Chlraso Dairy Prodncr .Market CHICAGO. March 22. Butter firm; creameries. 2tsfiJS2c: dairies, 22&27c. Eggs steady: receipts, 2.350 case*; at mark, cases iucluded. UVi'alVc; firsts, 20c: prime firsts, 21c. Cheese easy; daisies. lC©lfl>£c: twins, 15@15Vic; Young Americas, 15%«rjl»)*4c; longhorns, 16@16^4c. Additional Shipping Xoth on Pnge 12 3lrmoranda Per bktn Echo Had strong S and SB«. gales for 10 days. ', ; : HAKODATE In port March 20 Nor stmr Rj"nJa. from-ilongkong. -COLON Arrived March 13—Stmr AdTOnce, from New York. \u25a0 Sailed March 10 Stmr Colon, for New York. : 'LIVERPOOL Arrived March 21—Br stmr Bel- lerophon. from Tacoma. SALINA CRUZ—Arrived March 20—Stmr Plei- ades, hence March 'l2. . DURBAN—Sailed Feb 23—Br stmr Falls of Moness, for Manila, j SHIELDS— SaiIed March 20—Nor stmr Tori- da], for Honolulu, via Norfolk. Va. - —'•\u25a0\u25a0' OCEAN STEAMERS NEW YORK— Sailed March 22— Stmr Kron- prlnzessln Cecllie. for Bremen. I TAKU— Arrived .March ID— Stmr FalU of Or- chy. from Portland. Ore. MELBOURNE Arrived previous to March 22 Stmr M. S. Dollar, from Llnnton. Ore. SYDNEY. N\ S. XV.— Arrived previous to March 22 Stmr Makura, from Vancouver. - The California siiti Hawaiian sugar refining mmptny quotes as follows: Granulated basis. .".\u2666;.V; "Hicrade" bsr. Oc; powdered, 5.75c: A •\u25a0rushed. SJBOe: t>err.v. 5.C.V; C. & 11. extra fine «iry granulated. 5.«>5c; <-oar«<o dry granulated. S.GSc; c<:>nfectinnors' A. 5.C5c: confectioners' rystal. 5.7.V; <ulx > s, 5.90c: bricks. 5.90 c; extra f.Bf drr prannlatfHl <100 lb bagn only). 5.4.V; oN.-eitjor a. .*>.2sc: ''xtra C, 3.15 c: polden C, r..0.%r: yellow I>, 4.0.V: cut loaf. Jn bbls only, T.« 50: 11. A: n. crystal dominos, 5 lb cartons In , i-Ksfs. S.f^lc; <I<-i 2 lb cartons In cases, !>.lsc. Ad- ni(i"Dal per 100 lbs: In barrels and 50 lh bags. lV more; half bbl^. 25c more; boxes, 50c more for all jrradr-s. Bar In "5 and 40 lb tins, $1.70 more; in 10 lb tins, $2.85 more. Minimum order, < arloai weight. whole. "iVic: rases. <>xtra. iir; cases, eastern f-trle_ 6*io: Frigat<-, 7c: nsrrow Paragon. 7V-c; Monnrch. Sc; Wfstorn Pride, 7iic; Imperial. 10 <VJlot^o: Goran Wave. 7**e; Slb<^ria. "^c; Star, 2 lb tablets, Ji'ic: Pacltic Bcllo, 1 Ih tablets. >-H<-:H <- : Choice Bits, crates, 12 slb l>oies. 10c: do ."\u25a00 2 lb boxes, lie; pickled cod. half bbls, $5.50 each. RETIRED SUGAR MARKUT * "Ik 1 Western sugar refining company quotes as follows, terms net cash: Standard fine granu- lated. 5.65 c; standard, coarse granulated. 5.65 c; fruit granulated. 5.65e: cnt loef. In barrels only. 7.?5c; H. &. c. crj-Btal dominos, 5 lb cartons iv cases. J..CV; do 2 lb cartous la cases, fl.ISc; raorarrh liar. 6c; tablrtsJ«i half barrels. 0.15 c; do in boxes. fi.4oc; cubes and A crushed, 5.90 c; monarch powdered. 5.75c: XXXX powdered, 5.T.V1 : can<ly praimlated. r>.7sc; confectioners" A. SXSc; <-onf»»ctioners' crj-gtals. 5.75 c; extra fine cr«nulate<l. 5.45; magnolia A. 5.25 c; extra C. •VIV; goldcu C. 5.0r.c; I>. 4.05 c. Barrels and 50 lb bags liV;. half bbls 23c, bores 60c more per I"O n,s than for begs of 100 lbs vet. Bar in 25 »n<l 40 lb tins $1.70 more. In 8 and 10 lb tins S2J3S more )*•»\u25a0 ]<>0 lbs than price for this grade In 'o<i lb nags. HYDKOGKAPHIC OFFICE Depth at mean low water, entrance to harbor. PLACE | Ft. | Date [' >-.-\u25a0;\u25a0 Remarka "~" Grays Harl 18 IJan. 13llnner bar- buoy sub- ' . I I ' I ' merged. \u25a0 Willapa B 27 . IFeb. , BlWhJßtling buoy 1 mile I I '-'"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Inorth-of bar. -•\u25a0\u25a0'• --- Colum. R.l 24 ' INov. SlShoallng outside . nun II \u25a0'\u25a0- \u25a0-•'--- I ' buoy No. 2. -'•-\u25a0"'\u25a0 Nehalm R| 8 (Feb. 2jßai- buoy 200 yards N. I I '---'' I channel. \u25a0 "-\u25a0 ..-\u25a0"* rillmk 8.l 9 Dec. 17|Channel shifted. 1 mile |*[ I south in gale Nov. 28. Nun buoy. No. 0 and i'aqulna B 14 Feb. 12 can 'buoy No. 3 gone -\u25a0"- \u25a0- adrift. \u25a0\u25a0-'- Sluslaw R| s^a|Feb. s|Channel going north.___ Umpqua Rl 13^|Feb. , 4 Channel in good condi- \u25a0 . II I tlon. . \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0: 12 feet at low tide to Coos Bay. 18 Feb. 17 North Bend; 12 feet ' ' at low tide to Marsh- \u25a0 ' -fleld...' ..- Coquille Rj 8 IJan. 7|Channel straight;'- good I I ' \ condition. Rogue Rl v| ..... | I Klamth Rl 7 Jan. 7jChannel straight east I I ' - I and west. Hmbldt Bl 19 Mar. ljNorth channel unsafe - \u25a0 I I \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' v I to navigation. S Pedro B | 20 | Feb. 26[No change In channel. S Diego B| 25 |Dec. :-9|No change in channel. S Pablo B 24 (Dec. 1Depth in dredged chan- I I I nel. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-. . ~ nally Rtver bulletin SACRAMENTO, March 22— Observations taken at 7 o'clock a. m.: ; STATIONS ?„ Stj-'g p,g| ... .' .. . ; * . r*. - . .«•. «• » SACRAMENTO WATERSHED Kennett, Sacramento. river.. 25.0 o.o— -f0.2 Red Bluff. Sacramento R... 23.0 13.5-J- --4.2 Monrocville, Sacto. river:... 22.0 12.7-1- --5.2 Colusa, Sacramento river. ... 29.0 20.4-1- --2.1 Knights Landing, Sacto. R.. JB.O 15.2-j- 4-0-4 Oroville, Feather river......I 25.0 B.K— 0.2 Mar.vsville, : Yuba river., r.. I 30.0 13.7— —0.2 Folsom. American river.....] ..;. 11.5 ] -{-0.1 Sacramento, Sacto.- river. ...| 29.0 22.1-f-| -0.1 Rio Vista, Sacto. river | ]3.0 ( G.O+I -f0.2 SAN JOAQUIN WATERSHED Pollasky, San Joaquin river. ...." 1.9 0 Firebongh, San Joaquin R.. 12.0 ...... .....i Merced Falls, Merced fiver 1.7+ +0.2 Jacksonville, Tuolumne river 20.0 6.6 0.2 Melones. Stanislaus river. ... 0.0^ —0.2 Jenny Llnd, Calaveras river. 10.0 3.5 -fO.S Electra, Mokelumne river... 12.0 Lathrop, San Joaquin river. . 13.6 ...'." -{-Indicates rlsln^rlvcr. Indicates falling river. Snow on ground at Summit, 7 a. m. today, 50 inches. RIVER FORECAST - The rivers will rise generally during the next two dnys. The Sacramento will rlso rapidly be- tween Red Bluff and Knights Landing. N. R. TAYLOR, Local Forecaster. >"©tlce to Mariners) Information has been received from the de- partment of : marine and fisheries, Victoria, B. C, givingnotice that a first order quick flashing light, giving a group of three white flashes every 10 Becopds, will be. placed In operation April 1, 1010, at the "Hole-Inthe-Wall" at the south- weat -extreme of Estevan point, latitude nortb 49 degrees 22 mlnutea 5 seconds, longitude west 126 degrees 32 minute* 22 second*. - - ' The light is 125 feet above high water, and should be visible In clear weather for a distance of IS miles. The temporary light will be with- drawn. J. C. BURNETT, Lieutenant. U. S>. N., In Charge. Branch hydrographlc office. United . States navy, March 22, 1910,' Merchants' .Exchange, San Francisco, Cal. Army TTnnxportsj Tho Crook sailed February 19 for Manila. The Warren in at Shanghai. , The Ix>gan sailed March 7 for Manila. ' ' ' The Buford Is in port. The Sheridan sailed March 15 from Manila for this port. - ;. , , The Sherman is in port. '••. - The Thomas is in port. ' '. Change of Maatrrx Nra Ikork rrocluoo NKU" Yor.K. March 22.—Hops— Dull. Uidei. Firm. '"V Petrojrcm Steady. Wool— Steady. Ptijrar—Eaw, stesdr. Muscovado, .159 test. V TO, ARRIVE From . '-, 111 1 Steamer .1 , Date . San Pedro ..... .... ... J. S. Hlggins. .. Mar. 23 Seattle Eureka- ....... Mar. 23 Seattle & Tacoma..... Chas.; Nelson .. Mar. 23 Humboldt Vanguard .'....: Mar. 23 New York via Ancon.. San Juan.... ... Mar. 23 Honolulu Alameda ...... Mar. 23 Honolulu Lurline Mar. 23 Portland & Astoria.... Yosemite Mar. 24 Humboldt F. A. Kilburn.. Mar. 24 Point Arena & Albion. Porno Mar.. 24 Grays Harbor... Centralia ...... Mar. 24 Grays Harbor .....Coronado ...... Mar. 24 Los Angeles Ports . Ad. Sampson- .. Mar. 24 Puget Sound Ports..... City of Puebla. Max.'.. 25 Seattle & Tacoma..... Watson Mar. '2s Portland & Astoria ..... Roanoke ...... Mar. 25 San Diego &Way Ports Governor ...... Mar. 25 San Pedro &Way. Ports Cnos Bay Mar. 25 Sau Pedro ............ Klamath ....... Mar. 26 Humboldt .lClty of Topcka. Mar/- 26 San Pedro Hanalei - .". Mar. 26 Coos Bay M. F. Plant... |Mar. 2tJ Sal. Cruz via S. Diego. Columbian .... I Mar. 26 San Pedro Norwood ~. Mar. 27 China & Japan Nippon ' Maru... Mar. 27 Mendocino & Pt. Arena Sea Foam ..... Mar. 27 Grays Harbor Newburg Mar.' 27 Honolulu Nevadan War. 27 Puget Sound Ports....'. President Mar. 27 San Diego & Way Ports Santa Rosa ... Mar. 28 Mexican ports Senator Mi«r. 28 Portland A Astoria Rose City ..... Mar. 28 Grays Harbor Santa Barbara. Mar. 28 Singapore & Mororan.. Patella Mar. 28 Seattle & Tacoma .'.:. . Buckman ...... Mar. 30 TO SAIL Destination | Steamer I Sails |Pler March 23— Grays Harb0r. ......... 3. Monica.:. 4 pm .... Astoria & Portland Quinault ... 5 pm 27 Mendocino & Pt. Arena Sea Foam .. 4pm 4 Humboldt City Topeka 10 am 11 March 24— . Coquille River Flfield 1 5pm|.... Hamburg & Way Ports Itaurl ......|l2 m| 19" Los Angeles Ports Yosemite .. 11 am 27 Humboldt J. J. toggle 12 m.... Portland & Way Ports. G. W. Elder 1pm 13 San Diego & Way Ports Santa Rosa.. 11 am 9 Los Angeles Ports. Centralia ... 1 pm 21 Los Angeles Ports . Coronado ... 1pm 21 Astoria & Portland. .... St. Helens.. 5 pm 10 March 25 N. York via Sal. Cru«. Isthmian ... 10 am 27 Humboldt North Fork.. 12 m 38 Humboldt -k F. Kilburn.. 10 am 13. Hllo direct Enterprise .. 12 m 38 Seattle & Tacoma Ad. Sampson 1 pm 10 March 26 Astoria & Portland Northland .. s,pm lfl Astoria & Portland.... Klamath ... 11 am 27 Grays Harbor Claremont .. 4 pm .... : Humboljdt Vanguard .. 1 pm 19 Los Angeles Ports Roanoke ... 1 pm 13 Honolulu 51erra ...... 11 am 21 ' New York via Aneon.. Acapulco ... 12 m 40 Puget Sound Ports Governor ... 2 pm - ,9 Astoria & Portland...-*. Kansas City 11 am 40 Point Arena &. Albion.. Porno ...... 6pm 4 March 27— I Los Angeles Ports. ....[Hanalei ....| 3 pm 10 Grays Harbor INorwood ... 2pm.... March 28— I . 1 Coos Bay jM. F. Plant 3pm 8 San Diego &Wny Ports President .. 4pm fl San Pedro & Way Ports Coos B«.y .. 4 pm 11 Los Angeles Ports S. Barbara.. 1 pm 21 March 29— Puget Sound Ports. .... City Puebla. 11 am 9 Astoria & Portland... ,|3aglnaw 5 pm 27 Hogs— Receipts, 12.U00. Market steady to weak. Bulk of sales, [email protected]; heavy. $10.555j10. \Vi; packers and butchers, $10.40@ 10.60: light S10.2O(gl0.50; pigs, $0,503:9.83. Sheep— Receipts. lO.O'KJ. Market steady. Mut- tons. [email protected]: lambs. $0.255i10.25: fed western wethers and yearlings, [email protected]; fed western ewes, $7<&5.10. - ..V- KANSAS CITY. March 22.—Cattle— Receipts. B.f>oo. Market steady. Native steers. $o.'Js@ 8.50; native cows and heifers. $3.50i5".25; stockerg and feeders, ?4-50(g6.75; bulls, $4.75^ 6.25; calves. $5^9; western stcer6, $0§8; west- ern cows, $4 @ 6.25. Hobs Receipts. 10,000. Market weak 1o 5c lower. Heavy, $10.50<8)10.65; mixed, $10.40^ 10.50; light, [email protected]; pigs, [email protected]; bnlk of pales, ?10.40(J5i10.60. Sheep Receipts. 7,300. Market strong to 30c higher. Yearlings, $5<g9.25; wethers. $7.75@ 5.60: ewes, $7.50©8.40; lambs. [email protected]. KANSAS ClTi* OMAHA. March 22.— Cattle— Receipts, 5.400. Market netHe and ftronjr. Native stoers,ist>.2s (g5.25; cows and heifers, $."><Q6.65: western steers. $5.50(37.75; cows and heifers. $3.25<g5.5T>; canncrs. [email protected]; stockers and feeders, $4(37; calves, $4.25&5.50; bulls, stags, etc., $4.40© 0.30. Sheep Receipts estimated at 12.000; market steady. Native, $5.50?j.8.70: western, $r».75(H; 5.60: jearlinss, $S(3<J.2T': lambs, native, JS.75© 10.05; western. $D.&o@ 10.60. OMAHA CHICAGO, March 22.—Cattle— Receipts esti- mated at 3,000; market strong. Beeves,' $5.70 <28.70; Texas steers. $5<g6.40; western steers. [email protected]>: stoeker* and feeders, $3.75@fi."0; cows and helfere, $2.f»[email protected]; calves, $8.25«g9.50. Hogs— Receipts estimated at 12.000; market weak. Light, [email protected]; mixed. $10.45® 10.85: heavy, [email protected]: rough. $10.r.0<f* 10.65; good choice heavy, f [email protected]; pigs, $9.63® 10.50; bulk of sales, $10.65@10.^0. Kaxtrrn Livestock -Market CHICAGO ' TO SAIL FROM SEATTLE Destination ' I \u25a0 Steamer 1 Date Valdex & Seward. ...... Olympla ... (Mar. 24 Skagway & Way Ports. Humboldt ..... Mar. 20 Skagway & Way Ports. Jefferson Mar. 28 22, 1910. The time ball on the roof of the Fairmont hotel was dropped today exactly at noon. Pa- cific standard time (120 th meridian), or at Sh. 00m. 00s. Greenwich mean time. J. C. BURNETT. Lieutenant. U. S. N.. in charge. United States branch bydrographic office, Mer- chants' Exchange, San \u25a0 Francisco, March Time Ball Honolulu. - " , VKNTURA— SaiIed March 22— Stmr San Ja- elnto, from San' Francisco; stmr Whlttier, hence March 20.'- . ; '..".. SAN" DlEGO—Arrived March 22—Stmr Colum- bian,* from "Salina Cruz; stmr Melville - Dollar, r from San Pedro. ," .• TATOOSH—Passed in March 22— Schr Robert j R. Hind, . from. Sari Ppdro. for Townsend: stmr Ililonian. hence March lft ' for. SeattUj; «chr Metba Nelson,, from Sau Pedro, for 'Cownsend; Br. stmr Sebastian, from Fayal. vlaJSan Diego, for* Vancouver. Outside -\u25a0: March \ 22— TowinR fonr master schooner, probably Robert R. Himl, from San Pedro,, for PugPt sound. •-\u25a0 Passed . in. March 22 Strar. Leelanaw, hence Marrh 19 for, Lady smith. ' , CORDOVA— Arrived March ,21— Stmr Port- land, from- Valdez; stmr Victoria, from Valdez. .'JUNEAU— Arrived March 21—Stmr A. G. Lind- say, from Seattle.- \u25a0\u25a0 - ' •" EUREKA—SaiIed March 22— .Stmr Ravalli. for San Francisco; etinr Vanguard, \u25a0 for San Fran- cisco. \u25a0'•-\u25a0\u25a0 '-:'\u25a0\u25a0 TOWXPEND— Arrived March 22— Schr \Y. H. Smith, from San Pedro. Sailed March: 22 Schr "Alice Cook, for Hono- lulu.: '\u25a0', -\u25a0-> -: \u25a0 Inward March 22—Schr -Mlndnra. from San Pedro; schr Endeavor, from Redondo beach. Arrived March 22 Schr Prosper, from Salina Cruz. . \u25a0 Passed inward March 22—5-chr William 11. Smith, from 'San - Pedro, for Everett : si-hr En. den vor. from Redondo Ivaeb, for ' loadlnjr port. POINT REYES— Passed March 22— Stmr Au- re]la,.. ft*nm Eur»ka, for San Francisco; stmr North Fork, from Eureka, for San Francisco. Passed south March 22 Stmr J. J. Loggle,' from Eureka, for San Francisco.