· 4...

4 & ! - U . Baml-hl- e IfMI ) Dteiraltd to ".. II. " o .Tut. riiUe, rather I la ftli hoi. nniH, While th MU'.L lnim on, WIN tho tar 017 rode aetltian, Por I tela weald eee tar Urea. ' to reala lanad la IhT chosen war . Bear. , tar air humble mttI, Par tore I pre,. H ti dearer then la mother a haa taa tar life's M olie. Be u dearer Uaa the toother. The tk brother l Kill mj pr id,. Palh.r, in ibr choicest hlaeaiaan mt his noble head. Card thronarh pen: and SmoMk tk path, where a Box tr e. I B hi. raid, aad far each ear row. r. r the aiitki, tk. ttaad. thaaaara-- , Lo. I'llin ktai that rack ra . Oa a ehwerra! heart aar - I Father, if tk. lev. I bar aim, Lad bli path tin. rar mor. bright. If that lor. oa. pans can aaar hia. Aad ear etill kii war to light. Habc-hi- , 1. lUcomrc-- . KIND HEAET8 And oar. not M tb. cheek b pal, Or tk eye lack nrllllaaer. What thoasb taa k b. beaM-fa- i It vvt laa ita tola., . Tk. aaaJ Iht laalr. son will r1. la tk ea- -t aa m.t Mt ; l.l lb. fiery af IB. rata: will lira Thontb th. Joywas lif depart, Ani fb. narlc (harm can near di. Of a trn aad a..b! tart Th. lip. that altar tvntle aaeeatyall tarir rear. ; Aad tare I tprue a tic And rfccesl ir. kar.h or .hrlll, If tb. b. t fr.. And eehost. back eaih ,iad ie Ti all tb world to b. CBSEI ON TH OWII EKIl'Ea Iff COTTON fOCTT I FX THBOCCH KB6UBH SPEC- - TACt.CC PToen tk. Xrw Tort Leader I itm starting from lad eoinr for four; or five dart down that oiirclitT ftos-d- , th. first to Baton Rouce, and then on to New Orleans. 1 have joat com on board th Peytsns, a trst-cls- ss racinr rtumrr, and having dismis- ses! the black man who aront-b- t down my black with th rrd am Bow "a frr. Blgwcr myself, seady frr SJiythir-r- . from an Tb. Peytpna derive its liquid nam from a celebrated racehorse on which manv a cotton Plantation baa been staked, and in whose honor many a revolver baa been revolved, to to incrcan of lawr.ri' t ti and tb l.rn - c cf what political ccosomirta cr " available I am, to t.ll tb wbol truth, latber glad to prt away from ; wbicb ia a dlrtr, danecrouk usfini-hr- d aort of placr, with rata and rowdi, not to mention th ToUjar as tb touting bactraeo of tb northern booae of commerce are gen- era!!) calied.'ia America. The betel ie large and cramoiinir. ana tee Dinner are cnfi.'' jostling crowds of laiy, Blovenly waiters, wbo run about aad butt eacii other, and knock down pils of plates and pyramids of glasses feax it joie and grand erebea. Now, as I look back at the town from the steamboat deck, the steep earth cliffs ar lurid with bonfire, for there i aa election meeting and tlr are burning on tbe shore, ia b onor or Ju'ge Doi Lower down there are blacks for night turn us all to negroes running about with long poles, at the end of which are real aaedirval cressets iron baskets full of blazing ploe kao's. TV. ere are men, too, dragging down cotton bales part of the lading; and every bow and tben they seem to blow tr.v head off with aplic'ing salutes, for, at election meetiags all through they osa cannon Boom-ban- g bang-boo- I they go, aa If a risnt were knocking in a nail in some room of bis sky parlor that waa out of repair, or a if, after clamping It on the other side, he had slainmed his outer door and shut bieasslf in for tbe night. however, is not the only country where, ia politics noise Is supposed to be a proof of talent and so I let the tuns go on, and bless them, though Ibey do give me a headache. The feature of a steamboat about to start, whether on river or sea, ia, tbat it ia to get where one is not In the way. I believe tbat if I ware to go aad stand on my bead on th. main truck, ia five minutes some Craar or Pompey would ask m to move and let him put down tbe "genera Item's box." Wheeled trucks full of brown horeebid chests banded with Mack, encb as Americans In, and block up evert passage in tbe boat, down from tbe burning fiery furnace up to the place where the cotton bales wall us in. As I am going to spend a seg- ment of my life sn board tbis boat, tbe Pey-tsav-a, I proceed to overhaul it and examine its points of danger and safety; for, although ! ly business In this chapter ia more especially tbe cotton I mcst briefly dscrib. my Boating caatle, which le no more ike an English steamboat tbaa a London p.- ny steamer is like Noah's ark, the Warrior, or tbe Great Eastern. Our racing beat ia a huge floating lairs Her or rather, one of those li'tle pa- godas of, tbat crown the centre table at a public dinner. The top story, the of tbis tower of Babel, ie the little square is which our pilo struggles w'tn tbe wheel. In anxious mo- rn eats, when the good boat le entangled in a net of sasd-bar- a, ha looks to my mind like a saadmaa with a wheel of fortune. Below turn, on tbe second floor, ia a sort of crystal palace, where the captain aad all the officers have tbeir berths, and wbere, whea off watch, tbey read dime novels, smoke, and do ti carters. Oa this level which Is sheeted with tbin lead, for fear of sparke are rows of s, where one ran sit and shoot pelicans and alligator a, muse, read or Bleep. Tbe deck here i made very thin for lightness, sad it vibrates aa you walk round tbe two tall funnels tbat rise through it. Be- low tbis springy snd alarming deck comes tbe floor on which the glass doors of the grand saloon open. Hers, under a nent-bou- se formed by tbe upper deck, are also chairs, with luggage, where men aleo smoke, etc , read, and slssp; looking out upoa the BBigbty monotonous river. Below tbis str.g is tbe grsum! floor, wbere tbe negro sailors aad steersge are, aad wbere the furnaces blaze and glow. All over tbis deck, by any from tb furnaces or pine knots, are buge piles of squsre fluffy cotton bales, bound round with irrn ban 's. Below tbis bar- athrum, I suppose, is more stowage room; but lower I did aot, la this vessel, venture. As for the saloon to return t tbe focus of tbe vessel It la a aplendid sffsir, with a draw-la- room at on end for tbe ladies, icnumera-- ia white and gold Tbsrs sofas and ottomans and a piano, with for cards, conversation,, hiiuue .rvrf ianeinr T On - either . s de . or this . long au th. rlonra or our D'S' and sparii'ii. w i .ub. By tb entrance of tbe saloon, o aas tk Barroom aad p irssr's ofii Jfe bsrter's, wbT th negroes coneregsie to practice th banjo for we have nightly very concert, on board, and nearly all skerrnra ar musical. Her when I stroll In, I find the Tay-b- sr egro asleep in bis chair, wi k. in hia own locks. Dome- - where here, too, is kept, I believe, tbe sacred gong which acnonnees our irrqu.m auu .u- -- ri Tarn for my cabin is Irr and has windows openine oa the outer r ot far from where the black waiters aad cle.B tbe dishe: and I have berth Mr. Bias Mad- - a s'im young wraw - - - o, and is going to try uis in.u. u WL looking fellow but a lit- tle of the pedant He ia very J?,1. bow with a rsesat sttsck of trie .gainst more ol it y eM to , kind to ntrar tired of American dishes to me at dinner .. the and H po" "V"? the people of teaches me wild Arkanaat man ,. frm th. notion sallow h.lf-Fren- of ; the native of tl from tbe tan, nony aru- - tbe Cotton Country. Itm going th.t river, so T saksliar which rise tnre "e. fro. BBS 1 '- P'7r mto the Gulf of bfor it reah. tb. arm. of Its teng- - street at It is. thst le Missouri SBtfbtv h to bslf a atream a de.uny befor. it, a. th, va new coat try it Irrlgalos. cHArrr.a if. bours since I came op It ia onlv board, and ,lradv I sse, by say map, that we snd cotton oTTnV vill.g. bar passed town., .. V. b i i! eat. Commerce is Isndinfr.. NorfcU "un out of slrt, tbe " yre bTe Varoo it toilet below in PJ ras w for been Ukicse; in eottoc MSPI awoltean near u I it) th, ber and jolt dowa art -- "DI F Bi . .dj time I heard the Macks bl.r. voice or mm mmm tt,e sharp, yelpine ryiar on any H not step ConptM wanted to Soo board. . ..!., , Utt titbt wi 'rV It a Point ie '"""' are near ... is a lovely Botomn V rr7, j.itT censeof natore'i early Is In the air, slightly ilavoreu, oti. ' " circle around tb fierr fannel ; for the air la atone, and Bguring to liaraelf tb apactre of cool, and we are all afraid of the bone ferer. the torn corpae of her aon at the bottom of Ereiy man bat mvaelf and a man wlih an Iron ' er.ry clitT or atream which they paaaea. At atirrup, bad bia lega ralaed aereral decrees I this time one of the party, who bad been than hie brad, reefing on the toy rail of for the ret, on looking into the atream of the a vacant cbair. I hare tried thin, but I can't Kudaon, found a round a atone do it, and not "being able to do It, I deny the In the channel of the river, which he aa well aa the of it. nixed to be that of the child, and bad now Ilt- - Sereral are cuttine pluga, and my friend tie doubt that he would be found drowned near Cot. baiab Butte ! telling a quaint atory of tbla plat in the atream. He called the reat the rouctneaa of Arkanaas life a few yaara rf the party to when a little further ago. Aa it bear upon the queetion of th down tte bank, he the boy with bia of th cotton country, I will tall it feet in the water, and hia head reeling oa a ' eton in Bleep. " Jobnoy ! Job on ft a It was told to me. quiet cuttin. acrape," Col. Uaiab erlad the father. " are yoti alive J" ButU called it, as be ehifted bis plug, and. The tittle lifting hia had from hia on bia chair, tbua to us poured rocky pillow, " Ob, father la It forth hit winged w.rde. your Why didn't you come to help me catch "It was at the point wher the j the Uttle kid ?" The liitU fllow cap waa Arkanaaa empties itaelf into the ;' filled with with which be bad jpat-- I had gone there about some cotton, aad Brad- - sued the kid from rock to rock, from bill to ing the overseer bad gone up (be nrer looking bill, and through the ravines for upwards of after a 'painter,' 1 bad to wait about in Napo- - tve miles, over one of the most leon, wbicl even now isn't much, and then, rugged tr-- ts in tbe State, and bad been for was i. deed a rowdy place. Yes, sir, it too j twelve hours without tasting a morsel of food, that I turned down three atreata," went on The eudder, joy of the mother bad nearly cost the celonei, "anu aa mere waa a gouging match going on in every street, 1 though' it wise to make tracks for the hotel. Wall, I hadn't aat there tea miautss sucking at a when who ehould come in but Horatio Scroggs ami John Pike, two of tbe most tarnation ruffian in that whole State. "Scroggs be begin- - telling a lie (seeing me a stranger) shout a brother of bis on the rivor wbo was so addicted to gouging, that he used to dry all tbe eves he could get aad keep them j for abow in bia waie'eoat pocket. Then, up cornea Pike, an 1 winking at Scroggs, tell a i'igfer lie still, about a son of his rising twelve, wbo bad just gauged a big lad sf sixteen who bad hot at him a quar- - rel at s. Law I q'.ior seemed toheat Scroggs, for he said to Pike, ' Do you still carry that foot-lon- g toothpick of youra that you mur- - cered the German with, at the caucus meeting at ?' "' Yes,' auswers Pike, fierce aa a game- - cock . ' yes, and a tall ;oo, for all infernal nmger " ' How's vour etomach for fightin' now, then V' says Scroges. " Peart,' says Pike. " ' Heard you say you'd bleed me next time we met ?' Bays Scroggs. "'Tbat'e me,' says Pike. "Tbe two broad sad bright, flashed forth at tbe same moment. "Wall, I tell you, the fellows bsd carved each other briskly for ten or twelve minutea, when one of Scrogg's eyes, getting a little loose in tbe socket, and one of bis eara being shaved off. and Pike'a abdomen being several times it suddenly occurred to tbe two amiable Arkansas that tbey had both had enough of it. "' Why wbat's all this, mister ?' says I to the landlord. '"Ob ' it's of no account, says the landlord to me a fellow ba waa, weighing about two hundred and fifty pounds, and witn a face like an lllinoy barn door tain't notbia' let the boys enjoy 'emeelvee. Hist is a little pizen, stranger and be set a black bottle aud a yellow bowl or hiack sugar bercre me. i needn't say that I didn't wait for tbe overseer, but left by the first boat tbat landed at Napo- leon. I had had enough of roughing it ia Ar- kansas." Just ss the laughter following the Colonel's story wae dying out in distant cackles for all tbe negro waiters and so were tssVj slaves, going borne to their new and who tieed to sit all day, like chickena with tbe pip, on two cotton balee we sighted Bolivar land- ing. Iow as tins landinc will stand for isavou la Fourche, cr any other landing above or bekvr all dearrfrM It at fnll length. and "cute off" we hare paased this ng already, and we are now going to atop if an hour at Bolivar landing, and take (TiieiiM'!" cotton Dales and some Lun dred truckfuls of resinous pine knots for our furnace fires. Patience I must have, tiresome as the delay is, for the boat will stop at four or five other landings and so it will to- morrow, and indeed every day, till we reach the great of cotton New Orleans. THE DAHrElt, Hit Captivity Jmong tht hditnt flow Ac Escaped. Many of our readers doubtless remember a very supple young man, with a very large nose, named wbo traveled through tbis country some years sgi? with the Ravele, we believe in the capacity of a dancer. A late number of tbe London Era contains an inter- esting sketch of his life, from wbicb we take tbe : At last an American manager, hearing of growing fame, crossed trie Atlantic, and steamed bim away from the Parisian 'tage, at a salary of one thousand pounds for three months. "From the year 1850 to 1857, when be returned to France, bia life was one of continuous succflfl, triumph, aecidant and adventure. He in Mexico, over India, and China, with great artle-ti- e glory; but at Bouibon, Calcu'ta and be reaped golden and laurel b arcs' s. At Hong Kong, Sydney, Madras, and scorts of other Indian citiea and towns, his success wbb immense, but the result was more o tbe honor of bis artiBtic fame than to the filling of bia One day California, with its golden prestige, fascinated our hero's mind, and forthwith be dreamed cf nothing else, save artistic glorv. ornsmeated with gold, and, in tbe bope of th.eame, be embarked for the Pacific Ocean. Crossing ever tbe Rocky Mountatne be fell into tbe banda of a gang of cannibal robbers, wbo relieved him of all he and kept him a close prisoner for three months. Here he waa destined, after having been "fattened up," to be roasted and served up at tbe table of (he cannibal chief at their next grand solemnity But Espinosa would not "grow fat," for tbe grand cannibal display: so, when the day did come, be washed, as use- less flesh lumber, to the fatal tree, there to he tortured to death, "the obstinate pale face 1" The last savage dance had already begun around bim, but the "pale face" etood and looked sow rtsteo, ttd tjro, thouebt be ! During his captivity be had learned enough of tbe savages' dia'sct to make himself so, aa the canatbals jumped and frisked around bim, he suddenly exclaimed : "Ob, ye accursed redskins ! call ye tbat dancing? Loose my cords aad I'll show re what danci eg is how we dance! Pierce my body with your arrows, and desmiir it if you will, but let me Bbowwou what dancing is." Hs was silsnt, and tbe capering red horde atopped suddenly short. Tbe chiefs moved to a ahort distance, and held a conference ! " Cosltcsere oasae. t swigf ttantr corona!" Tb result of which confer- ence was, "Be It as the pals-fac- e bath spoken; let bim dance," sroks tbe chief. Amid a yell of infernal noises s riag wae quicklv made, and loosed from bis bonds, jumped into the saiddle of It MM a rcirosrirc or so fantastic, yet ao outlandlah and that the squatters giggled, and grirtasd, and chattered lik He tben gave them a dance of the regular gssat's it Ptirlt style. He vaulted bead over beeis a la QriWMldi, roond the savage within and without, and one and all. Finally, seeing tbe favor be was into be began tbe popular Paria dance called "La Savate," and throughi t he went cos ssaore rt pedtowt, right and left, backward and forward, bl audience, on all sfdee, them, them, and them by bis dance twixt life and death; and, while all were in srlemn amazement snd mute at tbe velocity of bia twis-ir.g- and turnings, bis and he tddenly vaulted into the vacant saddle oa one of tbe fleet ateeds of tbe chiefs, and, pruto, rfJ he wi1 llKe an arrow, to tne general aa- - . . -. L . I, : . - .1.1 miration OI 111. rru Bam., uu uiniwa n.ui pat for a par of bit "dantt inftraau" or, aa Dr. O'Toole says, "a part of bis system." But when the entranced savagee .aw him Av. nniclrlv flr and send throned! the air, and when they loat sight of bim in tots, fe.lmgt of rage and vengeance succeeded ad- miration and delight, and, yelling out their war cry, tbe beet riders jumped on tbeir steeds in nur'su;t of the "Paleface Devil!" But "fortime favored tbe brave," and Espinosa ne'er saw tbe silly red skins more. Wast s dance be had of it on bis "borrowed courser V V- -, n.i, nr. It- wh.n hia from afar ssw bim arrive in tight of a numerous and j caravan tbat they give up alt hop of tbeir higitirs dan- - rer ; aad, at a signal of rag awd j vengeance, tbey fired off at bim a shower of - ,,.,..