$to _E3_8ts-»^5__>f.v:._.J_*5*-»*x d_______l _.- __. __t.-__--¦_.i...

$to _E3_8ts- >f »^5__ .v:._.J_*5*-»*x d_______l _. - __. __t.-__-- ¦_. i 3*"W V01- XXXII.N° .M>8:*. NEW-YORK. WEDNESDAY, AFRIL 17, I87_l. PRICE FOtK CENT& WASHINOTO-N. MORK MSVEMUE TKOrm.FS. a naoaiTi TAB-ra bu* _____-_-i <,-<'xnTFn BCBKB IB THB uoi si -v:v i iii norY DI8BAT- i-r iii- wim thi maj.'HITV BILL.A TABlBr wnuorx sposaoaa. Ilit TVUMHUl- TO TIIK TRIBI SK.I WiMiiM.rnN .jw_.-..The Tarttf laaaTfl mt tbe aj.,..,. v a Co-B-B-ttee aaaaaaed a aaar aad nn- _iH_ut.i aaaaa la-da. Mr. Dawea lepeated tl.,- Coawiitteea i,n. in.l aaade » _b"-t an.l aaaa-ole epei'tii <>f viri BBadarata laoe, eaatainiaa ao _al 1;i- eioriH to tli. reeeal aqpaabblaa ba Ika C_B___itt_e Ba Eraaklj expreaaed, aaararar, aia diaaaal _r_ai f""1" ¦toi bbViiib nf thfl mraanrr aad aara actJee o_ hia kaamtkm toofle. aainadaafinta la aeco-daoea aith lirs oaraTiewa Ba tha i_doc_l_a in tlie rrv.iiiif tm«lit t<> l»i' ..M>.ia*,,(v<>. badead ti laaa thaa ft:--.".!'.600, n- propoaed by tln- t'lil 7 the redae- t -:,. ald be taatt eqaally ___8_iba_ed, ao aa t" attVof rr>->rt- in-t !.v 188 1 9_+088 l-n-ni.--. rtlt_r_B-8 0_ Ikeeoaatr. aad thal tbefrea h-t ahould ba Baaaa aai -<l' rabl. Dlaif-d. At'r.-r Mr. Dawaa hatl eeaoladed hia speet b. t<- tlio paaaral aaupalaea- tba Baaaa, Mr. Kelley roaa aad raaeat a-inll prepaiad bytbe nn- n,,-..f of tba Cfl-B-Bittaa. It had baaa Iaa.n for granted ea all haada thal the ea-Bpaa-daa wbich s :.1 s.i.., Boatari i1 bad : of two ot thrae daya1 hard w.>rk. had the ad- | of all th<-I'rott-.tiniMi-t,. "ii t!n- ( omniilt.-.-. Tli. oAei of the b_Q hy Mr. K.-ll.-y ahewad thal tha troablc ha.i bcokea eat La a aaa aaat, aad t!i..t tha boilow aad faitliah traoe patahed ap from eoaaadi ra- tioiiM.f fi'lirical expedteacy, had ae. baaa atroaa 8BMM -li fo li.'l.i t.-fether ov.-r i.iirlit. Theaa W8B 8 <1<~ inli-.l aei Mrtii n all erer tha Boaae whea Mr. Kelley I1r_11.l_4h.1i hia bill, like a. __-_aaad of dk-otd, la tb.- f:i<->- "f tbe aatoaisbed mea b. ra, Mr. Riatty eb- to Ita reception; Meaara li«->k aad Brooka, minib. rv. t-f tha W.i.s antl M.-.ns Co_-inittee,de- a .u..i. il to Lnow u be eeaaaeaed tha aalaorit] Mr. K. ll.-y i-'iiim. .1 t.i r. i-r._»-nt. Mr Brooka *h<1 ha \va_-. us a 1111 linritv t.f tlin-t-. I.ut BM luttl never lu-iki.l of the bill. Mr. KeOey reptied thal Mr. Mayaaid and LlliiM lf O-BtJtOb >1 tha Uiiiioiity. An .iDlfT.v dJai-B- bmjb appaaoad-aaBiaeat, when Mr.Haaperlaatored soodhamor byaattaf how tbe Dawea report eould come from .1 m.ijontv ti tha Co-B-B-fetea, whea there -,,r .1 B-iaorit] ol three, aad aaother aalnorltyof la rli. 1 liair repliad, aaaid Beaeral hm_.-lir«ir. tbat Mi Boaper'a a_aeetioa waa oae al B-atbeaiatiea, aod D-: af p_rli_-_M.ttarj law. 1 taally, Mr. Kelley. bill. whieh eatae Bearbc-Of a_n___ad at ita birth by objectiooa made to itare- reptioi t. th. prtater, bart waa not allowed to be printed in TmtGUte. It reeemblea the Senate l.ill in tht- inn.ii. aad drffera aidely fn.m tlie UI] of th>- m.'ijoriry ol tha C_t_mittee. Tea aad eofiec are j,i:»At-ii upon tltf frr-t- li.-t. whit-h is otbarwisa n. arlj nl with the free bal »f the Benate. Tl.e r<- doctioooa iron. -wo.,1. aod on ...rtou an.l a f, ri l 1- only ln per eent: the duty on BaM la plaeed 112eenta; tobaceo ia taxedbat 18eeata; th.- whit-ky tax is :i..tdat 70 ccntB: taxes on .ales are al>,b.iit-d. aad aearly aU ataaap taxea are repealeda lt Ib aow jt> tty elear that the bill Mr. Dawea re- r-,,... tlit- untjualiti.d ap- aawralof a t-in.le ui.-rul,. r of th_v.-iy-; aad Meana C'..r..uii'tte. Nh-. Dawea opealy n-aratad _:.uiii; Mr. Ki 1" rtK la B-OWB to aympath-M wtth bim; Jdt-aers Kellej aad Mayaaid hara r,-v.,lt,.l aad diawa their own billj B.rebard and Finbel arbofr_med th»- Committeei bill, hav»- expreaeed fkaaaa Bed with maay of its. prori- aii:.- be. .. . do not uiak,-ruhi. ti..ii> tu i.t hai:t ei«u:_h to -'iit them. Ihe three DemeeratB oa the 8ell-__owa PreeTradera; ao the Coiuouiu. s bi- aia r»-ahry oehady. MD. TBE FRENCB ABMfl BAI___.. ¦¦C-tBTABl Bl LKBAf -XTLAm.A Ql BBTIOl OI vn MOB1 OB TBBAI ITT B vl-l 1>. [BY TELE_aAriI TO Tli. W-kSBnteTOB, Ayvril l''...St-t-i.'.uy Belknap. apt--.,. -m BreaehAram .rraallaatlna Coaa- tbia mornlaa.r" relate kia n of ins rrlewa -with the MarqaladeCbam.raa,la Dao laia r aad Jaiiuary __>t. wa.- an 89881 of m-jre tlian unl ur. .it. :. M f, r aoreral rrasona. Tbe faet tbat Mr Enap'a li-ti.-r to Um 8 r. -..ry o! Btate, in rtpiy to a ffatement m.-ulc ln tL- . ttcr writttu bf 1_ Uiinifton ta Le O.-ur, in I)<- eeiiil-r, Uaa, al.out tbe B__.k888 of 18884.. .0-.;. M antl tbn nianuf.ifturf of t-artiitl,. 8. antl in b-i-sr. _ telesram to Bea aa .*¦ ..ii.. a ., thal ttar had been tr...i.u a. a eoaBdeatial aacaaaeat, botl yi.h and Beeretarj B> iniiap. aad Braaawitted cn.-ii t>. : Aii..-- -. a m :.,-t apea Beaatara laiaof an aeeaaatlon that Mi I a MB88 oanetoi had lul roiumu:iii'..M,,ii witb tli- a-'.-nts of retary r.ub bati nol n.-J. tuaiitiittr Jiu!..., B«cr<t.rr lt. ;_r,ap, tn hut leat_aaeey, Itareh that ht not^d lt tn any oue, antl did imi ttuiik tie hai". r.-ii<i tha|_idor-taieat oa the leltae mt ttu- Becretary of, 011 ythi.-b bis lett.-r wari fotni<!.<!. to gn\ <.i-,, aad lha taf raaea aaa taar M. d.- B.-;:,iu.-t hud Tlolatrd contt Iaa08, and furiiish.-d th«- cnjiy Mr. ner used. h.ia Ixf.-re B88B 8 i- rf.-d. Mr. F;sb wrot. a note M. de B'-' aMLiiijr an exj>lanat;on. To t.Jl tb. Fk-ii, b''bar..- rfr>U»-'!. TLat t_i- It-tt.-r. bavtu.' I,e. 1, exbiLit.ii t. then befara it rf-.-.rbed ataa, tvaM not :, Bt, aml eoB. Inded tn* Irtwr witb a remark at.nat an atteni_>t to e»- trap .Ua, whieh Mr. Fi.h eoaalder-d t.M, ,!.-.-.- ap.-. to mtru a rej.iy, aud Mmt it to tb. Fr- n. b !»<>v»-rTi_i. nt tliroujfli Mr. Wai>hbiirn.-. Tn. r<-Hii'.t if tbe 1 if IC.dc BeQooel t.» aaother fltld; but ahen tb<-,|usa de Chamtirun wa- ea_ad aia witnt-ae tiefo.¦ tli;.- Comtr.ltt...-, be tt-^ritied tbat Mr. .j, had not only r.-ad to bin. tV _ loraemeol ahleh tbe ba-_A of bia letter, but tne n-rter itaelf, aud tbat ita ronteii!" bad t»-en matle known to bim lu areeeaa af wttaeeaaa n>- alaa daaarlbsd tb<- paaaroa WbltBIthe l.-rt.-r waa wrirt<-n. and _ita jfti^ra! appeal ante. ao tliat it ae. ni-tl it waa Bia_Bap vvbo bad violated ?onfld. ii.-e. if aay eeaddaaaa waa violated at all, and tua; bha ___rre. witb 88-8-8-81 aaa wlioily witbout . a . Tbe .-. .- rrefreabed bi» memory, ie of |,irii,,n b«- did re.iil tLe luilorwrijenr wbl, b fonin.l tlie Im, I. of hi.» letter to tbe Manjula, t.ut etill 8ao_M harteB a.awa bla tbe letter Itaelf. IheMatejala -©titmue* to wiB.rit tbat be aaw and bt-ard read tbf letter. an.l <ul> for st- jirodurtlon, ln order tbat lt uiay be deteniiined wbetber bis dt-MTij.- tmn of it la ciirreet. Ttu- r.-mamder of tbt BaumlaU- teattuiony ba. Uttle tiearni^ on tbe iBfeaBBara-a, thoaah it waa bitareellBa aa abowinjrthe difl.-i'-at w.y in wlm-b tne .i. r.ury o( War aud tbe Mar<|ii!B araWBBhered thelr aevera! converaations. (>n iiuiii. ri.i- :, p. -T.iiit p.lnt-be tiet-lan-d tliat tbe M..r- tjui- w.i» vvliollv Mii.takeu in hi» u-«:inionv Mr. Beburz tu, 1.T0.>-«'iaini_t tue setr.-tary to morrow. BBBA1 PBBM DISPatch WA8DIV6T0B, April 10..Tbe Senate Aruin Ckjaaaaltlaa u.«t tha woruin_. a T Baraard, 'orr<-Hp«,n.linr; C-asB of tbe Warlx- partmerit. waa aw-orn II'- dr.IW tlie <lr.,fr af the letter of the he< retary of War ad>lre_md to tbe 88888888. of Kate. ¦. 8. Craaby, roufldeutii.l tieik tu tbe Het retary of War, te.tiii. ,1 H. _a. pr.-_ent on tbe 1Mb of January at the baaarrlaw betweea tt» BaeBaaary al Waraadaha Marquia de (bauibruu, 00 letter waa tin rea.1 fr.u, tbe N-re-arr of Wai to th. BecTciary of BUte, nor anythuia; tliat j.urjrorW- U, be an.b letter. By _*-i_alor h-bun-On tb< l9tb of January tbe Seere t_ry of War read to tbe Martjuii. de ('haiulirtiD au ludoraemeut bf tlie fhief of Ordtiac.-t witb referenee to Keujiutrtoii » letter 88.OOaa881 Ha Mij.jjoaed fni., wbat waa aaid tbat tlie ludoraemeut waa t.i he eni-odted ln tbe letti-t of tbe He« retary of VV'ai to tbe r«etreury of Btate. Itiere were no peraoua p.eM-ui exe» pt tbe S.-tretary, tbe Martjuia d< ( baubmn. and WltBaa. C8888-BBB, ou tbe JOtb of January, kald ti. tbe hetretary of War tbat Bif_-.rd._ii waa tbe p88_888 of Ketultiirtou to wlu. b tb. Been tary rt tbat tbat taat au uupuUtiou upou bimaelf. Tlie roi.veraallon waa lu reiatl. 1, to tbe u_cIoibd wbich waa lo be «_._4M_i«d ia tu klber of Uie fWrrtary of War to ftie t-.wr-turv efi Maaa BB did rieit, ». ll,.- itKlcrsi'iiifiil in iitiv iitlii-r fnrtii. B* <ii<l iml BBBf Iha iiami' af tha IBwrntarj of IBatn m.-i.txni.-.i in that eonneition, tlious-li it inik'ht havt- l.i.ii. Tba iiiilnrwnirnT waa .rn tl.i' i.n. k nf :i int. r taa K> eratan >>r Btat.. tatttawBtg Rntaiagtoa't let.r t», Ln iaaaa, .""i bbb tekt- gnuB fii.iu *s.|uin- t.i BeailBg.a. Batrfltarr ittlhBag vu* r.-»-.ii.-.i aatl txanlatid by Sett- 8li.rIliUl.llti; ln* ItrlBtf. 111. < on*. 'ttBtUoa Wbleh tu<k ,,.!.. betwetai ii,ii,.. ii iitui Maraala de Cbaatama, tbe Utfttrt aajiag on tbal orraa.u a large aaat iiiiii. a lerlonu-iiiK to tlu* Kr< n. I. <.<>v< ruinnnl liit.l etis:,],-'.i; Cbauibrua l_tbet a_ta»d tluti portlea holdtug Ulli 7- ti.i 4 ... V. TlllM li! Ml'il- 1.1, in ;. 1 iu tlu* ie*- ,-i .intis. Witut Id im oa waa tarjr taaoh ateTpriaed bt iii.u, iniiii, aad taal -i* aoon aaeerinlned that Benuugtnn w.u* ti.. agral of IbeFYenib (JotrTB- llie !)t lll* .-!..|.'.<..! .< .-i.l. Ol ..ll.i- tO llilll. Tlie- M.etiil ". .1, tlu* li'iii aad i.'.i!i ..t J.tiiii...-v. agaBi ea tor Uie uieinor-in.Hiiii eniia rnniu' li. 8Bh nl itrniH aboai wbicb be ha.i pi. .mii.-l.v ipaken; wltm a Informed bim tbal tb. menuranilaai waa beiaa i>i-«-1n¦ ---1 aad woald aoon bc ready. Ii. fortnei UaUmooi witnraa s..i,i ... iiiui ii.. reeollec ion ol batiag re..u lo (Tboail ran ,..-i ii. U.i-s.-. ni ;\ of BUte.or Uifl ibduiaeuieut of te.-n. 1>\. ron the lel nl Ihe -. on Ul aal -:..!.¦. Ha waa iM.sit.v, ii, orrtcr n n.l bta letter i<. 11. Beoretary of Btate t.. .n.i on. l'p t" Ibe peeaeot tn.. i,.* bod li t.i but once, ondth. waa when Uie chiH vWrk brongbt it to bi. Io kiga. Having refi_bed bla iiiiua.'ry, tbo witn.-r-*. wa.- now ..i opinion thal 1.* ,li.l r. .nl tbe* nt to tbe Marq Chanil nn.. Tlie Bet ret_rj then n ...l lo the i ointu tn. ii.i.i aii.iiiin t.ik.-ii iit Uta tiii.i by bia ooi ndeuUal clcrk, Un pointaof tl., oonreraatlon between hita und tlu* Miiri.iiN. Tlir r.'iu-.iii why.ofl tbe 37tb af Det.Bber, tbe v. Itneaa .1 Chambi u.i into bla pritote routn, w rn all Cbauibnin kuew aboul tbe allega.ou ol groaa w.iiii-rs informed bita thal IT lt. cuultl. l.-.u-n ol any -"V. rnmanI oBeer belna > oncemod ln fronda in r-ou- :u tiuii m itb arata bc would bare tbem punl -1..-.1 ' ttam i.iuii, on tM-iiik.' eloaely .Ut.tigated, ».ii<l tho tarv eoald dntw bis own eoucluaiona, whea tbe ,.:v replied t wlutl ( ii.i« told ln ni umouatc-d to nothing. Iu both luter lewa, lo D* 21 BUd Jai.lUir. -¦. 'i.l BOUl a reaolutioii w.eiiiei li ,nt n .iluiitl iii Coiutreaa for tbe in ...»Ugatiou "i tbe aok) ol anaa; that bi* aaa frB biBj to t:.<- Adm.iatratiou, and wraa Bn_oaa the teaolutlon aboul i»- ofi n J bj Bomi per.a » bo waa .»frb ad of the Aiin. iistrat.oii. aiul fiurli.-r thal U WBTB t>.-ti.-r the ,;\ abould uae bla tnflneure to tbat <-nd. Wltneaa .lued ...ui taal ¦¦ atade nodiefcrenee to bUu wbeth.. Iii. r.- iv.ih au InveollgaUon or n..t, an-l Ihat wli:l<-lie wonld not lnvi'e- Inveatiamtion he wonld notavoldit. Knowinij biBeoudu. t waa above ntproacb, be waaoaxloua tiu- \i.ii Deportiuenl abould ft" to tha .. .in,! li,- woald tletdlj rc.-p. n.i to ... y eall. \\ it.., s*k ,|ii,.t,,i frota .-..iiitii'-ui.-ii .rn rareoua poluta ti Chantbrna'ateatUuoarjaylnirth. Maiqn.a .:.¦ Chambrun wae miatakan ln manjr or hia atatemeuta. - never -...'l r.. tbe Morqtua de (.liiiiiiliriin tbat be Ordnant, OiBce. Wltueaa (Bd not recollect aome ihinya wrhlrh thm M.,i,,iiis il. ('liaiiilu .iii ha.l BtOtOdoa hai ing occurred la convi raaUon betw. en IB m. liu- M.,i,(iue tl. ( i.iiii.uuii iii.ult- BOBM exp.anatlona n.a ..:,.l alao to iluit ol tne Beeretary li. -r,,t, ,i tbal be btvd bb to bu ron ernlng tl.e lett. r of the Beurttary ol War. i .--t. a Btraafi _1oatoa. TIIE M0R8E MEMOEIAL MEETtRO. AN IMPOBIBO Avi Mitl.AC.i-: . Ti:i.i UBABfl Ul ( 1 IVI-'.I) PBOB AI.I. QCARTERfl. We_BIB6TOM, April Hi..Tht- H;i!l of the H LBC Ol Kepi-.'s. ntat;v.s Tras ,|,Miaev CTOWdod te>Olght, oa tbe (...'.-:..' of tba mamorlal fertieaa la boaoral tba I'tof. Morae. T'n- tMH-akpr of tba Baaaa araBdrd, --. .1 i.y vi.'.-Pt .\. Ti>- r- j.nikT.e of tba Bupteiae Cbart. lagitbat with tae (.I' fl tne Btatea.ta peraoa aa by pr..x.v, d st-iitri <>n tbe laaer aaal ....-1\% Baaaton iiTid !'.. i reoentattrei occapied tba o*_i Boor. la froai Ol Iha ruam italle-ry waa au ... paiBtlBg . Prof. Merae, aad aroaad tba out.-r tiaaae of tiu* portralI waa tbe legead, .. What bath Ood trtaagbi.*1 T!n- ean n__ ¦ aara aaaaa.wltb ararer iiytue Ber. Dt. W. B ** \ rk, wben s_>ealier Llaiae upoke an Bdlewi Ia.-.;« tli;in "«' vrnrp. .il'h, 8 inun of c.'niii.- and lfarn- ina wae an eoj eat petltloi er '. re Co rri aa foi .. .,:-. .i... tbal eagplvd. Lim to u*.*t oertala oocuiI 7:,...:..s i.f .-. i. Ui ,* m .ii. n li«* ...i.l i.i ¦.:.-. .'. evi .¦.!. r aentatlvea of 40.088.000 of pex.nle aaaewi. bit- iu tiii-ir .ri.'i*.! I.a'.'. to ,1.. 1. !...!-.<. aiul bOBOrtO .. of "_orae." Graatdiaovrerara ami inre^ton rarely llve lo Fifpefa tae roll dorelopment bdu penertjoD nf their i,'.*!.ry ..on<-.-p'..>u*. bal To U:ui vrboa.-ueati; wr now m.'tirn und Wbooa fOBli celel.r te, lt waa tn Ood'a tood providenje vyycl»aafeU (¦tberwiBe. TheUttletbread <: wlre placed aaatimid lent between tn.- Natlonal < an-i a m :st!i- borlngcity grew au.l lengtbf.ed an.l mulBpUad witb al- Utyol tue t-l.itri. ,'urreut tnat dnrre.l almiK its in.l u.-rvi-s. iintil -r.-itl.iu bt» own llfetlmeeontiuent und nntocontlnent, betniaphere aaawered titr.>-:ir.. ottatn'a iiei.ilis nnto bet_fpltere, and nn ea. _ uii, t:..-i..-,i r-rtu iii» .-iiii.k'.v m tiie BaaBotebBd le- tagraad ochiaveu. i. Ch.'ired by to-lf.,nae nf K. tre-s. i.tati vea vt it n the umeable aii.i bonatablr _nty oi pre-sidn.a.- he-r.', an.l ,.i nononnelMB tbe rarioua purtiripa n the exercl.B ol the evrning, Iweleome ;,, tfna Ball Ihoot w in> j- ii witii ua ln _la rxpre*.ve tribau to tbe Baaaaa. and to tba mer.'t »f a xre-r mnu. Ar'-i unis'.ij ty tlie P,.iml, whi.'h waa Batloped raBeiT, tbc Boa.C C. CBz, B. B^aftar ptallaal narv r> marks. r»-a<i a .iT'.-p.,.! rcsohltiolia eiili.i:;.-'. Oi tn.-.-narar-tcr e.f rtif AeeeaoBd »<¦ a tnan. an.l Ba one of Ibt- " nri-btist ut.-irs !c tht- rtrnii.ii-n* -)f n l.-iuo." .s<*na' or Pattetsoa uext ii.ldr,-r.Mnl the tn»*etiiiir. reeount I aati? bictory of Matae, and tlio atruiYgles Bta- radtag IB great aeieat_c trluaipb. Ba aaa applaaded at Tbe corii-lusiein ot bia reoi.irks. IW.-.t C. -v.ii t(k*h1 niume by the Caoeal Nrtety of WaahtagtoB. Tbt* Baa. Femnn.lo W.x.d tb,n gatea aacht iBfialattta hlBnty et tba 4Bofaaa_agnetlo lelegiaab. au.l kaaaaeaUUtj aiiudt-d to tbt* fu.-t tbat be member of tbe Boaaa wbo waa a a__ r ii' th<- tiiii.4 tlu- tirst appi-i.prial.Dn WOB in.,...- i tbe invcnr.iii. Bi waa Bcaaaatlj apateadBd, aad < iae e-iaiiy a1-1,. waaaatoag U trba i -'- etetbaaataro* l i;,*n. (iarll* Id au.l tbe liun. S. 1 0o_ De xt* tborl Tbe gpeabartbaa aald tl BBgragali laatiiuaaal at tbe <l>*sk raa now workiiiic in <lir.