- ASTORlA—Arrived March 21— Schr Hush Ho- jtau, from Tfllaruook; Br-stmr Invrrneas. hence March. lo; stmr B. Stetson,', hence March 19. Sailed March 22—Stnir Maverick, for San Francisco. * - , - Arrived' March 22 Schr Alvena. from San Pedro; stmr Nome City,'hence Jlnrch 20. I CRESCENT— In March 22—Three masted schooner; tstmr Tiverton,- henco March 18 . for Ludlow. . : Off port March 22 Stmrs Mandalay and West- port; weathT rough. - .-\u25a0 GREENWOOD— SaiIed March 22— .Stmr Helen P. Drew, fnr San Pedro and Port San Luis. MONTEREY—SaiIed March . 21—Stmr Rose- crans. for Portland..' SEATTLE—Arrived March 21~Stny President, henco March 1U: stmr Hornet, from Tacoma. . Arrived March 22 Stmr ,Mlssourian, hence March Hi. Sailed March 22 Stuir Minnc^sota. for Hong- kong; stnir Watson, for San Francisco: stmr Cplonel E. L. Drake, for San Francisco. PORT LIIDLOW Sailed March 22— Schr Amer- icana, for San Pedro." . POINT LOBOS Passed March 22—Stmr Ca- tania, from Portland, for \u25a0 Monterey. SAN PEDRO— Arrived March 22—Stmr Samoa, henc<» March Hi; Htmr Brooklyn, from Bowens Isndlnc: nchr Wlnslow. from Tacoma: stmr Ar- Kyll, nence March 20; stmr Coos Bay, hence March 18. Sailed March 22— Stmr Coos Bay. for San Francisco; stmr '-Argyll, for San Francisco. TACOMA— Arrivpd March 22—Br stmr Titan, from Glasgow \u25a0 and way port*: Br ship Celtic- burn, from Quartermaster harbor. GAVlOTA—orr. March 22—Ship Falls of Clyde. \u25a0 f row Honolulu. PORTLAND— SaiIed March 21— Stmr Mavrr- Ick.\ for- San Francisco; anchored off Astoria on account of fog. \u25a0 EASTERN* PORTS SEW YORK—Sailed March 20—Br stmr Ka- SAtna. for Hongkonff. BOSTON Arrived March 21— Br stmr Indrani, from Manila. \u25a0\u25a0 ISLAND PORTS HONOLULU—SaiIed March 22—Jap stmr Tenyo Maru. for Hongkong, etc. ' VICTORIA— Arrived March 22— Br stmr Sebas- tian." from St. Johns, N. P., via San Diego; stmr Leelanaw, hence March 19. FOREIGN PORTS TAKll— Arrived-^March 10—Br stmr Falls of Orchr, from Astoria, via Victoria, B. C. YOKOHAMA— SaiIed March IS— Nor. stmc Selja. for Portland, via Honolulu. NEWPORT— SaiIed .March 21— Br stmr Ido- raenpus,' for Sf-attle. IQUIQUE— SaiIed March 15—Nor fitmr Hor- n<*len, for San Francisco, via Pan Pedro. LA PAZ—Sailed March 21—Stmr Senator, for San Francisco." " SYDNEY Arrived March 22—Br stmr Makura. from Victoria." via Honolulu. HAMBTJRG— SaiIed March 18 Ger stmr Sera- pis, for San Francisco. :- WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23 Sun, Moon and Tide United States coast and geodetic survey— Time and heights of tides at Fort Point. For city front (Mission street wharf) add 25 , minutes. Sun rises «:W» Sun sets 6:2."i Moon sets 5:23 a. in. Full moon ."..March 25, at 12:12a.m. Last quarter moon April 2, at 4:38 p.m. ITlme Time Time Timel Marl Ft ( Ft I Ft 1 Ft ]L W H W [L W H W| 23.. 3:58 L 2.6 0:50 6.8 4:17 0.2 11:10 8.2 24.. 4:40 2.110:39 5.2 4:51 0.6 11:36 6.3 25.. 5:19 1.8 11:26 6.1 5:34 0.9 ..-. H W L W II \V L W 26.. 0:01 G. 3 5:56 1.5 12:09 4.8 6:06 1.4 27.. 0:25 6.1 6:34 1.4 12:50 4.C 6:85 1.8 28.. 0:45 6.1 7:05 1.2 1:36 4.3 7:05 2.2 29.. 1:07 6.0 7:41 0.9 2:30 4.0 7:36 2.7 NEW YORK. March 22.— Hutton'R wire says: "The rotton market wsk not an active one, bat it developed a good deal of interest. Pricog wcro \cry firm during the. early morning, partly doe to the strength of the cables and partly to dry weather in Texas. "The market Is presented with a condition where one set of operators Is straining every nerve to get cotton shipped out from this market and the other set is doing its best to bring cotton back from Europe for delivery. There was considerable covering on the -fair decrease In stocks here, representing a decline of 61,000 bales in the stock since March 1. As about 70.000 bales have been delivered on March, lt is J figured that the balance is In the hands of the bull interests to be shipped out from time to time. Some cotton is arriving here all the time from the south for tender on contracts. *'A« cable from Liverpool nays that the total amount of cotton which will be shipped to New York is 90.000 bale*. "The goods market seems to be setting worse. As stated by one Kit 11. B. Clnflln's men yester- day, cotton willhave to go to 12\ic or dry goods will show a sharp advance." « Spot closed quiet, 5 polntf higher. Middling nplends, 15.10 c; middling gulf, 15.05 c. -*N« sales. COTTON FUTURES Option Open High Low Close March 15.05 c 15.05 c 15.14 c 14.07 c April , 14.02 c May 14.95 c 14.95 C 14.80 c 14.88 c June 14.68 c July 14.72 c 14.73 c 14.64 c 14. 05 c August 14.2-IC 14.24 c 14.17 c 14.13 c September 13.41 c 13.41 c 13.37 c 13.38 c October 12.98 c 12.99 c 12.00 c 12.93 c November 12.82 c 12.52 c 32.SJC 12. 80c ] December 12.Sic 12.81 c 12.74 c 12.77 c January 12.64 c 12.64 c 12.64 c 12.73 c Col tun Market inSOiIXAXEOUS MARKJETS LOS ANOELES, March 22.—Eggs are in de- mand on the produce exchange. Dealers *ny prices for ranch candled stock are higher than they have been for years at this time. The mar- ket for butter and cheese is quiet. Receipts of produce were: Eggs, 035 cases ; butter. 37.271 pounds; cheese, 4,495 pounds; po- tatoes, 6,192 «acks. Butter (per 2 lb roll) Creamery extras, 57>fcc; erramery firsts, 55c; eastern creamery extras, K>o: cooking bntter. 22c per lb. Epcs Extra Belects. 2Sc; local ranch candled, firsts. 26c; case count. 24c; storage packed ex- tras. 22c; storace packed seconds, 20c. Cheese Northern Iresh, 16c; eastern Mngles, 19&7 2<tr; eastern twins, 20c: eastern . Cheddar*, 20@21c; eastern longhorn, 21c; eastern daisy, 21c: Swiss, imported. 30c; Swiss, domestic. 23c. Beans fper ctl) No. 1 pink. $5.50<&5.65: No. 1 lima. $4.40(34.50; Lady Washington. $4.50; small whit»>. f5. 40(3.5.50; Mackeye, $5.25; Gbt- vanzas, $4.50; lentils, $7. Potatoes (per ctl)— Salinas. [email protected]: High- lands, JKRI.3S: Lompoc, $1.65^1.75: Watson- ville. $1.40(^1.50; yellow sweets. $3.50: white, $2.50(5,3; red, [email protected]; Oreson early rose, $2; Idaho, $1.35; white rose, $2. [Special D'upalch to The Call] l,«i«i .\nc<"l" .>larkc<M St. Louta Wool Market ST. LOHIS, March 22.— Wool—Steady. Me- dium grades, combing and clothing, 22<g27c; light fine. 19&26 c; heavy fine. 14<gl9c; tub washed, 19 ©36c. Weather Report London Wool Sales LONDON. March 22. The second series of the wool auction sales will close tonjorrow. At to- day's sales 6,994 bales were offered, principally New Zealand and West Australian grades. The assortment met with a ready sale, chiefly to the home trade, at firm price. A branch -of the United States bydrographlc office, located in the Merchants' Exchange, is maintained in San Francisco for the benefit of mariners, without regard to nationality and free of expense. Navigators are cordially invited to visit the office, where complete sets of charts and sailing directions of the world are kept at band for comparison . and reference, and the' latest information can always be obtained re- gardiDg lights, dangers to navigation and, mat- ters of Interest to ocean commerce. , J. C. BURNETT, Lieutenant, U. S. N., In charge. ' V. S. Branch Hydrog-raphlc Office BOSTON, March 22.— There is a revival of in- terest in the local wool market, principally from the carded woolen mills, and a few good sized transactions are noted. The inquiry is principally for California stock, with only small dealings in fleece. Shearing Is starting up briskly in the far west, 'but dealers are doing little contract- ing owicß to hifrh prices demanded by the grow- ers. The leading domestic quotations range as follows, scoured basis: Texas Fine, 12 months, 70@71c; flne» 6 to 8 months. 60@66c; fine fall. 60002c. v California Northern. G3@t>uc; middle county, 57fit«3c: fall free. SS@COe. ' , Oregon Western No. 1 staple,' 71<g;72c:, west- ern clothing, Cs@69c; valley, northern. 57(3!58c. Territory Fine «taple. 70@72c: fine medium staple, G6<S6Sc; fine clothing. 65fi?CSc; fine me- dium clothing. 63(g65c; half blood. 01@62c; three-eighth* blood, 58<g60c; quarter blood, combing, s."><3sSe. Pulled Wool— Extra, 72®75c; fine A, 67@70c; A supers, 60©65c. \u25a0.':•*• Boston Wool Market NEW YORK, March 22.*—The market for Ktandxrd copper closed dull, with spot and March quoted at 12.90<^13.12V4c April and May. 12.90 (ij I. \u25a0'..]( ii. Tue. London market -was lower, but closed'' steady, with spot quoted at £53 15s and futures at £59 15s. Local dealers . quote lake copper at IS.ZVA&IZ.GIUc;electrolytic, 13.12^4 ®13.37>4e: csßtlnjr. [email protected]. Arrirals reported at New York today were 915 tons. Including niatte and exports, according to custom house returns, were 2.CTC tons, making 11,394 so far this month. Tin was dull. Spot. 31.80^32.05c; March. 3t.7Cg32e; April, [email protected]; May. 31.55® 02 15c/ Thf. London market was firm and higher. Spot. £145 sn: fntures, £147 7s 6d. Lead. weak. Spot, [email protected] New York and 4.2054.30 C Kast St. Louis. The London market was lower at £12 ISs 9d. Spelter, weak. Spot. 5.f>[email protected] New. York and [email protected] East St." Louis. The .-London market was unchanged at £23. \u25a0 . Tbe Enujllsb Iron market was lower at 51g 6d for Cleveland warrants. The local market was unchanged. No. 1 foundry northern," slß@lß.so; No. 2 northern. No. 1 southern and No. 1 south- ern soft. 817.75(318.23. , - New York Metal Markd -s" ~ United States department of agriculture- Weather bureau San Francisco, March' 22, *• RAINFALL DATA r*ist Seasonal .' - Station "34 Hours to Date Normal Eureka .". 0.'46 37.36.67 Red Blußf 0.20 15.87 20.27 Sacramento 0.28 11.95 1«.12 Mount Tamalpals ... 0.60 24.69 . 19.02 San - Francisco 0.35 18.30 18. 7S San Jose 13.28 10.82 Fresno \. ...... 0.36 10.1* ' - 7.82 Independence ....... 0.00 4.75 7.C(i San Luis Obispo 0.02 .19.84 , 16.93 Los Angeles .... O.CB 11.39 13.21 San Diego 0.46 . 8.85.: 8.44 I Coast Record for 12 Hours, Ending; sp. in. '-\u25a0_\u25a0-\u25a0 . '? ••• g --s\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a05 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 53 3. -3 stations' I £ $ :.: .%\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0fr - \ . \u25a0 ? v B I .':\u25a0.-; . ; \ '.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.••:*.\u25a0 .•• ' ;:'; :' ; : . : * Blainc ... 29. 6S 46 .. W Cloudy .00 Boise 29.74 58 48' NW Cloudy .08 Eureka 29.98 64 48 N Rain .34 Flagstaff .....29.70 62 34 *SW Clear .00 Fresno ' 29.90 64, 46 S Pt.Oldy .00 Helena .... ...29.46 . &* '\u25a0 4S NW .Pt.Cldy Tr. Independence ..29.76 66,42 SW Pt.Cldy ,0<) Kallspell .....29.52 4& 42 SE Cloudy .26 I/>9 Ange1e5.. ..".0. 04 -60 50 8W Pt.Cldy .04 Modena ......29.68 58 44 W Rain . « Tr. Mt. Tamalpals.29.96 44- 40 SW Foggy .25 North Head. ..29. 84 46 42 NW Cloudy .01 Pboenlx .29.76 84 62 SW '. Clear .00 Pocatello.. .. ..20.64 CO 48 W;' Cloudy. Tr. Pt. Reyes Lt..29.02 54 47 S Cloudy* .76 Portland 29.78 50 '50 \u25a0NW Italn- .00 Red Bluff ....29.86 58 46 SE Cloudy .02 Reno' ....':..;. 29. 82 50 36 W < Cloudy Tr. Roseburg .....29.68 50 48 SW Lt.Rain .54 Sacramento ...29.94 58 46, SW Cloudy .02 Salt Lake ....29.52 72 56 SK Rain Tr. San ; Diego ....30.06 fiO 52 SW j i Clear . .22 San Franc15c0..29.96 58 4* .SW Pt.Cldy .05 San Jose ....28.96- «0 46 SW Cloudy .02 S. L. Obispo. .30.005 8 48 S Cloudy .02 S. E. Faraflon. 29.94 ;64 48 .SW Pt.Cldy ' .08 Spokane ......29.54 54 S Rain- .20 \u2666Summit ...... ....35 28^ SW "Snow j .00 Tacoma ......29.74 62^ 44 SW.•\u25a0': Pt.Cldy U2 Tatoosh : ......29.76 46- 44 W Cloudy Tr. Tonopab ......29.78 38 S6 E Cloudy .16 Walla .:... ..:29.68 52 50. SW Cloudy .44 Winncmucca...2o.74's2 "44VSW Pt.Cldy Tr. Yuma ; ...... ..29.92 .78 60 ,W Clear .00 . . Monday, March 21- , a Rtmr Acme, Olsen, 40 hours from Eureka; 450,- 000 feet lumber to Charles Nelson company. Tuesday, March 22. Ger stmr Itaurl, Vierth. 3% days from Na- nalmo, B. C.; put in to finish loading, v Stmr City of Topcka. Gielow, 23 hours from Eureka, passengers and merchandise •to Pacific Coast steamship company. Stinr Northland, brlckson, 60 hours from Co- lumbia rlrer; 850,000 feet lumber to Portland lumber company. . v. : i Stmr Carlos, Donaldson, 72 hours from Grays Harbor; bound south, put in to land passengers. Stmr Santa Rosa, Alexander, 30 hours from Sail Diego, ria Santa ; Barbara 19 hours; passen- gers and merchandise to Pacific Coast steamship company. \u25a0••. - •\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Bktn Echo. , Pargren, 12 days from Coos, bay; 750,000 feet lumber to Simpson lumber company. Stmr Lansing. Grant, 22 hours from Port San Luis; oil to Union oil company, up river direct. Stmr Aurelia, Weber, 31 hours. from Eureka ; 500,000 feet lumber to Trower Brothers. *" * Stmr North Fork, Nelson, 32 hours from Eu- reka;'3so,ooo feet lumber to tbc Charles Nelson company. . ~ \u25a0 ... . ;. , \u25a0 \u25a0 > \u25a0 Stmr J. \u25a0J. Loggie, Johnson,' 36 " hours from Eureka; 350.000 feet lumber' to McKay, lumber company. . - '. ; , . CLEARED . \u25a0 Sltar Umatilla, Reilly, . Victoria, B. C, etc.; Pacific Coast steamship company. - Ft stmr Amiral . Eselmans, Esnee, Antwerp; G. Vr.'McNear;,!, " -\u25a0\u25a0 - . Stmr Hanalel, McFarland, San Diego; Inde-" pendent ateamshlp company, -.-"r ' SAILED \u25a0_ . :' Tuesday, March 22. ' J! S Ettnr Colorado, Nelson, Santa Barbara.* .' 17 S stmr Maryland. Gllmore.v Santa Barbara. XI 8 stmr Pennsylvania, Pond, Santa Barbara. Stmr Bowdoin, Tlbbetts, Astoria.* Stmr National City. Hlgglns. Fort Bragg. . Stmr Umatilla. Beilly, Seattle, etc. Stmr Rainier, Lundquist, Columbia river. Stmr Grays Harbor. Anfindsen, Portland, Ore. Stmr Hanalel. McFarland. San Pedro. > Htmr Roma, Lawson, Port San I^uls. :. : Stmr Delhi, McClements, Port Townsend. Stmr. Katherlne, Jorgensou, : Eureka.- . Fr stmr Amiral Exelmans, Esnee, Antwerp and way ports. \u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0/- \u25a0 Stmr Carlos, Donaldson. San Pedro.' Stmr Korea, \u25a0 SRiinders, Hongkong-. ; etc., via Honolulu. •'\u25a0 ' Bark Annl« Johnson. Nilson, Honolulu. :. \u25a0- Schr : : Monterey, "Kelly, Monterey, tow tug Navigator. \u25a0 : . OUTSIDE, BOUND IN, S P. M. Bktn Echo, stmrs Lansing, North Fork, Aurelia and Santa Rosa.- ' : ~ \u25a0*.."• .TELEGRAPHIC . POINT LOBOS. March 22. 10 p. m.— Weather cloudy: wind south, velocity 14 miles per hour.' ' . WEATHER REPORTS , TATOOSH. March -.22, 9 a: :, m.