires a Saturday stay, another that does not. To further differentiate the product, one fare may allow refunds, the other may not. The availability and price of these fares may vary by departure time or day of week. Some may be round trip, others one way. Thus a single route can easily have 20 or more fares available for purchase, creating a large discrepancy between the lowest and highest available fares. For example, on flights between Dallas-Fort Worth and Seattle on Delta Air Lines, the fare can be as low as $154 with a seven-day advance purchase and Saturday night stay, but will increase to $1,072 for a walk-up fare returning the same day (from Orbitz, an Internet distribution service).

Airline pricing. Pricing analysts set the actual price that airlines charge for each fare product. They work closely with revenue management analysts and other mar-keting personnel on many pricing issues, and are responsible for determining when a change in price is necessary. Such changes may result from the airline’s own initia-tive, or may be necessary to remain competitive.

Although airlines match each other on price in many markets, there are some markets in which the pricing analyst may be able to add a premium to certain fares available from competitors. Pricing analysts examine their airline’s anticipated market share when making such determinations. As a result, an airline that offers a non-stop service in a market may charge more than competing connecting servic-es. Such premiums are also common in markets where one carrier offers more

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daily flights than the competition. According to United’s web site, a passenger purchasing a 30-day advance round-trip ticket to fly to San Francisco from Wash-ington, D.C. has the choice of paying $2,418 to travel non-stop from Washington Dulles (both airports are United hubs) or pay $506 to go non-stop from Baltimore-Washington International (from which there is only one daily non-stop flight), or pay $518 to fly on one of several flights per day from Baltimore-Washington In-ternational, with a connection at Dulles.

Since a large airline may file fares in an exorbitant amount of market pairs, pric-ing analysts generally make direct changes to only a select set of fares, such as the walk-up or 14-day advance purchase fare, and other fare types are then priced as a percentage of these base fares. Highly discounted sale fares may also require direct attention. Grouping fares into regions is another way carriers streamline the pricing function. For each fare product, prices to a single destination from cities in a given area will often be similar.

Market placement. The means of placing airline seats in the market helps explain airfares as well. To reach the greatest number of potential customers, airlines general-ly offer most of their published fares through various computer reservation systems (CRSs). Travel agents, web sites and even other airlines access these CRSs, and al-most all systems allow users to search for itineraries based on lowest available fares. On a given route, if two airlines offer a seat with the same restrictions and one airline charges one dollar less than its competitor, the customer will likely book on the former (assuming there is no frequent flyer membership preference by the passenger). This is because the latter carrier’s flight will either be listed at the bottom of the listing or not at all. Therefore, airlines often charge the same amount for similar fare types, particu-larly for discount fares.

Airlines also distribute their fares through specialized travel agents known as con-solidators. The airline receives a base price for each ticket sold; the consolidator then marks the fare up for sale to the passenger. Since these fares are generally among the lowest offered, consolidators rarely advertise the airline (and may be contractually prevented from doing so) when re-marketing the seats. These fares are unpublished and often referred to as off-tariff, and are available both through traditional consoli-dators and online vendors such as Cheap Tickets. Another type of unpublished fare is

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the Internet-only fare. Although many of these are for last minute travel, several ad-vance-purchase fares are sold through this channel.

Advertisement and promotion. Promotion will depend heavily on the medium, but airlines have been trying to attract passengers, especially the high-yield business passen-gers, with ads in printed matter, television commercials, billboards and posters, online banner ads, and direct mail campaigns. Air carriers’ practices are not unusual, nor different than many other competitive industries. They feature campaigns promoting the air carrier, an alliance, or a specific route. Advertisements typically run in a varie-ty of business magazines, predominantly promoting the carrier or alliance, and news-papers (promoting the carrier, alliance, introduction of a new route, or fare sale). The theme also can be featured in direct mail brochures and billboards near airports, occa-sionally in different languages to appeal to the targeted passengers.

Ex. 76. Comprehension check.