*rr fouirnuiii' .itnm witb and ha took pit-a-'.ire la laartlBg t_ talagraai just resaitod, uaiuely: "LOtTDOa, 2 a. rn., a.-'n. Hel.t' tprll 17 "Tlie irs oi, IrelaUMl ,n.l .*-. -t .u.t j..ln ¦witii th.-ir xiiie-ruaii i.rottni'ii ;u paytaaa rnbateof re- apeol tattaory ol ttf tomadetot tn>- Mnraa ayateta, aud offer tbeir i.vmpoihy to tbe Morae Aaaociaooa la iuouiuinu' tbt luundiT of their traft. " Wl.ATHKHIlKr." Tbr- rfadinf: _a« n*ceived .1_ applau-r, espeeially tbnt portlon tnvniB tba date. Tlie fiillowinir waa r«*.-.-iv«l from BBBlreal .. Montreal jolns tlie i1i.*tiii_-ui-li»*<l aaae.My n*i~ ur Woahlngton U tidrrinit ite trlbute to ibf ntatuorrof tlie linuiortai Morae, whooi apirit btrvertin u.ielst. aad .-. iiiu- iiis, eivcr.-.i r!ic meaaa of nnltlnt witb elet- ti:c tlrt- tue world 1_ oui- <' niinnii brotberbood. '* ( 'KAIti.L.s J. C(ll-Ite«<)L, Mav ..r Tlie eaaelailBg cp<'e,'lie» were inmle bv Mcum, Voor- lic.-s an.l liank*. Votal trm-.. hy Ika ('bor.-tl Baal ty, an.l tiu !.<-nediftion by the K"V. Dr. Butlef. Chaplain of the ii .- ..( Bapreaaatattraa alaoad tba aaaaMaaa nt n o'clo'-k. I I-IATTIIE8 RECBIvrr. FROM OTHEN ( ITIFH. Tii<* f.. Itraiag are a fi-w ..f the di.spau-uea reeattod t<>- niifht aad read at the un*etluir : llo*.. K',74... At-n. UL.Tha I!"- r Ki.r.i* nf f'..mni»ire ;ram« nr.1 rerrel tl.e 'le-iU, ol 1'ro!. Morre, aod me.orne tina treat oa. ti. telffTiplar and Kieurr. Ft*L_». Ctiao. EfTr.1. April 16..The telefTiph:r Itaff ia Efrpt denlore rhe ioea >.( thr e-iurnt Prof. Muiae, wbo liea rendered aueh vaioiLle eemoa le tte trl-irapliir riir,,iion« s.l arer tlie aefbl Oimbi. MuTTBBtL. At>ni Bontre.1 ;,..n« tbe illitiB(rni«bed aaaemlilr aow at \V aehi i|-7.iri .i. trndrnen Ita inteoir to tbr meaeoir of thr imu.ortal Murnr BThaaa horer. tn oar idet and atioie (aaaaa a.kri.i-rml tbe metaie nl iuuun( wiU, elreane br. Ui. Wurlel en onr r,,_i_,,n brotBertnKai. (HtBUU J. ( ... iuau. Mej .r. Pnmrirar Omca. W. r. TaLaoaira lo.. 5aw i.hik. Ai.r.i lf Wbii> Wktfbina the eerTice ol tbr trirgrapb, to Biflel. not on.T in cou- Tertnit u, i-ou tlir eaanv lirat-rfell k"rrr..:ia;a .ef grr4l auil ...i.: iurn widriv kstiaratrd bat id thr ratt aatntirr m oatwrn.: aad loiar.ilr mre- .afri fj. ,i,( iu rrer.T diraetion »rer onr tr.rrt, I de.rr ie. ernu un bebalf uf thi. thr lergeat of a!' Ameriran teletrrtpli oflrra an.l tbe Uat, I be- ltete wbicb Prof. Borae eerr eiaikml, a tnlente o ht. iBrinnr-. A. 0. ila.w. Ba.atn Mew 1 o.k Oflrr. Tpleirmma were reaattai from all the prineipai . iUc-a in ti.c L'u.on. iu uiauy af wbleb uieetlngn wt*re beld. IU.TIM IN POIf.HKKF.I'SIK. p,.i' iiiKEEPbiE, N. Y., April I'i..Tlie Morw- Baaeatoai and laaaal Oiwvb, tb^ r^u ataat taaMaaaa of Prof. Morae, are both Hituaiml lu tbia .Ity. a faet whlrh a-a*.,- .rrruliar mtereat to the meuiorliil nn-etirg beld thl» ertkutoat ln tbe Preebytenan Cbartb, wbleh wa» densely p.t.ked. while many wi*ut away unable to truiu adiui»- kiou. Al tbe h'.id of eaa-h a.Hln waa a taiile tbickly ^trewn wlth flowera. On tbe pulplt lay a t>eaiitifiil floral r-r>.*v ii, and rxneath upou a table waa a floral ..tom. Th.* ikr*w of the late Prof. Haaaa w*ia« v»uaut^ and hiiuif lu i. ie n Mayor II. O. Kaiatuiau BjaaaBBad and'delivor'ed an Bppropnate adilrea*. ret.BTB. tl).- lif.' ot the greal etrctxlclan aud wnnniy eaBalilBg hi« aaataaaar AdiTre»»ea were alao iu «!r l.v tbe Bat. John H ICiymoixl. I*i. Hiei.nt ol V'a.:.r ( «11.*K, K<lw,anl 11. Parkrr, M. I).. au.l Uie iiou. J.euu Thtimi. >u. (TRRENT TOI'ICS AT TIIE ( A1TTAL. DEIKAT OF TIIE LAND (.BABBKR8. EXAMINATION ijl- "i..,( K-i l'" Be.TB.A CABBO AIB__IOB . IIU. I'A. IU. HAILKOAll 4,»l e__B. |BT TBUMUtrfl TO TIIK TRIBI'SK I Ba_aiBBT.I, Tueaday, April t«, 187J. Tlie Ht. Cn.lx Land (inuit bill wis day, liy th.* Houae beyoud tbe allibtf at hojrn of reaurTt-«tiou Itr aelive aupporU ra fouirbt burd B tbe laat. but uiony itthewarn. adln-reuta, wbo bad l>a»-n over perauivle.i againat tln-ir better judaim ut BB -upport th. meaeiarr on fonuer rotea. atampeded lo tlie opp «lUoo Ui.a¦ **>«> Wlmii Mi K. t. liun. enuii.ltied h, r< i.ort that tb«* ( oiik r ei.^ OBBBaBBaa bad laiied to Bflaa,Ba iia_le tbe uaual ¦gBBB '*»' H* apirtiluU.iBof b aew CeiBtBilliao. aw BaaBaaarad timt BheMaaaa raeeaVfraa «..»*¦** «; wl.lrh .i.t. K earrled. w-aat .av.- paaae8 tha billaa lt.¦:.....- rrata lha Benat*. M'rK',',','"' ;!" withdraw bta ..'"t. to e_»e Mr. Uolrn... ... ..t ,-iitv to. H ¦.' ""' Houae a.ihi re lo .a_.Vnnd_.en__ Mr Ruak'amotlon h..r'or'tv l..t ,, ,,, ., M, ll,.i,., ..,.,.,1.1. .1 ..v 11."f MeiAi,.,!,!.'.. m. t-fcet of thla v. h^tthe 411 pt-rlahea between th. ta Hotieea br reaaon ,...t.»..i .... ftirtl-r eoiifereaee will b. .-,,it The l.iii.i'.r.i.: parly l_at o ataea tl! SLOoii .1 ¦' "..'" whn baa manajred qut. rk l!t_tl_ to aeetir tbe l.ill,attrlbutet ihiareaall i..t_,l.v t" the oxpoei t:.. iiii.n.iiiiir aud iuiaie 'bt u-ani b. lio. ' ai .in.l other leadli il rv 8. Bmltb,lhea_aa eadeavoredtoeaaa m.ii.evV.i.i, by wltbdrawlna.4.08M8I froa. etrcahiUoa in N.u-.nrk. vvan e\. ;.- i.e.i bj tbe Houae Eh-Maaa-d c.ib, . i .iininiti,.-. te da]. lu ral itton io tbal tranaac- i.,n. ii. rruiikiy adailtted be "loehad bo" tbe rreenbi Hti for tbe nrreney ., ;,i,,. mui ,:,,;.;.- ., ttriurenl i,.,iiev ntarkrl Bn ol.j.ct, be -in.l. wii.- to l-rtaa .town atock*. He -aa" iii itoek. nml 'I.'- - 'i tbla arbt rac to .. b»_i tbe ma.ket. mi. >i. denied tbat 1.- hail any conven witb Prealden! Pi Imer f Ihe T. nth Batlonal Bi New York aa ta bia puxpoae when be dep. wltk io,., iu- ehacka for tbe «i.o.t...u. Tbe in,. to create a paaic aaa, ba taid, eutlrt ly bl- own, and__lBM*l li.'lii'- kno .i-e ol II wl.a.ev.M-. li.u K Kx An,iii. r Meijra wa* prt aenl wblle Bmlth w.t* _;-in. bia toatiiuoin antl atded the omm Ut. In <|.n atlonlnr htni. -, umi lh iniH-r.of tbe Ci.niuilttee exprraa theara aa not aatlntied from Smiih't teatlraoar tbat the ol nftbeT--i.rii x.iti- n.ii Bank urry free fram aay <¦,..,.- m |_ tb. ri ii.-- tion. -'..' fBfl tbat the Bank'on the mornina aftei Bmlth made hia, .¦ in i.' n.t«wuOBof Ita eall loana. a-dactmUlr ,,,,,,,,. . .iiiioiiiif ,.il,. .Ia .aillte, in a.l.ii tlon :,. ita iniounl '¦' "'".* ti,al the bank b..,i full 1.' tlJri a"a Ito ae. ire bta tn. ih, PaetOc BallroadOoaiai tt,.- ef tb- Beaata haa jriven (wo _ ,, era who .-. i .¦- ol tbe Uataa aad raaaa. Iba |bi auaa ..t Bwuehetweea Ibeea two eerpoeatleaa, II may ba WBaaaaheri whetber tbe C_Jeo Pa « Road aball ta lefljo Ired la "i-rori.te" with tl- Kanaaa Paetfe, fr«ni Clayvaa* io tbe weetern termtaui of Ui Road.oi wh.tb. allowed to char_- : eune mo.-iUu tban from Oina ea. il ia <¦¦¦- \\, red tliat .. majorl uaiiUee t_v...-> tbe l nloa Pacilk Mde -,t tbe ee li.-An!,-tb.-T..r:r! ii.iul,li,-,a_.l t!i- ____8-t_8 of tli, P'. cr,,ix i..i tbere a .- '..¦' '.'".' - ""' """ '' A bill Rarola-BB aelaaiea farrtabuloa <>f itaa Beeeaae aad aatoaaa lawa waa uiyaraed by Mr. Dawea, BpeaBer B itaa aaade a rpeet i a def-aee af a raBag ba bad u.a.i, :. .1 week ea a hi.l tafered b. Mr. Beatty, from I:., i ;i .,,,,_ in.,i.t:..... whleh rullna; Mi i.. nf. had te-.relj cntie'.aed ia»l Baturtlay. Hr. Beatty b..,l re- ported a bill to pretride for the dlatrtbntlon of pnblio diM-umeuta by depoattiuir them m the poot-ofBeea of tbe roin.try.for laleattbe coal prt_e to theQovernment. . tli.ui li.i.f .i li.l.ioii tlol- - ,,.,¦ ae, Ided,,i!_ti the I'liutiiic oi'iiiiiitt.-e. of -in,¦!'. Mr.Beattj m <Ii_i.--ui.-iii. bad ti,- n.iii i.-r. ,«'it it anl 'n..-.|ti.'-y''"'"'l ""' re- port a tiiei.-ure of _.-n- ra »r. Beatty, ln hii Baturtlay'e apeecb, elted nilinjra m rtmllar eaat hrrt-ak.-ii. Winthrop and Cobb, nnd a fonner roUna of -I.. .in .. blaiue blmaelf, tbal tbe Prlntlua Commlttee :...t tb. ii.i.i i.i reporl meaaurea Oot raatneted to the prlntlng for tbe Houae. The pr-oedeate were elearlj oa M- Beatty'a alde, aml Mr. BUiua'a attempl to akow a diaOa. ii".i i-t-i we.-n the two.-aa. -. ln whkrk ta had made lua conflirtiaa rullnjra, did u i i>ui tbe matter ln a rery rompreheuaible h«;bt. He made a good arfurnent, bow- . v,r t. prore mo Pnntlug ommittee oaabl not to l,.i-.e tbe prtrileg. whi, b tli ilpn obrionaly «ave tbem, and the Hou ., 8__rlng ia tbe preralenl __apo_ltiou to lnterpret hiwi aad i-irulatloni Ul 111.1111 IlOt tbi V A.,l.!Ul lt m tl,.,!l_!lt ,1..- nriilile they ahould mean, suatulaed ti- Bpeaki r .- rulma; bj un aiuiont aaaala..i rote. Mr Dawea barlaa eaa BB aad ardaoaa babomta Comasllteeapon the Tai hijiI 'i';,i!il leitvt- 18r aia boaae _a Maaa -.,:,.--ui-.. a few dav- of mocb-ne*d< a tbe bin eomea up for TOBeiU_-"_l"n tn Uw Houae, li<: t_j..-ciB to i-..-i_iu ::- u week. Tb. Baaaa Camaataae on MUltary Afhtn itrraed day, to reporl farorahlr aat a Ibe i Bah bin ti_ib. .!.<. payef tue eB-atedmeao-tbe B___y,whleheatabBabee, with aiu-i.t Bo__-_a_-e_, tba ratea ef paj oowwrnpo- .... ,. j ,.v alao acreed t«, r.-j.-.r. tlleBenatt l.'nl u< t.rev. ni i)er< .ti,.!. ai,.i Unprove ttu conditiouof tne tolitlera n\ eneourairlns tbem dep. Mr a iM,rt.,,n ,.f thelr pav ln the Tr-aaurj', throagb tbe paymaatera. for retention by the Oorernmenf, at fonr per eeal lutertbt until the e._>irati,aa ot thelr t.-ims ,,f anUatmeBt. Tbt; Attoru. v-t,ei.,-ra. baa -<l_99.l-tl Jud_e WUllani I_.w- reiu. of Obui, a former Memher of fjtinrrts., aa tbe arb! trator betweea the United Htat-n aadJadaawalBBd "f Iadii".- wbo waa aaaawataf ihe'.ov-rnment for Ibe p.tyment of certain bonatj and other clalma of Indlana iu the Indian Terrltei It will be rememhen ,1 tbal ttae matter tn dlatrate inrolTea aboat aball .llllon of dol- lara. Judfe Lawrenee will enb r npon tbe rinti. - of t. . apiM.iiitni.-i.t aa BOOB 88 the t. ri.tiiniiv, ta tbe abapeof itbdavlta, tve., can be taken ln tbe Indian rounti be wili alao loii-iil-r the rouchera and acet anta wbleb ji-.,l_e Wrigbt '-v'.;i preaent Tbeapp-aranc- of tbt eaae 1. decldedly ajk-jul Judge Wriajbt, w bo, lt ia alleajifd b tbe ...iiernn.'iii ofHcera, r...ik a illshoutet courrc iii r.¦- -iu-.i to aaoaeya |,ia<-. ,1 ln bla haada, Tbe Boaae Apprepriatleaa aaaalttee to day k .ded U recemmeadaa approprlatleBof M-^aafoi tbaeoattoaa. tioTi of the exptoT-t-oaaof tba olorade lUv.-.- bj .vi.ij.-r PowelL _ fQ_rT__J_I, Hi-.-O Ti., eolored].otool tbn -eaUty, lo-tay.eelea - .rv of the Pr>>. hiniafioii al-.'..!..tipt >!avery ui tba l' -'..' "f "lutuiua. Tin- preeaaalaa. wbleb waa formed ef aaaaaaaa aalorad mllltary aad elrU aaaoetw - w.m qwlte lon_, .uid Iba Bieplay waa Itaa. Tba reeta aloaa; the roate were thronajed witb eothaalaatie rolored people. Tbedlaplayla eoncededtobe Un wiii.-b haa yet beea isade ea aa aeeaahmof tblacharac- t ,|. -, .¦, in i were made n tha affernix.u. and a reti j-- tion ln tbe e.enlng eoaela_. ib- exaraaa -. Xbi Cablnet raa ln aeaalon for aboel two ro-d.iy, aii tbe niiint'.T- betaa preaeal e _p.n* -ecreiary Delano, wbo la atill Weet. Uan. Cawau reoeeaeated tue Dep.rt_leat of tb,- Intertor. Tb- apedal feature of m- tereat waa tba r,ii,ini_ td ,t lelmiaai froin ti_n. Bbenrtan to the Beeretarr of 8 nr aaaoain--...a tbat 3S i rTratea aad anaua laaimra irrthn fnaraapam im.l eraaaad 18a rirer. Tbey were .irr. ited in takt n to Baa Aati alo, a Bere Um pnvate-. w-re r.l. aeed "ii piir, -.. tlio.itrb lha ..ilinr- ir.- atill uiidt-r| arreat. (ieu. Slurblau aaka wbat .liFpo- aition .n to Im- niiKle .f thi-tii I Tli- aahjacl waa r,- frrre.i lo the Attoraey-.a__ial, who win eorraapond witb ref.nnre tin r. i.i wilb tba lot-al Ht.ite autUoriti. I atHaii Autoiuo. Thi.- Lauinet waa al.., eaaaged vtith departmeotal buatiteeeof aa extraardlaarj -.uijiort. MBIH 0. B.kTAJfOBCa BTTLI. THBBAIBBBO A ME..K kN wii- BBO-JDI 08 in ri x v-. IfAT-MOBOa, April 1-...BaTI-ral of <i«'ii. Corti- aa'a priaclpal a__ean aame in laat nieht le h»id a con- aultation f.,r th, de_n_M of UM clty. Tbe r.-volutiouitta ure atill in tbe ueijrhliorhood of Keynona. Be reenfone- Baeata hara eoaaa forward from VeraCraa. Qea. Vai.lez, who waa driv.-n from Pledraa Biaraabyt-U revolutioii- iri- mmbm wet ki .._!>. appeared it Lan-.lo. Texaa, wbere ledacamp wlw about KM mea, lateadlacu>al tii.k .Vii.Mi I_ir, <lo, Mexi,o. when lapt. .Meyera, t-oii.- Fori aelatoeb, Texaa, aroBeap hl-eaiun witu ii:'.-: Btat. ¦ troope, aad arreated about _8ef th-uii- buatera. who are Beld aa nrtaeaen for violaiiujf lha _eu- ua-fv Lawsoi Iba D-itadautea. A MO.B-_-_8-A ___-!__¦ IN JAIL. JuHti.t- Wm. F. Bavaae ot MarrlaaalB aaa lo.lae.liu the County Jail at Whlte Tlaiiia aa Haada. ereaiaa. A hhort time air», yountt men renldlng iu tbe Tbird Ward of Morrlaania orirani.e.1 a tlrc eujfiue com- pany, but were unahle to raiae the mouey re.juired for the iitin-hare .f a new -ntrlrie. f'harlca Monka atlvam-ed tbe amount of tl.e detl.-ienry, and took a chait-l un.ri- rajr. upon tbe aaalaa. When tbe uiortirat?'' ___8889 uue. Mr. Miwka wlahrd to have hia tuou.-y refuuded, and thr-ut..iu-.i to fereeJaea the m«rt_a.e. Ba aaaalojred Jitatie, Browae to atr-ud to the matter. Tbe BresMB raiaed tbe aaaouat, wblcb waa about r^ou. and paid lt 81 Jiiatin lin.wiio, who, U lt ia 8-kaed, dld'uot trauafer it U) Mr. Monka. Tbe laiter, learnintr, thnt tbe mortirai.'" had been paul, a.ked Ju.ti-t- BreWBS for lha uioney. witb¬ out anv tatiafartory re.ult. II- tbea aaad Jaatlee Hrowi.e to raeorer ib<- aaasaaf ami abtainad ju.i.uieut, uoi tae Hh.rlff on iroliig to Juntn-e liiowne'a houae found uo |,r,,j>.-rtj he emilil -ut-. BataeejaeBt i«'_»l proeeed- iu_r. led to tht: arreat of JaattM llrowue aud bi. .ouiuiit- nient to jail. ANOTHLK BT-BAJf-DB mVMM. CtacnrBATI, Apnl 1«»..<>n Mon.lay, the .team. r 0888888 a r.ek in Keutucky lUv-r, at tbe uioiitb of Ii... <reek, 160 mllea 88888 Krankfort, caji- aiai'd. aml aunk in 30 f-et of water. The orew wtre aaved, with t'jt- ext-ptlon of Heury Loekhait. a tolor-d t-ook, who waa drowued. ho laauraiitc. CKIMEf AM) C-_r_f____B-_F-_V TELf:<.HAPff ....Tbouiaa Herty. convn te.l of iimrrl-r iu Mal- brti M.a i.n rri. .ra:rui_. lu lua Malr Fniwa oi lifr. ....Tbe trial of l.y.lia .Sli-rtnan f..r the poiaonina nf Ii.i 1. .1....,: 11. > -i.r .... ..¦ M . ia ltrtttj, . . .," 'B _*»¦* 11. -n , ...The hrijriiiitHi- MavHower. rtinning l.etw.en ll.lifn ml H-' ... lara .i-._i .1 -r.l I''"" .' ' tta .... aaw MTBd. I.utht-r Stroiip, a well known at.i»<'-ra|.her ' li ..rt- i.-i wii l«u_d -»-. M r-..l j. iroUf uiurBiu*.- 81 ¦ iopi~«. .".¦ ..¦ mJ<,'«,.,: bf taa tnm tb. _«.. Liquora tn the valn.-..f HMMWfBa ael MuiaU? la ik. -t-r. ,.f f.»o. w ,u F.yUi U.ia.tit U.*_,u a.. i,_-|r.i Metaa.a «f ua I'lcur ..... It ia rejMirtetl th*f a _Taveyafd iu ____¦_¦__.. M... ... iK-r. ._._rr,._r.. _...r.l »r..ri _«...» ..... "_".___¦._' TW 4_ammm ,.fta*_ _-. r t_4 ILi. MM laaa 88.888 Ml .? . "a aa UMrtlHm ta aala .....,._..... THK ALABAMA CLAIMS. TEXT OP IHE BH1TS_1 IfOTE T') TIIE Attill- TSATOBS. nn Hinrisii tWIBBB.BBT BBBBM that Till. IBTHBBd I."BBM ARE WITHIN TIIE BCTIPI Or TIIE AHItlTRATlON.IT I*< I'K- Hia< t_ 0f I'I'"' i:i I'IM. WITH THK BBTBB- TO CLAIMS BOB DBtSCI I.BMB.A rOBMAB I'K I.VKAIION MAOE. BTATBBBBl- IN IVUI.1.A.M..NT. laOVI.dv. Tm si!ay, April 11, 1^2. Tlie foUowta| n«.t.* :ic. .eiiip.' tlu* ("iintor :n<* (Mivcr.'l |o tlie Board of Arhitratimi :it, jrt.terdaj, aa baaa.of Graat Britala: Tiu* nii.i. rotgaed i. itiHtnu-icii i.y Bat Bafeety'e <;»¦¦- erataaal ta -ay that, wltin- pr.