— Light rain: wind west, velocity 19 miles per hour. \u25a0" s POINT LOBOS, March-22.-0 a., m.—Weather foegy; wind east. -velocity 10 miles per hour. POINT REYES. March 22. 9 a. m.—Raining; wind southeast, velocity. 28 miles per hour. \u25a0 •, ,FARALLONES,' March 22, » a. m. Raining; wind southeast, velocity 22 miles per hour. j. 9 \u25a0 POINT ; LOBOS, March 22, ,12 m. Weather cloudy ; ~ wind south./ velocity eight miles per hOUr. - :..*'-V'"' ' :"\u25a0*\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0.-.*- ; - * ,\u25a0 . " * "\u25a0"•\u25a0-\u25a0*\u25a0' -j--' \u25a0\u25a0> POINT LOBOS.- March 22, S p. m. : Weather, cloudy: wind I south, velocity \u25a014 miles per hour; " "":. . \u25a0, DOMESTIC PORTS - ?• COOS BAY— Sailed March 22— Stmr Lucy.Neff,', for San "Pedro ; stmr ' Alliance," for : Astoria.' March 21— Schr A. M. Baxter, ; for San Fran- cisco.'' *."\u25a0\u25a0•-:•.' •\u25a0*" "\u25a0'\u25a0'•;• ' . *"' •'• - *.. \u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•; EVERETT—SaiIed \u25a0 March 22—Stmr Jim But- ler, for San Pedro. __ A \u25a0', Arrived March 22 Schr Americana, from Lud- \u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0 WESTPORT— Arrived. March 22— Schr Helene, from » Honolulu; :_ II .' \u25a0 Barbound .; March >22 Schr Meteor. . for . San \u25a0 Arrived': March . 22—Schr \ William Olson, from ARRIVED Steamer Hanalel, old master Fred Hanna, new master T. D. McFarland. ' SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE Naval Storm— Turpentine and Rosin SAVANNAH. March 22.—Turpentine firm at 00c; sales. 153; receipts, ' 113; shipments, DO; stock, 10,063. Rosin firm; sales.'* 191; receipts. 1,055: ship- ments. 440; stock. 91.1R9. Quote:* B. $4.30; D. $4.42>4: E. 54.47V4: F. $4.G5: G. $4.70; H. I. $4.00: X, $5.90: M. $0.40; N. $6.W; WO, $a75; WW, $6.90. ' -'V.v Willapa bay' outside > bar' whistling buoy, Wll- lapa. PS, replaced March 15, having been found out of position.; (I>. "11. , 8. List of Buoys, etc., Pacific coast, pages 73'« nd 77.) ; <3rtys - Harbor \u25a0 outside bar whistling buoy,' Grays Harbor, red, replaced, ; having heretofore been reported not sounding. (L.;H. B. , List of Buoys,- etc.. Pacific coast, -pages -76 and SO.) *: Grays \u25a0 Harbor Channel to \u25a0 Hoqulam. I beacons C. 8. 10 and - 12, temporarily replaced by second class spur bnoys. similarly colored and,numbered, March 12. (L. H.~B. List of Buoys, etc.. Pacific coast, page £2.) \u25a0 . . \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0::''\u25a0-. Gray* Ilarbor— -Missing buoys replaced as.fol- lows:" Channel starboard side buoy, ,4. first class spar. March "".IK. 'Cow" point. channel" buoy.r 7. third class ,»par, March - 14.-. (L. - H.; B." List : of Buoj-k.-etc.. Pacific const, pages Slrands2.),:v\ . Pugct sound Duw»m!sh head r«*ll huoy.', rrpUcd March 10. having bcrni found; missing. <L. H. B. List of Buoys, etc., r Pacific iCOaßt," page ) * .' "':.. -- . " \u25a0 : By order : of the llghtboui-e board. - i,,; \u25a0 .1..M. KLLrCOTT, ; " Commander, U. S. N.,* Inspector. *\u25a0 .The following affects .the aids to navigation in the thirteenth lighthouse distrist: WASHINGTON \u25a0-*.--.. Xotlcc to Mnrlnem .• *Snow .on ground ; 65 Inches. ... \u25a0': '..-,, : ."- .- The following maximum .and .' minimum . tem- peratures arc reported from eastern stations for the previous day: , -\u25a0\u25a0_.'. -...;-'< \u25a0\u25a0-_-_.• :. Chicago, 54-52; New York, , 02-34; .Omaha, 64-56. \u25a0-• .• '• - '\u25a0• '• - \u25a0 SYNOPSIS -•,-" :'- The pressure is rising slowly, over the -Pacific slope, and - conditions ' are becoming more favor- able for fair weather.' Kalu has \u25a0 fallen from San Diego to - Tatoosh and eastward *as i far .' as Utah, i Snow ; has fallen in * the , Sisklyou, the Sierra Nevada and Sierra Madre. -"- It ils : much cooler \u25a0\u25a0> in •- Oregon,' .-. northern ' Cali- fornia and <Nevada. ,; - v ~: '-\u25a0 Brisk ; northwest - windg -are :" reported* north \u25a0 of Cape - Mendocino.v Tlie relative, 1 humidity., at . Bed Bluff' was v 63 > per / cent \u25a0-, and -at ,> Fresno! 76;per cent. ' i*. '\u25a0' '_'\u25a0\u25a0"'-' .:-' ."•.\u25a0-•<-'.:. y-; \u25a0;.-. r^-5 . Forecast -.made •: «t '; San \u25a0 Francisco ' for \u25a0' the ;30 boura : ending at midnight. < March 23: - .:\u25a0'..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;-' v San *: Francisco-: and ..vicinity Cloudy;,Wednes' day; moderate southwest winds. -\u25a0"-,\u25a0•\u25a0 , : : ~ Santa * Clara ' valleyr^-Cloudy ; Wednesday ; \ light south: wind.". ./. ', \u25a0'..'-' : >" \u25a0"-"'\u25a0- '.%.-• r '- Sacramento- valley—Cloudy s.Wednesday.i.. with showers >.-\u25a0 In the .- foothills: - cooler; >• light ' south yind. .'.;'\u25a0. .•:.' -\u25a0• ;;;..•"v, •:•"-"-\u25a0\u25a0".- ' : :' '•\u25a0••:-•\u25a0 \u25a0:-..-\u25a0>"'•-> \u25a0•; \u25a0: t San ' Joaquin - valley— Cloudy ; .cooler - Wednes- day; licht south wlnd^cßßnglng '• to Lnorth.'o --•\u25a0'\u25a0:..: '.\u25a0Southern- California , Unsettled:^ weather Wednesday,' with\u25a0. Mght ;sbowera; 1 * moderate south- east .winds.', changing* to 'southwest. ; ,: ' ,; : : ' \u25a0 \u25a0 A;:G:»'McADlE,'.District'Forecastpr. '\u25a0\u25a0 England ;' Bendsßmany,|of | her *orphan and'tleserted childrenito < '.Canada. ;*\u25a0 V. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESD^; BI^RGH {23: 1910. MOVEMENTS OF VESSELS IN ALL PARTS OF WORLD MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS Evaporated Apple* Steady. Spot fancy, 10V4 <SUe; choice, o@9<4c; prime, 6%<g7V4c; com- mon to fair. 6(5.«? g o. Prunes— Steady. California. 2"i@9Uc; Ore- gons, C@9c. * Apricots—Steady. Choice. 10?iQllc; extra choice, ll»4<Sl2c; fancy, 12@13c. Teaches— Easy. Choice. 6H<§.6»ic; extra choice. 6&(47Ue; fancy. 7U@"%<*. Raisins— Steady. Loose muscatels. 3-?i@">»«c; choice to fancy seeded, o@o%c; seedless, S\t,@ 4%e; London layers, $1.15(^1.25. j 3.85 c; centrlfucal, .06 test. 4.36 c; molasses sUffßr. .S9 test, 3.61 c. Kenned, steady. Coffeo Closed steady, net unchanged to 5 points higher. Salp*. 7.000 bags. Closing bids— March. 6.80 c; April, 6.55c: May. 6.90 c; June. 7c; July. 7.03 c; Anfrust. September.- October and November, 7.10 c; December. 7.15e; January and February, 7.10 c. Spot Quiet. No. 7 ttlo, 8 11-16«aS%e: No. 4 Santos, o>4c. Mild Quiet; Cordova. 9 14 @12 Butter—Strong; unchanged. Cheese Strong; unchanged. Eggs Finn; unchanged. - DRIED FRUITS 15 AUCTIONSALES 125-HORSES-125 Wednesday,' March 23,1910 By order of John T. Long of StßanvUle. Cal.. we will sel) 125 head of aIL purpose borses, all young, fresh «tocfc. weishin? from 1.100 to 1.601 pound.*. Tne consignments ' from Mr. Long's ranca are amon; tne best that come to this market Sale Us?s place WEDNESDAY. Marea 23. at 11 a. ra.. at J. B. Koran's salesyard. cor- ner 10th and Bryant *ts., S. F. W. U. HOItD. Anctlone«r. 704 Mariet st.. S. F. JfeAUCTION £ffi The time and place to bny horses, brood mares. wasoas. busKies and harao«< of alt kinds at a bargain Js at onr weekly sale* every Monday and Thursday. 11 a. m., at 207-200 Valencia st.; stock sold oq commlsulon. Pbone Parti 2723. . WM. CLOCGH. Auctioneer. TUB WEEKLY CALU «t PER YEAR VIA COAST LINE Leave (Third and Townsead Str»ets) Arriv To-25* Loop— 23d £ueet, ViyiUfion. South 7 Saa Frnndsco, Valencia Street. 1 5.35 a t5.35a Loop—Valencia Street, Ocwa View, Cemettries, South Saa Francisco. 23d Street. Jrd aad Townsend t6.45a 8.20a South San Francisco, San Jose. Gilroy. (HoiUster), Sargent, Pajaro. Watson- ville. Santa Cru*. 7.5 7.OCa South Saa Fraaciieo. Palo Alto. San \ Jose. Way Sutiona 7.35 a 7.00 a MaySdd. Loa Altos. Loa Gates t7.2Cp 8:00a Ehoro lino LimiMd— Paso RoWes Hot Spring*. Santa Barbara, Los Aagdes 9.3C? 8.03 a The Coatter— San Jose, Pamro (Wa^ •onville, Santa Crci). Caatrovilte. - (DelMont*,Monterey, PaciacGrore). Salbas, Soledad. Paso Robies Hot Spriags, San Luis Obispo. Surf, (Loinpoc\ Saata Barbara, Veatsra. Oxaard. Lot Angeles 11.45f &20a Mayneld. Los Altos, Los Gate*. Wright, Glnj\roo(l( Boulder Crrek), Santa Crus. Watsonville. Cajtrovfile. D*t Monte, Monterey. Pacifio Grove 9.COa 9.00a Saa Jose. Gilroy. Salinas, Paso Roblrs Hot Springs. San Luis Obisjx) Tr« Pinos— Wataonvilfr. Santa Cras, Dri Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove 4.OCp 10.40 a South Ssn Frannsco. Burlinjsxf. Saa Mateo. Palo Alto, San Jose B.3Ci 10.40a Los Altoa. Monla Vista, Loa Gatoj. . | IUCa Valencia. Street. Ocean View, Cobaa. (.'emetrries. Badea, San Bruno 1 .35» 11.40 a South San Francisco. San Jose ?B.2Ca 2.COp Del Monte Ezpress— San Jose. Gih-or. Sargent (Watsonville. Santa Cruj). Del Mont*. Monterey, Pacific Grove. (tSalinaa) 12.3C* 2.03? South Saa Francisco, Palo Alto, Saa Jose 8.40 a tZO5p Los Altos. Monts Vista. Los Gates . . t3.2Cp 3.00p South San Francisco. Ssn Mateo. Saa Jose. Gilroy, Tres Pinos. Salinas 10. IO» 3.00p Watsonvillp, Saata Cru*. Castrovilfc, Dei Monte. Monterer. Pacific Gmve. IO.COa 3.40? Santa Clara, San Jose. Los Gate*. Wriijht (Boulder Creek). Saata Crus. IO.OC* 4CO t Sunset Exprwa Tuc.«on. Derains. H Paao, Houston, New Orlrans, Paso Roblrs Hot Springs, Eaa Luis Obispo. Santa Barbara and Los Aageies 1 1.40 a 4.CBp Kansas City. St. Louis. Chicago I l.4Ca 4.20p South Saa Francisco. Saa Jose |9.CCa to.OOi Burlbgame. San Mateo. Palo Alto. Saa Jose and Way Stations 9.40 a t5.05? Loop— 3d Street. Visitacion. .South Saa Francisco, Valenci* Street t& I ~? t5.20p Redwood. Palo Altc. San Jo«e 1. 1 Op 15.20? Loa Altos, Mor.ta Vina,Los Gatoj. .. +3.20? tS.2op Buriingame. Saa ufatra, Saa J05e. .... t3.2C? t5.30p Loop—Valenria. Street, Ocean View. C«neterie». South Ssn Francisco, 23d Street. 3d and Townsend tB-40p 6.40a San Bruno. San Mateo. Redwood, Palo Alto, Santa Clara. Saa Jose 7.40 a / t.4op Los ' Altos, MonU Vista. Lor Gate. . . J9.4C» , j.00? Millbrae, Saa Mateo. Palo Alto. May field. Loa Altos. Los Gatt» t&COa t6.C5? 23d Street. Viritacson. Sjuth Saa Franclaco. Valencia Street t7. 13p t6.2Sp Loop Valracia Streetj Ocean Tier. Cemeteries, South Ssn Francisco, 23d Street, 3d and Tawnsend f7.40s 6.30p South San Francisco, San Joee 5.40p B.oo* Los.Vagfles Pa.'sf ngtr— Gilroy. Salinas. ' Pirn Robies Hot Springs. Saa Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Let Angrta B.3Ca ll.4sp£outa Saa Frascisco, Palo Alto, I 7.20? Saa Jose. \ 7.45» LOCAL FERRY TRAINS-V!a Oakland Pi.r. Ta Oakland. Berkalay. Barryman. East Oakland and Frultvalt—Daily— rrora 6.00 ajn.. and eTery twenty minutes until 7.00 pjn. inclusive; thea 7.40. 8.20. 9.00. 9.40, 10.20. 11.00. 111.40 bjb, 12.20 icd 1.20 a.m. Ts Sath«r and Melrota via S«vmA St Da3v Front 6.00 a.m., and every twenty minarw until 7.C0 p.m. iadusive. thea 7.4a 8.2a 9.00, 9.4 a 10.2 a ILOO and 11.40 pjn. To Stonehurtt— Daily Except Sunday— 4oo. 7.Ca S.CO. 9.00 a.m., 2.20. 3.C0. 4.00. 5.00. &<0 p.m. Sunday only 9.00 10.C0 ;ajru LCO pja, 2JOO. 3.C0. tOa 5.0 a 5.40 p.m. To Oakjand Firtt St. Fruitval*. Alameda. via Hoc teshet , Daily From td.CO. ti.'-O a.m. and every twenty, minutes until B.CO a.m. inclusive; then 9.00, 9.20. laoa 10.20. 11.C0. n.20a.m.. 12nu 12.20 .LOO. 1.20. 2.00. 2.20. 3.G0, 3.20. t3.40 p.m. and every twenty minutesuntil 7 p.m. inciu.«iv?; 7.40. 3.20. 9.C0. 9.40. 10.20. 11.00 and 11.40 p.m.. 12.20 and 1.20 a.m. Additional train to Oakland FL-t Sfi. 2.15 To West Berkeley— Daily Except Suaday— From ftCO a.m. and every twenty micates uniil 8.20 a.ra. indu- kive; then 9.00 a.m. aad ev»ry hour unt3 4.00 p.m. mdnshre: then 4.20 p.m. asd every twenty minutes until 7.00 pjn. inrfuaive: thea 7.40 pjn.. 3.20. 9 CO. 9.4 a 10.20, 11.00. 11.40 p.m. and 12.20 a.m. To West Berkeley—Sundays only Frdm 6.C0 »m^ then 7.0 a B.oa 9.00 ajn. inds«iv;; then 9.20 a.ra. and every twenty minute* until 3.40 pja. inclusive; thf* 4.00 pjn. and every twenty minutes until 7.00 p.m in- dusive; thea 7.40-p.m.. BiO. 9.C0, 9.4 a 10.20. 11.01 11.40 p.m. and 12.20 ajn. To Corbln— Dapy Except Saaday— Frera 6.00 a.m. *?.4 every 20 minutes until 8.20 a.m.. then 9.00. 10 CO ajc.. 12.00 m.. I.oa 2.00.100,4.00. 12a 4.40. 5.« L 5.20, 5. 40 and 8.00 pju. To Cerbln Sundays only— From 6.00 kbu. ties 7.C&. S.CO. 9.00 aja. inefcaive: thea 9.20 a.m. and erenr twenty minutes until 340 p.m. indnsive; thea 4XO plm. and every twenty minutes nntil 6.00 p.ra. VIA OAKLTAND RIER Leave (Foot of Market Street) Arrive 2.15 a Nile*. Lrvertnore, Tracy, Lathrop, Stocktoß. Lodi, Sacramento.. IO.38» 6.40» H»yw»rd, NDes. San Jose. 7-08« 7.00 a Richmond, Port Costa. Becieia, Suisun, t \u25a0 ' Dixan. Sacramento, RoseviUe, Maryj- v2le>. Redding. Dunsmuir 7.25p a 7.00a Dmira, Vacaviile. Roaser. 13&1 .7.001 Davis, Woodland (Maryjville. Oro- : \ viUe). Wfllians. MinreU. Wfflowv Ham Eton, Corn'mft, Red Bhiff 7.23» T .ooa Newark. San Jose. Lo« Gato*. Wright. o.*£p 7.00 a Feiton,(Bodder Crfek), Santa Crw. .. 9.58j 7.40 a Vatlejo, Napa, Calistoci, Santa Rosa, - Martinez. San Ramon 6.03p 7.40 a Nflea, Pleasanton. Livennore. AlU- mont, Lathrop, Stockton I.2Sf 7.40 a Tracy. Los Banos, Kerman, Fresno, Hanford, Visslia. 4.28* 8.20 a Port Coata, Martinej. Byron. Trary, _>•> •..;- Stockton, Merced. Fresno, Goihr.i Junction (Hanford, Arniona), Visilia, Porterville, Baktrsfirid -^ 4.48» 8.20a Yosemite Valley via Merced. 7.48 a 9.00 a NUM. Livermore, Stockton (*M2ton), * Valley Spring, lone. Saerameato. 4.28p . 9.00 a Sonora. Tuolumae and Angels 4.25p 9.00 a Atlantic Express Satrtmenlo. Tree- kee, Ogden, Salt Lako Gty. Denver. Kansas City,] Omaha, Chicago. , 8.25» 9.40a Richmond. Port Costa, Mirticei, Bay Point 6-48p 10.20a VaUejo M.ire Island, Naps. 11.28* 10.20a Los Aszelea Pajsenpr— Port Costa, ' Martinet, Byron, Tracy. Stockton, Merced. Fresno, HAnford. Visalia, BakersSeld. Los Angfles T.4Sp 10.40a S*n 'Francisco Overland Limited Denver, Kansis Qty, St. Louis. Omaha, Chmtgo 7.2?p 1 1.20» Shasta Limited—Portland, Taeoma, Seattle 9.18* 12.00n GoldSeld Pass.— Port Co«ta. Btaicia. r Sacramento. Trackee, Haifa. Mini. Tonopah. Goldfidd, Lawi, Keeler 7.48 a 1 2.00n Marysville, Chico. Redßluff 4.28p 1.20p Niles, Irvington.San Jo»e 2.48 i 1.40p San Leaniro, N3es, Centervflle, f 9CBa Newark. Ban Jose. I 7.28» 1.40p Newark, San Jose. Los Gates, Wright. Felton (Boulder Creek), Santa Crui. . 9.58? 