1. What do airfares reflect? 2. Which economic factors specify the products offered?

3. What effects the availability and the price of airfares?

4. Why do pricing analysts need to examine anticipated market?

5. How may carriers streamline their pricing function?

6. How can airlines reach the greatest number of potential customers?

7. What channels for distributing airfares can you specify?

8. How can airlines appeal to the targeted passengers?


Vocabulary practice

Ex. 77. Find in the text a word or a phrase which has a similar meaning to each of the following.

a) устанавливать тарифы, образование цен на потребительские товары, в ус-ловиях дерегулирования, надбавка к издержкам авиакомпании, закон спроса и предложения, доходы от пассажирских перевозок, взаимодействие сбытовых механизмов, маркетинговая среда, продвижение товара, выявить ряд отдельных

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секторов рынка, вид предварительного приобретения, продолжительность пре-бывания в пункте назначения перед обратным рейсом, возврат денег, приобре-тение билетов в день вылета с возвращением в этот же день, служба продажи через Интернет, специалист по ценообразованию, устанавливать фактическую цену для каждого вида билетов, специалисты по управлению доходами, ввести надбавку к определенным тарифам, беспосадочные рейсы, стыковочные рейсы, большое число тарифов на различные маршруты, рационализация деятельности в области ценообразования, выход на рынок, автоматизированные системы бронирования, льготный тариф, «оптовик», перепродажа билетов, нетарифные цены, приносящие высокий доход пассажиры из деловых кругов, печатные из-дания, ТВ реклама, рекламные щиты и плакаты, заголовочные анонсы для пользователей Интернетом, кампании рассылки материалов по почте, рассы-лаемые по почте брошюры;

b) difficult to understand, mainly, to wish, most important, real, a total sum, separate, limit, to distinguish, to change, difference, expected, to suggest, much too high or great, to make more efficient, much the same, that will probably happen or come into existence, a person that uses something, a plan for a journey, the first (mentioned) of two people or things, the second (mentioned) of two people or things, not often.

Ex. 78. A: Study the usage of these phrasal verbs:

The following phrasal verbs occur in Sections 3 and 4: Set sth up: to establish a business, an office etc. Hold on: to remain in a dangerous position and continue to survive Carry on: to continue Look forward to: to think about sth that will happen in the future with pleasure Hand over: to give Go with: to be attractive, suited etc when combined with something Bring sth about: to cause something to happen Mark sth up: to increase the price of something for sale

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B: Find these words and make sure you understand their meanings in the context of the passages. Then use them to complete the following sentences.

1. On 2 June, 2003 the International Air Transport Association (IATA) … the first Global Aviation Leadership Award to ICAO Council President Dr. Assad Kotaite to recognize his outstanding contribution to air transport.

2. Step by step, networks of passenger and freight air services … . 3. As the global aviation industry embarks on a new century of flight, it can … a

safer operational environment, with personnel who have clearly demonstrated the re-quired competencies.

4. New ways of making goods, new products, and changes in living standards constantly … some new types of jobs.

5. Many agents will add service fees to … the fare … for sale to increase profits. 6. Alexander Yakovlev’s son, Sergei, who … in the footsteps of his famous fa-

ther, was one of the two designers of the Yak-50.

7. Faced with difficult times and an uncertain future, major airlines turned aggres-

sively to experimental business strategies in an effort to … to their market share.

8. The prospect of any armed conflict always … global financial losses.

Ex. 79. A: Study the usage of these terms: cost, price, charge, fare, premium.

B: Think of your own examples.

Look at the dictionary entry for «cost». There are notes explaining difference be-

tween the words.

«Cost» is used when referring to an amount to be paid (e.g. for building, repairs, paying fees etc) which involves paying people for labour, materials, rent, means etc. «Price» is used when referring to payment to be paid when buying individual things as in shops.

The price of a thing is what it costs you, or what the person who is selling it charges you for it: What is the price of this watch? What does it cost? How much did he charge you for repairing the car?

The value of a thing is what it is worth: He sold it at a price below its real value.

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Cost, not price, is used

a) for services: the cost of having the house painted

b) for more general things: the cost of living.

Expense is used like cost, especially when this is thought of as too large: the ter-

rible expense of having the house painted.

A person makes a charge, charges a price, or (for professional services) a fee. A thing costs a sum of money: This watch costs $10.

Ex. 80. Look at the definitions from column A and match them with the words from column B.

A B 1. an amount of money for which something is sold or bought a. fare 2. the amount of money paid or asked for goods or services b. charge 3. a cost of a journey by bus, ship, taxi etc. c. price 4. the price asked or paid for goods or services d. premium 5. a charge or payment for professional advice or service e. fee 6. an addition to ordinary charges f. cost

Ex. 81. Test yourself choosing the best answer: A, B or C.