-- whil. h. rod., nnd.r aafe coLVoy, towsrd San Francisco TORT OF A KTRAT t II aU. Lata Ittt autumn, a farmer I vir ar tb is New York StaMN V to cut timber on tbe mountains In a yet, snd solitary locality. He took his ton long with bim, s little boy of about four yeaof age. After having been for a tb rt time, be milted the child, who bad been amusing himself in chasing a kid which be found on a bill, and be became alarmed lest be atsuld have fallen Into one of the many ravines, or stum- bled over some of the rockt er with which the place abounds. Ko trace of the boy. however, could be found. In vain did he call upon hia name, for no answer waa re- turned. Tbe anxiety of tbe father led him from ; lace to p'aee with the t.'most rapidity, sometimes finding tb print of bis sob's MttI feet on tbe leaves, but be never drsamed of crossing a deep gorge which run oa the south tide of the loeslity slluded to down the steep and rocky aide of tbe mountain to tbe margin of the Hudson. Over tbis gorg he conceived it for a child to make ita way. In the evening be found means to tend to tb set- tlement an account of tbe and several bumane persons, by tbe distracted mother, came to aid bis search for the poor child in this wild and rocky region. One of them to cross over the gorge alluded to, there tbe of the bov's footsteps, and thee were traced all the tray dowa to tbt margin of tbe Hudson, wbere tbey lo rt all trace of tbt ward, ttiourli tbev bad now proceeded up- - ward of fonr milet from tb place of their Uir,. outi and they eonHnued for the spice rf ,b, t another mtle, by the tnliou, father and mother, without fiodlne b traces of th boy. Nieht was now oer ner me, out m. not to have Buffered injury from bia long pere THt i ti.i is v PHi 'rvr AV KCDOTK. Mr. L , rector of C , in (who died within tbe present was one of those unhappy persona, who, to use tbe words of a well known Scottish adage, "can never see gre-- n cheese, but their ala reels." He was covetous, and not only of nice articles of food, but of aaany other things which do not excite the cupidity of tbe human heart. Tht following story is in of tbis assertion. Being on a visit one day, at the bouts of one of bia a poor lonely widow, living In a moorland part of the parish. Mr. L became fasciaa'ed by tbe of a little cast iron pot, which at tbe time to be lying on the hearth, full of potatoes for the poor womon't dinner and that of ber chlldrrn. He bad never in bit life teen rath s nice little pot. It was a perfect conceit of a thing. It was a gem. No pot on earth could mateh it la It was an obiect lovely. " Dear sake !" said the widow, quite by the man's of her pot, " if ye likt tbe potsae weel ss a' thai, I beg ye'll let me tend it the i ia nee. It't kind o'orra pot wi' ut; for we've a bigger ane, that we ute oftner, and that't mair convenient way for as. Sae ye'll jntt take apresent o't, I'll send it ower the morn wi' Jamie, when ltegancs totchule " Oh," said Mr. L , " I can by no means permit you to be at so much trouble. Siace you are to good as to give me the not, I'll jutt carry it home with me in my band. I'm so much taken with it, indeed, that I would really prefer carrving it myself. After much alter- cation between the widow and bim on this delicate point of it wss agreed tbat be should carry home the pot himself. Off then he trudged, bearing this curious lit- tle culinary article in bis band and under bit arm. tbe day was warm, tbe way long, and tbe fat, to that be became heartily tired of hit burden be- fore be had got balf-wa- y home. Under these it struck bim, that if, instead of carrying tbe pot at one tide of bit person, be were to carry it on hit head, tbe burden would be greatly lighten- ed j tbe of natural which be had learned at college, him, that when a load presses directly and upon any object, it is far leas oner- ous than when it hange at the remote end of the lever. doffiing bia bat, which he resolved to carry home in hia band, and having applied tit to bia brow, be clapped tbe pot in an inverted fashion, up- on bia bead, where, aa tbe reader may suppose, It figured much as helmet upon tbe crazed capital of Don Qaixotte, only a great deal more in shape and There waa at first much relief and much comfort in thia new mode of carrying the pot but mark tbe result. Tbe unfortunate mm having taken a th to avoid found bimaelf, when still a good wty from home, under (be necessity of leaping over a ditch, wbicb bim in passing from one field to another. He but eufely no jump waa ever taken ao in, or at leatt into, tbe dark, at tb s. Tbe concussion given to hia person in caused the helmet to become a hood; the pot slipped down over hit face, and resting with ita rim upon hit neck, stuck fast there enclosing bis whole head What was the worst of alt, the nose, which had the pot to slip down over it, withstood every attempt on the part of itt to make it slip up again; tbe contracted part or neck of the pattra being of aueh a peculiar formation aa to cling fait to tbe base of the note, although it had found no difficulty in gliding in tbia Wss ever man in a worse plight? Did ever any man so hoodwink himself, or so ebut lilt eyes to tbe plain light of nature? What was to be done? Tbe place waa lonely the way difficult and human relief waa remote, almost beyond reach. It was even to cry for help. Or, if a cry was uttered, it mieht reach in tbe ear of tbe utterer, but it would rot travel twelve icchea farther In any direction. To add to the distresses of the case, the unhappy sufferer soon found great difficulty in What with the heat ocessioned by tbe besting of tbe tun on tbe metsl, aad what with the frequent relurn of the same heated air to the lungs, be was in the utmost danger sf couth!.:. i, it seemed likely that, if be did sot chance to be relieved by tome accidental way- - farer, there would toon be itath is tht pot. TI e instinctive love of life, however, is om- - and even very stupid people have been found, when put to the push by strong tasi Imminent peril, to exhibit a degree of presence of mind and exert a degree of far above what might have been from them, or what they were ever known to exhibit or exert, under ordinary So it was with the pot ensconced Mr. L , of C . Pressed by the urgency of bis dis'ress, he fortunately recollected that there was a smith's shop, "at tbe dittance of about half a mile, across the fielda, where, If be could reach it before the period of be might possibly find relief. of bit eye tight, he could only act aa a man of feel- ing, and went on as as be could, with bit bat In his band. Half crawling, half sliding, over ridge and furrow, ditch and hedge, tl e unhappy man traveled, with all possible speed, aa nearly at be could guess, IB the di- rection of tbe phue of refuge. I leave it to the a 'it to conceive the surprise, the mirth, the infinite amuaeraent of the smith, and all tbe hangers-o- n of the tMinu. when at length, lorn and worn, taint and biind and the man arrived at the place, and let them know rather by signs than by words tbe of hit case. In tb words of an old Scotch song : ' Oat came the too wan, and blah he 'cited. On: cam. Ui. tads wife, and low .b. ioated ; Atd a' tbe town aeiKH' T. were cathtr'd atsrot it ; And there was he, I trow t" The merriment of the company, however, toon gave way to of human- ity. Ludicrous at wat tbe situation of Mr. L , with tucb an object where his hta'i should have been, and with tht feet of the pot pointing upward, it wae necet-sar- y that he should be speedily rettored to his ordinary condition, if it were for no other rea- son than that h. might continue to live. He wat at hia own request, led into the smithy, multitudes flocking troond to ten- der him their kindest offices, or to witness the t.rocess of hit release; and having laid down his head upon the snvil, the smith lost no time in seizing and poising bis goodly fore bammer. " Will I come aair oa," exclaimed the consid- erate man of Iron, " in at tbe brink of tbe pot f" " Aa aair aa ye like." wat tbe answer, "better a chap 1' the ehafta than dying for want of breath." Thus the man let fall a hard blow, which broke tbe pot in piecet without hsrting tbe heai which it encloaed, aa the cook maid breaks tbe shell of tbe lobster without bruising the delicate food within. few minutes or tbe clear sir, and a glass from tbe gnde wife's bottle, re- stored the unfortunate rector of Lanark; but assuredly tbe incident it onelbat will long live in tbe memory of tbe of C . THE TOS1B OF HtrilEL. The valley, or rather the dry plain of stretches for miles without c Bering any other shelter to tbe traveler than a modest snd simple Turkish where tbe Arabs of the desert sometime but which tbe pilgrim takes care to avoid. A one of those spots where tbs inanimate objects arouad seem to attest most forcibly the truth of the traditions which hallow them, sail around is solitude. There la not even a palm or a cypress to be seen not a tingle tree cov- ers with its shade the simple mausoleum where repose tbs ashes of tbe mother of Israel ; and yet thia spot awakens more ex- cites more interest than the molt costly monu- ments on which the luxury of tbe arts is The traveler pastes by the tombs of Zaehariab and Absalom In the val- ley of be hardly looks at tht of tbs kings in the plain of Jeremiah but at tbe sight of the tomb of Rachel, fancy carries him baric to the cradle of tbe nations sf tbe Eat', and recalls to bim the power of the beauty wbicb softened her lover's ioog term of servitude and exile, and he blesses tic memory of tbat tender and faithful whose affections so often soothed the manifold cares aad sorrows of tbe Tbe Turks have decorated with much splen- dor tbe burial places of most of tbe person- age! of the Old A mosque rises over the tombs of David and Solomon. An- other vast antique temple covers tbe grotto of at Hebron, and tbe ia wholly Inviolable ground. Tb. grotto, whose gloomy entrance is alone ia IB the centre 0f the building, into which none but true believers are admitted. Within tb last two hundred years, but two are known to have succeeded in by th. guards, and tbat not without running the greatest danger. The last waa an Italian Count, wbo, by meant of large bribes, obtained permission to enter the mot lowers of Mabomet to the tomb of Rachel produces aftr deeper than the t stent of msrnte pillars or costly eeilines. Their eager desire to be hurled nar her r- - mains is ttf her humble mausoleum are covsred with IS not merely ror uer nttie lurrner on are tue ruios ot uis village or Rtma, whose Bite nothing but a few broken of walls and heaps of stones are left to indicate. In thil plain and near tbe deserted village, it the tomb of Rachel. It is unfortunat. Uttlt wannerr, ano were nnru mvgr ptnfu that he mutt que. The valUc wherein it situated tl.e Heb- - hive n carried off by the stream. Oca B j rem of it often traveled by pll- - alone ita banks, and crossing ravines aad erisai and travelers, but Ihe penalty of death wnjert Uiey conceived it almost impot- - denounced spalnst every Christian who shall t!l( cotalai have passed and climbed. da to enter the mosque, is sufficient to re- - found tbe print of bis Baked feet press the earfoity the fame of the place ex- - on Jhe soft s.nd of a small rivulet, and by ap. cits. Th srotto, we are ! by th Turk, rosssnre which they had takes, of tbe is sS of solid rock, and th former tusy found it exactly to burial place of th ancient ara yet eorre-po- n rever.nte naid by th. f.l- - aCr 1 p.eaaaaur, wiu. ,in, Han on the forest; and as tfje searra Miissiiiinan tomas. it ' dozen cicmra. ... . . . h.j rniiniiad eleven houn. over a rutrsed rrettD., puritr or tanctitr that toe Turks MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL. THE BY M'CLANAHAN DILL. MEMPHIS, SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 1861. VOLUME XII.-NTJM- RER DO. jPailg Appeal. ritTii. aBerfieaafef, nittitwri'l. UltMtl-T- HI Memphis, MietiMippi. portmantMB diamonds, esplosioa downwarda. harmoniously ." Mcmphia awarminit "drommara," periodical Mississippi Peytona'i America, Americs, particulars, earnestness, patriotism; remarkable impossible anywhere positively, sir.ct,pour eonsiderab'e country,'' card-bous- e, diaphanous barley-sug- pinnacle glass-hous- e etruggltBg lBtermin-gls- d passengers unprotected tarpaulin chandeliers atsitlplying themselves aanneling, Ireditable s?ngular!v comfortable, halc'ony, anlgreiabl. companion, liTpleasaBt ""'f' SSS Kb. intelligent harm-f- i f.W, explaining hTrsrer i::ri.Di-- h calculating Connecticut JZ tll ToUnd ST wTeb. eonUntnt- -s ;Th:.. .Tgre?t r occasionally g"3tS Iweaa foJSV Monteomery handkerchief conreniance approach, perceived dvlliiUion "Adan-ero- ua trembling rocklnghimaelf evclaimed, Napoleon, Miasiaainpi pcbblees, brancr-cobble- r, neighbor's "Suddenly Virksburg worsh.pera.' bswiekaives, gentlemen, pitnetured, geatlemen stranger,' laaghing, d plantation, ad- joining Innumera-nd- s emporium ESPIUS4. Tkrtt-Mot- Espiassa, following Espioosa's ccmic-dance- d throughout Bombay, exchequer. ratbring possessed, previ- ously undismayed; understood; "pale-face- afterward, principal Espinosa, moribolatU, extravagant, monkeys. pirouetted inclosure, enraptured "steeping" dispersing surprising delighting mesmerizing entrancing impromptu aetoniekment jumpings vaultings, exhi- bition; recapturing fascinating desperate Adirondack., employed precipices impossible ctresmstanees, accompanied happening perceived impression occasion- ally attswipanied grination. Lanarkihlre century), extremely generally corroboration parlshlonera, happened symmetry. perfectly overpowered taperflsou politeness, alternately Unfortunately, gentleman distressing circumstances, awkwardly principlea pbilotcphy, informing im- mediately Accordingly, handkerchief Membrino't magnificent observa- tion, Jumped: completely de- scending, completely. permitted desperate proprietor hypotbenuse. effectually thoroughly ttangeroua impossible deafening reverberation breathing. euffocattos. Everything expected circumtances. euffoeation, Deprived cautiously exhausted, breathless, unfortunate circumstances consideration! nevertheless accordingly, permitted, fortunately psritbionert coffee-bous- e, attemble, associations, squan- dered. carelessly Jehotephat companion patriarch. Testament. Macphelah neighborhood perceptible, Europesns obtaining eorruptiag impression .specially r.markat.le. TheenviroBS fragmen't appreb.Ailom wnkelente, tpaeii'. impression, patriarchs Z'UST her titles t tbe respect of the Mohammedans. 8bould a Jew appear while a funeral proces- sion was slowly crossiag tbe plain of Re phi dim, moving toward the sepuleher.'bearlng lbs remains of some beloved object to rest In this hallowed place, he would be drives away with blows and curses by the very worshipper! who ar kneeling reverently by th tomb of on of his o fallen is thst unhappy peo- ple, wtio cannot even approach tbe places filled with the renown of their former greatnss. TBI HDHORIST. It la said 'here ar " tricks In all trades," and we believe rt. Here is a development in this direction, which tbe reader can add to hia present stack of facts, proving tbe truth of the old adags : "Never buy a fat pig at Brighton," waa the givsn ut b j one wbo had been there. "Aad why not a fat pig?" "Because you see they fst 'em too fatt for tbe Brighton market sometimes." 'How so?" " Why you see, tome of them west country dealers tstch their pigs in, pretty nigh skin snd bone. Well, jestalore Fair day tbey give 'em corn and aalt sothln' but corn and aalt no swill no wat rr. Next day pigs is smazin' thirsty. Then tbe sarpaat gin 'em just at much water at they kin drink. Tbe pigs pats Into It, and keeps a drinkin', anddrinkia', and drinkin'. 'Spnzen on an average they swsller a turret tplece. That makes 'em look all filled out and tleek and heavy, I tell you. But there aint oo hefcrt and substsnce in it. You carry one of them are critters boms and calculate you've got a busterin' pile of pork, but jest you look st your bog pen next morain', aad you woa't find nothln' but a bog frame, skin an' Boae, and dear at tbat. You can't tell me nothln' about fat pigs; I've been there and seen 'em manufaetur'd." Cab't Take Antthiko Stboxtg. "Digby, will you take some of this buttsr?" "Thank you, ma'am, I belong to the tem- perance society caa't take anything Strang," replisd Digby. A Nice Little on Dit. A millionaire of Paris wrote to Scribe : " My dear sir, I bava a great desire to be associated witb you is some dramatic compo-altio- Will you do me the favor to write a comedy, and permit me to add to it a few lines of my own ? I will tben have it produced in the moat costly and splendid style upon tbe stags, at my own expense, and we will share tbe glory I" To winch Scribe answers : " My dear sir, I must decline your flattering proposal, beeauae religion teaches me it la not proper tbat a horse and an ass should be yoked together." To wbicb tbe millionaire reptiej : " Sir, I have received your impertinent epis- tle. By what authority do you call me a borte ?" Extinction or P.scrraisM in Feasice. Tbe Emperor Napoleon's message dwells at length on this subject, and says that fire com-s.itt- io iert have been appointed to report upon It. It proceeds : The best system yet found, It tbe establish ment of coloniea where all paupera art pro- vided with food, clothing and labor. Two La Seine-et-Oi- aad Le Baa-Ithi- n have adopted it, and pauperism is fatt deciining. In penitentiaries, industrial labor has been substituted for agricultural labor, which baa bitberto prevailed. There are in France 121,916 children from one to twelve yeara'old, and 58,281 children under age, provided for at an expenae of four-fift- of which are paid by the departments; 119,117 children are placed in tbe country the othera (61,180) are in cities, or ire kept in refugee and orphan aaylums. Gratuitous medical assistance it given to tbe needy in tbe farming districts, and numer- ous societies for mutual aasiatance have been established for tbe relief of the poor. France now poatesses 4,500 of these societies, giving relief to 500,000 pertont. Their united cspital amounts to 24,000,000 francs. A plan for tbe titter extinction of pauperiam in France will, in 1862, be submitted to tbe legislative assembly, in accordance with tbe report of tbe commissioner!. The Social Evil at Dublin. Under the above caption, a leading liberal London paper has the following : The midnight meeting mode of abating tbe soeisl evil adopted in London has been tried at Dublin, with a fair promise of excellent re- sults : On Monday night a number of gentlemen went two and two through tbe city, and pre- sented cards to tbe unfortunate femalea whom tbey met in the streets, inviting them to a so- cial meeting in the merchant's ball. Tea and cakes were provided in abundance, at tables ranged round the large room, which were pre- sided over by teveral benevolent ladiea. About twenty clergymen, of different denominations, took part In the proceedinge, during the courts of which a number of impressive exhortatioas were delivered, accompanied by prayer aad the tinging of hymnt. Nearly two hundred young women were present, and nothing could exceed tbe propriety and earnestness with which this singular assembly conducted them- selves. Many of them were moved to tears during tbe delivery of tbe addresses. Some were extremely youthful, and many bad tht appearance sf having been respectably brought up About twenty availed themselves of the offer of the kind friends who originated tbe movement, and went to bomes provided for them. f h .i .r a f. of time OK M E MF HIS AND LITTLE ROCK RAILROAD. ON an attar Fill DAT. Jfarck 1, 1S6I, tk. K.irnlsr and Pak.ut.r Train will leave Memphis at 7 o'clock, a. m p- -r Ckeek'a f.rrr. and arrive at aladiaoe at 11 A. It., msatnr do, connseuon with tb. daily stages of Hsug.r, Bapl.v a Co., and with the line of I emi weekly etatet or lbs OverlaW Mail Com- pany, far Taylor's Creek, Fort Smith, Hnnters, Benton, Otarendoa, Bock port, Ab.rd.en, Hot itprtnas, Erown Tills, Washington, Atlanta, Arkad.lphla, Hickory Plains, Brownstowu, Bearcy, Camden, Arkansas, Bl.svin. Bosh n, Little Bock, Millcrt.