2.40p~8an Leandro, Na», San Jose. 9.28 a 3.00p Benieia, Winters. Sacr»mento— Wood- land. Marrgville. Oroville— Yolo, ' Arbuckla. Will ian; s. Willowg I O.«8a 3.00 aVia Sausilito. West Napa, St. Hdeaa, Calutoga. 10J31* 3.20p Port Costa (Stockton). Martinez,/ 12.08p Byron. Modesto. Merced, Fresno. . \ 10.38? 4.00p Vallcjo, Napa, Calistoga. Santa Rosa, Martines, San Ramon, Dougherty, Livennore..." 958 a 4.00p NBes (Centervaie). Tracy. Stockton i 10.28 a . Lodi.. I 10-Mp 4.40p Ban Leandro. Ha'yward, Niles. Pleas- \u25a0 .anton. Livermore. Traey, Newman, ••- Herman. Fresno 828 a S.OOp Richmond." Pinole, Vallejo, Port Costa, Benieia, Suimin, Sacraraeoto —Roseville. Marysviile. Oroville II .28a S.OOp Russell, Saa Jose. Los Gatos 9.28 a 8.20p San Leandro, Niles, San Jose. 7.45 a , G.OOp Owl Limited—Lo« Acgdes B.oBa \u25a0 6.40p Eastern ExpreM Ogden, Pueblo, Den- rer, Kansas City. St. Louis. Cbiajp. . Port Costa, Benim, Saenuaeato. Reao. Sparks.... ' 8.28p 6.40p Harward, Niles and San Jc«- 6.48p 17.00t Vallejo, Port Costo. Martiaej, Bay Point and Way Station* J 1 1.18? 7.40p Richmond, Port Costa, Byron, Tracy. Lathrop. Stockton 12.48? B. 20» Oregon Eip-ess Davis. (Sacramento), Wulows, Redding (Klamath Falls). AshlnnJ, Portland, Taeoma, Seattle, Spokane t.2Ba OJMp China and Japan Fast Mail— Ogrlen. Cheyenne. Denver, Kansas Qty, '• \u25a0*•.. Omaha, Chicago 2.48p S.OOp Port Costa, Benieia, Sacramento, Col- fax. Truckee. Reno, Sparks 10.03* I I.OOp N3es. Reasanton, Livermore. Lathrop. Modesto, Merced. Fresno "... 10.33 p I I.OOp Fresno. Sclma. Goshen June., Hanford, Armona. Leaoore, Coalinga 8.28 a 1 1.40» Portland Express— Sacramento, Mary*. * ville. Red Bluff, Weed. Afhlasd, Rose- bnrg. Portland. Tacoma. Seattl?. .... 12.23p KETHERLAND'S ROUTE—From Pacific Strtst Wharf. Collinsville, Eoamaton. Rio VL»ta, Isletoa. Ryde, Wal- nut Grove, Vorden, Courtland. Clarksburg. Sacramento. Leave 8.00 a.m. Tue., Thura.. Sat.. Steamer Nanjo; arrive § 5.00 p. m. Leave 1.00 p.m. Daily, except Sunday, Steamer Modoc or Apache; arrive 11.80 p.m. OAKLAND HARBOR FERRY— From San Francisco. Market Stre«t Wharf— Week Days—Hourly from 6.00 aan. to 9.00 p.m. Sundays— «.«* B.lft, 9.45, 11.13 a-ra.. 12.45, Zl5, 3.45, 5.15. 6.45, 8.15 aad 8.45 pja. LOCAL FERRY TRAIHS-Vla AUm«l» flu. To Oakland and Alameda— t&lO, fd.45 a.m.. and thra 10 ird 45 minutes past the hour until 7.45 p.m.: then 8.30. 9.15, 10.00. 10.45, 11.JO p.m. aad 12.15 ajn. To Alameda and Frultvalo via Horuthoo am* ts above a for Morning. \u25a0 for Afternooa. f Stntday exeeptei t Sunday only. § ArriveMon^ Wsd.. FrC Union Trantfer. Co. authoririd to cheek .Baggage ',direct from residence. feyi^^J^ ;Trains Leave San Francisco '\u25a0'^L~'^OT \y Market Street Ferry Depot Leave For— 1A.M.1 F.M. Bakersficld ...... 7:151.8:00- 10^)0 Chicago ......... 7:15 8:00-10:00 Fresno .......... 7:15 4:00- 8:00-10:00 Grand Canyon. .. 7:15 8:10-10:00 Hanford ....;.... 7 :15 .. . : -10:00 Kansas City...... 7:15 8:00-10:00 Merced .......... 7:15 4:00-8:00-10:00 \u2666Stockton 7:15 4:00- 8:00-10:00 Stockton, Oakdale | and Sierra Rail- ;. ; | -^ : . way points..... 9 :45 rss Tu1are v. ..*..... .. 7:15 8:00-10:00 Vi5a1ia.. "....... 7:15 8:00-10:00 Yosemite .... 7:15 .......... \u2666Stockton Local" leave* 1:23 p. m. \u25a0 '. \u25a0•- California L4mlte<i through to Chicago leaven at 1000 p. m- Offlees 673 Market street and Market street Ferry Depot. San Francisco; Ul2 Broadway, - Oakland. - OCEAN SHORE RAILWAY : - V.'l S.-Stratton. '.Receiver. ' Xv. .S. F. daily—9:ooa. »4:30 p. ' Ar. S. F. daily—t3:lsp. \u25a0 *8:25a. * *Arleta. fTunttas Glen; stage for Sam Gre- gorlo t and Pescadero.~ -' n : ""- - : . ; BAY AND INTERURBAN UOI'TES .' s MARE ISLAND NAVY YARD -:\u25a0:.:\u25a0 r Vallejo, Napa, St. Helena STO he£bxa-\apa/valle y- route "' Monticello* S.' S." Co .'and Napa ' Valley Electric R..R.- Co. ;i Close, connections. -" ,-*—'' G^-ROUXD TRIPS DAIL.Y— 6 : ••-. Coats : leave" Saa': Francisco 7:00; "0:45 a.' b.; 12:30 n00n," 3:15. = 6:00., •5:30 > p.~ id. , •- San -. Francisco : landing <*nd \u25a0 of Ace. - Clay '- street wbarf.'v north: end ferry bulldins.. Market-street fcrrv. - Meals a la* carte. ' Phoaes Kearny 406 or C4708-V - .--.,-\u25a0"_'\u25a0 •:-\u25a0 •--•."\u25a0\u25a0 . ~ \u25a0 \u25a0 : :'-:- f.: 'Lands nayy \u25a0 yard ' direct.' \u25a0 CALL: WAXT ADS 'BRING BBSULTS | PACIFIC OCEAX TRAVEL ~^ % A <g«V Steamers leave from Broad- /SySXz-^S^.y way Wharrea (Piers 9 MniMk^n Low ratfs. Including berth I \ Vb^SZ/ J Special Round Trip Rates. vAjS, JSi LOS ANGEIiES >fi*s*»w»7 sax niEoo SANTA BARBARA President .Alternate Mondays, 4 p. m. Gorernor..... ..Alternate Mondays, 4 p.m. •Santa Rosa, erery Thursday, 11 a. m. •Only steamer eallins at Santa Barbara. SEATTLE (DIRECT), TOWKSEXD TACOMA, VICTORIA, i'XXCOUVER Connecting at Seattle for j Southeastern Alaska, Skagway, Dawson, Fairbanks. President... ...... '. Alternate Saturdays, 2 p. m. Gorernor.. ........ .Alternate Saturdays, 2 p. m. City of Puebla, Umatilla or Queen. Alternate :.' Tuesdays, 2 p.m. EUREKA (HUMBOLDT BAY) City of Topeka— Mar. 23, 28; April 2, 7, 12. 17, / ,22, 27, 10 a. m. GUAYMAS, MAZATLAX, LA PAZ ENSEXADA, SAX JOSE DEL CABO, etc. ALASKACRUISES, 1910— Leave Seattle Spokane. .June 14, 2S; July 12, 26; Aug. 9, 10 pm. Queen............. .......July 12, 26, 8 pm. \u25a0 Right reserved to change this schedule. TICKET OFFICES— (PaIace Hotel) 653 Market St., S Market st. and Broadway Wharf. : Telephone, Eearny 402. OAKLAND^-1120 Broadway. Tel. Oakland 5680. C. D. DDNAXX. General Passenger Agent. : AMERICAN -HAWAIIAN STEAMSHIP COf ANY Tehuantepec Route \u25a0 NEW YORK TO PACIFIC COAST PORTS AND HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, sailing from Xew ; York— every •: six days, " making direct connection with"Pacific steamers sailing j from Sallna Cruz, Mexico, every, six days for San Fmnelsco.* " ' PACIFIC COAST PORT 3TO .NEW YORK. Also to Mexican and all principal European ports under through rate and - through bills >of * lading. SalllnsH from San Francisco every 12 days. LOUAL SERVICE FROM BAN FRANCISCO TO HAWAIIAN ISLAND PORTS, direct every 28 dnys, and via Puget sound every 12 days. . For . ratrM \u25a0 and further \u25a0 particulars apply to DEARBORN & T^APHAM. Oeneral Agents. S Bridge St.. New York; WILLIAMS,DIMOND.& CO., General Agents, Pacific Coast.-. .; -h ..' 310 Sansomc st., San Francisco. I SEATTLE -TACOMA 1 $ JBellinebara, Anacortes,' Everett, Port Town- \u25a0 send,, victoria.' Vancouver .and. all Alaska Ports. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0->- /--";"- •:.-. .---.. - - •.-..< S. S. BUCKMAN ..................March 20 8.1 S. ADMIRAL SAMPSON... ." . .March 25 S. S. -i.WAT50N.;... ;.............. March 30 LOS ANGELES DIRECT " ••> \u25a0••"\u25a0-: \u25a0\u25a0=\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0 -TWIN-SCREW-: . S. S.'"- ADMIRAL'- SAMPSQN-.V.-.. .': March 21 .Sailings from \ Howard Street Wharf No. 3. Alaska Pacific Steamship Co- : : ——TICKET OFFICES-— - rY . \u25a0'i 54 Market Street. : 648 Market Street - Sailings from Street-, Wharf -No. 3/ TOYO KiSEN KAISHA I; ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP' COMPANY , S. S. ' 'Nippon " Maru"."/.: !Tue»day, . Apr. ' 5, 1910 S. S."Ohiyo; Maru"...... v : Tuesday, May ' 3, 1910 S.B. "Tenyo Mam". .V;.. Tuesday, May 3l, 1910 ;\u25a0'\u25a0 Steamers v - sail \u25a0 from : company's ; piers, i Xo.«.\ 42, - 44,'- near, foot of.-- Second stj.tatil p. m., for.Yoko- liania \u25a0\u25a0 and ; Hongkong. 1 calling at \u25a0; Honolulu. Kobe ' ( Hlogo) ,-: and .• Nagasaki and Shanghai.'' and ; con- necting at,'- Hongkong ! with ? steamers : for Manila; India ,"* etc.* : Xo : cargo ; received \on * board on day of; salllne. : ;- Round : . trip . tickets <at j reduced : rates. : ; For f reiffh t '- and i passage " apply .' at > office. 240 James Flood building. \u25a0 ; 'w. H. -.AVERY.'' r \u25a0;.,.> .- \u25a0 -; \u25a0•\u25a0 ; \u25a0.--. . Assistant; General t Manager. ..., >\u25a0"\u25a0•'\u25a0 \u25a0 :.(^?»iA'-- j '' : -_riil__lli_i_iJ_L-l__JiZ-jl LlA&IAl 111 ||S.' : B*.Slerr*:saH»"at'll aTm.; -11111111 l 111 II >'""•'' -' l - " lnl °- Sl'^lal ; lI V lly LULU rouD dj trip,') $H0: first.- class.i TAHITI vA3VD>NEW.:,zk.IL'A XD-S.S.i SMariposal sails ?ll'f a.v.m.-.^Apr.'.-l.". t ; Special^ •round ltrip,'!Tahiti.v?l2slflrst|slas«.' . ; v ; lOCEANJC; S^.S. i COr^.BTS.Mkt 1 UT/jKfpy, 1231| J^^^ Schedule Effective U3£n November 15, 1909 UXIO.V FERRY DEPOT >an Fraaciaco L^are VIA SAU3ALITO ArriT^ TUOajPetaluma. Santa " Rosa. Healds- 1 borg, CloverdalF, Uktah, Willlts, Sherwood, *Guerne- Till*. »Mt. Rio; "Duncan Mills.. «:17p 5:2Pa «Pt. Reyes. »Mt. Itlo. 'Caiadero t«:57? 8 :->Oa ••Sonoma. ••Clen Ellen t3:S7p J9:fKla Peulnina. Santa Rova, CloTerdale. J7:37a ll:0<»a Petalnma, Santa Rosa.... 4:17p 3:00p Petaluma. Santa Rosa, Healdsburs, CloTenlale, Uklah, GaerneTille, Mt. Riu. Duncan Mills, Sebaa- topol 10:37* 14:C0p Pt. Reye*. 0ccidenta1. ............. -f:4op I Sonoma. Gl<»b Ellen... 9:IT» s:2t>j>rPetaluma. Santa Roaa 8:37 a ELECTRIC SUBtrRBT^^A~SATf3AjSTO" Saosalito. Mill Valley. Saa Rafael— Daily erery 40 minutes from 7:00 a. m. until 9:0) a. m.; then hourly until 4 :00 p. m.: then erer/ 40 minates until 8:40 p. in.; then S:CO and 10:00 p. m. asd 12:01 «. m. \ Fairfax— Leave San Francisco TT:0O. ":40. 8:20. 9:CO. 10:00, 11:00 a. . m.. }t2:00 noon. tl:00. 2:00. 4:00, 4:4p, 3:20 ami 6:00 p. ro. San Quentin ria Saa Rafael Leave 9:00 a. tn. awl 2:fO p. m. ' w ~~ Tibnron and Belveder* {7:00. {7:40. 10:t3 a. m. (112:00 noon, except Saturday). 112:30. J4-.00, |3:20. 7:15 p. m. Sundays. |f:0O, |7:40. 10:15 a. m.. 12:3 d. 14:00. |5:20, 7:U p. m.. §12:01 a. tn. \u25a0 'Sunday arrire 7:37 p. m. "Sunday arriT* C:ST p. m. tExcept , Snndar. only. ISatßrdays only. |Vla Sausallto. Paclfle Transfer Company's azenta are author- ized to cbecfc bagcaze direct from residence. fx 3IUIR WOODS MT. TAMALPAIS VIA SAUSALITO FERRY FCOT OF MARKCT STSEfT LTilAt. KOUDATS-SUMOAY TWI * It.Sm FnttHa UMaiTiMft tT.JgjIMU_ WcekfrTt S«Jar V«dubr' jnjgy W«efafaTf UaiMT ...... 2:09t ..."-. 5:10? -• •{ 3 : l|? •Sat. only. tHon. only. eT»nalpais only. ont? Ticket Office*—Sawalno Ferry and >.4 Jlarke» - General Office-Mai Valley. California - TAVEHM OF TAMALPAIS " and - MUMSUI " - an ahmyt ft* ftr v*** Exempt from Taxes Paying from 4V4% to 5V2% income Complete descriptive circular No. 909 upon request E. H. ROLLINS & SONS FIRST NATIONAL iAKK BLOC SECURITY BLDS. SAN FKAKCtSCO LOS ANGELES I" -- j "-*^'^ !g *^*~-*' r^'^'^ii i TyTgy i^"iVy r i r x^i^»i£y BEST BUY! IN_OIL I Coalinga | s National Petroleum 1 At 75 Cents I H \\ it! Moon hr ndvanced tn $1.50. |j •* \\ r arc operatlne SO acrrn In the Q 3 V. Vz *»f the >^V. Va of Sr«% S, 13 J T«p. I*o S. H. 15 K. in flic Coal, t ] Ibru Oil Ftold and in clnnr prox- Hj A Ituiiy to thr Col. Coallncra, the L Ifnvlinc'R l-:ialit and the M.K.T. H Oil Companini. X \N> bold «nr lnnd nodrr lr;i«r |3 nt l~<! royalty «\ith option tn r purrilinM- at ?I^»OO prr acre. fj \\>ll- \o. 1 notv nearlnc oiiin- E pi r I ion. .. -H I "or DiapK.aad particulars apply m A. S. CLEARY, President 1 " noo3i s©2 b 112 slark«-t Street, San Frandnco. 9 GKO. V. MARTI V, SECRETARY, 9 1141 J Street, Fresno. - ffi S. R. BOWE.V, VICE PRESIDE.VT E Coallasra. w MAP OF MIDWAY We have two surveyors in the field compiling: a complete map of the Mid- way North Midway, Buena Vista Hills, Mancopa and Sunset oil fields. This map will cover all and be the best ever Issued of these fields and brought right up to the minute. Every one interested in these fields should have one of these maps. , The "CU-IFORMA OIL. nLLI.ETIX,*» issued semimonthly, tells the news of the companies operating in all the oil fields of the state. A copy of the Map of Midway and the "CALIFORNIA OIL. UUMBTI.V" for six months will be mailed to you FREE if you send us your name with this ad now. THE G.S. JOHNSON COMPANY 034 I'HELAX BUILDING. V San Francisco, Cal. Investors, Lend Me Your Ears BWYZ, B4UR2!ate: Here it the tip. Buy Columbine Oil Stock now. C can 25 sharps FUEB with each 1.000 X bny For the next 30 days. For cash. Stock is ?ood. but we wish to rai*e « little more qui^k. cash. Sare this COUPON; it may not appear again. H. >V. HUTCHI. \ SOX, Asa't. See'y. 429 Phrlan nuiWynp. .\ a di " AMrrt-t ...: } Call. 3 23. E. F. KUTTOH & CO. 490 California M. TeU DotiKla* 2457 St. Krancia Hotel Tel. Douglas 3952 K embers of New York Stock Exchange Pioneer Hou«« Prfyair Wire to Chicago and New York - R. B. SIULCAHEY, Manager "SIVATE WIEE. CHICAGO, NEW YOEK. WESTEK2JT UNION CODE J. C. WILSON MEMBEE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOAHD OF TRADE, THX STOCK AOT BOND EXCHANGE. BAN xRANCIdCO Main Office Branch Office* MILLSBLDO.. 6. F. PALACE HOTEL Correip«ttdent« (Main Corridor) HARRIS WINTHROP . San Franciico & CO., HOTEL ALEXANDRIA 25 Wne et.. New York. Los Angeles. 3 B«Sfery. Chicago HOTEL DEL CORO- 1711 Stout street. _ "j* 33 "' J DenTer. Colo. Coronado Beach LA BLANG Oil Stock For Sale at 37 l / 2 Gents GEOW. AUSTIN 1018 BroadTvay, Oakland. r;'-' ATLANTIC? OCEAN TRAVEL ~:'lY~J Compagoie Generate Transatlantique ,-;';..:\u25a0 i' DIRECT LINE TO;HAVRE-PARIS. : : . .\u25a0 Sailings '•* every -Thursday ;''- instead lof f Satur-' day,'- at 10 .a. ..T0..' from pier. 42, Nortb river, foot /of; Morton; street. ;*^^ , ; , ' - Pirst'elaßS to' Havre. r ?i7.50 and upward;' sec- ond class to Havre,' sso and. upward. GENERAL AGENCY for-UK ITED STATES and CANADA, 19 'State -street,? New -York. J. . F..;FUGAZI, Manager Pncittc : Coast. l o3o > Montgomery street. Sa.n v Francisco. 'Tickets i gold by all * railroad \u25a0 ticket ;agentB:y.'i".-' ' - -'.' •\u25a0--.'-".'- ':'\u25a0 " \u25a0\u25a0 ' :;. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'-';\u25a0\u25a0 '--',;-•.- -. .^V?- - *--',: indiridual require- »7Q ment and purge are THOS. COOK A SON.MPiWaiST.MIinUJICIICI AUCTION SALES AT PUBLIC AUCTION £g> Wednesday, March 23, 11 a. m.— S5 head of All Purp<jse Horses, Mares, and also Wagons. Bag- gies and Harness^ -665 Fourth street,' Oakland. J. W. MEDEIROS. Auctioneer. ' RAILWAY TRAVEL ' W &s*y fo 53. Xi fet S3 fci fig Q8 g> a t| PbM IS si- "Bd <5&^4 bl Sc9 wf of^ TRAINS LEAVE AND ARE DUE TO ARRIVE FROM MARCH I.ISIS


