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, . . , . , . . , . 3002 ) .(Bangalore Principles of Judicial Conduct . . , . . , , . . 4002 . 21 . ] [, -4891 61 , , . 7002 , -7002.31

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.Ethical Principles for Judges (1998). Canadian Judicial Council .Guide to Judicial Conduct (2002). The Council of Chief Justices of Australia Shetreet, S. (1976). Judges on Trial Amsterdam, New York, Oxford: North.Holland Publishing Co

. , . : ; ; ), 3002 ;0002-2991 ,.(Donaldson, 2000; Ladd, 1997; Goldman . , ; , . , , , . , . : ? , ? ),May, 1997; Phillips, 1995; Phillips & Margolis, 1999; Velasquez 3002(. ), , ( .


. . . , . - , , - , , . , . p , . , )6891 , ,Rachels ,Self Interest 7991 ,..(Paul et al : ? , ? !. , , , , . .

).Maitland 2002,7991,1 9 9 1 ( . , , : . , . , , , , , .


, . , , , . , , , , - . ) , 7591: 9(. ), 6002; 3991 , .(Etzioni, 1993; Bell . , , : , , , , , ]...[ , , , ), 6002: 612(. . )5002 ,.(Geva, 2001a; DeGeorge : . , ! , , , . , . , . . , .


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3. ? ? . , . , . . ),Goodpaster 0002( . : , . . ,



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. , );3002 ,Arnold & Bowie . ( 2 0 0 1,Pf ) ( . , . . , , , , , . .


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- , , )621:0791 ,.(Friedman , , - . ; , . - , . , , , . , , . , , . . . ? , , . )8591 , ,(Levitt , . , , : , ; , : , . .


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)7991 , .(Buchanan . , . . , , , , , , . . ) , (, , . )Adams et .(31., 2001; Paine, 1994b , , ) .(moral hazard . : , , . , . . . , . , ) .(http://mvw.transparency.org/ :Transparency international - TI , . . , : . ?


- )98:5991/4191 , .(Brandeis , . . . , . , , )7002 , .(Hess , ),Hess & Dunfee 7002(.

, , . , , , . . , . : ) , 2002; ,Elson, 2003; Moriarty . ( 2 0 0 02,1 . , 5991 , . 2002 . : , ) 4 0 0 2 ,.(Waddock , . ,


. 1 , , . , , . . : ? : , ) & Flores . ( 2 0 0 4,Sol - );7991 ,Laufer & Robertson .(Weaver et al., 1999b . , . . - , : , , , . , , , ) , , , (. , . . ) , , (, ) 77, 7002, 87.

, : . The Marker



( ) (. ) , ( ) , ( , . - . , , , . . , , , , , , . . , , , . :)1( ;)2( : ) ?(, , ) ( ; )3( - )5891 ,.(Jansen & von Glinow , , .


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. , , , , . 3. . . . ; , , , . 4. . . . , , ; , , . , , . 5. , . , . , , : . , . ).Paine

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- . ), , , , , ] ;[caring: : , 0002; ,Beauchamp & Bowie, 2003; Boatright, 2006; Donaldson & Werhane 002,5 0 0 2 ( ; , ), , (. , . ), (. , . ; , ,


) 8991 ,.(Geva, 2000; Werhane

- . , , , . . . . . , : , , , , , , );2991 ,Akaah . ( 2 0 0 1,Mc , . , , . , , . . - , . . ) ( ) (. - : , , , , , ),Buchanan .(1996b


- . - , - . , . , , . )6991 ,.(Laufer );0002 ,Donaldson 2002 , .(von Weltzien Hoivik , ).Davis 144:6991(. , )8991 , .(Brien , , .

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- , . . , . : ; , ; )9991 . .(Trevino et al , . , . - - . . - . , , . . , : , / , . , , . ), (, . - , . , . - , .


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