* The student’s will be split up into groups of four. Each group represents of different side of...

* Introduction * The student’s will be split up into groups of four. Each group represents of different side of the Civil War. Upon being split into groups the students will be given a role. These roles include: Confederate Army: One general, one nurse (girl), one normal soldier, and an injured soldier. Union Army: One general, one nurse (girl), one normal soldier, and an injured soldier. African American group 1: Two slaves fighting for their freedom, two run away slaves African American group2: Two freed slaves, two slaves fighting for their freedom * The students will research their individual roles and write three pretend letters to somebody “back home” describing their everyday life. They will also design a costume of what they would wear during that time period. Finally the students will partake in a “battle” where they will debate each other on their characters beliefs.

Transcript of * The student’s will be split up into groups of four. Each group represents of different side of...

Page 1: * The student’s will be split up into groups of four. Each group represents of different side of the Civil War. Upon being split into groups the students.


* The student’s will be split up into groups of four. Each group represents of different side of the Civil War. Upon being split into groups the students will be given a role. These roles include:

Confederate Army: One general, one nurse (girl), one normal soldier, and an injured soldier.

Union Army: One general, one nurse (girl), one normal soldier, and an injured soldier.

African American group 1: Two slaves fighting for their freedom, two run away slaves

African American group2: Two freed slaves, two slaves fighting for their freedom

* The students will research their individual roles and write three pretend letters to somebody “back home” describing their everyday life. They will also design a costume of what they would wear during that time period. Finally the students will partake in a “battle” where they will debate each other on their characters beliefs.

Page 2: * The student’s will be split up into groups of four. Each group represents of different side of the Civil War. Upon being split into groups the students.


* You are going to be assigned a role of a person during the Civil War. Depending on who you are you will do three things

1. Write three letters: These letters will written to somebody back at home. You will explain to them what happens in your daily life.

2. Design a costume: Based on what your character would be wearing during this time period. You will design an outfit that would be worn.

3. Compete in a battle: The students will debate. The Union verses the Confederate armies including the African Americans on their individuals views of the war.

* For the debate your group should practice at least three times for your points to be clear and understanding.

Page 3: * The student’s will be split up into groups of four. Each group represents of different side of the Civil War. Upon being split into groups the students.


* Step One: The first step is the research your character whether you are a Confederate General or a Run Away Slave. It is important you know your character.

* Step Two: Write your letters. Grab a sheet of a paper and a pen and get to work! Remember these three letters are describing your everyday life. From what you do to what you eat even when you go to sleep!

* Step Three: Design your costume! Look up pictures, and think about all of your research, what would your character wear? When you figure that out get designing your outfit!

* Step Four: Group time! Get into your groups and start thinking about the debate. What does your side believe in? Why are you fighting? What makes your views right?

* Step five: Practice, Practice, Practice! Get together at least three times and practice going over your debate.

* Step Six: Time to put it all together. Bring in your letters and costume to turn in and practice one final time with your group.

* Step Seven: Debate time! It is time for each side to debate. At the end of this the teacher (Abraham Lincoln) will deicide a victor and who won the war.

Page 4: * The student’s will be split up into groups of four. Each group represents of different side of the Civil War. Upon being split into groups the students.


* Resources for Research:

• Confederate Army


Normal Soldier:http://www.civilwarsoldier.com/cws_confederate_s oldiers.htm

Injured Soldier: http://www.sonofthesouth.net/ leefoundation/civil-war-medicine.htm

Nurse: http://www.historynet.com/civil-war-nurses

• Union Army


Normal Soldier: http://www.civilwarsoldier.com/cws_union_soldiers.htm

Injured Soldier: http://library.radford.edu/archives/winesett/mcfague%20-winesett.pdf

Nurse: http://www.historynet.com/civil-war-nurses

• African American Groups

Slaves fighting for freedom: http://www.historynet.com/african-americans-in-the-civil-war

Free Slaves: http://www.civilwarhome.com/freedmen.htm

Run Away Slaves: http://www.cwbr. com/ index.php?q=2231&field=ID&browse=yes&record=full&searc hing=yes&Submit=Search

Page 5: * The student’s will be split up into groups of four. Each group represents of different side of the Civil War. Upon being split into groups the students.


0 Bad:The student did no work

2 Needs Work: The student did the work but still needs a lot of work

3 Good: The student did all the work. Did very well but still needs some work

4 Great: The students did everything with little to no mistake

Letters Letters were not turned in

Letters were to short. They also weren't developed

Letters were well written but had errors

Letters were very well written and detailed

Costume Costume was not designed

Costume was designed but incorrect to their character

Costumes were designed but not enough

Costumes were very well designed and detailed

Debate No work was put into the debate

But very little work into the debate

Students but in average work into the debate

Students but in a lot of work to the debate

Page 6: * The student’s will be split up into groups of four. Each group represents of different side of the Civil War. Upon being split into groups the students.


*Congratulations! You have now completed the Civil War project! You now know what it is like to be a person during this time period. Good work!

Page 7: * The student’s will be split up into groups of four. Each group represents of different side of the Civil War. Upon being split into groups the students.


*Author Biograohy:

Maggie Qualter: perspective teacher at Concordia University. Currently a freshman.

Jessica Laird: perspective teacher at Concordia University. Currently a freshman.

Page 8: * The student’s will be split up into groups of four. Each group represents of different side of the Civil War. Upon being split into groups the students.


* https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=632&q=civil+war+letters+home&oq=civil+war+letters+home&gs_l=img.3..0j0i24l2.27441.31675.0.31880.

* https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=632&q=civil+war+letters+home&oq=civil+war+letters+home&gs_l=img.3..0j0i24l2.27441.31675.0.31880.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45175338,d.b2I&fp=fc08f5c3c21403bc&biw=1366&bih=632&imgrc=lvgDPCUrNnqHlM%3A%3BlOVrrYEydekKkM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fm-berry.com%252Flincoln%252520doug%252520debate.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fm-berry.com%252FCivil%252520War%252520debate%252520guidelines.html%3B442%3B345

* https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=632&q=civil+war+letters+home&oq=civil+war+letters+home&gs_l=img.3..0j0i24l2.27441.31675.0.31880.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45175338,d.b2I&fp=fc08f5c3c21403bc&biw=1366&bih=632&imgrc=EWHyym4UbarhFM%3A%3BqDGSADqk4qnjPM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.mrlincolnandfreedom.org%252Fupload%252Fcharleston-debate_large.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.mrlincolnandfreedom.org%252Fphoto_credits.asp%253FphotoID%253D6%2526subjectID%253D2%3B600%3B325