->4.7iitln_: t.n*ir .-oniit. r... -e- iitnie*riiie apectal raaarvaBaa baealaallBf aaeallooed, ri.. i tiii.i :t in. nml.t npon tbi'in to Inforni tba Arl.t- that a B_a_dae_aadtag baa uiiforliuiately urir, ri ti twaea Oraal BrltaBi aml tka Battod Htan-a laafihlag tu.- n.itiir.* aad .-xi.'iit of tha alatatfl r.-ferreei te) in tbe Treat* »f Waabtagtaa. Th<* atloaadatataadlag n L.ii-s iu abtbaa for n..i.r.. t laaaaa aad. tiir.-.- baad i. l»«h bj th.' traaaf. of Aaatieaa ibipptag ta Um UntiHli Hair. *.'. I.e.^. tr<>tn enhaneed Inanninee. 3. l.osk froiu preelel,i)C.'ttli,!l uf tlie* W.IT. Iha cltiiriia Ior iiielirei-r MaBBB nr.' not itdtiiitti-il bf ii r Bojoaly'fl Qavaraaaat la bi- wiihin taa Bsofa aad Int..t.a af UM Ari.itrat.on. Her BaJaeti*B Ootata ui. ut li..-..' beaa and alill are ln ,-«,i,-. speeiule-iie-,- wltb tba Ooreraataal of Me Dl led Btatea ta relaBsa Mbib> to. As ;i,,ii ,',erri's|N,:i,li*iit-i- haa uot li.-.-n nronniit to a Iliial BBBB, Her Bajeatj'a (ioverniiient dcsiro that tlie Arliltr:itinti hIi.UI ptaeaad witb refercuie to claiuia for direet ln**. Tlu y havo thoiurbt tt proper, BBtaattflM, to ptaaeal a eaaaaaraaaa wim-b is atn.'.iy eeaUaad te .lir*. r fiainir", ln Ma h"p" that the ¦BfillfBBBB nii.-uii- bV uu- may Im* remov.'d. Her Mii|.-stj'a c.iv*'time nt hfr.*'.y erpfc sl,- aad fonii.iiiy aottiy tbo Ai i.etr itora tbal tbia eoaalBf pii-si-nie-.i tkitimut iii.'iiiiini* to Ma iMiaition Baaaaaed by n.-r .Man-stv'. leiiiciiiiii.-nt iu th.) eanaBBaadeBee wbanta taflerea. h. beea aiada, an.l uu.i.*r expreaa ri tettktlotl of .,11 Bei M-ii. tly'a n^-litai ui tht; etOBt ol a rUBVri ontinoing t.. ezlal ii. tweoa Ma partlaa lt ii, it'ss iry. furt-t-r eoiuuiiiua-atiou will he made to th. Ar:)i:r.i:e,ra. Ti.Mi.iiDi.v. A »«f>4-« d_pateb from Gaaera to The btuly .Neii-» 'i: ir, i, .11 <-.l tbeaatara of tba arotaat acuiiiKt tbe juriMli.ti.iri of theaibitrat.irs af GaaOTB over the Anicrieaa eb_aa for indircet daaaaeBa. which BeTaanpaaki tha BriBah faraalfer aaaa. may prrereaI a Bettletaeal af tha diapale betweea Euglaud aml Atn.-ri. tt unni'iu* UM_f those <*l.-iirns." Earl i.ranviiie laid eWfaaaIhe Baaaa et _a_i t<>- niirht the .-oiiiite-r :is,' and n«.te praaaatad at (i.*neva ve-sTr.i.ii iij- the acri'Tit e.n the part of Oraal Britala. II.- stiteii that, whea tl,.* ar.(BBpaayiag aaaa ot pr.,- T. st w . e'.e-livf-ro.l. Mr. Datia, the ajrent OB the part of tli. Uaiaad Btatea, naid bia balractieBa did aot e.'nt.-inplate the prohahility of BOt. B BB. ; li«' therafan naarrad f.*r tba Goraaaaaaal <>f tha Ualted Btatea rh.* rlght to titiflieate the gropo af the- Trealy fif Iu the Baaaa af C.BBUBM Mr. (iladati.ii." aaada a a___ BtBttaaeat, aad aaid he lmped aaaa t«> han a bi____ Btuab. af eopiea <>f tha aaaatar aaaa aad ataaaiipaiijlin imiIii ior ili.-.tri- lnitiun to nll rhe meaibera ef E___teut, A.fBICAB BXPLT TO BABX. QBABYILL.*8 tAiT BOTE.fUCCEIFT OF TBI A.EBI._ COBB.IB &si 1PT TTTE(,RArn T(> TTT!7 TeUWBB.1 BABaiBOtOB, Tn.-Hilay, April IB, BV- It i" rtr.flersTofxl tbat tba raptj of trarGaa.BBienl T.i Earl firativill.-M lant BO. h:.H baaa pr.*- par. .1, and will go out in ta PBWTBW'a ateaaMT. A eopy ei the a_ar__ BttpflaflaaatBiy Caae, oi n pieation to tba Dtittab Caae, w_ neaired bjr Mr. Eixb. jaataadaf or ta_ay aad w:m laid l>ef.rre the Cabinet at itn iiie.-tirikr tixlav. bnt it was not read or diaeaBBade It is a eouesideraltly she rr.*r diw.unent than the Caae proper. and ia derote.1. ef eourse, not to a rcHtafi'iin-nt of Th,* poiata Baada ia tbal daaaaaaal, bal toa aaaaaai-ra- tion ef tLe pi BB.__ BBBaBB. en tlie Biiti.ih Case- PROF. TBEODORE D. WOOUBEY ON TIIE AMi;i:l' A\ CA8E. nr OPPOaEB TBB CtAIMB rnn IWDIBBCT BAB- A, ,.ini; ootbbbm.R .i-iki.i) ro rusow THEM OTBBBOABBe from Tke l<uUrtrn,lmt. Tho writer af tlii* artie. feela bimself movrd Lo oae tbi .lumna. Vhe Indtptndrttt.lawlulnad- _ tbe publie on the true eonatroctlon of ibe of Waablagton. Boaaucb baa beea writina ob tins mot- t, rtiiaf perliaps n.itlinu'new ,*an .,,* -.ii.1; Bod v.-t poi ba. a relterat.n ol abal may bave been s.,,,i i.-. ininot.rfonnwllln«rtbe whoUr detold of aae. w- aball conflae ottroelt-a prtncipally ro nn mquiry bU, tbe Beaalag of the Tn-aty tlaelf. Bnt. before ii s.-tikkitu niaiii tahlaft. we aay !»* por- nnttad to exnreaa oar coottctioB that th.- claimot inni- re. r rjamatea im*. recelved it« fuii rondemoaUon "n ihin ..,t,..f th« water. nn ttt-ing Ind. flnit.' nmt inrapuhl.* of leiuttou Th- rr- ara BBOte .H-r«oiia, .Obtleaa, who think ,_ ibe ** enbi.oed poytnent ot lneBtraaeeH an.l th. ;<>-* ,.,'.. frinsf. r .,f a lartte part of Me Ataerieaa eomaiar- c_ niaiii..' to tbe I'.ntisii il te" .'sp.-i'i.ii'v the Bnt, BUti heeatiaiated ln money l.ut tbere en' tew.l apprebend, .I,,, do not talk niinoHf with datialtra <>f Me elalta r.r J.uaeTra ou a.ioiirit of "the proion<;.ition of liI.. -_ and f..r " tbe atldltlon of a lar.'.* 411111 , rh,.' .'-oat of rhe war and the aayprat.011 >.f ei.a R. -ik. : Ion " Wo beUeva the«.' ninttor» have t,.en itts- ",,. nf M at tba m'ri't of the paMie tn roncerncl; ,.,t' no ttteeu n.i.le.rtry of tblnklnar pet-na, Inelad- n_ ali poUt.ana eieapl thone. lf Men be any *.i,'h. who i...-,- fotlah in troui.K-d water, would be glaal ro m-n t_eaa tadlrect clala. throwa overtoara, at aaalraa aad wortbltaa trelgal on rhe ahipof Maaa ftatlluijon tartwd Ti, ..amiiable aettlemeut." Wa bope that ferenaratiieiiH have i.e.*n made r..r aaeb a eoaautu- ..ti.u; but, lf they have not t.n wa weald onite w-tli thonaaudH of other* iu eritreatiiig tbe VoTernment tbal no pnde of eoBBieteafTr. eoatiatlon of tbe loattee ol toab daiaaa may atataal Ma .urong oplnloa, u we think lt to ba, ot tht* tteopha, from ii.Vni: .arri.-t out. The money ln iiothiti_. BOBM ha. v.M-.-teel that mueb wiil ever BOB. into the treanury from thia'. The .rv ou oB Mdea la; Bperxly (ottle- ___. the __Wlabtneal ol tli- prlaetpleol BrbTtraUon, \Xi:inaT,r.,*-iw"'s..f neaoM,aot.-aill betwaaaMaSagllab- epeatl"- I^«"urt* Wo tUrU U°W W Ue 'UkM* lUeU' aud Inqiiire: THE ItniTtsn INTERrRFTATIOB OF TIIE TRBATT. Htall B.B we an now aufhorued to impute to the Biltieht omminaloners, as tbclr int.rpretatlou oftbe Treaty ln re|ruril To taaBBfaBBBBl damaifea. In thi- arti- i, .,f Fehruary 15. putiliahed ln The Indeptiutent, we aaid that w<-found little aa yet to gaaM us tn reeanl to the tuiurcfaiona of tbe Britiab memhcrs of tbe Hikch PtwiTnaar. But atnee tben, frura every fjuarfer. evl- d.-uci* haa lieen eonunic ln that they roiuetv.-d aaeb a tbii.irto he outof the ijiie-ition.evldeuee cerlved from exnre.loi.e »f their. Iwfore they left thia inuiitry, aa weli aa alt, rwnrd. Tbey bave dcelared thia ao poaiMvalj that the UritlHh natlon, ot all politieal lvpen, ta eon- vtuceil of lt wlth a rare unaniniity. It la not the oppoal- t,on to tbia elaea of elalina wlueh h.falled fnrth their dlmtialmera, we are uersuarted ; but tbey lieirantoex- preaa tbeuiovlvt-a loug beioro our "caso" BBBebBfl Bteamtt How could thia expreaaed and atrontr opinion of a imiulierof BBBB hare been forme.l withont aome reaaon for itl Were they an atupld aud uiirefl.-er- liic aa a raw atoek-itanibler wbo. In bia excltein.iit. ahee.i.d herome bankrupt hy eine but t Had they not (lu- aUiteuenta in tbeir tniiida which were made no eariy 111 tlnir neaaiona aa MaKb H, and are priuted iu tbe BfBtoejol uuder dat. of Muv 11 Tb re muat bave tieeu eoiue gn..l or tiiaiisilile for t.ielr uinterstan.llBg and luter- umiaU.m. If. ludeed. It < ould 1»* uiade to BffOBt that eiur CouiuusHieiiiers ti.,,1 i.i«t tlu* optKMiite uiidt-ratandino. tbat i-rt.iinly woul.l b.* a atroug IHilut eveu theu the iiuaiiliiioiia convlellou of lier Htfenta woul.l Iti.tlfy thr Qaeen, oa prlaelplea of momlity, frum break- imt t.tha art.ttratmu. The Oaa__08u_ra, of eoutae, would Ire rlleut at tlie- BttflBBl time. and alui .* illflleillllen liave arinen. iu reitanlte. Ibe true meauiiut ol tbe rieati: l.ut It .eeeiue likely tlait they li.i.l uo .lotil) what lt uie.iut litat afler tbey dui.he.l their b.iNiueM. For they aiieiu to have 110 oh-tacie Iii the wny of an e.iav a.l- jiwetuient «f onr rlaiina, wbirb eerra.nlv eoul.t not b.ive lareutUe cta.* if lUey iiaei the *iiau ou whicli the ailotra- i.i.u .ii 1. a fu. .11 vl.-w. no. iiuiTisii i:_a aAaBH ao BBaaaaBCB to tiie indi- lll.i T I...S.11 s. TTlirrf We hare turne.1 tbe "Caae" preparee] under the dirr. tlou of tb« Hrltub (i.ev.-rnmeut. whiel, ha« l»*. n ln thtarountry uow about a moutb, to m-o if 11 MBBB ad auy .ona. lounoeaa 00 the |iart of tts autuoi or BaMata*.iii«e,nienttaldaiiiaa;e« would be urired on the part ofeeurOiev.-rn.i, nr Wl.o prepared lt We are no( 111- fe.nneU. Tbe 1* |x.rl tUat U.r,l Telil. r.f. 11 baal a liai.d iu lt, ,f it .U.i a. wBottj (taaa baa i«-n ..<"i 00 mao ..ould know Iwiler Miaii lie. .uie of tbe jniut nerreiar.. ., wtiai w.i. iill.ler.l.I I'J Uie I .i..|,|s*lon |l« 1«> tllle i_ai- terT.fdatu.iava W* do u»t preteud to batB Md Ibe whole uf UUa .1... uiuent bul we have taarebrd . taiu iu Maaa parta of it wbere a aoareb wau.I ba u. be rrwar.i.d Nt aay ludt.-atkou ( .1 fliiapulon waa eoUiUiued .l ... i.hui Uta Um ou.- lu qur»Uo_ lt .- a roiai BBd tUv dnl u- J.M.iei.t. Saa terv 1,1 or« ibaa the ( .. - pr. ,.._ed i.v our (i..reru.ue..t. mi. upti'B to Bu w t. t nrrat llrltiil.i df u..t {BB ... the '.!-"*JM*B .- UtBBl BblllBll88B M d.Uurdl)> Ibe Ible tmk «. .- Trentv, in thoae Inatanee. in whleh the, l.nitad Sfafea .:i.n_ I her witb ao do.iiK.tliat la, wilh r.-Mpet-l U> the fntir v. iaai-Ia luKiwn tu. the Floilda, Alabama, Oaaraia. aad flbrnandaah AfBar a ab_8e8 ef tta aaaaaa paaaaed in r< Iui, n to ..ur eivi w.,r bv t.reat Brltain an.l other marifinii powera, foBowa a Htatemenf on lareraat.aal rlehta hikI dutli-.. oo the pow-r- of prereatiaa na- lawful lOuipmentrt paaaaBBM by tbe Rrili.b ni.-iit. arel ou the iiiau.i. r ...ul . irniiun'iiu,-ea in .md un- der wbleb tbeee powera were exerdaed dnnaf tbe war. [athM part ,.f tba eaae a MBaBaeceaat lua-rted,.. our neiilialify l.iv-A. wbl,ll have lieen iu foree for mon tbiiii -.0 reara,aad bara beea beld 'lur.nir that perlo.1 ..!./ii,e b .-i-l ifive authority of the United nileiiiiat.. for i'« purp.,?-.-:" wblle yet, "aotwltbataadlua I'li, ve.Melri hav. fruoi time to tun, b< B tl't.-d out and _: in. -I wltbta fi,. t altad Btatea toeralaea-d cam- mll hii-tiiifi.'M^t natlona wi-h whieh th- United rti.itea w.-re at 88888," ao " a 8818 lona. a were nitlui.-.l .... thoae aettaaa by Iba .1, ,.1',-tliitl.iiia »f »,i< li weaeela." Mlcht not tb, ae aimllar eraetoaa oeear elaewbere, wtthnnt fault .... fhe parl »f II. n.-utial I'ower wti..' law. w, r<- tbit.A tiolatedl Tbea, after a brbnT ehapter oa tha powera ef tbe Brltlah Go.ernmeat to prereal siuniar Infr.:_oee "f neiitnilnv lawa, aad the metboda of ao dobur. foib-w .. a_faaaea'a ,.f faet* ralattre" te fhe bar reea u aataed, wbi.-b tiikt- up iln- ar.-at.r parl >>f Iba t ure. iu tba wo paaaa of "reamraa la ooaelaaloa" .>,-..,ir-. tba ouiy paarajn wht-h we have aotleed havimr aay apparent i"f, r, ii.-,-1<> iudirect. d.auvx-e, ae extre. I i f- w word.-. oi it. i'i,a poiut eoiiFHiireii ia tba juFt iu, u-uie aad exteat of tbe llabOlty to the United Btatei wbii i. mlchl poHiiblv lie rliarir-d ii_r:tiiirir. (ir-itt Brltatfl hy lha Tiil.tnial at (i.ut va. LosaeH, if la Uinre aaid, of WliieU liettli.e uee il tbr .|i~rt »».l rrnil-it. 'in-- 'inl ;t ll Ib .IBr-. nf iwh obN that n.n|rrnaat..B aaaM JuaiIt h. arr r.i.inni,iv no. ri.j to»piri>. fr.ini ihi.M-minunna fma o'brr raoar.. Sacn. in wirlik. .ip.r.u..nA , trriirrii|.,-,|n. not .nlv t,. th. f.irr,. ixiAtrri..- bal ta tba akil 18 l.Ttr.1 tl th. ¦BBBBBtM .omhltllil. If .-!...,ba of thia aa'lirr aar. _¦_.¦, a l.illi.r.nt -i|lit ilr-iaii ti. Im- iiiO.mi.iii MaUtl i^inat r ,ii.r.(.jrurrB fairl, ittnbutalilr, ib part nr . lL,_n!irr, B..t tn ih. baM of th. Uit-r. hut to hia own w_nt of rwp,irit/ imi rui.rtiria.. llrr Huritv . 'MWWB.aaI i.l.r.n,. ;ir.l M unt tli.t in r.ii'rrt M Ba atmnmt ta .___.__* th. forr..i,«f atmtaeatmt rrl.t.. ,i,rr.. wu on thr .art oi thr 0-TwT-. BH-at uf ito Liiit-l >uir,.ir it. .itli.-.r.. ao riir.Plinirv rrii;A«nr«A n -lain. tlir n.Tii forrrA it ,tA,|i.ij,iAAi iiul f o.'linarT ttrntHf i.a he.n rixrrt^l |_ th. to an.l riptur. thr_> rr_rl.. th. I..Wl of AlllCII II..' nilr,1 M.. UOW c.lIBpuAib WOUiu yrTuOUl. lUVI b_rn in mriinrw irrrtrri." Here iti the pai.B8h_-ia the refer. nee, the eontext abews. ia t" ,,).-.-. lnltieted or .-aiirw-.l bv any of tb- 81.I* naryopera_oai af war; ami iu the re.t of tba pa tb- atialoto throw on tbe l.'nited Btaaaa aad thelr eera maeh ef tha loaa tbal tho four raaaala .taa eaaion. ,i. li M tberafaea. tbal ramota nnurv. w ii aa our eaae r.atemplatee, waa not area aa _ tbt 'i :lit of iiv tbe wril.-r, mileat tbat parcuth-ai.« ahould be tbo.ifrht l<, form an exe.-ptlon. TIIK bb.88.Bi INTF.RI RFTATtOV. Fourih : Wt .-ouie now to the paeBBBI la onr r.tro, Part VI.. and fo the paaaair- In the protoeol on whieh it laBarmed, beastfaf aar i-,a.i-r8 not to kaaB at tbi- .,, rrnmhe r./wfif/i, but aa Immiis:, we believe, not. nur old story told over. The wonla "amicahle «.-ftletneut" 88881 four timea in Bba .loeiimenta whn-h 88889898 88. i. «., ln the protoeoln of th.- oonferenee of the Hi.h Ca_B> B.aMaaan an.l tho Treaty. (1.) They oeeur in the letter of Mr. FI.aIi of .Inn. 30. 1(471, where the Prenident er- prenaea tba .8.N that Ibe Alabaaaa .-iamiA mav ta ti eated of by tba Hi_h rninailaaoa aad " Ibaa ba put la t lu- wa r .f an amn able A.'ttl-ment." Her- tbe meanlinr is ¦eaeral, aad, whetber tbe werda referred 10 any Bual .i-eni-v of tbe ComBBbaaaa or to lalttatlOB "f aeaa area beyoaid tlnir own aetlon, they eould be naad eajuallr w.-ll. f_l I" tbe fuli pow.-r irlveii by tbe Quoen .F.b. 18, I8T1), wbere ocear tbe worde M for Ibe wuipooe " . . . "oi tieiitin. tor an a«r.emeiit aa to tlie motle of thelr amicahle Bettlement.'' Their refer^ to all tbe dlflewnee. lieiw-.-u the fwii .ioverntuenta. aud the *enA.- > eiju.ii.v ejeneraL fl.) In the Treatv Itaelf. at the v.-ry beirlnaiuir, we tin'! tba two -OTerameata, " belaa .leHirouato pr.vide for an atnical.le aettlement of all e88aM "f -i.ifi reii,..." et.-.. appolnt iilt-nijiotentiarieF,-te., wln-re. a.aln, tba88888 ean only ta r-n.-ral. .4.1 In th- proto¬ eol, Mav 4. lnTl.mention la made of .1 eonf-reii,..- oath. itb of .M.uib.ib.- third meetina; of the Commia- sion after their full j.owers were whn-h our Commuailonera enunierateii th.-wrorii:- ea.aed by Oreal Brttalatotbe people and uovemment of tb,- I iiii.d Btatea.botb taad.eetaad Indireel loaaea ¦ aad ..1 ,i that, "in tbe bope of aa amioiib le aettjement no ea- II taate waa awdeof indir-et loaae., witi.otif (rrejudlee, bowever, to tba rlifht to nleiuniilcatlou on tb-ir aosaUBl III 111 iveiit of uo 1,11, b aettlement bellltf Oiaile." >,,w. lf tbe Tleaty coatalned aacta an amicahle Kttle- tn. nt. tlie rirhf of mdeninitleitti.,n for in.llr-et loaaea here Mibat_utiallv waived. If by theae wortla. ou the uutrary, \t tateaded a wttletuent.en bioc, tor inatanee .by tlie Jotut Huh t'ooiniiaaionert tb.-.UF»-lv.-.A, sueb r'-bt of in.leu.nilieation waa not waived. We have, pmne.l oar falth ou tbe dei-laration 111 the Tane ip. 46-, tbat "the KrltiFh romusiaFionerF derlined to make tbe . amicahle aettlement' whieh waa propoaed ou tbe part of tbe I'i ite.l Bmtaa." And that thia faifh w.F not -11- tirely bllod la abowa by a p.