-k- . Dsrdao.lle, Clarksvill., Texas, Vs" Mareo, San Franciaoo, California. TIB. to Littl. Bock St hears. Ocbuidk .sat, train leave afadlson at S r. ST., at rjupaaeld at t:Bu; Bakiac close con- nections with the H .mpkis and Charleston Ballroad for all Bastera, Atlantic and North. rn eitiaa. Tick.ta can be at tb. H.p.Q.ld office. mf7 P. II FSABB, Snperlntendent. DSS. J. B. W ASS0 . WM. VFAS!0, NO. 320. DENTISTS. NO. 320. thlr otBoc to corrmr HAVB AND MAIN STKKSIS wb(re thj hiT HUM up and fnrnirrjfl rtx'TT!" c i for tbe teim mediation f tboie wbo mar ftor tbftta with tbair mafldance, and haririf thu locatud ppraanenllr, nttar tblrprofaaiooal in the different brancbei of :;.;., proinla ia the public te aerre them ia the mot rtillfat aad jntfn i. u- - manner, and in every reasonable ease warravt vat: .fiction, both aa to (rperaiioD performed and charges for the same Farther than thia wa with to bold out no inducement whatever, lo ensnare the piblic or draw them to anr oAce, any exhibition of Dental pec. menu, or propoaitiona to do "cheap Dentlstrr." or "at prices as low, or even lower than the very lowest," ft by any other miarepresen'ation of facta in anyway whatever, neither do we wish any oae to mistake onr name (Vaaaon) for that of ewjther, as the name is plane, and iare of bustneee easily found. OISS wwi i of Union and Main, No. 190. T. I.. Braksfo&D. J. M. Goodiar. J 8. BElH'fn&D. BRiNSFORD, GOODBiR & 0. HE NOW RBCIIVlNir A LAUGH AND COMPLRT1 L aissortmect of Boots, Shoes, Hats, AND STRAW GOODS, Purchased especially for tbs SPRlXfi TRADE, And which they are now off?1 tint tc cash and abort time dealers, EXCLUSIVELY AT WHOLESALE. They invite th attention of merchants generally to an examination of their atork aad price. B&ANSFORD, eoODBAft R CO., tnrS-cl- i wiw?m No. 901 Main street. FOR s.iil: A HOUSE AND LOT, On Dunlap Street. A BAB.GA1K tnar be aad if application i i. road.. If aot sold, will k. rented to a nod t.uattt, at SI. it moota. Immediate BWM inn oi..n tlM.H. MnntrM trail. at tke APPaAL COrjtmaTS BOOM, corner Ccicn tr... sni asm sney. mri-s- ARKANSAS LANDS JFor Sate. will sell, on tb. tSTH DAT OF MARCH next. In WH frent af th. Bank of Memphis, in Vae citr of Mera-phi-a, at pahljc aaatioa, for cash, the full. win. laDda, to pay a deht tor which tber have keen concred to a., to wtt: In Potnsett county ia the State of Arkansas B. W. K Balls 17 TcDwship 10 K. B 3 . B. si of K. W. " 2 " " " M " " " S. W. a- - g M fract. ' It " W.kC'ofll.W.a!" IS All " "SO " W . a raf " St " " w. tySflt. It " ti " 9 W. tl 1. a " SS " Ontainlox 1,070.47-1- 0 acres also In Green CottDly flute .f Arkansas. W a of Sac. 8 Township 17 K. B 7 B. " 7 - - S HBS.ofsT.W. H. W. B "17 " " Coatalntnt 717 aer. Also S. It BctiorS Township 31 H I T! S. H of If .1. at IB " s K. nofBT.B. K " IS " tr.W. at fcS.Bir. B X" S " N. hi of B. W. It " 1 " w "' S. at of S. W. at IS " B. of Sf . W. k " IS ' " S. W. " IS " " W. M SI " K. m Jt s. w. at ao " " N- - ttofS-K-B- w.t.;s.E. at BP " Contaitilix 1,11 acres. Also S. a) of Section 6 TowaMp St If . R- - 8. B. N- at af "7 " " B. W. tl af "7 " 7 " V. W. at B.W. of 8 W. at tk ST. W. ki IT It If "IS " Ooatalainll I .JJt.8H. ilio acres. 1 AMBS B SlITtTDBRfl rel.-tO- i HATT Ci. s V FAIIU 4b J.,-.- 1. at one. Vhra- - spa-- e of five mile., tbey tilcruett of retracinr . r Rtcb.l, bat rather for her doasastie vlr- - Old HeWSpSBerS. rowdy smokes two in Atmva-- th. diatracted intbr toes. She was a devoted wife, a tsradr jar- nw btbbal huudbbi) oid lor ..u UA.,.! vado. W are P warrr-in- e otirteive. aj u . ,t.rtin, efT wtu. , tbe mo'her of a wailike people- -e .a ar 1 S at the APPBA Osnfln U Cotton factors. WILT, JOHNSON t CO., COTTON FACTORS, onooBiis, AJTD CommlcvSlon Mercliants, NO. 77 FRONT ROW, IVronkTJliJ eat. ToiuicakBoo. r" Cooslenmentt of Cotton Tobacco and other uro-- dsc raHpsctfoliy solicit..'. piaatation sappnaa kept iiiakaiiq aa aaas awo ssmi at asteaat aiark.l rata. IvlS-'- T A. 8. BROWH, HEBf DSnJtOW OWaTN.lf II.BS OWEN, 8raada, Mlas-- j Lata of SaaaarTlUe. iMaaaabla.T.un. BROWN, OWEN Ac CO., Cotton Factors, RECEIVING, FORWARDING, AKD 6ENERIL COMyllSSIOS MERCHANTS, No. 5 Monroe Street, MEMPHIS, TENN. Cotton, Takacco, or other prodoce ccBalsned to ALL Inaartd, anlMs .thtrwis. laatrncAad. BatEittS, Bop. sod other supplies fnrr.i.hed at th. lawaat aiartat prices. uaa& aovsaces laau. no co-i- k AaaSli.ltea P. S. loom. .A. Hatchett. SKELTOK, JONES & CO. Cotton & Tobacco Factors Commission and FOR WARDING MERCHANTS NO. 40 FRONT ROW, MEMPHIS TEN7VESSEE. B. M. Ti ATHtaroati, a. C. Lee DaarlUs, I?-- , Jas a. SiMrsun, Msmpbu; Wat. west, oranaaa, Mississippi. WEATHERFORD, SIMPSON & CO., (Soopmots to JiaMsHB Ie Bro.,) Wholesale Grocers Creseral Consiissios Herchssts, Produce Dealer if Cotton FacVrs NO. 88 FRONT ROW, 3VT o rt-- i tz 1 1 1 ejt .Tomi. rwBaaainc. Boa. and Twine. Whiakr. Ploar. Tobsccn. T.s. Ssssr Salt, Bacan. Coffee, Halls, Soap and CaadJ.s, tos.lh.r with s fall stock of Plantstlon Dn,iUea. taSBawaaa BOST BLACK B. PTTTMAK, Pornisrl, af Panola jonntr, Miss. Metaplila BLACK &, PITTIvIAI. THOLESALE TOBACCO FACTORS, AMD Geueral Commiuion .Merchants, NO. 74 FRONT RO W, TmM h. QotwT'b BoiMing, Iftmpbis, Tfnn., p coastantlr sn hsnd a Isrfe sDd woll stlwtci Kg stock ef all irs4M of Vircinis sod Wtwtrn Tobsoco, CiRsrs snd Smoking Tobixtx, whlfil IheT olftr to tk trsds st (nsnofsctarsrs' rices. M- - dunu Tisitlng (Ju city will Qnd it to thtnr sdvaoUK I" vsii sn4 fismlrif oar slock bfors pttrckssfoR elsewhere, m r rjr tfls)rlBf rare tsdacamants to dealers. CARD. O. C. BOONE, cottojt a to it COMMISSION MERCHANT, DcSoto Block, Madison street, BETWEEN MAIN AND SECOND, ro2tAm M.mpaia, Tenn JOII C. COOPER, COTTON FACTOR COMMISSION MERCHANT. No. 5 Monroe St., Up Stairs. AGENT FOB SALB OF HALL k. CSAFFINS' MODEL COTTON OINS. LAFLINS, SMITH St BOIES, MANITPACTtTBBBS OF 45? UJ POT nJER, omen no x froht row, llfemptiift, Tenn. All kinds of aaDpewder cotutaatlj on jhand. Orders Drnmptlr attend, ia. trtS-I- lT GOODS FOR CASH. We are Mow Selling ;ood EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH And Short Time Af c f ptaflces, Onm stock is quite enmplete, ' we will sell at inch as to make it to tbe interest of all borers to call and examine out goods. We feel assured, if give n a call, we can satisfy tliera. jinnror a nr 291, corner Main and Monroe strefts. SH NEI D ER & GLASSICL MABtrFACTtrBEBt AKD DEALERS IB SHOT GUNS, RIFLES, PliTOLS, And Furnisbinf Goods for Gunmakert, Ho. SO, Jeferaea Street, Oppositf the Oomnir c:sl Hotel. KXMPUI3, TstNlW., a1waE on band a fvll ioprfT of all articles la KKKT line, which tbey will fnrnieh to tbe trade, or at retail, at a small advance en cost. I? their stare can be fonnd Onus, Doable and Sinai a, for Deer, Dock aad Bird sbooUog; Twist and Laminated Steel narrate. Pistole Gallery, Dneling) and Pocket Pis os Colt's Allen's, and other neeaters, with the latest lsnproee-ment- a, Parlor and Deringer's Pistols, Pine Pocket ot thir own mannfactnre, witb the great improve- ment on Deringer's Pattern, ftiflai of every descrip- tion. Percnaaioo Oape of every quality. Powder flasks of various kinds. Shot Belts, Pouches, Drinking Cops, etc. Sam Wadding. Onllery Hunting Knives, and line Pocket Knives. Particular attention given to all orders for new work, ss Double Barrel (3uns, Klflee, and Pistols. ate pairing of every description done at the shortest notice, and folly guaranteed. fed dam;weow Spring Barley 1 (f BUS. PBIMK CANADIAN SBJCD BABLIT, Red Clover Seed, 60 bus. Clover Seed, Bine Grass, Ilerda Graas, Timothy Seed, AU fresh and genuine. &. G. CBATG'S. BortivaUaral and Seed Store, Corner Second and Union ttreeta, Memphis. TatTOMae. J. MORGAN ate CO.'S MANUFAOTOEY, Cor. Third and Washington sts. JT?" AU orders for new work and repairing attended to on tbe shortest notlee. a Hartford Fire Insurance Co., CAPITAL AKD SURPLUS, $963,771.52. Chartered ia ISIO. Phoenix Insurance Company. CAPITAL Aft D SURPLUS, $553,132.83. THOUSAND Do I. LABS ia Tennessee TWBBTTT at Masavtll. bf eash of the sbor. xinpsnies for th. aoaarlt, af palic. holder.. J. E. CHADWItK, Agent, ft BAKT BgTLDlWG. New Dyeing EstabllshrueDt m9SR8. MATTHEWS &, BOl, LATH of tbe school of the great and celebrated Chenv Dyers and Sconrera, Cook A Matthews, cf It taunts, have been induced te open an eeuMishment fot carrying oa the above boaioeea in all Its breaches. Bvery description of gentlemen's Ooata, Tests and Pants are dyed, cleansed and rector sd to their original nerree-tio- TVey osrtalnly do remove every spot of grease, pal at, wax and tar. together with alt oiher bieraishes and impurities to which even garmente ara liable, aad warrant tbe spots not to reappear, fait and examine their samples of Coat dressing. If they fall tc please yon, mo charge will be made. Their office Lsoc Jenrsor treat, between Main and Fract How. mrl7:)T M tiTTHKWS t flHT. Trust Saie. vtrtne of a deed of trust executed to raetas truntee, BT bp C. Lagoouaiao, on tbe 7tb day of J hp, V, to eecvra certain notes therein meBtinaed, payable te. and indoned by, A. Bolte, I will sell to tbe highest bidder, for eesm, ea Wednesday, the is March, laU, a ceitaia lot of grosnd situated en the west side of Second street, between ryoeo and Beat streets, BS feet front on said afreet, running back 160 feet to n allay, known as lot Nl C, In tb ellTisien ot the said ground, laid trust deed Is recorded in the register's offlce of Shelby taoty, book J. part 1st, pagft It, 145 snd 14. The right of redemption ia waved and the title good, but 1 covey aa trustee. Sale on tb preraiier at 11 o'clock. M. C. CATC, tstj Mhj Trnstee. fioHl Cook. Waster ant Iroaer, for Uts offer a woman about SI years eld, with a child WIBer 4 years old for ante low. Also, a woman of about the same age. Passable cock, good wtisher and Iroaer and good seamstress; a man about thirty to thirtey-Rv- e years ; a very superior hand. Alar nan ah wiiiae soil eap TOCN at WBOJP, 4U BS1 Main street, up rUia. llistdlantonSs CHRISTMAS AND Mil FOB BOYS ana GIRLS.' BBOTPS ILLUSTRATED HISTORIES. The Aimw.ll Storiei. The Young Yoyagers. By Capt. Rid. Tbe Baah Boy. By Capt. Reld. Odd People. By Capt. Reld. The White Elephant. By Da'.ton. The War Tiger. By Dalton. A Year with Maggie and Emmie. By Miss Mcintosh. Leading Strings. Harry'i Summer in Athcroft. Sequel to Mamma'a Bible Storiee. Woman an Enigma. Reading without Tears. Tbe Mother's Mission. Margaret Huntington's Experiment. Hookef's Illustrated History. Tbs Crusades and the Crusaders. A Yoyage in the Dark. Prices Charlie, tht Young Chevalier. English Country Lift. Beautifully Illus trated. The Hunters of the World. Stories for Aliee. Good Girl Story Book. Fife Years Before the Mast. King Arthur and his Knights. Work while it is Day. Little Annie's Primmer. Queens aud Princesses of France. Constance and Edith ; or, Incidents of Home Life. Little by Little. FOR SALE BY Cleaves f Yaden. delS 3 4, 7 8 an! Otcaburgs. Heavy Cotton Drillings. Bl etched and Brown Domestic?. Bieacbed and Brown Sheetings. Southern Stripes and Plaids heavy. Southern Oiesbams bsodsome. Southern Celloosdes and fancy Drillings. Atekapaa Collaaades--re- d and bloe. Blew stylo Cslarssa feat cu'ora. Grey Poplins neat., Head Dresses. Wool Tanui.Coata' Spool Cotton. Carpets, Muss; Stair Linen. Table Cloths an Covers, Tiwels. Wine OkHaMfVurtatn, Curtain Dsmasks. Steamboat ami Bed Com'ortJi. Cotton and Shock Mattresses. Pillows, Bolsters, Sheet, Oaaes. Country Jean; Feathers. On band and arriving as above. 38piDoiag Wheels, Baah, Doors, etc., supplied to rder. TAYLOR A McKWr Main street, aear Woraham Donee. ltlaynard Rifles, Sharp Rifles, Colt Rifles, RIFLE AND SHOT COMBINED. shot ovn, Ia great variety, with the aceompsnimentj. PISTOLS, Of all the approved patents This branch of our stot la very complete. P. H. CLABE A CO- - " SAM'S HOUSE!" rpnB nniif raignesi baa opened the NEW X ROtTSI, recuntly completed, oa the north i!V of JEFFBRSON; STBRBT, Secuad and Third, where he will keep a t would respectfully ask or my friends and the pnblle a call, aa nothing bat tbe beet will be served The ssloon will be known as " Sam's House.' Jat8-l- SAM HARMOK. SUNDRIES. KAfk BOII3 Popplnt Crart.ra. JUt 10OO lbs. S. 5. Aliaonds. sooiut SO0 lbs. Craam KaU. 100 Bushels Treth Meal. IftC brli BcKtt, Prior Bed aad Jenatifl Apple. 210 Pink B,e Whit, aad Red Nsetisai. Potatoas. (SO Cess Kills. 60 dot Brooms. Alsr. Sosar, C'lffee, af.lasses. Salt, vrbtskr, Brand,, rkampslan, Klaar, Lira., 0.n.ot, Starch, Woodea Ware, aw. etc. Jast recel.M aad for sal. low br FLOL'BKOT & CBAWPORD, d.30-da- ir Kn. 11, Front taav. POTATOES. f BRL8. LONDON LAW POT A TO BS ; ) fii brls. California PfUtooa; lMi brls. Pink Bye PoUtoee ; 100 brls. Noabannock Potatoes ; toO brla. BaiUmcrs Blue Potatoes ; SOO sacks SOO sacks Neahannuck Potatoes; Jast received and for sale lower thaa they tan be bought at tne river of Setboats. Those wishing te bay in lota will do well to give us a call . JLOURMOT tk CRAWFORD, j20-ds- Mo. ll Froot row. Sumtres. A (( LS. White Nesbsnoch Potatoes; 4UU lOObrto.Red Nibnocb PoUtofs; 900 brls. Baltimore Btoe Potatoee; 0O brls. London Lady Potatoes; BOO brla. California Potatoes; 160 brls. choice Ruiett Apples; 100 sacks Red Onton; COO saebs fresh Bolted Meal. ALSO Sugar. Cdtm. Motaaies, Bait, Tea, Tobaceo, Cigars, OarreU's Snuff, Psrraflne snd Star Caudles, OTdterav baifs and quarters, Sertlines, Mails, Praita, Nuts, Wines, Qine; Apple, Peach, French and Cacnac Brandies, eta., etc. Just received and for sale tow lo tbe trade. PLOCRNOT A CRAWFORD, felO-da-w Mo. il Froot Row- C. K. HOLST it SON, UJTDER TAKERS. NO. 300 MAIN STREET, " MEMPHIS, TEN TNT, AOBKT8 rOR MARSH ILL'S S0DTEEKS METALL0-PEfUH- A BURIAL CASKETS. ALSO, P0B ( Barstow's Metallic Burial Caskets. COS8TABTI T oo band all sls.a of FTSI ft KBBP CASBS. Aha), WOOD COITIMS, sf asrer, deacrijiiion. CoaatrT7d,nakmfarnislid srir Cssk.u and esaas at a reasonable disermat. deS-1- , PROVISIONS SI ft AR CURED HAMS. CHOICE DO BRBAKFAST EACOW, DO SHOSLDBBS, PLAIN" Hi MS, BACOn SlIorLDBBS, BO BIBBBD SI DBS, DO CUC A B sinis. FAJfll.T PBIKB U BBS SOU, ia barren aad bf. aria. DO CLBAB POBB, ao do. DO LABD, prl a. kettle readerMl, ia barrsl., half barrel, aad a ts, CLBAB, BBSS AND at. O. PORK. BULK If BATS, SllOlLDBBD, SIDES and HAMS rVrTbe aboT. ar. now ia Stock, an will b tn canaUntrr on hand CbroutB th. season, from whisk plat!., carers. Boat .tores. Coast Orders and the T'ade aenarbiiv, will be pn,piied at market rates b, FRABTC1S WR1TTAKBB, Parker and ProTi.l.m Marchaat, Sevaath aad Oarr aUMta, St. Lonls, Ha. Borers to nterraante of Memphis, rBtrall, who do a proviatoa bnaia. feTloodam Snsincss Carts. a, B. SHABPI I. B. ESTIt. J. B. SIIARPE A VO: Wholesale Tobacco Faetort AWD GENERAL COffniSSIOS ItlEBCEAIITS 0. It FRONT ROW, MP.MPHffi TaTWM tl- - w will oaaltsau aa, Bartaan ar aaatarn bl sin in. same, or Draajda aaaallv aa anad. m aok on. tboosand.1 mrt-l- r . O. IXOORSfOT B. S. SRAWFOBD. Flournoy A Crawford, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Commission Merehaata, ABD DEALERS IN PRODUCE, Keep conjlantls oa hand . Ian,, and wall lotted stuck of Choice Groceries and Previsions, Salted U CUT aad Cocatrr Trad. .to. ii Fiio.tT notr, MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. VSr Particalar attaation paid Is Stars 9 and far. wartime. MJO-da- TALBOT D BALERS IK Drugs. Paints. Oils. WINDOW GLASS, Perfumery, Instruments, Brashes, Etc., 340 ItTain Street, P A 0 V I NE BUILDINGS. VTTB rail rfa. att.Btloa of Phvaiclaaa, PlaBtart sad TV Bnilders to oar lira. rk. as we offer stroot la- - d.c.mnts to borers of toads in oar Una. Our PRKSOSIPTinX AND BBTA1L DEPARTMENT will, particular attention. lrladtwaw home JHurvF.4CTrnmn NASHVILLE PENITENTIARY OR 3ALR AT LOW FRICR8 MaaliTille Cedar rt aa CtBTBS; PtEitios; .. Tabs Dippers; Water Cans; .. .. Br. '. -- ,.! Bocksta; Iron r. Rarkata) .. CaQD-aa-at ( haira. TV iFt AHAM A E.RC3. d 38S Halo aWsat, trlnklty Black. LOOK 10 YOUR INTEREST! T. & M. FLAHERTY, IaT on haad and ara daily recaiviojt, a larfa aaaort-taan- t of most slesaat PIANOS, CABPETS, Oil. I .IRI'F.TI.YG, ETC., At No. 41 Union strest, And lorlt. th. ptlic to call and .lamia, ttoct ar pnrohasuit 'where se21 K. c. WEST. ..OEO. A. COCHHA WEST, COCHHAi A, CO., (xeneral Commission, Forwarding AWD pnonccF. jtiF.Rcn.i.rrs, No. 70 FroDt Row, old ttaad of Stratton, McDavitt At Co., MBBTPBIS. 1P.SS sttentioa ciran to tha sals and pa- rch, of Oottoa, Teheecc,, Ploar. Pork, Baca, Lard, Wheat, Corn, etc. Liberal cash adrancas made oa to oar frianda in Hew Orleans snd St. Lonls. BErca.BCEa. W. J. Darie, Memphis, Tsnn.l liiv-.- Walts k Oo., K. O; Watts, Olvea a. Co., Padacah, Kr ; If. D. Da.i., Clarkavill., Tana.; nardinn, felseo Ik Oa., S. Lavi . Blanlon A James, Paris, T.aa. mrS-- lr VM. LOUIS ...PHILIP i mallo. Steam aad Gas Pitier. PI PRa,CTICAI. PLUMBEHS, STEaIM & GAS FIHESS, 16-- Jlairx Street. TTB bsTS opoaod tbs irajpocti3a of tha pablte th W lanot soloct st- In Motapbirof Ohaadoliors, Pon-- aaeta, aVackata, 3all Uxhts, Bath Tubs, Water Cloaots, Wash Huads. 8tem (.tun, Wstrr 4aara, Alarm Gac:s, O'.obo Talves, Wbisttos, Lead, Iroa aad Copper Pipe. Poatps, ax., and ever) thing coaaoctad witb ms MM, Water, Btrsm aad AUrm Aaakfes rtrrairsd. Jaia-t-r Direct Importation and no Humbug! Qe AUt.TS Ptpor IMMbI Obamaaja ; CijY) IW) box'i fthiaeWtne; t mm hoona Irish Wbisky ; 1 0 caakj Kord. Hsu er Sranntwem ; 100 ciscs Loadoti porter and Scotcb Ale 10K pipes tTtard Dapreo Braadr. Coffee, Molassea, Ploar. etc., ore. Po sals by J. P PKANE, .?- -! w f 16 Prool row. I860. FALL TRADE. 1860. HARDWARE 4 1 WW PARK & CO., (Socceaaors to Hawks, 3mita flt Go.,) t03. 304 AND 306 M.1IX STREET. VI NO now rereired tbe irr eater part of oar PALL HA STOCK, we are prepared to otter rreat lndnce-mtnt- a lo pacaaaera. Oar siixk coasiata in part of, TINNERS' MATERIALS. Tin Plat, Sheet Iron, Zinc, Sold.rinw Iront, Bar Tin, Sheet Copper, Wire, Speltre, etc., etc. BUILDERS' MATERIALS Locks, Hinges, Sash Pulleys, Latches, Bolts, wioaow irimmi&gs, Tofether witb a tail and assortment of Build' ars1 Hardware. Heavy Hardware. IRON, NAILS, SPIKES, ANVILS, STEEL CHAINS, GRINDSTONES, BELLOWS, With a fall stack of Tools, Agricultural Implements, etc. W. woald also call th. attention of Ism snd railroad contractors to oar stock af Wheelbarrows, Sna.ela, Spadea, afattaska, els. ansa Wat. PARK ft CO. P. II. HEI.RICH Sc. RO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CO N F ECTIOXERS, AND CANDY MANUFACTURERS, TTe. 67 Front Row. oa haad a fall aapply af all ktods of Sae Stick KSBP Paacr Cadloa, Cakes, Nats, Preeervea, Praiu, Ptektea, Oysters, Wines, Cif srs, etc. Orders will ba promptly and earefaily fliled, at the lowest prlcea- - del4-da- i S ISUil KSH. 8TROTHER and Collector of Claims, aTraa ATTORN Offlce In Bsak bolldtna;. mar3&-l- y D. E. THOMAS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, AND COLLECTING AGENT, ijlliaat. Toitabtas: rr Offle. wnth aide of Court se.carf, three do. rl roo atatn straat. JilUm' JOH. C CARTER, Attorney - at - La w. MEMPHIS, TENN. tfe, Office la th. Adacta BxpTa. haildins. noIS-l- r DR. G. W. ACREE, DENTIST, Court Street, opposite A. T. Wells t Bro. A LL operatloaa performad with tte jTx. least peesi'Jiepam, aoti ia av nM Aiiifni Dlseues of the riTu .rvd iAsatth,-fii- ll treated. Artificial teeth Inserted npoa lb raost approved plan, with faar-ant- y and no bum boa, either old or new, is onai ed to the paVic with ooofldaaoa la my skill, ec as an tDducotaent totralt ataiT nee. mnr 1 books: books: ODD-FELLOW- S' HALL. MPTJBUCAJT COURT; T,HZ The Srtipwreck, by Palooaar; Lallah Kbook; Oer t rude of Wyosalag; The Lay of tb Last Mioatral; Csrosta Hany; Little Be a sty, etc For sale H TO VUG k BROTHn, Ha. US Main street. tf9 Fruler kali. Mempbls. Tann. SHI.faEES. are Jast ta reeaipt f a larje lot of rery snpe-rl- or WI shingles whtcb we wilt toll eery low to close the ooMifoaiant. Wa will always keep a s apply oo Band. Call soon, at PLOURNOT A CRAW PO BID'S, No. II. Front row. Ssltsffllancons. Or. W W. rtORti A, STJAGE0N DENTIST, OF PHILADELPHIA, Msw Pernasestly LscatetJ is Nentitiis, WHRRB for T ie ha aarfornkai all oc .or. nBl.arsal jat-a- ' ' ii i as to sisn.1 .uooarata th. hicaaM encirai- - BBS.' HIS PSIC LOW AS TBE VEBV towkiT. for tbs SITUS tljl't. rr. Hi st A waenal. Soma rfahf years .inc. he attendant taa b at claaps altofttlur, in cow.qn.Tv-- . f drilracrix und.acr opon th. natnral fee to aa, aothlna of th. nMarry. ih. pttttftroat breatt. or the tptc aad slaain anal laaa to th wearer of all sach work. H. inavrts fr.ina a aiaoLC TOOTw to an cnttrt tt a a Stti.s (wtAaW clasps) which wnf.ine, cam-f- , cl.aalioaaa tad Ixt-lU- r rlchaaea. U Bpisl- - o-- of which, and la fact ail th. rarlona sfyTet tHsi Ja a arafaaiioD, can ha aaaaal niaoBc.,and lor which Mw. aaailil th. riaaT Puannai, at r lata PsIr.Jl Car fttTB i..rcl.i .:,hr.ri ...w B"TI.D Tr.Tn and dnrah'j Riled. , t r me noruraf Tath Co for Clivt Pa' at iaa.rll a ia Ha S. Slack. A .I th. nnitod Mtaaaa) R.a. 1 B. Bdi. H c I Dr. Win. B. Wkiia; Dr. S Starker; Dr C. C Hail, Phllsd.lnhia, Pa- -i A. 1. wu, a. , Dr. J. a Whit.; a. Walk.r a. Br-- ; Chandler k. C. , Hamphis, Morgan't Cobal Tooth Powbcb for bsaattfrtna and praMrriat the TRBTH can alaot,. ..btaioad st E Orricr, in MAIN stbst uppiisits odd pbl. LOWS' If A 11- - HSHPBIS, TH Minl.dswlr If E T HE R I aL , , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, j No. 335 MAIN STREET. Below Cnlon, wtst tide, GnEEJTEAnS BLOCK. T qoAltt, and price we def, airnpauiton. eampl.te X stock in ...rr department. COD I.ITCB OIL, to tbe trade at msnof sctnrsr.' arieas. SraTaTIBSS' DUBLItT POBTBB. WIMU ABD BBAKBIB8, ABTIST9' ASD BUILDEBS' atATKBIALS. BBHSHRS IN f.i,A SSWABE, PBttPT'BTKRT. TOILBT ARTirLBS. .tc, et. Atants for Lynn's Put. CaMwba Braad,. One of the Srm ts st th. Bast, aelKtint the Purest Opera tcalathat can b.oblainl fur ua- - pre.cnpuon esse. 13 Prices to snit the limes DEARING At WETHERILL. BovIS-d.