Chlraso Dairy Prodncr .MarketCHICAGO. March 22.

—Butter firm; creameries.

2tsfiJS2c: dairies, 22&27c. Eggs steady: receipts,2.350 case*; at mark, cases iucluded. UVi'alVc;firsts, 20c: prime firsts, 21c. Cheese easy;daisies. lC©lfl>£c: twins, 15@15Vic; YoungAmericas, 15%«rjl»)*4c; longhorns, 16@16^4c.

Additional Shipping Xoth on Pnge 12


Per bktn •Echo—

Had strong S and SB«.galesfor 10 days. ', ;:


In port March 20—

Nor stmrRj"nJa. from-ilongkong.-COLON

—Arrived March 13—Stmr AdTOnce,

from New York.\u25a0 Sailed March 10

—Stmr Colon, for New York.:


Arrived March 21—Br stmr Bel-lerophon. from Tacoma.

SALINA CRUZ—Arrived March 20—Stmr Plei-ades, hence March 'l2. .

DURBAN—Sailed Feb 23—Br stmr Falls ofMoness, for Manila, j

SHIELDS—SaiIed March 20—Nor stmr Tori-da], for Honolulu, via Norfolk. Va.-

—'•\u25a0\u25a0' OCEAN STEAMERSNEW YORK—Sailed March 22—Stmr Kron-

prlnzessln Cecllie. for Bremen.ITAKU—Arrived .March ID—Stmr FalU of Or-chy. from Portland. Ore.


Arrived previous to March 22—

Stmr M. S. Dollar, from Llnnton. Ore.SYDNEY. N\ S. XV.—Arrived previous to

March 22—

Stmr Makura, from Vancouver.-

The California siiti Hawaiian sugar refiningmmptny quotes as follows: Granulated basis..".\u2666;.V; "Hicrade" bsr. Oc; powdered, 5.75c: A•\u25a0rushed. SJBOe: t>err.v. 5.C.V; C. & 11. extra fine«iry granulated. 5.«>5c; <-oar«<o dry granulated.S.GSc; c<:>nfectinnors' A. 5.C5c: confectioners'•rystal. 5.7.V; <ulx>s, 5.90c: bricks. 5.90c; extraf.Bf drr prannlatfHl <100 lb bagn only). 5.4.V;oN.-eitjor a. .*>.2sc: ''xtra C, 3.15c: polden C,r..0.%r: yellow I>, 4.0.V: cut loaf. Jn bbls only,T.«50: 11. A: n. crystal dominos, 5 lb cartons In, i-Ksfs. S.f^lc; <I<-i 2 lb cartons In cases, !>.lsc. Ad-ni(i"Dal per 100 lbs: In barrels and 50 lh bags.lV more; half bbl^. 25c more; boxes, 50c morefor all jrradr-s. Bar In "5 and 40 lb tins, $1.70more; in 10 lb tins, $2.85 more. Minimum order,<arloai weight.

whole. "iVic: rases. <>xtra. iir;cases, easternf-trle_ 6*io: Frigat<-, 7c: nsrrow Paragon. 7V-c;Monnrch. Sc; Wfstorn Pride, 7iic; Imperial. 10<VJlot^o: Goran Wave. 7**e; Slb<^ria. "^c; Star,2 lb tablets, Ji'ic: Pacltic Bcllo, 1 Ih tablets.>-H<-:H<-:Choice Bits, crates, 12 slb l>oies. 10c: do."\u25a00 2 lb boxes, lie; pickled cod. half bbls, $5.50each.


"Ik1 Western sugar refining company quotes asfollows, terms net cash: Standard fine granu-•lated. 5.65c; standard, coarse granulated. 5.65c;fruit granulated. 5.65e: cnt loef. In barrels only.7.?5c; H. &. c. crj-Btal dominos, 5 lb cartons ivcases. J..CV; do 2 lb cartous la cases, fl.ISc;raorarrh liar. 6c; tablrtsJ«i half barrels. 0.15c;do in boxes. fi.4oc; cubes and A crushed, 5.90c;monarch powdered. 5.75c: XXXX powdered,5.T.V1: can<ly praimlated. r>.7sc; confectioners" A.SXSc; <-onf»»ctioners' crj-gtals. 5.75c; extra finecr«nulate<l. 5.45; magnolia A. 5.25c; extra C.•VIV;goldcu C. 5.0r.c; I>. 4.05c. Barrels and 50lb bags liV;. half bbls 23c, bores 60c more perI"O n,s than for begs of 100 lbs vet. Bar in 25»n<l 40 lb tins $1.70 more. In 8 and 10 lb tinsS2J3S more )*•»\u25a0 ]<>0 lbs than price for this gradeIn 'o<i lb nags.


Depth at mean low water, entrance to harbor.

PLACE |Ft. | Date [' >-.-\u25a0;\u25a0 Remarka"~"

Grays Harl 18 IJan. 13llnner bar- buoy sub-' . I I ' I'merged. \u25a0

Willapa B 27 . IFeb. , BlWhJßtling buoy 1 mileI I '-'"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Inorth-of bar. -•\u25a0\u25a0'•

---Colum. R.l 24

'INov. SlShoallng outside . nun

II\u25a0'\u25a0- \u25a0-•'--- I'

buoy No. 2. -'•-\u25a0"'\u25a0Nehalm R| 8 (Feb. 2jßai- buoy 200 yards N.

I I'---'' I• channel. \u25a0 "-\u25a0 ..-\u25a0"*

rillmk 8.l 9 Dec. 17|Channel shifted.1 mile|*[ I south in gale Nov. 28.

Nun buoy. No. 0 andi'aqulna B 14 Feb. 12 • can 'buoy No. 3 gone

-\u25a0"- \u25a0- adrift. \u25a0\u25a0-'-

Sluslaw R| s^a|Feb. s|Channel going north.___Umpqua Rl 13^|Feb. ,4 Channel in good condi-

\u25a0 . II I tlon. . \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0:

12 feet at low tide toCoos Bay. 18 Feb. 17 North Bend; 12 feet' ' at low tide to Marsh-


'-fleld...' • ..-

Coquille Rj 8 IJan. 7|Channel straight;'- goodI I ' \ condition.

Rogue Rlv|.....| IKlamth Rl 7 Jan. 7jChannel straight east

I I '-I and west. •

Hmbldt Bl 19 Mar. ljNorth channel unsafe-\u25a0 I I \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' v I to navigation.

S Pedro B| 20 |Feb. 26[No change In channel.S Diego B| 25 |Dec. :-9|No change in channel.S Pablo B 24 (Dec. 1Depth in dredged chan-

I I Inel. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-. . ~nally Rtver bulletin

SACRAMENTO, March 22—Observations takenat 7 o'clock a. m.: ;

STATIONS ?„ Stj-'g p,g|

... .'.. . ;* .r*.- . .«•.

«• »

SACRAMENTO WATERSHEDKennett, Sacramento. river.. 25.0 o.o— -f0.2Red Bluff. Sacramento R... 23.0 13.5-J- --4.2Monrocville, Sacto. river:... 22.0 12.7-1- --5.2Colusa, Sacramento river.... 29.0 20.4-1- --2.1Knights Landing, Sacto. R.. JB.O 15.2-j- 4-0-4Oroville, Feather river......I 25.0 B.K—


Mar.vsville,:Yuba river.,r..I30.0 13.7— —0.2Folsom. American river.....] ..;. 11.5

—] -{-0.1

Sacramento, Sacto.- river....| 29.0 22.1-f-|—

-0.1Rio Vista, Sacto. river | ]3.0 ( G.O+I -f0.2

SAN JOAQUIN WATERSHEDPollasky, San Joaquin river. ...." 1.9


Firebongh, San Joaquin R.. 12.0 ...... .....i

Merced Falls, Merced fiver 1.7+ +0.2Jacksonville, Tuolumne river 20.0 6.6— —

0.2Melones. Stanislaus river.... 0.0^


Jenny Llnd, Calaveras river. 10.0 3.5—

-fO.SElectra, Mokelumne river... 12.0Lathrop, San Joaquin river.. 13.6 ...'."

-{-Indicates rlsln^rlvcr.—

Indicates fallingriver.

Snow on ground at Summit, 7 a. m. today, 50inches.


The rivers will rise generally during the nexttwo dnys. The Sacramento will rlso rapidly be-tween Red Bluff and Knights Landing.

N. R. TAYLOR,Local Forecaster.>"©tlce to Mariners) •

Information has been received from the de-partment of :marine and fisheries, Victoria, B.C, givingnotice that a first order quick flashinglight, givinga group of three white flashes every10 Becopds, will be. placed In operation April 1,1010, at the "Hole-Inthe-Wall" at the south-weat -extreme of Estevan point, latitude nortb49 degrees 22 mlnutea 5 seconds, longitude west126 degrees 32 minute* 22 second*.

- - 'The light is 125 feet above high water, and

should be visible In clear weather for a distanceof IS miles. The temporary light will be with-drawn. J. C. BURNETT,

Lieutenant. U. S>. N.,InCharge.Branch hydrographlc office. United . States

navy, March 22, 1910,' Merchants' .Exchange, SanFrancisco, Cal.

Army TTnnxportsjTho Crook sailed February 19 for Manila.The Warren in at Shanghai.,The Ix>gan sailed March 7 for Manila.

''' The Buford Is in port.

The Sheridan sailed March 15 from Manila forthis port. -

;. , ,The Sherman is in port. '••.

-The Thomas is in port.


'. Change of Maatrrx

Nra Ikork rrocluooNKU" Yor.K. March 22.—Hops—Dull.Uidei.

—Firm. '"V


Steady.Wool— Steady.Ptijrar—Eaw, stesdr. Muscovado, .159 test.


From . '-, 111 1 Steamer .1,Date .San Pedro ..... .... ... J. S. Hlggins...Mar. 23Seattle Eureka- ....... Mar. 23Seattle & Tacoma..... Chas.; Nelson .. Mar. 23Humboldt • Vanguard .'....: Mar. 23New York via Ancon..San Juan.......Mar. 23Honolulu Alameda ...... Mar. 23Honolulu Lurline Mar. 23Portland & Astoria.... Yosemite Mar. 24Humboldt F. A. Kilburn.. Mar. 24Point Arena & Albion. Porno Mar..24Grays Harbor... Centralia ...... Mar. 24Grays Harbor .....Coronado ...... Mar. 24Los Angeles Ports .Ad. Sampson- .. Mar. 24Puget Sound Ports..... City of Puebla. Max.'.. 25Seattle & Tacoma..... Watson Mar.'2sPortland & Astoria..... Roanoke ...... Mar. 25San Diego &Way Ports Governor ...... Mar. 25San Pedro &Way. Ports Cnos Bay Mar. 25Sau Pedro ............ Klamath ....... Mar. 26Humboldt .lClty of Topcka. Mar/- 26San Pedro Hanalei

-.". Mar. 26

Coos Bay M. F. Plant... |Mar. 2tJSal. Cruz via S. Diego. Columbian .... IMar. 26San Pedro Norwood ~. Mar. 27China & Japan Nippon'Maru... Mar. 27Mendocino & Pt. Arena Sea Foam ..... Mar. 27Grays Harbor Newburg Mar.' 27Honolulu Nevadan War. 27Puget Sound Ports....'. President Mar. 27San Diego &Way Ports Santa Rosa ... Mar. 28Mexican ports Senator Mi«r. 28

Portland A Astoria Rose City..... Mar. 28Grays Harbor Santa Barbara. Mar. 28Singapore & Mororan.. Patella Mar. 28Seattle & Tacoma .'.:..Buckman ...... Mar. 30


Destination | Steamer ISails |Pler

March 23—Grays Harb0r.......... 3. Monica.:. 4 pm ....Astoria & Portland Quinault ... 5 pm 27Mendocino & Pt. Arena Sea Foam .. 4pm 4Humboldt City Topeka 10 am 11

March 24— .Coquille River Flfield 1 5pm|....Hamburg & Way Ports Itaurl ......|l2 m| 19"Los Angeles Ports Yosemite .. 11 am 27Humboldt J. J. toggle 12 m....Portland & Way Ports. G. W. Elder 1pm 13

San Diego & Way Ports Santa Rosa.. 11 am 9Los Angeles Ports. Centralia ... 1pm 21Los Angeles Ports . Coronado ... 1pm 21Astoria & Portland. .... St. Helens.. 5 pm 10

March 25—

N. York via Sal. Cru«. Isthmian ... 10 am 27Humboldt North Fork.. 12 m 38Humboldt -k F. Kilburn.. 10 am 13.Hllo direct Enterprise .. 12 m 38Seattle & Tacoma Ad. Sampson 1pm 10

March 26—

Astoria & Portland Northland .. s,pm lflAstoria & Portland.... Klamath ... 11 am 27Grays Harbor Claremont .. 4 pm ....:Humboljdt Vanguard .. 1 pm 19Los Angeles Ports Roanoke ... 1 pm 13Honolulu 51erra ...... 11 am 21'New York via Aneon.. Acapulco ... 12 m 40Puget Sound Ports Governor ... 2 pm


Astoria & Portland...-*. Kansas City 11 am 40Point Arena &. Albion.. Porno ...... 6pm 4

March 27— ILos Angeles Ports. ....[Hanalei ....| 3 pm 10Grays Harbor INorwood ... 2pm....

March 28— I . 1Coos Bay jM. F. Plant 3pm 8San Diego &Wny Ports President .. 4pm flSan Pedro & Way Ports Coos B«.y .. 4 pm 11Los Angeles Ports S. Barbara.. 1 pm 21

March 29—Puget Sound Ports..... City Puebla. 11 am 9Astoria & Portland... ,|3aglnaw 5 pm 27

Hogs— Receipts, 12.U00. Market steady toweak. Bulk of sales, [email protected]; heavy.$10.555j10. \Vi; packers and butchers, [email protected]: light S10.2O(gl0.50; pigs, $0,503:9.83.

Sheep— Receipts. lO.O'KJ. Market steady. Mut-tons. [email protected]: lambs. $0.255i10.25: fed westernwethers and yearlings, [email protected]; fed westernewes, $7<&5.10.


KANSAS CITY. March 22.—Cattle— Receipts.B.f>oo. Market steady. Native steers. $o.'[email protected]; native cows and heifers. $3.50i5".25;stockerg and feeders, ?4-50(g6.75; bulls, $4.75^6.25; calves. $5^9; western stcer6, $0§8; west-ern cows, $4 @ 6.25.


Receipts. 10,000. Market weak 1o 5clower. Heavy, $10.50<8)10.65; mixed, $10.40^10.50; light, [email protected]; pigs, [email protected];bnlk of pales, ?10.40(J5i10.60.


Receipts. 7,300. Market strong to 30chigher. Yearlings, $5<g9.25; wethers. [email protected]: ewes, $7.50©8.40; lambs. $»[email protected].


OMAHA. March 22.— Cattle— Receipts, 5.400.Market netHe and ftronjr. Native stoers,ist>.2s(g5.25; cows and heifers, $."><Q6.65: westernsteers. $5.50(37.75; cows and heifers. $3.25<g5.5T>;canncrs. [email protected]; stockers and feeders, $4(37;calves, $4.25&5.50; bulls, stags, etc., $4.40©0.30.


Receipts estimated at 12.000; marketsteady. Native, $5.50?j.8.70: western, $r».75(H;5.60: jearlinss, $S(3<J.2T': lambs, native, JS.75©10.05; western. $D.&o@ 10.60.


CHICAGO, March 22.—Cattle— Receipts esti-mated at 3,000; market strong. Beeves,' $5.70<28.70; Texas steers. $5<g6.40; western [email protected]>: stoeker* and feeders, $3.75@fi."0; cowsand helfere, $2.f»[email protected]; calves, $8.25«g9.50.

Hogs— Receipts estimated at 12.000; marketweak. Light, [email protected]; mixed. $10.45®10.85: heavy, [email protected]: rough. $10.r.0<f* 10.65;good t» choice heavy, [email protected]; pigs, $9.63®10.50; bulk of sales, $10.65@10.^0.

Kaxtrrn Livestock -MarketCHICAGO




I \u25a0 Steamer 1 Date

Valdex & Seward....... Olympla ... (Mar. 24Skagway & Way Ports. Humboldt ..... Mar. 20Skagway & Way Ports. Jefferson Mar. 28

22, 1910.The time ball on the roof of the Fairmont

hotel was dropped today exactly at noon. Pa-cific standard time (120th meridian), or at Sh.00m. 00s. Greenwich mean time.

J. C. BURNETT.Lieutenant. U. S. N.. in charge.

United States branch bydrographic office, Mer-chants' Exchange, San \u25a0 Francisco, March

Time Ball

Honolulu. - "

, VKNTURA—SaiIed March 22— Stmr San Ja-elnto, from San' Francisco; stmr Whlttier, henceMarch 20.'- . ;'..".. •

SAN" DlEGO—Arrived March 22—Stmr Colum-bian,* from "Salina Cruz; stmr Melville


r from San Pedro. ," .•

TATOOSH—Passed in March 22— Schr Robert jR.Hind,. from.Sari Ppdro. for Townsend: stmrIlilonian. hence March lft

'for. SeattUj; «chr

Metba Nelson,, from Sau Pedro, for 'Cownsend;Br.stmr Sebastian, from Fayal. vlaJSan Diego,for*Vancouver.

Outside -\u25a0: March \ 22—TowinR fonr masterschooner, probably Robert R. Himl, from SanPedro,, for PugPt sound.

•-\u25a0 Passed .in. March 22—

Strar. Leelanaw, henceMarrh 19 for, Ladysmith.',CORDOVA—Arrived March ,21—Stmr Port-land, from- Valdez; stmr Victoria, from Valdez..'JUNEAU— Arrived March 21—Stmr A. G. Lind-say, from Seattle.- \u25a0\u25a0

- ' •"EUREKA—SaiIed March 22—.Stmr Ravalli. for

San Francisco; etinr Vanguard, \u25a0 for San Fran-cisco. \u25a0'•-\u25a0\u25a0 '-:'\u25a0\u25a0

TOWXPEND— Arrived March 22—Schr \Y. H.Smith, • from San Pedro.

