* The Industrial Revolution Kirby-CHS North Clackamas School District Social Studies Priority...

* The Industrial Revolution Kirby-CHS

Transcript of * The Industrial Revolution Kirby-CHS North Clackamas School District Social Studies Priority...

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  • * The Industrial Revolution Kirby-CHS
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  • North Clackamas School District Social Studies Priority Standards: HK 2. Analyze the complexity and investigate causes and effects of significant events in World History.
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  • I Can define and explain in writing the following key concepts: The Putting Out System Mercantilism Water Wheel
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  • EXCEEDING 5 PROFICIENT 4 PROGRESSING 3.5 EMERGING 3 Your K.I.M. vocabulary is detailed and complete (including memory device). Critical thinking answers and summary paragraph are detailed, clear and accurate with specific supporting details in complete sentences. Your K.I.M. vocabulary is complete (including memory device). Critical thinking answers and summary paragraph are clear and accurate with specific supporting details in complete sentences. Your K.I.M. vocabulary is complete. (including memory device). Critical thinking answers and summary paragraph are accurate with minimum supporting details in complete sentences. Your K.I.M. vocabulary is complete sloppy, rushed.Critical thinking answers and summary paragraph are and accurate with little supporting details in complete sentences.
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  • * Industrial Revolution Industrial Revolution (beginning in England during the 18 th century): society shifted from using tools to make products by hand to using new sources of energy, such as coal, to power machines to produce products in factories.
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  • * The Start of the Industrial Revolution By 1750, the Agricultural Revolution had led to a large increase in Europes population. About 93% of the people of Europe lived in rural areas. New innovations revolutionized manufacturing. People began emigrating from rural to urban areas searching for economic opportunities. Advances in medicine, hygiene and agriculture improved the quality and length of peoples lives.
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  • * Black Death Norman Invasion Industrial Revolution Agricultural Revolution
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  • * Right: London 1140 and 1840, from Pugins Contrasts, published 1836. London in 1440 and 1840 Urbanization and industrialization changed the architecture and way of life in London. Urbanization: The process in which more people move to cities.
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  • * From the Country to the City The population of England rose slowly, by less than two million people, during the 100 years from 1700 to 1800. The population then increased sharply from 1801 to 1901, increasing by over 22 million. Many people moved into the cities looking for work. Population of England 1700 1901 1700 1800-------------------------1900
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  • * Major Factors Existing in England That Contributed to Industrialization: Large supplies of coal and iron. A large number of people willing and able to work. Many engineers and innovators. Large amount of wealth from colonies. A stable government supporting entrepreneurs: 1)Government encouraged innovation and the spread of global trade. 2)The government created patent laws that allowed inventors to benefit financially from the intellectual property of their inventions. 3)The British government also encouraged global trade by expanding the Navy to protect trade and granting monopolies and other financial incentives to companies so they would explore the world to find resources. Manufacturing Regions 1759
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  • * The Putting-Out System The "putting-out system" was a way for 18 th -century businesses to contract workers from their homes; an example of cottage industry. Different parts of a product were made in the home, collected, and then assembled at a central location. The main products of this system were textiles, locks, guns, and iron goods such as pots, pans, and pins. In the cottage textile industry, for example, the entire family was involved in cotton yarn production: ^Children would sort the cotton fibers in a process called carding. ^Women would spin the fibers into threads. ^Men would weave the threads into fabric.
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  • * Distribution of Population in England, 1750 By 1750, large numbers of workers had begun to move into urban areas. This provided a large pool of workers for factory labor. More factories encouraged more workers to move to the cities, and more workers attracted more industry. Urbanization in England
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  • * Mercantilism was an economic theory that argued that nations acquire wealth by exporting more than they import. The value of imports and exports, called the balance of trade, was measured in gold and silver bullion (bars). [omit (silver or gold).] Governments passed trade laws encouraging companies to export while limiting imports through tariffs (import taxes). The English Navigation Acts were a result of mercantile policies. The acts allowed only ships of the United Kingdom to trade directly with England. Warring British and Dutch Fleets Gold Bullion Mercantilism and the Navigation Acts
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  • * Anglo-Dutch Wars The Navigation Acts caused tension between the Netherlands and England. The British and Dutch competed to control ocean trade. There were four Anglo-Dutch Wars from 1652 to 1784. The wars were fought entirely at sea. In the end the English gained control of Dutch trade routes, and thus global trade. Dutch Victory, 1667 Fourth Anglo-Dutch War
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  • * The Seven Years War involved all of the major European powers. Britain and France were enemies during the war. Battles were fought in India, North America, Europe, the Caribbean islands, the Philippines and coastal Africa. Great Britain, victorious in the war, gained a large number of French colonies, including India, Canada, and Senegal. The result, again, was that the British gained even great control over global trade. Seven Years War 17561763 French Colonies in America, India, and Senegal Canada India Senegal French Colonial Flag
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  • * Mercantilism was successful for England. England could trade with all of her colonies without restrictions or tariffs. England held a monopoly on commerce in her colonies. Nearly half of England's exports went to the American colonies. Englands merchant fleet and navy grew to be the largest in the world. England saw itself as the center of the world! Trading with the Colonies
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  • * England saw itself as the center of the world!
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  • * English Trade Routes of 1700 England had the widest global trade network of colonies.
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  • * During the Industrial Revolution, European manufacturing dominated world markets, and England dominated them all. Relative Share of World Manufacturing Output: 1750 to 1900
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  • * Cotton and India In the 1600s, imported cotton from India became popular in Europe. Prior to 1600, wool was the most common textile in Europe. English wool manufacturers convinced Parliament to pass a law banning cotton cloth imported from India. Cotton India West Indies Brazil Cotton
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  • * The Water Wheel A water wheel is a means of converting the kinetic energy of flowing water into mechanical energy to operate machines. Water wheels were primarily used to power grist mills for making flour. During the Industrial Revolution, Richard Arkwright used the water wheel to spin cotton thread. Later, water wheels were adapted to run many spinning machines and looms. The most powerful water wheel built in the United Kingdom was the 100 hp water wheel at Quarry Bank Mill.
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  • * Water Wheel on the Orontes River in Syria Water Wheels Factory Falls in Lowell Water Wheel in New Lanark, Scotland
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  • * Many new textile mills were started using the water wheel. New towns grew up around the mills. Established in 1786 by David Dale, a Scottish merchant and businessman. Dale offered employment to poor Scottish Highlanders who had had their land taken from them by the "Highland Clearances." David Dale, New Lanark, and Highland Clearances David Dale Scotland New Lanark
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  • * Much of the innovation for the United Kingdoms Industrial Revolution came out of Lancashire County, which included the cities of Manchester and Liverpool. Lancashire is located in northern England. The county has a cool, moist climate that was ideal for cotton spinning. It also has many natural streams to provide water power. http://rmhh.co.uk/gifs/blackpool/bowenmap.jpg Lancashire County
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  • * Industrial Revolution Partner Book Review: Skim pages 258-262. Answer questions 1-4 on page 262. Turn in your answers directly to me On a separate piece of paper please!