- SIS Maia strawl. Notice of Copartnership havo ':,. i.- sold to Mr. TOO. 8. J lOISO WI rd lotcrcat la ear basiaoas. Uer-tft- nor bastoosa will oo cosstlaciotl nailer th aama aad styla at 3TEERT, nrSGtRPOXD fc JACESOM. Tbankrnt for tbs past patrucaxi btrTWHl upva tha old Una, vi hepo by tliiidtaaco to oiorit its cioLiaaaaco to tbo aoar. STRUT k BrSGK&roU). Mempbii-- , JaDaary 1, 1BCI STREET, HUNGERFORD & JACKSON, South end of Rope Walk in Navy TarJ, MKMPIIIS, TBNNKS3SS, af all kind, of BalLROAD MANL'PAfSTrjRarRS CABTS, DBATS, .tc. Bran and Iron Castiusa, Wrontbt and flailinas, and ..cry description of BI'ILDKBh' IRON WDBK. Mschiaa and Joohin, Work of all kinds prompt! lo. 1st tni STKBtT, HWKIiKBPORD a JACKSON. . D. L. STEWABT J. B. Aloci, Raleigh Memphis. STEvTAUT AftUEE, Atlorneys and (Yunselnrs at Law, (Otic at Raleigh, an In Register's OfBce Bailding,) Corner of ( ourt fit Third Streets, IVtoi-aCLjoliiA- Toixa. rySaec.el Attention w: lections, Conveyanrincaad lnrestii:atiBg Ti!lea.etc. l For Rent. VTB OffBH FOB BR NT tile OPTICS now orcnpie.l W bf as a ewramlesioa nffloe, ami, if dMired, will sail upon reasonable itrmt all Hi. Offlee Fnraitsra. also offer for rent th. COTTON 8HBD AND WABBHHC3B, oa Madison street, now oceapied b, as. If ASON ai CO , WI kSB street, sp sirs. WTTH KT6K.tiA St CO DS in sad Domes' H WHOLESALE fled Whisky, Paucy Oroeariaa, Ta- basco, CsAars, etc., Ha. 1&9 Main Street, Webster Black, V O T I C E. sold oar tock of Bt,ks, Sutiotiary, etc., to Having Wade h. Co., after thanking our fnenji and the public for the very liberal patronage extended u as, we uoet cordially solicit for the aow flrm a cuotiaa-aot- ca of their favors. Vim. PATTiSOS h to. To the Public. As yon perceive, I have purchased U.e tock of Bork and Stationery of Mes-r- s Oeo. Pattisos h. Co. I pu- rple t i cnnd'ii t the business ander the name an1 style d H. Wade Si Oo. Moat respectfully do I solicit r the booaa a share tJ pabiic patraaage. JaS HllfRT WiDI. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Youug Sc Brother, HALL. TACTICS flchossl ef the Trooper, of the CATALRT and of tbe Squadron. Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics. By Brev. W. J. Hardee. Bancroft's History of tha United States. Fall calf. Works of JobB O. Calhoun. S vols. Irviass Works complete. SS vsls Gold Pens, Pocket Knives, Port Polios, Crayons, Writ- ing Desks, Work Boxes, Pocket Books, Slobes for Schools, Sterreea copes and Tiews, Bills Lading, Notes, Drafie, Biit Hzcbange, etc. Por sale by TOnjIG a BROTHKR, jalS nail C 11 Cacti ILL-- . .a. C. ITASIWEA1 HE a. l. c. rn i rc Kin. sc co- - (now permaaantly Located) No. I I Eschauge BnildinK, DEALERS Iff FEED AXD PR0BUCE GENERiLLT, No 12. EXCHANGE BUILDING, co9 fl ernphii. Tenn. GU.WT OIL WORKS, v a v v v a r n , TAtlearaaiolxlaat, ToiliaoaiBoo, afaaofactnr. and keep far aaie Cmde and Banned n Seed Oils, Oil Cat aad Oil Cat. Meal. Sonthers Stock Food. aaed. Oil Meal and Cake ar. th. cheapest COTTON nntrietone f'jod fnr all kinds of stock .re- does nor. MILK and BUTT BR, aad a richer anj mora delicate flavor than an, .lh.r kep at all time a on hand in Quantities to salt psrctiaafre, at th. Worke. d.ll-I- v Trust Sale. AVISO given hood and as required by H law, 1 will, by virtue ef power vested in m aa trnstee. at the Arcade, on Union street, on THURSDAY, the lath of Marrh, IPS!, betwraa the hoora of 11 aad 15 ocock, proceed to sell at pabiic sale, to the higheet bid- der for casta, a certain Lot ef Land, lying ut Shelby oDonty, Tennessee, near Memphis, and more partica-larl- y deembed In a deed from J. M. D. Miller to tn as trasiae. to aecare certain deferred paymenta thereia mantijned, said deed being new of record ia tbe Regis- ter's oVe of Shelby coonty, in Book 43, pages 135 aad tag wberela redemption is waived, reference to which is hereby made. JOHIf Bnwy , Trnstee. telS-t- d M- C. CATCB tk BOH. Aactloneers. YOUNG & WELD'S WANTS ! WE WA1VT TO BCT Kegro Woman, a good cook, washer, etc , etc. OMI Neero tjirl, twelve or fourteen years old. WE WA5T TO HIRE, Three egro Men, common laborer?. One Negro Woman, good cook, washer, etc One Jfegro Oiti, as a nnrse and boose set vant. WE WANT TO SELL, One Wegro Maa, a Xo. 1 hand for $l0Co. Oae Negro Boy. eighteen years old. Ism, bat an eff- icient boase servant. The owner most have sooney, and will sell for $550. WE WISH TO tXiHiUF, Improved City and Sabarbaa Property for Parnung Land, in calUvttiou, with er withont eegroes. Wo wish also to exchange valoableSsbort-a- Property for Dry Aood? or Grocerieg. Any person hanag snch property, and wishing to make socb an exefaaote, will and it to tbeir advantage to call on as. WE HATE FOR RENT, Several of the mot. desirable sitaations in the city Among those wa enumerate, a large Brisk Building, corner of Linden and DeSoto streets ; a bean-tif- fteidnce on Landerdale street, with an excellent garden, orchard, aad flva acres of land attached. Also, fuar handaoaae Cottage Residences, new and neatly im- proved, oo Madieoa and Maaree streato. WE HATE FOR SALE CHEAP, a elegant Watch, coat $900, will set; for $:oo A Lady 'a Watch, for aaie cheap, and same Diamonds at IS per cent. less than their valao. TOUM0 tt WKLD. 3S1 Main street, jjjO Over Mansfleld A. Co.'s Drag Store. ATTENTION ! ATTENTION ! Stationery-rStationer- y. n.sf arsortmeat sf Latter aad JTote !ap.r ever TUB in thiscltr. V. parttmisr sttMJtinn to onr beantiftil LeU.r sad Kt Paaer, ooasislins of the fol- low mc st,l.. Bamssk Wasa, Datnssk Baticalstsd. Windaor Canrt, Windsor Amher Laid, BTindsor Betie.-la'.e- tee La Bae Bral MeAe, Ds La Bn. B e Damssk, FTeneh Psfasr, uanrud eak.rai Mataaa V.IIatu Balh, Marlines, Arat'.sooe, Victoris, tlEAdrills. Aleo, Moora in. Paper and BnTelonea, of esery d.svr.ntioa. Ball and make jonr ae!eeti.. TOCBf fc BRO aalt Under Hall. NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! H. WADE & CO., 363 WAIA STREET. 363 LOST PBIK0TPLB i or, Th. SwUoaal sVinill TUB By Barbaruaaa. Hias Gilhart's CarMr. Lift of Wat. T. Farter. Th Loat asmfar. Ood.r's Matasiue, for March, reterson's Mstasla.. for Marcsj. Knickerbocker Msfasm., for March. Harper's Macaain., for March ; at R. BTADB tr OO , felt-da- Ml Main afreet, Memphis. flforrttarffli Valuable Standard BOOKS, IN FINE B NDINGS, SUITABLE POR Christmas and Holiday PRESENTS, FOR SALE BT CLEAVES tV VADEN.Ixjnion steeet depot, THE HISTORY OF THE CRUSADE9. JoaepU Francoit Michaud. Traot-late- d from the French by W. Robsoa. In 1 vols., llmo., half ealf. HIRTORT OF ErROPF.,from th. comm.BM-me- of th Kr.neb Revolution to tb Restoration of Bourbon, ia 1815. By Archibald Allison, L.L. D. In 21 vt Is., 8ro., calf, gilt marble edge. THE WORKS OF OLIVER GOLDSMITH. Edited by Peter Cunningham. In 4 vola. to., half calf and full calf. THE WORKS OF MRS. SHERWOOD. Uniform editioa. In 16 vols., half calf. HISTORY OF TURKEY. By A. De Lamar-tln- e. Translated from tbe French. Ia 3 vols., half calf, gilt back. THE DIVERSIONS OF PURLEY. By John Horn Took. To which is annexed bis let- ter to John Dunning, Esq. 1 vol., 8vo., cak. London. THE MAY QlEE.V. By Alfred Tenav-Bo- n, Poet Laureate. Splendidly illus- trated by E. V. B. 8 to., nor., gilt. THE POETRY OF NATURE. Selected and illustrated by Harrison Weir. FiBe Tur- key morocco. POETS WIT AND HUMOR. Slcted by W. H. Willis. Illustrated with one hun- dred engravings ; full gilt, cloth and mo- rocco. THE TEMPEST. By Wm. Shakipear. Il- lustrated by Foster, Dre, 8kill, Slader and Janet. Quarto. THE WORKS OF ROBERT HALL, A. M., with a men.oir of his. lif. Originally published under the superintendence of Olinthot Gregory, L. L. D., in 6 vols., full eair, THE WORKS OF THE RIGHT HONORA- BLE EDMUND BUKKE. In a vols., 12mo., full ealf, marbl. edge. THE LITERARY WORKS OF SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, first President of th Royal Academ), with a memoir f the au.tior. By H. W. Beecby. In 2 vols., 12mo., half calf. London. LIFE OF LORD BYRON, witb als Letters and Jsnnals. By 'Ib.mas Moore, Est) 6 vols., calf. HISTORY OF ENGLAND, from the p.aee of Utrecht to the pear, of Versailles, 17131783. By Lord Mahon. In 7 vols , full ca'.f, marble edge. WORKS OF MICHAEL DE MONTAIGNE, comprising his Essays, Bioerapbiral and Bibliographical Notices, etc By W. Hazlitt. In 4 vols., half caif. FOR SALE BY Cleaves 4 aaen. Window Shades. lcb, aaaas and bupp bolland shadks, B made lo ,.r ;.r and pot ;? Dr an azperienceo bao't. PBBKMAS k OO.. ,60 Maia sir. el, Provta. Uaek. Artists' Materials. LRBOOKAPBS, BffaBAVINaa.Bta FltEBMAB" fc CO., IM Main aweet, Prswin. block. For Comfort and Economy, TTIB V EN ITI A V BLINDS mannfaatnrad J USB FBBBMAN J CO., ano Maia meat, Pro.ine block. HOME MANUFACTURE OLASSRS, PABI.OK MIRBOBS, LOOKIXO and PICTCBB PBAMBS, UILT MOLLD-IHU- aa cheap aa the, san ba impartad, at FREETIA' a f O.'S. 350 MAIN STREET, fit.: .) Pv.m. bloek S. J. CAMP ..MBADCB. It CO. CAMP & CO., (Sacceasora to Sroavenor, Camp 4V Co..) piano, nmivTniRE, LaaaaaaaaaaaaaSl AKD jTTTi Carpet Dealers. AVOS from th clearatd Baaellon Brothers, A. m PI J. Eaath. sod othera front New Tort. Bo. .wand Parlor Saiu. ewesrsd with Broeal.ll.; aad Walant Saita, wit Hsircl.ih sad Plash; Bosewood, Mahoranrsad Walant Badroont Soils; a fall Bsearameat af all arttataa tt COMMON FURNITURE. Tfc. hast Sprint Bottoms far . Bair, Cotton. Moat BBd !...- -, M TTBB.SI' Brnwe's. iatlt p!r. Sopor an. Insrain CABPBTIKOS. OIL CAJtPST-Uf- frew thrw to eirtts.n feet wide. LiXiEiMS or hi eibu HHP Ac in. . Old Stand, Mo. SBO Main r.rsst. aaie--ir Mnpbls. Tnn. ECLIPSE STABLE sold as interest in the "Eclipse HATIMO Stable." to Jno. M. Pi-- tbs bnsi- - fl'tn will tearafter ba condTc'ed noier theatyl-o- f Hnnt h. rui. T. W. ITT NT. We will keep on hand at tha " hell pee," tha beet stork tbat the market can afforr, and will fnrn ah snch tnraonts as will give entire satisfaction to ail the pa- trons of the ad a- stand. If good teams and coastant attecticsn ti the wants or onr enstomers will do it, wa will eadaavor to pi aaas. Hories boarded by the day, week, or month, npon the most reasonable terms. rofi-l- HtTNTa; PTSC. Opening of the Fall Fashions! On Saturday, October 6th, aAt 320 TVT,1n Street. MISS M. PERDUE, of Baltimore, r etnmed from th. Bast wifh a sbsta. eelee HATllCf the rst lmportio, honses. is saw m--a pared to 09am with fan aad winter fash ions of MILLIE ERY, In all Its branch.. She will keep constant tne CEOiro.1 an. Hit. Cape, Bead IH Blbbona, sic. , wit a lall aa- - . . A .mA V.MW Arucle. nBB38 HAXIKQ attei to la th. lets st,l.. oos-'- 7 ewforncm WESTERN SFICE MILLS, SAiirr Loim, mo. Gronnd Coffee, Splcss, Mustard, Catsups, etc. Office, 33 Second Street. MORRIS Jt GARESCHE, LOUISYILLEPAPER MILL .a. V. DTJPONT & CO., as a a cr ac TCAxaa or Sews ss4 Book Prtatis Paper abd rsaAXxa is PAPERS OF ALL aaJfDS, Printers' Mnks. c.. 4T7 rial pa St. . Louisville, Kj. . BOBBIN fc BRADI.CY .t. SO Wovr-rr- t Street, NEW YORK, IaporteH uJ Fboiesaie Detkra I N njTLERY, GUNS, PISTOLS, FIT. HAVB Oae ntshliahad mora than TWTIMTT-PIV- r' do aa BICLCSITB Bonlher aaat Saeth wvatera Sol. for B Bo CBLBBBATBD SCKS and known OVA I. STB COTTOM HOBS. aS Western Produce: B0LLING, BIGG 3 & CO , No. 6 XJamloi Strt ATM no hand aad -r aal. lent, lota of We .to -- H aa .as wror.ries. euaabsuaat t few ha. Irtah Potataa.; WShrls. Omens; SSU sarks oaioaa; 1SS toiaa Caaaaa ; BBS sacks Cora ; SO Del. "..ear, .arloa. '.randi ; Ttf, reams Wrappi.s Papas' ; 0n d.aen Bnrk.ta ; MO brla. Whiskri M brU. 1abi 150 piKe. Power Loom Batting ; US coil. Boae i loo sack. HaaM I ISO taa.. Starch ; BBS boxes reratars, fraah . aktled and aBtsa ; 10 btxa Sosp, IS boxes Tnis c. all qaalitiaa I aw has. Citoa Tarns; tea teiiTb.ii Lead; SB caraeaa IndLao ; MO brla. Domestic Tan and Liaaara; S casks Impartad Braadr i Wlih a treat of 1-t- f sanls. nbrarisc P . SrattB, Marurda, Blackina, Malcaaa. aHaaad eia.-Pappo- Cinnamon, lo..s, Mac. Alapica. Pick os, Ta- ns. Bail la papers. Causa Cordaaw CaaaataaroM. Wa : Snsk.u. BoU.1 L:iaors, Wax Can, lea of ear ions co.ors Me. . .tc. P.rsoa wtahias t senaptr thaaiselrn with ohara Oeorariea, woald do wall la call and exaraiae tad. tiox. TraM Sale. virtae af a Daed of Trast exeatod ta me I BT Uvea aad Sanaa J. Kirce, oa tbe 14U lav 1SS, and of reco.-'- f m tke ofllca of tbe Frohate lae enaaty ot Tippaa. aad Bute ot Miseieairt'i. parpoaa ef secartng certaia df Ms therein aasbe-- l aa tbe 14TH OP MAB H HKXT, st tbe real' tbe lata L. 9. live, sell ta tbe hicheet bidder f tbe fetlowlag tracts or percent f land, to w; quarter stBsnion of laad aa.n wturb ;be late L. C hvd, aad npon tuca bis stafaa. sawsaiu vae i at the tine af tbe ex cation of said deed j handred fjie "ant, of the r Tb title is b!ieve4 to vey oaly each title aa baa J. W. WATSON & CO. .To. 2 Jtonroe Street, Betweea Main Str et aad Froot Wow, EiS & STUM PIPE FITTERS to iaforns tbe iMfclM in eenral tbat tk DKSIES tbe largest aad best selected sweg ot das Fixtures ta the city, Bnlldiags Sttd rrp at short notice. STEAM WORK. Rtaam Pip. and Pitting,. Sheet Laad. Lu Laad Pip of, all kind aas sisea. f van All kinds of Bras, and Iras fare and Lift Pamirs Is ratlraada, cuter ua, deep wen and hear Pomps. BATHS. Bathe tried up ia th. nwet rosapseta atjl. Ail w warrantad. SMART'S PATENT FOBtE PI TIPS. We h.. hoatht th. State rlabt for the sale af these ntraordinarr Pomps. We, and ...rr mechanic thai has oaramrnMt mem. ; rTOrmca tawna ih. most oaatslB fares pmnp that haa .rer been meant eu or e.r will b. br .mphritr snd dnrahllitr. Ttie. parap aained t he pria. si the Nw Tork Stat. Pair. Pair and Ohi dtata Pair. Call sod f.bJt-daw- l. SOMETHING NEW. CARPET .4 TO TRTA-- STORE. rpni r;r.'rs!gned having paoel in taa Caraab aad X Cor ia in ts now prepared to show to hia frien-i- sad tha pnbl.c aa eatiriiy new Black ,4 aadcnrtaia gooda. Velvet, Tapestry, Brnaaela, sopax uhl commoa Can-ets- , Baoa, Mala. Mattings, Coco a. etc. Si 'It. Dam ear. Le aad r xirr-r- c Tassels. Loops, Banda, Pirtnre Cords. Ceinios, etc. Bolt aad aThito Holland of diar-B- t widths, MM T snd capes and plain Shadea. Floor Oil Clotha, froea u id teet ide. fiakle h. hfntut' Sewing Marhtnes. the best family sewing naeehiaa asds, tor frara $SS to S'tS Tbe best of wnrvmieii m nar:a to rat, mate anl tay h m eaosvasohv MS Main trt. JrSF-.- n Rlork 1 CARD TO THE Pl'BLU. ' com: baea eagaged ta tbe asal traa for taa aaat 1HATR years I have boated coal to this market for tha retail city and ateaaaboat trad, aad have learned rrom experienca tha aaeeasuyaf having iheaper fart ia than haa heretofore been frimihd to ber e. The aoooesmee af the rieb aad ranr alike ihe change proposed, an t while I do aot preload, to tha fart that I Intend ta make wme money, it ia not the ieaa true that I shall iaa pobi bs factor I rtdiw have oa hand a large eappiy of Qreen river eoal. which 1 have always fnraiahed at a pnee far belw taat which mast bo paid for Puis burg cool. The pieces ara not aow so larg aa the coal fcrorks received from Pitta-bar- s, hut these grow larger as tha mine is awaotrated, aad with each lahipmeat ie me, by spring tbe Inmts will be as large aa the Isrgaet taken from the Pittabnrg piu. 9raoe river coal ooata me ieaa than that from tb head- water ef the Ohio, aad T therefore gall It low, aad net beeaaae tt s aat sa valaable far all parpeaee. I bava rJeemed it useless ta obtain aad pnbhsb certificates ss its properties from thoo wbo oaa it here. Tre it, aad sbecka are the carUScatea I want. I bava, how- ever, a larger stock than ever before of PiUaborg anal, which goes eff at market prices. I wuald state, ssora-ve- r. that thoea who bay froaa me pay money ie aa est citlsea af Memphis, all that t mak goes nto eircala-U- hers. I (aha aothi f from tha city which war crs-at-er did ass Intend shootd go awar, sm.-- ba did not have on a ooal had. Ksa yoar nKaey at hems, and stand by yoar own people, which yon can sssnmp.isb y baying ooal at the Bins Offlce, on Jsffsraun. or at the foot ef rVplar street, noT THOMAS JAMSH. Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis. JOS. LS.VOW, Preet. C HAMILTON Snp't. MAIfAOSBS: JOS. LINOV, T. M. ALUUT W. 9. M'l.LSB J. M. WILLI AMStfV, W B HAMLIN Cemetery is two mile rntb-ea- froea tha city THM of tbeooasaaaxy la m th greunds. whe's the Sopermieosiea: may at all ume ba rca. Wbea h Is aat m the offlce, ring the ball, and ha will soon appar. Terms invariably cash. anlSdly .11 AIM STREET. S83 BRINKLET'S BLOCK. Ingraham Sc Lees, ATB now on hand, and will aeil to whole!, btrr-- H s,s, at nireailr Ul. rsivao, WMh Tat! SMdoaen Snck.U; 60 boxes Clothes Pine ; SOBollintPina: Market Baskets Aa a rcarinlele stock ot 3011 Ooda. Trr v-- aai. r. ,,1.1 roar mores, at th. WOBTfJ. D. it A. Vaccaro & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS AMD IMPORTERS OF Brandies, Wines, Liquors, CiRtrs, Ete, No. 7 Front Sow. IN STORE JND FOR SJLE 100 basket diss. Fairs ChBaapafjne, direct from Bbeiaas, Tranes; 100 baskets Heidsic at Co.; 50 baakets Gol.eo Spra ; 50 rases Widow Clicqoat ; 5t cases Cabinet ; 100 casea Sparkling and Still Catawba 500 cases Claret, different brands ; 100 cases Sauterne ; 100 casea Sardinea, 1 aad ; 10 of. pips Cognac Brandy ; 20 or. " " ISOeiehth " " 100 caaka London Porter, qts. and pts.; 50 casks Scoteb Ale, in stoat. rs,direci from Edinburf. ALSO, Sufrar, Ctfee Molasses, Bacon, La f Icnr, etc., etc., uurib IaOV FOR ( AsW Shade Trees. BTLTaTJt LBATBD POPLARS ; HaedMl X10 larte Doanl. KenBlas tntaat , Jast received aad for aaie hp a. fOLAIO, awadaaaat Corner tacood and Pnian .t reels. Bolt jWamaaK aecoiMl ftoor ."- - saloon, BAM we ran m aaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaW--1 tifm In k vw,. . . (UW j end aad (, Laaaaaaaaaatawter. f ' u maun ' . s .j - c ah , . " M .aaaaSfi S V. . ' aaBSBBBBSBBBawaaraBBBate aBWABBaataaBBBBBBBB.MM-- a "'aBAataaBBit. $SSEBI33?S$',-- '"' iZ&iS&itSlSR "InaaaaaaMBBSm ' BBSSkahaaaaaaB, TK Ihaaaraii.. ' n lBnBMBfBa afhtaaTfil Hbaasafta. - - aaaaaaaaaaw- - .. -- m. . . BaaBBaDBBBBBaaBBa.4BBBBfc- -. 1