-.-.a_e ta the protoeol f.,i- lowinii .0011 after tbe oue already (juoted, iu whivh. on tbat 8th of Mitr-h, our Commi.-.ioneM i.ropoaed tbat - tba Ji.ttit Hi-b CaaaBBB.lea ahould upouaauui whleh ahould be puid ln «atiaf_A'tion of aii claitns and in- tereet tber.-.m." That ia, tbe hope wa* then enter- -.,.. 1. ,1 tbat tbe Oomariaalon would nettic erenrtbtof; or, in otber w.irda, l.nnir about an iiinuahle aettieui.-nf. >- Aii.ii A.-ttl. 111e.1t iM-niii maile. lt waa not .li.-liouorable to i,in,_ L___net .aaea before a court of arbitrauou, wnicb waa afterward eatal d D___XrOC_rr____B coaacct or the bkiti.-h ,.ommis- BMMntBB What Beaalea Bl not a littl.- Jaal here is tbat, after sut'h full aad dlatlael atafemeata, tht- Br.tlab CommiF.ionera ahould 11.'.'-r 11,.- aaapect rbat tbe sunjeetof todtraet u,i_i.t eoaae ap n__in. a'e eannot espaaa thi.. vv hope that It niay Im explalned witbout the neeeaalty of imiMitlnjratuptdi'v tO 088 party. or want of openneBi to tbe otber, or .-M interpretation to the ca_e of the United Btatea. n.if the moral from the whole ls that tlu- muddle, bowever eaaaed, \* an a.l.lltlonal reaaon f.r bavlnti 11 Aiicii.fl-it ia wnie way that tb- Indirect aad i-i,ii.ei.uentuii ,latua_e« are not to be urire.l before tb- Arblirntlon. lf 88-8-8 fo thin eff.-et have gOBM out, or aaaiiiaBfia been giv-n, 8«. 11111. tbe ln-tt-r. It ia a pity, we ad.l, in cloatae, that the Otirt ih eona_- tuted loa. aa it la. Th.- n.iu-Eiiirl:ah-.iK;a_iuaT Biembera appear to to aaea of aa areai ataadta1-. aad ..r- .ald to h.tve but a sleu.ler knowle,l_- of tbe Eii.Unh lau__.i.-. Tbere an- baadredaof peraooata Buropeacqu.tntedwnn liiw. wtth En-liFh, and with tti'l.Tj-, whoae v».,-e woind oarrytaafold the weiuht of theirs. In order that the prlnelple of arlutrati.-u may make itn wav iu tbe world, th-re .et'lllH to be need of B more inte.iU'ent Ulode of ex- ,>rt i-ni_ lf than waa adopted In the tustanoe before ua. And that tbla prlaelpta may make ita way n *i v.t-t.v lmi«,rtant tbat wo ahould re_ard it b.-ti.-r aud even eb.iiir.-r iu tbe Ion,, ruu tbat tlie I'nitod Statea 8hould ennaent not i" urgtj eten ita J'tat eiaiina tban thar there ahould i>e a faitur- lu thia ,-nieial eTjrenmeut at Oeneva. AFFAIR? IM l.TAII-nEHI'LT OF TIIE I..VTE DE- C-UOB. Salt L.vkf. Citt, April Itl..The talagraphk aaaaaaeemeal af the supreme Court d.-eisiou la the EiiKle.breebi t-ane. tin* morninjr, depr-aaed the treutll-a iiii.l I.iberalr.. Tbe Mormons are Jubliant. The Mormon authonuea commeuee.l a B-B-M of arresta thia afteruooa for refuaal to i-ay oppreHilve taxes and lleenaea. An apoatate Mormon merchaut aamed Sllver, waa draa»red over hia eounter, throuirh the street, with all mannar of tndlrrnlty, nnd tortured with wlre wrtst euffa, to the Clty Hall luteuae ext-lteiueut enaut-,1 and hiiinlreds 888884 to Iba 1 ourt-room aii_ry aud detertuiued. Judxe Uayden, for the prl-oin-r, ali.-_.-d rhar a _reat outr:i_e had been iiiiiiuiitted.and itemandeil time to prepare a defenae, aad aaid tbat liou.owi, if ueceaaary, were r-ady for bail. i-ilv.-rwaa at leugth reU;_--tl ou hia owu reco_u_iauce Baatera .-apltaliata and ofhera here on minlna; hnslneaa azpnaa -tr,,u_ aneabaaaMaa of injury to tbe inter-.ta of tbe T.rntory Ibe f.-miiiK' r-aaou tf the preaent altua- tiou tontiuuea. Tbe faitb of eapitaliata resta ln tbe Eiiited-tateaaa Uu- aole a-overulug power of the Ter- rttory. _ SHOOTINti AFFRAY 15 MALVE. R.vro, Mi'., April Itl..A man uanied S«Tnborn, from HtandiBh, Me., attaeked Henry McTutoHh of thia clty. yesterday, tlrlng four nhota from a revolver, nelther of whieh took effeet. tiautxirn ia tn cuafody. 11- thnt ta utt_A ked Mvlutoah for the pu.jxiae of realreaai.ii; the wrouKa of a yoiin_ lady. and 888-8888 that it hia luteuuou lo about him on ei_ht at the llrst oppoitunity mm TELEGRAPHIC NOTEf. ... .The U. S. Hteamer Iroquoia arrived at (i.braltar, yeitenliT. ....Haniilton Colletje has lieen closetl until May '-, UB IrAK.BB. >lf itl. pr«Tll.BC« Ul ,_ll.l 0»_ Wa'er will t>e let iuto the Wellantl Canal next 8tu_-iT ia.1 th. Caflil will up.ii.- ua Moiaiy. ->a _- luiu The tirni of Javeox dc Green, W_ol_BB_a piveera of -yrarr-r. ruap«BJ_l rra-ruiy. T-eir UbiiU- tit or.r g&o.Oui. Ten lnKliee, recovered froru tLe wreek of the _M_taaUa-BBIj ¦*_. b_i_t itJC-U-u. jtattvUy. ftaf wire n.1 __8_aL ...Two newlineaof Atlantif Bteamers are pro- P.,'rj !,nr _. rao b»tw«a OU'iTowtmi N«. l.rl iliI lur uthax ba- tw.| Lir* *.w Baaa .TUe order abolialiinir the paaaport ayitem haa aoar iu. .urraU-'B. Pira... arr'Tin| lu aaj lu.iBf Yttuet, taattnla', wrrr aut ..Ulift- to _.w ikair u.88*88 It ia reported that the Pope ia abont to ftll the Tirianei ia IB. t ullmr. uf t.'inluiala. Antibahap Mibbibi'i aame ia a.ui.oar.1 aa lik.i, to t* _nuua "" aaw apr«iala.Bt_. Atl earthquake ahoek waa felt in Meridian, Bba. irit.nli.. ll laaUU kalf . _uaul«. Littlr laaiaf. waa .uaa. Taa BfcaaB |.i~*.i !_»¦ aartkaait tu nMttltw^t -it.i.i ia Turt, Aia.. aud Ku-.rrpr.-r Miaa. Ata tne. tin* held <m Moridav. the B. rliu Kier- .n. ., ,.un_..,oan.iu-airr. ira j...aa. rwawrr aui tu n.U ¦n.ii.:. u. ... in. ..f a lori out wklrB thr aailrn «.. Ihr. wUl aagtj ia!. aaVet ua 8atmtiar Monday waa .»lmervi»il in TorentrO aa a Thai.k--- i-ITi_t I'ar lur tka imnrrr «l Utr Hrlar. of Wlla, h.rrir. .rr. .rl iii lh. i.r ». Ib all mir. h.waa .«.. Tilli..a l.y laiyw roaa '.-.i..... Bi... wiiitiwu- |i_i» .ulbaaaawt Ib. 14iUua.l aalura> ... niv| ib all _a.aaaaa ...The 8aaaaaaa Laipael Kaigk-i Pvthia* ha.1 a gratul pr«-r_wu. UirootlB tbr prluaipal rt.wu ol Baltia.r. .»«l.ri_.T. At.,,.1 ul, mai wwr. ia aa». Alur Ul. prmaaatoB ta. l-_i«» art ta t aaaa. A uaaawr .1 aclrpti. «». praawat frwa Ifea b.inct .! t m l.abia. V.i.iuii. _au ulh.1 SUUri. It a|»|>eara from the report of fhe Rev. _>r. Tr..w,B« StrrrU.. aaal _._.»! A|..i _. 18. I'-.i..u.t Ku.arui _l iiri-a.... awtaaaa .Br~_-i,oa .. i.«r- .' 8,_...._.. aaa ._.,-. ,,.,,.. u;»i ta. iwaMiK U_a. a..r ,. ia. taW ». aa.a.rr .,.i.. iud .'lf a,a."'.ri l.l_>riaa la tk. UA I kr .wa .1 81*' _. ... ,ip«_l. lait amtt, i.I 8.8.MBI will to n^Blra4 lu. aoil jta» 0E5EKAL FOREION NEWS. TTir: ALLKOID BUBOffAl roMFl_CAT10_B. TBI OBOOaTDI t POB U'l.'t'Tt THE KKPoK" Wti BA-KB.TBB ITOST BBUTBTBD T<) M DB- ItOBBB to Ali> *<>«!. s,*K. ; i.ativk tf _mi, Laaaaa Tue«day, Aprl B, itm. Tba f'.illowiii:.' ataat.aaal gHaa tha m.'y aa- tbority aad Braadaaloa, ao hnraeeaa aaal, 'f.r ¦. mi uti.m of whu li waa made 111 thene dlepatebea ye-t. r tar: IeW_aWefOB Trlrgrofih of Keadaj tnonung, April 15, baalBg BB e.lltoriii a '*....- w [>>>n BaaOtttBBB tuaile ti\ ,a aaa Parta aad Berl.n i nta, aald: "Bb re K'rrt to I. aru of tlu-i i.i: i.iis I.. t w aa eftaaaa and (>*r many, tl.e cr.tniil ,iiiie|i'i..ii whep-ot-inace kn*>wn thrniigh then.* aataa nt the _reafe*t. atin.-ty to tboae hy whoiu ,t Ifl ttett ap| i- lai 4. lh, Trtryrntih furfh.-r azgeaaaad th.- t....ef lt ls "only by th« exeretae of dtaMOttOB ar l'.iris aad itarlin chat btave '. eomplii-ati.'tin may t>e uvoiil. .!." The afatein. nr. ,,r the ee.rreiipoiiilent.a, upon wlueh the r< irriwlay waa pn-- dtfated, are, ln BBbBtBBetB. '.' rininy dlrtruxta the tf.ioil f.uth of Franee, BBd ta dlapleaaed .r the .-iu*ot e,f rlie aruiitmeiit aml mllltary otgaataaBaa wfueb the Thler* (iovernmetit B g forward. and that l'rir,.*e P,*k Ifl alujiir ro ei.ter a ' l-r,.r.-it BgaBtet UM eoorat Fi.iti.e a ptirNUiiier. in wiii.iibawfll_b_n Ma bbbbi r Bat promptami clstve aetion on rhe part of ii.riiiiny. everi fo tbe eita-nt of reoe.-upyiiiaf the Depattaaeata <>f Ptaaaa tal f ,V.iritiltee| l,y rhe* Trnop* ,f the E upire. Iu lil'llfll'll '.) theee atateaea. or ita eorreepea4eatB, The Tbla$pwa>k .. -* ,'ditonally that ir know., oa the hi.rtie*t autlo r ity, BBB Ma apeaab al bt l_ al heaayearaaB rhe Kre-tn-ii A-*e.!,i:y, ¦. tr¦-., ed a grata baaraaalaa al B.Ua." aTrtthaf the ii-trer* aot edltartali "f any other t, aawBgapaagtra eoaBraaatiofl er eeaaaaaaaea ta rhe a«- aertioua of liu IMfgrBBA, uul tbe geaelBl Inipreamon .a tbal Ma wh.,ie st,,r-, iafi ¦ d or wlth the daaigB of ai.liii.- ¦, -p ealatlta aeb. aea. GREAT B.-T_Df. EXdTBKI PABLIABKBTART COBTBbT.TBI BAB* B_.B OB lill BABQlTia OB* BITK. i.e m ,,s t ., :..*., Aprti i'. Mn An exdtiag eaatcal for PariiaaaaBt ih :n arogitaala Tataaatlb. Ttie taaseat.aa are tliaf Mr Il.iulniry. a Li:,.-r.ti I >iin rv.tive, ivii; l>#) returnrd ov. r Mr. Hoi,in*ou. who ls rimuinir as an iud,-p. ndent candi. date. Thn (ilobe and otli.-r T..ry oririin* are e:ate_ eaae Martefeatal*thaflatanuaeal i>v one majunti. paaaer. dajr. ibi aa aalaipailant aiatadaital to the B.tiiot i.i.i. A shoeraaker named NicboN, wh.. r*-sid.*d witii hi* fam. y at Miiida Hill, a au urh of Laaaaa, taal u.-at mureli re.i all bis cbildn-n, fot.r in uumber, ind then i-ommitted sui- cide. If la not known what ;.r ,n,,-)'et| the man to con.- nut tbis tcrrlble aet. tboogb U la beltatad h«- wae lns.-,i,e. The marrtag.- Bf t!i<* BaiBBBl Bl Bute to tbe dauifhfer n" IaTi! H.iward took plae-,' tbia tnorni-air at tb.-Rouian CatUolic Oratory at Erouiptou. Tha w.-il.linkr cer'tnot..,. were wltne»»eii hy a trrear erowd of persona. Tbe Bar- oness Bur.lert OoattB, rhe Duebeaa ef Artyll, Bar..:i Iinths.-hild, the Duke of Neirfolk. ai:J ma-.y other nohlo paraaaaaaa were pi-»-i4«*nte:iI la the newlv marned ouple. AaaoBg tbe asaar preaBali -.ent to the btMa war a aet«; CBBBW .OeXbtt .'riui BJ¦ Bo__M UlB I'.ipe. TIIE BABQUn OF BCTE. Tho marriacri ot* the ICarqoia of Baai ha.*>, for souie riiue, oei'.ipk-,! ihe-atin:.:.,.:; .f tl.. faabtaaB '* world in EncL-ind. The Marr.::;*. abaaa name M 6tuart, la elesceiieled from a Bobla Eii^ii.-b ho.i**e wba li was repraaeatad m the p.-»'r.i_'.* iM-fon.- M i crosaed the Atlautie. He is tlie ouly uon of tue aee. n.i _8I_t_ and I-adv IL*'::!.*'. daiikfhtcr of the rtr-* af HastiUk"*, 88. BBB~tadad fo bM fatb. ri tttle aael eatat. s while an lufant. VV-.. i in his eleventh year hia motli**r di.-d. lata editeation ree.-ived the ni.nt i-ar-ful attenUon frein bi* BTuardutna. About fonr years ago considernbl* »ur- prise was eaused by the annonneeaient that he had n nounee 1 the ereed of hl*. father- ind j..ined Ma BtB Catholie Chur.a. Be adopted aaaaaiaasa tiously that taflaata *tarliiir rh..* ba ha.l ratatwsd to bM laraaer U::.:i!f fou_d raadj eradaaaa uuti; f,.rm.iiiy de- nt»*d. The secesalon of tbe BatqaM had aaaaal M etnte fou:menT, wh.-n. in May, IBIB, Ut r*:-rie.'s .. Ia tha.r" reculled tbe youna* pe.r to tbe pablB uiiiid. In that work, Tbe vet.ran uovelist, lt wUI be re< alled. intro- ducea Loti-air as a your ar UnfTh.l BOblatBBa »f v .-t weiiltb andexaited ptBlthMB. Left an orphan ui his in- faney. he ta brouirht np ur.'l-r Ma .f two a ttrim Baotafe lord. the other an En- _lish eieruymau, who. haviug " gaaa over to R.,u.' beeame Cardinal Gmudisi.n. and th>* BaatBBBBf of tue Paaaer m the Brttish Isles. The fOBBapsat ia IntriKtu. "<t ln the n.inau.-e Ju.*r a. he lt r. Me eta ef hi" 8. r Itr,aadBiaktag nis entry lur.i ittdety. The xt. chiefly oei'UDied wi'h th<* tffrTr. of CardinalOrtu to temnf hN ward into tlie (Ininh of Rome, in.l rhe el forta of bi* other fr.ends to keep h:m out. Tht par. lel taaot, botwrer ettfried oat to rh.- eitd. tartbt Mar.;... wentorer. but I-othair rOBBOlaed iwlnnd. The allianee of tlie Houaef of Norfotk or Arundei and Bute. bowever. Magolarly eontlrm.. whiit eoald bara oaly been .*.nj.-fturf wtrn rlie ineiralinf. '^nt parr of tbe utrire-'v of R..r'ie ta tbe iiitrodnefion of rh.* roaag M r om's to a Catholie familv, Lord aml l-ady rt. JatOBB I tnetr d.'inghfer flare Anind.-l. who nea: y effaeea the ta^reaaloa of the TjhSj t.rtaandt hln t1r*t love, and .ta BtBI dn of the ui.ity of Cbriat.ridom. and plaiining u irreat The conoaeet would have been »_>e.-ely, s. »;lr ,.re rhe .'hannaof Clare Ariin.l.-!, aeea>nfted by tbe artttl, .a of more experleneed heaatx. But Tbtwdura Ih *n.ii*e *.. retwue tbe i_niresaioniih!e vourti. who rlually w.m !>v LalyCot_u_e. Takniglatoaeeoaal the B>t_t_aMr.Dbttaelldeettoeto belwcaaMartal and inia>riu_y . haraeter, the parailel BBBBBI now coua p.ete. The MartraB one of The wealrhle«t peera of Enrtanil. n«' lnherite.t a pnne.-iy pnip.rt.i. and. durinjr hia mi- nortry, tbe aeeumulationn were terr irreat. He owtib four aaagBBtoeat rexidenres: Mount hruart. roman- tically stfi.ted on the I-iaml of Bute- Cord rT Caatle, bullt ln thf eleventb eenTurv, wheretn Rotvrr. Ptike of Nonuandv, die.l, after in-itiK- a pa.aaer ta lt far jn veow; Dumfries Uottse, Ayr, and L.m1ouo KUaamek. Tbo Bute aaeka al . inliff. entinly bla propertv, are faj aeres ln area. aud BBBl upward ' BBMW. He alao owu.* most of the laland of Bute. and other'landed propertv of treot exteataad __ae T .. titleof the Marniii*. )f Bute irivea bim preceelenee of a.l but prluces an.l dllkfs. Tba faiuiiv me tto ln. _ntV) rtrrf honore. "He flourlrher. in an h..neera!,le aneestry." lt, has been arrnnged that the Mini'im B to repair wit i bla bnde lnimedistely after the untrr.akf.* eeretu.-ny ba < ai rtifl Castle, travelltiK by a speeial train froiu Laaisa. Lord Howard. whene dauirhrer the Karaaia ha* .- piutafid, laa mi-mherof tbe ('atho'lc hotiM.- of Norfolk. .!... oldest tn thf peera^f of Enerland. He m uu. le of tl.e ptaaeat Duke of Norfolk. and haa t>een ln tbe Britisb Boaaa ol Oaaaaaaa Ba ia ln bla stth yeiir, and marn. d twii-e. Ma iiiarr:.iir<* Iakiii_ piaee one y.-ar after the death of bu tlrst wiie. The bnde u iu b«r l-'iu ye_. SI'AIV. TIIE TOINTRT ALMOST EXTIREI.T FUEE FH('M THE BABBB OB t'ARI.I&TS . ADDITIU.N AL BBBtTLTI OB THE ELEiTIoXS.-Pltr.MlDENT TllIL.i OB THE SPANIMI DYNASTT. Madbid, Tuenday, April 14. IsTl. The bandsi of Carlistij that have bt>«ui a»n- tatiuu tbe eountry for tho paat few day* bave al! .:.- .| I>eared, wlth the exeeption of one ln tbe Provttwe of l.rcelou*. wbich b.i otfered to aurrender 18 the i.or, rn- ment. It ta reported that uo art.nUou wbatever waa pald by the eountry people to the mnvetueota of tbe banda, altbough lar»re nuius of tuoney wt-re ^pent u> aeoure tbeir t\ mpathv. Eapartero. Caldo, Xontalvin, and Alvarez bave been eleeted aa Mlulsterialista to tbe ¦*. nav. or uptmt braneb of _e t ortea, from the City of Madnd, Rio*. Rirero, and FUmerola were aefeated bere. OtaaBfB ia eleeted to the Senate from Loirrouo. Tbe electious reaulte.1 tu tbe aucce. of tbe Miuiaterlaliata tn n out of t.. ik I'r.-v liii-ea. a- for oa la koown, tbe Miuiatry Hare ua ._d tho Opivosltion 3V Beaatora. I'r.-ai.lee t Thiera boa wrltten to Klnx Amad.u- de.-lor- -ing that no power, not eieeptina Itaily. ia more Inter- steel U_ni.nee la the eonaolldation of djrn_.* i_ti tutiona ln Bpoln. It la aotd that eeverol foretirn ikowera bave glreu tbe Bpo&iab i.overnmeut ;t.uraiieea of taV--* de t-rujiuatiou to mippree* tbe luteri.Uou_ Bociety. HlTvGART. CLOBE OF TBE tUtiWION OT THB DI1T. 1'bsth. T__ay, aprtl 18, 18TI The aeaaioo of the Huagai.a Di_ waa i*l._.,1 to-4.y by the Emperor Fntueu Joaoph ia ptrraon. Iu bla epeech frotu tbe tbrone Hia Maleaty dwelt with deep aatiafaction oa the tre yeara of Me aaaaaaafal workina of tbe A_ tro-HongwrUa Compraratae. la.toa tbat time the prosperlty of tbe eoantry bad beee et.-aiL.y tm-reaaiua. Tbe n _ttoaa witb fon*urn poaera wera oa a flotkir'tewiiiitt. ool wlth peoee at bo. oal abfoat tarra waa erery pruapeet tbat the progroaa af the B.a.ta would be t_.tetuniolod.

