如何對付奧客? Serving Unfair Customers

Group : 伊斯 嘉怡 清服務科學研究所/前線服務設計 指導師 貞雅 05-13 如何對付奧客? Serving unfair customers
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Transcript of 如何對付奧客? Serving Unfair Customers

Group : 伊斯 嘉怡 ⼩小均

清⼤大服務科學研究所/前線服務設計 指導⽼老師 ⺩王貞雅


如何對付奧客? Serving unfair customers


• 奧客的定義⼤大家都不⼀一樣

• 合法,但讓⼈人厭惡

• ⾏行為與頻率

• 如何應變 intentionality

B2B vs B2C 本⽂文探討B2C



• “I think there is a subservient or servant mentality to all service, and to stray from that causes confusion in taking clear and concise action that should be positive for the customer.”

• 動作要簡潔明確避免混肴

• “The lifetime cost of losing a guest exceeds $500, so we go to great lengths to avoid losing them, even when they’re wrong. Rather than risk offending guests, we tend to let ‘little things’ go.”

• 失去顧客的成本太⾼高了

• “My philosophy is that the customer is always right to some degree. It is that matter of degree that determines the action of the company. I believe that if we ever think that the customer is 100% wrong, then we have a high risk of becoming arrogant and not being customer- focused. I know that this may sound crazy, but if we crack open the door to this idea, then I think we can very quickly go down the slippery slope.”

• 還是以顧客會主吧

• “We are just not used to thinking of guests ‘crossing the line.’ I don’t know that I have ever set up boundaries. I always feel that guests have the right to say what they want and to do what they want, short of inconveniencing another guest or physically harming another guest or employee.”

• 顧客有說出需求與佔便宜的權利

作者建議• 企業不要忽視,要有因應⽅方式

• ⼯工作滿意度

• 企業整體服務質量

• 針對員⼯工

• 某個⼥女孩修了腳踏⾞車($40)沒跟⽼老爸講

• I’m Chris Zane; get out of my store and tell all your friends!

• 我寧願失去⼀一個顧客也不要失去⼀一個員⼯工

Verbal abusers

• 針對公司

• ⽐比完球賽說這教練真是⼀一無是處,課程也很爛

• (許多服務是要雙⽅方都有貢獻才會成的)

Blamersthe company is always wrong.

Rule Breakers 吃到飽共⻝⾷食

Opportunists 死要折扣/錢

Returnaholics situational and chronic. 吹雪機⽤用壞說原本就是壞的

買⼀一堆⾃自⼰己回去賣, 賣不出就退回

管理者 該 怎 麼 辦

Manage customers to a standard of behavior


Don’t penalize fair customers 不要懲罰好顧客


Prepare for customer unfairness 做好預先準備

Don’t reward misbehavior 不要獎勵奧客 避免對常客不公平

Rethinking old wisdom… 顧客永遠是對的?


⼩小節。 1.奧客作為創新洞察點 2.把奧客分類很有貢獻