1. Airlines began offering … via the Internet as early as 1997. A – fares B – prices C – costs

2. In any industry, the amount of competition will determine the ability to set … A – charges B – fares C – prices 3. Fares are generally not effected by …

A – price B – cost C – charge 4. However, the sharp increase in fuel … in 2000 has increased the overall …

A – prices… fare B – cost … charge C – fare … price 5. Rising labour … have resulted in fare increases.

A – charge B – costs C – prices 6. Since certain times and days of week are more popular than others, airlines can

differentiate the … they offer on this basis. A – fares B – costs C – prices

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7. A main reason the carriers are willing to offer such low … via the Internet is the low … of this distribution channel.

A – costs … fares B – prices … fares C – fares … cost 8. The carrier made a … of $887 for a middle seat.

A – charge B – cost C – price

Ex. 82. Match the words in column A with those in column B and learn them. e.g. 1-f

A B 1. base price a. относительная цена 2. free-market price b. цена на потребительскую продукцию 3. asked price c. вздутая цена 4. relative price d. контролируемая цена 5. consumer product price e. высокая цена 6. competitive price f. базисная цена 7. inflated price g. коммерческая цена 8. controlled price h. фактическая цена 9. high price i. затребованная цена 10. actual price j. конкурентоспособная цена

Ex. 83. Three of these verbs can not be used in combination with «price». Which ones are they?

To set, to develop, to sell, to increase, to change, to control, to distribute, to dic-tate, to determine, to appeal, to decrease, to offer, to publish, to charge, to supply.

Ex. 84. A: Study thse words paying attention to the way they are formed: Note: Look at these words from the text: unpublished, unusual.

They are formed with the help of the prefix un-. Adding a prefix such as un- to the beginning of an adjective, adverb or verb changes them into their opposites. Some other prefixes are:

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dis- in- il- im- ir-

disappear inoperative illogical immovable irrational

disconnect insecure illegible impossible irresistible

B: Make the opposites of the words using the prefixes.

Important, legible, practical, distinct, developed, direct, attractive, frequent, approve, certain, honest, variable, reparable, attentive, legal, patient, responsible, practicable, agree, liberal, integration, regular, mobile, organize, religious, significant, appear.

Ex. 85. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions where necessary.

Since certain times and days … week are more popular than others, airlines oper-ating … deregulated environment can differentiate the fares they offer … this basis. Once a flight departs the seats that were unsold cannot be sold … the future. An airline’s product is therefore not just a seat; it is the availability … a seat … a particu-lar day, … a particular time and … a particular flight.

Passengers travel … a variety … reasons and develop their need ... travel …different times. For some, usually vacationers, specific dates and times are … no importance. … other, travel is related … a specific event, sometimes known well … advance. The existence … such competing needs allows airlines to differentiate the products that appear … the market, creating a large discrepancy … the fares.

Grammar. Structure and usage

Ex. 86. Complete the chart. Give 4 forms of each verb.

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle II Present Participle I

meet met met meeting




created differentiating

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Ex. 87. In each of the sentences below the modal auxiliary «will» is used.

Decide which of them is:

a) a prediction

b) a decision taken at the moment of speaking

c) information about the future

d) a refusal

e) a promise

f) an instruction

g) a threat

1. «The buses are on strike today», - «OK. I’ll get to the airport by taxi».

2. I don’t care what you say, I won’t book the tickets via the Internet.

3. They’ll arrive next Friday.

4. Will you send me the bill, please?

5. I promise I won’t buy a walk-up ticket again.

6. If you do it again, I’ll hit you.

7. Perhaps the greatest air transport growth in the future will occur in the air

freight field.

Ex. 88. Scan the text and find some examples of «will» used to refer to

characteristic behaviour.

Note: Look at this sentence:

For each fare product, prices to a single destination from cities in a given area will

often be similar.

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In this case, the use of «will» indicates a general rule, characteristic behaviour ra-

ther than a future concept.

Ex. 89. Answer these questions:

1. Will the price remain unchanged if the level of demand decreases?

2. What will happen to the price if the supply increases?

3. What will dictate airfares?

4. What will a passenger do if he wants to ensure seat availability on a particular day?

5. How much will the passenger who books latest pay?

6. How much will the passenger who books well in advance pay?

7. How long will it take to fly from Ulyanovsk to Moscow?

Ex. 90. Put the verbs into the correct form: will/won’t or the Present Simple.

1. If the level of demand (increase) and supply (be unchanged), the price (rise).

2. Prices generally (fall) if the supply (increase).

3. If the carrier (charge) $2,000 for all seats, only 10 passengers (buy) a seat, and

the aircraft (depart) with a 7.5 percent load factor.