Transcript of$to _E3_8ts-»^5__>f.v:._.J_*5*-»*x d_______l _.- __. __t.-__--¦_.i...

Page 1:$to _E3_8ts-»^5__>f.v:._.J_*5*-»*x d_______l _.- __. __t.-__--¦_.i 3*"W V01- XXXII.N°.M>8:*. NEW-YORK. WEDNESDAY, AFRIL 17, I87_l. PRICE FOtK CENT&

$to _E3_8ts- >f»^5__.v:._.J_*5*-»*x

d_______l_. - __. __t.-__-- ¦_. i




a naoaiTi TAB-ra bu* _____-_-i <,-<'xnTFnBCBKB IB THB uoi si -v:v i iii norY DI8BAT-i-r iii- wim thi maj.'HITV BILL.A TABlBrwnuorx sposaoaa.


WiMiiM.rnN .jw_.-..The Tarttf laaaTfl mt tbeaj.,..,. v a Co-B-B-ttee aaaaaaed a aaar aad nn-

_iH_ut.i aaaaa la-da. Mr. Dawea lepeated tl.,-

Coawiitteea i,n. in.l aaade » _b"-t an.l aaaa-oleepei'tii <>f viri BBadarata laoe, eaatainiaa ao _al 1;i-eioriH to tli. reeeal aqpaabblaa ba Ika C_B___itt_e BaEraaklj expreaaed, aaararar, aia diaaaal _r_ai f""1"

¦toi bbViiib nf thfl mraanrr aad aara actJee o_ hiakaamtkm toofle. aainadaafinta la aeco-daoea aithlirs oaraTiewa Ba tha i_doc_l_a in tlierrv.iiiif tm«lit t<> l»i' ..M>.ia*,,(v<>. badead ti laaa thaaft:--.".!'.600, n- propoaed by tln- t'lil 7 the redae-t -:,. ald be taatt eqaally ___8_iba_ed, ao aa t"

attVof rr>->rt- in-t !.v 188 1 9_+088 l-n-ni.--. rtlt_r_B-8 0_

Ikeeoaatr. aad thal tbefrea h-t ahould ba Baaaa

aai -<l' rabl. Dlaif-d.At'r.-r Mr. Dawaa hatl eeaoladed hia speet b. t<- tlio

paaaral aaupalaea- tba Baaaa, Mr. Kelley roaa aadraaeat a-inll prepaiad bytbe nn-

n,,-..f of tba Cfl-B-Bittaa. It had baaa Iaa.n forgranted ea all haada thal the ea-Bpaa-daa wbich

s :.1 s.i.., Boatari i1 bad: of two ot thrae daya1 hard w.>rk. had the ad-|of all th<-I'rott-.tiniMi-t,. "ii t!n- ( omniilt.-.-.

Tli. oAei of the b_Q hy Mr. K.-ll.-y ahewad thal thatroablc ha.i bcokea eat La a aaa aaat, aad t!i..t thaboilow aad faitliah traoe patahed ap from eoaaadi ra-

tioiiM.f fi'lirical expedteacy, had ae. baaa atroaa8BMM -li fo li.'l.i t.-fether ov.-r i.iirlit. Theaa W8B 8 <1<~inli-.l aei Mrtii n all erer tha Boaae whea Mr. KelleyI1r_11.l_4h.1i hia bill, like a. __-_aaad of dk-otd, latb.- f:i<->- "f tbe aatoaisbed mea b. ra, Mr. Riatty eb-

to Ita reception; Meaara li«->k aad Brooka,minib. rv. t-f tha W.i.s antl M.-.ns Co_-inittee,de-a .u..i. il to Lnow u be eeaaaeaed tha aalaorit]Mr. K. ll.-y i-'iiim. .1 t.i r. i-r._»-nt. Mr Brooka *h<1 ha\va_-. us a 1111 linritv t.f tlin-t-. I.ut BM luttl never lu-iki.lof the bill. Mr. KeOey reptied thal Mr. Mayaaid andLlliiM lf O-BtJtOb >1 tha Uiiiioiity. An .iDlfT.v dJai-B-bmjb appaaoad-aaBiaeat, when Mr.Haaperlaatoredsoodhamor byaattaf how tbe Dawea report eouldcome from .1 m.ijontv ti tha Co-B-B-fetea, whea there-,,r .1 B-iaorit] ol three, aad aaother aalnorltyofla rli. 1 liair repliad, aaaid Beaeral hm_.-lir«ir. tbatMi Boaper'a a_aeetioa waa oae al B-atbeaiatiea, aodD-: af p_rli_-_M.ttarj law.

1 taally, Mr. Kelley. bill. whieh eatae Bearbc-Ofa_n___ad at ita birth by objectiooa made to itare-reptioi t. th. prtater, bart waa not allowedto be printed in TmtGUte. It reeemblea the Senatel.ill in tht- inn.ii. aad drffera aidely fn.m tlie UI] ofth>- m.'ijoriry ol tha C_t_mittee. Tea aad eofiec are

j,i:»At-ii upon tltf frr-t- li.-t. whit-h is otbarwisa n. arljnl with the free bal »f the Benate. Tl.e r<-

doctioooa iron. -wo.,1. aod on ...rtou an.l af, ri l 1- only ln per eent: the duty on BaM la plaeed

112eenta; tobaceo ia taxedbat 18eeata; th.-whit-ky tax is :i..tdat 70 ccntB: taxes on .ales are

al>,b.iit-d. aad aearly aU ataaap taxea are repealedalt Ib aow jt> tty elear that the bill Mr. Dawea re-

r-,,... tlit- untjualiti.d ap-aawralof a t-in.le ui.-rul,. r of th_v.-iy-; aad MeanaC'..r..uii'tte. Nh-. Dawea opealy n-aratad _:.uiii;Mr. Ki 1" rtK la B-OWB to aympath-M wtth bim;Jdt-aers Kellej aad Mayaaid hara r,-v.,lt,.l aaddiawa their own billj B.rebard and Finbelarbofr_med th»- Committeei bill, hav»- expreaeedfkaaaa Bed with maay of its. prori-aii:.- be. .. . do not uiak,-ruhi. ti..ii> tu i.t hai:tei«u:_h to -'iit them. Ihe three DemeeratB oa the

8ell-__owa PreeTradera; ao theCoiuouiu. s bi- aia r»-ahry oehady. MD.


vn MOB1 OB TBBAI ITT B vl-l 1>.

[BY TELE_aAriI TO Tli.

W-kSBnteTOB, Ayvril l''...St-t-i.'.uy Belknap.apt--.,. -m BreaehAram .rraallaatlna Coaa-

tbia mornlaa.r" relate kia n of ins

rrlewa -with the MarqaladeCbam.raa,laDao laia r aad Jaiiuary __>t. wa.- an 89881 of m-jre tlianunl ur. .it. :. M f, r aoreral rrasona. Tbe faet tbat Mr

Enap'a li-ti.-r to Um8 r. -..ry o! Btate, in rtpiy to a ffatement m.-ulc lntL- . ttcr writttu bf 1_ Uiinifton ta Le O.-ur, in I)<-eeiiil-r, Uaa, al.out tbe B__.k888 of 18884...0-.;. M antl tbn nianuf.ifturf of t-artiitl,. 8. antl in

b-i-sr. _ telesram to Bea aa .*¦..ii.. a ., thal ttar had been

tr...i.u a. a eoaBdeatial aacaaaeat, botlyi.h and Beeretarj B> iniiap. aad Braaawitted i» cn.-ii t>.

: Aii..-- -. a .» m :.,-t Beaatara laiaof an aeeaaatlonthat Mi I a MB88 oanetoi hadlul roiumu:iii'..M,,ii witb tli- a-'.-nts of

retary r.ub bati nol n.-J. tuaiitiittr

Jiu!...,B«cr<t.rr lt. ;_r,ap, tn hut leat_aaeey, Itareh

that ht not^d lt tn any oue, antl did imi

ttuiik tie hai". r.-ii<i tha|_idor-taieat oa the leltae mt ttu-

Becretary of, 011 ythi.-b bis lett.-r wari fotni<!.<!. to

gn\ <.i-,, aad lha taf raaea aaa taar M. d.- B.-;:,iu.-t hudTlolatrd contt Iaa08, and furiiish.-d th«- cnjiy Mr.

ner used. A« h.ia Ixf.-re B88B 8 i- rf.-d. Mr. F;sb wrot.

a note t© M. de B'-' aMLiiijr an exj>lanat;on. To t.Jltb. Fk-ii, b''bar..- rfr>U»-'!. TLat t_i- It-tt.-r. bavtu.' I,e. 1,

exbiLit.ii t. then befara it rf-.-.rbed ataa, tvaM

not :, Bt, aml eoB. Inded tn*Irtwr witb a remark at.nat an atteni_>t to e»-

trap .Ua, whieh Mr. Fi.h eoaalder-d t.M, ,!.-.-.-

ap.-. to mtru a rej.iy, aud Mmt it to tb. Fr- n. b!»<>v»-rTi_i. nt tliroujfli Mr. Wai>hbiirn.-. Tn. r<-Hii'.t if tbe

1 if IC.dc BeQooel t.» aaother fltld;but ahen tb<-,|usa de Chamtirun wa- ea_ad aia

witnt-ae tiefo.¦ tli;.- Comtr.ltt...-, be tt-^ritied tbat Mr..j, had not only r.-ad to bin. tV _ loraemeol ahleh tbe ba-_A of bia letter, but tne n-rter itaelf, audtbat ita ronteii!" bad t»-en matle known to bim luareeeaa af wttaeeaaa n>- alaa daaarlbsd tb<- paaaroaWbltBIthe l.-rt.-r waa wrirt<-n. and _ita jfti^ra! appealante. ao tliat it ae. ni-tl it waa Bia_Bap vvbo bad violated?onfld. ii.-e. if aay eeaddaaaa waa violated at all, andtua; bha ___rre. witb 88-8-8-81 aaa wlioily witbout. a .

Tbe .-. .- rrefreabed bi» memory, ieof |,irii,,n b«- did re.iil tLe luilorwrijenr wbl, bfonin.l tlie Im, I. of hi.» letter to tbe Manjula, t.ut etill8ao_M harteB a.awa bla tbe letter Itaelf. IheMatejala-©titmue* to wiB.rit tbat be aaw and bt-ard read tbfletter. an.l <ul> for st- jirodurtlon, ln order tbatlt uiay be deteniiined wbetber bis dt-MTij.-tmn of it la ciirreet. Ttu- r.-mamderof tbt BaumlaU- teattuiony ba. Uttle tiearni^ on tbeiBfeaBBara-a, thoaah it waa bitareellBa aa abowinjrthedifl.-i'-at w.y in wlm-b tne .i. r.ury o( War aud tbeMar<|ii!B araWBBhered thelr aevera! converaations. (>niiuiii. ri.i- :, p. -T.iiit p.lnt-be tiet-lan-d tliat tbe M..r-

tjui- w.i» vvliollv Mii.takeu in hi» u-«:inionv Mr. Beburztu, 1.T0.>-«'iaini_t tue setr.-tary to morrow.


WA8DIV6T0B, April 10..Tbe Senate AruinCkjaaaaltlaa u.«t tha woruin_.a T Baraard, 'orr<-Hp«,n.linr; C-asB of tbe Warlx-

partmerit. waa aw-orn II'- dr.IW tlie <lr.,fr af the letter ofthe he< retary of War ad>lre_md to tbe 88888888. of Kate.

¦. 8. Craaby, roufldeutii.l tieik tu tbe Het retary ofWar, te.tiii. ,1 H. _a. pr.-_ent on tbe 1Mb of January at

the baaarrlaw betweea tt» BaeBaaary al WaraadahaMarquia de (bauibruu, 00 letter waa tin rea.1 fr.u, tbe

N-re-arr of Wai to th. BecTciary of BUte, nor anythuia;tliat j.urjrorW- U, be an.b letter.

By _*-i_alor h-bun-On tb< l9tb of January tbe Seere

t_ry of War read to tbe Martjuii. de ('haiulirtiD au

ludoraemeut bf tlie fhief of Ordtiac.-t witb referenee to

Keujiutrtoii » letter 88.OOaa881 Ha Mij.jjoaed fni., wbatwaa aaid tbat tlie ludoraemeut waa t.i he eni-odted ln tbeletti-t of tbe He« retary of VV'ai to tbe r«etreury of Btate.

Itiere were no peraoua p.eM-ui exe» pt tbe S.-tretary, tbe

Martjuia d< ( baubmn. and WltBaa. C8888-BBB, ou tbe

JOtb of January, kald ti. tbe hetretary of War tbatBif_-.rd._ii waa tbe p88_888 of Ketultiirtou to wlu. b tb.

Been tary rt tbat tbat taat au uupuUtiou upoubimaelf. Tlie roi.veraallon waa lu reiatl. 1, to tbe u_cIoibd

wbich waa lo be «_._4M_i«d ia tu klber of Uie

fWrrtary of War to ftie t-.wr-turv efi Maaa BB did rieit,». ll,.- itKlcrsi'iiifiil in iitiv iitlii-r fnrtii. B* <ii<l iml BBBfIha iiami' af tha IBwrntarj of IBatn m.-i.txni.-.i in thateonneition, tlious-li it inik'ht havt- l.i.ii. Tba iiiilnrwnirnTwaa .rn tl.i' i.n. k nf :i int. r taa K> eratan >>r Btat..tatttawBtg Rntaiagtoa't let.r t», Ln iaaaa, .""i bbb tekt-gnuB fii.iu *s.|uin- t.i BeailBg.a.

Batrfltarr ittlhBag vu* r.-»-.ii.-.i aatl txanlatid by Sett-8li.rIliUl.llti; ln* ItrlBtf. 111. < on*. 'ttBtUoa Wbleh tu<k,,.!.. betwetai ii,ii,.. ii iitui Maraala de Cbaatama, tbeUtfttrt aajiag on tbal orraa.u a large aaatiiiiii. a lerlonu-iiiK to tlu* Kr< n. I. <.<>v< ruinnnl liit.l etis:,],'.i; Cbauibrua l_tbet a_ta»d tluti portlea holdtug

Ulli 7- ti.i 4 ... V. TlllM li! Ml'il- 1.1, in ;. 1 iu tlu* ie*-,-i .intis. Witut Id im oa waa tarjr taaoh ateTpriaedbt iii.u, iniiii, aad taal -i* aoon aaeerinlnedthat Benuugtnn w.u* ti.. agral of IbeFYenib (JotrTB-llie !)t lll* .-!..|.'.<..! .< .-i.l. Ol ..ll.i- tO llilll. Tlie- M.etiil ".

.1, tlu* li'iii aad i.'.i!i ..t J.tiiii...-v. agaBi eator Uie uieinor-in.Hiiii eniia rnniu' li. 8Bh nlitrniH aboai wbicb be ha.i pi. .mii.-l.v ipaken; wltm a

Informed bim tbal tb. menuranilaai waa beiaa i>i-«-1n¦ ---1aad woald aoon bc ready. Ii. fortnei UaUmooi witnraas..i,i ... iiiui ii.. reeollec ion ol batiag re..u lo (Tboail ran

,..-i ii. U.i-s.-. ni ;\ of BUte.or Uifl ibduiaeuieutof te.-n. 1>\. ron the lel nl Ihe -. on Ul aal -:..!.¦. Hawaa iM.sit.v, ii, orrtcr n n.l bta letter i<. 11. Beoretary ofBtate t.. .n.i on. l'p t" Ibe peeaeot tn.. i,.* bod

li t.i but once, ondth. waa when Uie chiHvWrk brongbt it to bi. Io kiga. Having refi_bed blaiiiiua.'ry, tbo witn.-r-*. wa.- now ..i opinion thal1.* ,li.l r. .nl tbe* nt to tbe MarqChanil nn.. Tlie Bet ret_rj then n ...l lo the i ointutn. ii.i.i aii.iiiin t.ik.-ii iit Uta tiii.i by bia ooi ndeuUal clcrk,

Un pointaof tl., oonreraatlon between hita undtlu* Miiri.iiN. Tlir r.'iu-.iii why.ofl tbe 37tb af Det.Bber,tbe v. Itneaa .1 Chambi u.i into bla pritote routn, w

rn all Cbauibnin kuew aboul tbe allega.ou ol groaaw.iiii-rs informed bita thal IT lt. cuultl. l.-.u-n ol

any -"V. rnmanI oBeer belna > oncemod ln fronda in r-ou-:u tiuii m itb arata bc would bare tbem punl -1..-.1 ' ttami.iuii, on tM-iiik.' eloaely .Ut.tigated, ».ii<l thotarv eoald dntw bis own eoucluaiona, whea tbe

,.:v replied t wlutl ( ii.i« told ln niumouatc-d to nothing. Iu both luter lewa, lo D*

21 BUd Jai.lUir. -¦. 'i.l BOUl a

reaolutioii w.eiiiei li ,nt n .iluiitl iii Coiutreaa for tbe in...»Ugatiou "i tbe aok) ol anaa; that bi* aaa frB biBj tot:.<- Adm.iatratiou, and wraa Bn_oaa the teaolutlonaboul i»- ofi n J bj Bomi per.a » bo waa .»frb ad of theAiin. iistrat.oii. aiul fiurli.-r thal U WBTB t>.-ti.-r the

,;\ abould uae bla tnflneure to tbat <-nd. Wltneaa.lued ...ui taal ¦¦ atade nodiefcrenee to bUu wbeth..Iii. r.- iv.ih au InveollgaUon or n..t, an-l Ihat wli:l<-liewonld not lnvi'e- Inveatiamtion he wonld notavoldit.Knowinij biBeoudu. t waa above ntproacb, be waaoaxloua

tiu- \i.ii Deportiuenl abould ft" to tha.. .in,! li,- woald tletdlj rc.-p. n.i to ... y eall.

\\ it.., s*k ,|ii,.t,,i frota .-..iiitii'-ui.-ii .rn rareoua poluta ti Chantbrna'ateatUuoarjaylnirth. Maiqn.a.:.¦ Chambrun wae miatakan ln manjr or hia atatemeuta.

- never -...'l r.. tbe Morqtua de (.liiiiiiliriin tbat beOrdnant, OiBce. Wltueaa (Bd not recollect aome

ihinya wrhlrh thm M.,i,,iiis il. ('liaiiilu .iii ha.l BtOtOdoahai ing occurred la convi raaUon betw. en IB m.

liu- M.,i,(iue tl. ( i.iiii.uuii iii.ult- BOBM exp.anatlona n.a..:,.l alao to iluit ol tne Beeretary

li. -r,,t, ,i tbal be btvd bb to buron ernlng tl.e lett. r of the Beurttary ol

War. i .--t. a Btraafi _1oatoa.


( 1 IVI-'.I) PBOB AI.I. QCARTERfl.We_BIB6TOM, April Hi..Tht- H;i!l of the

H LBC Ol Kepi-.'s. ntat;v.s Tras ,|,Miaev CTOWdod te>Olght,oa tbe (...'.-:..' of tba mamorlal fertieaa la boaoral I'tof. Morae. T'n- tMH-akpr of tba Baaaa araBdrd,

--. .1 i.y vi.'.-Pt .\. Ti>- r-j.nikT.e of tba Bupteiae Cbart. lagitbat with

tae (.I' fl tne Btatea.ta peraoa aa by pr..x.v,d st-iitri <>n tbe laaer aaal ....-1\% Baaaton

iiTid !'.. i reoentattrei occapied tba o*_i froai Ol Iha ruam italle-ry waa au ... paiBtlBg . Prof.

Merae, aad aroaad tba out.-r tiaaae of tiu* portralI waatbe legead, .. What bath Ood trtaagbi.*1 T!n- ean n__ ¦

aara aaaaa.wltb ararer iiytue Ber. Dt. W. ** \ rk, wben s_>ealier Llaiae upoke an Bdlewi

Ia.-.;« tli;in "«' vrnrp. .il'h, 8 inun of c.'niii.- and lfarn-ina wae an eoj eat petltloi er i» '. re Co rri aa foi ..

.,:-. .i... tbal eagplvd. Lim to u*.*t oertala oocuiI7:,...:..s i.f .-. i. Ui ,* m .ii. n li«* ...i.l i.i ¦.:.-. .'. evi .¦.!.

r aentatlvea of 40.088.000 of pex.nle aaaewi.bit- iu tiii-ir .ri.'i*.! I.a'.'. to ,1.. 1. !...!-.<. aiul bOBOrtO

.. of "_orae." Graatdiaovrerara ami inre^tonrarely llve lo Fifpefa tae roll dorelopmentbdu penertjoD nf their i,'.*!.ry ..on<-.-p'..>u*. balTo U:ui vrboa.-ueati; wr now m.'tirn und Wbooa fOBli W«celel.r te, lt waa tn Ood'a tood providenje vyycl»aafeU(¦tberwiBe. TheUttletbread <: wlre placed aaatimid

lent between tn.- Natlonal < an-i a m :st!i-borlngcity grew au.l lengtbf.ed an.l mulBpUad witb al-

Utyol tue t-l.itri. ,'urreut tnat dnrre.l almiKits in.l u.-rvi-s. iintil -r.-itl.iu bt» own llfetlmeeontiuent

und nntocontlnent, betniaphere aaawered titr.>-:ir..ottatn'a iiei.ilis nnto bet_fpltere, and nn ea._ uii, t:..-i..-,i r-rtu iii» .-iiii.k'.v m tiie BaaBotebBd le-

tagraad ochiaveu. i. Ch.'ired by to-lf.,naenf K. tre-s. i.tati vea vt it n the umeable aii.i bonatablr_nty oi pre-sidn.a.- he-r.', an.l ,.i nononnelMB tbe rariouapurtiripa n the exercl.B ol the evrning, Iweleome;,, tfna Ball Ihoot w in> j- ii witii ua ln _la rxpre*.vetribau to tbe Baaaaa. and to tba mer.'t »f a xre-r mnu.