Sailed March: 22—

Schr "Alice Cook, for Hono-lulu.: '\u25a0', -\u25a0-> -: \u25a0

• Inward March 22—Schr -Mlndnra. from SanPedro; schr Endeavor, from Redondo beach.

Arrived March 22—

Schr Prosper, from SalinaCruz. • . \u25a0

Passed inward March 22—5-chr William 11.Smith, from 'San - Pedro, for Everett:si-hr En.den vor. from Redondo Ivaeb, for

'loadlnjr port.

POINT REYES— Passed March 22— Stmr Au-re]la,.. ft*nm Eur»ka, for San Francisco; stmrNorth Fork, from Eureka, for San Francisco.

Passed south March 22—

Stmr J. J. Loggle,'from Eureka, for San Francisco.-

ASTORlA—Arrived March 21—Schr Hush Ho-jtau, from Tfllaruook; Br-stmr Invrrneas. henceMarch.lo; stmr J» B. Stetson,', hence March 19.• Sailed March 22—Stnir Maverick, for SanFrancisco.

* - , -Arrived' March • 22

—Schr Alvena. from San

Pedro; stmr Nome City,'hence Jlnrch 20. ICRESCENT— In March 22—Three masted

schooner; tstmr Tiverton,- henco March 18 . forLudlow. . :

Off port March 22—

Stmrs Mandalay and West-port; weathT rough. -


GREENWOOD— SaiIed March 22—.Stmr HelenP. Drew, fnr San Pedro and Port San Luis.

MONTEREY—SaiIed March . 21—Stmr Rose-crans. for Portland..'

SEATTLE—Arrived March 21~Stny President,henco March 1U: stmr Hornet, from Tacoma.. Arrived March 22

—Stmr ,Mlssourian, hence

March Hi.Sailed March 22

—Stuir Minnc^sota. for Hong-

kong; stnir Watson, for San Francisco: stmrCplonel E. L. Drake, for San Francisco.


Sailed March 22—Schr Amer-icana, for San Pedro." .


Passed March 22—Stmr Ca-tania, from Portland, for \u25a0 Monterey.

SAN PEDRO— Arrived March 22—Stmr Samoa,henc<» March Hi; Htmr Brooklyn, from BowensIsndlnc: nchr Wlnslow. from Tacoma: stmr Ar-Kyll, nence March 20; stmr Coos Bay, henceMarch 18.

Sailed March 22— Stmr Coos Bay. for SanFrancisco; stmr '-Argyll, for San Francisco.

TACOMA—Arrivpd March 22—Br stmr Titan,from Glasgow \u25a0 and way port*: Br ship Celtic-burn, from Quartermaster harbor.

GAVlOTA—orr.March 22—Ship Falls ofClyde. \u25a0 frow Honolulu.

PORTLAND— SaiIed March 21— Stmr Mavrr-Ick.\ for- San Francisco; anchored off Astoria onaccount of fog. \u25a0•

EASTERN* PORTSSEW YORK—Sailed March 20—Br stmr Ka-

SAtna. for Hongkonff.BOSTON

—Arrived March 21— Br stmr Indrani,

from Manila. \u25a0\u25a0

ISLAND PORTSHONOLULU—SaiIed March 22—Jap stmr Tenyo

Maru. for Hongkong, etc.'VICTORIA—Arrived March 22— Br stmr Sebas-

tian." from St. Johns, N. P., via San Diego; stmrLeelanaw, hence March 19.

FOREIGN PORTSTAKll—Arrived-^March 10—Br stmr Falls of

Orchr, from Astoria, via Victoria,B. C.YOKOHAMA—SaiIed March IS—Nor. stmc

Selja. for Portland, via Honolulu.NEWPORT— SaiIed .March 21— Br stmr Ido-

raenpus,' for Sf-attle.IQUIQUE—SaiIed March 15—Nor fitmr Hor-

n<*len, for San Francisco, via Pan Pedro.LA PAZ—Sailed March 21—Stmr Senator, for

San Francisco." "


Arrived March 22—Br stmrMakura. from Victoria." via Honolulu.

HAMBTJRG— SaiIed March 18—

Ger stmr Sera-pis, for San Francisco. :-


Sun, Moon and TideUnited States coast and geodetic survey—Time

and heights of tides at Fort Point. For cityfront (Mission street wharf) add 25,minutes.

Sun rises «:W»Sun sets '» 6:2."iMoon sets 5:23 a. in.Full moon ."..March 25, at 12:12a.m.Last quarter moon April2, at 4:38 p.m.

ITlme Time Time TimelMarl Ft ( Ft I Ft 1 Ft

]L W H W [L W H W|

23.. 3:58 L 2.6 0:50 6.8 4:17 0.2 11:10 8.224.. 4:40 2.110:39 5.2 4:51 0.6 11:36 6.325.. 5:19 1.8 11:26 6.1 5:34 0.9 ..-.

H W L W II\V L W26.. 0:01 G. 3 5:56 1.5 12:09 4.8 6:06 1.427.. 0:25 6.1 6:34 1.4 12:50 4.C 6:85 1.828.. 0:45 6.1 7:05 1.2 1:36 4.3 7:05 2.229.. 1:07 6.0 7:41 0.9 2:30 4.0 7:36 2.7

NEW YORK. March 22.—Hutton'R wire says:"The rotton market wsk not an active one, batit developed a good deal of interest. Pricog

wcro \cry firm during the. early morning, partlydoe to the strength of the cables and partly todry weather in Texas.

"The market Is presented with a conditionwhere one set of operators Is straining every

nerve to get cotton shipped out from this marketand the other set is doing its best to bringcotton back from Europe for delivery. Therewas considerable covering on the -fair decrease Instocks here, representing a decline of 61,000bales in the stock since March 1. As about70.000 bales have been delivered on March, ltis Jfigured that the balance is In the hands of thebull interests to be shipped out from time totime. Some cotton is arriving here all the timefrom the south for tender on contracts.

*'A«cable from Liverpool nays that the totalamount of cotton which willbe shipped to NewYork is 90.000 bale*.

"The goods market seems to be setting worse.As stated by one Kit 11. B. Clnflln's men yester-day, cotton willhave to go to 12\ic or dry goodswill show a sharp advance." «

Spot closed quiet, 5 polntf higher. Middlingnplends, 15.10c; middling gulf, 15.05 c. -*N«sales.


—Open High Low Close

March 15.05 c 15.05 c 15.14 c 14.07cApril , 14.02 cMay 14.95 c 14.95 C 14.80 c 14.88 cJune 14.68cJuly 14.72 c 14.73 c 14.64 c 14.05cAugust 14.2-IC 14.24 c 14.17 c 14.13 cSeptember 13.41 c 13.41 c 13.37 c 13.38 cOctober 12.98 c 12.99 c 12.00 c 12.93 cNovember 12.82 c 12.52 c 32.SJC 12.80c]December 12.Sic 12.81 c 12.74 c 12.77 cJanuary 12.64 c 12.64 c 12.64 c 12.73 c

Col tun Market


LOS ANOELES, March 22.—Eggs are in de-mand on the produce exchange. Dealers *ny

prices for ranch candled stock are higher thanthey have been for years at this time. The mar-ket for butter and cheese is quiet.

Receipts of produce were: Eggs, 035 cases ;butter. 37.271 pounds; cheese, 4,495 pounds; po-tatoes, 6,192 «acks.

Butter (per 2 lb roll)—

Creamery extras, 57>fcc;erramery firsts, 55c; eastern creamery extras,

K>o: cooking bntter. 22c per lb.Epcs

—Extra Belects. 2Sc; local ranch candled,

firsts. 26c; case count. 24c; storage packed ex-tras. 22c; storace packed seconds, 20c.


Northern Iresh, 16c; eastern Mngles,19&7 2<tr; eastern twins, 20c: eastern .Cheddar*,20@21c; eastern longhorn, 21c; eastern daisy,21c: Swiss, imported. 30c; Swiss, domestic. 23c.

Beans fper ctl)—

No. 1 pink. $5.50<&5.65: No.1 lima. $4.40(34.50; Lady Washington. $4.50;small whit»>. f5.40(3.5.50; Mackeye, $5.25; Gbt-vanzas, $4.50; lentils, $7.

Potatoes (per ctl)—Salinas. [email protected]: High-lands, JKRI.3S: Lompoc, $1.65^1.75: Watson-ville. $1.40(^1.50; yellow sweets. $3.50: white,$2.50(5,3; red, [email protected]; Oreson early rose,$2; Idaho, $1.35; white rose, $2.

[Special D'upalch to The Call]l,«i«i .\nc<"l" .>larkc<M

St. Louta Wool MarketST. LOHIS, March 22.— Wool—Steady. Me-

dium grades, combing and clothing, 22<g27c;light fine. 19&26c; heavy fine. 14<gl9c; tubwashed, 19 ©36c.

Weather ReportLondon Wool Sales

LONDON. March 22.—

The second series of thewool auction sales will close tonjorrow. At to-day's sales 6,994 bales were offered, principallyNew Zealand and West Australian grades. Theassortment met with a ready sale, chiefly to thehome trade, at firm price.

A branch -of the United States bydrographlcoffice, located in the Merchants' Exchange, ismaintained in San Francisco for the benefit ofmariners, without regard to nationality and freeof expense. Navigators are cordially invited tovisit the office, where complete sets of chartsand sailing directions of the world are kept atband for comparison . and reference, and the'latest information can always be obtained re-gardiDg lights, dangers to navigation and, mat-ters of Interest to ocean commerce. ,

J. C. BURNETT,Lieutenant, U. S. N., In charge.

'V. S. Branch Hydrog-raphlc Office

BOSTON, March 22.— There is a revival of in-terest in the local wool market, principally fromthe carded woolen mills, and a few good sizedtransactions are noted. The inquiry is principallyfor California stock, with only small dealingsin fleece. Shearing Is starting up briskly in thefar west, 'but dealers are doing little contract-ing owicß to hifrh prices demanded by the grow-ers. The leading domestic quotations range asfollows, scoured basis:


Fine, 12 months, 70@71c; flne» 6 to 8months. 60@66c; fine fall. 60002c. v


Northern. G3@t>uc; middle county,57fit«3c: fall free. SS@COe. ' ,


Western No. 1staple,' 71<g;72c:, west-ern clothing, Cs@69c; valley, northern. 57(3!58c.


Fine «taple. 70@72c: fine mediumstaple, G6<S6Sc; fine clothing. 65fi?CSc; fine me-dium clothing. 63(g65c; half blood. 01@62c;three-eighth* blood, 58<g60c; quarter blood,combing, s."><3sSe.

Pulled Wool—Extra, 72®75c; fine A, 67@70c;A supers, 60©65c. \u25a0.':•*•

Boston Wool Market

NEW YORK, March 22.*—The market forKtandxrd copper closed dull, with spot and Marchquoted at 12.90<^13.12V4c Apriland May. 12.90(ijI.\u25a0'..]( ii. Tue. London market -was lower, butclosed'' steady, with spot quoted at £53 15s andfutures at £59 15s. Local dealers .quote lakecopper at IS.ZVA&IZ.GIUc;electrolytic, 13.12^4®13.37>4e: csßtlnjr. [email protected]. Arrirals reportedat New York today were 915 tons. Includingniatte and exports, according to custom housereturns, were 2.CTC tons, making 11,394 so farthis month.

Tin was dull. Spot. 31.80^32.05c; March.3t.7Cg32e; April, [email protected]; May. 31.55®02 15c/ Thf. London market was firm and higher.Spot. £145 sn: fntures, £147 7s 6d.

Lead. weak. Spot, [email protected] New York and4.2054.30 CKast St. Louis. The London marketwas lower at £12 ISs 9d.

Spelter, weak. Spot. 5.f>[email protected] New. Yorkand [email protected] East St." Louis. The .-Londonmarket was unchanged at £23. \u25a0 .

Tbe Enujllsb Iron market was lower at 51g 6dfor Cleveland warrants. The local market wasunchanged. No. 1 foundry northern," slß@lß.so;No. 2 northern. No. 1southern and No. 1south-ern soft. 817.75(318.23. , -

New York Metal Markd


—~United States department of agriculture-

Weather bureau—

San Francisco, March' 22, *•

RAINFALLDATAr*ist Seasonal .'


—"34 Hours to Date Normal

Eureka .". 0.'46 37.7» 36.67Red Blußf 0.20 15.87 20.27Sacramento 0.28 11.95 1«.12Mount Tamalpals ... 0.60 24.69 . 19.02San - Francisco 0.35 18.30 18.7SSan Jose 13.28 10.82Fresno \....... 0.36 10.1*

'- 7.82Independence ....... 0.00 4.75 7.C(iSan Luis Obispo 0.02 .19.84 ,16.93Los Angeles .... O.CB 11.39 13.21San Diego 0.46 . 8.85.: 8.44

ICoast Record for 12 Hours, Ending;sp. in. '-\u25a0_\u25a0-\u25a0 .

'?••• g --s\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a05 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 53 3. -3

stations' I £ $ :.: .%\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0fr- \ . \u25a0

? vB I.':\u25a0.-; . ;\ '.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.••:*.\u25a0 .•• ' ;:'; :' ; :. : *

Blainc ... 29. 6S 46 .. W Cloudy • .00Boise 29.74 58 48' NW Cloudy .08Eureka 29.98 64 48 N Rain .34Flagstaff .....29.70 62 34 *SW Clear .00Fresno ' 29.90 64, 46 S • Pt.Oldy .00Helena .... ...29.46 . &* '\u25a0 4S NW .Pt.Cldy Tr.Independence ..29.76 66,42 SW Pt.Cldy ,0<)Kallspell .....29.52 4& 42 SE Cloudy .26I/>9 Ange1e5.. ..".0. 04 -60 50 8W Pt.Cldy .04Modena ......29.68 58 44 W Rain . « Tr.Mt. Tamalpals.29.96 44- 40 SW Foggy .25North Head. ..29. 84 46 42 NW Cloudy .01Pboenlx .29.76 84 62 SW '. Clear .00Pocatello.. ....20.64 CO 48 W;' Cloudy. Tr.Pt. Reyes Lt..29.02 54 47 S Cloudy* .76Portland 29.78 50 '50 \u25a0NW Italn- .00Red Bluff ....29.86 58 46 SE Cloudy .02Reno' ....':..;. 29.82 50 36 W < Cloudy Tr.Roseburg .....29.68 50 48 SW Lt.Rain .54Sacramento ...29.94 58 46, SW Cloudy • .02Salt Lake ....29.52 72 56 SK Rain Tr.San ;Diego ....30.06 fiO 52 SW jiClear . .22San Franc15c0..29.96 58 4* .SW Pt.Cldy .05San Jose ....28.96- «0 46 SW Cloudy .02S. L. Obispo. .30.005 8 48 S Cloudy .02S. E. Faraflon. 29.94 ;64 48 .SW Pt.Cldy


Spokane ......29.54 54 4» S Rain- .20\u2666Summit ...... ....35 28^ SW "Snow j .00Tacoma ......29.74 62^ 44 SW .•\u25a0': Pt.Cldy U2Tatoosh

:......29.76 46- 44 W Cloudy Tr.Tonopab ......29.78 38 S6 E Cloudy .16Walla .:.....:29.68 52 50. SW Cloudy .44Winncmucca...2o.74's2 "44VSW Pt.Cldy Tr.Yuma;...... ..29.92 .78 60 ,W Clear .00

. .Monday, March 21- ,a Rtmr Acme, Olsen, 40 hours from Eureka; 450,-000 feet lumber to Charles Nelson company.

Tuesday, March 22.Ger stmr Itaurl, Vierth. 3% days from Na-

nalmo, B. C.;put in to finish loading, vStmr City of Topcka. Gielow, 23 hours from

Eureka, passengers and merchandise •to PacificCoast steamship company.

Stinr Northland, brlckson, 60 hours from Co-lumbia rlrer; 850,000 feet lumber to Portlandlumber company. . v.: i

Stmr Carlos, Donaldson, 72 hours from GraysHarbor; bound south, put in to land passengers.

Stmr Santa Rosa, Alexander, 30 hours fromSail Diego, ria Santa ;Barbara 19 hours; passen-gers and merchandise to Pacific Coast steamshipcompany. \u25a0••.


Bktn Echo. ,Pargren, 12 days from Coos, bay;750,000 feet lumber to Simpson lumber company.

Stmr Lansing. Grant, 22 hours from Port SanLuis; oil to Union oil company, up river direct.

Stmr Aurelia, Weber, 31 hours.from Eureka;500,000 feet lumber to Trower Brothers.

*" *

Stmr North Fork, Nelson, 32 hours from Eu-reka;'3so,ooo feet lumber to tbc Charles Nelsoncompany. . • ~

\u25a0• ... . ;. ,\u25a0 \u25a0 >

\u25a0 Stmr J. \u25a0J. Loggie, Johnson,' 36"hours from

Eureka; 350.000 feet lumber' to McKay, lumbercompany. . -

'. ; ,.CLEARED . \u25a0

Sltar Umatilla, Reilly,. Victoria, B. C, etc.;Pacific Coast steamship company.

-•Ft stmr Amiral. Eselmans, Esnee, Antwerp;G. Vr.'McNear;,!, "

-\u25a0\u25a0- .

Stmr Hanalel, McFarland, San Diego; Inde-"pendent ateamshlp company, -.-"r'

SAILED\u25a0_ . :' Tuesday, March 22.'

J! S Ettnr Colorado, Nelson, Santa Barbara.* .'17 S stmr Maryland. Gllmore.v Santa Barbara.XI 8 stmr Pennsylvania, Pond, Santa Barbara.Stmr Bowdoin, Tlbbetts, Astoria.*Stmr National City. Hlgglns. Fort Bragg. .Stmr Umatilla. Beilly, Seattle, etc.Stmr Rainier, Lundquist, Columbia river.Stmr Grays Harbor. Anfindsen, Portland, Ore.Stmr Hanalel. McFarland. San Pedro. >

Htmr Roma, Lawson, Port San I^uls. :.:Stmr Delhi, McClements, Port Townsend.Stmr.•Katherlne, Jorgensou, :Eureka.-. Fr stmr Amiral Exelmans, Esnee, Antwerp

and way ports. \u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0/-\u25a0 Stmr Carlos, Donaldson. San Pedro.'Stmr Korea, \u25a0 SRiinders, Hongkong-.;etc., via

Honolulu. •'\u25a0'

Bark Annl« Johnson. Nilson, Honolulu. :.\u25a0- Schr ::Monterey, "Kelly, Monterey, tow tugNavigator. \u25a0 : .

OUTSIDE, BOUND IN, S P. M.Bktn Echo, stmrs Lansing, North Fork, Aurelia

and Santa Rosa.- ':


.TELEGRAPHIC .POINT LOBOS. March 22. 10 p. m.—Weather

cloudy: wind south, velocity 14 miles per hour.'' . WEATHER REPORTS ,TATOOSH. March -.22, 9 a::,m.— Light rain:

wind west, velocity 19 miles per hour. \u25a0"

s POINT LOBOS, March-22.-0 a., m.—Weatherfoegy; wind east. -velocity 10 miles per hour.