4. If the carrier (charge) $1,000, 80 passengers (buy) a seat, giving a 60 percent

load factor.

5. If the carrier (sell) tickets for a full flight at $400 each, all seats (be sold).

6. The carrier normally (not fly) the route if passenger revenue (not cover) oper-

ating costs.

7. The carrier (increase) revenue if it (differentiate) its products based on the var-

ious needs of the passengers.

8. If the carrier (offer) three different products at three different fare levels: a 30-

day advance purchase fare at $400, a 7-day advance purchase fare at $1,000, and a

walk-up fare at $1,600, it (earn) $75,000 more.

9. If an airline (offer) a non-stop service, it (charge) more than competing con-

necting services.

10. If travellers (book) flights online, carriers (not have) to pay agents’ commis-

sions and they (not need) to employ as many reservation agents.

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Ex. 91. Express the same idea in English.

1. Образование цен на авиабилеты аналогично образованию цен на потреби-

тельские товары: при увеличении предложения цены, как правило, снижаются.

2. Если предложение не изменяется, а уровень спроса растет, то цены по-


3. Если определенное время года и дни недели более популярны, чем дру-

гие, то авиакомпании будут дифференцировать предлагаемые ими продукты,

такие как тарифы, не подлежащие возмещению, или специальные тарифы при

предварительном приобретении билета.

4. Перевозчик увеличит выручку, если будет дифференцировать цены на

авиабилеты, исходя из различных потребностей пассажиров.

5. Если на одном и том же маршруте действуют (имеются в наличии) не-

сколько тарифов, то разница между самым низким и самым высоким тарифом

будет весьма значительна.

6. Например, на некоторых рейсах, цена билета при продаже в день вылета

почти в 10 раз больше, чем в случае предварительного приобретения за 14 дней.

7. Как правило, издержки не влияют на тарифы. Однако резкий рост цен на

топливо привел к повышению общей цены на билет.

8. Если будут увеличиваться затраты на рабочую силу, то авиакомпании будут

вынуждены компенсировать связанные с этим расходы путем увеличения тарифов.

9. При постоянном уровне спроса именно конкуренция, или, точнее, страх

утратить долю рынка, удерживает цены на низком уровне.

10. Если авиакомпания хочет охватить максимальное число потенциальных

покупателей, то она разместит рекламу на телевидении и в Интернет, в газетах

и журналах для деловых людей, на рекламных щитах и плакатах.

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Speaking. Writing


Ex. 92. Discuss in pairs, then in groups a problem task:

You are an airline pricing analyst. Outline the ways of promoting your airline and attracting potential customers.

Ex. 93**. Think of an advertisement to reach the greatest number of potential customers. What information will you give (fares, location, services, personnel, destinations, tickets availability)?

1. in the newspapers. 2. on the television.

Ex. 94 **. Write a short essay about the importance of advertising the airline’s product.

Note: Essay is a short piece of writing giving someone’s ideas about politics, society, etc. Start with writing an outline ( a plan which shows the main points) to organize your essay. You may either show similarity or difference between two ideas or objects.

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Section V.



Ex. 95. Read these words and practise saying them:

[P] popular, concept, modernize, body, along, complex, consolidate, telescopic [qu] process, photocell, remote, cosy, appropriate, growth, radio, location, most [L] airport, support, according, door, aboard, automated [H] improve, move, group, through [q] custom, provide, prohibit, community, development, innovator, personnel [A] other, some, something, done, government, comfort, comfortable [au] allow, now, how, however, lounge, counter, output, thousand, found [aI] size, mankind, modernize, tighten, flight, high, design, find, private, device [I] link, impact, individual, twist, similar, city, catalyst, activity, exist, delivery [J] means, seem, keep, lead, receive, speed, screen, feature, heat, free

Ex. 96. Practise reading international words and expressions. Translate them into Russian.

Transportation, positive, individual, concept, international airports, plans to mod-ernize and coordinate, fragmented airport system, infrastructure for business opera-tors, to formulate plans for a basis airport design, business aviation, private operator East Line Group, a dynamic airport, economic activity, a leader in the business of air transportation services, a catalyst, regional business, a complex, national and interna-tional aircraft types, parallel, an interval, the personnel, a unique hangar, electric, radio, electronic, navigational, qualified engineers and mechanics, Domodedovo Passenger Terminal, computerized control system, radio control, stationary metal detectors, climate control, information displays, Information Display System, monitors, baggage transpor-tation conveyer, baggage carrousels, restaurants, cafes, cocktail, public telephones, to invest $150 million, investment programmes.