Ar'-i unis'.ij ty tlie P,.iml, whi.'h waa BatlopedraBeiT, tbc Boa.C C. CBz, B. B^aftar ptallaal

narv r> marks. r»-a<i a .iT'.-p.,.! rcsohltiolia eiili.i:;.-'. Oitn.-.-narar-tcr e.f rtif AeeeaoBd »<¦ a tnan. an.l Ba one ofIbt- " nri-btist ut.-irs !c tht- rtrnii.ii-n* -)f n l.-iuo."

.s<*na' or Pattetsoa uext ii.ldr,-r.Mnl the tn»*etiiiir. reeountI aati? bictory of Matae, and tlio atruiYgles Bta-

radtag IB great aeieat_c trluaipb. Ba aaa applaadedat Tbe corii-lusiein ot bia reoi.irks. IW.-.t C.

-v.ii t(k*h1 niume by the Caoeal Nrtety ofWaahtagtoB. Tbt* Baa. Femnn.lo W.x.d tb,n

gatea aacht iBfialattta hlBnty et tba 4Bofaaa_agnetlolelegiaab. au.l kaaaaeaUUtj aiiudt-d to tbt* fu.-t tbat be

member of tbe Boaaa wbo waa a a__l» r ii' th<- tiiii.4 tlu- tirst appi-i.prial.Dn WOB in.,...- i

tbe invcnr.iii. Bi waa Bcaaaatlj apateadBd, aad < iaee-iaiiy a1-1,. waaaatoag U trba i -'- etetbaaataro*l

i;,*n. (iarll* Id au.l tbe liun. S. 1 0o_ De xt* tborl

Tbe gpeabartbaa aald tl BBgragali laatiiuaaal at

tbe <l>*sk raa now workiiiic in <lir.*rr fouirnuiii' .itnm witband ha took pit-a-'.ire la laartlBg t_ talagraai

just resaitod, uaiuely:"LOtTDOa, 2 a. rn., a.-'n. Hel.t' tprll 17

"Tlie irs oi, IrelaUMl ,n.l .*-. -t .u.t j..ln¦witii th.-ir xiiie-ruaii i.rottni'ii ;u paytaaa rnbateof re-apeol tattaory ol ttf tomadetot tn>- Mnraa ayateta,aud offer tbeir i.vmpoihy to tbe Morae Aaaociaooa laiuouiuinu' tbt luundiT of their traft.

" Wl.ATHKHIlKr."Tbr- rfadinf: _a« n*ceived .1_ applau-r, espeeially

tbnt portlon tnvniB tba date.Tlie fiillowinir waa r«*.-.-iv«l from BBBlreal.. Montreal jolns tlie i1i.*tiii_-ui-li»*<l aaae.My n*i~ ur

Woahlngton U tidrrinit ite trlbute to ibf ntatuorrof tlielinuiortai Morae, whooi apirit btrvertin u.ielst. aad

.-. iiiu- iiis, eivcr.-.i r!ic meaaa of nnltlnt witb elet-ti:c tlrt- tue world 1_ oui- <' niinnii brotberbood.

'* ( 'KAIti.L.s J. C(ll-Ite«<)L, Mav ..r

Tlie eaaelailBg cp<'e,'lie» were inmle bv Mcum, Voor-lic.-s an.l liank*. Votal trm-.. hy Ika ('bor.-tl Baal ty, an.ltiu !.<-nediftion by the K"V. Dr. Butlef. Chaplain of theii .- ..( Bapreaaatattraa alaoad tba aaaaMaaa nt n


Tii<* f.. Itraiag are a fi-w ..f the di.spau-uea reeattod t<>-niifht aad read at the un*etluir :

llo*.. K',74... At-n. UL.Tha I!"- r Ki.r.i* nf f'..mni»ire ;ram«nr.1 rerrel tl.e 'le-iU, ol 1'ro!. Morre, aod me.orne tina

treat oa. ti. telffTiplar and Kieurr. Ft*L_».

Ctiao. EfTr.1. April 16..The telefTiph:r Itaff ia Efrpt denlore rheioea >.( thr e-iurnt Prof. Muiae, wbo liea rendered aueh vaioiLle eemoa

le tte trl-irapliir riir,,iion« s.l arer tlie aefbl Oimbi.MuTTBBtL. At>ni 1« Bontre.1 ;,..n« tbe illitiB(rni«bed aaaemlilr aow

at \V aehi i|-7.iri .i. trndrnen Ita inteoir to tbr meaeoir of thr imu.ortalMurnr BThaaa horer. tn oar idet and atioie (aaaaa a.kri.i-rml tbemetaie nl iuuun( wiU, elreane br. Ui. Wurlel en onr r,,_i_,,n brotBertnKai.

(HtBUU J. ( ... iuau. Mej .r.

Pnmrirar Omca. W. r. TaLaoaira lo.. 5aw i.hik. Ai.r.i lfWbii> Wktfbina the eerTice ol tbr trirgrapb, to Biflel. not on.T in cou-

Tertnit u, i-ou tlir eaanv lirat-rfell k"rrr..:ia;a .ef grr4l auil ...i.: iurn me.etwidriv kstiaratrd bat id thr ratt aatntirr m oatwrn.: aad loiar.ilr mre-

.afri fj. ,i,( iu rrer.T diraetion »rer onr tr.rrt, I de.rr ie. ernu un bebalfuf thi. thr lergeat of a!' Ameriran teletrrtpli oflrra an.l tbe Uat, I be-ltete wbicb Prof. Borae eerr eiaikml, a tnlente o ht. iBrinnr-.

A. 0. ila.w. Ba.atn Mew 1 o.k Oflrr.

Tpleirmma were reaattai from all the prineipai . iUc-a

in ti.c L'u.on. iu uiauy af wbleb uieetlngn wt*re beld.IU.TIM IN POIf.HKKF.I'SIK.

p,.i' iiiKEEPbiE, N. Y., April I'i..Tlie Morw-Baaeatoai and laaaal Oiwvb, tb^ r^u ataat taaMaaaa of

Prof. Morae, are both Hituaiml lu tbia .Ity. a faet whlrh

a-a*.,- .rrruliar mtereat to the meuiorliil nn-etirg beld thl»

ertkutoat ln tbe Preebytenan Cbartb, wbleh wa» denselyp.t.ked. while many wi*ut away unable to truiu adiui»-kiou. Al tbe h'.id of eaa-h a.Hln waa a taiile tbickly^trewn wlth flowera. On tbe pulplt lay a t>eaiitifiil floralr-r>.*v ii, and rxneath upou a table waa a floral ..tom. Th.*ikr*w of the late Prof. Haaaa w*ia« v»uaut^ and hiiuif lu

i. ie n Mayor II. O. Kaiatuiau BjaaaBBad and'delivor'ed an

Bppropnate adilrea*. ret.BTB. tl).- lif.' ot the grealetrctxlclan aud wnnniy eaBalilBg hi« aaataaaarAdiTre»»ea were alao iu «!r l.v tbe Bat. John H ICiymoixl.I*i. Hiei.nt ol V'a.:.r ( «11.*K, K<lw,anl 11. Parkrr, M. I) Uie iiou. J.euu Thtimi. >u.


ijl- "i..,( K-i l'" Be.TB.A CABBO AIB__IOB. IIU. I'A. IU. HAILKOAll 4,»l e__B.


Ba_aiBBT.I, Tueaday, April t«, 187J.

Tlie Ht. Cn.lx Land (inuit bill wis day, liy th.*

Houae beyoud tbe allibtf at hojrn of reaurTt-«tiou Itr

aelive aupporU ra fouirbt burd B tbe laat. but uionyitthewarn. adln-reuta, wbo bad l>a»-n over perauivle.iagainat tln-ir better judaim ut BB -upport th. meaeiarr on

fonuer rotea. atampeded lo tlie opp «lUoo Ui.a¦ **>«>Wlmii Mi K. t. liun. enuii.ltied h, r< i.ort that tb«* ( oiik r

ei.^ OBBBaBBaa bad laiied to Bflaa,Ba iia_le tbe uaual

¦gBBB '*»' H* apirtiluU.iBof b aew CeiBtBilliao. aw

BaaBaaarad timt BheMaaaa raeeaVfraa «..»*¦** «;wl.lrh .i.t. K earrled. w-aat .av.- paaae8 thabillaa lt.¦:.....- rrata lha Benat*. M'rK',',','"' ;!"

withdraw bta ..'"t. to e_»e Mr. Uolrn... ...

..t ,-iitv to. H ¦.' ""' Houae a.ihi re lo

.a_.Vnnd_.en__ Mr Ruak'amotlon h..r'or'tv l..t ,,

,,, ., M, ll,.i,., ..,.,.,1.1. .1 ..v 11."fMeiAi,.,!,!.'.. m. t-fcet of thla v. h^tthe

411 pt-rlahea between th. ta Hotieea br reaaon,...t.»..i .... ftirtl-r eoiifereaee will b.

.-,,it The l.iii.i'.r.i.: parly l_at o ataeatl! SLOoii .1 ¦' "..'"whn baa manajred qut. rk l!t_tl_ to aeetirtbe l.ill,attrlbutet ihiareaall i..t_,l.v t" the oxpoeit:.. iiii.n.iiiiir aud iuiaie 'bt u-ani b. lio.' ai .in.l other leadli

il rv 8. Bmltb,lhea_aa eadeavoredtoeaaam.ii.evV.i.i, by wltbdrawlna.4.08M8I froa. etrcahiUoain N.u-.nrk. vvan e\. ;.- i.e.i bj tbe Houae Eh-Maaa-dc.ib, . i .iininiti,.-. te da]. lu ral itton io tbal tranaac-

i.,n. ii. rruiikiy adailtted be "loehad bo" tberreenbi Hti for tbe nrreney., ;,i,,. mui ,:,,;.;.- ., ttriurenl i,.,iiev ntarkrl Bnol.j.ct, be -in.l. wii.- to l-rtaa .town atock*. He" iii itoek. nml 'I.'- - 'i tbla arbt rac to .. b»_i tbema.ket. mi. >i. denied tbat 1.- hail any conven

witb Prealden! Pi Imer f Ihe T. nth Batlonal BiNew York aa ta bia puxpoae when be dep.wltk io,., iu- ehacka for tbe «i.o.t...u. in,. to create a paaic aaa, ba taid, eutlrt ly bl- own,and__lBM*l li.'lii'- kno .i-e ol II wl.a.ev.M-. li.u K

Kx An,iii. r Meijra wa* prt aenl wblle Bmlth w.t* _;-in. biatoatiiuoin antl atded the omm Ut. In <|.n atlonlnr htni.-, umi lh iniH-r.of tbe Ci.niuilttee exprraa thearaaa not aatlntied from Smiih't teatlraoar tbat the olnftbeT--i.rii x.iti- n.ii Bank urry free fram aay <¦,..,.-

m |_ tb. ri ii.-- tion. -'..' fBfl tbat theBank'on the mornina aftei Bmlth made hia,.¦ in i.' n.t«wuOBof Ita eall loana. a-dactmUlr,,,,,,,,. . .iiiioiiiif ,.il,. .Ia .aillte, in a.l.iitlon :,. ita iniounl '¦' "'".*ti,al the bank b..,i full 1.' tlJri a"a

Ito ae. ire bta tn.

ih, PaetOc BallroadOoaiai tt,.- ef tb- Beaata haa jriven(wo _ ,, era who .-. i .¦- ol tbe Uataa aad

raaaa. Iba |bi auaa ..t BwuehetweeaIbeea two eerpoeatleaa, II may ba WBaaaaheriwhetber tbe C_Jeo Pa « Road aball ta lefljo Ired la

"i-rori.te" with tl- Kanaaa Paetfe, fr«ni Clayvaa* io

tbe weetern termtaui of Ui Road.oi wh.tb.allowed to char_- :

eune mo.-iUu tban from Oina ea. il ia <¦¦¦-

\\, red tliat .. majorl uaiiUee t_v...-> tbe l nloaPacilk Mde -,t tbe ee

li.-An!,-tb.-T..r:r! ii.iul,li,-,a_.l t!i- ____8-t_8 of tli, P'.

cr,,ix i..i tbere a .- '..¦' '.'".' - ""' """ ''

A bill Rarola-BB aelaaiea farrtabuloa <>f itaaBeeeaae aad aatoaaa lawawaa uiyaraed by Mr. Dawea,

BpeaBer B itaa aaade a rpeet i a def-aee af a raBag babad u.a.i, :. .1 week ea a hi.l tafered b. Mr. Beatty, fromI:., i ;i .,,,,_ in.,i.t:..... whleh rullna; Mi i.. nf. hadte-.relj cntie'.aed ia»l Baturtlay. Hr. Beatty b..,l re-

ported a bill to pretride for the dlatrtbntlon of pnbliodiM-umeuta by depoattiuir them m the poot-ofBeea of tberoin.try.for laleattbe coal prt_e to theQovernment.

. tli.ui li.i.f .i li.l.ioii tlol-- ,,.,¦ ae, Ided,,i!_ti the

I'liutiiic oi'iiiiiitt.-e. of -in,¦!'. Mr.Beattj m <Ii_i.--ui.-iii.bad ti,- n.iii i.-r. ,«'it it anl 'n..-.|ti.'-y''"'"'l ""' re-port a tiiei.-ure of _.-n- ra "¦ »r. Beatty, lnhii Baturtlay'e apeecb, elted nilinjra m rtmllar eaathrrt-ak.-ii. Winthrop and Cobb, nnd a fonner roUna of-I.. .in .. blaiue blmaelf, tbal tbe Prlntlua Commlttee:...t tb. ii.i.i i.i reporl meaaurea Oot raatneted to theprlntlng for tbe Houae. The pr-oedeate were elearlj oaM- Beatty'a alde, aml Mr. BUiua'a attempl to akow a

diaOa. ii".i i-t-i we.-n the two.-aa. -. ln whkrk ta had madelua conflirtiaa rullnjra, did u i i>ui tbe matter ln a reryrompreheuaible h«;bt. He made a good arfurnent, bow-. v,r t. prore mo Pnntlug ommittee oaabl not tol,.i-.e tbe prtrileg. whi, b tli ilpn -¦

obrionaly «ave tbem, and the Hou ., 8__rlng ia tbepreralenl __apo_ltiou to lnterpret hiwi aad i-irulatloniUl 111.1111 IlOt tbi V A.,l.!Ul lt m tl,.,!l_!lt ,1..-nriilile they ahould mean, suatulaed ti- Bpeaki r .- rulma;bj un aiuiont aaaala..i rote.Mr Dawea barlaa eaa BB aad ardaoaa

babomta Comasllteeapon the Tai hijiI 'i';,i!il

leitvt- 18r aia boaae _a Maaa -.,:,.--ui-..

a few dav- of mocb-ne*d< a tbe bin eomea upfor TOBeiU_-"_l"n tn Uw Houae, li<: t_j..-ciB to i-..-i_iu

::- u week.Tb. Baaaa Camaataae on MUltary Afhtn itrraed

day, to reporl farorahlr aat a Ibe i Bah bin ti_ib. .!.<.

payef tue eB-atedmeao-tbe B___y,whleheatabBabee,with aiu-i.t Bo__-_a_-e_, tba ratea ef paj oowwrnpo-

.... ,. j ,.v alao acreed t«, r.-j.-.r. tlleBenattl.'nl u< t.rev. ni i)er< .ti,.!. ai,.i Unprove ttu conditiouoftne tolitlera n\ eneourairlns tbem t« dep. Mr a iM,rt.,,n ,.f

thelr pav ln the Tr-aaurj', throagb tbe paymaatera. forretention by the Oorernmenf, at fonr per eeal lutertbtuntil the e._>irati,aa ot thelr t.-ims ,,f anUatmeBt.

Tbt; Attoru. v-t,ei.,-ra. baa -<l_99.l-tl Jud_e WUllani I_.w-reiu. of Obui, a former Memher of fjtinrrts., aa tbe arb!trator betweea the United Htat-n aadJadaawalBBd "f

Iadii".- wbo waa aaaawataf ihe'.ov-rnment for Ibep.tyment of certain bonatj and other clalma of Indlanaiu the Indian Terrltei It will be rememhen ,1 tbal ttaematter tn dlatrate inrolTea aboat aball .llllon of dol-lara. Judfe Lawrenee will enb r npon tbe rinti. - of t. .

apiM.iiitni.-i.t aa BOOB 88 the t. ri.tiiniiv, ta tbe abapeofitbdavlta, tve., can be taken ln tbe Indian rountibe wili alao loii-iil-r the rouchera and acet anta wblebji-.,l_e Wrigbt '-v'.;i preaent Tbeapp-aranc- of tbt eaae

1. decldedly ajk-jul Judge Wriajbt, w bo, lt ia alleajifd btbe ...iiernn.'iii ofHcera, r...ik a illshoutet courrc iii r.¦-

-iu-.i to aaoaeya |,ia<-. ,1 ln bla haada,Tbe Boaae Apprepriatleaa aaaalttee to day k .ded U

recemmeadaa approprlatleBof M-^aafoi tbaeoattoaa.tioTi of the exptoT-t-oaaof tba olorade lUv.-.- bj .vi.ij.-rPowelL


fQ_rT__J_I, Hi-.-O

Ti., eolored].otool tbn -eaUty, lo-tay.eelea- .rv of the Pr>>. hiniafioii al-.'..!..tipt >!avery

ui tba l' -'..' "f "lutuiua. Tin- preeaaalaa. wbleb waa

formed ef aaaaaaaa aalorad mllltary aad elrU aaaoetw- w.m qwlte lon_, .uid Iba Bieplay waa Itaa. Tba

reeta aloaa; the roate were thronajed witb eothaalaatierolored people. Tbedlaplayla eoncededtobe Unwiii.-b haa yet beea isade ea aa aeeaahmof tblacharac-t ,|. -, .¦, in i were made n tha affernix.u. and a reti j--tion ln tbe e.enlng eoaela_. ib- exaraaa -.

Xbi Cablnet raa ln aeaalon for aboel two ro-d.iy,aii tbe niiint'.T- betaa preaeal e _p.n* -ecreiaryDelano, wbo la atill Weet. Uan. Cawau reoeeaeated tue

Dep.rt_leat of tb,- Intertor. Tb- apedal feature of m-

tereat waa tba r,ii,ini_ td ,t lelmiaai froin ti_n. Bbenrtanto the Beeretarr of 8 nr aaaoain--...a tbat 3S i rTratea aadanaua laaimra irrthn fnaraapam im.l eraaaad 18a rirer.Tbey were .irr. ited in takt n to Baa Aati alo, a Bere Umpnvate-. w-re r.l. aeed "ii piir, -.. tlio.itrb lha ..ilinr- ir.-

atill uiidt-r| arreat. (ieu. Slurblau aaka wbat .liFpo-aition .n to Im- niiKle .f thi-tii I Tli- aahjacl waa r,-

frrre.i lo the Attoraey-.a__ial, who win eorraapondwitb ref.nnre tin r. i.i wilb tba lot-al Ht.ite autUoriti. IatHaii Autoiuo. Thi.- Lauinet waa al.., eaaaged vtithdepartmeotal buatiteeeof aa extraardlaarj -.uijiort.


B.kTAJfOBCa BTTLI. THBBAIBBBO A ME..K kNwii- BBO-JDI 08 in ri x v-.

IfAT-MOBOa, April 1-...BaTI-ral of <i«'ii. Corti-aa'a priaclpal a__ean aame in laat nieht le h»id a con-

aultation f.,r th, de_n_M of UM clty. Tbe r.-volutiouittaure atill in tbe ueijrhliorhood of Keynona. Be reenfone-Baeata hara eoaaa forward from VeraCraa. Qea. Vai.lez,who waa driv.-n from Pledraa Biaraabyt-U revolutioii-iri- mmbm wet ki .._!>. appeared it Lan-.lo. Texaa, wbere

ledacamp wlw about KM mea, lateadlacu>altii.k .Vii.Mi I_ir, <lo, Mexi,o. when lapt. .Meyera, Fori aelatoeb, Texaa, aroBeap hl-eaiun witu

ii:'.-: Btat. ¦ troope, aad arreated about _8ef th-uii-buatera. who are Beld aa nrtaeaen for violaiiujf lha _eu-

ua-fv Lawsoi Iba D-itadautea.

A MO.B-_-_8-A ___-!__¦ IN JAIL.JuHti.t- Wm. F. Bavaae ot MarrlaaalB aaa

lo.lae.liu the County Jail at Whlte Tlaiiia aa Haada.ereaiaa. A hhort time air», yountt men renldlng iu tbe

Tbird Ward of Morrlaania orirani.e.1 a tlrc eujfiue com-

pany, but were unahle to raiae the mouey re.juired for

the iitin-hare .f a new -ntrlrie. f'harlca Monka atlvam-edtbe amount of tl.e detl.-ienry, and took a chait-l un.ri-

rajr. upon tbe aaalaa. When tbe uiortirat?'' ___8889 uue.

Mr. Miwka wlahrd to have hia tuou.-y refuuded, andthr-ut..iu-.i to fereeJaea the m«rt_a.e. Ba aaaalojredJitatie, Browae to atr-ud to the matter. Tbe BresMBraiaed tbe aaaouat, wblcb waa about r^ou. and paid lt 81Jiiatin lin.wiio, who, U lt ia 8-kaed, dld'uot trauafer itU) Mr. Monka. Tbe laiter, learnintr, thnt tbe mortirai.'"had been paul, a.ked Ju.ti-t- BreWBS for lha uioney. witb¬out anv tatiafartory re.ult. II- tbea aaadJaatlee Hrowi.eto raeorer ib<- aaasaaf ami abtainad ju.i.uieut, uoi taeHh.rlff on iroliig to Juntn-e liiowne'a houae found uo

|,r,,j>.-rtj he emilil -ut-. BataeejaeBt i«'_»l proeeed-iu_r. led to tht: arreat of JaattM llrowue aud bi. .ouiuiit-nient to jail.

ANOTHLK BT-BAJf-DB mVMM.CtacnrBATI, Apnl 1«»..<>n Mon.lay, the

.team. r 0888888 a r.ek in Keutucky lUv-r, at tbe

uioiitb of Ii... <reek, 160 mllea 88888 Krankfort, caji-aiai'd. aml aunk in 30 f-et of water. The orew wtre

aaved, with t'jt- ext-ptlon of Heury Loekhait. a tolor-dt-ook, who waa drowued. ho laauraiitc.

CKIMEf AM) C-_r_f____B-_F-_V TELf:<.HAPff....Tbouiaa Herty. convn te.l of iimrrl-r iu Mal-

brti M.a i.n rri. .ra:rui_. lu lua Malr Fniwa oi lifr.