Transcript of · 4...

Page 1: · 4 &! - U . Baml-hl- e IfMI ) Dteiraltd to ".. II. " o .Tut. riiUe, rather I la ftli



! - U . Baml-hl- e IfMI )

Dteiraltd to ".. II. " o .Tut.riiUe,

rather I la ftli hoi. nniH,While th MU'.L lnim on,

WIN tho tar 017 rode aetltian,Por I tela weald eee tar Urea.

' to realalanad la IhT chosen war .

Bear. , tar air humble mttI,Par tore I pre,.

H ti dearer then la mothera haa taa tar life's M olie.

Be u dearer Uaa the toother.The tk brother l Kill mj pr id,.

Palh.r, in ibr choicest hlaeaiaanmt his noble head.

Card thronarh pen: andSmoMk tk path, where a Box tr e. I

B hi. raid, aad far each ear row.r. r the aiitki, tk. ttaad. thaaaara-- ,

Lo. I'llin ktai that rack ra .Oa a ehwerra! heart aar - I

Father, if tk. lev. I bar aim,Lad bli path tin. rar mor. bright.

If that lor. oa. pans can aaar hia.Aad ear etill kii war to light.

Habc-hi- , 1. lUcomrc-- .


And oar. not M tb. cheek b pal,Or tk eye lack nrllllaaer.

What thoasb taa k b. beaM-fa- iIt vvt laa ita tola., .

Tk. aaaJ Iht laalr. son will tk ea- -t aa m.t Mt ;

l.l lb. fiery af IB. rata: will liraThontb th. Joywas lif depart,

Ani fb. narlc (harm can near di.Of a trn aad a..b! tart

Th. lip. that altar tvntleaaeeatyall tarir rear. ;

Aad tare I tprue a ticAnd rfccesl ir. kar.h or .hrlll,

If tb. b. t fr..And eehost. back eaih ,iad ie

Ti all tb world to b.


PToen tk. Xrw Tort LeaderI itm starting from lad eoinr for

four; or five dart down that oiirclitT ftos-d- , th.first to Baton Rouce, and then on

to New Orleans.1 have joat com on board th Peytsns, a

trst-cls- ss racinr rtumrr, and having dismis-ses! the black man who aront-b-t down my black

with th rrd am Bow"a frr. Blgwcr myself, seady frr SJiythir-r- .from an Tb. Peytpnaderive its liquid nam from acelebrated racehorse on which manv a cottonPlantation baa been staked, and in whosehonor many a revolver baa been revolved, toto incrcan of lawr.ri' tti and tb l.rn - ccf what political ccosomirta cr " available

I am, to t.ll tb wbol truth, latber glad toprt away from ; wbicb ia a dlrtr,danecrouk usfini-hr- d aort of placr,with rata and rowdi, not to mention thToUjar as tb touting bactraeoof tb northern booae of commerce are gen-era!!) calied.'ia America. The betel ie large andcramoiinir. ana tee Dinner are cnfi.''jostling crowds of laiy, Blovenly waiters, wbo

run about aad butt eacii other, and knockdown pils of plates and pyramids of glassesfeax it joie and grand erebea.

Now, as I look back at the town from thesteamboat deck, the steep earth cliffs ar luridwith bonfire, for there i aa election meeting

and tlr are burning ontbe shore, ia b onor or Ju'ge Doi

Lower down there are blacks for nightturn us all to negroes running about withlong poles, at the end of which are realaaedirval cressets iron baskets full of blazingploe kao's. TV. ere are men, too, draggingdown cotton bales part of thelading; and every bow and tben they seem toblow tr.v head off with aplic'ing salutes, for, atelection meetiags all through theyosa cannon

Boom-ban- g bang-boo- I they go, aa If arisnt were knocking in a nail in some room ofbis sky parlor that waa out of repair, or a if,after clamping It on the other side, he hadslainmed his outer door and shut bieasslf infor tbe night. however, is not theonly country where, ia politicsnoise Is supposed to be a proof oftalent and so I let the tuns goon, and bless them, though Ibey do give me aheadache.

The feature of a steamboat aboutto start, whether on river or sea, ia, tbat it ia

to get where one is notIn the way. I believe tbat if Iware to go aad stand on my bead on th. maintruck, ia five minutes some Craar or Pompeywould ask m to move and let him put downtbe "genera Item's box." Wheeled trucksfull of brown horeebid chests banded withMack, encb as Americans In, andblock up evert passage in tbe boat, down fromtbe burning fiery furnace up to the place wherethe cotton bales wall us in.

As I am going to spend a seg-

ment of my life sn board tbis boat, tbe Pey-tsav-a,

I proceed to overhaul it and examineits points of danger and safety; for, although! ly business In this chapter ia more especially

tbe cotton I mcst briefly Boating caatle, which le no more ike anEnglish steamboat tbaa a London p.- nysteamer is like Noah's ark, the Warrior, ortbe Great Eastern.

Our racing beat ia a huge floating lairs Heror rather, one of those li'tle pa-

godas of, tbat crownthe centre table at a public dinner. The topstory, the of tbis tower of Babel, iethe little square is which our pilostruggles w'tn tbe wheel. In anxious mo-

rneats, when the good boat le entangled in anet of sasd-bar- a, ha looks to my mind like asaadmaa with a wheel of fortune.Below turn, on tbe second floor, ia a sort of

crystal palace, where the captainaad all the officers have tbeir berths, andwbere, whea off watch, tbey read dime novels,smoke, and do ti carters. Oa this level whichIs sheeted with tbin lead, for fear of sparkeare rows of s, where one ran sit andshoot pelicans and alligatora, muse, read orBleep. Tbe deck here i made very thin forlightness, sad it vibrates aa you walk roundtbe two tall funnels tbat rise through it. Be-

low tbis springy snd alarming deck comes tbefloor on which the glass doors of the grandsaloon open. Hers, under a nent-bou- se formedby tbe upper deck, are also chairs,

with luggage, where men aleo smoke,etc , read, and slssp; looking out upoa theBBigbty monotonous river.

Below tbis str.g is tbe grsum! floor, wberetbe negro sailors aad steersge are,aad wbere the furnaces blaze and glow. Allover tbis deck, by anyfrom tb furnaces or pine knots,are buge piles of squsre fluffy cotton bales,bound round with irrn ban 's. Below tbis bar-

athrum, I suppose, is more stowage room; butlower I did aot, la this vessel, venture.

As for the saloon to return t tbe focus oftbe vessel It la a aplendid sffsir, with a draw-la-

room at on end for tbe ladies, icnumera--ia

white and gold

Tbsrs sofas and ottomans and a piano, withfor cards, conversation,, hiiuue

.rvrf ianeinrTOn

-either .

s de.or this

.long au

th. rlonra or our D'S' and sparii'ii. w i .ub.

By tb entrance of tbe saloon, o

aas tk Barroom aad p irssr's ofii

Jfe bsrter's, wbT th negroes coneregsie topractice th banjo for we have nightly very

concert, on board, and nearly all

skerrnra ar musical. Her when

I stroll In, I find the Tay-b- sr egro

asleep in bis chair, wik. in hia own locks. Dome- -

where here, too, is kept, I believe, tbe sacred

gong which acnonnees our irrqu.m auu .u- --

riTarn for my cabin is

Irr and has windows openine oa the outerr ot far from where the black waiters

aad cle.B tbe dishe: and I haveberth Mr. Bias Mad- -

a s'im young wraw - - -

o, and is going to try uis in.u. u

WL looking fellow but a lit-

tle of the pedant He ia very J?,1.

bow with a rsesat sttsck of trie

.gainst more ol it yeM

to , kindto ntrar tired of

American dishes to me at dinner.. the andH po" "V"? the people ofteaches me

wild Arkanaat man

,. frm th. notionsallow h.lf-Fren-

of ; the

native of tl from tbe tan, nony aru- -

tbe Cotton Country. Itm going

th.t river, so Tsaksliar which rise tnre

"e. fro. BBS 1 ' - P'7rmto the Gulf ofbfor it reah. tb. arm. of Its teng- -

street at It is. thstle Missouri SBtfbtvh to bslf a atream

a de.uny befor. it, a. th, va

new coat try it Irrlgalos.

cHArrr.a if.bours since I came op

It ia onlvboard, and ,lradv I sse, by say map, that we

snd cottonoTTnV passed town.,. .V. b i i! eat. Commerce isIsndinfr.. NorfcU "unout of slrt, tbe " yre bTeVaroo it toilet below in PJras w

forbeen Ukicse; in eottoc MSPI

awoltean near uI it) th,ber and jolt dowa art -- "DI F

Bi . .djtime I heard the Macks

bl.r.voice or mm mmmtt,e sharp, yelpineryiar on any H not step

ConptM wanted to Sooboard. . ..!., ,

Utt titbt wi 'rV Ita Point ie'"""'are near a lovely Botomn V rr7, j.itTcenseof natore'i earlyIs In the air, slightly ilavoreu, oti. ' "

circle around tb fierr fannel ; for the air la atone, and Bguring to liaraelf tb apactre ofcool, and we are all afraid of the bone ferer. the torn corpae of her aon at the bottom ofEreiy man bat mvaelf and a man wlih an Iron ' er.ry clitT or atream which they paaaea. Atatirrup, bad bia lega ralaed aereral decrees I this time one of the party, who bad been

than hie brad, reefing on the toy rail of for the ret, on looking into the atream of thea vacant cbair. I hare tried thin, but I can't Kudaon, found a round a atonedo it, and not "being able to do It, I deny the In the channel of the river, which he

aa well aa the of it. nixed to be that of the child, and bad now Ilt--

Sereral are cuttine pluga, and my friend tie doubt that he would be found drowned nearCot. baiab Butte ! telling a quaint atory of tbla plat in the atream. He called the reatthe rouctneaa of Arkanaas life a few yaara rf the party to when a little furtherago. Aa it bear upon the queetion of th down tte bank, he the boy with bia

of th cotton country, I will tall it feet in the water, and hia head reeling oa a' eton in Bleep. " Jobnoy ! Job on fta It was told to me. quiet

cuttin. acrape," Col. Uaiab erlad the father. " are yoti aliveJ"ButU called it, as be ehifted bis plug, and. The tittle lifting hia had from hia

on bia chair, tbua to us poured rocky pillow, " Ob, father la Itforth hit winged w.rde. your Why didn't you come to help me catch

"It was at the point wher the j the Uttle kid ?" The liitU fllow cap waaArkanaaa empties itaelf into the ;' filled with with which be bad jpat-- I

had gone there about some cotton, aad Brad- - sued the kid from rock to rock, from bill toing the overseer bad gone up (be nrer looking bill, and through the ravines for upwards ofafter a 'painter,' 1 bad to wait about in Napo- - tve miles, over one of the mostleon, wbicl even now isn't much, and then, rugged tr-- ts in tbe State, and bad been forwas i. deed a rowdy place. Yes, sir, it too j twelve hours without tasting a morsel of food,

that I turned down three atreata," went on The eudder, joy of the mother bad nearly costthe celonei, "anu aa mere waa a gougingmatch going on in every street, 1 though' itwise to make tracks for the hotel. Wall, Ihadn't aat there tea miautss sucking at a

when who ehould come in butHoratio Scroggs ami John Pike, two of tbemost tarnation ruffian in that whole State.

"Scroggs be begin- - telling a lie (seeing me astranger) shout a brother of bis on the rivorwbo was so addicted to gouging, that he usedto dry all tbe eves he could get aad keep them j

for abow in bia waie'eoat pocket. Then, upcornea Pike, an 1 winking at Scroggs, tell ai'igfer lie still, about a son of hisrising twelve, wbo bad just gauged a big ladsf sixteen who bad hot at him a quar- -

rel at s.

Law I q'.ior seemed toheat Scroggs,for he said to Pike, ' Do you still carry thatfoot-lon- g toothpick of youra that you mur- -cered the German with, at the caucus meetingat ?'

" ' Yes,' auswers Pike, fierce aa a game- -cock . ' yes, and a tall ;oo, for allinfernal nmger

" ' How's vour etomach for fightin' now,then V' says Scroges.

" Peart,' says Pike." ' Heard you say you'd bleed me next time

we met ?' Bays Scroggs."'Tbat'e me,' says Pike."Tbe two broad sad bright,

flashed forth at tbe same moment."Wall, I tell you, the fellows

bsd carved each other briskly for ten or twelveminutea, when one of Scrogg's eyes, getting alittle loose in tbe socket, and one of bis earabeing shaved off. and Pike'a abdomen beingseveral times it suddenly occurredto tbe two amiable Arkansas thattbey had both had enough of it.

"' Why wbat's all this, mister ?' says I tothe landlord.

'"Ob ' it's of no account, says thelandlord to me a fellow ba waa, weighingabout two hundred and fifty pounds, and witna face like an lllinoy barn door tain't notbia'

let the boys enjoy 'emeelvee. Hist is a littlepizen, stranger and be set a black bottle auda yellow bowl or hiack sugar bercre me. ineedn't say that I didn't wait for tbe overseer,but left by the first boat tbat landed at Napo-leon. I had had enough of roughing it ia Ar-

kansas."Just ss the laughter following the Colonel's

story wae dying out in distant cackles for alltbe negro waiters and so weretssVj slaves, going borne totheir new and who tieed to sit allday, like chickena with tbe pip, on two

cotton balee we sighted Bolivar land-ing.

Iow as tins landinc will stand for isavou laFourche, cr any other landing above or bekvr

all dearrfrM It at fnll length.and "cute off" we hare paased this

ng already, and we are now going to atopif an hour at Bolivar landing, and take

(TiieiiM'!" cotton Dales and some Lundred truckfuls of resinous pine knots for ourfurnace fires. Patience I must have, tiresomeas the delay is, for the boat will stop at fouror five other landings and so it will to-

morrow, and indeed every day, till we reachthe great of cotton New Orleans.

THE DAHrElt,Hit Captivity Jmong tht hditnt

flow Ac Escaped.Many of our readers doubtless remember a

very supple young man, with a very large nose,named wbo traveled through tbiscountry some years sgi? with the Ravele, webelieve in the capacity of a dancer. A latenumber of tbe London Era contains an inter-

esting sketch of his life, from wbicb we taketbe :

At last an American manager, hearing ofgrowing fame, crossed trie Atlantic,

and steamed bim away from the Parisian'tage, at a salary of one thousand pounds forthree months. "From the year 1850 to 1857,when be returned to France, bia life was oneof continuous succflfl, triumph, aecidant andadventure. He in Mexico, overIndia, and China, with great artle-ti- e

glory; but at Bouibon, Calcu'ta andbe reaped golden and laurel b arcs' s.

At Hong Kong, Sydney, Madras, andscorts of other Indian citiea and towns, hissuccess wbb immense, but the result was more

o tbe honor of bis artiBtic fame than to thefilling of bia

One day California, with its golden prestige,fascinated our hero's mind, and forthwith bedreamed cf nothing else, save artistic glorv.ornsmeated with gold, and, in tbe bope of

th.eame, be embarked for the PacificOcean. Crossing ever tbe Rocky Mountatnebe fell into tbe banda of a gang of cannibalrobbers, wbo relieved him of all heand kept him a close prisoner for three months.Here he waa destined, after having been

"fattened up," to be roasted and servedup at tbe table of (he cannibal chief at theirnext grand solemnity But Espinosa wouldnot "grow fat," for tbe grand cannibal display:so, when the day did come, be washed, as use-

less flesh lumber, to the fatal tree, there to hetortured to death, "the obstinate pale face 1"The last savage dance had already begunaround bim, but the "pale face" etood andlooked sow rtsteo, ttd tjro,thouebt be ! During his captivity be hadlearned enough of tbe savages' dia'sct to makehimself so, aa the canatbalsjumped and frisked around bim, he suddenlyexclaimed : "Ob, ye accursed redskins ! call yetbat dancing? Loose my cords aad I'll show rewhat danci eg is how we dance!Pierce my body with your arrows, and desmiirit if you will, but let me Bbowwouwhat dancing is." Hs was silsnt, and tbecapering red horde atopped suddenly short.Tbe chiefs moved to a ahort distance, and helda conference ! " Cosltcsere oasae. t swigfttantr corona!" Tb result of which confer-ence was, "Be It as the pals-fac- e bath spoken;let bim dance," sroks tbe chief.Amid a yell of infernal noises s riag waequicklv made, and loosed from bisbonds, jumped into the saiddle of It MM arcirosrirc or so fantastic, yet aooutlandlah and that the

squatters giggled, and grirtasd, andchattered lik He tben gave thema dance of the regular gssat's it Ptirlt style.He vaulted bead over beeis a la QriWMldi,

roond the savage withinand without, and one and all.Finally, seeing tbe favor be wasinto be began tbe popular Paria dance called"La Savate," and throughi t he went cos ssaorert pedtowt, right and left, backward andforward, bl audience, on allsfdee, them, them,

and them bybis dance twixt life and death; and,while all were in srlemn amazement snd mute

at tbe velocity of bia twis-ir.g-

and turnings, bis and hetddenly vaulted into the vacant saddle oa one

of tbe fleet ateeds of tbe chiefs, and, pruto,rfJ he wi1 llKe an arrow, to tne general aa- -

. . - .L . I, : . - .1.1miration OI 111. rru Bam., uu uiniwa n.uipat for a par of bit "dantt inftraau"

or, aa Dr. O'Toole says, "a part ofbis system." But when the entranced him Av. nniclrlv flr and send throned! theair, and when they loat sight of bim in tots,fe.lmgt of rage and vengeance succeeded ad-

miration and delight, and, yelling out theirwar cry, tbe beet riders jumped on tbeir steedsin nur'su;t of the "Paleface Devil!" But"fortime favored tbe brave," and Espinosane'er saw tbe silly red skins more. Wast sdance be had of it on bis "borrowed courser VV- -, n.i, nr. It- wh.n hia from afarssw bim arrive in tight of a numerous and j

caravan tbat they give up alt hopof tbeir higitirs dan- -

rer ; aad, at a signal of rag awd j

vengeance, tbey fired off at bim a shower of- ,,.,..-- whil. h. rod., nnd.r aafe

coLVoy, towsrd San Francisco

TORT OF A KTRAT t II aU.Lata Ittt autumn, a farmer I vir ar tb

is New York StaMN V tocut timber on tbe mountains In a yet, sndsolitary locality. He took his ton long withbim, s little boy of about four yeaof age.After having been for a tb rt time,be milted the child, who bad been amusinghimself in chasing a kid which be found on a

bill, and be became alarmed lest be atsuld havefallen Into one of the many ravines, or stum-bled over some of the rockt er withwhich the place abounds. Ko trace of theboy. however, could be found. In vain did hecall upon hia name, for no answer waa re-

turned. Tbe anxiety of tbe father led himfrom ; lace to p'aee with the t.'most rapidity,sometimes finding tb print of bis sob's MttI

feet on tbe leaves, but be never drsamed ofcrossing a deep gorge which run oa the southtide of the loeslity slluded to down the steepand rocky aide of tbe mountain to tbe marginof the Hudson. Over tbis gorg he conceivedit for a child to make ita way. Inthe evening be found means to tend to tb set-

tlement an account of tbe andseveral bumane persons, by tbedistracted mother, came to aid bis search forthe poor child in this wild and rocky region.One of them to cross over the gorgealluded to, there tbe ofthe bov's footsteps, and thee were

traced all the tray dowa to tbt margin of

tbe Hudson, wbere tbey lo rt all trace of tbt

ward, ttiourli tbev bad now proceeded up--ward of fonr milet from tb place of their

Uir,. outi and they eonHnued for the spicerf ,b, t another mtle, by thetnliou, father and mother, without fiodlne

b traces of th boy. Nieht was now

oer ner me, out m.not to have Buffered injury from bia long pere

THt i ti.i is v PHi 'rvr AVKCDOTK.