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Ex. 97**. Study new words (Glossary 5).

accuracy nu accurate adj



точность, правильность; точный, правильный

amenity n (usually plural) [q'mJnqtI] удобства

appropriate adj [q'prquprIqt] соответствующий, подходящий

area nc ['eqrIq] площадь, участок, район, область

assure vt assurance nc, nu



1. уверять, заверять 2. обеспечивать, гарантировать; заверение, гарантия; уверенность

avionics nu ["eIvI'PnIks] авиационная радиоэлектроника

deliver vt delivery nc, nu



передавать, вручать, доставлять доставка

device nc [dIvaIs] приспособление, устройство

feature vt, nc ['fJCq(r)] быть характерной чертой; отличаться признаки, свойства, особенности

furbish vt ['fWbIS] подновлять, приводить в порядок

handle vt handling nu



обращаться; управлять; обращение, обслуживание; обработка грузов

install vt installation nc



тех. устанавливать; установка, размещение

item nc an item of income the first item on the agenda items of clothing

['aItqm] пункт, статья; статья дохода; первый вопрос в повестке дня; предмет одежды интересные новости

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interesting news items/items of news

jet-way nc ['GetweI] посадочная галерея для пассажиров

lack vt, nc, nu a lack of sth


испытывать недостаток, нуждаться; недостаток, (полное) отсутствие

lounge nc [launG] комната отдыха

photocell nc ['fqutqusel] фотоэлемент

process vt, nc ['prquses] обрабатывать

prohibit vt

prohibition nc, nu

prohibited imports





товары, запрещенные к ввозу

ramp nc [rxmp] ав. перрон

reside vi (formal)

resident nc

residential adj

residential area




проживать постоянно;

постоянный житель;


жилые кварталы районы

runway nc ['rAnweI] взлетно-посадочная полоса (ВПП)

simultaneous adj ['sIml'teInIqs] одновременный

sophisticated adj [sq'fIstIkeItId] сложный

stall vt, vi [stLl] останавливать(ся), (за)стопорить

taxiway nc ['txksIweI] рулежная дорожка (РД)

Ex. 98. Read and translate word combinations.

To result in greater economic strength and growth for mankind, to put a new twist on long-stalled plans, the city’s fragmented airport system, to lack the appro-priate infrastructure, to express intentions to develop business flight sectors, in the foreseeable future, to look for opportunities, new residential areas of the city, to have land problems, to be well along in developing, to create and support economic activity, to act as a catalyst for business development, to create jobs, directly or indi-

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rectly related to the airport, a complex of up-to-date facilities, to receive all existing aircraft types, to be used independently and simultaneously, to be provided with, to carry out technical maintenance, sophisticated devices, to provide a full range of services related to avionics, to be employed at the enterprise, a new high tech check-in procedure, ticketing formalities, luggage handling, to process a passenger, a proce-dure of customs clearance, to be examined by X-ray scanning, to detect prohibited items, security measures, the installation of more advanced airport security equip-ment, new entrance doors featuring photocells and heat-wave curtains, baggage transportation conveyer belts, pick up baggage carrousels, high output capacity, to reduce luggage delivery waiting time, through telescopic jet-ways, shuttle service, remote parking lots, the large-scale investment programmes.


A community’s airport is its link to the means of transportation that has greatly

reduced the size of the world over the past years. The positive impact of aviation’s

development has resulted in greater economic strength and growth for mankind and

for the individual communities as well. In Moscow this concept is enhanced by the

relative position of Moscow airports to other major international and domestic air-

ports. The Moscow city government is putting a new twist on long-stalled plans to

modernize and coordinate the city’s fragmented airport system. Something has to be

done with airports, which now lack the appropriate infrastructure for business opera-

tors. All heads of Moscow airports and aerodromes have expressed intentions to de-

velop business flight sectors; however, plans for a basis airport design that will serve

business aviation have not been formulated. Sheremetyevo, the Moscow airport

most popular with business operators, will seemingly keep its leading role in the fore-

seeable future. However, its land expansion is limited, which makes Russian business

operators look for other opportunities. Some of them find Moscow’s Vnukovo airport

more attractive, although it may also have the similar problem because of its location

close the new residential areas of the city.