....Tbe trial of l.y.lia .Sli-rtnan f..r the poiaoninanf Ii.i 1. .1....,: 11. > -i.r .... ..¦ M . ia ltrtttj, . . .," 'B _*»¦*11. -n ,

...The hrijriiiitHi- MavHower. rtinning l.etw.enll.lifn ml H-' ... lara .i-._i .1 -r.l I''"" .' ' tta

.... aaw MTBd.I.utht-r Stroiip, a well known at.i»<'-ra|.her '

li ..rt- i.-i wii l«u_d -»-. M r-..l j. iroUf uiurBiu*.- 81 ¦ iopi~«. .".¦..¦ mJ<,'«,.,: bf taa tnm tb. _«..

Liquora tn the valn.-..f HMMWfBa aelMuiaU? la ik. -t-r. ,.f f.»o. w ,u F.yUi U.ia.tit U.*_,u

a.. i,_-|r.i Metaa.a «f ua I'lcur .....

It ia rejMirtetl th*f a _Taveyafd iu ____¦_¦__..M... ... iK-r. ._._rr,._r.. _...r.l »r..ri _«...» ..... "_".___¦._'TW 4_ammm ,.fta*_ _-. r t_4 ILi. MM laaa 88.888 Ml .? . "a aa

UMrtlHm ta aala .....,._.....





laOVI.dv. Tm si!ay, April 11, 1^2.

Tlie foUowta| n«.t.* :ic. .eiiip.' tlu* ("iintor :n<*

(Mivcr.'l |o tlie Board of Arhitratimi :it,jrt.terdaj, aa baaa.of Graat Britala:

Tiu* nii.i. rotgaed i. itiHtnu-icii i.y Bat Bafeety'e <;»¦¦-erataaal ta -ay that, wltin- pr.->4.7iitln_: t.n*ir .-oniit. r... -e-

iitnie*riiie apectal raaarvaBaa baealaallBf aaeallooed,ri.. i tiii.i :t in. nml.t npon tbi'in to Inforni tba that a B_a_dae_aadtag baa uiiforliuiatelyurir, ri ti twaea Oraal BrltaBi aml tka Battod Htan-a

laafihlag tu.- n.itiir.* aad .-xi.'iit of tha alatatfl r.-ferreei te)in tbe Treat* »f Waabtagtaa. Th<* atloaadatataadlagn L.ii-s iu abtbaa for n..i.r.. t laaaaa aad. tiir.-.- baad

i. l»«h bj th.' traaaf. of Aaatieaa ibipptag ta UmUntiHli Hair.

*.'. I.e.^. tr<>tn enhaneed Inanninee.3. l.osk froiu preelel,i)C.'ttli,!l uf tlie* W.IT.

Iha cltiiriia Ior iiielirei-r MaBBB nr.' not itdtiiitti-il bfii r Bojoaly'fl Qavaraaaat la bi- wiihin taa Bsofa aadInt..t.a af UM Ari.itrat.on. Her BaJaeti*B Ootataui. ut li..-..' beaa and alill are ln ,-«,i,-. speeiule-iie-,- wltbtba Ooreraataal of Me Dl led Btatea ta relaBsa Mbib>to. As ;i,,ii ,',erri's|N,:i,li*iit-i- haa uot li.-.-n nronniit to a

Iliial BBBB, Her Bajeatj'a (ioverniiient dcsiro that tlieArliltr:itinti hIi.UI ptaeaad witb refercuie to claiuia fordireet ln**. Tlu y havo thoiurbt tt proper, BBtaattflM,to ptaaeal a eaaaaaraaaa wim-b is atn.'.iy eeaUaad te.lir*. r fiainir", ln Ma h"p" that the ¦BfillfBBBB nii.-uii-

bV uu- may Im* remov.'d.Her Mii|.-stj'a c.iv*'timent hfr.*'.y erpfc sl,- aad

fonii.iiiy aottiy tbo Ai i.etr itora tbal tbia eoaalBfpii-si-nie-.i tkitimut iii.'iiiiini* to Ma iMiaition Baaaaaed byn.-r .Man-stv'. leiiiciiiiii.-nt iu th.) eanaBBaadeBeewbanta taflerea. h. beea aiada, an.l uu.i.*r expreaari tettktlotl of .,11 Bei M-ii. tly'a n^-litai ui tht; etOBt ol a

rUBVri ontinoing t.. ezlal ii. tweoa Ma partlaalt ii, it'ss iry. furt-t-r eoiuuiiiua-atiou will he made to

th. Ar:)i:r.i:e,ra. Ti.Mi.iiDi.v.A »«f>4-« d_pateb from Gaaera to The btuly .Neii-»

'i: ir, i, .11 <-.l tbeaatara of tba arotaatacuiiiKt tbe juriMli.ti.iri of theaibitrat.irs af GaaOTBover the Anicrieaa eb_aa for indircet daaaaeBa.which BeTaanpaaki tha BriBah faraalfer aaaa. mayprrereaI a Bettletaeal af tha diapale betweea Euglaudaml Atn.-ri. tt unni'iu* UM_f those <*l.-iirns."Earl i.ranviiie laid eWfaaaIhe Baaaa et _a_i t<>-

niirht the .-oiiiite-r :is,' and n«.te praaaatad at (i.*nevave-sTr.i.ii iij- the acri'Tit e.n the part of Oraal Britala.II.- stiteii that, whea tl,.* ar.(BBpaayiag aaaa ot pr.,-T. st w . e'.e-livf-ro.l. Mr. Datia, the ajrent OB the partof tli. Uaiaad Btatea, naid bia balractieBa did aote.'nt.-inplate the prohahility of BOt. B BB. ; li«'therafan naarrad f.*r tba Goraaaaaaal <>f tha UaltedBtatea rh.* rlght to titiflieate the gropo af the- Trealyfif Iu the Baaaa af C.BBUBM Mr.(iladati.ii." aaada a a___ BtBttaaeat, aad aaid helmped aaaa t«> han a bi____ Btuab. af eopiea <>fthaaaaatar aaaa aad ataaaiipaiijlin imiIii ior ili.-.tri-lnitiun to nll rhe meaibera ef E___teut,A.fBICAB BXPLT TO BABX. QBABYILL.*8 tAiT


1PT TTTE(,RArn T(> TTT!7 TeUWBB.1BABaiBOtOB, Tn.-Hilay, April IB, BV-

It i" rtr.flersTofxl tbat tba raptj of trarGaa.BBienlT.i Earl firativill.-M lant BO. h:.H baaa pr.*-

par. .1, and will go out in ta PBWTBW'a ateaaMT.A eopy ei the a_ar__ BttpflaflaaatBiy Caae,oi n pieation to tba Dtittab Caae, w_

neaired bjr Mr. Eixb. jaataadaf or ta_ay aad w:m

laid l>ef.rre the Cabinet at itn iiie.-tirikr tixlav. bnt itwas not read or diaeaBBade It is a eouesideraltlyshe rr.*r diw.unent than the Caae proper. and iaderote.1. ef eourse, not to a rcHtafi'iin-nt of Th,*

poiata Baada ia tbal daaaaaaal, bal toa aaaaaai-ra-tion ef tLe pi BB.__ BBBaBB. en tlie Biiti.ih Case-


nr OPPOaEB TBB CtAIMB rnn IWDIBBCT BAB-A, ,.ini; ootbbbm.R .i-iki.i) ro rusowTHEM OTBBBOABBe

from Tke l<uUrtrn,lmt.Tho writer af tlii* artie. feela bimself movrd

Lo oae tbi .lumna. Vhe Indtptndrttt.lawlulnad-_ tbe publie on the true eonatroctlon of ibe

of Waablagton. Boaaucb baa beea writina ob tins mot-t, rtiiaf perliaps n.itlinu'new ,*an .,,* -.ii.1; Bod v.-t poiba. a relterat.n ol abal may bave been s.,,,i i.-.

ininot.rfonnwllln«rtbe whoUr detold of aae. w-

aball conflae ottroelt-a prtncipally ro nn mquirybU, tbe Beaalag of the Tn-aty tlaelf. Bnt. before

ii s.-tikkitu niaiii tahlaft. we aay !»* por-nnttad to exnreaa oar coottctioB that th.- claimot inni-re. r rjamatea im*. recelved it« fuii rondemoaUon "n ihin..,t,..f th« water. nn ttt-ing Ind. flnit.' nmt inrapuhl.* ofleiuttou Th- rr- ara BBOte .H-r«oiia, .Obtleaa, who think,_ ibe ** enbi.oed poytnent ot lneBtraaeeH an.l th. ;<>-*,.,'.. frinsf. r .,f a lartte part of Me Ataerieaa eomaiar-c_ niaiii..' to tbe I'.ntisii il te" .'sp.-i'i.ii'v the Bnt, BUti

heeatiaiated ln money l.ut tbere en' tew.l apprebend,.I,,, do not talk niinoHf with datialtra <>f Me elaltar.r J.uaeTra ou a.ioiirit of "the proion<;.ition ofliI.. -_ and f..r " tbe atldltlon of a lar.'.* 411111

, rh,.' .'-oat of rhe war and the aayprat.011 >.fei.a R. -ik. : Ion " Wo beUeva the«.' ninttor» have t,.en itts-",,. nf M at tba m'ri't of the paMie tn roncerncl;,.,t' no ttteeu n.i.le.rtry of tblnklnar pet-na, Inelad-n_ ali poUt.ana eieapl thone. lf Men be any *.i,'h. whoi...-,- fotlah in troui.K-d water, would be glaal ro m-n

t_eaa tadlrect clala. throwa overtoara, at aaalraa aadwortbltaa trelgal on rhe ahipof Maaa ftatlluijon tartwdTi, ..amiiable aettlemeut." Wa bope that alr.-a.lyferenaratiieiiH have i.e.*n made r..r aaeb a eoaautu-..ti.u; but, lf they have not t.n wa wealdonite w-tli thonaaudH of other* iu eritreatiiig tbeVoTernment tbal no pnde of eoBBieteafTr. of tbe loattee ol toab daiaaa may atataal Ma.urong oplnloa, u we think lt to ba, ot tht* tteopha, fromii.Vni: .arri.-t out. The money ln iiothiti_. BOBM ha.v.M-.-teel that mueb wiil ever BOB. into the treanury

from thia'. The .rv ou oB Mdea la; Bperxly (ottle-___. the __Wlabtneal ol tli- prlaetpleol BrbTtraUon,\Xi:inaT,r.,*-iw"'s..f neaoM,aot.-aill betwaaaMaSagllab-epeatl"- I^«"urt* Wo tUrU U°W W Ue 'UkM* lUeU' audInqiiire:


Htall B.B we an now aufhorued to impute to the

Biltieht omminaloners, as tbclr int.rpretatlou oftbe

Treaty ln re|ruril To taaBBfaBBBBl damaifea. In thi- arti-

i, .,f Fehruary 15. putiliahed ln The Indeptiutent, we

aaid that w<-found little aa yet to gaaM us tn reeanl to

the tuiurcfaiona of tbe Britiab memhcrs of tbe HikchPtwiTnaar. But atnee tben, frura every fjuarfer. evl-d.-uci* haa lieen eonunic ln that they roiuetv.-d aaeb atbii.irto he outof the ijiie-ition.evldeuee cerlved fromexnre.loi.e »f their. Iwfore they left thia inuiitry, aaweli aa alt, rwnrd. Tbey bave dcelared thia ao poaiMvaljthat the UritlHh natlon, ot all politieal lvpen, ta eon-

vtuceil of lt wlth a rare unaniniity. It la not the oppoal-t,on to tbia elaea of elalina wlueh h.falled fnrth their

dlmtialmera, we are uersuarted ; but tbey lieirantoex-preaa tbeuiovlvt-a loug beioro our "caso" BBBebBfl

Bteamtt How could thia expreaaed and atrontr opinionof a imiulierof BBBB hare been forme.l withontaome reaaon for itl Were they an atupld aud uiirefl.-er-liic aa a raw atoek-itanibler wbo. In bia excltein.iit.ahee.i.d herome bankrupt hy eine but t Had they not (lu-aUiteuenta in tbeir tniiida which were made no eariy 111

tlnir neaaiona aa MaKb H, and are priuted iu tbe BfBtoejoluuder dat. of Muv 11 Tb re muat bave tieeu eoiue gn..lor tiiaiisilile for t.ielr uinterstan.llBg and luter-umiaU.m. If. ludeed. It < ould 1»* uiade to BffOBt thateiur CouiuusHieiiiers ti.,,1 i.i«t tlu* optKMiite uiidt-ratandino.tbat i-rt.iinly woul.l b.* a atroug IHilut altliuiii.lieveu theu the iiuaiiliiioiia convlellou of lier Htfenta woul.lIti.tlfy thr Qaeen, oa prlaelplea of momlity, frum break-imt t.tha art.ttratmu. The Oaa__08u_ra, of eoutae,would Ire rlleut at tlie- BttflBBl time. and alui .* illflleillllenliave arinen. iu reitanlte. Ibe true meauiiut ol tbe rieati:l.ut It .eeeiue likely tlait they li.i.l uo .lotil) what lt uie.iutlitat afler tbey dui.he.l their b.iNiueM. For they aiieiu

to have 110 oh-tacie Iii the wny of an e.iav a.l-jiwetuient «f onr rlaiina, wbirb eerra.nlv eoul.t not b.ivelareutUe cta.* if lUey iiaei the *iiau ou whicli the ailotra-i.i.u .ii 1. a fu. .11 vl.-w.

no. iiuiTisii i:_a aAaBH ao BBaaaaBCB to tiie indi-

lll.i T I...S.11 s.

TTlirrf We hare turne.1 U» tbe "Caae" preparee] under

the dirr. tlou of tb« Hrltub (i.ev.-rnmeut. whiel, ha« l»*. n

ln thtarountry uow about a moutb, to m-o if 11 MBBB adauy .ona. lounoeaa 00 the |iart of tts autuoi or*.iii«e,nienttaldaiiiaa;e« would be urired on the partofeeurOiev.-rn.i, nr Wl.o prepared lt We are no( 111-

fe.nneU. Tbe 1* |x.rl l» tUat U.r,l Telil. r.f. 11 baal a liai.diu lt, ,f it .U.i a. wBottj (taaa baa i«-n ..<"i 00 mao

..ould know Iwiler Miaii lie. .uie of tbe jniut nerreiar.. .,wtiai w.i. iill.ler.l.I I'J Uie I .i..|,|s*lon |l« 1«> tllle i_ai-

terT.fdatu.iava W* do u»t preteud to batB Md Ibewhole uf UUa .1... uiuent bul we have taarebrd. taiu iu Maaa parta of it wbere a aoarebwau.I ba u. be rrwar.i.d Nt aayludt.-atkou ( .1 fliiapulon waa eoUiUiued .l ... i.hui

Uta Um ou.- lu qur»Uo_ lt .- a roiai BBd tUv dnl u-

J.M.iei.t. Saa terv 1,1 or« ibaa the ( .. - pr.,.._ed i.v our (i..reru.ue..t. mi. upti'B to Bu w t. tnrrat llrltiil.i df u..t {BB ... the '.!-"*JM*B .-

UtBBl BblllBll88B M d.Uurdl)> Ibe Ible tmk «. .-

Trentv, in thoae Inatanee. in whleh the, l.nitad Sfafea.:i.n_ I her witb ao do.iiK.tliat la, wilh r.-Mpet-l U> thefntir v. iaai-Ia luKiwn tu. the Floilda, Alabama, Oaaraia.aad flbrnandaah AfBar a ab_8e8 ef tta aaaaaa paaaaedin r< Iui, n to ..ur eivi w.,r bv t.reat Brltain an.l othermarifinii powera, foBowa a Htatemenf on lareraat.aalrlehta hikI dutli-.. oo the pow-r- of prereatiaa na-lawful lOuipmentrt paaaaBBM by tbe Rrili.b arel ou the iiiau.i. r ...ul . irniiun'iiu,-ea in .md un-

der wbleb tbeee powera were exerdaed dnnaf tbe war.[athM part ,.f tba eaae a MBaBaeceaat i« lua-rted,..our neiilialify l.iv-A. wbl,ll have lieen iu foree for mon

tbiiii -.0 reara,aad bara beea beld 'lur.nir that perlo.1..!./ii,e b .-i-l ifive authority of the Unitednileiiiiat.. for i'« purp.,?-.-:" wblle yet, "aotwltbataadluaI'li, ve.Melri hav. fruoi time to tun, b< B tl't.-d outand _: in. -I wltbta fi,. t altad Btatea toeralaea-d cam-mll hii-tiiifi.'M^t natlona wi-h whieh th- Unitedrti.itea w.-re at 88888," ao " a 8818 lona. a

were nitlui.-.l .... thoae aettaaa by Iba.1, ,.1',-tliitl.iiia »f »,i< li weaeela." Mlchtnottb, ae aimllar eraetoaa oeear elaewbere, wtthnnt fault.... fhe parl »f II. n.-utial I'ower wti..' law. w, r<- tbit.Atiolatedl Tbea, after a brbnT ehapter oa tha powera eftbe Brltlah Go.ernmeat to prereal siuniar Infr.:_oee "fneiitnilnv lawa, aad the metboda of ao dobur. foib-w.. a_faaaea'a ,.f faet* ralattre" te fhe barreea u aataed,wbi.-b tiikt- up iln- ar.-at.r parl >>f Iba t ure. iu tba wo

paaaa of "reamraa la ooaelaaloa" .>,-..,ir-. tba ouiypaarajn wht-h we have aotleed havimr aay apparenti"f, r, ii.-,-1<> iudirect. d.auvx-e, ae extre. I i f- w word.-.oi it. i'i,a poiut eoiiFHiireii ia tba juFt iu, u-uie aadexteat of tbe llabOlty to the United Btatei wbii i. mlchlpoHiiblv lie rliarir-d ii_r:tiiirir. (ir-itt Brltatfl hy lhaTiil.tnial at (i.ut va. LosaeH, if la Uinre aaid, of WliieUliettli.e uee

il tbr .|i~rt »».l rrnil-it. 'in-- 'inl ;t ll Ib .IBr-. nf iwh obN thatn.n|rrnaat..B aaaM JuaiIt h. arr r.i.inni,iv no. ri.j to»piri>.fr.ini ihi.M-minunna fma o'brr raoar.. Sacn. in wirlik. .ip.r.u..nA ,

trriirrii|.,-,|n. not .nlv t,. th. f.irr,. ixiAtrri..- bal ta tba akil 18l.Ttr.1 tl th. ¦BBBBBtM .omhltllil. If .-!...,ba of thia aa'lirr aar.

_¦_.¦, a l.illi.r.nt -i|lit ilr-iaii ti. Im- iiiO.mi.iiiMaUtl i^inat r ,ii.r.(.jrurrB fairl, ittnbutalilr, ib part nr. lL,_n!irr, B..t tn ih. baM of th. Uit-r. hut to hia ownw_nt of rwp,irit/ imi rui.rtiria.. llrr Huritv . 'MWWB.aaIi.l.r.n,. ;ir.l M unt tli.t in r.ii'rrt M Ba atmnmt ta .___.__*th. forr..i,«f atmtaeatmt rrl.t.. ,i,rr.. wu on thr .art oi thr 0-TwT-.

BH-at uf ito Liiit-l >uir,.ir it. .itli.-.r.. ao riir.Plinirv rrii;A«nr«A n

-lain. tlir n.Tii forrrA it ,tA,|i.ij,iAAi iiul f o.'linarT ttrntHf i.ahe.n rixrrt^l |_ th. to an.l riptur. thr_> rr_rl.. th.I..Wl of AlllCII II..' nilr,1 M.. UOW c.lIBpuAib WOUiu yrTuOUl. lUVIb_rn in mriinrw irrrtrri."Here iti the pai.B8h_-ia the refer. nee, a» the eontext

abews. ia t" ,,).-.-. lnltieted or .-aiirw-.l bv any of tb- 81.I*naryopera_oai af war; ami iu the re.t of tba patb- atialoto throw on tbe l.'nited Btaaaa aad thelr maeh ef tha loaa tbal tho four raaaala .taaeaaion. ,i. li M tberafaea. tbal ramota nnurv. w iiaa our eaae r.atemplatee, waa not area aa _

tbt 'i :lit of iiv tbe wril.-r, mileat tbat parcuth-ai.« ahouldbe tbo.ifrht l<, form an exe.-ptlon.

TIIK bb.88.Bi INTF.RI RFTATtOV.Fourih : Wt .-ouie now to the paeBBBI la onr r.tro,

Part VI.. and fo the paaaair- In the protoeol on whieh it

laBarmed, beastfaf aar i-,a.i-r8 not to kaaB at tbi- .,,

rrnmhe r./wfif/i, but aa Immiis:, we believe, not. nur

old story told over. The wonla "amicahle «.-ftletneut"88881 four timea in Bba .loeiimenta whn-h 88889898 88.i. «., ln the protoeoln of th.- oonferenee of the Hi.h Ca_B>B.aMaaan an.l tho Treaty. (1.) They oeeur in the letterof Mr. FI.aIi of .Inn. 30. 1(471, where the Prenident er-

prenaea tba .8.N that Ibe Alabaaaa .-iamiA mav tati eated of by tba Hi_h rninailaaoa aad " Ibaa ba put lat lu- wa r .f an amn able A.'ttl-ment." Her- tbe meanlinr is

¦eaeral, aad, whetber tbe werda referred 10 any Bual.i-eni-v of tbe ComBBbaaaa or to lalttatlOB "f aeaaarea beyoaid tlnir own aetlon, they eould be naad eajuallrw.-ll. f_l I" tbe fuli pow.-r irlveii by tbe Quoen .F.b. 18,I8T1), wbere ocear tbe worde M for Ibe wuipooe "

. . .