POINT REYES. March 22. 9 a. m.—Raining;wind southeast, velocity. 28 miles per hour. \u25a0 •,

,FARALLONES,' March 22, » a. m.—

Raining;wind southeast, velocity 22 miles per hour. j.9

\u25a0 POINT ;LOBOS, March 22, ,12 m.—


~wind south./ velocity eight miles per



:"\u25a0*\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0.-.*- ;- *

,\u25a0 . " * "\u25a0"•\u25a0-\u25a0*\u25a0' -j--'

\u25a0\u25a0> POINT LOBOS.- March 22, S p. m.:—

Weather,cloudy: wind Isouth, velocity \u25a014 miles per hour;"

"":.. \u25a0, DOMESTIC PORTS-

?• COOS BAY—Sailed March 22—Stmr Lucy.Neff,',for San "Pedro ; stmr

'Alliance," for :Astoria.'

March 21—Schr A. M. Baxter, ;for San Fran-cisco.'' *."\u25a0\u25a0•-:•.' •\u25a0*" "\u25a0'\u25a0'•;•

'. *"'•'• -

*.. \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•; EVERETT—SaiIed \u25a0March 22—Stmr Jim But-ler, for San Pedro.


\u25a0', Arrived March 22—

Schr Americana, from Lud-

\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0 WESTPORT— Arrived.March 22—Schr Helene,from »Honolulu; :_ II.'

\u25a0 Barbound .;March >22—

Schr Meteor. . for. San\u25a0 Arrived':March .22—Schr \William Olson, from


Steamer Hanalel, old master Fred Hanna, newmaster T. D. McFarland. '


Naval Storm—Turpentine and RosinSAVANNAH. March 22.—Turpentine firm at

00c; sales. 153; receipts, '113; shipments, DO;stock, 10,063.

Rosin firm; sales.'* 191; receipts. 1,055: ship-ments. 440; stock. 91.1R9. Quote:* B. $4.30; D.$4.42>4: E. 54.47V4: F. $4.G5: G. $4.70; H.I. $4.00: X, $5.90:

• M. $0.40; N. $6.W; WO,$a75; WW, $6.90. ' -'V.v

Willapa bay'outside >bar' whistling buoy, Wll-lapa. PS, replaced March 15, having been foundout of position.; (I>."11. ,8. List of Buoys, etc.,Pacific coast, pages 73'«nd 77.) • ;

<3rtys-Harbor \u25a0 outside bar whistling buoy,'

Grays Harbor, red, replaced, ;having heretoforebeen reported not sounding. (L.;H. B.,List ofBuoys,- etc.. Pacific coast, -pages -76 and SO.) *:

Grays \u25a0 Harbor—

Channel to \u25a0 Hoqulam.IbeaconsC. 8. 10 and -12, temporarily replaced by secondclass spur bnoys. similarly colored and,numbered,March 12. (L. H.~B. List of Buoys, etc.. Pacificcoast, page £2.) \u25a0 . . \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0::''\u25a0-.

Gray* Ilarbor—-Missing buoys replaced as.fol-lows:" Channel starboard side buoy, ,4. first classspar. March"".IK. 'Cow" point. channel" buoy.r 7.third class ,»par, March

-14.-. (L.

-H.;B." List:of

Buoj-k.-etc.. Pacific const, pages Slrands2.),:v\. Pugct sound

—Duw»m!sh head r«*ll huoy.',

rrpUcd March 10. having bcrni found; missing.<L. H. B. List of Buoys, etc.,

r Pacific iCOaßt,"page ) * .' "':..

-- . "\u25a0 :

By order:of the llghtboui-e board.-

i,,; \u25a0 .1..M. KLLrCOTT, ;•"Commander, U. S. •N.,* Inspector. • *\u25a0

.The following affects .the aids to navigationin the thirteenth lighthouse distrist:

WASHINGTON \u25a0-*.--..

Xotlcc to Mnrlnem

.• *Snow .on ground ;65 Inches. ... \u25a0': '..-,, :."- .-The following maximum .and .' minimum . tem-

peratures arc reported from eastern stations forthe previous day: , -\u25a0\u25a0_.'. -...;-'< \u25a0\u25a0-_-_.• :.

Chicago, 54-52; New York, ,02-34; .Omaha,64-56. \u25a0-• .• '• -

'\u25a0•'• -


SYNOPSIS -•,-":'- The pressure is rising slowly,over the -Pacificslope, and -conditions

'are becoming more favor-able for fair weather.' Kalu has \u25a0 fallen fromSan Diego to

-Tatoosh and eastward *as ifar .' asUtah, iSnow ;has fallen in *

the ,Sisklyou, • theSierra Nevada and Sierra Madre.-"-Itils:much cooler \u25a0\u25a0> in•- Oregon,' .-. northern


fornia and <Nevada. ,;- v ~:

'-\u25a0 Brisk;northwest-

windg-are :"reported* north \u25a0 ofCape

-Mendocino.v Tlie relative,1humidity.,at.Bed

Bluff'was v 63 >per / cent \u25a0-, and -at ,> Fresno! 76;percent. ' i*. '\u25a0' • '_'\u25a0\u25a0"'-' .:-' ."•.\u25a0-•<-'.:. y-; \u25a0;.-. r^-5. Forecast -.made •: «t ';San \u25a0 Francisco

'for \u25a0' the ;30boura :ending at midnight. <March 23:


v San *: Francisco-: and ..vicinity—

Cloudy;,Wednes'day; moderate southwest winds. -\u25a0"-,\u25a0•\u25a0 ,::~

Santa * Clara'

valleyr^-Cloudy;Wednesday ;\ lightsouth: wind.". ./. • ', \u25a0'..'-' :>" \u25a0"-"'\u25a0- '.%.-•r'- Sacramento- valley—Cloudy s.Wednesday.i.. withshowers >.-\u25a0 In the .- foothills:

-cooler; >• light'south

yind. .'.;'\u25a0. .•:.' -\u25a0• ;;;..•"v,•:•"-"-\u25a0\u25a0".-'::''•\u25a0••:-•\u25a0 \u25a0:-..-\u25a0>"'•-> \u25a0•; \u25a0:

t San 'Joaquin-

valley—Cloudy;.cooler -Wednes-day; licht south wlnd^cßßnglng'•

to Lnorth.'o --•\u25a0'\u25a0:..:'.\u25a0Southern- California

—,Unsettled:^ weatherWednesday,' with\u25a0. Mght;sbowera; 1*moderate south-east .winds.', changing* to 'southwest. ;,: ',; : :


\u25a0 • \u25a0 A;:G:»'McADlE,'.District'Forecastpr. '\u25a0\u25a0

England ;'Bendsßmany,|of |her *orphanand'tleserted childrenito


'.Canada. ;*\u25a0 V.




Evaporated Apple*—

Steady. Spot fancy, 10V4<SUe; choice, o@9<4c; prime, 6%<g7V4c; com-mon to fair. 6(5.«? go.

Prunes— Steady. California. 2"i@9Uc; Ore-gons, C@9c.

*Apricots—Steady. Choice. 10?iQllc; extra

choice, ll»4<Sl2c; fancy, [email protected]— Easy. Choice. 6H<§.6»ic; extra

choice. 6&(47Ue; fancy. 7U@"%<*.Raisins— Steady. Loose muscatels. 3-?i@">»«c;

choice to fancy seeded, o@o%c; seedless, S\t,@4%e; London layers, $1.15(^1.25. j

3.85c; centrlfucal, .06 test. 4.36c; molassessUffßr. .S9 test, 3.61c. Kenned, steady.


Closed steady, net unchanged to 5points higher. Salp*. 7.000 bags. Closing bids—March. 6.80c; April, 6.55c: May. 6.90c; June.7c; July. 7.03c; Anfrust. September.- October andNovember, 7.10c; December. 7.15e; January andFebruary, 7.10c. Spot

—Quiet. No. 7 ttlo,

811-16«aS%e: No. 4 Santos, o>4c. Mild—

Quiet;Cordova. 914@12 •

Butter— Strong; unchanged.Cheese

—Strong; unchanged.

Eggs—Finn; unchanged.-




125-HORSES-125Wednesday,' March 23,1910

By order of John T. Long of StßanvUle. Cal..we will sel) 125 head of aIL purpose borses, allyoung, fresh «tocfc. weishin? from 1.100 to 1.601pound.*. Tne consignments 'from Mr. Long'sranca are amon; tne best that come to thismarket Sale Us?s place WEDNESDAY. Marea23. at 11 a. ra.. at J. B. Koran's salesyard. cor-ner 10th and Bryant *ts., S. F.

W. U. HOItD. Anctlone«r.704 Mariet st.. S. F.

JfeAUCTION £ffiThe time and place to bny horses, brood mares.

wasoas. busKies and harao«< of alt kinds at abargain Js at onr weekly sale* every Monday andThursday. 11 a. m., at 207-200 Valencia st.;stock sold oq commlsulon. Pbone Parti 2723.. WM. CLOCGH. Auctioneer.


VIACOAST LINELeave (Third and Townsead Str»ets) ArrivTo-25* Loop— 23d £ueet, ViyiUfion. South 7

Saa Frnndsco, Valencia Street. 15.35 at5.35a Loop— Valencia Street, Ocwa View,

Cemettries, South Saa Francisco.23d Street. Jrd aad Townsend t6.45a

8.20aSouth San Francisco, San Jose. Gilroy.(HoiUster), Sargent, Pajaro. Watson-ville. Santa Cru*. 7.5C»

7.OCa South Saa Fraaciieo. Palo Alto. San\ Jose. Way Sutiona 7.35 a

7.00aMaySdd. Loa Altos.Loa Gates t7.2Cp8:00aEhoro lino LimiMd—Paso RoWes

HotSpring*. Santa Barbara, LosAagdes 9.3C?

8.03aThe Coatter— San Jose, Pamro (Wa^•onville, Santa Crci). Caatrovilte.- (DelMont*,Monterey, PaciacGrore).Salbas, Soledad. Paso Robies HotSpriags, San Luis Obispo. Surf,(Loinpoc\ Saata Barbara, Veatsra.Oxaard. LotAngeles 11.45f

&20a Mayneld.LosAltos,Los Gate*. Wright,Glnj\roo(l(Boulder Crrek),Santa Crus.

Watsonville. Cajtrovfile. D*t Monte,Monterey. Pacifio Grove 9.COa

9.00aSaa Jose. Gilroy.Salinas, Paso RoblrsHot Springs. San Luis Obisjx)


Pinos— Wataonvilfr. Santa Cras, DriMonte, Monterey, Pacific Grove 4.OCp

10.40aSouth Ssn Frannsco. Burlinjsxf.SaaMateo. Palo Alto,San Jose B.3Ci

10.40aLos Altoa. Monla Vista,Loa Gatoj..|IUCa Valencia. Street. Ocean View, Cobaa.

(.'emetrries. Badea, San Bruno 1.35»11.40 aSouth San Francisco. San Jose ?B.2Ca

2.COp Del Monte Ezpress— San Jose. Gih-or.Sargent (Watsonville. Santa Cruj).Del Mont*.Monterey, Pacific Grove.(tSalinaa) 12.3C*

2.03? South Saa Francisco, Palo Alto, SaaJose 8.40 a

tZO5p Los Altos.Monts Vista. Los Gates .. t3.2Cp3.00p South San Francisco. Ssn Mateo. Saa

Jose. Gilroy, Tres Pinos. Salinas 10. IO»3.00p Watsonvillp, Saata Cru*. Castrovilfc,

Dei Monte. Monterer. Pacific Gmve. IO.COa3.40? Santa Clara, San Jose. Los Gate*.

Wriijht (Boulder Creek). Saata Crus. IO.OC*4COt Sunset Exprwa

—Tuc.«on. Derains.

H Paao, Houston, New Orlrans,Paso Roblrs Hot Springs, Eaa LuisObispo. Santa Barbara and LosAageies 11.40 a

4.CBp Kansas City. St. Louis. Chicago Il.4Ca4.20p South Saa Francisco. Saa Jose |9.CCa

to.OOi Burlbgame. San Mateo. Palo Alto.Saa Jose and Way Stations 9.40 a

t5.05? Loop—3d Street. Visitacion. .SouthSaa Francisco, Valenci* Street t&I~?

t5.20p Redwood. Palo Altc.San Jo«e 1.1Op15.20? Loa Altos,Mor.ta Vina,Los Gatoj... +3.20?tS.2op Buriingame. Saa ufatra, Saa J05e..... t3.2C?t5.30p Loop—Valenria. Street, Ocean View.

C«neterie». South Ssn Francisco,23d Street. 3d and Townsend tB-40p

6.40aSan Bruno. San Mateo. Redwood, PaloAlto,Santa Clara. Saa Jose 7.40 a

/ t.4op Los'Altos, MonU Vista. Lor Gate. .. J9.4C»,j.00? Millbrae, Saa Mateo. Palo Alto.May

field. Loa Altos.Los Gatt» t&COat6.C5? 23d Street. Viritacson. Sjuth Saa

Franclaco. Valencia Street t7.13pt6.2Sp Loop

—Valracia Streetj Ocean Tier.

Cemeteries, South Ssn Francisco,23d Street, 3d and Tawnsend f7.40s

6.30p South San Francisco, San Joee 5.40pB.oo* Los.Vagfles Pa.'sf ngtr—Gilroy.Salinas.'

Pirn Robies Hot Springs. Saa LuisObispo, Santa Barbara and LetAngrta B.3Call.4sp£outa Saa Frascisco, Palo Alto,I 7.20?

Saa Jose. \ 7.45»LOCAL FERRY TRAINS-V!a Oakland Pi.r.

Ta Oakland. Berkalay. Barryman. East Oakland andFrultvalt—Daily—rrora 6.00 ajn.. and eTery twentyminutes until 7.00 pjn. inclusive; thea 7.40. 9.40, 10.20. 11.00. 111.40 bjb, 12.20 icd1.20a.m.

Ts Sath«r and Melrota via S«vmA St—


Front6.00 a.m., and every twentyminarw until 7.C0 p.m.iadusive. thea 7.4a8.2a9.00, 9.4 a10.2 aILOOand 11.40 pjn.

To Stonehurtt— Daily Except Sunday— 4oo. 7.Ca S.CO.9.00 a.m., 2.20. 3.C0. 4.00. 5.00. &<0 p.m. Sundayonly 9.00 10.C0 ;ajru LCO pja,2JOO. 3.C0. tOa 5.0 a5.40 p.m.

To Oakjand FirttSt. Fruitval*. Alameda. via Hoc teshet, —Daily

—From td.CO. ti.'-O a.m. and every twenty,

minutes until B.CO a.m. inclusive; then 9.00, 9.20.laoa 10.20. 11.C0. n.20a.m.. 12nu 12.20 .LOO. 2.20. 3.G0, 3.20. t3.40 p.m. and every twentyminutesuntil 7p.m. inciu.«iv?; 7.40. 3.20. 9.C0. 11.00 and 11.40 p.m.. 12.20 and 1.20 a.m.Additional train to Oakland FL-t Sfi. 2.15

To West Berkeley—Daily Except Suaday— From ftCOa.m. and every twentymicates uniil 8.20 a.ra. indu-kive; then 9.00 a.m. aad ev»ry hour unt3 4.00 p.m.mdnshre: then 4.20 p.m. asd every twenty minutesuntil 7.00 pjn. inrfuaive: thea 7.40 pjn.. 3.20. 9CO.9.4a10.20, 11.00. 11.40 p.m. and 12.20 a.m.

To West Berkeley—Sundays only—

Frdm 6.C0 »m^then 7.0aB.oa 9.00 ajn. inds«iv;; then 9.20 a.ra. andevery twentyminute* until 3.40 pja. inclusive; thf*4.00 pjn.and every twenty minutes until 7.00 p.m in-dusive; thea 7.40-p.m.. BiO. 9.C0, 9.4 a10.20. 11.0111.40 p.m. and 12.20 ajn.

To Corbln—Dapy Except Saaday— Frera 6.00a.m. *?.4every 20 minutes until 8.20 a.m.. then 9.00. 10 COajc.. 12.00 m.. I.oa 2.00.100,4.00. 12a 4.40. 5.« L5.20, 5.40 and 8.00 pju.

To Cerbln—

Sundays only—From 6.00 kbu. ties 7.C&.S.CO. 9.00 aja. inefcaive: thea 9.20 a.m. and erenrtwenty minutes until 340 p.m. indnsive; thea 4XOplm.and every twenty minutes nntil 6.00 p.ra.

VIAOAKLTAND RIERLeave (Foot ofMarket Street) Arrive2.15 aNile*. Lrvertnore, Tracy, Lathrop,

Stocktoß. Lodi, Sacramento.. IO.38»6.40» H»yw»rd, NDes. San Jose. 7-08«7.00 aRichmond, Port Costa. Becieia, Suisun,t \u25a0

'Dixan. Sacramento, RoseviUe, Maryj-v2le>. Redding. Dunsmuir 7.25p

a7.00aDmira, Vacaviile. Roaser. 13&1.7.001 Davis, Woodland (Maryjville. Oro-:\ viUe). Wfllians. MinreU. Wfflowv

HamEton, Corn'mft, Red Bhiff 7.23»T.ooa Newark. San Jose. Lo« Gato*. Wright. o.*£p7.00 aFeiton,(Bodder Crfek),Santa Crw... 9.58j7.40 aVatlejo, Napa, Calistoci, Santa Rosa,

-Martinez. San Ramon 6.03p

7.40 aNflea, Pleasanton. Livennore. AlU-mont, Lathrop, Stockton I.2Sf

7.40 aTracy. Los Banos, Kerman, Fresno,Hanford, Visslia. 4.28*

8.20 aPort Coata, Martinej. Byron. Trary,_>•>•..;- Stockton, Merced. Fresno, Goihr.i

Junction (Hanford, Arniona), Visilia,Porterville, Baktrsfirid -^ 4.48»

8.20aYosemite Valley viaMerced. 7.48 a9.00aNUM. Livermore, Stockton (*M2ton),

*Valley Spring, lone. Saerameato. 4.28p

.9.00 aSonora. Tuolumae and Angels 4.25p9.00 aAtlantic Express

—Satrtmenlo. Tree-

kee, Ogden, Salt Lako Gty. Denver.Kansas City,]Omaha, Chicago. , 8.25»

9.40aRichmond. Port Costa, Mirticei,• Bay Point 6-48p

10.20aVaUejo M.ire Island, Naps. 11.28*10.20aLos Aszelea Pajsenpr— Port Costa,

'Martinet, Byron, Tracy. Stockton,Merced. Fresno, HAnford. Visalia,BakersSeld. Los Angfles T.4Sp

10.40aS*n 'Francisco Overland Limited—

Denver, Kansis Qty, St. Louis.Omaha, Chmtgo 7.2?p

11.20» Shasta Limited—Portland, Taeoma,Seattle 9.18*

12.00n GoldSeld Pass.— Port Co«ta. Btaicia.r Sacramento. Trackee, Haifa. Mini.