Mr. L , rector of C , in(who died within tbe present wasone of those unhappy persona, who, to usetbe words of a well known Scottish adage,"can never see gre-- n cheese, but their alareels." He was covetous, and notonly of nice articles of food, but of aaanyother things which do not excite thecupidity of tbe human heart. Tht followingstory is in of tbis assertion.Being on a visit one day, at the bouts of oneof bia a poor lonely widow,living In a moorland part of the parish. Mr.L became fasciaa'ed by tbe of alittle cast iron pot, which at tbetime to be lying on the hearth, full of potatoesfor the poor womon't dinner and that of berchlldrrn. He bad never in bit life teen raths nice little pot. It was a perfect conceit ofa thing. It was a gem. No pot on earthcould mateh it la It was an obiect

lovely. " Dear sake !" said thewidow, quite by the man's

of her pot, " if ye likt tbe potsaeweel ss a' thai, I beg ye'll let me tend it thei ia nee. It't kind o'orra pot wi'ut; for we've a bigger ane, that we ute oftner,and that't mair convenient way for as. Saeye'll jntt take apresent o't, I'll send it owerthe morn wi' Jamie, when ltegancs totchule" Oh," said Mr. L , " I can by no meanspermit you to be at so much trouble. Siaceyou are to good as to give me the not, I'll juttcarry it home with me in my band. I'm somuch taken with it, indeed, that I would reallyprefer carrving it myself. After much alter-cation between the widow and bim on thisdelicate point of it wss agreed tbatbe should carry home the pot himself.

Off then he trudged, bearing this curious lit-

tle culinary article in bis band andunder bit arm. tbe day waswarm, tbe way long, and tbe fat, tothat be became heartily tired of hit burden be-

fore be had got balf-wa- y home. Under theseit struck bim, that

if, instead of carrying tbe pot atone tide of bit person, be were to carry it onhit head, tbe burden would be greatly lighten-ed j tbe of naturalwhich be had learned at college,him, that when a load presses directly and

upon any object, it is far leas oner-ous than when it hange at the remote end ofthe lever. doffiing bia bat, whichhe resolved to carry home in hia band, andhaving applied tit to bia brow,be clapped tbe pot in an inverted fashion, up-

on bia bead, where, aa tbe reader may suppose,It figured much as helmet upontbe crazed capital of Don Qaixotte, only agreat deal more in shape and

There waa at first much relief andmuch comfort in thia new mode of carrying thepot but mark tbe result. Tbe unfortunatemm having taken a th to avoid

found bimaelf, when still a good wtyfrom home, under (be necessity of leaping overa ditch, wbicb bim in passing fromone field to another. He but eufelyno jump waa ever taken ao in, or atleatt into, tbe dark, at tb s.

Tbe concussion given to hia person incaused the helmet to become a hood;

the pot slipped down over hit face, andresting with ita rim upon hit neck, stuck fastthere enclosing bis whole headWhat was the worst of alt, the nose, whichhad the pot to slip down over it,withstood every attempt on the partof itt to make it slip up again; tbecontracted part or neck of the pattra being ofaueh a peculiar formation aa to cling fait totbe base of the note, although it had found nodifficulty in gliding in tbia Wssever man in a worse plight? Did ever anyman so hoodwink himself, or so

ebut lilt eyes to tbe plain light ofnature? What was to be done? Tbe placewaa lonely the way difficult andhuman relief waa remote, almost beyondreach. It was even to cry for help.Or, if a cry was uttered, it mieht reach in

tbe ear of tbe utterer,but it would rot travel twelve icchea farther Inany direction. To add to the distresses of thecase, the unhappy sufferer soon found greatdifficulty in What with the heatocessioned by tbe besting of tbe tun on tbemetsl, aad what with the frequent relurn ofthe same heated air to the lungs, be was in theutmost danger sfcouth!.:. i, it seemed likely that, if be did sotchance to be relieved by tome accidental way- -farer, there would toon be itath is tht pot.

TI e instinctive love of life, however, is om- -and even very stupid people have

been found, when put to the push by strongtasi Imminent peril, to exhibit a degree ofpresence of mind and exert a degree offar above what might have been fromthem, or what they were ever known to exhibitor exert, under ordinary So itwas with the pot ensconced Mr. L , ofC . Pressed by the urgency of bis dis'ress,he fortunately recollected that there was asmith's shop, "at tbe dittance of about half amile, across the fielda, where, If be couldreach it before the period of bemight possibly find relief. of biteye tight, he could only act aa a man of feel-

ing, and went on as as be could,with bit bat In his band. Half crawling, halfsliding, over ridge and furrow, ditch and hedge,tl e unhappy man traveled, with all possiblespeed, aa nearly at be could guess, IB the di-

rection of tbe phue of refuge. I leave it tothe a 'it to conceive the surprise, the mirth,the infinite amuaeraent of the smith, and alltbe hangers-o- n of the tMinu. when at length,lorn and worn, taint and biind and

the man arrived at theplace, and let them know rather by signsthan by words tbe of hit case.In tb words of an old Scotch song :

' Oat came the too wan, and blah he 'cited.On: cam. Ui. tads wife, and low .b. ioated ;Atd a' tbe town aeiKH' T. were cathtr'd atsrot it ;

And there was he, I trow t"The merriment of the company, however,

toon gave way to of human-ity. Ludicrous at wat tbe situation of Mr.L , with tucb an object where his hta'ishould have been, and with tht feet of the potpointing upward, it wae necet-sar- y

that he should be speedily rettored to hisordinary condition, if it were for no other rea-son than that h. might continue to live. He

wat at hia own request, led intothe smithy, multitudes flocking troond to ten-

der him their kindest offices, or to witness thet.rocess of hit release; and having laid downhis head upon the snvil, the smith lost no timein seizing and poising bis goodly fore bammer." Will I come aair oa," exclaimed the consid-erate man of Iron, " in at tbe brink of tbepot f" " Aa aair aa ye like." wat tbe answer,"better a chap 1' the ehafta than dying forwant of breath." Thus the man letfall a hard blow, which broke tbepot in piecet without hsrting tbe heai whichit encloaed, aa the cook maid breaks tbe shellof tbe lobster without bruising the delicatefood within. few minutes or tbe clear sir,and a glass from tbe gnde wife's bottle, re-

stored the unfortunate rector of Lanark; butassuredly tbe incident it onelbat will long livein tbe memory of tbe of C .

THE TOS1B OF HtrilEL.The valley, or rather the dry plain of

stretches for miles without c Bering anyother shelter to tbe traveler than amodest snd simple Turkish wheretbe Arabs of the desert sometimebut which tbe pilgrim takes care to avoid. A

one of those spots where tbs inanimate objectsarouad seem to attest most forcibly the truthof the traditions which hallow them, sailaround is solitude. There la not even a palmor a cypress to be seen not a tingle tree cov-

ers with its shade the simple mausoleum whererepose tbs ashes of tbe mother of Israel ; andyet thia spot awakens more ex-

cites more interest than the molt costly monu-ments on which the luxury of tbe arts is

The traveler pastes by thetombs of Zaehariab and Absalom In the val-

ley of be hardly looks at thtof tbs kings in the plain of Jeremiah

but at tbe sight of the tomb of Rachel, fancycarries him baric to the cradle of tbe nationssf tbe Eat', and recalls to bim the power ofthe beauty wbicb softened her lover's ioogterm of servitude and exile, and he blesses ticmemory of tbat tender and faithfulwhose affections so often soothed the manifoldcares aad sorrows of tbe

Tbe Turks have decorated with much splen-dor tbe burial places of most of tbe person-age! of the Old A mosque risesover the tombs of David and Solomon. An-

other vast antique temple covers tbe grotto ofat Hebron, and tbe

ia wholly Inviolable ground. Tb. grotto,whose gloomy entrance is aloneia IB the centre 0f the building, into whichnone but true believers are admitted. Withintb last two hundred years, but twoare known to have succeeded in

by th. guards, and tbat notwithout running the greatest danger. The lastwaa an Italian Count, wbo, by meant of largebribes, obtained permission to enter the mot

lowers of Mabomet to the tomb of Rachelproduces aftr deeper than the

t stent of msrnte pillars or costly eeilines.Their eager desire to be hurled nar her r- -mains isttf her humble mausoleum are covsred with

IS not merely ror uer

nttie lurrner on are tue ruios ot uis village orRtma, whose Bite nothing but a few broken

of walls and heaps of stones areleft to indicate. In thil plain and near tbedeserted village, it the tomb of Rachel. It is

unfortunat. Uttlt wannerr, ano were nnrumvgr ptnfu that he mutt que. The valUc wherein it situated tl.e Heb- -

hive n carried off by the stream. Oca B j rem of it often traveled by pll- -

alone ita banks, and crossing ravines aad erisai and travelers, but Ihe penalty of deathwnjert Uiey conceived it almost impot- - denounced spalnst every Christian who shall

t!l( cotalai have passed and climbed. da to enter the mosque, is sufficient to re--found tbe print of bis Baked feet press the earfoity the fame of the place ex- -

on Jhe soft s.nd of a small rivulet, and by ap. cits. Th srotto, we are ! by th Turk,rosssnre which they had takes, of tbe is sS of solid rock, and th

former tusy found it exactly to burial place of th ancient ara yeteorre-po- n

rever.nte naid by th. f.l- -

aCr 1 p.eaaaaur, wiu. ,in, Han on the forest; and as tfje searra Miissiiiinan tomas. it' dozen cicmra. ... . . . h.j rniiniiad eleven houn. over a rutrsed rrettD., puritr or tanctitr that toe Turks


jPailg Appeal.


nittitwri'l.UltMtl-T- HI



portmantMB diamonds,

esplosioa downwarda.harmoniously











impossible anywherepositively,




card-bous- e,

diaphanous barley-sug-

pinnacleglass-hous- e


lBtermin-gls- d


unprotected tarpaulin

chandeliers atsitlplying themselvesaanneling,


s?ngular!v comfortable,


anlgreiabl. companion,



SSS Kb. intelligent harm-f- i

f.W, explaininghTrsrer



JZ tllToUndSTwTeb.

eonUntnt- -s;Th:.. .Tgre?t r


g"3tS Iweaa






"Adan-ero- ua trembling

rocklnghimaelf evclaimed,

Napoleon,Miasiaainpi pcbblees,

brancr-cobble- r,












Innumera-nd- s






ccmic-dance- d















pirouetted inclosure,enraptured


dispersingsurprising delighting

mesmerizing entrancingimpromptu

aetoniekmentjumpings vaultings,


recapturing fascinatingdesperate






happeningperceived impression

















distressing circumstances,awkwardly

principlea pbilotcphy,informing


















deafening reverberation


euffocattos. Everything





exhausted,breathless, unfortunate







coffee-bous- e,



squan-dered. carelessly





Macphelah neighborhood





.specially r.markat.le. TheenviroBS



tpaeii'.impression, patriarchs


her titles t tbe respect of the Mohammedans.8bould a Jew appear while a funeral proces-

sion was slowly crossiag tbe plain of Re phidim, moving toward the sepuleher.'bearlng lbsremains of some beloved object to rest In thishallowed place, he would be drives away withblows and curses by the very worshipper! whoar kneeling reverently by th tomb of on ofhis o fallen is thst unhappy peo-

ple, wtio cannot even approach tbe places filledwith the renown of their former greatnss.

TBI HDHORIST.It la said 'here ar " tricks In all trades,"

and we believe rt. Here is a development inthis direction, which tbe reader can add to hiapresent stack of facts, proving tbe truth of theold adags :

"Never buy a fat pig at Brighton," waa givsn ut b j one wbo had been there.

"Aad why not a fat pig?""Because you see they fst 'em too fatt for

tbe Brighton market sometimes."'How so?"" Why you see, tome of them west country

dealers tstch their pigs in, pretty nigh skinsnd bone. Well, jestalore Fair day tbey give'em corn and aalt sothln' but corn and aaltno swill no wat rr. Next day pigs is smazin'thirsty. Then tbe sarpaat gin 'em just atmuch water at they kin drink. Tbe pigs patsInto It, and keeps a drinkin', anddrinkia', anddrinkin'. 'Spnzen on an average they swsllera turret tplece. That makes 'em look all filledout and tleek and heavy, I tell you. But thereaint oo hefcrt and substsnce in it. You carryone of them are critters boms and calculateyou've got a busterin' pile of pork, but jest youlook st your bog pen next morain', aad youwoa't find nothln' but a bog frame, skin an'Boae, and dear at tbat. You can't tell menothln' about fat pigs; I've been there and seen'em manufaetur'd."

Cab't Take Antthiko Stboxtg. "Digby,will you take some of this buttsr?"

"Thank you, ma'am, I belong to the tem-

perance society caa't take anything Strang,"replisd Digby.

A Nice Little on Dit. A millionaire ofParis wrote to Scribe :

" My dear sir, I bava a great desire to beassociated witb you is some dramatic compo-altio-

Will you do me the favor to write acomedy, and permit me to add to it a few linesof my own ? I will tben have it produced inthe moat costly and splendid style upon tbestags, at my own expense, and we will sharetbe glory I"

To winch Scribe answers :

" My dear sir, I must decline your flatteringproposal, beeauae religion teaches me it la notproper tbat a horse and an ass should be yokedtogether."

To wbicb tbe millionaire reptiej :

" Sir, I have received your impertinent epis-tle. By what authority do you call me aborte ?"

Extinction or P.scrraisM in Feasice.Tbe Emperor Napoleon's message dwells atlength on this subject, and says that fire com-s.itt- io

iert have been appointed to report uponIt. It proceeds :

The best system yet found, It tbe establishment of coloniea where all paupera art pro-vided with food, clothing and labor. Two

La Seine-et-Oi- aad Le Baa-Ithi- n

have adopted it, and pauperism is fattdeciining. In penitentiaries, industrial laborhas been substituted for agricultural labor,which baa bitberto prevailed.

There are in France 121,916 children fromone to twelve yeara'old, and 58,281 childrenunder age, provided for at an expenae of

four-fift- of which are paid by thedepartments; 119,117 children are placed intbe country the othera (61,180) are in cities,or ire kept in refugee and orphan aaylums.

Gratuitous medical assistance it given totbe needy in tbe farming districts, and numer-ous societies for mutual aasiatance have beenestablished for tbe relief of the poor. Francenow poatesses 4,500 of these societies, givingrelief to 500,000 pertont. Their united cspitalamounts to 24,000,000 francs.

A plan for tbe titter extinction of pauperiamin France will, in 1862, be submitted to tbelegislative assembly, in accordance with tbereport of tbe commissioner!.

The Social Evil at Dublin. Under theabove caption, a leading liberal London paperhas the following :

The midnight meeting mode of abating tbesoeisl evil adopted in London has been triedat Dublin, with a fair promise of excellent re-

sults :

On Monday night a number of gentlemenwent two and two through tbe city, and pre-sented cards to tbe unfortunate femalea whomtbey met in the streets, inviting them to a so-cial meeting in the merchant's ball. Tea andcakes were provided in abundance, at tablesranged round the large room, which were pre-sided over by teveral benevolent ladiea. Abouttwenty clergymen, of different denominations,took part In the proceedinge, during the courtsof which a number of impressive exhortatioaswere delivered, accompanied by prayer aadthe tinging of hymnt. Nearly two hundredyoung women were present, and nothing couldexceed tbe propriety and earnestness withwhich this singular assembly conducted them-selves. Many of them were moved to tearsduring tbe delivery of tbe addresses. Somewere extremely youthful, and many bad thtappearance sf having been respectably broughtup About twenty availed themselves of theoffer of the kind friends who originated tbemovement, and went to bomes provided forthem.

f h .i .r a f. of timeOK


RAILROAD.ON an attar Fill DAT. Jfarck 1, 1S6I, tk. K.irnlsr

and Pak.ut.r Train will leave Memphisat 7 o'clock, a. m p- -r Ckeek'a f.rrr. and arrive ataladiaoe at 11 A. It., msatnr do, connseuon withtb. daily stages of Hsug.r, Bapl.v a Co., and with theline of I em i weekly etatet or lbs OverlaW Mail Com-pany, far

Taylor's Creek, Fort Smith,Hnnters, Benton,Otarendoa, Bock port,Ab.rd.en, Hot itprtnas,Erown Tills, Washington,Atlanta, Arkad.lphla,Hickory Plains, Brownstowu,Bearcy, Camden, Arkansas,Bl.svin. Bosh n,Little Bock, Millcrt.-k- .Dsrdao.lle, Clarksvill., Texas,Vs" Mareo, San Franciaoo, California.TIB. to Littl. Bock St hears.Ocbuidk .sat, train leave afadlson at S r. ST.,

at rjupaaeld at t:Bu; Bakiac close con-

nections with the H .mpkis and Charleston Ballroad forall Bastera, Atlantic and North. rn eitiaa.

Tick.ta can be at tb. H.p.Q.ld office.mf7 P. II FSABB, Snperlntendent.

DSS. J. B. W ASS0 . WM. VFAS!0,NO. 320. DENTISTS. NO. 320. thlr otBoc to corrmrHAVB AND MAIN STKKSISwb(re thj hiT HUM up and fnrnirrjflrtx'TT!" c i for tbe teim mediation f

tboie wbo mar ftor tbftta with tbair mafldance, andharirif thu locatud ppraanenllr, nttar tblrprofaaiooal

in the different brancbei of :;.;., proinlaia the public te aerre them ia the mot rtillfat aadjntfn i. u- - manner, and in every reasonable ease warravtvat: .fiction, both aa to (rperaiioD performed andcharges for the same Farther than thia wa with tobold out no inducement whatever, lo ensnare the piblicor draw them to anr oAce, any exhibition of Dental

pec. menu, or propoaitiona to do "cheap Dentlstrr." or"at prices as low, or even lower than the very lowest,"ft by any other miarepresen'ation of facta in anywaywhatever, neither do we wish any oae to mistake onrname (Vaaaon) for that of ewjther, as the name isplane, and iare of bustneee easily found. OISS wwi iof Union and Main, No. 190.

T. I.. Braksfo&D. J. M. Goodiar. J 8. BElH'fn&D.



Boots, Shoes, Hats,AND

STRAW GOODS,Purchased especially for tbs


And which they are now off?1 tint tc cash and aborttime dealers,


They invite th attention of merchants generally toan examination of their atork aad price.

B&ANSFORD, eoODBAft R CO.,tnrS-cl- i wiw?m No. 901 Main street.


On Dunlap Street.A BAB.GA1K tnar be aad if applicationi i. road.. If aot sold, will k. rented to anod t.uattt, at SI. it moota. ImmediateBWM inn oi..n tlM.H. MnntrM tke APPaAL COrjtmaTS BOOM, corner Ccicntr... sni asm sney. mri-s-


will sell, on tb. tSTH DAT OF MARCH next. InWHfrent af th. Bank of Memphis, in Vae citr of Mera-phi-a,

at pahljc aaatioa, for cash, the full. win. laDda, topay a deht tor which tber have keen concred to a., towtt:

In Potnsett county ia the State of ArkansasB. W. K Balls 17 TcDwship 10 K. B 3 .

B. si of K. W. " 2 " "" M " " "S. W. a-


g M fract. ' It "W.kC'ofll.W.a!" ISAll " "SO "W . a raf " St " "w. tySflt. It " ti " 9W. tl 1. a " SS "

Ontainlox 1,070.47-1- 0 acres also In Green CottDlyflute .f Arkansas.W a of Sac. 8 Township 17 K. B 7 B.

" 7 - -S HBS.ofsT.W.H. W. B "17 " "

Coatalntnt 717 aer.Also S. It BctiorS Township 31 H I T!S. H of If .1. at IB " s

K. nofBT.B. K " IS "tr.W. at fcS.Bir. B X" S "N. hi of B. W. It " 1 " w "'S. at of S. W. at IS "B. of Sf . W. k " IS ' "S. W. " IS " "W. M SI "K. m Jt s. w. at ao " "N- - ttofS-K-B- w.t.;s.E. at BP "

Contaitilix 1,11 acres.Also S. a) of Section 6 TowaMp St If . R- - 8. B.N- at af "7 " "B. W. tl af "7 " 7 "V. W. at B.W. of

8 W. at tk ST. IT It If "IS "Ooatalainll I .JJt.8H. ilio acres.

1 AMBS B SlITtTDBRflrel.-tO- i HATT Ci. s V

FAIIU 4b J.,-.-1. at one. Vhra- - spa-- e of five mile., tbey til cruet t of retracinr . r Rtcb.l, bat rather for her doasastie vlr- - Old HeWSpSBerS.

rowdy smokes two in Atmva-- th. diatracted intbr toes. She was a devoted wife, a tsradr jar- nw btbbal huudbbi) oid lor ..uUA.,.! vado. W are P warrr-in- e otirteive. aj u . ,t.rtin, efT wtu. , tbe mo'her of a wailike people- -e .a ar 1 S at the APPBA Osnfln U

Cotton factors.WILT, JOHNSON t CO.,



CommlcvSlon Mercliants,NO. 77 FRONT ROW,

IVronkTJliJ eat. ToiuicakBoo.r" Cooslenmentt of Cotton Tobacco and other uro--

dsc raHpsctfoliy solicit..'.piaatation sappnaa kept iiiakaiiq aa aaas awo ssmi

at asteaat aiark.l rata. IvlS-'- T


8raada, Mlas-- j Lata of SaaaarTlUe. iMaaaabla.T.un.