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The third largest Moscow airport, Domodedovo, does not have land problems, and the city is already well along in developing Domodedovo in cooperation with private operator East Line Group. Domodedovo is a dynamic airport which creates, attracts and supports economic activity. The airport is a leader in the business of air-transportation-related services, it acts as a catalyst for business development and an innovator in regional business development. According to a 1999 study, Domodedo-vo has an annual economic impact of $200 million. The airport creates jobs, which are located on or near it. There are thousands of jobs directly or indirectly related to the airport.

Domodedovo is a complex of up-to-date facilities including two runways (RWYs) and a ramp with more than 90 parking stands. The aerodrome is able to receive all ex-isting national and international aircraft types on its two parallel RWYs which can be used independently and simultaneously. The spacing interval between the RWYs cen-ter lines is 2000 m. The aerodrome is provided with a network of taxiways (TWYs).

Aircraft Maintenance Base (AMB) was founded in 1963 and since has been the

most advanced enterprise in the history of Russian aviation. Suffice it to say that the

personnel of AMB was the first to carry out technical maintenance of the famous su-

personic TU-144. A unique hangar is capable of accommodating four wide-body air-

craft like IL-96 or A-310. It is the largest hangar of the kind in CIS. Sophisticated de-

vices engaged in technical maintenance of electric, radio, electronic, navigational

equipment enables AMB to provide a full range of services related to avionics. About

1000 highly qualified engineers and mechanics are employed at the enterprise.

Recently expanded and refurbished Domodedovo Passenger Terminal is the first passenger terminal in Russia to inaugurate a new high tech check-in pro-cedure provided for all 32 check-in counters irrespective if it is for international or domestic destination. Computerized departures control system, consolidating tick-eting formalities and luggage handling in one automated procedure enables to process a passenger in no more than 30 seconds.

New most advanced procedure of customs clearance allows passengers to check-in the luggage while checking in for a flight and go through the customs control with just the hand luggage. On its way to the aircraft the luggage will be examined by X-ray scanning in the basement of the terminal. In case prohibited items are detected a

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passenger will be invited to a special area for a more detailed control. Enhanced secu-rity measures have been implemented at the airport. These include tightening of pas-senger and baggage screening and other security procedures, as well as installation of more advanced airport security equipment. The customs and security control lines are equipped with radio control, stationary metal detectors and X-ray scanning facilities capable of detecting prohibited goods. New entrance doors featuring photocells and heat-wave curtains as well as new comfortable seats in a lounge and climate control will pleasantly surprise the passengers.

New information displays of the Flight Information Display System (FIDS) re-placed the old monitors. They will provide customers with the most accurate informa-tion on arrivals, departures, location of check-in counters and gates.

Four Van Der Lande baggage transportation conveyer belts are operating at the airport now. Five modern pick up baggage carrousels for arriving passengers are in operation as well. Their high output capacity – each one is able to handle 650 pieces of luggage hourly – considerably reduces luggage delivery waiting time.

Passengers get aboard through telescopic jet-ways straight from the Passenger Terminal.

Restaurants, cafes, cocktail lounges, gift shops, newsstands, duty free shops for international flights, restrooms, public telephones offer convenient services for the travelling public. Other amenities include a first aid station, bus services and a cozy and relaxing hotel for people travelling both on business and for pleasure.

East Line plans to invest up to $150 million a year to develop the airport. The fa-cility expects to handle 6 million passengers this year, compared with 3,9 million in 2001, and is aggressively pursuing new Russian and international airlines from other airports. In May 2002, Siberia Airlines, the third-biggest Russian operator after Aero-flot and Pulkovo, moved all of its domestic and international operations from Vnuko-vo and Sheremetyevo to Domodedovo, which provides better services and intercon-nections. British Airways is also considering moving its operations from Shereme-tyevo to Domodedovo. Swiss Air and Air Malta have already done so.

The large-scale investment programmes by East Line Group is aimed to improve the efficiency of the airport. It is one of the most aggressive programmes the airport has expe-

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rienced in years and, when completed, will have significantly improved every aspect of airport service, assuring air carriers reliable, on-time operations through Domodedovo.

Ex. 99. Look at this plan and think of your own questions on the text.

1. Crucial problem of Moscow airports. 2. Domodedovo International Airport. Its economic impact. 3. Aerodrome complex. 4. Domodedovo Passenger Terminal. 5. Airport development alternatives.

Ex. 100. A: Scan the text and find sentences containing this digital information. B: Translate these sentences.