"oi tieiitin. tor an a«r.emeiit aa to tlie motle of thelramicahle Bettlement.'' Their refer^ to all tbe dlflewnee.lieiw-.-u the fwii .ioverntuenta. aud the *enA.- > eiju.ii.vejeneraL fl.) In the Treatv Itaelf. at the v.-ry beirlnaiuir,we tin'! tba two -OTerameata, " belaa .leHirouatopr.vide for an atnical.le aettlement of all e88aM "f-i.ifi reii,..." et.-.. appolnt iilt-nijiotentiarieF,-te., wln-re.a.aln, tba88888 ean only ta r-n.-ral. .4.1 In th- proto¬eol, Mav 4. lnTl.mention la made of .1 eonf-reii,..-oath. itb of .M.uib.ib.- third meetina; of the Commia-sion after their full j.owers were whn-hour Commuailonera enunierateii th.-wrorii:- ea.aed byOreal Brttalatotbe people and uovemment of tb,-I iiii.d Btatea.botb taad.eetaad Indireel loaaea ¦ aad..1 ,i that, "in tbe bope of aa amioiib le aettjement no ea-IItaate waa awdeof indir-et loaae., witi.otif (rrejudlee,bowever, to tba rlifht to nleiuniilcatlou on tb-ir aosaUBlIII 111 iveiit of uo 1,11, b aettlement bellltf Oiaile.">,,w. lf tbe Tleaty coatalned aacta an amicahle Kttle-

tn. nt. tlie rirhf of mdeninitleitti.,n for in.llr-et loaaeahere Mibat_utiallv waived. If by theae wortla. ou theuutrary, \t tateaded a wttletuent.en bioc, tor tlie Jotut Huh t'ooiniiaaionert tb.-.UF»-lv.-.A, suebr'-bt of in.leu.nilieation waa not waived. We have,pmne.l oar falth ou tbe dei-laration 111 the Tane ip. 46-,tbat "the KrltiFh romusiaFionerF derlined to make tbe. amicahle aettlement' whieh waa propoaed ou tbe partof tbe I'i ite.l Bmtaa." And that thia faifh w.F not -11-

tirely bllod la abowa by a p.-.-.a_e ta the protoeol f.,i-lowinii .0011 after tbe oue already (juoted, iu whivh. on

tbat 8th of Mitr-h, our Commi.-.ioneM i.ropoaed tbat- tba Ji.ttit Hi-b CaaaBBB.lea ahould upouaauuiwhleh ahould be puid ln «atiaf_A'tion of aii claitns and in-

tereet tber.-.m." That ia, tbe hope wa* then enter--.,.. 1. ,1 tbat tbe Oomariaalon would nettic erenrtbtof; or,in otber w.irda, l.nnir about an iiinuahle aettieui.-nf. >-Aii.ii A.-ttl. 111e.1t iM-niii maile. lt waa not .li.-liouorable to

i,in,_ L___net .aaea before a court of arbitrauou, wnicbwaa afterward eatal dD___XrOC_rr____B coaacct or the bkiti.-h ,.ommis-

BMMntBBWhat Beaalea Bl not a littl.- Jaal here is tbat, after sut'h

full aad dlatlael atafemeata, tht- Br.tlab CommiF.ioneraahould 11.'.'-r 11,.- aaapect rbat tbe sunjeetof todtraet

u,i_i.t eoaae ap n__in. a'e eannot espaaa thi..

vv hope that It niay Im explalned witbout the neeeaaltyof imiMitlnjratuptdi'v tO 088 party. or want of openneBi

to tbe otber, or .-M interpretation to the ca_e of the

United Btatea. n.if the moral from the whole ls thattlu- muddle, bowever eaaaed, \* an a.l.lltlonal reaaon f.rbavlnti 11 Aiicii.fl-it ia wnie way that tb- Indirect aadi-i,ii.ei.uentuii ,latua_e« are not to be urire.l before tb-Arblirntlon. lf 88-8-8 fo thin eff.-et have gOBM out, or

aaaiiiaBfia been giv-n, 8«. 11111. tbe ln-tt-r.It ia a pity, we ad.l, in cloatae, that the Otirt ih eona_-

tuted loa. aa it la. Th.- n.iu-Eiiirl:ah-.iK;a_iuaT Biemberaappear to to aaea of aa areai ataadta1-. aad ..r- .ald toh.tve but a sleu.ler knowle,l_- of tbe Eii.Unh lau__.i.-.Tbere an- baadredaof peraooata Buropeacqu.tntedwnnliiw. wtth En-liFh, and with tti'l.Tj-, whoae v».,-e woindoarrytaafold the weiuht of theirs. In order that theprlnelple of arlutrati.-u may make itn wav iu tbe world,th-re .et'lllH to be need of B more inte.iU'ent Ulode of ex-

,>rt i-ni_ lf than waa adopted In the tustanoe before ua.

And that tbla prlaelpta may make ita way n *i v.t-t.v

lmi«,rtant tbat wo ahould re_ard it b.-ti.-r aud even

eb.iiir.-r iu tbe Ion,, ruu tbat tlie I'nitod Statea 8houldennaent not i" urgtj eten ita J'tat eiaiina tban thar thereahould i>e a faitur- lu thia ,-nieial eTjrenmeut at Oeneva.


Salt L.vkf. Citt, April Itl..The talagraphkaaaaaaeemeal af the supreme Court d.-eisiou la the

EiiKle.breebi t-ane. tin* morninjr, depr-aaed the treutll-a

iiii.l I.iberalr.. Tbe Mormons are Jubliant. The Mormonauthonuea commeuee.l a B-B-M of arresta thia afteruooafor refuaal to i-ay oppreHilve taxes and lleenaea. An

apoatate Mormon merchaut aamed Sllver, waa draa»redover hia eounter, throuirh the street, with all mannar oftndlrrnlty, nnd tortured with wlre wrtst euffa, to the CltyHall luteuae ext-lteiueut enaut-,1 and hiiinlreds 888884to Iba 1 ourt-room aii_ry aud detertuiued. Judxe Uayden,for the prl-oin-r, ali.-_.-d rhar a _reat outr:i_e had beeniiiiiiuiitted.and itemandeil time to prepare a defenae,aad aaid tbat liou.owi, if ueceaaary, were r-ady for bail.i-ilv.-rwaa at leugth reU;_--tl ou hia owu reco_u_iauce

Baatera .-apltaliata and ofhera here on minlna; hnslneaaazpnaa -tr,,u_ aneabaaaMaa of injury to tbe inter-.taof tbe T.rntory Ibe f.-miiiK' r-aaou tf the preaent altua-tiou tontiuuea. Tbe faitb of eapitaliata resta ln tbeEiiited-tateaaa Uu- aole a-overulug power of the Ter-rttory.



R.vro, Mi'., April Itl..A man uanied S«Tnborn,from HtandiBh, Me., attaeked Henry McTutoHh of thia

clty. yesterday, tlrlng four nhota from a revolver, neltherof whieh took effeet. tiautxirn ia tn cuafody. 11-thnt ta utt_A ked Mvlutoah for the pu.jxiae of realreaai.ii;the wrouKa of a yoiin_ lady. and 888-8888 that it 1» hialuteuuou lo about him on ei_ht at the llrst oppoitunity


TELEGRAPHIC NOTEf.... .The U. S. Hteamer Iroquoia arrived at (i.braltar,

yeitenliT.....Haniilton Colletje has lieen closetl until May '-,

UB IrAK.BB. >lf itl. pr«Tll.BC« Ul ,_ll.l 0»_

Wa'er will t>e let iuto the Wellantl Canal next8tu_-iT ia.1 th. Caflil will b» up.ii.- ua Moiaiy. ->a _- luiu

The tirni of Javeox dc Green, W_ol_BB_a piveeraof -yrarr-r. ruap«BJ_l rra-ruiy. T-eir UbiiU- tit or.r g&o.Oui.

Ten lnKliee, recovered froru tLe wreek of the_M_taaUa-BBIj ¦*_. b_i_t itJC-U-u. jtattvUy. ftaf wire n.1

__8_aL...Two newlineaof Atlantif Bteamers are pro-

P.,'rj !,nr _. rao b»tw«a OU'iTowtmi N«. l.rl iliI lur uthax ba-tw.| Lir* *.w Baaa

.TUe order abolialiinir the paaaport ayitem haaaoar iu. .urraU-'B. Pira... arr'Tin| lu aaj lu.iBf Yttuet, taattnla',wrrr aut ..Ulift- to _.w ikair u.88*88

It ia reported that the Pope ia abont to ftll theTirianei ia IB. t ullmr. uf t.'inluiala. Antibahap Mibbibi'i aame ia a.ui.oar.1 aa lik.i, to t* _nuua "" aaw apr«iala.Bt_.Atl earthquake ahoek waa felt in Meridian,

Bba. irit.nli.. ll laaUU kalf . _uaul«. Littlr laaiaf. waa .uaa. TaaBfcaaB |.i~*.i !_»¦ aartkaait tu nMttltw^t -it.i.i ia Turt, Aia.. audKu-.rrpr.-r Miaa.

Ata tne. tin* held <m Moridav. the B. rliu Kier-.n. ., ,.un_..,oan.iu-airr. ira j...aa. rwawrr aui tu n.U¦n.ii.:. u. ... in. ..f a lori out wklrB thr aailrn «.. Ihr. wUlaagtj ia!. aaVet ua 8atmtiarMonday waa .»lmervi»il in TorentrO aa a Thai.k---

i-ITi_t I'ar lur tka imnrrr «l Utr Hrlar. of Wlla, h.rrir. .rr. .rl

iii lh. i.r ». Ib all mir. h.waa .«.. Tilli..a l.y laiyw roaa '.-.i.....

Bi... wiiitiwu- |i_i» .ulbaaaawt Ib. 14iUua.l aalura> ... niv| ib all_a.aaaaa...The 8aaaaaaa Laipael Kaigk-i Pvthia* ha.1 a

gratul pr«-r_wu. UirootlB tbr prluaipal rt.wu ol Baltia.r. .»«l.ri_.T.At.,,.1 ul, mai wwr. ia aa». Alur Ul. prmaaatoB ta. l-_i«» art ta

t aaaa. A uaaawr .1 aclrpti. «». praawat frwa Ifea b.inct .! t m

l.abia. V.i.iuii. _au ulh.1 SUUri.

It a|»|>eara from the report of fhe Rev. _>r.Tr..w,B« StrrrU.. aaal _._.»! A|..i _. 18. I'-.i..u.t Ku.arui _liiri-a.... awtaaaa .Br~_-i,oa .. i.«r- .' 8,_...._.. aaa .« ._.,-.

,,.,,.. u;»i ta. iwaMiK U_a. a..r ,. ia. taW ». aa.a.rr.,.i.. iud .'lf a,a."'.ri l.l_>riaa la tk. UA I kr .wa .1 81*' _.

... ,ip«_l. lait amtt, i.I 8.8.MBI will to n^Blra4 lu. aoil jta»


BA-KB.TBB ITOST BBUTBTBD T<) M DB-ItOBBB to Ali> *<>«!. s,*K. ; i.ativk tf _mi,

Laaaaa Tue«day, Aprl B, itm.

Tba f'.illowiii:.' ataat.aaal gHaa tha m.'y aa-tbority aad Braadaaloa, ao hnraeeaa aaal, 'f.r


mi uti.m of whu li waa made 111 thene dlepatebea ye-t. r

tar:IeW_aWefOB Trlrgrofih of Keadaj tnonung, April 15,

baalBg BB e.lltoriii a '*....- w [>>>n BaaOtttBBB tuaile ti\ ,a

aaa Parta aad Berl.n i nta, aald: "Bb re

K'rrt to I. aru of tlu-i i.i: i.iis I.. t w aa eftaaaa and (>*r

many, tl.e cr.tniil ,iiiie|i'i..ii whep-ot-inace kn*>wnthrniigh then.* aataa nt the _reafe*t. atin.-tyto tboae hy whoiu ,t Ifl ttett ap| i- lai 4. lh, Trtryrntihfurfh.-r azgeaaaad th.- t....ef lt ls "only by th«exeretae of dtaMOttOB ar l'.iris aad itarlin chat btave'. eomplii-ati.'tin may t>e uvoiil. .!." The afatein. nr. ,,rthe ee.rreiipoiiilent.a, upon wlueh the r< irriwlay waa pn--dtfated, are, ln BBbBtBBetB. '.' rininy dlrtruxta thetf.ioil f.uth of Franee, BBd ta dlapleaaed .r the .-iu*ot e,frlie aruiitmeiit aml mllltary otgaataaBaa wfueb theThler* (iovernmetit B g forward. andthat l'rir,.*e P,*k Ifl alujiir ro ei.ter a '

l-r,.r.-it BgaBtet UM eoorat Fi.iti.e a ptirNUiiier. in

wiii.iibawfll_b_n Ma bbbbi r Bat promptami :¦clstve aetion on rhe part of ii.riiiiny. everi fo tbe eita-ntof reoe.-upyiiiaf the Depattaaeata <>f Ptaaaa tal f,V.iritiltee| l,y rhe* Trnop* ,f the E upire. Iu lil'llfll'll '.)

theee atateaea. or ita eorreepea4eatB, The Tbla$pwa>k.. -* ,'ditonally that ir know., oa the hi.rtie*t autlo r

ity, BBBMa apeaab al bt l_ al heaayearaaBrhe Kre-tn-ii A-*e.!,i:y, ¦. tr ¦-., ed a grata baaraaalaa alB.Ua."

aTrtthaf the ii-trer* aot edltartali "f any other t,

aawBgapaagtra eoaBraaatiofl er eeaaaaaaaea ta rhe a«-

aertioua of liu IMfgrBBA, uul tbe geaelBl Inipreamon .a

tbal Ma wh.,ie st,,r-, iafi ¦ dor wlth the daaigB of ai.liii.- ¦, -p ealatlta aeb. aea.


B_.B OB lill BABQlTia OB* BITK.i.e m ,,s t ., :..*., Aprti i'. Mn

An exdtiag eaatcal for PariiaaaaBt ih :narogitaala Tataaatlb. Ttie taaseat.aa are tliaf MrIl.iulniry. a Li:,.-r.ti I >iin rv.tive, ivii; l>#) returnrd ov. rMr. Hoi,in*ou. who ls rimuinir as an iud,-p. ndent Thn (ilobe and otli.-r T..ry oririin* are e:ate_ eaaeMartefeatal*thaflatanuaeal i>v one majunti. paaaer.dajr. ibi aa aalaipailant aiatadaital to the B.tiiot i.i.i.A shoeraaker named NicboN, wh.. r*-sid.*d witii hi* fam. yat Miiida Hill, a au urh of Laaaaa, taal u.-at mureli re.iall bis cbildn-n, fot.r in uumber, ind then i-ommitted sui-

cide. If la not known what ;.r ,n,,-)'et| the man to con.-

nut tbis tcrrlble aet. tboogb U la beltatad h«- wae lns.-,i,e.The marrtag.- Bf t!i<* BaiBBBl Bl Bute to tbe dauifhfer

n" IaTi! H.iward took plae-,' tbia tnorni-air at tb.-RouianCatUolic Oratory at Erouiptou. Tha w.-il.linkr cer'tnot..,.

were wltne»»eii hy a trrear erowd of persona. Tbe Bar-oness Bur.lert OoattB, rhe Duebeaa ef Artyll, Bar..:iIinths.-hild, the Duke of Neirfolk. ai:J ma-.y other nohloparaaaaaaa were pi-»-i4«*nte:iI la the newlv marned ouple.AaaoBg tbe asaar preaBali -.ent to the btMa war a aet«;CBBBW .OeXbtt .'riui BJ¦ Bo__M UlB I'.ipe.

TIIE BABQUn OF BCTE.Tho marriacri ot* the ICarqoia of Baai ha.*>,

for souie riiue, oei'.ipk-,! ihe-atin:.:.,.:; .f tl.. faabtaaB '*

world in EncL-ind. The Marr.::;*. abaaa name M6tuart, la elesceiieled from a Bobla Eii^ii.-b ho.i**e wba liwas repraaeatad m the p.-»'r.i_'.* iM-fon.- M icrosaed the Atlautie. He is tlie ouly uon of tue aee. n.i

_8I_t_ and I-adv IL*'::!.*'. daiikfhtcr of the rtr-* af HastiUk"*, 88. BBB~tadad fo bM fatb. r i

tttle aael eatat. s while an lufant. VV-.. i

in his eleventh year hia motli**r di.-d.lata editeation ree.-ived the ni.nt i-ar-ful attenUon freinbi* BTuardutna. About fonr years ago considernbl* »ur-

prise was eaused by the annonneeaient that he had n

nounee 1 the ereed of hl*. father- ind j..ined Ma BtBCatholie Chur.a. Be adopted aaaaaiaasatiously that taflaata *tarliiir rh..* ba ha.l ratatwsd to bMlaraaer U::.:i!f fou_d raadj eradaaaa uuti; f,.rm.iiiy de-

nt»*d.The secesalon of tbe BatqaM had aaaaal M etnte

fou:menT, wh.-n. in May, IBIB, Ut r*:-rie.'s .. Ia tha.r"reculled tbe youna* pe.r to tbe pablB uiiiid. In thatwork, Tbe vet.ran uovelist, lt wUI be re< alled. intro-

ducea Loti-air as a your ar UnfTh.l BOblatBBa »f v .-t

weiiltb andexaited ptBlthMB. Left an orphan ui his in-

faney. he ta brouirht np ur.'l-r Ma .f two a ttrim Baotafe lord. the other an En-

_lish eieruymau, who. haviug " gaaa over to R.,u.'beeame Cardinal Gmudisi.n. and th>* BaatBBBBf of tue

Paaaer m the Brttish Isles. The fOBBapsat ia IntriKtu. "<tln the n.inau.-e Ju.*r a. he lt r. Me eta ef hi" 8. r

Itr,aadBiaktag nis entry lur.i ittdety. The xt.

chiefly oei'UDied wi'h th<* tffrTr. of CardinalOrtuto temnf hN ward into tlie (Ininh of Rome, in.l rhe elforta of bi* other fr.ends to keep h:m out. Tht par. leltaaot, botwrer ettfried oat to rh.- eitd. tartbt Mar.;...wentorer. but I-othair rOBBOlaed iwlnnd.The allianee of tlie Houaef of Norfotk or Arundei and

Bute. bowever. Magolarly eontlrm.. whiit eoald baraoaly been .*.nj.-fturf wtrn rlie ineiralinf. '^nt parr of tbeutrire-'v of R..r'ie ta tbe iiitrodnefion of rh.* roaag M r

om's to a Catholie familv, Lord aml l-ady rt. JatOBB Itnetr d.'inghfer flare Anind.-l. who nea: yeffaeea the ta^reaaloa of the TjhSj t.rtaandthln t1r*t love, and .ta BtBI dn of the ui.ityof Cbriat.ridom. and plaiining u irreat conoaeet would have been »_>e.-ely, s. »;lr ,.re

rhe .'hannaof Clare Ariin.l.-!, aeea>nfted by tbe artttl, .a

of more experleneed heaatx. But Tbtwdura Ih *n.ii*e *..

retwue tbe i_niresaioniih!e vourti. who i» rlually w.m !>v

LalyCot_u_e. Takniglatoaeeoaal the _va_-ttot:.tlB>t_t_aMr.Dbttaelldeettoeto belwcaaMartaland inia>riu_y . haraeter, the parailel BBBBBI now coua

p.ete.The MartraB i« one of The wealrhle«t peera of Enrtanil.

n«' lnherite.t a pnne.-iy pnip.rt.i. and. durinjr hia mi-

nortry, tbe aeeumulationn were terr irreat. He owtibfour aaagBBtoeat rexidenres: Mount hruart. roman-

tically stfi.ted on the I-iaml of Bute- Cord rTCaatle, bullt ln thf eleventb eenTurv, wheretn Rotvrr.Ptike of Nonuandv, die.l, after in-itiK- a pa.aaer ta lt farjn veow; Dumfries Uottse, Ayr, and L.m1ouoKUaamek. Tbo Bute aaeka al . inliff. entinly blapropertv, are faj aeres ln area. aud BBBl upward '

BBMW. He alao owu.* most of the laland of Bute. andother'landed propertv of treot exteataad __ae T ..

titleof the Marniii*. )f Bute irivea bim preceelenee of a.lbut prluces an.l dllkfs. Tba faiuiiv me tto ln. _ntV) rtrrfhonore. "He flourlrher. in an h..neera!,le aneestry." lt, hasbeen arrnnged that the Mini'im B to repair wit i blabnde lnimedistely after the untrr.akf.* eeretu.-ny ba < airtifl Castle, travelltiK by a speeial train froiu Laaisa.Lord Howard. whene dauirhrer the Karaaia ha* .-

piutafid, laa mi-mherof tbe ('atho'lc hotiM.- of Norfolk. .!...oldest tn thf peera^f of Enerland. He m uu. le of tl.eptaaeat Duke of Norfolk. and haa t>een ln tbe BritisbBoaaa ol Oaaaaaaa Ba ia ln bla stth yeiir, and marn. dtwii-e. Ma iiiarr:.iir<* Iakiii_ piaee one y.-ar afterthe death of bu tlrst wiie. The bnde u iu b«r l-'iu ye_.




Madbid, Tuenday, April 14. IsTl.

The bandsi of Carlistij that have bt>«ui a»n-

tatiuu tbe eountry for tho paat few day* bave al! .:.- .|

I>eared, wlth the exeeption of one ln tbe Provttwe of

l.rcelou*. wbich b.i otfered to aurrender 18 the i.or, rn-

ment. It ta reported that uo art.nUou wbatever waa

pald by the eountry people to the mnvetueota of tbe

banda, altbough lar»re nuius of tuoney wt-re ^pent u>

aeoure tbeir t\ mpathv.Eapartero. Caldo, Xontalvin, and Alvarez bave been

eleeted aa Mlulsterialista to tbe ¦*. nav. or uptmt branebof _e t ortea, from the City of Madnd, Rio*. Rirero,and FUmerola were aefeated bere. OtaaBfB ia eleetedto the Senate from Loirrouo. Tbe electious reaulte.1 tu

tbe aucce. of tbe Miuiaterlaliata tn n out of t.. ik I'r.-v

liii-ea. a- for oa la koown, tbe Miuiatry Hare ua ._d tho

Opivosltion 3V Beaatora.I'r.-ai.lee t Thiera boa wrltten to Klnx Amad.u- de.-lor-

-ing that no power, not eieeptina Itaily. ia more Inter-

steel U_ni.nee la the eonaolldation of djrn_.* i_ti

tutiona ln Bpoln. It la aotd that eeverol foretirn ikowerabave glreu tbe Bpo&iab i.overnmeut ;t.uraiieea of taV--*

de t-rujiuatiou to mippree* tbe luteri.Uou_ Bociety.


1'bsth. T__ay, aprtl 18, 18TI

The aeaaioo of the Huagai.a Di_ waai*l._.,1 to-4.y by the Emperor Fntueu Joaoph ia ptrraon.Iu bla epeech frotu tbe tbrone Hia Maleaty dwelt with

deep aatiafaction oa the tre yeara of Me aaaaaaafalworkina of tbe A_ tro-HongwrUa Compraratae. la.toatbat time the prosperlty of tbe eoantry bad beee et.-aiL.ytm-reaaiua. Tbe n _ttoaa witb fon*urn poaera wera oa

a flotkir'tewiiiitt. ool wlth peoee at bo. oal abfoat tarrawaa erery pruapeet tbat the progroaa af the B.a.tawould be t_.tetuniolod.