No. 5 Monroe Street,MEMPHIS, TENN.

Cotton, Takacco, or other prodoce ccBalsned toALL Inaartd, anlMs .thtrwis. laatrncAad.

BatEittS, Bop. sod other supplies fnrr.i.hed at th.lawaat aiartat prices. uaa& aovsaces laau. no co-i- k

AaaSli.ltea P. S. loom. .A. Hatchett.


Cotton & Tobacco FactorsCommission and



B. M. Ti ATHtaroati, a. C. Lee DaarlUs, I?-- ,

Jas a. SiMrsun, Msmpbu; Wat. west, oranaaa,Mississippi.


(Soopmots to JiaMsHB Ie Bro.,)

Wholesale GrocersCreseral Consiissios Herchssts,

Produce Dealer if Cotton FacVrsNO. 88 FRONT ROW,

3VT o rt-- i tz 1 1 1 ejt .Tomi.rwBaaainc. Boa. and Twine. Whiakr. Ploar. Tobsccn.

T.s. Ssssr Salt, Bacan. Coffee, Halls, Soap and CaadJ.s,tos.lh.r with s fall stock of Plantstlon Dn,iUea.


BOST BLACK B. PTTTMAK,Pornisrl, af Panola jonntr, Miss. Metaplila


AMDGeueral Commiuion .Merchants,

NO. 74 FRONT RO W,TmM h. QotwT'b BoiMing, Iftmpbis, Tfnn.,p coastantlr sn hsnd a Isrfe sDd woll stlwtciKgstock ef all irs4M of Vircinis sod Wtwtrn

Tobsoco, CiRsrs snd Smoking Tobixtx, whlfilIheT olftr to tk trsds st (nsnofsctarsrs' rices. M- -dunu Tisitlng (Ju city will Qnd it to thtnr sdvaoUK I"vsii sn4 fismlrif oar slock bfors pttrckssfoR elsewhere,m r rjr tfls)rlBf rare tsdacamants to dealers.


cottojt a to it

COMMISSION MERCHANT,DcSoto Block, Madison street,


ro2tAm M.mpaia, Tenn


COMMISSION MERCHANT.No. 5 Monroe St., Up Stairs.




45? UJ POT nJER,omen no x froht row,

llfemptiift, Tenn.All kinds of aaDpewder cotutaatlj on jhand. Orders

Drnmptlr attend, ia. trtS-I- lT


We are Mow Selling ;ood


And Short Time Af c fptaflces,

Onm stock is quite enmplete, ' we will sell at inchas to make it to tbe interest of all borers to

call and examine out goods. We feel assured, ifgive n a call, we can satisfy tliera.

jinnror a nr, corner Main and Monroe strefts.



And Furnisbinf Goods for Gunmakert,

Ho. SO, Jeferaea Street, Oppositf the Oomnir c:sl Hotel.


a1waE on band a fvll ioprfT of all articles laKKKT line, which tbey will fnrnieh to tbe trade, orat retail, at a small advance en cost. I? their stare canbe fonnd Onus, Doable and Sinai a, for Deer, Dock aadBird sbooUog; Twist and Laminated Steel narrate.Pistole Gallery, Dneling) and Pocket Pis os Colt'sAllen's, and other neeaters, with the latest lsnproee-ment- a,

Parlor and Deringer's Pistols, Pine Pocketot thir own mannfactnre, witb the great improve-

ment on Deringer's Pattern, ftiflai of every descrip-tion. Percnaaioo Oape of every quality. Powderflasks of various kinds. Shot Belts, Pouches, DrinkingCops, etc. Sam Wadding. Onllery Hunting Knives,and line Pocket Knives.

Particular attention given to all orders for new work,ss Double Barrel (3uns, Klflee, and Pistols.

ate pairing of every description done at the shortestnotice, and folly guaranteed. fed dam;weow


Red Clover Seed,

60 bus. Clover Seed,

Bine Grass,

Ilerda Graas,

Timothy Seed,

AU fresh and genuine.&. G. CBATG'S.

BortivaUaral and Seed Store,Corner Second and Union ttreeta,

Memphis. TatTOMae.


MANUFAOTOEY,Cor. Third and Washington sts.

JT?" AU orders for new work and repairing attendedto on tbe shortest notlee. a

Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,CAPITAL AKD SURPLUS, $963,771.52.

Chartered ia ISIO.

Phoenix Insurance Company.CAPITAL Aft D SURPLUS, $553,132.83.

THOUSAND Do I. LABS ia TennesseeTWBBTTT at Masavtll. bf eash of the sbor.xinpsnies for th. aoaarlt, af palic. holder..


New Dyeing EstabllshrueDtm9SR8. MATTHEWS &, BOl,

LATH of tbe school of the great and celebrated ChenvDyers and Sconrera, Cook A Matthews, cf It

taunts, have been induced te open an eeuMishment fotcarrying oa the above boaioeea in all Its breaches.Bvery description of gentlemen's Ooata, Tests and Pantsare dyed, cleansed and rector sd to their original nerree-tio-

TVey osrtalnly do remove every spot of grease,palat, wax and tar. together with alt oiher bieraishesand impurities to which even garmente ara liable, aadwarrant tbe spots not to reappear, fait and examinetheir samples of Coat dressing. If they fall tc pleaseyon, mo charge will be made. Their office Lsoc Jenrsortreat, between Main and Fract How.

mrl7:)T M tiTTHKWS t flHT.

Trust Saie.vtrtne of a deed of trust executed to raetas truntee,BTbp C. Lagoouaiao, on tbe 7tb day of J hp, V, to

eecvra certain notes therein meBtinaed, payable te. andindoned by, A. Bolte, I will sell to tbe highest bidder,for eesm, ea Wednesday, the is March, laU, a ceitaialot of grosnd situated en the west side of Second street,between ryoeo and Beat streets, BS feet front on saidafreet, running back 160 feet to n allay, known as lotNl C, In tb ellTisien ot the said ground, laid trustdeed Is recorded in the register's offlce of Shelby taoty,book J. part 1st, pagft It, 145 snd 14. The right ofredemption ia waved and the title good, but 1 covey aatrustee. Sale on tb preraiier at 11 o'clock.

M. C. CATC,tstj Mhj Trnstee.

fioHl Cook. Waster ant Iroaer, forUts

offer a woman about SI years eld, with a childWIBer 4 years old for ante low. Also, a woman ofabout the same age. Passable cock, good wtisher andIroaer and good seamstress; a man about thirty tothirtey-Rv- e years ; a very superior hand. Alar nan

ah wiiiae soil eapTOCN at WBOJP,

4U BS1 Main street, up rUia.







The Aimw.ll Storiei.

The Young Yoyagers. By Capt. Rid.

Tbe Baah Boy. By Capt. Reld.

Odd People. By Capt. Reld.

The White Elephant. By Da'.ton.

The War Tiger. By Dalton.

A Year with Maggie and Emmie. By

Miss Mcintosh.

Leading Strings.

Harry'i Summer in Athcroft.

Sequel to Mamma'a Bible Storiee.

Woman an Enigma.

Reading without Tears.

Tbe Mother's Mission.

Margaret Huntington's Experiment.

Hookef's Illustrated History.

Tbs Crusades and the Crusaders.

A Yoyage in the Dark.

Prices Charlie, tht Young Chevalier.

English Country Lift. Beautifully Illustrated.

The Hunters of the World.

Stories for Aliee.

Good Girl Story Book.

Fife Years Before the Mast.

King Arthur and his Knights.

Work while it is Day.

Little Annie's Primmer.

Queens aud Princesses of France.

Constance and Edith ; or, Incidents ofHome Life.

Little by Little.


Cleaves f Yaden.delS

3 4, 7 8 an! Otcaburgs.Heavy Cotton Drillings.Bl etched and Brown Domestic?.Bieacbed and Brown Sheetings.Southern Stripes and Plaids heavy.Southern Oiesbams bsodsome.Southern Celloosdes and fancy Drillings.Atekapaa Collaaades--re- d and bloe.Blew stylo Cslarssa feat cu'ora.Grey Poplins, Head Dresses.Wool Tanui.Coata' Spool Cotton.Carpets, Muss; Stair Linen.Table Cloths an Covers, Tiwels.Wine OkHaMfVurtatn, Curtain Dsmasks.Steamboat ami Bed Com'ortJi.Cotton and Shock Mattresses.Pillows, Bolsters, Sheet, Oaaes.Country Jean; Feathers.

On band and arriving as above.38piDoiag Wheels, Baah, Doors, etc., supplied to


Main street, aear Woraham Donee.

ltlaynard Rifles,Sharp Rifles,Colt Rifles,


shot ovn,Ia great variety, with the aceompsnimentj.

PISTOLS,Of all the approved patents This branch of our stot

la very complete.P. H. CLABE A CO- -


rpnB nniif raignesi baa opened the NEWX ROtTSI, recuntly completed, oa the

north i!V of JEFFBRSON; STBRBT,Secuad and Third, where he will keep


t would respectfully ask or my friends and the pnbllea call, aa nothing bat tbe beet will be served

The ssloon will be known as " Sam's House.'Jat8-l- SAM HARMOK.

SUNDRIES.KAfk BOII3 Popplnt Crart.ra.JUt 10OO lbs. S. 5. Aliaonds.

sooiut lbs. Craam KaU.100 Bushels Treth Meal.IftC brli BcKtt, Prior Bed aad Jenatifl Apple.210 Pink B,e Whit, aad Red Nsetisai. Potatoas.(SO Cess Kills.60 dot Brooms.Alsr. Sosar, C'lffee, af.lasses. Salt, vrbtskr, Brand,,

rkampslan, Klaar, Lira., 0.n.ot, Starch, WoodeaWare, aw. etc. Jast recel.M aad for sal. low br

FLOL'BKOT & CBAWPORD,d.30-da- ir Kn. 11, Front taav.


) fii brls. California PfUtooa;lMi brls. Pink Bye PoUtoee ;100 brls. Noabannock Potatoes ;toO brla. BaiUmcrs Blue Potatoes ;SOO sacksSOO sacks Neahannuck Potatoes;

Jast received and for sale lower thaa they tan bebought at tne river of Setboats. Those wishing te bayin lota will do well to give us a call .

JLOURMOT tk CRAWFORD,j20-ds- Mo. ll Froot row.

Sumtres.A (( LS. White Nesbsnoch Potatoes;4UU lOObrto.Red Nibnocb PoUtofs;

900 brls. Baltimore Btoe Potatoee;0O brls. London Lady Potatoes;

BOO brla. California Potatoes;160 brls. choice Ruiett Apples;100 sacks Red Onton;COO saebs fresh Bolted Meal.

ALSO Sugar. Cdtm. Motaaies, Bait, Tea, Tobaceo,Cigars, OarreU's Snuff, Psrraflne snd Star Caudles,OTdterav baifs and quarters, Sertlines, Mails, Praita,Nuts, Wines, Qine; Apple, Peach, French and CacnacBrandies, eta., etc. Just received and for sale tow lotbe trade. PLOCRNOT A CRAWFORD,

felO-da-w Mo. il Froot Row-






Barstow's Metallic Burial Caskets.

COS8TABTI T oo band all sls.a of FTSI ftKBBP CASBS. Aha), WOOD COITIMS, sfasrer, deacrijiiion.

CoaatrT7d,nakmfarnislid srir Cssk.u and esaasat a reasonable disermat. deS-1- ,




FAJfll.T PBIKB U BBS SOU, ia barren aad bf. aria.DO CLBAB POBB, ao do.DO LABD, prl a. kettle readerMl, ia barrsl.,

half barrel, aad a ts,CLBAB, BBSS AND at. O. PORK.BULK If BATS, SllOlLDBBD, SIDES and HAMS

rVrTbe aboT. ar. now ia Stock, an will b tncanaUntrr on hand CbroutB th. season, from whiskplat!., carers. Boat .tores. Coast Orders and theT'ade aenarbiiv, will be pn,piied at market rates b,

FRABTC1S WR1TTAKBB,Parker and ProTi.l.m Marchaat, Sevaath aad Oarr

aUMta, St. Lonls, Ha.Borers to nterraante of Memphis, rBtrall, who do a

proviatoa bnaia. feTloodam

Snsincss Carts.a, B. SHABPI I. B. ESTIt.

J. B. SIIARPE A VO:Wholesale Tobacco Faetort



tl-- w will oaaltsau aa, Bartaan ar aaatarn blsin in. same, or Draajda aaaallv aa anad. m aokon. tboosand.1 mrt-l- r


Flournoy A Crawford,


Commission Merehaata,ABD

DEALERS IN PRODUCE,Keep conjlantls oa hand . Ian,, and wall lotted

stuck of

Choice Groceries and Previsions,Salted U CUT aad Cocatrr Trad.

.to. ii Fiio.tT notr,MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE.

VSr Particalar attaation paid Is Stars 9 and far.wartime. MJO-da-



Drugs. Paints. Oils.WINDOW GLASS,

Perfumery, Instruments, Brashes, Etc.,

340 ItTain Street,P A 0 V I N E BUILDINGS.VTTB rail rfa. att.Btloa of Phvaiclaaa, PlaBtart sadTV Bnilders to oar lira. rk. as we offer stroot la- -

d.c.mnts to borers of toads in oar Una.Our PRKSOSIPTinX AND BBTA1L DEPARTMENT

will, particular attention. lrladtwaw


OR 3ALR AT LOW FRICR8MaaliTille Cedar rt

a a CtBTBS;PtEitios;

.. TabsDippers;Water Cans;

.. .. Br. '. -- ,.! Bocksta;Iron r. Rarkata)

.. CaQD-aa-at ( haira.TV iFt AHAM A E.RC3.

d 38S Halo aWsat, trlnklty Black.


T. & M. FLAHERTY,IaT on haad and ara daily recaiviojt, a larfa aaaort-taan- t

of most slesaat


Oil. I .IRI'F.TI.YG, ETC.,At No. 41 Union strest,

And lorlt. th. ptlic to call and .lamia, ttoct ar

pnrohasuit 'where se21


WEST, COCHHAi A, CO.,(xeneral Commission, Forwarding


pnonccF. jtiF.Rcn.i.rrs,No. 70 FroDt Row, old ttaad of Stratton,

McDavitt At Co.,MBBTPBIS. 1P.SSsttentioa ciran to tha sals and pa-

rch, of Oottoa, Teheecc,, Ploar. Pork, Baca, Lard,Wheat, Corn, etc. Liberal cash adrancas made oa

to oar frianda in Hew Orleans snd St. Lonls.BErca.BCEa. W. J. Darie, Memphis, Tsnn.l liiv-.-

Walts k Oo., K. O ; Watts, Olvea a. Co., Padacah,Kr ; If. D. Da.i., Clarkavill., Tana.; nardinn, felseoIk Oa., S. Lavi . Blanlon A James, Paris, T.aa.

mrS-- lr

VM. LOUIS ...PHILIP i mallo.Steam aad Gas Pitier. PI


PLUMBEHS, STEaIM & GAS FIHESS,16-- Jlairx Street.

TTB bsTS opoaod tbs irajpocti3a of tha pablte thW lanot soloct st- In Motapbirof Ohaadoliors, Pon--aaeta, aVackata, 3all Uxhts, Bath Tubs, Water Cloaots,Wash Huads. 8tem (.tun, Wstrr 4aara, AlarmGac:s, O'.obo Talves, Wbisttos, Lead, Iroa aad CopperPipe. Poatps, ax., and ever) thing coaaoctad witb msMM,

Water, Btrsm aad AUrm Aaakfes rtrrairsd. Jaia-t-r

Direct Importation and no Humbug!

Qe AUt.TS Ptpor IMMbI Obamaaja ;

CijY) IW) box'i fthiaeWtne;t mm hoona Irish Wbisky ;

1 0 caakj Kord. Hsu er Sranntwem ;100 ciscs Loadoti porter and Scotcb Ale

10K pipes tTtard Dapreo Braadr.Coffee, Molassea, Ploar. etc., ore. Po

sals by J. P PKANE,.?- -! w f 16 Prool row.

I860. FALL TRADE. 1860.


WW PARK & CO.,(Socceaaors to Hawks, 3mita flt Go.,)

t03. 304 AND 306 M.1IX STREET.

VI NO now rereired tbe irr eater part of oar PALLHA STOCK, we are prepared to otter rreat lndnce-mtnt- a

lo pacaaaera. Oar siixk coasiata in part of,


Tin Plat, Sheet Iron, Zinc, Sold.rinw Iront,Bar Tin, Sheet Copper, Wire,

Speltre, etc., etc.

BUILDERS' MATERIALSLocks, Hinges, Sash Pulleys, Latches, Bolts,

wioaow irimmi&gs,

Tofether witb a tail and assortment of Build'ars1 Hardware.



With a fall stack of

Tools, Agricultural Implements, etc.

W. woald also call th. attention of Ism snd railroadcontractors to oar stock af Wheelbarrows, Sna.ela,Spadea, afattaska, els.

ansa Wat. PARK ft CO.




TTe. 67 Front Row.oa haad a fall aapply af all ktods of Sae StickKSBP Paacr Cadloa, Cakes, Nats, Preeervea, Praiu,

Ptektea, Oysters, Wines, Cif srs, etc.Orders will ba promptly and earefaily fliled, at the

lowest prlcea- - del4-da- i

S ISUil KSH. 8TROTHERand Collector of Claims, aTraa

ATTORN Offlce In Bsak bolldtna;. mar3&-l- y

D. E. THOMAS,Attorney and Counsellor at Law,

AND COLLECTING AGENT,ijlliaat. Toitabtas:

rr Offle. wnth aide of Court se.carf, three do. rlroo atatn straat. JilUm'

JOH. C CARTER,Attorney - at - La w.

MEMPHIS, TENN.tfe, Office la th. Adacta BxpTa. haildins. noIS-l- r


Court Street, opposite A. T. Wells t Bro.A LL operatloaa performad with tte

jTx. least peesi'Jiepam, aoti ia av nMAiiifni Dlseues of the riTu.rvd iAsatth,-fii- ll treated. Artificialteeth Inserted npoa lb raost approved plan, with faar-ant- y

and no bumboa, either old or new, is onai ed tothe paVic with ooofldaaoa la my skill, ec as an

tDducotaent totralt ataiT nee. mnr 1

books: books:ODD-FELLOW- S' HALL.

MPTJBUCAJT COURT;T,HZ The Srtipwreck, by Palooaar;

Lallah Kbook;Oer t rude of Wyosalag;The Lay of tb Last Mioatral;Csrosta Hany;Little Be a sty, etc

For sale H TO VUG k BROTHn,Ha. US Main street.

tf9 Fruler kali. Mempbls. Tann.

SHI.faEES.are Jast ta reeaipt f a larje lot of rery snpe-rl- orWI shingles whtcb we wilt toll eery low to close

the ooMifoaiant. Wa will always keep a sapply ooBand. Call soon, at




OF PHILADELPHIA,Msw Pernasestly LscatetJ is Nentitiis,WHRRB for T ie ha aarfornkai all

oc .or. nBl.arsal jat-a-' ' ii i as to sisn.1 th. hicaaM encirai- -BBS.' HIS PSIC LOW AS TBEVEBV towkiT. for tbs SITUS tljl't. rr. Hi st A

waenal. Soma rfahf years .inc. he attendant taab at claaps altofttlur, in cow.qn.Tv-- . f

drilracrix und.acr opon th. natnral fee to aa,aothlna of th. nMarry. ih. pttttftroat breatt. or thetptc aad slaain anal laaa to th wearer of all sachwork. H. inavrts fr.ina a aiaoLC TOOTw to an cnttrttt a a Stti.s (wtAaW clasps) which wnf.ine, cam-f-

, cl.aalioaaa tad Ixt-lU- r rlchaaea. U Bpisl- -o-- of which, and la fact ail th. rarlona sfyTet tHsi

Ja a arafaaiioD, can ha aaaaal niaoBc.,and lor whichMw. aaailil th. riaaT Puannai, at r lataPsIr.Jl

Car fttTB i..rcl.i .:,hr.ri ...wB"TI.D Tr.Tn and dnrah'j Riled., t r me noruraf Tath Co

for Clivt Pa' at iaa.rll aia Ha S. Slack. A .I

th. nnitod Mtaaaa) R.a. 1 B. Bdi. H c I Dr. Win.B. Wkiia; Dr. S Starker; Dr C. C Hail, Phllsd.lnhia,Pa- -i A. 1. wu, a. , Dr. J. a Whit.; a. Walk.r a.Br-- ; Chandler k. C. , Hamphis,

Morgan't Cobal Tooth Powbcb for bsaattfrtnaand praMrriat the TRBTH can alaot,. ..btaioad st EOrricr, in MAIN stbst uppiisits odd pbl.LOWS' If A 11- - HSHPBIS, TH Minl.dswlr



Below Cnlon, wtst tide,


T qoAltt, and price we def, airnpauiton. eampl.teX stock in ...rr department.

COD I.ITCB OIL, to tbe trade at msnof sctnrsr.'arieas.



Atants for Lynn's Put. CaMwba Braad,.One of the Srm ts st th. Bast, aelKtint the Purest

Opera tcalathat can b.oblainl fur ua- - pre.cnpuon esse.13 Prices to snit the limes


Notice of Copartnershiphavo ':,. i.- sold to Mr. TOO. 8. J lOISOWI rd lotcrcat la ear basiaoas. Uer-tft-

nor bastoosa will oo cosstlaciotl nailer th aama aad stylaat 3TEERT, nrSGtRPOXD fc JACESOM. Tbankrntfor tbs past patrucaxi btrTWHl upva tha old Una, vihepo by tliiidtaaco to oiorit its cioLiaaaaco to tbo aoar.