2000 m, 30 seconds, 150 million dollars, 650 pieces of luggage hourly, 6 million passengers, 1963, 200 million dollars.

Ex. 101. Decode these abbreviations.


Vocabulary practice

Ex. 102. Find in the text a word or a phrase which has a similar meaning to each of the following.

a) искать возможности; иметь проблемы, связанные с территорией; давать но-вый поворот долгооткладываемым планам; создавать рабочие места; прямо или косвенно связанные с аэропортом; служить катализатором в развитии бизнеса; комплекс современных средств; принимать все существующие типы воздушных судов; осуществлять техническое обслуживание; сохранять ведущую роль в обо-зримом будущем; быть направленным на улучшение эффективности работы аэро-порта; широкомасштабные инвестиционные программы; уменьшить время ожи-дания доставки багажа; обеспечить меры по обеспечению безопасности; прохо-дить на борт самолета; испытывать недостаток соответствующей ифрастурктуры;

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являться новатором в развитии регионального бизнеса; использоваться независи-мо и одновременно; высокая пропускная способность; создавать и поддерживать экономическую деятельность; двери, оборудованные фотоэлементами.

b) humanity; the structure or system of organization for a business, government, society or other group; an increase; having great energy; of one year; modern; syn-chronous; employees; unequaled; an instrument; to redecorate; (to cause things); to become solid or strong; baggage; taxes due to the government on goods imported into a country; the government department that collects customs; an act of using special electronic equipment to examine somebody or something; the lowest part of a build-ing, partly or wholly below ground level; forbidden; a comfortable sitting-room; ex-act; to aim at.

Ex. 103. Match the antonyms in columns A and B.

A B 1. sophisticated a. behind the times 2. to pursue b. mobile 3. unique c. a decline 4. dynamic d. simple 5. up-to-date e. an exit 6. strength f. ordinary 7. growth g. inefficient 8. prohibited h. to avoid 9. stationary i. weakness 10. an entrance j. allowed

Ex. 104*. Divide these collocations into three groups depending on their meaning (1 – old, 2 – modern, 3 – free).

Free of cost, up to the minute, dime a dozen, of other times, for nothing, of the old school, up-to-date, for free, out of date, abreast of the times, free of charge, out of fashion, on the house, brand-new, for a song, old-fashioned, behind the times, new-fashioned, without charge.

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Ex. 105. Match definitions with the words given below.

RWY ramp(apron) aerodrome airport

1. A defined area on land or water (including any buildings, installations and equipment) intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure, and movement of aircraft.

2. An area on land or water that is used or intended to be used for the landing and takeoff of aircraft and includes its buildings and facilities, if any.

3. A defined rectangular area on a land aerodrome prepared for the landing and takeoff of aircraft.

4. A defined area on a land aerodrome intended to accommodate aircraft for pur-poses of loading or unloading passengers, mail or cargo, refueling, parking or main-tenance.

Ex. 106. Define these words:

Maintenance base terminal hangar gate TWY parking stand

Ex. 107. Make verbs from these words. e.g. memory – memorize; tight – tighten Note: common verb suffixes are: -ate, -en, -fy/ -ify, -ize.

strength, domestic, regular, active, wide, classification, modern, private, popular, facility, broad, intensity, computer, simple, significant, light, hospital, circle.

Ex. 108*. Fill in the chart to find the other parts of speech. Use your dictionary where necessary. Check the pronunciation.

Noun Verb Adjective

1. attractiveness attract attractive

2. … install …

3. intensity … …

4. … … residential

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5. assurance … …

6. … … memorable

Ex. 109. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions where necessary.

Originally known as Mines Field, Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) has been used as a field ... light aircraft since 1928. ... World War II, it was used ... military flights. Commercial airline service started ... December 1946. Today LAX is the third busiest airport ... the world based ... number ... passengers. In 2002 more than 56 million people travelled ... LAX. A commerce leader, its ever-expanding air cargo system han-dled more than 2 million tonnes ... goods. Convenient location and sophisticated facili-ties have led to LAX’s designation as a world-class airport. ... the airport there are nine terminals with a number ... stands. LAX is provided ... four parallel runways and a network ... taxiways. According ... a 1995 study, LAX has an annual economic impact ... $60 billion. The employment ... the City of Los Angeles thanks … the airport is 158,000 jobs. One ... 20 jobs in Southern California is related ... LAX.

Grammar. Structure and usage

Ex. 110. Complete the chart. Give 4 forms of each verb.