Tonopah. Goldfidd, Lawi,Keeler 7.48 a12.00n Marysville, Chico. Redßluff 4.28p1.20p Niles, Irvington.San Jo»e 2.48i1.40p San Leaniro, N3es, Centervflle, f 9CBa

Newark. Ban Jose. I 7.28»1.40p Newark, San Jose. Los Gates, Wright.

Felton (Boulder Creek), Santa Crui.. 9.58?2.40p~8an Leandro, Na», San Jose. 9.28 a3.00p Benieia, Winters. Sacr»mento— Wood-

land. Marrgville. Oroville—Yolo,'Arbuckla. Willian; s. Willowg IO.«8a3.00aVia Sausilito. West Napa, St. Hdeaa,

Calutoga. 10J31*3.20p Port Costa (Stockton). Martinez,/ 12.08p

Byron. Modesto. Merced, Fresno. .\ 10.38?4.00p Vallcjo,Napa, Calistoga. Santa Rosa,

Martines, San Ramon, Dougherty,Livennore..." 958 a

4.00p NBes (Centervaie). Tracy. Stockton i 10.28 a. Lodi.. I 10-Mp4.40p Ban Leandro. Ha'yward, Niles. Pleas-

\u25a0 .anton. Livermore. Traey, Newman,••-Herman. Fresno 828 a

S.OOp Richmond." Pinole, Vallejo, PortCosta, Benieia, Suimin, Sacraraeoto—Roseville. Marysviile. Oroville II.28a

S.OOp Russell, Saa Jose. Los Gatos 9.28 a8.20p San Leandro, Niles, San Jose. 7.45 a,G.OOp Owl Limited—Lo« Acgdes B.oBa

\u25a0 6.40p Eastern ExpreM—

Ogden,Pueblo, Den-rer, Kansas City. St. Louis. Cbiajp..Port Costa, Benim, Saenuaeato.Reao. Sparks....

' 8.28p6.40p Harward, Niles and San Jc«- 6.48p

17.00t Vallejo, Port Costo. Martiaej, BayPoint and Way Station* J11.18?

7.40p Richmond, Port Costa, Byron, Tracy.Lathrop. Stockton 12.48?

B.20» Oregon Eip-ess—

Davis. (Sacramento),Wulows, Redding (Klamath Falls).AshlnnJ, Portland, Taeoma, Seattle,Spokane t.2Ba

OJMp China and Japan Fast Mail—Ogrlen.Cheyenne. Denver, Kansas Qty, '•

\u25a0*•..Omaha, Chicago 2.48p

S.OOp Port Costa, Benieia, Sacramento, Col-fax. Truckee. Reno, Sparks 10.03*

II.OOp N3es. Reasanton, Livermore. Lathrop.Modesto, Merced. Fresno "... 10.33p

II.OOp Fresno. Sclma. Goshen June., Hanford,Armona. Leaoore, Coalinga 8.28 a

11.40» Portland Express— Sacramento, Mary*.*ville.Red Bluff,Weed. Afhlasd, Rose-bnrg. Portland. Tacoma. Seattl?. .... 12.23p

KETHERLAND'S ROUTE—From Pacific Strtst Wharf.Collinsville, Eoamaton. Rio VL»ta, Isletoa. Ryde, Wal-

nut Grove, Vorden, Courtland. Clarksburg. Sacramento.Leave 8.00 a.m. Tue., Thura.. Sat.. Steamer Nanjo;

arrive § 5.00p.m.Leave 1.00 p.m. Daily,except Sunday, Steamer Modoc

or Apache; arrive 11.80 p.m.

OAKLAND HARBOR FERRY— From San Francisco.Market Stre«t Wharf— Week Days— Hourly from 6.00aan. to 9.00 p.m. Sundays— «.«* B.lft, 9.45, 11.13a-ra.. 12.45, Zl5, 3.45, 5.15. 6.45, 8.15 aad 8.45 pja.

LOCAL FERRY TRAIHS-Vla AUm«l» flu.To Oakland and Alameda— t&lO, fd.45 a.m.. and thra

10 ird 45 minutes past the hour until 7.45 p.m.: then8.30. 9.15, 10.00. 10.45, 11.JO p.m. aad 12.15 ajn.

To Alameda and Frultvalo via Horuthoo am* ts above

a forMorning. \u25a0 for Afternooa. fStntday exeepteit Sunday only. §ArriveMon^ Wsd.. FrC

Union Trantfer. Co. authoririd to cheek .Baggage',direct from residence.

feyi^^J^ ;Trains LeaveSan Francisco

'\u25a0'^L~'^OT \y Market StreetFerry Depot

Leave For— 1A.M.1 F.M.Bakersficld ...... 7:151.8:00- 10^)0

Chicago ......... 7:15 8:00-10:00Fresno .......... 7:15 4:00- 8:00-10:00Grand Canyon. .. 7:15 8:10-10:00Hanford ....;.... 7:15 ...:-10:00Kansas City...... 7:15 8:00-10:00Merced .......... 7:15 4:00-8:00-10:00\u2666Stockton 7:15 4:00- 8:00-10:00Stockton, Oakdale |

and Sierra Rail- ;.;| -^:. way points..... 9:45 rssTu1are v...*....... 7:15 8:00-10:00Vi5a1ia.."....... 7:15 8:00-10:00Yosemite .... 7:15 ..........

\u2666Stockton Local" leave* 1:23 p. m. \u25a0 '. \u25a0•-

California L4mlte<i through to Chicago leavenat 1000 p. m- Offlees

—673 Market street and

Market street Ferry Depot. San Francisco; Ul2Broadway, -Oakland.


OCEAN SHORE RAILWAY :-V.'lS.-Stratton. '.Receiver.'

Xv..S. F. daily—9:ooa. »4:30p.'Ar. S. F.

daily—t3:lsp. \u25a0 *8:25a.* *Arleta. fTunttas Glen; stage for Sam Gre-gorlo tand Pescadero.~ -' n •:


MARE ISLAND NAVY YARD-:\u25a0:.:\u25a0 r Vallejo, Napa, St. HelenaSTO he£bxa-\apa/valle y- route"'

Monticello*S.' S." Co .'and Napa'Valley Electric

R..R.- Co.;iClose, connections. -" ,-*—''

G^-ROUXD TRIPS DAIL.Y—6 :••-. Coats :leave" Saa': Francisco 7:00; "0:45 a.' b.;12:30 n00n,"3:15. = 6:00., •5:30 >p.~ id. ,•-San -.Francisco :landing<*nd \u25a0 ofAce.

-Clay '-street

wbarf.'v north: end ferry bulldins.. Market-streetfcrrv.

-Meals a la*carte.

'Phoaes Kearny 406 or

C4708-V - .--.,-\u25a0"_'\u25a0 •:-\u25a0 •--•."\u25a0\u25a0 . ~ \u25a0 \u25a0 : :'-:-f.:'Lands •nayy \u25a0 yard

'direct.' \u25a0



~^%A <g«V Steamers leave from Broad-

/SySXz-^S^.y way Wharrea (Piers 9

MniMk^n Low ratfs. Including berth

I\ Vb^SZ/ J Special Round Trip Rates.vAjS, JSi LOS ANGEIiES>fi*s*»w»7 sax niEoo

SANTA BARBARAPresident .Alternate Mondays, 4 p. m.Gorernor..... ..Alternate Mondays, 4 p.m.

•Santa Rosa, erery Thursday, 11 a. m.•Only steamer eallins at Santa Barbara.SEATTLE (DIRECT), TOWKSEXDTACOMA,VICTORIA,i'XXCOUVER

Connecting at Seattle for jSoutheastern Alaska,Skagway, Dawson, Fairbanks.

President... ...... '.Alternate Saturdays, 2 p. m.Gorernor.. ........ .Alternate Saturdays, 2 p. m.City of Puebla, Umatilla or Queen. Alternate

:.' Tuesdays, 2 p.m.

EUREKA (HUMBOLDT BAY)City of Topeka—Mar. 23, 28; April 2, 7, 12. 17,/ ,22, 27, 10 a. m.


ALASKACRUISES, 1910— Leave SeattleSpokane. .June 14, 2S; July 12, 26; Aug. 9, 10 pm.Queen............. .......July 12, 26, 8 pm.

\u25a0 Right reserved to change this schedule.TICKET OFFICES— (PaIace Hotel) 653 Market

St., S Market st. and Broadway Wharf.: Telephone, Eearny 402.

OAKLAND^-1120 Broadway. Tel. Oakland 5680.C. D. DDNAXX. General Passenger Agent. :


\u25a0 NEW YORK TO PACIFIC COAST PORTSAND HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, sailing from Xew;York—every •:six days, " making direct connectionwith"Pacific steamers sailing jfrom Sallna Cruz,Mexico, every, six days for San Fmnelsco.* "'

PACIFIC COAST PORT 3TO .NEW YORK.Also to Mexican and all principal European portsunder through rate and

-through bills >of *lading.

SalllnsH from San Francisco every 12 days.LOUAL SERVICE FROM BAN FRANCISCO

TO HAWAIIAN ISLAND PORTS, direct every28 dnys, • and via Puget sound every 12 days.. For .ratrM \u25a0 and further \u25a0 particulars apply toDEARBORN & T^APHAM. Oeneral Agents. SBridge St.. New York; WILLIAMS,DIMOND.&CO., General Agents, Pacific Coast.-. .; -h

..' 310 Sansomc st., San Francisco.

ISEATTLE -TACOMA 1$ JBellinebara, Anacortes,' Everett, Port Town- \u25a0

send,, victoria.' Vancouver .and. all AlaskaPorts. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0->- /--";"- •:.-. .---.. - -

•.-..<S. S. BUCKMAN ..................March 208.1 S. ADMIRALSAMPSON... ."..March 25S. S.-i.WAT50N.;... ;.............. March 30

LOS ANGELES DIRECT"••> \u25a0••"\u25a0-: \u25a0\u25a0=\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0 -TWIN-SCREW-: .S. S.'"- ADMIRAL'-SAMPSQN-.V.-.. .':March 21.Sailings from \Howard Street Wharf No. 3.

Alaska Pacific Steamship Co-: : ——TICKET OFFICES-—

-rY .

\u25a0'i 54 Market Street. : 648 Market Street •-

Sailings from Street-, Wharf -No. 3/


''Nippon"Maru"."/.:!Tue»day, . Apr.


S. S."Ohiyo; Maru"......v:Tuesday, May'3, 1910

S.B. "Tenyo Mam"..V;..Tuesday, May 3l,1910;\u25a0'\u25a0 Steamers v

-sail \u25a0 from:company's ;piers,iXo.«.\ 42,

-44,'-near, foot of.--Second stj.tatil p. m., for.Yoko-liania \u25a0\u25a0 and;Hongkong. 1 calling at \u25a0; Honolulu. Kobe


(Hlogo) ,-: and .•Nagasaki and Shanghai.'' and ;con-necting at,'- Hongkong!with?steamers :for Manila;India ,"*etc.*: Xo :cargo ;received \on

*board on •dayof;salllne. :;-Round :. trip. tickets <at jreduced :rates.:;For freiffh t '-andipassage "apply .' at >office. 240James Flood building. \u25a0 ; 'w. H.-.AVERY.'' r

\u25a0;.,.> .- \u25a0 -; \u25a0•\u25a0 ;\u25a0.--..Assistant; General tManager. ...,•>\u25a0"\u25a0•'\u25a0 \u25a0 :.(^?»iA'--j'':-_riil__lli_i_iJ_L-l__JiZ-jl

LlA&IAl111 ||S.':B*.Slerr*:saH»"at'll aTm.;-11111111l111II>'""•'' -'l- "lnl°- Sl'^lal;lIVllyLULUrouDdjtrip,')$H0: first.- class.iTAHITIvA3VD>NEW.:,zk.IL'AXD-S.S.i

SMariposal sails ?ll'f a.v.m.-.^Apr.'.-l.". t ;Special^•round ltrip,'!Tahiti.v?l2slflrst|slas«.' . ; v;lOCEANJC; S^.S. iCOr^.BTS.Mkt1UT/jKfpy,1231|

J^^^ Schedule Effective

U3£n November 15, 1909UXIO.V FERRY DEPOT

>an FraaciacoL^are VIASAU3ALITO ArriT^TUOajPetaluma. Santa "

Rosa. Healds-1 borg, CloverdalF, Uktah, Willlts,

Sherwood, *Guerne-Till*.»Mt. Rio; "Duncan Mills.. «:17p

5:2Pa «Pt. Reyes. »Mt. Itlo. 'Caiadero t«:57?8:->Oa ••Sonoma. ••Clen Ellen t3:S7p

J9:fKla Peulnina. Santa Rova, CloTerdale. J7:37all:0<»a Petalnma, Santa Rosa.... 4:17p3:00p Petaluma. Santa Rosa, Healdsburs,

CloTenlale, Uklah, GaerneTille,Mt. Riu. Duncan Mills, Sebaa-topol 10:37*14:C0p Pt. Reye*. 0ccidenta1..............

-f:4opISonoma. Gl<»b Ellen... 9:IT»s:2t>j>rPetaluma. Santa Roaa 8:37 a

ELECTRIC SUBtrRBT^^A~SATf3AjSTO"Saosalito. Mill Valley. Saa Rafael— Daily

erery 40 minutes from 7:00 a. m. until 9:0)a. m.;then hourly until 4:00 p. m.:then erer/ 40minates until 8:40 p. in.; then S:CO and 10:00p. m. asd 12:01 «. m. \

Fairfax— Leave San Francisco TT:0O. ":40. 8:20.9:CO. 10:00, 11:00 a.. m.. }t2:00 noon. tl:00.2:00. 4:00, 4:4p, 3:20 ami 6:00 p. ro.

San Quentin ria Saa Rafael—

Leave 9:00 a. tn.awl 2:fO p. m.


Tibnron and Belveder*—

{7:00. {7:40. 10:t3a. m. (112:00 noon, except Saturday). 112:30.J4-.00, |3:20. 7:15 p. m. Sundays. |f:0O, |7:40.10:15 a. m.. 12:3d. 14:00. |5:20, 7:U p. m..§12:01 a. tn.

\u25a0 'Sunday arrire 7:37 p. m. "Sunday arriT*C:ST p. m. tExcept ,Snndar. only.ISatßrdays only. |Vla Sausallto.

Paclfle Transfer Company's azenta are author-ized to cbecfc bagcaze direct from residence.





WcekfrTt S«Jar V«dubr' jnjgy W«efafaTf UaiMT

...... 2:09t ..."-. 5:10? -•—

•{ 3:l|?

•Sat. only. tHon. only. eT»nalpais only. ont?Ticket Office*—Sawalno Ferry and >.4 Jlarke»-

General Office-Mai Valley.California-TAVEHM OF TAMALPAIS



"- an ahmyt ft*ftr v***

Exempt from Taxes

Paying from4V4% to 5V2% income

Complete descriptive circularNo. 909 upon request




"-*^' !̂g*^*~-*'r^'^'^iiiTyTgyi^"iVyrir x^i^»i£y


Coalinga |s National Petroleum 1

At 75 Cents IH \\ it! Moon hr ndvanced tn $1.50. |j•* \\ r arc operatlne SO acrrn In the Q3 V. Vz *»f the >^V. Va of Sr«% S, 13J T«p. I*o S. H. 15 K. in flic Coal, t] Ibru OilFtold and in clnnr prox- HjA Ituiiy to thr Col. Coallncra, the L

Ifnvlinc'Rl-:ialit and the M.K.T. H

Oil Companini. X\N> bold «nr lnnd nodrr lr;i«r |3

nt l~<! royalty «\ith option tn rpurrilinM- at ?I^»OO prr acre. fj

\\>ll-\o. 1 notv nearlnc oiiin- EpirIion. .. -HI"or DiapK.aad particulars apply m

A. S. CLEARY, President 1"

noo3i s©2 b112 slark«-t Street, San Frandnco. 9GKO. V. MARTIV, SECRETARY, 9

1141 J Street, Fresno.-


Coallasra. w

MAP OF MIDWAYWe have two surveyors in the field

compiling: a complete map of the Mid-way North Midway,Buena Vista Hills,Mancopa and Sunset oil fields. Thismap will cover all and be the best everIssued of these fields and brought rightup to the minute.

Every one interested in these fieldsshould have one of these maps. • ,

The "CU-IFORMA OIL. nLLI.ETIX,*»issued semimonthly, tells the news ofthe companies operating in all the oilfields of the state.

A copy of the Map of Midway andthe "CALIFORNIA OIL. UUMBTI.V"for six months will be mailed to youFREE if you send us your name withthis ad now.


V San Francisco, Cal. ——

Investors,Lend Me Your EarsBWYZ,B4UR2!ate:Here it the tip. Buy Columbine Oil Stock

now. C can G« 25 sharps FUEB with each1.000 X bny For the next 30 days. For cash.Stock is ?ood. but we wish to rai*e « littlemore qui^k. cash.

Sare this COUPON; it may not appearagain.

H. >V. HUTCHI.\SOX, Asa't. See'y.

429 Phrlan nuiWynp.

.\a di"

AMrrt-t ...:} Call. 3 23.

E. F. KUTTOH &CO.490 California M. TeUDotiKla*2457St. Krancia Hotel Tel.Douglas 3952

Kembers of New York Stock ExchangePioneer Hou««

Prfyair Wire to Chicago andNew York


R. B. SIULCAHEY, Manager





Main Office Branch Office*MILLSBLDO.. 6. F. PALACE HOTEL

Correip«ttdent« (Main Corridor)HARRIS WINTHROP . San Franciico

& CO., HOTEL ALEXANDRIA25 Wne et.. New York. Los Angeles.

3 B«Sfery. Chicago HOTEL DEL CORO-1711 Stout street. _ "j*33"'

JDenTer. Colo. Coronado Beach

LA BLANGOil Stock For Sale at

37l/2GentsGEOW. AUSTIN

1018 BroadTvay, Oakland.


Compagoie Generate Transatlantique,-;';..:\u25a0 i'DIRECT LINE TO;HAVRE-PARIS.::. .\u25a0

Sailings'•*every -Thursday ;''- instead loffSatur-'

day,'- at 10 .a...T0..' from pier. 42, Nortb river,foot /of;Morton;street. ;*^^ , ; , '-

Pirst'elaßS to' Havre.r ?i7.50 and upward;' sec-ond class to Havre,' sso and. upward. GENERALAGENCY for-UKITED STATES and CANADA,19 'State -street,? New -York. J. .F..;FUGAZI,Manager •Pncittc :Coast.lo3o >Montgomery street.Sa.n v Francisco. 'Tickets igold by all*railroad

\u25a0 ticket ;agentB:y.'i".-' '--'.' •\u25a0--.'-".'- ':'\u25a0


':;. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'-';\u25a0\u25a0 '--',;-•.- -.

.^V?- - — *--',:indiridual require-—»7Q ment and purge are



Wednesday, March 23, 11 a. m.—S5 head of AllPurp<jse Horses, Mares, and also Wagons. Bag-gies and Harness^ -665 Fourth street,' Oakland.

J. W. MEDEIROS. Auctioneer.



W &s*y fo 53. Xi fet S3 fci fig Q8 g> a t| PbM IS si- "Bd <5&^4 bl Sc9 wf of^