STRUT k BrSGK&roU).Mempbii-- , JaDaary 1, 1BCI


South end of Rope Walk in Navy TarJ,MKMPIIIS, TBNNKS3SS,

af all kind, of BalLROADMANL'PAfSTrjRarRS CABTS, DBATS, .tc. Branand Iron Castiusa, Wrontbt and flailinas,and ..cry description of BI'ILDKBh' IRON WDBK.

Mschiaa and Joohin, Work of all kinds prompt!lo.


. D. L. STEWABT J. B. Aloci,Raleigh Memphis.

STEvTAUT AftUEE,Atlorneys and (Yunselnrs at Law,

(Otic at Raleigh, an In Register's OfBce Bailding,)

Corner of ( ourt fit Third Streets,IVtoi-aCLjoliiA- Toixa.

rySaec.el Attention w: lections, Conveyanrincaadlnrestii:atiBg Ti!lea.etc. l

For Rent.VTB OffBH FOB BR NT tile OPTICS now orcnpie.lW bf as a ewramlesioa nffloe, ami, if dMired, will

sail upon reasonable itrmt all Hi. Offlee Fnraitsra.also offer for rent th. COTTON 8HBD AND

WABBHHC3B, oa Madison street, now oceapied b, as.If ASON ai CO , WI kSB street, sp sirs.


KT6K.tiA St CODS in sad Domes' HWHOLESALE fled Whisky, Paucy Oroeariaa, Ta-

basco, CsAars, etc.,Ha. 1&9 Main Street, Webster Black,

V O T I C E.sold oar tock of Bt,ks, Sutiotiary, etc., toHaving Wade h. Co., after thanking our fnenji and

the public for the very liberal patronage extended uas, we uoet cordially solicit for the aow flrm a cuotiaa-aot- ca

of their favors.Vim. PATTiSOS h to.

To the Public.As yon perceive, I have purchased U.e tock of Bork

and Stationery of Mes-r- s Oeo. Pattisos h. Co. I pu-rple t i cnnd'ii t the business ander the name an1 styled H. Wade Si Oo. Moat respectfully do I solicit r thebooaa a share tJ pabiic patraaage.

JaS HllfRT WiDI.


Youug Sc Brother,HALL.

TACTICS flchossl ef the Trooper, of theCATALRTand of tbe Squadron.Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics. By Brev.

W. J. Hardee.Bancroft's History of tha United States. Fall calf.Works of JobB O. Calhoun. S vols.Irviass Works complete. SS vslsGold Pens, Pocket Knives, Port Polios, Crayons, Writ-

ing Desks, Work Boxes, Pocket Books, Slobes forSchools, Sterreea copes and Tiews, Bills Lading, Notes,Drafie, Biit Hzcbange, etc. Por sale by

TOnjIG a BROTHKR,jalS nail

C 11 Cacti ILL-- . .a. C. ITASIWEA1 HE a.

l. c. rn i rc Kin. sc co- -(now permaaantly Located)

No. I I Eschauge BnildinK,DEALERS Iff



co9 fl ernphii. Tenn.

GU.WT OIL WORKS,v a v v v a r n ,

TAtlearaaiolxlaat, ToiliaoaiBoo,afaaofactnr. and keep far aaie Cmde and Banned n

Seed Oils, Oil Cat aad Oil Cat. Meal.

Sonthers Stock Food.

aaed. Oil Meal and Cake ar. th. cheapestCOTTON nntrietone f'jod fnr all kinds of stock .re-does nor. MILK and BUTT BR, aad a richer anj moradelicate flavor than an, .lh.r kep at all time a onhand in Quantities to salt psrctiaafre, at th. Worke.

d.ll-I- v

Trust Sale.AVISO given hood and as required byH law, 1 will, by virtue ef power vested in m aa

trnstee. at the Arcade, on Union street, on THURSDAY,the lath of Marrh, IPS!, betwraa the hoora of 11 aad 15

ocock, proceed to sell at pabiic sale, to the higheet bid-

der for casta, a certain Lot ef Land, lying ut ShelbyoDonty, Tennessee, near Memphis, and more partica-larl- y

deembed In a deed from J. M. D. Miller to tn as

trasiae. to aecare certain deferred paymenta thereiamantijned, said deed being new of record ia tbe Regis-ter's oVe of Shelby coonty, in Book 43, pages 135 aadtag wberela redemption is waived, reference to whichis hereby made. JOHIf Bnwy , Trnstee.

telS-t- d M- C. CATCB tk BOH. Aactloneers.


WE WA1VT TO BCTKegro Woman, a good cook, washer, etc , etc.

OMI Neero tjirl, twelve or fourteen years old.

WE WA5T TO HIRE,Three egro Men, common laborer?.One Negro Woman, good cook, washer, etcOne Jfegro Oiti, as a nnrse and boose set vant.

WE WANT TO SELL,One Wegro Maa, a Xo. 1 hand for $l0Co.Oae Negro Boy. eighteen years old. Ism, bat an eff-

icient boase servant. The owner most have sooney, andwill sell for $550.

WE WISH TO tXiHiUF,Improved City and Sabarbaa Property for Parnung

Land, in calUvttiou, with er withont eegroes.Wo wish also to exchange valoableSsbort-a- Property

for Dry Aood? or Grocerieg.Any person hanag snch property, and wishing to

make socb an exefaaote, will and it to tbeir advantageto call on as.

WE HATE FOR RENT,Several of the mot. desirable sitaations in the city

Among those wa enumerate, a large BriskBuilding, corner of Linden and DeSoto streets ; a bean-tif-

fteidnce on Landerdale street, with an excellentgarden, orchard, aad flva acres of land attached. Also,fuar handaoaae Cottage Residences, new and neatly im-

proved, oo Madieoa and Maaree streato.

WE HATE FOR SALE CHEAP,a elegant Watch, coat $900, will set; for $:oo

A Lady 'a Watch, for aaie cheap, and same Diamonds

at IS per cent. less than their valao.TOUM0 tt WKLD.

3S1 Main street,jjjO Over Mansfleld A. Co.'s Drag Store.


Stationery-rStationer- y.

n.sf arsortmeat sf Latter aad JTote !ap.r everTUB in thiscltr.

V. parttmisr sttMJtinn to onr beantiftilLeU.r sad Kt Paaer, ooasislins of the fol-

low mc st,l.. Bamssk Wasa, Datnssk Baticalstsd.Windaor Canrt, Windsor Amher Laid, BTindsor Betie.-la'.e-

tee La Bae Bral MeAe, Ds La Bn. B e Damssk,FTeneh Psfasr, uanrud eak.rai Mataaa V.IIatu Balh,Marlines, Arat'.sooe, Victoris, tlEAdrills. Aleo, Moorain. Paper and BnTelonea, of esery d.svr.ntioa.

Ball and make jonr ae!eeti..TOCBf fc BRO

aalt Under Hall.


H. WADE & CO.,363 WAIA STREET. 363

LOST PBIK0TPLB i or, Th. SwUoaal sVinillTUB By Barbaruaaa.

Hias Gilhart's CarMr.Lift of Wat. T. Farter.Th Loat asmfar.Ood.r's Matasiue, for March,reterson's Mstasla.. for Marcsj.Knickerbocker Msfasm., for March.Harper's Macaain., for March ; at

R. BTADB tr OO ,

felt-da- Ml Main afreet, Memphis.


Valuable Standard



Christmas and Holiday



CLEAVES tV VADEN.Ixjnion steeet depot,

THE HISTORY OF THE CRUSADE9.JoaepU Francoit Michaud. Traot-late- d

from the French by W. Robsoa. In1 vols., llmo., half ealf.

HIRTORT OF ErROPF.,from th. comm.BM-me-of th Kr.neb Revolution to tb

Restoration of Bourbon, ia 1815. ByArchibald Allison, L.L. D. In 21 vt Is.,8ro., calf, gilt marble edge.

THE WORKS OF OLIVER GOLDSMITH.Edited by Peter Cunningham. In 4, half calf and full calf.

THE WORKS OF MRS. SHERWOOD.Uniform editioa. In 16 vols., half calf.

HISTORY OF TURKEY. By A. De Lamar-tln- e.

Translated from tbe French. Ia 3vols., half calf, gilt back.

THE DIVERSIONS OF PURLEY. By JohnHorn Took. To which is annexed bis let-ter to John Dunning, Esq. 1 vol., 8vo.,cak. London.

THE MAY QlEE.V. By Alfred Tenav-Bo- n,

Poet Laureate. Splendidly illus-trated by E. V. B. 8 to., nor., gilt.

THE POETRY OF NATURE. Selected andillustrated by Harrison Weir. FiBe Tur-key morocco.

POETS WIT AND HUMOR. Slcted byW. H. Willis. Illustrated with one hun-

dred engravings ; full gilt, cloth and mo-


THE TEMPEST. By Wm. Shakipear. Il-

lustrated by Foster, Dre, 8kill, Sladerand Janet. Quarto.

THE WORKS OF ROBERT HALL, A. M.,with a men.oir of his. lif. Originallypublished under the superintendence ofOlinthot Gregory, L. L. D., in 6 vols., fulleair,

THE WORKS OF THE RIGHT HONORA-BLE EDMUND BUKKE. In a vols.,12mo., full ealf, marbl. edge.

THE LITERARY WORKS OF SIR JOSHUAREYNOLDS, first President of th RoyalAcadem), with a memoir f the au.tior.By H. W. Beecby. In 2 vols., 12mo., halfcalf. London.

LIFE OF LORD BYRON, witb als Lettersand Jsnnals. By 'Ib.mas Moore, Est)6 vols., calf.

HISTORY OF ENGLAND, from the p.aeeof Utrecht to the pear, of Versailles,17131783. By Lord Mahon. In 7 vols ,

full ca'.f, marble edge.

WORKS OF MICHAEL DE MONTAIGNE,comprising his Essays, Bioerapbiral andBibliographical Notices, etc By W.Hazlitt. In 4 vols., half caif.


Cleaves 4 aaen.Window Shades.

lcb, aaaas and bupp bolland shadks,B made lo ,.r ;.r and pot ;? Dr an azperienceo bao't.PBBKMAS k OO..

,60 Maia sir. el, Provta. Uaek.

Artists' Materials.LRBOOKAPBS, BffaBAVINaa.Bta

FltEBMAB" fc CO.,IM Main aweet, Prswin. block.

For Comfort and Economy,TTIB V EN ITI A V BLINDS mannfaatnrad JUSB FBBBMAN J CO.,

ano Maia meat, Pro.ine block.



aa cheap aa the, san ba impartad, at


fit.: .) Pv.m. bloek


CAMP & CO.,(Sacceasora to Sroavenor, Camp 4V Co..)

piano, nmivTniRE,LaaaaaaaaaaaaaSl AKDjTTTiCarpet Dealers.

AVOS from th clearatd Baaellon Brothers, A. mPI J. Eaath. sod othera front New Tort.

Bo. .wand Parlor Saiu. ewesrsd with Broeal.ll.;aad Walant Saita, wit Hsircl.ih sad

Plash; Bosewood, Mahoranrsad Walant Badroont Soils;a fall Bsearameat af all arttataa tt

COMMON FURNITURE.Tfc. hast Sprint Bottoms far . Bair, Cotton. Moat

BBd !...- -, M TTBB.SI' Brnwe's. iatltp!r. Sopor an. Insrain CABPBTIKOS. OIL CAJtPST-Uf-

frew thrw to eirtts.n feet wide.LiXiEiMS or hi eibu

HHP Ac in. .Old Stand, Mo. SBO Main r.rsst.

aaie--ir Mnpbls. Tnn.

ECLIPSE STABLEsold as interest in the "EclipseHATIMO Stable." to Jno. M. Pi-- tbs bnsi- -fl'tn will tearafter ba condTc'ed

noier theatyl-o- f Hnnt h. rui. T. W. ITT NT.

We will keep on hand at tha " hell pee," tha beetstork tbat the market can afforr, and will fnrn ah snchtnraonts as will give entire satisfaction to ail the pa-

trons of the ad a- stand. If good teams andcoastant attecticsn ti the wants or onr enstomers willdo it, wa will eadaavor to pi aaas.

Hories boarded by the day, week, or month, npon themost reasonable terms.

rofi-l- HtTNTa; PTSC.

Opening of the Fall Fashions!On Saturday, October 6th,

aAt 320 TVT,1n Street.MISS M. PERDUE, of Baltimore,

r etnmed from th. Bast wifh a sbsta. eeleeHATllCf the rst lmportio, honses. is saw m--a

pared to 09am with fan aad winter fash ions of

MILLIE ERY,In all Its branch.. She will keep constanttne CEOiro.1 an.Hit. Cape, Bead IH Blbbona, sic. , wit a lall aa- -

. . A .mA V.MW

Arucle. nBB38 HAXIKQ attei to la th. letsst,l.. oos-'- 7



Gronnd Coffee, Splcss, Mustard, Catsups, etc.Office, 33 Second Street.



.a. V. DTJPONT & CO.,as a a cr ac TCAxaa or

Sews ss4 Book Prtatis Paperabd rsaAXxa is


Printers' Mnks. c..4T7 rial pa St. . Louisville, Kj.


.t. SO Wovr-rr- t Street,NEW YORK,

IaporteH uJ Fboiesaie Detkra



HAVB Oae ntshliahad mora than TWTIMTT-PIV-

r' do aa BICLCSITB Bonlher aaatSaeth wvatera



Western Produce:B0LLING, BIGG 3 & CO ,

No. 6 XJamloi StrtATM no hand aad -r aal. lent, lota of We .to --H aa .as wror.ries. euaabsuaat tfew ha. Irtah Potataa.; WShrls. Omens;

SSU sarks oaioaa; 1SS toiaa Caaaaa ;BBS sacks Cora ;SO Del. "..ear, .arloa. '.randi ;Ttf, reams Wrappi.s Papas' ;

0n d.aen Bnrk.ta ;

MO brla. Whiskri M brU. 1abi150 piKe. Power Loom Batting ;US coil. Boae iloo sack. HaaM I ISO taa.. Starch ;BBS boxes reratars, fraah . aktled and aBtsa ;10 btxa Sosp,IS boxes Tnis c. all qaalitiaa I

aw has. Citoa Tarns;tea teiiTb.ii Lead;

SB caraeaa IndLao ;MO brla. Domestic Tan and Liaaara;

S casks Impartad Braadr iWlih a treat of 1-t- f sanls. nbrarisc P .SrattB, Marurda, Blackina, Malcaaa. aHaaad eia.-Pappo-

Cinnamon, lo..s, Mac. Alapica. Pick os, Ta-ns. Bail la papers. Causa Cordaaw CaaaataaroM. Wa :

Snsk.u. BoU.1 L:iaors, Wax Can, lea of ear ions co.orsMe. . .tc.

P.rsoa wtahias t senaptr thaaiselrn with oharaOeorariea, woald do wall la call and exaraiae tad. tiox.

TraM Sale.virtae af a Daed of Trast exeatod ta me IBTUvea aad Sanaa J. Kirce, oa tbe 14U lav

1SS, and of reco.-'- f m tke ofllca of tbe Frohatelae enaaty ot Tippaa. aad Bute ot Miseieairt'i.parpoaa ef secartng certaia df Ms therein aasbe-- laa tbe 14TH OP MAB H HKXT, st tbe real'tbe lata L. 9. live, sell ta tbe hicheet bidder ftbe fetlowlag tracts or percent f land, to w;quarter stBsnion of laad aa.n wturb ;be late L. C

hvd, aad npon tuca bis stafaa. sawsaiu vae iat the tine af tbe ex cation of said deed j


fjie "ant, of the rTb title is b!ieve4 to

vey oaly each title aa baa


.To. 2 Jtonroe Street,Betweea Main Str et aad Froot Wow,


to iaforns tbe iMfclM in eenral tbat tkDKSIES tbe largest aad best selected sweg ot

das Fixturesta the city, Bnlldiags Sttd rrp at short notice.

STEAM WORK.Rtaam Pip. and Pitting,. Sheet Laad. Lu Laad Pip

of, all kind aas sisea.

f vanAll kinds of Bras, and Iras fare and Lift Pamirs Is

ratlraada, cuter ua, deep wen and hear Pomps.

BATHS.Bathe tried up ia th. nwet rosapseta atjl. Ail w


PATENT FOBtE PI TIPS.We h.. hoatht th. State rlabt for the sale af these

ntraordinarr Pomps. We, and ...rr mechanic thaihas oaramrnMt mem. ; rTOrmca tawna ih. most oaatslBfares pmnp that haa .rer been meant eu or e.r will .mphritr snd dnrahllitr. Ttie. parap aained t hepria. si the Nw Tork Stat. Pair.Pair and Ohi dtata Pair. Call sod

f.bJt-daw- l.


CARPET .4 TO TRTA-- STORE.rpni r;r.'rs!gned having paoel in taa Caraab aadX Cor ia in ts now prepared to show to hia

frien-i- sad tha pnbl.c aa eatiriiy new Black ,4aadcnrtaia gooda. Velvet, Tapestry, Brnaaela, sopaxuhl commoa Can-ets- , Baoa, Mala. Mattings, Coco a.

etc. Si 'It. Dam ear. Le aad r xirr-r- cTassels. Loops, Banda, Pirtnre Cords. Ceinios, etc. Boltaad aThito Holland of diar-B- t widths, MM T sndcapes and plain Shadea. Floor Oil Clotha, froea u id

teet ide. fiakle h. hfntut' Sewing Marhtnes. the bestfamily sewing naeehiaa asds, tor frara $SS to S'tS Tbebest of wnrvmieii m nar:a to rat, mate anl tay

h m eaosvasohvMS Main trt. JrSF-.- n Rlork


' com:baea eagaged ta tbe asal traa for taa aaat

1HATR years I have boated coal to this market fortha retail city and ateaaaboat trad, aad have learnedrrom experienca tha aaeeasuyaf having iheaper fart ia

than haa heretofore been frimihd to ber e.

The aoooesmee af the rieb aad ranr alikeihe change proposed, an t while I do aot preload, to

tha fart that I Intend ta make wme money, it ianot the ieaa true that I shall iaa pobi bs factor Irtdiw have oa hand a large eappiy of Qreen river eoal.which 1 have always fnraiahed at a pnee far belw taatwhich mast bo paid for Puis burg cool. The pieces aranot aow so larg aa the coal fcrorks received from Pitta-bar- s,

hut these grow larger as tha mine is awaotrated,aad with each lahipmeat ie me, by spring tbe Inmts willbe as large aa the Isrgaet taken from the Pittabnrg piu.9raoe river coal ooata me ieaa than that from tb head-water ef the Ohio, aad T therefore gall It low, aad netbeeaaae tt s aat sa valaable far all parpeaee. I bavarJeemed it useless ta obtain aad pnbhsb certificates ssits properties from thoo wbo oaa it here. Tre it, aad

sbecka are the carUScatea I want. I bava, how-

ever, a larger stock than ever before of PiUaborg anal,which goes eff at market prices. I wuald state, ssora-ve- r.

that thoea who bay froaa me pay money ie aa estcitlsea af Memphis, all that t mak goes nto eircala-U-

hers. I (aha aothif from tha city which war crs-at-er

did ass Intend shootd go awar, sm.-- ba did not haveon a ooal had. Ksa yoar nKaey at hems, and

stand by yoar own people, which yon can sssnmp.isb ybaying ooal at the Bins Offlce, on Jsffsraun. or at thefoot ef rVplar street,


Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis.



Cemetery is two mile rntb-ea- froea tha cityTHM of tbeooasaaaxy la m th greunds. whe'sthe Sopermieosiea: may at all ume ba rca. Wbea hIs aat m the offlce, ring the ball, and ha will soon appar.

Terms invariably cash. anlSdly


Ingraham Sc Lees,ATB now on hand, and will aeil to whole!, btrr--H s,s, at nireailr Ul. rsivao,

WMh Tat!SMdoaen Snck.U;

60 boxes Clothes Pine ;


Market BasketsAa a rcarinlele stock ot 3011 Ooda. Trr v-- aai. r.,,1.1 roar mores, at th. WOBTfJ. D. it

A. Vaccaro & Co.,



Brandies, Wines, Liquors, CiRtrs, Ete,

No. 7 Front Sow.

IN STORE JND FOR SJLE100 basket diss. Fairs ChBaapafjne, direct

from Bbeiaas, Tranes;100 baskets Heidsic at Co.;50 baakets Gol.eo Spra ;

50 rases Widow Clicqoat ;

5t cases Cabinet ;100 casea Sparkling and Still Catawba500 cases Claret, different brands ;100 cases Sauterne ;

100 casea Sardinea, 1 aad ;10 of. pips Cognac Brandy ;20 or. " "ISOeiehth " "

100 caaka London Porter, qts. and pts.;50 casks Scoteb Ale, in stoat. rs,direci

from Edinburf.ALSO,

Sufrar, Ctfee Molasses, Bacon, LafIcnr, etc., etc.,

uurib IaOV FOR ( AsW

Shade Trees.BTLTaTJt LBATBD POPLARS ; HaedMlX10 larte Doanl. KenBlas tntaat ,

Jast received aad for aaie hpa. fOLAIO, awadaaaat

Corner tacood and Pnian .t reels.Bolt

jWamaaK aecoiMl ftoor ."-- saloon, BAM we ranm aaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaW--1 tifm In

k vw,. . . (UW

j end aad (,

Laaaaaaaaaatawter. f '

u maun '. s .j - c ah , . "

M .aaaaSfi S V. . 'aaBSBBBBSBBBawaaraBBBate aBWABBaataaBBBBBBBB.MM-- a "'aBAataaBBit.

$SSEBI33?S$',-- '"' iZ&iS&itSlSR "InaaaaaaMBBSm 'BBSSkahaaaaaaB, TK Ihaaaraii.. ' n

lBnBMBfBa afhtaaTfilHbaasafta. - -

aaaaaaaaaaw- - .. -- m.

. .BaaBBaDBBBBBaaBBa.4BBBBfc- -.