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle II Present Participle I

meet met met meeting










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Ex. 111. A: Study the usage of Passive Voice. Note: We form passive verbs with the different tenses of «be» + Past Participle.

Present Simple Am/is/are + Past Participle

Past Simple Was/were + Past Participle

Future Simple Will be + Past Participle

Present Continuous Am/are + being + Past Participle

Past Continuous Was/were + being + Past Participle

Present Perfect Simple Have/has + been + Past Participle

Past Perfect Simple Had + been + Past Participle

Future Perfect Simple Will have + been + Past Participle

Remember: 1. Perfect Continuous Passives are very uncommon.

2. The rules for choosing tenses in the Passive are the same as in the Active.

B: Complete the sentences using the Passive.

1. City officials aim at expanding Vnukovo, the oldest Moscow airport. At present a study ... (to conduct ) to renovate Vnukovo.

2. Different options ... (to study) lately. 3. The approved project ... (to aim) at almost tripling airport capacity, to 12 mil-

lion passengers per year. 4. The cost of project ... (estimate) by the project managers as much as $500 million. 5. The third-busiest air traffic facility in Russia, after cross-town rivals Shereme-

tyevo and Domodedovo, Vnukovo … (to construct) in 1941 about 15 km. southwest of the capital.

6. Scheduled domestic flights, international charters and business aviation flights ... currently (to serve).

7. According to a project with foreign partners the existing 22-year-old Shereme-tyevo-2 international terminal ... (to refurbish) at the moment.

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8. A new international terminal ... (to build), domestic terminal buildings ... (to renovate) and a third runway ... (to construct) in the nearest future.

9. The airport capacity ... (to expand) to 19 million passengers by 2020. 10. Up-to-date equipment allowing night operations ... (to install) this time last year.

Ex. 112. Put these sentences into the Passive as in the example: e.g. They will construct a new taxiway next year.

A new taxiway will be constructed next year.

1. Drastic changes in the aviation industry prompted the need for the airport mas-ter plan update.

2. Airlines deregulation created a change in the domestic air travel system. 3. The changing international market has caused tremendous growth and compe-

tition in the international air market. 4. Major forces within the industry today did not even exist when airport man-

agement prepared the previous master plan. 5. Local planning officials and management analysts had analyzed airport needs

before they made their recommendations. 6. This time last year they were studying the ways of increasing airport capacity. 7. The updated master plan has outlined and documented a programme for the

orderly development of the airport. 8. The plan outlines its recommendations in three stages. 9. According to the master plan engineers will install the most sophisticated facil-

ities available twenty-four hours a day in all weather conditions. 10. By 2010 they will have completed construction of a new international terminal. 11. East Line Group is expanding its recently rebuilt passenger terminal building. 12. The plan aims to meet aviation demands and to provide systematic guidelines

to airport management in their operation of the airport.

Ex. 113. Translate the sentences.

Пассажиры, вылетающие из Лондонского аэропорта Гэтвик, имеют возмож-ность зарегистрировать свой багаж на вокзале Виктория. Они могут сесть на поезд до аэропорта и по прибытии пройти прямо к выходу на посадку. Их багаж

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будет доставлен с железнодорожного вокзала Виктория на самолет служащими Американских авиалиний. По пути к самолету багаж будет исследован с помо-щью рентгеновского аппарата. Для обеспечения безопасности пассажиров предпринимаются все возможные меры.

Недавно в аэропорту Хитроу и в Цюрихе были открыты стойки регистрации на рейсы авиакомпании. Пассажиры могут избежать утренних очередей, прие-хав в аэропорт накануне ночью, чтобы зарегистрировать свой багаж, получить посадочные талоны и на следующее утро просто пройти к выходу на посадку. Кроме того, для пассажиров, имеющих только ручную кладь, все формальности могут быть ускорены. В этом случае пассажиру необходимо зарегистрироваться по телефону за два часа до вылета в любой европейской стране, куда летают самолеты Американских авиалиний. Обо всем позаботятся агенты: пассажиру нужно просто подойти к стойке регистрации данной авиакомпании за 45 мин до вылета, чтобы взять свой посадочный талон.

Speaking. Writing


Ex. 114**. Make a short presentation on any domestic or foreign airport. Follow the plan. Refer to Section II (Ex. 50).

1. Location. 2. Brief history. 3. Airport facilities. 4. Terminals. 5. Economic activity. 6. Airport development alternatives.

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